How tall is Big Show - Page 7

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Average Guess (753 Votes)
Peak: 7ft 0.06in (213.5cm)
Current: 6ft 10.39in (209.3cm)
Vegas' said on 28/Feb/19
Not sure how tall Curt Hawkins is Click Here

Hawkins and 6'9 3/4 barefoot measured Enes Kanter on video Click Here
Canson said on 27/Feb/19
@Vegas: case in point Michael Jordan. Nobody else in his family is above 6’0” supposedly. He’s 6’4/6’5. Not to mention he has a brother who was better in basketball up until high school
Sotiris Gravas said on 27/Feb/19
@Vegas Agreed. Some brothers are closer in height than others... Click Here

Kevin Nash (in wrestling boots) and 6'3" Kevin Greene (1997)... Click Here

Big Show (not in wrestling boots) and Greene (2018)... Click Here Does Show look as tall as Nash did (in wrestling gear)...? Obviously not.

6'8" Kevin Nash and 6'6" Dale Ellis (listed 6'7") in 2014... Click Here , Click Here

Dale Ellis and 6'6" Cedric Ceballos (2013)... Click Here
Ceballos height... Click Here

6'6" Dale Ellis in relation to 6'7" James Worthy, along w/ Clyde Drexler, Alex English, and Chris Mullin, all around 6'5" (1989)... Click Here
Ellis and 6'6" Reggie Miller (1989)... Click Here

James Worthy w/ 6'7" Magic (1991)... Click Here
Worthy and Magic (2006)... Click Here
JT said on 27/Feb/19
Probably 1999 Click Here Their footwear Click Here

Big Show and Kevin Greene from Nitro (probably 1996-1998 time period) Click Here Big Show had the ankle boots on, which did not have real big heels. Big Show in his usual boots and Greene standing in the same spot in the ring on another Nitro. Click Here

Ron Reis’ dad was a center on Univ of Cincinnati and was listed as 6’10” back in the early 60s. Reis was listed as 7’1” at Santa Clara so I doubt he’s any taller than that.

Click Here Kowalski is probably around 6’3” here; Studd 6’6”.
Click Here Looks like 6’4” Big Bossman to Reis’ left. Macho may be in cowboy boots. I probably left a few out but Giant Gonzalez, Max Palmer, Jon Harris (Silo Sam) and Kurt Zehe may have been the only wrestlers taller than Reis.
miko said on 26/Feb/19
Reis & Show looked fairly close in height. Reis at 7'1 range & Show was 7'0 range.
RoelC said on 26/Feb/19
Sotiris Gravas said on 26/Feb/19
How tall do you think he looked next to a small guy like 5'9" Benoit...? Click Here


The top of Benoit's head is at the bottom of Reis' neck. Depending how big Ron Reis's head is, I'd say he looks about 15 inches taller.
Vegas' said on 26/Feb/19
Tim Duncan was listed 6'10 in college.

Brothers aren't always that close. Pair of brothers playing for my local team, one is 5'10, the other 6'3
Sotiris Gravas said on 26/Feb/19
@RoelC I'm assuming the Santa Clara 7'1" for Reis was in shoes. Also, colleges are notorious for inflating heights. Usually brothers are close in height... funny how his brother was only 6'8".

How tall do you think he looked next to a small guy like 5'9" Benoit...? Click Here
RoelC said on 25/Feb/19
Ron Reis was listed 7'1 while playing college basketball at Santa Clara University, so he ain't taller than that.
Click Here

Here are 2 pics of Ron Reis & Big Show being seperately interviewed by the same interviewer (the late WCW announcer Lee Marshall) in the same room.
Click Here
Click Here

Merged together
Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 25/Feb/19
Ron Reis vs. Roadblock... Click Here

Fred Ottman vs. Roadblock... Click Here

Bill Goldberg (6'2" peak) vs. Roadblock... Click Here

Ron Reis (vs. Warlord)... next to Big John Studd... Click Here
RP said on 24/Feb/19
Sotiris, that pic of legit 7’1” Ron Reis & Big John Studd would be great for some André/Studd/Reis mashup photos for height comparisons . Please use 1984-1986 Andre vs Studd feud photos? Or even the 1983 Japan Tour photos of André & Studd (Studd wore a mask). By the 1989 mini-feud with Studd, Andre had lost over a full inch in height..if not more.
Canson said on 24/Feb/19
@Christian: to add to that, athletes being measured early morning will never be that measurement later in the day which is what the site is based on. That being said when someone says they grew it’s even worse being the listing for a lot of them is not even the most appropriate listing for site purposes. It should be around half inch less than their combine. I’ve even seen some where combine measurements are 3/4” inch or more taller than what they would measure later on
Boxingfan said on 24/Feb/19
I remember listening to an interview with Ron Reis on YouTube where he was asked who was taller between him and Big Show and in typically honest fashion for Reis he replied "It depends on who is wearing lifts" :D He did go on to say something along the lines of "I think I had about one inch, maybe two on Paul, but he was much bigger than I was overall"

I do have to admit though that Big Show isn't really looking much past 6ft 9 these days, I think his posture just isn't great so he makes him look a little taller than he his. 6ft 10 now and 7ft peak sounds about right, but isn't it funny how Big Show has followed in Andre's footsteps not just as a wrestler but now as a big man who has lost height and now people try to "break the myth" and claim they were only around 6ft 10 to begin with.

I know that Dave Meltzer likes to claim that Andre was only ever 6ft 9 and that is just an absolutely absurd statement when you think he was measured in his autopsy to be 6ft 9 at the time of his passing. So a guy that massive in his 40s, who went through multiple back surgeries, never lost any height throughout his life? C'mon Dave.
rawdshaq said on 22/Feb/19
Ron Reis was billed at 7'2". He was actually a legit 7'2" in the 90s and maybe now 7'1".
Sotiris Gravas said on 21/Feb/19
How tall was Ron Reis (billed as 7'1")...?

Here he is as Yeti w/ Big Show (1995)... Click Here , Click Here

Reis and Hogan (maybe in the cowboy boots he was born in)... Click Here

Reis and Big John Studd... Click Here Great pic that I think JT posted online...

Reis (aka Ron Studd) and 5'9" Chris Benoit (1996)... Click Here ,
Click Here
Manpreet Singh Virk said on 20/Feb/19
Peak is 7'1, current is 6'11.
rawdshaq said on 18/Feb/19
There are pictures of Big Show where he deadass looks as low as 6'7" but others were he looks over 7 feet. You can't always go by one picture. He is MINIMUM 6'9 1/2", most likely 6'10" or 6'11"
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 18/Feb/19
I've never noticed that until now, but excellent point. The hypocrisy and double standards are clear here. They're the same type of people who'll then say that an athlete has grown just because their measurement's lower than what they wanted it to be. They are the true definition of an "upgrader".
viper said on 18/Feb/19
Rasheed Wallace measured 6-9.75. I think he looks similar physically to Ewing.

They also have small feet for their height.
Canson said on 18/Feb/19
@Philip: I can say that I don’t agree with all of his estimates and I call them out all the time but then again you have other guys who always say that someone is taller than Rob lists them yet nobody says a word. And I tend to estimate some celebs lower than Rob if he hasn’t met them because I use my normal low for my height 6’4.25. Sotiris at least tries to back it up and at least he isn’t bashing others about their estimates but I agree that many of the estimates seem low. However, he was also one that had Darryl Strawberry at 6’6 when he admitted he’s 6’5” and his booking when arrested is only 6’5”
Canson said on 18/Feb/19
@Philip: I can say that I don’t agree with all of his estimates and I call them out all the time but then again you have other guys who always say that someone is taller than Rob lists them yet nobody says a word. Sotiris at least tries to back it up and at least he isn’t bashing others about their estimates but I agree that many of the estimates seem low. However, he was also one that had Darryl Strawberry at 6’6 when he admitted he’s 6’5” and his booking when arrested is only 6’5”
Canson said on 18/Feb/19
@Sotiris: 6’5.25 may be an impression due to his poor posture. He still looks 6’6” when he stands straight but I doubt he’s over that. Anywhere around 6’6” is good
Canson said on 18/Feb/19
@Christian: what’s even crazier is that people are telling him he downgrades yet people are accusing him of lying up about his height meaning they’re trying to downgrade him. And 6” is the proper definition of downgrading. Not saying someone is about an inch shorter than listed
Canson said on 18/Feb/19
@Christian: I’ve gotten the same and I agree it’s childish. But if we look around hard enough (you probably know without me even saying anything) that there are a few posters who always want celebs to be taller than Rob lists them or provide egregiously high estimates for them. Yet nothing is ever said about banning them
Philip McMullin said on 17/Feb/19
Canson dude, his guesstimates are preposterous.
Canson said on 17/Feb/19
Downplaying someone’s height like Sotiris is being accused of is no worse or better than wanting to make them taller than they actually are. I don’t see why it’s only said when someone thinks a celeb isn’t as tall as listed but never when you have guys here inflating celebs all day
viper said on 16/Feb/19
Ewing measuring 6-9.75 I can buy.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 16/Feb/19
There's a poster here (I don't wanna mention any names) who said that my guesses suck and have called for me to be Banned as well, just because they disagreed with my estimates. It's really childish and petty if you think about it. I've been a poster on this site for years and I've disagreed with a lot of posters and even had heated arguments with some, but not once have I ever called for someone to be Banned.
rawdshaq said on 16/Feb/19
That's one picture of Big Show @Sotiris where he looks unusually short. First off, there are 1000 other times Big Show and Triple H have gotten photos together, and Big Show looks 6'10" - 6'11" in all of them but that. Your pictures are designed to make Big Show look as short as possible. He was listed as 7'1" in high school dude, he was at least 7 feet at peak. As for Undertaker, his forehead is huge, and his hat makes him look way shorter. He can easily be 6'6" today and the picture with Brosofdestruction proves it.
Sotiris Gravas said on 16/Feb/19
@Canson Thanks for being the classy gentleman that you are.

@Dan Trojan Thanks to you as well for defending my honor, dude. :)

We can all agree to disagree and have fun guessing...
Philip McMullin said on 16/Feb/19
Sotiris Gravas Obsessed with you?! ahahah alright then...I think you like downplaying heights because you know it'll get a reaction...big show is still 7 to 8 inches taller than that Greene guy
Dan Trojan said on 16/Feb/19
Average heighter there's no reason to get on sotiris's case you may not agree with his opinion hell i don't half the time but he is entitled to his opinion just like everyone else on here so don't get so offended i admit i used to but like i said it's his opinion and he's entitled to it
Canson said on 16/Feb/19
Big Show is not 6’11 today. I agree that 6’9.5 is very possible but at the other end of the spectrum the highest I can see is 6’10” which is very realistic. He would likely edge the Undertaker by about 4”
Canson said on 16/Feb/19
@Philip: Sotiris has already posted pics of himself and he obviously is extremely tall in those pics. He’s definitely not 6’1” and he does in fact look 6’7”. I personally do not agree with all of Sotiris’s estimates but You can’t make those type of false accusations against someone just because you don’t agree with him or don’t “approve” of his estimates. That’s insulting and for no reason whatsoever. All because you don’t agree with his estimates? That’s ludicrous. And what has Sotiris ever said to you that was negative? And insisting that Rob should ban him is no better as this is Rob’s site and this is a free site. Everyone is entitled to his own opinion. You have guys here that inflate everyone. If you look closely enough you will see exactly who I am talking about. Yet I don’t see anyone asking Rob to ban them nor do I see them catching the same type of heat that Sotiris is catching here. It is sad that you all are behaving this way. That almost translates to because he’s insinuating that a celeb is not as tall as they’re listed or claim that he’s committing a crime. If you don’t agree with his estimates then just say that but don’t go accusing the man of not being as tall as he claims when you really have no proof about that. That’s a personal attack. You’re simply saying it to attack and be hateful against him and calling someone a troll as well. If you all want to call him that just because he doesn’t believe a celeb is as tall as listed or don’t agree with him then Sotiris can easily call all of you fanboys but he doesn’t because he has class. Sotiris actually has made some very good estimates on other celebs to his credit.
Sotiris Gravas said on 16/Feb/19
@ced Nash was 100% never more than 6'9" (Tyler Mane was never more than 6'8"). Undertaker was never taller than 6'6.5" Sid Eudy, and Kane was never taller than Taker (he just wore big heels to look taller). As for Big Show, he was at least 6'10". As for being taller, definitely never more than 6'11". Same goes for Andre. Rob has Sid Eudy's peak height at 6'6.5", yet he has Taker's peak height at 6'7.5", which makes no sense seeing as Sid edged out Taker by 0.25". If Sid Eudy was really 6'7" peak, then Taker was at the most 6'6.75". He was never 6'8". Just a reminder, here's 6'7" Kevin Love (not NBA-listed 6'10") next to an obviously 6'5" Taker... Click Here How anyone can look at this photo and still say Taker's 6'6" is absurd. And no, it's not poor posture. At the very most, Taker might still be 6'5.25" b/c of his big head.

