glenn said on 18/Jun/08
thanks james.i appreciate your presence on the site.
glenn said on 18/Jun/08
thanks acg for that well thought out post.remember,stallone and colin farrell must both be 5-8,5-9 cause people choose to ignore my pics.they do that with alot of my pics here.and i think you left out a big part,though you were brilliant in your execution,i do this all for free.the site wouldnt be fun with just d-list actors and wrestlers.though grown men here have a fetish for wrestlers and extremely tall men.i applaud the pics anyway as we need them.nobody beats my a-list,diversity,or my years though.
Viper said on 8/Jun/08
Clooney looking 6-1-6-2 blows my mind.
glenn said on 6/Jun/08
james,im aware of that,but people say clooney has height reduction injuries too,and i saw him at 6-1,6-2 at an event last month.obviously had some kind of footwear advantage.
glenn said on 3/Jun/08
ed-its cool,its in the past.i appreciate your sorry for being harsh.i never noticed he can look 5-11ish,6ft until i came to the i was blind to the short sightings.the opposite of true,he can look shorter or has lost height.but 6-1 peak.
Ed(1) said on 2/Jun/08
I'm with you James! I don't know why I couldn't see Ford as a strong 6ft0.75- 6ft1 for all that time! I'm sure it had to do with my sister seeing him, and telling me how she saw him look. My apologies once again Glenn for being such a schmuck!! LOL
The more I look at old pics and movies it's pretty clear he was 6ft1 in his hey day! Now a days, or I should say in the last 5 years, he's been looking shorter and shorter, which would make sense with his 5ft11.75 listing. It could possibly be even less, with his poor posture adding to the effect.
In Kingdom of the Crystal Skull he looks 6ft at times, and then like a 5ft10-5ft11 guy at others. It's weird how much his height now fluctuates. Back in the 1970's-mid 90's he was always consistently looking tall, now not so much!
Ed(1) said on 2/Jun/08
James, I think your estimates are pretty close. Sadly there's no pic with Ford and my sister. I still give her a hard time about that, and not getting me an autograph. She said he seemed very serious, intense, and not very approachable, which is probably why the pic and signing were skipped. This was the early 90's, so it tracks with what Glenn said about Ford's disposition back then. It looks like as of recently though he's lightened up a bit!
Hugh, I agree with your estimates for Glover and Connery, but I don't know about Ford being 6ft1.25 though. 6ft0.75-6ft1 yes, but not taller, especially in Crusade. After seeing Kingdom of the Crysatl Skull it's apparent how heights can be manipulated in film, but still there's definitely a good 1.5 inches difference between Connery and Ford, and even more with Glover in Last Crusade. Camera angles, the positioning of actors in scenes, and footwear I'm sure all add to these effects. Still, upon closer inspection of the new movie, if you look you can see Shia LaBeouf's, Ray winstone's, and Cate Blanchett's heights all change throughout the film. In some scenes LaBeouf looks 2 inches shorter then Ford, then the same height, and even taller in one segment!? Go figure!
Halb said on 2/Jun/08
When Crusade was on the beeb a few weeks ago Glover had height on Connery in the last scene, who himself had a small bit of height on Ford.
Hugh said on 1/Jun/08
Julian Glover 6ft2.
Sean Connery 6ft2.25.
Harrison Ford 6ft1.25.
Ed(1) said on 30/May/08
James, I agree!
Ed(1) said on 30/May/08
James, that sounds about right! 6ft1 for Ford, and 6ft2-2.5 for Connery back in 1989.
Ed(1) said on 30/May/08
"Connery was given an inch more in height."
Eddie, are you saying they wanted to play up Connery's height in Last Crusade, or Connery is an inch taller? Because if anything they'd want to do what they did in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, by taking a much shorter co-star(LaBeouf) and make him look as tall as Ford. I honestly think Connery is legitimately taller then Ford by a good 1-1.5 inches. As for their shoes, Connery wore normal heeled period dress shoes to Ford's boots, which upon closer inspection are struggling for an inch heel.
Click Here
glenn said on 30/May/08
eddie-good movie.i liked it.the alien plot wasnt alien to me at all,and alot the movie is based on facts.and or its wasnt far fetched at all.i dont know who the neil fynn guy is in the movie.i never heard of him until now.
glenn said on 30/May/08
dmeyers split personality is back.
Margherita said on 30/May/08
He was the same height at Jay Leno on the Leno Show.
Eddie said on 30/May/08
Oh Glenn...did you see the new Indy movie about Neil Flynn's appearance next to Harrisons? Good movie eh! The alien thing was a little farfetch'd but oh well. lol.
Eddie said on 30/May/08
In real life Ford and Connery were the same height. In Last Crusade, their appearance was altered a bit because of their shoes. Connery was given an inch more in height. Also given that he had great posture and Ford didn't.
Ed(1) said on 29/May/08
I don't know James, or maybe he was 6ft1 and Connery was 6ft2-2.5. Connery looks to be 1.5 inches taller most of the time in the film, and then 1 inch at other times. Ford's posture could play a big part of this mystery as well, not to mention after seeing the new Indy film, I realized how bad movies can distort things.
Click Here
dmeyer said on 29/May/08
connery was a clear 5 to 6 cm taller so more 5 ft 11.75 for ford
Ed(1) said on 29/May/08
Connery in Last Crusade looks to have a good 1.5 inches on Ford for the majority of the film! My guess is Connery has great posture, is thicker built so he appears even bigger then Ford(like James said), and was standing next to a guy who is known to slouch! I also now wouldn't rule out Connery being 6ft2 or a little over in LC, even at 59. He might be about 6ft1.5 or so now, but back then he always looked tall!
One more thing regarding Ford's current physical condition, in the new Indy film you can see how much Ford's head and neck have lowered in relation to his shoulders. I can only guess the cartilage in his neck vertebrae has diminished as well, so his head looks more compacted on top of his body. Back even 10 years ago he was more elongated all over, but now he seems to be compressing and looking squatter. His body posture, pitch, and proportions(limbs etc.) all look out of whack, which clearly points to his physical injuries over the years, as well as shrinkage with age.
glenn said on 29/May/08
i never understood the whole connery/ford height thing.since i hadnt seen the movie in a long time,i wasnt too sure.
Eddie said on 28/May/08
Yeah, They're practically the same height.
Lenad said on 27/May/08
Actually he looked only slightly shorter than Sean Connery in The Last Crusade so either he was 6ft1 minimum or the James Bond tailors are getting closer to their 187cm claim for Sean Connery.
glenn said on 27/May/08
thanks for letting me know eddie.ill see the film any day now i guess.
Eddie said on 26/May/08
I agree. I'm pretty sure he's still close to 6ft1. I saw the new Indy movie last night and Neil Flynn, (of SCRUBS fame) who is 6ft5 was in the movie standing next to Ford. Flynn had a 4 inch advantage over Ford. Watch the movie and you'll see.
Ed(1) said on 26/May/08
In Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, you could see at times how jacked up Ford's back is by the way he walked! He really is pitched forward now, and slightly hunched. His posture is never that great as well, so all these factors plus shrinkage I'm sure are the reason why he can come across as 5ft11ish. He could still be 6ft if he stretched himself out and stood up as straight as can be.
My dad has the same problem at 70, the majority of the time he looks 5ft9.5-5ft10 tops, but when he stands up straight he can still hit near 5ft11.
GUK said on 26/May/08
"It lists him as having a 32 inch waist and a 33 inch inseam, which would indicate he was definitely well over 6ft back then and really lean! This definitely supports Glenn's 6ft1 sighting!"
I have a 33 inch inseam and I'm 5ft 10.5 barefoot, midday height, I'm not saying that was Ford's height.
glenn said on 26/May/08
that seems most likely right.but im not 100 percent he shrunk.most likely he did.
Viper said on 26/May/08
One thing for sure is Ford has shrunk. Id say about an inch at least.
glenn said on 25/May/08
ed-i agree with camera trickery as a possiblity.
glenn said on 25/May/08
dmeyer definitely put his foot in his mouth for that one.
Birnam said on 25/May/08
The pics anonymous posted are nice, in the one with Connery one thing's sure, Connery owns a vast,masive sized hands, even compared to Harrison Ford ones.
Back to the subject, Ford never has been under 6', i can belive 6'1" for him.
anonymous said on 25/May/08
So Dmeyer, if ford were only 5`11 at his peak, then wouldn't that mean:
-sean connery would be about 6`0, or 6`1 at a stretch?
-Jonathan Rhys Davies was only about 5`10.5 at his prime?
-Mark Hamill was only about 5`5?
-Rutger Houer was only 5`11?
And many other actors we would suddenly have to subtract 2 inches from.
Ed(1) said on 25/May/08
Yeah James, I agree it makes no sense for Ford to wear them, but with LaBeouf and Winstone it's possible. I think that and camera trickery are the culprits here! LaBeouf wore thick heeled motorcycle boots in the movie, so a lift is possible. Ford wore the same old boots from the original 3 films with what looks to have been a normal 1-1.25 max inch heel.
glenn said on 25/May/08
ed-they were in new york city for a week promoting.i blew it off on purpose,though shia mightve been easy and nice to deal with.some say shia is 5-10.serious.i cant for ford,he signed a bit at the events,but anywhere else,he was impossible and didnt pose for pics with anyone the whole trip.i did manage to bump into karen allen.not my first time either.she is a doll.
Viper said on 24/May/08
Shia might have worn lifts as well.
alien from KOTCS said on 24/May/08
he looked the same height as shia in the new movie. but in other events he has some inches on him. Maybe the footwear shia was wearing in KOTCS could have an impact.
Ed(1) said on 24/May/08
Those pics with LaBeouf are hilarious, and show why no one should take movies as absolute truth. Ford has LaBeouf by a good 3 plus inches easy in those candid shots, yet in the new film they are the exact same height! Go figure!
James, Shia is 5ft9.25 listed here by Rob, but looks to be more like 5ft8.25. This would make sense if Ford is 5ft11.75 now, cause he's got at least 3 plus inches on LaBeouf in those pics.
