Davey said on 9/May/08
he is no way 5`10 comon peopel.The guy is 5`9 and pulls it off well.
glenn said on 9/May/08
girlygirl and anon v are right.and yes 5-10 is a magic height to be.you can look 6ft or 5-8.
Anon_V said on 9/May/08
5'9 - 5'10 is a very versatile height. Slump a little bit and you'll look much shorter, square your shoulders while standing tall and you'll look much taller. Johnny Depp is probably within this range. My husband is 5'10.5 and with horrible posture he looks much shorter. With athletic shoes, he looks easily 6 ft. It's a cool place to be.
Aratirion said on 9/May/08
What shoes did Johnny wear? His usual 1 - 1.5 inch heeled boots? Your husband was probably 5'11 in sandals (except they had a big sole; there are some with an inch sole), Johnny 5'10.5 in boots. Yep, the same estimate again, 5'9 - 5'9.5.
GirlyGirl said on 9/May/08
My husband is 5'10.5" at his most recent physical (pilot's license, supposedly has to be accurate to maintain license) -- we walked right by Johnny Depp and he was a hair shorter than my husband in sandals.
Daniel said on 8/May/08
I guess the real debate is between 5'9'' and 5'10'', id est, 1.75m - 1.78m
GSP said on 6/May/08
"What?! 5'9" to 5'11"???? A man of 5'9" looks very different from a 5'11" guy. There's a BIG difference between those heights and if you were able to tell height, you would not allow for such a big range and the 5'9" wouldn't even be a possibility."
Its noticable but I wouldnt say its a HUGE difference. Its only 2 inches lol.
seika said on 30/Apr/08
i worked with JD about 20 yrs ago on 21 Jump St... i'm 5'6" he was only about an inch taller then me....
glenn said on 29/Apr/08
mimi read again.
mimi said on 29/Apr/08
"glenn says on 29/Apr/08:
he was.5-11.now im saying he is 5-11.im saying 5-10 is a great possiblity to me.5-9 a close second."
What?! 5'9" to 5'11"???? A man of 5'9" looks very different from a 5'11" guy. There's a BIG difference between those heights and if you were able to tell height, you would not allow for such a big range and the 5'9" wouldn't even be a possibility.
glenn said on 29/Apr/08
thanks richard.this site is for you from the mighty rob and im the one to take you into the world of celebs.heights.
glenn said on 29/Apr/08
unk-never insecure.your tone i didnt like.thats all.thats that.if i let people talk to me as if i was just an average joe here,id get stepped on and walked all over here.im not the average person.hell,i hung out with depp a few times.i dont discuss that.i dont discuss mutual friends we had.i studied him.cause i was shocked at how tall he was.5-11.now im saying he is 5-11.im saying 5-10 is a great possiblity to me.5-9 a close second.you dont get real stories and pictures from anyone else.
Aratirion said on 28/Apr/08
Yeah, sure, 5'11 is out of question as well as 5'7. I just wanted to explain that even 1.80 guys can sometimes be called short and appear 10cm smaller to some bad height judgers. Anyway, 5'8 and 5'10 ain't out of q. and I still tend to say that his real height is on the taller side of the middle, so probably 5'9.5/1.76. Sounds most logical to me.
Richard said on 28/Apr/08
By the way, great site, and we all should support and thank Glenn for his work in the search of the right heights!
Anyway I don't think there are so many celebrities you can tell about: "I thought he was a lot taller" when we happen to see them. Legends about Cruise being 5'5, Depp 5'7, Stallone 5'7 etc. remain legends in my opinion.
In my life I heard of Bogart being 5'4, Newman the same, and a lot of b******t about Cruise. Newspapers can be full of s***t.
Anyway I'm getting a lot of fun.
UNK said on 28/Apr/08
Not only girls, many people mis judge heights... it's not as easy as you would think.. footware, clothing, weight, hair, the general environment you are in at the time, persona, so many different factors come into play.
At this point 5'11" is out of the question for Depp, I think 5'7" is out too. There are far too many candid pics of Depp.. he has been around forever, it's obvious he is in the 5'9" range.
Glenn - All I was trying to do is remind people on this board that you are not the only one with an opinion and not the only one with information about his height... I still don't know why you attacked me.. I guess you are insecure.
Also, A lot of the rumors about Stallone and Cruise were created decades ago before digital cameras, the web, etc... It's mostly older people that can't get those rumors out of their head that think Stallone is only 5'7".
Richard said on 28/Apr/08
Aratirion you're completely right about girls not judging well. One of my female colleague is 5'7, 5'9 with heels and said in front of others: Richard is as tall as me... and I'm 5'10 1/2!!
I don't know what's wrong with her but I think she judges looking at proportions... I don't have square shoulders, and people with high shoulders are often considered to be taller than what they really are.. and that's my opinion. Even girls with high shoulders seem to be taller and that happens with this colleague of mine. So even if she has high shoulders and she doesn't say that she's taller than what is right for her, she condidered me to be the same height! I'm younger than her and this also can do a lot.
Aratirion said on 28/Apr/08
I don't wanna be unfair, but I have experienced that a lot of girls can't tell heights at all. Most of them are awfully bad in judging heights. A girl of my age, that I really like is about 5'5 (probably smaller) and she thought I was about as tall as her, although I'm 5'9! That's more than 4' difference if we wore the same footwear. And people that are not used to height - judging don't care about footwear either. Another thing is that there's no real average in some peoples mind. Whether you're small or tall, but rather anything inbetween.
If you consider all that, Depp could be 5'11 and would still be mistaken for 5'7!
glenn said on 27/Apr/08
why do people seem to forget that stallone also gets mistaken at 5-7,5-8?
glenn said on 27/Apr/08
thank you richard.
glenn said on 27/Apr/08
unk-what have you achieved except hot air?
Richard said on 27/Apr/08
Everyone has the right to express his point of view. For me Bloom is 179.5. Depp is 174,5. This is my opinion. And no doubt Glenn is able to say jack-ass things. But he has the right to do it.
UNK said on 27/Apr/08
"arrogant for sure.but rightfully so my man" What a jack-ass thing to say!
glenn said on 27/Apr/08
vegetable man is no vegetable.he speaks basic logic.people forget the evidence on top.both.yes,aratirion,that also could be possible.yeah rob,but maybe bloom is 5-11 out of bed.
anonymous said on 27/Apr/08
If you think 5'10" guys who are thin can be mistaken to be 5'7", you are an idiot. I'm 5'7" and have stood next to thin 5'10" guys and in no way, shape, or form has anyone thought they were 5'7" and I was 5'4". That is ridiculous to think. It is not just teenage girls who have said Depp is quite small. He is no taller than 5'9" and no less than 5'8".
Daniel said on 26/Apr/08
I agree with Glenn on 1.80m for Bloom, but I'm more inclined on 1.75m-1.76m for Depp.

Editor Rob
we have an alledged measurement for Bloom at 5ft 10.66.
Aratirion said on 26/Apr/08
Yep, that's true he would be a solid 2 inches taller if he stood straight on the right pic. But there he's wearing his Donnie Brasco boots I guess (I'm not sure if I remember correctly), which have a pretty big heel. So Glenn is about 5'9 in shoes (indeed, that's what it should be about) and Depp 5'11. As the heel is about 1.5' Depp would be 5'9.5 barefoot or let's say 1.76. This fits pretty well to a 1.79 Orlando Bloom and more importantly to what Glenn says. Is this what it could be about, Glenn?
vegetable man said on 26/Apr/08
I would put Depp at a solid 5'10 looking at these pics. In the second pic Glenn is standing up perfectly straight, and depp is leaning forwards a little. I think if Depp stood as straight as Glenn he'd be 2 inches taller.
The first pic tells the same tale.
glenn said on 26/Apr/08
immature,sure to most or some.arrogant for sure.but rightfully so my man.rightfully so.nobody on this site had my experiences.your tone is what got me.if you wouldve spoken to me nicer,i wouldnt have reacted that way.of course i err at times.not when i see celebs multiple times though.i repeated this endlessly.yes,i have facts.i dont study dvds and still like you do.now go peruse elsewhere on the site.
UNK said on 25/Apr/08
Glenn - You have become quite conceded and are acting immature! I simply said that you do not have "facts". You have an educated guess, more educated than others on here, but that doesn't mean there is not room for error.
glenn said on 25/Apr/08
thank you sven.you know the truth.
glenn said on 25/Apr/08
then let him ban me.dont ever talk to me like i dont know what im talking about.you should know that by now.if you met depp plenty of times and have proof pics,then you can talk to me in that tone.otherwise state your opinion on his height,not that others have met him too.where are their pics and contibutions?
sven said on 25/Apr/08
i agree with glenn is impossible for depp beeing shorter than 5-9...he looks sometime 5-11,under 5-8...
glenn said on 25/Apr/08
unk-fuk off.mind your business.i saw him in all kinds of footwear and posture.film sets,hotel,clubs.all kinds of situations.yes,you are entitled to your opinions.but you missed the point.dont sound like your sure when you never met the guy.im through with you on the site.you shouldve minded your business.
