How tall is Joe Manganiello - Page 5

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Average Guess (271 Votes)
6ft 4.75in (194.9cm)
Balrog said on 8/Apr/13
6'0'' in the US is 2.5'' in taller than average. Above average are 5'11'' men.
6'0'' men is the start of tall, but not solid tall. 6'1'' is solid tall because already has more than 3in on average man.
jimmy said on 7/Apr/13
Joe : 1.94
Joe's brother : 1.97
Nash :2.00 - 2.01
Arch Stanton said on 7/Apr/13
Yeah Ali he does look more 199-200cm than 203cm in some of those photos. He looks 6'6.5" tops in the 14th Warner photos and that's if Joe is 6'5" flat. The photo I saw was taken at the place of first one and his brother was taking a drink I think and did look twice the height difference you see in the warner one 3 inches rather than 1.5. Possible he is more 6'7" of course.
Lillo thomas said on 7/Apr/13
Nope 6-0 is only above average in the USA .
jgdomino said on 6/Apr/13
LOL, 6'0 is taller than 90 percent of the population in the US. If you dont feel tall at 6'0, you have some kind of complex.

6'0 is plainly tall, not above average.
vegas said on 5/Apr/13
not sure where the 6'3 claims are coming from when he is clearly an inch taller next to rob than a measured 6'3.5 barefoot man, his eyeline is at least half an inch above the other chaps eyebrows (eyebrows are usually half an inch above eyelines)

btw i was off by just 2mm on robs measured friend during the height challenge, i said 191.5cm instead of 191.7cm Click Here
Ali Baba said on 5/Apr/13
Arch, here is every pic I could find of the two together:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

He looks nowhere near 6'8" and not even 6'7"
Lillo Thomas said on 4/Apr/13
Ice you don't feel tall at 6-0 in the united states and I believe you . 6-0 is only above average . Roughly 2 inches taller than the average young men in the usa . The start of solid tall in the USA is 6-2 barefoot .
jimmy said on 3/Apr/13
@Baba how tall do u think Jason Segel is? He looks vey close with Ferrigno.Joe looks noticeably taller than Jason though.
jimmy said on 3/Apr/13
Then he is at most 6'4.5" which makes also Nash at most 6'7" and his brother at most 6'5.5".His brother is not 6'8" even with shoes on.
Meathedz said on 3/Apr/13
I could see Joe being 6'4", maybe right when he wakes up in the morning. I certainly do not buy any 6'5" for the man.

I've measured a 6'5" AND a 6'6" man in person before. They look VERY tall compared to most people. So much so that everyone guessed them as even taller than that. By the way the 6'6" guy was listed at 6'8" by the NCAA when he played. This is WHY I am a skeptic about the matter. Exaggerations and BS are VERY common, and it gets even easier to get away with exaggerating the taller they get.
Jay said on 3/Apr/13
Arch Stanton says on 1/Apr/13

Type in Height Challenge in the search box Look at 13 the pictures and the results. That is how a measured 6'3.5" looks next to Rob. And even if Rob is not standing at his best or has footwear disadvantage or whatever he's met him in person and judged his height, regardless of the photographs and said he looked very close to what he claims.

I saw Joe in person last week.He is no more than flat 6'3".For sure!!!
jimmy said on 2/Apr/13
In the bottom left picture(in which Rob stands at his tallest) the top of Rob's is roughly 1.5cm(0.65") under Joe's lower lip(Rob's hair add a couple of cms extra height).So according to Rob Joe has about 0.15" more footwear.Rob is closer to 5'8.25" than flat 5'8" most of the day.So Joe needs to be 8.9" to be a legit 6'5" guy.If his head is a bit longer than 10" then he is.Else he is at 6'4.5"-6'4.75".Is Joe's head that long Rob?
Editor Rob
my hair gives about 1/4 inch...I don't think his head is much more than about 9.5 inch range
Ali Baba said on 2/Apr/13
Arch Stanton says on 1/Apr/13
His brother actually does look a legit 6'8 in comparison too, he looks like a supper tall Clive Owen his brother.
You must be looking at a different picture than me. If Joe is a legit 6'5" (which I don't believe he is) his brother still is not even 6'7". He's an inch taller than Joe at the most.
jimmy said on 2/Apr/13

You 're pushing it too low with flat 6'3".I know that Joe isn't a legit 6'5" guy,but i don't think he is much less than that(Maybe 6'4.5" is more possible).Maybe #15 looks noticeably taller in person because he has no neck.

