How tall is Robert De Niro - Page 4

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Average Guess (233 Votes)
Peak: 5ft 8.72in (174.5cm)
Current: 5ft 7.2in (170.7cm)
Frank2 said on 4/Oct/08
And Dana Andrews was taller than De Niro by about two inches in THE LAST TYCOON and by then Andrews was in his late sixties.

Rising Force - Sharon Stone is not 5'8.5". back in the 1990s I stood right next to her at my car dealer where she took her Aston Martin DB-7 convertible to be serviced and she's about 5'7" at the most. She might even be 5'6". I could easily look over her head. She was wearing shoes with very flat heels, probably no more than an inch the day I saw her.
Mister Lennon said on 3/Oct/08
I guess that he was 5'9 at peak and now he is about 5'8. He isnt much taller than Budies Hoffman and Pacino nowadays.
TELLEM said on 3/Oct/08
actor dana andrews was 5'10 by the way
TELLEM said on 3/Oct/08
go watch once upon a time in america with james woods (5'10) who's clearly taller than de niro...and watch last tycoon with actor Dana Andrews whos 2 inches taller than de niro...
TELLEM said on 3/Oct/08
but in the pic with dustin hoffman (which everyone clearly seems to ignore) he looks 5'8 tops....and please don't gimme no "he wore lifts" niro was and is 5'8
RisingForce said on 3/Oct/08
Pacino is said to have been a lift wearer. Al was probably 5'6" peak too.

Anyone who doubts that De Niro was in the 5'9"-5'10" range peak just look at the picture with Joe Pesci.
TELLEM said on 2/Oct/08
i take that back i put one movie still....but most aren't
TELLEM said on 2/Oct/08
i don't know where u got 5'8 for keitel....but keitel's listed heights on here and other websites is 5'7 1/2...most likely hes only 5'7...he was always shorter than most in movies...kinda like al pacino...face it de niro is and always has been 5'8...look at him with dustin...those pics i put on here prove it...what do u have? movie stills? thats not guaranteeing his height
RisingForce said on 2/Oct/08
First of all I've heard Keitel is 5'8".

Here are some pictures that prove De Niro is taller than 5'8".

De Niro is taller than 5'8.5" Sharon Stone despite her boots(this is from 1995)
Click Here

De Niro can look over the top of 5'4" Joe Pesci's head despite Pesci's big hair.
Click Here

5'9.5" in the mid 90's and 5'10" back at his peak in 1980 as I showed in those pictures. He slouches which can make him seem shorter.
TELLEM said on 1/Oct/08
heres some pics with actors to prove hes 5'8:

with 5'7 harvey keitel
Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

with 5'5 dustin hoffman:
Click Here

with al pacino:
Click Here
RisingForce said on 29/Sep/08
He also looked 5'9" minimum next to 6'0" Val Kilmer in Heat. He could very well have been 5'10" peak since he was atleast 5'9" in the mid 90's.
adam said on 21/Sep/08
Can look taller than 5-9 in many films but that can be because of lifts and camera angles and so on. Did look like 5-10 or something like that in Raging Bull. Also in the Cape Fear remake (1991) didn`t look short. I`d say he looked 5-10 there as well!
RisingForce said on 17/Sep/08
Watch Casino, De Niro is taller than 5'8.5" Sharon Stone. That movie was made in 1995 and that means that at 52 De Niro was sitll 5'9"-5'9.5".
Dural said on 16/Sep/08
with 5'6.5" listed Bono (i smell lifts)

Click Here

Good Tyson pic Jordan! It clearly shows DeNiro is no more than 5'8" and the same height as Stallone.
Jordan said on 14/Sep/08
Click Here

TYson admitted he was 5'10, and hes got Dinero here but 2 inches.
Mario said on 14/Sep/08
His new pictures with Al Pacino, suggest to me that he could have already shrunk down to the 5 ft 8 mark, or Pacino is the one that has shrunk.
RisingForce said on 13/Sep/08
James says on 9/Sep/08
He didn't look over 5ft8 next to glenn thats for sure

De Niro's posture is horrible and Glenn sometimes wore boots.
TELLEM said on 8/Sep/08
RisingForce says on 6/Sep/08
De Niro is still 5'9", he was probably taller when he was younger. His posture is horrendous which makes him seem shorter but it's obvious he's not as short as 5'8". Watch his films, he is not a short man at all. He's average.

deniro is 5'8 glenn i mean risingforce...he was never 5'10
RisingForce said on 6/Sep/08
De Niro is still 5'9", he was probably taller when he was younger. His posture is horrendous which makes him seem shorter but it's obvious he's not as short as 5'8". Watch his films, he is not a short man at all. He's average.
Frank2 said on 28/Aug/08
I belive first saw DeNiro back in the mid-1980s and he looked no taller than 5'8".

FYI I'm very close to DeNiro's age and I haven't lost any height. I know people who are in their seventies who are exactly as tall as they were when they were in their thirties. Some folks shrink while others don't.
Brad said on 27/Aug/08
I'm sure Glenn would take his January 24th rant to Frank2 over those pictures. He said he was 5' 10" in the 80's.
TELLEM said on 27/Aug/08
i doubt it...look at him and al pacino in the 70's early 80s...didn't tower him at all...i've posted them
dmeyer said on 27/Aug/08
de niro looked a week 5 ft 8 in person at 64 years old so possibly 1 in taller and peak
TELLEM said on 27/Aug/08
good pictures frank 2...i was surprised that he didn't tower al pacino in their earlier photos together...hes always been 5'8
Frank2 said on 26/Aug/08
DeNiro looking like a shrimp next to 6'1" Al Gore:

Click Here

And here:

Click Here

DeNiro and 5'10" Mike Tyson:

Click Here

DeNiro with Catherine Deneuve and 6'2" Benicio Del Toro:

Click Here

With 6'2" Barak Obama:

Click Here

Bottom line is, DeNiro is no more than 5'8". I doubt he ever was any taller.
Frank2 said on 26/Aug/08
Well, he was. In THE LAST TYCOON he was two inches shorter than 5'10" Dana Andrews.
George H. said on 26/Aug/08
I saw a recent picture of him on the internet this week and he looked half a head taller than Pacino. Was he always that much taller? I seem to remember that years ago, they were closer in height. Does anybody know? I mean, Pacino is pretty much a shrimp now, maybe he lost more height than DeNiro?
Frank2 said on 17/Aug/08