UNK said on 24/Apr/08
Your opinion is your opinion, and you are entitled to it. But so is every one else! You have no facts... you are not the only one who has met him. The argument is basically over one inch, how could any of you be so sure?
glenn said on 24/Apr/08
oh and btw,bloom is 5-11.cause i said so.and depp is leaning in on the right pic.not standing straight enough in the other pic.im standing as straight as possible.broomstick up the arse.
glenn said on 23/Apr/08
im only 5-8.5 in shoes? huh? shouldnt it be 5-9 to 5-9.5..half inch soles arnt the norm.
anonymous said on 23/Apr/08
Glenn, first of all, I have a life. Secondly, official height is not necessarily obtained by a measurement. I have told you he isn't over 5'9" on many occasions. You have no evidence to suggest that Depp is taller than about 5'9". Do you really think people just so happen to mistake him to be small and 5'7". Frankly, that would be pretty hard to do if he is 5
Aratirion said on 23/Apr/08
@anonymous: It does help; I stay in bed in the afternoon regularly for about 2 hours and it really helps. Normally you'd loose about three quarters of an inch and due to that method it's only about one cm. Really, just try it. So Glenn is about 5'8 barefoot and maybe 5'8.5 in shoes. Depp is taller than him. Visibly taller. I still say Depp ain't under 1.74 and definitely not over 1.77. He's somewhere inbetween. I guess 1.75.
Nancy said on 22/Apr/08
Oh, god, this is just too freaking weird... I didn't "MEASURE" him in Oshkosh... I am just 5'7 and he was the same height as me - we looked each other directly in the eye!... I met him, we stood and TALKED for a long time (as opposed to merely posing for a pic), and that is the IMPRESSION that I got... perhaps all of you should admit that your ideas are impressions, as well, and NONE of us are right... Sheesh!
anonymous said on 22/Apr/08
Dude, you are are insane if you think he was ever anything over 5'9". He didn't lose more than an inch at that age. You saw him many times... so what... what is your point. I know someone who was in the Kids. DEPP IS NOT OVER 5'9" and never was. There is no evidence to suggest he was. The only logical reason he could have appeared taller in the 90's is because he stopped caring about not being tall, and stopped caring about being a product of someone else. He is between 5'8"-5'9". Another thing, you are less than 5'8" in those photos. Aratirion said you slept or stayed off your feet to get to 5'8" but it doesn't take gravity long to compact the spine. If your morning height was 5'8", it doesn't matter what you did, you still shrank. Meh.
glenn said on 22/Apr/08
really? you met him? or measured him?.i didnt measure him,but i know in the early 90s he was 5-11,because i saw him many times.so he had to be 5-10 then min.5-9 is the lowest he is now.
anonymous said on 21/Apr/08
Glenn, he is 5'8"-5'9".
glenn said on 21/Apr/08
he is 5-9 to 5-10.
Anonymous said on 21/Apr/08
Exactly, watch the videos on youtube (johnny filming in oshkosh). You can ask the girls that posted the videos about his height.
Nancy said on 20/Apr/08
First of all, ALAN, Johnny WAS in Oshkosh on Monday, 04/14, and met with fans that night! Keep your insults to yourself if YOU don't know what YOU are talking about! I agree with Kimberly... I met Johnny in person Wednesday night in Oshkosh. I am 5'7, and he is exactly the same height as me, and of very small, slender build. He looks fabulous!!!
Anonymous said on 20/Apr/08
he looks about 5'9" ish to me
uh dijana...a woman thats 182 cm isnt really classified as a "real woman" either...sorry
Anonymous said on 20/Apr/08
I live in Oshkosh and he was there all week... I have seen him on 3 different nights, and I would agree he did seem to be small framed and he is HOT.
alan said on 18/Apr/08
kimberly you are deluted,yes they are filming public enemies in oshkosh ,but johnny hasnt been there yet i saw it on tv
Kimberly said on 17/Apr/08
Hello, I MET Johnny in person on Monday 4/14 he is filming in Oshkosh WI for the Public Enemies films, he is not thin, but he has a smaller build, he looks GREAT and he is not any taller than 5'7, I saw him in costume and street cloth's he looks healthy and HOT,
glenn said on 17/Apr/08
not needed to me anonymous.sense to you.
anonymous said on 16/Apr/08
Glenn, it makes perfect sense.
UNK said on 16/Apr/08
They definitely play games with Depp's footware in movies.. check out this pick of him filming his new movie.
Click Here
Aratirion said on 16/Apr/08
Yep, we already had that one. I think Burton really is about 5'11 to 6' now. As the angle isn't perfect I'd say, Johnny looks about 5'8.5 there and is 5'9 most of the day.
glenn said on 16/Apr/08
xanax-great find.though i think i saw them before.cool to resurface them anyway.depp looks 5-8 there if burton is 5-11.i couldve sworn he was 6-2 back in the day.maybe it was boots.
glenn said on 16/Apr/08
what is the point of even posting that anonymous? didnt make sense to me.all i was saying is this is the skinniest i ever saw of him in my peers pics.thats all.no,i dont see him at all.but i do see just about everyone else and i am a authority on celebrity sightings and heights.what have you accomplished on the site? besides maybe studying dvd stills? im sure or i rather hope your not a bum like me in life,but on this site i can say what i please cause it isnt gossip rubbish.im sure my post will start a further argument with you.
Xanax said on 15/Apr/08
Tim Burton & Johhny Depp:
Click HereI don't know Tim's height...
Aratirion said on 12/Apr/08
Hmm, for some reason my comment hasn't been posted; however ...
None of you guys said anything wrong, I didn't intend to make anyone angry. I just thought, that it doesn't really matter who's wrong or right, as we all agree he has been seen in a pretty skinny constitution recently. And as you said, we never met Johnny.
anonymous said on 11/Apr/08
Glenn, you act like you see this guy in person all the time. What does
Aratirion said on 11/Apr/08
No, none of you guys said anything wrong. I just thought that it is not necessary to talk about the weight issue any longer as it doesn't change anything. And, as you correctly said, we haven't met him.
glenn said on 11/Apr/08
end what? what the fuk did i say that was so wrong?y.no doubt he can look great.but none of you ever met him nor recently as well.
glenn said on 11/Apr/08
stench had an attitude i see.talk about bad timing this jerkoff had today.messed with the wrong guy.
anonib said on 11/Apr/08
depp is a heel wearing dude. Glen looks like a converse or sneaker dude. Maybe you guys are the same height? maybe depp had some dress shoes or something.??
GF said on 10/Apr/08
He fluctuates a lot with weight. Watch "From Hell" then watch "Once Upon A Time In Mexico" 2 yrs later and you'll know what I mean.
Aratirion said on 10/Apr/08
Oh come on, let's just end this thing; I think we all agree that he has been seen in a pretty skinny constitution, no matter if he wasn't that skinny back in the ninties. He's got a cool body though and looks great for his age.
Stench said on 10/Apr/08
Indeed I'm talking about Johnny and not about you Glenn. I grew tired with some of your answers... We honestly don't care if you filled out in the last years.
Never heard of people getting skinnier when they are already skinny? Why does this sound so strange to you?
Stench said on 9/Apr/08
I mean in his case, having a skinny constitution and never getting fat.. as he's getting older his skin makes him loog skinnier than in the past
glenn said on 8/Apr/08
age? i filled out more.he gets skinnier when he was already skinny?
Stench said on 8/Apr/08
@ Glenn. The only reason why Johnny looks gaunt lately is because of his age! Everybody would be happy to have his skin at age 45 though. His constitution is skinny and now his age's taking over. But he still looks great at 45.
Right Leung.
Stench said on 8/Apr/08
Right Araitirion, that's I always been saying. At lest 175.5 for Johnny. 5'9 actors can look short on the big screen. The proof is with guys a bit over 5'9. Think
Matt Damon (178) that in many movies you could say he's short. This makes Cruise (172 my estimate) a short guy for the common opinion. If 176 can look short, think 172...
Aratirion said on 8/Apr/08
@Daniel; That's right; 5'9 or let's say 1.76 is my personal estimate.
glenn said on 8/Apr/08
leung-you havnt seen him in person lately.he face is gaunt and sunken in.he looks sickely in some photos my peers have with him.they also complained to me.i havnt seen him since my pic on top.
Daniel said on 7/Apr/08
Yes, you could be right, Aratirion, but 4 to 5cm heel would only give him an advantage of 3 cm over regular shoes, so he can't be under 5'9'' at the very least.
Aratirion said on 7/Apr/08
@Daniel; I think in Donnie Brasco he had bigger boots than usually (and in other movies); I suppose with a 4 to 5 cm heel. Maybe Al Pacino is not a legit 5'6 anymore and wore smaller shoes.
glenn said on 7/Apr/08
thanks rich,but i think depp is a little taller.
Daniel said on 6/Apr/08
He did look tall (5'11'') on Donnie Brasco
Leung said on 6/Apr/08
Why are you people talking about Depp looking skinny, losing weight and fragile etc?
