How tall is Chevy Chase

Chevy Chase's Height

6ft 3 (190.5 cm)

Peak height was 6ft 3 ½ (191.8 cm)
American actor best known for roles in National Lampoons Vacation, Caddyshack and Spies Like us.
[I'm] Six Three and a half. - Howard Stern Radio Interview
A lot of people think I'm shorter than I am, and that has always bothered me. Most people think I'm around 5'10".

Photos by PR Photos
I remember on Scarface coming in to meet [5'7" tall] Al Pacino, and he didn't get up to shake my hand. The only leading man I ever worked with who was psychotic about my height was Chevy Chase, and he's 6'4".
-- Sigourney Weaver
I'm 6 feet 4. - New York Times, 1981

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Add a Comment269 comments

Average Guess (79 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 3.67in (192.2cm)
Current: 6ft 2.67in (189.7cm)
Monkeysan said on 18/Sep/23
Recent photo of Shrinking Chevy with Randy Quaid looking huge:

Click Here
Arch Stanton said on 28/Dec/22
It does look about right, nearly 6 ft 4 in his prime, but baffling why a man of his height is bothered that people think he's 5 ft 10 as in person he should always feel tall. And baffling why he was anal about Sigourney's height as he's taller than her even in heels! Shows that people can be insecure at any height!
berta said on 27/Sep/22
One of the tallest looking 6´31/2 guys on the site. If he would not have claimed that height then i really would have guess him 192,5. Not legit 6´4 but very close. Did look 6´3 3/4 and i stink most would agree with that. But at the same time he must havge been measred at 6´3 1/2 sometime if he claimed it. Today there is a very small chanse that he is still 6´3 he is almost 80 years old. Zachary levi was taller in chuck back in around 2008. I believe he is down to 189. 3-3,5 cm loss.
Hong said on 16/Jul/22
Click Here Here's a recent pic with Kevin Nealon,both guys now listed as 6ft3,it looks about right.
viper said on 1/May/22
Who are they blind people thinking he's 5-10
Lankyweasel635 said on 27/Apr/22
That Howard Stern quote is pretty good.
Daycringeothon said on 19/Mar/22
Chevy didn’t really expect him to be as sensitive about his height. At times he was sensitive of being around tall female co-stars. He obviously was never below 183cm. He was peak 191.5cm-192cm mid-day height.
Ben Bell said on 8/Jan/22
Listening to him on Howard Stern in 08. Said he was 6’3.5 in 78.
Tall Sam said on 1/Jan/22
He can look 6’3.25” peak at times but I think his casual posture at time might make him seem lower, in spite of Sigourney Weaver about him being rudely self conscious about his height despite it being ample (maybe he only had a problem with tall women not men).
Hong said on 31/Dec/21
Click Here Here's Chevy with 6ft2 listed Tim Matheson,he's looking a flat 6ft3 there.
Jtm said on 4/Dec/21
adam driver looks taller than chase does with murray.
six four guy said on 2/Dec/21
Rob, Chevy looks like 189cm here! What do you think? Click Here
Editor Rob
Still looks 189cm there.
berta said on 16/Nov/21
There is zero chanse that he still is 6´3 never look over 189 today. If Rob would meet him, then i would think his current would go down to 6´2 1/4
berta said on 25/Sep/21
I dont agree with you rampage. Therese is not more beetween him and Murray than, Murray and Adam (189). Clearly around 189 now with a legit 192 peak. I axtually think he could have benen 6'33/4 on good dags.
6'4" Leprechaun said on 15/Aug/21
Chevy is a legend and claimed 6'3 and half" in the 70s though super tall. Sigourney Weaver is an inch shorter than her listed height. Chevy is 77, so he shrunk 2 inches.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Aug/21
Chevy still looks a decent 6ft3 in this photo, assuming Murray is worst case 6ft0½ and Aykroyd 6ft flat. Standing much better as well...

Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Aug/21
Worst case 6ft2½ now but might still just make 6ft3...he still looks tall nowadays
Mickie said on 26/Jul/21
He quite clearly meant that he was 6'3.5" in his prime in the Stern interview... A reasonable enough figure. No need to go above or below that.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 16/May/21
Chevy seems honest enough about his height, so he gets 6ft3.5 for his peak and half-an-inch less for today's height. 😁👍
Hong said on 10/May/21
Click Here Here's the Stern interview,at 2min55 on he says he was about 6ft3.5 at the time of the incident,it's from 2008 he would have been 65 at the time,notice the way he says he was 6ft3.5 at the time,it seems like he was awear he my have lost a bit of height since.
Hong said on 26/Apr/21
Click Here Here's Chevy towering Paul Simon and George Harrison,he looks 6ft4 there.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Jan/21
berta, can look barely over 6ft2 at times but I'm confident he'd still stretch up to near 6ft3.

Peak height was no less than 6ft3½
Hong said on 4/Dec/20
Click Here Here's chevy with Clint Eastwood from some time in the 80s,they look similar,maybe Chevy with the slight edge,Clint was around 6 ft3,although he was listed as 6 ft4 he looked more in the 6 ft3 range,so 6ft3.5 seems a good height listing for Chevy.
berta said on 1/Dec/20
he was clearly atleast 192 cm peak but today maybe 188,5.
Vincent Caleb said on 10/Nov/20
Peak is accurate, current is too high.
Lankyweasel635 said on 9/Nov/20
In the 2007 book, "I'm Chevy Chase - and you're not", Chevy is quoted as describing working with Jack Palance, saying that "Jack was a wonderful man, a big hulking man almost my fathers age, and taller than I am, and intimidating-looking. There wasn't Tinsel Town remotely around this guy. He lived in Pennsylvania on a farm. He was well read. He was quiet and a sweet guy. He was just terrific." The book also highlighted the little known piece of information that Jack Palance was a professional heavyweight boxer in the 1930s under the name Jack Brazeau. So both were definitely tall fellows and no wonder Jack Palance could do those one handed or one fingered push ups! This comment provides further evidence of both individuals being tall in height and as they are both listed in same range in the 6ft 3in / 6t 4in range, combined with the quotes below, Rob's listings seems pretty spot on.
OriginalAnon said on 27/Oct/20
192.5cm prime. He would be lucky to be 188cm today. He has got to be near 80
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/Oct/20
🎁🎂🎈🎊 Happy Birthday Chevy! 🎊🎈🎂🎁

Birthday Greetings to Chevy Chase, who is celebrating turning both the sevens, 7️⃣7️⃣, on this very day!

