How tall is Sylvester Stallone - Page 27

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Average Guess (610 Votes)
Peak: 5ft 8.89in (175cm)
Current: 5ft 8.02in (172.8cm)
Nolifts81 said on 28/Apr/06
Vaj- I accept the fact that Sly is not tall, but I don't claim That Sly is 6ft or 6'1" I think that Sly is no shorter than 5'9.75. Even seeing Frank2 pics I always think that Stallone is very close to 5'10". We are talking about peoples over the 6ft. Arnold is close to 6'2" and Willis(I've met him last year)is 6ft+, so, is normal that Stallone appears shorter than Willis, or, much shorter than Arnold.I've only said that the floor is not a normal floor, so the 2 pics are not so fair. I am sure that Arnold has 4 inches on Sly and not more!(I've seen so many pics with them together) Willis could be also 2.5 inches taller than Sly, but this don't put Sly under the 5'9.75.We all know that Stallone is not a Giant but, also, he isn't a short man. He is in the perfect average.
Frank2 said on 28/Apr/06
He looks about the same height as Stone in the shower.

The shower scene: Click Here
If anything, Sly is slightly taller. Maybe he's standing on a bar of soap!

By the way, here's 5'7" Stone next to 5'10" James Woods: Click Here

And here: Click Here

Next to 5'9" Eric Roberts: Click Here

Here's Stone next to 5'10" Michael Douglas: Click Here

Anyone know who the tall guy is next to Stone?: Click Here

Zach said on 28/Apr/06
Ok ok, so Stone is 5' where exactly does that put Sly? He's an inch lower than Sharon Stone in the shower scene putting him at 5' he's LOSING 3 inches because of 'posture'?! Very difficult to believe especially if you watch the scene and both are standing upright with Stone taller.
Zach said on 28/Apr/06
Frank2, vaj, joe...I'm in full agreement with you Sly's losing out by a good 5 inches there next to Arnie. And even then he must be wearing lifts of some type, we've all seen that he wears lifts/elevators everywhere (basketball matches, whilst boxing, running around, even fighting in them at the end of Rocky V on the street) he's hardly NOT going to wear any sort of lift when he knows he's gonna come up against the 6 footers that are Arnie and Willis in a photo shoot.

My guess is for whatever reason he's either wearing one of his 'lesser' elevator shoes or (more unlikely though) not wearing any at all which accounts for his tiny appearance.

Think think think guys - a guy can appear taller with elevators and hence the 'tall' sightings. But a guy cant shrink can he? Well not by a full 2-3 inches anyway. His shower scenes with 5'8 Stone and 5'8/9 Kurt Russel give it all away.
vaj said on 28/Apr/06
Nolifts81 let go accept it that Sly is short, the second picture that Frank2 provides a better angle that shows Arnold taller than Wills and Wills taller than Sly. Sly's stature also seems small as well compared to Wills and Arnold.
joe said on 28/Apr/06
Frank2, great pic's of Sly!
These pictures clearly shows Sly small stature next to Arnold and Bruce, sure there are pictures of him almost there height but again seeing those Herman the Monser trainer shoes explains he's growing height.
Nolifts81 said on 28/Apr/06
Frank2-I am referring at your first pic in the garden. If you see more accurately you'll see that Arnold has his feet on a taller zone and Willis has his feet on a taller zone than Arnold so, Willis appears to be the tallest(and he is at least 1.5 inch shorter than Arnold in reality) of the three. The floor is not regoular. So Willis appears to be the tallest 2th Arnold and 3th Stallone. That pic is not fair. Stallone is 4 inches shorter than Arnold, not 5.
Frank2 said on 27/Apr/06
YaoMing, that photo is tilted to give Stallone more height. Angle it properly so the vertical lines are straight and you'll see that Arnold is even taller.

This is more like it: Click Here
Stallone is at least five inches shorter than Arnold.

Another angle: Click Here

Listen up! For the last time, Stallone is 5'7". He usually wears at least three inch lifts, sometimes four inchers. His heels are two inches and inside the shoe it's built up givin him another two. With four inch lifts he's 5'11" or looks like a 5'10" guy would appear when wearing normal shoes. He's never been over six feet wearing lifts. That's ridiculous. His custom-made cowboy boots still made him about an inch shorter than me. Then when he took them off and walked past me I was shocked at how short he was. The fellow who worked with me who was about 5'9" was three inches taller than him when Sly was in his stocking feet.
Glenn said on 27/Apr/06
I agree those trainers hide the 9th wonder of world.but I never met his wife,nor Kurt Russel,who I am a big fan friend says 5-8.the rest say 5-9.yes,that scene in Tango was interesting.
YaoMing said on 27/Apr/06
take a look at this picture:
Click Here

thanks to his perfect shoes he's nearly as tall as schwarzenegger who (in reality) has at least about 5 inches on him and probably also wears lifts in his boots...
YaoMing said on 27/Apr/06
i really doubt that sly does a single step in public without his elevator shoes. i mean i have never ever seen him in normal shoes (if you know how elevator shoes look it's easy to spot them) even when he's just out for "private" shopping or something like that he seems to wear one of his many lovely custom made elevator boots. just like vin diesel... these two guys have mastered the almighty elevator boot and that's something that really something to demonstate respect for.
vaj said on 27/Apr/06
I know you do not want to believe he is 5'8" but those pictures with his wife are convincing because when both are standing up Sly is breaking his back trying to look as tall as possible while he's wife head is bent forward.If she straightens up like Sly she is taller. By the way she only has 3" heels on.
Click Here

