Zach said on 5/Jun/06
Frank, I have to say I can't quite accept that Sly would stand on a box at a public outing, the press would have a field day! In films yeah we all know that all sorts are done to manipulate height, but not in public.
And if you look at the pics from Sly's 60th bday he's standing in different positions, first Arnies to the right, then he's to the right, yet in all the pics he's the tallest.
Freaky how he goes from half a foot shorter than Arnie
Click Hereto actually taller than the Terminator
Click Here
Leung said on 5/Jun/06
Zach, loved your post regarding footwear because it shows the extent of the crazy thoughts some people here have regarding lifts. I have actual experience with lifts because I occassionally wear them to give me a little bit of extra height. The truth is that lifts only give a slight boost to height, the actual difference between regular shoes and lifts is usually 1.5
David said on 5/Jun/06
I remember seeing Stallone on an Arsenio Hall show years ago and when he sat down and crossed his left leg to rest his ankle on his right knee, I was SHOCKED at the 3-4 inch heel that was on his shoe. Add a "lift" and he could certainly add 5 inches to his overall height. Look at the film Cliffhanger where he is on a cliff with the bad guys. All of them, (not just the very tall John Lithgow) TOWER over him. You can see at the beginning of the movie it that long shot with Janine Turner when they are standing against a fence the raised heels on his workboots.
Glenn said on 5/Jun/06
You do walk funny in lifts.but,I agree,some have mastered the art.
Glenn said on 5/Jun/06
Sly is 5-9 to 5-10 in my opinion.and when is he witnessed at 5-7 besides 2 stories? SLY can look over 6ft and most of you know that.dont trust sightings of over that? please,thats being TOM CRUISE,THATS a short guy.he ALWAYS looks 5-7 to 5-8.and now is wearing the occasional lifts more to be a hair under 5-10 we see in pics of him with come we never see him at over 5-10? cause he is truly 5-7.lifts dont make you 5-11 or over when your 5-7.and you can tell he is short.Sly rarely looks short.nor does his body frame.when you look at my legs and cruises,you can tell we are short.funny ,I guess no one remembers I was at the first Planet Hollywood opening in 1991 and Sly wasnt standing on a box.Arnie was 6-2,Sly and Willis were 6ft.standing on boxes at public events,body doubles,walking around barefoot for others amusement,this is too much.
Nolifts81 said on 5/Jun/06
Frank, I've met both Willis and Travolta, believe me Willis is 6ft and Travolta 6'1". Yes I agree with you about Arnie's height(about 6'2"). According to you how is possible for a 5'7" man to reach the 6'1"(with his shoes on)? How you explain those pics ( Sly 60
Zach said on 5/Jun/06
Sorry, meant to get above schwarzenegger and travolta in my previous post.
dmeyer said on 5/Jun/06
hey rob since arnie looks taller than travolta by 1.5" how can you list travolta at 6'0.25" and arnie at 6 ft
dmeyer said on 5/Jun/06
stalonne look 5'11 in this pics and travolta is shorter than arnie be 4 cm so arnie might steel be close to 187 cm and travolta is no more than 6 ft when i met him he looked 6'0.75" he might had small lifts on and also i think arnie is aleast 6'1" even nowadays and was like 6'1.75" at peak
Frank2 said on 5/Jun/06
What you're forgetting is that on top of using four inch lifts, Sly will stand on a box. A friend of mne saw this when they opened Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas and Willis, Sly and Arnold were there.
Zach said on 5/Jun/06
Glenn can I ask you what height you think Sylvester Stallone is? Sure you've mentioned a range of heights that he can LOOK and a range of heights that you may consider him to be, but if someone asked you to give your best estimate of his exact height, what would it be?
Frank2 has said 5'7. What is your best estimate?
p.s. Rob,
stretching exercises to increase height by atleast 5 inches?! At the age of 60 too! lol. Shoe stretching more like ;)
Even if Sly is 5'10 he claimed (20 years ago) to be he'd have to wear AT LEAST 4 inches to get above Stallone and Travolta (6'1 with shoes). And if he's 5'7, thats 7 inches from the bottom of his shoes to his insole. This is mind boggling, I know I've campaigned for Sly being around 5'8 but I just cant accept him or anyone wearing 7 that possible? Do women wear 7 inches? And then theres the pics of him being shorter than 5'7/8 Sharon Stone and the same height as 5'8.5 Robert DeNiro. I'm starting to believe Rob's push button get taller Sly theory =s lol cos nothing makes sense when it comes to this guys height.
I'm a big fan of Sly but the guys a freak when it comes to footwear.
Frank2 I've been with you on both Stallone's (5'7) and Schwarzenegger's (6'2) estimates...but how do you explain this?!
Click Here
Frank2 said on 5/Jun/06
If that's truly James Caan in the last shot then something is very strange indeed. Caan is now about 5'9". The last time I saw him I was at least two inches taller.
Zach said on 5/Jun/06
Click Here 
Editor Rob
as Stallone's contemparies begin to shrink over the years, Sly laughs in the face of shrinkage...those 10 years of hard graft
stretching exercises might be beginning to pay off...
Frank2 said on 5/Jun/06
I suppose that according to you, a perfectly realistic person who's unbiased is someone who agrees with you. I'm no fan nor am I some anti-fan with an agenda. I'm just an observer who's had a chance to be closer to may of these people than most of you. I don't usually over-estimate 'cause 99% of the time I see these people exactly as they are.
As for being taller, I just might be, considering all the fudging that goes on to get some of these clebs to be as tall as they're suppose to be. And it's not that I see everyone as being shorer. There are some tall celebs. And I'm the first to agree. David Hasslehoff is very tall. So is Christopher Lee. Arnold Schwarzenneger is tall. I've taken heat for defending his height as I have for defending the heights of other famous people such as Steve McQueen.
"just saying "look how short stallone is next to willis" isn't good enough"
I must say that if someone is considerably shorter then they must be shorter!
"you've gotta actually measure them"
If no comments are to be accepted without first getting permission to measure each celeb, then we all might as well spend out time doing something other than visting this site.
Anonymous said on 4/Jun/06
This whole thing is not about Frank2 or Glenn being right or wrong. I think most of us in here agree with both of them at different times. Bottom line is that both these guys have great information and i respect both of them equally. When it comes to Sly's height, i am going to agree with Frank2 on this one. Sly is 5'8 max
Glenn said on 4/Jun/06
Zach-you cant have 3-5 lifts in dress shoes,where I saw him looking 6ft on plenty occassions.Im glad Anon sees my point.Franks urgency to always be right is a fault in itself.

Editor Rob
in a couple of pics from the comment above this, it is another instance of the 'in public' 6ft sly, so no doubt he can appear like you say looking taller than he even claimed
Glenn said on 4/Jun/06
Ok sf.and Colin Farrel is 5-8 like Frank says.Frank has made mistakes and he wont ever, EVER admit it.neither do most of you.I ADMIT I can be wrong on occasion.some of you are blinded and dont and wont ever realise it.Rob isnt.does he have SLY at 5-7? no.I speak TRUTH,and most of you wont except it.TRUST ME,most of you are wrong on some of these heights.and have the balls to judge when Im the ONLY one showing proof and almost none of you met anyone.
Anon said on 4/Jun/06
Frank2 is objective only to a point in providing evidence unlike lots of people but he also has a tendency to skew it to his favor and not be open to any alternatives other than his fixation at 5-7. just saying "look how short stallone is next to willis" isn't good enough - you've gotta actually measure them. and sf, yeah frank is not a star struck fan but that doesn't mean nuttin cos it could me the opposite: an anti-fan. a perfectly objective and realistic person has no bias, their predictions go both ways - over or under. i think nolifts mentioned that all over this site most of franks estimates lower celeb's heights rather than raise them, that doesn't seem unbiased to me. what i've read supports this, i've never seen frank overestimate anywhere. Frank, any chance you may actually be taller than you always thought?
Frank2 said on 4/Jun/06
"Frank says that Bruce Willis is 5'11 and I've met willis last september at "Miss Italia 2005": he is at least 6f"
Then so am I as well as is President Bush. Now why would both Bush and I claim be shorter than we are? Come on!
"Frank says that James Woods is 5'10"(if he is 5'10 than Micheal j Fox is 5'2"!!! and not 5'4")"
James Woods is 5'10" and Fox is or was 5'4". I've met both.
"Frank says Sharon Stone is 5'7"(Ok if she is 5'7" then Ellen Degeneres is 5'5.5,and not 5'7")"
So? Ellen isn't 5'7". Your point being? It seems you automatically believe what publicity puts out by these people as being the truth with no possible way to disprove it. If so, you're a publicists dream come true!
"Frank says that Stallone is 5'7" and Scwarzenegger is 6'2"(I think too that Scwarzenegger is close to 6'2")"
Well, at least you agree about Arnold. I've seen both men on several occasions and my judgment is accurate on both of them. Sly wears huge lifts, usually boosting him by several inches. Then when photo sessions are taken of him standing with really tall guys like Arnold, the taller men purposely don't stand up straight making him look taller. Did you see the photos of Arnold next to Sallone that I posted where they were standing on a platform and Arnold was half a head taller?
Here it is for those who forgot:
Click HereHere's a shot where Arnold stood up straight next to both Stallone and 5'11' Bruce Willis:
Click HereWillis isn't wearing lifts and is several inches shorter than Arnold. Sly is wearing lifts and is still several inches shorter.
Here's one where they're standing inside the metel scoop of a huge dump truck:
Click HereLook how short Stallone is next to Willis. Bruce and I are the same height. This whole argument is become tiring. Trying to make some people understand is like me banging my head against a brick wall!
sf said on 4/Jun/06
Yes, overall I DO think Frank is more objective and realistic. Frank isn't coming from the point of a star struck fan who sees these people larger than life. No, he's coming from someone who has been IN the industry for a long time, knows/has met lots of these people, knows the tricks used in the industry (lifts, angles, boxes, trenches, etc.)and has probably seen many of these people at many different times, different situations and probably has had the chance to see many different types of footwear. No, I don't thank Frank's word is the end-all, be-all. And, I know that Glenn has met lots of these people too, But, overall, I do trust Frank's word more. He doesn't want to seem to want to build these people up. There are many others who just always seem to HAVE to have someone taller, they HAVE to build them up for some reason...
sf said on 4/Jun/06
Why do we assume if these guys wear lifts, that they are going to walk funny? Why/how is that proof? "If he doesn't walk funny - he must not be wearing lifts." Look at your average woman who has been wearing heels since she was in her teens. Does she walk funny? No, she's used to wearing heels. So, are these guys who wear 2 and 3 inch lifts in their shoes. Just like heels, they can get used to them and walk just fine, I'm sure. Not "funny." Stallone is no taller than 5'8".
Zach said on 4/Jun/06
Glenn, Sly doesnt walk funny around you and nor does he walk funny elsewhere. He has perfected the art of using, walking in, running about in and doing pretty much everything in his elevators.
A reminder of his elevators in Demolition Man:
Click Here Yet we all know he walked, ran, fought, did everything in them in the film.
Going back to Tango and Cash, Stallone and Russel were pretty much the same height in the film, sometimes Russel looked fractionally taller, sometimes Stallone, but look at the size of Stallone's elevators in this clip (keep you're eyes on his shoes when he drops his bullets and again when the baddies come flying out onto the floor):
Click Here
Glenn said on 3/Jun/06
Sure I can be wrong about Willis.but Im not wrong 100% on Colin ,and Im 90% Sly isnt 5-7.Sly is 5-9 ya too SF,but Sly never walks funny around me and in dress shoes can look over 6ft alot of times.keep in mind,especially with Willis and Colin Farrel,I SEE these people in the FLESH all the time and recent too.not 10-30 year old stories.and dont you think I can tell 5-7,5-11 or 6-1 apart?
Nolifts81 said on 3/Jun/06
Sf- and all here- Can I ask you one thing? If you compares Glenn estimations to Frank estimations, you think that frank is more obiective and realistic? With all the respect for Frank I think that Glenn is really close to the truth. Frank says that Bruce Willis is 5'11 and I've met willis last september at "Miss Italia 2005": he is at least 6ft, more 6ft+; Frank says that James Woods is 5'10"(if he is 5'10 than Micheal j Fox is 5'2"!!! and not 5'4",0,0); Frank says Sharon Stone is 5'7"(Ok if she is 5'7" then Ellen Degeneres is 5'5.5,and not 5'7",0,0); Frank says that Stallone is 5'7" and Scwarzenegger is 6'2"(I think too that Scwarzenegger is close to 6'2"): you think that Arnold has 7 inches on sly? I think he has 4 inches on Sly and no more!And in conclusion Frank says that Banderas is 5'9"(I agree) but Don Johnson is 5'8" and Stallone 5'7".You think that little Antonio is 1 inch taller than Don Johnson and 2 inchs taller than Sylvester Stallone? It sounds so strange. You still think that Frank is more believable and accurate than Glenn?P.S.I esteem Frank for the person that he is, I am only not agree with him about the height estimations.I agree with Leonari: Sylvester Stallone and Steve Reeves are the best bodies in the history of cinema.
Frank2 said on 3/Jun/06
So Glenn, with all due respect, if Willis is 6'1" then please explain how he and I are the same height and also please explain how he's the same height as President Bush. Then if you have the chance, please watch an old episode of Moonlighting and tell me why he doesn't tower over 5'8" Cybil Shepherd. If he was indeed 6'1" he would most assuredly look a lot taller. He doesn't. I actually watched them film some of it and in many situations Cybil wore no shoes at all! I mean this is getting to be somewhat ridiculous. Glenn, on this one I know you're wrong . Somehow what you thought you saw just wasn't the case. Occasionally I've been fooled. I've seen celebs like Stallone who at first I thought was the height advertised. Then I got a big shock seeing him without shoes.
vaj said on 3/Jun/06
Many say Sly can look as tall as 6'1" so now I am comparing him to someone who is 6' or 6'1". Sly even with his high heel boots is not even close. Now image him standing to Travolta with out his boots then you will get the 5'8" sightens.
If Sly was really 5'10" barefooted ,in those high heel boots it would make him at least as tall as John. But he only looks about 5'10" with his girlly boots.
Click Here
leonari said on 3/Jun/06
Real anonymous: You have nothing in your head man. Very sad. SLY had one of the 2-3 best bodies in the history of cinema and television. He had 2.8 % body fat in ROCKY III. He is 5'7" by you. I am 5'7". I have 4 % body fat. So what you are saying samrt ass is that you were as big as Sly when you were 12. Should that be a joke? Your humor is bad. Your nick on this site is stupid and your comments and claims lack evidence... Guy like you has one thing going for him: you have your brain in your legs...Got it: in your legs!!!LOL. you tall mf.
Zach said on 3/Jun/06
lol my2cents I love the way you speak. Null hypothesis: Sly is 5'9. Alternate hypothesis: anything from 5'6-6'0! Ok, I'll shut up...
Gramps said on 3/Jun/06
Those cowboy boots on Sly are not regular cowboy boots. Look at those heels! looks like he's wearing high heels, not cowboy boots!
sf said on 3/Jun/06
Glenn - I love ya, but I think you always overestimate many of these stars' heights, especially when you like them. You've seen Stallone at heights that even Stallone doesn't dream of! The man is not more than 5'8". And, no, most of the time, you can't tell how short someone is, unless you have something to compare them to. And, I'm talking about on TV. That picture of Stallone next to Glenn, to me, makes Stallone look about 5'11". Take away 3 inch lifts....
Nolifts81 said on 2/Jun/06
My brother is for sure 6'1" barefoot(185cm). And he was the same exact height of Travolta.they weared both 1 inch dress shoes.So frank, Travolta is 6'1" not 6'0".
KingNick said on 2/Jun/06
My basis on Sly shrinking is that Hulk Hogan shrank at least 2 inches if not more from his prime and he's not 60. I'm not a height speciliast but I don't think its impossible. Hulk was on steriods at one point, so maybe that had something to do with it.
Glenn said on 2/Jun/06
If Sly was never 5-10,then he was never 5-7 either.
Glenn said on 2/Jun/06
Yes,Rob,both Willis and Stallone I saw with exposed ankles and shorts.Stallone looked 5-10 and Willis looked a shocking 6-2! Willis claims 6-1.I think both men might be telling the truth.I KNOW IM telling the truth,and speak realism.not myths.and Im glad some are catching on.PLEASE,Willis was in barefeet recently and you guys still couldnt decipher height.Willis looked 6ft,6-1 and still people said 5-9,5-10.GEEZ.body doubles? Travolta 6ft? Sly 5-7 and wearing MUNSTER lifts all the time? DO YOU KNOW how hard it is to walk like that? NOTbeing able to accept that you COULD be wrong.being snotty towards those who side me.YOU guys should look at yourselves.
Anonymous said on 2/Jun/06
Frank2, i am going to disagree with you about a 2 inch heel on those boots .I believe they are at a minimum of 2.5' inches. Check out the length of his leg, it just does not jive with his upper body. Take four inches off the leg and it will fit his upper torso better, in other words have him take off the boots.
vaj said on 2/Jun/06
Thanks Rob,
That is the picture I was talking about, well compare to a true 6' he does not look like 6' or 6'1 as many claim with his 2"or 3" heel boots more like 5'10" now does he?
I know what may are going to say that Travolta is 6'1" but he is 6' or 6'1" Sly still is shorter in his large cowboy boots maybe even a lift inside, even his body seems short compared to John.
Can you image if Sly took his boots off and stood next to Travolta, now can you none believers see were all the short sightings come from?
Glenn said on 2/Jun/06
Travolta is close to 6-1.
Frank2 said on 2/Jun/06
Stallone in his boots is still about three inches shorter than 6' Travolta. Those cowboy boots have a two inch heel and are built up inside to give Sly another inch. So if he's 5'7" which I believe he is then in those boots he's around 5'10".
vaj said on 2/Jun/06
Does anyone have the picture with Sly in cowboy boots directing John Travolta in Staying Alive? In that picture you can clearly see Sly in 2"-3" cowboy boots next to a real 6'footer. And Sly's body does look small compared to Johns.