6ft3.75 peak
6ft3 nowadays 😄👍

al001 said on 24/Aug/20
@Simon Wilkin

Been watching community recently, and he looks around the same height as Mchale. .5-1 inch shorter at max.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 24/Aug/20
Because Levi height was under listed 1/4 and Chevy current height might be over listed 1/4 since 10 years back.
berta said on 30/May/20
he is not over 189 today.achary levi was clearly taller 10 years ago
Simon Wilkin said on 18/May/20
Next to Joel Mchale in Community he looks 2-3 inches shorter ?
Editor Rob
Could he be nearer 6ft 2 last couple of years?
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 15/May/20
What i know Chris Hemsworth isn't taller than Chevy.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Apr/20
Agreed. Can look 6ft2 walking around...but probably measures close to 6ft3
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Mar/20
Rob, do you think 6ft2 flat is on the cards at this point?
Editor Rob
Looking 6ft 2 at times? Yes. Measuring a flat 6ft 2, I wouldn't go that low today.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Mar/20
I agree that he can look as low as 6ft2 flat but I’d be surprised if that’s all he’d manage if measured.

189-190cm currently is a safer
RichardSpain said on 28/Dec/19
I think he was 192 cm in peak

And today is more or less 188cm
Mark D. said on 18/Sep/19
There is an image from Dirty Work (the movie) with Chase and Norm MacDonald. Chevy is a solid 2 inches taller. I've met Norm a few times, and he's a solid 6'1" or 6'2". Chevy was at least 6'3" in his prime if not the 6'4" we hear about. His saying he was 6'3.5" sounds like an exact measurement so he probably just rounded up to 6'4". It's fair to say he could have lost 1/2 inch, so a current 6'3" seems spot on.
Chk23 said on 15/Sep/19
People have wild misconceptions of height (just look at the heights of people on this site, they’re all over the place). It’s believable if he says he’s been mistaken for 5’10. I’m 5’9 3/4 - 5’10 afternoon barefoot and I’ve been mistaken for shorter than 5’6. (I’m stocky with a long torso.) Also, I thought Chevy was about 6’. Never knew he was this tall.
pol_clemente said on 11/Sep/19
On Norm McDonald Has a Show, he looks around the same height, possibly shorter than Norm (who is 6'1.5" or so). Definitely shrinking a fair bit in his old age, but still tall.
Ed long said on 23/Aug/19
Booze makes one shorter
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Jul/19
I think currently he could still be near 6ft3. Can look barely 6ft2 when he slouches though
Danimal 5'9 3/4" said on 21/Jun/19
Chevy with 6'1" Charles Grodin in 1980: Click Here
Canson said on 8/Jun/19
Rob has him listed appropriately. He was never 6’4” but he was a strong 6’3 or weak 6’4. Listing looks good as a low in his prime
Sotiris Gravas said on 4/Jun/19
Chevy w/ Kareem from the movie "Fletch" (1985)... Click Here , Click Here Click Here

Chevy w/ 6'4.5" James Avery (1985)... Click Here
Avery and Kareem (1990)... Click Here

Chevy w/ 58-year-old Tommy Lasorda (maybe 5'9" peak) in 1985... Click Here , Click Here , Click Here

Lasorda w/ Hulk Hogan from WrestleMania 2 (1986)... Click Here

Just for fun, Lasorda w/ 6'7" Magic (2015)... Click Here , Click Here
179cm guy said on 3/Jun/19
Peak: 192cm
Current: 190cm
James Brett 172cm said on 23/Apr/19
6’3 1/2 is not exactly gigantic
Costa said on 13/Apr/19
I find it hard to believe he runs into people that thought he was around 5’10”. The guy has always looked gigantic.
Damon Blank said on 30/Mar/19
6 ft 3 probably. I'm not sure about his peak height being 6 ft 4. To be 6 ft 4 you need to be just about 193cm. Google has him listed as 192. I reckon 6' 3 is fair.
Danimal 5'9 3/4" said on 28/Mar/19
6'3.5" for his peak height is RIDICULOUS. Chevy meant he was 6'3.5" at the time Howard interviewed him, NOT during his prime. He claimed 6'4" throughout his career and even 6'5" back in 1985.

6'2" Bill Murray with Chevy 40 years ago (look at the top of their heads): Click Here
6'1" Dan Aykroyd with Chevy: Click Here
6'2" (he claimed 6'3") John Candy in DRESS SHOES with the camera angle favoring John and Chevy (who is in FLAT sandal/loafer) and is STILL 2" taller than John:Click Here & Click Here
Here's Chevy 8 or 9 years later with John, who is now in high heels and Chevy still has significant height on him: Click Here

He was bare minimum 6'4" and probably closer to 6'5" out of bed. Today, at 75 years old, he appears to be at best 6'2.5".
billionaireslayer said on 20/Mar/19
Peak 6'3 guy. Always came off as tall and held his own with Randy Quaid
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Feb/19
The full 6ft4 isn’t exactly impossible not sure he quite looked it with Randy Quaid or John Candy
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Feb/19
6ft3½-4 peak is arguable for both Chevy and Chris Reeves
Hendoooo said on 22/Dec/18
G'day rob, Just curious to know who you think would be taller out of prime Chase and Prime Chris Reeves?
Editor Rob
You might find they ended up very close if measured. I can see arguments from 6ft 3.5 to 4 for both of them...but 6ft 3-3.5? I am not so sure I'd go into that territory.
berta said on 19/Dec/18
to me he looked 192-192,5 range when he was young. He could have been measured at shortest the listed height and a other time earlier in the day at almost 6 foot 4. But today i really dont think he is taller than 190 at best
Jtm said on 13/Dec/18
look at the recent pictures with bill murray and dan aykroyd . tell me if he's still a legit 6'3.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Dec/18
6ft1½ is a joke even today but I can believe he’s currently somewhere around 6ft2½-3
Gian92 said on 22/Jun/18
If De Niro nowadays is 5'7, for me it's impossible that he is 6'3 , near De Niro for me ne is max 6'1 and an half .
Canson said on 15/Apr/18
He looked about 6’3.5 or .25 worst case peak
James B 170.8cm said on 13/Apr/18
Rob 6ft3.25 peak?
Editor Rob
I think Chevy when he came out with the figure between 6ft 3 and 4 was being quite honest...6ft 3 and change would be a low mark, 6ft 3.5 I think generally looked quite believable.
Berta said on 16/Mar/18
Ŕob we need to knock of 1/4 of currént.
The Shredder said on 15/Mar/18
Chevy isn't any taller than him there and he has the better posture. The man was an honest 6'3.5
Danimal said on 12/Mar/18
Ed McMahon was 6'3.5". He stands right next to Chevy Chase in this 1977 video at 17:03 and again at 33:56. Chevy clearly is taller than him. He was bare minimum 6'4".
Click Here
Dream(5'9.5") said on 17/Feb/18
He did edge out a peak Christopher Reeve though
Peterson188cm said on 27/Jan/18
189.0cm/189.5cm is possible now!
The Shredder said on 5/Dec/17
They both blow away Chase at 6'4" , even his 6'3 1/2 " is a push but not much. Avery I bet lost height during the Fresh Prince run , He went from looking 4" inches over Will to 2.5 at best.
Alex V. said on 4/Dec/17
Click Here