Glenn, maybe you'll meet LaBeouf one of these days, and solve this riddle for us!!
anonymous said on 23/May/08
He has a few inches on shia
Click HereAgain, here he still manages a few inches
Click HereI don't see that much of a difference between him and sean connery
Click HereHe only looks about 4-4.5 inches shorter than dennis haysbert
Click Here
anonymous said on 23/May/08
dmeyer, did you just say he was possibly 5`11 flat at his peak. That is among the most ridiculous things i have ever heard. He was at least 6`1 in star wars.
glenn said on 23/May/08
he did look 6-2 in star wars.but im thinking it mightve been an illusion.dmeyer can say idiotic comments and then is considered a reputable source just for working on a occasional film set and seeing a celeb once or twice.i guess that more than some here.
glenn said on 23/May/08
an illusion of 6-2 i can see.yeah,good point,movies distort gang related with tupac and jim belushi,pac looked 5-10 next to jim who i believe is the behind the scenes they showed an exact scene in the movie on video,not film,and shockingly pac looked 5-8 all of a sudden.made no sense.i would hear for years how they would distort your height in films but never really believed it nor heard it discussed with reputable people.
Ed(1) said on 22/May/08
I just saw Kingdom of the Crystal Skull last night, and was shocked to see Ford looking even with Ray Winstone(5ft9.5) and Shia LaBeouf(5ft9.25, and not much taller then Cate Blanchett(5ft8.5). I don't know what kind of lifts or tricks they did to achieve this, but rarely does Ford tower over LaBeouf in the film, like he did at the various award shows a few months ago. At that time he had him by a good 3 inches, so he's most likely still pushing 6ft. This really shows how easily movies can manipulate your perception of height.
One interesting thing I found in the new The Complete Making of Indiana Jones book, is they have a wardrobe fitting snap shot with Ford's clothing measurements during American Grafitti(1973). It lists him as having a 32 inch waist and a 33 inch inseam, which would indicate he was definitely well over 6ft back then and really lean! This definitely supports Glenn's 6ft1 sighting!
James, I could see Ford as 6ft1 for sure in Star Wars and Empire Strike Back. I don't know about 6ft2 though, maybe in his boots?
Viper said on 22/May/08
Yeah, I thought he looked around 6-1 in those Star Wars films at least.
glenn said on 22/May/08
clay-reports this week has him signing photos.from 1995 to 1997 he was fairly approachable and would pose up a storm.before then and after then he was impossible.
the shredder said on 22/May/08
Rob , speeking of Temple of Doom , how tall is the Mola Ram guy ?

Editor Rob
I don't know shredder, would need to see it again.
glenn said on 22/May/08
more diarrhea of the mouth out of dmeyer.i just attacked poor ed for a few days,so you would think one would get the hint that i know he was 6-1 once.not dmeyer.ive seen connery look 6-3 and plenty of friends that agree.
Clay said on 22/May/08
Glenn how was he as a guy? I've heard he's an *expletive deletive*.
dmeyer said on 21/May/08
ford dosnt look over 181 cm maybe even 5 ft 11 flat in the peak with glenn compare a 6 ft 1 guy look at costner page

Editor Rob
well we know he was beside the height chart in 93 he didn't look 6ft 1 of course...but on Temple of Doom he did damage his back badly, and he's lost cartilage in knees.
dmeyer said on 21/May/08
rob could you bring proof of ford ever looking 6 ft 1 near pitt in lifts he looks no more than 6 ft near conery he looks 5 ft 11.75 20 years ago
glenn said on 21/May/08
exactly greg.
Ed(1) said on 21/May/08
I understand your frustration a little better now that I've re-read some of my old posts, and can see I was just reiterating the same thing over and over. Hopefully you can understand that I've been going off my sister's claim for the last 15 years or so, when she met him, so that has always been a big reason for me disagreeing with you! Like I said, she saw Ford as my size 5ft11.25 barefoot/6ft0.25-6ft0.5 in shoes, but she could have been off by an inch or so.
You met him dozens of times, and saw him at 6ft1 for all of them, so I'll take your word for it! He sure doesn't it look it in pics or the majority of films he's made post 1970's, but in person people can give a different impression. I made a post under another celeb's height who I met, where I said I could understand your frustration when people argue with you, and they've never met that celeb!
Consider this an olive branch, and do know I've supported you and backed you over the last few years. If I aggravated you or "baited" you, my apologies!!
Halb said on 21/May/08
Ford doesn't look to have poor posture in that last scene from Crusade. he is standing stil and Glover is walking around him.
A-Bomb said on 21/May/08
I had some photo's of Harrison posted on this site when I saw him in person in early 2006. Not of him posing with me, but of him walking down the red carpet and signing some autographs for some kids right in front of me. I'll post them again to verify if there are doubts, but they don't show anything other than that I have seen him in the flesh. I had him pegged at 181cm - no shorter, maybe only slightly taller, but under 6ft today. However, surely now in his mid-60s and after having surgery on his back to remove some discs he's certainly lost height and considering the surgeries Id say more than the average person - so 3-4 cm lost isn't out of the question which would have had him at 184/185cm in his heyday. So Glenn may just be right on 6'1"ish based on my own observations of him today.
indiebot said on 20/May/08
Always thought he
glenn said on 20/May/08
controversy? there wasnt any.just someone who visits the ford page,and 2 others,for 2 1/2 years and goes over the same facts over and over again.and gets upset when i dont want to argue.josh-i was on that set.pitt was do you know he was 5-11?
JOSH said on 20/May/08
In the futurtive fords height was stated 6ft 1 on a wanted list.
But in the devils own brad pitt is 5ft 11 and he looks the same height as ford.
Ed(1) said on 19/May/08
Maybe he was 6ft1, I can't see it, but you met him several times and swear by it! I'm done debating it though.

Editor Rob
Ed, sorry - rather than go in circles I think the last bit I left there is wise, finish the debate.
GUK said on 19/May/08
Julian Glover is 6ft 2, but seems to be always 2 inches taller than Ford, at no point does it ever seem close to 1 inch. Denham Elliot is much closer to Fords height than Glover.
Click HereFord can look 6ft 1 in shoes, but he can't be that tall without
Jason said on 19/May/08
I've never seen Harrison Ford in person to know for sure, but I think he only looks that 6'0 1/4'' figure in Indiana Jones. But quit the flame-baiting, Ed ... you're being a **** now.
glenn said on 19/May/08
james-your my friend and i would always stick up for you.thanks for putting yourself in my shoes.and good news,rob fixed the problem you were having with your computer.i dont understand why ed would go nuts like was clearly leading to an argument,and everytime i try to stop it before it escalates, it always explodes into a glenn is a bad guy that kicks people off the site and turns people off.always the same routine.people just want to feel important in some way and when i threaten that, they retaliate.then they turn it around as if im purely arrogant for no reason.i never said i wasnt would be too if they had to put up with this crap and have my experience.
Halb said on 19/May/08
Watched Ford in Crusade at the weekend. Glover was a lot taller in the last scene. I didn't know Glover was only 6'2. Would have to watch it again now after reading comments on here to see how much taller I think he is.
glenn said on 19/May/08
now i can retort and address myself more properly as i didnt have time before.ed's accusations are just like the others.every one of one legit case where i had someone removed from the site for only disagreeing? one? i bet the world you cant name one.and the only one you started with was frank2 who was known to chop off 2 inches of everyone.colin farrell 5-8,stallone at 5-7,glenn 5-6.get the idea? and i always praised his history and stories,yet people were deaf to that and turned a blind eye to when he started insulting me and argued as if breathing oxygen.most sites have rules.and i shouldnt be the only one with treatment against such bottom pond dwellers.i had(hopefully) removed someone 2 weeks ago for calling james slow when james in fact has a very minor disabilty.thats atrocious behavior that i will not put up with,and rob should put his foot down more on fighting here.i go ballistic and have people removed when they start fighting with me after i give them enough hints,and or insult me for class,i have it when it counts buddy.i dont know you.and vice want to challange me being on film sets with ford(and every other place imaginable in new york from 1990 to 1997),rubbing shoulders with 1000 other celebs over a 20 year period to you meeting a handful of celebs and a female judging someones height(whats next? im sexist?,when most on the site discuss womens poor gauging on height?).surely you jest.this is absurd.i gave you hints to back off,yet you kept for laughing at the site? and so? yeah? your point? i laugh at the site at times that doesnt mean i laugh at everyone.i laugh at some.alot of dummies here and even rob and any other intelligent person here can tell you that.but alot of intelligent and fun people are here that are also willing to learn on this site,(some ive grown to love as friends)and i learned alot from this site too.mainly from rob.and im sure i helped alot of people see the truth on some celebrities.assuming and conjuring up muck from the top of your head to attack me is the one dimensional approach all of you use.none of you have an iota of originality and will never outsmart me.never.if im wrong,i always admit only guilty of be a hot head.not a unfair tyrant.your all hypocritical too.cause if some of you were in my shoes,you would react the same,worse or better than me.we are all human,make mistakes and react differently.i know i make mistakes.whats the most disturbing factor in this whole debacle is that we are not fighting to the gory end over stallone being 5-8 or 5-10.i said i had no problem with ford being 5-11ish now,and that i agree he can look barely 6ft in some whats the bleedin problem? its you wont accept that ford was 6-1 at one time in his life and looked it in star wars and apocalypes now at least.and not to mention in front of me countless times.not my girlfriend saw him once and so on.i have a 6-1.5 friend that i myself swear is 5-11.5 now at the age of 33.its his bloody posture.and knee and back problems.all of which ford has probably suffered.or almost for sure actually.i wont change for anyone.i have people here that want me around and are sort of fans of mine.a term im not too confortable with,id rather call them with any person or celeb with some sort of visibility to the public,you will always get the haters.i cant worry about putting people off when i speak the be if more people hated me than loved me,then i would move ed,time to move on too.
glenn said on 18/May/08
steve go fuk yourself for you ed,you saw the argument escalating,yet you persisted at irritating everyother fight here.what have you just posted should i take into account as serious? it might as well have my name up on the site.i dont care how arrogant that sounds.and i could give a toss if people get fed up.your just scraping for anything.
steve said on 18/May/08
ah ah nice job ed...great answer...
glenn said on 17/May/08
ed-go fuk im belligerent.he was in dress shoes every encounter me and my friends saw him at and now you want to pop off about autograph dealers? and so what? they are out here 20-25 years meeting celebs and your here on a computer.furthermore,i worked on film sets with ford and know people who work on films that also include security.yet you want to judge or know it all.i would recommend no further posts.its always people that assume that always start dont know me or all my past nor would i want to discuss it fact i saw ford barefoot once.or socks at least.bye bye.
