How tall is Jack Lord

Jack Lord's Height

6ft 1 (185.4 cm)

American Actor best remembered for his role as Steve McGarrett in the TV series Hawaii Five-O. In film he appeared in Dr No. and Man of the West. A 1971 tv annual described him as a "6ft 2, 180lbs ex-football star".

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Average Guess (11 Votes)
6ft 1.11in (185.7cm)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Sep/22
He was taller than Richard Deering on Hawaii so 6ft1 is more than reasonable
Sandy Cowell said on 17/Sep/22
I remember Jack from a time when I was rather too young but to think of all adults as giants!

6ft1. πŸ•―
Sinclair said on 9/Jun/22
Rob, maybe a slight downgrade would actually be appropriate for Lord?

At least 6'0" and lived to the old age of 77. Lucky man. However, Sean Connery did have about 1.5-2 inches on Lord in Dr. No, upon further examination.
Sinclair said on 20/Aug/20
I thought Sean Connery was roughly one inch taller than Lord in Dr. No and Lord seems a solid 6’1” man in Hawaii Five-0. Therefore, I feel a flat 6’1” is plausible for Lord’s peak.
Jennifer Aleman said on 6/Dec/19
My dad was a cobbler in Hawaii in 1979 and he made lifts for Jack Lord at the time.
max843 said on 10/Sep/19
Just been binge-watching the original Hawaii 5-O, am up to Season 10 today. Interesting there are so many comments on the height of Jack Lord. I wondered about lifts due to the inconsistency of the height differences whenever Lord stood next to James MacArthur. A shame Lord had to worry about things like that, especially on such a good series. Each episode is like a 50-minute movie, esp without the ads. Excellent backgrounds, casting, music, most plot detail - I didn't appreciate the series in its original run, likely due to watching on an 11-inch b&w screen!
James said on 26/Nov/17
Lord was actually six foot.
Allen said on 12/Sep/17
I'd say more like 5'11". He was obviously shorter than Sean Connery in Dr. No.
Vrinda said on 14/Dec/16
Al Harrington lasted three years. He made it very clear in an interview that Jack had a right to object to him being casted for being too tall. I spoke to Mr. Harrington in 2015, and he said he didn't understand where people got that nonsense that Jack resented him because of his height. He raised an objection when they hired Mr. Harrington, but that was one time. Jack didn't carry a grudge for 3 years. There is no evidence that Jack didn't want them to hire William Smith because he was taller than him.
johnp said on 27/Sep/16
I worked at the Bank of Honolulu on Bishop Street and Hawaii 5 0 used the Bank for exterior and interior shots, Jack lord was in and around the bank a lot. I had seen him several times at Warren Oates house in Sherman Oaks When I lived next door to Warren. Jack always wore cowboy style boots on Hawaii 5 0 with about a two inch heel making him look about 6’ 2 or more. Jack did not like any actors taller than himself and had fit when Al Harrington joined the cast, Al was about 6’ 2 he only lasted one season. Lord also objected to William Smith when he joined the cast as Smith was taller than Jack. Jack also had very hairy arms and hairy hands. He was very subconscious about this and did not like close ups of his hands and would shave his hands. He combed his hair high in the front to appear taller. I think he was probably a little over 6’ 0 but not by much.
Bruno said on 6/Nov/15
somerandomguy said on 5/Nov/15
If Sean Connery was six two in "Doctor No," Jack Lord must have been more like an even six foot.

Nah less than a 1''
somerandomguy said on 5/Nov/15
If Sean Connery was six two in "Doctor No," Jack Lord must have been more like an even six foot.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Jan/15
Rob, you need to add Dr. No to his credits.

Looked at least 1in below Connery
Arch Stanton said on 7/Jan/14
He looks a weak 6'1" next to Gary Cooper in Man of the West. 185 is OK but no more.
martin said on 1/Jan/14
a young christopher walken looks taller than him :
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Jul/13
Ok, this guy is strong evidence that Connery was near 6"3". In Dr. No. when he frisks him theres easily more than 1in. But this guy was described from 6"0" to 6"2" and could look close to both of them at times.

