patrick said on 16/Feb/07
Perhaps; what is said here sounds right though H. Ford remains in very very good shape especially for his age; Usually, people who lose few inches are those either become too old or being not muscular enough to stand up and right; Harrison Ford is an athlete, natural one; he never got fat and yet, he seems shorter for ten years or so; The same was about Burt Lancaster, another great actor and a fantastic athlete until his late 50ties; Look at him in "the professionnals": he is sooo young ! Like H.Ford, he looked taller than he was because of what he really was, in himself; Like H.Ford, Burt seemed change his height in function of the films he was in! Very bizarre; But that doesn't change anything about Harrison who looked quite big (6'2 range) when young and much less now though not stooped as Clint Eastwood or worse, Martin Landau are.
To finish, you know, being stooped can make you look taller: the best exemple, Sean Connery; he always stood slouching and yet, always looked taller than he was! i often heard that he was 6'3 or 4 by "people"; he "looks" tall; How does he appear in Indi III next to Harrison ? It depends on the shots but theorically, Ford should be clearly shorter;
Viper said on 15/Feb/07
Eastwood is the big time exception.
Ed said on 15/Feb/07
At 65 years old with countless back and other injuries/surgeries, it's very possible Ford has lost more than 1 inch. I'm just being conservative, because I don't believe every everyone here is the incredibly shrinking celebs they are made out to be. Eastwood I suppose is the most obvious of true height loss, but a lot of others are not necessarily losing 2 or more inches over time. Especially those that are younger than 60. Weakened neck strength and compressed cartilage causing a person to have difficulty holding their head up along w/lousy posture, a lot of the time brought on by carrying a few extra pounds in the midsection can make a lot of people appear to lose height over time.
dmeyer said on 15/Feb/07
since he is over 60 he could loose more than 1 inch
Ed said on 13/Feb/07
Patrick, I don't think Ford is the kind of guy to elaborate on his stature, other than having his publicist list him at his w/shoes height. Personally I think a lot of times when celebs are talked up, it's because they are being given an extra inch or so, the height they would be in shoes. I think most people do this, especially guys. Personally I still can't see Ford as 6ft2 or more in shoes. 6ft1 in shoes, even 6ft1.25 yes, but not anymore. I think the guy was probably 6ft in his younger days, and a good 6ft1 w/shoes and a little more if wearing boots. That's above average, and completely reasonable. Yes, it might seem trivial to argue over 1 inch, but to me 1 inch in height can add a lot in the way one's perceived. He was extremely lean when he was younger, and yes he's stayed in great shape for a guy in his mid 6o's, but I think injuries + age have knocked him down to about 5ft11.25. I don't think he's ever been in a movie where he wore flat soled shoes, he's always worn boots, thicker soled cop style shoes, or dress shoes w/ a good inch heel. I don't suspect lifts, but definitely a hefty shoe heel would give him a boost. There are just too many reports of him being just near the 6ft mark or as short as 5ft11 that have left me always skeptical of his height. I have a buddy who is 6ft1 almost even, maybe a bit more, but anyways w/shoes he comes across very tall, and stands out in a crowd, and makes me at 5ft11.25(6ft or more/wshoes) feel shorter. I just can't see Ford as this tall, maybe I'm wrong but that's just my honest opinion.
patrick said on 13/Feb/07
Thanks Ed about Neeson; i agree: he looks taller than 6'4 when younger at least, a bit like Rock Hudson; Ford is a mystery because i am quite sure he doesn't cheat; that probably doesn't interest him! He was skinny but very muscular and still is at 65! He is a great actor and guy and doesn't have the roles he deserves; shame on those who let such a man playing in stupid films;
i think times are for other kinds of actors like (sigh!) Owen Wilson or (re-sigh!)Ewan Mc Gregor!
What made the difference between US and european (above all french) actors used to be the class, the impression of being taller and "higher" than they were; There was only one John Wayne or Mitchum or Douglas or Gable etc. Everybody was impressed and they all tried to inspire themselves from them, indeed mimic them.
Look, it's the same thing with cars: until the 70ties, American cars, even ordinary ones, were a high standard Japanese and Europeans wanted to get closer to; Now, American cars try to look like Japanese and german cars ! Upside down world!
If there is a "big" guy like Vince Vaughn, he will be confined to comedy and never have a heroic role; David Morse, another big guy, will have to content himself with "secondary roles" (often bad guy);
I think that Harrison Ford has very much of Burt Lancaster who looked much taller than he was thanks to his personality and his "imperial" stature;
Raoul Walsh's "the tall men" in 1955, was about that kind of men and that should have been aboutthe great James Cagney!
dmeyer said on 11/Feb/07
lately looks about 5'11.75
Ed said on 10/Feb/07
Patrick, just saw an older clip of Neeson on Leno back in 99, and even slouching a bit when he came out he had easily 4 inches on Jay. I'm sure the guy was 6ft4/6ft5w/shoes, and now marginally shorter. I agree w/ some that Ford looked way taller in his youth in movies like Apocalypse Now and Star Wars. But he was also super skinny back then, which added to his appearance. I think it's interesting so many people have seen him as shorter, in the height range of 5ft10-5ft11 in the last few years. In the pic w/ Glenn he does look 6ft and he's not even really standing up straight, plus I saw a pic of him and Schwarzenegger from about 10 years ago, and Ford looks about 1 inch plus shorter. Still a mystery to me, somewhere between 5ft11-6ft1.