P.S: @Arch Stanton only in their dreams Nash is a solid 6'9" and Channing Tatum 6'1"
Arch Stanton said on 1/Apr/13

Type in Height Challenge in the search box Look at 13 the pictures and the results. That is how a measured 6'3.5" looks next to Rob. And even if Rob is not standing at his best or has footwear disadvantage or whatever he's met him in person and judged his height, regardless of the photographs and said he looked very close to what he claims.
Arch Stanton said on 1/Apr/13
6'3" for Manganiello?? haha LOL.

Click Here With 6'1" Channing Tatum and 6'3" Chris Hemsworth

Click Here With solid 6'9" Kevin Nash

The lowest you could argue is 6'4.5" barefeet.
Arch Stanton said on 1/Apr/13
His brother actually does look a legit 6'8 in comparison too, he looks like a supper tall Clive Owen his brother.
Meathedz said on 31/Mar/13
Quote:----"Editor Rob: remember joe has more footwear.

And This is taken just before the double shot in our hotel room which shows I'm not standing aswell as jenny is..."----

Based on Joe having thicker footwear than Rob, how 5'8" Jenny stacks up, and knowing that a LOT of men exaggerate by 2", and the height challenge picture, I put Joe M. at about 6'3".

Legit 6'5" men REALLY stand out, and that is tall enough where normal height people actually mistake them for being taller due to the way we tilt our heads back when looking up.

I know several guys 6'5" and over, including one from the military, who I MEASURED on the annual fitness test, who was an even 6'5", and most guys referred to him as 6'7" o 6'8" as a description, mistaking him for being taller than he really was, and he was built like Joe, not skinny.

When you REALLY get to 6'5" thats kind of height people will think you are taller than you are.

If there is any doubt when you see a guy in thicker shoes who says 6'5", trust your instinct, he isn't even THAT tall.
Arch Stanton said on 28/Mar/13
Agree with Cranberries, guy with long legs and arms usually look less bulky and lighter than they are. Just look at Clint Eastwood, he was around 215 pounds but didn't look it because of his lanky build. And yes, I think 220 is Joe's lowest at lowest body fat, as you say almost always he's heavier than that. I'd say he is mostly 230 odd even 240 when bulked and not so cut.

@Elijah Why do you think!! ? How many guys would really measure up to him in both height and looks? Most guys would look average stood next to him and I don't just mean height.
ice said on 28/Mar/13
@ Elijah im 15 , legit 6 foot and dont even feel tall for my age . Call me deluded , but im 6 feet myself bro and im telling you now : I am NOT considered tall for my age .
ice said on 28/Mar/13
@ jed : if you dont believe me than look op the national average heights on Wikkipeddia . No way the average height in the US or Europe for young adults is under 5'11 . Absolutely no way .
ice said on 28/Mar/13
@ jed average height for a dutch man is about 6'(183 cm) as listet on the national health foundation (every man is messured when he does his army service patrole) so its pretty clear that 6' is average in Amsterdam . In almost all European countries average height is over 5'11 . i wouldnt considere anything under 6'3 as tall these days . But i have to agree with you on the height exagerating thing . A 19 year old guy from my school claims 192 cm (6'3.75) , but there is really not that much difference between him and me (15 y o , 6 feet ) . He is also build big so he even gives a shorter impression , he can look as short as 6'1 but i guess he is 6'2 , but no more than that . I know a lot of guys who have big builds , big heads and are around 6'2 . They whish they were taller and claim heights over 6'3 . They really dont look tall to me at 6 foot , but i guess a lot of people around 5'7 can bee fooled easy by there exageration . I know a man who really is 6'3.75 (192 cm) so i know how a guy who is in the legit over 190 cm range and he does look kinda massive , other than these guys with large frame , big heads who are 6'2 and are not much taller than a legit 6 footer . I wouldnt wanna be like them .
Len said on 26/Mar/13
@George: He can be 220 lbs because he's ripped, and he also might have longish legs/short torso.

If you're all muscle and proportioned a certain way, you can look like the Hulk at 220 lbs.
Anonymous said on 22/Mar/13
6-4.5 100%,6-5 very possible imo.
george said on 21/Mar/13
The guy looks massive.Only 220 pounds?I think he must be around 240.
Elijah said on 17/Mar/13
@Shaun: why would Rob need to be a brave man to take a photograph with him? Doesn't make any sense to me at all.