Jack Lord was 6"0.75"(185cm) peak and Sean Connery 6"2.25"(189cm) peak, Rob?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Dec/12
About 1in shorter than 6ft2.5 Connery in Dr. No.
Surfmamba said on 26/Aug/12
Lord definitely wore lifts, if you pause any 50 DVD on Jacks` boots, the angle of the foot in the "boot" is noticable, however I reckon he was easy 6`1" barefoot at his peak, but just felt he needed the "Boost" to make him around the 6`3" mark as in some scenes he does seem to tower over Danno who I reckon around the 5`7" mark.
Tommy said on 6/Feb/12
Been watching the last season of Hawaii Five-O recently. William Smith was a regular on the last season, and he is somewhere between 6'1" to 6'2". Jack Lord appears about an inch taller than Smith in most of the episodes, so if the rumors were true that Lord wore 2" lifts, that would put his real height at between 6' to 6'1".
Shadow2 said on 13/Nov/11
Lord was wearing his 6'2" lifts in the picture with Elvis, the same boots he wore working with 6' Richard Denning and any other tall actor in the later years of "Hawaii Five 0".
kman said on 13/Jul/11
If he was 6ft then Elvis was short. I've seen him next to Elvis at least 2 inches taller.
drolj said on 13/Jun/11
1945 ship registar gives ht. of John Ryan aka Jack Lord, as 6 feet 1 inch and weight at 200 lbs. This was long before he took up acting so no reason to "fudge". Also keep in mine that as we age we shrink. He was almost 50 yr. at start of 50 .
claralucy said on 8/Jun/11
I just watched a very old Bonanza with Jack Lord as a guest star. I was amazed in numerous scenes he was substantially shorter (like 5 to 6 inches) than 6 to 7 supporting cast members - never saw him next to one of the stars, only supporting cast. Just can't believe he was 6' even. Hmmmm
thebad7 said on 31/May/11
Saw him recently in 1958's MAN OF THE WEST. He was a great villain taking on Gary Cooper Next to 6'3" Coop, Lord looks shorter by about 2". 6'1" I can buy, but no higher than that.

