How tall is Brad Pitt - Page 15

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Average Guess (1435 Votes)
5ft 10.62in (179.4cm)
Josh said on 27/Jun/16
With 5'7.5 Jeremy Renner
He can't be taller than 5'8.5-5'9

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mrtguy said on 26/Jun/16
Brad Pitt to me doesn't look like a true 5'11'' guy barefoot
Dan said on 25/Jun/16
Keanu reeves is listed at 6-1. I'm sure he's lost an inch due to his bit bones and non muscular body so let's put him at 6-0. Regardless of what Allen is saying, look at all the pics of Pitt and Keanu and you'll see Pitt is taller with his boots and posture. Even if Pitt has 2" boots and a 1" insert, it's impossible or him to stand taller than Keanu if he were 5-8 or 5-9. Impossible. You CANNOT fit a lift bigger than 1.25" inside those guidi boots. They won't zip up. Also, if he were magically able to fit 2" inside the boots, it would be impossible for him to stand and walk for so long, and climbing up stairs without looking like a fool and possibly falling over. Guidi boots aren't elevator shoes. They're normal biker boots with lug soles.
Dan said on 25/Jun/16
Allen, stop lying. Pitt was taller than Keanu there. Whether it be from posture or footwear, Pitt was taller. And no, those shoes don't give you 2", and no, if you google guidi 788v, which you probably didn't, because you just want to give your opinion without evidence, you would've seen that those guidi boots wrinkle because of the leather and because of the zipper at the back.
Allen said on 25/Jun/16

The way his boots are wrinkled it means that definitely there are lifts inside. And those lifts are VERY thick.
richie said on 24/Jun/16
Pitt is a strong 5'11" and would probably stand close to 6' with shoes
hijopotamus said on 24/Jun/16
those shoes are close to 2 inches heel!
...and we dont know if lift or vibram sole inside.
What makes me laugh is why people insist comparing in such a difficult situation?? now its about aerial shots, looooool
Guys, just study pics with Paltrow or Aniston.
The guy is under 5'10" no doubt.
Tom Cruise can reach close to 5'10" and hes barely 5'7"
This is Hollywood, guys, all fake.
Dan said on 23/Jun/16
Those boots are guidi 788v model. Most possibly has an insert inside. Yea they're big, that's how he gets close to those six foot guys. 1.5-1.75 lift from the double soles.
Dmeyer said on 23/Jun/16
Those boots shouldnt give over 3,3-3,4cm 1,3-1,35in maybe 1,4-1,5in if thick insole
Allen said on 23/Jun/16
He was shorter than Keanu in the picture!
Allen said on 22/Jun/16

Those are real big boots for a guy 5'11 lol

I agree Heylo, He is an extremely good looking guy for his age, always was! Brad Pitt is always Brad Pitt! No matter how tall!
Dan said on 22/Jun/16
At the Le Mans racing event, pit was taller than Keanu reeves and Patrick demsey. Granted, he was wearing a guidi boot called 788v which have a double sole and heel which give about 1.5- 1.75" of advantage and maybe adding a 1-1.25" lift inside. Still couldn't explain how a guy 5-8 can look 6-0. He can't be any shorter than 5-10
Allen said on 22/Jun/16

Lol at his shoes look totally normal! LOL!!!

There's actually a difference between how tall people really are and how tall they look!
Parker said on 22/Jun/16
Johno said on 21/Jun/16
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I say the difference between Pitt and Beckham is around 1.5-inches, Beckham being the taller one.

I would say Beckham is taller than the person he's next to in the pics. I can't tell from those pics whether that's Brad Pitt.
Heylo said on 21/Jun/16
Some new photos:

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I don't know much about racing so I obviously don't these lads names.
Brad is looking really good for his age.
Dan said on 21/Jun/16
Lol the aerial shot isn't Brad Pitt. It's Jason Statham. Get your facts straight boys.
Dmeyer said on 21/Jun/16
Pitt oftenly looks 5ft 11,5 if hé was 5ft 10 hé Will need 2,5in shoes to reach 6ft 0,5in and look 5ft 11,5 to people to get 2,5in you need to have a heels and lifts of total 3,25-3,5in to get à real 2,5 in and Pitt never has that big of à shoe
Leteromo said on 21/Jun/16
near aniston he even looks 5'7!! its good to know how fooling those shoes and lifts are, I always had him at 5'11,6'0 but to look that small near a tiny woman!!!! george clooney is certainly taller than him if brad doesnt wear his magical lift shoes
Joey said on 21/Jun/16
Dan the point is a real 5'8 person can reach 5'11 with 3 inch lifts. If you can't reach it that way you are DEFINITELY shorter , same thing is for Brad pitt. that really makes sense why he always and everywhere uses those big shoes and lifts.
Dan said on 21/Jun/16
Joey, if I throw in a 1" lift inside my boots that have about an inch to 1.25" heel, how exactly am I going to reach 5-11 if I'm 5-8. Do the math buddy. Yes, I'm 5-8
Parker said on 21/Jun/16
Allen said on 21/Jun/16
that is 4 inches not 5 inches! Do the math

Hague 5'11 in his footwear is what I said and Pitt looks 2 inches taller (6'1)

Pitt at 5'8 would need 5 inches to get to 6'1. Hows your maths?
Johno said on 21/Jun/16
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I say the difference between Pitt and Beckham is around 1.5-inches, Beckham being the taller one.
Johno said on 21/Jun/16
From the aerial shots of Brad Pitt and David Beckham, Beckham looked to be the taller one when they were standing together.
Allen said on 21/Jun/16

that is 4 inches not 5 inches! Do the math
Dmeyer said on 21/Jun/16
When the angle is décent Pitt can look just 1in over Hague while Pitt has 1-1,3cm more shoes , Pitt usualy look anywere 179,5-180,5 ,
Dmeyer said on 21/Jun/16
My bad hé is only 52 so 1-2mm is likely
Dmeyer said on 21/Jun/16
0,5cm loss 0,2in is likely by now the Guy is mid 50s , many by this age drop 1-1,2cm , but hé is fit , i doubt hé lost less than 3-5mm , anyway it isnt noticable
Dmeyer said on 20/Jun/16
With whurz hé looks 180-1cm his shoes look totaly normal
Allen said on 20/Jun/16

We have discussed the Pitt-Hague case. So read older comments and donnot bring up older issues again
Allen said on 20/Jun/16
Dan you need to study more about Hollywood to find out hopefully what kind of a lie you are living in. Many have been wearing these stuff you just have to get out of your small world and let your brain understand new things. Some actors are confident about their height and they don't wear lifts. They are real 5'10-5'11-6'0 actors like Dicaprio, Bale, russell Crowe and many more. Let me teach you something. They make money using Pitt so they make him look taller than he is. And people like you turn on the TV and believe everything they feed you. That picture I posted proves his real height. For those looking for the reality. Others like you wanna live in a lie. So have fun.
Johan said on 20/Jun/16
To be honest it looks like Pitt is raising his eyelevel there and he has a 0.5 inch footwear advantage if normal shoes ofc. To me he looks 1.5 inches taller so if Hague is a legit 5'10" then Pitt being 5'11" isnt that crazy.

Still see him as being 5'10.5"-5'11", dont think he is over.
truth said on 20/Jun/16
@ Parker I doubt even that though mate - regarding Pitt's above average genetics, military posture and healthy lifestyle I strongly doubt he would see anything under 5'10 in his lifetime with shrinkage. He looks just like a guy that age has barely any effect on him!
B said on 19/Jun/16
Rob, how tall do you think Pitt hits before bed?
Editor Rob
there is a chance he is a fraction under 5ft 11, but how much? I wouldn't say half inch, but a small fraction may be possible at night.
Joey said on 19/Jun/16
Dan I'm afraid you are shorter than 5'8. You can't fool yourself. If you were 5'8 you could reach 5'11 with your boots and lifts inside. You are definitely shorter. Sorry
Parker said on 19/Jun/16
William Hague claims 5'11, but next to John Kerry and Tony Blair 'looks' 5'10 to me, but lets give him 5'11 in his footwear
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Pitt looking 2 inches taller, so a 5'8 Pitt would need to be gettin 5 inches from his footwear - laughing gas mate.

Believe and write what you want, we all have an opinion, but it will be 20 years before Rob lowers Pitt's height at the top of the page to below 5'10.
Allen said on 19/Jun/16
Dan I saw his picture with Keanu Reeves, Pitt is an inch shorter still!! You really don't have to lie! Really! No wonder how you see him at 5'10
Aaron Zamora said on 19/Jun/16
What do you think of the picture of Quentin next to Brad?
Editor Rob
generally I'd say there was a good 2 inches, but some photos he could look nearer 3 inches shorter, others less than 2.
300xb said on 19/Jun/16
c-mo the angle of the camera is rather low angled so this helps the two to look taller and he is closer to camera as you said so he still can look taller.. i dont suppose camera angle is bad here but it is still difficult to guess their heights like you people with certainty do.
Josh said on 19/Jun/16
nice photo Allen! time to downgrade brad pitt's height !!
Joey said on 19/Jun/16
Wow finally a picture that brad doesn't wear lifts ,, he looks short in normal shoes. I say he is lucky if he is 5'8 because jennifer aniston is
very small herself
Dan said on 19/Jun/16
You're insinuating that just because Brad Pitt is the most handsome male movie star, that the entire universe of Hollywood has been a prevy to a complete lie that barefoot, he is actually 3 inches shorter than his accepted height. In your world, every single actor wears 3 inch lifts all the time. Brad Pitt and Matt Damon jumped off a yacht together in 2004, and it was perfectly clear that Brad was about two inches taller than Damon. So you're saying Damon is 5-6? Statham is also 5-6?
TJE said on 19/Jun/16
Let's be real Allen, Brad has not grown a single mm since he came out of the womb.