@Jed: yes I've been saying this time and time again. So called younger generation isn't noticeably taller and average definitely still isn't near 5'10".
jimmy said on 7/Mar/13
@Ali Baba if Joe is only 6'3"1/2 that would make Kevin Nash around 6'6"1/2 which is impossible.I can't get it.Nash is at least 6'8" barefoot.
john said on 1/Mar/13
@gavros.I think that Joe is a more legit 6.5" guy than Armie is.Armie has a Stallone posture in almost every pic he is in,which can make him look taller than he actually is.
My height estimations about some of the tallest actors:
Nonso Anozie:198cm
Joe/Vince Vaughn:195cm
McPartlin/Skarsgard/Harmer/Tyler Perry/Padelecki:194cm
Ed Quin:192cm
Zachary Levi:191cm
Would you agree Rob?
Tony said on 28/Feb/13
@Jed that is an interesting point which pretty much is align to what I have experienced in the U.S. People always say average height is so and so but what I would like to find out is what is the median. I have a theory that the tallest people tend to drive up the average a lot, making the average higher than the median. It makes sense that you feel tall at 6'1", that is a really good height my friend, I hope you enjoy it.
gavros said on 27/Feb/13
About an inch shorter than Armie Hammer in pics.6'3"1/2 is possible Rob?
James said on 24/Feb/13
6'4.75 (195cm) before bed.
Ali Baba said on 19/Feb/13
His brother is only about an inch taller, if that. His brother stretches pretty hard and Joe is relaxed. Click Here
Balrog said on 6/Feb/13
Elijah for younger generations the average height is getting closer to 5'10''. So 6'0'' flat might not be the start of tall. 6'0.5'' could be the start of tall range and 6'1.5'' solid tall and 6'3.5'' very tall.
Elijah said on 5/Feb/13
Now that we got that out of the way... this guy is huge. Would probably scrape most doorways. I have a friend who is about 6'8" (coincidentally this guy's brother height) and he has to duck whenever he passes, his head is a few inches too high.
Elijah said on 5/Feb/13
6 foot and over is tall, despite what is written almost every day on here. It's simply too tall to be just above average. 5'11" would be tallish... 6'-6'2"=normal tall range. 6'=start of tall. 6'1"=solid tall (so in the middle). 6'2"=strong tall (top of the range). 6'3" starts very tall.

6'2" is strong tall not solid (which means "middle" in this context). 6'3" is very tall. Anybody who says 6' isn't tall is deluded. It's almost 3 inches above average height...
Arch Stanton said on 4/Feb/13
Well, my sister would agree with you that anything over 6 ft 2 is too tall for a guy. A legit 6'5" is very tall but I think a guy like Cudmore is more what you'd call extremely tall than Joe. I still see 6'3"-6'6" as very tall range really. 6'5.5 maybe, 6'6" -6'9" is what I think is what you could call "extremely tall" and above that giant as you say. Proportions have a big thing to do with it I think, guys like Joe and Daniel don't look freaky at their height and are well proportioned, unlike several guys I know in that range which really look awful and stretched looking.
Balrog said on 29/Jan/13
6'0'' is tallish but over is start of tall. 6'2'' is solid tall. To me at 6'3'' starts very tall and 6'6'' you start to standout more than very tall. I agree that over 6'9'' is giant.
Lillo Thomas said on 29/Jan/13
6-0 is above average in USA . 2-3 inches taller than average in USA . In Latin America and Asia were the average is about 5-7 , 6-0 is indeed tall .
Lillo Thomas said on 29/Jan/13
Oops I mean 6-0 is above average .
Lillo thomas said on 28/Jan/13
6-0 isn't tall . It's only about average . And 6-2 isn't very tall . 6-2 is normal tall . Anything over 6-4 is very tall . 6-5 and 6-6 are indeed very tall heights . Anything over 6-9 is in the giant range .
Xina said on 26/Jan/13
SO jealous of these pictures! I have a huge crush on this guy!
Ajax said on 25/Jan/13
@ Arch Stanton