gregory lehmann said on 16/May/11
Caught a "Stoney Burke" episode just before Joan took me to a play. I liked the episode,but it was laced with cough syrup commercials with women coughing.(One commercial,the winter 1967-68 Vicks Formula 44 "cough reflex" commercial,the coughing woman had bronchitis,just like Joanie suffered last winter.Another commercial,for Dristan cough syrup,the coughing woman had the flu,just like Annette caught two years ago just before I got an award,but she saw me get the award,anyway,flu and all. And in the third one,for Vicks cough syrup (this what calmed Joanie's cough from her bronchitis best and what Annette took to calm her flu cough before I got my award),the coughing woman had a nasty chest/head cold. Then,in the last cough syrup commercial,for Robittussin (Joanie had a bad case of hiccups when she took it for her bronchitis),the coughing woman had the flu and bronchitis and coughed up a storm! (All the women coughed down to their chests.)
Shadow2 said on 9/Feb/11
A TV mystery. In a first season episode (1968) of "Hawaii Five 0", Richard Denning (the Governor) appears in another role as a Federal Government agent, and is the same height as Jack Lord. In a final season episode (1979), as the Governor, Denning is on an airport tarmac welcoming a visiting official, and is noticeably three inches shorter than Lord, who is standing alongside him. Denning was only six years older than Lord. Did Denning lose a lot of height over the years, or did Lord's lift's just grow and grow??
Danno said on 7/Feb/11
When Jack Lord stood next to Danno Williams, he seemed to tower over him, because James McArther was a shorter guy. When Jack Lord stood next to Al Harrington-who I think is 6'1"-he seems to match up to him, pretty well.
Taller than Wo Fat-that's for sure! :)
anonymous said on 27/Jan/11
If you watch Dr. No, the James Bond movie of 1962, he had big hair back then. He was a guy that just had good hair. I'm 58 and have a thick full head of hair; some people think I wear a toupee. LOL
Mr Thomas said on 4/Jan/11
My aunty was a young hairdresser in the Late 1960s in hawaii Jack Lord would come to the salon once every 2 weeks to have his hair cut,so this talk of a wig does not really make sence ? Did Ronald reagan the actor wear one ??
Shadow2 said on 18/Nov/10
I saw a 1969 episode of Hawaii Five O last night, and in a scene in McGarrett's office with Lord wearing tennis shoes, he is exactly the same height as guest star, character actor John Randolph, who was 6' even. (Randolph was later in "Wonder Woman" with Lynda Carter and 6'4" Lyle Waggoner.) I think everyone agrees Lord wore lifts to be 6'1" or 6'2" depending on the height of taller guest actors. You can also see variations throughout the 12 year series between Lord's height and that of 6' Richard Denning (the "Governor" of Hawaii in the show).
Lenad said on 3/Jul/09
1-2 inches under Connery. Had he been 188cm let alone 187 he'd had looked similar height to Sean Connery which he didnt.
Lenad said on 22/Jun/09
No way was he ever 6ft2
Frank2 said on 17/Jun/09
6'1" barefoot. 6'2" when you add his hair.
Mike said on 15/Jun/09
Just saw him in a '72 episode with 6'3 Richard Anderson. 6'1 seems about right for Lord.
Tom said on 5/May/09
I saw a season four episode of Hawaii Five-0 last night from late 1971 and Buddy Ebsen was an inch to an inch and 1/2 taller than Jack Lord. I would give Jack 6 ft 1 in and Bubby Ebsen 6 ft 2.5 in
Doug said on 29/Apr/09
In some scenes he did look 1.5 inches shorter I'll give you that. The best scnee to evaluate is the one where they initially mean after the bust up with Quarrel in the store room. Lord looked a little taller with his quiff. Take away the quiff and level the top of his head and Connery was 0.5-1" taller.
Doug said on 29/Apr/09
There was never 1.5 inches between Lord and COnnery, 1" MAX. Personally I saw 0.5".
Doug said on 29/Apr/09
Funny you mentioned Elvis actually as I thought Lord resembled him very closely. Lord was marginally shorter than Sean Connery 0.5-1" max. I think he looked a legit 6'1", making COnnery 6'1.5"-6'2". Yeah thats about right. I heard somewhere the FBI listed Lord as 6'0". How did they get that?
Tom said on 24/Apr/09
Jack was 6 ft 1 in. Elvis was 5 ft 11 in, not 5 ft 11.75. Jack was two inches taller.
Anonymous said on 29/Mar/09
Elvis Presley was a quarter inch under six feet so he was 5'11 and 3/4" and in the photo next to Jack Lord, I would estimate Jack at an even 6' 1"
Antonio said on 23/Mar/09
Just saw him on an old Bonanza re-run. He didn't look 6-1. I think closer to 5-11 to 6-0.