Another reminder: Triple H is around 6'1" now. Guess where that leaves Big Show...?
Click Here Answer: not so big. It's OK, Big Show doesn't mind; look how happy he is...
Sotiris Gravas said on 15/Feb/19
6'4.5" Charles Barkley and Gabrielle Reece, both in sneakers... Click Here ,
Click Here (Rob has her at 6'3"; I don't give her more than 6'2.5")

Big Show (closer to camera) and Reece... Click Here

Recent pic of Big show w/ 6'3" Kevin Greene... Click Here

@miller Just a reminder on how being closer to the camera affects height perception:

This, Yao Ming and Shaq... Click Here

Versus this... Click Here Shaq is 7'0" here, and Yao isn't more than 7'4", tops.

@Philip McMullin Obsessed much? LOL.

@Average Heighter As for Odell Hodge, there's a good chance he was measured early in the morning w/ shoes on, putting his barefoot height at maybe 6'7.5". Also, Show is in his big heels. Was Show at least 6'10" in the early '90s...? Yes. Is he more than 6'9" now. IMHO, no. Again, it's just my opinion. If you don't agree, you don't have to go crying into your pillow over it. Accept it and move on w/ your life. As for my height, dissenting posters like you seem to bring it up all too often. I, on the other hand, do not. Get it together, bro.
Philip McMullin said on 15/Feb/19
@rawdshaq dude, youre bang on! Soritis claims hes 6ft7 but hes probably only 6ft1 who's dreaming! I think Sortis should post proof on here that hes as tall as he says he is! Rob you need to ban Soritis from posting on this site hes a little troll who clearly knows NOTHING about height
rawdshaq said on 15/Feb/19
The lowest I would ever argue for Big Show is 6'9 1/2". Personally, I think hes a solid 6'11". Anything below 6'9 1/2" is a joke
Canson said on 14/Feb/19
@Viper: they need to check the height measurements out. Those likely have some of the same. I likef the way the military used to do it best. Have them run, etc before measuring so that the player is closer to their low and also have them go bare feet no socks
viper said on 14/Feb/19
Canson, when did Ewing measure 6-9.75
viper said on 14/Feb/19
Article on tainted measurements.

Click Here
viper said on 14/Feb/19
Jake Layman looked 2-3 inches shorter next to 6-9 Jonas Jerebko at the foul line
Average Heighter said on 14/Feb/19
Click Here
In 1996 Big Show (The Giant) was easily 4 inches taller than 6'9" Odell Hodge, if not more.
Even without the footwear advantage in Big Show was easily strong 7'.

p.s.@Sotiris I don't know what the problem you had with Big Show. There's no way he is only 6'9" or even 6'9" as you insisted today. And what's the point you keep mentioning your 6'7" height here? Seems to me one day you want to claim you're taller than Big Show lmao
Canson said on 13/Feb/19
@Viper: he claimed 6’9.75. Robert broome said he looked 6’9 and change in person so it’s beluevable. I doubt he’s ever been more than 6’10 however
ced said on 12/Feb/19
@sotiris, what would say were the peak heights for Show, Kane, Nash, Taker?

Back when Rodman came to WCW, Nash and Show towered over him. I cant imagine if Nash was really 6’9.5 and Show 6’11, then Taker had to have been 6’8, and Kane definitelt was a half inch taller than Taker, so that would have put him at 6’8.5..

Would you say this is correct?
rawdshaq said on 12/Feb/19
I just watched some good old 1995-1996 Big Show WCW. No doubt he was 7 feet tall. Today he is 6'10" - 6'11" range.
viper said on 11/Feb/19
When did Ewing measure 6-9.75
miller said on 11/Feb/19
Yao ming is an easy 7.5 Click Here
tree said on 10/Feb/19
Around 2009 Taker was not 6ft7.5 that means the Big Show was max 6ft11 in 2009 Click Here
Canson said on 10/Feb/19
@Sotiris: All of those guys have heads that are around 9.75” or above imho. I’m not good with gauging head sizes and I’ll admit that.

As for Pierce he could be 6’5.5-6’6 imho. Mickie met him and thought he was 6’5 3/8 or 6’5 1/4 but conceded he may have had footwear advantage on him. With 6’4” Tom Brady in the pic I posted he looked more a weak 6’6” which is how he looks with Garnett. Another poster Bobby3342 has balled with Ray Allen and put him around 6’3.75 as Bobby is my size 6’4.25 (193-194cm) and that indicates half inch difference between he and Ray. That’s about how Ray looks next to rashard lewis. It’s close to 5” and that’s if Rashard really is that tall. He can look just a solid 6’8 or 6’8.25 to be honest. Ray may only be 6’3.5. But I think 6’3.75 barefoot. He doesn’t have a pre draft but common sense says that if he’s 6’5 barefoot he wouldn’t be listed at that he’d be listed 6’6 or 7. Bill Russell May still be the full 6’9” but 6’8.5 is possible in his 80s.

As for Olajuwon 6’9.5 is possible. Ewing measured 6’9.75 at one point but I don’t rule out 6’10” either. But no higher. I mentioned before that some people I knew saw Ewing in college at Georgetown and said he didn’t look more than 6’10”. Another poster named Robert Broome said Ewing was his neighbor and said he’s 6’9” and change on another page. As for Yao you can see my comment below. That pic that was used with Mutombo has a tilt and Yao is favored as a result. It’s not any different than Mutombo being only 2” taller than Russell in another picture. It’s just that people here use what is convenient for the argument that they’re making. Yao said himself that he’s 7’3.75 and coincidentally he’s shorter than Shawn Bradley who measures both 7’5.5 and 7’6.25. Yao looks somewhere in the 7’4 range. We can’t take what the Rockets said seriously about him supposedly measuring that barefoot. It was likely a shoe measurement as they always pumped up Yao’s height when he first came into the league. He wasn’t as tall as Bradley or Muresan tho. For Mark Eaton. You mean 7’3.75. I think he was 7’3 or so all along and probably 7’2” range today
Canson said on 10/Feb/19
@Sotiris: All of those guys have heads that are around 9.75” or above imho. I’m not good with gauging head sizes and I’ll admit that.

As for Pierce he could be 6’5.5-6’6 imho. Mickie met him and thought he was 6’5 3/8 or 6’5 1/4 but conceded he may have had footwear advantage on him. With 6’4” Tom Brady in the pic I posted he looked more a weak 6’6” which is how he looks with Garnett. Another poster Bobby3342 has balled with Ray Allen and put him around 6’3.75 as Bobby is my size 6’4.25 (193-194cm) and that indicates half inch difference between he and Ray. That’s about how Ray looks next to rashard lewis. Bill Russell May still be the full 6’9” but 6’8.5 is possible in his 80s.

As for Olajuwon 6’9.5 is possible. Ewing measured 6’9.75 at one point but I don’t rule out 6’10” either. But no higher. I mentioned before that some people I knew saw Ewing in college at Georgetown and said he didn’t look more than 6’10”. Another poster named Robert Broome said Ewing was his neighbor and said he’s 6’9” and change on another page. As for Yao you can see my comment below. That pic that was used with Mutombo has a tilt and Yao is favored as a result. It’s not any different than Mutombo being only 2” taller than Russell in another picture. It’s just that people here use what is convenient for the argument that they’re making. Yao said himself that he’s 7’3.75 and coincidentally he’s shorter than Shawn Bradley who measures both 7’5.5 and 7’6.25. Yao looks somewhere in the 7’4 range. We can’t take what the Rockets said seriously about him supposedly measuring that barefoot. It was likely a shoe measurement as they always pumped up Yao’s height when he first came into the league. He wasn’t as tall as Bradley or Muresan tho. For Mark Eaton. You mean 7’3.75. I think he was 7’3 or so all along and probably 7’2” range today
Canson said on 10/Feb/19
@Rawdshaq: Sotiris does not downgrade “every” celeb on the site. I could go to pages where he does not and could go to references to other celebs that don’t have pages where he has actually inflated them out of not knowing how tall they are. Example Darryl Strawberry he claims to have met and says he thought he was 6’6” when he admitted he’s 6’5 and has the billing when arrested. So to say he downgrades “every” celeb means he has to have downgraded every celeb he’s ever mentioned. And as far as Taker and Kane not everyone who meets them says they’re 6’7”. Ali Baba met Taker and placed him in the 6’6 range. Likely was 6’7” at his peak if not a hair over that at 6’7.25 at a low perhaps. And while the poster who posted the pic with Taker I’ve always said that Taker is worst case 197 cm range and best case 6’6 flat today it does support that. However, the pic is even inconclusive because we can’t accurately determine how much difference is between them
tree said on 9/Feb/19
In 2009 with big show Click Here
rawdshaq said on 9/Feb/19
@Sotiris Gravas Dude I don't know why you downgrade every singe wrestler on this site. There is a new picture posted of Undertaker that proves he is at least 6'6" today. Previously yes, I thought he was 6'5 1/2", but there was a guy who had a photo with Undertaker who is 6'3 1/2" barefoot and Undertaker had 3 inches on him. Also Big Show and legit 7 footer Dirk had a picture together and Big Show was very similar in height to him, although Dirk was leaning but Show is definitely not 6'9".

The man had also claimed that Kane was an inch taller than Undertaker. Again, I had thought Kane was 6'5", but if he was an inch taller than Undertaker, then Kane is still easily a 6'7" dude.

I've learned that you can't really look at pictures to determine height all the time, you have to meet the person. Nobody who has met Kane or the Undertaker said they were as low as 6'5". They always claimed they were 6'7" at LEAST. Next time you are walking with your friends, analyze the heights of each other. I am apparently only 5'8 3/4" (I thought I was 5'10", lol) and in pictures I can look similar in height to my 5'5" wife (she doesn't wear heels often).
Canson said on 8/Feb/19
@Sotiris and JT: that really just goes to show that camera angles can affect how someone looks. Just as JT is saying about Mutombo being at least 4” shorter than Yao, I could easily say that a present day Bill Russell who is probably only 6’9 flat today is only 2” shorter than Mutombo and that Mutombo is 6’11”. He’s not tho. Mutombo at his peak was probably close to 7’1” at a low if not the full thing. That still doesn’t mean that Yao is definitely 7’5”. He’s clearly over an inch shorter than Shawn Bradley who measures 7’5.5 and 7’6.25. The number is likely in between or 7’5.5 for his normal measurement and the 7’6.25 likely morning since someone that size would vary
Sotiris Gravas said on 7/Feb/19
@JT I goofed that Dikembe (looking 6'11")/Russell pic in my last post. Here it is now: Click Here

Dikembe looking shorter than Shaq (2001)... Click Here Dikembe is the taller man, yet...

Anyway, I do take back that 6'8.5" for Show... w/ that big head, he has to be at least 6'9".

@Canson Question: what head size would you give for Alonzo, Shaq, Show, and Andre? The thing is, I still don't believe an acromegalic head instantly means that all of the length of said skull is added height atop the spine. Some of that is only the jawbone hanging significantly lower than other ppl... like what we saw w/ Andre.

@Rob Feel free to weigh in on this...
shuvayu chakraborty said on 6/Feb/19
Have no idea what Sadistic pleasure do people derive to be "little" people ... Show is not shorter than 6.11 today ....
Sotiris Gravas said on 6/Feb/19
@Canson I knew you'd like that Mourning pic, dude. Agreed that Pierce is a weak 6'6" and that Ewing isn't more than a flat 6'10". Same goes for Olajuwon being 6'9.5".

Here's 6'6.5" LeBron (good posture) and 6'9.5" Olajuwon... Click Here
Compare w/ LeBron (poor posture) and 6'9" Big Show... Click Here Big Show is not 6'10".

6'8" Alonzo and Boomer... Click Here
6'9" Big Show (same eyeline as Mourning, but bigger head) and Boomer... Click Here To be honest, I actually think Big Show might be 6'8.5", but say 6'9" so that ppl won't freak out...