Ed(1) said on 17/May/08
Glenn says:
"realise who you are dealing with.these pros of mine find this site silly and laught at you guys,rightfully so.they would never post here,nor have the time."
I think you need to listen to yourself man! You just single-handedly put down everyone here including yourself, considering the fact you post here more then anyone in leaps and bounds!
Pros? Professional autograph seekers? Am I seriously supposed to hold them in high regard?!
"Not once have you said, I could be wrong glenn."
Well then you didn't read all the posts I've made. Read October 25th's post where I said "No offense Glenn, I'm with you on most of all your claims, but this one still just feels off to me. Maybe I'm wrong, but he looks 5ft11-5ft11.25 now, and 6ft-6ft0.25 in his prime.
"I called you out and embarrassed you."
Hahahahahaha! Are you serious?
Like I said before, come down off your high horse man!!
So your 5ft10 friends from the ghetto wouldn't think he was tall, if he was 6ft barefoot with a pair of boots on, putting him at 6ft1-6f1.25? But they would if he was 1 inch taller? That makes no sense! That's like saying a 5ft9 guy would be perceived as a really tall compared to someone 5ft8.
glenn said on 17/May/08
exactly viper.ill see how much he shrunk in a few days.
Viper said on 16/May/08
I can certaintly buy Ford at 6-1 back in the day though.
glenn said on 16/May/08
ed-listen to yourself sometime,and also realise who you are dealing with.these pros of mine find this site silly and laugh at you guys,rightfully so.they would never post here,nor have the speculate what a celebs height is,is say i might be wrong is fine.but you state yourself like its fact.what i say is fact cause of my experiences.not once have you said,i could be wrong glenn,but i think so and so.and you neglected to comment on frank2's fallacies which leads me to think i called you out and embarrased not wrong was 6-1.i had 5-10 friends from the ghetto bump into him while filming and state "i never realised he was so tall".would they say that if he was only 6ft? at 2 inches away? no. take care ed.move on.
Ash said on 16/May/08
He was 6'1? I always imagined he was like 5'10. He always looked pretty normal in the Indy movies.
Ed(1) said on 16/May/08
Glenn, you know what's funny is I could support you and have your back a bunch of times over the years, and the one time I disagree with you, you fly off the handle and get belligerent.
I haven't heard of any other "pros" on this site who have seen Ford at 6ft1, just the occasional poster who may have met Ford by accident. With those sightings there's just as many if not more 5ft10, 5ft11, and 6ft sightings as there are 6ft1 claims. Yeah, you've made some huge contributions to this site, but you're not infallible! This one just seems off to me!
"so go your merry way, and argue elsewhere.cause im not interested.iknow my history and importance.and it isnt watching dvds."
No I think I'll stay! Just because people may not agree with you, doesn't mean they have to leave the forum! Your importance? Jesus man come down a few pegs, this is a site discussing and debating celeb's heights for God's sake! LOL
Ed(1) said on 15/May/08
Glenn who are the dozen other pros?
The only other person on this site to see him, and had a history of seeing celebs was Frank2. At 5ft11, Frank2 saw Ford at 6ft! I've heard of just as many 5ft11-6ft sightings of Ford, as I have 6ft1. I'm sorry I just don't agree with you on this one, and I appear to not be the only one!
glenn said on 15/May/08
ok ed,im happy for you.go on thinking what you want.i know what i saw,and what a dozen other pros debate with someone else please.
Ed(1) said on 15/May/08
In the movie Children of Men Clive Owen(6ft2) runs around in flip flops for virtually the second half of the film and still looks like an exceptionally tall man. He stands out in every crowd he's in, and towers over most. I'm sorry, but I have never seen Ford look remotely close to that tall in any film or pic he's been in. At a solid 6ft1 barefoot, with shoes or boots he'd be around 6ft2-6ft2.5. He's never looked that to me, the most I could see is 6ft1.5 in boots, but that's it!
glenn said on 15/May/08
for all i know he can be in the gutter in this pic,or im in boots.he was 6-1.please.
Ed(1) said on 14/May/08
Glenn, so you're saying Ford if standing up straight in that pic with you, is 6ft2.25-6ft2.5 with the cop shoes he wore in The Devil's Own?
Because if he was 6ft1 barefoot in 1997 when that photo was taken, he would be 6ft2 minimum, more like 6ft2.25-6ft2.5 with the thick heeled cop shoes he wore in the film. I'm sorry I just can't see that! 6ft1 maybe a bit more in his shoes, but not 6ft2 plus! He looks virtually the same in relation to you as does Josh Lucas(5ft11.5),
Jake Gyllenhaal(6ft), and Leonardo Dicaprio(5ft11.5)just to name a few.
glenn said on 14/May/08
listen to patrick.
Viper said on 14/May/08
He looked 6-1 in Star Wars I thought.
dmeyer said on 14/May/08
thanks guys i realy have a hard time seeing ford at 6 ft 1 peak ,lately he looks 182 cm same height as he looks in indiana jones maybe his posture was bad so 6 ft and maybe 6 ft 0.25 in his 20s so rob do you realy think ford was 185.42 cm afternoon height at peak
patrick said on 14/May/08
As I already told here, Glenn is right because he saw him so many times. As for me, I repeat that when shooting in Paris Frantic, in 1987, he was taller than my 6'05'' tall friend; at least by halh an inch, maybe a tad more.
How he is now, I can't say but certainly less.
glenn said on 14/May/08
mi agree,he can look shorter than 6-1 alot.but why did he always look 6-1 to me and my friends? met him dozens of times between 1990 and 1997.and probably will again next week.was,and still is extremely difficult to get him to pose.during the devils own and sabrina he was posing up a storm.i have 2 from the devils own.
Ed(1) said on 13/May/08
Glenn, how many times did you meet Ford?
I respect your opinions, and I agree with you on pretty much all of your sightings but this one! I really think whatever he was wearing on his feet has given you a taller impression of him. I just can't see him at 6ft2 plus in shoes ever!! I didn't meet him but my sister did in the early 90's, and she saw him as the same size as me, 5ft11.25. Her only distinction was that he was broader shouldered at the time, but in my defense I was only a teenager when she met him. So if say she was off and he was 6ft that works, but off by near 2 inches... I don't think so.
Ford looked 6ft1-6ft1.5 in shoes/boots in Star Wars, Empire, The Coversation, Apocalypse Now, Raiders, and Temple of Doom. From there on out roughly 1985-present he's looked a solid 5ft11 plus guy/and 6ft plus in shoes. I say 6ft0.25 peak tops!
Just my two cents!
glenn said on 13/May/08
i dont care what any of you say cause none of you saw him like i did.i met from 1990-1997.i agree he can look shorter in movies and that he might be shorter now.but he was a legit 6-1 up until 1997.
Ed(1) said on 13/May/08
I'm with you Dmeyer, those numbers sound right. With the thick heeled cop shoes he wore in The Devil's Own he'd be easily 6ft1, if say he was 6ft0.25 pre Temple of Doom, and around 5ft11.75 after, decreasing as the years passed. That coupled with poor posture would make sense why in every film he's been in since the late 70's he's only looked 5ft11-6ft tops.
On another note, have you guys ever seen Random Hearts made in 1999? Ford looks so average in that film it's not funny! He by no means looks 6ft2 in shoes at any moment in the film. He looks like a 5ft10-5ft11 guy the whole time, and the same goes for K19: The Widowmaker, Hollywood Homicide, and Firewall. I honestly don't think Ford has looked 6ft since The Fugitive and Patriot Games.
Sorry Glenn, but even if Ford stood with military posture next to you, I have a hard time seeing him at 6ft2 plus (in his cop shoes) in that pic, or at all for that matter!
dmeyer said on 13/May/08
i think you should downgreat harrison like you did to macconaughey like a full in exept if at 45 lost already 1 in
dmeyer said on 13/May/08
i wouldnt go as far as 5 ft 10 but in indiana jones he looks 2.5 in under 6 ft 2 connery who could have been 6 ft 1.5 since he was 59 years nowadays stel looks solid 5 ft 11 like 5 ft 11.5 to 5 ft11.75 like weak 6 ft and dosnt look over 6 ft peak to me he hasnt lost as mush as rob said maybe 6 ft 0.25 peak 6 ft in the 90s and 5 ft11.5 now like 1 to 2 cm loss he looks barely 6 ft more like 5 ft11.5 in indiana jones but he was 45 so maybe 0.5 to 1 cm loss a 6 ft 0.5 to 6 ft 1 in person wouldnt look so dwarfed by an old 6 ft 2 men
bill said on 13/May/08
his height is greatly exaggerated. I met him in 1983. I am 5'10 exactly barefoot. He was exactly the same height. He was wearing ordinary shoes. He was around 170-180 lbs. His size is greatly exaggerated.
glenn said on 12/May/08
very interesting james.
glenn said on 12/May/08
how man times have you met ford dmeyer? case closed.
dmeyer said on 12/May/08
6 ft 0.25 peak 5 ft 11.25 now
dmeyer said on 12/May/08
i am looking at indiana jones and i doubt connery was over 6 ft 2 in and ford looks considerably shorter like 6 t max a good 2 in smaller i guess he was never nore than 6 ft ,rob i think ford needs a serioud downgrad for peak height he was only 45 in indiana jones
Ed(1) said on 12/May/08
No James, his posture was good! In fact overall physically he hasn't looked better in a long time. It's really hard to believe he's 65.
GUK, I think Leno is 5ft11 or close to it. Ford has appeared pretty much to be the same size as Leno evertime he's been on his show in the last 10 years or so.