Do you folks remember him as "Stony Burke"? As a little boy I loved that show.
Mike said on 18/Mar/09
Ok, Frank2.....You know I pretty much put my faith in all of your posts. But On Chris Walken's page, you say he's exactly 6'0, but say well over 6'0, like 6'1. I just watched him on a Hawaii 5-0 dvd, and am trying to gage Lord's height (forgetting shoes and potential lifts, of course)
Tim said on 11/Jan/09
I agree with Michael. I would say Jack Lord was between 6' and 6' 1" and to appear 6 ft 2 in., he had "BIG hair" which gave him an inch or two plus he wore one inch lifts in his shoes. I heard this from a very reliable source from the TV show Hawaii 5-0.
Hugh said on 10/Jan/09
He looked tall at times. 6ft1.5 peak maybe? He probably shrunk a little and was around 185cm by the time of hid death.
Michael said on 9/Jan/09
Jack Lord was between 6' and 6' 1". Also, he did not wear a wig as many people have specualted. My cousin was his hairdresser on the set of Five-O, and she told me he let his hair grow to a pompadour to make him appear taller. In order to keep it in place, she used a lot of hairspray to maintain the pompadour look.
Hugh said on 5/Jan/09
This seems fair. That still makes Conenry 6ft2.5. 1.5 inches between them.
Lenad said on 19/Nov/08
Finally Rob you downgraded him! Also maybe it wasnt easily a couple of inches difference but if he were a 187cm guy he would look similar height to Sean Connery which he didnt so thank god you downgraded this guy!
Kono said on 8/Nov/08
Jack Lord used an expensive wig and wore one inch shoe lifts when filming Hawaii 5-0 FACT.
DJ said on 5/Nov/08
Elvis Presley was 5'11 according to what his step brother Rick Stanley told me in an interview for Christian radio back in 1981 or 1982. Presley and/or his PR folk bumped the sub 6'0 King up to heights great as 6'2 if recollection mine true.
jon said on 25/Oct/08
elvis was a 6 footer and he doesnt look that much taller then elvis maybe an inch more in a few pictures that i have seen.
Hugh said on 18/Oct/08
Maybe Connery was closer to 6ft3 back then. He certainly looked it.
Lenad said on 2/Oct/08
This 6'1.5 listing is a joke! In Dr No he is easily a couple of inches shorter than Sean Connery!

Editor Rob
I just dug out dr no there and skimmed to some scenes, I can see some angles he looks 1-2 inches.
Tony said on 12/Sep/08
6 ft tops. Lord wore boots with lifts in Hawaii 5-0 . FACT
Lenad said on 30/Aug/08
I just watched Dr No and 6'2 Sean Connery had easy 2 inches on him so unless Connery was actually 6'4 then I doubt Lord was anymore than 6'0 in his prime.
Mike said on 13/Jul/08
Hi Spearmintrhino...Sorry for the delay, it's just that I only browse this site periodically. Thanks for the response. Nice offer to email photos, but I'm ok for now. At 42, I'm just a fan of Hawaii 5-0, and many other 60's and 70's shows...and the stars, there-of. So Lord's boots had lifts. Interesting stuff. I just love little tidbits of trivia like that. Now if I just knew whether Lee Majors wore lifts.
Anonymous said on 30/Jun/08
He was 6 foot and no more.
JLFC said on 25/May/08
Click Here
Hugh said on 18/Apr/08
If he's 187cm then Connery is 193cm today.
Mike said on 2/Apr/08
I'd love to know if the guy who bought his suits is for real. Lord wore a great, kind of medium blue suit on the show, and I have 3 sportcoats in that great color (not navy, not light, not royal. Kind of steel blue). Anyway, I'd be interested in knowing if there really were lifts in his shoes.
Brabek said on 9/Nov/07
Jack Lord appeared on the Glen Campbell Goodtime Hour (October 19, 1971)and he looked about the same height as Glen Campbell who is 5 ft 11.
JLlover said on 4/Oct/07
Jack Lord was pretty tall, I know. =) That dude was an awesome one.
Mr. Anonymous said on 19/Jul/07
I was just looking at Jack Lord's in the movie data base profile and there's a pic with him and Sean Connery standing beside each other in "Dr.No". Correct me if I'm wrong but Jack looks a good 3inches shorter than Sean. The angle might be off a little but does anyone see what I see....looking at this pic he doesn't look more than 5'11".
spearmintrhino said on 26/Jun/07
I'm guessing JL was 6' or 6'1", I'm making an educated guess because I recently purchased two of his suits he wore on Hawaii 5-0. I really wanted them being a H5-0 fan but more importantly the suits included his boots and they are my size (i knew the clothes wouldn't fit being i'm a little bigger than he was). I was wearing the boots and they have a high heel and it was hard for me to walk around in. I was kinda disappointed because I wouldn't be able to wear them for fear of breaking my neck. My neighbor came over and I showed her the suit and told her about the boots. She looked at them, felt inside and informed me there were lifts inside. Sure enough he wore lifts. I measured them at the thickest part around the heel and they were one and a half inches thick. So if he was "officially" 6 ft 1.5 in then in reality he was 6 feet tall. But most of that height was leg because the pants have a 35 inch inseam. I'm 6' tall and my inseam is 32 inches
TJ said on 22/Jun/07
6'2 seeme very likely as he did look quite a bit taller than Elvis, but shoes can't be seen in the pic and it was the era of cubans.
Brabek said on 21/Jun/07
There is a picture of Jack Lord with Elvis and he looks 2 inches taller than Elvis. So 6 ft 1 for Jack lord makes sense.
JC said on 15/Apr/07
I knew Jack Lord...He was TALL...6 feet 2 inches is correct...He was taller when wearing his trademark boots...
Anonymous said on 9/Apr/07
Hawaii 5-0 was recently released on DVD and in watching these episodes from 1968/1969 Jack Lord looks to be around 6'2". He is very thin which makes him look taller. Some shots of his feet reveal shoes that may have lifts in them, but nothing excessive (think current Jerry Lewis footwear).