He is naturally thin frame but if you have a good look at him you will see that he is in good shape, low body fat and defined. I was looking at recent photos in a magazine and his arms are not big but he still has muscle definition. Depp looks great for 45, most people can only dream of staying youthful looking the way Depp has.
Spoons said on 6/Apr/08
What a shallow person you are, Dijana. I and I think it's very obvoius that it doesn't bother him in the least.
That was a really weird post all round.
Spoons said on 6/Apr/08
Hi, everyone.
I've been looking at lots of pics of Depp next to various co-stars, and I'd put him at 5'8". Well whatever he is, you can tell he's not a tall person by any means. Bless him.
Just my two pence.
Rich from the UK said on 6/Apr/08
That Glenn dude is a legend haha! Glenn and Depp are the same height.
Aratirion said on 3/Apr/08
5'9 is 175 cm.
Yep I think Johnny's lost a lot of weight recently. Everyone describes him as very skinny. Another reason for him appearing taller.
Monika said on 2/Apr/08
I buy the 180cm(5'9) theory. This because he's half a head taller than Dustin Nguyen (170cm), who plays Ioki in 21 Jump Street. Yupp, clearly on these pics you can see Glenn streching to reach Johnnys height, while Johnny is all relaxed;)
GF said on 2/Apr/08
What about weight? I know it fluctuates drastically. For ex. compare "Once Upon A Time In Mexico" to "from Hell." Big Weight difference. At least 20 lbs. (maybe between 150-175?)
g said on 30/Mar/08
he looks like a solid 5'8 to me maybe a 5'8.5 and no more than 5'9
glenn said on 30/Mar/08
i agree.depp can look a solid 5-10 in that movie and other films too.reports vary.my friend saw him last week and saw 5-9 from his original 5-10 sightings.i saw him 5-11 in the early 90s.
Aratirion said on 30/Mar/08
This is a huge difference. You can't really tell from a movie if someone is 9,8 or 10 inches taller than someone else. Bad comparison.
kami said on 30/Mar/08
i think he is 5ft10 couse he looked a good 9 intches taller than christina ricci in slaapy hollow and about 5 inches in the man who cried where ricci was wearing really big heals about four inches
ACG said on 29/Mar/08
I meant "bet". lol
ACG said on 29/Mar/08
Indy: Then why did you bother posting here? That is, unless YOU need to "delusionally bring yourself up" by claiming we're all shallow-minded, jealous losers.....
And I'm willing to be that you're about four-foot-something, right? ;-)
Aratirion said on 29/Mar/08
This has nothing got to do with pushing a celebrity down. Depp is my favourite actor and still I say he is "just" 5'9. For some it may be satisfying to be taller, nearly as tall or as tall as some celebs (I don't exclude myself in some cases) but this has nothing got to do with jealousy or anything like that. I grant each and every person that I'm discussing height about every single dollar he got.
IndyCovaHart said on 29/Mar/08
I've got news for you people.
Anyone who spends more than a passing glance at this site is really not that far from "shallow" as this Dijana you are bashing.
This obsession over height to the point where you people feel the need to differentiate between a "morning" and "evening" height is proof positive that idolatry and/or hateful jealousy runs rampant.
News flash... if you are taller than a celebrity, it doesn't change the fact that they're still rich, famous and talented, while you're online browsing through "CelebHeights.com" looking for a way to tear a celeb down to delusionally bring yourself UP.
anonymous said on 28/Mar/08
I've been saying Depp is between 5'8"-5'9" and no more than 5'9" for a long time. I don't believe 'about 5'9"' means he is over 5'9.5" otherwise they would be looking for guys about 5'10". I still believe he is between 5'8.25"-5'8.75". I also believe this proves Bloom's morning height is about 5'10.75", and probably closer to no more than 5'10" flat for evening height. I know the bank robber Depp will play in public enemies was only 5'7". I'd like to see Depp and Ribisi next to one another.
Anonymous said on 28/Mar/08
I stood next to Johnny Depp's waxwork at Madame Tussauds, and at that time i was 5'7.75" barefoot(evening height), and Depp was the same height as me, or perhaps 0.25 inch taller: food for thought?
I'm now 5'9.25" (morning height), and i'm pretty sure i'd be at least an inch taller than him if i went back for a visit :)
I will take into account though that his head was drooping ever so slightly, and he could be as a high as '5'8.5"' in real life.
Rob, i think you need to downgrade him by 0.5 inch
glenn said on 27/Mar/08
then grieco is 5-8.
Daniel said on 27/Mar/08
Thanks, Glenn. Anyway, Grieco seemed to be shorter than Depp on 21 Jump Street, if I remember well.
glenn said on 27/Mar/08
i didnt realise that tara.interesting to know.im surprised i would throw him off like that.my friend saw depp last week and was surprised to see him at 5-9.as he agreed with me depp usually looks 5-10.and he is really gaunt looking.
glenn said on 27/Mar/08
i forgot griecos height.i think i saw him 20 years ago.he is in the short average range.5-8 to 5-10.
UNK said on 26/Mar/08
That is an interesting article Tara, and comfirms what Rob and most of us have been saying. He is "about 5'9"", not "about 5'8 or 5'10"", but "about 5'9""... meaning he falls inbetween 5'8.5" - 5'9.5".
My guess is he is a weak 5'9", due to so many of the short sightings.. the tall sightings are due to his footware and star-persona.
Aratirion said on 26/Mar/08
Very interesting article, thanks!
Daniel said on 25/Mar/08
I guess Glenn is right when he says 5'9'' to 5'10'' for Depp and 5'11'' for Bloom. But on the 21 Jump Street days, JD looked more 5'9'' to me. By the way, anybody has an idea about how tall is Richard Grieco (who appeared in some season of that series)?
Tara said on 24/Mar/08
Maybe he just thought it was a weird question to be asked so he just responded that way. He's been known to give some strange replies to questions. This is an interesting article.
Click Here
glenn said on 21/Mar/08
i really think some people dont know their own height.and your theory is correct too.i have a 5-7 friend who has 5-9 on his license.i beleive he really thinks he is that.i think we estalished this phenomenon on the site before.
Jake Is Back said on 20/Mar/08
Wait... He "doesn't know" his own height? Thats ridiculous. Anyone who replies that is either a kid who's still growing or very touchy about their height.
glenn said on 17/Mar/08
acg-thats what he said.i know it sounds crazy.mike patton told me the same thing.some people really dont know their own height.or they are messing with me.
GSP said on 15/Mar/08
Depp is a tricky one. Im positive he is between 5'8-5'10...I think he might be closer to 5'8 though but hard to say for sure.
He seems basically identical to me....im 5'9.6 maximum right out of bed and 5'8.5 at my very lowest at night.
Seems right...not short not tall but slightly below average...lower average esentially. Im sure Depp like me wishes he squeezed out a couple more inches..but really who give a ****..he and me both look great at our slightly under average height.
GF said on 15/Mar/08
ACG- I'm not a professional impersonator by trade, I'm a musician and artist in Hollywood but I was in "Pirates 3." Here's another pic in Depp's suit. Once again, around 5'9 1/4" here, my lowest.
Click HereMaybe when asked about his ht, JD thought it was a touchy subject for two reasons. 1- he's shorter than his father and maybe his brother too and 2- he felt it was unimportant and nobody's business. Just a guess. Enjoy the pics!
UNK said on 14/Mar/08
GF - are you insane?
ACG said on 14/Mar/08
GF-lol, you really do look like him! Are you a professional impersonator? I have no clue on clothing sizes and tailoring etc., so I can't judge whether your story of wearing Depp's clothes makes any sense....but it sounds logical.
Glenn: You really asked him once and he said he didn't know?!?! Do/did you believe him when he said that? Sounds really weird....as though one of Hollywood's top leading men doesn't know his own height?!
And why would it be such "touchy subject" if he was 5'10? Would he really be trying to hide something if he was truly an average/tall height? Not saying he isn't 5'10 but you pretty much summed it up by saying "it was really bizarre."
Aratirion said on 14/Mar/08
Yeah, at least that proves that he ain't 5'7 or 5'8. But still a 5'9.5 morning and 5'9 evening Depp can fit as good as you in that suit. So this doesn't really answer the question if he is 5'9, 5'10 or 5'8.5 at the lowest. But it proves that he is nowhere 5'7! Thanks for that!
anonymous said on 13/Mar/08
How much do you weigh GF?
GF said on 13/Mar/08
I am a Johnny Depp look-alike. I am also his identical height. I know this because a friend of mine bought one of his suits from the set of "The Astronaut's Wife" off e-bay and let me wear it. This picture link of me was during late evening at my lowest height of 5'9 1/4." After a good night of sleep I am just above the 5'9 3/4" mark.
Click Here See how JD fits in that suit and you will see his measurements are tailor-made for me. Only thing is the pants were a little tight around the waist and my waist was around 33 here so Johnny's waist is probably more like 31 in. So to conclude as living proof Johnny Depp's height ranges somewhere between 5'9 1/4" and 5'9 3/4." Measuring me is like measuring him. I fit into his clothes better than my own.
glenn said on 13/Mar/08
i met him a dozen of times at least.only 2 photos.havnt seen him since that pic on top in late 1996.yes,he did lower his sunglasses and stared at me before he answered.so yeah,a touchy subject.he was signing photos for me.it was really bizzare.
