How tall is Mel Gibson - Page 5

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Average Guess (241 Votes)
Peak: 5ft 9in (175.3cm)
Current: 5ft 8.64in (174.3cm)
RisingForce said on 13/Apr/09
ACG, I agree to some extent. I think Cruise is 5'8" out of bed, give or take a 1/4 inch. IMO Cruise isn't below 5'7.5" but not above 5'8.25" either. Gibson I agree with, somewhere in the 5'9", 5'10" range. I agree with Stallone being 5'10.75", but first thing in the morning. I'd bet he shrinks to a fla 5'10" by evening.
Yarud said on 13/Apr/09
Please look at the jimmy Kimmel Show.If it's Kimmel 6 ft. tall,Gibson is no more than the height that's Glenn Picture with him show.I think 5.9,5 is the right height for him,maybe less but no more than this.
Metric said on 13/Apr/09
ACG: You are deluded. I really don't see anything else as being truth. Sorry.
ACG said on 12/Apr/09
Here's my current forecast:

Cruise: 5'8-5'9
Gibson: 5'9-5'10
Stallone: 5'10-5'11 (5'10.75 to be exact)

I really don't see anything else as being truth.
RisingForce said on 12/Apr/09
Gibson does look average, as much as 5'11", even close to 6-1 in the pictures with Jim Carrey! He'd have to be over 5'9" to pull that off. If he looked shorter it was because he was often seen next to 6'3" Danny Glover.
TELLEM said on 12/Apr/09
how is he 5'9-5'9.5 when he and joaquin phoenix were the same height in signs. hes 5'8-5'8.5
the truth said on 12/Apr/09
I think 5'9-5'9.5 is right for Mel, I mean come on, lets be honest, we have never seen him look short. To me he has always appeared to look around average.
frosty said on 11/Apr/09
i thought mel gibson was around 6 feet thats a surprize lol
Ali said on 10/Apr/09
Mel Gibson is never 177 cm! He is shorter than 5'9.
Doug said on 7/Apr/09
He only looked 5'11" in lifts LOL! I always thought he was 5'8" but on occasions he does look nearer 5'10". I'd have probably said 5'9".
RisingForce said on 7/Apr/09
Yeah, Rob has him listed well. I'd go a half inch higher though, atleast out of bed.
Lenad said on 7/Apr/09
He could look a solid 5ft11 next to Danny Glover at times but of course thats lifts. He seems like a solid 5ft9 guy.
Random Person said on 6/Apr/09
5'8.25 with elevator shoes.
RisingForce said on 4/Apr/09
Strong 5'9" or a weak 5'10" for Mel.
MikeM said on 3/Apr/09
Hard to pinpoint exactly but I'd say 5'9.5 sounds right. Hes always wearing a thick heel and his small frame makes him look shorter than what he is.
glenn said on 1/Apr/09
sly isnt an enigma to me.i know how tall he is.mel is still an enigma to me until i see him again.
sodapop said on 31/Mar/09
Mad Max wore motorcycle boots giving him a good 1.5 inches or more.
miko said on 31/Mar/09
Glenn, xext time you see Gibson and he refuses a photo, you should tear him a new one.
Rusty said on 31/Mar/09
I always thought of him as being more 5'11" in Braveheart.
leonari said on 30/Mar/09
I agree Tellem. He could be even shorter. Along with Sly the biggest enigma of the Superstars
TELLEM said on 29/Mar/09
was watching signs last night, and through out the film he looked the same height as 5'8 joaquin phoenix. i still stand by 5'8.5 for mel gibson
short stack said on 29/Mar/09
JD yes when I watched Mel in Mad Max and Road Warrior he looked pretty tall but he was wearing motorcycle boots in those movies. But when I saw him in Lethal Weapon he looked shorter, that could be because he was next to Danny Glover alot and Danny is like 6'2, so its hard to tell
JD said on 29/Mar/09
i don't think he can be less than 5'9 i've been watching him all my life and never even noticed his height
RisingForce said on 28/Mar/09
No I'm not wrong. Glover seemed to be about 4 inches taller than him and Glover is or was atleast 6'3". Cowboy boots have 2 inch heels, which give 1 inch more than regular shoes.
sodapop said on 27/Mar/09
rising force wrong again. at least tellem understood
RisingForce said on 26/Mar/09
No sodapop everyone else had shoes that added atleast 1 inch too so who cares if his shoes gave him 2 inches. They only gave him a 1 inch advantage. Everyone else didn't run around barefoot.

I saw Gibson only 4-5 inches shorter than 6'3", 6'3.5" Danny Glover in that movie.
TELLEM said on 26/Mar/09
i agree with sodapop...he had cowboy boots, but only looked 5'8-5'9.
sodapop said on 26/Mar/09
Risingforce, you missed my point, yes he was wearing cowboy boots but he looked 5'9" with the boots on. Cowboy boots give you about 2 inches. So that means Mel is 5'7". I am 5'9.5" and with Cowboy boots on I'm almost 6 feet tall and Mel did not look close to 6ft
Metric said on 26/Mar/09
I agree, Adam. Since he is all muscle no fat he must be benching around 300 lbs. He is a mean mother*beep*beep!
RisingForce said on 26/Mar/09
Yeah he was wearing cowboy boots throughout the whole movie and looked 5'10.5", 5'11". That means he's atleast in the 5'9", 5'10" range as the rest of the cast had shoes as well.
sodapop said on 26/Mar/09
I'm 5'9.5" and Mel is not as tall as me, hes 5'8" Max, and if you remember in Lethal Weapon 1 he was wearing cowboy boots thru the whole movie.
Midget said on 25/Mar/09
I just watched The Patriot again with Heath Ledger and Mel looks a solid 177cm-178cm through out the entire film. Ledger looked 184cm-185cm range. Both of their footwear looked normal when in shot. Several standing side by side shots between Ledger and Gibbo confirm to me now that Gibbo is 177cm/178cm barefoot or 5'10" and Ledger 6'1".Awesome film btw.
adam said on 25/Mar/09
Mel looks shortish and bulky. About 5-8
glenn said on 24/Mar/09
i had no clue what i was in for with mr.warmth.he tore me a new one.
Bob said on 24/Mar/09
Okay will someone please explain to me who this Glenn guy is and how he's met essentially every major film star in America? Haha
Brad said on 24/Mar/09
1 million out of 500 million net worth is like a couple bucks to him. I don't think a lot of the Hollywood community likes him anymore, he got drunk and said naughty stuff. Didn't he tell Glenn to do something that is impossible with one's body? He needs a bar of soap for his mouth.
bam said on 23/Mar/09
i do agree 5'8 is ridiculous. Like rising said imagine jeremey piven, or mark wahlberg at 6ft. I guess 5'9.5 is closer to the truth. He isn't a full 2 inches taller than robert downey junior, but he isn't 5'9 flat either.
Yarud said on 22/Mar/09
I think Mel's range is betw.5'9-5'10.But his really high you can look what he's doing for people who needs a helping hand.So this year in February he subscribe 1 Million Dollars.
Ironman said on 22/Mar/09
agree wit u rising force.
RisingForce said on 20/Mar/09
Tell that to Jim Carrey sodapop. The only way I could buy Mel as low as 5'8" is if guys like Tom Cruise and Robert Downey Jr. are 5'7", which is possible, but I don't think it's likely.

