How tall is Mel Gibson - Page 4

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Average Guess (241 Votes)
Peak: 5ft 9in (175.3cm)
Current: 5ft 8.64in (174.3cm)
Rich said on 7/Mar/11
Mel Gibson's ABSOLUTE PEAK height (perhaps in his earlier days) I'd say would be: Morning - 5ft9, Afternoon - 5ft8.75, Evening - 5ft8.5, Before Bed - 5ft8.25. On other, not so good days, (still keeping to when he was younger) it's likely he would have been around quarter of an inch shorter, making him 5ft8.75 out of bed and 5ft8 before bed. He may have lost a tiny bit of his peak height through age but not much. Now, on a GOOD day, I'd say he's a little under 5ft9 out of bed and a little over 5ft8 before bed. Again, at his age now, on a NOT SO GOOD day, he maybe 5ft8.5 in the morning and a little under 5ft8 before bed. I don't think he's as short as some people say he is. I think one of the reasons some are surprised by his height when they see him is because they have an image of him being 6ft+ which sometimes seems to be the expected height of the 'strong' action-type movie stars.
Jess said on 3/Mar/11
He looks around the 5ft,10" mark.
vicki said on 1/Mar/11

Yes I totally agree with you, all this hollywood celeb thing is just a trickery of the imagination and really it does not exist.I cant understand why my post was deleted off here, did i say something wrong admin? :)
burby said on 28/Feb/11
Maybe he's on a box with Kurt?
Bon_ said on 27/Feb/11
@ vicki

of course he is quite short in reality. But he's the A list actor, he cannot afford himself to be known as about this $hitty modern fag society.
Everything is so fake.
TruebloodFan said on 27/Feb/11

'I would never say Gibson is 6 ft, unless standing on a box of course.'

ye, I'm aware of that. but you would say Brosnan is 5ft8, which is hilarious, far from 'witty'...lmao
Bon_ said on 26/Feb/11
@ TruebloodFan

Bad attempt of saying something witty. I would never say Gibson is 6 ft, unless standing on a box of course.
Bon_ said on 26/Feb/11
@ burby

I agree. 5'7.25 max in the evening ever in his life is what's right on the money.
burby said on 23/Feb/11
5"9 tall? 5 inches and 9 mm tall? The audio tapes must have really cut him down to size.
burby said on 19/Feb/11
Watch him in Tequila Sunrise, he's looking up to legit 5'9" Kurt Russell and the other males. Really concerned, he's a short, mean, nasty guy. The tapes just "prooved" it. G2 was barely taller than original G......
PHR said on 17/Feb/11
he looks 5'8 most of the time.
Brad said on 17/Feb/11
One word: Short.
tell-em said on 17/Feb/11
hopkins was never 5'9", maybe 5'8.5" but not 5'9".
TruebloodFan said on 17/Feb/11
Hopkins is 5ft8 nowadays, at the age of 70 and change. He was probably 5ft9 peak.

No lifts can make you look over 5ft11 unless you're 175.
tell-em said on 16/Feb/11
same height as 5'8" anthony hopkins in THE BOUNTY
Brad said on 16/Feb/11
More lifts and boot action than most 5' 8" actors by a mile.
Toby said on 15/Feb/11
Gibson is a complete short-ass. I think he may have an insecurity about it
TruebloodFan said on 14/Feb/11

just check Gibson next to Kevin Costner, Heath Ledger, and the other 6ft+ers. he's in lifts obivously, but how 'short' could he actually be? the guy looks 5ft11 at times...
Dave said on 14/Feb/11
@TruebloodFan, maybe i wasn't clear enough for you, Mr. Barak CLEARLY STATED as i wrote in the brakets that Mel Gibson was much shorter than him.
I really don't care how tall either of them are, Mel Gibson is one of the actors that i enjoy watching the most, but fact (as stated by Mr. Barak) is a fact.
TruebloodFan said on 13/Feb/11
'In other words Mel Gibson has to be atleast A couple of inches shorter than Mr. Barak right?'

Dave said on 13/Feb/11
True Story!
Few years ago there was a long interview in an Israeli news paper with the current defence minister and previous priminister Ehud Barak, in this article he was asked among other things if he watches movies etc and said he barely has time for it, and rarely gets a chance to watch a movie, as an example he mentioned that in a shop in the usa (if i remember well he said it was in new york) he met the very popular at that time Mel Gibson and he didn't recognize him!! His body guards told him who it was and introduced between them, he said that Mel was really kind and the only thing that surprised him was how short Mel was (much shorter than him), Mr. Barak by the was is about 5"9=175cm barefoot.
In other words Mel Gibson has to be atleast A couple of inches shorter than Mr. Barak right?
Bon_ said on 8/Feb/11
Mel is 5'8 at bestest best.
Bon_ said on 7/Feb/11
@ Truthman

175 cm is not short anywhere, be it old or young, particularly in USA.
Truthman 6 ft 4.5 in said on 6/Feb/11
175cm is average-short, especially in crowd full of fully grown young guys.
JD89 said on 1/Feb/11
he looks 5'9'' in the MAD MAX series, not a tall guy but Max Rockatansky is one of the coolest characters of all time( Kenshiro from the legendary anime FIST OF THE NOTH STAR is based on him)
Bon_ said on 1/Feb/11
but he is not 175 cm...
TruebloodFan said on 1/Feb/11
if 175cm is short, then he's short.
Bon_ said on 31/Jan/11
Mel is short, legit short. No more than that surely.
tell-em said on 29/Jan/11
just watched LETHAL WEAPON. mel looks puny throughout the film especially the final 30 minutes. looks real scrawny and unbelievable. lol at the scene of him fighting 6'0" gary busey. busey looked like a giant gorilla next to mel. and mel's sneakers didnt help him either. no way is mel 5'9.5" hes 5'8". weak 5'9" at best.
burby said on 20/Jan/11
If he's 5'10", he wouldn't be standing on a box with a person who would be only 1" taller.
Brad said on 17/Jan/11
Look at him running towards the camera in the field in Braveheart, that's one short A-list actor. He wore chunky stuff in his first films even back then. Paranoid guy.
TruebloodFan said on 13/Jan/11
Pitt was 40 in 'Troy'. try weightlifting when you're 40 w/o juice. you'll see your 15 pounds in 6 months. you've trained for 4 years to have 10kg more muscle mass than it's usual for a 5ft9er. usual 5t9er weight is 70kg. that's exactly what I said, 2.5kg of lean muscle mass per year Clay. and you're suggesting that Pitt at the age of 40 gained 15pounds (of what mucle/fat ratio) in 6 months? he achieved in 6 months what has taken you 2-3 years to do it. right.
Frankstein said on 12/Jan/11
Honestly Rob, how did you come up with 177cm after writing those things?
Mr. Kaplan said on 11/Jan/11
Even in the Raiders days, Ford was a strong six feet at best.
TruebloodFan said on 11/Jan/11
@Mr. Kaplan says on 10/Jan/11
No he isn't today. But in 1997 at the age of 55 he still was. When Pitt comes to his house in that movie 'The Devil's Own', Pitt is as tall if not a cm taller. The rest of the movie...Pitt looks a cm or 2 shorter. And Ford in Star Wars is as legit 6ft1 flatas it can ever get.