DC said on 6/Feb/07
Harrison Ford appeared about 5-11 when we passed each other on the street a few years ago. I'm 5-10.
G-unit said on 29/Jan/07
haven't seen him recently but he looks/looked 6'1.
dmeyer said on 28/Jan/07
i think he was 185 15 years ago and more 183 184 in the late 90s and more 182 183 now
Elle said on 27/Jan/07
I found myself walking directly towards Harrison Ford on a New York City street in the nineties, and as I neared him,(I am five eleven exactly and was wearing one inch heel boots, and he was wearing shoes which had to have had some kind of average men's shoe heel, about one inch), noticed that he was about an inch shorter than me, making him no taller than 5'10".
patrick said on 26/Jan/07
Yes Ed; i agree with you and would just add an experience i made yesterday with two friends: one is 5'11 and half (182cm) and the other 6'2 3/4 (190cm); both are slender and i never saw them newt to each other before; How surprised was i when they looked to me (5'8) almost alike!
i deduced my 6'3 friend was not 6'3 until he (6'3) straightened up ! The difference appeared all of a sudden and yet, HE DID NOT LOOK SLOUCHING AT ALL!
Tall people ALWAYS lower themselves withour being aware of it, just to adapt themselves to the "human society". The other thing is i am at the height many cameras are when shooting; the only way to be SURE even in a photo or a movie, is to watch people from far enough, like 30 or 45 feet and filmed as Ford or Hawks did, without "angles"; All close up shots are deceptive.
Neeson seems to suffer from the same syndrome as the great Clint Eastwood who visibly lost 2 inches since the 70ties.
Ed said on 23/Jan/07
Patrick, the funny thing with Neeson is he's listed at 6ft4, but is apparently closer to 6ft3 these days. So either way with shoes he'd be 6ft4 plus, or 6ft5 plus. I'd lean closer to 6ft4 plus with shoes. On top of that the guy hunches his shoulders alot, most likely this is to downplay his height with shorter actors, who don't want to be made to look smaller than life, as opposed to their Hollywood larger than life personas. If Neeson is 6ft3, and 6ft4plus with shoes, even slouching in K19, he looked way taller than Ford. I thought Ford and Neeson's height difference looked to be about the same, maybe a bit less, as Christian Bale's did with Neeson in Batman Begins. I think Ford was under 6ft in K19, maybe about 5ft11.5 to Neeson's 6ft3.
patrick said on 23/Jan/07
True Ed and I agree with you but i just would recall (about heels) that everybody wears shoes and as result, that doesn't change anything except if, as i do, one is wearing sneackers and the other cow boy boots!
But frankly, that does not explain the gap between him and Liam Neeson, even though that one is very tall and big.
John Wayne who was notably known for being at least 6'4 (a 6'1 friend of mine met him as he did with same size Forrest Tucker and told me both were REALLY tall as much as 6'6 in shoes)and yet, close to 5'10 Monty Cliff in (superb) Red River in 1948, he doesn't tower him nor 5'11 Walter Brennan; he's just clearly taller.
Freeze the shot in question in K19: that is almost funny because H. Ford always gave the image of a hero and that is Liam who looks down on him there.
What if Harrison had been next to Vince Vaughn !
Ed said on 21/Jan/07
Maybe Ford fell in between the 6ft and 6ft1 mark in his hey day, though I'm leaning closer to 6ft. If he is still 6ft that would make him 6ft1 in shoes, and based on the movies he's been in, in the last few years he must have some very tall cast mates because he looks shorter to average height, no more than 5ft11. I'm not referring to Hartnett or Neeson, legit tall actors, but the majority of other filler actors in the cast, that must be all near 6ft or taller. As for Ford towering over actors in Star Wars that would be due to the fact that his castmates were 5ft1(Fisher), 5ft7(Hamill), 5ft9.5(Guinness),and 5ft8(Daniels). At between 6ft to 6ft1 anybody is going to look huge standing next to a cast of that height, especially when he was a lot skinnier back the, making him look even taller!
hb45 said on 20/Jan/07
In the pic with Glenn, Harrison still stands very tall, not less than 183cm. So, it's obvious that in his prime, at the time of Star Wars, he was easily 185cm, towering over the other actors.
patrick said on 19/Jan/07
Yes, i agree and i remember having seen him in "frantic" shootage: he was definitely 185, even a bit more but not less;
however, he is literally dwarfed by Liam Neeson in "K17" and NEVER a 6'4 man could do so with a still 6'1: NEVER. That is physically just IMPOSSIBLE.
In his last movie (soooo bad) "hollywood homicide", he is the same height than probably shorted by the age, Martin Landau who "was" 6'2 but cannot be now just 5'11...height that , precisely, H. Ford seems having in "K17" !
All of that remains incomprehensible!
Glenn said on 18/Jan/07
He always seemed 6-1 to me.not the 6ft some claim here.
anonymous said on 17/Jan/07
I actually worked on a film that he was in. Huge guy. big all around. Lot taller than the usual actors that you see on the set. I would say he could be as tall as 6'2. I guess Sly or Tom Cruise would not be in a scene with him.
hb45 said on 12/Jan/07
Harrison is undoubtly around 1m85. Recently, I've seen "Working girl" on TV (this movie was in 1988), and he was at that time about 5cm taller than Melanie Griffiths (1m74 + high heeled schoes, putting her at 1m80). As well, in Star Wars, he looked very tall compared to Mark Hamill, I would say around 13cm taller, and since Mark Hamill is a little bit over 1m70, it proves that Harrison is a strong 1m85. Maybe that nowadays, problems with his back has altered his height, but in the 80's, he was 1m85 for sure...