Editor Rob
THE REAL ANONYNOUS said on 2/Jun/06
Vaj, i have said that as well about the pic with Sly and Glenn. Same lifts and both these guys are the same height.leonari, i kind of figured that you don't go to the gym. Just keep buying muscle & Fitness and the monthly Flex magazines, and all your dreams will come true. 5'7 with 4% bodyfat, wow you must be huge. :)I think i was that huge when i was twelve.

Editor Rob
I think Glenn has mentioned before, it was either this or willis, but he saw him in exposed sandals I think, and didn't look shorter?
Frank2 said on 2/Jun/06
"Frank you have a great influence on this site. You try to convince peoples that that a lot of Hollywood's Stars are about 2 inches shorter than they really are."
Not always. when I defend a star's height or try to convince people that they were in fact taller, I get s*** for it. If you don't believe me, just go over to either McQueen's thread or the one for Richard Burton.
"I don't know if you do this only for having some fun or because you have some problem with heights estimation."
I do it in order to pass on some knowledge I have gathered from first-hand experiences. But just as in politics, some people will still refuse to believe anything that varies from their own hardened-in-stone beliefs.
"According to you Frank: Stallone is 5'7"(out of imagination)"
Who's imagination?
"James Woods is 5'10"(absurd! this guy is really close to 6ft)"
Oh, and your proof? Have you met him? Have you stood next to him? Have you seen him standing next to true six footers like I have?
"Sharon Stone is 5'7"(no way! she is at least 5'8" or a little more)"
Again, where's your proof? Have you met her?
"Don Johnson is 5'8"(impossible: if he is 5'8",Melanie Griffith is 5'6.5 barefoot and is very difficult;"
Melanie is about 5'6.5" and when she puts on four-inchers she's nearly 5'10". So what? In most photos of the two, Melanie is taller.
"Excuse me but I have to say this. P.S. Don't post again that Horrible pic where Travolta appears almost 2 inches taller than Woods because is not fair(Travolta is in Camera favour)."
You mean this "horrible" picture?:
Click HereSorry. I couldn't resit it.
"And consider that Travolta is a solid 6'1"(I've seen him this year in Italy at "Sanremo Festival" and he is exactly the same height of my brother 6'1".Travolta is only 1 or 1.25 inch taller than 5'11.75 Woods."
You measured your bro recently? I mean are you really sure he's 6'1"? I mean why should we take your word on it? I've heard he's only 6'.
sf said on 2/Jun/06
Whatever-there are so many people on tv you have NO idea how tall they are- short, tall, whatever. You can not always tells when someone is short - most people don't have a "short" build. They are every bit as proportionate as someon taller. Put them on tv with angle, lifts, etc - you have no idea. Glenn - you have the benefit of meeting many of these guys, so I'm not referring to you. But, why can't Stallone have on 3 inch lifts whenever you see him? That picture of Stallone in tennis shoes says is it all. Those shoe are monstrous and very well could have 2 or 3 extra inches in them. I wonder if he has lifts in his slippers?
Jason said on 2/Jun/06
My personal estimation of Stallone's height has risen to 5'8 1/2'' so far. I used to think 5'7 1/2'' but Glenn, amongst other things, changed my mind.
leonari said on 2/Jun/06
ANONYMOUS: You got it wrong brother. I am doing body building as a hobby, at home. . I don't even go to a gym you smart-ass! Plus I said I have similar built as Sly who himself never was a professional Bodybuilder and never used OIL. Pretty sure you are a lazy,fat guy watching Tv 24/7..good luck with that!
vaj said on 2/Jun/06
you are fooled, in the picture with you an Sly he is only 2" taller than you am I know he has lifts on. Use your common sense if you had lifts as well you also would be his height, how hard is that to believe?
And do not tell me that is his height without lifts because than there would not be so many sightings of him as 5'8".
With his Munster trainers or shoes he is no more than 5'11".
Nolifts81 said on 2/Jun/06
Sf- When I saw "Happy Days" in Italy!!! about 10 years ago. Not in its prime
Zach said on 2/Jun/06
Hey Rob just out of curiosity how comes you reckon Sly has lost at most a few millimetres whilst Arnold has shrunk over one and a half inches? Both are the same age, infact Sly is slightly older.
Glenn said on 2/Jun/06
Sure,I get fooled by 5 inch lifts all the time.Im glad some are seeing how ridiculous this all is.AND YES,nolifts is right.YOU CAN TELL when someone is short.
sf said on 2/Jun/06
nolifts - how old are you? Were you alive and old enough to watch Happy Days in its prime? I was and never thought he was short, especially since he wore boots and was surrounded by other actors who were shorter. People today have the benefit of knowing Winkler is short and that can skew their perception. I don't think Stallone's body style looks any "taller" than Winkler or many people. My friend, who personally stood next to Stallone in the 70's, probably before Stallone went to such great lengths to always look taller, says Stallone is no taller than 5'8". People just can't seem to except that stars, whom they have idolized and always thought were larger than life, may not actually be larger than life. People just don't want to accept that many of these stars are shorter than they think or want them to be. Especially men, especially when it comes to someone you really like. Especially since it is commonly known that most stars and press agencies Do exaggerate stars' heights. that's what Frank knows having been in the business for many, many years. So many stars always exaggerate their heights cause people just like you, etc. just think they HAVE to be taller. They just won't accept it. Sure, Don Johnson can be 5'8" and with lifts 5'10" making Cheech still 5'6". I saw a spot on a tv program recently where Paul Newman was standing next to Julia Roberts or Sharon Stone. I can't remember which. By now, it is commonly thought that he might be 5'8" or so. whatever the case, he was taller than the Sharon or Julia by two inches. Easily. Two women almost always regarded as 5'8"...really watch a lot of these shows and take a good look at how they film people. They do everything to conceal heights or minimize, heights, always shooting slightly up, etc. or at other angles so you don't notice the difference. And, of course, lifts, strenches, boxes, etc. They've been doing this since motion pictures began...
Height Detective said on 1/Jun/06
Click Here Sly , Bruce Willys ,Arnold and Demi moore
Zach said on 1/Jun/06
Having proportionately short/long legs is not an indication of height. Stallone is an ectomorph, with a small bone structure and long limbs which helps his appearance of not appearing squat.
Nolifts81 if Frank degrades everyone by 2 inches, why does he insist Arnold is 6'2 when so many say that he is infact only 5'10??
KAZ said on 1/Jun/06
truedat nolifts, frankie-boy seems to only downgrade all over this site. that said, there's no chance in hell da I-talian stallion can be 5-10. look at him with hottie 5-11 cluadia, hes about 2 inch shorter than her.
Nolifts81 said on 1/Jun/06
sf- When I saw Henry Winkler for the first time in "Happy Days" I realized very soon that he was short:no more than 5'6". He has short legs!The same is for other actors like Pacino or Hoffmann: they have short legs. But, when you see Stallone's body structure you can't imagine that he is short.He hasn't short legs or short arms(like Tom Cruise). He has an average height. He is close to 5'10" or at least 5'9.5.Frank you have a great influence on this site. You try to convince peoples that a lot of Hollywood's Stars are about 2 inches shorter than they really are.I don't know if you do this only for having some fun or because you have some problem with heights estimation.Glenn is more realistic!!!. According to you Frank: Stallone is 5'7"(out of imagination,0,0);James Woods is 5'10"(absurd! this guy is really close to 6ft,0,0);Sharon Stone is 5'7"(no way! she is at least 5'8" or a little more,0,0); Don Johnson is 5'8"(impossible: if he is 5'8",Melanie Griffith is 5'6.5 barefoot and is very difficult; and it means that Cheech Marin in "Nash Bridges" is not 5'6" but 5'4"?)Come on Frank be serious for one time. Excuse me but I have to say this. P.S. Don't post again that Horrible pic where Travolta appears almost 2 inches taller than Woods because is not fair(Travolta is in Camera favour). And consider that Travolta is a solid 6'1"(I've seen him this year in Italy at "Sanremo Festival" and he is exactly the same height of my brother 6'1".Travolta is only 1 or 1.25 inch taller than 5'11.75 Woods.
Frank2 said on 1/Jun/06
Sly is not 5'10". Never was 5'10". Dream on people.
Anonymouse said on 1/Jun/06
These two ladies from headquarters were always on KILLER STILLETOS and taller than me, I am 6ft. and .25 inch barefoot. We went into this Japanese restaurant and all of us had to remove our shoes to sit at dinner...Ha Ha ha!
They looked SMALLER compared to me (well, about 5'9" barefoot) and WHAT A DIFFERENCE!
Gramps said on 31/May/06
Shredder: No, it goes like this:
Stallone's peak height..........5'9"
Stallone's current height.......5'8"
Stallone's height in "shoes:"...6'2.5"
Frank2 said on 31/May/06
So when was his prime? I saw him at 5'7" when he did Nighthawks which was when he was just 35. Maybe he was six feet when he became an adult and then shrank down to 5'7" by the time he was 35.
leonari said on 31/May/06
KingNick: To shrink 3 inches by age 60 is ridiculous. Especially for a healthy, still in great shape guy like Sly. Maybe he shrunk 0.5 inch but sorry your claim or assumption or whatever you wann call it is nothing but: RIDICULOUS. PLUS : in public Sly appears more 5'11 than 5'10...thats why he wears lifts. He wants to be 6 feet like everybody else. OK? Please stop the non-sense. Body doubles, losing 3 inches. People start to lose it when it comes to SLY and it's truly anoying to read these absurd idiotic claims...