Here is another of Sly's wife towering over him.
Click Here

Also, the pictures with Sharon Stone he also looks short and Stone is not 5'8" barefooted. Most people measure themselves with shoes or heels like Anna Nichole Smith claims she is 5'11"-6' but if you look at her mug shot she only stands 5'7" at the most.
I am sorry to inform you Sly is short and yes he can look taller because he wears Herman the Monster trainers.
THE REAL ANONYNOUS said on 27/Apr/06
Zach, thanx for posting that pic of Sly wearing those trainers beside the bald headed man at the laker game. Those trainers look like construction worker boots beside the other mans dress shoes. It really is amazing how big those trainers are. It almost looks like he has some type of platform lift in them. Those trainers could almost give him a 4 inch increase in height . Look at the position of his knees and how much higher his ankle is in relation to the mans ankle beside him. It looks like 4 inches. Some of you guys need to wake up in here, Sly is 5'8 and could be as short as 5'7. Those trainers are unreal.
Nolifts81 said on 27/Apr/06
Vaj- I agree with you when you say that in his trainers he has 3 inches, maybe also 3.25 in total. But I disagree when you say that Stallone with those trainers on is still Shorter than his wife.Jen is 5'9" and has on 4 inches heels (if you look more accurately)and Sly is not shorter than her, but the same height.No way Stallone is under the 5.9.75!
vaj said on 27/Apr/06
Great pic Zach!
That is the picture I was trying to find, the man sitting next to Sly is wearing normal shoes and Sly's( 3" trainers ) are obviously larger than normal.
Click Here
You can clearly see his heel on Sly's shoes is alot larger than compared to the man's on his right. Sly's shoe laces are to wide to tighten because of the hidden lift inside, and those trainers are the exactly the one's Sly is wearing with his wife at another Lakers game.
Click Here
Now, if his wife is 5'9" and she is wearing 3" heels it lifts her to 6'(5'9"+ 3"= 6') Sly is wearing his ridiculous 3" trainers which lifts him to 5'11" (5'8"+ 3"= 5'11") that is why she is still taller than Sly.
Click Here
His shoes may look normal to other people who met him because they are proportionately designed like Zach as said, but compared his shoes to other peoples normal shoes it is easliy reconizable they are elevator shoes.

And like I have said I am 5'9" barefooted and 5'10.5 in shoes and muscular and I have never been accused of being short in fact many think I am 5'11".
If I would of woren Sly trainers when I met Aggassi I would of been taller than him. That is how I am sure Sly is 5'8" barefooted and it make sense with all those short sightings.
Nolifts81 said on 27/Apr/06
Stallone is a little bit taller than Kurt Russel(almost 1 inch). If Russel is 5'9", Sly is close to 5'10". Bruce Willis is a strong 6 ft, maybe a little bit more:6'0.5.I've seen him last year in Salsomaggiore Terme where he was a special guest in TV program Miss Italia 2005. Stallone should be 2.5 inchs shorter than Willis, but he is always around the 5'10". At the end I come always at this conclusion: He is very close to 5'10". I Agree with Glenn when he says that Stallone can look tall. In 2004 in a italian TV program called"Stasera pago io" he was exactly the same height of the anchorman Fiorello. Fiorello is 6'0.5!!!; Yesterday I've seen a registration of a 1986 program called "Odiens", special Guest stars Stallone and Brigitte Nielsen. Believe me : He was her same height and he was in 2 inches heels.P.S. Stallone was in cowboy boots in that occasion with 2 inchs heel(exterior heels, maybe inside his boots he had other 2 inches lifts).He can look tall!
Zach said on 27/Apr/06
Glenn...have you met Kurt Russel? If so how tall do you reckon he is.

Cos in Tango and Cash Kurt and Sly were walking side by side barefooted going towards the showers and they were exactly the same height. If anything Sly's buffon hairstyle in that film took him upto Kurts height.
Zach said on 27/Apr/06
Good work on the ankle position Vaj, he's clearly wearing lifts in those trainers. But not only that...the trainers themselves undoubtedly boost his height on their own (minus the lifts that push his ankle bone out of position). Most people might not realise because his trainers are proportionately designed, but take a look at the size difference between them and regular footwear...

Click Here

It seems Sly doesnt opt for the standard boots with obvious lifts in them approach but invests huge amounts into 'discrete' footwear which'll give him exceptional lift whilst at the the same time fooling most people into thinking they're fairly normal. Give credit to the guy though, it fools most people.
Glenn said on 27/Apr/06
Im 5-8 when I many times do I have to say that?.and 5-8 for some hours at least.he looks 5-9 minimum to me.5-10,cause I see him 6ft.
Glenn said on 27/Apr/06
once again.if Russel is 5-9,then sly is 5-10.willis is 6ft.once saw him look 6-2 in SNEAKERS.
vaj said on 26/Apr/06
You have admitted that you are 5'7.25" at night or something like that which means you are shorter than 5'8". Now I am 5'9" at night maybe a little taller .5" in morning. Sometime people think I am 5'11" when infact I am 5'10.5" in shoes and 5'9" barefooted. When I met Aggassi he was only an 1" taller than me and if we would taken a picture with Aggassi there would not be such a difference in height like you and Sly. In the picture of Sly standing next to Aggassi at the Lakers game, Aggassi is taller than Sly (with his 3" trainers ).
You may see Sly taller because you are short, I am sure if I met him even with his 3" trainer shoes I would not see him that much taller than me.