BTW, I always thought Yao Ming was 7'3.75", as compared to 6'11.5" Shaq... Click Here

@JT Dikembe often does look 6'11", as seen here w/ 7'0" Joel Embiid... Click Here

W/ 6'11" Greg Oden... Click Here

W/ 6'11"/6'11.5" Tyson Chandler... Click Here

W/ around 6'8.5" Bill Russell... Click Here

Yao doesn't look "that" tall next to a 6'9" Bill Russell (w/ 6'10" Ewing)... Click Here

Around 7'4" Yao w/ 7'0" Shaq back-to-back... Click Here

Yao and 7'6" Shawn Bradley... Click Here , Click Here

Now 6'3" (6'3.75"" peak) Mark Eaton w/ 7'6" Shawn Bradley... Click Here

Mark Eaton and 7'6.75" Manute Bol... Click Here
JT said on 4/Feb/19
If Yao Ming is 7’4”, Dikembe Mutombo is 6’11” (which he’s not) Click Here Yao is easily 7'5" if not taller
Canson said on 4/Feb/19
@Sotiris: yes I’ve been saying Mourning was 6’8 for the longest time and that proves it. A peak Magic I have around 201cm and a coworker of mine met him probably in the last 10 years and said magic looked a solid 6’7” at best. I don’t rule out having lost maybe 1/4”. Zo admitted to only being 6’8 before and I posted the clips previously. I could buy 6’8” and change but no higher. That means that guys like Ewing and Olajuwon aren’t as tall as everyone makes them out to be. I played rec league with a couple guys who are a bit older than me and they went to Georgetown with Ewing and said he’s at absolute most a barefoot 6’10”. One said that Mourning is only 6’8 as well and the other 6’8-6’9”. Ewing was supposedly measured 6’9.75” so that adds up. Olajuwon is said to only be 6’9” by Mario Elie when he played with him. The most I could buy for either is a full 6’10” for Ewing and 6’9.5 for Olajuwon but really Olajuwon and Dwight Howard are very similar. In some pics wheee the tilt is in Dream’s favor he looks taller. I’d say he’s 6’9-6’9.5. Pierce is around Taker’s current size. 6’5.5-6’6” today. I don’t rule out the full 6’6” but I don’t rule out the weak 6’6 either. I would give him more like 197-197.5. He Doesn’t look as tall as Carmelo who is 198-199 and Mickie said in person he’s likely only about 2” maybe a bit more taller than he is. Mickie said he may have had footwear advantage but that 197 range is possible for him as opposed to 196
tree said on 4/Feb/19
@rawdshaq Look up man there are some quotes from Big Show: Always been a little over 7 feet tall
and "I'm 7 foot and Andre was about 7ft 1, 7ft 2" and "Actually I am seven feet tall.

IF he was 7ft1 he would have claimed it for sure but he claimes to be a little over it,and 7ft on the dot so yeah,u can rule out 7ft1,or 2 if he measured it was in the morning in shoes.
Sotiris Gravas said on 4/Feb/19
@Canson Here's a nice pic of LeBron and Love, w/ Love trying to tiptoe a little:
Click Here

Here, he genuinely is taller... Click Here , Click Here

I like how Tyson Chandler is tiptoeing way in the back next to 6'10" Anthony Davis:
Click Here I think it's 'cause he wanted to get a better look at Michelle Obama. (Love is tiptoeing here, too.)

But yeah, at times LeBron and Love can look close.

Here's another 6'7" dude, Magic, looking 6'7" opposite 6'6" Paul Pierce:
Click Here

Magic w/ 6'8" Alonzo Mourning... Click Here
Canson said on 4/Feb/19
@Vegas: that still is not 8”. Probably 7”. I don’t rule out Yao being 7’4” range
rawdshaq said on 3/Feb/19
I found something interesting. When Big Show played basketball he was listed as "7-1" and that was when he was 18-19. In WCW he was actually advertised as high as 7'5" so do you guys think a 7'1" - 7'2" peak for Big Show was possible? I stopped growing when I was 20 so maybe Big Show grew another inch after 18-19 to become 7'2"? There is no evidence that proves he was that height but can it be a possibility? I know most wrestling businesses inflate heights by 2-3 inches so maybe he was 7'2", then upgraded to 7'5"? I don't know, just throwing out ideas.
Canson said on 3/Feb/19
Love and Lebron’s height difference varies from picture to picture. In some Love is taller but others Lebron is or they’re the same height. Based on what I see Love isn’t more than 6’7-6’7.5tops. Dan Majerle said he’s only 6’7” as well.

With 6’10.25 Chris bosh

Click Here

With 6’10” joakim Noah

Click Here

Majerle calls him 6’7 here

Click Here

Another person who’s met Love says he’s 6’7

Click Here
Canson said on 3/Feb/19
@Sotiris: agree on Klay Thompson. I’d say he may drop to 6’5 3/8 at a low. Draymond Green is said to only be 6’5 by Steve Kerr and Alvin Gentry so it’s possible he’s a flat 6’5” since Thompson edges him out in some pics by a CM
Phenom89 said on 1/Feb/19


Hmm, but we dont know the footwear...
Lets say 3'10.5
Sotiris Gravas said on 1/Feb/19
@Canson Here's an interesting pic of 6'7" Kevin Love w/ a 6'11" guy like Tyson Chandler (NBA-listed as 6'11.5" w/o shoes) that's even more extreme than the Klay/Mychal Thompson pic I posted:
Click Here

Kevin Love w/ 6'9" Kevin Durant for comparison... Click Here

Just for fun, Love and Durant in their youth... Click Here

@Erik C. Klay Thompson is likely 6'5.5" noon height and his dad is 6'8.5". Go back and look at Big Show next to Mychal Thompson. Do you still see 6'10.5" for Show...? I certainly don't.
rawdshaq said on 1/Feb/19
Dude wtf lmao... @Ozzy

I think Hornswoggle is actually 7' though
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 1/Feb/19

That would depend on whether Show was legit 7'0" at the time of that photo. If he was 6'10" like he's listed here, then that would make that soldier only 6'1" range. Plus the soldier on the right is much taller, he'd be like 6'6" if Show's 6'10".
Vegas' said on 1/Feb/19
Yao is easily 7'5 Click Here

Love is taller than LeBron and wears bigger shoes Click Here
Erik C. said on 1/Feb/19
@Sotiris Gravas

That pic you posted of the Big show and that soldier demonstrates in my opinion he can easily hit 6'10+. Firstly the soldier has hair, the Big show is bald. That alone can add 1- inch incrementation, so if the soldier is 6'8 without the hair than with it he might me 6-9 range, and then + the footwear maybe another inch give or take half an inch. Now this is only if he's actually 6-8. And we don't know if either one has a distinct footwear advantage over the other. However, neverless, even with the hair, Show looks minimum 2 inches taller possibly even three and they're posing in the same angle so it's not like there's an altered or distorted camera angle. Either ways, i think show in shoes is still close to the 7 foot mark and barefoot i feel it's still safe to aay he can stretch to at least 6'10. I would personally peg him at 6'10.5 (give or take a 1/2 inch or so). The same height that Rob had him listed at previously.
Ozzy said on 31/Jan/19
Just bit of fun guys
Big show not looking 6'10" here
Click Here

Little man got about an inch on the BS

Sotiris Gravas said on 31/Jan/19
@Canson I hear you, dude. I actually did previously post better pics of Klay and his dad. The only reason I put 6'5.75" was so that ppl could check out the combine measurement online. Perhaps I should have specified the actual height, the way I do w/ guys like 6'7" Kevin Love. That being said, Big Show did not look taller than Mychal Thompson, at least not from the angle in that pic, which lends itself to my not believing Show is more than 6'9" now.

@FBMC The reason I juxtaposed that soldier w/ Mychal Thompson was to show how Show looked next to one 6'8" guy vs. another. Angles can be deceiving, w/ Thompson actually looking taller than Show in that pic, at least IMHO.

@Ozzy LOVED that pic of Yao and Love.

@HarveyFinkelmatter Maybe Sly Stallone "borrowed" Show's lifts that day (on the sly)...
Guanzo said on 31/Jan/19
Akebono measured 2.03 - 2.04cm as Sumo in 90s
Canson said on 30/Jan/19
Lol I’ve been saying all along that Yao isn’t 7’5”. Hes 7’4 tops. Love is closer to 6’7 than 6’8. He’s batrly taller than Lebron if even
Vegas' said on 30/Jan/19
That soldier is very tall comparing him to Vince and a big heeled Kelly Kelly, the chap to left of Wight is probably 6'3 or close to it Click Here
Phenom89 said on 30/Jan/19
Click Here

Not nice look at this picture i konow i know:)
Akebono is a strong 6'6? If he is, there big show looks 6'9 strong or 6'10?
Canson said on 30/Jan/19
@Sotiris: I doubt Klay is 6’5.75 at a low. Almost no NBA player measures the combine height later in the day. They’re almost always early morning these days. At times Klay edges Draymond by maybe a CM but at times it’s hard to see a difference. I would believe Draymond to be 6’5” flat to 6’5 1/8 and Klay 6’5 1/4-1/2 perhaps.

By the way: here is a better picture with Klay and Mychal

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

Mychal Thompson is still at least 6’8” today. Maybe his peak was a full 6’9” but doubt higher than that. You shouldn’t use pictures that favor one person. By that logic someone could say Klay is 6’3 or that Mychal is 6’11

Click Here
184cm 6'0.25" said on 30/Jan/19
He was a little over seven feet tall in his prime. 7 feet and a quarter. 214cm (:
FBMC said on 29/Jan/19
@Sotiris If that soldier is 6’8”, Big Show is a lot taller than 6’9”. Funny how you used that as proof that he’s 6’9” tops when it actually contradicts your statement.
Ozzy said on 29/Jan/19
Couple good size comparison photos

Lauri Markkanen 7'0" with Yao Ming

Click Here

Kevin Love with Yao

Click Here

Would be great to see Love and Big Show how that would go
HarveyFinkelmatter said on 29/Jan/19
You are right as usual Gratis. Mychal Thompson was about 6'8 when he played basketball. Big Show has looked a lot shorter on tv lately. Maybe he isn't wearing his big lifts?
Sotiris Gravas said on 28/Jan/19
Just a reminder:

Big Show w/ a supposed 6'8" soldier... Click Here

Show and Mychal Thompson (2014)... Click Here

Compare 6'5.75" barefoot Klay Thompson next to his dad, who's obviously shorter than his NBA-listed 6'10" height... Click Here

Show is not 6'10". He's 6'9", tops.
Sotiris Gravas said on 28/Jan/19
Here's 6'1.5" Erik Rosenquist w/ a legit 6'10" gentleman... Click Here
Rosenquist compared to Hogan... Click Here

Maybe 6'1.25" Triple H and Big Show... Click Here

Just for fun, here's 6'2.25" Joeyb33 next to Big Cass... Click Here
Joey and Hogan... Click Here

Big Show is not 6'10". He's 6'9", max. Does Show look 6'10" in wrestling boots...? Sure. In dress shoes...? Absolutely not.
Phenom89 said on 28/Jan/19
I think , after Durant LeBron pic, that Big Show is same height or 0.25 more 0.25 less than Durant .
But how its hard to guess this guys picture seems 6'8, an other 6' other 6'10 weak...
For me he is, now, between 6'9/6'9.5.
Canson said on 27/Jan/19
He could be 6’10 today or 6’9.5 worst case. I doubt more or less than
Sotiris Gravas said on 26/Jan/19
6'6.5" LeBron and 6'10" flat Anthony Davis... Click Here

LeBron and 6'9" Kevin Durant... Click Here

Again, LeBron and Big Show... Click Here

For confirmation, here's 6'7" Kevin Love w/ 6'9" Durant and 6'10" Davis:
Click Here

Big Show is 6'9" now.

6'9" Kevin Durant towers over 6'7" Kevin Love... Does Big Show TOWER over a slouching 6'6.5" LeBron James...? No... no, he doesn't. Davis, Love and James were all slouching to some extent... except for Big Show.
miller said on 26/Jan/19
Canson Durant is taller than deandre jordan in the pic you posted i think durant is closer to 6.10 than to 6.9
Canson said on 26/Jan/19
@Phenom89: I can’t find it now but I’m sure it’s posted somewhere either on this page or Durant’s
Phenom89 said on 24/Jan/19
I didn't see that picture, but of course i cant exclude 6'10 for him totally.

I dont know what you think about, but seems that from when there are social networks and , as consequence, sharing of pictures of any kind, many wrestlers (and not only) looks a bit different compare to early 2000s.

But, Even if sometimes pictures generate more confusion than solutions, i would say that almost all those guys listed as "giants" are in reality are "very tall".
And all the wrestlers listed as " very tall" are simply tall guys.

In the end , in the 90s early 2000s was easier overestimate the height of someone only from tv. Now is the opposite, and probably its more believable.
Canson said on 24/Jan/19
Click Here

Durant and Deandre Jordan

Durant and Boogie

Durant is favored in the pic which is why it’s as pronounced as it is. There’s not much difference between how Durant looks with Draymond Green and how Boogie looks with him

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here
Canson said on 24/Jan/19
@JT: I doubt KD measured right out of bed. If anything an hour after or two hours when he got to practice. My guess is that Boogie is 6’9” flat since his early morning was 6’9.5 and that KD is slightly over 6’9”. He didn’t look as tall as Deandre Jordan who was 6’9.75 at the pre draft and has 4” on Draymond Green who was said to be 6’5” by Steve Kerr and Alvin Gentry. 6’10.75 may be in shoes earlier in the day or even later in the day meaning 6’9.5 or 6’9.25 if earlier. They make him 6’11” just to make his shooting more impressive and to keep up with the others who are overlisted. He isn’t as tall as Lamarcus Aldridge who is 6’10” range
Sotiris Gravas said on 23/Jan/19
@rawdshaq I think Big Show had lifts inside his boots here... Click Here What do you guys think? Same as Strowman w/ Show here... Click Here The heels in both pics look irregular.

