How tall is Hulk Hogan - Page 7

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Average Guess (847 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 5.7in (197.4cm)
Current: 6ft 3.14in (190.9cm)
Henry said on 15/Sep/19
Carson, peak height Hogan in 1995 with Rodman? ROTFLMFAO.
Hulk Hogan's peak height was from 1974 to 1977. I have talked extensively with my chiropractor about Hulk Hogan.
He said that Hogan lost a microscopic amount of height with every leg drop curving his spine like someone with scoliosis. 1990 Hogan is significantly shorter than 1975 Hogan, let alone the tremendous height loss 1995 Hogan.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 15/Sep/19
How tall was that guy at your gym, and how tall did he claim to be?
Sotiris Gravas said on 15/Sep/19
Hogan w/ 6'2" Tito Ortiz (2019)... Click Here Hogan looking more 6'2"
Ortiz w/ 6'4" Jeff Dye... Click Here
Jeff Dye and Hogan (2018)... Click Here , Click Here Hogan looking 6'3" here; I'm assuming cowboy boots.

Ortiz and max 6'2" The Rock... (2018) Click Here , (2015) Click Here
W/ Alistair Overeem and listed 6'3" Raphael Davis... Click Here
W/ 6'3" Tony Hawk... Click Here
W/ 6'3" Matthew Modine... Click Here
W/ 6'2.5" Dolph Lundgren (2019)... Click Here
W/ 6'1.5" Robin Thicke (2018)... Click Here
W/ 6'1.25" Gerard Butler (2017)... Click Here

Getting back to Jeff Dye:
W/ Scott Hall and X-Pac (2012)... Click Here
W/ The Barbarians (2012)... Click Here
W/ Kevin Nash... (2012)... Click Here
Canson said on 14/Sep/19
Johan 185 cm said on 11/Sep/19
Roderick said on 9/Sep/19
When has Hogan ever looked like a solid 6'6"?


Very early in his career he could look a big 6'5" near 6'6" at times. He also had alot more mass than his WWF run that so many people know him for.

The question is did he already lose anything? He was still a young guy and wrestling wasn't the high flying/dangerous acrobatic act that it is has been the last 20 odd years.

He could certainly look 6’5-6’6 range peak. Wouldn’t argue against that other than to say maybe closer to 6’5 but a 6’6 out of bed is reasonable if not even a hair over that mark. Question is when did he actually begin to lose his height. Also people exaggerate how much height he’s actually lost. He wasn’t 6’7” peak and 6’3” today or 6’6” peak and 6’2” today. He was 6’5 range peak and is still about 6’3” today. Rob, to his credit, actually did a decent job with the listing since there is a possibility of 6’5.5 peak (doubt any higher tho) and the current listing 6’3” is a good possibility still. That would only leave the peak height about 1/2” off his listing here which is typical for the site being the majority of the athletes who measured early morning receive the measured heights here despite the fact that the standard for the site is 5 hours out of bed. Probably more like 3/4” as I would put his low at 6’5.25 best case (5 hour avg 6’5 3/8 perhaps) but I’ve seen a lot worse here on this site. But He’s lost around 5 or maybe 6 cm tops. I think people take a lot of things for granted with Hogan. Two different extremes. 1. He wore thick boots and made the appearance he was taller. 2. He doesn’t stand straight today which is the case with other big wrestlers like Undertaker and Big Show who could both still be 6’6” and 6’10” with good posture and Kane 6’7” perhaps. That’s assuming that some of those guys can still actually stand their fullest, meaning no debilitating back issues which Hulk and Taker have had a share of
Public Enemy said on 13/Sep/19
Click Here
Canson said on 12/Sep/19
@Johan: I was talking to someone at the gym the other day. He thought Hogan was the same height today as then and said only 6’3 then. I think 6’5” still
Riccardo 5'7" said on 12/Sep/19
Click Here🤔
Johan 185 cm said on 11/Sep/19
Roderick said on 9/Sep/19
When has Hogan ever looked like a solid 6'6"?


Very early in his career he could look a big 6'5" near 6'6" at times. He also had alot more mass than his WWF run that so many people know him for.

The question is did he already lose anything? He was still a young guy and wrestling wasn't the high flying/dangerous acrobatic act that it is has been the last 20 odd years.
Canson said on 11/Sep/19
@Roderick: meaning he would’ve looked 6’7” in them so 6’6 barefoot
rawdshaq said on 10/Sep/19
Hogan might still be 6'3" when getting measured. He can look shorter
Canson said on 10/Sep/19
Roderick said on 9/Sep/19
When has Hogan ever looked like a solid 6'6"?

Early on in his career in boots that’s it
Sotiris Gravas said on 10/Sep/19
Stone Cold w/ MAX 6'2" The Rock and 6'3" Titus (2014)... Click Here

Stone Cold w/ Hulk Hogan... Click Here In no way does Hogan look 6'3".
Riccardo 5'7" said on 9/Sep/19
Click Here
Riccardo 5'7" said on 9/Sep/19
Click Here

Hogan and Triple h
edwards said on 9/Sep/19
i doubt if he was ever more than 6'5.5
Roderick said on 9/Sep/19
When has Hogan ever looked like a solid 6'6"?
RP said on 8/Sep/19
1995 Dennis Rodman was 1.75” taller than 1995 Hulk Hogan.
Canson said on 7/Sep/19
Harry Sachs said on 6/Sep/19
Here is a video from 95 with Dennis Rodman standing right next to Hulk Hogan. If Dennis Rodman is 6'6 then how could Hulk Hogan be 6'6 in his prime? Go to the 20:00 mark of the video kids. Hulk Hogan wore extremely thick sole boots. That is why he looked much taller than guys like Buster Douglas. But Hulk Hogan at his peak was never 6'6

Click Here

I agree with you that he wasn’t 6’6”. I’ve always had Hulk as a 6’5” ranger but that “could” drive the point home even more that he was never 6’6” let alone 6’7”. But keep in mind that Hogan had begun to lose height in the 90s and likely was only 6’4” range by then. Barkley was also slightly taller than him at that stage (although I’m not sure about footwear). Barkley only measured 6’4 5/8” peak. Rodman also was a hair over 6’6”. He was likely around 199cm at his peak, give or take. I even know one person who met him that said 6’6-6’7 and someone else thought he was 6’7” in person. I doubt he was anything over what Rob lists him at his peak.
Canson said on 7/Sep/19
Harry Sachs said on 6/Sep/19
Here is a video from 95 with Dennis Rodman standing right next to Hulk Hogan. If Dennis Rodman is 6'6 then how could Hulk Hogan be 6'6 in his prime? Go to the 20:00 mark of the video kids. Hulk Hogan wore extremely thick sole boots. That is why he looked much taller than guys like Buster Douglas. But Hulk Hogan at his peak was never 6'6

Click Here

I agree with you that he wasn’t 6’6”. I’ve always had Hulk as a 6’5” ranger but that “could” drive the point home even more that he was never 6’6” let alone 6’7”. But keep in mind that Hogan had begun to lose height in the 90s and likely was only 6’4” range by then. Rodman also was a hair over 6’6”. He was likely around 199cm at his peak, give or take. I even know one person who met him that said 6’6-6’7 and someone else thought he was 6’7” in person. I doubt he was anything over Rob lists him at his peak.
Harry Sachs said on 6/Sep/19
Here is a video from 95 with Dennis Rodman standing right next to Hulk Hogan. If Dennis Rodman is 6'6 then how could Hulk Hogan be 6'6 in his prime? Go to the 20:00 mark of the video kids. Hulk Hogan wore extremely thick sole boots. That is why he looked much taller than guys like Buster Douglas. But Hulk Hogan at his peak was never 6'6

Click Here
Canson said on 6/Sep/19
184guy2 said on 4/Sep/19
I believe he was 196-197 . There were occasions that he looked 6'6 or even 6'4

Yea and next to Studd he looked around what you said. But his footwear is questionable in pics. Altered? Perhaps. I think anything in that 6’5-6’5.5” range at a low as opposed to 6’5.5-6’6” especially next to Taker who was around 6’7/6’7.25
Canson said on 6/Sep/19
JT said on 30/Aug/19
Andre with a 16” head Click Here This assumes he is 7’0” tall, when he was around 2 inches shorter than that (and which would make a 16” head look even more ridiculous). The reality Click Here

Lol. I love when you said the reality. Sums it up
Riccardo 5'7" said on 4/Sep/19
Next to Sr. Flair looking....not as tall as I read here.
Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

Ric Flair with The Rock

Click Here

Flair with Cena

Click Here

Hogan /the rock again

Click Here

With Austin.

Click Here
184guy2 said on 4/Sep/19
I believe he was 196-197 . There were occasions that he looked 6'6 or even 6'4
62B said on 4/Sep/19
If I had to guess Hogans peak height to the exact fraction for money, I'd go with 6'5 1/4". I think 6'5.5" is still possible, but it seems high because I don't know that I believe he has lost 2.5" and I'm not convinced he is still a full 6'3". I also don't know if Hogan had any kind of footwear advantage over my Grandfather. I don't think he did, but I for sure was not paying attention, so its possible, which is why I think some of the posters guesses of under 6'5" are possible.
62B said on 4/Sep/19
Got a weird message saying to delete cookies and try again so sorry if its a double post, but @ 184guy2

184guy2 said on 3/Sep/19

You first went on this a long time ago site claiming that your grandfather was 6'5 and you believed that Hogan was 6'5.5 in 80's .
Then you started to say your grandfather maybe lost height and was a weak 6'5 . Later 6'4.5 and Hogan 6'5.25 max and now your Grandfather was 6'4 and Hogan maybe 6'4.75 . I used to believe in your comments but now , seriously , you have ZERO credibility . I assume that in a couple of months your parent could be 6'3 and Hogan not over 6'4 ......

When I first came on this sight I was 100% certain my Grandfather was 6'4". Hogan was not much taller than him. A few years ago my mother visited and told me my Grandfather was actually 6'5", so I changed my stance on Hogan's peak height. My mother then later clarified that my Grandfather was 6'5" when young and 6'4" for most of the time I knew him, so I went back to my original stance. I did over hear my Grandfather once say he was 6'4.5", but at the same time I know for fact that one of the last times I saw my Grandfather he was not really any taller than I was as we did a barefoot back to back for my Grandmother. So he would have been just over 6'3" around 1990. I don't really care if you think I am credible. If you want to believe Hogan was 6'6" or taller, that's your prerogative. For myself. I know that he was not really that much taller than my grandfather when we saw him and I know that 10 years later my Grandfather was not really any taller than my peak. Since we are on the subject of my credibility or knowledge of Hogan's height, I will also re mention that my step father sat next to Hogan on a plane in the mid 80's and thought he was quite a bit bigger than my grand father, but never said exactly how much taller he thought Hogan might be. I also was roommates in the Army with a guy who had seen Hogan up close a few times and thought he was right in between my 6'3 1/4" and our other roommate who was 6'6". I take all these things into consideration when guessing Hogan's Height. I admit I do not know Hogan's exact peak height, which is why I try to give a range. My Grandfather is the best I have for guessing Hogan's height as we were there together when Hogan stopped in front of us, so yes my Grandfathers actual height makes a difference in my estimations, which also works into what I think Hogan's peak might have been. I don't think my Grandfather would have been over 6'4" mid day when we saw Hogan. Even if he did measure 6'4.5" like I over heard him say. It would have likely been a morning measurement.
Canson said on 3/Sep/19
@184guy: I’ve never seen 62B say 6’5.5 for him with his grandfather. I’ve always seen him assess his peak as 6’4.75-5.25”. I personally believe at his peak he could’ve landed in the 6’5-6’6” range but that it would’ve probably been closer to 5 than 6 at a low. But today, I can still believe that he’s around what he’s listed 6’3” 6’2.75-3.25”
Monkey knees said on 3/Sep/19
Peak 6ft 5.75in.
Andre peak 7ft dead.
Undertaker peak 6ft 7.25in.
Big Show peak 6ft 10.75in.
British Bulldog 5ft 10.75in ;)
184guy2 said on 3/Sep/19

You first went on this a long time ago site claiming that your grandfather was 6'5 and you believed that Hogan was 6'5.5 in 80's .
Then you started to say your grandfather maybe lost height and was a weak 6'5 . Later 6'4.5 and Hogan 6'5.25 max and now your Grandfather was 6'4 and Hogan maybe 6'4.75 . I used to believe in your comments but now , seriously , you have ZERO credibility . I assume that in a couple of months your parent could be 6'3 and Hogan not over 6'4 ......
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Sep/19
I honestly don't know which estimate is worse: Ronster's 16" head estimate for Andre, or Henry's 6'9.25" estimate for Hogan? All I know is that both of them almost made me die of laughter.
miko said on 2/Sep/19
If Hogan ever measured 6'6 it would have been straight out of bed after a good sleep. Given his size and weight he likely lost an inch throughout the day.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 2/Sep/19
This start to be a bit silly...