Editor Rob
I don't think sly will have lost more than a few millimeteres, in fact as hulk shrinks, by the time he and sly are 80 they'll probably look same height!
leonari said on 31/May/06
absolutely right Glenn. First it's clear that it's SLY walking with Kurt and no stunt double. Yes SLY wears a lot of lifts in private and often in movies. But he is and always was 5'10". MAybe 5'9.5". I like your stories Frank 2 but I am 5'7" myself, I have a similar built to Sylvester and I am involved in body building. But when I look at pictures of Sly the major difference is in the legs. My legs are rather short and Sly has these 3 inches more in the legs...
sf said on 31/May/06
nolifts - why is it unrealistic for someone to be 5'7" or 5'8? When Henry Winkler was a huge star as Fonzie, harldy anybody knew he was only 5'6". People were always very surprised to find out how short he was. When he was on Tv, he played the coolest, toughest guy there was. Alan ladd was only 5'5" or 5'6" but was a huge (forgive the pun) star.
Why is it unrealistic for Stallone or Johnson to be only 5'8"? TV shows, ovies, can make anyone look shorter, taller, etc. etc. the go to great lengths to minimize or disguise heights.
vaj said on 31/May/06
I am a big Sly fan and respect him as a person an as an actor if he was tall or short, but I am not fooled by his fake height.
You know it is weird how people who know him best all say he is short for example his sister is 5'9" and she said he is shorter than her. Who do you think I believe more his sister or Glenn who is obviously fooled by his shoes who says sometimes he wears normal shoes. Come on people get real what does Sly say when he wakes up I guess I will be taller today and tomorrow I will be shorter,than that would be deafting the purpose in wearing elevator shoes.
Espesialy someone who has been wearing them for a least 30 years.
I have already compared him to his 5'9" wife in her 3" heels and Sly in his 3" Munster trainers and she is still taller than him and many people still choose not to accept that he is 5'8".
Wake up people he is not tall how do you explain all the short sightings?
KingNick said on 31/May/06
I think Stallone was 5'10" in his prime but may have shrank to about the 5'7" mark now so in public he makes up for it and wears lifts/boots waht not to make him closer to 5'10".
THE REAL ANONYNOUS said on 31/May/06
Stallone is never 5'7 in public, and we all know why.I agree with Frank2 and Vaj regarding these heights.So Vaj according to Nolifts81, you are a solid 5'10.:)Why would we try to under estimate Sly's height? I like his movies and the image he potrays in public.If he is 5'7 or '8 its cool, if he is 5'10 it's fine with me as well.
vaj said on 31/May/06
You are not the only one who has met actors. I have met Don he was my height exactly, you may see him taller since you are shorter. Many people think I am 5'11" but I am only 5'10.25" or 5'10.5" in shoes and 5'9" barfooted.
And the funny thing is in Ten Cup Don's double was 6' tall. There were certain scence they would use his double for a distance shot they or when his back is turned and many watching the movie would think he is tall with so many tricks they use. I guess that is why many people a so shocked to see how short actors really are in person like Don, Sly, Banderas etc.
the shredder said on 31/May/06
rob,because this is the sly page you should give him .. a peak height , and a lift height. you can put it like this ..
stallone's height 5'9
peak height 5'10????
lift height 6'0 .
ok,.. iam off to the john . lol.
Nolifts81 said on 31/May/06
Maybe you are Santa Clause Frank! I'm kidding obviously. I've never seen Don Johnson in person so I don't know if Don is shorter in real life.I know one think:My cousin saw Stallone besides Don Johnson many years ago and they were both in sneakers and jeans and they were the same exact height.Why my cousin should lie? Frank you have seen both these men who is the tallest between the 2? Johnson or Stallone?
Nolifts81 said on 31/May/06
Frank2- Philip Micheal Thomas is a solid 5'10". I've seen him in a lot of italian television programs, because he was, several years ago, in a tv series called"Big man" with Bud Spencer.He was costantly about 5 inches shorter than 6'3" Bud Spencer. Also he was the same height of "Corrado", the most famous italian anchorman. Corrado was 5'10"(178cm).Come on Frank, you see people always 2 inches shorter than they really are.I am not adamant, I try to be realistic. Stallone can't be 5'7"like you say, is unrealistic, and Don Johnson isn't 5'8", if Don is 5'8" he should appeares 2 inches shorter than 5'10"(for sure)Philip Micheal Thomas in Miami Vice, instead he is about 0.5 inch shorter than Thomas.
Glenn said on 31/May/06
You guys should be comedians. funny,everytime I saw Don (and you will see pic one day),he was 5-11.another lift wearer EVERY time he is in public I maybe Don is short,but to say Sly has a stunt double JUST to look an inch taller than 5-9 Kurt is just too much and its making me sick to my stomach.and nobody sees this as outlandish? come on,this is disgustingly getting out of hand.
vaj said on 30/May/06
By the way Don Johnson is is excactly my height 5'9" barfooted and 5'10.25" in shoes. I was an extra in Ten Cup an shook hands with him and we were eye to eye.
Frank2 said on 30/May/06
Don looking "real tall" walking with his pregnant wife Kelley Phleger:
Click HereSure. He's 5'10". And sure Sly is 5'10." And I'm Santa Clause!
vaj said on 30/May/06
The pic with Sly and Russell is obviously a double or some sort of trick with Sly.With Sly you can never tell what sort of tricks he has up his feet.
Click HereHere is another pic of Sly and Russell, this time no double.Hemmm..that's funny Russell seems a little taller and Sly does not seem so tall like in the shower scene does he?
Click HereSly is 5'11" in his 3" Munster trainers, 5'10" in regular 2"elevators shoes or sandles, 5'9" in regular shoes without lifts and 5'8" barefooted that's it!
Nolifts81 said on 30/May/06
Frank2- We are never in agreement. I think, after a lot of pics and movies seen, that Don Johnson is about 5'10" and he is the same Sly height. However I esteem you Frank!
Frank2 said on 30/May/06
Don Johnson is 5'8".
Zach said on 30/May/06
2Cents, I'm in agreement with most of what you're saying. I mentioned the high-low point walking aspect below too.
Nice work from your calculations (although I wouldnt 100% trust that photo) so his height from that analysis is 5'7.9
This height does actually make sense, people ofcourse will make slight errors in estimation and hence the 5'7 reports, maybe late in the day maybe without any of his heels.
Nolifts81 said on 30/May/06
My cousin Alessandro is 6'2". Many years ago he was in Rome for the opening of "Planet Hollywood". He said to me a lot of time that Stallone was a lot shorter than him and was very surprised, but he said also that Sly was the same exact height of Don Johnson, a lot of time they stand one besides one. Both they weared jeans and sneakers in that occasion.
My2Cents said on 29/May/06
I'd like to add that there's one potential problem with the Sly and Kurt Russell shower scene photo, and it's the fact that they're both "walking" and you don't see their feet. In a typical human walk-cycle, there's a high-point where you're on the ball of your feet doing a toe-roll with legs straightend, which would increase your height beyond normal, and at other points where you've "landed" after taking a step, with feet flat, which would cause your knees to buckle and bend, and thus lowering you below your normal height .. in other words, a person "bobs up and down" as they walk, some more than others depending on how they walk. This is my argument against Sly being too tall (in appearing to tower over Kurt Russell by 2 inches or so) ...
However, I'll argue against him being too short either, in that the 5'7" reported sightings of him in the media (e.g. Goldman, etc...) appear to be mostly from people who could profit from sensationalizing and over-exaggerating Sly's shortness in order to sell a few extra copies of their book on "celebrity lies" or whatever ...
Also, look at someone who's truly 5'7" like Tom Cruise standing next to 6'1" Alex Cabrera:
Click HereIf Tom wore lifts which elevates him to 6', his new hand-level and crotch-level would be near Cabrera's belt-level, which would make his arms and upper-body look ridiculously short!! Only someone 5'9"+ can consistently pull off lookin' 6'+ which is what Sly has slyly done over the years, no way he could pull that off being only 5'7"!
My2Cents said on 29/May/06
OK, I'm making no claim that this shall put an end to the debate, but hopefully it'll be a big step closer .. with all the discrepancies due to footware, lifts, "walking on boxes", etc.. I'll reason that the best pic to use so far, truly was the Richard Avedon photograph of Sly and Claudia Schiffer both standing (albeit not totally, but almost straight) semi-nude and barefeet next to eachother .. to refreshen your memories:
Click HereSome of us have argued that Claudia may actually be 6' (according to an official modeling agency spec catalogue) rather than 5'11" (which is what most places list her as, just do a "Claudia Schiffer Height" search on google and see what I mean) ...
So I'm going to perform the same height-extraction exercise which I did for Arnold Schwarzenegger (using Wilt Chamberlain and Andre The Giant), but now for extracting Stallone's height from BOTH of Claudia Shiffer's reported heights. First, please refer to:
Click Hereor
Click HereUsing 5'11" = 71" and 6'0" = 72":
Sly's height based on 5'11" Claudia Schiffer
= (29.45 units / 30.8 units) * 71" = 67.89" = 5'8" (approx)
Sly's height based on 6'0" Claudia Schiffer
= (29.45 units / 30.8 units) * 72" = 68.84" = 5'9" (approx)
Now I'll be the first to point out that this is far from 100% accurate, but hopefully it should provide a "ballpark figure" of Sly's true height. Although Sly is slightly tilted in his stance, so is Schiffer. I'll also add that Sly's tilted stance lowers him on one side, but raises him on the other, which should balance out his height overall (I tried this out myself in a mirror and was right, the stance evens itself out).
My own personal conclusion from this, is that Stallone is a weak 5'9", perhaps 5'8.5" as I've always suspected. I cannot see him shorter than 5'8", nor taller than 5'9".
Gramps said on 29/May/06
Yes, I'm sure they put a box under Stallone in his shower scence with Sharon Stone. Ha-ha!
Zach said on 29/May/06
Slysystem..that tango and cash walking into the shower scene
firstly, thats taken clearly at an angle favouring stallone with regards to his walking stance (i.e. he's lifting his foot to step whilst russel isnt). To my distaste, I've seen that scene several times and you honestly cant tell who's taller, my guess is they're exactly the same height.
Secondly, on many stallone forums its been mentioned that that wasnt in fact stallone that he'd got a body double to do that walking into the shower scene (you cant see his face). I didnt think he'd go that far in trying to hide his height, but if you watch the film when they're all dressed up, Sly is wearing MASSIVE heels throughout (and trying to hide them with his trousers too), yet he still is the same height as Russel who appeared to wear regular shoes, nothing compared to Slys extortionate footwear anyway. If Sly and Kurt are same height whilst Sly has massive heels on then the body double is the only thing that makes sense.
Glenn said on 29/May/06
Ive stood right next him plenty of times too.I know he wore lifts in Narc,but please he towers 5-10 Jason patric by alot.lots of running in that movie.cant run like that in lifts.and he looks more than 5-11 next to Deniro and Depp in GOODFELLAS and BLOW.Depp is 5-10 when he is filming.and I ATE with Deniro and Liotta 16 years ago.Liotta was 6-2.I guess he has an obssesion for lifts.
Frank2 said on 29/May/06
I've seen Liotta, stood right next to him and he's my height or 5'11". He was about three to four inches taller than Sly in Copland. Sharon Stone is no more than 5'7". We never see their feet in the shower scene so sly was elevated slightly either by standing on his tiptoes or Sharon slumping down a bit. Then they might have placed a box under him. As for the shot of Sly and Kurt Russell walking away naked, well, there is no way that Sly is two inches taller in real life. Who knows what tricks they played. They might have used a six foot body double for Sly. All I can say is that in some shots in the film Russell is taller and in other shots Sly is taller. Russell is no more than 5'9". And I've seen Sly without his lifts and I was a lot taller.
Here's Stallone with Russell:
Click HereRussell slightly behind Kevin Costner:
Click HereRussell with Costner:
Click HereRussell with slightly over 6' Richard Dean Anderson:
Click HereStallone and DeNiro:
Click HereDeNiro is no more than 5'8.5".
And here with big 6'4" Chuck Wepner:
Click Here
Glenn said on 29/May/06
Ray Liotta isnt 5-11.he look 6-2 whenever I see truth,I think he is a hair over 6ft.and I saw a 3 inch difference in COPLAND.
dmeyer said on 29/May/06
those pics prove he might be the 5'10 he claims or 5'9.5"
Glenn said on 29/May/06
Good work Slysystem!
Frank2 said on 28/May/06
I only saw her from a distance when she was strolling on the Fox lot accompanied by director Joel Schumacher. She was wearing sneakers and looked about 5'7" but I really wasn't close enough to make an accurate judgment. She was a a lot shorter than Schumacher. At least by seven inches, maybe even eight. Schumacher's around 6'2".
HelloKitty said on 28/May/06
In the movie "Copland" there is a scene where Stallone is at home and is shown wearing flip flop slippers standing next to 5'11 Ray Liotta. This a full scene where you can see both actor's height from head to toe. Stallone in flip flops is at least 5 to 6 inches shorter than Liotta.
Nolifts81 said on 28/May/06
Frank2- Do you know the producer and also actor Tony Munafo? I think that is possible that you have met him. According to you how tall he is? I've seen a video in an italian tv program where Tony Munafo was besides Stallone and James Woods. P.S.They had(in that occasion) very normal dress shoes(also Stallone).
rut said on 28/May/06
Frank2: Hever you ever met Julia Roberts?
slysystem said on 27/May/06
sly taller than Russel very good pic of them from tango and cash shower scene
Click Hereand at least 1,5 Inch taller than Stone again in the shower this incredibly good Pic
Click HereUnder 5.9 is IMPOSSIBLE !
the shredder said on 27/May/06
rob, what if you meet sly one day and he looks 5'7 ???
[Editor Rob: he won't...
well, sorry, he will, but I'll be 55 and sly in his late 80's!]
My2Cents said on 27/May/06
I don't really know anymore .. watching Rocky IV again, particulary at the very end when there are a few clear views of Sly and Dolph fighting, Sly appears to be a solid 6' next to 6'5" Dolph Lundgren:
Click HereClick HereClick HereSuspicions of "munster trainers" especially in the first pic, although it's pretty phenomenal he can still box and be that mobile in 5-inch lifts ...
My2Cents said on 27/May/06
Check out this article in the Post-Gazette that also refers to Sly and this site:
Click HereIn addition to referring to the Goldman quote, it also mentions that Frank DeCaro, host of a daily talk show on Sirius Satellite Radio, who is 5-feet-8, worked for several years on "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart". DeCaro said, "I was amazed when I was in the same room as Sylvester Stallone -- he's not very tall at all. Not that I'd want to take him on, but he's shorter than I am."
sf said on 27/May/06
I agree with Frank. never trust what these people say about themselves, especially when it comes to their physical features. They all want to sound taller, look better, etc...and they all have a vested interest in making the celebs they work with look better, too. Of course, Stone is going to say Stallone is taller. She knows people know/think he is short, so she wants to make Sly look good. She's worked with him, they're probably friends, etc., so she helps him out. Every single one of us has probably like for/or exaggerated for, someone we know/care about. And, again, I go with Zach. In at least one photo, Sly looks shorter than Stone. And, he does surround himself with lots of shorter actors, just like Norris. Look at Rocky, Tango and Cash, and many others.
Gramps said on 26/May/06
I just saw photos from Stallone's movie "The Specialist." In the shower scene with 5'8" Sharon Stone, Sly is about 2" taller. I would link the photos but they are a bit too risque for this forum.
KAZ said on 26/May/06
no way anyone 5-7 can look 6+ without lookin weird! their arms'll look way short. unless they gots gorillaz amrs! when you make out with someone in da showers and know how ta do it right, you need to be lower than they are for da humpin action! ;) slyz 5-9+ carnt be no shorter!!
Frank2 said on 26/May/06
Sharon Stone is not 5'8". REPEAT! SHARON STONE IS NOT 5'8". I stood right next to her when she wore flats and she was no more than about 5'7" at the very most and probably around 5'6.5". I could easily look over the top of her empty head. Stone may claim a lot of things such as when she claimed she suffered from cancer and was somehow miraculously cured. Later when caught in an obvious lie she recanted. Never, ever trust what a celeb says. NEVER!!
Glenn said on 26/May/06
I agree Leanari.with all the tricks in movie history,especially with SLY,he would embarres himself with that shower scene? please.and yes,and yes Nolifts,I remember that 5-10 coming from her.
Nolifts81 said on 26/May/06
Vaj-Yes I agree with you, Sly certainly doesn't appear tall in that scene, but you have to consider that Sharon Stone is a good 5'8",maybe 5'8.5 like she says, (not 5'7"!!!)and I don't see Stallone being shorter than her in that scene. I think he is 1 or 1.25 inch taller than her.
THE REAL ANONYNOUS said on 26/May/06
We have discussed this many times and i agree with Zachs comments regarding this. Sly is a tad shorter than Stone and looks in great shape.
Zach said on 26/May/06
You're right smoke he is shorter than stone. Some people take the second scene where they're scrubbing as reference but u cant see their feet there.
leonari said on 26/May/06
SMOKE: Read former comments about the specialist shower scene. It has been discussed over and over and over again...and btw. SLY is not shorter than Stone in this scene? Where do you see non-sense like that?
smoke said on 26/May/06
How tall is sharon shoe? Editor if you watch the Specialist there is a screen where they are in the shower together. Now most normal people are barefooted in showers and in that shot it is clear that sharon stone is an inch taller than sly. Any comments Editor???
vaj said on 25/May/06
Listen Nolifts81, it is pretty obvious that Sly is short in the shower pic's with 5'7" Sharon. Now you can choose to think he is tall barfooted, but those pictures are worth a thousand words.
Nolifts81 said on 25/May/06
Real Anonimous- I remember that she answered he is 5'10" with a great body, because the journalist asked her if Stallone was relly short or not. And she answered in that way.Was an old interwiew after the release of the "Specialist".
THE REAL ANONYNOUS said on 24/May/06
Nolifts81, you are correct as usual. Sly can appear to be 5'10 or even 5'11 at times. It all depends on the footwear he is wearing at the time.He has been reported to be 5'7 by a few people who have seen him in barefeet . I believe Sharon Stone would have said he has a great body, but it sounds kind of funny for her to say he is 5'10 and has a great body. Nice try Nolifts.
Nolifts81 said on 24/May/06
I remember an interwiew to Sharon Stone where she said ,talking about SLY,he is 5'10" with a great body. I think The magazine was "Panorama"."Panorama" is a famous italian magazine.Stallone should be around the 5'10". If he is, according to you, 5'8" or even 5'7", Sharon Stone can't say that he is 5'10"!!!
Zach said on 23/May/06
Got a pic/screenshot Gregor?
Chris said on 23/May/06
It's funny that when I was Watching Escape to Victory the other day, the first shot of Sly is next to a really short make himself appear taller? I wonder if this is arranged in more of his films. Tina, wife of Bobby Moore - who was also in the film, said that Sly wanted a trampoline so he could appear to be jumping higher while he was acting in his role as a goalkeeper on the football team. Also, he had to have his football kit (uniform) tailored to his body to make him look really muscly wheras everybody else had to make do with the same sizes...
THE REAL ANONYNOUS said on 23/May/06
gregor, we actually call most of Sly's footwear Munster shoes, but Frankenstein boots fit the bill as well.
gregor said on 22/May/06
Watch the DVD of Hulk Hogan's Hall of Fame induction. As Sly approaches the podium to induct Hogan, pause the video and watch Sly's shoes. They look like Frankenstein's boots!!!
the shredder said on 18/May/06
rob, what is the main thing that made you come up with this site in the first place? are you cazy about height yourself? lol , i just have to ask .... * if * you have a wife/girlfriend , how does she feel about you running a height site? also how do the people that or close to you think about it? or do you keep all this to yourself and us users???