Glenn said on 12/Jan/07
The man was a legit 6-1.I met him many times back Apocalypes Now.youll see a true 6-1.
Mr Mayfair said on 10/Jan/07
He claimed 6.1 when shooting the first Indie film, but there were politics involved, Tom Sellick was first choice and he claimed to be 6.5 (against 6.3?) at the time. So when they couldn't get him one of the role requirements was for an actor over six foot... I suspect Ford was just Six Foot exactly but now he surely cannot be over 5.11?? Also, he is quite skinny.
Sean Connery is much taller, still.
Spence said on 7/Dec/06
Ford was an easy 185 cm in his prime. Today he is around 183. But just watch Star Wars he easily looks 6'1 in it but nothing more.
Ed said on 30/Nov/06
Watched Last Crusade recently and skipped through some of the Indy documentaries. I looked up Vic Armstrong, Harrison Ford's stunt double for all the Indy movies, who apparently based on the dvd documentaries was the perfect double for Ford since they looked alike, and he's listed at 6ft. Now based on the documentary footage, Ford and Armstrong looked almost exactly the same height. Ford is pretty much 1.5 inches shorter than Connery all the time in both the movie and the raw documentary footage. In 1989 Ford was 47 and Connery would have been 59 maybe 60. Now, I now we all shrink a bit, but I think it's being blown out of proportion. If Connery was about 6ft2 in his prime, he was maybe 6ft1.5 in Crusade, putting Ford at around 6ft.
Brad said on 18/Nov/06
He had serious surgery on his back. I think he injured it from jumping without letting it heal. Clooney was near death from spinal damage from a dumb grip on a recent film knocking him over while tied up. I think he coughed up spinal fluid and has never recovered. Being a star is dangerous stuff with stunts. Burt Reynolds' jaw is a mess. I'm sure Spielberg has major insurance on him for the next IJ film.
Franco said on 16/Nov/06
never thought Harrison Ford 6.1 or 6.0....maybe 5.10..but now with that pic i truly believe he is 6.0
Ed said on 14/Nov/06
I wonder if anyone has any pics of Ford with Gene Hackman in The Conversation, for reference. I remember Ford definitely being shorter, but how much escapes me now. If Hackman was 6ft2 barefoot back then, it would be a good base to judge from. Anon, so Ford was about 6ft1.5 with shoes to your 6ft in heels, and out of interest where did you meet him, was it on the set since he was wearing his Solo boots.
Anon said on 11/Nov/06
Ed - He was wearing shoes, and would have been over 6'1" in them. The heels were very small - they were the boots from his costume as Han Solo. So, 6'1" barefoot, easily.
Glenn said on 10/Nov/06
Thanks for backing me on that 6-1 Anon.
Ed said on 10/Nov/06
Anon, so you're saying he was about 6ft2 when you met him with his shoes, or 6ft1 when you met him with his shoes? The difference being Ford at 6ft1 barefoot, or 6ft barefoot.
Anon said on 10/Nov/06
Met him during Star Wars days. The guy was easily 6'1". I'm a definite 5'9" without shoes, and he towered over me, even when I was wearing heels. I don't know about these days, but he was definately at least 6'1" then. No question. Tiny Carrie Fisher was at least a foot smaller.
Ed said on 7/Nov/06
In the pic above which would have been 1997 during the Devil's Own Ford was 55, and by then he had had a lot of damage done to his back from stunts, like in Temple of Doom. I'm sorry I still can't see Ford 6ft2 with shoes, at most 6ft1 with. Maybe he was 6ft0.25 in his prime 6ft1.25 t0 6ft1.5 with shoes, and he's now 5ft11.25 barefoot. Yeah he's not standing straight in the Glenn pic, but if he was and Glenn is 5ft9 with shoes, I can't see Ford anymore than 6ft1 with the thick soled cop shoes he would have been wearing for the movie shoot, about 4 inches taller than Glenn.
Glenn said on 6/Nov/06
From stunts?
Brad said on 5/Nov/06
He does have a messed up spine so he probably lost an inch or two.
Glenn said on 31/Oct/06
Ed-in his prime he was 6-1 barefoot.he isnt standing as straight.Ron-thats my dream.any help or advice would be appreciated.
Ed said on 29/Oct/06
Ralph, how do you know he was'nt wearing shoes for the movie photo? In most cases directors build up their stars appearance not downgrade it. In the case of most celeb
Mugshots(real ones) don't the cops let them keep their shoes on not to lessen their public persona.
ralph said on 28/Oct/06
At the fugitive mugshot he wasnt with shoes.
Ed said on 27/Oct/06
Hulk, thanks I've been saying that for a while now, and no one seems to see it as well. The Fugitive is like 13 years old, and I believe Ford is 64 now. If in The Fugitive he was only 6ft0.25 with shoes(knocking him down to between 5ft11 and 5ft11.25 barefoot), he could be the same height now or even shorter. He has had back surgeries, and years of physical abuse on his body from stunts, so it could be possible he's only just about 5ft11 now(6ft in shoes).
hulk said on 27/Oct/06
on the fugitive wall mark Harrison looked 184 cm (6'025"), and he was in his shoes,so thats like 184 minus 2,5 cm right? And the middle of his eyes was no higher than 5'8", and give 4'5" on that. So i think he's no taller than 182 cm with no shoes on.
Ron said on 9/Oct/06
Glenn...When will you publish your book of photos with the stars? Maybe a website with comments re their heights?