Dan said on 19/Jun/16
Get this through you head. Brad Pitt does have stubby thick calves. But his hip to knee ratio is very long. There are all kinds of body types. His knee to ankle ratio isn't long. He has thick inner calves, but his hip to knee ( quads and hamstrings are rather long and slender. He is in no way considered a tall man, but he is not short. Brad Pitt is not short!!! He is an average height for a white Midwesterner. 5-10 and with his great core muscles and slim physique, he gives off the impression of a taller guy because a strong core, lean lower back and incredibly strong abs makes him stand straight like a board. It's not that he's forcing it, it's that that is how his body is. Anyone who's seen fight club would know that.
Dan said on 19/Jun/16
Allen, you're just a super troll. You know nothing about fashion, know nothing about the close or shoes Pitt wears and here you are estimating Pitt to be 5-8. Pitt is currently wearing boots by guidi which have a lug sole that gives approximately 1.5 - 1.75 of lift. Yesterday he was standing next to Keanu reeves and edged them both out by about an inch. Given that Keanu has horrible posture because he's a tall guy and the bones take a beating after a while when you age if you don't have adequate muscle. Even if Pitt was wearing an inch lift inside his boots, how in the hell do you explain him being as tall or an inch taller than Keanu, even with Pitt's perfect posture if he were 5-8? He was wearing slip tapered jeans which would've perfect given him away if he was wearing an extra 4 inches of secret insert lift. You're a troll who knows nothing. Pitt would've been exposed for being a 4 inch lift wearer years ago. He would've never worn moccasins like he has. 5-8? You're ridiculous. Pitt is a white man from the mid west. Those guys are average 5-10. Average. I'm a 5-8 Latino who owns several of the same shoes and boots Pitt has owned. I own the Cole haan g series boots he had in 2007. I own the same exact vans wool alomar he wore in 2011. I own the same palladium baggy boots he wore in 2014. I own the same exact merrell spirit moc he wore in 2006. Even when I've thrown lifts inside my boots, I've still never ever hit 5-11 or 6-0. When I've gone to events and thrown lifts in my Cole haan boots, I become taller yes. Taller for a Latino. Not as tall as a white man movie star. Pitt is definitely 5-10 or maybe a half inch shorter. Nothing less. You're probably one of those people who thinks everything is a conspiracy. It's not. Not always. You live in a world where you believe Brad Pitt is 5-8 and has every shoe he has ever worn custom made to make him look 6-0. So basically you're saying that when Brad Pitt was in inglorious basterds and was about 3 inches taller than everyone in the movie, he was wearing 6 inch elevator shoes. Sure buddy. Keep dreaming.
Allen said on 18/Jun/16

He's 5'8 without the lifts Mr. Parker. There's actually a difference when celebrities are barefoot or they are wearing thick lifts. When they wear lifts they become taller. And Pitt is not barefoot next to Jonah Hill who we don't know exactly how tall he is. In those pictures and many other pictures that you see, he's wearing those special shoes.
jasperwazup said on 18/Jun/16
Jonah Hill is 5'5'' barefoot.Pitt's small forehead tilted up gives a false height estimate. He's 4.5'' on hill so 5'9.5''-5'10'' with normal dress shoes. 5'9'' at end of day barefoot I'm afraid.
Allen said on 18/Jun/16

Calm down. You need not analyze the character of commentors here. We don't do that anymore.
The angle of this picture is excellent! If it shortens Pitt which is your illusion it also shortens Jen. So the angle affects both. There's another photo of the same event but Jen is resting her head on Pitt's shoulder, so she seems shorter and this one is a better picture. Also Pitt has shoe advantage in this picture. This proves Pitt to be 5'8 tops. Without his big shoes and lifts he is 5'8. And this is the solid proof for this claim.
guk said on 18/Jun/16
There are quite a few pictures of him with 185cm Alexander Wurz. In the pictures he looks no worse than 180cm. In many of them he's wearing flat racing shoes (unless he had special ones made)
c-mo said on 18/Jun/16
Allen said on 15/Jun/16
Again this is how I prove Pitt to be 5'8 tops.

Click Here


this pic doesnt prove anything . far distance , both are walking (if you want to compare heights both should be standing erected) , the ankle (it is taken from the side and not horizontal) , pitt is walking in front of aniston and therefore is closer to the camera etc etc

5'8 is a joke for pitt . guys like you seem very complexed to me and you seem as if you try to make men like pitt shorter with all force just to be happier about yourself but as I said 5'8 is ridiculous . give it up people ....anything less than 177-178cm is complete nonsense . 180-181cm he is
Allen said on 18/Jun/16

LOL! Yeah! Then Jen Aniston is 5'8! LOL
Parker said on 18/Jun/16
You only have to look at Pitt standing next to 5'6 Jonah Hill at the top of the page to see how ludicrous a 5'8 estimate is for Pitt

Unfortunately this thread is getting rather silly.
jasperwazup said on 17/Jun/16
Arsenio hall interviewed Anna Nicole back in 92' and asked what her type of guy was. She answered comboys and mentioned particularly Brad Pitt. To which Arsenio replyed after comparing his abnormally long hands to annas pretty long ones, so you like such a wee

this indicates Arsenio whose 5'10.5'' at least barefoot either ran into little brad in the early
90's before he dated aniston. Which means since arsenio is not a massive guy himself pitt is 5'9.25''-5'9.5'' at best.
Allen said on 17/Jun/16
Yeah Johno, that makes Pitt to be 5'8 tops.
hijopotamus said on 17/Jun/16
Rob, Claudia Schiffer site has a pic of herself in heels not taller than Luke Perry who is 5'9....
Can anyone explain this??
So that adds some more light to the Brad case, I guess...
Editor Rob
there's also photos like This showing her taller in similar heels.
Allen said on 17/Jun/16

Don't know if Downey Jr gets picked on because he's a new Tom Cruise for the people.
But Pitt looks nothing more than 5'8 in that photo near Aniston. Take a good look at the picture.
gian92 said on 17/Jun/16
Brad Pitt 5'8 ?? Are you serious?? In that case Downey jr is 5'2 ?? Camon guys
Alxr37 said on 16/Jun/16
He looks 5'10 in that picture
Johno said on 16/Jun/16
Well from that angle Allen, Pitt looks to have 3.5-4 inches on Aniston.
hijopotamus said on 16/Jun/16
Pppfffff, seriously, anyone can still claim 5'10 for Pitt after watching that pic with Aniston??
Allen said on 15/Jun/16
Again this is how I prove Pitt to be 5'8 tops.

Click Here
Allen said on 15/Jun/16
Yes if you compare people with different sizes it is obvious that taller ones have longer legs. At 6'3.5 I have always perceived 5'11 guys as short even though they really are not. It's the matter of sizes but still I have seen many people my height with longer torso, still they have long legs.
hijopotamus said on 15/Jun/16
the Slave, true...he SEEMS to be 5'10 ish.
...BUT barefoot he doesnt SEEM to be that height, right?

People, once again, what is more reliable?
a- barefoot pics beside another barefoot person
b- pics wearing shoes we dont know exact heel and dont know the size of the heel beside someone weraring different shoes and who knows what inside of them?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Jun/16
I see a strong 6ft/weak 6ft1 on the far right
Dan said on 14/Jun/16
I can't believe you Allen lol
Heylo said on 14/Jun/16
Brad is on the "shorter legs, longer torso" side(even though IMO it's nothing extreme). That's usually seen as the more "masculine" anyway even though some studies suggests that slightly longer legs in both genders seems to be the easiest on the eyes, thus more attractive. But a man with a long torso and wide shoulders will often look more dominant and masculine than a man with a short upper body. Brad in boots, small lifts and a tucked in shirt (first photo here on the page) is a perfect look for him because it makes his body look very proportional. Brad does seem to know this, he is rarely seen with long shirts, it makes his legs look short. Many people have this body type but if you look around your local mall you will notice that most people don't really know about their body types, they wear whatever they like (which is fine, I'm not judging) but this can look disproportionate and are automatically making you less attractive.

And Allen. I'm sorry for being disrespectful sometimes when I'm writing something(like in my last post). We're just looking at things from different perspectives. Most people here don't think that he looks 5'8 with Paltrow, that's just the way it is. If you think he is 5'8, it's fine. This is really trivial stuff that we are discussing, I feel like I'm overreacting like hell calling you stupid and ****, it's not like we're discussing politics.
Allen said on 13/Jun/16

Then you don't know exactly who Brad Pitt is! You have any idea how much this company gives to Pitt for wearing them?! And you think they won't make a costume for him! I can't believe you people!!!
Pierre said on 13/Jun/16
Curious shoes in picture next to Quentin Tarentino.QuentinTarentino has horizontal shoes and Brad has vertical shoes just after the toes
Original said on 11/Jun/16
I'm 5'9 and he looks taller than me in proportion... he is IMO about 5'9.5-75, perhaps 5'10 out of bed, and of course lifts... 1.5/2 inches, gives the 5'11.5/6' impression.
truth said on 11/Jun/16
Quentin at 185-186 cm and Brad at 178-179cm would be pretty sensible. He can look anywhere from 2 to 3 inches shorter than him though.
Dan said on 10/Jun/16
Allen, what are you talking about they'r not ordinary vans? Lol you think vans makes special sneakers for Brad Pitt? He's wearing the old surf vans called Half Crepe, he's wearing the sk8 hi vans, he's wearing vans cojo, he's wearing vans alomar, he's wearing vans raglan, he's wearing vans half cab... You think vans has customizEd all these different models for him? Common man...