Editor Rob
its an 'open secret' to some folk, especially since there's not that many Rob Paul's around the town I live ;-) I guess for the last 3 years I have became more 'crazy' about height and some close to me actually laugh about it...
I had thought about doing this site back in the 90's but kept thinking of the effort involved to do it and the returns (money) and thought 'bugger that'. I actually still class this site more as a hobbyish one as opposed to it being in existance solely 'to make money'...
...then early 2004 when I had time to properly do it I done it - basically I was getting increasingly annoyed with a lot of the heights floating about the web etc...
the shredder said on 17/May/06
rob , what i mean is celebs own height clames . like sly .... 'iam 5'10 ' and weigh 177 pounds . like alfonso .... will's 6'2 ' iam 5'7 ' james is 6'4 . also others that you posted on here of other celebs own height clames. what iam trying to ask is.... where did you find them at? did you find them online? or do you just read them in a magazine or something?

Editor Rob
Ah, yes, you see, one of the reasons for doing this site was to accumulate such quotes into one place since no other websites had made available where potential heights might have came from. In other words, I have researched - used online/offline book searches, magazine searches (some paid search sites), normal web searches, agency searches, ageny requests, visitor quote submissions. It's taken a lot of time over last 2 years researching quotes, believe me!
Speaking of Will Smith, I was reading a French interview where he 'said' I'm 190cm. Of course, he probably said '6ft 2' and the interviewer screwed up the conversion to cm!
the shredder said on 17/May/06
rob, where do you find height clames at ? is there a website or something ?
[Editor Rob: I don't understand what you mean? Where I find mentions of stars heights???]
Zach said on 16/May/06
ha ha shredder, I'm still a uni student, not a qualified doc working crazy hours. I comment on Sly a lot cos I'm actually a very big Stallone fan, I've seen pretty much all his films and countless pictures of him and I just cant help but notice how in every film he uses some sort of footwear/camera angles to make him look taller than he actually is. And given the people he's stood next to and the considerable size of his footwear...I just cant see him near the 5'10 he claims.
See I'm also a big Schwarzenegger fan (bit of an 80s nostalgic moi) and I really do think he's 6ft+ so I'm not trying to belittle these action stars just to make myself feel better.
Also - Glenn and Frank2, who've both met Arnie are in agreement regarding his 6ft+ height, yet when it comes to Sly...there's a good 2-3inch difference. Like I said if both Glenn and Frank saw Sly as the same height then maybe more would accept whatever height it is they concur on.
Also, he's just such an enigma. Soo to recap, Sylvester Stallone isss...
Glenn: 5'9/10
Briggitte Neilsen: 5'9
Hulk Hogan: 5'8 max
Sly's sister: 5'7/8? (said he was shorter than her height of 5'9)
Goldberg: 5'7
Frank2: 5'7
the shredder said on 15/May/06
zach , your a medic . lol what type of medic has the time on his or her hands to come to a sylvester stallone height page lol. also zach , how come you are only here for stallone's height? i never see you on the tom cruise page or the glenn page . i wish i could see more of you this site . by the way .... how old are you and how tall your you ? also sly may not be his * BIG * 5'10 , but do you really lying by 3 inches? 3 inches is alot to get away with . some people lucky to get away claming a height that they really are (glenn and rob lol) . if you think sly is no taller then a even 5'8 , then what do you think tom cruise is? 5'6?
Zach said on 15/May/06
Shredder, firstly, I always liked watching you on teenage mutant hero turtles.
Secondly, to say that it'd 'be fair to give him what he looks like, even if he's not' would be kinda contradictory and self defeating to what this site is all about dont you think? i.e. Cutting through all the dressing up, elevator shoes and getting to the stars' genuine heights. Crikey if Rob put Sly as to what he 'looks like' think how many adjustments would have to be made all over the site! Cruise, Gibson, every actress that wears heels...
p.s. I might study PMS (medic here) but I certainly dont suffer from it! Grr.
the shredder said on 15/May/06
rob, do you ever think 175cm (5'9) is low for him ? are you really just don't trust hes footwear and thats why you keep him 5'9 ? even though my opinion meens s*** .... it is kinda funny that he always looks a solid 5'10 guy like you said . or you can give him 170cm for a week and 178cm the next . lol pointless but funny lol . now zach , for some dumb reason i always like to talk to you ( even though you seem to have p.m.s sometimes lol) . its good to here you think he could be 5'9 . well sometimes these a part of me that makes me think he really is 5'8 like you say . really if you think about the hogan pics .... sly 5'7 , vince macahon 5'8.5 and hulk hogan 5'10 lol. rob does not ever have to put sly up to 5'10 , but i think its fair to give him what he looks. even if hes not?
Glenn said on 14/May/06
Exactly MM.
ForensicNYC said on 14/May/06
Perhaps in the SHOWER SCENE of THE SPECIALIST, Sharon Stone was standing in the showers similar to this stance...
Click HereBut of course, Sylvester Stallone would come up with his own version...
Click HereBut BEWARE of this TIP TOE business, you can die doing it...
Click Here
MM said on 14/May/06
Saw him at my gym in London in 2001 - he's taller than his frame lets on because he's so bulky - up close he's no shorter than 5'10" and we even had almost identical Nikes on (I looked and they seems normal to me).
Zach said on 14/May/06
Well go watch the specialist scene for yourself Leonari, they're both clearly barefooted. I didnt capture stillshot with them barefooted cos there were other parts showing which I dont think Rob would allow to be shown on here.
leonari said on 14/May/06
Vaj: again somebody not understanding that 3 inch lifts on your heel don't make you 3 inches taller. Ask Rob: he had an explanation for that if you don't believe me.
leonari said on 14/May/06
Zach: you haven't provided a sigle pic whee his feet can be seen...and in the last will Burt Young he is clearly 2 inches taller making him 5'9"
Glenn said on 14/May/06
You did it yet again and again.HE WASNT wearing those freakish sneaks.he wore flat casuals.with lifts? highly possible.and Im keeping certain things to myself,to not hurt anyone, to my furthur beliefs,he is 5-9,5-10.
Viper652 said on 14/May/06
Id say SLy barefoot is close to the Tom Cruise range of height.
dmeyer said on 14/May/06
those trainers are max 2.5" inches heels 1.25" outside 1.25" inside
dmeyer said on 14/May/06
when i wear my 1.5" nike shoes i get an extra 0.5" since normal shoes are about 1"
dmeyer said on 14/May/06
it is true that claudia is more 182 than 180
HelloKitty said on 14/May/06
They say a picture is worth a thousand words and that picture with Stallone sitting next to his trainer says a lot. He is wearing the largest "sneakers" I have ever seen and the shoe laces are tied very loose which can only mean..........that he has very large swollen feet.
HelloKitty said on 14/May/06
I posted this comment on the owner of WWE Vince McMahon's celeb height forum:
Here's a link with Vince, Hogan, and Stallone during Hogan's induction into WWE Hall of Fame. Picture is very peculiar, can anyone explain or have an idea as all three men look like they are in close in height. Supposedly Stallone is 5'7, Hogan 6'5 (listed at WWF at 6'8) and McMahon is 6'2.
Click HereLifts or no lifts, the Hulkster and McMahon are still not short.
Glenn said on 13/May/06
Its like a broken record trying to get a point accross.5th time.what about the times he is nearly 6-1! lifts dont do that much.a 5-7 guy cant do that.and no,it hasnt been many sightings.a handful.AGAIN,what about the dress shoes.he doesnt wear hermans when I see him.or most of the time.
Zach said on 13/May/06
Not sure if he's on a higher ground here or not, but if he's not, then crikey Sly can look close to 6'
Click HereLeonari, you say you've never seen any short pics of Sly..
With 5'7 Sharon Stone, both barefeet...
Click HereIn training gear with Burt Young
Click HereAnd again recently..
Click HereGlenn is right, Sly's height is quite freaky. I really dont think he's 5'10. There is a possiblity of 5'9, but given the barefoot pictures and sightings of both Frank2 and Goldberg who swear he's 5'7, I think he's height is more in the 5'7/8 region. More likely 5'8. Who knows man.
vaj said on 13/May/06
In the picture with you and Sly, do you think if you would of worn the same Herman the Munster trainers as Sly you would be the same height in the picture?
Of course you would be b/c he is 5'8" like you!
vaj said on 13/May/06
Listen Sly is 5'8" & 5'11" in lifts max. With all his military poster and breaking his back stretching can appear closer to 6'.
I think you are the person that needs to take basic math. He does not need 5" lifts for Sly 5'8" to appear 5'11", have you seen his Herman the Monster trainers? Sly lifts are pretty noticeable that there are huge lifts(5'8"+ 1.5" heels + 1.5" hidden lift= 5'11") and walkable.
The reason I believe there are sighting of him 5'7" is when someone who is 5'8" barefooted and in shoes makes them 5'9.5" and if the see Sly barfooted will think they are taller than Sly and do not consider that there are in shoes and claim Sly 5'7" but in reality Sly is 5'8".
How do you explain all those sightings of him 5'7" I know how to explain the sightings of 5'11" his Monster lifts.
Glenn said on 13/May/06
Look,I care about all of you equally and dont want to see anybody fighting.Ive been so busy with other aspects of the biz that I havnt met anyone in a month.theres some names still in my camera.nothing too exciting.real anonymous,do you think there is any remote chance he is 5-9,5-10? I think there is a chance he is 5-7,5-8.but it doesnt make sense to me.I just dont know why everyone is so sure on their veiws.I dont think we will ever know,and be 100% one is right.hell,at this point I dont think even SLY knows,he's so messed up from lift abuse.thanks for the words REAL ANONYMOUS and LEANORI.lets be freinds please.
THE REAL AONONYMOUS said on 13/May/06
Hi Glen. I may disagree with you on Sly's height, but i respect all that you do for this site. Meet any nnew celebs recently?
leonari said on 13/May/06