Ed said on 4/Oct/06
Glenn, I've asked you this before,so I'll try again, are you saying he was 6ft1 with his Devil's Own cop shoes on when you met him, meaning he was really around 5ft11.75 to 6ft barefoot in the early 90's, or 6ft1 barefoot is what you guessed, putting him at 6ft2 plus in shoes in the pic above. Granted he's slouching a bit, but if you are 5ft8(5ft9)with shoes, Ford looks at most maybe 4 inches taller, putting him at 6ft1 with his shoes.
Glenn said on 4/Oct/06
I havnt seen Ford in 10 years.he can be any height now Ed.from the 1960s till 1997 he was 6-1.met him from 1990 to 1997.
Brad said on 3/Oct/06
My brother met him at his son's restaurant in Culver City. He's appearing 6' 1" but then again he was wearing his Wyoming roughneck boots so he looked taller. He's into de-icing formulas for planes.
Ed said on 26/Sep/06
So are you guys both saying Ford is still a solid 6ft1 today at 64 years old, or he was 6ft1 and is now 5ft11 plus, because you both are saying he is, not he was. I've never met Ford so maybe he was a little over 6ft in his hey day, but anything taller I just can't see, he just doesn't come across as 6ft2 with shoes.
Glenn said on 24/Sep/06
Thanks for backing me Ford is a solid 6-1.what hurt me was taking a year or 2 off here and there meeting celebs.otherwise Id be #1.Im in the top 10,thats for sure.Michael Cain,eat your heart out!
Mr. E said on 23/Sep/06
Harrison is a solid 6'1".....Glenn, Jesus H! I might have missed the memo, but how on earth did you get to be the 5'8" measuring stick to the stars? Glenn now appears with more movie stars than Michael Caine! In shoes I'm 6'...any celeb claiming to be over 6' has to appear next to me for authenticity... hats off to Glenn!

Editor Rob
hopefully in a few years time Glenn will have one of the biggest 'with celebrity' collections shown on the net...
Ed said on 21/Sep/06
I still can't see Ford 6ft2 or 6ft2 plus with shoes on, he would look way taller on screen, 6ft1 has got to be a with shoes listing.
kobby said on 19/Sep/06
photo above looks 181cm beside 173glenn.. is glenn a solid 173?? if is it i did say ford is no way 6ft..judge by pic above.. but in movie FIRE WALL he do looks only 181..182..
ralph said on 16/Sep/06
Now he is around 6 foot , but in a good day he was 6'1"
chris said on 13/Sep/06
I met him 1997 and he was max one inch shorter then me (6-1). I think he is 182cm without shoes
Anonymous said on 10/Sep/06
In America, height is usually given in shoes, so most likely Ford was 5ft 11in barefoot and 6' to 6.025 in shoes.
Anonymous said on 9/Sep/06
Danimal, I am someone everyone knows!
[Editor Rob: stuntman on Indiana Jones said he and Harry were exact same height "little over 6ft", back in 1984]
Viper652 said on 7/Sep/06
I agree with you Ed, He looks 6-0 to me in the pic.
Anonymous said on 7/Sep/06
The man clearly friends would comment on how tall he was back then.they wouldnt if he was 6 foot.
Ed said on 7/Sep/06
Glenn, when you met Ford in the 90's(I'm assuming 96/97 for the pic above considering that's when The Devil's Own came out, did you feel he looked 6ft2ish with shoes in person? Or 6ft1 plus with shoes? Cause in your pic he looks about 4 inches taller than you, and if you are 5ft8 barefoot/5ft9 with an inch heeled shoe, then Ford would be about 6ft1 maybe a bit more with shoes on.
Viper652 said on 7/Sep/06
Jason doesnt use all those exclamation marks Danimal. This is the same guy who says Brad Pitt is only 5-8-5-9 Max too.
Anonymous said on 7/Sep/06
I have seen a listing for Ford for 6'in the 1980's In that short profile he did say he 'hated being called a star' as one of his dislikes!
Danimal said on 6/Sep/06
Anonymous, reveal yourself!!! Is that Jason?????
Anthony said on 6/Sep/06
"I have notice that he does not tower over his leading female co-stars, like a genuine 6'1 guy!"
Well, apparently he was tall enough that Carrie Fisher had to stand on a box next to him in "Star Wars".
Glenn said on 6/Sep/06
He WAS NEVER listed at 5-11.Han Solo was 5-11.thats your mixup.Luke was 5-9.but Hamill is 5-7.
Anonymous said on 6/Sep/06
If the man was a legit 6'1 barefoot then, he would be 6'2 or 6'2.5 in shoes! He has to me looked a solid 5'11 guy and 6' in shoes!
That mug shot clearly shows he to be about 6' or 6'0.25, that is in shoes!! barefoot probably 180 or 181cm!
I have notice that he does not tower over his leading female co-stars, like a genuine 6'1 guy!
When Star Wars first came out he was listed as 5'11 (he was 35 years old)
He is one of Hollywood's genuine 5'11 male actors! (now maybe slightly shorter!)
Viper652 said on 6/Sep/06
"He has never looked like a genuine towering 6'1 guy!"
Umm, there is a picture posted a few inches above the comments section where he looks 6-0 minimum.
A-Bomb said on 6/Sep/06
When he walked past me earlier this year at a film premiere here in Oz (there are some photos of him signing autographs in front of me down the page a bit) he didn't seem to be 6ft. From my 5'8" vantage I had him pegged at 181/80cm. I sincerely believe ten years ago though when this photo was taken with Glenn above he was in the 6'-6'1" range, but now he's in the 5'11" bracket.