Nope. Brooks is more like 5'9". Back in the early 1990s I met him at a Beverly Hill jewelry store where he was looking to buy a very expensive wristwatch. He kept asking me in typical Albert Brooks fashion, "do you think it's too ostentatious?" He ended up buying it. But not after procrastinating for at least half an hour.
Brad said on 16/Aug/08
Glenn thought 5' 9". Gee, they were the same height but somebody wears Portmans making the photos worthless to judge.
TELLEM said on 16/Jul/08
thats cause everyone there is 5'6 or shorter Ian...Dustin Hoffman was a 5'5 and ben stiller 5'6
Ian said on 15/Jul/08
In meet the fockers he's the tallest one out of the families. Looks in the range of 5ft9 to me compared to the others. He has quite a few inches on teri polo like 4 inches. I guess she isn't 5ft 7 though. More like 5ft 5
TELLEM said on 7/Jul/08
danimal...those are several pictures of them together...what makes u think de niro wasn't wearing lifts? if i saw one pic by them then i would agree with u but those are several pics of them from the 70s to the 80s to the 00s...theres another recent pic of them around the net that i couldn't post and it showed 2-2 1/2 inches on each other just like the ones niro isn't as tall as u think
Anonymous said on 6/Jul/08
DeNiro looked shorter than Albert Brooks in Taxi Driver. Brooks was 5'10 at peak, both actors were at their peak height in 1975/76, and Brooks was a full 2 inches taller than DeNiro.
Danimal said on 5/Jul/08
TELLEM says on 2/Jul/08
how the hell was de niro's peak height 5'10 w/ out somebody explaining me these pics with al pacino Click Here

Oh come on. That's ridiculous. We cannot see Pacino's footwear in that pic. For all we know, he's wearing 3" high heels which he was known to do back in the day. One thing I do know is that the present height difference between the 2 of them is the more accurate one: 3-4" difference.
Lmeister said on 3/Jul/08
Maybe De Niro has been wearing lifts for a long time or at least shoes with thick heels??? I'm just speculating, but in the older pics he never is much taller than Al. Nowadays he looks much taller. Maybe it is partly because of Al's bad posture and height loss. Was De Niro ever taller than 5ft8??? This gets interesting.
Lmeister said on 3/Jul/08
Good pics Tellem. Al Pacino was 5ft6 in his youth that would make Robert De Niro 5ft8 based on these pics. Both are probably wearing cuban heels and Bobby D has a forced posture to look taller than Al.
TELLEM said on 2/Jul/08
how the hell was de niro's peak height 5'10 w/ out somebody explaining me these pics with al pacino Click Here
JOSH said on 2/Jul/08
I say de niros exact height is 5ft 8 and a half. In most films he can appear taller prpobarbly down to footwear lifts and camerawork. He is one of my favourite actors. Also films like heat/ taxi driver/ the deer hunter and a few others hes built up too a couple of inches in most scenes.
leonari said on 20/Jun/08
Just watch the movies where Deniro was young...once upon a time in America, Godfather. The man looks never short when he was young. I would even say slightly tallish due to good proportions. Today he is 5'9" never more and has bad posture if you ask me.
glenn said on 20/Jun/08
im glad people are finally coming around to deniro being 5-10 peak.i saw liotta once in my life in 1990.shy guy.seemed a giant to me.6-1,6-2.maybe he had lifts.had my picture taken with him come to think of it.lost it in 1990 as
TELLEM said on 19/Jun/08
just watched a clip of him and keitel in mean streets....De niro had about 2 inches over keitel, who is listed here about 5'8...i really think de niro's peak really was 5'10...he definetly looked taller in his 70s and 80s movies
glenn said on 17/Jun/08
exactly younger years,5-9.5 to 5-10 peak.
Anonymous said on 17/Jun/08
Just watched Midnight Run again yesterday, there's a scene near the beginning where De Niro stands next to Joe Pantoliano (who I think is, and always has been around 5 ft. 8) and De Niro is a good, solid 1 and a half inches taller than him.
The film was made in 1988.
dmeyer said on 11/Jun/08
de niro does seem to wear under average heels he wears boat shoes with 0.5 to 0.6 in heels then prada type with 0.75 in most of his shoes are under 1 in he seemed weak 5 ft 8 in person but might have been strong 5 ft 8
ed said on 10/Jun/08
De Niro is sort of tough to peg...on Analyze that he is in slippers and still 2 inches taller than Billy Crystal who is in shoes... but in Awakenings he is about the same height as Robin Williams and there is a recent photo where Redford is towering over him in a group shot... so maybe he is in lifts in Analyze That..
glenn said on 7/Jun/08
a pic is a pic.streets levels,dildos up my get the point.distorts things.i would love for him to be my height.but he isnt.5-10 in youth.which i saw.
RICHARD said on 7/Jun/08
Speaking of Francis Ford Coppola. I heard he had polio as a kid and yet he still grew to 6'. How does this happen? I thought polio weakens the bones in your legs and stunts growth ? I knew someone who had polio and he was 5'3,and stopped there,while his mom was 5'6 and dad was 6'3
Danimal said on 6/Jun/08
glenn says on 5/Jun/08
deniro is 5-9, can still look it at timesm

Definitely does not look it in the below pic with you in a purple shirt. Looks to be struggling with 5'8" there. In the above pic looks to be over 5'8", but again under 5'9" (5'8.5"-5'8 3/4").
glenn said on 5/Jun/08
deniro is 5-9, can still look it at timesm
glenn said on 5/Jun/08
redford is a legit 5-10.5.i witnessed for goodfellas,try 1990.
Danimal said on 5/Jun/08
Adam says on 5/Jun/08
Looked similar in height to Ray Liotta, but slightly shorter. In 94, or whenever Goodfellas was made, Liotta was 5ft 11in flat in my opinion and DeNiro was 5ft 9in - 5ft 9.5in.