6'5" is extremely tall! Normal tall would usually be like 6'. Hell, anything over 6'2" is when it starts to get excessive IMO and a lot of people's opinion.
Josh said on 18/Jan/13
he looks around 6'4.5
Nick said on 18/Jan/13
he is 193cm tops, my guess.
Arch Stanton said on 14/Jan/13
Yeah I think anything up to 6'5" is normal tall, but I think anything over that, like 197cm and up is really into exceptional range. But the big reduction of 6'5" listings on here as opposed to 6'4" is very substantial, I mean compare how many 6'5.5" celebs you have listed compared to 6'4" flat. Freakish tall I think is anything over 2 metres, but it depends on build. Cudmore for instance is exceptionally tall but he doesn't look freaky, same with that Peter Jones guy. Peter Crouch on the other hand!! I think things would start to get real awkward at anything over 6'5", a legit 6'5" is pushing it, even Jamie Theakston said so!
Editor Rob
cudmore is much more of a standout because he's got a bit of bulk and maintains good posture for a very tall guy.
Arch Stanton said on 13/Jan/13
A strong 6'5" guy like challenger #15 who never drops under it clearly shows how big a genuine barefoot measurement at that size is.
Editor Rob
challenger 15 has an average eyelevel and not a long head so i'm sure he can look six six to many people.
Arch Stanton said on 13/Jan/13
Rob, is a legit 6'5" the start of where you classify guys as exceptionally tall? I've noticed on a lot of 6'4" range guys you often have a hard time believing a lot of those who claim 6'5" are really that big barefoot. A 6'5" listing on here and above seems coveted LOL. But I think there's something to what I'm saying as compare the number 6'4" rangers on here to 6'5"ers, there's a marked drop, much more than 6'3"-6'4".
Editor Rob
a true six five is very tall, maybe six six just gets you into a zone were you stand out a lot more
Balrog said on 28/Dec/12
He is a really tall guy and yeah he does looks around 6'5''
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Dec/12
"The runt of the litter" haha, love that quote
I think 6ft4.5-5 is bang on
Mathew said on 14/Dec/12
Arch Stanton says on 13/Dec/12
I think Segel is close to 6'4", maybe 6'3.5". Manganiello looks a lot better with longer hair and a beard, he doesn't look as good with short hair and clean shaven.


Yeah Segel is probably a legit 6'3.5" rather than 6'3" flat. Joe does seem about 6'5" or so.
Arch Stanton said on 13/Dec/12
I think Segel is close to 6'4", maybe 6'3.5". Manganiello looks a lot better with longer hair and a beard, he doesn't look as good with short hair and clean shaven.
Ali Baba said on 30/Nov/12
Since the original site won't let me link to the middle picture Click Here
Ali Baba said on 24/Nov/12
Segel with Joe:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Segel with Lou (impossible to find one where Segel is not slouching to Lou's height):
Click Here I find it interesting how small Segel's head looks next to Lou's in this picture.

Click Here Looking at the pics it looks like Segel could be losing 1 to 2 inches by slouching but it's hard to be sure.
Ali Baba said on 24/Nov/12
Segel is more 6'3" than 6'4" considering he's barely taller than 6'2" Lou Ferrigno.
Yaspaa said on 22/Nov/12
Was taller than Jason Segal On 'How I met Your Mother'. If Segal is 6'4, Joe is around the 6'5 area.
James said on 19/Nov/12
Joe looks too be pushing 6'5.5 if height challenger is 6'3.5
Editor Rob
remember joe has more footwear.

And This is taken just before the double shot in our hotel room which shows I'm not standing aswell as jenny is...
Arch Stanton said on 18/Nov/12
Looks nothing under 195cm in the 6'3.5" comparison..
berta said on 18/Nov/12
a little under 6´5, 195. i am a little over 196 in the evening. 196,4 or something and i measured my mother to 174,8 in the evening. and when we stand side by side, the difference is like the difference on these pictures, maybe a little more. he is 195. 196 is a little to mutch
tom said on 18/Nov/12
6-5 ish looks good.
Josh B said on 14/Nov/12
@Vegas he'd need to be 1.5 inches taller really speaking what with the footwear advantage he had.
getting_taller said on 13/Nov/12
Rob! Who looks more massive?, this guy or Khal Drogo, they both look the same height to me, but that guy Ryan McPartlin looks taller than both lol that just me.
Editor Rob
I think joe standing at his tallest is taller than jason
Ali Baba said on 12/Nov/12
Actually I'm starting to agree with Greenbolt. Especially with the boots Manganiello is wearing. He has a shoe advantage as those boots probably add around 1.5" to barefoot height.
Arch Stanton (Shaun) said on 9/Nov/12
Rob could you do a comparison with him and somebody and you against your height chart measurement, I want to prove to Greenbolt he's way out.
Editor Rob
in the double shot I did drop a little more posture compared to jenny, you can see Here right before we went down for our photo...
Greenbolt said on 8/Nov/12
Rob comes up to Joe's lower lip while holding worse posture. 6'3.5'' for this guy.
Arch Stanton said on 3/Nov/12
Tim says on 1/Nov/12
I'm 6'5" and this guy is definitely a legit 6'5" @Arch Stanton