Glenn said on 6/Sep/06
No reason for Ford to wear lifts.he might be 5-11 now,but he was a legit 6-1 ten years ago.
Anonymous said on 5/Sep/06
Danimal: Lifts!!
Ed said on 5/Sep/06
Danimal, my point was that my sister who has been around me my whole life, could pretty accurately describe my height based on the reference of me to her,or her husband who is pretty much the same height as me, a bit smaller, who she said was closer to Ford's height. Her ability to accurately describe someone at 5ft11.25 by just looking at them is ludricous I agree. I'm talking about a generalization, which is why she said I looked taller. For example you know how tall your Dad is, and if you met someone comparable in height to him you could guesstimate who's taller. All we are doing on this site is estimating, unless we get to first hand witness Ford or anyone get measured barefoot in front of us, Right?
Danimal said on 5/Sep/06
Ed, all of that is great, but a 5'3" girl can't judge if a guy is 5'11 1/4" or 6'0", or 6'1", when guys who are almost that height can barely do themselves.
Glenn said on 5/Sep/06
Thanks D.exactly Rob.
Danimal said on 4/Sep/06
Anomymous, how can you you claim that he was only 5'11" in his prime when he looks at least 6'0" next to Glenn in the present day?
Glenn said on 4/Sep/06
Then he wears lifts.AGAIN,have you met him.ESPECIALLY in the early 90s,he was Apocalypse Now.looks 6-2 there.

Editor Rob
nowadays he's what, near 65, even in Firewall, look at his scenes with that chick (rajskub, who wasn't in trainers in film, at least I don't think) then look at her in trainers on this site with me.
Nowadays he might still when standing tall be near 6ft. He's one of few a-listers who has gone beyond the 'required' call of duty with stunts on films and I'm sure his body has taken a battering and he's lost height by now
Glenn said on 4/Sep/06
Then he wears lifts.AGAIN,have you met him.ESPECIALLY in the early 90s,he was Apocalypse Now.looks 6-2 there.
Anonymous said on 4/Sep/06
It would appear to explain the mugshot picture looking about six foot and a bit over! The conclusion is Ford was 5'11 or 5'11.5 max barefoot and now anything up to an inch shorter! I am also some what uncertain about personal sightings and with Glenn's estimates of heights!
In The Indiania Jones films, Ford never looked over 5'11 or 5'11.5!
Glenn said on 4/Sep/06
He was 6-1.enough with the ever met him? Willem is closer to 5-8.
Anonymous said on 3/Sep/06
Just saw 'Clear and Present Danger' Ford appears 3 to 4 inches taller than William Dafoe who is listed at this site as 5'7 (some say 5'6)
That would make Ford only 5'11 tall!
I am 100% ocnvinced now that Ford was 5'11 barefoot as his peak height and now 5'10 or 10.5
I do remember when Star Wars first came out, Ford was Listed as 5'11 others had him listed at 6' (probably in shoes)
To me he has always looked a strong 5'11 and 6' in shoes!
Ford 'grew' as he became more famous to the 6'1 height! also probably a lift wearer when appearing with taller actors e.g. Sean Connery
He has never looked like a genuine towering 6'1 guy!
Anonymous said on 10/Aug/06
picture of his mugshot when arrested shows the top of his head( the hair goes a little over) to be 72 inches which is approximately 6ft.
dmeyer said on 25/Jul/06
he was 185 andnow 182 183 range
Gotxo said on 20/Jul/06
Well, maybe he's no longer that, i think he was 184-185cm in his youth.
But still looks tall, i think he's still over 5'11", 5'11 & 1/2" - 6' ?

Editor Rob
there are pictures on wireimage and getty of ford beside that mary lynn chick (in heels)...I think he could be 182cm now
dmeyer said on 20/Jul/06
he is not 6 1 nowadays he looks aleast 3 in smaller than betany or hartnet
Glenn said on 19/Jul/06
In late 1996 or early 1997,which is when this pic was taken,I was 5-8.pre 1994,I was 5-7.Ford was 6-1.thanks for backing me Gotxo.
Gotxo said on 19/Jul/06
Glenn is an exact 4" smaller than Ford in that shot, this makes of him a 5'8", but we could asume distortions due to posture/footwear.
Anyway, Ford has never looked anything under 6', and Glenn looks over 5'7", i guess 5'8" is righ, because when portrayed next to 6' guys he never looks more than 10cm, and gets very close in height to 5'9" ones. So, yeah, 5'8" is a good guess for him.
Glenn - Now you realize you're subject to conjectures as so many stars in this
site. It's impossible to study a sistem without altering it.
frank said on 18/Jul/06
hey glenn..i met the guy years ago...looking at the pic u look most likely as 5-7
Anthony said on 15/Jul/06
I just got finished watching "Raiders Of The Lost Arc", and I do think Ford was about 6'1 when he was younger, maybe just a smidgen under. He did look quite tall in the film. Maybe it was the footwear, but he definitely was in the 6' range. Goxto is right about him being shorter than Molina.