Click Here

Seems to me, that Avery was taller than Quaid.
Faza said on 26/Oct/17
How tall would you guess the lady on the picture with him rob?
Editor Rob
could be close to 5ft 4.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Oct/17
Rob, also found the peak and current height emojis!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Sep/17
🗻: 192.5cm
🎢: 189.5cm
RichardSpain said on 2/Aug/17

DeNiro 171 cm
Chase 189cm
Rising - 174 cm said on 30/Jul/17
I wouldn't guess Chase less than 7" taller than De Niro, but I think De Niro has waved goodbye to 5'7.5" and now might measure 171 cm, so I agree with you guys about Chase, especially since Chase will still stand straighter at times so he's probably dropped below 6'3". How much below is what I'm not sure about. Definitely 6'3.5" peak, though. As for Reynolds, even with those boots, he wasn't much taller than De Niro even when he stood comparably. I can't see him more than 5'7.5" today himself when he manages to stand. Shocking and sad considering he may very well have been 5'11" when he was younger.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Jul/17
Yeah probably 190cm today . Still tall range nonetheless.
RichardSpain said on 5/Jul/17
I agree with you Berta.

Did you see the picture with De Niro? Chevy as you said seems 189 cm and not more.

De Niro is older too. And Reynolds something happens to him. Don't you think?? :(
berta said on 4/Jul/17
maybe give him 190 cm today dont think he is 6 foot 3 anymore. could be 189,5-190 today and strong 192 guy peak
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Jul/17
6ft3¾ could be argued for his peak especially if Randy Quaid was 6ft5
RichardSpain said on 29/Jun/17
Next to Robert De Niro , Chevy still seems a solid 189/190 cm

Click Here
edge said on 24/Jun/17
Pretty tall guy but Randy Quaid always made him look short. I remember scenes where he'd look as much as 2" taller. I do believe though that there was around 1.5" between the 2 so 6'3.5 for Chevy Chase I think is pretty spot on and 6'5 for Randy Quaid.
berta said on 6/Jun/17
192 peak and 190 today
jtm said on 30/May/17
Rob do you really think he only lost half inch? he was shorter than Chris hemsworth even when he was closer to the camera and some posters are claiming hemsworth is not a full 6'3. He might be 6'2 with his best posture but that's the most I could give him and that's if hemsworth is really 6'3.
Editor Rob
6ft 2.75 is possible now...
Shredder said on 29/May/17
Rob , if you had to pick 6'3.75 or 6'3.25 which would you choose?
Editor Rob
3.75 based on a more mid-morning, 3.25 based on after a night out on the town.
Shredder said on 29/May/17
I just watched the Vacation movies and he honestly can look just 6'3 in them. I think he is pretty honest with the 6'3.5 , I mean If I had to bet on 6'3.25 or 6 '4 I'd chose 6'3.25 , He was not a full 6'4. He most likely is 6'2 to 6'3 now.
Editor Rob
I think he probably was measured around 6ft 3.5.
Peterson188cm said on 18/May/17
peak: 6'3.75 (192.4cm)

today: 6'3 (190.5cm)
Canson said on 13/May/17
Most people don't have a clue of what a legit 6'4" looks like. Think hasselhoff or haysbert not Conan or chevy chase
Richardspain said on 30/Apr/17
Classic man 193 cm (peak)

Today 191cm is very plausible.

I don't believe that people think he is short or his height is around 5'10..

He seems very tall in the movies and his real life. Everybody know this.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Apr/17
192-193cm peak
kokoro said on 29/Mar/17
In Fletch (1985) you can see him next to James Avery (uncle Phil) who I think was a legit 6'5. in one shot they look the same height, in one other Chevy looks about 1 inch shorter. 6'4 as his peak height is possible.
Taylorrr said on 13/Mar/17
Never was 6'4 clearly
Adam said on 8/Mar/17
Danimal, check out the post of 26 August 2015 below with the picture of Chevy lined up with Harrison Ford, Tom Selleck, Tom Hanks and John Candy. If you think Chevy was bare minimum 6ft4, would you also estimate Tom Selleck at a bare minimum of 6ft4?
Shredder said on 5/Mar/17
Danimal , you think he was 6'5?
Danimal said on 3/Mar/17
Chevy is in flat shoes and John Candy in big workman boots in 1982 and Chevy has at least 2-3" on him and then Chevy still has a few inches on him in 1991 when Candy is in a dress and ladies shoes. Chevy was bare minimum 6'4" up until the 1990's.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Canson said on 26/Feb/17
I'd say as listed. Maybe even just a strong 6'3 peak who woke up to 6'4" out of bed.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Jan/17
You'd really not believe watching Caddyshack and then seeing this photo that its the same guy
berta said on 30/Dec/16
at peak i actually think he looked 193 but if he claimed both 193 and 192 i think he was 6 foot 3 3/4 he really looked it. now he lookes 190 he have hold on his height good for his age about 2,5 cm loos
Scott said on 14/Dec/16
I don't see how anyone could mistake him for 5'10''.
Vinnie Garstrokes said on 20/Nov/16
I always thought Chevy was around 6'4. Probably lost an inch, he's 73 now.
christ said on 10/Nov/16
Rob do you think Chevy Chase would be taller than Hulk Hogan?
Editor Rob
today I think both of them are roughly 6ft 3
Danimal said on 22/Oct/16
Here is Chevy Chase in 1977 next to 6'3.5" Ed McMahon at 40 seconds:
Click Here