He's not a strong 6'5", a strong 6'5" guy wouldn't dip under the 6'5" mark. He could average 195cm and dip to just below that at lowest. But he is close enough to 6'5" I think legitimately to claim it.
Tim said on 1/Nov/12
I'm 6'5" and this guy is definitely a legit 6'5" @Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton said on 31/Oct/12
If you measured Joe barefoot at the end of the day I doubt he'd be a full 6'5", I think he could drop to 6'4.5". As Rob says he didn't look as tall in person as Big C.
The Exorcist said on 28/Oct/12
He's 6'5".
Chameleon said on 27/Oct/12
Shaun ur way overreacting, im better looking than he is face-wise only though, cuz his physique and height destroys mine.
Thorvald said on 23/Oct/12
He´s got to be 194 cm. He looks exactly the way my 194 cm friend Mats looks with my 173 cm friend Jonas, like the two pictures at the bottom with you, Rob. He looks closer to 196/197 cm in that top photo though, that´s odd.
Editor Rob
Big C with Rob, now he is 196cm and looks taller in person.
Shaun said on 22/Oct/12
Click Here

That's his brother on the left, 6 ft 8, he wasn't kidding. Looks nothing like Joe though and has blue eyes.
Shaun said on 22/Oct/12
Click Here

He looks pretty huge, even sitting in the chair. He's a little too perfect though isn't he LOL, Kelly looks intimidated by him. He's the sort of guy most women would think "he's out of my league" I think.Rob you're a brave man being photographed next to him!
Shaun said on 22/Oct/12
Yikes, possible actually Cranberries. I saw Tyler Perry stand next to Richie Sambora and he looked massive like 6 ft 6, he made Richie look 5'11". Joe does actually look bigger in that photo!
Shaun said on 22/Oct/12
Morning height he might be 6'5'5" of course.
Shaun said on 22/Oct/12
Cranberries says on 14/Oct/12
I wonder if it's possible Joe is over 6'5"? He certainly has a very large frame; his arm span is massive and his hands are huge, like an NFL defensive end. He's taller and bigger than Tyler Perry, who I've always thought was a giant because he dwarfs nearly everyone.

Doubt it, doesn't look more than 2 inches taller than 6'3" Chris Hemsworth. I'd be interested in seeing a comparison of Challenger #15 and Ryan McPartlin and Rob in comparison with Joe. Joe has a lot of hair on top which might make him seem a little taller. A legit 6 ft 5 is pretty huge.
TNTinFL said on 15/Oct/12
Actually taller than I thought!

For some reason, I always thought he was about the same height (or even a little shorter) than the character of Eric Northman. Must have been some camera angle magic because he is certainly looking 6'5" in those pics.
Mathew said on 15/Oct/12
The top pic with both Rob and Jenny he looks 6'5". The one in the white shirt he looks more like 6'3", but it seems that he's bending. Yes, he is taller than Tyler Perry because Joe actually is 6'5" (or 6'4.75" at least). I don't even think Tyler is a legit 6'4" to be honest.
James said on 7/Oct/12
Wow he's big
Ace said on 7/Oct/12
there's lots of female celebrities who look 'flawless' in person, a few who I thought looked as good or better in person were from those who spring to mind...Christina Hendricks, Eliza dushku, Karen Gillan, Maggie Grace, Elyse Levesque, Dania Ramirez]