I also think Show's on his tippy toes here... Click Here You can tell by how the fronts of his shoes show signs of bending. Show is not on his tippy toes in this second pic, and subsequently looks shorter w/ 5'8" Lenny Kravitz... Click Here Does Show look 6'10" next to 5'8" Kravitz in the 2nd pic...? The answer is no, in case anyone was wondering.
JT said on 23/Jan/19
Durant looks a little taller than DeMarcus Cousins Click Here who’s probably a strong 6’9”. Like Dwight Howard, Durant’s definitely grown some since the 6’9” draft measurement.

Durant claims to have been measured 6’10” ¾” without shoes Click Here If true, that’s probably a right out of bed height. 6’10” is good mid-day estimate for him.
rawdshaq said on 21/Jan/19
Click Here

Big Show wore lifts in the attitude era to be 7 feet. He might have always been 6' 10" - 6' 11" (he had same boots Kane had)
Canson 194 said on 20/Jan/19
@Phenom89: there’s another pic with he and KD from a while back. This one they were standing next to each other and Show had him by around an inch. I wouldn’t doubt Show still being 6’10” when that pic was taken. Today he could still be 6’10” but I would say the worst case scenario 6’9.5 perhaps or weak 6’10”
Canson said on 19/Jan/19
@Miller: Durant isn’t as tall as Deandre Jordan. But I agree on Lebron 6’7”. KD 6’9.25
Phenom89 said on 18/Jan/19
Click Here

Click Here

I would say a bit less 6'10 here, don't know if you agree.

@Canson: Click Here
Hmm hard to say but probably you could have right, but i guess they are same height if both in equal posture. Footwear also are important, but this puc is've right.
miller said on 18/Jan/19
Canson i think kevin durant is 6.9 1/2
Lebron is 6.7 flat
big show is diffcult to judge
rawdshaq said on 17/Jan/19
Sotiris I don't know what you are thinking but if you are 6'7" and a 5'8" guy comes 1 inch under your chin, then Big Show can easily be 6' 10" or 6' 11" there. Kevin Durant is 7 feet tall with his basketball shoes on, which means Big Show can easily be 6' 10" with Lebron. I don't know why you want to downgrade Big Show so much...
Canson said on 17/Jan/19
@Miller: my guesses on the two.

Lebron solid 6’7 max maybe 6’6.75. As I mentioned Melo is max 6’6.25 maybe even a hair less. But no less than 6’6” flat

KD 6’9.25 max. He’s not as tall as Deandre Jordan and it’s a noticeable CM difference if not 1/2”
Canson said on 17/Jan/19
@Sotiris: Lebron is not slouching that badly in the pic. He also may have a footwear advantage. We cannot see their feet. Today Show may be a weak 6’10 but back when Show and Durant had their pic he was an easy 6’10 still like Rob lists him. I’d bet money that Show doesn’t have as good a posture as Lebron if both tried to stand as tall as possible
Canson said on 17/Jan/19
@Phenom89: but with Kevin Durant who really still is 6’9-6’9.5 range Show was easily an inch or close to a full inch taller than him. Show was every bit of 6’10” in that picture

@Miller: while KD may be a hair over 6’9 it isn’t as much as you may think. He’s still closer to 6’9 than 6’10” at a low. I think the initial listing Rob had 6’9.25 was better than 6’9.5. But you’re right Show had to still be 6’10” when he was next to KD
Phenom89 said on 17/Jan/19
Good picture the one with LeBron, there Big show is not even 6'9.
miller said on 16/Jan/19
Sotiris your pics are biased
lebron and Durant Click Here Click Here
Kevin Durant is also taller than 6.9
it is possible that Big Show is under 6.10 but your pictures are just biased too make Big Show as short as possible.
Sotiris Gravas said on 14/Jan/19
Here's another pic of Show (closer to camera) w/ only 5'8" Lenny Kravitz... Click Here
FYI, a 5'8" guy is around 1" under my chin and I'm only 6'7". Which means Show is not 6'10", LOL.

LeBron (SLOUCHING like his life depends on it) and Show... Click Here

LeBron (NOT slouching) and 6'9" Kevin Durant... Click Here

A 6'10" Big Show...? No. "No" as in no way. Sorry, fanboys.
Canson said on 12/Jan/19
@rawdshaq: everyone loses height. If you measure from when you wake up out of bed in the AM and do so when you come home from work or school you will definitely lose height. Rob at 5’8” loses 1/2-3/4” today and a full 3/4” during his prime as do most people here
Public Enemy said on 12/Jan/19
Peak 6’10 3/4
Current 6’9 3/4
rawdshaq said on 10/Jan/19
I decided to test this height loss theory for myself. I am the exact same height the entire day.

When people look at Big Show pictures they compare eye level too much, he has a huge pointy head , he's probably a legit 6' 10" today. He could also have 7 feet as his peak.
Canson said on 9/Jan/19
6’5 range possible for Undertaker but it’s upper 6’5 range meaning he’s essentially a weak 6’6” at worst. Someone measuring that size would likely claim 6’6” even if it’s rounded up slightly. I don’t even rule the solid 6’6” completely out as he never stands his tallest and didn’t when he was younger and taller either. By the way he did say that he used to be 6’10 in the caption on his page. I doubt that. It’s fathomable that he measured 6’8” or close to it early in the morning and with boots he could get to something like 6’9.5 in the right pair of boots. It adds up when he said he’s only 6’9” now and then followed up with 6’8/6’9” if he still measured around 6’7” in the morning years later. He claimed his boots just like Hogan did
Phenom89 said on 9/Jan/19
I want also say that when someone here says " if you downgrade Taker you have to do the same with all the others" yes its exactly like this.
Big show now is not taller than 6'9 range and we know there are 3,5 inches difference with Taker.
Triple H is not taller than 185 cm. And we know there are 4(maybe more) inches difference with Taker.
Randy orton for me is less than 6'4.
Lesnar 6'2 max. Sometimes seemed only 3 inch, 3,5 inches, shorten than Taker.
Kane, with out ridicolous boots, is not taller than taker.
And take in consideration that taker has the eye level of a 6'4 guy, that confuse people.
Btw everything seems to prove Taker is 6'5 range.
Canson said on 8/Jan/19
@Christian: yea my usual is 3/4” on a normal day. A hair over 6’5 out of bed and a hair over 6’4.25 later on. It only gets to 1/4” if I’ve been on my feet for maybe an extra half hour or so than usual or go to the gym
RP said on 8/Jan/19
@ Canson...True
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 6/Jan/19

The average guy actually loses more like 3/4" than just 1/2".
Sotiris Gravas said on 6/Jan/19
@Big DDT You know why... and it's all your fault. (That was a ridiculous response to a dumb question.)

Here's Big Show looking not so big next to a 5'8" guy like Lenny Kravitz, who's not even standing straight... Click Here
Canson said on 6/Jan/19
@RP: yea I’m not heavy myself only about 220 lbs and I lose a solid 3/4-2 cm per day. I think it’s also based on the proportions of the person and how tall they are. Taller guys have potential to lose more.
Sotiris Gravas said on 6/Jan/19
Bret Hart (now 5'10", peak height 5'11")and Big Show... Click Here

Bret and 6'8" (not 6'9") Nash (2012)... Click Here
RP said on 5/Jan/19
@ Canson...correct
I myself @ 220-223 lbs lose 3/8” from 7am to 7pm.
7am: 5’11-1/8”
7pm: 5’10-3/4”
Most men average 1/2” drop from early morning height to late evening height. Lighter younger men typically 1/4” & older heavier men up to 3/4” ...really heavy men with back issues can lose a full 1” during a long day on their feet. I know on very heavy leg days at the gym, when I do heavy full squats...I’ve lost a full 1/2” before. Just out of curiosity once after reading about daily height loss (on this page actually) I did a 7 day week long test/case study on myself. Measuring barefoot at 7am (one hour out of bed) & then again barefoot @ 7pm (after work & gym). Everyday I was 5’11-1/8” morning & 5’10-3/4” evening. Except on heavy leg day, that particular day, I actually dropped down to 70.625” (5’10-5/8”) humans like Big Show & Andre probably lose a full inch during the day when on their feet all day or during match days. Both guys at their peaks were 7’0” to 7’0-1/4” morning & 6’11” to 6’11-1/2” evening...IMO. Looks like both of them settled to 6’10”-ish by their mid 40’s from carrying around 400-500 lbs of body weight for 15-20 years.
Ozzy said on 4/Jan/19
Another pic from same function
Big Show & HHH Click Here

And again Click Here

Angles can create inches of difference. From looking the same height to towering over
Big DDT said on 4/Jan/19
@Sotiris why do you hate Big Show so much?
Canson said on 4/Jan/19
@Sotiris: Ben is taller than Eli and Brady. His combine measurement was actually 6’4 7/8 not 3/4. 6047 is 6’4 7/8. He would likely not be less than 6’4.5 if that’s the case. But looks similar to Cam Newton. I do agree about Lafell and Brady being 6’2 and 6’4 as well as Snoop at 6’3.5. When someone assuming it’s an accurate measurement is 6’4 7/8 they would only lose 3/8 to 1/2 if an early morning measurement. Some may be 1/4” while others 3/4 if they have a high variance
Sotiris Gravas said on 4/Jan/19
6'7" John Matuszak and 6'2" Ronny Cox (both slouching)... Click Here

Big Show and Triple H, now around 6'1", both in dress shoes... Click Here

Triple H and Big Cass in dress shoes... Click Here Cass actually looks taller than Show.
Sotiris Gravas said on 3/Jan/19
Yes, agreed, Roethlisberger's morning height is 6'4.75", but his "real" height is 6'4". Here's Ben w/ 6'2" (not 6'3") Treyvon Hester... Click Here

Ben and 6'4" Tom Brady (head lowered)... Click Here
One more together... Click Here

6'2" Brandon LaFell and Brady... Click Here

Ben is 6'4"... which means Big Show is not as tall as ppl think.

Ben and Cena (2009)... Click Here
Ben w/ 5'9" Flair and THK (2014)... Click Here

6'3.5" (not 6'4") Snoop Dogg and Cena... Click Here , Click Here
Snoop and 6'4" Tom Brady... Click Here
childson said on 3/Jan/19
guys he is 7 feet not 6.10
RP said on 2/Jan/19
Official NFL Combine barefoot heights:
Ben Roethlisberger: 6’4-7/8”
Carson Wentz: 6’5-1/4”
184guy2 said on 2/Jan/19

He was measured 6'4 7/8 at 2004 Combine
Canson said on 2/Jan/19
@Vegas: Ben was actually 6’4 7/8 at the combine. Probably not a low for him but seeing him on TV with others he looks at worst a weak 6’5”. I wouldn’t have him below 6’4.5
Vegas' said on 2/Jan/19
Roethlisberger was measured 6'4 3/4 barefoot at NFL combine
Ozzy said on 2/Jan/19
Sotiris cool pic mate. It looks like if stood straight, BS would have about 6'5 - 6'6 eye level?. Avg person has about a 5" forehead.
Sotiris Gravas said on 1/Jan/19
Big Show and Ben Roethlisberger (JT pic)... Click Here

Ben and 6'5" Carson Wentz... Click Here , Click Here

Roethlisberger is around 6'4".
Ozzy said on 1/Jan/19
Alot of these photos arnt a very good reference though, because we cant see the whole stance, angle & ground level etc can quite easily favor difference between people.
Canson said on 30/Dec/18
@Sotiris: I think Love may be a strong 6’7” as opposed to a solid one. I also believe the combine measurement to be equivalent to early in the day but I wouldn’t go below 6’7.25 for him
Sandy Cowell said on 29/Dec/18
This big guy reminds me of Jackson Galaxy sometimes, who is himself a huge 6ft2 and simply towers over the average cat owner he meets! Big Show would tower over Jackson - and I would be laughing in disbelief because that would truly be a first!