@Clay says on 10/Jan/11

Clay, have you ever trained for muscle mass? Do you know anything about gaining muscle? Do you know how much does a man's testosterone level decrease after the age of 30? U still have it enough, but not enough to look like Pitt looked in 'Troy' even after 6 months. If you're 20-28/9 years old u can get about 2.5kg lean muscle mass per year. Up to 5kg if you're Arnie or such guys, but Pitt clearly isn't one of those easy-gainers. 6 moths would give him 1.25 kg o lean muscle mass on his entire body, not to mention the fat which goes as well...However on juice you can get 5kg of lean muscle mass in 6 moths. If he got that much and say 1-2kg fat that's 70-80% more muscular look.
For Craig I'm not sure, but in the new 'Cowboys and Aliens' trailer he looks very skinny. Either he went so skinny on purpose or he's naturally that skinny, like Clooney, and just took juice for 'Casino Royale'.

@Brad says on 10/Jan/11

Gibson looked a weak 5t9 in Braveheart. Earlier you said he even looked 5ft7. Maybe to you, not to me.
Mr. Kaplan said on 10/Jan/11
Ford isn't a "legit" 6'1". It's very doubtful he was ever 6'1" in his life, let alone at 68.
TruebloodFan said on 10/Jan/11
Pitt looks 180cm to me Brad. Clooney isn't below 177cm. And they both wear lifts! Pitt looked a cm taller than legit 6ft1 Harrison Ford on occasions. Damon is 5cm shorter than Pitt and can achieve looking strong 5ft11. No way could he ever achieve it if he was 5ft8.
burby said on 10/Jan/11
G2 is on the periodic table of elements, no one wants to touch it.....
5'7.37 said on 9/Jan/11
Actually I never noticed how short were Gibson and Damon, what I noticed was the inconsistency of Clooney and Pitt's listed height: 6', Brad always looks 1.5" taller, and Clooney looks like a 5'11-5'10.5 guy, Pitt probably around there, maybe even shorter without his customs. I'd say Damon is a strong 5'9, there's a picture of him and Clooney on sandals, and the height difference was minimum. Gibson does indeed look short on Mad Max, but maybe that's because most australian actors are taller than average, anyways, based on his earlier films he looks around 5'9. A 5'8 could be possible, altough he's great in hiding that.
Brad said on 9/Jan/11
Trueblood ought to talk to the italian footwear maker to the stars in Hollywood, he makes built up customs. At a worth of over 500 million Mel can afford the best, Matt too. The line-up in Cannes overlooking the ocean with the Oceans cast spoke volumes about Matt's height, he was the short guy with Clooney & Pitt, even Andy.
TruebloodFan said on 9/Jan/11

The guy is probably very similar in height to Gibson, 176-7 works as morning height. I don't know about his shoework in Bourne, it doesn't matter really, we know he wears lifts. He had to have them in 'Dogma' next to Affleck, even in 'Rounders' with Norton. Actually, 'Rounders' is a good movie to observe both Norton's and Damon's height. I've seen it on tv the other day. Famke Jansen is in that movie and Norton standing beside her. She is over 180cm I'd bet(and listed as such here) but very good proportions. Watch 'The Talented Mr. Ripley', he's barefoot in more than enough scenes and tall enough for a legit 5ft9. More than that is questionable. Those guys are on the shorter side of average.
I believe he's your height exactly and an inch taller than me. I'm 172.6 after 20 hours awake and 173.5 mid-day.
Pit said on 9/Jan/11
@ TruebloodFan
Right. Potente ist listed at 1.74m many times.
You know Damons Shoework in Bourne?
For me Damon is like 1.75m, maybe 1.76m-1.77.
Cant belive he is much taller then me, and i´m 1.75.4, standing straight.
G-MANN said on 9/Jan/11
Why are some people here calling Mel "G2"? I haven't heard of this nickname, what does it mean?
TruebloodFan said on 8/Jan/11
but Brad insists that one inch IS a BIG difference. I agree with him on that, there is a big difference between 5ft8 and 5ft9. At 5ft7, 5ft7.5, 5ft7.75, 5ft8 and 5ft8.5 ure in the 'grey zone' between short and average. Nobody sees you as short(except 5ft7 flat), but people don't concider you average either. 175cm is the first height where you're concidered average. Everything under that is seen as under average/short. No way Gibson or Damon are 177 or 178 because then they'd always be higher than Kurt Russel in Gibson's case, and Gwyneth Paltrow in Damon's case. Brad insists on 'the box' in Year of Living Dangerously, he isn't serious really. I've seen the movie last week. 180cm Sigourney Weaver is barefoot or in balerina shoes most of the time, Gibson is in lifts and voila, they look the same height. In the 'by the pool scene' when they meet, Gibson even seems slightly taller, but probably the camera angle. Brad places 'Tequila Sunrise' as corpus delicti, although Gibson has the flattest sneakers possible, it's clearly visible. Russell is suited and wears normal shoes. His 175+2-3cm shoe make him look 5t10. Gibson is in flats and he's 2-3 cm taller = 5ft9 flat.
About way could he look as tall he looked in 'Dogma' or 'The Talented Mr. Ripley' if he was 5ft8...Furtheron next to Franka Potente in 'The Bourne Identity'...dude I haven't seen Damon or Gibson ever, but I have seen Franka Potente, and she's 5ft9, and a strong one. the math.
tell-em said on 7/Jan/11
like 5'8" 5'9" is a complete difference. damon looks like a 5'9" man but not 5'8"? 1 inch, hell even 2 is not a BIG difference, but more 1. if i had to guess how tall damon looked in that film i would have said between 5'7"-5'9"
Brad said on 7/Jan/11
He lives in heels/lifts/boots. No, not TTMR. Oceans...look at him with GC & BP, any scene, any movie, he can't get near the 5' 10" dynamic duo. Any advance word on The Green Hornet? Does it smell? Gibson is rarely ever seen without his customs...when he does, oye vey, long shot, cast short running with him.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Jan/11
177-178cm, he has good posture
TruebloodFan said on 7/Jan/11
Brad have u seen 'The Talented Mr. Ripley'? Damon is barefoot in more than one scene and gives a 5ft9 impression. Take a look at him walking barefoot. If he's 5ft8, he must be a really skinny guy. He doesn't look 5ft10 as he is listed here. Jude Law looks 5ft10-5ft11, but Damon does indeed look 5ft9 flat.
Click Here

You don't have me convinced in Damon's/Gibson's 5ft8. I still think that both Damon and Gibson are 5ft9(a weak 5ft9 is possible) guys who wear lifts and achieve a strong 5ft11 impression.
ACG said on 7/Jan/11
Brad says on 5/Jan/11
Barry never saw the wedges in his customs.