vaj said on 26/Apr/06
You have admitted that you are 5'7.25" at night or something like that which means you are shorter than 5'8". Now I am 5'9" at night maybe a little taller .5" in morning. The thing is when I wear my shoes I am 5'10.5" and when .Aggassi is 5'10" barefooted and 5'11.5 in shoes when I met he.
Sometime people think I am 5'11" when infact I am 5'10.5" in shoes and 5'9" barefooted. When I met Aggassi he was only an 1" taller than me and if we would taken a picture there would not be such a difference in height like you and Sly. In the picture of Sly standing next to Aggassi at the Lakers game Aggassi is 1" taller than Sly (with his
Now I compared him to his 5'9" wife in her 3" heels that would boost her up to 6'.Sly looks 5'9-5'9.5" next to her in his shoes.
Glenn said on 26/Apr/06
I agree Leung.Vaj still forgets in rare instances he can be 6-1.come on now,4,5-inch lifts all the time? never mind 5-10.I only saw him look that way in my pics.God help me if I get him when he is 6ft,and thats what I saw him as 20 times between 1990 and 2005.5-9 variety of lifts ranging his 5-11-6-1 sightings.5-7,5-8 would make him walk funny and fall all over the place.
Anonymous said on 25/Apr/06
Zach, usually a 6'1 guy will tower over a 5'7 guy just like Carl does over Sly in that pic. Did you notice that Sly is standing on the higher ground(the red carpet) and it really is not helping him any.THE REAL ANONYMOUS
cantstop25 said on 25/Apr/06
I would say that his exact height is 5'9.5" maybe even 5'10" hes just one of those big built action stars like arnold and they give off this larger the life image and they appear massive so people think there like 7' and when people discover that there not really giants and think just about how short they are, the same applies to pro-wrestlers those guys are huge and that is what vince looks for when he hires talent, he looks for size notice how all of the guys who go over to TNA are being bumped up atleast 1"-2" and in rhynos case 4". Guys like sly and arnie have worn lifts in films however when they do, they look very tall for example you can see stallone wearing huge lifts in Rocky 3 while walking down the ally with Carl Weathers, what people fail to mention is that he looks nearly the same height as 6'1"-6'2" weathers. Though his shoes added like 4 inches I would guess.

He does look a strong 2 inches taller then glenn here and he is in sandals
Leung said on 25/Apr/06
The unfortunate thing for Sly is that some people strangely believe that he wears lifts 24/7. It's true that he is known to wear lifts, but he doesn't wear them all the time. The answer is simple, when he is looking 6ft then he has his lifts, and when he normal Stallone (5'10") then he is not wearing lifts. Sly's height of 5'10" would be considered short by many people but there is no need for these exaggerated claims of 5'7"-5'8".
Zach said on 25/Apr/06
Regarding Sly's height in Get Carter, come on I think we all know he wont go anywhere without his elevators, and definately not do a film without them.

Check this pic where he's in his Get Carter outfit, zoom in his shoes, I beg to differ that they are standard dress shoes. For one they look oversized, with the heels n all, like something from and secondly just take a look at the angle his instep is coming down from. As Real Anonymous pointed out, his trousers seems to have also been tailored to 'disguise' his vanity once more.

Click Here

Also I remember someone fairly recently posted another angle of this scene and Weathers was shown to tower of Stallone. Somebody suggested that Sly was probably in normal shoes and that Weathers himself was wearing elevators that day. Take a closer look at their footwear, Weathers is in perfectly normal shoes whereas Sly's is once again very suspiciously on the iffy side.
Glenn said on 25/Apr/06
Cant remember what the sandles look like.I just thought he looked tall and in 1991,I didnt know anything about lifts.I give him no smaller than 5-9. True Frank and Elio.
Frank2 said on 25/Apr/06
If I wanted to belittle Stallone I'd attack his acting ability, not his height. And he is a lousy actor. His range is very limited and he comes off somewhat amateurish. By comparison, Schwarzenegger is Olivier! But Stallone does have incredible screen presence and that alone has kept his career alive and well and brought him so much success. In private he's extremely egotistical, childish and over-the-top extravagant with his personal lifestyle. The interior of his homes lack taste as do the homes of so many of today's intellectually vapid celebrities. In his master bath he has a gigantic oil painting of himself which dominates the room and that bath is bigger than most people's homes!
THE REAL ANONYNOUS said on 25/Apr/06
Glenn, as you know and have mentioned before, sandals can have lifts on them. Was the back of the sandal exposed? No i didn't think so. I am pretty sure Sly does not by his footwear at the Richalee shoe company. Sly's shoemaker could easily make the sole on those sandals 11/2 inch and the inside lift almost an 11/2 inches. Sly gets al his clothes taylor made and i am sureevery pant inseam is altered to look just right. Sly is a 5'8 guy.
Elio said on 25/Apr/06

There's no greater pleasure for newspapers and jealous people alike, to downgrade an action star who they find irritating and undeserving of their success. Subtle Slander/Libel can be a powerful weapon.