Dude, watch COPLAND. If Liotta is ONLY 5'11" then Stallone is 5'7" MAX. They have numerous scenes together where they are both wearing flat flip flops on even ground (FULL body shots) and Liotta has 4" on Stallone and in that movie, Stallone is the same height as Deniro. Your downplaying Liotta and UPplaying Deniro. If Deniro was ever 5'9"-5'10" that was earlier on in his career. He's been under 5'9" for what appears to be close to 20 years now.
Adam said on 5/Jun/08
Looked similar in height to Ray Liotta, but slightly shorter. In 94, or whenever Goodfellas was made, Liotta was 5ft 11in flat in my opinion and DeNiro was 5ft 9in - 5ft 9.5in.
Ed said on 31/May/08
Click Here
Aimie said on 31/May/08
He looks barely half an inch taller than glenn. Just another proof that to be "great", you don't have to be particularly tall.
ed said on 30/May/08
Awakenings is on right now...he looks the same height as Robin Williams in their scenes together.
Marcelo C. said on 23/May/08
Robert De Niro is one of the greatest actors in Hollywood story, that
Davey said on 16/May/08
The only time ive seen Deniro look tall was in godfather 2.
glenn said on 6/May/08
gee mike,cruise wouldnt be wearing lifts to achieve that would he? funny,ive been seeing cruise all week.5-8 to 5-9.5 depending on the day.
Mike said on 5/May/08
still though....deniro slouches over, he kinda always did....its hard to tell....i'm a legit 5'8" 1/4....i'd like to meet him in person and find out for sure.
Mike said on 5/May/08
ok Confussed here. If Cruise is 5'7" then how can he be 3 inches taller then stiller? I heard stiller was around 5'6" maybe 5'5" 1/2 but that was from a friend who saw him at a restaurant...just doesnt make since sometimes these stats on these actors. Even more so De niro is supposively 5'10 peak and now 5'9" I would almost give him that except the photo here on your site with Glenn beside Eddie Murphy who is some what slightly over 5'9" looks way taller then Glenn who is 5'8" and in Deniro's pic with Glen they look almost the same height, maybe Deniro slightly taller, how is that so? Still say Deniro's max height is a legit 5'8" 5'8 1/2" max.
JOSH said on 4/May/08
In taxi driver de niro looks about 5ft 10 or a bit over in 2 inch cowboy type boots in some scenes so his true height could be 5ft 8 something.
JOSH said on 3/May/08
In taxi driver de niro looked about 5ft 10 or a bit over with about 2 inch cowboy type boots on in some scenes so his true height could be 5ft 8 something.
glenn said on 30/Apr/08
well in fockers he looked at least 2 inches taller if not 3 next to ben.i always thought ben was 5-6,but i think he is 5-7.funny,tom cruise was 2,3 inches taller than ben too in that mocking of tom he did.
glenn said on 29/Apr/08
thats correct.
glenn said on 29/Apr/08
thats true james,i forgot about that next to lioatta and kilmer.
glenn said on 27/Apr/08
absolutely james.that and maybe raging bull are the tallest i can remember him looking.
glenn said on 27/Apr/08
did you forget he was taller than 5-8 cybil by at least a couple inches?
Daniel said on 26/Apr/08
In Taxi Driver -in which he was at his peak for sure- he didn't look more than 1.76m to me
glenn said on 26/Apr/08
except that he is 5-9 now.5-10 peak.
Davey said on 26/Apr/08
Deniro is a guy that looks good at 5`8 and a half.Even though hes not considered a huge guy he has a huge presence because of hes personality.
glenn said on 25/Apr/08
true.she produces or directs now.
glenn said on 24/Apr/08
sofia was always metioned at being a bad actor.i always liked her though.was happy to have my pic with her.
Danimal said on 23/Apr/08
James says on 23/Apr/08
Andy Garcia kind of made that film worth watching, Soffia Coppela on the other hand well thats a differernt story.

She was nice eye candy. Reminded me of my ex-gf (looks wise only)
Danimal said on 23/Apr/08
Pacino was too out of character in part 3. He was being PACINO of 1989 and not the the quite, soft spoke, guy who would talk with his eyes from the first 2 parts. Even Pacino claimed that he was confused with the direction of his character for part 3. Andy Garcia on the other hand did a good job.
glenn said on 23/Apr/08
i didnt think it was was ok.
glenn said on 22/Apr/08
i wasnt the biggest fan of the doubt the first 2 were classics.3rd was a let down.
Danimal said on 22/Apr/08
Both are classics, but I prefer Part II. We have a CLASSIC Pacino, who is becoming evil in front of our eyes and we have Deniro. What more can you ask for? Part 3 should not have been made.
glenn said on 19/Apr/08
godfather 2 i think liked the best of the series.he did look tall there.
glenn said on 19/Apr/08
cant see the video,but penn can look 5-7 to 5-9.
TELLEM said on 18/Apr/08
Click Here

right here is a dvd movie of sean penn (5 ft. 8) next to de niro who is seen here as the same height as penn...
glenn said on 18/Apr/08
those are the best 2 put goodfellas in his top 10.deerhunter in top 5.
glenn said on 18/Apr/08
richard,its my posture and pavement the more recent pic you can kind of see he is a hair taller. james-goodfellas was good but i wouldnt call it his best.for me it was raging bull.
RICHARD said on 18/Apr/08
Isn't it quite funny how he looks 5'9 or 5'10 next to 6 foot actors like Nick Nolte or Charles Grodin,and yet he appears the same height as them,yet he looks 5'8 next to Glenn ?
egkingdom kg said on 17/Apr/08
Yeah, he dated her for years.
In the pic I posted it seems they are the same height, which is strange since she supposed to be very tall.
egkingdom kg said on 16/Apr/08
Here's a photo of De Niro and his ex-girlfriend Naomi Campbell.
Maybe that will help you to figure out his height.

Click Here
glenn said on 16/Apr/08
that piece of **** was called showtime.and deniro did look tall there.cause murphy can look 5-10.usually,with or without lifts.i almost forgot the name of that garbage myself.
RICHARD said on 15/Apr/08
I don't get why people say 5'9-5'11 is short. It is actually above average and not short. My dad was 5'11 when he was in his 20s and throughout the years he shrunk down 2 inches and he's in his 50s and has energy despite his back problems. I wouldn't want to fight the guy and he's only 5'9 and 180 lbs.
UNKNOWN said on 15/Apr/08
I agree with dollar, I say at best was 5'8" 5'8 1/2 max. So many times have I met people who are around 5'8" with a skinny frame that appear closer to 5'9" even 5'10" Just depending on how your built.....can be an illusion.
glenn said on 15/Apr/08
i read in the newspaper deniro was short at 5-10.he may not be called short in the media,but he is called short in households.ive seen nolte give me illusions of he can look 6-1 at least.ive heard rumors of him being 5-11 and wearing lifts.he is at least 6ft i believe.
RICHARD said on 14/Apr/08
Nick Nolte had about 3 inches on him in Cape Fear. Robert isn't a short guy,but above average.
Leung said on 14/Apr/08
sven says on 14/Apr/08
i dont understand why deniro is always considered a short man,he is really average at 5-9......