'Cuz they weren't there.....
Brad said on 5/Jan/11
Barry never saw the wedges in his customs.
G-MANN said on 4/Jan/11
I saw Barry Norman in an "Evening with" appearance at a local theatre. He had a funny story about Mel, way back in the 1980s, when Mel was a rising star in Hollywood, he met him at a dinner party at his sister's house (she knew big people in Hollywood) and for some reason he was being cold towards Barry. He then asked him how tall he was. "Just over 6 foot" replied Barry "No, you're not." said Mel, who was several inches shorter (about 5'9" or 5'10" Barry said) So they stood back to back and got someone else there (some Hollywood producer) to compare them. Barry could feel Mel raising himself by standing on tiptoes and the other guy very diplomatically said they were the same height. Finally Mel was satisfied.
Brad said on 4/Jan/11
Damon is a strong 5' 8". Pitt & Clooney are 5' 10". Just watch any Oceans film, he's the short guy with the pair.
tell-em said on 3/Jan/11
hes 5'9" max
krazy krippled! said on 1/Jan/11
Metric, whatever you say, Adrien Brody doesn't look like the type of guy that drinks juice, and he got only 6-7 weeks to get a more than decent physique for Prdators.
Brad said on 31/Dec/10
Mel at 2.5" over a heeled total height Russo at 5' 11'? He'd never be called short, ever. Mel owned a young G (5' 6") in NYC airport paparazzi customs coming in at 5' 11". Mel is like Damon, struggling with customs to be like Pitt/Clooney/Redford etc..
ACG said on 31/Dec/10
Brad says on 30/Dec/10
At 5' 10" with 3" customs he'd be 6' 1" in films, he never is, he's like Matt Damon, always short even with 5' 10" guys.

What are you talking about? He had a clear height advantage over Renee Russo and she was in heels! Let's say Mel was 5'8" and had on 3 inch customs(even though his footwear looked normal). That puts Mel at 5'11". Now Russo is 5'8" and had on normal heels which gave her at least 3 inches. That would make them the same height....but Mel is always clearly taller by 2-3 inches.

That makes for a 5'10" minimum Gibson.

And that's just one small example...he almost always looks at least average height- oh wait, that's because he IS!

A 5'8" Mel Gibson would make a lot of people really short.
Brad said on 30/Dec/10
At 5' 10" with 3" customs he'd be 6' 1" in films, he never is, he's like Matt Damon, always short even with 5' 10" guys.
ACG said on 28/Dec/10
Brad says on 24/Dec/10
On a box with Weaver says it all.

It by "it all" you mean the fact that tabloid magazines make stupid crap up to embarrass big-name stars who aren't six foot plus. Mel's at least 5'10". End of story.
Brad said on 24/Dec/10
He was wearing monster heel/lifts in Lethal Weapon. On a box with Weaver says it all.
Yarod said on 24/Dec/10
on a U-Tube Interview with George Cloony,Gibbo locks min. 1inch over Clooney.So 177m is very good deal for him.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Dec/10
Looked near 5"11 in Lethal Weapon...
burby said on 22/Dec/10
The stockiness just makes him look shorter.
Metric said on 21/Dec/10
Mr Mayfair says on 20/Dec/10
He is rather short = 5'8'' Maybe 5'9'' peak in his bare feet. Kinda small too...160/165 lbs

Kinda small??? What are you talking about?? Gibson is wide as hell. He has some big ass biceps and overall mass. He is closer to 190 lbs.
Malibu said on 20/Dec/10
5'9.5" seems like it may be somewhat accurate. I've stood close to him a few times, and he was a few inches shorter than me, and I am around 6'1" Granted I never looked at his shoes so who knows if he was wearing lifts or something. This was back in 1995.
Mr Mayfair said on 20/Dec/10
He is rather short = 5'8'' Maybe 5'9'' peak in his bare feet. Kinda small too...160/165 lbs.
Brad said on 17/Dec/10
Those are killer boots by Mel. Massive customs. Very short without. This one is iced. Great vid.
TruebloodFan said on 17/Dec/10
Ye I've also read he's been in bar fights fighting guys twice his size, and came on Mad Max audition after one such fight. 5ft9 or 5ft8, who cares, we all know he is among shorter men. Gibson is a maniac, but you've gotta luv that guy. I h8 when they cut his scenes of violence on my national TV. He's just great what that 'lil tomahawk in Patriot, making a mess out of those redcoats(although the movie is historically incorect, same as Braveheart) and he has real life Sly for breakfast any day that's true. And ye, he owns Malibu. lol
ka said on 17/Dec/10
Metric I think Risingforce has posted the Letterman clip with Mel before. If anything the clip proves Mel to be 5'9, like Risingforce has said before
Truthman 6 ft 4.5 in said on 17/Dec/10
Lol! Interesting video. This boots gives him like 3 inches, isn't they?
Metric said on 16/Dec/10
Holy baloney! Look what I found: Click Here

In the beginning Mel stands next to Letterman and looks a healthy 5-11 or so. Then later in the interview Mel takes his weird boots of and all of a sudden looks almost a head shorter than Letterman! Pause at 4:33. Unfortunately the two gents do not stand straight side by side at any time in their socks only but even with the bad camera angles it is OBVIOUS how Mel is wearing lifts on this occasion. He looks VERY short in those socks.

Maybe the only footage ever shot on nationwide television of a MAJOR lift monger in his friggin socks only!

Imagine the same thing happening with Sly. There would be stilts sticking out of his shoes if he took them off. STILTS!

BTW Mel INVENTED the word testosterone. In "Edge of darkness" he looks like he could John Rambo for breakfeast. Also he has been in many crazy bar fights in real life when he was younger. He is a maniac. I sure as hell wouldn´t wan´t to fight him.
French Guy said on 16/Dec/10
I met him, he is a really nice guy, i am 178cm 5"10, and i was in sneakers, and i was taller than him at about 3 or 4 cm and he was in heels so i put him between 1,72-1,74 cm
Brad said on 11/Dec/10
He walks like he's John Wayne, crammed cowboy boots, lifts etc.
Truthman 6'4.5 said on 11/Dec/10
He is 5ft10 at peak (with inch lifts inside shoes), now at 5ft8 barely. And i must admit that he didn't looks short at all beside very tall Glover (he looks close to 6'4 in early movies to me).
Bon said on 8/Dec/10
One thing because of which I hardly can buy him at 5'9 is his movement. He has an an unusually naturally agile movement for a guy that's supposed to be 5ft9+.
I've seen such movement frequency at guys that are barely 5'6.
Mely Mel is probably strong 5'7 on a good day, and not much if any over that at peak.
Brad said on 6/Dec/10
The m drives me crazy, do inches hoss.
Anonymous said on 3/Dec/10
@Brad: Gibson is in 1,75m-1,77m range. He's deffinitely not that short as you noted (1,73m).
Brad said on 2/Dec/10
5' 10" is a joke. With Weaver they did everything, they had to...he's 5' 8".
burby said on 2/Dec/10
Yes Anonymous, we know. Big custom wedge in those cowboy boots.
RisingForce said on 1/Dec/10
Mel didn't look short in Lethal Weapon if Glover was 6'3.5". In the full body shots, I guess I could see as much as 5 inches between them with Mel in cowboy boots with 2 inch heels, but he still looked in the 5'10"-5'11" range in those movies.
theenforcer22 said on 1/Dec/10
the Braveheart star's size has caused some problems on set in the past. When Mel was filming The Year Of Living Dangerously with 5ft 11in Sigourney Weaver, he had to wear built-up shoes and even stand on a box for some scenes to be eye level with his co-star."


