Nathan Hatton said on 6/Oct/21
Would have guessed him 5'3"-4 range watching him on KOQ certainly nowhere near 5'7".
Any estimate on Gary Valentine who played Danny on the show he always looked maybe a couple of inches shorter than kevin James so maybe he's about 5'6" but not too sure on him.
Jkiller said on 2/Jul/20
5'3.5 (161cm).
Damon Blank said on 22/May/19
How does he have the guts say he's 5 ft 7? I don't think he's anywhere near 5 ft 5 either. Very short dude. 5 ft 3 is more likely.
TheBat said on 7/Mar/19
Wow Patton's previous 5'7" claim is just way off, same with the 5'5" one as well. I'd say around 5'3" to 5'3.5".
Paul said on 7/Nov/17
What's odd to me is that his younger brother Matt is actually of decent height himself. Haven't seen a claim from him, but he's farthest to the right here standing next to Jake Fogelnest who claims 5'6
Click Here
He looks around 5'11! A 7.5 inch difference would be a lot even for a brother and sister... for brother and brother though, that's huge.
Nev said on 15/Oct/17
Patton is about the same height as 5'4.5" Jason Alexander.
Morris said on 25/Jul/17
IMO less than 160cm perhaps 155cm
anon said on 21/Jul/17
Patton is class the guy was awesome as Spencer in King of queens, was going to say he looks like a 5'4 guy so I wasn't far off, crazy that he claimed 5'7 he has since gone down and now he must have come around is saying 5'3.5 lol,
I remember he had a scene in seinfeld with Jason Alexander cant remember now If you could tell their height together in the scene, Probably have to check that out again, Yh King of queens was a good show, most the guys on the show were under average height apart from Victor Williams who towered everyone also Ferrigno and Alex skuby both well over 6'0
Braveheart said on 1/Apr/17
He's got an off body. I'd say he's under 5'5" looks like he might have had some real growth problems. Not knocking the guy, just not normal. 5'1" at best.
Lendal said on 22/Apr/16
Patton is now claiming 5'3.5" elsewhere, officially.
So, spot on, Rob.
Sam said on 8/May/15
I actually thought he was 5'5" range. However, in that film with Charlize Theron, I'm not surprised by this height. She was barefoot but seemed to tower him in one scene, making a very awkward physical pairing when she hooks up with him towards the end.
lelman said on 9/Dec/14
Cool to see a short comedian whose material extends past his height.
Len said on 6/Oct/14
Rob, might want to update your blurb above, as I don't think Patton's claiming 5'7" anymore... in one of his televised performances, he made a joke about himself: "It's the attack of the five-foot-five guy!!".

Editor Rob
it sounds a more beleivable claim from him
Jdub said on 27/Apr/14
Went to college with him at William and Mary -- he's a solid 5'5". Nice guy and clever as hell
Emmett said on 8/Mar/14
I really doubt he claims 5'7 if he's under the 5'4 mark.
tom said on 9/Feb/14
I don't think he calls himself 5'7". I swear I heard him say 5'5" once, which isn't far off, and in one of his specials he jokes about moving the mic down to 'hobbit height', so I doubt he's trying to claim he's just below average.
Len said on 30/Jul/13
I woulda guessed 5'5".
Very ballsy for him to be claiming 5'7" elsewhere, he really should stop because no one's buying it.
216joedawg said on 24/Mar/13
he wear shoe lifts i noticed it on comedy presents(1999)
Silent d said on 29/Oct/12
I remember he was listed as 5 foot 7 on this site. What happened? 5 foot 5.