Ed said on 10/Jun/06
Harrison Ford is unquestionably one of my favorite actors, I grew up with Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Blade Runner, etc., so I could get as some fans do and refuse to accept a downgrade for a larger than life persona. But come on Harrison Ford was never 6ft1.5, that would make him 6ft2.5 with shoes, he's never ever looked that tall on screen. I can't see him being anymore than 6ft0.5 at best 30 years ago, and that could be stretching it. Now a days I still think he's only 5ft11.25 maybe a little more. As far as John Rhys Davies, he's great and all but a big exagerrator. I've read articles where the guy claims to be 6ft2, that's definitely not the case. Maybe 6ft at best in his younger days, maybe!
Gotxo said on 10/Jun/06
Sean T:
Watch that movie again, and compare in the intro scene Ford to Alfred Molina and you'll realize Harrison was smaller than Molina's 6'2", he doesn't look shorter than 184cm though.
Sean T said on 10/Jun/06
I think ford was 6'1.5" at his peak.. After watching Raiders of the Lost Ark he appears to be at least an inch taller then John Rhys Davies (who was definitely at his peak at either 6"0.5" or 6'1".. Harrison also isnt dwarfed too much by the much larger Pat Roach when they are fighting (6'5") he's short now but I Think he was closer to 6'1.5" in his hey-day..
anne said on 9/Jun/06
Just saw "Firewall" - he looked so short it prompted me to look up his height. There must have been some tall costars!
Ed said on 17/May/06
I realized where the 1.25 inch standard heeled shoe estimate came from, the section on this very site about elevator shoes. In the heading it refers to standard 1.25 inch dress shoe heels. Whether or not that is an accurate number I don't know for sure, but it sounds pretty right to me. Most shoes I've bought minus the flatter ones like asics or chuck taylors had at least an inch sole. So if Ford was wearing one inch boots or casual rockport stle shoes he'd still be only about 6ft0.5inches and 5ft11.5 barefoot, in the Fugitive.
[Editor Rob: think of it as 1-1.25, although like women's 3 inch heels what you might get is a tad less than the actual measured shoe+insole...]
Ed said on 14/May/06
Okay maybe I'm a bit off, 3/4 to an inch standard shoes sounds about right. I'm just considering all kinds of shoes when I gave that guess, like running shoes, work boots, casual skecher type shoes, and the majority of dress shoes, minus the ones you rent with a tux, which always seem really flat! I don't think anyone is 100% accurate here with their guesses. Anyways what's with the name, Anti-Ed, did I piss you off or something? Or is your name Ed too?
Anti-Ed said on 11/May/06
Ed, since when is 1 to 1 1/4 inch heels standard? That's freaking huge. Half and inch is more a standard shoe heel.
Frank2 said on 4/May/06
Well, the last time I saw Ford he was about an inch taller than me and I'm 5'11" so he's at least a six footer.
Quad-4 said on 3/May/06
5'10.5-5'11 today. 6' in his prime.
Ed said on 29/Apr/06
I looked up that picture of Ford standing against the height chart in The Fugitive, (Harrison Ford Web) and he is shorter than 6ft1 while wearing shoes, looks like 6ft0.25 if I were to guess. His hair is pretty bushy and slicked back, so it's kind of hard to make out wear the actual top of his head is, but even with the hair he's still under the 73 inches mark. If that's the case that would make him under 6ft without shoes, since he was most likely wearing standard 1 to 1.25 inch heeled shoes. I'm no mathmetician but that sounds pretty right to me. If that was almost 14 years ago, he's probably even shorter now. 5ft11 sounds right, 6ft.05 at best in his younger days.
Bear! said on 21/Apr/06
Carradine is 6'1" bare foot standing next to Harrison Ford in that Kung Fu episode he was an inch taller than him. I think he's 5'11"
MOF said on 14/Apr/06
6'3 Paul Bettany looked 4 inches taller than Ford in Firewall.
Glenn said on 2/Apr/06
Clint WAS TRULY 6-4.I saw looking 6ft.
dmeyer said on 2/Apr/06
some people shrink alot and some almost dont for exenple if clint eastwood was realy 6'4" at his prime when i met him he looked between 6'1" and 6'2"
A-Bomb said on 1/Apr/06
I'm only saying I estimated he's around the 5'11 mark now. He's in his mid-60's now and as you said previously these old guys shrink - probably more rapidly when they hit 60, plus Ford's put his body under a lot of strain under the years. So I think his peak height was 6'0 1/2" - 6'1" for sure and he was probably still around that mark when you met him as well.
Glenn said on 1/Apr/06
I told you he was tall once APOCALYPSE NOW from 1978 to see him at tallest.
Glenn said on 1/Apr/06
Yes,Frank, he is 6-1.not the 5-11 everyone says he is.
Frank2 said on 1/Apr/06
About five years ago and before that about fifteen or so years ago.
A-Bomb said on 1/Apr/06
How long ago did you meet him? I saw him recently and pegged him at 181cm. He just didn't seem to be 6ft to me, not even 5'11 1/2". However, I'm sure that as short as perhaps only 5 years ago he may have still being at the 6ft mark and further back taller than that.
Frank2 said on 31/Mar/06
Funny, that photo of Ford was from The Fugative and in that film he says he's 6'1". Ford is a little over 6'. I know since I've seen him up close. He was about an inch and a half taller than me. He's also seriously losing his hair.
Gonzalo said on 30/Mar/06
I always thought he was 6 feet tall.
patrick said on 24/Mar/06
fellows, did you see him next to Liam Neeson?
he's a dwarf! however, i saw him in 1987 and lokked 6'1''!
actor's size remains a mystery...
steve said on 2/Mar/06
Here is some proof that harrison ford is only 6 ft with his shoes on.
Glenn said on 24/Feb/06
he was 6-1 for sure from 1990-1997.these old guys always shrink.