That is to say that not everyone is trying to damage their image. Some people genuinely believe these people are shorter (e.g people on these boards), and I have no problem with them. I just tend to disagree.
Glenn said on 25/Apr/06
Frank saw him barefoot at 5-7.I saw him 5-10 in sandles.
CoolJ said on 24/Apr/06
What's funny is, I saw a video clip from the mid 90s with Stallone standing next to Oscar de La Hoya (a 5'10 guy) and Stallone looked 6'!!
mike said on 23/Apr/06
On april 14, look at the willis/arnold and stallone pic, put up by editor rob,i'm gonna comepare stallone to willis, i'm not gonna use arnold b/c hes the tallest of the 3... stallone is defintely taller then willis in that pic, but not by much, but then look at the pic put up by frank2 on april 5, the first one with willis/arnold and stallone, in that pic he is 2 inches shorter then willis, therefore i believe stallone can "look" a solid 5'11 to 6 feet like glenn claims, key word "look" but i think he's really 5'9, i'd say, his ex-wife said so, whom they didnt get along at all in the end of their marriage, if sly was really 5'7 im sure she'd say something to make fun of him and his height, but i don't think he's a full 5'10. hulk hogan thought stallone was barely 5'8, but he was at least 6'4 himself back in the 80's, hard to do that comparision b/c of their height difference. now glenn u think stallone's close to 5'10 and frank2 u think he's 5'8??? interesting because u both have met stallone on numerous occasions, i'll go inbetween u 2 gentleman
Glenn said on 23/Apr/06
Harvey,many people here agree he can look 6ft including myself,who witnessed this in the flesh.Chris-thanks for your words.can he wear 4 inch lifts? sure.but last time I saw him 10 months ago he was 6ft,and walked normal,had long legs,and had what appeared to be normal I think it would be hard to conceal and pull off.its still a small possibility to me that he could be 5-7,5-8.5-9,5-10 makes more sense.have to find my copies of GET CARTER and THE SPECIALIST.
Nolifts81 said on 23/Apr/06
The real height of Stallone is showed in "Get Carter". I am very expert about elevator shoes or lifts. I can assure you that, after seeing a lot of time the shoes he wears in that movie,he wears very normal shoes(1.25 exterior heel), and there is no room for accomodate any kind of lift inside them. I am sure of this!: in "Get Carter" he wears very normal shoes.with the shoes on he is a good inch(3cm) shorter Than the 5'11" Rourke who wears boots or normal dress shoes with an exterior heel of about 1.25 inch.He is 177cm!
Chris said on 23/Apr/06
Glenn-I do belive you but Stallone
Glenn said on 23/Apr/06
He can also look a tad over 6ft.
Chris said on 22/Apr/06
Stallone can look like 5'10'', BUT HE WEARS LIFTS!!! He is no more then 5'8''. Period!
Glenn said on 22/Apr/06
Thanks Real,THE SHREDDER,and most of you make this site what it guys rule!
he Real Anonymous said on 22/Apr/06
Hey tgri, i can't see Sly's feet,i will give him 5'9 with that bufont,headress, wasps nest that he has on top of his melon. Anonymous, you are way off on Glenns height predictions, he is pretty right on most of the time.
the shredder said on 22/Apr/06
yo zach iam back . its me tgri . by the way ....hes 5' foot effing 10 lol.

well atleast he can look it lol. check him out here with my 5'7-5'8 sidekick master tasu.

Click Here

thats another pic that he looks strong 5'10 in.

Glenn said on 21/Apr/06
Thanks for that nolifts.must check that out again.
Glenn said on 21/Apr/06
Your in the low minority a man and leave a name.ever met a celebrity? I call it as I see it,with lifts or without,Ill never know.Im right 80% of the time,if not 90%.your typical, stupid mentality has me wondering if you tip over cows for a hobby.
THE REAL ANONYNOUS said on 21/Apr/06
Leung, Sly is in awesome shape.In fact he is carrying more muscle mass now than he ever has. The height is a real mystery though. I am thinking 5'8 these days, but by next week i might have him 5'9 again.
Leung said on 21/Apr/06
While I was in Borders bookstore I had a look at his book
Anonymous said on 21/Apr/06
Glenn, I'm a true fan of your work.
Your heights are right 0% of the time!
Nolifts81 said on 20/Apr/06
I know one thing for sure: in the movie "Get Carter" he wears very normal dress shoes. I've seen the DVD a lot of times and I have also stopped 5 or 6 times the scenes where is possible to see accurately the shoes he wears.The shoes have an exterior heel of 1.25 inch and the neck of the shoes is very short, so is impossible to put any kind of lifts inside them!!!. Those shoes are 100%normal!!!. In "Get Carter" he appears to be a good inch(3cm) shorter than 5'11" Mickey Rourke(who wears boots or rarely dress shoes with the same exterior heel 1.25inch).After years of study I think that I have the real height of Sly Stallone.He is 5'9.75(177cm). Now I am sure. This morning I've talked with the director of an Italian Awards called"David of Donatello":Gianluigi Rondi he is one of my relatives and after I've talked about my project, I have asked to him a couriosity: How tall is Sylvester Stallone? He answered to me:- His height is a mystery for a lot of people but I know is real height.He is about 5'10" or maybe a little bit less.(Stallone won a David of Donatello in the late 70', maybe in the 1977).
YaoMing said on 20/Apr/06
sly is known as the "king of elevator boots"
ForensicNYC said on 20/Apr/06
Anybody who is in the shower with Sharon Stone will FORGET EVERYTHING...even forget to TIP TOE...
Glenn said on 20/Apr/06
My friends actually veiw the Taller version more.on occassion,one or 2 friends will see a shorter version.some never see a small SLY GUY.its hotel doorman and security that tell me he is short.Frank2-then I guess she wears lifts in sneakers.I give her no smaller than 5-7. thanks Leonari! people must understand sometimes I appear wrong cause Im telling you how one appears in lifts I Bruce Willis Ive seen look 5-11 to 6-2! depending on boots and lifts.once I saw him in sneakers looking 6-1.
Frank2 said on 20/Apr/06
Stone isn't 5'8".
Elio said on 20/Apr/06
None taken Glenn.