Glenn: thanks man!! You are a guy who knows what he is talking about...I trust your judgement...also because of the simple fact: you providied proof!!!! In front of me is a pic with you and Sly Stallone. Guys like Real Anonymous(btw: dumbest nickname on whole celebheights site) are nothing to me. Honestly. Their claims are nothing but wishful thinking.BTW: come to my place Real Anonymous and I will show you a place where the sun doesn't to my fist it's quite cloudy my friend...LOL!
leonari said on 13/May/06
Glenn: thanks man!! You are a guy who knows what he is talking about...I trust your judgement...also because of the simple fact: you providied proof!!!! In front of me is a pic with you and Sly Stallone. Guys like Real Anonymous(btw: dumbest nickname on whole celebheights site)) are nothing to me. Honestly. Their claims are nothing but wishful thinking.BTW: come to my place Real Anonymous and I will show you a place where the sun doesn't to my fist it's quite cloudy my friend. LOL!
leonari said on 13/May/06
Anonymous: Martial arts guy...of course. I keep going to the gym don't worry (4 % body fat and ripped like hell). You are probably one of these lanky guys, extremely thin who think he can kick- ass. Well probably you can with 6 days a week of Martial Arts!! But 5'8" for Stallone still ain't right and a concept you guys don't seem to grasp is that in order to appear a full 3 inches taller when using lifts you need lifts of almost 5 inches. If you don't understand this concept...well then can't help you man. Take some geometry classes and try to figure it out. Rob explained this a while ago..So if Stallone is 5'8" and looks 5'11" regularly, he must have 5 inches of lifts,insoles. 5 inches lifts are impossible!!!!!!! Do you know how much 5 inches are??????? Thats around 13 cm if that helps. No one can walk or look normal with 5 inch lifts no one! Not even some martial Arts smart ass like you!!
Alex said on 13/May/06
Maybe 5'9-5'10 at his peak, but hey the guy is 60 now so hes def under 5'9 today. 5'8 I'd say.
Glenn said on 13/May/06
I think Leanori has good points.Cruise always looks short.Sly rarely does.
Anonymous said on 12/May/06
**THE REAL ANONYMOUS** Leonari, maybe you should stop the crap. If some of think he is between 5'7-5'9, it is because we think he is. The guy wears some pretty big lifts. I train MMA-Mixed Martial Arts six days a week, and i have been doing so for seven years. Thanx for the workout advise Leonari, but maybe you should keep going to the gym and stick a dumbell where the sun does'nt shine. Oh yea , 5'8 max and 5'11 with his munster trainers.
Felix said on 12/May/06
Nolifts81 - Watch the picture of Sly and 190cm Ernie Els and are you still saying he's 176-177cm tall? I absolutley don't think so. There is a reason for him being claimed short and that's not just because he is wearing lifts. I think maximum 171cm sounds pretty accurate.
Glenn said on 12/May/06
I knew people who thought he was 5-3! dead serious.he has the world knowing he is short. how short? I heard Lauren Ambrose say he was 5-3.unreal.lets not forget in 1991 I saw him in sandles look 5-10.that photo will post one day,but you cant see the sandles in have to take my word for it.

Editor Rob
5ft 3, she is crazy! At least the press have only went as low as 5ft 7 with sly, it could be worse, he could be vying with 5ft 5 rod stewart for the title of magically shrinking celebrity
ForensicNYC said on 12/May/06
The danger of wearing LIFTS and HIGH HEELS for sooo...LONG
Click Here
My2Cents said on 11/May/06
Hey leonari, I hear ya man .. I'm pretty new to this site, but the more topics I read, the more I see a recurring trend in how many people have a need to "downgrade" celebrity's heights, probably some way of bolstering their own egos and insecurities about themselves. I've yet to see a topic where readers have "underestimated" a celeb's true height. You should check out the "Bruce Lee" forum that have guys trying to peg Bruce down to 5'6" or even 5'5".
Like I've said so before, I think we're all convinced Sly is a little small for a Hollywood action-star, but there's no way that he's "Tom Cruise small". I'm still sticking with my own personal guesstimate of 174cm (5'8.75") with a possible morning height of 5'9" or 5'9.5". I'm reasoning that he's definitely not small, but "small enough" that people 5'9" or over are convinced that he's shorter than them, something that probably wouldn't happen to a solid 5'9"'er.
Also, Sly himself is quoted as saying he's 5'10". Now knowing how sensitive he probably is about his own height, using lifts, etc.. he probably gave himself an extra inch or so as most people do. Of course this is speculation, but if he were a true 5'10"'er, he'd probably say he's 5'11" or could maybe even get away with 6' (that's just a wild guess and opinion, I'll be the first to admit it, don't flame me please).
Zach said on 11/May/06
You're right Leonari, he's never looked 5'7/8 in any picture.
With 5'7 Sharon Stone:
Click HereAnd again..
Click HereIn training gear next to 5'7 Burt Young..
Click HereAnd again recently...
Click HereNext to 5'8 DeNiro
Click HereOnce again..
Click HerePhew, I'm off to bed...zZz...
leonari said on 11/May/06
guys the whole SLY thing gets very anoying on this site...NOT A SINGLE pictures shows this man small. Not the shower scene...NOTHING. People wanna look like sly so they downgrade ,under estimate. The guy is absolutely average. 5'9"- 5'10". Glenn said it. I analyzed every movie he played in. Yes he uses lifts in movies and private. So what?? that makes him 5'7"?? 5'8"??please guys instead of writing tons of bull go to the gym and work out if you wann look like sly. Stop the crap. at 5'8 there should be a single movie, picture of him looking tiny. Nobody came up with it so far...Look at Cruise: there are tons of pics and movies where he looks short, shorter than most guys etc...NOW thats a 5'7" guy.
Cliff said on 11/May/06
The first image was manipulated, the second one was not. I saw this pictire when it was first circulated in magazines 15 years ago, and the second one (Where Schiffer is taller) is correct. In fact, this is the first time I've seen one where Stallone is taller....The likely result of someone having fun with photoshop. I do think the original photo reflects their true height and is a good point of reference. Schiffer - who I saw and stood next to at a book signing in Century City many years ago, is easily 182-183cm and Stallone is 175-177cm.
Nolifts81 said on 11/May/06
Claudia Schiffer is not 5'11" but 5'11.75(182cm) and 128lbs. I have the famous "Elite agency" model's book with all the mesurations. Stallone is 2 inches shorter than Claudia Schiffer.I think he is 176-177cm. No less than that!
My2Cents said on 11/May/06
Thanks for the full pic, Zach. Now that I see their feet, this is actually working to Sly's advantage. Schiffer is 5'11" and is a bit closer to the foreground in Zach's first pic. It also throws you off because Schiffer has a leaner head-to-body proportion as would be expected with a supermodel vs. a muscleman. So it does give a bit of an illusion that she's a lot taller than Stallone .. but in reality, if they both straighten up, it would appear that Claudia Schiffer would only be about 2 inches taller than Sly Stallone. Since Schiffer's known to be a solid 5'11" from many sources, e.g.:
Then that'd make Sly Stallone a 5'9", spot-on with the Editor's guesstimate. I'll add that it's probably a "weak" 5'9" though (i.e. 174cm rather than 175-176cm), maybe on a good day when Sly catches lots of sleep he'll be a solid 5'9" .. I'm saying this since a few 5'9"-ers here have claimed to be taller than Sly after meeting him, but my guess is that they caught him on an "off" day wearing flat shoes (with maybe a combination of the viewer having a "good" sleep day with high shoes, etc...).

Editor Rob
I don't allow linking to that site you mention...
ForensicNYC said on 11/May/06
Sly in normal "department store off-the shelf" designer boots. The balls and heels of his foot are in the right "place".
Click HereRare photo of Sly with shoes that has NO LIFTS, NO HIGH HEELS, NO WEDGES...
Click HereHe can wear normal Gleen has observed.
Zach said on 11/May/06
My2Cents, that Stallone-Schiffer pic has been discussed before, I really dont think that can be used as a reference point as its been clearly manipulated. They are actually barefooted but the angles and everything about the picture has been engineered.
Click HereThe exact same picture, but suddenly Stallone's taller:
Click Here
Glenn said on 11/May/06
You make the most sense 2 cents. Vaj-thepeople who see him at 5-7 I think are really seeing a 5-9 liftless SLY,and lets face it,5-9 on a screen legend is a shock to some of its its human nature too see that 40 foot shark that was only 20,and to see 5-8 to 5-10 actors at 5-5 to 5-7.and SLY isnt the only myth going in the actor world.
Anonymous said on 11/May/06
***THE REAL ANONYMOUS*** The 6' plus sightings are brutal. I don't have any other word to describe them for now. 5'11 could be possible, but only when wearing his larger lifts. 5'8 barefoot, and as for the showr scene, i don't think it would be possible to have Kurt appear taller than Sly in that scene, and we all know why.
Leung said on 10/May/06
Someone posted a pic of Stallone with Vince McMahon and Hulk Hogan, does anyone have the link? Next to Hogan and McMahon it
vaj said on 10/May/06
Well Sly's wife website lists her at 5'9". And my friend knows Sly's height because he seen him without his lifts many times they lived togther for 3 years and were best friends. Lee now owns his own boxing gym in Houston Texas and still swears he is 5'8". Frank2 also has seen him shorter than 5'9" without his lifts, why do you think there are so many short sighting of Sly,how do explain that?
You have said yourself Glenn, that your friends have witness Russel at 5'8"-5'9".
I used my own common sense when I met Ahmed and relised he was not that tall and it does not surprise me that Sly has to use his Herman the Munster trainers to look as tall as Ahmed.
The only thing insane are Sly's trainers.
Glenn said on 10/May/06
Do you know for sure what his wifes height is? and Kurt Russels? you met both? I never met them,and I dont know for sure and neither do you.just like nobody knows for sure Slys friends tell me Kurt is seem to ignore the fact Sly is an inch taller in that shower scene,which would make Sly 5-9,5-10.your still on that 5-11 never mention when he can look 6ft,6ft.5,which would be insane if he was 5-7,5-8.
Felix said on 10/May/06
Nolifts81 - Stallone does look 2 inches taller than 5'8 Glenn in the picture and they are both standig up straight, Pele is shorter than Glenn and the difference between Pele and Stallone is smaller than the difference between him and Glenn. My opinion is 170 - 172cm MAXIMUM for Sylvester :)