I think Mel is likely in the 5'9"-5'10" range. He doesn't look as short as guys like 5'7", 5-8ish guys Cruise, Downey, Mark Wahlberg, Jeremy Piven ect.
sodapop said on 18/Mar/09
You guys who think Mel is 5'9" or 5'10" are wrong, Mel is 5'8" or between 5'7" and 5'8"
sodapop said on 18/Mar/09
Mel is no more than 5'8"
Brad said on 18/Mar/09
Next to Glover he was wearing built in magic.
ACG said on 18/Mar/09
weird....i'm not an expert on lifts/boots, but i'd imagine it would be rather difficult to maneuver. then again, i'm rather weak so there's no way i'd be able to handle the extra bulk inside my shoes while doing stunts....chuck and mel on the other hand were pretty well built up, so i guess it could've worked for them. especially if the shoes were custom built for that purpose, maybe with soft, lightweight material such as some sort of cork, allowing the wearer to be light on their feet when needed.

again, this all just speculation on my part....
RisingForce said on 18/Mar/09
Interestingly enough I remember a shoemaker saying once that Chuck Norris asked him to make his cowboy boots with built in lifts so he could look tall in the fight scenes.

I'm back to thinking that Mel is a minimum 5'9" though and maybe more like 5'10". Certainly not over 5'10" though.
ACG said on 17/Mar/09
there's no way he could've been hiding anything ridiculous in those boots considering all the fighting and moving about he was doing....
RisingForce said on 17/Mar/09
I'll have to watch that scene again Tellem. For the most part I always thought he looked 5'10"-5'11" in those Lethal Weapon movies next to Glover. Although you never know what he could have been hiding in those cowboy boots.
Brad said on 16/Mar/09
Somebody put it up and end this mess. Anything at the beach is great. Yer right Tellum.
ACG said on 16/Mar/09
i shall post screencaps....just give me a day tops.
glenn said on 15/Mar/09
i forgot they were even in the same movie.i dont own it.have to see that now.
TELLEM said on 15/Mar/09
in lethal weapon 2 at the end of the movie when there on the boat, glover looked about 5-6 inches taller than mel the film gibson looked 5'8-5'9 to me.
Yarud said on 15/Mar/09
Brad,the scence in Tequila Sunrise is when first Mel is at the beach with his son.Than the son has an accident in the water.So Mel is carrying him in his house(barefoot)and Michelle Pfeiffer walks beside him.If you watch the movie,take a look at the scences with Kurt Russel(who's in real life a good friend of Mel).Looks like the same high.
Years ago i found a picture in the web,where Mel and Kurt walks along a pavement,both were joking and have a lot fun.In that pic Mel was maybe an inch taller than Kurt,but it's possible he wear lifts.Mels height is astonishing.
RisingForce said on 15/Mar/09
Brad says on 14/Mar/09
Barefoot by Michelle Pfieffer and about the same height?. That ends this one.

Not unless the scene is posted.
Brad said on 14/Mar/09
Barefoot by Michelle Pfieffer and about the same height?. That ends this one.
Will said on 12/Mar/09
I think its safe to say if someones shoulders are two inches above yours your no where near their height, unless your a giraffe of course. Jim carry is at least 6ft1, and hes obviously learning forward, there is something not quite right about that picture.
RisingForce said on 12/Mar/09
Right now I've changed my mind and I think he's 5'10" too. He can look 6 feet and I've never seen him in footwear bigger than 2 inch cowboy heels. In them he towered over 5'8" Rene Russo(in heels) and he was only 2-3 inches shorter than 6'3" Danny Glover at the Lethal Weapon 3 premiere.

Even in the Lethal Weapon movies Glover rarely had more than 4 inches on Mel.
Ian said on 11/Mar/09
I think he should be upped to 5ft10 178cm. He always looks around that.

WILL, height is to the top of head.

Those pictures with Carrey even though Mel is further forward on the camera shows me he is not under 5ft10.
RisingForce said on 11/Mar/09
He looked 5'11" usually in the Lethal Weapon films. Then again his 2 inch cowboy boots gave him about an inch advantage over Glover's shoes. We also don't know if he had anything in those boots. Regardless he never looked under 5'10" in those movies and usually 5'11" so I'll say 5'9" minimum barefoot for Mel.
Will said on 10/Mar/09
Jim Carrey's shoulders are higher by at least 2 inches
Yarud said on 10/Mar/09
Look at the Jimmy Kimmel Interview.Mel beside Kimmel(if he's 6 ft) is no more than 5'10.In Tequila Sunrise walks Mel beside M.Pfeiffer barefoot and looks like almost the same height.
RisingForce said on 7/Mar/09
Unfortunately I couldn't find a picture of Mel's shoes from the event where he posed with Jim Carrey. It was at the 2004 People's Choice Awards. If anyone could find a picture from that event that showed his footwear it'd be appreciated.
Brad said on 7/Mar/09
I'd pay to see those custom he has on his feet with Carrey. He must have had massive wedge & heel....but then knowing he was going to be photographed with Carrey he brought out the big guns.
RisingForce said on 6/Mar/09
There were a few more where Carrey was slouching even more and Mel did look the same, but that's because of the slouch.

Here are all of the Gibson/Carrey pictures.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

In the last 2 Mel looks the closest to Carrey's height although Carrey is slouching horribly in the last picture. Although Mel no longer has the camera advantage and it does seem that even with equal posture that Jim would only have 1.5" standing straight. It doesn't look like Mel is standing on anything to me.

Carrey at 6'1.5" + 1 inch dress shoes and Mel at 5'10" + 3 inch elevators makes the most sense based on those pictures. Mel sure does seem like he's every bit of the 5'10" he claims sometimes.
glenn said on 5/Mar/09
thats the pic ive been talking about for years.he gives a 6ft illusion.actually,i think it was another pic.almost same moment.he looked the same as carrey i thought.i figured mel was on a step.
RisingForce said on 5/Mar/09
I'm not sure, I don't think so. Maybe he just has big lifts. Although Mel did look about the same height as Charlie Sheen that same height. Maybe Sheen wore lifts too?

I'm starting to think Mel isn't under 5'9". He doesn't look as short as a guy like Tom Cruise or Robert Downey Jr. to me. He pulled off looking 5'10.5", 5'11" next to Denzel in pretty normal looking shoes. In the Lethal Weapon movies it looks like he'd measure atleast 6'0" in his cowboy boots and the Jim Carrey picture also suggests he could measure atleast 6 ft in footwear.
RisingForce said on 5/Mar/09
Yeah, factoring in the posture and camera advantage I'd say Mel looks like he'd be about 1.5" shorter than Carrey there if all things were equal.
ACG said on 5/Mar/09
could mel be standing on something? the more i look at that picture, the more unnatural mel's "height" seems.

even though you can't see their feet, i really get the impression that mel is on a slightly(?) elevated platform compared to Carrey.

could be be wrong, though....
RisingForce said on 4/Mar/09
Rob, how tall do you think Mel looks in this picture with Jim Carrey?
Click Here

Editor Rob
carrey's losing some posture of course, but mel appears tall there.
glenn said on 3/Mar/09
maybe james.
RisingForce said on 2/Mar/09
Yes Clooney does know about the site. In this interview the guy interviewing George and Clooney himself I think search George's name on google. They came across celebheights. Click Here