Don't forget Erica Durance Rob. She looks absolutely stunning in your photo.
maximus said on 7/Oct/12
Wonder how he would do as Super Man....definetly tall enough as the official height of Superman is 6'3"
Silent d said on 27/Sep/12
I assume you are a girl shaun or do you just appreciate the fine male form? Charlize theron has to be up there right? There are a lot of very attractive actresses but I have never met any to comment. I just see the likes of charlize theron, mila kunis, natalie portman, sarah shahi and other actresses on tv. If i saw them in person i would be so excited and probably can't talk. When did you start being obsessed with celeb heights? Joe is definitely 6 foot 5.
Josh B said on 22/Sep/12
@xdlol Click Here Taller than this guy who's 6'5.25?
xdlol said on 18/Sep/12
easily 6'6 (198cm)
Shaun said on 13/Sep/12
Click Here

Well, mmm, I know which I'd rather look at!!!
zero said on 12/Sep/12
Well Shaun I don't pay much attention to that details, I prefer look on women hehe, my point was that you could be shorter than 6'0'' or taller than 6'2'' height isn't such a big deal for most of women, yeah most women feel attracted to tall guy's because they feel more safe, not because short guy's and very tall guy's are less attractive than tall guy's.
Shaun said on 11/Sep/12
Ian Somerhalder though looks like he was made in a Hollywood cosmetic studio. Like they picked the best nose, eyes, jaw, hair from a catalogue and animated him. If he had Jackman's height and frame I'd be convinced this was the case! He looks a little too androgenous to me. Joe on the other hand looks very masculine facially, aside from height and physique.
zero said on 10/Sep/12
To me the ideal height range for a men is between 6'0'' and 6'2'' but guys like Manganiello looks good at 6'5'' same thing with Ian Somerhalder at 5'9''. The most important thing is be happy the way you are.
Larc-186.7cm-188.6cm said on 9/Sep/12
No way 6'4, this guy is huge, I see 6'4.75 and 6'5 in all the pics.
The height listed is correct.
Shaun said on 9/Sep/12
Rob what would be the very tallest height you'd like to be? Can I ask what sort of look you consider perfection for a guy? Is Manganiello the best looking guy you've ever seen or do you think generally that guys nearer a flat 6' and lighter coloring and lighter framed is more ideal? I think you said that Christina Hendricks is the most attractive female celeb you've met.
Editor Rob
I don't pay as much attention to looks as I'm trying to observe height for the site, Joe is certainly a very handsome man as is guys like Jensen Ackles...being 6ft 5 or 6ft, I'd probably choose Jensen's height, although you can certainly cope being very tall, but with every inch above 6ft 3, society is less built towards the very tall height range.

there's lots of female celebrities who look 'flawless' in person, a few who I thought looked as good or better in person were from those who spring to mind...Christina Hendricks, Eliza dushku, Karen Gillan, Maggie Grace, Elyse Levesque, Dania Ramirez
zero said on 27/Aug/12
When I saw trueblood I guess him at 6 4 230 pounds, I wasn't so wrong after all...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Aug/12
Rob, is there a chance he's just 6"4?
Editor Rob
I think he's got to be close to his claim
c-mo said on 22/Aug/12
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover says on 20/Aug/12
No height is too tall


do you really think that ?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Aug/12
No height is too tall
Shaun said on 15/Aug/12
Hob says on 31/Jul/12
he still can't be over 6'4. a 6'5 guy would have look struggle a lower chin top over 5'8 tip head like challenge 15 big guy. rob & jenny nail his 6'5 claim down. kevin nash would probably be like closer to 6'7.5 than 6'9 listing.

Rob is Hob Lan Jiao/Steve? Because I think I can detect it, even if you had photographic proof of 6'5" he'd still be claiming 192cm.
supero said on 11/Aug/12
I thought Joe was gorgeous in Magic Mike, and lucky me, I have the silver haired, perfectly proportioned, 55 year old version of him (6'4" tho) at home! And yes, the women hit on the tall guys who are good looking all the time...
Witchdoctor said on 5/Aug/12
The difference between him and Ryan mcpartlin is that mcpartlin looks around 1.94m with Rob while Manganiello looks a minimum 6'4.5!

and Rampage how well do you think you would fair against this guy since you are in the same territory muscle wise?
Mathew said on 3/Aug/12
He does look roughly 6'5" to me in these pics.
anonUKguy said on 1/Aug/12
This guy looks like superman or something, he's huge. I am slightly jealous.
Witchdoctor said on 31/Jul/12
(weak 6'5 225 lbs). I wonder how many ladies hit on him in just one day lol,he just looks like what any women would come up with if they were supossed to draw tall dark and handsome.This is coming from a straight guy.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 31/Jul/12
Rob, did he look taller than ryan mcpartlin? And was he taller than the last big challenger?
Editor Rob
I'm not sure he looked quite as tall as the 6ft 5.2 guy does in person but he's likely close to what he claims.