If Hogan was 6'9" undertaker was 6'11 barefoot. If undertaker was 6'11 barefoot kavin Nash was 7'1" barefoot.
As consequence big show was 7'3" and giant Gonzalez well over 8ft.

Are these your estimates?
Canson said on 2/Sep/19
@62B: the max I could see next to Andre would be 6’5.25/6’5.5. I’ve never ruled out a strong 6’5” for Hogan. But 6’5-6’5.5 is safe.I am of the belief that Andre was never as tall as he’s listed here. I’m in line with your estimate for him. Maybe 6’11 1/4” peak. Hogan at 6’6” at any point is too high imho
Pdoggy said on 1/Sep/19

Thank you for disagreeing with me in a respectful way I don't agree with what you're saying but thank you for being respectful
Roderick said on 31/Aug/19
@Henry Why do you add the 1/4" to your estimate like that Lol. At least 6'9 1/4" for Hogan? Seriously? He was at the very most 6'5", he seriously has never looked taller than that.

If Hogan himself was billed at 6'8" and claims 6'7", how could he have been at least 6'9 1/4"? You're trolling.
62B said on 31/Aug/19
Pdoggy said on 31/Aug/19
Ok one more time. Hogan was a little over 6 6 peak he claimed when he met Andre that Andre had at least 6 inches on him. Andre just over 7 feet peak and Hogan just over 6 6 peak.

I just don't see Hogan as ever being 6'6". He simply wasn't two inches taller than my 6'4" Grandfather in 1980. Andre was also probably never the full 7'. At least not mid day, maybe just out of bed. 6'4 3/4" - 6'5 1/4" peak Hulk makes for a 6'10 3/4" to 6'11 1/4" peak Andre. Having stood right next to both of them, this makes the most sense to me.
Pdoggy said on 31/Aug/19
Ok one more time. Hogan was a little over 6 6 peak he claimed when he met Andre that Andre had at least 6 inches on him. Andre just over 7 feet peak and Hogan just over 6 6 peak.
JT said on 30/Aug/19
Andre with a 16” head Click Here This assumes he is 7’0” tall, when he was around 2 inches shorter than that (and which would make a 16” head look even more ridiculous). The reality Click Here
Johan 185 cm said on 30/Aug/19
I put myself through the horror of No Holds barred to check how he held up against "Tiny" Lister and Kurt fuller.

Firstly I have to admit I chuckled a few times mainly at Mark Pellegrino, I guess we all have to start somewhere.

Anyway Hogan had 3 inches on 6'3" Fuller in alot of scenes. However he had cowboyboots on so he passed for 6'6" but in reality nearer 6'5".

Tiny aka Zeus had 4 inches on Fuller in some scenes but he had at least 2.5 inches of boot maybe even a full 3 inches. He looked around 6'7" and you could tell his footwear was huge as he walked around very slowly and clumsily.

He also had around an inch on Hogan when they faced off at a school, both guys with the above mentioned footwear. I did think maybe 2 cm and not an inch but if Hogan was wearing near 2" cowboys then Tiny only had max 1" advantage.

My conclusion to this was that Hogan at the time was 1/4-1/2 inch taller than Lister tops.

So Lister being a truthful 6'5" leaves Hogan at 6'5.25-6'5.5" max.
Dan Trojan said on 30/Aug/19
These 6'9" estimates for hogan are ridiculous and this is coming from a huge fan even he himself never claimed to be that tall he says he was 6'7" which i don't think he ever was i think he was no more than 6'5" and 6'3" now
Hopping hopper said on 30/Aug/19
I’d say he was a max 6-5.5 peak. Always in heeled footwear to suggest he’s 6-7. Rude in a Japanese magazine in the 90s said hogan wasn’t much changed over 6-5. He stated he was under 6-3. WWF told some incredible lies.
Johan 185 cm said on 30/Aug/19
Henry said on 29/Aug/19
Sortis, your lies about the Hogan Mr.T height difference are exposed at the link below. Mr. T has a footwear advantage, is closer the camera and his head is much more upright than Hogan in the squared circle, yet Hogan still towers to at least 6'9 1/4".
Click Here


Thats all well and great but in that link with the crazy OP, you can see clearly that Hogan has max 7 inches on Mr T who was max 5'10.5". So 6'5.5" is the max height he could have been and he hadn't lost anything up until then.

His head wasn't any bigger than Tony "tiny" listers. Its just an illusion because of his lack of hair, his forehead isn't small but he might have had a 10 inch head but I can't see more.

Andre certianly had a head in the region of 12+ inches but 16 is crazy.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 30/Aug/19
I did read 6'9" again in the recent comments. I think it's just trolling, better to ignore it.
Sotiris Gravas said on 30/Aug/19
I love how I posted pics of Mr. T w/ Adam Baldwin, etc., pretty much showing ppl that Hogan was never as tall as they thought, and the response is... the sound of crickets Click Here

If a fanboy w/ a learning disability were to ever post something, I'm sure it would become a feeding frenzy of approval.
Henry said on 29/Aug/19
Sortis, your lies about the Hogan Mr.T height difference are exposed at the link below. Mr. T has a footwear advantage, is closer the camera and his head is much more upright than Hogan in the squared circle, yet Hogan still towers to at least 6'9 1/4".
Click Here
Henry said on 29/Aug/19
Hulk Hogan's head is at least 3 or 4" taller than the average person(remember that over 50% of average people are female). Andre The Giant may have the tallest head in history. Robert Wadlow had a tiny little ostrich head for his height.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 29/Aug/19
I agree that Sotiris went a bit too far, but the post from Ronster seemed almost troll-like. A 16" head for Andre is completely ridiculous.
Sotiris Gravas said on 29/Aug/19
Ronster, probably one of the most embarrassingly ignorant posters on this site said that Andre the Giant's head was 16" long based on a photo where he's waaaaaaaay closer to the camera. He then proceeded to say that maybe he was off by only an inch or two.

Andre's head was MAX 12" long. Is 16" off by an inch or two? I don't think so.
And no, Hogan's head was never 2" bigger than the average person, despite ronster's steadfast beliefs.

This poster says I need to bash him to make his estimates look absurd. On the contrary, he does a pretty good job of that all by himself.
Roderick said on 27/Aug/19
Honestly Sotiris I agree with you that people overeatimate Hogan but you are going too far with the comments dude. Making personal attacks is not cool. I mean its one thing to say someones estimate sucks or whatever but the actual person behind the monitor shouldn't be the topic of any discussion in any circumstance.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 26/Aug/19
Come on man, Andre was obviously standing a lot closer to the camera than Arnold was. So of course Andre's head size is accentuated. But 16"? That's impossible. Even the tallest man in modern history, Robert Wadlow, didn't have a head nearly as big.
RONSTER said on 26/Aug/19
Sotiris, your lame bashing is a weak attempt by a keyboard bully to make others comments seem absurd when it is really your childish and addle-minded insults that are absurd. I will leave it at that.
Rob, I very well may be on the high side by an inch or two, take a look at this picture of Andre and Arnold who has a large size head himself, Anrnie’s entire head only comes up to Andre’s eyebrows if you put them together. Would that not leave at least another 5-6 inches to the top of Andres massive head, I think so.
Click Here
JT, Rodman also has a very large noggin, Hogan is not the only one, and Hogan’s shoulders narrow? I have seen him and his shoulders and back are extremely wide so I have to disagree on that one.
I posted a picture of him and Lister straight level showing they were equal with Lister having at least a one to two inch shoe advantage proving Hogan was an inch or more taller at that time.
Sotiris Gravas said on 26/Aug/19
Mr. T w/ Dynamite Kid (billed 5'8")... Click Here

W/ 6'4" peak height Adam Baldwin (footwear advantage)... Click Here , Click Here Compare this to Hogan.

Note to fanboys: get a life... and a brain.
Sotiris Gravas said on 26/Aug/19
Maybe 5'10" Mr. T w/ 5'5" Corey Feldman (1988).. Click Here

W/ 55-year-old maybe 5'11.5" Geoge Peppard (1983)... Click Here , Click Here , Click Here

W/ 6'2" Bruce Jenner (1993)... Click Here
W/ 6'1.5" William "The Refrigerator" Perry (1986)... Click Here

Mr. T w/ Hulk Hogan in the mid '80s... Click Here , Click Here ,
Click Here , Click Here

W/ Hogan in cowboy boots... Click Here Footwear... Click Here

Let's say Hogan had MAX 6" on a max 5'10.5" Mr. T in 1985... That puts Hogan at max 6'4.5" at the age of 32 -- long before any of his back surgeries. If he only had 5.5" on him, then he would have only been 6'4" in 1985.

Ppl here love saying he was at least 6'5.5". He was NEVER more than 6'5", and I honestly believe he might have never been taller than 6'4.5" peak w/o his precious cowboy boots.

Note to pathetic, delusional fanboys who think he was 6'7", or 6'8", or 6'9": AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... (sorry, I had to go out to buy some milk and just got back) Where was I? Oh, yeah, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

Will Editor Rob ever downgrade Hogan's peak height of 6'6"? No, he won't. Is Rob's listing wrong?

IT'S 100% WRONG.
Sotiris Gravas said on 26/Aug/19
@Editor Rob Our good pal, ronster, thinks Andre's head was 16" long. Something tells me this guy wouldn't do well on a Mensa IQ test. Please do me the honor of telling this "luminary" that his estimate is absurd.

@ronster You're really quite something. Your low intellect is truly terrifying. Were you home-schooled or something?
Editor Rob
I think it's a few inches too far.
Canson said on 25/Aug/19
@Sotiris: correct on Dennis Rodman.

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Demon87 said on 25/Aug/19
Click Here
Young hogan and 6ft 6 1/2 listed rodman. Are you sure peak hogan wwe a full 6ft6
Sotiris Gravas said on 24/Aug/19

Rodman was never more than 6'6.5" peak and is probably only 6'6" now.

As for a fool like ronster who thinks Hogan's head was 2" bigger than the average person, my response is that this guy should really get his head examined. For Hogan's head to become HUGE like Barry Bonds, he'd have to take even more "vitamins."
Canson said on 24/Aug/19
@JT: Jordan and Pippen both said Rodman was only 6’6”. In fact Rodman was listed 6’6” his last year with the Bulls because he claimed it when he played there. Maybe it was 6’6.5 like Rob lists him but not 6’7”
Riccardo 5'7" said on 24/Aug/19
Click Here

Click Here

Hulk Hogan with 6'7" max peak Undertaker, 2002 and 1991.

Click Here
With 6'2" The Rock.

6'6" for him is a not even funny joke, doesn't make me lough anymore.
The guy is between 6'4/6'5 at his peak, above 6'5 is a joke.
Today 6'2.5
Canson said on 24/Aug/19
@Ronster: hi. I can’t tell from that pic who’s taller tho. Neither is completely standing straight. If going off the pictures for the promo where both are standing straight, it would be Lister. You and another poster also said that they purposely tried to make him taller than Hogan just for his role in the movie? I do see a footwear advantage on the part of Lister, but certainly not anything remotely close to 2”. So if we account for the fact Lister is slightly taller in the promos (when this was filmed In 1988), Lister at 6’5” would still make Hogan 6’5” range when we account for footwear (6’5-6’6 range at best).

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here
JT said on 24/Aug/19
Click Here Rodman was around 6’7” peak and has probably lost a ½” or so in his late 50s. Both are probably in tennis shoes.