GUK said on 12/May/08
Maybe Leno is 5ft 11, they are very close in height now
Click Here
Ed(1) said on 10/May/08
Anybody else here see Leno last night with Ford?
When Ford came out and Leno greeted him they were the exact same height, with Leno looking to maybe even have the slightest edge. Leno is listed at 5ft11, but many think he's 5ft9 and a lift wearer. Regardless, Ford and him were almost evenly matched. If Ford is 5ft11.75 now and 6ft0.75 or so in shoes, Leno has to be at least 5ft11 and near 6ft1 while wearing 2 inch lifts. I really can't see him at 5ft9 with 4 inch lift shoes, or 5ft10 with 3 inch lifts. LOL
If Leno is shorter, then Ford is too, and not the 5ft11.75 he's listed. I wouldn't be surprised if he's more like 5ft11-5ft11.25 these days.
anon said on 8/May/08
I see just over 3 inches taller, he's not 6ft 1 these days
GUK said on 6/May/08
Ford looks tall (6ft plus) in all his films except working girl where for some reason he looks 5ft 10-11, maybe it's the sigourney weaver effect
Ed(1) said on 4/May/08
If Ford was really 6ft1, it had to have been a long time ago early-mid 70's, with his height loss occuring right after his back injury during the filming of Temple of Doom.
And If Connery truly was 6ft2 in his Bond days( or even a bit more), by 1989 during the filming of Last Crusade he was bound to have lost some height at near 60 years old.
You're right Chris, Connery did have an easy 1.5 inches on Ford in LC. I still say Ford was 6ft-6ft0.5 tops in 1989, and now is under the 6ft mark. Just look at Glenn's pic with him, where he's not looking like much more then 6ft while slouching.
Chris said on 3/May/08
Harrison Ford was 6ft1 peak height but sometimes he has a bad poature, he looked 6 feet in Indiana Jones, maybe 6'
glenn said on 30/Apr/08
long enough on the screen to give me a tall impression.then in blade runner and raiders he would give 6ft even illusions.
Gonzalo said on 30/Apr/08
He looked very tall in Star wars and in The conversation. In Apocalypse now he was shortly on the screen to be gauged. I always thought he was 1,83 but certain reliable comments make me think he was actually taller than that
glenn said on 29/Apr/08
and apocalypse now.
glenn said on 27/Apr/08
good point guys.he did give the illusion of near 6-2 or 6-2.
Ed(1) said on 27/Apr/08
Glenn, I agree! Ford was not 5ft11 in Star Wars, he did look a solid 6ft if not more. Even if he was only 6ft0.5 then, in his Han Solo boots he would have been a good 6ft1.5, not to mention he was really lean back then and looked even taller.
glenn said on 27/Apr/08
han solo was 5-11.not ford.thats absurd.he is clearly 6-1 in the finale of star wars episode 4.
Anonymous said on 26/Apr/08
When Star Wars came out, he was listed at 180cm (5'11) as his fame grew, so did his height!
Ed(1) said on 26/Apr/08
Hugh have you seen him next to Shia LaBeouf? Rob has him listed at 5ft9.25, but I personally think he's no more then 5ft8.5, either way Ford looks to have anywhere between 2-3.5 inches on him depending on the pics. These pics vary from award show ceremonies in which LaBeouf was wearing flat soled Vans style shoes, to pics where he wears his questionable big heeled motorcycle boots in the upcoming movie Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
There's no way Ford is 6ft1 these days, but near 6ft is very possible. I'd go with 5ft11.5-5ft11.75.
Hugh said on 22/Apr/08
I don't think Ford is under 6ft today. Still looks 6ft if not a hair more. 183-184cm and 185-186cm peak.
Ed(1) said on 20/Apr/08
I just recently rewatched The Conversation with Ford and Gene Hackman, and I was able this time to slow certain scenes down to see the difference between the two of them. I was always puzzled as to why Ford looked so close to Hackman's 6ft2 listed height, and now I know why. In the film Ford wears borderline Three's Company platforms to Hackman's flat soled dress shoes(with maybe 0.5-0.75 inch lift). Ford is still around an inch shorter than Hackman, with what looks to be an easy 1.5-2 inch lift in the heels.
The shoes are golden brown, and stand out very easy if you slow-mo the shots they are in together. Once again this only reinforces to me that Ford was 6ft, maybe a bit more tops, in his youth. With these heeled shoes he was probably near 6ft2 easy, along with his super slim build at the time which made him look even taller.
Hackman was probably 6ft2.5-6ft2.75 tops in his shoes, to Ford's 6ft1.5-6ft2 in his Saturday Night Fever specials!
glenn said on 19/Apr/08
thanks for backing not denying he cant be shorter now.
anonymous said on 19/Apr/08
i am going to have to agree with glenn. he does look an easy 6`1 peak.
But here, he is looking a little shorter than arnold
Click Here
Ed(1) said on 14/Apr/08
Nothin, yeah it's possible! I start off the day at 5ft11.75, and end up at 5ft11.25 in the evening. I've found I can be near 5ft11.25 by the middle of the day sometimes, so it varies. It kind of sucks that if I lose an inch by the time I'm 60 or so, I'll only be 5ft10.25 most days. So, I'll definitely be investing in some good thick heeled shoes by then!LOL
Nothin said on 11/Apr/08
Yeah Pitt looked taller in devils own. I have a question, is it normal that i lose half an inch by the time i go to bed?
Charles said on 10/Apr/08
I my self am a hair over 5'11 barefoot, at times i wear 2 inch lifts inside my boots, and gave immpresion of being 6'2, john wayne used to wear lifts why wouldnt a guy like ford wear them/
John said on 9/Apr/08
In that pic he looks only 6-0.
Ed(1) said on 3/Apr/08
Pitt was taller than Ford in certain scenes and then shorter in others. My guess is he's probabaly 5ft10.5-5ft11, with boots and or lifts 6ft-6ft1. I don't think he's as short as 5ft9 as some throw out there, but 5ft10 plus is definitely an option.
In the scene when Pitt first arrives at Ford's house in the film, Ford answers the door in his socks and is a good inch or so shorter then Pitt who's wearing cowboy boots. I still think he was 6ft tops in 1997, more like 5ft11.75. Now a days I wouldn't rule out 5ft11.25 for Ford, Just look at all the pics circulating around on the web of Ford and Shia LaBeouf( a weak 5ft9 at best). In pretty much all the pics Ford's got 2-2.5 inches tops on LaBeouf.

Editor Rob
remember Harrison had herniated disc in 1984, that could have effected slightly his height back then.
Anonymous said on 3/Apr/08
James, the guy in Apocalypse Now is Martin Sheen, not Charlie Sheen. Martin was at max 5'7'' whereas Charlie is 5'9''.
glenn said on 3/Apr/08
like i said,he was 6ft.on the set.dont know what else to explain.or what lifts were involved.
glenn said on 3/Apr/08
i was on that set obviously.pitt was 6ft.january 1997 on was shot late 1996 as well.
glenn said on 2/Apr/08
i noticed men with glasses seem to distort things.frank2 wore some thick ones.coke bottles.
Ed(1) said on 2/Apr/08
Glenn I hear what you're saying about Frank2, but badly judging someone's height when your own height is within an inch or so of theirs?
As for Sly and Colin, I don't know what to say? They've both always looked 5ft9 or so to me, with big heeled boots to give them an edge. I've never met them, so I can't say that with absolute conviction.
If Frank2 is 5ft11, and he saw Ford as only an inch taller than him... I just have a hard time seeing him screw that up. The closer you are to someone's height the eaier it is too gauge, at least in my opinion. Footwear is usually the most misleading aspect when judging height. Depending on what I wear, usually black sporty/casual Skecher type shoes or brown Doc. Martens, I can range from either 6ft0.25-6ft1. That coupled with being on the leaner side, can give the impression that I'm even taller. I get people thinking I'm 6ft1-6ft2 a lot, when in actuality I'm 5ft11.75 or so straight out of bed in the morning, and near 5ft11.25 by the end of the day.
glenn said on 1/Apr/08
well at least you see what i mean viper about nyc.
glenn said on 1/Apr/08
i agree he can look 6ft in movies too.frank2 was bad at gauging.he had sly at 5-7 and colin farrell at 5-8.
Ed said on 1/Apr/08
I agree Lebensdorf that he has always looked around 6ft on screen, and 6ft1 or so in varying footwear. But, I've never met him like Glenn or Frank2! Glenn saw Ford at 6ft1 to bis 5ft8, and Frank2 saw him at 6ft to his 5ft11. I say split the difference and say 6ft0.5 for Ford. Now a days though he looks all of 5ft11.5 tops.
I agree Glenn, he did look tall and lanky in Apocalypse Now, as well as in the original Star Wars. From there on out though I always saw him as around 6ft, but not much taller.
It's true Lebensdorf, Aykroyd was noticeably taller than Ford in TOD, and in Last Crusade Julian Glover(6ft2) had an easy 2.5-3 inches on Ford. Not to mention Glover had at least 1.5 inches on Connery, who had an easy 1.5 if not more on Ford. All you got to do is watch the the scene when Indy first meets up with his Dad in the Austrian castle and the Nazis burst in the room. They stand side by side and it's perfectly clear how much taller Connery was than Ford. If I were to wager a guess, I'd say Ford was just around 6ft maybe 5ft11.75 in Last Crusade, Connery was a weak 6ft1.5, and Glover was 6ft2.5-6ft3.
Viper said on 1/Apr/08
I will say the tallest city to me seemed to be Washington DC. In terms of the number of people over 6-0.
glenn said on 1/Apr/08
try seeing in person numerous times in the 90s instead of watching movies.thats absurd.he was 6-1.want a movie where he looks 6-1? stop watching obvious films and watch apocalypse now.
Viper said on 31/Mar/08
It seems like people might be getting shorter where I live. I just dont see the average increasing. Maybe it is in other areas. When I was in New York city back in december it was crowded as hell, and I felt like the tallest, or at least one of the tallest walking the streets at 6-3. Most of people I saw in New York were 5-10-5-11.