Again, Chevy was bare minimum 6'4" at this peak.
Mayfield said on 18/Oct/16
Cannot totally rule out a 6'4 peak for Chase
Danimal said on 30/Sep/16
He was at least 6'4" at his peak. Here he is morbidly obese and 72 years old with 6'4" Joel McHale and is barely shorter than him: Click Here
Here he is a few years ago with Joel and appears to be at least his height if not taller than him: Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Sep/16
A bit under 6ft3 today....has aged horribly
Wallace said on 5/Sep/16
He looks as listed in person next to a legit six five person give or take half inch. In his younger days who knows
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Sep/16
I think 192-193cm peak is closer than 191-192cm. Today probably 189-190cm.
Canson said on 13/Aug/16
@Rampage: I agree. Prob would hit 193 out of bed and walk around 191-192 during the day
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Aug/16
I think between his claims at peak. Could look the full 6ft4 a lot but also could appear a bit less. I thought he had 2-3in on Bill Murray (6ft1-2), 2in Candy (6ft2 minimum) and 3in on Dan Aykroyd (6ft1 minimum)
Candyman said on 23/Jul/16
He is clearly hovering around 5'8" these days ;-)
Danimal (176-178cm) said on 17/Jul/16
You are low-balling his height Rob. He was minimum 6'4" and probably close to 6'5" out of bed in his youth.

Here he is in the famous Caddyshack (1980) with 6'1" Michael O'Keefe (who later went on to play on Roseanne):
Click Here
Click Here
Editor Rob
I wouldn't call listing Chase at a height he has claimed to be low-balling.

it seems to specific to be a lie about height...although it is rare, I suppose there might be some examples out there of a tall guy claiming a specific fraction mark, but being taller.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Jul/16
Near 6ft3 with Ryan
Canson said on 13/Jul/16
@Charlie: i agree with Rampage on Chase's height that He looks like a legit 6'3 in his prime maybe 191-192. He was taller than 6'0 in his older movies. He's much taller than someone like LL Cool J (who's a little below 6' in reality) would be. Hell he was taller than Will Smith who's over 6
charlie said on 12/Jul/16
Rampage you mentioned below that my comment was stupid. It's not really stupid I meantioned in my last comment that he may be 5 ft 9 today. I might be wrong with that one after seeing caddyhack again. When he did CaddyShack i would put him no more than 6 ft inches. 6 ft 1 with shoes on..Reason for this is simple. In CaddyShack Chevy chase (Ty Webb) and Cindy Morgan (Lacy Underall) were standing outside of the club flirting.Cindy Morgan is listed as 5 ft 7 inches and she was wearing a 3 inch heel in the movie.Chevy Chase had 1 inch shoes on. That would bring her to 5 ft 10. She was 3 inches shorter than Chevy Chase in the movie scene. The scene where Bill Murray shoots the gofer and misses and blows away a Lantern startling Chevy and Cindy.When he did CaddyShack he looked no more than 6 ft 1 with shoes on..and today he would of lost some height. Perhaps 5 ft 10 to 5 ft 10.5 inches.Many people might disagree with me but remember this, he is 74 years of age now. He would of lost a great deal of height.
Editor Rob
you can see how Chase measures up to Ryan McParlint...I would say 5ft 9 is just a bit low a guess ;)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Jun/16
But Rob, is it possible he might have some 'hidden height' and if he got measured he could still just hit the 6ft3?

Like a lot of tall guys, he hunches a lot
Editor Rob
what might look a hunch in a good chunk is more spinal curvature, which means the person isn't losing as much as it might look. Other times it can be hidden height, it can be a hard area to determine at times.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Jun/16
Rob, 189cm today?
Editor Rob
he can look 6ft 2-3 zone now.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/May/16
He looks barely recognisable today. Probably still near 6ft3 and a good 300lbs or so. He used to be pretty good looking guy. Now he looks like the great grandfather of his younger self.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Apr/16
6ft4 peak is still possible for Chase.
jervis said on 15/Apr/16
If chase was 6ft3.5 then Ackroyd was not 6ft 1 because Chase had a lest 3inches on him.Strong 6ft 4 for Chase IMO.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Apr/16
Stupid comment, charlie
charlie said on 19/Mar/16
Chevy Chase is a very tall man but I would have to say in the 1980s he was 6 feet tall just going by the size of him and a door.n National Lampoons European Vacation he is at the shabby Hotel in the UK. The short plump Hotel manager with his mother is 5 foot 6 inches in height. He played the Albino is The Princess Bride.He was not much shorter than Chevy Chase. I would say 5 inch difference. Half a head length. That would of put Chevy at 5 foot 11 to 6 feet tall. Today Chevy is most likely 5 feet 9 inches. Ill say Chevy Chase is 5' 9".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Feb/16
Peak: 192-193cm
Today: 190cm
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Feb/16
Rob, maybe he was between his claims?
Editor Rob
generally I think he was being honest with 3.5 and other times it's easier to round to 4
James B said on 10/Dec/15
Rob downgrade current height to 6'2.75? He's getting old now.
Sam said on 30/Aug/15
What a line up in that photo, makes Chase seem 6'3" tops, he does look all that much taller than Hanks (footwear advantage). Liotta looks 5'11" tops...
Adam said on 26/Aug/15
There's a picture of Chevy with Harrison Ford, Tom Hanks, Tom Selleck and others where he stands right next to Tom Selleck, very straight posture and with footwear showing. Selleck clearly edges Chase, perhaps by an inch and Selleck's posture is not quite as upright. They were both still young enough, so either Selleck was over 6'4" in his prime or Chase was barely reaching 6'3".
Editor Rob
This is the photo you mean I take it? First time I've seen hanks wearing a cowboy boot!
Danimal said on 19/Aug/15
Here Chevy is in 1998 (in his mid 50's) on Conan O'Brien looking a good 2" taller than 6'2" Andy Richter and the same height as Conan who was 20 years his junior (from 24 to 37 seconds): Click Here
Danimal said on 19/Aug/15
Rob, Chevy looked closer to 6'5" here next to 6'2"-6'3" John Candy in 1982. John was wearing thick dress shoes and Chevy was in flat sandel like shoes:

Click Here

Here's John and Chevy in 1991 and Chevy still had the same height over John Candy: Click Here

NO WAY was he only 6'3.5" at his peak. He said 6'3.5" on Howard Stern in 2008 which I believe was a more recent height he was measured at. He was minimum 6'4" at his peak. My pics prove it Rob. Don't ignore them.
Editor Rob
I'm not convinced he could look over 6ft 4, I'm sure With Quaid he looks what he claimed.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Aug/15
@Danimal: George Foreman was not pushing 6ft4. Saget wasn't quite a 6ft4 guy either. Ray Romano at 6ft2 I could see but he Chase does look at least 6ft3 w/h Fallon though.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Aug/15
@Danimal: George Foreman nearly 6ft4?
Danimal said on 16/Aug/15
66 year old Chevy Chase (at the time) with Kevin Nealon: Click Here

Kevin Nealon with 6'4" Bob Saget: Click Here

Kevin Nealon with 6'0"-6'1" David Duchovny: Click Here

Kevin Nealon with 6'2" Ray Romano: Click Here

Kevin Nealon with 6'3.5"-6'4" George Foreman: Click Here

Chevy was minimum 6'4" in his youth.
Danimal said on 16/Aug/15
Chevy still looking TALL (at least 4" taller than) next to 5'11.5" Jimmy Fallon from 2 weeks ago. Starting at 25 seconds. Chevy is almost 72 years old. He was minimum 6'4" in his youth: Click Here
Rey said on 16/Aug/15
He is freakn' 71 now...some of you need to get a clue. When you compare your height-- you stand somewhat with better posture to the other person... allow someone to straighten up and you can be fooled...the may be exceed you by another 1 or 2 inches..
Idk said on 31/Jul/15
Peak 6'4". Now 6'3.5"
Snowy said on 14/Jul/15
I am a strong 6' 1" and stood next to him in a Vegas hotel about 15 years ago. Absolute maximum would be 6' 2 1/2". Anything you read about him being 6' 4" is just made up.
Danimal said on 14/Jul/15
He was MINIMUM 6'4". Here he is in 1982 in SANDALS next to John Candy who is wearing construction shoes: Click Here

Here he is next to John Candy in 1991: Click Here

Here he is next to Dan Aykroyd a few years back: Click Here

And next to Dan Aykroyd in 1985: Click Here
the shredder said on 3/May/15
He looks over 230 and 6'2 , 6 '3
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Apr/15
Rob, have you seen Greg's link?

He looks a strong 6ft4 beside Helms...and about 230lbs!
Editor Rob
maybe he has some advantage in position, because he never really looks his peak 6ft 3.5 range lately.
jtm said on 28/Mar/15
6'3.5 peak proves bill murray was never taller than 6'1.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Mar/15
170-180lbs at near 6ft4 is very skinny
the shredder said on 26/Feb/15
Rob , what do you guess his weight doing SNL?
Editor Rob
maybe not over 180 anyway, he was reasonably slim, 170's zone.
Uh oh said on 20/Feb/15
Chevy is down to the 6'2"-6'2.5" (188-190cm) range. He was barely an inch taller than Carson Daly at the SNL 40th Anniversary.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Nov/14
He did look more 6ft3 flat next to Paul Simon in the music video for "You Can Call Me Al"
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Nov/14
He could look 6ft4 in Caddyshack and early SNL...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Oct/14
Thank you, Danimal! I'm glad someone agrees with my estimates for Candy. No way under 6ft2. I can accept 6ft4 for Chase aswell. He towered over everyone in Caddyshack including Bill Murray.
James B said on 23/Jul/14
Didn't look over 6'3 in national lampoons Christmas vacation
Mastro said on 17/Jul/14
He looks 1-2 " shorter than Joel McHale in Community when they spar/box in Season 2. That's a good scene because they can't do cheap height tricks.
the shredder said on 7/Jul/14
Rob , agree with others , he looks more 6'2 now , I believe his claim at peak though.
Spike said on 6/Jul/14
On Community, he consistently looks 2 inches shorter than 6'4" Joel McHale. He looks like a solid 6'2" these days.
GUK said on 27/Jun/14
He has lost height looks not much taller than 6ft 0.5 Ryan Gosling. In National Lampoons European vacation he looks no more than 2 inches taller than Eric Idle who was probably around 6ft 0.5 then. This would point to 6ft 2.5 peak 6ft 1.5 ish now. Maybe he quoted shoe height?
The Exorcist said on 17/Jun/14
He might have known what his own height was because of a measurement, but that doesn't mean he was a good judge of other people's height. John at 5'7", 9", 10"? LOL! Not exactly reliable, is it? And we know that Bill was no shorter than 6'1".

But fair play to Chevy for his honesty. He could have claimed the full 6'4" - as he could easily look that tall at times.
the shredder said on 11/Jun/14
Rob , At 6:09 on this video he tells Howard Stern , At that time I was " like 6'3 1/2 " . He was talking about A SNL fight in 1978 with Bill Murry , He even Says John was like 5 '7 and Bill like 6 " or 6'1

Click Here
Editor Rob
good, I'll put the mention at the top...understandable he rounded at times to saying 6ft 4, 6ft 3.5 always looked a better shout and there he says it.
the shredder said on 27/May/14
Yea 6'4 and 6 '5 are nuts , he actually claimed 6'3.5 . James Avery was like 2 inches bigger
Alex 6'0 said on 25/May/14
I thought 6'4 but 6'3.5 is easily going to look 6'4 anyway. 6'3.5 makes sense since he was always an inch shorter than Randy Quiad who is 6'4.5
Sam said on 21/Apr/14
It's funny, Sigourney Weaver talking about Chase insisting that she sit down when they met for a role because he was self-consicuous about how tall she was even though he had inches over her. Certainly in Fletch movies and the Vacation movies, he didn't seem to mind being next to other tall actors.
Greyling said on 19/Apr/14
I find it hard to believe Chevy Chase was 6'4. If thats true there must be a lot of giant actors.
Fletch for example, theres a few guys in it clearly taller than him.
Lorne said on 24/Feb/14
If John Candy was really 6'2, Chase had to be around 6'4. Maybe he was 6ft3.75, and has lost an inch at age 70? I know he really doesn't look 6'3 now, but his posture has never been.very good.
Lorne said on 24/Feb/14
Rob, he is 70 years old. He has lost an inch, he isn't 6'3 anymore. And I agree, he didn't stand out the way a big 6'4 would, but he was definently over 6'3. I'd give him 6'3.5-6'3.75 peak, 189 or max 190 now.
sqrhead said on 22/Feb/14
Chase next to a Swedish 6'2" actor in 2009.
Click Here
thebad7 said on 23/Jan/14
My apologies, Rob. :) I thought perhaps I could get away with it since his...ahem...occasional confrontations with people have been very well-documented over the years. It won't happen again.