Isn't it Weaver's height that is causing the problem here, rather than Gibson's?!!!
Anonymous said on 1/Dec/10
Worked as an extra on Braveheart. Mel is Five Feet Eight. 1.73m.
James said on 30/Nov/10
He's even more 'wild short' with 6'3.5ers like Danny Glover.
Bo said on 28/Nov/10
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo way he's 5'9.5. he's 5'7-5'8
burby said on 23/Nov/10
He looks 5'7" in EOD....
Brad said on 23/Nov/10
Massive customs in the Lethal films, big wedge & heel...he has to he's wild short with 6' 2"ers.
John said on 20/Nov/10
Mel, 5'7. max, in lethal weapon check out those cowboy boots, talk about enhanced heel. Even in those he was cleary 5 inch's shorter than Danny Glover who is said to be 6'2
Brad said on 20/Nov/10
I've seen store boots at 2", he has the big hidden wedge.
TruebloodFan said on 19/Nov/10
so how tall is Gibson in his customs? lets say we don't have a clue about his real height(well we don' but let's say so. and I'm asking u guys how tall is he when he's lifted, customized, elevated, etc.? what height does he hit?
my guess is that he hits 1,81m in 2.5 inch lifts and that's he's 1,75m barefoot.
F50 said on 17/Nov/10
@TruebloodFan: Pitt is in 1,78-1,80m range. By any chance he's not taller than 1,80m and definitely not shorter than 1,78m.
Gibson, as i said, is in 1,75-1,77m range.
@Joseph: that's really bad argument. You would be an "excellent" negotiator in business ;)
burby said on 16/Nov/10
Does he put his customs on with an open hand or a closed fist? AAArgh.....
RisingForce said on 15/Nov/10
Adamz says on 11/Nov/10
RisingForce, how tall are you? Just curious. Taller than 5'9.5" Mel?

No, I'm shorter.
Adamz said on 13/Nov/10
Mel is above 5'8" but not above 5'9" mid-day IMO.
Adamz said on 13/Nov/10
Click Here
Where is the 1.5" difference at? Cant see their footwear but Gibson would be the one to wear lifts if anyone was in this pic. Gibson doesnt strike me as a guy who hits 5'10" out of bed, which is what a 5'9.5" listing suggests.
Anonymous said on 12/Nov/10
just re-watch that vid. gibson is standing straighter than 5'10" parkinson. i'd bet that gibson is at most a weak 5'9" man.
Brad said on 12/Nov/10
Piles on the 4" customs. He's a short A list actor who wants to be known as tall.
Adamz said on 11/Nov/10
RisingForce, how tall are you? Just curious. Taller than 5'9.5" Mel?
Brad said on 11/Nov/10
Big wedge guy. His wallet gets lighter by friday, a few hundred million. The buy-off.
Jack said on 11/Nov/10
Also in that interview with parkinson, mel couldve had some of those heel pad lifts in his shoes and we couldnt even see that, they do have heel pads that you can put in your shoes and no one could never know your wearing lifts, keep that in mind
TruebloodFan said on 9/Nov/10
You'd guess wrong.
Brad said on 8/Nov/10
Look at him running in Braveheart, I'd guess 5' 7" if that was my only gauge on him if he was a nobody.
DejaVu said on 6/Nov/10
Pitt has posture advantage in that photo. David Fincher looks around 6 foot to me next to other celebrities.
Joseph said on 5/Nov/10
I disagree with Truebloodfan, ka, F50 and anyone who agrees with them. How's that for an argument?
ka said on 4/Nov/10
agree to trueblood and F50
TruebloodFan said on 4/Nov/10
@F50 says
agreed. pitt at 180-181 morning, day 179-180, Gibson at 176-7 morning ure right, rest 175, not less.
Brad said on 3/Nov/10
I got a boxer who likes jelly beans.
Joseph said on 3/Nov/10
Larc186-188cm says on 2/Nov/10
Click Here

I see 1,5" of difference between Pitt and Gibson. What do the rest of you think?
F50 said on 2/Nov/10
I'll give him 1,75m (5ft9) or 1,76 (5ft9 1/4).
I'll bet he is deffinitely not less than 1,75m and not taller than 1,77m. Although 1,77 might be his morning height.
burby said on 2/Nov/10
Don't bring up dogs with G2, he threatened to kill Frank Rich's dog. G2 is paranoid about his previous statements and height, dude.
TruebloodFan said on 29/Oct/10
Brad u have a dog in this fight? :)
Brad said on 28/Oct/10
Cowboy boots with packed wedge is the norm.
TruebloodFan said on 27/Oct/10
@ mandilo
I don't think Cruise is below 5ft7. it's just the media and what they did to him after he claimed 5ft9. it's impossible to hide 2 inches of height, but an inch or an inch and a half, it could be pulled of. so if Gibson and say... Sam Worthington claim 5ft10 it's not absurd and they can hide it. to hide more than that - I can't see how it could possibly be done. lifts that could give someone 3 inches? maybe cowboy boots with 'packed wedge' inside hehehe, but then it's already obvious. lifts give those guys in Hollywood around 5-6cm. Gibson never looks 6ft, the tallest he ever looks is 181cm, so Rob, I think you should downgrade him to 5t9 flat, and Cruise could even be 5ft7.75, that's ok.
SHORTASS said on 8/Jul/09
Mel Gibson is 5'10 give or take half an inch, i thought he'd proved this once and for all when he was on the Uk chat show Parkinson, when he stood next to the host who i 5'11 in everday normal liftless shows this just seems to me be endless pointless conjecture.
Haze said on 7/Jul/09
5'8. another avid lift wearer
Aims said on 3/Jul/09
I didn't know he was smaller. To be honest in my opinion I'd like a guy who was at least 5'10". Most girls feel the same. Anything less is really on the short side... :| I'd say mel seems close to 5'10 but I'd have to go with 5'9 to be safe.
Strauss said on 1/Jul/09
Saw Gibson in Maine when filming " man with no face" I was surprised how short he was : 5'8" sounds correct
bam said on 27/Jun/09
I'm perplexed. One minute he's 5'8, another he's described as 5'10 in sandles... That quote should definately be on top of the page rob. Its just plain bizarre.
DMaN said on 26/Jun/09
id say 5foot9.5 in his prime 5foot9 now
Barry Langcaster said on 26/Jun/09
Did see Mel in person back in the 90's did indeed look near 5'9 he did not look short, but I think he might have been wearing boots also.
Frank2 said on 25/Jun/09
"am says on 24/Jun/09
frank2, shalyman isn't 5'11. He is 5'9.5, possibly less. Even glenn said that..."