A-Bomb said on 22/Feb/06
I met Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart today at a premiere. I took some photos and got close though he wasn't posing with anybody so there not useful to post up on the site. I sent them to Rob so perhaps he can verify to you guys he got them. Anyway I have to disagree with Glenn on 6'1". He really looked a very strong 5'11", or more realistically maybe just a bit above that. He certainly looked under 6'0" to me though I did notice he was skinnier than I thought which may give the impression of him looking taller on screen. His posture seemed good as well and his shoes were surprsingly low heeled for dress shoes. He's getting on in age though which probably made him a legitimate 6'0"er back in the day. As for Calista she looked 5'5" to maybe 5'5 1/2" as this site has her as. So I've got Ford at around 5'11 1/4" (181cm) in my mind though he could be a tad under.

Editor Rob
nice A-bomb, here is
pic to show you were near them...
as I mention on this page, in photos he can look under 6ft, but I think he still is around there and maybe has lost a little height recently due to his surgeries/age
Glenn said on 15/Feb/06
he is 6-1.Ive seen him enough with my tall and short friends.
A-Bomb said on 15/Feb/06
Harrison Ford is literally appearing down the street from me at a movie premiere next week. I'm going to try and sort out his height for myself once and for all if I can. I'm guessing 5'11 1/2". I'll let you know if I catch a glimpse.
Mindy said on 13/Feb/06
Stood next to him at Gregory Peck's funeral....5'10". MAYBE 5'10.5" on a good day. Sorry to all you non-believers (Tom), possibly his surgeries and age have taken their toll.
steve said on 1/Feb/06
you guys are forgetting the fugtive wall chart with shoes on he is 6'0 ,most likely his peak height was 6'0 now days he does looks 5'11-5'10.5
MHouillon said on 22/Jan/06
Ford is 182cm minimum. In the picture above he is not standing straight (Can't you see it?) ! Compare Harrison Ford to 187cm Sean Connery in The last Crusade. Maximum 4cm shorter.
6foot116stillgrowing said on 17/Jan/06
in the movie The Witness harrison calls himself "a big guy" lol
Glenn said on 15/Jan/06
where is your picture?
Glenn said on 11/Jan/06
ford always looked 6-1 to me.people seem to forget posture in photos.
Tubbs said on 10/Jan/06
In the pic with Pitt, the only guy wearing lifts would be Pitt himself, not Ford. Brad has been known to get up to the 6'1 range with his lifts, Clooney has said himself that Pitt is 6'1. I believe Pitt to be 5'11 barefoot, and in that picture probably in the 6'0 range with his lifts. Ford looks slightly taller, so 6'0.25 maybe 6'0.5" could be his height, at a push.
Mario said on 9/Jan/06
To be honest I don't think that Ford wears elevator shoes. Actors who wear elevator shoes look different heights (think of Sly) and ther shoes look suspicious. Ford looked in al his 70 and 80s movie's in the 6 ft 1 range.
funkmonk said on 7/Jan/06
Ok here is a pic of Ford and Pitt, circa 'Devil's Own' film 1997. They are of similar height. Pitt is listed 5'11" here, Ford 5'11" too. Perhaps a 6 footer in the eighties. Comments?
JUSTMATT said on 5/Jan/06
In my opinion Ford is still 6'
CoolJ said on 5/Jan/06
TJ: Harrison's got a bigtime forehead though. I think 4.5" is fair.
TJ said on 5/Jan/06
Sriffelio, look more closely. Glenn's eyes are about level with Harrison's bottom lip. Now take your hand and do a casual measurement of the distance between your mouth and eyes. Not five inches is it?
CoolJ said on 4/Jan/06
Looks to be about 4.5" between Glenn and Ford.. How do we know Glenn is 5'8 even?
Perhaps he lost a centimeter since?
Shellster said on 4/Jan/06
I'm completely for real. I'm 5'3" and I know the difference between 5'9" and 6' when it walks within a foot of me. He's not a tall man by any stretch.
Viper652 said on 1/Jan/06
are you for real shellster?? He looks no shorter then 5-11.
Stiffelio said on 1/Jan/06
Actually there seems to be more than 4in d height difference between Glenn and Ford, more like 5in, which would put him at 6ft 1". Do you remeber what kind of shoes you were wearing?
shellster said on 1/Jan/06
I taught at a school his grown son attended. He came to graduation, walked right past me. If he is taller than 5'9" I just grew an inch sitting here. This man is no where six feet.
dmeyer said on 1/Jan/06
near glenn he looks around 6 ft
JUSTMATT said on 1/Jan/06
I would like to know from Gleen how tall he was in all those photos with shoes on...and also the actors' shoes...
Viper652 said on 31/Dec/05
5-8???? Sounds like they have something in for him.

Editor Rob
yeah, I'm just throwing that example out about somebody estimating him that low...unheard of!
there's a pic coming soon of this guy...
CelebHeights Editor said on 30/Dec/05
From Jam Showbiz, Alfie Zappacosta (Edmonton singer), had an article mentioning: "By contrast, Alfie says, Harrison Ford - who often plays big, powerful, heroic characters in the movies - looks no bigger than five-foot-eight or so."