Editor Rob
you got to remember that there are other sites that allow talk about what actors get up to or personal opinions (the good, bad and ugly).

Let's try to stick with positives when we can.

Joking about things to do with height is ok, things like BieberBoard ® or Munsters.
thebad7 said on 23/Jan/14
........... It's a shame because the man has a gift for improvisational comedy. Whatever his shortcomings, he was always tall, and he was definitely 6'4" in his prime. As others have stated, in 1983's VACATION, he only looked about 1" shorter than Randy Quaid, whom I believe to have been 6'5" in his prime. In 1994's COPS & ROBBERSONS, he is identical to Jack Palance--and Palance, whom I believe to have been 6'4" as a young man, was 74 at the time. If anything, Chase had a fraction on Palance--perhaps a 1/2" advantage.

Two little notes regarding Chase: he never had the best posture, and the years of physical comedy appear to have taken their toll. Having seen him in COMMUNITY, he doesn't tower over his co-stars the way he used to. I'd guess him to be a strong 6'2"/weak 6'3" today in 2014. He has lost a noticeable amount of height.

Editor Rob
remember we shouldn't be trying to insult any celeb, no matter what we think,
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Jan/14
At peak

6ft4.25/194cm out of bed
6ft4.25/194cm early morning
6ft4/193cm morning
6ft4/193cm lunchtime
6ft3.75/192cm afternoon
6ft3.75/192cm evening
6ft3.5/192cm night
6ft3.5/192cm before bed


6ft3.75/192cm out of bed
6ft3.75/192cm early morning
6ft3.5/192cm morning
6ft3.5/192cm lunchtime
6ft3.25/191cm afternoon
6ft3.25/191cm evening
6ft3/191cm night
6ft3/191cm before bed
James said on 5/Jan/14
In christmas vacation looked as tall as will Ferrell does in his movies like 190cm
Sam said on 12/Dec/13
He was for sure shorter than Randy Quaid in the Vacation movies, at times right around an inch difference from the looks of it. Despite being quite tall, I've read Chase gave Sigourney Weaver a hard time when she was up for a role because he was paranoid about looking tall even though he had a few inches height over her.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Dec/13
"Peak height was 6ft 3.75in (192cm)"

Maybe even 6ft4...
teffteff123 said on 9/Nov/13
I met him and he was the same height as me (6'4)
Blaze said on 30/Oct/13
barely had 3 inches on steve martin. 6'3 max
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Jul/13
Looks the same height as Matheson
Sam said on 10/Jul/13
He looks closer to 6'3" next to 6'2" Tim Matheson in Fletch:
Click Here
Cole said on 17/Jun/13
Remember thinking he looked shorter than 6'3.25 Zachary Levi.
avi said on 11/Jun/13
wasn't he like barely 4 inches taller than strong 5'11 Steve Martin? so a strong 6'3 seems right
Lomax said on 25/Apr/13
6'4" if not even. Then rounded up. Taller than cusack
mike 181cm said on 16/Jan/13
I give him 6"4 prime 6"3.5 might be bang on.
James said on 7/Jan/13
In Christmas vacation quaid was in heels
Trent said on 31/Dec/12
Could you link to that interview so we can verify and Rob could add the quote to the top?
Me said on 26/Dec/12
In a recent Howards Stern interview, he claimed 6'3.5" in his prime and 6'3" nowadays. Must be reading this site lol.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Dec/12
Looks 191-192cm range now.
In Hot Tub Time Machine he's still 1in taller than 6ft2-6ft3 John Cusack. In the 80s he was a legit 6ft4
James said on 16/Dec/12
although i think quaid was wearing heels in that film
James said on 15/Dec/12
Rob do you think 6'3 (191cm) could be closer for his peak height?

i thought there could look a 3cm difference between him and randy quaid at times. randy has not got great posture either. in lampoons christmas vacation esspecially i thought he looked not ove 6'3
Editor Rob
yeah that's one instance were he doesn't look 6ft 4.
dicksock said on 12/Dec/12
He was 6'4" in his prime.
Vegas said on 4/Dec/12
with kareem in 1983 Click Here
berta said on 17/Nov/12
i think he was a full 193 and now he is 190
angeleyes said on 1/Nov/12
I think the man himself is spot on. 6'4'' seems about right. That group of comedians Ackroyd, Murray, Candy, Quaid and Chase were all really big guys. Reminds of the main cast of MASH where a lot of the stars were very tall.
Alex 6ft 0 1/8 said on 13/Oct/12
Randy Quaid was 6'5 and Chase always looked like an inch shorter. Chase was 6'4 at his peak
Van said on 8/Oct/12
Chevy Chase was at least 6'4" at his peak, maybe even a little taller. Bill Murray even said himself on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno a while back that "Chevy is about 6'4, 6'5." Now, at almost 70 years old, he's closer to 6'2 though.
Silent d said on 5/Oct/12
I still can't believe he is that tall. 6 foot 3. Deceptively tall.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Sep/12
In the 1980s
John Candy 6ft2(188cm)
Dan Aykroyd 6ft1.25(186cm)
Chevy Chase 6ft4(193cm)
Robban said on 3/Sep/12
191-192 peak, 188-9 today
Nick said on 24/Aug/12
"Give it a rest. He had 2-3" on John Candy in Vacation and minimum 3" on Dan Akroyd. BARE MINIMUM 6'4" in his prime."