Anything Glenn said should automatically be considered suspect. But lets say he's correct and that Shalyman is under 5'10". That just makes it all the more evident that Gibson is around 5'8".
Dr. D said on 25/Jun/09
I know it is not that height related - but did ever someone notice that Mel has massive forearms? He does look like a strong guy.
James said on 25/Jun/09
Well maybe the person who saw him that tall in sandlas was overestimating his height.
bam said on 24/Jun/09
frank2, shalyman isn't 5'11. He is 5'9.5, possibly less. Even glenn said that...
Anonymous said on 24/Jun/09
Frank2 says on 24/Jun/09
I've seen Gibson and without the aid of lifts. I'm telling you, he's no more than 5'8". Add lifts and he's 5'11".

Then how do you explain "at least 5-foot-10 in flat sandals"??????
Frank2 said on 24/Jun/09
Mel ceratinly doesn't appear any taller than 5'8" Joaquin Phoenix and is obviously three inches shorter than 5'11" director M. Night Shyamalan:

Click Here

I've seen Gibson and without the aid of lifts. I'm telling you, he's no more than 5'8". Add lifts and he's 5'11".
Editor Rob said on 24/Jun/09
I read an interview from near 10 years ago where the interviewer said "Gibson looks taller than you'd expect, at least 5-foot-10 in flat sandals"
RisingForce said on 23/Jun/09
We can't assume that Antonio because Mel could have a 2 inch cowboy heel/1 inch lift combo which would put his footwear about even with Sly's if Sly was in elevators. In the early 90's Mel almost always wore cowoboy boots, if he had something in them is something nobody knows.

I'm personally not convinced that Mel wears lifts outside of movies, but you never know.
ACG said on 23/Jun/09
between mel and sly only god knows who has the footwear advantage!!!!
Antonio said on 22/Jun/09
... But, guys, can't we assume that Sly has the footwear advantage?
RisingForce said on 22/Jun/09
Mel defintley isn't taller than Sly there. Best case for Mel is they're the same height there, but I'd give Sly a half inch taller there.
peteyork said on 21/Jun/09
Antonio, sly looking up, mel's got him by 2cm, further away from the camera. Also you can not run properly as he did in lethal weopean movies in lifts. I would bet more money he is 5'10 than sly or matt damon. Think Rob's spot on, on mel.
Brad said on 20/Jun/09
Bo0069, you've been reading too much Glenn 0-6. Try June 0-9 and all is fine.
Bo0069 said on 20/Jun/09
Matt Damon is 5'10, so mel gibson should be a strong 5'10-5'11 right???
Antonio said on 18/Jun/09
Mel looks a little taller than Damon. Again though are they heightening?

Click Here
Antonio said on 18/Jun/09
I know this pic has been up before, but thought I should show it again.

Sly appears .5" taller, but is posturing a bit. Again What are they wearing on their feet.

I believe barefoot they are very close to the same height...5-8 & 5-8.5"

Click Here
Barry Langcaster said on 18/Jun/09
I have seen Mel in person back in the 90s he did not look that short I am unsure of him wearing lifts or large footware at the time, did seem a tad under 5'9.5 id say, he appeared around 5'8.75.
James said on 17/Jun/09
rob are you still going to stick to your guns on the 5'9.5 for Mel Gibson. A lot of people seem to think he's only 5'8. Maybe a downgrade to 5'9 in the future?
dman said on 17/Jun/09
id say 5'9" in his prime
Frank2 said on 13/Jun/09
Maybe hard for some to pin down in photos and on film, but not in person. At least not for me.
Brad said on 12/Jun/09
Glenn was correct in that Gibson is very hard to pin down and is all over the place in height. He must have wild custom boots & shoes. He's worth near a billion so he can get the best stealth there is.
TELLEM said on 12/Jun/09
ACG says on 12/Jun/09
Danny, read RisingForce's posts. Gibson is actually in the 5'10 range.

No he's not. Did you watch signs when gibson and joaquin phoenix were barefoot? that wasn't EVEN 2 inches apart.
Zach said on 12/Jun/09
Glenn insisted for a long time here - at least a year - that Gibson was in the 5'7-8 range. Strangely he then started insisting that he was 5'9-10. When I asked him about the discrepencies he said he'd have to meet Gibson again to verify his height.
Brad said on 12/Jun/09
Correct Danny. Hey ACG, take your shoes for a walk on this one, he burnt little G by 2.5.
ACG said on 12/Jun/09
Danny, read RisingForce's posts. Gibson is actually in the 5'10 range.
Danny said on 10/Jun/09
Gibson always looked like a 5ft 7.75 guy to me, not much taller. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt as ever and say 5ft 8, he sure as heck ain't taller than that.
Brad said on 10/Jun/09
He brought out the big boot customs with Seagal. Weaver wears flats in all her films, you can't destroy actors in 3" heels.
James said on 10/Jun/09
Well he did look near 5'10 next to man mountain Steven Seagal.
Frank2 said on 10/Jun/09
"But Russel can look 5'10."

Yeah, I guess that's the case when he next to actors who claim to be 5'10" but in reality are shorter.
James said on 9/Jun/09
But Russel can look 5'10.
Ed(1) said on 9/Jun/09
After watching The Year of Living Dangerously(1982) last night, I'm really thinking Gibson is more like 5ft8-5ft8.5 tops. Sigourney Weaver(5ft11) while wearing flat soled sandals was still taller then him by a good inch, and Gibson wore cowboy boots with what looked like 2" heels throughout the whole movie.

I'd say he might be in the 5ft10 range with his boots, but is more like 5ft8 without them.
Frank2 said on 8/Jun/09
Kurt Russell is about 5'9".
RisingForce said on 8/Jun/09
Amanda, Mel Gibson was constantly criticized about his height in the press. Only recently when the press had other reasons to target him, did they stop targeting his height. Mel is often called 5'7" or 5'8" in the press, ocassionally, 5'6" and as low as 5'4". He was known as a short man. Throughout the 80's and 90's Mel's height was a popular topic. I actually always thought he was 5'11" because that's what he looked in movies to me and I didn't know much about lifts until the last few years.