Click Here

Here he is in 2009 wearing vans half crepe mid top slip on's. He doesn't look 5-8 here. I know his fashion really well, and I am pretty positive he wears some kind of custom lifts that go inside his socks. Which is why he didn't take his socks off when he jumped off that yacht with Matt Damon. Also explains why he doesn't lose too much height when he's taken his boots off at the airport.
CS said on 10/Jun/16
an anonymous peach said on 9/Jun/16
Looking about 3 inches shorter than 6'1" Quentin Tarantino in this pic

Click Here


That's more like 2 inches from what I can see. Also Quentin Tarantino is a little bit closer to the camera giving Brad's height there more validity (because he's a smidge farther away but still manages to pull off 5'11 range). The guy really can't be under 5'10.5. Any other photos that people pull up to prove he's shorter are just bad photos to judge. For every photo where it's somehow debatable that Brad is under 5'10.5, there are AT LEAST two other photos out there that prove he's at least 5'10.5 That is a cold hard fact.
Allen said on 10/Jun/16

6'5 with SHORT LEGS?!!!!!!
Now I know that you are a troll!
Why would I waste my time convincing you!
Go back to school and ask your teachers to teach you where human's growth plates are located at. You will hopefully learn that which parts of human body are most effected by growth hormones in their puberty. Get some education before making such a troll of yourself!
the Slav said on 10/Jun/16
Pitt seems like a dude who holds around 5'10.75 or slightly above at night time. Listing is fine
hijopotamus said on 10/Jun/16
why some people keep complicating things comparing people they dont really know their real height besides dont know how the SIZE of the lift they wear??? Guys, just take the Paltrow and Aniston Pics which are the only ones reliable and discuss them!
Allen said on 9/Jun/16
Click Here

If you still think he's 5'10 then you're gonna have to meet more human beings. Or try upgrading Aniston to 5'7.
Allen said on 9/Jun/16

He has never looked 5'11 in vans. The explanation is that they are no ordinary vans that everyday people wear.
an anonymous peach said on 9/Jun/16
Looking about 3 inches shorter than 6'1" Quentin Tarantino in this pic

Click Here
Johan said on 9/Jun/16
Heylo said on 5/Jun/16
This is an interesting photo: Click Here
5'10 Kevin Bacon and 5'11 George Clooney. Brad doesn't have big shoes at all, not even heels, of course he could have a small lift inside his sneakers but not anything big (waiting for Allen to claim that he has huge stilts in his sneakers lol).
Brad Pitt is perhaps somewhat closer to the camera which gives him a very slight edge. Kevin Bacon does have shoe advantage but still look about 1-2cm shorter.

I'm not sure of Clooney and his footwear but they could give more than Pitt's. Anyway, they're basically the same height here. He looks very strong 5'10-weak 5'11ish.

Yeah I used those before from that event to prove that Clooney isn't under 5'10" on his page.

There are some other pics from that same event where Pitt and Clooney are eye to eye. Its what made me think Brad is 5ft 10.5. I don't think he has dodgy footwear at all there. Other red carpet pics show him comfortably an inch taller than George.
Pierre said on 9/Jun/16
around 5"9' in the picture next to Jennifer Aniston and this time you can see the difference of the ankle's height,and you can see that even in very classic basket shoes it's possible to have a good lift.
Dan said on 8/Jun/16
You're still failing to prove how a 5-8 guy can look 5-11 in vans sneakers or look 6-0 in regular motorcycle boots. Explain that please? He's wearing 2.5 inch lifts inside his shoes? How could he pull the boots up? How could he zip them? How could he walk? Please explain.
Heylo said on 8/Jun/16
Allen, You're deluded. A man can be 6'5 and still have short legs. If you deny this fact, then all of your arguments can be tossed in the trash.
Johan said on 8/Jun/16

It looks like they are out having a drink celebrating the release of the movie. Cruise and Pitt aren't alone. Banderas is listed in the 5'8" range here and so is Slater. Cruise looks to edge them out which is impossible without lifts. So yes Tom is in big footwear with a lift. Not surprising as it is common knowledge that he did wear them for that movie to get close to Pitt in height.

Now granted Brad maybe was wearing boots etc, however the other pic shows that he is taller recently in comparison to Cruise. Im convinced that Brad does use lifts on occassion which is why Cruise ( wedged to the max) is even smaller. Cruise aside though you have to admit that Pitt is inches taller than Banderas.
truth said on 7/Jun/16
Yes she is only 5'7" - Just LOL.

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kevin said on 6/Jun/16
saw interview with a vampire again and its funny cause there was a scene in the beginning where cruise and pitt walk side by side and r the same height xD pity it wasn a full body shot but i would love to see toms shoes in that scene, or maybe they dug a trench
Allen said on 6/Jun/16

he doesn't look smaller. Brad is closer to the camera. They are the same height.
Allen said on 6/Jun/16

I didn't take those photos to choose angles I like. Haha. There are other photos in that same event and Pitt is the same height as his co-stars.

You speak about Pitt like he's any other ordinary guy out there buying his shoes from the store next door. You've been denying human anatomy logics throughout commenting about Pitt to be the height you like him to be. Let me educate you a little. When someone has short legs it means that the person is short. A person's tall or short stature is determined by the length of their legs. And whenever he wears sneakers and vans they are not any ordinary shoes that you or other commentors here purchase.
Allen said on 6/Jun/16

I knew this was what you were going to come up with. These are not behind the scene pictures that you say Cruise is wearing lifts and Brad is not. You were not inside their shoes at the time to know wether they have used lifts or not. Lifts were used back in John Wayne's time and even in older times. And Brad's lifts grew year by year.
Johno said on 6/Jun/16
With Paltrow and Jen; i must admit Pitt does look comfortably sub-5'10 and looks about a weak-5'9 but i did always stress, "5'10 max," so there was always some healthy doubt there.

Perhaps a weak-5'10 might do?
Dan said on 6/Jun/16
If Paltrow were 5-7, how do you explain her being so close to Ben affleck when they were together? Even if she wore 3" heels, every single time they were together, it still wouldn't explain their height difference. She's 5-9.
Dan said on 6/Jun/16
Please don't bring RDJ into this. The guy wears 3-4 inch elevator shoes everywhere he goes. Like real elevator shoes, not lifts. He is the definition of " funny shoes ". Pitt wears designer boots and shoes and vans sneakers. I worked as background the house of lies one day and saw Cheadle walk past me several times. In normal 1" heeled dress shoes, he's about 5-8.5 or 5-9. Small body. Small guy, but with dress shoes he was still about 5-9. Doesn't change the fact that he still looked small. Pitt on the other hand can be walking around in shorts and vans chukka slip on surf shoes and still look about 5-11. Case closed. Oh and yea, no Paltrow has been downgraded 2" from her listed height. Let's just downgrade all celebrities
Johan said on 6/Jun/16
Thing is with those old shots. Pitt wasn't using lifts back then as you see with a more uptodate shot where he is more than 2 inches taller than Cruise.

On the other hand cruise was using lifts certainly when filming Interview with the Vampire and he does look almost 5'9" there. He is around the same height as Banderas and Slater who are solid 5'8" guys.

If you take Antonio there in the second pic he does look a good 2 inches smaller than Pitt so he isn't under 5'10".
Mat said on 5/Jun/16
Rob, look a this, here Claudia stands better, yet she still has poor stance, she probably doesn't want to be seen as taller than the others. Click Here

I feel like she would be only 1-2 cm under Brad Pitt if she stood properly. and he probably has over an inch of footwear advantage on her.
Editor Rob
she might have 1cm less posture and a good half inch less footwear, although some of these thin looking shoes women wear I've noticed some have a 1/4 inch insole so aren't quite as thin as they appear.
Dan said on 5/Jun/16
Google brad pitt christian slater and you'll find a ton of images showing Pitt is like two to three inches taller than slater more than you'll see they're close in height
Dan said on 5/Jun/16
Allen, those pictures only prove that slater banderas and cruise all use lifts and that Pitt was standing on unleveled ground. There are other pics from that premiere and pics from the true romance premiere this show Pitt has like three inches on slater. If you think that picture accurately depicts Pitt's height comparison to these other guys than I'm sorry to tell you, you're the one who's been duped.
Allen said on 5/Jun/16

You can't instruct me how to deliver my oppinions. If you take a look at my first comments you will notice that I never called anyone anything but I was insulted by the ones who were of the "Brad is 5'10 club"! And they don't seem to me anything but Bradders. If I were them I was gonna spend this much of effort proving Brad's career to be glorious not his height. And I believe Pitt's career is amazing. Anyway I never meant to actually insult people and I don't assume calling people Bradder is an insult! If you don't like it I won't call you that but also people have to learn some manners.
The thing is that Paltrow is not 5'9. Yes she has a horrible posture but still isn't 5'9. She's more like 5'7-5'7.5. And there is only one way for us to believe that Brad is 180-178 cm and that is to ignore Paltrow-Pitt photo. Brad seemed to grow taller in his career but it was not his height but his image that grew over time. The height difference between Pitt and Don Cheadle is the same length as between Robert Downey Jr and Cheadle. And the funny thing's that Robert Downey Jr. is taller than Orlando Bloom the same way Pitt towered Bloom. And they both use lifts.
Heylo said on 5/Jun/16
This is an interesting photo: Click Here
5'10 Kevin Bacon and 5'11 George Clooney. Brad doesn't have big shoes at all, not even heels, of course he could have a small lift inside his sneakers but not anything big (waiting for Allen to claim that he has huge stilts in his sneakers lol).
Brad Pitt is perhaps somewhat closer to the camera which gives him a very slight edge. Kevin Bacon does have shoe advantage but still look about 1-2cm shorter.