What are you talking about sven when you say DeNiro is always considered a short man??? I have never read an article or interview where they mention DeNiro as short. Someone like Tom Cruise has a short stigma attached to him and commonly has lack of height references made about him. But with DeNiro there is no short stigma whatsoever.
Tony said on 14/Apr/08
I dunno why, but I always had this idea/impression that De Niro was a taller guy. Haven't seen many of his films, I guess.
sven said on 14/Apr/08
i dont understand why deniro is always considered a short man,he is really average at 5-9......
TELLEM said on 10/Apr/08
i still believe de niro is really 5 ft. 8.5...
glenn said on 8/Apr/08
thank you james.i read 5-10 too.
glenn said on 8/Apr/08
has 5-10 peak.5-9 now.those pics above have alot,not my posture and pavement,yes.
Dollar said on 7/Apr/08
As you may notice from Picture 1 and 2 provided by Glenn, there is not much deviation in height due to aging/health factors associated with Deniro. He is still a very healthy man with the same posture for years and I reckon has only lost .5" since peak height as Glenn correctly points out. Therefore, when you further analyze the photos you can't help but to notice that the man with shoes on is pretty much 5'8", and I would take a bold guess and say that without shoes Robert Deniro's current height is 5'7.5" - 5'7.75" without lifts (he only uses lifts during filming as I am told, a humble/useful approach compared to most actors who have them on even when they sleep) meaning his peak height was most likely 5'8" solid barefoot, boosted up to 5'10" area with lifts in movies (check out his footwear in Ronin 1998 and others). Basically a 5'8 man who appears bigger on screen. Case closed?
sam said on 7/Apr/08
i say peek height was 5'10, current height is 5'9.5, doesn't trully seem to have shrunk noticably..
glenn said on 30/Mar/08
your right.deniro might be 5-10 peak.not 5-9.i have pavement and posture advantage in the younger pic.
TELLEM said on 29/Mar/08
no way de niro is 5'9...i've seen him and tyson stand next to each other and tyson seemed about 4 inches taller than de niro...
sam said on 12/Mar/08
still looks kinda young in the top pic w/ glenn
glenn said on 10/Mar/08
give it a rest dmeyer.redford is 5-10.5 peak and is still what gsp says.
dmeyer said on 10/Mar/08
redford id 5'9.5 like 5'11.25 to 5'11.5 with cowboy heels and he loks 2.5 in over deniro so deniro is 5 ft 9 with shoes on like 5'8 flat
RICHARD said on 8/Mar/08
I watched Midnight Run and he didn't look much shorter than 6' Charles Grodin. He looked 5'9 or 5'10 next to him.
GSP said on 6/Mar/08
Watching "The Score" deniro didnt looks much shorter than Norton. He must have been wearing lifts. He probably allways been around 5'9.
glenn said on 4/Mar/08
he wasnt shorter than were there with me? i had pavement,posture and footwear advantage over him.
dmeyer said on 4/Mar/08
maybe his posture fuuled since to me he looked 5'7.75
Anonymous said on 4/Mar/08
Hi Glenn. He is for sure 5.8. Look at that first pic he looks shorter than you. He has always been a 5.8 and something but being slim in taxi driver he rather looked average. Moreover, the average height changed a bit over the years, so De Niro in Taxi driver was actually average.
glenn said on 3/Mar/08
he isnt 5-8 now fockers.he is still 5-9.his posture makes him look 5-8.i explained that many times.5-10 peak raging bull and taxi driver for that.
dmeyer said on 2/Mar/08
1 in loss at 64 is normal 5ft9 peak 5 ft 8 now looked about 5 ft 7.5 with bad posture
glenn said on 19/Feb/08
5-8 with a slouch.
dmeyer said on 18/Feb/08
5 ft 8 is mush closer to his today height rob
trueheight said on 18/Feb/08
DeNiro looks like a child next to Obama:

Click Here

After his speech, he is greeted by Sen. Obama and Kennedy. I've heard Obama described as 6'1 or 6'2
mike said on 16/Feb/08
I don't believe he was ever over 5'9" i'll give him that much, but no more.
JOSH said on 14/Feb/08
He has always looked about 5 feet 9 inches. When he was young he could have been a bit over that height. Like in the godfather 2 for some reason he looked tall but he could have worn lifts.
mike said on 6/Feb/08
There is no way he is 5'6". No way have I ever, nor anyone here ever imagined him that short either.
Anonymous said on 4/Feb/08
DeNiro must be closer to 5'6" than 5'9" judging by today's photo with Barack Obama on Drudge.
glenn said on 2/Feb/08
if i have time i would.i have to dig them posture kills his.
MIKE said on 2/Feb/08
Glenn you say you have 7 photos with Deniro, I realize we all respect each others opinions about his height, but honestly i'm not seeing it with these photos.....could you post some more by any chance????
glenn said on 29/Jan/08
well i only think im right cause i have 7 photos with deniro and have been seeing him for 20 years.yeah,he can look 5-8ish with a slouch.
dmeyer said on 28/Jan/08
i agree with glenn de niro posture wasnt good
glenn said on 28/Jan/08
i respect your points dmeyer,but i think you misjudged.i used to it too.for years i though jagger was 5-8,5-9.not thinking about posture.
glenn said on 28/Jan/08
im glad you explained that rob.i was worried,but realised i must be didnt hear me complain once.cause since you always came through,i just figured you were going through a tough time.and as a matter of fact,i wasnt sure if you were kidding,i couldve sworn you told a visitor on the site you were broke and working hard.then i read the faq and it gave me the wrong ideas.i though you were on a constant tour of conventions forgetting about course i knew being wrong was a great possibilty.sorry.though it wouldve helped if you mentioned it on your own.either way your leisure.

Editor Rob
I was probably joking with the visitor, it might have been a former work colleague, I do remember I think now the comment you mean. Yeah, used to work in warehouse of a catalogue store many moons ago, horrid horrid work, was joking with him - nowadays, compared to that type of job I'm glad I'm able to work freely and be my own boss.
dmeyer said on 27/Jan/08
looks to struggle with 172 173 cm with al gore defenite 6'1
dmeyer said on 27/Jan/08
rob are you convinced de niro is 174 cm now

Editor Rob
am I giving him thought that his posture is poor, well maybe I do. To be fair, in stardust he could look that, last thing I seen him in.
dmeyer said on 27/Jan/08
glenn dont forget that i am talking late afternoon height so you would be about 5'7.5 if you are 5'8 morning deniro could be 175 morning 174 11 am and 173 5 pm
dmeyer said on 27/Jan/08
i met de niro i shook his hand i walked by him about 4 times and 174 seems high i would say 172 173 ,my other friend on the set thaught he was 170 cm but i thaugh he was more 5'7.75 didnt have the best posture so i can buy 173 cm but not 174 but i totaly agree in movies can look 5'9 easy
glenn said on 27/Jan/08
i like that.narrow perspective.yet these guys have pics that put mine to shame(e.g. michael jackson).to say you dont care is fine.but others do.not narrow at all.alot of it is junk and so is alot my pics too.i can admit that.but i have a-list and have the right to post all you want.its your site and hobby.but when the main contributer feels snubbed at something he was reminded on,in the faq,it brings out all sorts of confusion.of course,i hope its a misunderstanding,and i never questioned it initially.if i did i wouldve bitched over the not immature in that sense.but people arnt going to come to the site as much if it were your pics you the reality,since you were a little quick with a comment.even though ive been taking stabs at you lately.and i still sent you pics tonight.i have an obligation to my friends on the site.