I really don't think Mel cares about his height much. I doubt he would have taken his boots off on Letterman's show and I doubt he would gave pointed to his shoes and said there were no lifts in Parkinson's show.
Mr T-Cakes said on 8/Jun/09
I'm somewhat skeptical because Gibson has very short arms and legs for a man of 5ft9/10.Check out Lethal Weapon when he's running barefoot for the freeway. Russell looks more in proportion for a man that size, which is my argument.And Brad that ain't no assertion he "is" taller than Mel, rather he definitely "looked" it in Tequila Sunrise. Be it down to lifts, or whatever.
Brad said on 8/Jun/09
Uh Vibram...even with no custom wedge he'd own Phoenix with them. He has specially made boots to make him taller. Kurt & Mel are notorious lift wearers with Russell wearing blatant cowboy boots with massive heel (watch him on Arsenio with Sly with heels as big as Burt Reynolds' '78ers) a lot of the time. Uh, Cakes, if he's "a few inches taller" than Mel, then it would be Mel dissuaded. I've seen him plenty of times in stealthy LeBlancers and a touch of Jason mountain boots with Vin tread sometimes. He brings out the cowboy boots with the 6+ footers. I've never seen him in Sly/Vin Boris Karloffers or Glenn Portmans.
Amanda Taylor said on 7/Jun/09
Yeah, I don't believe he could be less then 5'9", and he is probably about 5'10". If he were less, I would have noticed his height and lumped him in with celebs such as Cruise, as many have said.
Vibram said on 7/Jun/09
I watched "Signs" last night and he was 1 to 1 1/2 taller than Joaquin Phoenix, that makes Mel 5ft9.25 / 176cm in my opinion if Phoenix is 5ft8 / 173cm. He was wearing Wolverine-type boots in the movie, and Phoenix a baseball trainer-type shoe. Hard to tell if he packed lifts into those Wolverines. He doesn't look as small as people make out... certainly not in that movie.
Mr T-Cakes said on 7/Jun/09
so what's the popular opinion on the Gibson/Kurt Russell height difference? saw Tequila Sunrise the other day, and Russsell certainly has a couple of inches on Mel. I was thinking director Robert Towne may have dissuaded Russell from wearing lifts so not to "eclipse", as it were, Mel Gibson: as they have equal billing. But some on here say Russell was a notorious lifts wearer,,,help me out here!
RisingForce said on 7/Jun/09
I've never seen Mel in chunky Le Blanc type boots Brad. Always cowboy boots.
Brad said on 6/Jun/09
Hollywood cowboy boots are full of wedge. He wears those Priestley/LeBlanc boots. I can picture both of them in shorts at Malibu with them on.
James said on 4/Jun/09
Mels height is a mystery to me
Frank2 said on 4/Jun/09
That was a joke.

When I saw him on the Fox lot, Mel was considerably shorter than me and I'm just about six feet wearing normal shoes with an inch heel.

I'd venture to guess that barefoot Mel is around 5'8".
RisingForce said on 3/Jun/09
Frank2 says on 3/Jun/09
"it's hard to tell if he had elevator shoes on."

Mel wears them to bed.

Well Frank, that's extremely possible but I haven't seen him wear anything that looks like elevator shoes. Nothing bigger than standard 2" heeled cowboy boots. Although you can put lifts in them.
Midget said on 3/Jun/09
Frank2-what are your thoughts on Mel's barefoot height. 5'8" ish or a tad over?
Ali said on 3/Jun/09
Derek you wrote that Clinton prime
was almost 6'2. This is wrong.

Here is a picture of Bill Clinton
and Blair before Clinton had surgery

Click Here

You can see that Clinton is only half an inch or so
taller. We know that Blair is 6'0. So Clinton
is 6'0.5 maybe 6'0.75.

Perhaps his peak height might have been 6'1 which
I strongly doubt.
Frank2 said on 3/Jun/09
"it's hard to tell if he had elevator shoes on."

Mel wears them to bed.
Antonio said on 2/Jun/09
Again I remind you, that having open-heart surgery will rob most of height. That's why Arnold & Clinton have, indeed lost height. Letterman included. The surgery causes poor posture, which in turn causes more spinal curvature over time.
Stiffelio said on 2/Jun/09
Great video clip. Letterman looks 3 in taller than Gibson. Add to that that Mel is wearing aprox 2 in heel cowboy boots. That would make anywhere from 3 1/2 to 4 in height difference between the two guys.
derek d said on 1/Jun/09
Clinton in his prime was close to 6'2... He probably has lost height, i mean he's getting kind of old. Letterman may be loosing height as well but that video is from 1995 and he probably still was 6'1.5.
RisingForce said on 1/Jun/09
Letterman looked 1" taller than Sly max to me. I think Mel is 5'10" though.
Ali said on 31/May/09
Risingforce Letterman is not 6'1.5. He is
the same height and even a tad shorter than
Bill Clinton who is 6'0.5. How do I know
Bill Clinton is 6'0.5? Let me tell you.

Bill Clinton is about an inch shorter than Obama who
said he is about 6'1. So Clinton is shorter than

Here are pictures to prove that Obama is clearly

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Since Obama is 186-187cm and an inch or more taller
than Clinton that makes clinton about 184cm. Which is

Letterman being the same height as Clinton would be 183-184cm max.
It's that simple.
Ryan Dallas said on 31/May/09
Mel Gibson is 5'8 and Stallone is 5'7 Since I'm 5' 10" and met both . If they wish to wear shoes or boots to elevate their height, so be it. Their egos are well over six feet!!
derek d said on 31/May/09
Great clip Christian, check out Mel and Letterman standing side by side at 3:32 - 3:35. Mel looks 2 inches shorter tops. Thats how much shorter Sly was with Letterman while he was in his huge customs and Mel's boots seem quite normal to me... Hmm confusing. He even takes them off and stands up at one point barefoot next to Letterman! Would a man wearing lifts do that??
Ali said on 30/May/09
Mel Gibson is short dude. 170-173cm, nothing
RisingForce said on 30/May/09
Letterman had no more than 2 inches on Mel when Mel was wearing the boots. Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here If Letterman is listed accurately here at 6'1.5" then he'd be about 6'2.5" in those shoes meaning Mel would measure over 6 feet in those boots. They're cowboy boots with 2 inch heels. Even if he had a 1 inch lift in there, that'd still make him Rob's listing of 5'9.5", but I'm not convinced he had a 1 inch lifts in there because I have my doubts that he'd be so quick to take them off if he did.

That has made me more sure than ever about Mel being 5'10". The 5'8" stuff is just incorrect. 5'9" flat is possible but it seems a bit too low now.
Christian said on 29/May/09
In this clip Mel has boots on on Letterman. At the end of the clip he is taking them off. Click Here
leonari said on 28/May/09
Brad: So Stallone and him are basically identical in height? Both a tad over 5'8.5. Right?
RisingForce said on 28/May/09
I'm fine with 5'9" for Mel. I'm not sure if he wears elevators which makes him tricky. He's looked 5'11" in a lot of pictures and movies.
TELLEM said on 28/May/09
i agree with brad, weak 5'9 for this guy.
Brad said on 28/May/09
Weak 5' 9" at best. Was just over a 5' 6.5" Glenn. Wears custom boots a lot.
leonari said on 27/May/09
Brad: Whats your estimate for Gibson?
RisingForce said on 27/May/09
i'd be shocked if stallone or gibson were a hair under 5-9. if you want to see guys around 5-8 look at tom cruise, mark wahlberg and robert downey jr. they're all visibly shorter than guys like stallone and gibson.