I'm not sure of Clooney and his footwear but they could give more than Pitt's. Anyway, they're basically the same height here. He looks very strong 5'10-weak 5'11ish.
Heylo said on 5/Jun/16
Allen, you choose favourable angles for you own advantages. Anyone can do that.
Dan said on 4/Jun/16
Allen you're really going overboard here and you sound ridiculous. As I recall, you were the one who originally started poking at people calling them Bradders and saying we're all Pitt lovers because we think he's 5-10. You also said we're all being fooled by the media and celebs insinuating we're naive fools or something. Keep your opinions to yourself. State your case, give your evidence and move on. No need to insult or belittle anyone with a difference in opinion. It's absurd to name call or assume things about people because they disagree with you. I too believe it is possible for Pitt to be a short as 5-9.5 but I believe he's more 5-10. When I say there's no way on earth he could ever be 5-8 or 5-8.5, it's my opinion. I'm not being fooled by anyone. If you can provide any evidence that Pitt is 5-8 or even 5-8.5 than do it. I doubt you can. I seriously believe Paltrow 5-9, not 5-8. She just horrible posture. I saw aniston in person at the Egyptian theater and she wasn't very short for a women. She was petite and not tall, but she wasn't tiny. Angelina I believe is about 5-6. No shorter.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Jun/16
Rob, is 5ft10 flat possible or is that too low?
Editor Rob
I've just not seen evidence for that height, most of it for me points higher.
hijopotamus said on 4/Jun/16
Heylo, face the facts, dude!
Allen said on 4/Jun/16
Click Here

Click Here

Well these pictures are downgrading Pitt once again. Proving he's nowhere around 5'10!
Allen said on 4/Jun/16

Exactly. She has a bad posture and she's slouching just like Aniston. But Pitt is very cautious about his posture.
Pierre said on 3/Jun/16
You lose easily 1 inch in jennifer posture,she has her head a little inclined too because all his body is relaxed.Brad has just his head a little relaxed.Jennifer has the most disadvantageous posture imo(and i don't speak about the height of their ankles).
Pierre said on 3/Jun/16
You can lift your whole body with your other leg if you 're not in relax posture.But she has a hyper relax posture(and his second knee is not right).
Allen said on 3/Jun/16
Heylo dear, then bending the head downwards decreases Pitt's height an inch? And Paltrows bended knee does not affect her height huh? Oh look at our Logical and Rational chap of the group!
Allen said on 3/Jun/16
Is this 175 cm guy threatening me? Or it is just his bad English? Well give me your email and I will give you my full name and address. I'm waiting. Most of you are tough while typing and when it comes to the real world I know what kind of cry babies you are.
He once in a while reports everything to the editor of this website Rob like he's calling his mom for help and still thinks that these cries will make Pitt 5'10.
Heylo said on 3/Jun/16
Hijop: I mean standing straight, I know technically that the actual spine is not straight. Bending a knee doesn't alter your actual height at that moment because you can LIFT YOUR WHOLE BODY WITH YOUR OTHER LEG. I hope you understand what I mean mr.
Heylo said on 3/Jun/16
You're right, I'm Brad Pitt and I'm 5'8 inches tall but wears stilts that makes me look 6ft. I use the stilts in all of my shoes, so far no one but a guy named Allen noticed it, I feel so ashamed.
Pierre said on 3/Jun/16
Tom is probably never 5"8.5' barefoot because he would look around 5"10' or 5"11' in elevator shoes,i never have seen Tom as tall as 5"10' or 5"11' in good shoes.He's around 5"7' barefoot imo ,just under(168/169)and around 5"9' with good shoes.Nice man(Brad Pitt too)
Johan said on 3/Jun/16
Those are interesting pics with cruise. In one he is 2.5 inches taller when he is older and most likely in bigger shoes. In the other he is only 2 inches taller.

Now taking Tom he can look 5'9" to me at times because of lifts but even his ex wife- 5'10.5" Kidman thought Tom was 2 inches smaller.

So if we go with Tom pulling off 5'8.5" to people then Pitt is a solid 2 inches taller. Which again brings us back to somewhere 5'10.5"-5'11".
Allen said on 3/Jun/16

Heylo I think it's useless for us to continue this way. You can ask a sane doctor about why they urge people not to bend their knees. Because their posture and spine will be damaged. So it is affecting Paltrow's posture and her height in that photo. And Tom Cruise has never been 5'8. Who said so? And those years Cruise was not wearing lifts. I think we would better stick to those photos wherein Pitt is not wearing lifts. Anyway you said his height is around 5'10 and that is a little bit of exaggeration to me.
Allen said on 3/Jun/16

I wouldn't be shocked if Heylo is Brad Pitt himself commenting here trying to prove his desperate case! So...
Sam said on 3/Jun/16
5'11 is definatley top end of the range for, much like 5'10 is probably the low end.
hijopotamus said on 3/Jun/16
Heylo, bending a knee does not effect your overall height if your spine is straight??? whaaat??
BTW, maybe Tom is not 5'8" and he really is 5'6ish and maybe Norton is just 5'11"...a real one!
Saqib said on 2/Jun/16
Can you imagine how brad would react if he read this page? :)
Heylo said on 2/Jun/16
I don't love Brad Pitt mr Allen, I don't know the guy, I'm just being rational. If all you said about Brad was true, then Tom Cruise would reach the same height as Brad and look the same height.
Brad is tilting his head on the photos with Paltrow. And Paltrow's knee bending doesn't effect her overall heigth because her other leg and her spine is completely straight. See? I'm using some simple logic, try to pose in the same way and you will see that you're height is not affected more than a small shade at best.
If Brad constantly had lifts which gave him 4 inches, then he wouldn't be able to run properly. He has indeed used lifts in his movies, but it's mostly small lifts to make him look like a 6ft person. He had somewhat chunkier footwear than Norton (but still far from anything extreme) in Fight Club and managed to look about his height. Brad has on premieres with obvious lifts looked taller than 6ft Norton, that's impressive and totally unrealistic if he really were 5'8 barefoot.
You keep talking about his legs, like they could magically determine his height. Ever heard about the extreme differences in proportions we human can have in relation to one another?
Sit next to a person at your height and you will see differences in leg proportions. Leg proportions can rarely give off exact numbers like you're trying to imply.
Brad looked noticeably taller than Tom Cruise in Interview with a vampire, they can't get in 10cm in those shoes that they have lol, probably a smaller one though. Your logic doesn't make sense because if they both used 10cm lifts, then they would have been at the same height, wouldn't they?

But Yeah Allen I agree with you, Brad and Tom Cruise are both 5'8..:

Click Here
Click Here

Brad can absolutely be shorter than 5'11 but you're exaggerating.
hijopotamus said on 2/Jun/16
Those pics with Paltrow and Aniston leave no doubt.
Brad is shorter than what we most thought. I gave him the 5'9" mark not too long ago and some of you guys said I was trolling.
Allen said on 1/Jun/16
@175 cm

And you really need to learn a little bit of English before you type anything. You'd better avoid commenting to be truthful.
Allen said on 1/Jun/16

The problem is that the majority or we'd better say flock of sheeps are the ones thinking that they are right and all they say is brainy. Well the same case is happening here. You see a picture as bright as day light and you can't even change your mind downgrading the bloke for 1 cm. A picture that if I had shown to a person who was not as bias as most commentors of Pitt's page they were going to admit the truth. I never disrespected anybody here. None until you did. I agree with you that it is a losing battle. Because if the majority were wise enough they were not going to believe Pitt's height being 5'11. Fighting ignorance is the hardest task.
Allen said on 1/Jun/16
@175 cm