Liotta can definately appear pretty tall in movies. You've seen him look over 6 feet in person and so he must be taller than what I imagined he was. I had heard that (by his own admission) he wore lifts in NARC to make his character seem like a bigger guy, which would explain why he looks his tallest in this film. I recall when the Goodfellas Special Edition DVD was released 2 years ago, he was shown stood next to the real 'Henry Hill' and looked much, much taller.
leonari said on 20/Apr/06
Thanks Glenn! I am a true admirer of your work and your estimates...I think you are corrct 80%-90 & of the time.
sf said on 19/Apr/06
Yes, Leonari - when a man and a woman make out, the man always shrinks and looks smaller than the woman...
Anonymous said on 19/Apr/06
Frank2, yea i know she was 5'8, but i was just making a point. Leonari, yes i do agree with you that the making out heavily,strange angles etc.. would seem to make Sly appear shorter. Sly must have been having a bad day to forget all these things. Hey Frank2, why does Sly always remember to wear his lifts when he sees Glenn, but forgets to put them on when he runs into Glenns buddies. This is a mystey that needs to be solved. How about the brown envelope that Sly gives to Glenn in a secret location once a month:):)THE REAL ANONYMOUS.
Glenn said on 19/Apr/06
No disrespect Elio.
Glenn said on 19/Apr/06
No Stone isnt 5-10,she is at least 5-8.Leonari- you took the words out of my mouth.well thats what Liotta can look like.for example,since most of you judge by DVD veiwing and never witnessesing these guys in the flesh,Liotta looks 6-2 next to 5-10 Jason Patric in NARC,and at least 6-0.5 next to Depp in Blow and the same in please spare me with the 5-11.5.ok maybe he isnt 6-2,but in the flesh when I see him and in at least one movie he looks it.5-11.5 is too low.remember Depp is 5-10 in movies usually.what Depp really is,is another mystery.and strangly,Glover can look 6-3,but looked 6-1 when I saw him.which would make your claim correct.that would make it a bad conspiracy of lifts and postures by all involved.
Frank2 said on 19/Apr/06
Sharon Stone is hardly 5'10". If so then I'm 6'2"!
Elio said on 19/Apr/06
Liotta is probs just under 6'0" barefoot. But seems to be a big fan of large footwear... and not just in the film 'Narc' either.
leonari said on 19/Apr/06
Shower scene: bad example. Stone and Sly are kissing and making out heaviliy...Their legs are not straight, stange angles etc. For me this ain't proof that Sly is way.
Height Tracker said on 19/Apr/06
Liotta is not 6-2. Just look at him in Operation Dumbo Drop next to Danny Glover. Glover towers over him. Liotta is a little over 5'11" just like this site lists him as.
Glenn said on 18/Apr/06
In COPLAND,he looked 5-9,5-10 next to 6-2 LIOTTA.I was there!
Anonymous said on 18/Apr/06
leonari, have you scene the pic of Sly with Sharon Stone in the shower scene. The 5'10 Sharon Stone looks an inch taller than are man Sly in that pic. Scroll down you will find it on this page. Sharon has got to be 5'10, because Sly is you know 5'9 wink wink.THE REAL ANONYMOUS
Nolifts81 said on 18/Apr/06
Frank is very close to 6'0" and Sly is very close to 5'10". There are clearly 2 inches of difference.
Chris said on 18/Apr/06
Look at this. Sly and his brother Frank. Click Here
leonari said on 18/Apr/06
Viper652: off course he looked shorter in copland...HE WAS FAT!!! he gained huge amounts of weight which give the impression of being shorter....Go ahead: SHOW ME A SINGE picture where sly looks short. A single on. Come on. please. I am 5'7". I am very thletic and muscular. Almost like sly. But when I look at pics of me and sly it's clear he looks average and I look well, on the shorter side of things. I am a big sly fan and it would be cool to think I am exactly as tall as the guy. But truth is: I am at least 2 inches shorter. period.
Viper652 said on 17/Apr/06
Leonari, Sly looked short in the movie Copland, right off the top of my head. Ive also seen some pics where he did look 5-7, 5-8.
Zach said on 17/Apr/06
Sure, there are people who expect Sly to be big and find him to be smaller leading to possible underestimates.

But I really think there is a widespread belief amongst a lot of people (and not just us celebheights addicts lol) that Sly is actually a tiny man of around 5'7. My teacher pointed it out in school and again my psychology supervisor at university and I've read it many times here in the UK media, for example the Guardian did an article about a year ago on judge dredd and how they used cameras to make 5'7 sly look huge and again as Rob pointed out recently the Mirror pointing out he used 'invisible heels' to appear taller than his 5feet 7.

My point being that there's probably just as big likelyhood that people expect a tiny sly, find he's slightly more than 5'7 and from that tend to OVERESTIMATE. Get me?! :p

p.s. tgri, where are you?! We miss you! Come back, Rob'll put Sly up to 5'10 ;)

Editor Rob
tgri is no more...he has morphed into a new identity, the most fearsome poster name ever on celebheights: THE SHREDDER!
Glenn said on 17/Apr/06
Parker-I dont think he is trying to do rehearsals for a MUNSTERS remake.he is consistant at looking 5-11.5 everytime I see him.maybe he knows Im out and about and slips on the HERMANS.
Parker said on 17/Apr/06
Well if that female body builder is 5'6, she'd be 5'7 even in flats, so we have Sly again looking 5'11/6' - He's certainly consistent in photographs. If he truly is 5'7, he must feel like Herman Munster walking around in his 5" lifts.
Glenn said on 17/Apr/06
Zach-I like that idea! Leonari-thats what Ive been saying all along.thanks!
leonari said on 17/Apr/06
guys, guys...I really don't understand the whole SLY argument. The man never ever looks short. Not in movies, not on pictures and not near Glenn. This 5'7" claims are ridiculos! Because Sly is/was such a stocky guy one believes he must be at least 6 feet minimum. Well he isn't and thats why people are shocked when they meet him. In his book "SLY MOVES" he clearly says he is 5'10" and this book came out about a year ago. Ok maybe he is actually only 5'9"..I personally doubt that but...NOTHING BELOW THAT! Not a 1710 of an inch. Glenn knows what he is talking about!