By the way Clooney went on to say that he's 5'11.5" and that he's aware that he slouches.
Marco said on 1/Mar/09
I was an extra in Tequila Sunrise. I'm 6ft and Mel looked about 5'8" at best and very thin at that time. It's amazing how big he comes off in movies.
glenn said on 27/Feb/09
yes james.a few.not more than that.
glenn said on 24/Feb/09
neishow-alot the lesser known stars do.i would imagine most the bigger ones thing is for sure.not one celebrity has reconized me in the over 3 years ive been on the site.thats shows something.
neishow said on 24/Feb/09
Just wondering glenn, do u think any of these celebrities know about celebheights??
RisingForce said on 23/Feb/09
He doesn't look like he's lost height. He still appears as tall as he ever did at events.
RisingForce said on 23/Feb/09
I don't think he's lost any height. He doesn't look shorter in recent years.
RisingForce said on 23/Feb/09
That I can believe Tellem and James. He looks it next to Glenn when you consider the boots. Then again 5'10" wouldn't surprise me either.
TELLEM said on 22/Feb/09
i think mel is 5'8.5, and can pass 5'9 fresh outta bed
Davidoff said on 22/Feb/09
I would say Mel Gibson is 5`9 flat or 175cm.
RisingForce said on 22/Feb/09
He can look 5'8", the proof is the pictures with Joaquin Phoenix, M. Night Shymalan and even with Glenn(factoring in the cowboy boots).

But could he really be as short as guys like Tom Cruise, Mark Wahlberg and Robert Downey Jr.? That's what makes me question Mel at 5'8".
glenn said on 20/Feb/09
i saw the brothers together alot.hard to say.they were similar or frank was taller.but yes,stallone can look taller in pics next to his brother.and then its the opposite.
RisingForce said on 19/Feb/09
There were some pictures from 2003 which also had Carl Weathers in them were Sly was surprisingly taller than his brother. Weathers was about a half inch taller than Sly and maybe 1.5 or 2 inches taller than Frank Stallone in them. Frank usually is taller, but in recent years I've seen Sly taller at a few events.
glenn said on 18/Feb/09
yes,james.his brother is usually taller.i could swear i saw pics that showed stallone similar as well.
glenn said on 17/Feb/09
well,i had my chance 6 weeks ago or so.he didnt sign or pose though for my friends.they said 5-10.but what was on his feet?
RisingForce said on 16/Feb/09
I always believed Mr. T's 5-11 claim. Here he is with 6-2 Gene Hackman who is closer to the camera and wearing cowboy boots. Click Here Looks about 3.5 inches shorter at first, but defintley less when you consider it's most likely that Hackman is getting an advantage either from being closer to the camera or his boots.

I really don't think Stallone's brother is a good guy to give a set height of 5-10.5. It's not like we've seen many pictures of Frank Stallone and celebrities with pretty well known heights. It's also very possible that Frank Stallone is 6 ft like he's been listed, that's also what Glenn estimated him at. Of course he could easily be 5-10.5, but there certainly haven't been nearly enough pictures posted of him to give him 5-10.5 for sure. So I wouldn't say Sly's brother rules out anything 5-10+ for Sly.
Dural said on 16/Feb/09
James, true. Stallone's brother is the same height as 5'10"ish Mr.T who's also taller than Sly. That's one reason why I can't believe 5'10" for Sly. Mel I think is the same height as Stallone, give or take a half inch.
RisingForce said on 16/Feb/09
He'll no doubt be in New York to promote his new movie this year so I'm sure you'll see him again. At 53 he shouldn't have lost much height considering he still seems to be in fairly good shape and he's never weighed much or had noticeable injuries.
glenn said on 16/Feb/09
i agree.mel could be 5-8 to 5-10.i have to see him again.stallone i know for a fact is around 5-10.not less though.
RisingForce said on 15/Feb/09
Here are some pictures of Sly and Mel.

First the most are of the 3 pictures. Sly looks about 2 inches taller here.
Click Here

Here Sly looks about a half inch taller than Mel
Click Here

Now another picture from the same day as the last.
Click Here

they look the same height there, although he could be tip toeing a bit to go from being shorter in the last picture to the same height in this picture especially since his posture seems worse in this picture.

Those pictures are kind of useless though without knowing their footwear. In the early 90's Mel always wore cowboy boots with 2 inch heels. Sly wore them a lot too around that era but he also obviously has worn elevator shoes a lot. Who is taller depends on their footwear.

Mel I think could be anywhere from 5'8.5" to 5'10". Sly I think is anywhere from 5'10" to 5'10.75". With Sly I don't buy the short rumors, with Mel I'm unusure.

The reason I'm so unsure with Mel is that as you said it's tough to tell if he wears elevator shoes or not.
Doug said on 15/Feb/09
I agree RIsing Force I've mostly thought of Mel Gibson as a 5'8" -5'9" guy. I wonder if anybody has every seen a photo of Gibson with Stallone who people also think is a similar height?
RisingForce said on 14/Feb/09
By the way Doug Mel has cowboy boots which usually have 2 inch heels. Glenn says he's usually in normal shoes so then that puts Mel closer to 5'8.5" here.
RisingForce said on 14/Feb/09
Yeah, that's what makes Mel tricky. I'm not sure if he often wears lifts. If he does then he does an excellent job as far as footwear. He rarely looks out of the 5'10"-5'11" range though.
Doug said on 10/Feb/09
Then again he has sometimes appeared to me to be several inches taller, the more I think about it he was had pulled off a 5'10"-5'11" look at times. I think Gibson is indeed one of the hardest to pin down as yes if he is wearing lifts it isn't as obvious as Stallone!!! I;ve seen one newspaper say he was as low as 5'7". I wonder what the medias fascination is with portraying Gibson, Stallone and Cruise little guys?
Doug said on 10/Feb/09
Looks 5 ft 9.5 next to Glenn, Glenn looks a little star struck!! Funny I always thought he was 5'8" too. Probably because I'm used to him looking short compared to Danny Glover and other tall actors.
glenn said on 6/Feb/09
i didnt see the vid.nor do i want to see it.but its 99 percent my friend,cause of the same exact story.i mightve showed up after that actually.not on
glenn said on 6/Feb/09
yeah,that was my close friend.his dumb move,that i dont understand.never,ever,touch penn.or
Brad said on 5/Feb/09
He needs Abe Vigoda manners.
lego said on 5/Feb/09
Mel never took my attention as short in any movies. I dont believe he wears lifts. I think he is 5'10''
Brad said on 4/Feb/09
I could put Penn's head under my armpit he's so short.
Anonymous said on 4/Feb/09
Mel's office is in my building and I just stood next to him as we waited for the elevator. We were both wearing standard "business" type shoes and at my 5'9" we were looking eye to eye.
TELLEM said on 1/Feb/09
hey glenn, i've seen something like that on youtube with sean penn. some guy put their arm around penn's shoulder after asking him if he could get a pic with him, to which penn refused, and penn right away turned to him in a offensive manner and told him "don't put your arm around my shoulder".
Hannah said on 31/Jan/09
Nice. I had no idea. He's not as tall as I thought.
lokky said on 26/Jan/09
glenn tell the story when you met gibson, pleassseee
glenn said on 22/Jan/09
i use to find them all the mel gibson premiere pics.nothing else.ill try to look too.
RisingForce said on 22/Jan/09
Yeah and probably the cornfield picture. The Tequila Sunrise pictures are impossible to find now.
glenn said on 22/Jan/09
well,those are the pics where mel looks the shortest.the sunrise and signs pics.thats why i said look for both.
RisingForce said on 22/Jan/09
Why Mel? Vin is different. He wears really ugly Frankenstein boots, but I've never seen Mel in anything bigger than cowboy boots.
Brad said on 22/Jan/09
When is Mel or Vin gonna be photographed on a beach? Somehow I picture both in boots & trunks.
Mark said on 21/Jan/09
Everything I've seen of Mel, including the wax sculptures at Madam Tussauds (which are pretty accurate) put him at around 5'10" (that's on the high side of average) not a big deal I wouldn't have thought.
RisingForce said on 21/Jan/09
I never really looked for those Glenn. I was looking for the pictures of Kurt and Mel Gibson from the Tequila Sunrise premiere. I had seen the Signs pictures a long time ago.
glenn said on 21/Jan/09
risingforce-the shots are not rare at all.but you seemed to have a problem finding them at first.for awhile it seemed actually.i guess i didnt make myself clear that it was more important to find a photo with all 3 of them.that being said you hold the title of the best photo contributer on the least for our beliefs.
runt said on 20/Jan/09
glenn says on 20/Jan/09
"congratulations runt for finding the signs pic(there are alot more though)i was talking about for 3 years."