In all honesty, Big doesn't look old enough to have lost two whole inches. He can have 7ft for his peak and 6ft10 for these days.
Sotiris Gravas said on 27/Dec/18
6'8" Uncle Elmer w/ 5'11" Tony Dorsett... Click Here

6'7" John Matuszak and 5'11" (maybe 5'11.25") Joe Piscopo... Click Here

6'7" Kevin Love and 5'11.5" The Miz... Click Here

6'5" Studd and 5'11" Virgil... Click Here

6'4.5" Hogan and 5'11" Jim Belushi... Click Here

Compare again w/ Big Show and The Miz in dress shoes... Click Here As opposed to footwear advantage wrestling gear... Click Here
One more time w/ 5'11" Jarvis Landry... Click Here

Like I said, Big Show isn't 6'10". At around 6'7", a 5'11" person comes up to my mouth.
Canson-6'4 3/8 said on 26/Dec/18
@Miller: I don’t go off of what Rob lists them and in the pic with Pique we can’t see anything. I doubt he’s taller than Pique. Kobe and Barkley have at least a full inch on harden and both are under 6’5”. Also with Trevor Ariza that is over a 3” difference. Harden got measured early morning tho so it makes sense. Every measurement since 2009 is early morning
miller said on 25/Dec/18
Canson harden is taller Click Here than Pique who is listed 6.4 here.
Magic 6.7 1/2 peak and 6.7 flat today
Dwayne Wade is like 6.3 1/4
Canson-6'4 3/8 said on 25/Dec/18
@Rising: Harden is a morning measurement. Max 6’3.5. He’s about an inch maybe 3cm taller than Westbrook. With Ewing however I have 7-8” between he and John Starks. I have Rodman at 6’6 or 6’6.25 today. Magic at 6’7” max and Rock at 6’2” flat. I do agree that Crawford is a legit 194cm guy and KD likely measures at a low. Crawford and Kobe are very similar to the point where I would say Kobe fits his 6’4.75 for sure.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 24/Dec/18

That phrase doesn't mean anything. Seth Rollins claimed he's "6'2 on a good day" but obviously he's nowhere near that. There are lots other of celebs who inflate an inch and then say "on a good day".
Rising - 174 cm said on 24/Dec/18
@Sotiris: I agree Mourning only looks 6'8.5" in that pic for some strange reason, but it doesn't look like he's tip-toeing and he looks over 6'9" recently with Bosh: Click Here And Howard has better posture in that Olympic photo. The 2007 all-star pic is about as good a pic as I've seen of the two and 6'10.25" Bosh has more than an inch on Howard since Dwight doesn't even reach his hairline. Wade is clearly below Mourning's eyes in every pic so Mourning looks comfortably over 6'8" with Wade. Rob has Rock at 6'2.5" current and struggles to even reach the very bottom of Mourning's nose despite a camera advantage(standing in front with a low angle). Mourning looks much taller with Rock than 6'7.5" Magic. I doubt Rodman is 6'6" flat. He can look 6'7" with Cena and Trump so the lowest I buy is 6'6.5". Phil Jackson still looks at least 6'7" with Kobe.

6'11" is too low for Robinson and especially Pau Gasol. Pau is minimum 7'0" and Dirk has to be around 6'11"(see below with Durant). Ewing looked as tall as Oden while Robinson is a little taller. There's no way Dwight would be 2" taller than Mourning. I'd be somewhat surprised if he was taller at all. Jamal Crawford is barely shorter than Kobe: Click Here so his 6'4.5" measurement wasn't too early and you saw how Ewing dwarfed him. Olajuwon is taller than Howard himself and Ewing is taller than Olajuwon. I agree Durant is nowhere near 6'10.75" barefoot, though. We'd have to upgrade quite a few heights to fit that.

@JT: When do you think Durant grew? He still looked at least a couple of inches shorter than Dirk in his 4th season: Click Here He didn't look taller than 6'9" with 6'4" James Harden, before his 5th season: Click Here though he now looks about 3.5" taller than Klay Thompson and 4" taller than Draymond Green, imo.
Canson said on 24/Dec/18
@JT: I think if he has grown it’s to not taller than Rob lists him here 6’9.5. He’s still shorter than Deandre Jordan in a pic

@Sotiris: I think Mourning if anything may be a hair over 6’8” but not as high as 6’9”. 6’8.25 or so may be ok. I know someone who has met Wade and he himself 6’2” said Wade is about 1/2” to 1” taller and he said he’s 6’2 1/2-6’3 without shoes on. That almost lines up with him saying he’s 6’4” on a good day. Likely that his actual measurement is 6’2.75 barefoot. A guy who is legitimately over 6’3” wouldn’t be directing that kind of attention to that and neither would his coach Erik spolestra or Otis Smith Orlando’s GM that have also said he’s “6’4 on a very very good day or a great day”. I don’t get as tall of an impression from Wade as I do Bradley Beal who I believe has actually grown. He was 6’3.25 when drafted (early morning) so likely just a weak 6’3” at the time. Today he looks 6’3.5 imho at a low meaning he would probably get 6’4” at the combine today
Canson said on 24/Dec/18
@JT: I think if he has grown it’s to not taller than Rob lists him here 6’9.5. He’s still shorter than Deandre Jordan in a pic

@Sotiris: I think Mourning if anything may be a hair over 6’8” but not as high as 6’9”. 6’8.25 or so may be ok. I know someone who has met Wade and he himself 6’2” said Wade is about 1/2” to 1” taller and he said he’s 6’2 1/2-6’3 without shoes on. That almost lines up with him saying he’s 6’4” on a good day. A guy who is legitimately over 6’3” wouldn’t be directing that kind of attention to that and neither would his coach Erik spolestra or Otis Smith Orlando’s GM that have also said he’s “6’4 on a very very good day or a great day”. I don’t get as tall of an impression from Wade as I do Bradley Beal who I believe has actually grown. He was 6’3.25 when drafted (early morning) so likely just a weak 6’3” at the time. Today he looks 6’3.5 imho at a low meaning he would probably get 6’4” at the combine today
JT said on 24/Dec/18
Brad Pac said on 22/Dec/18
Read this article re: Kevin Durant's height. It says he's been measured barefoot at a shade under 6'11 and is 7'0 in shoes.
And if that 6'8 guy with Rock is 6'8, then Durant is definitely a lot closer to 7'0 then he is 6'9.

Click Here

Click Here Durant's probably around 6'10" barefoot - he looks to have grown a little since his 6'9" measurement in his rookie year.
Sotiris Gravas said on 23/Dec/18
Compare Triple H (around 6'1" maybe now) and 6'10" Dwight Howard (slouching like a madman, used to be 6'9") to the pic of Triple H and Big Show I already posted... Click Here

Howard is taller than Bosh here... Click Here (Bosh could have been on his feet longer and lost some height...)

Also, Patrick Ewing looks more 6'10" to me, not 6'11, seen here next to 7'0" Shaq:
Click Here

Oh, yeah... Happy holidays, gentlemen.
Sotiris Gravas said on 23/Dec/18
Big Show w/ 5'11" Jarvis Landry... Click Here
W/ 5'11" Rick Ross... Click Here

Now, compare 6'7" Kevin Love w/ 5'11.5" The Miz... Click Here

Big Show and 6'2" Jo-Wilfried Tsonga... Click Here
Compare that to 6'11" David Robinson and 6'2" Tsonga... Click Here Robinson is slouching BIG-TIME here and TOWERS over Tsonga. In other words... Big Show is not more than 6'9"

6'2" guys like Tsonga come up to Show's nose... What's weird is that Triple H is closer to 6'1" nowadays... Click Here

Even Mark Henry is 6'1.5" now and comes up over his nose... Click Here

At 6'7", a 6'0" guy comes up to my nose... which means Show is not more than 6'9" now.

Big Show and Big Cass... Click Here Funny how Show doesn't tower over him when they're not in wrestling gear...

Just a reminder, here's legit 6'7" Aaron Judge w/ Big Cass... Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 23/Dec/18
@Canson We both think Alonzo Mourning is around 6'8" and that Wade is around 6'3". Here they are together w/ height lines... Click Here , Click Here , Click Here Wade is slouching in all pics.

Compare again w/ Boomer(standing straight) and Show... Click Here
Boomer (not slouching like Wade) and Mourning... Click Here

Boomer and 6'0" Joe Montana... Click Here
Montana and 6'2" Tim Tebow... Click Here
6'3.5" Snoop and Tebow... Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 23/Dec/18
Big Show (closer to camera) and Phil Jackson... Click Here

6'10" (not 6'10.5") Joakim Noah and Jackson... Click Here ,
Click Here

6'11" Pau Gasol and Noah... Click Here

Jackson and Porzingis... Click Here
Jackson and Rodman... Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 23/Dec/18
@Brad Pac Don't believe everything you read, dude. Durant is around 6'9" barefoot. Here's 6'7" barefoot Kevin Love w/ Durant... Click Here

Here's Love w/ legit 6'10" Chris Bosh... Click Here , Click Here

Greg Oden is 6'11", as you can see, Durant... isn't... Click Here ,
Click Here

Greg Oden and 6'11" David Robinson... Click Here

Durant w/ 6'10" Dirk... Click Here
Dirk w/ 6'11.5" Tyson Chandler... Click Here

Just for fun... here's Durant w/ 6'2.5" Royal Ivey.. Click Here
Durant and The Rock (currently 6'2")... Click Here
Canson said on 22/Dec/18
If Okung measures 6’5 1/4 at the combine it means that he’s 6’4.75 to 6’4 7/8 at a low
Sotiris Gravas said on 21/Dec/18
Big Show w/ 6'4" Jack Swagger in the back/maybe 5'11.5" The Miz up front.. back in 2015 in Saudi Arabia:
Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 21/Dec/18
Alonzo Mourning is only 48 and I doubt he's lost significant height. Here he is (closer to camera) next to Rodman, who's most likely all of 6'6" now... Click Here ,
Click Here
Rodman next to Olajuwon... Click Here

Here's Mourning (closer to camera) w/ a little tiptoe action next to a legit 6'10" dude, Chris Bosh:
Click Here Or here (w/ Wade, a weak 6'3")... Click Here

I could be wrong, but he doesn't look 6'9" to me. That's most likely a morning measurement. I could buy 6'8.5".

Mourning and 6'2" The Rock (slouching)... Click Here
6'7" Magic and The Rock... Click Here
The Rock and a legit 6'9" Kevin Durant getting TOWERED... Click Here

Just for fun, here's The Rock and NBA-listed 6'8" w/o shoes Kyle Kuzma... Click Here
Kuzma and Luke Walton (NBA-listed 6'8" in shoes)... Click Here
Vegas' said on 21/Dec/18
Russell Okung was measured 6'5 1/4 barefoot at combine Click Here

Christian, Boomer is closer to camera there and it's lower camera angle. You can't draw lines like that because a similar line has Boomer coming out as tall as 6'6+ Wilder Click Here
Rising - 174 cm said on 21/Dec/18
And I don't get the argument about Wade claiming 6'4" on a "great day". That does sound like he's saying he's just under it. It actually fits with his 6'3.75" measurement more than anything.
Rising - 174 cm said on 21/Dec/18
@Canson: That first pic is too bad of an angle. You can't accurately judge height from a photo like that. Dwight looks much taller than Bosh there and that's not the case: Click Here The second photo is the best of the 3 and it does look near 2", but Kobe is closer to the camera in the 3rd one. But my point is, why just consider the ones where it looks closer to 2" and ignore the ones where Kobe looks an inch max taller? Wouldn't it make more sense to consider both when judging the difference? Wade looks 3.5"-4" shorter than Beasley so he looks around 6'3.5" there if Beasley is 6'7.25". Here's another Olympic photo of Wade and Kobe and there's barely an difference here: Click Here

Also, Ewing never claimed 6'9.75". Mutombo joked that Ewing wasn't a real 7 footer like he and Yao were and Ewing joked back "I may be 6-9, but I'm a bad 6-9." I've seen Starks only reach Ewing's mouth at times and the lower to middle part at that so that would be more 9". Ewing clearly didn't have a mere 5" on 6'4.5" measured Jamal Crawford. Closer to 7" actually. Click Here

@JT: Actually, Mourning measured 6'9.5" in 1992: Click Here (@ 1:21 in the video) 6'9.5" and 249 pounds.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 21/Dec/18

Big Show has a big head obviously, but his eye level wouldn't be any more than 5.5" range. The difference between him and Boomer is no more than 6". Click Here
JT said on 20/Dec/18
If we’re going to estimate heights based on less than full body photos with Boomer Esiason Click Here

Click Here IIRC Mourning measured 6’9” for the 1992 draft Ewing was around 6’11” and Mutombo at least 7’1” Ewing's taller than Hakeem Olajuwon, who is no less than 6’10” Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 20/Dec/18
@michael loughrie Big Show looked 6'10" perhaps in the JT pic w/ Boomer. The one I posted compared to Alonzo has Show 6'9", max.

Here's Show w/ 6'6" Strowman and Kane that I straightened... Click Here
Unstraightened... Click Here

Just a reminder: this is what a legit 6'10" Chris Bosh looks like next to 6'6.5" LeBron James:
Click Here

Big Show is not 6'10".
michael loughrie said on 19/Dec/18
@Sotiris He has a very long head, he looks 6' 10" - 6' 11" with Boomer.
Riccardo89 said on 19/Dec/18
Big show, in my opinion, is 6ft9,5 max today. Or 6,9.
Canson said on 19/Dec/18
@Rising: herr he calls Lebron 6’8-6’9” which is obviously inflated as he’s 6’7”. He says he is 6’4” on a great day. That’s not a 6’3.75 or even 6’3.25 or .5 guy. That’s a sub 6’3” guy more than likely

Click Here
Canson said on 19/Dec/18
@Rising: I’ve seen plenty where it’s closer to 2” than 1”. I can also look at Lebron with Wade and there are several where it’s “minimum” 4” difference between them and even Melo where it’s at least 3”. I won’t rule out 6’3” flat but anything higher based on what I’ve seen is hard to believe.