Editor Rob
I don't like calling junk, but I understand your points. What was the part that is annoying you in the faq?
glenn said on 27/Jan/08
it may not be just my friends.but thats not always narrow.if they are saying it,and so am i,so are hundreds of thousands more.i know not all of my pics are great either.i just read something on the faq page that irritated me.thats all.its good to have all names,in the long wrong.even your names.

Editor Rob
yeah, I know if people don't watch a specific show an actor exclusively be known for, they are unknown outwith that show's audience. But there is an audience for every actor, just varying degrees of popularity.
glenn said on 26/Jan/08
thank you guys.robs actions has my head scratching lately.such as never updating the front page.i guess he is getting new names for the site that everyone i know says who the hell is that.

Editor Rob
I've not seen any celeb for several months, I'm on a long break.

Your acquaintances can say what they want, but their opinion and narrow perspective on celebrity popularity doesn't bother me, I could care less.
kevin said on 26/Jan/08
i think he was atleast 176-177cm. just watch the classics he was in when he was younger. looked defenetly taller than only 175cm. nowadays hes more like 174cm. so the previous listening was correct i think. and i agree his posture is horrible in current pics.
APP said on 26/Jan/08
5 ft. 9 1/2, peak - atleast.
I'm also inclined to take Glenn's word on it, seeing how he's seen the great man in person several times, and has proved accurate in his estimations countless times in the past.
glenn said on 26/Jan/08
he isnt standing as straight as i always do.and to me the bottom pic he is a hair taller.not with my posture way in hell is he 5-8 now.he may look it in pics or first glance,but thats his old man posture.
GSP said on 25/Jan/08
He looks same height as Glenn. So 5'7.5-5'8.5 range. I think this listing is about right. Definetly no more than 5'9 peak though. Great Actor.
glenn said on 25/Jan/08
exactly least.he was clearly 5-9 still in fockers and maybe 5-10 in raging bull.
Lmeister said on 25/Jan/08
You might wanna add that 1/2 inch to his peak height ; )
dmeyer said on 24/Jan/08
glenn maybe you see them bigger than wath they are i saw deniro he was 5'7.75 ,close enaugh 5'8
glenn said on 23/Jan/08
deniro still looks 5-9 to me by the way in new york.i see him often.
leonari said on 23/Jan/08
WOW: you downgraded him!!! About time. The man clearly lost some height. 5'8" is perfect.
Marcelo C. said on 23/Jan/08
Glenn: It seems O.K., but Bob really looks "Huge" on screen, no matter his real height, I mean he
dmeyer said on 23/Jan/08
finaly ,he realy didnt look over 5'8 in person ,1 in loss is very normal at 64
glenn said on 22/Jan/08
great pics lemon.redford is a legit 5-10.5 in his prime.
Valeri said on 22/Jan/08
no way is the difference only 2cm between bob and bob. you have to rearrange one of them rob. either redford or de the look of the pic id say bob de niro is only 5'8 now. and redford close to 5'10. a loss of 1 inch by 64 is normal ,if his peak height was 5'9 that is.

Editor Rob
yeah, deniro looks not over 5ft 8 in lots of pics now, like those and gore etc.
Valeri said on 22/Jan/08
no way is the difference only 2cm between bob and bob. you have to rearrange one of them rob. either redford or de the look of the pic id say bob de niro is only 5'8 now. and redford close to 5'10.
Valeri said on 22/Jan/08
well thats only 5'8 if redford is 5'9.25,liek here
Lemon said on 21/Jan/08
From Sundance Film Festival: Click Here
clark said on 12/Jan/08
Draw a straight line from Glenn's dome, I mean head--to Robert's peanut..... That is too close to call considering Glenn is closer in the frame. We need a full lenght shot, shoes and all.
Mike G. said on 9/Jan/08
Just look at the Eddie Murphy Picture posted on this site.
Mike G. said on 9/Jan/08
Still give him 5'8" 1/2 max for youth height. And that is being generous......he just looks way to short to be over 5'9" in his youth....has great posture and in good shape for his age....I dought he has shrunk that look how much shorter he looks then Matt Damon and Eddie Murphy who is stated over 5'9"......just doesn't make since to me. I've got plenty of friends who are about 5'8" 1/2 and skinny as a rail who are mistaken as 5'10" all the time. Its all about how your built
patrick said on 8/Jan/08
On "I m d b " he's listed at 177 cm :))
Danimal said on 2/Jan/08
Glenn, did you used to tan and have stopped? You looked a bit darker in the 90's.
Leung said on 2/Jan/08
dmeyer, I also noticed too that DeNiro sometimes wears very flat shoes, like boat shoes with very thin slipper like soles.
5'6 and 21 said on 1/Jan/08
I think Mike and Lynn seems to be the only intelligent people that notice that de niro is nowhere near 5'9 all of you fools! 5'7 max
Braden said on 1/Jan/08
He looks pretty much eye to eye and thier top of thier heads look on the same level so i'd say he would be 5'8" maybe a mm over lol
mike said on 1/Jan/08
if he is still 5'9" then why does he look so much shorter then eddie murphy, and Matt Damon?
dmeyer said on 31/Dec/07
i think after mid 50s you loose serious height
dmeyer said on 31/Dec/07
after looking at picture he was 5'9 to 5'9.25 peak and 5'8 now since i met him 5'8.25 is possible now 5'9.25 peak 5'8.25 now,one think about him is that his foowear looks very normal ,and i will say even under average like 0.75 in alot to 1 in
glenn said on 29/Dec/07
for starts im 5-8 in both pics.and deniro was for sure a bare min of 5-9 in his youth,most likely 5-10.and is still 5-9 now.
Danimal said on 29/Dec/07
Sorry Lynn, but you already killed your entire credibililty on the Arnold S. page by literally making things up. If you can't see, Deniro is actually taller than Glenn in that first pic and Deniro is leaning into Glenn. The second pic, I do admit that he looks shorter, but 5'7" is too low for Deniro. I could believe that he is slightly over 5'8" today (64 years old) if he stood straight. In his youth, he was probably over 5'9".
mike said on 29/Dec/07
I'd really like to meet the guy in person, he seems like a great guy and has brought alot to hollywood. Sometimes its just hard to judge height by pics, I still will stand by my first impression of him being no taller then 5'8" 5'8"1/2 prime.
Lynn said on 29/Dec/07
In the first pic he is with a young Glenn that was, as he once said, 5'7".