Appreciate it.
RisingForce said on 20/Jan/09
I've seen numerous Signs premiere pictures. They really aren't that rare. I posted some full body shots where Mel and Joaquin Phoenix are about the same height actually.

Right now I think Gibson is 5'8.5", 5'9". At that height he could pass for 5'11" in cowboy boots like in those Lethal Weapon movies. If I see the full body shot where he looks 6'0" with Ron Howard then maybe I'll change my mind to 5'10". I think it'd help if we were more sure if he wore lifts. He used to wera cowboy boots but that doesn't mean he wore lifts.
glenn said on 20/Jan/09
exactly leonari.its almost as if he forgot to stretch out his retractable spine.
glenn said on 20/Jan/09
congratulations runt for finding the signs pic(there are alot more though)i was talking about for 3 years.i dont have internet at home to find and post them.thanks for helping me.anyway,wait till you see my photo with m night.i might look the same,or a hair taller than mel in the pic.there are full body pics that night too.with damon,he is back to 5-11.
leonari said on 20/Jan/09
Mel is the biggest enigma if you ask me. Like Glenn says he can look 5'7"-5'11" How thats possible is beyond me. Incredible...
runt said on 19/Jan/09
Click Here

But the plot thickens...
Click Here
glenn said on 19/Jan/09
the man can look 5-7 to 5-11.more convincing the stallone at height i never notice mels lifts.
RisingForce said on 19/Jan/09
Interesting Glenn. I always ruled out 5-11 for Mel but 5-8 to 5-10 is possible. I think Leno is a solid 5'11", no more, no less. Clooney had horrendous posture in that video so it'd be hard to compare him. I think George is 5'11.5" though.

Mel has strangely looked 5-7ish in pictures like with M Night in the cornfield and if he was 2 inches shorter than Russell then he'd be looking 5'7" there. Obviously he's not under 5'8" but he can strangely look it. He often looked atleast 5'11" even in full body shots in Lethal Weapon too. Then again who knows what he had in his cowboy boots in those movies.
glenn said on 18/Jan/09
anything is possible james,especially that i never saw the guy.he is rarely in new york.even before he took over the hear 5-10 to 6ft for him.i say he looks 5-11.
glenn said on 18/Jan/09
thats my point acg.though he looked 5-11 in some youtube footage ive seen of him and 6-2 tom delong(blink 182) and 5-11,6ft? jay leno,m night refutes,we havnt figured out much.except,by his tone,5-11 seemed laughable to we can almost rule that out.but now its down to the 5-8 to 5-10 mystery.i asked carrot top about mel in 2001.carrot said he was around our height.except carrot is closer to 5-10.carrot didnt realise i was shorter.i did have thick boots heel though.
Vibram said on 17/Jan/09
From other film captures I've studied of him standing next to Steve Bisley (5t8.5) in Mad Max he just about looks equal. Biker footwear they were both wearing looks identical (remember this was back in 1979 before he hit fame, so prob. wouldn't be in lifts) From that, all 5ft8 claiments by the press hold true for Gibson cos a very modest 5ft9.5 / 177cm man (even 175cm) would not be called a short man as often as he does, surely?
RisingForce said on 17/Jan/09
Danny, people call Arnold Schwarzenegger short and he's still nothing under 5'11" at the very least(likely over that).
Danny said on 17/Jan/09
Rob if he were 177cm barefoot nobody would think he was short.177cm is a good height and Mel Gibson does not seem that tall.
ACG said on 17/Jan/09
cool m night story, glenn, but i don't really see what the "news" is....m night is 5'9.5 as you knew, and mel never looks taller than him(sometimes shorter, actually), so m night saying mel isn't 5'11- does that really come as a surprise??

in other words, was there really any chance of m night saying "no, he's certainly 5'11, trust me".......that would've made things truly interesting, but mel *NOT* being 5'11 is something that i think everybody here is sure of....

still very glad you posted it, glenn, it's really nice to hear these sorts of things. at least we now know m night isn't those guys you spoke of who thought gibson was 6'1!!!
glenn said on 17/Jan/09
i did say 5-8.nobodys reading my story.he alluded as if he might be closer to 5-8,than maybe mel is 5-9 tops.
runt said on 17/Jan/09
Glenn is refering to M Night Shayamalan, the maker of the movie "Signs" and others.
glenn said on 16/Jan/09
i said it james.m night.the director.
RisingForce said on 16/Jan/09
Good story Glenn. Too bad you didn't say 5'10" or 5'8" though.
glenn said on 16/Jan/09
just bumped into m night,coincidentaly,after just talking about him last week.posed with me this time.seemed the 5-9.5 or so i claimed.asked him that too.said"around that i believe"(maybe even 5-9,5-9.25 he looked).i then messed up my words a bit,but got the point across with the next question.i said "there is a debate as to whether mel gibson is 5-8 or 5-11".(i meant to say 5-10,but mel has claimed 5-11 too).he then said "he isnt 5-11",with a smile and tone as in "let me put it this way",kind of tone as smile.
Vibram said on 15/Jan/09
Click Here with 5t8.5 / 174cm co-star Steve Bisley aka "Jim Goose" in Mad Max. Level pegging or perhaps a tad shorter is Gibson?
Brad said on 15/Jan/09
Hearo? Hear this, he's probably ONE of the shortest hearo,hereoes, um heroes on the big screen. 5' 8.75 is close enough.
Danny said on 12/Jan/09
I don't think he is 177cm barefoot,maybe with shoes on.
runt said on 12/Jan/09
James says on 9/Jan/09
"I even swear at times there looked only a 3 inch difference between pair those films."

sometimes less than THAT.