Ronster, Hogan’s noggin does not look any bigger than Rodman’s. Hogan has a decent size noggin but it looks large mainly b/c he has narrow shoulders and has never been able to develop any width to them.
Creeper said on 24/Aug/19
Hogan was 6'4.5 peak he would measure 6'6+ in boots. 6'5 is the limit
RONSTER said on 23/Aug/19
Christian, why the LOL stuff? If you don’t agree fine, just go look at any picture of Hogan with an average size man. Hogan had a huge dome of a head at the top, 1-2” larger is totally reasonable especially when you go look at the numerous pictures of him with fans. As for Andre, nobody really knows how big his head was, but in pictures you can see that almost 2 normal heads would fit in his massive head so it was way beyond 12”
Click Here
Look at Arnold’s head next to Andre, Anrnie’s large head would not even come up to Andre’s forehead, way larger than 12”, more like 16” at least
Canson said on 23/Aug/19
He honestly can look a little over 6’3” with Triple H in some pics at least. Same as a recent pic I saw with Taker. I don’t completely rule out 6’3.25 but I think higher is pushing it
Canson said on 22/Aug/19
@Viper: I thought Jameis Winston measured 6036 which is 6’3 6/8 or 6’3 3/4”. Meaning at a low he’s probably 6’3 3/8”. Looks as if I saw a 6’3 1/4 6’3 1/2 then a 6’4” on the site below which he obviously is not

Click Here
Canson said on 22/Aug/19
@Johan: I think he still has 2” on Triple H today. If not 2” it’s very close to it. I’ve never completely ruled out a 6’3.25 Hogan but if not 6’3” flat and triple H 6’1.25 is my guess
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 22/Aug/19
Hogan's head isn't that massive. At least 2" larger than average? Lol. His head would've been 11.5"+ long. That's Andre the Giant and Big Show territory.
RONSTER said on 22/Aug/19
Hi Canson, here is a perfect level of them in the ring showing not only that Zeus was no taller even with the boots but that Te boots gave him over an inch to 2 inch advantage on Hogan. You can also see how Lister was going up on his toes a bit to get eye to eye. This is concrete evidence of Hogan still being at least 6’6” tall here and likely a bit more. The other promotional pictures used of them do not show their legs or footwear, they were trying to make Lister look 6’9” next to the billed 6’8” Hulkster.
Click Here
John barrett said on 22/Aug/19
To day Hogan at 66 years of age with two hips replaced and two knees replaced and a dozen back surgerys anyone would lose height. He was a good 6'5 to 6'6 in the 80's by the time the late 90's rolled around he was looking around 6'4 and a half and today 6'2 and a half. Still a big guy for his age.
Canson said on 21/Aug/19
@Miko: it wouldn’t surprise me either if he measures over the mark as I’ve for some time believed he may still be able to. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he’s 6’4” out of bed still although I would really go with 6’3.75 out of bed 6’3” at a low. But maybe his posture really is that bad and he does hit 6’3.5. 6’3.25 doesn’t surprise me because a 6’3.25 guy with even just slightly poor posture will look 6’2.75 perhaps
miko said on 21/Aug/19
I'm not sure Hogan would have hit 6'9 if you'd have put him on one of Andre's backstage boxes.
Johan 185 cm said on 21/Aug/19
Henry said on 18/Aug/19
Richard Beltzer said that Hulk Hogan was 6'9" 329 lbs barefoot in the 1984 incident on his talk show in 1984.
Hogan had probably already lost a little height from over half a decade of wrestling and leg drops.
Hogan was at least 6'9 1/4" and 341 lbs at his biggest in the late 1970s.
Click Here


Henry thats an insane claim. He was billed 6'8" in the WWF and claimed max 6'7" himself.

A few points I would like to make.

1. Kevin nash said on a podcast that when he went into the business he expected a guy near his size but he was looking at the top of Hogans head.

So Nash believed the 6'8" listing I am assuming and Nash himself was 6'9.5" max peak.

Just from that I get a max 6'5.5" Hogan late 80's.

Tony "Tiny" Lister said that Hogan was his size ( 6'5") when they did No Holds Barred together. In the movie Lister looked taller because of very thick boots. So thats also quite revealing since Lister said they were the same height.

Hogan started to look around 6'4" max around 2002 and since then he has shrunk even more to 6'3". He isn't even 2 inches taller than Triple H today. He only had a good inch on Mark henry and was shorter than 6'4" Randy Orton.

I believe some people shoot a little low on his height peak/current but they are far closer to the reality than claiming 6'9" Hogan and 6'5"-6'6" today. Thats fantasy.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 21/Aug/19

And I'm 6'3" man......
Riccardo 5'7" said on 21/Aug/19
Henry said on 18/Aug/19
Richard Beltzer said that Hulk Hogan was 6'9" 329 lbs barefoot in the 1984 incident on his talk show in 1984.
Hogan had probably already lost a little height from over half a decade of wrestling and leg drops.
Hogan was at least 6'9 1/4" and 341 lbs at his biggest in the late 1970s.

viper said on 20/Aug/19
Winston measured 6-3.6, he's really a
6-3 1/2 guy at best.

Hogan looks no taller than 6-2 with 6-1 James Connor
RONSTER said on 20/Aug/19
Beltzer said 6’8-9” in that interview. He was 6’1” himself and Hogan was well over a half foot taller, but Hogan did have some padded sneakers on giving him maybe an inch advantage. That means Hogan was standing barefoot 6’7” tall, 6’8-9” in his sneakers. He also was no more than 1-1.5” shorter than the over 6’8” Ben Davidson in their photo, which puts Hogan at 6’6.5” minimum barefoot at that time. Nothing I can see from then shows him anything less. Remember also, Hogan has a massive head at least 2” larger than the average head so that can throw estimates way off when standing with people shorter than him, same was true to a much larger extent with Andre.
RONSTER said on 20/Aug/19
Beltzer said 6’8-9” in that interview. He was 6’1” himself and Hogan was well over a half foot taller, but Hogan did have some padded sneakers on giving him maybe an inch advantage. That means Hogan was standing barefoot 6’7” tall, 6’8-9” in his sneakers. He also was no more than 1-1.5” shorter than the over 6’8” Ben Davidson in their photo, which puts Hogan at 6’6.5” minimum barefoot at that time. Nothing I can see from then shows him anything less. Remember also, Hogan has a massive head at least 2” larger than the average head so that can throw estimates way off when standing with people shorter than him, same was true to a much larger extent with Andre.
Canson said on 20/Aug/19
@Vegas: that actually bolsters the point I was making even more. And You’re not being pedantic. But He didn’t lose that much height from 20s to 34 is what I was trying to say. However, Ronster pointed boots out. I haven’t seen the footwear they were wearing on the cover of the movie to be able to tell
miko said on 20/Aug/19
I agree Canson, 6'3 is a fair listing for him as he can look either side of it.

I do think if he was measured in military posture today he'd measure slightly over it but we'll never know for sure.
Canson said on 20/Aug/19
Belzer was exaggerating his height. To put into perspective, Taker was only 6’7-6’7.5 barefoot at his peak and had close to 2” on Hogan. There goes the 6’9” theory. Tiny lister admitted he and Hogan were the same height in their primes and Lister has never claimed more than 6’5”
Sotiris Gravas said on 19/Aug/19

You're the most ridiculous fanboy this site has to offer. Truly pitiful.

Have you no shame? Do you need medical attention or something?


P.S. Seriously, get help.
SeanR said on 19/Aug/19
Hogan 6’8”/6’9” at peak? Come on....
6’7” possible in the morning wearing shoes back in the 70’s and 80’s.
I have Hogan a little shorter at 6’5.5” peak, with a current height of 6’2.5”.
Btw, wasn’t there pics of Hogan with Tampa Bay buc plavers last year looking nearly an inch shorter than 6’3.75” James’s Winston and only an inch or so taller than 6’1” James Conner.
HH height is hard to nail down exactly.
Roderick said on 19/Aug/19
@Henry Be honest to god are you trolling or what? 6'9.25" for Hogan he doesn't even claim to be that tall. Seriously where tf does that number even come from.
Vegas' said on 19/Aug/19
Not to be pedantic but No Holds Barred was filmed between April and July 88, making Hogan 34 at the time
Henry said on 18/Aug/19
Richard Beltzer said that Hulk Hogan was 6'9" 329 lbs barefoot in the 1984 incident on his talk show in 1984.
Hogan had probably already lost a little height from over half a decade of wrestling and leg drops.
Hogan was at least 6'9 1/4" and 341 lbs at his biggest in the late 1970s.
Click Here
Canson said on 17/Aug/19
On the cover of the promos for No Holds Barred in 1989, Hulk was no taller than Tiny Lister. In fact he may have been slightly shorter. With that said, he would have been 36 then. I highly doubt the man had lost an inch or more by the time he was only 36 but maybe an inch is possible. Not 2 inches. Im now less than 5 months from 38 and I haven’t lost anything remotely close to that. If anything maybe 2 mm. So with that said, I doubt he was even 6’6” prime. I think the max may have been 6’5.5 and that’s really only if he had a serious injury in his 20s that accelerated the height loss. He may really have just been 6’5” flat or 6’5.25 all along and 6’7” in his boots like he once admitted to and like Tiny Lister said. 62B also said that when his 6’4” grandfather had the picture with him that he looked 1” taller and that when his roommate had a picture with him that he looked at most 6’5” maybe even a weak 6’5” which is how he looks in some pics with Lister. 62B is a credible poster as well

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here
Canson said on 17/Aug/19
That is true. Some posters should think long and hard about that but then other posters need to think long and hard about what they’ve said in the past to others who don’t estimate the way that they would. That’s called being hypocritical
Canson said on 17/Aug/19
@Miko: he honestly looks what Rob lists him a solid 6’3. Maybe he’s 1/4” under or over the listing and I attribute the low estimates to his poor posture. But I doubt he’s under 6’3 (maybe 6’2.75) nor do I believe much over 6’3 (maybe 6’3.25). 6’3.5 is a stretch as is 6’2.5 imho but both are within the realm of belief in the pictures we see. 6’2 and 6’4 both look too low/too high.
Creeper said on 17/Aug/19
Hulk Hogan height loss is exaggerated. He was 6'4.5 peak and shrunk to 6'3.5. No way was he 6'6
Sotiris Gravas said on 16/Aug/19
@cookie ronster Click Here You and daniel reynolds gotta do a fanboy podcast together.
Sotiris Gravas said on 16/Aug/19
Reminder: 6'7.25" Kevin Love w/ 6'3.5" Snoop (2011)... Click Here

Love and Hogan (2014)... Click Here

Maybe 6'9.5" Winston James Francis w/ Hogan... Click Here
Francis and Snoop... Click Here , Click Here

Francis w/ Brodus Clay... Click Here
Clay and Snoop... Click Here , Click Here
RONSTER said on 15/Aug/19
Sotiris, first off I have been leaving your misspelt by my spellcheck purposely as it doesn’t take much at all to rile you up lol. Secondly, you go on to call me a joke, fanboy, and short bus??? Why is that, anyone who has to immediately resort to name calling to try and belittle is an insecure person just ask Dr. Phil.
To make myself clear for everyone, I do not agree with any poster saying Hogan was ever over 6’7”, nor under 6’3” today. I know he was still over 6’4” in 2014 when we stood together and I had my arm around his back, today he could possibly be a bit under 6’4” at 66 years young. He simply stands in very poor posture all the time and everyone who gets next to him stands their tallest usually. I do my best to use pictures that are level, and show head to toe. I am not the only person who will point out that photos are for the most part useless to try and estimate height within a couple inches. Honestly people, you really think you can judge to within a half or quarter inch let alone an inch when that person stands 76 inches tall. I only referred to the low estimators as just that, or say height reducers. Some posters should think long and hard about the childish names you are calling anyone you don’t agree with. For my part I will commit to only challenge posts with pictures and my opinions, I challenge everyone else especially Sotiris to do the same regardless if you agree or not with others.
viper said on 15/Aug/19
Muhtadi is a measured 6-3
viper said on 15/Aug/19
Well that backfired on Miko.

Ryder is 6-1 and Hogan looks 6-2
Space said on 15/Aug/19
No way Hogan was ever taller than 6’4 5/8 Barkley. Barkley towered The Rock recently by 3.5”, Hogan was never even 3” taller than The Rock. Hogan and Rock looked eye to eye in a video from 2000.
Sotiris Gravas said on 14/Aug/19
@62B Anything's possible in this crazy world of ours...

This was 6'2.25" Joeyb33 and Hogan... Click Here (Glad I saved the pic b/c his Twitter account is now private.) A 6'2.25" Joey means Hogan is max 6'2.5" today, and it's possible he may be as low as 6'2"... only 6'3" or over when wearing lifts.

Here's Zack Ryder (billed 6'2") w/ Hogan, again... Click Here

W/ Kane (2019)... Click Here Funny how Kane doesn't look 6'7", lol.

6'5.75" Gronk, listed/billed 6'4" w/ Dean Muhtadi/Mojo Rawley, and Zack Ryder:
Click Here
Mojo and Zack... Click Here

Ryder (tilting head up to look taller) w/ maybe 5'10.5" Ernie Hudson... Click Here
Hudson w/ 6'6.5" Daniel Cudmore... Click Here
W/ 6'4.75" Kobe Bryant (2017)... Click Here
W/ maybe 6'3.5" Dennis Haysbert (2018)... Click Here

Fan w/ Hogan (2008)... Click Here
Same fan w/ Cudmore (2014)... Click Here Lets's just say that Hogan doesn't look like the 6'4" that ronster swears by for Hogan.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 14/Aug/19
Ryder used to be billed 6'1", he's not a weak 6'2" Click Here
Riccardo 5'7" said on 13/Aug/19
I don't agree that Hogan was ever 197cm. Because I have Undertaker 's current height at 197 cm, 2 cm taller then Hogan at his peak.
Canson said on 13/Aug/19
@62B: I agree. Peak 6’5 and change and 6’3 today
62B said on 12/Aug/19
Sotiris Gravas said on 11/Aug/19

Hogan's height was never more than 6'5" peak, and he's max 6'2.5" now, maybe as low as 6'2" IMHO.