based on the first video the shortest mel could be is 5-8.5 and that's assuming he was in 3 inch elevators which i doubt he was.
Antonio said on 26/May/09
RF - Mel had heeled boots on your first link. You can see them when he walks out. Last night on the "Tonight Show", it looked like he was, in fact wearing elevators. The shoes had that odd look to them. They looked a little higher than normal shoes. I thought Jay had him by 1.5-2" last night. I think Mel is very close to 5-8 or 5-8.5. Very similar to Stallone.
RisingForce said on 26/May/09
here are some comparisons with mel and 5-11 jay leno.

in 1998 they look pretty much the same height. Click Here leno may be half an inch taller.

now in 2009, mel looks about an inch shorter. Click Here

it's hard to tell if he had elevator shoes on.
RisingForce said on 24/May/09
i haven't heard much about kurt russell wearing lifts, much less anything that would rival burt reynold's footwear in the 70's. i believe burt had a 2.5" heel+1 inch lift combo that almost made him fall while walking.

mel looked 5-11 throughout the lethal weapon series next to 6-3/6-3.5 danny glover. though his cowboy boots helped him that still suggests he's even the 5-9, 5-10 range to me.
yoyo said on 24/May/09
i believe without shoes Mel Gibson hit 5ft8.75(174cm).
Brad said on 24/May/09
He's no dummy, he'll cast short around himself, he's the boss hoss.
vladimir303 said on 24/May/09
He looked decently tall in Mad Max/Road Warrior.....I say he is 5'9 but has shrinked to 5'8 and a half in the last few decades
Brad said on 23/May/09
Russell is a notorious lifts guy. He lives in boots a lot also. He had boots that you could trim trees with on during an Arsenio Hall Show with Sly. I haven't seen things like that since Burt Reynolds on The Tonight Show in '78.
Mr T-Cakes said on 22/May/09
it is difficult to judgde Mel's height: in some films he appears taller than others. He looked bigger than Joaquin Phoenix in the picture Rising Force put up from the Signs premiere. He just looks "bigger"as a whole:a much bigger head and everything. Big Mike was right that Mel was considerably shorter than 5ft 10 Kurt Russell in Tequila Sunrise. If the latter wasn't in lifts, I'd say Mel was 5ft6/7.God knows what that'll make Phoenix!
big mike said on 22/May/09
i don't think so because mel was shorter then kurt russell
and kurt russell is suppose to be 5 ft 10 so he must be shorter then 5 ft 9
i say he's about 5 ft 6 at most
jessie said on 18/May/09
In Payback, he clearly was shorter than the two agents hunting him down (though they were well over 6 foot). I'd say he's about 5' 8 1/2"...maybe 5' 9".
calvinator said on 18/May/09
More like 5'8.5 to 5'9 max!
James said on 17/May/09
Yeah but in interviews you can tell that maddona is a bit self absorbed and not always interested in other people.
James said on 16/May/09
gilipollas its not glenns fault sometimes celebs aren't always friendly.
glenn said on 16/May/09
gee,i never thought of that.act normal.she is rude with everyone for 20 years in new york city.i never act loud or crazy.never assume.
gilipollas said on 16/May/09
glenn, i also met madonna in 1990 and she was so cool with everyone. Maybe if u act as a normal person instead of a fan they just feel more comfortable.
James said on 15/May/09
Yeah nothing agianst Maddona but you can tell she's the kind of person who is good at blanking out people.
glenn said on 15/May/09
you met him on a good day.notorious for being the worst actually .next to madonna.
gilipollas said on 14/May/09
5-9 for Mel. Such a nice guy when i met him. Very friendly and down to eath.
RisingForce said on 13/May/09
i'm fine with 5-9 flat or 5-10. i don't think he looks 5-8 often enough to be that and he doesn't have the body of a 5-8 man.
bam said on 12/May/09
5'9 flat would not surprise me. The thing is a person should never adjust an estimate based off 1-2 pictures, such as the jim carrey pic. I think 5'9 would be accurate. I'm sure 5'10+ guys would distort the small difference in height and say mel is 5'7.
glenn said on 12/May/09
yup.there is more where you see full body.and mel looks friends were there at that event.all said mel was 5-8.but when they saw him recently,they said 5-10.
RisingForce said on 12/May/09
here it is glenn. Click Here incredible, one minute he's towering over him and another, they're dead even. i still say 5-9 minimum for mel, but he's confusing.
glenn said on 12/May/09
tellem-phoenix could be 5-7ish.sure.but i think he is closer to 5-8 evening.unlike me.
glenn said on 12/May/09
risingforce-phoenix could be 5-8 to 5-8.5 morning.
glenn said on 12/May/09
i remember that mel taller than phoenix pic.pull up the ones were they are brad and i can salivate.ron howard is here today.but i think im taking the day off.i lost my 1993 pic with him.
RisingForce said on 11/May/09
mel looks 2 inches taller than 5-9 ron howard. Click Here even if he were in huge 3 inch elevators and ron was in 1 inch shoes, that'd still mean mel is 5-9 barefoot. but who knows if that's the case, that does point to mel being in the 5-9, 5-10 range though.

oddly mel looks quite a bit bigger than phoenix in this picture from that signs premiere. Click Here
RisingForce said on 11/May/09
davidoff, arnold schwarzenegger is about 6' even today and his height gets made fun of as much, or more than mel's height does.