Ryan does in person have a longer head which can sometimes change perception...

Nonso Anozie did look taller in person than both Ryan/Joe do.
witchdoctor said on 31/Jul/12
Rob could you also add or link the pic where he is wearing a white top,I know he does n't look 6'5 in it but it still a cool pic!
Editor Rob
I just bunged them to the bottom of the main picture, I suppose ladies aren't going to complain about an extra pic of Joe :)
Hob said on 31/Jul/12
he still can't be over 6'4. a 6'5 guy would have look struggle a lower chin top over 5'8 tip head like challenge 15 big guy. rob & jenny nail his 6'5 claim down. kevin nash would probably be like closer to 6'7.5 than 6'9 listing.
praf said on 31/Jul/12
here is joe with 6'9 listed wrestler kevin nash
Click Here
Hob said on 28/Jul/12
i won't be suprise joe was shorter than 6'4 ryan mcpartlin without footwear advantage next to rob. joe here was probably 6'3.75 while see his footwear like 0.5-0.75 advantage shoe next to rob, jenny in 2cm less sneakers. max 6'4
Editor Rob
I posted the link Before.

that photo is taken in our room half an hour before the double shot shown here, mine/jenny's footwear are around 0.75 inch, his really didn't look more than an inch to me.
Witchdoctor said on 27/Jul/12
Rob is the a chance his a hair below this like 6'4.5?
Editor Rob
I think he's close to his claim
Candyman said on 26/Jul/12
Looks around 6-3 due to his lean-athletic build and long torso. Compare him to other people over 6-4 like George Romero and you will see that he is no less than 6-4.75 at the end of the day, but 6-5 most of the day.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Jul/12
I think 6ft5(196cm) may be a morning height.
In Magic Mike he didn't look more than 3in taller
than 184cm Channing Tatum.

Real height is 6ft4.5(194cm), maybe 195cm
witchdoctor said on 24/Jul/12
1.96m(6 ft 5) and maybe the 220 lbs claim is a bit old?he looks around 230 lbs!
Hob said on 16/Jun/12
this straighten up posture + advantage shoe he can't be any more than 6'4. 6'3.5 by lowest. so 6'4 same height as ryan mcpartlin.
Vegas said on 13/Jun/12
he is clearly more than 7.5 inches taller than rob in the above shot, minimum you could argue is 6'4.5
Jesse said on 13/Jun/12
Vegas: Yeah, but as far as I understand Joe had footwear advantage in the pic with Rob. My point is 6'5" is too much, 6'3.75" is probably close to Joe's brefoot height IMO.
Vegas said on 13/Jun/12
Jesse says on 12/Jun/12
6'3.5" at the absolute max

well he is taller in that photo next to rob than challenger 13 who measured 6'3.5 Click Here Click Here
Jesse said on 12/Jun/12
6'3.5" at the absolute max
Mr. R said on 12/Jun/12
@HollywoodFan Joe carried Elizabeth Banks off stage, not Charlize Theron.
Hob said on 11/Jun/12
rob, a question. did he had advantage footwear ?
Editor Rob
This photo is taken half hour before the main joe one, our sneakers are roughly 0.75 inch, his shoes didn't look more than an inch.
Witchdoctor said on 10/Jun/12
can someone here do a comparison him and 2cm shorter Ryan mcpartlin.
Shaun said on 9/Jun/12
As if he doesn't look perfect enough, he also gets to carry Charlize Theron. Luckiest son of a beeatch alive!! Yeah he looks a fraction taller than McPartlin. People of Italian descent which I'm assuming he is are usually good looking but they are rarely this tall and handsome. I've noticed his physique seems to be the most desired in the world right now, he's on the cover of a few mens health and bodybuilding mags this month I think.
HollywoodFan said on 6/Jun/12
On the 2012 MTV movie awards this past Sunday night (6/4/12), Joe was in firefighter gear & looked unusually close in height to 6'0" Channing Tatum (like no more than 2 inches taller), which kind'a floored me! And I think he had on boots as well! Was a bit surprising to me! Carried Charlize Theron offstage, so that must've been fun!
Editor Rob
Joe is a big handsome guy in person.