Editor Rob
to be fair, Pele did shrink a couple of cm
Glenn said on 10/May/06
Funny,Zach,I always joked the guy wore stilts before that photo.
vaj said on 10/May/06
I still believe he is 5'8" barefooted and 5'9.5 in shoes and 5'11" in Herman the Munster trainers. I have said this time after time and many still do not clearly see or do not want to believe it ,let's compare him to somone who is 5'9 his wife.
At the Lakers game they both are wearing 3" high heels. When seated you can clearly see Sly's 3" trainers and his wife 3" heels.
Click HereNow when Sly in his 3" trainers stands looking 5'11" giving the appearance that he is a solid 5'10" barefooted. And his wife 5'9" with her 3" high heels if she strainghtens up military style like Sly she is taller at 6'.
Click HereAlso you can see that Sly has a small upper body frame. Now he wore the same pair on the Contender and next to Ahmed he was the same height with Herman the Munter trainers and funny thing is when I ran into Ahmed he was only 1/2" taller than me and I am 5'9" barfooted and if I would of worn Sly trainers I would have taller Ahmed like Sly's wife.
By the way Russel is 5'8" barefooted and 5'9.5 in shoes and Stone is 5.6.5"-5'7" barefooted 5'8" in shoes.
The problem is people include their shoes when claiming their height.
With all that said I believe he is 5'8" and maybe 5'9" max.
slysystem said on 10/May/06
i believe he's 5.9.
1- Brigit nielsen said he was this height
2- he has the same height than Russel in Tango and Cash (shower scene) and Russel is 5.9 !
3- he appears to be 1/2 or inch taller than Sharon Stone again in the shower scene of The Expert (Stone is 5.8)
4- he has always said he's 5.10 he could not lie for more than 1 inch !
5- A bodybuilder of 5.9 always appears shorter than a skinny Man of 5.9...
6- In rocky III, he was 2 inch shorter than Mister T (5.11)
Results : 5.9
Nolifts81 said on 10/May/06
Mo66- Pasquale Di Fabrizio is not still in business.One thing I have to say: Stallone is taller than Kurt Russell (almost 1 inch).Stallone is taller than Sharon Stone(1.25 inch).I think that Russell is 5'9" and Sharon Stone is, like she said a lot of time, 5'8.5.
Zach said on 10/May/06
Ah, k, I see what you mean Glenn, you think he probably wears lifts to get him to 6ft, which'd be harder to detect than 4/5inch elevators, fair enough thats understandable.
I'll be honest Glenn if what you, Frank2 and Goldberg for that matter, all of whom have seen Sly in real life, were in concordance with each other that he was 5'9-10 then I'd honestly accept it. But you and the other two are a good 2-3inches apart in your estimations, I think its that plus the fact that Frank2 has seen Sly barefoot and also Sly's Herman Munster shoes that he wears that convinces some of us that he's not quite 5'9/10.
p.s. ForensicNYC, that last picture there cracked me up! Maybe thats whats under Sly's jeans!
Click Here
ForensicNYC said on 9/May/06
We all can take it from Sly and use "special shoes" within our budget like this:
Click HereBut if our girlfriend came to our date with this, we're goners...
Click HereSo we raise the stakes and buy a better shoe...
Click HereBut she, like IMELDA MARCOS, has some more shoes up her sleeve...
Click HereSo we seriously contemplate on buying this...
Click Here
mo66 said on 9/May/06
Does anyone knows if DiFabrezio is still in business??
Glenn said on 9/May/06
You do this all the time.I SEE him look 6ft in DRESS SHOES.of course he wears lifts.but to be 5-7 and appear 6ft in dress shoes I would think is near impossible.that shower scence I recalled SLY looking an inch bigger than possible 5-9 Kurt.I swear thats what I remembered,its been 5 years since I saw it.evidence in those 2 shower scences would put him closer to 5-9 actually at the least.
vaj said on 9/May/06
Glenn with all respect calm down you get too excited, do not take it personally. Even if you have seen him in regular shoes you can count on that Sly does have his lifts on maybe 2" making him appear 5'10". No I do not have an ego I have common sense and I am intitled to my own opioion and the people that know him the best(family and friends) back me up.
Glenn, I do not care how many times you have seen him the fact is you have seen him with shoes on and we are talking about Sly here so I am sure his sandles, shoes or trainers have some type of lifts that fool you.
Now I am 5'9" barefooted and 5'10.5" in shoes and muscluar and I have never been accused of being short. Infact many think I am 5'11" but the truth is I am 5'10.5" in shoes(no lifts). I have met Agassi 5'11.5" he was only 1" taller than me and Ahmed 5'11" which I was surprised he was 1/2" taller than me because he is listed as 6'1" in the Contender. The picture of Sly with Agassi he is wearing his Herman the Monster trainers and Sly is still alittle shorter. In the Contender with 5'11" Ahmed guess what Sly is wearing his Monster trainers throughout the show and again is the same height as Ahmed.
At the Lakers game with wife again he is wearing his Monster trainers (he has same pair in different colors) next to his wife which by the way is 5'9" and has 3" heels and is still taller than him even with his 3" trainers on.
Kurt Russell is also 5'8" barefooted and 5'9" in shoes and in Tango/Cash shower scene the are the same height.
In the shower scene with 5'6.5-5'7" Sharon Stone Sly is an 1" taller barefooted.
I think I have made my point!
Zach said on 9/May/06
Think about what you just said Glenn. Sly has said on many occasions he's 5'10, so he's obviously NOT more than 5'10. But the very fact that you see him as 6.05 AND see nothing wrong with his dress shoes means that you've already been fooled. If Sly is as he says 5'10, to get to 6.05 he'd have to wear 2.5inch shoes - i.e. elevators, yet you see them as regular dress shoes.
The maths clearly point out that whatever his real height is, he's definitely wearing lifts/elevators of some sort to get to 6.05 and the fact that you cant see them as elevators means that they could be any size whatsoever.
Personally I dont blame you or anyone else that meets him and thinks he wears regular shoes, his footwear on more occasions than not are extremely well crafted.
Look at the shoes here for example
Click HereIf I didnt know about Sly and his obsession with elevators I'd say they're pretty normal trainers, yet we all know how high they take him. Its only cos we know about him n his height insecurities that we start to look at his leg length etc. Convert those trainers into shoes (which I'm sure his shoemaker can do), add black trousers, suit etc and you're a perfectly clamoufouged 'six footer'.
Nolifts81 said on 9/May/06
Vaj- many people look to a person and imagine how tall he is. Very often they are wrong! Or a lot of persons think that they are taller than they really are.I wouldn't appear like a saccent or a man that has all the answers, but I think that I am able to estimate the height of a person. In every Stallone's movie I've never seen Sly appears shorter than 5'10" and, in the movies where he had lifts on he appeared to be a good 6 footer or, depending, a good 5'11".But if you see "Get Carter" or "The specialist" where for SURE he hadn't lifts inside the shoes, you'll see his real height. He is not 5'7" or 5'8"(is absurd!). I think he is nearly 5'10". The 5'9" could be also a possibility(all is possible) but I think he is a little bit more than 175 cm. I Try to be more realistic. Vaj- I esteem you, but we have different points of wiews. Obviously I can be wrong.
Glenn said on 9/May/06
The problem is,most of the time when I see him,he is wearing dress shoes or casual shoes,not those ridiculous trainers.which amazes me that some people think he wears those same trainers all the time to events, interveiws,filming or dinner,where I catch on occasion looking 6ft,6ft.5.always 5-11.5.most people cant except the fact and realise he can be 5-10.its not tall.drop the egos.I always admitted I could be people never saw the guy,yet you know everything,and go judge,jury and executioner on his ass.I still give him no shorter than 5-9.Christ,the man could lie and say he is 6ft and get away with it a bit,cause he can look it.saying 5-10 is to me,reasonable.even if he is 5-8.cause he looks bigger than 5-10 when I see him.
vaj said on 9/May/06
Listen to all who are still fooled by Sly's fake height.
He is 5'11" in his oversize trainers and by him stretching and bracking his back trying to appear taller he may look closer to 5'11.5" appear close 6'. If he was 5'10" barefooted he would be 5'11.5" in regular shoes and if he wanted to appear 6' all he would need is 1" lift to appear 6'1/2". But his trainers are obviously lager lifts than 1" more like(1.5" heel + 1.5" lift= 3") and can be walkable.
If women can adapt to walking in 3"-4" heels so can Sly, we know he has had alot practise.
I know for fact that is 5'8" after talking to someone who lived with him for 3 years and also meeting Ahmed who told me he was his height 5'11" in shoes. Ahmed is 5'10" barefooted. He also told me Sly did wear large trainers to appear his height.
Sorry but we know he uses Herman the Monster lifts to appear taller, how can you expain the 5'8 sighting or 5'9" in shoes(no lifts)?
Zach said on 9/May/06
Exactly, of course a twenty dollar lift ordered over the net will only get you up so far. But just think how much and for what reason Stallone invests in specialised elevators.
Nolifts81 said on 9/May/06
Leung- I wear lifts from more than 7 years. If you buy shoes from or other companies on the net you can be only 3.5 taller but if you go to custom like me or better like Stallone or Cruise the things are different. Custom made Elevator boots can increase your height(barefoot height) of exactly 4 inches. The problem is to walk with them. You should be able to walk normal with those shoes!. I can assure you that.You think that Stallone is about 5'10" barefoot and I am agree with you!
Glenn said on 9/May/06
Leung is right.lifts can only get you so far up.
Anonymous said on 8/May/06
**THE REAL ANONYMOUS** Shredder, you never asked me if it was okay to change your name, you will be known as tgri for the time being. tgri,Sly is 5'10-5'11 with his lifts on, 5'8 max. Nolifts, if Sly has a two inch heel on his boots, you can bet he has 1.5-2 inches built up inside of them. Zach, Frank2, Vag, Felix, SF etc...Should we keep Sly at 5'7 or should we upgrade him to 5'8 max ?
Leung said on 8/May/06
Many people have unrealistic expections in regards to how much extra height can be gained from lifts. In comparison to regular dress shoes or sneakers lifts will give 1.5
the shredder said on 8/May/06
zach , i was just missing around with you , me and you always seem to go round for round . we should go bowling lol. rob, maybe theres 2 sly's? one being 5'6 and the other 6'0? or maybe he went under the knife to get lifts inside hes feet?
Nolifts81 said on 8/May/06
Thank you Glenn. I've seen and I still see a lot of different types of elevator shoes and different tipes of lifts. I have years and years of experience in this subject.Stallone is the King of the elevator shoes! He walks normal also with 4 inches lifts(for an height increase of 4 inches his feet should be at 4.75 minimun).But when he wears dress shoes (rarely) I don't think he has more than 1 inch lifts inside the shoe. Very rarely, he has no lifts in dress shoes( look at"Get CArter" or "The Specialist". Tom Cruise after Nichole Kidman wears costantly dress shoes or stylish boot with 2.5inchs lifts, for to appear a solid 5'9" guy (barefoot). In reality I think that he is 172cm, but when he was with Nichole Kidman he also weared costantly 4 inches elevator boots and he walked a little funny. Stallone I think he is 176-177 cm(barefoot) but he walks better than Cruise in 4 inches elevator boots.
Frank2 said on 8/May/06
By the way, if James Wood is 6' tall then why is he at least two inches shorter than Jim Belushi? Hmmmmmmm?????
Click Here
Glenn said on 8/May/06
Interesting list Nolifts.what you exceled in is your deciphering of whats elevators just by looking at the shoe.good work.I only spotted that once.and it wasnt a was a suit and tie guy.
Nolifts81 said on 8/May/06
Felix- Pel
Zach said on 8/May/06
Well shredder, after your plethora of evidence you just presented there I'm dumbfounded, lost for words. Vaj, Real Anonymous n all, spose we have no option but to accept Sly is 5'10. Why? Cos Shredder said so. Several times.