5-8 flat is too low for mel. he's not around the same height as cruise and downey. he's clearly bigger than those guys. picture either of them looking as tall as mel did with jim carrey.
Davidoff said on 11/May/09
There is no chance in hell Gibson is 177cm, do you realise Rob, that a guy who is 177cm would never ever be called short, even in hollywood! He is 175cm.
Brad said on 10/May/09
Phoenix & Mel are the same.
RisingForce said on 9/May/09
so 5-8 morning height for phoenix glenn? that's what i always had him at. in some premiere pics mel and joaquin oddly looked about the same.
Brad said on 8/May/09
Willis would be the one to get sloshed. They still talk about pulling him off the floor to do scenes in '85 while Cybil cried in her dressing room.
TELLEM said on 8/May/09
wow glenn, so joaquin phoenix can be 5'7ish?
glenn said on 8/May/09
yeah,simpson even fooled me once in person.give mel a bottle of johnny walker and watch him down it,and he will state "im the height you pretend to be glenn,5-8". like that one brad?lol.
glenn said on 8/May/09
m night shalaman(sp) is the director of the behind the scenes footage or photos rather,they looked of similar height i the premiere,m night was an inch,1.5 taller than mel and phoenix,who were both pretty much the same.and did i hear someone say phoenix was 5-8? anyone out there? phoenix for the record has looked 5-10 to me 12 years ago,not knowing who he lifts for a nobody then.he was 5-8,with his arms on my shoulders 2 years ago,telling me he appreciates me,but would rather not pose.and yes,i hate to say it,but we were pretty much the same in height.maybe i was 5-7 flat,and he was 5-7.5 to be perfectly honest in height loss that was 1am.
Brad said on 8/May/09
Get Mel drunk and after he shats on his ex, jewish people, he'll reveal his height. There is no other guy that has a height enigma like Gibson. He's in Lethal Weapon looking almost 6' in carefully directed angles and like a shorty on that dinky horse and running with his pack of 5' 8"ers on the countryside in Braveheart. Who is M Night? Jessica Simpson gets the award for looking the tallest through carefully shot videos/casting etc.. I swear to god I thought she was a tall Texan gal but is a shrimp.
glenn said on 6/May/09
oh,m night is 5-9.5.i asked him.and he said "put it this way,mel isnt 5-11",when i metioned mel had stated that as his height.
glenn said on 6/May/09
he looked a solid 5-8 at the signs premiere next to m night.he looked as tall as i do in my pic with m night.and we all know im not a solid 5-8.
Brad said on 6/May/09
He's the biggest mystery. He's also the richest which means means the best stealth shoes/boots. In Braveheart he looked really short on the dinky horse they had him on and running with the dinky actors screaming at their enemies.In the massive Priestley-LeBlanc's (hiking boots with lift) he can slog around in scenes at 5' 11".
glenn said on 6/May/09
i dont agree.mel can look 5-10 plenty of times.can he be? sure.but this one i cant argue until i see him again.its been 12 years.can he be 5-8? sure.
glenn said on 5/May/09
ill agree with brad on this one.mel could be anywhere from 5-8 to 5-10.the biggest mystery to me.
TELLEM said on 5/May/09
i meant nowhere near 5'10.
Brad said on 5/May/09
Took off his shoes? No way. He's never been 5' 10" in his life.
kommodoro said on 5/May/09
176 cm max
Mickey said on 5/May/09
Sorry ACG but i will not believe he took off his shoes in the Parky interview until i see the actual interview. Even Rob states that Mel said "and there are no lifts" while pointing to his shoes, which make it very obvious he stood up in shoes, not barefoot. But your free to believe it :)
Midget said on 4/May/09
ACG- I saw the interview with Parky and I dont recall Mel taking off his shoes but he did point to them and state "And look, there are no lifts". He was pretty close to Parky in height who I believe was around 5'10" at peak. Given Parky's age at the time of the interview, I believe he was approx 175cm-176cm or 5'9"-5'9.5" with Mel almost the same. Mel's shoes on the night were not dodgey looking and had a low cut on them with a small heel. They were dress shoes from memory.Like yourself, I cant find the interview either, it seems to be as elusive as Mel's true barefoot height. lol.
ACG said on 4/May/09
Mickey: The episode of him on Parky is rare. EXTREMELY rare. I tend to be a true expert on finding "lost" things over the internet (even by using some less than orthodox means, ehem....) and when I used all of my "resources" to try and uncover the full Gibson interview, I came up blank.

Now that's saying a lot as to how hard it is to get ahold of.

My point is, since almost nobody has seen it, several various people over a good few years have come on here and claimed that Mel DID indeed take off his shoes in the interview.

Since the details we have on the clip are vague, I see no reason why not to believe them. After all, if Mel was only 5'8 he:

A. most definitely wouldn't have brought up the issue of height himself in the first place.

B. wouldn't have made himself look like a fool by NOT taking off his shoes when they are so easy to remove, to prove his point.

So there you have it. Mel is 5'10 and, sadly for him, few people got the chance to see his hardcore proof.
Brox said on 2/May/09
Gibson is 1,75 or 1,76m. Definitely not under 1,75. Also 99,99% not above or even exact 1,77m. I would say most likely he's 1,76m.
TELLEM said on 1/May/09
that would make mel gibson 5'11 then ACG. which that i can't believe.
ACG said on 1/May/09
I think Clark is right. Even in only his socks he was still as tall as 5'10 Michael Parkinson(who had on shoes).
Clark Rockefeller said on 1/May/09
Mel is 5'10". Even in the pic above with Glen where he's stooping you can see he's 2-3" taller. And btw, the Passion and Apocalypto were both good films although not the sort I would generally watch.
Davidoff said on 28/Apr/09
He is 5`9 maxxxxx, if that.
RandomLeftCoastGuy said on 27/Apr/09
Another celeb I have stood next to. Between 5' 8" and 5' 9." And that was in the "Lethal Weapon days."
Davidoff said on 27/Apr/09
yoyo said on 25/Apr/09
his more like 5ft8.5 than 5ft9.5 guy.
JD said on 23/Apr/09
he might be closer to 5'9 now but in his lethal weapon days he could pull off 5'10
glenn said on 20/Apr/09
thanks grace :-)
Grace said on 20/Apr/09
Hey Glenn, you look pretty handsome on this picture :D
Lenad said on 18/Apr/09
Mel is a solid 5'9 man
Metric said on 17/Apr/09
He is a LOADED weapon! Lol.
glenn said on 17/Apr/09
i read 800 million im reading 900 million.
glenn said on 16/Apr/09
not 400 milli?
ACG said on 16/Apr/09
Hey, Mel- and you also once said you were 5'11, no? Liar.

Oh, and btw The Passion sucked.
Brad said on 16/Apr/09
Hey Mel, 200 million out of your pocket in June.
RisingForce said on 15/Apr/09
Mel never said he's 5'8". He claimed he was 5'10".
Mel Gibson said on 15/Apr/09
How the hell do you people come up with 5'9 5'10 all these different heights. The guy (I) said hes 5'8. So that means hes either 5'8 or shorter. And tom cruise is my mothers height 5'5.
Metric said on 14/Apr/09
ACG: Gibson can look 5-8 but I think he is more like 5-9. He is around the same height as Stallone. He stood surprisingly well against Glover in Lethal Weapon. Looked all of 5-11 in that movie but was probably due to cowboy boots and camera tricks. Back when I went to public school there was actually some guy who was convinced Gibson was 6-1 and Glover 6-7 !! Can you spell D E L U S I O N A L! Lol.
ACG said on 14/Apr/09
Well, what are your thoughts on Mel Gibson, Metric?
Metric said on 14/Apr/09
ACG: 5'9" for Cruise is insane! How can you seriously suggest that??? 5'10.75" for Stallone is pretty unrealistic as well. I think Rob has Stallone pretty much nailed and for Cruise 5'7" but NO MORE!! In danish newspapers Cruise has been listed 5'6" for years for crying out loud!! Do you seriously believe a 5'9" man would get as much flack as Cruise does in the press??? Hell no, in lifts he would reach Stallone territory of 6'0-6'1" all the time. HE DOESN'T. He is a flat 5'7". The reason he looks taller than Glenn in the pic is, yup you guessed it: Lifts. Nuff said.
Brad said on 14/Apr/09
They did everything to make him look taller in Braveheart but he still looks barely 5' 9".
ACG said on 13/Apr/09
Oh, and Metric, I stated my estimations on April 12 in the form of an opinion. I made it clear that it was only what I personally thought and not a hard, set-in-stone fact that can't be argued with.

You didn't have to call me deluded, and it really just makes you look bad because a lot of smart people around here would vouch for me when it comes to my grip on reality.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.