Ed(1) said on 31/Mar/08
I was in downtown Chicago over the weekend, and once again at around 6ft0.75 with the shoes I was wearing, I felt average. There were a ton of 5ft11-6ft guys, and a lot of 6ft1, 6ft2, and 6ft3 guys as well. The streets were packed, the stores full, and the museums were standing room only, and it seemed like every guy I saw was for the most part on the taller side. Even some of the women seemed exceptionally tall.
I'm with Glenn, the average has increased.
Hugh said on 28/Mar/08
I think 6ft1 is tall by normal standards. 6ft 'used' to be tall. It's in my opinion above average. I agree 6ft2 is where you feel genuinely tall.
glenn said on 27/Mar/08
5-11 in new york city.
UNK said on 26/Mar/08
5'11" average for white males - there is NO way that is true. Not if you are including the entire white male population.. not even if you are only including 18 - 40 y/os. Close to 5'10", but no way a solid 5'11".
glenn said on 25/Mar/08
about time people agree with me 5-11 is average for white males.
Ed said on 25/Mar/08
I agree James! I live in the states, and to me the average appears to be around 5ft11. I see a lot of guys that are in this range and taller, more and more often. The last sporting event I went to was a strong indicator of this, with myself at 6ft plus in shoes feeling pretty average. I've heard several times now that guys in the UK are usually on average closer to 5ft11-6ft, and from what you're saying this sounds to be true!
6ft does seem to be the old fashioned tall height, whereas now a solid 6ft2 stands out as a legitimately tall individual.
Ed said on 21/Mar/08
Nick are you 6ft1 in your barefeet?
Just curious because I'm around 5ft11.75 barefoot out of bed, and between 5ft11.25-5ft11.5 by the end of the day. Depending on my shoes, I'm anywhere between 6ft.0.25-6ft1, and I usually feel just a little taller than average. I agree, I think the average height for guys is more than the old 5ft9/5ft10 standby, and I wouldn't doubt if its a flat 5ft11 now.
nick said on 20/Mar/08
My height is 6ft 1ins and I think these days it is the average height of a male in the western world. Not too short, not too tall.
glenn said on 12/Mar/08
thanks littleboy.
glenn said on 12/Mar/08
he was 6-1 at least up until 1997.
Little Boy said on 12/Mar/08
That's a good picture Glenn! Yeah I agree with this being his height!
Pierre said on 11/Mar/08
I think Ford was a legit 6'1 in his heyday but I think after "temple of doom" (He had major back surgery during filming) he was more like 5'11 and 6 feet. There is a picture of him standing next to a famous model (I can't remember her name) and she's 5'9. It was at some award ceremony so I'm sure she's wearing at least 3 inch heals or that makes Ford about 6 feet now. Remember Clint Eastwood was 6'4 until probably around "Unforgiven" where you can see he is taller than both Hackman and Freeman but in "Million Dollar Baby" he's a few inches shorter. He's had back problems and he slouches so he's now like 6'1 or 6'2.
glenn said on 22/Feb/08
thanks charliemotto.
Anonymous said on 21/Feb/08
in his prime around 182cm (5-11.75) now maybe 179/179.5cm (5-10.75) barefoot.
jennie said on 21/Feb/08
I used to hear he was 6'1 when Ford was younger.
Charliemoto said on 21/Feb/08
Glenn looked great in that image next to Harrison.
i agree he was 184-185cm in prime and definetely shorter now about 182cm fits.
Anonymous said on 21/Feb/08
he does look 5'11.25-5'11.5, in the picture he looks 3.25 or 3.5 inches taller than glenn. 5'11 flat is possible.
glenn said on 21/Feb/08
he was 6-1 peak.period.
G-MANN said on 21/Feb/08
The picture of Ford with Glenn must be from the set of The Devil's Own (1997) where Ford plays an NYPD cop.
patrick said on 20/Feb/08
No way in the 80ies! Or else my pal was 5'9 and Sean Connery 6'!
Anonymous said on 18/Feb/08
I think he was around 5'11.5 peak, now 5'10.75 - 5'11 barefoot.
patrick said on 13/Feb/08
Ed, my friend was exactly 184 which is more precise than in inches!
Ed said on 21/Jan/08
Patrick I'm confused, you said your friend is 184 cm, which is approx. 72.44 inches, but then you say he was a little less than 6ft3.5? Maybe you just typed that wrong?
How tall are you by the way?
Dmeyer I agree, I see him at around 5ft11.25-5ft11.5 now as well. He was very possibly 6ft-6ft0.5 in his youth, but I still can't see a full 6ft1!
dmeyer said on 20/Jan/08
looks steel close to 6 ft like 5'11.5
patrick said on 13/Nov/07
Glenn is absolutely right: until 97 he was 6'1 even "up". As I already wrote it here, I saw him during "Frantic" shooting and he was taller than my "tall" friend who was exactly 184cm (a bit less than 6'3.5). I can assure you that my friend was 184 and that Harrison was taller than him in 1987.
6'1 was right at the time but no more for long.
dmeyer said on 26/Oct/07
peak 6'0.25 to 6'0.5 now 5'11.25 to 5'11.5
Ed said on 25/Oct/07
Que I'm with you on Ford's height. I've never thought he looked 6ft1, but maybe 6ft0.25 in his youth. I've said it before, at 6ft1 barefoot he'd be between 6ft2 and 6ft2.5 depending on his footwear, and in my opinion he's never ever looked that tall on screen before. 6ft1 in shoes or boots yes, but not taller.
Frank2 who used to post on here, met a lot of celebs like Glenn including Ford, who he saw him at 6ft to his 5ft11. Including this sighting I've read others on different Ford fansites, who all have seen him between 5ft11-6ft.
No offense Glenn, I'm with you on most of all your claims, but this one just still feels off to me. Maybe I'm wrong, but he only looks 5ft11-5ft11.25 now, and 6ft-6ft0.25 in his prime.
glenn said on 25/Oct/07
i know he was 6-1 up until 1997.i and others witnessed it.i would here comments from 5-10 friends about how surprised they were at his tall,maybe he is 5-11.5.maybe.i havnt seen him in 10 years.
Que said on 24/Oct/07
The photo anonymous posted earlier
Click Here shows Harrison at about a 1/4 inch over 6' when you flatten the hair and I'm pretty sure it would have been taken with his shoes on. That means he would have about 1" 1/4 shorter without the shoes, which would have made him 5'11 when he was 51.
I very much doubt that he was ever 6'1, possibly at absolute best 5'11 3/4 in his 20's and 30's which would have been 6'1 IN shoes but certainly not out of them.... I expect thats how the 6'1 originally came about, seeing as many people give their height in shoes especially celebs, thou he might have never been taller than the 5'11 seeing as he was only 51 in the Fugetive photo and maybe had lost Zero height by that time?
I know 5'11 seems a little low for a man who looked so tall in Apocaylpse Now, so PERHAPS the height scale in the Fugative photo started 1" above the level of the floor (to account for shoes) in which case he would have indeed been the 6' 1/4 in the pic, I dunno thou anyone seen those police height scales up close?
glenn said on 23/Oct/07
let the hobby be dung picking.
Ed said on 22/Oct/07
I second that Glenn!
PhotochopzForFord said on 21/Oct/07
I am astounded by everyone's arcane knowledge regarding actors' heights. Personally I'm between 6'0" barefoot and 6'2.57575" with my boots on. Somewhere, somehow, I have this exact thread about me going on. Now I just need to find it.
Ed said on 17/Oct/07
That sounds pretty close Dmeyer, but I wouldn't rule out 6ft0.25 peak and 5ft11.25 now.
dmeyer said on 17/Oct/07
6'0.5 peak 5'11.5 now
Daniel said on 16/Oct/07
Ford always looked 6'1'' to me.
Ed said on 16/Oct/07
That's a pic from 1993's The Fugitive, so Ford was 51 and looking at around 6ft maybe a hair over if you combed down his bushy hair. Now the debate on whether he was barefoot or wearing shoes will ensue. I'm pretty sure they make you wear your shoes when you get your mugshot, and only take them and your belt away afterwards. I could be wrong though. Granted this is a movie still, but my guess is his shoes are on.
Anonymous said on 15/Oct/07
Click HereHe's 182 cm tall (probably with shoes)
optobob said on 23/Sep/07
my cousin has met Ford a number of times. Says he is a very nice person. Especially to the "workers" on the films.
Ed said on 19/Sep/07
Good pic Anon, it really shows the difference between Ford and Connery. It's the same in Last Crusade, but Spielberg shot the film with varying angles making Ford look taller than Connery(6ft2) at times and then shorter at others. It's also pretty safe to assume Connery at 59 years of age during the making of Last Crusade was probably not near his peak height.
anon said on 18/Sep/07
looks a couple of inches smaller than connery here even with closer to camera advantage. Can't see the ground though!
Click Here
Ed said on 12/Sep/07
"He looked 6'2 in Star Wars"
That's because Ford was rail thin back in 1977, wore boots in the film, was only 35 years old, it was before all his stunt related injuries, and he was standing next to a cast of actors that topped out at 5ft8.
Between 6ft-6ft1 barefoot, but not 6ft2! He might have been near 6ft2 in his Han Solo Boots though. Glenn saw him years ago at 6ft1 and Frank2 said a hair over 6ft, so I'd split the difference and say 6ft0.5.
Anonymous said on 9/Sep/07
he looked 6'2 in star wars so he was defenitely 185-188
glenn said on 27/Aug/07
he was 6-1 me.