I am the one wasting my time making some people of the lowest intelligent on the internet face the reality. You Mr. 175 cm know nothing. You know nothing of Hollywood tricks. You know nothing of the media. You know nothing of the celebrities faking everything. You're one of those ignorants who will settle their case by taunting others.
Pierre said on 1/Jun/16
my analysis picture Brad /Jennifer:Jennifer is listed 5"4.75'( in this site some people are writing they have seen Jennifer and they give her 5"3' ).Let's suppose she's 5"4.75'.Brad's head is a little inclined.Jennifer has a more relaxed posture(knees...), her head seem a little inclined.Let's suppose they lose the same height.Now look at the height of their ankles:with this shoes i see around +4cm benefit for Brad.Let's suppose 3 cm.So Brad without his benefit:Jennifer's eye is face to face with Brad's chin(excuse my english i'm french).So the difference is around 11cm .If Jennifer is 5"4.75'(164) Brad is around 5"9'(175)imo.
Allen said on 1/Jun/16
Is that how you guys passed in school? That ain't no 5 inches. At least you have more sense than the previous posters not mentioning 6 inches. Anyway that's 4 inches while the guy is wearing sneakers. Look at Pitt's legs. They are somehow the same length as Aniston's. That means he can never be 5'10. That's the stature of a 5'8 guy.
No one here mentioned anything other than Pitt's height, so if you find some websites in which Pitt is hated that doesn't mean that the same thing is happening here. Stop accusing people like a 4 year old.
Dan said on 31/May/16
Allen is just another troll. Saying Pitt wears bigger lifts than Cruise is just absurd when you can actually see Tom Cruise has legit elevator shoes on. The guy went from being and inch and a half shorter than Katie Holmes in heels to an inch taller than her in heels. When has Pitt ever done that with his ladies. There is no way in hell that you'll ever convince a majority of people that Pitt is 5-9 or under. It's a losing battle, so just give up right now or beat yourself up forever. You say you feel sorry for us, but you're th pitiful one going crazy on her saying Pitt is a liar and that the he and the media have fooled us. Get over it. Pitt will always be considered a guy 5-10 or above. You keep saying he's wearing monster lifts, but you fail to accept the fact that you cannot fit " monster lifts " into all shoes like his guidi boots and his vans sneakers. They just won't fit and you don't wanna accept that. So if he is wearing a 1.5" lift inside his vans sneakers, that still wouldn't explain why he still appears a legit 5-11 person with the body structure of an average or taller than average guy. He has never ever appeared short. Never.
Saqib said on 31/May/16
No rob i was talking about the audition listing.
If pitt put himself at 5'10 on an audition what makes you think hes 5'11?
Editor Rob
I don't know how reliable the info on the audition thing was...but the 5ft 11 was in one of those teen mags where they ask the actor to fill in details, and it was clear Pitt gave 5ft 11 in his early 20's.
CS said on 31/May/16
@Saqib lol
Johan said on 31/May/16 is that proof guys that he is under 5'10" ? Aniston is under his eyelevel so there is at least 5 inches between them. The lowest you could argue is 177cm if you count her hair. I think 179cm is again a good shout.
Saqib said on 31/May/16
Yeah femalefirst site speaking of which, i dont get why they hate pitt and angelina so much. I mean they have a whole separate section on that forums to discuss pitt and angelina in a negative manner.
Allen said on 30/May/16
So as it appears there's another site that has found out the truth about his height. Thank you for informing guys. Yeah a 5'10 guy could never be mocked for his height unless he's being shorter because he's lying about his height.
Allen said on 30/May/16
Heylo does downgrading an actor's height mean that you hate him? You are the one who's been deluded by the media to believe that Pitt is 5'10. And it is sad and pitiful. I feel sorry for you guys. And no I'm not from any site that you're accusing me to be! You guys look like the one's being paid to spread out lies about a short actor's height. Why no one has these discussions about actors who don't wear lifts? The answer is as short as Pitt's height.
Allen said on 30/May/16

1. Tom Cruise reaches 5'10 and even an inch more with his shoes so it is easy for a guy to reach 6'0 when he is 5'8.
2. In the picture you posted Brad Pitt has ground advantage. In another photo he is the same exact height as her. Considering Pitt is bulkier than her so he may look taller to you by 1 cm. But still that is not that observant.
3. Let me inform you that many short people also do that. There are 10 cm lifts out there. Can you calculate how much taller a 5'8 guy could be? regardless of the outer heels. You who claim to have a lot of knowledge about lifts and all the other Cruise haters out there with this logic of yours must believe Tom Cruise to be 5'8.5-5'9. But you guys keep hating on Tom Cruise and whenever someone downgrades a short actor like Pitt you are there backing the actor hours and hours typing foolishness.
4. Keep being afraid of Pitt-Aniston photo that it has revealed Pitt's real height. Pitt has never looked even close to 5'10 without his lifts.
5. All you have is love for Pitt. You neither have logic nor intellect. Love ain't gonna make people taller Heylo. Did you know that? If you love him so much cut off your bones and denote some to Pitt. So he can be a little taller.
Elias said on 30/May/16
very very close to 6ft Edward Norton and 6ft 0.25 Ryan Gosling, He must be in the 182 - 183 cm range.
Saqib said on 30/May/16

I really cant focus on either one's height in that pic. XD
Allen said on 30/May/16
Consider that Brad is using lifts in that photo but Affleck is tall enough that he doesn't need them.
Allen said on 30/May/16

Let me tell you how he looks taller than 5'8-5'9 guys. There's something that makes him taller than them. You know what that is? LIFTS. And not any ordinary lift. Lifts that look like boxes. Even Tom Cruise doesn't have such lifts! Poor Tom got all the scandal attached to himseld though he was honest about his height for a long time. You think Brad stands without his lifts and massive shoes beside 5'9-5'10 guys? That is why he can't be anywhere near 5'10. If Brad Pitt is 178 cm then Aniston has to be downgraded to 150-155 cm. Pitt is ridiculously short beside her. That's why he ain't anything taller than 5'8.
MJKoP said on 29/May/16
Allen: Yeah, just ignore him standing next to 5'11.25" Claudia Schiffer above...I bet he's wearing stilts underneath those pants. Or they used a computer to make him look taller and in the original pic he only came up to her chin. AND Jonah Hill is in the 5'3" range....right?
Heylo said on 28/May/16
Dan, Yes, I also think that Allen is from the Female First site. These people are driven by hate and hate overshadow all rationality.
Heylo said on 28/May/16
You also forget Allen that our bodies looks very different in proportions. There are a lot of people who has shorter legs at a height where the average leg length is longer. Your arguments has no intellectual depth at all, you're deluded.
Heylo said on 28/May/16
How can you be so irrational Allen, if he was 5'8 he wouldn't reach 6ft + so easily. The photo with Aniston is not proving anything because Brad is leaning in on her, not even having a completely straight head.
It's about logic, pure logic. You can't go from 5'8 to 6ft+ in shoes and look natural.

Here is Brad Pitt leaning down to kiss Paltrow, they're both naked and standing on flat ground.
Click Here
It's so obvious that Brad was about an inch taller than Paltrow.
If Brad here was standing straight he would look around 5'10. Look at the photo, analyse it objectively and use your imagination. Brad is at least 177cm. You're way of speaking about Brad's elevator shoes shows that you're a hater wanting him to be shorter than he is. Brad is of average or upper average height for his generation.

Name one celebrity that is 5'8 but claimed 6ft? Name one who could even pull it off?
How do you Allen, explain that Brad can shoot up like magic to 6ft from 5'8 while Cruise can't be taller than 5'10 in his super special made shoes?
You can't explain that with logic and therefor, our rational conclusion is that he can't be that short. You have no knowledge about lifts, if Brad could make him look 6ft at 5'8 so easily, then many short people would spend money to do that.
MarcusTheSwede said on 28/May/16
Thanks so much for that picture Johan. This proofs Brad isnt 180cm he is just couple of centimeters taller Then Aniston. Finally good picture. He usually Wears thick sole shoes and its just so obvious seeing him next to Christian Bale and lots of taller guys that he Then Towers with his shoes lifts insoles he Wears them. This is a a very good picture. No more Then 175cm for Brad def needs downgrade.
Mat said on 27/May/16
Rob doesn't he have an agency listed height?
Editor Rob
I've never seen it. The days of Pitt needing an actor's resume might be long gone.
truth said on 27/May/16
@ Allen He never did claim to be 5ft8/173cm and he has always looked taller than legit 5ft8-9 guys. The lowest he put his height was 5ft10/178cm on his resume and then after he became famous he changed it to 5ft11/180cm. That is why I think he might be more a strong 5ft10 or 178-9 rather than a full 5ft11/180cm, although I would not be surprised if he did measure 5ft10.75 to 5ft11 on a non - broken stadiometer during the day. Also Gwyneth Paltrow was always listed at 5ft9/175cm and he looks 3 cm or a good inch taller than her in that picture, meaning he is 5ft10/178cm minimum and also the rest of the pictures show that. The difference looks to be 5.5-5.7 inches there I am sorry but I know how a 4 in/10 cm difference looks like.

Click Here

If you compare both you can see that Afleck is 6ft2/188cm maximum, 6ft1/185cm tilting his head. He has at most 3 in on Pitt, he could be as low as 6ft1.75/187cm.
Allen said on 27/May/16
And Dan stop accusing me saying I'm from whatever website that is you're saying. I could easily accuse you for your low intelligence cause you see the difference 6 inches. But now I do.
Allen said on 27/May/16

If you have seen them both together. You haven't seen them bare foot. Pitt has always been a small man trying to look bigger on screen. You are the kind of a person who calls me a hater when I point out the truth. If anyone knows anything about human anatomy knows that he is only 10 cm taller. You either need to learn some math or you have to do some studies about human anatomy to finally and hopefully understand that the difference is 10 cm. And insisting on him being 178 cm is not going to make him any taller. He needs extra bone to be taller. If you can give him that.
Johno said on 27/May/16
There is anything upto 5-inches difference between Brad and Aniston; could be as low as 4.5-inches.
Allen said on 27/May/16

Yeah you see the power of love. They close their eyes on every solid proof that there is out there. First they wanted to boost Pitt's height near 5'8 Paltrow and all of a sudden Pitt appeared 5'10 in their imaginations. Now they are seeing a 6 inches difference between him and the faker Aniston who I don't know how dared to claim 5'4. But still that isn't going to make him 178 cm. His legs are TOO short that even his troso is not going to make him 178 cm.
Allen said on 27/May/16