Click Here
glenn said on 11/Jan/09
its been about the same level for at least a decade.i use to read tabliods like crazy in the 80s and some of the 90s.all kinds of wrong height.rod stewart at 5-7.jagger 5-8 which i believed,cause he can look it.
RisingForce said on 10/Jan/09
James there are atleast 4 big reasons why people would make fun of Cruise's height anyway.

1.He's arguably the biggest movie star of the last 20-25 years so people will look for anything there is to make fun fo him about. Height is a big point of emphasis for many people so Cruise being 5-8 or even 5-7 would be an inch or 2 below average. The biggest movie star being below average in height will obviously be of interest to many. Michael J Fox also is too short to even pass for average but Cruise is still tall enough to look 5-9 or 5-10 on screen which is average. So when people know he's below average it's a big story while everybody can tell Michael J Fox is short just by watching his movies or shows.

2.Tom Cruise has been married to 3 woman taller than him. Back in the 80's many people talked about Mimi Rogers being as tall or taller than him at 5-8 or a bit over. Then Nicole Kidman at 5-10.5, 5-11 towered over him especially in heels. Having your wife appear 3-4 inches taller than you for a decade will make you seem even shorter. Now of course Katie Holmes at 5-9 being taller than Cruise is always written about. So one of the biggest stars having wives as tall or taller than you for 20 years will obviously be an interesting to people.

3.Tom Cruise is one of the biggest male sex symbols of the last 20-25 years, much like Pitt and Clooney. You mentioned Pitt possibly wearing lifts because his female fans expect him to be tall. Well I'm sure Cruise's female fans expect him to be 5-9 or 5-10 so they're suprirsed at how short he is at 5-7 or 5-8.

4.Cruise also was marketed as an action hero after Mission Impossible and it's sequels as well as Minority Report, The Last Samurai ect. People expect action heros to be 6 feet or taller so even taller action stars like Sly, Mel Gibsons, Van Damme and even Arnold get short comments. Cruise at 5-7 or 5-8 certainly seems shorter than people would expect for that reason as well.

There are numerous reasons why Cruise at 5-8 or a little under gets made fun of for being short. Most of those reasons apply to Mel Gibson but he doesn't get made fun of as much because he's likely taller than Cruise.
Brad said on 10/Jan/09
The dog was like a smaller horse, to inflate Gibson's height. Robert Conrad had animals, people, places & things around him smaller to make him look taller.
glenn said on 9/Jan/09
are you kidding me james? they been making fun of cruises height since his start of fame.1990 at the latest.and he was famous in the mid maybe then too.
Vibram said on 9/Jan/09
Why does he get so much flack if he is truly 5ft9.75? Yes, it's below the 6ft+ leading man ideal, but it's not a height that warrants constant small comments - guy's that are 5ft9 - 10 tend to get 'accepted' eventually like Daniel Craig. Gibson, in the same constant raptorish fashion that eats Cruise, is always referenced for his lack of size in every magazine paragraph.
glenn said on 9/Jan/09
thats true james.
ACG said on 8/Jan/09
Random Googler says on 7/Jan/09
Dang that's really weird, because on one of the pictures from The Road Warrior (Mad Max 2), where Mel is walking down the road with his dog, the dog isn't even as high as his knee. Seeing that made me want to search his height. I never knew that dog was so tiny O_o.

May I ask what type/breed of dog it was and about how old it looked? Any screencaps? Hey, when you have as big a mystery as Mel, you need all the help you can get!!
glenn said on 8/Jan/09
yes james,most likely an illusion.only saw the guy i make mistakes on one encounter.
glenn said on 8/Jan/09
i know what you meant risingforce.i read that about phoenix too.the 5-7.
glenn said on 8/Jan/09 have to go to a not sure which wasnt hard to was near the top.
Random Googler said on 7/Jan/09
Dang that's really weird, because on one of the pictures from The Road Warrior (Mad Max 2), where Mel is walking down the road with his dog, the dog isn't even as high as his knee. Seeing that made me want to search his height. I never knew that dog was so tiny O_o.
RisingForce said on 7/Jan/09
Glenn, did you search on just Google or Google Images for those pictures?
glenn said on 7/Jan/09
m night turned me down a couple of times.nobody around too.yeah,i saw that cornfield pic.just google mel gibson signs premiere or for the kurt,mel gibson movie should eventually pop up.
linebacker40 said on 7/Jan/09
5'10" zone
RisingForce said on 6/Jan/09
I wasn't suggesting that Phoenix was 5-7, just mentioning that he was often listed at that height. Phoenix is a strong 5-8 in my opinion. Hopkins always struck me as a 5-9ish guy so that makes sense.
RisingForce said on 6/Jan/09
It's a picture of Mel and M Night on the signs set in a corn field. You've probably seen it.

A few things I need to see before I have a better idea on Mel's height are the Ron Howard picture, the Michael Parkinson interview and the Kurt Russell pictures.
RisingForce said on 5/Jan/09
I'm glad you know M Night's height because I was curious myself.

I don't know if I've seen Mel look shorter than he does here
Click Here

Mel looks only 5-7.5, maybe a weak 5-8 there.

That's odd that Phoenix looked 5-10 in '97. Maybe he was wearing lifts then. He does give the impression of being taller than 5-8 a lot of times. But if he claims 5-8 and looked it to you 2 years ago then that seems likely. I've heard 5-7 a lot for Phoenix actually.

What's funny is that Leung once said he read Phoenix claim 5-11! That has to be among the worst height claims of any celebrities. He said it was around the time of Gladiator.
glenn said on 5/Jan/09
thats a part of the signs pics i was talking about for ages rising.all you have to do is google signs movie premiere pics.mel looked 5-8ish in those compared to 5-9.5,5-10 m night.who i also met.i couldve sworn phoenix was 5-10 to me 12 years ago when i almost got into a fight with him at the airport.didnt know who he was.bumped into him in the street 2 years ago and he seemed 5-8.he put his hands on my shoulders when he said sorry for turning down the photo i got a good look at him.can be mean,rude or sweet in my case.
RisingForce said on 5/Jan/09
Not a great picture but Mel looks taller than Matt Damon

Click Here

Anonymous, they look the same height there but Sly is probably taller.

He is taller in these 2 pictures
Click Here
Click Here

2 pictures showing Sly taller and one showing them the same height suggest that Sly is taller.

Here Mel looks about the same height as 5-8 Joaquin Phoenix
Click Here

Does Phoenix wear lifts?

Now that I think about it, Mel's height is pretty confusing. Especially because we don't know if he wears lifts a lot. I wouldn't rule out anything from 5-8 to 5-10.
Danny said on 5/Jan/09
Lego how can one who is 175cm get to 180cm in common shoes? I have never seen common shoes that give 2 inches.
Anonymous said on 4/Jan/09
Click Here
Mel 5-11 and Sly 5-10.
RisingForce said on 4/Jan/09
ACG, is the picture you're referring to one of these?
Click Here

Here is my best job enlarging it
Click Here

That looks like Mel to me.

Right now Sly is about 1.5" taller but he's gaining a big advantage from standing closer to the camera and posture.

Mel looks like he'd be as tall or taller standing closer to the camera with good posture but it's hard to tell what the difference would be exactly if everything was equal.
ACG said on 4/Jan/09
RisingForce says on 2/Jan/09:
5-8 flat is certainly possible too. 5-7 is likely just an illusion. 5-7 would put him shorter than Tom Cruise which seems like a stretch.