Gonzalo said on 27/Aug/07
He was shorter than Richard Harris in Patriot games and Harris is liste 6`1 here. To me Ford is 6 feet, no more than that.
dmeyer said on 17/Aug/07
then whi do you have him 6'1 peak maybe in the morning 6'1 at peak
dmeyer said on 16/Aug/07
rob we would like to see some prove that ford was a full 6 ft 1 in at peak like 185.42 cm i think he was a lidl over 6 ft like 6'0.25 to 6'0.5 and lost 1 in

Editor Rob
the proper 6ft 1 is possibly harder to believe
gabriel said on 16/Aug/07
i dont know if he ever was even 6 foot 1 as listed he was shorter than 6 foot 1 Rautger Hauer in blade runner, and he was shorter than 6 foot 1 richard hariss in patriot games, I think he was always under 6 foot he has not shrunk he was about 2 inches shorter than sean connery also in last crusade and sean is 6 foot 1 also. So ford is about 5 10 5 11 range always has been. Only time i recall him looking tall was in Star Wars A New Hope next to mark hamil
dmeyer said on 13/Aug/07
wath funny a friend of mine who is 5'4 and his son is 5'6.5 were in an elevator with ford and told me ford was the same height 5'6.5 son i dont believe it taugh
dmeyer said on 6/Aug/07
rob are you sure he is steel as tall as strong 182 cm he did look a bit taller than 182patrick
glenn said on 5/Aug/07
ed,the man had apartments in nyc forever.and hits gyms,he isnt trying to avoid people.he now lives in a very public and busy area.
Ed said on 4/Aug/07
Well he has always been known for being an intense guy who's fiercely protective of his privacy, this could be misconstrued as being grouchy. I would wager that being caught off guard for an autograph or picture, by someone other than a kid could put him in a foul mood. I've never heard stories of him being a grouch towards kids though, only adults! It just really seems that the "Hollywood Life" and everything that comes with it, is something he's never been comfortable with! The guy lives on a ranch in Wyoming for God's sakes, and keeps out of the public eye as much as humanly possible.
Glenn said on 3/Aug/07
I havnt seen him since 1997.he was ok then.
James said on 2/Aug/07
Thats suprising glenn that he is not very friendly in person was he nice to you?
Glenn said on 30/Jul/07
Yeah,heard he got worse.
Ed said on 19/Jul/07
Kevin I agree in The Conversation Ford is looking 1-1.5inches shorter than Hackman. Hackman could have been 6ft1.5 not a full 6ft2 in the early 70's when this film was made to Ford's possible 6ft0.25-6ft0.5.
I just saw Dreamscape from the mid 80's, and Dennis Quaid(6ft) looks to have almost exactly the same height difference standing with Kate Capshaw that Ford did in Temple of Doom. One thing is for sure he's shrunk, and is looking more 5ft11 these days.
James said on 19/Jul/07
Harrison ford is now 5ft11.75inches heading towards 181cm in the next year or so.
kevin said on 18/Jul/07
in the conservation ford looked shorter than hackman by an inch or maybe a tad more. but back then hackman was a strong 6ft2in for sure. so fords peak height was probably about 185-184cm and today he really looks like he lost height. not even 6ft anymore.
dmeyer said on 18/Jul/07
i agree ed he wasnt a full 6'1 mybe 6'0.5 in so lost only 1 in
Ed said on 17/Jul/07
James, your right he did look about an 1.5 inches shorter than Connery in Last Crusade and a good 3 inches or more less than the 6ft2 listed Julian Glover(Walter Donovan).
Glenn, if your barely 5ft8 like you say and around 5ft7.75 out of bed in the a.m., then by the afternoon/early evening your probably down to 5ft7.25. With shoes I'm guessing your standing anywhere between 5ft8-5ft8.25 and Ford is looking 4 inches or so taller than you with a slight slouch putting him at about 6ft-6ft0.25 in the pic above not standing straight and wearing big heeled cop shoes. If he stood with military posture he'd probably be 6ft1-6ft1.25, which would make perfect sense if he was 6ft or close to it barefoot in 1996/97. I just don't see him at a full 6ft1 barefoot albeit slouching, and looking 6ft2ish if he stood up straight in your pic above.
At one time in his younger days and I'm taling in the early/mid 70's he might have had an extra 0.5in, but I just can't see the full 6ft1!
James said on 17/Jul/07
Ed I am starting to belive you I mean Harrison Ford did look shorter than Sean Connery
Ed said on 17/Jul/07
Samuel L Jackson was probably 6ft2 in his prime, and he was also signifigantly skinnier back then as well. If you've seen him in the last 10 years or so he looks a lot heavier. I saw the Ford/Jackson height difference as pretty close to the Bruce Willis/Jackson height difference in Die Hard 3, with Willis at 5ft11.5 around then to Jackson's 6ft1.5. I think Ford was probably closer to 6ft and Jackson was standing about 1.5 inches taller than him. If you've seen Jackson lately he might be even closer to 6ft1, just watch 1408 where he's looking a good inch shorter than the 6ft2 John Cusack who Glenn has a photo with.
Dmeyer, why do you think Ford was 6ft1 yet you've seen no evidence to prove it?
dmeyer said on 16/Jul/07
i believe he was 6 ft 1 but i never saw any evidance so rob can you show a pics were he looks it
James the second said on 16/Jul/07
Ed, Today in 2007 Samuel L Jackson is probably around 6ft1.5 but back in 1991 when they were making Patriot Games I am 100 percent sure he was 6ft2.5. I do agree with you though that Liam Neeson towered over Ford by a about 4 inches or so.
Ed said on 16/Jul/07
That's all well and good James but you forgot about the numerous other actors I mentioned as well who he's marginally-considerably shorter than. You say 1.5 in max between him and Jackson, that might be close enough but I think Jackson isn't a full 6ft2.5 but more 6ft1.5!
As for telling the difference between 5ft11-6ft, yeah you're right it's not easy, but there are plenty of sequences in movies when actors or actresses stand face to face in close courters on even ground with their footwear visible. Ford was up close to Pitt in the scene I mentioned and he was in his barefeet and he looked an inch or so shorter. If we can't tell the difference or at least approximate between an inch or so, what are we doing debating these very things on this site. 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 inches yeah that's not so easy, but an inch I think is fair game!
I'm not ruling out 6ft0.25-6ft0.5 as a young man before all his numerous action movie injuries occured in the late 70's-through the late 80's. I don't think he was that tall, but I'm willing to split hairs and at least accept it as a possibility. I think he looks 6ft in the Glenn pic and that was 1997, a good 10 years ago. Now I'd be willing to bet he's only 5ft11.25-5ft11.5, the guy is in his mid 60's and despite his fantastic shape he's had his body put through the ringer and then some.
Lastly, as I've said before I've read several sightings of Ford by fans who were 5ft11-6ft and stated Ford was right in that same range.
James said on 16/Jul/07
Ed, actually in Patriot Games he looked very similar in height to Samuel L Jackson there was only an inch and a half max between the 2. And for the record I have seen some parts of the Devils Own and Harrison Ford looks about an inch taller than Brad Pitt when they are walking side by side down a street and plus like you can really see a differece between someone who's 5ft11 and 6ft. I do think when they were filming the Devils Own back in 1996 Ford may have shrunk a bit to around 6ft.25 inches or 6ft.5 but in the early 90's he was 6ft1. Finally this guy hasn't got great posture hence why he may not always look as tall as he can.
glenn said on 15/Jul/07
im standing with a stick up my ass.he isnt.
Ed said on 14/Jul/07
Well he looks 6ft to me tops in the above pic, and I've read several in person encounters which saw him as between 5ft11-6ft in the last 10-15 years. I won't rule out 6ft0.5(maybe)in his youth first thing in the morning, but that's as far as I'd go. A solid 6ft1 barefoot is a pretty tall guy, and when you throw on 1-1.25 in shoes he'd be between 6ft2-6ft2.5. I'm sorry but I just can't see him that tall ever, nor have I seen a movie of his where he's looked that tall and I've seen pretty much everything he's ever been in.
All I know is he looked the same as Pitt(5ft11) in shoes in The Devils Own, shorter than Richard Harris(6ft1), several inches shorter than Brian Dennehy(6ft3) after he apparently shrunk, shorter than James Earl Jones(6ft1), several inches shorter than Samuel L.Jackson (6ft2.5), shorter than Raul Julia(6ft1.5) by a good margin, shorter by a good 3 or more inches with Josh Hartnett(6ft2.75) and even more with Liam Neeson(6ft4), shorter than David Schwimmer(6ft1), and shorter than Arnold Schwarzenegger(6ft1.5 debated in his prime)!
glenn said on 14/Jul/07
thanks james.some people dont get it.
James said on 13/Jul/07
Ed, Harrison Ford was a true 6ft1 and never looked anything less really in his early acting carrer maybe 6ft.05 on a bad day. Even glenn has mentioned that in the flesh he is 6ft1 although I do think becuase of his 'POSTURE' in his films looked a litte bit shorter like 6ft. I am sure when he was younger if Harrison Ford straihtend out he would be dead on 6ft1, end of story.
Ed said on 10/Jul/07
After just watching Last Crusade and The Devil's Own recently I'm pretty convinced he wasn't even a full 6ft in those. I really think he was a hair over 6ft in his youth, and lost a bit over the years after his back injury during Temple of Doom. I for one do not see a 6ft1 guy at any point, maybe close to it in The Coversation (1973 I believe) but more like 6ft0.5(maybe). I've seen Apocalypse Now and if anything he looked super skinny in that film which made him look taller. Plus he shared scenes with yet another tiny actor the 5ft6 Martin Sheen, and he was wearing cobat boots which would give him a good inch or more heel.
In The Devil's Own for God's sake he shares a scene with Pitt where he's in socks and he's shorter than Pitt. All evidence points at Pitt being near 5ft11 and a big fan of big heeled boots which he was wearing in the film. If he was say near 6ft1 in that scene with his cowboy boots, Ford was still an inch or more under him in his socks putting him at around 5ft11.5 or so.
In Last Crusade he shares several scenes with Denholm Elliot(5ft11.5)and they look almost dead even, and this is seen all the way back in Raiders when Ford was only 39 years old( so saying he shrunk back then doesn't work). Julian Glover(6ft2) has near 3 inches on Ford in Last Crusade and a good 1.5in on Sean Connery(6ft2) which makes no sense. Either Glover is considerably taller(despite eyewitness accounts of him being only 6ft1) or Ford and Connery are a lot shorter.
Glenn I understand you've met him, but I've seen a lot of other reports of people who've met him as well and said he looked anywhere from 5ft11-6ft. In my opinion in the pic above he looks just about 6ft not 6ft1, and he would have been wearing big heeled cop specials which are seen throughout the film.