Editor Rob
hey, the more people see and read something the less they'll be inclined to challenge it ;-)
So, from now on I'm going to grow 1 inch...repeat after me: Rob is 5ft 9, Rob is 5ft 9...
Felix said on 8/May/06
I've said it before and I can prove it now, he's maximum 5'7! :)
Here's two photos of him and the famous golfplayer Ernie Els which is 190 cm for sure and that's a fact. Sly doesn't seem to wear any type of lifts in these pictures but we know he can hide them very well :P He doesn't even look 5'7 in this pictures.
Click Hereand this second photo he is standing a bit higher than Ernie and he doesn't look 5'7 at all...
Click HereHere is also a picture beetween him and Pele (169cm?) and he does look about 170 cm if Pele would stand up straight, but he is also maybe wearing lifts?
Click Here I think heights like 5'9 and 5'8 could be deleted (Bad english I know :() I Hope this will help you guys!
vaj said on 8/May/06
With his Herman the Monster trainers he is 5'11" you do the math without them.
sf said on 8/May/06
I think Zach's on to something there. Stallone may very well have stilts in those jeans. In all seriousness, his legs really do look funny, like they've been extended. Go go gadget legs!
the shredder said on 8/May/06
sorry rob, sorry guys .... ive been away for days now , i was on a job . guess what ! iam backkkkkkkkk . hey yo zach ( the black power ranger i think lol.) hes 5'10 . not 7 not 6 not 8 not 18 ' 10 10 10 10 . 5'10.
Sandra said on 7/May/06
Harvey Keitel is 5'6.5, Robert Dinero is 5'8.5 and Sly's height is an average between the two. Check this out.
Click Here
Zach said on 7/May/06
Tell me about it Real Anonymous, looks like he's got some stilts on under those jeans in that pic with the yellow top on, like his legs are segmented into different parts or something.
Click HereOf course we all know why it looks like that.
Anonymous said on 7/May/06
Nolifts, it is already known that most of those celebs you mentioned wear lifts. You must admit to us that Sly is the King of lifts, and that Mae West is a close secont. Zach,Sly has got to have the longest pant seam measurement out there for a guy that says he is 5'10. 5'8 max.**THE REAL ANONYMOUS**
Zach said on 7/May/06
This is fun to watch, Sly/Rocky even jokes about his own height!
Click Here
Zach said on 7/May/06
Check out Sly's trainers here:
Click HereHis wife (who's supposed to be the same height as him) has 3inch heels on...yet his knees are still higher. Check out the angle his foot is coming down on too.
Again at a football game:
Click HereSome more subtle footwear in Judge Dredd:
Click HereSly loves his trainers so much...he'll even wear them with a suit!
Click HereHis legs dont look abnormally long do they?
Click Here
Nolifts81 said on 7/May/06
The top disputed Heights are the heights of actors that wear lifts.I am very expert about elevator shoes or lifts inside the shoes. This is my personal list of very famous actors that wear elevator shoes or lifts:
Sylvester Stallone(the king,0,0);Tom Cruise(the prince,0,0);Burt Reynolds;Humphrey Bogart; John Wayne;Frank Sinatra;William Shatner;Dustin Hoffman;singer Elthon John;Nicholas Cage;Don Johnson;Robert Downey jr;Eric Roberts;Joe Pesci;Antonio Banderas;
Kiefer Sutherland;Paul Newman(I've seen him, and his elevator shoes yesterday in an italian program,0,0);Mickey Rourke(sometimes,0,0); Michael Douglas(sometimes,0,0);George Lucas(sometimes,0,0);
Mel Gibson(sometimes,0,0);Steven Seagal(sometimes he wants to appear taller than he is, and barefoot he is very tall 6'4.5, maybe is not enought for him).
I've seen accurately the shoes of them (by seeing movie or pics)and I can say that they very often wear elevator shoes or lifts inside the shoes.I know, there are a lot of other actors that wear elevator shoes or lifts.
The Real Anonymous said on 6/May/06
I agree with sf and Zach about the top Disputed heights. Zach, Denzel really has a funny look on his face like, why are you throwing yoruself on me and can i stand on my tiptoes too.
Zach said on 6/May/06
Yeah thats a cool idea sf, Sly could be rated 'Enigman No1' lol. Also some 'key' pictures at the top of this page would be cool for newcomers esp those of his humongous elevators! (instead of just him n Denzel being smiling their faces off)
sf said on 6/May/06
Hey Rob - just a suggestion. Put a prominent link on your site - Top Disputed Heights - or something like that. A cool place to instantly see the top 5 or six stars who are argued about the most. I think it would be interesting to see.
THE REAL ANONYNOUS said on 5/May/06
nolifts81, you are correct Sly is the undisputed king of the elevator shoes. Sly has been wearing elevator shoes for more than thirty years and that is probably longer than you have been born. Maybe 5'7, but max 5'8.
Glenn said on 5/May/06
Correct Nolifts.
Nolifts81 said on 4/May/06
If Sly wears elevator shoes that increase his stature of 4 exactly inches and he still walk normal I think that he is the king of the elevator shoes.I know well that for having an height increase of 4 inches exactly you have to wear shoes that put your feet at minimum 4.75 inchs.Last years I weared that kind of boots and is quite impossible to walk. I walked very funny (And I have the experience of 7 years in walking in elevator shoes). Maybe Sly has more experience than me and he walks normal.However I don't think the Guy is short, I think that he wears those shoes for appearing a Big Guy!. I think he is in the perfect average but wants to appears bigger.
Elio said on 4/May/06
I bet Sly had a hard time getting back to his feet in that Rocky photo where he's on the steps. :)
Felix said on 4/May/06
Can someone please comment my comment? ;) The post with him playing golf with Ernie Els and say that he's 5'10? :)
mo66 said on 3/May/06
Does anyone know if Stallone's bootmaker in California makes boots for us regular folks? how high of a heel has stallone worn?
Nolifts81 said on 3/May/06
Thank you Zach, and Vaj for the support.Yes I've noticed the camera tricks. But how tall do you think Sandra Bullock is in shoes?Consider that apparently she should wears the same Sly boots(forget the lifts inside). With "apparently" the same boots on Sly was 2 to 3 inches taller than her (only my opinion).In another Scene at "Pizza hut" Sandra (listed at 5'7") is in 3 inches heels and Stallone wears normal dress shoes with less than 1 inches heel and absolutely no room for accomodate any kind of lifts(We should be all agree about those shoes!!!)and he is a little bit taller, almost 1 inch(2cm).Stallone wears those shoes also in her apartment(the scene where they do that kind of strange sex, I think that we could do the same sex in 2020!What a horrible prospective!). However I've noticed another tricks: when Stallone should be barefoot next to Bob Gunton he was nearly 4 inches shorter than him, but when he wears those big boots the difference between the two is the same! What it means? Maybe Stallone was not barefoot in that scene?(the face to face scene).I know that in all of Stallone movies there are a lot of tricks used for let the people to think that Stallone is a Big Guy, but, still I can't imagine that Stallone is less than 5'9.5
vaj said on 3/May/06
Well like I have said he would not look 6' to me after meeting 5'11" Ahmed who did not look 6'1" as claimed on the show.Sly and Ahmed were about the same height. I was surprised that he was 1/2" taller than me. I asked him if Sly was short and Ahmed said laughing that he was short and that he wore 3" elevator trainers to appear his height.
Now people who are shorter would have seen Ahmed 6'but he was only 5'11" in shoes.
Glenn said on 3/May/06
Yeah, I noticed the crazy camera tricks in that movie 10 years ago.
Glenn said on 3/May/06
What I like about Nolifts is that he admits,he doesnt know for sure,unlike others here who obnoxiously do.I dont know for sure either.but I do know that when I see SLY in what appears to be normal dress shoes and walk,look near 6ft,you would stop your 5-8 claims.yes Zach,SILLY SLY GUY roid rage is contagious! ;-)
Zach said on 3/May/06
Hey nolifts, if you watched Demoltion Man yesterday you couldnt have failed to notice the crazy camera angles in that scene where he was barefooted! Throughout the whole scene as he's walking around they were using 'ground up; camera angles, until he came face to face with Bob Gunton who was towering over him.
Ofcourse once he was suited and booted in those humongous elevators, the film reverted to normal camera angles, cos Sly by then was a 'normal' height!
Click HereJust look at those footwear! Forget internal lifts, theres a solid 3-4 inch block under there!! And trust me he was running around like crazy in full action mode in Demoltion Man! Another answer to those who say its impossible for him to walk around in 4inch footwear without toppling over or something. He runs, let alone walk, and does everything else in them in Demolition Man without ever looking like he's off-balance. This guy has clearly mastered the art of deception.
sf said on 3/May/06
ForensicNYC - your picture is a great "study" in shoes with lifts vs normal shoes. Compare the size of Stallone's shoes to the guy's shoes sitting next to him. Stallone might actually house his own specialized shoe-maker in them to use at a moment's notice, given his shoes are the size of Rhode Island...
THE REAL ANONYNOUS said on 3/May/06
Nolifts, i am happy that you are staying. I think it is possible that Sly could be 5'7-5'8, but i will never know for sure until i stand next to him and we are both in barefeet. Those trainers and the footwear in demolition man are unreal.There is no need for a 5'10 actor to wear shoes like that unless he is in a horror movie.
vaj said on 3/May/06
I am also glad Nolifts81 is still around, we are all just sharing our thoughts on Sly fake height.
I know for a fact that Sly is around 5'8" after meeting Ahmed form the reality show called Contender. Ahmed is no more than 5'9.5 or 5'10" barefooted and 5'11" in shoes when I ran into him this past Saturday at the mall. I am 5'10.5 in shoes and 5'9" barefooted and Ahmed was only .5" taller than me. I also told him about this sight and he did confirm that Sly was his height but that Sly obviously wore shoes to make him elevate him to his height.
Nolifts81 said on 3/May/06
Yes Zach, those shoes in Demolition man looks not normal. I think he was in lifts in that movie. But I remember also the scene where he walked barefoot near Sandra Bullock (and she is in shoes)and I think he was clearly taller than her. Sandra is listed at 5'7" and with shoes on she should be a good 5'8" or 5'8.5. Sly,barefoot, was taller.I've seen "Demolition man" yesterday and I've had this impression.Maybe I'm wrong or Sandra Bullock is less than 5'7".
ForensicNYC said on 3/May/06
We must zero in on WHO is the "SECRET" shoemaker of the STARS...investigate their handiwork... those shoes SLY had on in the basketball game is an awesome piece of ARCHITECTURE...very ingenius! The 7th wonder of the.. errhmm.. Hollywood.
Click HereAnother OSCAR winning picture is the Boggart Bulldogs shown to us by Editor Rob...
Click HereNow I know what to do with that block of wood in the back yard...
Nolifts81 said on 2/May/06
Thank you Glenn, Real Anonymous and also Frank2. You are family to me! Yesterday I've though,after reading some comments, that for to post something about the celeb heights I should meet personally a lot of celebrities.And because I haven't met so many celebrities my posts are irrilevant. I've decided to visit this site everyday and If I'll write a comment it should be only an agreement or a desagree about other comments coming out from people that have met personally celebrities(Glenn, Frank2 or other). From Today I will not claim heights because I can't. I will share only my point of wiew; If I agree or not. I will not claim that Stallone is 5'9" or 5'10" because I've not met him! Or that Woods is 6ft or 5'10", because I've not met him!.Excuse me but I can't leave this site: You are my second family!

Editor Rob
height is a guessing game, its really a bit of fun...glad you're still around
Zach said on 2/May/06
Shirley you met Stallone on Demolition Man and 5'8 max? Check out his footwear in that film...
Click HereSubtle innit?
p.s. NoLifts81 I'm with the rest, this site is all a bit of fun really but in a strange way you become attached to some of the characters here (even when they are having a tantrum...cough..glenn...cough..just messing:) Most of us havent met these celebs but we continue posting so stick around dude :)
Glenn said on 2/May/06
Yeah,Nolifts81.your family.everyone is equally important,but your family to us.
Shirley said on 2/May/06
I stood right next to Stallone during Demolition Man filming and I say he's 5'8" max.
sf said on 1/May/06
I admit it - I'm Blanche DuBois...
Frank2 said on 1/May/06
I'm sorry is went off on you. But you insisted that Woods was six feet tall. He's not. I mean it's like someone telling me it's night out when I can clearly see the sun's still up. I was probably venting more fury at Parker who for some reason couldn't see that Woods is shorter than Harrison Ford in the photo I published. I apologize to all.
By the way, I was in Italy last November with my wife and we both fell in love with your country and its people.
Nolifts81 said on 1/May/06
Zach- I respect Frank2!(I've always said that), and I have never used offensive words on this site! Never!I think that when I give the respect to someone, someone should give to me the same respect. I don't think that in his previous post Frank2 has had respectful words about me. Frank2- I've only said that I am not agree about your heights extimations(I think Glenn's extimation are more accurate)Stop.However, thank you for the "Ignorant". Yes I am ignorant because I've not met Sly personally. And also I can assure you that I am not his Agent, and, I am not Blanche DuBois.However, you are right Frank I think that on this site should post only people that have met a lot of celebrities and I am not in this category. I am from Italy, too far from Hollywood.So I leave this site because I am "Ignorant" and my posts too. However Thank you Rob (you really have made a great site!), and thank you Glenn,with your work here you are improving this site day by day. Frank2 keep up the good work,I've always respected you and,believe me, I still respect you! Thanks to all!
Zach said on 1/May/06
Also to those wanting to know why he doesnt walk funny, remember that this guy has been wearing elevators/lifts for a MINIMUM of 30 years (Rocky was made in 1976 and he was wearing massive elevators in those), he visibly ran at full pace in Tango and Cash again wearing large heels, and like I mentioned before he even FAUGHT in them at the end of Rocky V! I remember even Rob was saying that at the start of a film (was it Escape to Victory) that Sly was running about allsorts with his elevators on.
Sly has clearly mastered the art of LOOKING tall. In posture, heavily elevated but disguised elevators and in walking, running or even fighting in them.