I pretty much agree. But I do think there is a good chance of 6'5.25" peak. Could very well be under 6'3" today, but pretty good evidence that Hulk generally stands with both knees bent. So I think its possible he is still the full 6'3" if he stands straight. Joeyb33, not to long ago said Hulk was at least his height of 6'2.25", when he met him.
miko said on 12/Aug/19
Hogan with 6'1.5/6'1.75 range Zack Ryder.

Click Here

Looking over 6'3 in good posture, as always.
Canson said on 11/Aug/19
@Christian: while We have all had disagreements before on the site at least many people have, I don’t see why it’s always someone like Sotiris or anyone who estimates below Rob that gets called out. What Ronster said about the people who upgrade guys being called out and why he doesn’t say anything to them is a cop out and it’s false. It’s because he estimates above as well so he agrees with them, which is ok honestly. But it’s not fair to call guys who estimate below the listing out if it’s the case. Even in my case I’ve estimated below Rob’s listing and agreed with and even said it’s too low just like you’ve done all three. And both of us have disagreed with posters for high estimates just as we have low ones. I don’t always agree with Sotiris as I’ve even said before so and so is too low. Hogan and Taker and Big Show are examples. But I respect him either way even if he doesn’t agree because I know that he doesn’t have a hidden agenda or want to see someone be taller than they are. And to Sotiris’s credit, he claims to have met Darryl Strawberry when he was a kid and believed his 6’6” listing when he is 6’5” in reality and looks 6’5” and admitted to only being 6’5”.
Canson said on 11/Aug/19
@Christian: to be fair, he is not bad now
Sotiris Gravas said on 11/Aug/19
@ronster I basically call you out for being a joke and your reaction is "Well done!"? Well, then... you're very welcome. I guess I should just be short w/ a "short bus" kinda guy who likes to inflate the height of his hero -- rather than a lengthy diatribe. Better yet, not even responding to a flake/fanboy like you would make more sense.

@Ben Bell Look who's back w/ more back talk... the Tweedledee to ronster's Tweedledum, lol. The maybe 5'11" dude who wants ppl to think he's taller... wants us to think Hogan is also taller. How appropriate! Hey, Eagle Eye, you think you're good w/ height, yet you think my name is "Sorotis," even though I've posted here countless times. Looks like I'm dealing w/ another "special" kinda guy. Good luck w/ that.

P.S. Don't accuse ppl of posting bad photos b/c you demand full-body pics, when all you do is post fan photos from the waist up. It makes you look like you have (bleep) for brains.

Hogan's height was never more than 6'5" peak, and he's max 6'2.5" now, maybe as low as 6'2" IMHO.
Canson said on 11/Aug/19
@Ronster: that’s a copout. Most of the ones receiving the ridicule are the people who estimate below Rob’s listing not the ones estimating above it. That’s ridiculous and is an excuse honestly. Everyone here knows that someone like Sotiris will receive more criticism than someone who estimates a celeb an inch or two higher. Your estimate for him today could be right (over 6’3) and I’m not saying it’s not but I’m just highlighting that you only seem to pick on or go after people when they estimate below Rob’s listing not when they go above it. You seem to agree with them instead. In addition, you’ve even called Rob a downgrader before in posts.
Canson said on 11/Aug/19
@Ben Bell: well if you’re going to say something to Sotiris, then you need to say something to those who feel that Hogan was 6’7”. Or still 6’4-6’5 today. Peak height I could agree with 6’5.5. Lister was 6’5 though. And Rob estimates him 6’3” today not 6’3.5
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 11/Aug/19
I didn't know that Ronster's reputation was that bad. I always knew that most, if not all of his estimates are higher than Rob's and most posters', but I'd never thought of him as being as nearly as bad as Wiles or Ice.
RONSTER said on 10/Aug/19
Sotiris, thank you for going on that lengthy rant. You just proved my point perfectly! Well done!!
As for otter comments about me, I am and always have been agreeing with Hogan himself that he is still around 6’4” and was 6’7” peak. As for people who estimate higher than that I never had to say anything to them because the same bunch always ridicule them without fail, but yet are so sensitive when having anything similar said about their low estimates?? Hypocrisy defined right there.
So I say as always, Hogan is still 6’4” or dam close to it, but does stand at 6’3” or less due to his horrible posture. And he was 6’7” or within a half inch peak, 6’8-9” in his boots. I have posted many pictures that are straight on showing full body and footwear that demonstrate he was that tall.
Ben Bell said on 10/Aug/19
@Sorotis still downgrading everyone and still using bad photos, LOL.
6’3.5 today.
6’5.5 peak. Was eye to eye with Tiny Lister who had a footwear advantage.
Canson said on 10/Aug/19
@Johan 185: only because Rob estimates 6’6” peak and has comparisons will I even entertain that as a possibility but outside of that, I agree with you that realistically something more like 197cm peak (afternoon) height or more like 196-96.5 really, is the sweet spot. Like you said, Tiny Lister said that Hogan was the same size as he was and Tiny was a legit 6’5”. And I love when people below say that “he said his mother measured him at 6’7” yet you see other celebs claiming their actual barefoot height and they’re “taller” than they claim? Lol
Vegas" said on 10/Aug/19
Roderick said on 6/Aug/19

Peak Hogan: 6'5"

2002 Hogan: 6'4"

2006-2013 Hogan: 6'3"

2014-present Hogan: 6'2"-6'2.5"

I doubt he was still 6'4 in 2002 or if he has lost 2 full inches since then

Unless Brock has lost significant height too of course
2002 twenty second mark onward Click Here
2014 fifty seconds Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 9/Aug/19
Hogan has a better chance of being 6'2" than 6'4", even though I disagree with both estimates. My estimate is 6'2.75" or a weak 6'3".
Johan 185 cm said on 9/Aug/19
Hopping hopper said on 7/Aug/19
6-6 peak. Now 6-2.5


Is that you Jim? I am surprised you estimate him as high for peak. I don't really see him more than 6'5.5". He could look regularly between 6'5"-6'5.5" at peak. His height loss isn't as dramatic as most think.
Click Here

Tony "tiny" Lister claims 6'5" and said Hogan was the same size. In the movie he could look 3-4cm taller because of huge footwear.

He also looked 3-4 " on 6'3" peak Kurt Fuller because of the footwear. Hogan only had 2-3" max on Fuller. With cowboyboots I might add. I actually start to believe more 6'5.25".

I also doubt that in 10 months he shrank to 6'2".

Click Here

Triple H got brought down to 6'1.5" which is fair since he is 4 cm shorter. He would have to be 6'0.5" for Hogan to be 6'2" flat.

Anything between 6'2.75"-6'3" is fair today imo.
Sotiris Gravas said on 9/Aug/19
Great to see that viper agrees w/ me...

@viper Welcome to the dark side of the Force, young Jedi... Now, reborn as Darth Viper!!! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Click Here
Canson said on 9/Aug/19
@Sotiris: I don’t know if Ronster is a fanboy but I’ve never once see him make that type of ridiculous, flippant comment he made to you to anyone who estimates above Rob’s listing and I’ve never seen him once, estimate below how Rob lists a celeb. Always higher and He always goes at those who estimate below Rob or at Rob himself for a listing he perceived as too low. Instead, he “always” without fail, agrees with people who estimate above the listing (even commends them) and bash those who go below. I’ve also seen him go at Rob over a listing being too low. This is the same person who thinks the 6’2 or 6’3 peak Rock was and still is 6’4” and that 6’7” and change Magic Johnson is 6’9” when his own coach, Pat Riley, said he was 6’7” barefoot and he was much shorter than Larry Bird. It’s hard to take what he is saying to you seriously and it’s got nothing to do with you being rude it’s because you estimate lower than Rob and below his 6’4” estimate for him, so I would just stop responding. Many of the older posters here already know how he is. He went at Vegas Danimal Ali Baba and many others in the past. He insulted several people here and called them downgraders in the past. He even called Rob that and accused him of that. I’m really surprised that Rob even let him back on the site because he had likely Banned him previously because a lot of what he said to people was a lot worse than what he perceives you doing to him. I have no problem posting all of that because I’ve seen it over the 4 years I’ve been here. Downright disrespectful to Ali Baba and Rob and others and that is what he is doing to you now. If that were me, I would’ve left it alone because what he has done here on this site is 20 times worse and embarrassing. Not only that but he is a hypocrite saying that you were rude to people. I really doubt he wants me to resurrect some of what he has said in the past and post it here.
Canson said on 9/Aug/19
@Sotiris: I don’t know if Ronster is a fanboy but I’ve never once see him make that type of comment to anyone who estimates above Rob’s listing and I’ve never seen him once, estimate below Rob lists a celeb. He always goes at those who estimate below Rob or Rob himself for a listing he perceived as too low. Instead, he “always” without fail, agrees with people who estimate above the listing (even commends them) and bash those who go below. I’ve also seen him go at Rob over a listing being too low. This is the same person who thinks the 6’2 or 6’3 peak Rock was and still is 6’4” and that 6’7” and change Magic Johnson is 6’9” It’s hard to take what he is saying seriously so I would just stop responding. Many of the older posters here already know how he is. He went at Vegas Danimal Ali Baba and others in the past. He insulted several people here and called them downgraders in the past. He even called Rob that and accused him of that. I’m surprised Rob let him back on the site because he had Banned him previously because a lot of what he said to people was a lot worse than what he perceives you doing to him. I have no problem posting all of that because I’ve seen it over the 4 years I’ve been here. Downright disrespectful to Ali Baba and Rob and others and that is what he is doing to you now. If that were me, I would’ve left it alone because what he has done here on this site is 20 times worse and embarrassing
Canson said on 9/Aug/19
@Sotiris: I don’t know if Ronster is a fanboy but I’ve never once see him make that type of comment to anyone who estimates above Rob’s listing. Instead, he “always” without fail, agrees with that person. I’ve also seen him go at Rob over a listing being too low. This is the same person who thinks the Rock was and still is 6’4” and that Magic Johnson is 6’9” It’s hard to take what he is saying seriously so I would stop responding. Many of the older posters here already know how he is. He insulted several people here and called them downgraders in the past. He even called Rob that and accused him of that. I’m surprised Rob let him back on the site because he had Banned him previously
Canson said on 9/Aug/19
@Sotiris: I don’t know if Ronster is a fanboy but I’ve never once see him make that type of comment to anyone who estimates above Rob’s listing. Instead, he “always” without fail, agrees with that person. I’ve also seen him go at Rob over a listing being too low. This is the same person who thinks the Rock was and still is 6’4” and that Magic Johnson is 6’9” It’s hard to take what he is saying seriously so I would stop responding. Many of the older posters here already know how he is.
Canson said on 8/Aug/19
I still think the 6’6 peak height is too much but the current listing is right around what he would measure today standing straight. There’s always even a chance at 6’3.25 as there is remotely 6’2.75. It’s possible that he’s a hair underlisted today but at his peak that he was overlisted. He didn’t look any taller than a strong 6’5” next to a solid 6’5” tiny Lister. 6’5.5 peak is the absolute most I could buy. I still do not think looking at a guy like Strowman or Baron Corbin that he was as tall as they are now when he was in his prime.
viper said on 8/Aug/19
Hell, I've been guessed lower than my height and I'm not stocky like Hogan.

He could be 6-3.

I think Soritis has brought enough evidence to the table that he's
6-2-6-2.5 max
viper said on 8/Aug/19
If Hogan is 6-3 he has the proportions of a 6-1-6-2 guy.

I can understand how he could look shorter than his height in person
Canson said on 8/Aug/19
@Ronster: but to be fair on the site as a whole, you can’t just go at people who estimate lower than Rob’s listings. I’ve never seen you once say anything to anyone who estimates above the listing even when it’s well above reason and not believable. Only those who estimate below Rob’s listing or even Rob if you think the listing is too low. You would also have to at least say something if a person estimates above a listing when it’s noticeably off. In addition you would also have to challenge a listing of Rob’s to be too high, not just too low, or at least be able to acknowledge that some of the listings are at least accurate as many of his listings are close to accurate and some are accurate
Sotiris Gravas said on 8/Aug/19
@ronster First of all, my name isn't "Sortis," I have no idea who that is. Secondly, I didn't call you a fanboy, I said you're probably a fanboy... In other words: PAY ATTENTION. I already told you, but it looks like you're lacking some necessary brain cells, so I'll say it again: I have no problem w/ ppl who don't agree w/ me on estimates... I DO have a problem w/ ppl like you who make false accusations, attacking me like a belligerent drunk.

NEWSFLASH: you say I'm not an authority on height, and what, you are...? You say Hogan is 6'4". That's not just a bad estimate... that means you're clueless or have a fanboy agenda... and laughingly have the nerve to say I'm arrogant, when you're so insistent on putting forward fanboy fantasy.

Saying I use photos w/ bad angles or at distances b/c you can't deal w/ your idol being shorter makes you sound even more desperate and pathetic.