Tara said on 12/Mar/08
It's great that you had the opportunity to have met him twice, I have not been so lucky. I wonder if he was somehow offended/thrown off by the question? I would guess him at 5'9, though like other people said it depends on the time of day/how you are positioned. 5'10 doesn't seem unreasonable to me.
glenn said on 12/Mar/08
yeah.he looked at me for a few seconds and a said "i dont know,i forgot".about his height that is when i asked him in the donnie brasco pic above.
Tara said on 12/Mar/08
Has anyone ever asked him?
anonymous said on 11/Mar/08
When Public Enemies comes out you will see Depp isn't more than 5'9".
Aratirion said on 11/Mar/08
Yep, fits quite good... Clooney 5'10.5 in the morning 5'10 in the evening. Johnny 5'9.5 morning, 5'9 evening.
If Johnny was 5'9.5 in the evening he wouldn't have been smaller than Charlize Theron, he would have been 5'11 in the left pic with 5'8 (maybe 5'8.5 in shoes) Glenn, no one would really call him small (5'7 estimates)... . Still he isn't smaller than 5'9 because I trust Glenn and I'm pretty sure that his estimate is the most accurate, and there are at least as much pictures where he seems 5'10 as ones where he seems 5'9,5'8.
glenn said on 11/Mar/08
clooney is 5-11.legit.so that proves my argument on depp being 5-10.
Nicci said on 10/Mar/08
I have a pic of Johnny and George Clooney standing next to each other from the Oscar's (actually two photos put together) and Johnny is about an inch shorter than George and GC is 5'10" (I know because I have stood next to that man and I was about an inch shorter and I am 5'9")
trueheight said on 10/Mar/08
It's not a "matter of fact" unless you can back it up. Glenn's argument is very true - even his own photos are sometimes very biased one way or the other. The thing is, photos are helpful but very limited in height b/c they capture only an instant in time. Glenn has stated that Depp can look as tall as 5'11 or 5'9. So 5'10 is not out of the question.
glenn said on 10/Mar/08
exactly buster.
Laura said on 8/Mar/08
mr. depp, who happens to be my favorite actor in the world, is, as a matter of fact, five nine.
Buster said on 8/Mar/08
I was introduced to the man at a Soul Asylum show in a noisy club. My friend said "this is Johnny" and he had his hair in his face so I didn't know who I was shaking hands with until later. To get to the point, though, I'm 6'4" and he didn't seem much shorter than I am. Five-foot-ten sounds reasonable to me.
anonymous said on 7/Mar/08
What history..... I really don't see your point. You've seen him a few times up close. Many people have and some of those same people have seen him look 5'8". So really.... what is your point when you say history. Oh and by the way, more than half of those people you just mentioned I've never heard called small. Small is being 5'7"-5'9" and thin. Johnny Depp is no taller than 5'9". It is not possible he is 5'10" when he is shorter than a slouching Theron. Why can you not comprehend that? How can you say with so much confidence that he is not a hair under 5'9" when you have never been around him barefoot.
anonymous said on 7/Mar/08
What history..... I really don't see your point. You've seen him a few times up close. Many people have and some of those same people have seen him look 5'8". So really.... what is your point when you say history.
Aratirion said on 7/Mar/08
Yeah, I think Charlize is 5'10 morning, 5'9.5 evening, and Johnny half an inch under that.
glenn said on 7/Mar/08
anonymous-your post doesnt mean anything compared to my history.the man was never a hair under 5-9.and its very possible he is 5-10.men of that height are called short all the time.are you kidding me? stallone,ewan mcgregor,jackie chan,colin farell,kurt cobain,dmx,mick jagger,rod stewart,and the list goes on,are all men in the 5-10,5-10.5,5-11 range that are always called short.im not sure how tall charlize is,but whenever i see her in small heels,she leaves me a super tall impression.she is 5-10 i guess.
UNK said on 6/Mar/08
he has cuban heel boots on in the right pic.. it's from donnie brasco... he should appear taller than he does next to glenn if he were any where near 5'10"... the man is cleary no taller than 5'9". true 5'10"ers never get called small... not even in sports, let alone hollywood.
Aratirion said on 6/Mar/08
Johnny with 5'8.5 Richards ...
Click Here ... unfortunately we can't see footwear;
Aratirion said on 6/Mar/08
Yeah, I agree with that; maybe lifts back then, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't wear one nowadays, quite impossible. I do see 2 inches (right pic; just look at the shoulders!) and 1-1.5 inches on the left.
But you're absolutely true about Theron and Depp; In Astronaut's Wife Depp is clearly smaller than Theron, even if the difference is just about 1 cm but at least he is not the same height. If Theron is 1.77 (most likely, as she said 5'9.5 herself), Depp is 1.76. If he was 5'10 (1.78) the difference to other people would be more. Just compare him to his girlfriend Vanessa. She is about 5'3, with heels 1.67 - maybe 68 - tops ... he is about 10cm taller than her in most of the pics I can find (makes him 1.75 without the dress shoes or boots; as it's evening height it seems quite accurate) I always get to the same estimates, no matter who I compare my favourite actor with ...
Anonymous said on 5/Mar/08
I don't see how you can say 5'8" is impossible and 5'9"-5'10" is how tall he is. That is more absurd. First of all, how do you know he hasn't ever been self conscious about his height. You don't. In fact, from listening to very much about Johnny's life I'd say he was self-conscious in his early days. I'm 5'7" and when I ask people how tall they think I am they say 5'8". I've never heard not one person say Johnny Depp is tall or 5'10". I've never heard someone call a 5'10" guy small. He should be taller than Glenn if he is 5'9"-5'10" with cowboy boots on. The giveaway that he is not 5'10" is that he is shorter than a SLOUCHING Theron. Johnny Depp is between 5'8"-5'9". I don't see how you get 2 inches from that photo. How can that be 2 inches when his middle eye to top of head should be 4.5 inches? He is just A LITTLE TALLER. 5'8" min, 5'9" max"
sven said on 5/Mar/08
yes i agree,depp dont wears lifts...
for me is 5-10 morning and 5-9 at night,definetly 5-10.i dont understand why some ppl think he is 5-7 :|
Aratirion said on 5/Mar/08
No probleme ACG, you're absolutely right!
Johnny can't be 5'7. With cowboy boots he would have been just a little taller than Glenn in normal shoes or even the same height; But Johnny is obviously about 2 inches (right pic) or 1 to 1.5 inches taller (left pic) than Glenn in shoes! Johnny is 5'9, in boots maybe 5'10.5, Glenn in shoes probably 5'8.5. This is how it appears to me and it seems quite accurate, doesn't it? If he was 5'8 or even smaller he wouldn't look that tall next to Glenn. And, I'm also convinced that Johnny doesn't wear lifts. At least not nowadays.
glenn said on 5/Mar/08
acg-your rants are welcomed here and make alot sense.hell,he appeared 5-11 to me for years in the early 90s.i havnt seen him in 12 years.bet ill see him again and he will be near 5-10.whenever he is around i avoid it like the plague.20 people(photogs,autograph dealers,fans)chase him around the city to appearences where there are 100-200 people waiting for him.not interested in seeing him.im interested in posing with him.5-7 is absurd.
ACG said on 5/Mar/08
5'7 IS impossible, I think. People only tend to think he is shorter because of the way he presents himself, I guess. Which is BS; just because some idiots think he is effeminate or whatever doesn't mean he's like 5'7. If Johnny wanted to, I'm sure he could pull off looking and "seeming" taller way more often. But you gotta give kudos to a guy who apparently doesn't give a crap about what people think of something as trivial as his height. I'm practically willing to bet my life Johnny has never worn any height enhancing shoes-at least not for the sole(no pun) purpose of enhancing height!
If I were a chick, I'd take Johnny over say,
Mel Gibson, any day- one of the reasons being that Johnny isn't so absorbed with himself that he needs to look 6'+ whenever someone around him might have a camera.
And this isn't even taking Mel's politics into account. The fact that Mel is so self-conscious about his height represents a much weaker man on the inside.
It's kinda sad, all the lift-wearers there are in hollywood. The pressure which average or below average heighted stars feel to be taller, I mean. It's also kinda funny the fact that if they all wear lifts(as most do, I think) there still won't be any difference in how tall they look!!
Example: Cruise at 5'8ish wears lifts to elevate himself to about 5'10 or so. Pitt may be as low as 5'10 naturally, but we'll say 5'11 to be safe. Yet Pitt can pull off 6'1 or 6'2 in HIS lifts. So conceivably Cruise and Pitt standing next to each other will still look the same regardless of whether both wear lifts or both don't. A lot of good those shoes did!! I know it's not always that simple, but sometimes I'm sure it is. Perhaps the lifts are for public appearances and fan photos? Cuz like I said, I don't see the point if practically every other celeb wears 'em.