I just don't buy the reports that he was 6'0" or even below. The height differential between him and most of the actors, including the guest stars, on this show is too great.

Book 'em at 6'2".
AA said on 19/Jan/07
I've read that he was actually pretty short, about 5'10" and they covered it up during Hawaii Five-O. He is described in his biography as a 6'2", but he was actually 6'... now I'm not sure, but I believe if he really is short, max 5'11"... no shorter than this!
Glenn said on 24/Dec/06
I find that interesting BLT.why would there be a short rumor on him?
BLT said on 23/Dec/06
I heard a radio show a few years ago, in which the host said that Jack Lord had a secret--that he was actually very short and went to great lengths to cover it up. He didn't say HOW short he was,though. And 6'-6'1" is hardly "very short." He looks pretty tall to me, on Hawaii 5-0. But in the movie The Court Martial of Billy Mitchell, he is a couple of inches shorter than Gary Cooper, who was 6'2"-6'3". So, I would say that he was around 6'-6'1". Also, in Dr. No, I thought he looked the same height as Sean Connery. In an early scene, when both are sitting together on a little boat, they both appear to be the exact same height, and both their feet could be seen in the boat.

So, who knows? But I don't classify 6'-6'1" as being "very short." I do know he knocked 10 years off his age, in his official biography, and THAT is the great "secret" I thought the radio host had originally been alluding to. he certainly didn't look 42 to Connery's 32, in Dr. No; in fact, he had fewer wrinkles and lines in his face than Connery did.
Frank2 said on 3/Apr/06
Jack was closer to 6'1" and was about an inch shorter than Sean Connery in Dr. No.

By the way, Chris Walken is well-over 6'. I'd say at least 6'1". At least that's how tall he looked when I saw him. He was a good two inches taller than me. And he's a very skinny 6'1". I doubt he weighs more than 160 lbs. soaking wet.
bob said on 24/Mar/06
Jack is probably 6'1" in shoes.
DB said on 8/Dec/05
He was in reality 5'9". I read that in a biography.
Mr. Klaus said on 23/Sep/05
In Dr. No he looks 2 inches shorter than Sean Connery

I also found this,
An FBI file regarding a stalker lists his height as 6' 0", 2 inches shorter than his official biography.
Claude said on 7/Jun/05
In a 1970 episode of Hawaii 5-0, he looks shorter than guest star Christopher Walken who is six feet tall.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.