And 5-8 flat would put him at the same height as Cruise, which is also a stretch...Mel never looks nearly as short as Cruise, and in the few pics of them actually together, Mel is at least a solid 2 inches taller than Tom...
RisingForce said on 3/Jan/09
Hmmm, they actually do look the same in that picture Mickey.

The other pictures I think Sly is taller. I don't see Mel slouching either. He seems to be standing straight but Sly is adding a little with the effect. S
Mickey said on 3/Jan/09
Sly taller in ALL the pics with Mel RF??

Click Here

If anything Mel looks slightly taller then Sly, not by much, but i can't see Sly as being taller. His eyeline is higher, as is the top of his head. At worst i can see them at the same height in that picture. Thats not to mention Sly is standing much straighter and slightly closer to the camera. Mel to me, would definately be taller then Sly if he straightened up in that photo.

Granted in the other 2 pics Sly looks slightly taller but he is standing military while Mel is slouching, Sly is closer to the camera also which makes the difference look much greater, my views anyway.
glenn said on 2/Jan/09
more perplexing than any celeb to me.
RisingForce said on 2/Jan/09
So it sounds like Mel isn't the nicest guy.

That's interesting about all of the 5-7 sightings.

I wish someone could find those Kurt Russell pictures. The Jim Carrey pictures however were illusions. His head looks unusually big there because he's closer to the camera and he's standing straight while Carrey is slouching. In reality he was closer to 5-11 then.

Maybe he's not as big of a lift wearer as we originally thought though. I think he wears them less than Sly or Brad Pitt at the very least. Maybe it wasn't correct to assume he wore lifts.

There's no doubt that he can look 5-10 or 5-11 at times even without illusions so he could be 5-10. It just depends on if he often wears lifts or not. 5-8 flat is certainly possible too. 5-7 is likely just an illusion. 5-7 would put him shorter than Tom Cruise which seems like a stretch.
glenn said on 1/Jan/09
thats right,it was george clooney.
RisingForce said on 1/Jan/09
ACG, I've never seen that.

These are the only pictures of Mel that I've seen.

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Sly is taller in all of the pictures I've seen. It sounds like you're referring to another picture but from everything I've seen Sly is taller. Plus in the early 90's Mel was often wearing cowboy boots with 2 inch heels and possibly something inside.

Mel could be 5-10 but nothing over it in my opinion. Sly I think is 5-10.75

I'll look for the picture you're talking about but can you post the full body shot of Mel and Ron Howard?
ACG said on 1/Jan/09
Here's to 2009 and glenn getting another encounter(and photo?) with William Wallace.

Best of luck, my man- not that you'll really need it considering how good you are at what you do!! :-)
Mister Lennon said on 1/Jan/09
I still think that Mel is a strong 5'9 guy, close to 5'10, he was almost as tall as Clooney in the pictures that i have seen both together.
RisingForce said on 1/Jan/09
Mel and Denzel
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Mel's shoes
Click Here

Denzel's shoes
Click Here

Mel's shoes aren't obvious elevator shoes but he certainly could have lifts in those. Meanwhile Denzel is clearly in normal shoes and he's slouching in every picture.

Denzel slouching is atleast 2 inches taller than Mel. You've said that you think Denzel is most likely 6-0 Glenn because he's given illusions of being under 5-11 to you and your peers.

If you don't notice posture then Mel could look tall there but he was 2-3 inches shorter than Denzel that night. The only possible way Mel was reaching 6-0 that night in shoes is if Denzel is a legit 6-1 and even then he would be barely reaching 6-0 in shoes. Granted even with lifts Mel would probably get 2" or a little over max from those shoes.

Still I don't think he reached 6-0 that night.

The picture I posted where Mel and 5-9 Charlie Sheen were pretty much the same height was also from the night he posed with Jim Carrey which backs up what I said about Mel's height there being an illusion because he was closer to the camera and Carrey was slouching.

Here Mel looks about the same height as Ron Howard. He may be about half an inch taller but then again Howard isn't standing as straight
Click Here
Click Here

Here is Mel in cowboy boots with big heels
Click Here

He does look to have about 3 or 3.5 inches on Rene Russo who should be about 5-9.25, 5-9.5 in those shoes but her knees are bent and she's slouching while he's standing perfectly straight.

That's why I'm still not convinced he can look 6-0 or 6-1 without the other person slouching.

If the Ron Howard picture you're referring to shows otherwise then that'll make him trickier but for now I think he's a strong 5-8 guy who can look 5-10 to 5-11 in cowboy boots or lifts.

If you met him and were sure he was taller like you are with Sly then I wouldn't be saying that but you say that it's just as possible that he's 5-8. So I believe he is around that height for now. You know I take your sightings as the best proof so if you meet him again in '09 and say that 5-8 is impossible then I'll agree.

Here is Mel and Morgan Freeman who you say looks 6-2 now.
Click Here

Freeman standing straight would probably have about 4 or 4.5 inches on Mel. I don't know what they had on their feet that night either.

I saw that bizarre video with Leno, the othet guy was Clooney. Mel was almost as tall as Leno. He also looked almost Clooney's height. Clooney was in basketball shoes and had horrendous posture though. Still standing straight George is about 5-11.5. Maybe with the slouch he was closer to 5-10 then though.
glenn said on 1/Jan/09
saw some footage of mel next to 5-11 guys like jay leno(is leno 6ft?) and someone else i cant remember.mel looked almost to thomas delong(6-2?) of blink 182 mel looked 5-10,5-11.all different really confused.but then next to joaquin phoenix he looked barely 5-9.
glenn said on 8/Oct/07
thanks adam.rob mightve Banned him though.people are stupid.thats a real man.hiding behind a computer.
Adam Brennon said on 8/Oct/07
Well played Glenn. I think Jesus has learnt his lesson.
Metric said on 7/Oct/07
You sound like a jerk, Jesus.
Metric said on 3/Oct/07
Agree Valeri.
Valeri said on 3/Oct/07
I think Gibson is anywhere from 175 to 177cm. no less than 175 though.
Metric said on 3/Oct/07
He is not as short as Cruise!
Franco said on 28/Sep/07
he is definetely a short looking person, his legs are short just like Tom Cruise.
Kel said on 26/Sep/07
I really though he was taller.
I read on a TV magazine that the next Bond would be Goran Visnjic. Maybe they decided to keep the height pattern up.
bam said on 25/Sep/07
if you can be a short looking 5'10 like stallone then maybe gibson is a short looking 5'9.
CarbonM5 said on 24/Sep/07
Sounds right.
Mr David said on 23/Sep/07
Looks just an inch taller than Glenn, mm i bet his no more than 5'9" - 175cm
mofo said on 20/Sep/07
Lol the road warrior must be taller than that surely!
I thought he was 5'10 at least!
Obviously not my bad!
leonari said on 18/Sep/07
I say Gibson was 2 times on Parkinson. I saw the man take off his shoes and so did others. But there are plenty who say this never happened...
Would be interesting to find out.
glenn said on 18/Sep/07
i didnt realize he was that old.
Catsman said on 17/Sep/07
Parkinson is 72 now. He's probably not the 5'10" he once was, if he was indeed quite that height in the first place.
glenn said on 17/Sep/07
we need the footage.
TJ said on 16/Sep/07
I thought Gibson did take his shoes off on Parkinson, but my memory could be playing tricks on me.
glenn said on 16/Sep/07
parkinson isnt know here in the states.i didnt think gibson took his shoes off.
Anonymous said on 15/Sep/07
Leonari, on Parkinson he did point to his shoes and say something about them not having lifts in them, but he didnt take them off! Looked about the same as Parky in their shoes, though.
tubbs said on 15/Sep/07
Is Parkinson well known in the US?
Franco said on 12/Sep/07
glenn says on 22/Aug/07
the mind of a gorilla too.