Congrats to Johnny for merely being himself, comfortable with his own average 5'10ish height. Nothing in the world wrong with that, as opposed to what the utterly ignorant people might claim(dijana or whatever her name was). A great actor and probably great guy in real life. Awesome. Depp will always remain one of my faves.
Oh sorry for the ridiculously long rant(again!), just tryin' bring up some (hopefully)valid points. I'm open to all criticism, so I'd like to hear if anyone agrees or disagrees with my personal views....
glenn said on 4/Mar/08
i dont think 5-10 is impossible at all.very possible.all my friends say he around that range.one 5-11 guy i know says he is his height.a 5-8 freind say 2 inches taller.5-9 min.5-10 max.
El said on 4/Mar/08
sorry about the 2 posts i didnt realize it took a while to get on the system.
Aratirion said on 4/Mar/08
I have now heard (and read) that from many people; but not a 5'8 or 5'9 estimate, 5ft7 is the most often mentioned height (besides the even more often stated 5'10). I wonder how this can be? I mean, I'm pretty sure he's nowhere around 5'7 - indeed 5'10 is maybe too much - and I'm also pretty sure that he's min. 5'9. But why do so many people say he was 5'7 or 5'10? Why so few in between? Bad height guessers? (nothing against you El)
El said on 3/Mar/08
I have met Johnny twice and first time i thought i was standing on a step then i looked down and we were the same level and i am 5ft5 he stood no more than 2 inches above me the second time i made sure we were the same level and yes the same he must be no more than 5ft7. A friend of mines boyfriend was the body double for Sacha baron Cohen in Sweeney Todd and he said the same thing he cant be more than 5ft7.
glenn said on 27/Feb/08
he is leaning in forward and look at his shoulders.
anonymous said on 26/Feb/08
Leung that will be the key to knowing Bloom's height range. I found a photo that was taken from a distance. As you can see Bloom is about to step down to the next step but it doesn't appear that it slouches his height. Kerr is walking (knees are bent) and looking down. They pretty much look the same height or atleast in the same height range. They are both wearing boots but the problem is I can't see Kerr's heels. In the second photo he looks shorter. More photos and research is needed. I still somewhat doubt that he is taller than 5'9-5'10". If you google web "Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr photos" you can find an image of them. If you google image "Orlando Bloom and Miranda Kerr" you can find another image.
anonymous said on 25/Feb/08
I didn't ask for you to reveal their names or life story. If you scroll down you will see the questions I have asked. Depp isn't much taller than Glenn in the photo on the right. That looks like an inch at the most. Depp has cowboy boots on. You are going to tell me he was slouching a ton right... well what is the point of the photo if that is the case? Depp looks between 5'8"-5'9" in that photo.
glenn said on 24/Feb/08
i dont recall any questions from you and my height is stated throughout the site.if my friends wanted to be revealed,they wouldve by now.most arnt interesting enough to mention.
Aratirion said on 24/Feb/08
@Anonymus; Glenn is 5'8 on these pictures. (on both I guess as he said he's sleeping to get to 5'8 in the evening too) Johnny (in boots) may have a 1 to 1.5 inch lift over Glenn. Johnny --> 5'10.5 to 5'11 in boots, Glenn --> 5'8.5 to 5'9 with normal footwear; that's how it appears to me and it seems pretty accurate;
Anonymous said on 24/Feb/08
Anyone who knows anything about photography knows that a camera (lenses,etc) can create illusions of size, height, weight, distance etc. Glenn, you still haven't stated your height in the way that I have asked... and how about stating who these friends are... do they work in the industry..?
Anonymous said on 24/Feb/08
He isn't standing straight.... he is standing pretty close to straight. Lopez isn't popping either now is she.
glenn said on 24/Feb/08
how can one judge from those pics? depp isnt even standing straight.
Aratirion said on 24/Feb/08
@glenn; sounds pretty accurate; but still I think that Bloom is "just" 5.10'5 barefoot in the morning (Johnny 1 inch smaller); In the evening Bloom is 5'10 and Johnny 5'9. Because on the one hand there are the estimates of the people who met the celebs what makes the strongest part of my calculation, but on the other hand there are such a lot of pictures that say something else so that's the reason why both of them (Depp and Bloom) "loose" half an inch in my calculation. But they're definitely no smaller than that. I think Glenn has proven that now very believably.
Anonymous said on 23/Feb/08
I've never seen anyone bring up these photos on this page. This is Johnny Depp with Jennifer Lopez. Lopez is stated to be 5'5" or possibly shorter. I haven't been able to see her heels so I'm saying she is wearing a max of 3 inch heels but maybe they are smaller. So she is 5'8" with heels on but quite possibly shorter that that. I think Depp looks 2.25 inches taller than her. That would put him at 5'10.25" with footwear. I suspect he is wearing his normal 1.25 inch heel which would make him 5'9" barefoot. In my opinion this makes it that much more believable that Depp is a 5'8" - 5'9" guy. I mean what if Lopez is standing only 5'7" with heels on. That would make Depp 5'9.25" with footwear and 5'8" barefoot.
Click Here
Anonymous said on 23/Feb/08
I've never seen anyone bring up these photos on this page. This is Johnny Depp with Jennifer Lopez. Lopez is stated to be 5'5" or possibly shorter. I haven't been able to see her heels so I'm saying she is wearing a max of 3 inch heels but maybe they are smaller. So she is 5'8" with heels on but quite possibly shorter that that. I think Depp looks 2.25 inches taller than her. That would put him at 5'10.25" with footwear. I suspect he is wearing his normal 1.25 inch heel which would make him 5'9" barefoot. In my opinion this makes it that much more believable that Depp is a 5'8" - 5'9" guy. I mean what if Lopez is standing only 5'7" with heels on. That would make Depp 5'9.25" with footwear and 5'8" barefoot.
Click Here
glenn said on 23/Feb/08
false.nothing to do with dvd stills or camera angles.when you meet these celebs in the flesh,its totally different.orlando was 6ft first time i saw him.depp 5-11.orlando was 5-10.5,5-10.25 second time i saw him.so he is the lower figure at least.my friends see depp all the time and they say 5-10.i havnt seen depp in 12 years.so he is at least 5-9,and 5-10 possible.orlando an inch taller than depp either way at least.orlando could very well be 5-11 in the morning.
Anonymous said on 23/Feb/08
I agree with everything you said Aratirion but I believe Depp is in the 5'8 - 5'9" range and not the 5'9"-5'10" range. In other words I would say Depp is not smaller than Humphrey Bogart and not taller than Marlon Brando. I believe Orlando Bloom is in the 5'9"-5'10" range and not the 5'10"-5'11" range. A camera can create the illusion that you look heavy or thin and tall and short.
Aratirion said on 21/Feb/08
Orlando Bloom is definitely no smaller than 5'9, what is also very unlikeable; Bloom has to be around 5'10.5 in the morning and about 5'10 in the evening. No matter what magazines and people tell you, ask someone who has seen him (glenn) and who has got experience in height judging (glenn) and he will tell you. There is also no picture where he is in any way smaller than, let's say Keira Knightley in heels (-->1.76/1.77), and there's so much more evidence.
Johnny Depp is about an inch smaller I'd say, so 5'9 evening, 5'9.5 morning. I think that's more than accurate for both.
C. said on 21/Feb/08
I think the reason why they say Bloom is "small" or "tiny" is because he's a friggin' stick. And while most young women like both Depp and Bloom, overall Depp wins hands down because he appeals to just about everyone. I never understood the hype about Orlando Bloom to be honest.
Anonymous said on 21/Feb/08
You say you saw him look 5'11". Okay, so you are telling me Depp looked 6 foot plus with his boots on... The only logical explanation for Depp appearing anywhere close to 5'11" is because of some serious footwear. Glenn, how tall are you.... exact, casual stance, morning and evening with no exaggerated stance. How many times have you encountered Depp within range of being able to touch him? What footwear did he have on? What footwear did you have on?
glenn said on 20/Feb/08
its not crazy cause ive seen him look 5-11ish in the early 90s.so he is between 5-9 to 5-10.
Anonymous said on 20/Feb/08
Brapp is making an excellent point. I've been told by someone who worked on a Bloom film that he was small. The person that told me was 5'6". If Piers Morgan says Bloom is tiny he must be no taller than 5'10". This is why I truly believe Bloom is between 5'9" and 5'10". This also makes Depp an inch shorter at 5'8"-5'9". I think it is crazy that people think he is or was taller than 5'9" when he stood no taller than Marlon Brando in Don Juan. I can absolutely see Johnny Depp being exactly 5'8.75" - 5'9" in the morning and falling to 5'8.25" - 5'8.5" in the evening. It is easy for someone to say they are 1 inch taller than they really are unless they are standing next to someone close to their height. In fact most people probably already think they are an inch taller than they really are.
glenn said on 19/Feb/08
i heard men call gibson and crowe short.not women.
JDizzle said on 19/Feb/08
I think its funny that that Dijana says you need to be over 6'1 to be a man... lol, maybe thats cuz sitting at 180cm, youre half-man yourself.
brapp said on 19/Feb/08
piers morgan said in an article about the baftas the other day that Orlando Bloom is absolutely tiny.
And Orlando Bloom is taller than johnny!