No. Chase doesn't stand out like a legit 6'4" guy would. By legit, I mean measured at night under a stadiometre). For the record, I also think Akroyd and Candy's heights are being inflated.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Aug/12
I think 6"4(193cm) peak and still at least 6"3 today.
Henrik said on 24/Aug/12
Danimal, a hair is one inch or less. I thought Quaid was 6'4.5" (which I wrote) and Chase 6'3.5".
the shredder said on 24/Aug/12
At Danimal , 6'3.5 or minimum 6'4 Rob put Avery at 6'5 :) .
Danimal said on 23/Aug/12
Henrik says on 16/Aug/12
6'4.5" Randy Quaid seemed to have a hair on him in the Lampoon movies. 6'3" range sounds right, I guess.

Randy Quaid, who was closer to 6'5" than 6'4" did not have 1.5" on 6'4" PEAK Chevy Chase.
Danimal said on 23/Aug/12
Nick says on 23/Aug/12
6'3" peak. 6'2.5" nowadays. Was no more than an inch taller than 6'2" William Gould in the Star Trek skit.

Give it a rest. He had 2-3" on John Candy in Vacation and minimum 3" on Dan Akroyd. BARE MINIMUM 6'4" in his prime.
Nick said on 23/Aug/12
6'3" peak. 6'2.5" nowadays. Was no more than an inch taller than 6'2" William Gould in the Star Trek skit.
Henrik said on 16/Aug/12
6'4.5" Randy Quaid seemed to have a hair on him in the Lampoon movies. 6'3" range sounds right, I guess.
the shredder said on 15/Aug/12
Yes Rob , so 6'5 peak is good , by the end of Fresh Prince he most likely was down to 6'4.5 or under !
the shredder said on 15/Aug/12
rob , now james avery should get a peak of 6'5 , he was 2 inches on chase and had flats .
Editor Rob
avery is a guy that might also by mid 50s have lost an inch since his 20s
mcfan said on 14/Aug/12
I disagree with Chevy as only 6'3 just as I disagreed with Bill Murray as 6'1.5. The numbers simply don't add up. How could Murray be lowered now to 6'1 and Chevy only be 2 inches taller than him? I see 3 inches difference in SNL and Caddyshack. Mind you, I do think Chevy was only in the 6'3 range in his late 40s due to his back issues. Also, my college professor stated he was the same height as Chevy in Hawaii where he was vacationing and I know for a fact he was 6'4 in 1986.
Editor Rob
today Chevy at least in Chuck actually looked struggling with 6ft 3, maybe he was between 6ft 3 and 4 peak and has lost a bit of height.
Danimal said on 14/Aug/12
avi says on 8/Dec/11
never ever over 6'3. a strong 6'3. now 6'2.75 he was never 6'4 throw that out the window. 6'3.25 in the 1970's and 1980's.

You are so off you have no idea. MINIMUM 6'4" in his prime. WATCH VACATION. He had 3" on John Candy at the end and John Candy was wearing dress shoes and he was wearing sandals. You lower EVERYONE'S height. You have a MAJOR height complex.

ROB, you really need to put a peak height for Chevy.
Danimal said on 14/Aug/12
Mathew says on 13/Aug/12
6'3" is about right. He can look shorter by himself, but compares to others as 6'3".

WOW, Chevy was AT LEAST 6'4" at his peak. He's almost 70 now. ROB, why don't you have a peak height for Chevy. Your 6'3" listing is very deceiving.
Mathew said on 13/Aug/12
6'3" is about right. He can look shorter by himself, but compares to others as 6'3".
avi said on 8/Dec/11
never ever over 6'3. a strong 6'3. now 6'2.75 he was never 6'4 throw that out the window. 6'3.25 in the 1970's and 1980's.
Yaspaa said on 5/Dec/11
OMG he never startd to lose height in the 80s, how can you lose height in your 40s. the guy has lost a cm max.
Silent d said on 22/Nov/11
He always looked average to me in national lampoon. I am surprised he is 6 foot 4. Really shocked. In community he is about the same height with josh mchale. Is he 6 foot 4? He is probably 6 foot 3 now.
LAN Jiao said on 5/Nov/11
rob, with 5 ft 11.75 scott bakula chevy looks more like 6'2.75 maybe he is this mark today?
Editor Rob
well on chuck he did look barely levi's height...
Anon. said on 22/Sep/11
I've met him more than once, recently. He's about 6'2" or slightly less. (He's known to have had back problems, so he may well have lost an inch or two because of that.)
5'8.56784 said on 27/Jul/11
Chevy might have been 6'3.5 at peak, but he does look at least half an inch shorter than 6'3 Zachary Levi, so he might be around 6'2-6'2.5.
Terryman said on 7/Jul/11
when he apeared on oprah in 2011 he looked to be in the very tall range! 1,90 meters bare minimum now. but I doubt 6'4 peak I say 192cm peak 1,91 meters now
mcfan said on 14/May/11
Chevy Chase was a genuine 6'4 guy:

Click Here

I thought he started to lose height in the late 80s.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/May/11
192/193cm peak
Quick said on 29/Apr/11
I met Chevy about 20 yrs ago and again 4 yrs ago. He's actually about 6'2". Every guy is prone to exaggerating by an inch or so....both height and length
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Apr/11
I think he was 6"3.75(192cm) in his prime and is now 6"2.75(190cm) at 68
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Apr/11
He's in good shape for his age so there is a chance he's still fairly close to 6"4...

He was definitely 6"4 in the 70s and 80s
anon said on 25/Mar/11
Candy would've been lucky to hit 6'2'' never mind 6'3''.
Danimal said on 20/Mar/11
NO WAY was he anything less than 6'4" at his peak. In National Lampoon's vacation he is wearing sandals next to 6'2"-6'3" John Candy who was in dress shoes and Chevy had minimum 2" on him.. Chevy was at least 6'4" at his peak. 6'3" today..
thebad7 said on 6/Mar/11
Mark says on 2/Mar/11
All that matters is that Chevy Chase turned into the world's biggest douchebag.

Agreed on that point, Mark.

He was a tall, lanky guy. He's still tall--and heavier now. I wouldn't be surprised if he was 6'4" in his younger days. In recent years, he does look like he's lost about an inch from his peak.

anon said on 4/Mar/11
Stephen Tobolowsky who is listed at 188cm looked taller than him in Accidental Hero.
Mark said on 2/Mar/11
All that matters is that Chevy Chase turned into the world's biggest douchebag. Who the f*ck cares how tall he is. I'm almost 6'4" and I seriously never think about my height.
James said on 19/Feb/11
I kinda agree but in national lampoons european vacation he towered over most people in that film. even today he still looks like a very tall man at a legit 191cm.