Below you can see Wade in between Redd and Kobe and tell he’s not close to either in height. Redd and Kobe look close in height like they do in the Olympic pic

Click Here

Click Here
Click Here

Click Here

Wade with 6’7 Michael Beasley

Click Here
Canson said on 19/Dec/18
@Rising: I’ve seen plenty where it’s closer to 2” than 1”. I can also look at Lebron with Wade and there are several where it’s “minimum” 4” difference between them and even Melo where it’s at least 3”. I won’t rule out 6’3” flat but anything higher based on what I’ve seen is hard to believe.

Below you can see Wade in between Redd and Kobe and tell he’s not close to either in height. Redd and Kobe look close in height like they do in the Olympic pic

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here
Canson said on 18/Dec/18
@Sotiris: sometimes the picture may make someone appear taller like with Boomer and Mourning. I think Mourning could be as low as 6’8 as high as 6’8.5. Maybe in between. I could almost buy 6’9.5 in basketball sneaks which add 1.25”. Now for Ewing he admitted to being 6’9.75 before which would likely be a low for him. Another poster here Robert Broome claimed to be his neighbor and estimated him 6’9 and change (likely 6’9.5ish) which may signal height loss. He is overweight these days. I could buy 6’9.75 at his low peak or 6’10 but since the number came out specifically 6’9.5. I look at Ewing with Starks and he’s at most 8” taller if not 7.5-8”. It’s more that some of the other players barefoot heights aren’t completely accurate.

As for Boomer, i disagree however. I think if he’s less than 6’4” it isn’t by all that much. He’s not as low as 6’3” flat. Maybe 6’3.5 or 6’3.75 but he still looks genuine 6’4” at times. See him with James Brown. Brown in person is 6’4-6’5 range. He looks about as tall or maybe a fraction shorter at worst or even taller at times
Rising - 174 cm said on 17/Dec/18
I'm far from convinced Kobe is 2" taller than Wade. Here's the same photoshoot as the photo Vegas posted: Click Here This one isn't full like the other, but the angle isn't low and it's still an inch or less. Some of that might be Kobe having looser posture, but it still looks a very long way from a 2" difference.
Sotiris Gravas said on 16/Dec/18
@Canson I think you and I both agree that Alonzo Mourning is 6'8". Here he is w/ Boomer: Click Here

Boomer and Show for comparison... Click Here

Regardless of how tall Boomer is, Show doesn't look much taller than Alonzo.

@Rob 6'10" for big Show...? I beg to differ.

Some ppl might say that Mourning is taller than 6'8", but he's not. Here he is next to a legit 6'10" Ewing for comparison... Click Here

Big Show is not 6'10".
Canson said on 16/Dec/18
I doubt he’s lost 2.5”. I think he’s 6’10” ish today. Worst case 6’9.5. Peak im unsure of but prob 6’11 range
Canson said on 16/Dec/18
@Vegas: I don’t know. I just go by what I see. He’s 2” shorter than Kobe Jordan and barkley all of whom are under 6’5”
Guanzo said on 16/Dec/18
In night, (morning height add 1 inches+)

6'10.75" peak (7ft with wcw boots)

6'9" now

This debate is over.
tree said on 16/Dec/18
7ft1 without shoes?

Big Shows Claims:"I'm 7 foot and Andre was about 7ft 1, 7ft 2"
"Always been a little over 7 feet tall".
Michael Allen said on 15/Dec/18
7'1" peak (it says so on his college basketball profile)
6'10.5" current
Vegas' said on 15/Dec/18
Canson I clearly stated 'on video' not photos re: Levi/Wade.

If you want to debate officially listed measured heights knock yourself out because I won't be participating past this post. What are the odds one of the top 5 basketball propects that year could get away with as much as an inch overlisting at a combine while probably every member of the basketball press and scouting network were present?

Sotiris, the point of posting that shot is to show roughly how tall Wight stands with Manganiello which is roughly 6 inches taller. Wilder comes out about 5 inches shorter comparing him to Boomer. If Wilder is flat 6'6 then he will come to roughly Big Show's eyeliner maybe a little above if they met.
Canson said on 15/Dec/18
Well Vegas by that logic, I could also say that Michael Clarke Duncan is only 6’2”. Hes the same height as the Rock in this picture. That would be equally as silly because we know MCD is not 6’2”. That’s what I’m talking about with suspect pics

Click Here

The pic with Levi and Duncan where you compare Wade to them doesn’t show full body. You can’t see footwear or Ground level.

Click Here

At least the one with Wilton Speight you can

Click Here
Canson said on 15/Dec/18
Well Vegas by that logic, I could also say that Michael Clarke Duncan is only 6’2”. Hes the same height as the Rock in this picture. That would be equally as silly because we know he’s not 6’2”.

Click Here

The pic with Levi and Duncan where you compare Wade to them doesn’t show full body. You can’t see footwear or Ground level.

Click Here

At least the one with Wilton Speight you can

Click Here
Canson said on 15/Dec/18
Wade with Carmelo. That’s more than a 2 or 2.5” difference. Melo actually is around the height he was supposedly credited with measuring

Click Here
Canson said on 15/Dec/18
@Vegas: I don’t base it off one picture though. Its off several. I also look at in game on the court and from what I’ve heard of people that have seen him. I look at him with other players as well and former players. Comparing him to Hulk Hogan is no different than the debate that you are having with Sotiris about Taker’s height. That would be like him sayin Hogan isn’t as tall as he’s listed and using Wade to show that. We all know that Hogan has poor posture as well. So that is likely the case there. I look at Wade with Kobe and Barkley and others on the court and can tell in addition to how he looks with Lebron and Carmelo. He’s not 6’3.75. So I guess if it’s not worth arguing “Combine” listings then why is this guy here Julian Peterson listed at 6’3” in the NFL after measuring 6’5.1? Or Shawne Merriman being listed 6’4 3/8 and he’s obviously not. There’s a reason why Lebron and others have said that Wade is not as tall as he’s listed even Lebron calling him 6’3” and Wade correcting him and saying he’s 6’4”. If Wade were really 6’3.75 barefoot he would be listed at 6’5”.

Click Here

Click Here
Canson said on 15/Dec/18
@Vegas: I don’t base it off one picture though. Its off several. I also look at in game on the court and from what I’ve heard of people that have seen him. I look at him with other players as well and former players. Comparing him to Hulk Hogan is not different than the debate that you are having with Sotiris about Taker’s height. We all know that Hogan has poor posture as well. So that is likely the case there. I look at Wade with Kobe and Barkley and others on the court and can tell in addition to how he looks with Lebron and Carmelo. He’s not 6’3.75. So I guess if it’s not worth arguing “Combine” listings then why is this guy here Julian Peterson listed at 6’3” in the NFL after measuring 6’5.1? Or Shawne Merriman being listed 6’4 3/8 and he’s obviously not. There’s a reason why Lebron and others have said that Wade is not as tall as he’s listed even Lebron calling him 6’3” and Wade correcting him and saying he’s 6’4”. If Wade were really 6’3.75 barefoot he would be listed at 6’5”.

Click Here

Click Here
Canson said on 15/Dec/18
@Vegas: I don’t base it off one picture though. Its off several. I also look at in game on the court and from what I’ve heard of people that have seen him. I look at him with other players as well and former players. Comparing him to Hulk Hogan is not different than the debate that you are having with Sotiris about Taker’s height. We all know that Hogan has poor posture as well. So that is likely the case there. I look at Wade with Kobe and Barkley and others on the court and can tell in addition to how he looks with Lebron and Carmelo. He’s not 6’3.75
Vegas' said on 14/Dec/18
Considering Wade was noticeably taller than Hulk Hogan at 2007 Father of the year, Michael Clarke Duncan and Zach Levi backstage on video at Tonight Show, the odds on him being a full inch shorter than his officially listed measured height are practically zero.

Canson what I have found over the years is debating officially listed measured heights is pretty much fruitless (that and trying to prove someone is wearing internal lifts).

And sure you can find photos where anyone looks shorter..I mean we can all post photos :) Click Here
Canson said on 14/Dec/18
@Christian: it’s tough to say with Wade. Out of all the players in that class that I’ve observed and even met (Melo, Hinrich, Bogans) with the exception of TJ Ford they all looked close to what they are supposed to meaning I doubt they’re morning heights. Possibly more like lunch time which could be rounded up an 1/8” but that may be it. And for Keith Bogans he was measured at 6’4.5 in 2002 and 6’4.25 in 2003. TJ Ford looks closer to 5’10” than 5’11”. But then I see guys like Bosh who looks a full 6’10” minimum on TV and Lebron who generally looks 6’7”. I am curious about Udonis Haslem though. He can look 6’6.5 at times but also 6’6 at times (pre draft is 6’6.75). I would say 6’6.5 is best case. It is said that Lebron was like Kobe In that he never attended the pre draft. Lebron actually attended it but not sure if he was actually measured per an article I once read that said that he was never measured after surpassing “Michael Jordan’s” 6’6”. I only mention that because Lebron was only given 3/4” for shoes. But I could easily buy a full 6’7” for Lebron even though I have said 6’6.75. 6’6.75 is equally possible for him but that may signal a morning type measurement if that’s the case. To me Wade’s measurement could be discrepant. It could be possible that he laid around before being measured (which looks like what Love did as he’s said to be 6’7” and the combine was in the afternoon in 2008). But if he were 6’3.75 or even rounded up from 6’3.5 he would still look a strong 6’3” most of the time. He looks weak 6’3” often enough in my opinion
Canson said on 13/Dec/18
@Vegas: I didnt say that they were fake. But there is a possibility for discrepancies. And I clearly said in my post to you that it could be an error. But if you believe in the measurements as your basis, that’s fine. I just said that I don’t believe in all of them without looking closely at players first. Although I don’t rule out some of the messumenrs being embellished. Look at Shawne Merriman but that may be a discrepancy or on him. He obviously is not anything remotely close to 6’4 3/8. And this is despite the Combine measurements being very early morning as I’ve proven before and Rob even admitted. They take place about an hour after waking up. Comparing Senior Bowls and Pro days to them over the years, players end up about 3/8” to 1/2” taller on average at the combine.

Back to Wade. Looking at him on the court against a guy like Keith bogans he’s not 6’4”. Same with ray Allen. And with 6’7.25 listed Lebron or Wilton’s Speight 6’5.25 it’s clear he is not 6’3.75 barefoot. I don’t take Pre Draft measurements with a grain of salt just because it says that they are supposed to be “official”. Rob has already proven this that there are discrepancies when he showed the video of 5111 being the measurement and 5113 being written down instead. They measure hundreds of players at a time so it is easy to make mistakes not to mention if they have lifts in socks etc.

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here
Canson said on 13/Dec/18
@Vegas: I didnt say that they were fake. But there is a possibility for discrepancies. Looking at Wade on the court against a guy like Keith bogans he’s not 6’4”. Same with ray Allen. And with 6’7.25 listed Lebron or Wilton’s Speight 6’5.25 it’s clear he is not 6’3.75 barefoot. I don’t take Pre Draft measurements with a grain of salt just because it says that they are supposed to be “official”. Rob has already proven this that there are discrepancies when he showed the video of 5111 being the measurement and 5113 being written down instead. They measure hundreds of players at a time so it is easy to make mistakes not to mention if they have lifts in socks etc.

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 13/Dec/18

My theory is that either Wade's measurement was an error by an inch, or he was measured 6'3.5" in the morning and was given an extra 1/4".
Sotiris Gravas said on 11/Dec/18
Here's Kareem and Bill Walton (w/ eyeline marker)... Click Here

Kareem and Kevin Laue (eyeline marker)... Click Here

Kevin Laue and Big Show (closer to camera)... Click Here , Click Here

Bill Walton and Moses Brown (NBA-listed as 7'1")... Click Here

@Vegas Big Show is standing closer to Boomer. Here's Wilder a little closer to Boomer than the pic you chose... Click Here If Wilder was standing even closer, he'd look even taller. So, your argument... goes nowhere. Boomer and Show for comparison... Click Here

I've already seen that pic of Show and Joe. Why bother showing that, considering Show is obviously closer to the camera and Joe's head looks like it's been shrunk by an angry witch doctor...? I still give you props for having the best username in the business...

@tree Show's head is not 12 inches long. At least, not that part of his anatomy (rimshot sound). I'm obviously referring to his ulna bone measurement.
Vegas' said on 11/Dec/18
Canson I don't follow?

The numbers I screenshot were from a PDF on the official NBA site. The NBA posted fake combine measurements on their own site?

That's the link Click Here
miko said on 10/Dec/18
When he stands to full height its clear as day he's still at least 6'10.

He was around 7 foot peak, not over it and if under it, barely.
Canson said on 10/Dec/18
@Vegas: just because it is listed there doesn’t mean that he actually measured that. It could be an error. He never looks that tall on the court
tree said on 9/Dec/18
And pee wee was 2 inch under his head..
tree said on 9/Dec/18
With Pee wee Show looked over 6ft10,has a 12 inch long head so its simple math :D
tree said on 9/Dec/18
I dont see them that thick there.. 2inch max
Vegas' said on 9/Dec/18
We have a couple of photos of Manganiello and Show standing together such as this from this year Click Here

Sotiris you can't just draw a line and leave it :) those Wilder and recent Big Show photos with Boomer (Big Show shot is actually mid November 2018 not 2015) seem to be taken from lower camera angle.