According the pic above De Niro was the same height: 5'7".

A 5'6" friend of mine met DeNiro and told me that he is short.
Socom said on 25/Dec/07
Yes we do, although dumb people aren't hard to find these days. Danimal is dead on. I'll give De Niro 5'8.5, although he looks 5'8 in the pic.
glenn said on 23/Dec/07
we know it.thats for sure.
leonari said on 22/Dec/07
5'6" and 21: you are dumb and you know it.
Danimal said on 21/Dec/07
5'6 and 21 says on 10/Dec/07
Ouh wow that's some great pictures! Glenn is without a doubt taller than deniro by at least an inch and deniro's definitly not wearing flats in public. Yep De niro is no more than 5'6 for sur.

Here is the psychology behind this poster. He is 5'6" himself, so he doesn't want Deniro to be any taller than him. It makes him feel powerful and important to believe that Deniro is only 5'6", just like he I see this time and time again on this site. For 3 years now.
sam said on 21/Dec/07
In recent years, De Niro's posture has become absolutely horrible in many photos. He looks to be dropping almost 2 inches in many photos and often looks 5'7"ish.
glenn said on 20/Dec/07
i saw deniro yesterday.he is still 5-9. 5-10 posture makes me look taller.
mike said on 19/Dec/07
To be honest......I've seen posts in here claiming people were shocked at how short Deniro was when they met him in person. After all the years adding up, of seeing his movies....I've never had the impression that he was even tall. In fact when I saw stats that claimed he was 5'10" I was really shocked. So I went online and saw some pics, those like the ones posted here and some others....really have to say I never imagined, even in his prime, Deniro being over 5'8" - 5'8 1/2". I myself stand around 5'8" 1/4 or so, and have been mistaken for 5'7" - 5'9" depending on the person. Sometimes its easy to exagerate a number by an inch or take away.... I think since Deniro has aged a bit its possible he stands below those numbers now, but I also think he appears to be shrinking because his body has filled out over the years, and he is not as lanky anymore. The skinnier you are the taller you look.
Anonymous said on 17/Dec/07
Why are you posting on this site helas if your not interested in heights?
helas said on 15/Dec/07
It's one thing to be a little curious about a celebrity's height, but these posts are fanatical...this is bizarre. Why are so many of you seemingly Obsessed With Height? Please explain, I don't get it.
5'6 and 21 said on 10/Dec/07
Ouh wow that's some great pictures! Glenn is without a doubt taller than deniro by at least an inch and deniro's definitly not wearing flats in public. Yep De niro is no more than 5'6 for sur.
Socom said on 9/Dec/07
More like OBVIOUSLY 5'8. Same as Glenn in the photos, maybe even millimeters shorter.
sam said on 21/Nov/07
Is De Niro shrinking by inches like Clint Eastwood. He looks really short in these photos from the upcoming Righteous Kill:
Click Here
Click Here
mike said on 7/Nov/07
He looked a strong 5ft 9 in goodfellas. I dont think he was below that height.
emin lezgin said on 31/Oct/07
yes i agree hi looks accurate 174 sm in this days may be shorter
al said on 30/Oct/07
He looked about 5ft 9 in almost every movie. He was never over 5ft 10 but could have been 5ft 9.5. In goodellas he looked solid and was certainly no less than five feet 9.
Adam Brennon said on 21/Sep/07
At least 5' 9" in 'The Deer Hunter'.
marlon said on 11/Sep/07
He looked tall in the godfather 2 but he could have lost a in ch over the years.
dmeyer said on 17/Aug/07
i agree can look 5'9.5 in meet the fockers in low heeled boat shoes for some reason in person looked 5'8 flat gave me impression of 5'7.5 but i might have had 0.25 shoes advantage
JanJ said on 31/Jul/07
de niro is 5'7.5, he's just as tall as michelle pfeiffer with heels
JanJ said on 30/Jul/07
De niro's peak height is about 5'9.5
now he's around 5'7.5
Dermot said on 30/Jul/07
I just saw meet the fockers on tv and theres no way De Niros got over 2 inchs on Ben Stiller as I think Stillers height of 5ft6.25 is right De Niro must be shorter
the shredder said on 27/Jul/07
Joe Pesci is in heeled shoes ! ... So Robert the Niro was like 5'8.5 for that time !
APP said on 26/Jul/07
I just watched that Raging Bull clip, and he's wearig slippers in the scene with Joe Pesci and his character's first wife (when they're rowing), and De Niro still looks like he has about 5 inches on Pesci.
dits said on 26/Jul/07
To be very honest, De Niro always looked like a good 5'11-ish guy to me. I saw one of his recent movies, Meet the fockers, and he looks pretty tall there.. Definitely not 5'8 in any way.

But that is not to say he isn't 5'8..Some men just look taller because they have great posture,and a lot of charisma to themselves. De Niro is one of them.
the shredder said on 26/Jul/07
Check this out Rob ... NO WAY was De Niro past 5'8 - 5'9 in Raging Bull !

Click Here
the shredder said on 22/Jul/07
Al Pacino was most likely around 5 ft 6 , and in the photos from 1977 with De Niro , De niro is lucky if he has 2 1/2 inches on Pacino .

I agree with Dmeyer that he most likely is not past 5'8 nowdays .
18,181 said on 21/Jul/07
he looked 5'7.5,wow,then again hes not taller than Glenn.
18,181 said on 21/Jul/07
De Niro looks 5'8 with Glenn. since morning height lasts for about an hour or so.
dmeyer said on 18/Jul/07
in persom realy didnt look over 5'8 he look 5'7.5 to 5'8
lrua said on 5/Jun/07
Never looked more than 5'8" to me, probably wears lifts for certain roles.
Brad said on 1/Jun/07
5' 9". Hey Robert, do the Morris Levy motion picture. Moishey was the man.
dmeyer said on 27/May/07
frank2 mantioned 5'8 deniro didnt look look over 5'8 he even looked 5'7.75 but i might have had 0.25 shoe advantage he was an easy 3 in under me he looks so tall in meet the fockers that i expect him aleast 5'9 to 5'9.5 he was barely 5'8 i doubt he has lost more than 1 in since he is in great shape so 175 peak 173 now in public tom cruise apear taller than deniro like 5'8.5 to 5'8.75 and sean penn seemed shorter than deniro he gave impression of 5'6 from distance also deniro seemed a bit shorter than barry levinsin who is about 174 cm
LPW said on 13/May/07
Stood next to DeNiro at a Ry Cooder concert at Carnegie Hall in the late 70's, and he was no taller that me: 5'6". Guess he wasn't wearing his lifts then.
APP said on 5/May/07
De Niro looks about 1 inch shorter than 5 ft. 11 Depardieu in Novecento. POSSIBLY 1.5 inches
JOSH said on 3/May/07
Anonymous said on 21/Apr/07
he was probrably taller than just 5ft 9 when he was younger. ppl shrink by about 2 inches when ther old.
TheJerk said on 17/Apr/07
Well, another one of whom my mother has met. She's quite a fan of De Niro and said that he was (at least) 5-9 when she met him.
the shredder said on 9/Apr/07
Rob , are you going to add Michael Wincott ???