Editor Rob
he was running about with larger than normal heels 'playing' soccer, but I'm not so sure if they were elevators now...
Zach said on 1/May/06
Yeah Ahmed and Sly were around the same height. Those trainers add a MINIMUM 3 inches (since they're three times the size of regular ones AND have lifts in them) more like 4+inches, so again the 5'7-8 range is the most plausible one.
I watched all of Contender by the way, I found it to be really good, but I did notice there was not a single scene where Sly didnt have his elevator trainers on, more often than not he had on the black ones.
vaj said on 1/May/06
It is funny how people think they are taller than they really are. I met Ahmed form Sly's reality show Contender at the mall this weekend. He was a contender on that show and he is listed as being 6'1", but the funny thing is he was only about 1/2" taller than me making him 5'11" in shoes and very skinny. I stand 5'10.5" in shoes and 5'9" barefooted, and I told him about this sight and he told me Sly was about his height but he did notice his trainers were larger than normal.
It make sense that when he wears his Herman the Monster trainers he is 5'11" like Ahmed said and without them he is only 5'8".
Glenn said on 1/May/06
My friends tell me Carpenter is 6ft.
Glenn said on 1/May/06
I appreciate your words Zach.I am aware that silly sly can be 5-7.but it doesnt makes sense to what I could usually tell when someone has a 5-7 body,stumbling with MUNSTER lifts.I say he can LOOK 5-10 to 6ft.but I think in bare feet 5-9 minimum.what about the person who worked with him that agreed he is 5-10.5 barefoot?
Glenn said on 30/Apr/06
Yeah,but your forgetting one thing Frank,I met him twice.Woodswas 6ft,2nd time I met him.and will post photo.1st time I met him I thought he was my he CAN look tall.I agree he is 5-10.
Zach said on 30/Apr/06
Hey Nolifts81, both Frank2 and Glenn have stated their experience of seeing sly over and over again, I think we should all respect them for their opinions and trust that their viewings are a lot more accurate than our internet found pictures.
Frank2: Sly 5'7
Goldberg: Sly 5'7
Glenn: Sly 5'10-6ft
Funnily enough this does actually make sense - Frank2 and Goldberg both saw Stallone barefeet and we all know the extortionate size of Stallone's shoes to get him up and above the 5'9/10 mark. Although Glenn also saw Sly in sandals and still tall. Sly is sly as a very sly Sly.
Anonymous said on 30/Apr/06
**THE REAL ANONYMOUS** Frank2, some people are never going to get it no matter what you say, but there are alot more people in here who do get it.Those trainers are unreal, i don't think a 5'10 would where such a shoe to add some height. I could see a 5'7 guy where them if he wanted to be 5'11 though.
Frank2 said on 30/Apr/06
Well, first off, did you check out the shots of Woods? He's about as much six feet as I'm 6'2"! I'm absolutely amazed at the ignorance exhibited by some on this forum. Are you his agent? What do you have to gain by proving something that simply isn't true? I'm just curious. I find it fascinating when I end up arguing subjects with people and realize they just don't have a clue as to what they're discussing. When Stallone walked by me he was several inches shorter. He was short enough that I could almost look over the top of his head. How's that for being short? Did you see how small he looked in the photos I published of him next to Arnold? He came up to Arnold's nose! And he wore lifts! My God almighty!! Who are you, Blanche DuBois? "I don't want realism. I want magic!"
Nolifts81 said on 30/Apr/06
James Woods is 182 cm! Stallone is 2 inches shorter than Woods. So Stallone is 177 cm. Frank2- When Stallone walked barefoot near you, how many inches, you think, he was shorter than you? You claim to be 5'11" so with normal shoes on you are 6ft. He was more than 2 good inches shorter than you? I don't think so.
Frank2 said on 30/Apr/06
Go to this site and check out all the photos and tell me Woods is as tall as Ford:
Click Here
Frank2 said on 30/Apr/06
Nonsense. First off, the photo is slightly tilted to give Woods more height. By arranging it back so the horizontal line is perfectly perpendicular to the sides of the frame you'll clearly see that Woods is shorter. And I've not only seen Woods, I've stood right next to him. We once spoke about his claim he saw some of the 9/11 hijackers on a rehearsal flight, something that the FBI later questioned him about. At no time was he my height. Not unless I slouched down. He's the type who stands erect all the time so he'll look as tall as possible. I can't explain why Fox looked a full head shorter. Maybe Woods wore lifts.
Rob, that shot of Woods makes him look like one of the aliens in This Island Earth!

Editor Rob
compressed shot yes, looks wierd
Anonymous said on 30/Apr/06
**THE REAL ANONYMOUS** Zach, those trainers are unreal. Infact they look bigger than trainers Shaq would wear on his feet. Glenn, if you wear the same trainers as Sly, you could have an inch in height on him.
Frank2 said on 30/Apr/06
"In the photograph you posted, if you put a ruler across the photograph Woods looks the same height as Ford?"
You're kidding? Right?
Look, I've seen Woods. He's not six feet. I have two actor friends who've worked with him who agree with me. He's 5'10". Sharon Stone could be 5'7", but not a centimeter taller. Stallone is no more than 5'7". At least that's how short he appeared when he walked past me and then back againg in his stocking feet.
Zach said on 30/Apr/06
Shredder (your new name sends trembles down my spine by the way;) take a look at Sly's trainers, they are seriously THREE TIMES the size of regular shoes
Click HereThe guy to the right is wearing standard shoes which everyone seems to agree is 1.5", which would make Sly's overall heel around the 4.5" mark. AND he's obviously got lifts in there on top as Rob and Vaj have pointed out his ankle bone's way out of position. Seriously just compare the size of those two footwear and see.
Funny thing is if Sly was alone in that picture (i.e. no other footwear to compare to) I wouldnt think twice, his shoemaker has done a REALLY good job of trying to make them conspicious. My guess is the black version of his trainers (the ones his wearing next to Hogan and in most places) are even bigger or at least better at hiding their elevator status simply cos they're black and so naturally look smaller.
Sly is a very...sly guy.

Editor Rob
yes, the bald guy's footwear and ankle is lower down noticeably...most of the time the trousers are going to drape over such shoes so you'd never suspect...they are oversized to accomodate a lift, the only conclusion I can come to.
Glenn said on 30/Apr/06
Your right Parker.
Parker said on 30/Apr/06
Hi Frank - In the photograph you posted, if you put a ruler across the photograph Woods looks the same height as Ford? Keep coming back to 'The Hard Way' with Michael J Fox. If Woods is only 5'10, it would put Fox at 5'1.
Glenn said on 29/Apr/06
I agree that Pacino could be as low as 5-5.but Stone is no lower than 5-7.and its clear that James Woods wears lifts to look 6ft.Ill give you all that.but to say people get fooled by official heights doesnt apply to me.with the exception of Frank,I met just about everyone also.LIFTS arnt the answer and blame for everything.NOT everyone wears lifts.NOT everyone is as short as you think,or as tall.alot of you have a habit of shaving off an inch or 2 on everyone.SLY is still closer to 5-9 to me,nolifts and Rob,the one who has him at the end,Rob decides.
Frank2 said on 29/Apr/06
When Woods was on Leno's show he was slightly shorter:
Click HereYou can hardly tell since in this photo he's closer to the camera. Leno is my height or 5'11".
Woods will Bill Macy who's under 5'10":
Click HereWoods with 5'8" Vince Van Patten:
Click HereHere's Woods looking shorter than 5'9" Eric Roberts:
Click HereAnd finally, if this doesn't convince you that woods is nowhere near six feet, here he is looking considerably shorter than Harrison Ford:
Click HereWoods is on the extreme left of the photo. Ford is now about 6'.

Editor Rob
Quick word on getty. Direct linking isn't allowed, so when you click an image and the window pops up with bigger image in it, either use right-click->properties somewhere inside that page to get the url of the page or CTRL+N to get a new window of it with the proper url at the top...
Zach said on 29/Apr/06
Thats your opinion nolifts81, I've also seen the stallone/stone shower scene numerous times and to me Stone is marginally, but still clearly, taller.
Remember there are two scenes - the first where they're making out you can see everything including their feet and its obvious she's taller. In the second scene they're scrubbing up and you can only see their upper bodies, and Stallone stays on the same spot the whole time whilst Stone is the one moving about, I bet you the size of Stallone's trainers that he's standing on some sort of platform there (and thats a BIG bet).
Frank2 said on 29/Apr/06
That photo should clear things up for those who claim Stone is nearly 5'9". I've met both women and I tower over both of them when they're wearing low heels and I'm just 5'11".
Vaj, the trouble here is that the big Hollywood publity machine has done a number on people's heads. They feel that since it's official it must be the truth. Just like in politics, what's official it turns out to be utter BS!
vaj said on 29/Apr/06
There is no getting through you guys that Sly is 5'8" barefooted. He is not 6' he is 5'11" with his Herman the Monster trainers which we have seen many time.
Sharon Stone is 5'6"- 5'7" barefooted and 5'8" in sneakers and 5'10" in heels. So if Stone is 5'7" then Sly is 5'8" barefooted.
Here is a picuture of Stone and Ellen who is 5'5.1/2-5'6".
Click HereNolifts81, here is a mug shot of Eric Roberts standing 5'10" in shoes so 5'9" without shoes and don't let his big hair fool you.
The problem is that people include there shoes when claimming there height. According to my friend Lee Continito, he claims Armand Assante is 5'9" and Sly is 5'8" and I believe him because he co-stared with them as the 3rd brother in Paradise Alley and he has seen them all barefooted.
Sure Sly somethimes is seen 5'9" in shoes or 5'10" (1"hidden lift) or 5'11" (Herman the Monster trainers) because is 5'8" barefooted.
Lee laughs and says that it is obvious reason that Sly wears oversize shoes to appear taller, because he is short.
Nolifts81 said on 29/Apr/06
Thank you Glenn! we are agree about a lot of celeb heights.Rob- I don't think that Armand Assante wears lifts. When I've met him, always in summer time, (August, in Capri)he weared sandals and he was a good inch shorter than me. I am a solid 5'10"(178cm). I am sure that he is 5'9".P.S. 2 years ago, in August in Capri, Assante wasn't the only actor there, with him there was
Jean Claude Van Damme(I think they are great friends)and I can assure you that they are about the same height or Van Damme looked 0.5 inch taller than him, but I remember that Van Damme weared
Nike Shox(1.5 inch sole).
Glenn said on 29/Apr/06
Your right on all nolifts.I have a photo with woods and he looks 6ft! and stone was 5-8 at least everytime I saw her.
Nolifts81 said on 29/Apr/06
Vaj- I respect your different point of wiew, but I can assure you that I'm not blind.I've seen all the pics of the shower scene and I see that STallone is a good inch taller than Sharon Stone(3cm).I have the Dvd so, I' ve seen that scene a lot of times.I really think that Frank2 (all the respect for him) has some problems with the measurations. If he says that Sharon Stone is 5'7" or James Woods 5'10" or Eric Roberts 5'9", I'll never believe to him. Sharon Stone is 5'8.5, she is not a liar. She said that in a lot of tv programs. She was, fews weeks ago, guest star in a lot of Italian TV programs.I've seen her beside famous Italian Anchormans(I know their height) and she looks that height!(5'8.5).James Woods can't be under the 5'11.5. If he is only 5'10", Al Pacino is 5'4" and is impossible.I'm referring at the movie "Any given Sunday" (I have the DVD). Eric Roberts is about 5'10.5. I've seen a lot of movie of him. Look at the movie "Ulisse". In that movie Ulisse was the actor Armand Assante(5'9")(I saw him in person 2 times in Capri), he always was 1 inch shorter than me and I am 5'10". Eric Roberts in that movie was in sandals and looked 1.5 taller than 5'9" Assante.Come on guys you have to be more realistic!

Editor Rob
armand, I'd forgotten about that guy, I shall add him now...but for some reason he appears to me like the kind of guy who might wear lifts, don't know why I have that suspicion...maybe he has that glint in his eye!
Zach said on 29/Apr/06
Stallone in dress shoes...
Click HereAnd again..
Click HereAnd I'm sure you guys will like this..
Click HereNot sure I totally agree with that though, to me Arnie is a 6 footer. But anyway take another close look at Stallones dress shoes.
Frank2 said on 29/Apr/06
Oh, and the shot of Stone next to Woods where he's about an inch and a half taller, remember that Sharon is wearing a wicked pair of black high heel pumps with at least four inch heels. In the shower she's barefoot. Sly's wearing her pumps! (just kidding)
Mike said on 29/Apr/06
Frank2 thats josh hartnett hes been in pearl harbor and 40 days and 40 nights....something which is very hard to i heard he's 6'3, may look taller because hes skinny
Glenn said on 28/Apr/06
I agree NOLIFTS81.Rob doesnt have Sly at 5-7.and you witnessed Willis at 6ft+,which is what I saw.and everyone seems to forget I witnessed the opening of PLANET HOLLYWOOD in 1991 NYC and the shock was that THEY ALL looked similiar height.upon closer examination SLY was 2 inches shorter than ARNIE and the same height as WILLIS.and afterwards I approached all 3 giants, to my then 5-7,SLY was 6ft.8 months ago,I studied his legs,shoes and ankles.still 6ft and in dress shoes walking normal with no ankles popping.does he wear Lifts? of course.but HERMAN MUNSTER lifts all the time? come on now.I had an interesting discussion with the autograph dealers and photogs 8 months ago,and all dozen of them never witnessed a SLY shorter than some doorman and security 4 years ago claimed 5-8.when they see 5-8 SLY,its that he is 5-9 and he is lifts,5-9 SLY is 6ft.writhing in the shower doesnt convince me since I also saw STONE last summer and she was 5-10 in dress shoe heels.appeared 5-8 in sneakers,1993.
vaj said on 28/Apr/06
I guess your blind or maybe you have not seen the picture that Fank2 posted where Sly is standing straight up and Stone is washing his back. If Stone is 5'7" what is Sly? And do not tell me the floor is uneven either.
I am sorry to disapoint you but Sly is not 5'9.75" barefooted more like 5'8"!