Thus we get this if we draw a line! Click Here
Wilder/Show shots compared Click Here
Vegas' said on 9/Dec/18
Wade was measured 6'3 3/4 without shoes and that PDF was on the official NBA site Click Here
Canson said on 9/Dec/18
@Sotiris: to be honest, I wouldn’t worry about being “too harsh”. You see a lot of guys inflate people by 2 or 3 inches on this site because they want their celebs to be taller even reverting to making stuff up. Very rarely is anything said to them so don’t see why you can’t speak your mind that he’s shorter. It’s always a sin when people downgrade but when they upgrade it’s swept under the mat. Look around at how silly some of the other estimates that people here give that are as unbelievable as they get as far as inflation, yet you hear more about yours than they do. A lot of times their comments arent responded to. And Wade to be fair hardly looks 6’3” If you ask me. 6’2.5-6’3 looks believable.
Sotiris Gravas said on 8/Dec/18
Here's Big Show and 5'9" Pee-wee (2010)... Click Here (Was in WWE boots, but w/ small heel.)

6'4.5" Joe Manganiello and Pee-wee (2016)... Click Here , Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 8/Dec/18

You're right. Nash does look taller once you account for the camera positioning. And I doubt their footwear would be much different in that situation, since both would be wearing dress shoes with suits.
Like Tall said on 8/Dec/18
There was clearly 3 inches between Kane and Big Show in that footage.
Kane was 6' 7.5" back then plus 3" (at least) footwear brought him to near 6' 11"
Big Show was with 2" footwear meaning he was 7' back then.
Sotiris Gravas said on 7/Dec/18
@Canson I didn't wanna be too harsh w/ Wade, which is why I said 6'3.25", but a flat 6'3" for him is very believable.
Sotiris Gravas said on 7/Dec/18
@Christian, 184 Big Show has always been the taller man, but I just found it interesting that Nash was in the back and still had substantial height. I was implying that if Nash were brought more to the foreground, he would be even more imposing. Guess I misspoke w/ that "taller" comment. This is the only pic I've seen where it could be easily interpreted as Nash looking taller... Click Here Granted, we don't know what the footwear situation was...
Canson said on 6/Dec/18
@Christian: agreed. No way he’s as tall as Show even today. Nash is 6’8-6’9 at best. Show wouldn’t be that low
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 6/Dec/18

Not only does Nash look shorter than Big Show, but they're standing at an unequal distance from the camera.
tree said on 6/Dec/18
Masked Kane with his thicker boots appeared like he would be a 6ft8.5 guy if we did not know his boots are thicker.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Rob knowing that how tall would u say Show looked with him? Click Here
At 4:47 when boots stand straight it looks only around 3 inch between them
Canson said on 5/Dec/18
@Sotiris: a pic like that with Lebron and Bosh isn’t always the best way to judge. See Lebron who is 6’7” with Wade and see 6’5.25 Wilton Speight with Wade. I’d be highly surprised if Wade measures above 6’3 (I could make a case for a weak 6’3 as I already have). Lebron has even said Wade is at most 6’3” and Erik Spoelstra and Otis Smith (Orlando’s former GM) both called him 6’4” on a good day. A guy who measures 6’3.25 isn’t considered 6’4 on a good day. He would be over 6’4” (6’4.5) in basketball shoes. Wade would “maybe” make 6’4 if not just 6’3.75 in them

As for Boomer and Mariota, I don’t trust that pic. I would lay money down on the table that Boomer is the taller of the two. Brady is clearly taller than Mariota as well and he’s 6’4”. Boomer would be about Brady’s height today give or take a fraction maybe. Mariota may not be as low as 6’3.25 but best case is 6’3 3/8 being he measured where he did about an hour out of bed as all NFL combines are held early morning. I saw an article before that I posted that said the players wake at 6am, drug test then get measured right after. That’s about an hour after waking especially when we see people like Johnny Manziel tweet at 740 am what his measurement is. Mariota could be perhaps as low as 6’3.25 but as high as 3/8. He would probably be 6’4” flat out of bed. Boomer looks like a guy who would measure 6’4” later in the day (if not at a low). I’d be surprised if he even dipped below. I say what I do about morning and evening because the site (as Rob has mentioned before) isn’t based on morning heights. It’s based on afternoon heights.

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

Melo is around his draft listing. No less than 6’6 no higher than 6’6.25. It likely took place in the afternoon the year he Lebron and Wade got drafted and Wade’s measurement is likely in shoes

That’s only a 5” difference with Mourning not 6”. Mourning though isn’t 6’9” he’s 6’8” range. As for Boomer he doesn’t look to be standing completely straight so that would likely reduce that margin by a bit and Boomer likely 6’4” Mourning 6’8 and a bit
184guy2 said on 5/Dec/18

lol , are you serious that Nash looks taller than Show in that pic ????
Canson said on 5/Dec/18
@Sotiris: I wouldn’t say that Boomer can’t be based on that pic alone. And for Mariota that’s very possible 6’3 3/8 or 1/4 based on when he measured. Boomer is taller than Selleck. Selleck isn’t slouching that much if even. The only reason Mariota looks taller than Boomer is due to where he is standing and the camera. Look at Boomer with James Brown or Dan Marino both of whom I’ve met. Brown claimed that he’s 6’4.5-6’5 in an article a couple years back and looked maybe half inch taller than me (having not addressed footwear). So he could be 6’4.5 or worst case my height but I’ll say he’s 6’4.5 since he prob wouldn’t have had that much more shoe on than me. Marino was about an inch shorter than me so 6’3.25 like Rob has him or maybe he’s just a solid 6’3” today (I met him many years ago) but no less than that. Boomer still looks every bit of 6’4 to tell you the truth. At times he’s taller than Brown on camera. If he were 6’3 he would be Marino’s height and he’s taller.
Jordan87 said on 5/Dec/18

How is Nash Taller than Big SHow. Big Show is the one on the left man, Nash is on the right and really shorter.
miller said on 5/Dec/18
Click Here

damm big show looks atlest 3 inches shorter than Shaq. 6.9 is not impossible now.
Sotiris Gravas said on 4/Dec/18
Here's a nice pic I never saw before, where Nash actually looks taller than Show:
Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 4/Dec/18
@Vegas Wilder and Fury did not look very close at the weigh-in. One guy is 6'6" flat, the other is around 6'7". A 6'6" Wilder means that Shaq is under 7 feet.
Sotiris Gravas said on 4/Dec/18
@Vegas Here's Boomer w/ 6'3" Selleck (who's slouching)... Click Here Boomer is 100% not taller.

I've seen that JT pic of Big Show w/ Boomer. The pic I showed 100% proves Show is NOT more than 6'9"

Here's around 6'3.25" (not 6'3.75") Dwyane Wade and 6'10.25" Chris Bosh .. Click Here

Compare that w/ 6'3" Boomer and Show (height line/eyeline)... Click Here BIG difference.

Just a reminder, if Mariota is as low as 6'3.25", like Canson feels, Boomer cannot be 6'4":
Click Here

I feel the evidence I've presented is irrefutable.
Canson said on 4/Dec/18
@Christian: he does look taller agreed. possible Melo is 6’6.25. Never ruled it out only that he isn’t less than 6’6”
Canson said on 4/Dec/18
@Vegas: Aikman was never measured 6’4.25 from what I’ve seen. I saw 6’2.5 and 6’3.5. As for Rodman, I see where you’re coming from. Jordan is likely 6’4.5 like he was said to be when drafted and Rodman probably 6’6” and change only going off afternoon heights imho

Btw I agree with you. Boomer is still 6’4” minimum. Not sure if he were ever 6’5 but he doesn’t look 6’3” even today.
Mr. Gadong said on 4/Dec/18
Big Show's Height At Age 30: 7ft 0.75 barefoot, morning time.

Big Show's Height Now: 6ft 11.25 barefoot, morning time.

Shaq & Big Show had a few face offs before, Shaq is at least 1.5 inches taller.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 4/Dec/18

Carmelo's noticeably taller, even with the slight camera advantage. I'm not seeing Wilder any taller than 6'6" in that pic.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 4/Dec/18

Khali looked only 1.5" taller than Big Show in 2010, and there's virtually no way that Show was legit 7'0" anymore by then (and I doubt Show was ever 7'0" to begin with). 6'10"-6'10.5" was more believable around 2010. Click Here
Vegas' said on 4/Dec/18
Boomer Esiason was listed 6'5 during his NFL playing career and still easily an inch taller than Tom Selleck recently enough so 6'3 for him in very unlikely.

Another photo with Big Show Click Here

Boomer with ~7'1.5 Mutombo, 6'8.5 barefoot measured Stoudemire and Hulk Hogan for comparison (thanks to JT) Click Here

Boomer and Kareem Click Here
Boomer and ~6'9 Alonzo Mourning Click Here

Wilder and Fury looked very close in height at weigh in on Friday. Regardless Shaq looks solid 7 foot guy even if Wilder is flat 6'6 in that full length shot. Shaq under 7 foot and 6'9 Chara estimates (even first thing in morning) make little sense seeing the two together

Canson I can only base estimates on what I see. Rodman also has claimed 6'8 many times too. If Rodman was under 6'7 at peak he was 2 inches taller than Jordan and that means Thomas is under 6'1 (probably under 6 foot) which has a knock on effect with Will Smith, Holyfield even Arnold Schwarzeneggers heights in the early 90s. Rodman was 3+ inches taller in recent enough photos with Troy Aikman who himself was measured 6'4.25 during his playing days.

I would take what team-mates say with grain of salt re Kevin Nash claims Hogan was 6'4 peak when he saw him at show in 1980s but Shawn Michaels was 6'1 when he first met him in 93.
Canson said on 4/Dec/18
@Sotiris: Mariota measured 6’3.75 early morning meaning he’s really just a strong 6’3”. 6’3.25/6’3 3/8. Boomer still looks 6’4” most of the time on CBS. I can agree on Deontay being Melo’s size or maybe a tiny fraction shorter. I doubt he’s under 6’6” flat though as Melo wouldn’t be under it either. If anything he’s maybe a hair over or exact
Sotiris Gravas said on 3/Dec/18
@Canson I'm positive Wilder is not more than 6'6". He's the same height as 6'6" Audley Harrison:
Click Here

Just for fun, check out Boomer Esiason w/ 6'6" Deontay... Click Here , Click Here

DRUMROLL...Now, compare Boomer w/ Big Show from 2015... Click Here This pic, IMHO,100% proves Show is NOT more than 6'9" now. Time for that downgrade, Rob.

Just a reminder. Deontay is 6'6", Tyson Fury is my height, 6'7", and David Price is 6'8". That means Show is not more than 6'9" now.

Look how short Hogan is next to a now 6'3" Boomer... Click Here
For comparison, here's Boomer w/ 6'4" Marcus Mariota... Click Here
Canson said on 29/Nov/18
@Sotiris: 6’6” for Wilder is not impossible. If he was measured 6’6 1/2 we don’t know whether that was exact or rounded up nor do we know what time of the day it took place. See Wilder with Carmelo Anthony who is of similar height. Melo is closer to the camera though

Click Here
Canson said on 29/Nov/18
@Sotiris: you mean 6’4.25-.5 MCW and 6’9..5-.75 Nerlens Noel (afternoon measurements)
Sotiris Gravas said on 28/Nov/18
Here's 6'4.75" Michael Carter-Williams next to 6'10" barefoot Nerlins Noel and 7'0" Joel Embiid:
Click Here

Now, comapre that w/ Carter-Williams and Kevin Laue... Click Here

Lau and BIG SHOW (closer to camera)... Click Here

P.S. Laue is taller than Show... I've said it once and I'll say it again: Big Show is around 6'9" now.
Sotiris Gravas said on 28/Nov/18
Here's Deontay Wilder w/ 6'7" Tyson Fury from the upcoming fight. Click Here , Click Here Deontay barely looks 6'6". Keep that in mind when looking at that pic of Deontay and Shaq... (Maybe there was a footwear advantage.)