Then Ben Affleck could claim to be 6'11 if that is how you count height difference! In that picture he is no taller than a good 10 cm. Have you ever seen a 5'8 and a 5'4 person near each other? That is exactly how they look near each other. You guys really see that difference 6 inches?????? That is trolling! To see the difference 6 inches! You are Brad lovers and you will claim 178 cm even if the guy himslef claims to be 5'8. He must be thankful for having you Bradders. This picture proves him to be 5'8 tops.
hijopotamus said on 26/May/16
Allen, thank you! I fully agree.
That pic with Aniston is ANOTHER evidence.
truth said on 26/May/16
@Allen Looks to be a near 6 inch difference as Johan has pointed out she is below his eyelevel. Does not look under 5ft10.5 (179cm) there if Aniston is 5ft4.75 (164.5cm). Even Aniston at 5ft3.75 (162cm), which is impossible, would make Brad around 5ft9.75 (177cm). I thinkl he must be between 178-180cm, most pictures point that out. Anythign 177cm or less is just bitter trolling.
Dan said on 26/May/16
Allen is probably one of those haters from the female first site. That picture with Anniston proves the guy is 5-10. That's six inches between them, not four. Allen calls us Bradders, but he's obviously a Pitt hater. It doesn't matter what he and the other three guys on here say. Pitt is 5-10. No doubt about it. I've seen both Aniston and Pitt in person and Pitt definitely doesn't have a small frame. And Aniston is definitely 5-4 or a little over. I was inside the Egyptian theater when she did a q&a for her film Cake moderated by Jason Bateman.
CS said on 26/May/16
Peter175 said on 26/May/16
How is Brad Pitt making himself look 6'3" next to 5'11 beckham? Either he's standing on some incline or he borrowed some a pair Tom Cruise's most indecreet red carpet shoes

Click Here


It's probably an incline. I've seen people of similar heights with similar footwear stand next to one another in a photo and one appears a good amount taller than the other person because of the ground sloping. There might be other factors to consider (not footwear) that could affect appearance of height in photos but uneven ground is definitely a big but often underlooked factor.
Allen said on 26/May/16
If Aniston is 170!!!! then Pitt is 180. This actually has to concern those who claimed that they believe that Pitt is 180 on this Planet Earth. Yeah! Truly. And guess what! If Aniston is 160 then Pitt is 170!!! Oh my! Brad forgot his magic elevator shoes here? Poor Brad! I still give Aniston a little boost and put her at 162 cm. Still leaving Brad in cold for being barely 172 cm with his shoes on. This is the end Bradders. Your favorite actor is a shorty.
Allen said on 26/May/16
Considering that Brad has footwear advantage.
Allen said on 26/May/16

Thank you for posting the photo here Johan.
Yeah but that is a 10 cm difference as it is obvious. Still Aniston needs to be 5'6 to make Brad 5'10.
Johan said on 26/May/16
Click Here

He really doesn't look full 5'11" here with Aniston. More 5'10.5" really like i originally thought. She has flip flops and he has thin soled sneakers. A rare pic indeed.

She claims to be 5'4" 3/4 herself.

Thats not 6 + inches is it? I would have said in the 5.25-5.5 inch area. Far more 6 anyway.
Allen said on 26/May/16
@175 cm

It's no exaggeration when he is standing that short next to a 5'3 woman even he is in sneakers. Why you guys have so big of a perception about Pitt that you can't accept his shortness?
Peter175 said on 26/May/16
How is Brad Pitt making himself look 6'3" next to 5'11 beckham? Either he's standing on some incline or he borrowed some a pair Tom Cruise's most indecreet red carpet shoes

Click Here
Allen said on 25/May/16

Has Brad Pitt himself shown you the lifts he inserts inside his shoes that your are so certain?
Saqib said on 25/May/16
He looks 1-1.5 inch shorter than 6ft harrison ford in this 2 min trailer

Click Here
Heylo said on 25/May/16
Allen, why are you putting words in my mouth? I never said that he is listed at 178cm on this page. But there has been claims of Brad claiming 5'10 on an audition.
I just think 173cm is very unrealistic, that's all. Compare Brad to legit 5'9 people and you will see.
Allen said on 25/May/16

There is actually a way in hell for him to be under 5'9. Sorry Bradders.
Allen said on 25/May/16

You can easily search Brad Pitt and Aniston at beach.
5'8 tops.
CS said on 25/May/16
@Johan I agree.
Johan said on 25/May/16
Could you post this pic of Pitt and Aniston? I saw a few online and he always had 5 inches on her when they were on the carpet. So an almost 5'5" woman in heels and he had in the 5 inch area height on her. Alot of the pics his head is shaved so no advantage there either.

Now I don't know the footwear but he couldn't have had more than her so again 5'10" flat is the minimum he can be.
Johan said on 25/May/16
Dmeyer said on 24/May/16
The absolute biggest footwear hé has is near 2in but not 2-2,5in And many of his are 1-1,5in And yet can look over 5ft11

Thats a bold statement. The dress shoes that Rob got from Don's look perfectly normal with the top of the shoe covered and those aren't the kind of elevators Brad would buy.

I still think he has at times worn those types of elevator but as we know from Rob's research in the subject 2.5 inches would be a max for a dress shoe. Anything more would require a boot.

I think as well Brad can appear sometimes taller than what he would actually measure. He stands well and is slim, also enjoys some volume in his hair as of late.
Still with boat shoes he wasn't far off Clooney so anything under 5'10" is outside of reality.

I own boat shoes myself they only give 1/2 inch or something.
Dan said on 24/May/16
No shorter than 5-10. Sorry Allen. No way in hell Brad Pitt is 5-9 or under.
tiny said on 24/May/16
i think his peak height 5'11", but now 5'10".
Dmeyer said on 24/May/16
The absolute biggest footwear hé has is near 2in but not 2-2,5in And many of his are 1-1,5in And yet can look over 5ft11
Allen said on 24/May/16
If you guys who claim to be amazing at counting heights or something of the sort. Take a look at Pitt-Aniston Picture that I mentioned. Look how short his legs are and how hard he struggles to keep his torso straight. Those legs are not the legs of a 5'10 guy. NEVER! He has a small frame in the real world in which he is not on the screen. If he was 5'10 he was gonna be taller beside Aniston. The guy lacks 6 or 7 more cm to reach his imaginary height there.
Allen said on 24/May/16

As far as I know there are 10 cm lifts that could be inserted inside the footwear. Regardless of the shoe's heel. So Pitt sounds short to me for wearing those massive lifts. I'm not claiming to know how thick his lifts are. Remember that we are all guessing heights here. Even the owner of this page himself. So we have nothing to be aggressive about. But the pictures that he has normal shoes in, are my evidence. Like the Pitt Aniston photo that I mentioned which everyone here keeps ignoring. Because that photo might downgrade Pitt even more!
Allen said on 24/May/16

I love the way you carry on insisting on the lie that he is 178 cm on this website. First of all I'm only downgrading Pitt. Why wouldn't I say the same thing about Dicaprio or Bale? Because they are honest and they don't wear lifts. And if they had a naked picture beside Paltrow they were gonna tower over her like for at least 10 cm. When you have a good enough vision to see that one of her knees is bended then you must still have a good enough intelect as you claim, to know that she is not standing straight. So she is the same height as Pitt.

Why do you think Brad Pitt Sued the photographers that had distributed those naked photos of Pitt and Paltrow? Definitely because his height has been revealed. Poor Pitt wouldn't know that it was too late for suing the photographers.
But he has got away in victory for having you guys. He has been downgraded by only 2 cm for your sake than the height he had claimed. And also Paltrow's height was upgraded for his sake. You guys make me laugh as you see Pitt 3 cm taller than her in that photo. 3 cm? Really? Till when are you guys going to lie about his height? And answering me with no other logic than typing "HAHAHA"!
"HAHAHA" ain't gonna make Pitt 178 cm Heylo. He is 173 at best.
Heylo said on 24/May/16
Allen, I didn't say that I would. I assumed that you thought I was a crazy fanatic that would cut my wrists if Brad was 5'8, therefor I added that "I would say it without shame". Of course there's more important issues in the world than Brad's height.

I genuinely think that he's 5'10+.
Johno said on 23/May/16
I would not put Paltrow and Pitt at the same height though, he has upto an inch on her i am pretty confident on that and Rob has Paltrow at 5'9.
Allen said on 23/May/16
Brad's footwear next to Hague looks more like a box that he is walking on and Hague's footwear seems to be normal. Neither politicians lie nor actors.
Allen said on 23/May/16

Why would you be ashamed claiming Pitt to be 5'8 if you thought so? Are you his father or something? Be ashamed? Really? And no. He's far under 177. Nothing more than 173 at best. Paltrow herself is 173 at best! Sorry to burst your bubble.
Allen said on 23/May/16

Yeah man good for you. But there are a few on this planet earth that can attain the truth as it seems. And the truth is that he's under 175 cm. I know that it is hard to digest for Bradders. But pictures of him with Aniston and Paltrow convinced me that this guy is around 173 cm. He has been trying to fake Leo Dicaprio's height all these years. Sorry Bradders.
Parker said on 22/May/16
Arch Stanton said on 21/May/16
Allen said on 17/May/16
I don't think that anyone on this planet earth still thinks that Brad Pitt is 180 cm as he has been listed.

I do for two

In fact since Allen wrote that post 4 of the last 5 posters think he's 5'10.5/11 and if you include Rob that's 5. Multiply that by the planet earth ......