About dijana: she was only saying er height preference...she wasn't very tactful, tho and a bit bitchy. But no big deal!
I prefer men above 6'1" too
my personnal preference
glenn said on 18/Feb/08
yup.i got hit with tall woman syndrome recently. thats not true darkfalz.ive heard women say that for ages.
Beatlefan said on 18/Feb/08
I agree Darkfalz Johnny Depp is the coolest guy in Hollywood. Most of the women I have met absolutely love him too. As for Dijani forget 'Small guy syndrome', some of the nicest people I have met have been short guys. The worst complex of them all is the 'Tall woman syndrome', best keep away from them really as they seem to hate almost everyone apart from other really tall people.
Darkfalz said on 16/Feb/08
I always thought he was taller, primarily for the reason so many women, shallow creatures that they are, are in "love" with him yet they never say "if only he were taller" and other such crap that has been said about Tom Cruise,
Mel Gibson and even Russell Crowe.
Anonymous said on 12/Feb/08
Nicely said Antoine, yeah that bratt is very shallow... Johnny Depp's height suits him, his not going for that masculent look, but more of a cool don't give a crap about what other people think look.
chris175 said on 8/Feb/08
good job leonari! im sticking with rob on this one, depp seems 5-9
Antoine said on 6/Feb/08
Some of the most powerful men in history were short...some of thebest actors are short. Means nothing! Height is relative. I was in the navy with guys who were 5'11 and up who were real bonafide wimps...big burly guys who thought themselves tough until it came time to swim for 3 miles non-stop!!! A man is measured by his intelligence and heart. At least thats the way it should be...Dijana hasa right to sat what she feels as we all do...I absolutely do not agree with her, and think she is pretty shallow and ridiculous but those too are my opinions.
leonari said on 6/Feb/08
Derbi: Thank you. I appreciate it. I lose my temper with chicks like that. No really. I am a very kind person but to discriminate others especially if they are average height I simply lose it (And when talking bout Johnny Depp one of my favorite actors I get angry).
I will tell you where all these fools come from who say 176-178 cm is short: they come from a country I call "The home of giant idiots"....there you have it.
Joao said on 5/Feb/08
So.. a real man must be tall..lol
don t know wath is going on in "turquia", but, at my country (Portugal) we don t need to be tall to be considered man! i'm 1,71cm and i cannot complain myself.
i've the girls that i want (and not only here!bcause i work at Paris sometimes, and the french girls don t have problems with my height, and u can bet that they are big enough...)you know, we, the latin people we are not very tall, but you can bet that we have luck with the womens!!
ask to the english womens that come here (portugal) every time searching for us......and they are big...the english ones......
about deep.. before i think that he was 1,78cm, but not shure..
if you are 173cm ,glenn, he as shurely 175cm/176cm, so u have right..
derbi said on 5/Feb/08
haha I just read Dijana's post. I just had to laugh at it, really poor... Leonari, you're the man to take care of people like that!!!!!! 100% right...
turkish said on 4/Feb/08
a real man is tall, mightily shouldered and deep of chest, with a massive corded neck and heavily muscled limbs, volcanic eyes that smoulder as if with some inner fire. something akin to conan the barbarian or beowulf
glenn said on 4/Feb/08
foriegners have a tendency to express themselves,what appears to be rude to us.not to them.keep that in mind also.
Aratirion said on 4/Feb/08
Alright, I think we gave Dijana enough attention. I would say we should come back to Johnny.
D. Ray Morton said on 4/Feb/08
"glenn says on 4/Feb/08
albi is right."
Albi is 100% right. But I think Dijana was first with the insults. "I like men 6'1" and over" is an expression of preference. "A man under 6'1" is not really a man" is either an insult or a very clumsy use of language (probably both in this case).
glenn said on 4/Feb/08
albi is right.but we have a right to express ourselves too.
C. said on 3/Feb/08
Dijana says on 3/Feb/08
Great face - shame about the height. He really can not be classified as a great looking man because a man under 6'1 is not really a man in my books, especially since I'm 182cm. Seriously, his height is a let down. Even in films, they need to cheat. I wonder if it bothers him...? I bet it does. I suppose this is why he could never put in a realistic performance of a Greek or Roman god, or larger than life characters. The weird and woeful personas are perfect for him because these types are usually small and ratty.
You seriously have to be joking. Not to mention you've made yourself a utter fool on this site. I highly doubt Depp has any problems about his height (as if he needs to be; there's nothing wrong with 5'9") or attracting women. And what does 6'1" have to do with anything? Just because you're 182 cm you look down and cast stones at men who aren't 6'1"?
Johnny Depp could be 5'2" or 6'2" as far as I'm concerned. All that matters is that he's a great actor (and good looking to boot). After all, he's the one making all of the money, yet he's not considered a real man? I don't think you'd appreciate it if someone said you weren't a real woman since after all, you are around 7"-8" taller than the average female (which would make you equivalent to a 6'5" male).
Seriously, get over yourself.
leonari said on 3/Feb/08
D. Ray Morton> I wish I would have zour faith in humanity. I am confident she was 1000 % serious. Unfortunately.
GSP said on 3/Feb/08
So your not a man unless your over 6'1? GTFO
troll. Like 10% or so of males are over 6'1 if that. So your saying over 90% of hollywood actors are not men due to thenm not being a couple inches furthur from the ground?
I assume from your name your female. At 182 cm you are about as superficially handicapped as a 5'7 man. Trying to make yourself feel better?
How does this make you feel. Any woman over 5'8 is not a real woman shes an ogre.
Thats equivalent to saying any man under 6'1 is not a man. Both are ridiculous statments.
Rubbish post.
D. Ray Morton said on 3/Feb/08
Dijana was only trying to get a rise out of people. That couldn't have been a serious post.
leonari said on 3/Feb/08
Here I am Glenn!!!!!
Dijana: You are a woman right?? You are one of the most shallow posters ever. And I am one of the most active posters for over 3 years!!!!
Johnny not a real man?? I pitty you. You are a superficial , stupid gal who has her brains in her legs!!
Like Aratirion says : You are the freak. You are like among the 3 % of amazonian chicks and instead of keeping a low profile you brag about it. You don't seem to underatsnd that only a minority of men are truly 6'1" and above. Like 10-15 % max. What can you do with your height? Model? Well thats the only job where your height will be beneficial. (but I think you are as ugly from the outside as you are ugly from the inside. Fool! Sorry I am getting rude now... I shouldn't. But when Johnny Depp gets dissed, I just lose it.
glenn said on 3/Feb/08
wheres leonari when you need him.he loves guys like dijana.
Aratirion said on 3/Feb/08
Sorry but what you say is just crap ... Why should he shame about his height? Just because he is smaller than, let's say 3% of all women on this planet? Come on, not even you would turn down Depp, just because he is 5'9!
I guess you're just frustrated because it's harder to find men with your height ... (a man under 6'1 is not really a man? ... ridiculous; in almost every western country average is 5'10 ... are these guys and those that are 2 inches taller than average no men?)
Dijana said on 3/Feb/08
Great face - shame about the height. He really can not be classified as a great looking man because a man under 6'1 is not really a man in my books, especially since I'm 182cm. Seriously, his height is a let down. Even in films, they need to cheat. I wonder if it bothers him...? I bet it does. I suppose this is why he could never put in a realistic performance of a Greek or Roman god, or larger than life characters. The weird and woeful personas are perfect for him because these types are usually small and ratty.
glenn said on 29/Jan/08
jerry could be 5-7 also.and a slight lift.
Aratirion said on 29/Jan/08
Yeah that's right, but I wouldn't make a calculation because of his frame; A lot of people think that I'm smaller than I'm actually are, because I got very broad shoulders and a muscular body. A friend of mine (mentioned him already) has a completely different body frame (slim) and is just 2 cm taller but is considered to be a lot taller than me, even when I'm taller due to footwear. Body frame can fool people a lot. I think it's similar in Jerry's case, just to the opposite.
Because at least on this picture (leaving aside footwear) there seems to be no more than an inch difference, maybe even less. (and Johnny who is at least 5'9 hasn't got small footwear) I don't think a person that is a lot smaller than 5'8 could ever look that tall on a full body shot beside someone who is 5'9. For me there are just two explanations. Jerry is a legit 5'8 or he wears big lifts.
But it's just one picture and you have seen these guys many times so you got the point.
glenn said on 29/Jan/08
orlando is clearly taller.jerry is the reverse of most of these celebs to me.he has a habit of looking shorter to me.look at the shoulders with depp and bruck.weird body frame this guy has if he is a legit 5-8.
glenn said on 28/Jan/08
correct aratirion.
Aratirion said on 28/Jan/08
I found a great picture of Johnny, Bloom and Jerry Bruckheimer;
Click Here I guess we can assume that no one has shoe advantage or let's say not more than 1cm. If Jerry would stand straight there would be about 2cm difference between him and Depp (I think this clearly proves that Bruckheimer is a legit 5'8). Bloom doesn't stand straight either so the difference between him and Depp would be another 3cm. 1.73/72 Jerry --> 1.75 Depp --> 1.78 Bloom (evening of course)
Is that how it could be?