ROFLMAO! at last your sense of humor came out :-D you always had it hidden eh.

in that pic with you his face looks like : "What?! cookies?" lol
Mark said on 9/Sep/07
I would bump Mel down to 5'9" and give the half inch to Stallone to make him happy.
glenn said on 5/Sep/07
true metric.i never met him.good point.
Metric said on 5/Sep/07
Glenn: Maybe Parkinsons height is inflated? Would explain...
glenn said on 5/Sep/07
did he really take off his shoes? if so,then he is 5-10.but why did he look more than an inch shorter than 5-9.5 m night at the signs premiere?
Chris said on 4/Sep/07
I think Mel is 5'8½'', of course I never met him, but so it seems.
leonari said on 4/Sep/07
he was on parkinson!! he took off his shoes and said: see, no lits!
glenn said on 4/Sep/07
kurt russel is 5-9.gibson is 5-8,maybe 5-9.its a small possibility he is friends mentioned that low figure.i mentioned this before,and ill say it again.a uk magazine had mel mention at the end of the interveiw that he wanted to dispell the myth of him being short.he mentioned the bond height chart.mel was at 5-4 he claimed(not true,it was 5-8).mel then shockingly says,im 5-11!!!.i was stunned.i beating myself up for not buying that magazine.
Glenn Davis said on 3/Sep/07
Even before Mel achieved super-star status with the Lethal Weapon series, he was concious of his lack of height! In Australia he always wore cowboy boots or the like to give him an extra 2 inches!1
I'm sure today Mel has a vast range of elevator shoes in ALL styles to give him an extra 2 or 3 inches.
When he arrived back in Sydney after making Mrs Soffel in Canada,he was photographed at the airport with Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell. Now I know Kurt Russell is 5' 8", and Mel was a good 2 inches shorter than him!
So he must have had just ordinary shoes on that day!!
There is no way Mel is anywhere near 5' 10". Just wishful thinking eh?
Caesar said on 3/Sep/07
5'11 in shoes maybe. Could be anywhere from 5'9 to 5'10.
leonari said on 2/Sep/07
Incredible that apes are capable of making movies like Apocalypto and Braveheart...where will this end??
Metric said on 23/Aug/07
Glenn said himself that Gorilla-Gibson appeared wide and stocky. I trust him.
Caesar said on 22/Aug/07
Metric says on 22/Aug/07
Gibson is not that much closer to the camera. Either Mel has a BIG chest or he is wearing 5 sets of clothes underneath that leatherjacket. Nice jacket BTW.

He's not small-chested, but this large, wide body here is an illusion of the picture, a result of shadows, angle, position, etc.
glenn said on 22/Aug/07
i agree leanari.dr ray-he is very primitive in his ways.actually,gorillas are more intelligent than the stuff that comes out of this guys mouth.
leonari said on 22/Aug/07
And I doubt to this day that he is a full 175 cm
Metric said on 22/Aug/07
Gibson is not that much closer to the camera. Either Mel has a BIG chest or he is wearing 5 sets of clothes underneath that leatherjacket. Nice jacket BTW.
D. Ray Morton said on 22/Aug/07
"the mind of a gorilla too."


How can you tell the size of his chest? And isn't he closer to the camera than Glenn?
glenn said on 22/Aug/07
the mind of a gorilla too.
Franco said on 22/Aug/07
Metric says on 16/Aug/07
Look at the size of Mels chest compared to Glenn. He is BIG!***

whoever said between the DNA of a gorilla and a human being there's only 2% difference was right. no wonder gorillas beat their chests, in that sense Gibson is a true humanoid, yep big chest and a bit of a short legs.

definetely 175cm
glenn said on 20/Aug/07
i agree melv.
Melv said on 20/Aug/07
Mel's chest has always been small and arms small and stocky. I doubt have ever could benched 175 very well let alone 300.
glenn said on 20/Aug/07
he did snap at me.and he did look wide and stocky.maybe the illusion fooled me too in the flesh.he seemed 5-11 in cowboy boots.he can give the illusion of looking 5-10,5-11.
May said on 19/Aug/07
He looked tall..Maybe 5'10"
ACG said on 17/Aug/07
@metric: Mel is turned at an angle that would make his chest look much wider than glenn's. glenn is standing straighter and at more of a profile, while mel is slouched and at about a 3/4 view to the camera. AND mel's jacket looks way bulkier, you can see it looks a good few sizes too big on him. all those things give the illusion of mel being a big guy(in relation to size, height). but i may be completely wrong on all this, glenn: do you remember what mel looked like build wise(if you could tell behind all the extra clothing layers?) was mel "buffer" than you expected? i wouldn't think so, as you seem to be smiling while mel threatens you.....j/k
Metric said on 16/Aug/07
Look at the size of Mels chest compared to Glenn. He is BIG! Must have been lifting some heavy iron. I think he is 5'9". And with his build probably near 200 lbs. His bench must be around 300 lbs. Go Mel.
Gin said on 16/Aug/07
yeah i think Mel is around 5'8.5-5'9.5. I dont see him actually as a short average guy but a tall average type of guy. 5'9 range could sometimes look 5'10-5'11 given a certain body type. A good example of a 5'9 guy who looks tall is Wesley Snipes.
glenn said on 14/Aug/07
oh,they said he was short, really? i saw the pics.
Melvin said on 13/Aug/07
5ft 9 was in his prime anyway. Those girls he got drunk with before he was arrested said he was short and had photos to prove it in all the papers.
glenn said on 12/Aug/07
i bumped into night at the party for the last potter movie,2005?.not the new was at a huge church.i thought he was more 5-9.5,but you could be right.either way mel looks shorter.rob needs to donwgrade mel to at least 5-9. 5-9.5 is ridiculous.
Melvin said on 11/Aug/07
Where did you see M Night, Glenn? I saw him too years ago in NY. Was little shorter than me. He could be 5ft 9. Gibson looks shorter than him.
Zach said on 7/Aug/07
Those pics with Weaver and Gibson are freaky. One minute he's couple of inches shy of her, in the next pic she's got a whole foot on him.
Franco said on 3/Aug/07
Thank you Nolift81, yes i am italian and my name is actually Franco but not living there atm do to work :)

i never cared before about height but after finding this website i started to "enjoy" finding height of actors and peoples, i am a very perfectionist person and so i study and look at things very carefully, it comes naturally to me dunno. :)

btw if we agreed on everything then that wouldn't be fun, you say 170cm tom cruise i say 172cm it's fun to debate because in rare occasions i thought he is 170cm sometimes 168 sometimes 173...i just thought of sticking him to 172cm and forget about it.