P.S. Hogan was NEVER over 6'6", EVER... regardless of how many times you say he is... and yes, now I do realize that you are a fanboy, a ridiculous one at that. I'm obviously dealing w/ a child who claims to have a son. What are the odds?

It's time to vacate the land of make-believe you're stuck in and join the rest of us in the real world.

I can't believe I just wasted my time responding to a world-class joke like you. LOL.
Canson said on 8/Aug/19
6’3” today I believe and that’s if he stands tall. Even 6’3.25 could work but he doesn’t look 6’4” at all today. And he never looked over 6’6” prime. Some occasions he looked 6’6” others 6’5” range which was most common. He was 1.5-2” shorter than Undertaker
Canson said on 7/Aug/19
@Roderick: and I respect your view because he can also look sub 6’3” at times when the posture is poor so it’s a very fair assessment. Not to mention you use logic at least when you present your case and you are pleasant to interact with at least and don’t have an agenda (fanboy agenda)
Canson said on 7/Aug/19
@Roderick: and I respect your view because he can also look sub 6’3” at times when he posture is poor so it’s a very fair assessment. Not to mention you use logic at least when you present your case and you are pleasant to interact with at least and don’t have an agenda (fanboy agenda)
RONSTER said on 7/Aug/19
Sortis, you day you don’t bash anyone and then right a
Away call me a fanboy and say you’ll call anyone out in quote dumb posts, which are simply ones that don’t jive with your low estimates. You are not an authority on height, you use photos with bad angles and having him at distances that help make him appear shorter. Then you lower everyone else’s heights to rationalize your guesstimates. Oh, and you are confusing confidence with arrogance lol. I have met Hogan up close once when he was 35 and again at 61. He was for sure over 6’6” then and still stood over 6’4” at 61. I have a son who is 6’2” and 275lbs and Hogan would have made him look small simply because of his enormous head, hands and upper body, and because I know what 6’2” is like next to me I know he was at least 2 inches taller without standing tall. That is fact based on seeing him in person up close, photos are useless for the most part in estimating height, slightest of distance or angle change can make someone look inches shorter or taller, the only photos you could say are almost bang on would be when the people are side by side, camera straight on with level shot and same distance showing their entire bodies, footwear and posture. All anyone has to do is look back at many of your posts Sortis and see how you try to make fun of and name call any poster who does not fit into your lower height logic. I will say this for today’s Hogan, he will almost never stand tall so he is standing sometimes at 6’2-3”, but his true height is still at least 6’4” in my much better informed opinion.
Importer said on 7/Aug/19
Wow..6'6" down to 6'2" range is just insane..
Roderick said on 7/Aug/19
How much do you guys think Hogan weighs now? It's so hard to tell.

My guess is 280ish
Sotiris Gravas said on 7/Aug/19
Just a reminder:

Here's Hogan w/ another 5'11" guy, Michael Rosenbaum (2014)... Click Here

Does Hogan look 6'3" here? Obviously not.

Here's 6'2.5" Tom Welling w/ Michael Rosenbaum (2019)... Click Here Welling is clearly taller than Hogan.

Here they are much younger... Click Here

Here's a footwear pic... Click Here

One more pic to seal the deal... Click Here

Welling is taller... Click Here

Hogan isn't 6'3".
Sotiris Gravas said on 7/Aug/19
Another look at Hogan w/ 6'7.25" Kevin Love from another angle (2014)... Click Here

Cary Elwes w/ (listed 6'1" online) Jim Sciutto... (2019) Click Here , Click Here (2017) Click Here I'm supposed to believe a supposedly 6'3" Hogan is 2" taller than Sciutto...? That he looked 6'3" next to Love... You're joking, right? Sorry, no way. ZERO chance.

Sciutto w/ max 6'1.5" Steph Curry (2019)... Click Here (Sciutto has better posture than Curry here.)
Hopping hopper said on 7/Aug/19
6-6 peak. Now 6-2.5
Roderick said on 6/Aug/19
@Canson Same to you, I show an equal amount of respect to those who estimate Hogan at 6'3" and 6'2" as well as those who estimate him at 9'3" or 8'11". It's all heights.

Seriously though, some people forget that we are discussing someone's height, not their legacy, Lol.

To the topic of height, yeah Canson I agree fully that 6'4" is out of the window for 2019 Hogan, but I cannot see him as tall as 6'3". Up until like 2014 he stopped looking 6'3" and closer to 6'2" IMO.

Peak Hogan: 6'5"

2002 Hogan: 6'4"

2006-2013 Hogan: 6'3"

2014-present Hogan: 6'2"-6'2.5"
edwards said on 6/Aug/19
Yes dude,i agree on all of what you said.Roderick may estimate the same either and we may not agree with him but he seems like he has some sense. He just like Sotiris, at least his estimates are believable and a lot of the others that he has made are close to the truth than someone who estimates whatever comes in mind without having a close look.
Sotiris Gravas said on 6/Aug/19
Another look at 5'11" Cary Elwes w/ Hogan... Click Here

Again, only Hogan's head is tilted up... Click Here
Elwes w/ 6'1.25 Garrett Hedlund, head tilted up... Click Here

W/ maybe 6'2" Danny Glover (6'3" peak/6'1" current) in 2004... Click Here
W/ 6'3" Sacha Baron Cohen (2013)... Click Here
W/ maybe 6'4.25" Tim Robbins (2015)... Click Here Might be in cowboy boots.

@ronster You don't deserve an all-caps username, lol. Hogan is obviously not 6'4". The fact that you think he is means you're probably a fanboy or just bad at estimating height.

You said I lack confidence. My problem is that I have too much, not too little.

You said I bash everyone who doesn't agree w/ me. Wrong. If someone says something dumb, I call them out on it. I'm perfectly cordial w/ ppl who don't agree w/ me, as long as they don't start bashing me -- remind you of anyone? When an annoying clown like daniel reynolds said Vitali Klitschko was 6'11", I mocked him b/c his estimate wasn't just off -- it was ridiculous. Kind of like you saying Hogan is 6'4" nowadays, though not as bad.

Here's Hogan w/ a slight knee bend w/ 6'3.5" Troy Aikman... Click Here
And here... Click Here

Given that Hogan was max 6'2.5" w/ Aikman back then... Click Here , there's no way in hell he's 6'4" today.
Canson said on 5/Aug/19
@Edwards: I also respect Roderick as a poster. He may estimate the same either and we may not agree with him but he seems like he has some sense. He just like Sotiris, at least his estimates are believable and a lot of the others that he has made are close to the truth
viper said on 5/Aug/19
Yep, Hogan looks under 6-2 with 6-3.5 Aikman
Canson said on 5/Aug/19
Guys no disrespect and I’m not going to mention names but some people posting here calling Sotiris a downgrader and saying he’s rude etc need not talk because there are pages and pages for some people of them madly upgrading in the past and getting rude and extremely personal with other posters that we would rather not touch if we don’t have to
Canson said on 5/Aug/19
@Ronster: I could buy him being a hair over 6’3” today but not 6’4”. I do agree that his posture takes away from his height because he likely can’t stand straight. But Alan32080 has also said that he’s probably 6’3” and change. But one thing I will agree on as well is that he’s not 6’2”
John barrett said on 5/Aug/19
Go listen to Hogan's interview with Steve Austin on youtube. Which is at the time of me writing this is under a week old, Austin clearly asks how Hogan is physically to day - Hogan said He has had like 12 ops on his back, two hip replacements, left and right knees replaced also he points out he had issues with his spine before he ever wrestled no matter how many leg drops or bumps he took in his wrestling career he also said every morning when he gets up it takes over an hour for him to fully stretch out and stand up right and he turns 66 years of age this year - So yeah any one like this would have lost height massively if we really going to try and see how tall Hogan was for real we have to go back to at least to 2004 or under to try and get a real idea of how tall he really was. HULK HOGAN of to day is a former shadow of him self he may still weigh around 290 pounds which he says he is in this interview, but long gone are the 24 inch pythons more like 19 inch arms to day, long gone are the days of leg drops and bodyslams - we have a old gentleman who stands around the 6'2 or 6'3 with two hips replaced and two knee caps, knock 35 years of his age he has two good hips and two knee caps in working order and not one back surgery and is 30 years of age we really could add up to 4 inches on his height....
edwards said on 5/Aug/19
@sotiris gravas
dont need to thank me dude,why would i bash you dude,regardless of whether we agree on Hogan or not,Always you are like brother to me,you canson and dan trojan are like brothers to me.there is nothing wrong with sticking personal opinion,your opinion are accurate dude.i agree on some of your estimation.i think its really hard for you or anyone of that height to gain and build muscle at that for hogan yes ,i think 6'2.5 is arguable that man.
Roderick said on 4/Aug/19
Hulk Hogan can look under 6'2" sometimes.

Just my personal opinion, nobody has to agree with me, but I don't think there is any chance Hogan is 6'3" barefoot today.
Canson said on 4/Aug/19
@Sotiris: Thanks! And I feel that you are also good for the site!
RONSTER said on 4/Aug/19
Everyone take a good long hard look at this picture of Hogan the other day at a show meeting fans. Take note that this is how he is standing almost all the time these days, and definitely in every one of the pictures used by certain posters in here. He looses 2-3 inches bending his legs this much, and to Sortis whatever you are one very immature poster who clearly demonstrates your lack of confidence when you feel the need to name call and bash everyone’s posts that do not match up with your extreme low height claims for Hogan and others. Still 6’4” today if he straightens his legs and knees for sure.
Click Here
Johan 185 cm said on 4/Aug/19
Canson said on 1/Aug/19
@Johan185: I agree with you that Hogan is still 6’3”. I also don’t agree with Sotiris about you cherry picking, either, because you have never seemed like the type to do that. However, some of the other stuff that he has said, I do agree with. And people here do bash him. I didn’t see but a small handful of people on this page or Taker’s say anything to Daniel Reynolds for his asanine comments or egregious estimates on Hulk and Taker both being taller than they are. Not to mention, he said that the Rock was 6’5 and that Hulk was 6’7” before. he’s the one projecting if anything. Sotiris’s estimates are at least somewhat believable. I’m sure that if Dan Trojan were to weigh in on this that he would say the same as I am. And I said didn’t see but a small handful of people because you were one of the ones who actually did correct Reynolds (I believe) but some of the ones Sotiris is going at did not. They only go after Sotiris. They don’t go after inflators they go after people who they feel downgrade


Well its Celebheights, some people will defend their idols no matter what and so people who over estimate are less likely to receive any comments. I have had debates and arguments with both sides throughout the years.

Fangirls of Harry styles, Taylor Swift come to mind and also people on Jared Padalecki's page who claim he is 6'3" and so many more.

In this way I am different as I am only interested in their heights and the numbers. Rob could have a database of friends/regular people and I would be just as active on that forum as here. There is nothing wrong with vigorous debate as long as we can still respect one another while being critical.
Sotiris Gravas said on 4/Aug/19
@edwards Dude, I give Hogan max 6'2.5" and honestly think he might be as low as 6'2" now.

My current weight is 285 lbs, and my heaviest was 305 lbs (maybe a little more).

Thank you for not bashing me, :)

Fan w/ Hogan (2016)... Click Here , Click Here

Same fan w/ weak 6'5" JBL... (1993) Click Here , (1994) Click Here

W/ Dynamite Kid (1993)... Click Here

Hogan looks VERY short next to that fan.
Sotiris Gravas said on 4/Aug/19
Hogan likes to lie -- yes, lie -- and say that he used to be 6'7", lol, and that he's still around 6'5".

Here's Hogan w/ max 6'7.25" Kevin Love (2014)... Click Here He looks like a tiny hobbit from "Lord of the Rings" here.

Now, compare that to Love and 6'3.5" Troy Aikman (2014)... Click Here

Love w/ maybe 5'10.5" David Beckham (2012)... Click Here

Let's not forget video footage of Love w/ MAX 6'5.5" Undertaker (2016)... Click Here
BTW, Taker's posture was perfect.
edwards said on 3/Aug/19
I can see someone bashing sotiris dude without any reason.grow up kids,acting childish.those people who are bashing sotiris for any reason are same posters who do not have any proof to back their claim.every one have their personal opinion and we have ours,sotiris have reason to bash him .atleast sotiris has proof to back his claim unlike some of the posters here.nothing wrong in sticking with personal opinion
@canson dude,stop paying attention to those who tries to create brawl and bash others.
I myself have exchange comments with so many different posters in different pages but when i talk with sotiris,canson and Dan Trojan ,i feel much as home with you guys especially these three dudes.i have brotherly feelings.
Back to height,as for hogan’s height i feel he is still 6’3 atleast a weak 6’3.hogan have lost much height if you compare with his peak height.
edwards said on 3/Aug/19
@sotiris gravas
dude i think you are saying hogan is 6'2 due to his bad posture.
sotiris ,how much you weight as an 6'7 guy.i am intrested to know
Sotiris Gravas said on 3/Aug/19
@Canson I respect you, too, dude, regardless of whether we agree on Hogan or not. Always. And I appreciate how you stand up for the "little guy," even if they're not so little, lol. Maybe I am a tad abrasive w/ others who rub me the wrong way. I guess I could stand to be more accommodating. I agree w/ you that Wade is probably 6'3", max... which lends itself to why I doubt Hogan was more than 6'2.5" based on their pic together, back in 2007. Maybe he's still 6'2.5", but think 6'2.25" is a strong possibility in 2019. (I actually now think there's a chance The Rock might be 6'1.75" and uses "appropriate" footwear to look closer to 6'3".) I agree w/ you that Hogan can look 6'3", but I attribute that to footwear and camera angles. Maybe I'm the one who's been misled by camera angles; you never know; but I doubt it :) That said, CelebHeights is lucky to have you. Keep up the good work!
viper said on 3/Aug/19
Thinking Hogan is under 6-3 is complete troll?