Editor Rob
imagine sly was this rare breed, a mega-shrinker. By morning, he's a 5ft 10er, but by night he's 5ft 8. Maybe he has a wee button in his pocket that he presses in the afternoon and night to adjust the lifts in his shoes to compensate for his unhumanly shrinkage!

No, but seriously, you picked up on the point about people's perception of him being huge. Then when they see him some are shocked he's not quite as big, and maybe underestimate him as a result...I don't know, I've read just as many people saying 5ft 8 as I've read saying 5ft 10-11...
Zach said on 17/Apr/06
If an extra two inches was added onto the bottom of the tape that would only make Sly seem shorter Rob ;) So I doubt he'd do that lol. But I know what you're trying to say.

Someone should bring out some lazer beam technology which can measure a person from some distance accurately. Why doesnt the government fund such a project?! Whhyyyy?! (ok I'm bored:)
Glenn said on 16/Apr/06
True one will be completly satified.5-7 is possible,but still sounds too low based on my live observations.not speculation from DVDs or photos.a few,as yourself Rob,stand by my 5-9,5-10 claim.
slysystem said on 16/Apr/06
don't forget that brigit nielsen said he was 5.9 on a radio show

since she has no reason to lie (she could have say that he's 5.7 if he is, they're not in godd terms since the 80's),
I think she says the truth.

to me, he's 5.9.
Zach said on 16/Apr/06
Rob you should print out all 1200 posts regarding his height and send it to him. Give him the biggest chuckle of his life! And tell him we're after his shoemaker too! ;)
Glenn said on 16/Apr/06
Amen to that Parker.even Rob cant fathom a 5-7 SLY GUY.
Parker said on 15/Apr/06
Here's the thing. How many of us can really estimate someone's height to within an inch without actually measuring or seing them stood next to someone with a known height.? 5'3/5'4, 5'5/5'6, 5'7/5'8 etc. On any sitings we can only estimate a ball park figure.

I'm still of the belief that Sly is 5'10, but would accept 5' fact with the number of short sitings I'm beginning to believe he must be around that mark. Then, as Rob mentions, in 'relaxed' mode he's 5'8. 5'9 in military pose, add 2.5 lift and we've got a guy almost 6'.
Frank2 said on 15/Apr/06
Maybe Sly was VERY relaxed when I saw him without his boots.
Anonymous said on 15/Apr/06
Rob, in the pic you mentioned about Stallone looking 6' beside Arnold and Bruce, i noticed his beltbuckle higher than Arnolds and Bruce. At Arnolds peak, he was just a shade under 6'2. He could be 6' or a shade taller in that pic. Even if Stallone was 5'9, and i am pretty sure he is under that, how does he pull something like that off. How the hell does a 5'7-5'8 or a 5'9 guy do that. I would be interested to see the same foot exposing the footwear that they were wearing in that pic. I am most interested to see where Sly's feet are in that pic. Years ago i saw a pic of Sly in a group gulf shot, and from wher the pic was taken it exposed Sly standing on his tiptoes. I wish i coulf find that pic again. THE REAL ANONYMOUS

Editor Rob

we've argued this stuff since the beginning, but basically....once more, others have brought these points up:

If you just stand relaxed you could possibly be 1 inch shorter than your best posture. Many might just be 1cm short though...anyway, say you are a 5ft 8 guy like me and you have a 6ft 1 mate. In reality, if someone whipped out a stadiometer I might be 5ft 7 and my mate 6ft, if we are both in just a relaxed and loose stance. I then borrow a pair of custom made elevator boots from Fabriozio's shop, as only they will be able to fit a proper 2.5 inch lift in them. My elevator trainers can't really do the trick here....

So, now I'm at 5ft 9.5. But then I suck my gut in and crank my posture to near military stance with my feet quite close together and I'm now up to 5ft 10.5 pushing 5ft 11. My friend though is really standing at 6ft, so an effective 5 inch difference is reduced to 1.5 inch...and if I'm a real sly guy I can also position myself slightly closer to the camera if the photographer is shooting from a lower angle...