Ed said on 22/Dec/05
I met Billy Dee Williams at a book signing a few years back and I stand 5ft11 1/4 in my bare feet, with shoes close to 6ft1, an accurate measurement since I've always been a bit obsessive about my height. Now Billy Dee is an older guy now in his mid to late 60's, and I was easily 2 1/2 inches taller then him. He might have been close to 6ft in his prime, but not any more. Anyways, your'e probably all wondering my point, well in the Star Wars films Harrison and Billy Dee are almost equals in height, Harrison Ford with a slight edge. That would put Ford close to 6ft1 with shoes in his prime, but with age closer to 5ft11 maybe 5ft10 1/2 with bare feet. My sister met Harrison maybe 11 years ago, and she compared me to him saying I was taller than him, since my first question was, " Is he as tall as he looks on screen?" So maybe long ago in a galaxy far, far away he was 6ft1 with Han solo's boots, but in reality he is probably just pushing 6ft these days.
CelebHeights Editor said on 18/Dec/05
US Magazine, 1981ish described him "The 6ft Ford"
Mario Nariano said on 3/Dec/05
If he dind't wore lifts in the past, he was a strong 6 ft 1.

Editor Rob
In Raiders I think he looked still 6ft 1 even beside a legit 188cm guy like George Harris
Glenn said on 3/Dec/05
that may be correct,but Ive met him many times and in his prime he was 6-1.look at him in apocolypse now.or even star wars.
fred said on 2/Dec/05
I don't think he looked 5'11" with Hartnett and Neeson. I would have bought that he was just over 2 inches shorter than Harnett and just over 3 inches shorter than Neeson. I would say he was 6'1" at his peak, an inch shorter today.
Tubbs said on 2/Dec/05
Lets see some evidence McFly, int hat film he did with Harnett he didn't look that much shorter than him.
Tubbs said on 2/Dec/05
Harrison with Jonathan Ross, I dont think he's far off 6'1 even these days, Ross is 6'1.5, and is standing tall, whereas Ford is slouching a bit. We all know that Ross is very conscious about his height, so would try to look as tall as possible during photos. Anyway, Harrison doesn't look anywhere near 5'11" i dont think.

Editor Rob
yes, I continue to give him 6ft currently, the bolded part 'these days looks 5ft 11' simply to me, it looks like his posture these days can make him look this tall. Doesn't necessarily mean he'd be measured at that height...
Gotxo said on 12/Nov/05
Very true Gramps
Gramps said on 12/Nov/05
Steve, I don't think they measure actors at all. I think the actor and his publicist agree on a height they think they can sell and then go for it!
Jimmyboy69 said on 11/Nov/05
I think Harrison Ford is 6 foot 1
Bleemo said on 11/Nov/05
No Gramps he means metres, they had him stand in canyons to make him look smaller on camera, tallest man in Hollywood at about 185 metres in his prime.
Gramps said on 10/Nov/05
Mario: are you sure you don't mean CENTImetres?
steve said on 10/Nov/05
When they go to messure an actor do you think it is with his shoes on? In some scenes like in Starwars he looks 6'1 and other times can look about 5-11.5-6 i truely think that at max he was a strong 6 footer in his prime maybe 6.5 and just round up.
Mario Nariono said on 9/Nov/05
Ford was at his peak a strong 185 metres, nowedays he looks 182 to me, sorry but 180 m looks to me too short for Ford.
Tubbs said on 6/Nov/05
Look at the background in the previous picture, there is obviously atleast a 2" slant in favour of Neeson. Harrison was about 6'1" in Witness (1985) - He's probably in the 6'0 range these days.
Anonymous said on 24/Oct/05
this picture gives a better indication of Ford being under 6ft compared to 6'4" neeson, who looks to have 5 plus inches on him ( neeson is bending in the pic too). Check it out
Anonymous said on 24/Oct/05
In that pic with Liam neeson below, you can see despite the bad angle that neeson has around 4 odd inches on him, Ford probably has lifts on too, as he would know he was going to be around Mr Neeson. Im pretty sure that Harrison ford probably never was 6ft, maybe just under it, considering he still looked around 5'11" in indiana jones like 20 years ago.
Anonymous said on 24/Oct/05
I dont think he was ever 6'1" as I was watching an old indiana jones, with him and sean connery, now connery was not exactly young in these indiana jones films and no doubt he was not the 6'2" or 6'2.5" he was in his youth, maybe just under 6'2". Either way Harrison ford looked around 2 inches shorter then him. So I would have put sean connery at just under 6'2" or maybe 6'1.5" and ford at around 5'11" or 5'11.5" max.
Aaron said on 4/Oct/05
Definitely almost 6' in his 20s, 5'11 for sure now.
Height Detective said on 21/Sep/05
Definitely he looks closer to 5ft 11 , look at this photo of Ford with Calista Flockhart:
,there are no much difference , if you think that she is 1,66 plus her heels , 1,71/3 cm and the difference betwheen his heads , make me think Ford is in the 1,80 - 1,82 range
CelebHeights Editor said on 21/Aug/05
From gossip newsgroup: "I ran across Harrison Ford several months ago and was very surprised at his height. He's not as tall as I thought he was. I'm 5'10 and when I walked by, he was shorter than me"
sam said on 24/May/05
yeah, all these surgeries and health problems have probably shrunk him about an inch from his full 6'1".
Anonymous said on 16/May/05
definetly 6'1
joeyb said on 12/Mar/05
(click here) - Liam neeson doesnt look more than 2 inches taller than Ford.
JUSTMATT said on 1/Mar/05
Perfect! In fact if you look at the pics of Brad Pitt with Harrison Ford you will notice that Ford is at least 3cm taller than Brad so Ford is 6 and Pitt 5.11!
dwayne said on 18/Feb/05