Roderick said on 2/Aug/19
@Dan Trojan I don't have a problem if he thinks he is 6'3", 6'4", 6'5", or 7'2". I just always seen Hogan as a 6'2" range guy and was really confused to how everyone thought he was 6'3" when IMO he clearly isn't. I asked him where he looked 6'3" for evidence.. that's all.

In short, I just wanna know where he looks 6'3". This site is for debating and criticizing, I think.... right?
Sotiris Gravas said on 2/Aug/19
@edwards 0% chance of Hogan being 6'2", eh? Really? Click Here Sure, pal. You guys crack me up.

P.S. Click Here

P.P.S. XD, dude.
Canson said on 2/Aug/19
@Dan Trojan: Thanks! But I didn’t think Roderick was rude to me at all. He wasn’t rude like some other people here at least
Canson said on 2/Aug/19
@Sotiris: I respect you and I’ve never had an issue with you. I disagree with what some of these guys are saying about you honestly and I made it a point to tell them how I feel because Its happened to me before. One person I’ve seen here on this site only makes the flippant back handed comments to people when they disagree with Rob (he made one to me once)and only when the estimates are below what Rob lists them. He also goes out of his way to accuse people of downgrading when it’s less than Rob lists them yet when people overestimate or suggest that Rob list the celeb taller, I’ve never once in 4 years or in previous posts by that poster prior to me coming on here, have I seen that particular poster comment on someone else or criticize them about inflating a celeb. So that says something right there and I feel that you suggesting the celeb is overlisted is what drove the issue more than anything. Now as far as the estimate, I would have to say that he is 6’2.75 (low end) 6’3.25 (high end). I don’t rule out 190cm but don’t rule out 191. He looks generally 6’3” imho and I respect your opinion that he isn’t. I used to think he was 6’3 or 6’3.25 but I leave the door open. But the pic with Wade makes him look like he’s 6’1 range. That has to be his posture or Wade is standing on a higher elevation because Wade I know for a fact is not 6’4”. I know someone who has met Wade and said that he’s at most .5-1” taller than he is and he’s 6’2”. Wade also only looks max 6’3 really a weak 6’3 like he was described with Justice Winslow and some of the other guys out there. It’s always that he’s 6’4” and that Barkley is 6’6” tho by some of these posters here who swear by the pre draft being the holy grail and they challenge his Olympic measurement which would not be a lie if anything because Barkley wasn’t measuring for a contract at the Olumpics. He was already an 8 year vet and multiple time all star. Common sense ain’t that common though I guess because Carmelo Anthony who I’ve met looks the height Rob lists him at most. He may be just 6’6” flat but he’s not less than that either. But Melo obviously has at minimum 3” on Wade.
Hopping hopper said on 2/Aug/19
Was probably measured in his cowboy boots to get close to 6-8. 6-6 peak
Canson said on 1/Aug/19
Roderick if he’s only 6’2.25 that would mean he’s similar with the Rock. Hogan is taller than Rock is. Hogan is still 6’3”
Canson said on 1/Aug/19
@Roderick: to me he can still look a decent 6’3” when he stands straight. His situation is much like Undertaker in that he stands and walks shorter than he actually would measure. In some pics I see he does look 6’2” but then in others on a rare occasion he looks 6’3” or over. I think the volume argument would be in effect in that he looks 6’2” more often than not or in more pictures than he does 6’3” but I still think 6’3” is realistic for him today. 6’3.25 is possible imho as is 6’2.75. I think anything less than that or more than 6’3.25 is not however. I would say 6’3” flat like Rob lists him is the sweet spot or maybe 6’3 1/8” or 6’2 7/8” since both look 6’3”
Dan Trojan said on 1/Aug/19
Roderick why does it seem like you criticize other people's opinion because it doesn't suit your needs it's canson's opinion and he's entitled to it just like you and everyone else on this site i tend to agree with him hogan like taker has bad posture and if he stood straight i really feel he can clear 6'3"
edwards said on 1/Aug/19
Hogan being under 6’3 is complete troll maybe at worst he is 6’2.75 .he still pulls 6’3 standing straight,maybe with poor posture he give impression of being under 6’3 but standing straight may clear it
@roderick and sotiris gravas
There is 0% chance of hogan being 6’2 flat
Canson said on 1/Aug/19
@Johan185: I agree with you that Hogan is still 6’3”. I also don’t agree with Sotiris about you cherry picking, either, because you have never seemed like the type to do that. However, some of the other stuff that he has said, I do agree with. And people here do bash him. I didn’t see but a small handful of people on this page or Taker’s say anything to Daniel Reynolds for his asanine comments or egregious estimates on Hulk and Taker both being taller than they are. Not to mention, he said that the Rock was 6’5 and that Hulk was 6’7” before. he’s the one projecting if anything. Sotiris’s estimates are at least somewhat believable. I’m sure that if Dan Trojan were to weigh in on this that he would say the same as I am. And I said didn’t see but a small handful of people because you were one of the ones who actually did correct Reynolds (I believe) but some of the ones Sotiris is going at did not. They only go after Sotiris. They don’t go after inflators they go after people who they feel downgrade
Canson said on 1/Aug/19
@Johan185: I agree with you that Hogan is still 6’3”. I also don’t agree with Sotiris about you cherry picking, either, because you have never seemed like the type to do that. However, some of the other stuff that he has said, I do agree with. And people here do bash him. I didn’t see but a small handful of people on this page or Taker’s say anything to Daniel Reynolds for his asanine comments or egregious estimates on Hulk and Taker both being taller than they are. Not to mention, he said that the Rock was 6’5 and that Hulk was 6’7” before. he’s the one projecting if anything. Sotiris’s estimates are somewhat believable. And I said didn’t see but a small handful of people because you were one of the ones who actually did correct him but some of the ones Sotiris is going at did not. They only go after Sotiris. They don’t go after inflators they go after people who they feel downgrade
Sotiris Gravas said on 1/Aug/19
@Johan, Canson, and Roderick

I'm fine w/ ppl thinking Hogan is 6'3", really, I am, even though he 100% isn't. Here's Hogan w/ max 6'3" Dwyane Wade (2007)... Click Here Hogan is standing straight while Wade is leaning in. Again, this pic is going back to 2007, not 2019. Hogan is only 6'3" w/ the aid of footwear, whatever that entails, lol.

Not to offend anyone, but I'll say it again, and keep saying it... There's no way in hell Hogan is 6'3" today. ZERO chance. And no, I'm not wrong.

Hogan w/ max 6'3.5" Snoop (2006)... Click Here , Click Here
(2015)... Click Here

Hogan w/ max 6'3.5" Troy Aikman (2010)... Click Here , Click Here

The reason I say Hogan isn't 6'3" is b/c it's painfully obvious he isn't. The fact that ppl still think he's 6'3" today is astonishing to me.

Hey, Johan, I never said this was a competition... If it was, you clearly wouldn't be the one celebrating. The fact that you think I'm the fool is very amusing. If you prefer the company of fools, I suggest you seek out Daniel Reynolds.
edwards said on 1/Aug/19
he may still be 6'3 or atleast close to it through out the day but at night maybe at extreme low i can buy 6'2.75.
Sotiris Gravas said on 1/Aug/19
@Vegas Dude, I don't wanna make you feel bad, but if I feel you said something dumb, I'm gonna call you out on it...

In that pic w/ my dad, he was several feet away from me. In that pic w/ Elwes, Hogan is standing right next to him. Clearly, not the same thing. They're standing on a street, not an uneven beach, lol.

I never suggested Hogan is only 6 feet tall, but that pic demonstrates that Hogan is 100% not 6'3".

Johan asked for pics where Hogan only looked 6'2", and that's what I posted.
Canson said on 31/Jul/19
@Rob: please delete that last post that I sent to Sotiris regarding Vegas
Canson said on 31/Jul/19
@Sotiris: I respect Vegas but I agree with you
Vegas' said on 31/Jul/19
Roderick said on 27/Jul/19
The most I would give Hogan is not even 6'2.5". I'd say he is 6'2.25" or maybe just 6'2" at best. I am really confused to where he looks 6'3". I'm actually VERY confused why that's what everybody is on the bangwagon on.

Out of interest how tall would you estimate current Scott Hall, footwear similar Click Here

I never met Hall but he did look at least 6'4 at peak like e.g here barefoot with ~6'1 Curt Hennig at 1 minute 17 mark Click Here
Johan 185 cm said on 30/Jul/19
Sotiris Gravas said on 26/Jul/19
@Vegas If someone posts a pic you don't like, your go-to line is "those photos taken outside are pretty much useless."

@Johan If someone posts a pic you don't like, you'll cherry-pick something else and try and pass it off as someone's "real" height.

I can't decide which one of you is the bigger joke. Hey, Johan, here's a thought: when someone, like myself, posts something which proves you're wrong... acknowledge it, rather than pretending it never happened... rather than passing off bull(bleep) as something favorable. Your Hogan pic is pure garbage. I said not to bother posting a Hogan pic where he's lifting his head and closer to the camera, but you desperately did it anyway b/c you can't stand being wrong. Pathetic.

Time is precious not to be spent in the company of fools.

Stop projecting Sotiris, this is not a competition. You can have your belief of 6'2" Hogan just as I shall continue to believe that he is 6'3".
Canson said on 30/Jul/19
@Roderick: he still looks 6’3 range when he stands straight. That’s how I came up with 6’3.25 but 6’2.75-6’3.25 to me
Vegas' said on 29/Jul/19
Canson, it's very rare I post photos outside on the street and if I do it's full length and where I assume ground is close to level.

Sotiris, I have already said it dozens of times photos outside on street can't be trusted for most part. I even stated it when you posted that photo with your dad like a year ago, saying the street was clearly at a higher point where he stood.

I don't see the point of posting this unless your are suggesting Hogan barely scrapes 6 foot? Click Here
Roderick said on 27/Jul/19
@Canson I can understand 6'3", but where do you get 6'3.25" from?

IMO, maybe until like 2014 is when he stopped looking 6'3". Every photo since, he has only appeared as a 6'2" max range guy.

On top of that, he always wears those big Jordan sneakers that definitely give a good little height boost.

The most I would give Hogan is not even 6'2.5". I'd say he is 6'2.25" or maybe just 6'2" at best. I am really confused to where he looks 6'3". I'm actually VERY confused why that's what everybody is on the bangwagon on.

Where the fricken' freak does he look 6'3", let alone taller than 6'2.5"?
Canson said on 27/Jul/19
@Vegas: we’ve all used pics of people outside. You even did on the Rock’s page and he was favored with Suh
Johan 185 cm said on 26/Jul/19
Canson said on 25/Jul/19
I do think he was above 6’5 flat peak and above 6’2.5 today. I think safe guess 6’5-6’5.5 range peak 6’3-6’3.25. Always a chance at 6’2.75-6’3.25 but I still think he’s a full on 6’3”


Exactly how I have him pegged. There is always a chance he is 6'2.75" today but I just can't see 6'2" flat.
Sotiris Gravas said on 26/Jul/19
@Vegas If someone posts a pic you don't like, your go-to line is "those photos taken outside are pretty much useless."

@Johan If someone posts a pic you don't like, you'll cherry-pick something else and try and pass it off as someone's "real" height.

I can't decide which one of you is the bigger joke. Hey, Johan, here's a thought: when someone, like myself, posts something which proves you're wrong... acknowledge it, rather than pretending it never happened... rather than passing off bull(bleep) as something favorable. Your Hogan pic is pure garbage. I said not to bother posting a Hogan pic where he's lifting his head and closer to the camera, but you desperately did it anyway b/c you can't stand being wrong. Pathetic.
Monkey knees said on 25/Jul/19
Crazy that even in past wrestlers biographies, like Bret Harts, people mention 6ft 9in for Hulk/Terry! Lol. 6ft 5.5in peak. 6ft 2.5in now in his mid 60s.
Canson said on 25/Jul/19
I do think he was above 6’5 flat peak and above 6’2.5 today. I think safe guess 6’5-6’5.5 range peak 6’3-6’3.25. Always a chance at 6’2.75-6’3.25 but I still think he’s a full on 6’3”
Johan 185 cm said on 25/Jul/19
Vegas' said on 24/Jul/19
Those photos taken outside are pretty much useless for effectively determining height differences


You're surprised?