Editor Rob
I forgot, I meant to add him after dmeyer had mentioned he looked no more 5ft 9, I'll add him now
Brad said on 7/Apr/07
Martin Scorsese & Michael Mann made him look taller than he was in "Raging Bull" & "Heat". It helps to cast short around him. I'd guess 5' 9" then & now. He always has great posture.
the shredder said on 6/Apr/07
I NEVER can see him at 5'10 ! ... If hes 172cm that dmeyer saw nowdays , then 5'8.5 , 5'9 was peak ! To me he looks just about 5'9 in Raging Bull !
dmeyer said on 5/Apr/07
glenn is 172 and in both pics the look about the same
dmeyer said on 5/Apr/07
wincot was indeed a good 2 inch shorter than me so 174 175 range deniro was a good in under him i think deniro was a hair under 5'8 when i met him but lets give him 5'8 but he looked 5'7.5 he was noticably shorter than levinson who is barely average
glenn said on 1/Apr/07
so did i.not the restuarant part.
dmeyer said on 1/Apr/07
i work at a restaurant but when i have free time i go on movie sets as an extra
Chris said on 31/Mar/07
-demeyer, What do you do for a living?
dmeyer said on 30/Mar/07
it is a movie called wath just happened it is with bruce willis sean penn robert de niro michael wincott i might meet willis on a shooting april 12
dmeyer said on 30/Mar/07
possibly 2.5 in shoerter he could be a 5'8.75 but he is close enaugh 5'9 indeed a good 2 inches under me
the shredder said on 30/Mar/07
LOL I can't get over that Michael Wincott was listed at 6'5 !!! ...
dmeyer said on 29/Mar/07
i walked by him 3 or 4 times i shook his hand also he was shorter than michael wincot who was 5'8.5 to 5'9 5'8 is possible but no more he was a good 3 inches shorter than me maybe looked 5'7.5 but maybe 5'8 but 2 of my friends on the set thinks even shorter than that

Editor Rob
oh, you met michael wincott aswell, how close did you get to him, a good 2 inches shorter than you then?
dmeyer said on 29/Mar/07
rob is 5 ft 7.75 possible for deniro because he looked a weak 5'8

Editor Rob
at the moment I still think he can hold 5ft 8 maybe he doesn't have good posture, you saw him a lot on the set?
dmeyer said on 28/Mar/07
by that mark matt damon is 5'9
dmeyer said on 28/Mar/07
i met deniro yesturday i worked 14 hours on a movie of his and sean penn and deiro was shorter than i thaught he looked 3 in plus shorter than me he could be 5'8 but he seemed closer to 5'7.5 no way 5'8.5 maybe in shoes but since he is 60 plus he might have been clause to 5'9 at 20s but he looked a bit under 5'8 he could be 5'7.25 to 5'8 max also sean from distance looked 5'6 his body make him look 5'5 but even thaugh i wasnt close enaugh i could see he was 5'8 or under nowere near 5'9
Franco said on 23/Mar/07
sorry Dmeyer i dont agree, i saw DeNiro about 6 months ago in venice which is a city he comes often and he looked 5'9 to 5'9 1/2 in shoes so he is 5'8 to 5'8 1/2 barefoot.

De Niro however does hunch a bit which can make him look 5'7 or so but when he does stand tall you can see he is a strong 5'8 today. he have a bit of a bad posture but not as bad as Kevin Bacon.
dmeyer said on 23/Mar/07
can look 5'8 but wears sometimes boat shoes with 0.6 in heels i think he is steel 5'8.25 to 5'8.5 was about 5'9.25 to 5'9.5 at peak by that march damon is i hair under 5'10
dmeyer said on 23/Mar/07
a friend of mine met him yesterday and to me denire was 5'7.25 but i doubt robert is under 5'8
Leung said on 20/Mar/07
yes Franco, in his younger days De Niro was a solid 5’9”, possibly 5’9.5”.
Franco said on 20/Mar/07
grabbed a couple of screenies off MIDNIGHT RUN. he looks 1.77cm with shoes so he is surely 1.75cm without em.

Click Here

check it out. ;)
Brad said on 19/Mar/07
Louis looked 6' 1" plus some height enhanced shoes. He was walking down some steps so he looked taller to all the idiots like me below him. You ever get 86'd from hotels for life? I hear some of the big dealers in L.A. are escorted out for loitering in lobbys. Those NBC goons all had the same line "she or he left already". LP's are the best to get signed....Japanese issues for the better covers. All the 007 actresses go crazy over the foreign covers with them on them. George Lazenby wanted my Japanese 007 ones. It made sick at Paramount in '86 seeing most of the Star Trek cast walking around the lot and having nothing to get signed. My brother sat on the Enterprise Bridge and I took his picture in Kirk's chair. One time we snuck onto Universal and walked into the "Simon & Simon" stage. He was going to lift the desk name plate but we got caught walking towards it by a guy cleaning the place. We got a jaywalking ticket for walking across the freight entrance to the place later...we thought it might have been something else.
glenn said on 18/Mar/07
sounds like you beat me by far in tv and soundtrack vinyl signed.i have hardly any.i guess i have alot of music signed tall did farrakan look to you? i know what you know how many situations im in where i cant get autographs where ill like an ass or get kicked out? at least once a week im schmoozing secretly somewhere.
Brad said on 18/Mar/07
I just pay the price at Ray Courts' celebrity show and eventually I get my TV LP's signed. Addams Family by Gomez, Wednesday, Pugsley. Man From U.N.C.L.E./Girl From U.N.C.L.E./Burke's Law/lots of Western TV shows. Easy Rider soundtrack is very cool to get signed. I got Fonda in Vegas at the Harley place, Hopper is coming to Courts and Nicholson runs after Laker games so I've come close to him. I look stupid running to the court with an Easy Rider LP & Monkees Head LP I already had signed by the group (he wrote the film). I snuck onto The Burbank Studios in '80 and walked into a stage where Sissy was rehearsing....I ran out into the woods behind it and came onto The Waltons house in a clearing. I used to get Farrah in '83 after Pier concerts when her show let out a few blocks away. It made me sick all the actors that walked out I coulda had something signed.
glenn said on 17/Mar/07
yeah i try to get my vinyl done.i need to get my easy rider soundtrack done.f***ed up big time,as fonda was just the photo with.forgot my album.and i want my shining done by king and friend got both of them in 48 hours.king by accident.on that album.what luck.i just picked up princess bride on vinyl tonight since robin is always around.i got sissy spacek 17 years ago by accident.never saw her again.i want her to sign the country album she had.and i want burt reynolds to sign his country album too.i got him on sharkeys machine soundtrack.
glenn said on 15/Mar/07
fester was the morning talk shows was sheldon.who is mentally not trying to be mean or funny there.
glenn said on 15/Mar/07
8x10 are played out.and celebs know your a dealer for sure with those.i do sell them great.but i prefer the rare vinyl.
glenn said on 15/Mar/07
thats kinda what i do brad.i mentioned something outside his acting actually,and the obscure movie is always good.uncle fester died 3 years ago.its sheldon that had me sign an index card.when these guys pass,their index cards go up for auction usually,and my autograph will be up for sale! geez.
Brad said on 15/Mar/07
What works is: say "I've always wanted to tell you..." and let it be some obscure role or performance or recording by the person that he or she will think about....or bring a really cool thing to get signed. Most of the actors or musicians or singers want what I want signed cause they don't have it. The 8x10 thing is so old!!! Fester with his index cards was sad.