but if you thought TOM is 170cm its no problem, maybe he is lol

keep up the good work.
Nolifts81 said on 31/Jul/07
Franco, you choosed an italian name,or maybe you are italian like me. I am agree at 99.9% on your extimations about all the celebrities heights. We are not agree only about Tom Cruise Height. You say that he is 172cm and I say that he is 170cm. However you make good extimations.Yes Mel is no more than 5'9".
Glenn said on 30/Jul/07
You might have a point dmeyer.then again he could be to that Signs comments,he was 1.5 shorter at the Signs premiere.I met M Night,he was 5-9.5.
dmeyer said on 29/Jul/07
peak 5'10 now 5'9.25 to 5'9.5
HellBoundPower said on 29/Jul/07
In those pics with Weaver, he looks about the same height as her (if they both took their shoes off), but I'm guessing his lifts about equal her heels. If she's 5'11", he's 5'10".
glenn said on 26/Jul/07
great pics.i bumped into her again 2 months ago.she got mean.
runt said on 26/Jul/07
This link should work. Sigourney Weaver (5-11?+small heels?) with Gibson in '83
Click Here
Rachel said on 25/Jul/07
how about 176cm ? would you settle for that ?
MHouillon said on 18/Jul/07
That's, what I always said : 5'9 (175cm) is much more on the spot than 177cm !
Brad said on 13/Jul/07
He's never peaked. He peaked as an a-hole.
Melvin said on 10/Jul/07
175cm would have been his peak if anything. I can't give him more than 172cm today.
Franco said on 5/Jul/07
yeah some time has passed since i last posted in this thread....

im not giving Gibson more than 175cm
5'11.5 guy said on 24/Jun/07
I thought they looked around the same. 5'9.
wasa said on 23/Jun/07
If Gary Sinise is 176cm, then Mel Gibson is around 175 to 176 max, because he didn't look any taller in Ransom. In fact Sinise looked wider and a bit taller.
glenn said on 12/Jun/07
i think even if we measured some of these celebs we would still get complications,such as posture,back problems,knee problems,and morning/night height.
leonari said on 11/Jun/07
Exactly Glenn! If we would have 100 % figures on heights this site wouldn't even exist and if it would surely without a forum! Different people see different things, but some people have absolutely no clue about height and how to judge it. Some people will think they are 5'10" themselves (if never measured for example) if they have a friend who slouches but are 5'7" themselves...If they would look into a mirror standing next to 5'10" person the difference is obvious even if the 5'10" guy is a bad sloucher...3 inches is a lot people. At least when it omes to height!
vandal said on 10/Jun/07
I think we know that all actors who are under 5-7 say they are 5-7 or even 5-8 if they have the body type to get away with it. When they actually are 5-7 they wear lifts and elevator shoes and there's no way to tell if they're 5-7 or 5-10.
Alex said on 7/Jun/07
I've heard of a 5'7 estimate for him years ago before I got very interested in height. I've always been interested in height somewhat since I was young though.
glenn said on 4/Jun/07
5-11 with the 5-8,5-9 barefoot.
Melvin said on 4/Jun/07
Can't see how Gibson can be over 5ft 8in if he isn't taller than Glenn with boots on.

Editor Rob
he does have his head tilted forward/down. The old comment was gone, but glenn did say this nearly 2 years back when mentioning cowboy boots:

"I met him in 1993 at a private airport(where he also yelled at me,I have photo proof of this,)he appeared 5'11"
glenn said on 2/Jun/07
yeah,ive been called tall a few times.short,many times.people cant percieve height.6-1 for mel? he might be 5-9 and had boots with lifts in them? and be 6ft? and was mistaken for 6-1?
glenn said on 1/Jun/07
im wearing black Reeboks that gave me a pathetic inch.i heard 5-6 and 5-7 for mel from autograph dealers too.but i also heard 6-1 and 5-11 from dealers too.thats why height is fascinating.
ACG said on 1/Jun/07
oh and i almost forgot-there was a post on this page(and an article) about another earlier episode of Parkinson where mel himself allegedly said he was "five six or seven." that seems pretty out there, even if he was that short, it would be even weirder for him to admit it!

does anyone know if that episode even exists?
ACG said on 1/Jun/07
wow, i'm glad that's over with....back on the subject of mr. gibson: he looks around average height in his films, but way too many fan encounters(notice i said FAN, as in people who would not want to downgrade him) have put him at 5'8 max.....the pic with glenn seems to confirm it; he's just a bit taller than 5'8 glenn-but then again he's wearing big cowboy boots. this has probably been mentioned before, but what was your foorwear in that pic glenn?
glenn said on 1/Jun/07
Aaron said on 31/May/07
well now that we've had our heated debate and I know you (at least your name and what you look like), can I call you a dummy? Just kidding. I'm sorry man. Thanks for giving your time and effort on this site. I shouldn't have started this crap. My bad.
Drew said on 31/May/07
Aaron says on 30/May/07
I will most likely be way more successful in my life than someone who sleeps all day and then takes pictures for a website an night.


He's met pretty much every single celebrity in the United States, takes pictures with them, and sells their autograph. And he probably makes more money than you do just from doing that.

Again, get your facts right, Mr. "If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say anything at all".
glenn said on 31/May/07
i like that,he can use the english language better than i can,yet he cant decipher context.what a dick. oh,acg-true,maybe i took his dummy the wrong way,but i dont know him.posters on the site i know or friends can call me a dummy all they want in a friendly manner.i would hope.
Clive said on 31/May/07
No, 5'8 it's exaggerated. He's a solid 5'9 but I think 5'9.5 can be his real height. 5'9.5 = 176.5cm I don't know if he reaches 177cm but he looks at least 176cm with Jason Isaacs who stands as tall as he can :
Click Here
ACG said on 31/May/07
yeah, it's interesting how things quickly escalate into a huge flaming war. one things for sure, however; there was definetely overreacting on both parts. the "big dummy" thing seemed like a harmless insult, but glenn apparentely misinterpruted it. And rather than explain what his intentions were, aaron started running his mouth just to piss glenn off and so on etc.....but of course, none of this would have started in the first place had Aaron read the Parkinson encounter more carefully and realized what the article was trying to say-which he should have been able to, him being a master of the english language, as he claims.......
Aaron said on 30/May/07
Okay, I didn't get the full story, made an assumption, and made an ass out of myself. No, Glenn, English is my primary language. Unlike you, I know how to use it properly, and I will most likely be way more successful in my life than someone who sleeps all day and then takes pictures for a website an night. Notice how Rob was the only person who bothered to correct me in a nice way. He gave me the whole story, whereas you other people were quick to scorn and pass judgement. Hate is a sign of ignorance and an unintelligent person. Get a life. If you don't have something nice to say, then don't say anything at all. This site if for enjoyment, and people like you make it unenjoyable. Glenn, I know I was first to start the argument between us, but I was also the first to appologize. I'll say it again. I'm sorry. I hope we can move on and start using the site for its intended purposes. I respect you and all that you do for this site, but it perturbs me when you act hypocritically. If I remember correctly, you pointed out that I "act fresh behind my computer" (whatever that means), but your doing the same thing I'm doing--arguing behind the safety of a computer. So let's just call this silly little argument what it is and move on, and hopefully we can act friendly to each other on this site.
glenn said on 30/May/07
aaron cant read.maybe its not his fault and english isnt his primary language.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.