Click Here

This pic shows 4" as Cary reaches his eyebrows. Click Here
Vegas' said on 24/Jul/19
Those photos taken outside are pretty much useless for effectively determining height differences
Sotiris Gravas said on 24/Jul/19
@Johan 185 cm That Hogan/ max 6'1" HHH pic you posted wasn't from 2 days ago; it was from March 29, 2018, for a premiere of HBO's "Andre the Giant."

That said, here's 5'11" Cary Elwes w/ Hogan from that day, both in sneakers Click Here
Does Hogan look very tall there? No, he doesn't. (Don't bother posting pics where Hogan is closer to the camera or tilting his head up to look taller.)

Here's Elwes w/ maybe 6'1.5" Morgan Freeman (2018)... Click Here

Elwes w/ 6'1.25" Garrett Hedlund (2017)... Click Here

W/ 6'0.75" Rob Reiner (2017)... Click Here

There's no way in hell Hogan is more than 6'2.5" today. You asked Roderick for proof that he looks 6'2" now... Well, I just gave it to you.

Another look at Hogan and HHH from that day... Click Here

@Roderick Here's Hogan w/ Honky Tonk, both men showing off their tiptoe skills Click Here
Canson said on 23/Jul/19
I’d rule anything above 6’3.25 even with perfect posture out. I think really best case today if he has perfect posture. Probably just a solid 6’3” tho
Johan 185 cm said on 22/Jul/19
Editor Rob
The odds of Triple H at 187cm today is very reasonable, I think he is probably due a half inch height loss, as 10 years ago could look taller.


Yeah he looks to have lost height due to his neck, he was around 1/2 inch smaller than Roman Reigns also recently. He hasn't done badly all things considered for his profession.
Roderick said on 21/Jul/19
I don't know how to post pictures but look up pictures of Hulk Hogan and Honky Tonk Man. There is one photo where they are with a woman and another guy posing for a pic. Hulk Hogan looks all of 6'2.5" max in those photos (really looks 6'2" at best, but I feel like being generous). No way he measures 6'3" today. No chance at all, like Sotiris says.

And if he is 6'3.25"-6'3.5", then Nicki Minaj has a flat ass.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 20/Jul/19
Ahahah sorry canson, I did read it bad. 6'7 in shoes, walking in the street, is definitely too much. I can understand 6'6.25 in shoes. Because if I want be generous I give him 6'5. Not 6'5 and change, but simply 6'5 since the moment that my guess for his peak is 6'4.75. Today 6'2.5
Importer said on 20/Jul/19
190cm minimum :)
Canson said on 20/Jul/19
@Christian: he definitely took roids!
Riccardo 5'7" said on 20/Jul/19

Hogan at 6'2.5" is perfect, 6'5 flat for his peak also.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 20/Jul/19
I agree that he's under 6'3" but 6'2" is a bit too low. I can see 6'2.5" worst case today.
RoelC said on 20/Jul/19
Roderick said on 19/Jul/19
Troy Aikman (srry if I mispelled that) is 6'3.5" max and he TOWERED Hogan. Hulk Hogan is not taller than 6'3"! He is 6'2" barefoot and at his max I guess 6'2.5" but I don't even think he's that tall.
He was probably more like just 6'5" flat peak or even only 6'4.5"-6'4.75" (similar to Drew Mcintyre in height).
I don't understand how you guys can even say he's still over 6'3", lol. I respect all opinions but please show me where he still looks 6'3"..?

Don't know about 2019, but in 2015 he could still pass off as a 6'3" guy. Here he is next to several AFL players from St. Kilda Football Club.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

In 2013 next to David Hasselhoff
Click Here

Seriously, Aikman only had like an inch to 1,5 inch tops on Hogan. I hardly call that towering over someone. Those commercials were taken when Hogan's back was a physical mess. He had like 6 or 7 back surgeries at the time IIRC.
Johan 185 cm said on 20/Jul/19
Click Here

This is from 2 days ago, I suppose Triple H is 6'0.5" now if Hogan is 6'2"?

No less than 4 cm between them, I have Triple H at 187 cm today.

Now Roderick lets see this evidence of a 6'2" 188cm Hogan.
Editor Rob
The odds of Triple H at 187cm today is very reasonable, I think he is probably due a half inch height loss, as 10 years ago could look taller.
Roderick said on 19/Jul/19
Troy Aikman (srry if I mispelled that) is 6'3.5" max and he TOWERED Hogan. Hulk Hogan is not taller than 6'3"! He is 6'2" barefoot and at his max I guess 6'2.5" but I don't even think he's that tall.

He was probably more like just 6'5" flat peak or even only 6'4.5"-6'4.75" (similar to Drew Mcintyre in height).

I don't understand how you guys can even say he's still over 6'3", lol. I respect all opinions but please show me where he still looks 6'3"..?
Canson said on 19/Jul/19
@Riccardo: he would’ve been 6’7” in shoes out of bed. And probably even at a low he could get 6’7” in some shoes. He wasn’t a 6’6 guy but maybe 6’5 and some change peak
RP said on 19/Jul/19
@ Vegas! 100% accurate on Hulk Hogan & Sid Eudy!
Vegas' said on 18/Jul/19
Hogan still played major role in last two pro wrestling boom periods (84-89 and 96-01) in the US so it would be a bit unfair to call him lucky. Even if you hate the guy you can't deny he was a fabulous babyface for the time and a wonderful heel in mid 1990s.

Regards Sid he had charisma but he didn't have Hogan's charm or Hogans ability to work crowd during matches. Sid didn't have Hogan's ability to get audience to relate and ultimately didn't have Hogan's ability to play a real life superhero brought to life.

I think Sid would have had a much stronger career had he not been such an idiot too. Hogan, Rock, Cena, Brock, Austin, Taker are all super smart guys who played politics just right to become the stars they did and stay on top.
Jacksocknothetennisplayer said on 18/Jul/19
I always remember him looking tall. I remember in the early 90s he was close to undertaker height.
But then in the 2000s he looked sort of squashed. I think he lost height because of injuries and age.
Johan 185 cm said on 18/Jul/19
Canson said on 16/Jul/19
@Johan185: both can be the case. Hulk may be a hair over 6’3” still (he’s not 6’2). But Cena has more than likely always been 6’0” not 6’0.5”


In the ring Cena could look easily over 6 foot but then he wore running sneakers alot which are 1.2-1.3 inches. Not sure if he lost much but Hogan definetly doesn't look under 6'3" yet. His surgeries did apparently help alot with his posture.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 18/Jul/19
I don't think Hogan was 6'7 in shoes even. 6'6 in shoes
Roderick said on 18/Jul/19
People who think Hulk Hogan is over 6'3" in 2019

Canson said on 16/Jul/19
@Johan185: both can be the case. Hulk may be a hair over 6’3” still (he’s not 6’2). But Cena has more than likely always been 6’0” not 6’0.5”
Johan 185 cm said on 14/Jul/19
He actually makes Cena look 6'0" flat there in that pic there from those teen awards. Then again whats the footwear because he does wear thick trainers alot. Can look over 6'3" at times because of that.
Canson said on 13/Jul/19
If we read his quotes above, the 6’7” was likely a shoe height 6’5 and change barefoot. And 6’4 was likely 6’2” and change or 6’3. Very possible that he was less than 6’3” at one point and regained height through back surgery
Canson said on 13/Jul/19
I still think he’s 6’3” today. He’s not less than that imho. But his height loss is wildly exaggerated. He didn’t lose 4” like people are saying. He was never more than 6’5 and change peak. Max loss is maybe 2.5” perhaps 2” minimum. There’s a very good chance that he’s been the same height he is now for quite some time. I’d say there’s a better chance of a hair over what he’s listed here but I think Taker needs a downgrade to 6’6” flat
Canson said on 13/Jul/19
Agree with Miko
Riccardo 5'7" said on 13/Jul/19
About his peak i could see max 6'5. Not even in the morning 6'6.
198cm for this guy is too much, definitely.
I have doubts only about how much height he lost.
Riccardo 5'7" said on 13/Jul/19
Dan Trojan

Probably, but I guess Hogan has footwear advantage. Lesnar, never more then 6'2 in my opinion, looks maybe 1.25 max shorter. And we are talking about a picture probably took in 2002 already.
What you think about the other pictures?
Dan Trojan said on 12/Jul/19
Riccardo in that picture brock is standing as straight as possible and hogan is hunched over and still taller
miko said on 12/Jul/19
Still 6'3 or a hair over when he stands straight today.

6'5/6'5.25 at his peak. Probably 6'6 out of bed.
Sotiris Gravas said on 11/Jul/19
@Undertaker Frank I scrolled down and just saw the pic you posted of you and Mamun, w/ a little help from Editor Rob. Nice.
edwards said on 11/Jul/19
peak strong 6’5” though like 6’5/6’5.5 range but today 6’3” still. He is quite like Taker has who has very bad posture making him look smaller
Canson said on 10/Jul/19
@Sotiris: Ali Baba probably just had better overall posture. I’m not sure if it was solely the head tilt. That’s not surprising the better posture considering Lou was close to 60 when he met him. And Ali himself said that Lou could’ve been 6’2.5 but not more and not less than 6’2”
Riccardo 5'7" said on 10/Jul/19
With Austin Click Here

With Flair
Click Here..........

Click Here

With Brock Lesnar....
Click Here

With Cena
Click Here

Click Here

With Savage, macho man. I saw him billed at 6'2 but I think he is less and no more then 6'0.
Click Here

Peak Hogan 6'4 3/4
Current 6'2.5
Vegas' said on 10/Jul/19
Roderick said on 7/Jul/19
@Canson Hulk Hogan isn't 6'3" anymore. Maybe in the past few years ya but since probably 2017 he is now around 6'2".

I saw him with my friend at his store in March 2017 and he looked taller than flat 6'2 then. Admittedly I didn't meet Hogan myself just comparing a ~6'4 guy with Hogan.

Hogan was taking regular breaks so he might have been lying down in the back during those periods.
Sotiris Gravas said on 9/Jul/19
@Canson I find Ali Baba was tilting his head up somewhat, making him look taller than 6'6", though I know he feels otherwise. That said, 6'3.25" peak height is the very most I would ever give Lou.
Canson said on 7/Jul/19
@Sotiris: Ferrigno looked 6’2” with Ali Baba. Maybe a peak Lou was 6’3-6’3.5. He could’ve been up to 6’3.25 or .5 but not 6’4”. He was that in shoes.
Alan32080 said on 7/Jul/19
@ Sotiris Gravas. I’m 6’3”. Flat until mid afternoon and I drop 1/4” sometimes a little more. I’ve been around him a lot lately. Not under 6’3.25 now in the morning. In my opinion he’s still 6’3.5”. 6’4” out of bed possibly. No way was he over 6’6” peak. Most likely between 6’5”-6’6”.
Roderick said on 7/Jul/19
@Canson Hulk Hogan isn't 6'3" anymore. Maybe in the past few years ya but since probably 2017 he is now around 6'2". Even in some pictures he appears 6'0"...
Sotiris Gravas said on 6/Jul/19
A guy w/ a young Hogan (closer to camera), footwear unknown, lol... Click Here

Same dude w/ George Kennedy... Click Here

W/ Ed McMahon (1992)... Click Here

W/ John Schneider... Click Here

Same guy, but older w/ The Rock... Click Here

W/ Mr. T... Click Here , Click Here

W/ Mean Gene... Click Here
Canson said on 6/Jul/19
@Roderick: only because of his posture. Otherwise there are times when he does still look 6’3”
Sotiris Gravas said on 5/Jul/19
Here are more pics w/ that fan from my previous post to compare w/ Hogan:

W/ maybe 6'5" peak Don Leo Jonathan... Click Here

W/ Jumbo Tsuruta (billed 6'6")... Click Here , Click Here

W/ 6'4" Dustin Rhodes and Dusty (2004)... Click Here

W/ 6'3.5", billed 6'5" Randy Orton (2002)... Click Here

W/ 6'3" (billed 6'6") Terry Gordy... Click Here , Click Here , Click Here

W/ 6'3", maybe 6'2.5", billed 6'6" Lex Luger (1988)... Click Here

W/ now 6'2" (6'3" peak) Mick Foley... Click Here , Click Here
(1996) Click Here , (1995) Click Here

W/ 6'2.5" peak The Rock and Jericho (2002)... Click Here

W/ 6'2.5" peak Vader... (younger) Click Here (older) Click Here

W/ King Kong Bundy... Click Here

W/ Curt Hennig and Phil Lafon, George Hines , Mike Rotundo, Steve Williams, Bart Gunn, and Terry Funk (2001)... Click Here

Dick Murdoch (1996)... Click Here

W/ Bray Wyatt (2017)... Click Here

W/ Mongolian Stomper (1994)... Click Here

W/ Roddy Piper... Click Here

W/ Tommy Dreamer (1996) Click Here , (1995) Click Here

W/ Abdullah the Butcher (1996)... Click Here, and here Click Here

W/ Ric Flair... (2018) Click Here , (2003) Click Here ,
(1995) Click Here , (1988) Click Here

W/ Davey Boy Smith and Joel Deaton (1993)... Click Here

W/ X-Pac, then and now... Click Here

W/ Kurt Angle (1998)... Click Here

W/ older Jimmy Snuka... Click Here

W/ Chris Jericho... (2002) Click Here , (2000) Click Here ,
(1996 w/ Lance Storm) Click Here , (1995) Click Here ,
(1994 w/ Lance Storm) Click Here

W/ Paul Jones and Ivan Koloff... Click Here

W/ Ronnie Garvin... Click Here

W/ Chris Candido... Click Here

W/ Eddie Guerrero... Click Here , Click Here

W/ Daniel Bryan and Tyson Kidd... Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 5/Jul/19
@Johan That pic w/ Paul Orndorff: Orndorff was 5'11"

Pic w/ Japanese wrestlers: Tatsumi Fujinami and Tiger Mask weren't big guys and I'm guessing those weren't 6'8" doors. Hogan vs. Fujinami (1985)... Click Here Hogan w/ Tiger Mask.. Click Here

Mark Henry pic: he's around 6'1" now; forget about 6'2";erase it from your memory.