The pics next to William Hague convinced me that this guy cannot be under 5'10.
Editor Rob
William Hague actually claimed to be 5ft 11 himself, I'd forgotten about it but it is on the recovered comment on Tony Blair's page:

"I'm 5ft 11in and whenever I meet people they say, 'We thought you were small, and you're not.' So it's not my actual appearance, it's my perceived appearance"

Now, we all know politicians don't lie, so 5ft 11 makes Pitt 6ft ;)
Allen said on 22/May/16

Yes. The Pitt-Paltrow pictures prove that Pitt wore massive lifts when he was with her.
His true height is somewhere around 172-173 at best!
Allen said on 22/May/16
@Arch Stanton

I said that Pitt-Paltrow picture is not the only evidence we have. There is another picture of Pitt in sneakers with Aniston and he looks to be 10 cm taller than her tops. He's pretty much the same height as Justin Theroux.
And I do kind of agree with you about the 90's. Pitt looks short in his early movies. And he's shorter than anybody on the screen. Like in Johnny Suede.
Johno said on 22/May/16
Admittingly, Pitt looks nothing more than 5'8.75 in those barefoot comparisons with Paltrow and the only other way to corroborate that by other means is to compare him to Matt Damon, who looked only 5'8 next to James Corden and knowing that Pitt has upto 1-inch on Damon; would basically make him look around 5'8.75-5'9 however, you would need a stadiometer to confirm those extreme and controversial heights for Pitt and Damon and having Pitt at 5'10 would cover many bases, not stating time of day. I am still keeping 5'10 for Pitt for now.
hijopotamus said on 21/May/16
Real Paltrows height? well Pitt would be 1cm shorter.
Case closed.
...and the amount of time spent discussing his height when in shoes, customs, lifts etc was pointless...
Arch Stanton said on 21/May/16
I think of him much as I do Beckham or Hugh Grant, upper average.
Arch Stanton said on 21/May/16
Allen said on 17/May/16
I don't think that anyone on this planet earth still thinks that Brad Pitt is 180 cm as he has been listed.

I do for one. And I would never use one picture as "evidence". And I don't think of Pitt as tall. I don't think the media portrays him as a tall man. In fact in 90s his image was shorter I thought. He pulls off looking over 5 ft 11 enough to not really be much under it, though 5'10 range is always possible.
Saqib said on 20/May/16
Rob,was george clooney joking or does he really think Pitt is 6'1?

Personally i think pitt is 5'10.5 or 5'11. I dont think Pitt has ever been shorter than 179cm/ 5'10.5
Editor Rob
if you were going to accuse someone of wearing lifts or big heels, maybe you can phrase it in such a way like Clooney did, especially if it's a friend.
Allen said on 17/May/16
I don't think that anyone on this planet earth still thinks that Brad Pitt is 180 cm as he has been listed. But when it comes to Paltrow everyone actually believes that she is 175 cm as listed. And years ago she was listed as 172 cm. Probably because of that Pitt and Paltrow naked picture and arguements she has been upgraded. The thing is if as some of you claim Pitt to be taller in that photo which is barely only 1 cm (and as I said before that is just because Paltrow is not standing straight in those pictures) still Pitt will be downgraded drastically and still you people cannot believe it because you have always perceived Pitt as a tall man thanks to the media.
Johno said on 16/May/16
The problem is, Clooney can stand very close to Pitt, probably just 0.25-inches between and Clooney can often look pretty low with some celebrities, just 5'9-ish-ISH, that is a big problem and with Shia, he can barely look more than 1-inch taller; maybe 1.25-inches. Just watch them in Fury.
Dan said on 16/May/16
Sure Andy lol. Sure...
Allen said on 15/May/16
Paltrow picture is not the only picture that we could count on. There is a photo of Pitt and Aniston at a beach and Pitt is wearing sneakers. Obviously Brad is 10 cm taller than her in that photo. Still that ain't gonna make the guy 5'10.
truth said on 15/May/16
So a lot of people on this site think that Bieber is at least 5ft9/175cm, but Pitt cannot be more than that. Really funny.
Heylo said on 15/May/16
He is taller than 177cm Rick Schroeder in Across The Tracks, a small budget film he was in before he got famous. He looks noticeably taller. He can't be under 5'10.
truth said on 15/May/16
@Johno Yes, Pitt is strong average/above average, at least around 5ft10-5ft10.5/178-179cm and 5ft11/180cm at best. Under 5ft10/178cm for him is just as bad as anything over 5ft11/180cm imho.
Dan said on 13/May/16
These are the boot and shoe brands Brad pitt's worn in the last decade : Wesco boss engineer boots, Sidi moto boots, Martin margiela engineer boots, guidi cordovan front zip boots, guidi back zip boots in horse leather with low heel, guidi back zip boots in horse with stacked 2" heel. He's currently wearing guidi back zip boots with stacked 2" heel with the vibram lug sole. His sneakers are vans half crepe surf shoes in multiple colors. Vans alomar shoes, vans raglan shoes, vans half cab, vans cojo slip on. Merrell spirit moc slip ons. Those are the only brands I can confirm which he's worn in his personal life. I can't confirm his red carpet shoes which are probably elevator shoes, but I do know he's been on the red carpet in Cannes to promote tree of life in vans alomar in moon color suede and joined Angelina Jolie at the Kung fu panda premiere wearing vans cojo slip ons. If he were extremely concerned with his height, I doubt he's go on the red carpet in slip ons.
Andy said on 12/May/16
I wish I had the pictures to prove it, but I used to know his keygrip and stuntman from one of his earlier movies. He's no more than 5'9 tops. With heels or lifts he's easily in the 6-foot range. I've seen several pictures of my friend alongside him and there's very little between them ,if anything,and he's 5'8 on the button!
On a side note, the movie I believe was "Cutting Class', and my friend told me Brad had a serious crush on the leading lady but she didn't reciprocate. Brad would come to my friend's trailer in tears over it apparently.
Eric said on 11/May/16
to me he looks like a typical 5'11-6'0:the tall but not that tall guy type...i belive 181 barefoot
Dan said on 10/May/16
If you watch Johnny Suede it'll be pretty hard to say he's any shorter than 5-10. Consistently taller or as tall as every other male and female actor who is 5-10.
Johno said on 8/May/16, Pitt is an average-tall at best.
Alucard said on 6/May/16
Ego? What ego? Downgrading someone is about ego now? On the other hand you Heylo must be a rabid Brad Pitt fanboy, am i right? I just call it for what i see, Paltrow is shorter than 5'9, around 5'8, still tall for a woman, Pitt is around 5'9-5'9.5 barefoot, nothing wrong with it... He's a lifts wearer and without them he's shorter than 5'10 George Clooney...
Johnny said on 4/May/16
@Rob can you please post the photo of the magazine profile which had 5ft 11 in listing of Pitt.
Editor Rob
unfortunately don't have it, was talked about on here 10 years ago and there was a link to a scan of it at the time.
CS said on 4/May/16
180 cm give or take a few millimeters
truth said on 1/May/16
Might be more 179cm-180cm/5ft10.5-5ft10.75 night range (does not look over 6ft1 range with lifts and looked shorter than 6ft2-6ft2.5 range Bana).
Heylo said on 1/May/16
Alucard, You don't have any proof of Paltrow being 5'8 anyway, she is listed at 5'9. Brad looks minimum 5'10 in that photo with Paltrow if you count angle and the way he tilts his head.
But you're probably not going to change your mind about it because you've already made up your mind. Try to drop your ego and analyse the photo again more objectively.
Dmeyer said on 30/Apr/16
Looks similar to 5ft 11 guys like Aaron Taylor or Jon bernthal so if hé stood on same floor as beckam hé will look about same
Alucard said on 28/Apr/16
Peter ever heard of lifts? And Bana is around 6', certainly not 6'2 or 6'3... Yeah, let's throw away the best proof we have with both Paltrow and Pitt barefoot, we can still use pictures of other celebrities, with blown up heights, all dressed up with custom footwear to compare, lol...
Peter 180cm said on 26/Apr/16
@ Alucard yet he still managed to look atleast 5-6cm taller than Beckham and nomore than a solid 2 inches shorter than 188-189cm Eric Bana...Nowaay a 5'9 range man can look that tall next to 5'11 and 6'2 guys...Yet you speculated his height judging on a pic with a bad angle when both Paltrow and Pitt had different posture too...The guy is 179cm minimum barefoot and can easily look close to 6 foot when wearing lifts...
5'11 Stud said on 26/Apr/16
Pitt is letting go of lifts. It must a combination of having reached the height of his career and he has enough money in the bank. Maybe wisdom of old age. He can chalk loss of height to old age. His shoes look less "lifty" than before.
c-mo said on 25/Apr/16
some of you try to downgrade every celebrity . especially good looking male celebs

on a lot of pages I see various people doing it. that is just pathetic. complexed trolls

brad pitt seems to be in the 178-182cm range less no more 180cm seems to be a good shout .some here even tried downgrading him to 5'8 . will you feel better about yourself if he is 5'8 ? . well he is not . dude is ~ 5'11 . get over it
Dave said on 24/Apr/16
@Alucard, I agree. Pitt is 5'9-5'9.5 barefoot.
hijopotamus said on 23/Apr/16
Alucard, true! Let's forget about that pic. Looool
Ayush said on 23/Apr/16
O more than 5/10 feet
Alucard said on 22/Apr/16
Let's keep ignoring the known barefoot picture with 5'8 Paltrow, wich is the best evidence we have for Pitt's real height... Barefoot, 5'9-5'9.5 for Brad Pitt...
Dmeyer said on 22/Apr/16
Arguable for Pitt is 5ft 10,5-11,25 179-81 , most likely 179,5-180,5
Mathew Robinson (190 cm) said on 20/Apr/16
A lot of the big name stars like Pitt, Clooney, Damon, Bieber, Stallone, Cruise, Hanks, DiCaprio, etc... Rob generally has them consistently about .5" higher than I think they are.