6'8" David Price w/ 6'7" Fury... Click Here
Canson said on 27/Nov/18
@Burn: Big Show looked an easy 6’10” when he had the pic with Kevin durant but not sure when that was. All I remember was that he had Durant by a full inch. He may have lost a fraction but to me still looks about a weak 6’10 (6’9.5 is the lowest imho)
Canson said on 27/Nov/18
@Pdodgy: 7’0” was possible for Andre. At least it can look that at times in his prime

@Sotiris and 184guy: Barkley isn’t closer to the camera when the two are facing each other (I agree in the 2nd pic he is slightly) but we can’t see footwear very well or ground as both are in the street. I have a peak Barkley and a peak Kobe within 1/4” of each other with Kobe edging him slightly (not noticeably). Barkley may have lost height today tho
Canson said on 27/Nov/18
@184guy: they could be close enough to where theres no noticeable difference. I think esp today Kobe would edge him esp if Kobe’s measurement is his low which it does appear to be around that mark (if below 195 it’s mm’s). Barkley only measures 6’4 5/8 peak (not sure if his low or not then but I surmise it’s close to it). Question is did Barkley lose height as he’s 55 now and has had hip replacement and bad knees plus his weight.
tree said on 27/Nov/18
Rob if Erick Rowan is 6ft6.5 what did that make Show in 2014? Click Here
Canson said on 27/Nov/18
@Vegas: Rodman was never 6’7” flat. He was always 6’6” range. Jordan and pippen both say he’s 6’6” range here. Look at Rodman’s page as well and he himself said he’s 6’6” and he was listed at 6’6” on the Bulls Roster his last year or two with them

Click Here

Go to 2:00-2:10 below

Click Here
BURN IT DOWWWWWN! said on 26/Nov/18
@Vegas Big Show can look under 6'10" at times but he's not always standing straight either.
184guy2 said on 26/Nov/18
@Sotiris @Canson
The pic of Kobe and Barkley puts Kobe a lot nearer the camera . They are probably identical in height
Pdoggy said on 26/Nov/18
Does everyone's height have to be downgraded by 2 inches, just on the off chance there may be a picture trail back to Andre that actually proves to the downgraders that he was just over 7'.
Vegas' said on 26/Nov/18
Sotiris, here is one where HHH isn't much closer to camera Click Here

That's just last month and both Sheamus/Cesaro are taller than HHH Click Here

Basketballers are not like wrestlers in that they are not taking big bumps 250-300 nights a year and undergoing evasive surgeries like neck fusion, back/spine, hip and knee replacement etc so no need to cutting big chunks off them. Bill Russell has held onto most of his height in his 80s, Kareem is still at least 7'1 in his 70s so it's very doubtful Rodman has lost anything yet, he was 6'7 for sure in his 20s..Thomas edged out Will Smith on Fresh Prince, Smith was taller than Evander Holyfield on same show and Rob has a photograph with Holyfield if you want to see how they measure up Click Here

Christian, Show and Khali went face to face between 2006-10. So Show was taller than 6'10 range then. If you are basing heights on Rob's listings, he had Show listed 7 foot during that particular period (higher than I thought he was at the time)
Sotiris Gravas said on 25/Nov/18
@Canson You're right, dude. I thought maybe Barkley was 6'4.75", like Kobe, but Kobe is clearly taller:
Click Here, Click Here

Kobe and Vince Carter... Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 25/Nov/18

Khali's 7'0.5" could very well have been an early day measurement. I don't see him as being that tall, as he looked max 1.5" taller than 6'10" listed Big Show.
Sotiris Gravas said on 24/Nov/18
@Canson Yeah, I 100% agree w/ you (and respectfully disagree w/ others) that Mourning is "only" 6'8". Here's the pic I screwed up and didn't post properly... a recent pic of Mourning w/ Shaq and Battier:
Click Here

Mourning and Rodman (now 6'6")... Click Here

6'8" Mourning next to 6'10" Ewing and 7'1.25" Mutombo... Click Here

(Drum roll)... Here's proof positive, 100% 5" difference between Alonzo and Mutombo (both same distance from camera)... Click Here (6'11" David Robinson is leaning forward here, not perfect posture.)

The pic I already posted of Battier and Bosh shows that he's around 6'6.25", especially the ones w/ Mike Miller... and the pic of Gasol next to 7'1" Porzingis shows that he's around 6'11", not 7 feet, IMHO.

I don't see Ewing more than 6'10", here w/ 7'0" Shaq... Click Here

Ewing w/ 6'4.5" MJ... Click Here

As for Big Show, I honestly see him as 6'9" now... Click Here , Click Here

Check out Triple H w/ Dwight Howard (who grew to 6'10" from 6'9")... Click Here
Howard is 100% slouching and still 100% taller than Show.

It's important to note that HHH is not even 6'2" anymore; the dude's, like, 6'1.5", max.

Porzingis and Sabonis are both listed as 7'3"; they're both around 7'1"... Click Here

Porzingis and Phil Jackson (who's around 6'6" now)... Click Here
Canson said on 24/Nov/18
@Sotiris: I have Melo as 6’6 maybe 6’6.25 and Lebron as 6’6.5 maybe 6’7. Lebron is usually taller in pics by around 0.5-1”. Melo is an easy 6’6” barefoot
Canson said on 24/Nov/18
@Rising: I think for Carter that that’s either mid day or a low. I don’t think he would measure 6’5.5 other than within an hour after waking. He really never looks more than 6’5” to me at least. I notice with draft listing in the NBA there are no 1/8”. So if Carter were 6’5.25 or slightly over (even by a mm), they would give him 6’5.5. When Carter came in the league he was a 2/3 (swingman) and they didn’t know what he would end up playing. He played 3 in Toronto a lot early on. He may have been morning. For comparison tho midday should only be around maybe 1/8” more than evening. I just go with a low so like in my case I wake up 6’5-6’5 1/8 (195.7cm) and go down to 193.8 most days whereas a heavier day at the gym maybe 193.6-.7 (exactly 6’4.25). I used to claim 6’4.5 and use that for reference when comparing but now I would use 6’4.25 as my reference point if I meet anyone in person.

As for Dikembe I see 5” there too. With Haslem, we aren’t sure if that’s a morning height but even if not I see Haslem leaning noticeably with Mourning whereas Mourning stands straight in the pic. I could easily buy a 6’8 range Zo to be honest.

For Tmac: I remember they said one leg is longer than the other by a full inch. I agree he can look 6’6 and 6’7. If Ariza is a full 6’7” he may be close but also possible Ariza is only 6’6.5 and 6’7 morning. Although Ariza does look 6’7” often too
Vegas' said on 24/Nov/18
Lebron was measured an inch taller than Carmelo on the same day so he is the taller man. Also looked an inch taller at the ESPYs Click Here

Dave Meltzer said Khali was measured 7'0.5 at the Californian wrestling school he got his start in the 1990s..which happens to be not far from where Meltzer lives. Edge would have been taller than 6'2 flat when he was wrestling, he has lost height in recent years thanks to multiple neck surgeries, he is in bad shape physically, usually are when you have to retire on top at 37/38. He didn't look that much taller than Christian last time on Raw and he used to have almost 4 inches on him at peak.

Canson like I said I very much doubt Show is a short as 6'9 range today.

He completely dwarfs Cesaro on TV recently and Cesaro is no small guy. A 6'9 range Show would mean Kane is 6'5 range which again is unlikely as he edged out 6'6 Corbin in a faceoff at mania earlier this year.
Rising - 174 cm said on 23/Nov/18
@Sotiris: Mourning only looks 4" shorter than solid 7'1" Mutombo and I also doubt Ewing is just a flat 6'10". Not surprisingly, Ewing looks roughly 2" shorter than Mutombo. Mourning looking clearly taller than a still 6'9" minimum Bill Russell being awarded DPOY in 2000 and clearly taller than 6'8.75" measured Kenyon Martin in a full pic is enough for me to consider Mourning's 6'9.5" measurement may have been about right. Worst case, I'd say it was early and Mourning is maybe a weak 6'9" since I'll agree he looks more like 6'8.5" if Bosh is 6'10.25". Mourning looks much more 6'9" than 6'8" with 6'6.75" Udonis Haslem: Click Here Click Here

@Canson: I can't see less than 7'0" for Pau seeing him with Kobe, Bynum, Marc, Dirk, Odom etc. I'm not sure if Carter's 6'5.5" was particular early or not. Maybe he was only 6'5" midday, but maybe it's his slouch. T-Mac is similar. Sometimes looked 6'6" range, but other times as tall as a solid 6'7". Looked basically identical to Ariza, imo.
Canson said on 23/Nov/18
@Sotiris: he’s not taller than Jordan is. That’s because they aren’t standing evenly.

This pic they’re the same height both 6’4.5

Click Here
berta said on 23/Nov/18
its strange to think this guy is 5 cm shorter than at peak. when he is 60 years old he will be maybe 8-10 cm shorter in this rate.If he lives to 70 he will have lost 15 cm. COuld be a record here on celebheight. I think he may have been little shorter than 7 fett at peak but a fraction over in the morning
Sotiris Gravas said on 22/Nov/18
Here's the same pic I posted of LeBron et al., only I straightened it a tad:
Click Here (Carmelo and LeBron are very close in height.)

(If LeBron is 6'6.5", then Chandler does look around 6'11.5".)

Also, I posted this on Khali's page, but I'll include it here, seeing as this page is kind of a hub and gets more foot traffic... Compare the pic I already posted of Khali and then 6'2" Edge w/ 6-11" David Robinson and 6'2" Jo-Wilfried Tsonga Click Here

I think it shows that Robinson--who's slouching--is the taller man. Meaning there's no way Khali is taller than 6'11" in the pic w/ Edge.

Here's Tsonga w/ 6'4" Gael Monfils for height confirmation... Click Here ,
Click Here

Robinson and 6'11" Greg Oden are the same height... Click Here

Alonzo looking very 6'8" next to 6'10.25" Bosh... Click Here

Lastly, here's a recent pic of Alonzo (and Shaq), w/ Battier looking 6'6" to me:
Click Here

Here's Mike Miller and Battier... Click Here ,
Click Here (w/ Ray Allen)
6'4.75" Kobe and Ray Allen (around same height)... Click Here

Compare Miller w/ LeBron (who's not more than 6'6.5" barefoot)... Click Here Click Here , Click Here

Battier next to Chris Bosh (LeBron and Dwyane Wade)...Click Here

I'd be willing to give Battier 6'6.25". Nothing more.
Canson said on 22/Nov/18
I’ve been saying that Zo is 6’8” range for over a year and he is. He’s clearly 5” shorter than Mutombo and only about 3” taller than Larry Johnson. He doesn’t look any different with Shaq than 6’8” Jonathan Ogden does
Canson said on 22/Nov/18
I’ve been saying that Zo is 6’8” range for over a year and he is. He’s clearly 5” shorter than Mutombo and only about 3” taller than Larry Johnson
Canson said on 22/Nov/18
@Vegas: Show is still at least 6’9” range and could look 6’10 at times. 6’9.5 looks ok
Canson said on 22/Nov/18
@Sotiris: you aren’t wrong about Mourning. He is 6’8” range. That pre draft is his shoe measurement. For good measure compare him to Larry Johnson. LJ measures 6’5.5 at some point in the day I’m sure but in person he looks 6’5-6’5.5 range as opposed to 6’5.5-6’6 or even a legit 197. He’s 196 range
JT said on 22/Nov/18
Sotiris Gravas said on 19/Nov/18
Just throwing this out there... We all know that Andre had custom-made cowboy boots. Something that is overlooked perhaps is that Shaq also had custom-made sneaks. Check out the size of Shaq's heel... Click Here

It’s just the design of the shoe. Shaq’s soles when he was on the Celtics looked really small vs. soles on his shoes on other teams but he still looked tall on the Celtics and noticeably taller than 6'11"ish minimum Kevin Garnett Click Here
Vegas' said on 21/Nov/18
Like JT pointed out Battier is closer to the camera with Big Show because Battiers head would not be that big next to an acromegalic.

Here is another photo with Show and ~6'7 Udonis Haslem closer to the camera this time from a few months ago. And to think one or two here in recent months thought Show is Haslems height out of the gear..

Click Here
Canson said on 21/Nov/18
@Dan trojan: I can see that today. Shaq isn’t over 7’0” (some even say he’s upper 6’11 range as he called himself before) and he has at least 1.5” on Show a few years back. Also Show had Kevin Durant by an inch in their pic. I could still give him 6’10” today but Christian even pointed out that he could look 6’9.5 today.
Vegas' said on 21/Nov/18
Stoudemire was measured 6'8.5 barefoot if memory serves me correctly. Certainly doesn't look taller than that next to ~7'1 Shaq who isn't even standing at his tallest

Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 20/Nov/18
@Canson Here's an odd pic from the good ol' days where Barkley looks way taller than 6'4.5" MJ:
Click Here

I agree he often doesn't look more than 6'4.5" nowadays.

Magic doesn't look more than 6'7" in that pic, IMHO.
Sotiris Gravas said on 20/Nov/18
Here's 6'11.5" Tyson Chandler compared to LeBron... Click Here (6'9" Kevin Durant next to LeBron)

Compared to LeBron (slouching BIG-time) and Big Show... Click Here
Close-up... Click Here

P.S. LeBron (closer to camera) looks around the same height as 6'6.25" Carmelo Anthony in that pic.

Big Show is NOT more than 6'9" these days. Was never 7 feet. No one loses that much height that quickly. The guy's only my age, 46.
RoelC said on 20/Nov/18
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 18/Nov/18
Khali was described 6'11 7/8". If the article wanted to downgrade his height, they wouldn't have chosen something so specific like 6'11 7/8"

Which article ever described Khali at 6'11 7/8"?

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.