Hogan was never more than flat 6'5" (maybe 6'4.5" evening height peak) and I seriously doubt is more than 6'2" today, w/o the help from footwear.
Roderick said on 5/Jul/19
@Daniel Reynolds I can't tell if you're trolling or not. "I am no kid of 14". That quote tells me you are just trolling and looking for attention. Saying Sid looked 7'0" alone tells me you are a troll. Have a nice day.

@Canson He looks way under 6'3" in a lot of pictures.
Canson said on 5/Jul/19
@Roderick: peak I agree probably a strong 6’5” though like 6’5/6’5.5 range but today 6’3” still. He like Taker has very bad posture making him look smaller
Johan 185 cm said on 5/Jul/19
Click Here

Click Here

Big 6'5" at peak.

This was last year with Mark Henry who Rob confirmed at 6'2"

Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 4/Jul/19
Young Hogan (closer to the camera) w/ maybe 6'1" peak-height Vince McMahon... Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 4/Jul/19
@viper Fairly recent pic of a fan w/ Hogan... Click Here

Same fan w/ 6'0.5" Shelton Benjamin and 5'11.5" MVP (2012)... Click Here

Same fan w/ maybe 5'10.5" RVD and Stan Hansen (6'2" peak height) in 2008... Click Here

Fairly recent pic w/ Hansen... Click Here , (2001) Click Here

W/ maybe 6'4.5" JBL (1994)... Click Here , (1993) Click Here

W/ Tyson Kidd (billed 5'9") and David Hart Smith (billed 6'6") in 2005... Click Here

W/ Giant Baba (billed 6'10") in 1989... Click Here

W/ 7'6" Giant Gonzalez (1990)... Click Here

Height confirmation:

W/ Dynamite Kid (billed 5'8") in 1993... Click Here (1991) Click Here

Go back and look at the fan and Hogan vs. Shelton Benjamin.

Also, compare fan w/ Baba vs. David Hart Smith.

The fact that Shelton Benjamin TOWERS over this fan -- more than Hogan -- leads me to believe Hogan is way shorter than ppl think, and wears lifts to look 6'3".
Roderick said on 4/Jul/19
Not 6'6", 6'5" peak, and his current listing is also too high. Looks more 6'2" than 6'3" to me, maximum.

He shrunk from 6'4.5"-6'5" to 6'2".
Canson said on 3/Jul/19
@Heisenberg89: I agree to an extent. But that’s why I said he could’ve been 6’6” at a stretch but not 6’7. 6’5 and change could give the appearance of 6’6”. My opinion is 6’5-6’5.5 rather than 6’5.5-6’6”. But you’re right because Taker had 1.5 or 2” on him in his peak and I have Taker as 6’7.25”. I think 6’5.25-.5 for an absolute peak. Either way, Hogan once admitted to only being 6’5, Tiny Lister also said he was 6’5, and you have a poster here 62B who also confirmed it. I highly doubt he was 6’7” which to me is ridiculous. Taker was handily taller than him so that is out of the question. I think Rob has almost appropriate distance between them but I would drop Taker to 6’7.25 and probably Hogan to 6’5.5 or 6’5.75 to make it add up. Yes Taker today is still taller than a peak Hogan and Taker has even more height on Hogan today than he did in their primes. Taker may be 6’6” flat today but probably not much over. Worst case 197 zone. Hogan best case 191 maybe just 190 range. So Taker may have as much as 8cm today or as little as 6 which is still more than there was in the 80s
Canson said on 2/Jul/19
@Viper: he has poor posture but I doubt less than 6’3”. I think he’s near that at a low
Heisenberg89 said on 2/Jul/19

Its definitely push it a bit. Barefoot this man has never been 6'6 and it's pretty clear eh.
I can understand 6'5, but 6'6 guys...

If he was really 6'6 then it's not ridicolous if someone says Hogan was 6'7, it's just an inch..... But of course it's ridiculous, because he was never even 6'6.

Undertaker today still taller then Hogan at his peak.
Sotiris Gravas said on 2/Jul/19
@viper I agree w/ you, but chose not to say so to avoid death threats, lol. No way in hell did Hogan look over 6'2" there.

@Canson Ferrigno was max 6'2" when I met him about a decade ago, and I would argue he's slightly under it now. Seriously doubt he's more than 6'1.75" today. He's another liar like Hogan and The Rock, saying he's still 6'4" on Twitter, even though he was max 6'3" peak height.
Space said on 2/Jul/19
@ Reynolds
In 1998 Hogan looks eye to eye with a prime Goldberg who was probably 6’2” flat. In 2002 Hogan looks eye to eye with a prime Lesnar who was probably 6’1 3/4”. I’m pretty sure Hogan shrunk to the 6’2” range by the late 90s.
viper said on 1/Jul/19
Hogan looks well under 6-2 with that fan.

Forget 6-3
viper said on 1/Jul/19
That's the same guy? Looks like he lost 100 pounds
62B said on 1/Jul/19
Daniel reynolds said on 30/Jun/19
62B has always mentioned his finest encounter in 1980 when terry stepped past him and his 6,4 grandad. That must of been great fun. Only except its going back to 1980, 39 years ago and his judgement could of been clouded 39 years down the line. Because terry may well of been 2_3 inches taller than 6,4 grandad and if terry was just passing by then the likelyhood is he may well of been taller than just 1 inch. Maybe 3. 62B can,t know that for 100% fact. Terry passed you and your grandad. That could of been any height difference and if you were not as tall as your grandad then its easy to be off with the height comparison. Remember 39 years back.

I can tell you for 100% fact. 30 years ago Lex Luger was shorter than me by nearly an inch, so he was at best 6'2 75". My opinion 6'2.25"-6'2.5". I can tell you for 100% fact that about 25 years ago Ted Dibiase was a little over 6'3" in the morning, so he could be RP's guess at 6'2.75" evening. I can tell you for 100% fact that Jim Duggan was a little over 6'2" 31 years ago, again in the morning. the list kind of goes on. Hogan was not in any way shape or form 2" taller than my Grandfather in 1980. 6'5.5" at the best, 6'4.5" at the worst. My opinion, 6'5" to 6'5.25" early 80's. If he was wearing lifts, then that wouldn't be good for his peak height.
Canson said on 1/Jul/19
@Sotiris: I actually do agree with Alan32080 that he’s 6’3” range. I don’t think he’s 6’4 or near it but him still waking to 6’4” isn’t impossible today. He may very well be 6’3.25 at a low but my money is anywhere from 6’3-6’3.5 with the latter being unlikely imho. As far as Hogan and Aikman, Hogan has back surgery done which could’ve restored some height to him. He’s had multiple. Now while some may make you shorter there are some where you may gain some of the height you lost. Hogan is taller than Ferrigno. I can guarantee that much. Hogan just like Taker rarely stands straight (his fullest). But Ferrigno looks physically a 6’2 guy next to Ali Baba whereas Hogan doesn’t look that low in pics
Canson said on 1/Jul/19
Sid was 6’6.5 or max 6’7”. He was not 6’10” let alone 7’0”
Canson said on 1/Jul/19
@Daniel Reynolds: that’s seriously a terrible excuse that you came out with and is a bit insulting to 62B. Now you’re saying that his judgment may have been clouded because it was 39 years ago? So what if 62B said that Hogan were as tall as you make him to be 6’6.5? I highly doubt you would’ve come out with that. You can’t make excuses for his height like you do. Every pic or instance where he looks around what everyone else says he is, you have a reason for it not being true or every pic where he looks taller than normal at the height you think he is, you accept it despite the circumstances and even if you can’t see footwear
Canson said on 1/Jul/19
@Sotiris: yea Ferrigno is 6’2” today
Canson said on 1/Jul/19
@Sotiris: I don’t think he was as tall as Reynolds is saying he was for sure but I do think 6’5 range (strong 6’5) peak maybe scratching the surface of weak 6’6” absolute best case and today he’s still 6’3” range. I tend to believe that Rob May have Hulk underlisted by a tiny hair before I believe that he’s overlisted today. My guess is that Hogan isn’t less than 6’3” flat but may be 6’3.25. I doubt he’s more than that but I doubt he’s as low as 6’2.5 or even 6’2.75
Canson said on 1/Jul/19
@Dan Trojan: there are some statements and estimates that are just outside of the realm of belief
Gman39 said on 1/Jul/19
I think a strong 6'5 peak, maybe even 6'5.5. And around 6'3 now. 2-2.5 inches of height loss I believe.
Dan Trojan said on 1/Jul/19
Daniel reynolds sid never looked 7'0" lol that's ridiculous are you saying he was wearing 5 inch heels in his boots lmfao see this is why no one takes you seriously because you say stupid things like that
Sotiris Gravas said on 1/Jul/19
@Daniel Reynolds This is the fan from my previous post w/ Hogan, only now w/ Stan Hansen (6'2" peak height) in 2008... Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 30/Jun/19
Hogan w/ around 6'2" Lou Ferrigno (2005)... Click Here , Click Here

And here... Click Here

Lou w/ 6'4" Louis Leterrier (2008)... Click Here , Click Here , Click Here (same pic straightened Click Here )
Sotiris Gravas said on 30/Jun/19
A fan w/ max 6'2.5" Hogan (2008)... Click Here , Click Here

Same fan w/ 6'2.5" Will Ferrell (2008)... Click Here

W/ 6'2.5" The Rock (2009)... Click Here

W/ 6'2" Lou Ferrigno (2009)... Click Here

Again, same fan, older, possibly taller, lol, w/ 6'2.5" Brandon Routh (2017) Click Here Routh TOWERS over this guy.

Hogan is currently max (!) 6'2.5". If he ever looks taller, it's 100% thanks to footwear. Look at the same fan w/ 6'3" Zachary Levi (2012)... Click Here Levi TOWERS over him even while slouching. Like I said, Hogan is max 6'2.5". I wouldn't be surprised if he's only 6'2" or shorter and wears lifts.

Height confirmation of fan back in 2008 w/ Hogan:

W/ 5'7" Robin Williams (2007)... Click Here

W/ 5'5" Regis Philbin (2010)... Click Here
Henry said on 30/Jun/19
Hulk Hogan is much taller than Ben Davidson.
Hulk hogan is standing FAR BEHIND Davidson.
Look at where Hogan's right toes are compared to Davidson.
Hogan's right shoulder is far behind and OBSCURED BY Davidson's left shoulder.
I have drawn horizontal perspective lines to show how far behind Hogan is standing compared to Davidson.
Click Here
Click Here
Henry said on 30/Jun/19
Matuszak's head is far closer to the camera than Mr. T making Matuszak look taller than he actually is.
Hogan is standing beside Mr.T in the ring while Matuszak is standing somewhat in front of Mr.T. Hogan also has a much more relaxed posture. Hogan's head is also tilted further reducing his height. Hogan's extremely thin soled sneakers give Mr. T a footwear advantage with his Chuck Taylor All Stars.
The Hulkster was noticeably taller than Matuszak
198 cm tall e asian boy said on 30/Jun/19
At least 200 cm tall
Canson said on 30/Jun/19
@RoelC: well said!
Canson said on 30/Jun/19
@Daniel Reynolds: no offense but Sotiris is much better than you are with estimating heights. He at least thinks objectively whereas you don’t. It appears You have an agenda here with hogan

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.