Aratirion said on 28/Jan/08
Oh, ok thanks for explanation. Yeah, you're right, a friend of mine is nearly 5'10 (1.77) and he can look close to my 5'9 cause I'm wearing boots (3cm heel) very often and then we look about the same height. I think it's really hard to tell peoples height that exactly. So I guess it's far more accurate if we assume Depp's height to be between 1.75 and 1.77 as morning heights ...
glenn said on 27/Jan/08
5-10 men can look shorter.and we argue about it on the site.stallone,damon,possibly depp,possibly young deniro,young nicholson.possibly mel gibson.
Aratirion said on 27/Jan/08
Do you mean this scene?
Click Here He looks about 5'9 here, if Franka is 5'8 ...
@glenn: don't really understand your post (english is not my motherlanguage)
Aratirion said on 27/Jan/08
Her name is Franka Potente, she's a german actress. She must be around 5'8 or maybe even slightly taller because some people say she looked pretty close to 5'10 Damon in the Bourne movies ...
glenn said on 26/Jan/08
5-10 celeb men are the basis of all arguments here on the site.so anything is possible.
nick said on 26/Jan/08
in the film 'blow', he appears next to the actress who plays jason bornes love interest in the first bourne film... cant remember her name.
anyway, she is listed at 5'8 i think, and appears exactly the same height as depp in 1 shot ( her shoes are giving her roughly 1.5 inches, and depps in what appear to be dress shoes), these shots, in my opnion, give the impression of 5'9 barefoot.
Aratirion said on 26/Jan/08
I still think that the reason for Johnny looking tall is his build; when he's wearing normal jeans and boots he can look quite tall because his feet are quite thin (arrested new york); when he has roomy clothing on he appears smaller (5'8ish) because you don't realise his thin feet(arrested in england). I guess that's why he can look tall on many pictures ...
But as Glenn said, he can also appear 5'11 when you meet him in person, so 5'8 or 5'7 is ridiculous for him; 5'10 too much though;
glenn said on 25/Jan/08
yup,those are the pics.great work.he can give the illusions of 5-8 to 6ft.truly amazing.the crazy part is i saw depp at 5-11 right before the arrest.so it wasnt that much of a bad judgement at shoddy pics as one here thinks.i wasnt in england.lol.
Aratirion said on 25/Jan/08
I think I found the england pics;
Click HereHe trully looks 5'8ish there ... But the cop to his left must have been quite tall too, otherwise he wouldn't tower that much over johnny.
glenn said on 25/Jan/08
alot posts were lost as rob puts it.i was saying if you had no attitude,i apoligize.but you need to reread my posts.your putting down our findings.that cop cant be 5-2,5-3. 5-5 would make the most sense.that makes depp the 5-11 i saw.theres better pics taken seconds before not posted.
UNK said on 24/Jan/08
"Attitude" - What are you talking about? I have no idea how tall the men around him are, what the slope of the pavement is, what the shoe advantage is, etc.?
glenn said on 23/Jan/08
the england pics were in a tabloid,probably star,1998 was the year for sure.depp had a piece of wood hiding underneath his arm while trying to attack photogs.
glenn said on 23/Jan/08
whats with your attitude unk?.what do you have to offer?.i was around when he was arrested.these pics prove he was the 5-11 i saw.i saw him the night before.where were you? my point was he can look tall.
UNK said on 23/Jan/08
That arrest pic proves nothing at all.. I thought we were beyond going off of pics like that.
Aratirion said on 23/Jan/08
Very interesting, glenn; Do you think you can find them? (arrested in england)
metalmaster said on 23/Jan/08
yes is incredible johnny can look sometime 6ft,5-11,5-9...its very strange
glenn said on 22/Jan/08
yup.good work metal master.there is another pic a second before that on where he looks 6ft easy.those were the days and the outfit where id bump into him looking 5-11.whats the cop? 5-5? tops.giving the illusion of smaller to me.why do the hire clowns like that? is he wearing anything similiar in my pic? have to check.theres pics of him getting arrested in england i havnt seen since 1999 where he looks 5-8 tops.the cops look 6-3 to 6-5 this time.or at least the illusion of.
metalmaster said on 22/Jan/08
glenn says on 18/Jan/08
im not sure of anything except that depp and orlando both can look 5-11.i was looking at that famous mark hotel room trashing arrest pic,where the arresting cop had to be 5-2 if depp was 5-8.depp looks 6ft next to what has to be a 5-5 cop.serious.maybe it can be googled.1994.full body head to toe.the tallest ive seen depp ever.and those were the days id bump into him looking 5-11.
glenn do you refer to this picture?
here he looks tall
Click Here
metalmaster said on 21/Jan/08
for me johnny is 5-8 morning and a little under at night,with cowboy boots he can look 5-10 with hair a little more
anyway 5-8 for me
Aratirion said on 21/Jan/08
Yeah sure, very possible. My father is 3 years older than Depp and he shrunk already 1cm. But he had a lot of knee accidents/operations and back problems/operations ... So I would assume that Johnny may have lost about one cm too. That's why I said below that I think he was 1.77 (morning) back in the 90s (with big shoes, let's say 4cm heel he can look 5'11+; that's why he (did he himself?) claimed 5'10), and maybe 1.76 (morning) nowadays and 1.75 evening.
ACG said on 20/Jan/08
glenn says on 19/Jan/08
its two things.shrinkage or lifts.or both.
could someone depp's age really have shrunk already?
g said on 20/Jan/08
when I see johnny, his body built seems like my dad, who is 1.74, I think he is 1.74 and 1.75 at mornings
Aratirion said on 20/Jan/08
Very good study; Hmm, I saw the movie one, two months ago and I can't really remember the height differences ... All i can underwrite is that Langella wasn't that much taller than Depp (only 4 or 5 inches as you said); additionally Johnny's posture's looking quite 5'9ish on this picture (more 5'10 with shoes on):
Click Here
anonymous said on 20/Jan/08
Rob, the link below isn't working properly. This should. This is the link for Emmanuelle Seigner.
Click Here
anonymous said on 20/Jan/08
This is the link for Emanuelle Seigner.
Click Here
anonymous said on 19/Jan/08
I've studied the film the Ninth Gate extensively (scenes camera angles, footwear, etc). In this movie Emmanuelle Seigner is constantly with Johnny Depp. She is known to be between 5'7" - 5'8", and approximately 5'7.5" barefoot.
Click Here Throughout the movie she is wearing little sneakers between .5" and 1". I'd give them .75" at the most. This means that she should be around 5'8.25" with that footwear on. She appears to have decent posture most of the time. As stated on this site, Depp is 5'9" barefoot. It appears that without any sort of lift his footwear would be a 1.25" - 1.5" boot. I am giving them 1.25". This means that Depp should be around 5'10.25" with that footwear on. You will see that sometimes Depp appears only 1" - 1.5" (boots included) taller than a 5'8.25" (with sneakers) Seigner. This means that in these scenes Depp would be 5'9.25" - 5'9.75
Felix said on 19/Jan/08
Hey! When you first have a look at the left picture with Johnny and Glenn I see Johnny a good bit taller than Glenn, but when you are watching more closley you starting to realise that the diffrence isn't that big (like 1-1,5inch) and what makes this illusions is his built I belive, many people could easily be fooled by this when you se someone at the streets. I think 5'8-5'9 is accurate for Johnny.
glenn said on 19/Jan/08
its two things.shrinkage or lifts.or both.
Aratirion said on 19/Jan/08
Ok, then it's very strange; what is your explanation for this?
Because nowadays I'm pretty sure that he's about 5'9. The most I would give him would be 1.76 (smaller than Theron, about 3cm smaller than Orlando Bloom, so much people that say he's 5'8, what is impossible, indeed) If the shoes are still the same, what could be the reason for him looking 5'11 back then (what he did) and looking 5'10 the most nowadays? I don't think he shrinked a whole inch during the years ...
glenn said on 18/Jan/08
no, the same boots he always wears.no heels.he was 5-11,a hair more.
Aratirion said on 18/Jan/08
Yeah, maybe really tall shoes back then; because recently he never looks 5'11 (if you subtract the soles height);
@Leung: Quite accurate estimates! Just one thing about Astronauts Wife; We compared the picture, indeed, and he looked about one cm smaller, not more, but I've seen the movie some days ago and he trully looked about 2, sometimes maybe even 3 cm smaller (barefoot) throughout the whole movie. But the longer I think about that the more I start to believe that Charlize Theron has to be 1.78 at least. If the evening scenes (barefoot) were really shot in the evening too then Depp is 1.75 and Theron 1.77/78, which would make her 1.78/79 in the morning. (I guess she doesn't know her exact height as she said 5'9/5'10 in an interview and 5'10 seems very possible for her, if you ask me)
glenn said on 18/Jan/08
im not sure of anything except that depp and orlando both can look 5-11.i was looking at that famous mark hotel room trashing arrest pic,where the arresting cop had to be 5-2 if depp was 5-8.depp looks 6ft next to what has to be a 5-5 cop.serious.maybe it can be googled.1994.full body head to toe.the tallest ive seen depp ever.and those were the days id bump into him looking 5-11.