To me, I see Pitt at 5'10.5", not over it. Terrific posture, somewhat bigger footwear, etc can make him look a bit taller at times.
paulkersey32 said on 19/Apr/16
Exact height. Leo is 6'. Find the in a same shoe pic standing straight I have no doubt. Also at fit peak 170 lbs
Adam said on 18/Apr/16
He's just under 5'11"... lifts are usually 1-1.5 " and shoe heels about 0.75-1" so he can look about 6' 1" with footwear. No more than 179cm barefoot... slim torso and tailored clothing gives him the appearance of more height. Either way, he looks proportional.
Dmeyer said on 15/Apr/16
The biggest shoe Pitt ever wears is in the 1,6-1,7in , but mostly 1-1,4in and somtimes 0,6in , like rob said 0,5in lifts is possible so 1,4 plus 0,5in that actualy gives only 0,3-0,4in because of povoting hé will still get under 2in , wish isnt so much over à regular 0,8-1,1in normal dress shoe , yet can look about 6' at times , the Guy is 5ft 11
184-182 said on 10/Apr/16
At a 5'11 listing, you reckon he could get close to 6'2 in lifts? Maybe pull off looking around 6'1 when he wants to?
Editor Rob

Guys like Burt Reynolds used to have cowboy boots+lifts, Stallone maybe at times had real big ones, but today I can't see anybody, apart from say Downey Jr wearing obvious 'beasts'. Cruise last year definitely appeared to wear a typical elevator shoe that was easy to spot...

Pitt I think for a period went for the cuban-heel approach on some of his footwear...not so much an internal lift but an extra half inch outside. Maybe at times he has also had a 1cm lift inside giving him overall an inch of extra height though - I wouldn't rule it out.

I don't know about his boots though and whether he ever put an inch inside them.
Johno said on 10/Apr/16
Marion is about 5'5.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Apr/16
Rob, which would Pitt most likely slot into?

A) 183.5cm/181.5cm
B) 183cm/181cm
C) 182.5cm/180.5cm
D) 182cm/180cm
E) 181.5cm/179.5cm
Editor Rob
I've settled on C-D zone for him and sometimes when he appears taller I think it is just slightly bigger shoes and impeccable posture.
B Webster said on 9/Apr/16
How tall is Marion Cotillard?

Click Here
truth said on 7/Apr/16
He is probably somewhere from 180cm to 182cm in the morning. In the evening a few fractions over 178cm.
Alex said on 6/Apr/16
Yep, Pitt is 178 cm barefoot, and 180 with shoes.
Ian said on 5/Apr/16
Anyone who thinks he's a true 5'11 is out of their minds! 178cm maximum barefoot in the evening.
Joe said on 5/Apr/16
Brad Pitt isn't anything shorter than 5'10.5". I rest my case here. He seems to stand quite well next to 6 footers like Edward Norton or Ryan Gosling. The 5'9" estimates are completely bull.
Mike Lowrey said on 5/Apr/16
Tiny man. Everyone knows he wear the height extending nipple bands to make him appear taller to uninitiated unlookers.
paciugo said on 3/Apr/16
he looks 5'10 next to 6'1 Tarantino.
184.3cm (Night) said on 2/Apr/16
Yeah i have changed my mind about him being 5'10.5".

He is a 5'10.75" guy (180 cm) after seeing him next to a few other actors without lifts. Clooney -5'10.5", which is why they look so close at times and other times Brad is taller ( big footwear)

Also explains why he can pull off looking 6'1" with elevators. He would probably come in at 6'1.-6'1.25" under a meter with his trick shoes minus hair.

With boat shoes he looked shorter than Clooney

0.5-0.6 in boost so only 5'11.25" with those on. Clooney had 1 inch shoe so edged him - 5'11.5".

Also noticeably shorter than a 5'11.5" peak Willis as its almost an inch difference.
Aaron Zamora said on 1/Apr/16
Rob, in the picture that everyone is talking about Leo and Brad Pitt who do you think is taller? I think They were fairly close but I think Brad looks a tiny bit taller. What is your opinion?
Editor Rob
they look close enough that you could probably class them as similar height, many wouldn't say there was anything different. But then 1 guy at near measured posture and another guy standing 1cm off his measured posture could account for situations like that.
Marzi said on 1/Apr/16
He looks the same height as Leo in that pic (maybe a cm shorter) which means that Rob's listing is pretty much spot on for both. Also, are people in here serious about that pic of him with Gwyneth? He's clearly taller then her. He might not be 5'11' on the dot but whoever is saying that he's under 5'10' is compensating for something. What's next, someone is going to pop in here claiming that he/she saw Pitt without the lifts and that he's actually shorter then Angelina and their adopted kids?
Del Mar said on 31/Mar/16
I guess I'd ctrl+f the comments I'd look for, but yes helluva lot of comments! For Pitt I think it's interesting to look back at pics of him from the 90's. He always looks 6' nowadays, and I guess elevators is to blame
mrtguy said on 31/Mar/16
doesn't give me the strong impression of 5'11''
James St. said on 30/Mar/16
Rob says: "...if I'm in this for the long haul, it is something that could be of use in the future."

Rob, if you still have records of all the past comments, you could publish a book of the funniest ones! I'm sure you've lolled plenty over some of the gems that popped up over the years . It could be a best-seller! distributed by Penguin publishing or something. Height of adult penguins varies ranges between 30cm and 130cm :-)

Height of Brad Pitt - anywhere between 177cm and 180cm
Editor Rob

As I say, it's never dismissed and may be a future improvement or use in some way. The craziest claims or something. I mean the database has near 300,000 comments I believe (and near 3000 pitt comments!!), so there's a helluva lot of stuff stored!
Original said on 29/Mar/16
All people know that he use lifts, 2' or 2'5 inc. He is 5'9.5".
007 said on 29/Mar/16
Rob is 182cm morning height a stretch for Brad Pitt?
Editor Rob
not really, it is believable.
Johno said on 27/Mar/16
I do believe Leonardo does edge out Pitt though but not by much.

Click Here
hijopotamus said on 25/Mar/16
Leo is 181...
Brad 5'10" max
184.3cm (Night) said on 24/Mar/16
I just saw a pic of him next to Di caprio and leo is an inch taller at most but still...that makes Leo almost 6 foot and we know he isn't. So 5'10.5"-5'10.75" tops for Pitt.
Jedi Master 5'11 said on 24/Mar/16
@Kit Ah I see now. lol
Johno said on 23/Mar/16
With Gosling, Pitt's footwear does not seem abnormal from the outside but there is an arch within at the front of the shoe. Gosling's shoes appear flat whereas Pitt's have an incline even though he apparently has no large heels meaning, he probably has inner wedges.
Pitch_Fork said on 23/Mar/16
Guys, all of us have seen those pics with Gwyneth Paltrow but some still believe that is not a proof of Brad being in the 5'9'' range.
So here you go (Rob, please check this one out too):
That's just not how a 5'11'' guy would look next to a 5'4'' woman + Brad's closer to the camera
jasperwazup said on 23/Mar/16
Pitt is 178cm his head is slightly below 9''. 9''-9.4'' is average-ish. He doesn't look to have a big forehead maybe 22'' around. Normal range is 23''-24''. Large is 25''+. Huge 27''+
Kit said on 22/Mar/16
@Jedi Master, that's the whole point of the joke Clooney is making. Pointing out Brad's choice of footwear.
hijopotamus said on 22/Mar/16
syk, I see Brad same height as Paltrow. Nobody can deny that.
Alucard said on 22/Mar/16
Yes, Clooney is probably a legit 5'10, and he's the tallest of the bunch... Pitt is 5'9-5'9.5, the picture with Paltrow is the best evidence we have, like it or not... Damon is fairly short, always has been, if he gets to 5'8 he's lucky...
Dmeyer said on 22/Mar/16
Its true in walking scène they can apear same Clooney pitt
berta said on 22/Mar/16
He can look 182 with gosling he doesnt look 4 cm shorter no way.either he is wearing elevator shoes ore he is a Little taller than this, like 181-2
Brendan said on 20/Mar/16
Rob let us suppose that he uses 1.5 inch lift all the time. If you get sure about that, what number you put on list for him?
Editor Rob
looking at his footwear over the years, I can't see him wearing big lifts like 1.5. In a boot that might be possible, but in normal shoes, you struggle to get more than a 2cm lift.
Dmeyer said on 20/Mar/16
Cobsidering the posture Pitt has near Gosling And the very slight footwear adavantage you could say he looks no more than 1in smaller so if Gosling is truly 184 cm Pitt could be 181cm
Jedi Master 5'11 said on 19/Mar/16
Whatever Height he is = George Clooney in all of the Ocean's movies. They are shoulder to shoulder, head to head / same height. You can balance a plank of wood across their head/shoulders. So I don't know what George is thinking when he's saying that Pitt towers over him. They're both 5'11"
syk said on 18/Mar/16
can anyone explain this? Click Here
Blink said on 18/Mar/16
@Dmeyer yeah, I remember that for sure, Brad himself claimed to be almost 6ft.
pauly e said on 18/Mar/16
regarding Pitt's claim of his own height, I remember reading a few years back (might have been posted by a user on this site) that someone claimed Pitt was 6'0 and one of his people (publicist maybe) argued that he was not 6'0 but instead 5'11. I have been trying to google it but can't seem to find it now....

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.