Of course, I still find it hard to imagine a 5ft 7 sly, although others seem to have seen such a creature!
the shredder said on 15/Apr/06
i heard that sly's own mom said that hes 5'9. mm. by the way people iam not tgri anymore . iam now .... the shredder .
ForensicNYC said on 15/Apr/06
Studying the shoes of celebrities who are in FORMAL ATTIRE, it is noticable that for most Male celebrities, THEY SEEM TO BE WEARING THE SAME TYPE AND STYLE OF SHOE. That may mean a single SOURCE of these shoes worn by different celebrities! Have a look at male celebrities in tuxedoes and formal attire and they have the same shoe shapes! They don't look anything near DESIGNER SHOES!
Height Tracker said on 15/Apr/06
Hey Glenn,
I live about an hour away from NYC. I'll take you up on that offer. Just let me know the time and place, and I'll try to make it.
ANEES AHMED said on 15/Apr/06
Glenn said on 15/Apr/06
Frank-on Wayne, HAHAHAHA ,thats too funny.he did walk funny.
Glenn said on 14/Apr/06
no,Vaj but he looks 5-10 next to 5-9 russel.
Glenn said on 14/Apr/06
SF-I never saw him walk funny in the flesh.but maybe you saw different whole point of the 6ft foot photos is that I SEE him looking that in my face,not standing on boxes or funny angles on a DVD.with all due respect,I appreciate your words,Im not being snotty either.yeah Rob,after all that 5-7 evidence,which he might be,Im still convinced the man is 5-9,5-10.walked,talked with him too many times,too many shoes and even one pair of sandles.please,someone take me up on the offer of visiting me in NYC when SLY GUY is here(probably ROCKY 6 release)and you will see,he looks 5-11.5 in shoes.minimum.sometimes this next trip he will be 5-7.
sf said on 14/Apr/06
"maybe" sucking in his stomach? If he sucked anymore, his stomach would go out his back!
Frank2 said on 14/Apr/06
John Wayne walked like he wore lifts. In fact he walked in a such a manner that today in West Hollywood would have easily gotten him a date!
sf said on 14/Apr/06
Hi, Glenn - I'm not attacking you, but I do feel that Stallone walks, many times, like a man who wears lifts. Also, why would we want to produce a picture of Sly looking 6 feet? That won't prove anything other than he can look taller. Looking taller is the easy part. I can stand on a box, you can photograph me from the waste up, and I can look 7 feet! It's making one look shorter that's harder to do. Also, practically no one is going to do something to make themselves look shorter in a photograph. So, when Stallone looks shorter, you know something must be going on with the times he looks taller. I'm willing to go as high as 5'8" simply because people's perceptions of height aren't always perfect and sometimes people see what they want to see. But, no taller!

Editor Rob
remember that pic of Sly Looking 6ft...notice willis/arnie natural stance, but Stallone's can kind of see he maybe is sucking in his stomach, pushing his chest and standing with best posture, the lung expansion technique...

I think there's been since the start over 1200 posts on this sly page...he's up near the most commented upon guy!

And I was just checking old database - I did at the very beginning of this site have him 173, then he creeped up a few cm...
Glenn said on 14/Apr/06
Ive seen him is sandles look 5-11.sandles with lifts only give you an Im guessing 5-9.

Editor Rob
that's your lowest estimate 5ft 9? But you do feel he could be what he says he is...

amazing the disparity in estimates for this guy, some see a 5ft 7 sly, others 5ft 10...sure this guy's not got a doppeldanger he sends out in public!!!
Anonymous said on 14/Apr/06
Parker, did you look at all the pics with his 5'9 wife, because there are a few of them that she towers over him by 4 inches. I am not totally sold on the idea she is 5'9 either. THE REAL ANONYNOUS.
Zach said on 14/Apr/06
Sure his elevator heights take him to all sorts of altitudes, its his barefeet height that cant lie and its barefeet height that this site is all about.

And those who've seen him barefeet (and you're not one of them Glenn) say with full certainty he's 5'7.
Glenn said on 14/Apr/06
His elevator fabricated height is 5-11,6ft.did you forget he can look this tall? and 5-9,5-10 is nothing to brag about and is still considered short by some.
Parker said on 14/Apr/06
I've looked at all the recent photo's with his 5'9 wife (6ft in her shoes) and he still looks 5'10 to me. If the shoes he has on below are giving him an extra 4 inches, I want to know who his shoemaker is - cos I want a pair!

Click Here

Zach said on 13/Apr/06
You're right there Rob the two people who've seen him barefooted swear that he's 5'7 and the one time in 30 years of filming that he's in a barefoot scene he's also shown to be 5'7 Click Here

Big question is why his elevator fabricated height of 5'9 remains at the top of this page.
Glenn said on 13/Apr/06
He migtve been or still is 5-7,but doesnt explain how in what appears to be normal shoes,and normal walking,he appears 5-11 to me.Frank believes what he saw,and I guess I believe it.however,the rest of you can never admit you can be wrong,and those that believe he is 5-7,can never produce or acknowledge a photo where he looks what Rob says.and its not easy walking around in 5 inch lifts.I do agree Frank that Ive seen Burt walk around funny in those movies and look nearly 6-1,comparing him to Dom Deluise,who my friend agrees is 5-11.5.but Ive never seen Sly walk funny.could the surgery be true?
Frank2 said on 13/Apr/06
Maybe way back when Connery's career started he was 6'2". When I saw him at Fox he wasn't that much taller than me, but his posture was bad.

Goldman's right on target with Sly.
Frank2 said on 13/Apr/06
I'd like to know what shoes he wore when he was standing next to Kurt Russell and Goldie.

Listen up. I worked next door to him for at least two weeks at Universal back when he was supervising the editing of Nighthawks, a film where he had the original director fired and a stooge replace him with Sly doing the actual direction. I saw him daily. I saw him wearing his special cowboy boots and with them he was almost as tall as me. Without them he was a shrimp. No more than 5'7". I mean as he walked by me on his way to the restroom one day I could almost look over his head! Those boots had a good two and a half inch heel on them and inside probably had a lift boosting him by at least another inch. Guys who wear shoes like that end up walking funny. He sure did in thsoe boots. so did Burt Reynolds who wore almost the same type of boots. I could well understand why in private Sly would want them off. Talk about back problems!