He said he weighs 220 pounds aswell.
yomismo said on 28/Jan/12
Other photo of entire body:
Click Here


Click Here
Sam said on 24/Jan/12
In a recent Entertainment Weekly, there are a series of pictures where Manganiello looks bizzarely close in height to 5'11.25" buddy Matt Bomer. I suspect Bomer must be standing on something or the pictures were angled to make them look closer in height. Manganiello looms a little larger here:
Click Here
yomismo said on 26/Dec/11
It depends on the photo with Chaske Spencer, from other angles:
Click Here
Click Here
Nick said on 17/Dec/11
"Moke says on 13/Oct/11
With 6'1 Chaske Spencer: Click Here"

this is actually the only good and liable picture based on perspective I see here, if the guy next to him is 185cm Manganiello can be 190/1cm at most.
Sam said on 16/Dec/11
You have the two mixed up. Ed Quinn is the shorter guy in the pale jacket and Joe is the bigger guy in the blue shirt...oi vey, you all should know that
ChiasmataX said on 15/Dec/11
@ VDF Joe looked about 6'2- 6'2.5" in that picture if Ed Quin is listed 6'4 here. Rob needs to downgrade this guy.
Voiceless Dental Fricative said on 27/Nov/11
With Ed Quin(rob has a photo with) he doesn't look under his claimed height

Click Here
LAN Jiao said on 31/Oct/11
i think he is 6'4 and jason segal 6'3 compare 6'1 bill hader.
jaypee said on 22/Oct/11
really 6'3"?? watch how I met your mother. he was taller than the guy that plays marshal and that guy is 6 ft 4
lou said on 21/Oct/11
he said so himself on his twitter that he is 6'5"
Shaun said on 20/Oct/11
Doesn't really look 6'5" in photos though. He looks 6'2"-6'3" a lot. He's the sort of 6'5" you'd love to be unlike certain other guys I personally know of around that height...
Moke said on 13/Oct/11
With 6'1 Chaske Spencer: Click Here
Shaun said on 10/Sep/11
I was talking looks/physique as well as height.
jtm said on 6/Sep/11
well pitt and clooney are both 5'9.5 so they are average.
Shaun said on 5/Sep/11
Don't think he looks as huge as 6'5" in photographs but it seems then he must be. But guys like this really make guys like Brad Pitt and George Clooney look very average. This is what I mean that even if I have a good physique and not bad looking at 6'1.5" there will always be guys like this who smoke me in every department. 6'5" is verging on being too tall but if you look like him with that sort of frame it would be b****y awesome. That's one lucky dude.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 9/Aug/11
Alexander is first closer to the camera! Second he could be a little over 193! 195-196 is right for him!
Sandy said on 7/Aug/11
This is a picture of Joe and Alex Skarsgard, who is 6'4", they look the same Click Here
Hansen said on 20/Jul/11
not every actor given real height. so joe could be 193cm.
Sam said on 24/Jun/11
Kind of a weird angled picture here but Manganiello looks to be of similar height as Alexander Skarsgard here:
Click Here
Viper said on 21/Jun/11
He doesnt look taller than 6-4 with 6-0 John Cena
thebad7 said on 13/Jun/11
6'5" is spot on for him. He looks to be an inch and some change taller than his TRUE BLOOD co-star Alex Skarsgard. In fact, he looks a bit over 6'5" at times. Absolute mountain of a man--he's the guy that ought to be playing Conan in the upcoming film.

Cranberries said on 10/Jun/11
Clearly 196. His brother looks close to 6'6".
Jake T. said on 4/May/11
Manganiello can look 197 cm but 6'5 is very close too, I think this is right.
James said on 27/Jan/11
i don't think he looks a full 6'5 with 6'3 Ed Quinn
Truthman 6 ft 4.5 in said on 4/Jan/11
Even very tall guys sometimes meets someone taller

with Brad Garrett
Click Here
Mr. R said on 19/Nov/10
He is listed at 6-5 in Star Magazine.
AJ said on 8/Nov/10
Hear is a picture of him with Triple H billed at 6'4" but real only is like 6'1'' or 6'2'' at the most. Click Here

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.