Editor Rob
that's nonsense :) He was added earlier this year at 5ft 3.5, that's why you have a comment like SRG at the bottom saying 'woah he's listed everywhere else at 5ft 7'...
sunny said on 16/Oct/12
just saw him on conan no way he is near 5'7" hes got to be like 5 3
Derek said on 11/Oct/12
Looked about 5 inches shorter than 5'9" Jon Cryer on Two and a Half Men. Even Angus T. Jones and the guy who plays Jake's friend Eldridge had decent height on him in the season 9 finale. Jake is about 5'8" and Eldridge about 5'7". 5'3.5"-5'4" range for Oswalt is about right. The 5'7" listings for this guy are a joke.
sprint84 said on 10/Sep/12
In a stand-up special, he says he's 5'5" -- could be shorter, but 5'3.5" seems a little low.
leonari said on 26/Aug/12
This is correct. Funny character.
SRG said on 25/Aug/12
Whoa, he's listed everywhere else as 5'7. You don't see someone lie about there height by four inches to often.
Alex said on 12/Mar/09
Definitely looks 6'5", particularly in their Hawaii concert where Graham's jeans are hiked way up making him look enormous.
LOL said on 22/Feb/09
nowdays he must be 6' 4", or 6' 3.5"
Mark D. said on 5/Jan/08
I'd have estimated 6'4". When my girfriend got an autograph, after a
show, I'd noticed he was a little shorter than me (I'm almost 6.5").
glenn said on 30/Jun/07
seriously.its postures and angles.
glenn said on 29/Jun/07
hitchcock is 5-5.
glenn said on 12/Mar/07
i dont actually.its better than music today.
Anthony said on 11/Mar/07
Glenn, don't feel ashamed. I too love Air Supply. And Graham is definitely 6'5.
Glenn said on 4/Sep/06
Duh,you mean shorty.5-5.
Glenn said on 4/Sep/06
Forgive me,I know the name,but the artist escapes me,oh me more.thanks.
thelasttiger said on 3/Sep/06
how tall is Russell Hitcock Glenn? We should put his height as well on this site.
Glenn said on 3/Sep/06
Schlock and cheese aside,they had great songs.
Glenn said on 3/Sep/06
True Viper.Im not ashamed of anything.I have more respect for Air Supply and Bon Jovi,than I do nu metal,rap metal and fake pop punk.
sf said on 2/Sep/06
Hey, don't forget, "Making Love Out of Nothing at All"! Man, these guys sang a lot of songs about love...
thelasttiger said on 2/Sep/06
I call air supply a 3 hit wonder. Their only good song IMO are
All Out Of Love
Here I am
Lost In Love
The rest are okay but those 3 are unbeatable.
Getting back on topic, does look a solid 6'5". 6'4 3/4 at the very least
Marc said on 1/Sep/06
Russell always appeared to be tall; he has just about a head on Glenn, so 6'5" is on the money.
Viper652 said on 1/Sep/06
Glenn, you have a lot of guts to admit you like Air Supply :) I guess their music is ok in the right setting.
Glenn said on 30/Aug/06
Thanks for that I know to get him in a couple of weeks! Sf-I think I did that a couple of timer years ago.I should do it more!
ForensicNYC said on 29/Aug/06
Yeah, Glenn, David Moyse has a few albums outside of Air Supply. He is principaly the lead guitarist of the album while Darlene is the lead vocals. He has a few songs in the CD. Here is one of his albums...
Click Here
He also teams up with Jazz musos like this...
Click Here
sf said on 28/Aug/06
Now Glenn if I was you, I'd have some fun with some of these pictures. I'd tell people I was actually in Air Supply, or AC/DC, or whoever you had your picture with, and show people the group photo as proof!
sf said on 27/Aug/06
Jeez...our friends from Air Supply look like they are ready for the retirment home.
ForensicNYC said on 27/Aug/06
Glenn, are they still touring? Graham is a giant. 6'5" is an understatement...This photo looks like its in Harlem? Anyway, David Moyse who is on guitars for Air Supply is having success with some albums he teamed up with artists like Darlene Zschech like this one...
Click Here
Regus said on 26/Aug/06
DANG!! I would NEVER have known that this was Air Supply. WOW. The years have not been kind to our friend on the left---but again, it was 1980 or so when I first heard them, sure. Interesting pic there, Glenn.