In National Lampoons American Vacation Chevy did not always look like as tall as 192cm though..... its hard to tell really.
Matt said on 11/Feb/11
crazy that he is 6'4. in any movie he does. theres dozens of people on screen who are as tall as him displayed. makes him look to untall"

Agreed, I don't doubt he's 6'4", but his co-stars (Randy Quaid, Akroyd, Bill Murray, etc) are usually pretty tall so a lot of the times he doesn't look THAT towering next to the other actors he's with.
MARKO said on 4/Feb/11
6 feet 4 peak
bob said on 2/Feb/11
Interviewed him in Southampton LI after wildfires I am 6ft 3 and he towers over me Not less than 6"6
James said on 24/Dec/10
Chase 6'3.5
Randy Quaid 6'4.5
mcfan said on 23/Dec/10
If Chase was 6'3.5 then why is he 3 inches taller than Bill Murray in Caddyshack when he is wearing small-heeled dress shoes and Murray combat boots?
Mark D. said on 12/Nov/10
McHale is 6'3". The interviewer in this video is up to his eyes. When the same interviewer talks to Chase, he's clearly an inch below them. The reason why he seems about the same height as McHale, and so many others in his movies is use of platform shoes and other height alterations on co-stars. Chase is 6'4". Randy Quaid is probably 6'5".
James said on 26/Oct/10
yeah he looked taller than 6'2 John Candy as well.
LOL said on 29/May/09
Look 6' 2" nowdays
GUK said on 28/May/09
Click Here Not looking 1/2 an inch less than 6ft 4 Zachary Levi
victor said on 19/May/09
he looks one inch shorter than zachary on chuck that would put him in the 6,2 and a half range these days.
RICHARD said on 1/May/09
I watched Seems Like Old Times and he absolutely towered Goldie Hawn and Charles Grodin.

It's obvious that he would tower Hawn because she's 5'5-5'6 but he made a legit 6-footer like Grodin appear short. Definetly a good 6'4 in his prime,now 6'3
Anonymous said on 15/Apr/09
I recently saw dear ol' Chevy on an episode of Chuck. And he did not look anything like the height above. More like 6 feet 2 inches or less. From 1981 to 2009, he has to have lost more than 2 inches. Wouldn't you think?
Yaspaa said on 7/Apr/09
Zachary Levi appeared taller than Chase in the recent episode of Chuck,Zach was for a change wearing a shoe not sure on Chase's footwear.
Hugh 190cm said on 30/Mar/09
Sorry I meant 6ft3.75 peak and 6ft3.25 now.
thekiddd said on 28/Feb/09
Quaid is more than an inch taller than Chase.
Danimal said on 3/Feb/09
He was actually probably 6'4.5" in his younger days, hence the 6'5" listings as well he used to be given. As he got older, he used the 6'4" ones instead. NO WAY was he only 6'3.5" in his younger days. He had minimum 2" on John Candy in Vacation (1983) and they both stood up straight.
Yaspaa said on 31/Jan/09
Yo Hugh! .great sounds That
Hugh said on 24/Jan/09
6ft3.25 peak and 6ft3.75 now.
RICHARD said on 31/Dec/08
Watch 'Spies Like Us' and you'll see Chase is quite taller,as obvious, as Dan Aykroyd,who is a legit 6'1 guy. You see clearly that he has 3 inches over him in all their scenes together. I do agree now that he is 6 ft 3.5 in,as he is 65-years-old
Danimal said on 24/Dec/08
6'4"-6'5" in his younger days. Has been described as having been both.
papp said on 24/Dec/08
chevy is tall man, he is 6'4.
Tall Guy said on 23/Dec/08
When a man, especially an actor says he is 6'4", that is a good indicator he is about 6'2.5", IMHO.

I'll bet he was 6'2.5" max, now around 6'1"
Etoile said on 17/Dec/08
According to Pop Up Video (Paul Simon's "You Can Call Me Al" video) Chevy Chase is 6'4".
Hugh said on 22/Sep/08
Chevy was genuinely 6ft4 25 years ago. He towered over everyone in SNL. He's lost about 1cm.
Big King said on 21/Sep/08
In the film Fletch and the Troublemaker it was mentioned that he is 197cm tall and 202cm with his hair.
Alex said on 14/Sep/08
6'4 peak. Today 6'3.
Big King said on 11/Sep/08
In one film it is mentioned that Chevy Chase's height is 197cm (6'5 1/2").
Brad said on 29/Aug/08
Met him today. 6' 3" easy. Somebody had to tell me it was him, he has grey hair now. Nice guy.
sprint84 said on 28/Aug/08
He looked about 4 inches taller than 5'11" Seth Rogen on SNL. 6'3" now and, before age and weight gain, was probably 6'4" in his prime.
Halb said on 13/Jul/08
Just watched Fletch Lives and Chevy looks up to the 6'3 Texx Cobb.
Riverside Park said on 26/May/08
I meant Chevy not Chevey I read my post and realized I kept saying Chevey what a dope Iam but he did order the same meal I did , Chevys got good taste.
Riverside Park said on 23/May/08
Seen Chevey twice once in 94 or 95 coming out of the David Letterman Show he signed a card for me it was drizziling at the time had his ball cap on looked a legitimate 6'3.5, and I saw him again eating in a coffeeshop on 57th St a couple of years ago, he came in after myself and my father were already eating and he ordered what I orderd a grilled cheese deluxe w soda, he ate in a hurry and my father was facing him and kept saying to me is that Chevey Chase multiple times also he kept looking over at him franticly (no wonder he ate in a hurry), I glanced back a couple of times while he was eating and my pops assumption was correct it was Chevey. Still looked about 6'3 or over.
Alex said on 30/Aug/07
Randy Quaid who is 6'4.5-6'5 himself was always an inch taller than Chase in all the Vactation movies so Chase could have been 6'4 actually.
Franco said on 11/Jul/07
watched NOTHING BUT TROUBLE yesterday and in the elevator shot DEMI MOORE and CHEVY full body shots (including feets) he looked 6'1 tops!!!!!!!! WTF

Demi had medium size heels and he had dress shoes.

i am surprised at this because i know he is 191-192cm today, there was no tricks in that scene so how can he look 183cm !?!!?

very strange movie and very strange scene.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.