SAK said on 21/Feb/11
He looks a legit 6ft7,
Twigaledwardsbabiee said on 21/Feb/11
He is real tall he iss mahussive!!!
J.J. said on 12/Feb/11
Looks no shorter than 6'6.5"
Chuck said on 23/Jan/11
Easy 6'7" (never said that about anybody on this sight before :p) He could very well be 6'8" as well. Looks pretty much a whole foot taller than Mamun in the photographs above!
Jake T. said on 21/Jan/11
If he is not 6'7 I would put him at 6'6.75 because he doesn't look any shorter than that.
Shaun said on 15/Jan/11
Click Here
Easily 5 inches on 6'2" Hugh Jackman.
Shaun said on 15/Jan/11
Average head length is what 10 inches?? Mamun is below his chin level so I'd say Cudmore is 11 inches taller. He is 6 ft 7...
Shaun said on 15/Jan/11
This guy must have super tall parents if both he and his two brothers are all over 6'5". His father is probably over 6'4" and mother at least 5'10". This guy reminds me of somebody I met a while back. There's me generally feeling tall and when I stood face to face and chatted with him I just felt like a shrimp!! The world's a funny place. Even if you are a legit 6'4" there will always be people like this guy who are even taller... You must admit though it is extremely rare for somebody to be this tall and not built like Peter Crouch..
Da Man said on 31/Dec/10
Looks 6'7"-ish.
Mr. R said on 30/Nov/10
Don't buy 6-7. He is downgrading. Closer to 6-8. Really stunned he has a career in Hwood being that tall. He is a big boy!
Chris said on 29/Nov/10
Dan is 6'7 and his ideal weight is 255, but a guy that big fluctuates 10 pounds a day.
Matt said on 16/Nov/10
this is actually spot on, there is probably a 10.75-11 inch difference between mamun and daniel because the top of mamun's head is 1.5 inch below daniels chin, and the average head is 9-10 inch but this guy is huge so possible even more. but i think 6ft7 is spot on
Jordan said on 3/Feb/09
Rob should we mention that he claimed 6'7 in the above description ? Casue its funny how the interviewer asked if he was 6'8, and he made appoint to say 6'7.

Editor Rob
yes I'll mention it.
Jordan said on 31/Jan/09
Click HereRob,
Scroll Down, Dan says he is 6'7 to the interviewer.
brother_h said on 24/Nov/07
The guy with the two girls is wearing cyclops shoes!!
when i saw daniel cudmore for the first time on X2 i thought he was 6'5, he didnt look much taller than hugh jackman.
then i see a good picture of him and he is MASSIVE!
supermanfan380, he isnt a bodybuilder like arny, so no he wont be as muscley.
but he is real big though. they all played rugby to so they would be leaner and stronger, i say 250lbs for this guy if he plays rugby.
anonymous said on 16/Sep/07
hahahahhaha!!!!! that cast photo from X3 looks so goofy!!!!!! lol is kinda sweet though
Doesn't Matter said on 20/Jul/07
Dan is 6'8" and built - 250lbs easy. His younger brother Luke is 6'9" and pretty lean. His older brother, Jamie, plays pro-rugby in France for Clerment-Auvergne and is the shortass at 6'5" - however, he is built much, much bigger than Dan... I played rugby with all 3 of them - nicest bunch of guys you could ever hope to meet.
Anshelm said on 6/Feb/07
Ashmore's shoes do look pretty massive in that pic...
RobertJ said on 4/Jan/07
Ashmore is wearing lifts, as is most of the other crew except Hugh.
LindyLewis said on 25/Jul/06
Well, in reality Jackman is 6'3" so maybe that has something to do with it? But I can't explain why Ashmore looks so tall...
Jordan said on 28/Jun/06
This guy is massive and easiy had 5 inches on my uncle who is 6'2 1/2, and he must weigh at 280 or so, he is massively muscular.