Editor Rob
this Fester guy, is he still roaming NY at nights, creeping on celebs...this is the guy who wanted glenn's auto once?
dmeyer said on 15/Mar/07
when matt damon and denire are with the same shoes on they look only 1 incj diferance so 174 for deniro who was like 176 pushing 177 at peak and 177 for damon

Editor Rob
maybe damon will finally come down a fraction, 177cm with 184cm webber...
glenn said on 12/Mar/07
he usually tries to ignore or walk away from someone asking for a photo or autograph.i always have something to say that perks his ears.
PC said on 11/Mar/07
I agree dmeyer, he looked tall in "Meet the fockers", but next to Stiller and Hoffman I guess that's expected. Surprised he looks 5'8" range these days, I would have guessed peak height 5'10", 5'9" now.
J. said on 4/Mar/07
Well, he must be nice enough to actually agree to pose. Is he nasty? Or just kinda shortish?
dmeyer said on 4/Mar/07
in that fockers movie he towerd over stiller and hofman and he had very flat shoes so 5'8.5 no less also since he is 60 he might have loose more than 1 cm so he was 176 at peack i think at 40 some people loose 0.5 in some dont loose at all at 50 most people loose about 0.5 in and at 60 most people loose 0.75 to 1 in and after that you can loose a lot
glenn said on 3/Mar/07
chris-deniro is actually very unfriendly.rarely poses.yet i always get him too.and guys he was also listed at 5-10 back in the day.and i think he was.looked it to me.he is still 5-9.
the shredder said on 3/Mar/07
5'9 peak , 5'8 now ... fair deal !
Mario said on 3/Mar/07
I don't know Lmeister, he can easy look 177cm in some his movie's, but when I see him next to Christopher Walken in the Deer Hunter (185cm peak height in my opinion), I see that was no more than 175cm.

The strange thing is that in that same movie he looks in the wedding scene almost as tall as John Cazale!
Chris said on 3/Mar/07
He definitely seemed like a solid 5' 9" back in the day and and now 5' 8.5 seems about right. He actually did seem a bit taller than 5' 9" in the early 70's. (probably was because of how thin he was)

Glenn - What was DeNiro like when you met him? He's my favorite actor, and I'd love to meet him one day!
James said on 2/Mar/07
Looks roughley the same size as Ben Stiller who is 5ft6?
the shredder said on 22/Feb/07
Rob , although it may not be right to judge , but what height range can De Niro * LOOK * next to Hoffman ???? Meaning the tallest he has EVER looked ! Do you think he can pull off the 5'10 , 5'11 look ????????
JB said on 21/Feb/07
I am assuming Deniro must have used lifts in the film Heat since he only looked like 2 inches shorter than 6 foot and a half Val Kilmer?
Spence said on 15/Feb/07
Brando was 5'9 maybe slightly under
Deniro - 177 cm at peak now probaly 174
Pacino - 5'6 at peak 5'5 now
the shredder said on 14/Feb/07
What about Pacino ??? do you know what he claimed ??? I still don't see how you thought he was near 5'7 at his peak ! also Im back to thinking Brando was 5'10 !
the shredder said on 14/Feb/07
Rob , do you know what De Niro's height claim is ??? well , he did say he was ALOT taller then Pacino ! IMO I think Pacino is no taller then 5'5 today and was only a tad taller at his peak !

Editor Rob
not directly but in 80's definitely described 5ft 10, sometimes 155lbs, where they got that from, maybe deniro himself
Stiffelio said on 13/Feb/07
I'd say De Niro now struggles with 5'8". Have you guys seen his picture next to Matt damenon at the recent Berlin Film Festival? Damon looks almost 3 in taller than De Niro.
Antron said on 10/Feb/07
um, shredder, the Raging Bull clip is utterly unhelpful. The shots always have one or the other guy in the foreground (looking over their shoulder), or sitting also never see their feet, nice try i guess
the shredder said on 24/Jan/07
Rob , do you think he was EVER 5'10 ??? well , I did find this ... De Niro claiming to be MUCH TALLER then Al Pacino ! ...

"Al, over the years we've taken roles from one another. People have tried to compare us to one another, to pit us against each one another and to tear us apart personally. I've never seen the comparison frankly. I'm clearly much taller, more the leading-man type. Honestly, you just may be the finest actor of our generation - with the possible exception of me."
Robert.R said on 21/Jan/07
Doesn't look any difference in height between him and Glenn in either picture, if anything Glenn just shades it.
Lmeister said on 18/Jan/07
Maybe you could upgrade his peak height to 5'9.5'' since there is a lot of evidence that he was close to 5'10'' in his youth.
Spence said on 13/Jan/07
That is terrible evidence he was a solid 177 at his peak.
Danimal said on 13/Jan/07
Pesci could have been a legit 5'5" in the late 70's when the movie was filmed.
the shredder said on 13/Jan/07
I doubt that De Niro was ever past 5 ft 9 ... check out the end of this video from Raging Bull where he is barefoot next to 5 ft 4 max Joe Pesci ( in normal dress shoes I guess ) !!!

Click Here

only looks 5 ft 8 - 5 ft 9 range to me ! unless Pesci had lifts ???????????
dmeyer said on 2/Jan/07
was possibly even 176 to 177 at peak

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.