Leung said on 17/Jan/08
Not bad but I do disagree on a couple of things. Firstly, there is not 4cm difference between Bloom and Depp, in many instances they look similar in height but I think Bloom is very likely to be 2cm taller.
And secondly, we compared barefoot Theron with barefoot Depp in Astronauts Wife and the difference is minimal, maybe 1cm in Theron
Aratirion said on 17/Jan/08
Quite accurate, but i would just upgrade Johnny a bit;
Bloom 1.79 morning/ 1.78 evening
Theron 1.77 (i can't really tell her morning or ev. height, all i know is that she is taller than Johnny)
Johnny 1.76 morning/ 1.75 evening
Stench said on 17/Jan/08
I highly believe in this:
Bloom 178.5
Theron 177
Johnny 174.5
Aratirion said on 17/Jan/08
That's true glenn, but there are a lot pictures where he seems 5'9 (which is impossible for him, indeed) and we shouldn't forget that he is smaller than Viggo Mortensen and Ian McKellen (who are both around 5'11); That's why I think 1.79 morning and about 1.78 evening for Bloom (including his dress shoes he can seem 5'11 to 6ft); Johnny Depp is about 1 - 1.5 inches smaller, I'm pretty sure about that, because Orlando is slouching a lot in pictures where you see them together and is still at least 2 cm taller.
What we can be pretty sure of is that Johnny is smaller than Charlize Theron (who, herself says that she is 5'9/5'10; 5'10 is more accurate though) which makes him 5'9 evening and Orlando at least 5'10 evening;
glenn said on 16/Jan/08
exactly.we will never know for sure.last time i saw orlando he seemed 5-10.25 late at night.but first time he was 6ft late at night.so 5-11 for him i thought made the most sense.
chris175 said on 16/Jan/08
hes no 6 footer anyway, ive been lookin at some pics here and reading some comments, i would go with about 5-8.5, its very hard to tell though, still a great actor
Aratirion said on 16/Jan/08
I mean, I'm not sure, but it would be quite accurate though; Somewhere around 1.79 means about 1.78 in the evening. (5'10 evening for Bloom means 5'9 evening for Depp, which is very possible too) But we still don't know what actually got measured in that clip as it was just an overlay voice, that mentioned those 5'10.5 ...
Aratirion said on 16/Jan/08
I guess it was morning height, at madame tussauds.
glenn said on 16/Jan/08
bloom can look 5-11 or taller in public.i guess 5-10.5 is his official true height though.but they measure orlando later in the day or straight out of bed?
Brandon B. said on 15/Jan/08
Why does it bother you people (some) that johnny isn't tall? I mean 5'8 isn't short anyway so what's the big deal if his height is 5'7 or 5'8? That doesn't change anything about him. and for "stench" do you watch POTC? Orlando blooom is supposedly 5'10 right? So think about it. He's obviously taller than Johnny. Do the math.
paul said on 15/Jan/08
he does slouch so he can look quite short and when he keeps a good posture he can look quite tall i saw him next to orlando bloom and they look even and orlando is quite tall like 5"10 and can get to look 5"11 witch is tall anywhere so im gonna guess he is 5"9 and maybe in morning time even 5"10 believe me he is not short hes is kind of average and can look slightly above average when wanted
Aratirion said on 15/Jan/08
Yeah glenn, I know, peoples impression of Depp can vary a lot, it's just funny (and interesting) that it is so;
There were a lot of scenes where both were barefoot and Theron looked about 2cm taller (never 1.5 inches!) than him considering slouching and all that. I would be very surprised if Johnny was the same height or even taller; The angle might have been unfavorable sometimes but I clearly got the impression that she was slightly taller. But I'm pretty sure that Johnny is no smaller than 5'9! Absolutely impossible if you ask me ...
glenn said on 14/Jan/08
i told it few times here.2 different magazines,same moment,one said he was small and petite,the other said "at nearly 6ft tall", both for depp.around the same time i read mel gibson stating he was 5-11! and that he wanted to dispel rumors that he is short.
Anonymous said on 14/Jan/08
I think Theron is even slouching to make the difference in height look smaller. I think she is 1-1.5 inches taller than Johnny. Johnny is most likely in the 5'8" - 5'9" range. I doubt he is 5'9" - 5'10", otherwise people would not say he is small. Someone standing a solid 5'10.5" - 5'11" with boots on would not look small in stature to the average man or woman.
Aratirion said on 14/Jan/08
Someone below said, Depp looks a clearly inch smaller than Charlize Theron in Astronauts wife; I'm gonna watch the movie today and then I can tell you my impressions ...
The London premiere; He looks rather 5'9ish on most pictures if you ask me. But there are some, I confess, where he looks taller than that.
By the way; Recently I read a report of the "P"s gig in Vienna (His band was playing there, and as I'm austrian I was interested), and there they wrote "... when suddenly a small man came out of the subway station ... when I realised that it was Johnny Depp ...". So he can seem short to people who met him. But, no doubt, 5'11ish either.
Leung said on 13/Jan/08
Anonymous, that picture is useless because there is nobody to compare Depp with. In my opinion Depp is clearly somewhere between 5
Anonymous said on 12/Jan/08
Internet hey, I don't think he looks 5'10" at the London premiere.
Click Here
Stench said on 12/Jan/08
Brandon B. you're fake.. or show a proof!
Brandon B. said on 12/Jan/08
Sorry guys but I'm really good friends with Johnny and his real height is 5'7 or 5'8 on good days.
internet_hey said on 11/Jan/08
check out the photo gallery from Todd Sweeney London premiere
Click HereHe looks 5'10" there, not the 5'8" claimed by Vanessa.
glenn said on 11/Jan/08
and he can look short.hence he was the one that had me first interested in height years ago. pirate-the one on the left was taken in 1993 in front of his hotel.he didnt like to pose then.much friendlier in later years.the one on the right was taken during the filming of donnie brasco in 1996.he was very friendly.
pirate said on 11/Jan/08
hey glenn, you are so lucky you actually have two pictures with johnny! where were these taken?
Stench said on 11/Jan/08
I think Vanessa is right
Click Here
Aratirion said on 11/Jan/08
Yes, absolutely. But his soles must have been enormous. Maybe really lifts. I never thought so, but when I think of the 6/7 cm difference in those recent pics where he is wearing his boots, and now look at this pictures of Leung, I'm not that sure about that anymore.
glenn said on 11/Jan/08
good work leung.he can look tall.
Vanessa said on 10/Jan/08
i saw johnny depp at his movie premiere for "todd sweeney" in London. he was disappointingly short and frail looking. I would say 5'8" at the tallest. He was very amiable with the crowd, but I was shocked with his height!!!
Leung said on 10/Jan/08
Now that we have seen the short photo, let
Anonymous said on 10/Jan/08
I highly doubt that Depp is 5'10". He would be 5'11.5" with his boots on. He would be taller standing next to a 5'7"-5'8" Heather Graham. He would be slightly smaller than Orlando Bloom. Bloom may not even be 5'10.5". Many people believe they are taller than they actually are. I thought I was atleast 5'8" when I am actually only 5'7". I've measured people at 5'11" who thought they were 6 foot, etc. I have a family member whose friend played with the kids. I guess this is when Depp was 18-20. This person may be able to confirm what range Depp is in.
Aratirion said on 10/Jan/08
@derbi; Yeah, I looked at these pictures in adobes photoshop, and after crossing lines and all that I came to the result that the difference is not as much as it looks. But the pictures Tanya linked are better and you can clearly see that Depp is about 2,5 inches smaller. (5'11.5 must be correct for Tim, when he slouches he looks about 5'10)
@glenn; I think if you go back in time you will find a lot of pictures of him looking 5'11; but nowadays he really doesn't look any taller than 5'10 all the time and his posture really makes him appear taller, so I'd still say 5'9 is correct.
lifts; no I don't think he has ever worn lifts not even at the beginning; maybe shoes with thicker soles but I guess he never got something inside his shoes.
derbi said on 10/Jan/08
You guys probably haven't noticed something very improtant in this picture:
Click HereIt's not easy to see but if you look exactly at their feet you can clearly see that depp has a pavement desadvantage. I think there's no way depp is under 5'9". 5'9" is the lowest I can see him at. And 5'10" is also very likely. Would also explain the 5'11" seeings of Glenn. 5'10" people can easily make a 5'11" impression without lifts. And I agree that johnny depp isn't a lift wearer type at all. I'm sure that he doesn't wear the thick soled shoes you can see him wearing sometimes aren't because he wants to look taller. They're just part of hi very personal style...
glenn said on 10/Jan/08
you have to remember and understand that i used to see deep at 5-11 alot.in those boots.or similiar.so if he isnt a lift wearer,then he is his official height of 5-10.people have backed me on that 5-11 who actually met him.burton used to look really tall to me.i could swear 6-1 or so.that mustve been goth boots or something.cause i know its clear he is around 5-11.
Leung said on 9/Jan/08
I also share the opinion that there is nothing in Depp