Editor Rob
true no doubt glover did have a few inches on him, floor I can't remember if it was flat, but I think he circled connery aswell.
glenn said on 10/Jul/07
evidence is my multiple encounters.he shrunk an inch.go watch apocalypse now.
mcfan said on 9/Jul/07
Always looked 6ft or slightly more to me.
dmeyer said on 9/Jul/07
he is 65 years old so 1.25 in is not that mush but also he might have been 6'0.5 to 6'0.75 at peak and not 6'1 rob can you show us some evidence that he was a full 6'1 at peak
glenn said on 9/Jul/07
read? i dont read tabloids or gossip.this is firsthand from people i know.they saw him.
Melvin said on 9/Jul/07
Where'd you read his is cursing people on the new Indiana Jones set in Connecticut?
stevieb said on 2/Jul/07
saw harrison kalista and daughter having lunch at bill's restraunt in Westbrook Conn. on Sunday. Sat in a corner and was swamped by on lookers.
When he was done he took off the restraunt alone to run interfearence so they wouldn't bother kalista and daughter. He looks shorter in public!
glenn said on 2/Jul/07
he was 6-1 in the flesh in the early 90s.
glenn said on 1/Jul/07
he was here in his nyc apartment last week.i guess filming starts next week.i heard he hurt his back before too.who doesnt in these movies it seems?
17,181 said on 1/Jul/07
Im eager to see indiana jones and the city of gods in 08,with Shia Lebaof,whos 5'9 max right. I suspect that he might look only 5'11 next to him.Since he looked 5'11 to supposedly 6ft Arnold aswell. I don't know why,but I never saw him at 6'1,always a strong 6footer but no more. in star wars and indy movies too.But I think he might've been 6'0.5 in his late twenties/early thirties.
Brad said on 1/Jul/07
Friend of mine saw him recently at his son's restaurant. He kinda walks like a guy with a really really bad back. I'm sure they'll shoot his spine with the Dr. Feelgood recipe to get him going when Spielberg gets the cameras at speed.
Ed said on 25/Jun/07
Ford was probably an inch taller than Pitt, 6ft or near it to Pitt's near 5ft11. But, as I said Ford was in barefeet to Pitt's big heeled boots which is why Pitt is taller in that particular scene. Ford is though by no means 2 inches taller than Pitt. Watch the movie and see.
The movie with Neeson is K-19:The Widowmaker.
Chabel said on 24/Jun/07
Absolutely not ,it is the other way round it is Ford who is taller than pit and by two inches, it is clear in the movie, no doubt about it.Ford is 182 cm becaus he is shorter than liam nisson in the film (about a russian submarine...if anyone can tell me the name), but for sure taller than pitt who is defenitely 177 at the maximum, if you don't believe me see the film 12 monkey with bruce willis where he looks shorter by 2 inches.,
Ed said on 14/Jun/07
Ford did have serious back issues while filming Temple of Doom, and underwent a new treatment of papaya injections instead of the standard surgery. Along with injuring his back he's had countless other phyical ailments over the years from stunt work. All these injuries coupled with age could surely knock an inch off his height. He's slouching in the pic with Glenn a bit, but he doesn't look any different to me than Dicaprio, Josh Lucas, Gyllenhaal,or Ledger did with Glenn. These guys are anywhere between 5ft11-6ft1, so that's why he remains a mystery to me. 6ft no doubt in his youth, but a full 6ft1 I'm still suspicious of. Ford presented an award at the Taurus World Stunt Awards, and there are plenty of pics of him backstage with actors like Burt Reynolds, Dennis Hopper, and Schwarzenegger. Ford looks smaller than Arnold by an inch or so, but only marginally taller than the 5ft8 Hopper and 5ft10 Reynolds. His current height could seriously be only near 5ft11.
I just rewatched the Devil's Own recently and in the scene when Pitt's character shows up at Ford's house, Ford greets him in his stocking feet. He's clearly shorter than Pitt by an inch or so, and yes Pitt did have heeled boots on. But, if Pitt is 5ft11 he was probably standing about 6ft0.5-6ft1 in his boots. Ths would put Ford at 5ft11.5-6ft barefoot at the time of Glenn's photo with him above! Unless Pitt's 5ft10 like some suspect, then Ford would be even less.
Matt said on 11/Jun/07
not to mention the man had back surgury in the 80's and is in his 60's now so losing an inch or so wouldnt be out of the question
dmeyer said on 10/Jun/07
in the pic he look s exactly 5'11.75 but possibly 6 ft
Tubbs said on 10/Jun/07
Well having seen Firewall recently he seems to have a good inch on 5'11.5 Robert Patrick, and is only about 3 inches shorter than Bettany, who looks 6'3" +. People seem to forget that, as Glenn has pointed out, he rarely stands up straight,in most scenes where he's in a crowd scene in the movie, he was usually the tallest guy there. No doubt in my mind that he was 6'1, and still might not be far from it now fully straight. How many times have you met him glenn? What's he like as a person? He always seems a pretty cool guy whenever i've seen him interviewed.
glenn said on 10/Jun/07
ford could stand straighter too if he wanted in my as straight as possible.
Arjun said on 10/Jun/07
Glenn has said he is 5'8" barefoot, Bleemo.
But I agree that Ford looks no more than 4 inches taller than him in the above photo.
glenn said on 9/Jun/07
trust me.he was 6-1 in the early 90s.
Ed said on 8/Jun/07
Bleemo, what's also interesting is that in almost all pics I've seen of Ford (with the exception of Star Wars where the main cast was between 5ft-5ft7, excluding Chewie), he always looks average. He never dwarfs people or looks to stand out significantly. A 6ft1 man barefoot wearing shoes or boots could be anywhere between 6ft2-6ft2.5, and Ford has never ever looked that tall to me. A 6ft2-6ft2.5 would stand out considerably, and loom over most people of average height. Ford has always looked around 6ft to me, maybe a bit more in shoes. I'm not saying he was always under 6ft barefoot, but he sure looks it.
Arjun said on 7/Jun/07
He looks a good 6'0" with Glenn, no more.
glenn said on 30/May/07
december 1996 or most likely january 1997.
Ed said on 28/May/07
It would be around 1997 when Ford was filming the Devil's Own.
James said on 27/May/07
Glenn, how out of date is this photo because he looks easily 6ft1
kiefer Sutherland said on 23/May/07
Ford still looks round 6ft to me. Ive been told he is playing the president in the new 24 day 7 next year.
Ed said on 10/May/07
Dmeyer he does look a good 3 inches under Hartnett and even more so with Neeson. Indiana Jones has definitely shrunk! 5ft11.75 could be it, and I wouldn't rule out less.
dmeyer said on 19/Apr/07
he is clearly not 6'1 nowadays he looked a solid 3 in under hartnet
dmeyer said on 16/Apr/07
looks 5'11.75 in that pic he looks aesy 3 in shorter than hartnet 5'11.75 can look 5'11 with bad posture was probably 6'0.75 at peak
Ed said on 12/Apr/07
Ford was 6ft, I don't think he is anymore. He's looking under that now but not by a tremendous margin. I agree about 5ft11 for Pitt, maybe a little less. Yeah he did wear boots in The Devil's Own to get a boost.
I mentioned it once before but Vic Armstrong, Ford's Indy double for all the movies was and is listed at 6ft even. There are countless pics of Armstrong and Ford together going back to Raiders days(1981)where they are matched perfectly with neither having a significant advantage over the other.
patrick said on 12/Apr/07
I agree with you Scarlet.
Scarlet said on 11/Apr/07
Fors is 6' on the dot. Brad Pitt is almost 5'11 and used 2'5 inch mountain boots to be taller than Ford in Devil's Own
patrick said on 5/Apr/07
Yeah...I didn't know how old was the pic! That explains a lot of things! Thanks!
I agree with your conclusions and you know what, about Leno?
I never was awareof how "tall" he was before studying closer because of the size of his head ! It's huge and makes him look smaller;
I wonder too how they managed to make Harrison run and jump as the Indiana role needs to. They indeed, certainly had to resort to stunmen , more thsi time than usually and after, it is perfectly normal;
As for "the conversation", Gene Hackman has constantly a way of standing appropriate to bring the dark and down side of the character. Nothing to do with the flamboyant Lex Luthor! superb actors, both.
Gotxo said on 5/Apr/07
"The Conversation" is a superb movie, and yes Ford looks a lot taller than he does nowadays, but that was quite a long time ago.
It's safe to say that he was over 6' then, prolly 6'1". That's why he looks so close to Hackman, wich doesn't looks any less than 4cm taller, so Hackman IMO was 188/189cm and Ford 184/185cm.
Ed said on 4/Apr/07
Patrick, you're right that in the Glenn pic, Ford is looking at least 6ft. This was around 1997 during the filming of The Devil's Own, and Ford would have been 55 years old. If in fact Ford was 6ft0.5-6ft1 in his youth, he would have lost a bit of height by the Glenn photo. Glenn is 5ft8/5ft9.25 say with shoes, and Ford looks to be about 6ft slouching next to Glenn. If he stood up straight he'd probably be 6ft1 or more wearing the thick soled cop shoes he wore in that movie.
As for Leno I think the guy is close to 5ft11.5 at least and wears relatively normal heeled dress shoes, even though a lot of dress shoes these days have a bigger heel(1.25). I think he's 6ft0.5-6ft1 in dress shoes, which would track with Ford being close to his height if not more. If Ford was seen by the 5ft11 Frank2 as about 6ft only back in 2001 and as far back as 1991 this would make sense with Ford now being a bit shorter in 2006 at age 65. Peak height 6ft0.5(maybe 6ft1) today 5ft11.5. He's def. lost an inch or more!
patrick said on 4/Apr/07
Ed, very convincing and appropriately studied in fact; The ONLY thing which remains bizarre: the Glenn photo; No way a barely 5'11.5 man is able to produce such a difference all the more since Glenn is a bit forwards.
Examine and calculate: the phot puts Ford at MINIMUM six foot, undoubtedly!
For once we have an indisputably good and right photo!
Ed said on 3/Apr/07
If you go to HarrisonFordweb you can watch clips of Ford on Leno. These clips were for movies of his ranging dated from 1995-2006. Over this 11 year span Ford and Leno were almost exactly the same height dead on. Ford might have had Leno by a tiny bit in the earlier clips, but by the one for Firewall in 06 he actually looked shorter, and he was standing up straight. If Leno is 5ft11 which I have no doubt he is, and wears a good dress shoe putting him at 6ft0.25, Ford couldn't have been more than 6ft0.75 next to Leno. I don't buy the Leno wears lifts theory, I think he's a legit 5ft11-5ft11.5. I still am skeptical of Ford's youth height of 6ft1 but anythings possible. The movie The Conversation does raise some eyebrows, since Hackman has Ford only by a bit. I really think Ford is under 6ft now, and closer to 5ft11. How else could he be shorter than Leno?
Brad said on 1/Apr/07
I've seen recent pictures of him and it is obvious his spine has caused him height loss. I bet he has a lot of stunt people on the new one.
Ed said on 23/Mar/07
In Crusade yes he doesn't look much shorter but it is a good 1-1.5inches under Connery. I've watched that film more times than I can count, and have seen numerous film stills and candids. Ford was probably hovering around 6ft-6ft0.5 then. He was only 47 then so the height loss wouldn't have been much, except the back injuries may have made it worse.
hb45 said on 23/Mar/07
In "Last cruisade", he doesn't look much shorter than the tall Sean Connery, so Harrison is undoubtly around 6'1"...
patrick said on 22/Mar/07
About Gene Hackman, he looks tall all along his career and of course, motre when younger; He lokked 6'2-3 in french connection and downright 6'3 in superman facing the huge late Cris Reeves; He looke at him very close eye to eye in Superman, remember!
patrick said on 22/Mar/07
Harrison is actually, elastic man! That is one of the most bizarre thing ever! He seems to change all th etime of height and i am sure, this man doesn't care!
I can figure it out with guy like Sly Stallone but not "him";
I saw him at 6'1 in 1987 not more but i am sorry to repeat, facing Liam Neeson, he is NOT MORE than 5'11 1/2; In hollywood (bah!) homicide, he is as tall as Martin Landau who was not less than 6'2 when young and not less than 6' now; What to think? Beside Glenn he looks 4 inches taller ; that put him at 6 foot minimum; To be continued file !
Ed said on 20/Mar/07
I agree Gonzalo, I thought Hackman would be all of 6ft3 in shoes to Ford's 6fft1-6ft2. I'm shocked at how similarly matched they were. Glenn says he saw him as 6ft2 and once looking 6ft3, Frank2 says 6ft1 maybe 6ft2 in youth. I don't know what to think, maybe 6ft1 to Ford's 6ft0.5 possibly?
Gonzalo said on 20/Mar/07
I also saw The conversation and I was surprised to see Ford looked very similar in height to Hackman. I thought Hackman would be two inches taller.
Ed said on 19/Mar/07
Rob, any chance you think Gene Hackman had lost some height by the time of The Conversation? He only really looked marginally taller than Ford, and both their shoes looked like normal dress shoes. I'm beginning to accept Ford might have been 6ft1 or 6ft0.5 during those days after seeing this, but Hackman at times looked almost the same height as Ford.

Editor Rob
i.e. with morgan freeman and thomas jane film he didn't look 6ft 2 anymore, but back in conversation I don't know. 30->50's of course always a chance of 1cm loss, but who knows
Ed said on 17/Mar/07
I just watched several clips pieced together on Youtube, of the movie The Conversation, I typed in Harrison Ford and that's what it was under. Anyways, Ford is only about max 1 in shorter than Gene Hackman. In some scenes he looks only a 0.5in shorter, and in some the same height. Now, I don't know what to make of that, other than if Hackman was 6ft2 in his youth, and around maybe 6ft1.5 in the footage, Ford would be 6ft0.5-6ft1 in his younger days. There's no doubt he's shorter now, from age,injuries,and bad posture, but maybe I've been wrong all along and he was near 6ft1 in his youth. I don't know what that means regarding the Bond website, and the claims to Connery being 6ft1 these days, and that height around Crusade, where he clearly had an inch or more on Ford. I guess it's possible that in the 15 years or so between The Conversation and Crusade, Ford lost an inch, seems a bit extreme though? What do you think Rob?
Ed said on 14/Mar/07
Patrick, to correct myself since I wrote it wrong, the site said Connery was 6ft1.5 in his hey day and 6ft1 these days. Doesn't make sense that he only lost 0.5in as opposed to all the other Bonds who have lost 1 in. Connery is in his late 70's, so if he was 6ft1.5 peak, I'd guess 6ft0.5 now at least. Regardless if in Crusade he was 6ft1 he still had an inch plus on Ford.
patrick said on 13/Mar/07
Thanks ED 'cause i didn't know that. I wish i'd see these photos!
Sean Connery always looked to me much taller than he "was" being young; Some actors are so. I need to watch again the last crusade on DVD; If Sean was only 6',5 when Bond acting, Harrison should have been only 6 at the time! Wow, that would explain his current difference with Liam Neeson. Thanks again!
Ed said on 9/Mar/07
Patrick, I don't know if you saw this but on the Daniel Craig thread, an earlier poster cited and linked a site devoted to the heights of all the James Bonds over the years. Apparently these heights are supposed to be 100%accurate considering the actors barefoot heights were taken from the James Bond production co. Eon and for the use of wax figures in I'm guessing here Madame Tussaud's Museum. Anyways it gives Sean Connery's peak barefoot height at 6ft1.5 and 6ft today, interesting considering he was looking 1.5 inches taller than Ford in Last Crusade. The site is
Click Here
patrick said on 23/Feb/07
Totally agree with you Ed whether it's about Arnold or H. Ford.
The problem today is people know they can reach such a volume of sinued muscles that they all look alike! Take any current actor and see him naked chest: he is the spitting image of ...any other one! smae shoulders, arms and same ...weaknesses! Because only natural strong people do not really need training to such an extent, just "working out" to keep shape up; Besides, it's very fun to see how these "big men" become AFTER their movie! With all due respect for them, look how appear Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, the ridiculous (for me !)Colin Farrell or Charlie Sheen and many like them sharp shaped, muscled in many movies and like deflated balloons after!
They have thin and small hands and NEVER "breathe" strenght on the contrary of Kirk Douglas, John Wayne, Mitchum, Lancaster etc etc; AND Harrison Ford !
patrick said on 20/Feb/07
Exact! It is officially the case of Clint Eastwaood (6'1 or 2 now while 6'4 before) and especially that great actor who was James Garner "the incredible shrinking man"; In both cases the cause was "serious back pain"; I saw Clint Walker recently and he has lost 3 inches or so! He stands an old man now what is difficult to imagine!
Genetic factor is determining and it's true that Ford has benefited from that though he seems having some knee or so problem (visible when running);
About Arnold, it's a very special case because he was a professional in bodybuilding; What was incredible in T3 lies in the fact he succeeded in recovering his shape better than in T2 though being more than 55! I met him; this guy was really really strong; It is not enough to "pump up" one's muscles to become what he was; If you don't have the morphology designed for grewing up, you can work out day and night all along your life without gaining a pound of real muscle! Guys like Arnold and all champs of strength or bodybuilding at a high level, have genetically cells proper to grow up.
Yet, i am like you: i am more impressed by "ntural bodys", men or women, even though that means "less perfect" appearance; Now, people look like "digital" and often, so are they!
Ed said on 19/Feb/07
So Patrick do you think Ford was 6ft1 and now 5ft11ish? A loss of close to 2 inches being a combination of actual loss and poor posture. You're right about him being in great shape, I saw some pics of Ford leaving a gym in California, as he's getting back in shape to play Indy, and the man is ripped at 65. We can all hope we look that good at that age, it's pretty impressive. yes he's always been in shape, must be great genetics, but his build was more impressive to me than Schwarzenegger's in Terminator 3, becuase I guess he looked like a regular guy in great shape, not blown up like balloon. I never met Ford, but I did meet Billy Dee Williams and even though he was wearing boots w/2inch heels like cowboys in Empire Strikes Back he was the same height as Ford. If Ford was 6ft1 then 6ft1.75 say in his boots(not the thickest of heels), then that would put Billy at almost 6ft barefoot, and that just doesn't track w/ how tall he was when I met him. Yes it was many years later, but I doubt Billy has shrunk from almost 6ft to around 5ft9.5-5ft10. The shrinking to me just doesn't apply to everybody, maybe 0.5-1inch max if you're in your 60's but that's it. Everyone is not losing 2 or more inches unless their is serious health issues!
patrick said on 19/Feb/07
In Scorpio; Burt Lancaster was exactly 60. When young i thought he was big and tall; Big he was, undoubtedly; very large frame and don't forget he was a great gymnast; Yet, Ford is also very well built; i saw him once and he looked 6'1 and it was in 1987; You are right Ed about the posture; some people are like Alien was: they literally "unfold" them ! I am sure Clint or Martin Landau can gain inches in straightening themselves really "up"!
Ed said on 16/Feb/07
My Dad is in his 60's and when he stands in his normal manner he loses several inches, but if he stands up straight it's amazing how much height he gains so it's true posture plays a huge role in height appearance. Patrick, Lancaster to me came across bigger on screen than Ford, even in his later movies like Scorpio. He looked about 6ft1 even then to me, I'm not entirely sure of his age then but I would guess late 50's maybe 60, I could be wrong. Also Lancaster comes across bigger overall than Ford, who has always appeared slimmer to me, except in his later movies like The Fugitive and on from there. Eastwood is the exception I agree Viper, to look at him from Dirty Harry and TGTBATU, it's obvious the man is considerably shorter. Connery has always looked a good 6ft1-6ft2, plus he's another larger man physically than Ford who projects an even larger prescence. He comes across 6ft2 or more on screen even in his later years. As for Last Crusade I saw a good 1.5-2 inch difference between Connery and Ford, and even more with the 6ft2 listed Julian Glover. I also saw Ford as shorter than John Rhys Davies going back to Raiders.