Editor Rob
well, you're in the same company as William Goldman of course, both of you having seen a barefoot Sly...and both estimating he looked 5ft 7...actually Goldman said he was 6ft 1 and the only stars who were taller were 'Clint and Sean Connery'...I do think at one point Connery was 6ft 2
vaj said on 13/Apr/06
Here is Sly looking his height 5'9" with wife 5'9 with 2"-3" heels.He still does not look 5'11" or 6'
Click Here

Even with his cowboy boots and her with her boots she still towers over him.
Click Here

And another
Click Here

Still does not look 5'11 or 6' next to Kurt Rusell 5'9"
Click Here
TheMan said on 13/Apr/06
Interesting pic with dolph lundgrun but stallones probably got the lifts out and he's quite simply dragging dolph to the ground to make him appear shorter. But i think lundgrun actually is 6,4 though but high 6,4.
Glenn said on 13/Apr/06
Travolta is closer to 6-1.uma thurman is PULP FICTION.
Glenn said on 12/Apr/06
Ive seen Woods look 6ft in public,I guess in lifts 1994.another time,he was closer to my height in 1990.taller version photo coming one day.
Parker said on 12/Apr/06
Frank - If you say you were taller than Woods that's good enough for me. If you get chance, try geting 'The Hard Way' out or view it next time its on - There looks significantly more than 6 inches between Woods and Fox.
Frank2 said on 12/Apr/06
Look at Woods next to Travolta: Click Here
He's shorter by two inches which is exactly the same difference we see in the movie. Travolta is 6'. No way is Woods nearly 6'.
Frank2 said on 12/Apr/06
I've stood next to both men. I flew to New York one year on the now defunct MGM Grand Air and Michael was on the plane. He's 5'4". And I've met and stood next to Woods and he's 5'10". I'm 5'11" and I was taller by about an inch. What can I say? Maybe Woods wore lifts in some of his films.
Parker said on 12/Apr/06
Frank - Have agreed with most of your posts, but if James Woods is only 5'10 that would make Michael J Fox 5'1 - In the film 'The Hard Way' Woods had a full head on MJF in every scene. Can't see Fox shorter than 5'3, making Woods 5'11/6' and Stallone back at his consistent 5'10 pose.
clad-in-black said on 12/Apr/06
wow, looked at a couple of photo's down here, and no doubt this guys posture is amazing! he pulls off a great 'straight up' stance, which makes him look very imposing for a 5'9 to 5'10 guy (together with his built of course)
Parker said on 12/Apr/06
Here's another one of Sly and Dolph. It would put Sly at 5'10+. Also, Dolph claims he's 6'5, not 6'4

Click Here
larry said on 12/Apr/06
Hmmm... Frank Stallone is supposedly 5'11" tall. Doesn't add up. does it? I'm 6'5" and a 5'10" person comes up to my upper lip. SOOO, I'd say that 5'10" to the nose of a 6'4" guy is about right. A 5'8" person is about a "head" shorter than myself; my wife is 5'8". I'm a big guy and my head MIGHT be a little longer than average, but not that much unless I'm a "melon" head and people are just being kind??? :-)

Editor Rob
a while ago I took a series of pics of me beside a guy of similar height, but I was at various heights (i.e. I go from 5ft 9, 10 up to 6ft 5), wish I could show it. Anyway, I use it to 'remind' myself of a rough idea of how different heights might compare against each other under 'perfect conditions'
sf said on 11/Apr/06
That Schiffer/Stallone picture is just gross!! I'm gonna have nightmares about Stallone after that one.
Nolifts81 said on 11/Apr/06
Frank2- I really esteem you very much,but, if you say that in that pic with Claudia Schifer Stallone looks 4 inches shorter I think that you have some problem with the measures. Do you know how much is 4 inches of differences? Is clear, there are 2 good inches of difference.However, Frank2 I think that you are a great person and you have had a very interesting life, that's why I esteem you. I would ask to you one thing: I am very interesting to know something more about your story and your life(important people you have met etc). Could you write this to me at my e-mail address? I am very interested to know more about you. Thank you in advance.
Zach said on 11/Apr/06
That Nicholson picture Click Here

Just look at how far Slys legs come up compared to Jack's. Maybe they were in golf shoes but as ever suspicions have to be raised about his footwear.

And that Schiffer stallone pic doesnt prove anything, either that he's tall or short simply because the camera angles are seriously dodgy there. Some of you may remember in earlier posts (which sadly arent on this page anymore) several versions of that pic was shown here, the exact same pose but the height difference was somehow different in all of them. That pic's clearly been tampered with.
Frank2 said on 11/Apr/06
So how tall is Sly's brother Frank?: Click Here

Stallone with Jack Nicholson who the last time I saw him wasn't much over 5'8": Click Here

Sly and 6'4" Dolph Lundgren: Click Here
If Stallone was truly 5'10" he'd have come up to Lundgren's nose, not his chin.
Frank2 said on 11/Apr/06
Claudia is about 5'11". I've seen her wearing flat shoes and she was my height. That photo of Stallone standing with her shows a definite four inch difference. My cellphone is three and a half inches in length. In my hand it easily disappears. Now look at the photo and at the width of Stallone's hand. Then imagine it above his head. Take out a tape measure and you'll realize that an inch is quite small, about the width of a beer bottle cap. When I saw Sly walk past me in his stocking feet he was quite short next to me. This after meeting him with his boots on and being nearly eye to eye with him kind of surprised me to say the least.
Nolifts81 said on 11/Apr/06
Felix- You don't know Claudia Schiffer? She was the best paid model of the 90'. She is 5'11.5 (182cm) and weights 128lbs. Stallone looks 2 inches shorter, so, he is very close to 5'10" (177cm).
Felix said on 11/Apr/06
I saw an intresting picture with Sly barefoot with a girl named Versace Shiffer or something like that (who is that? :P) Click Here
See the picture yourself and maybe you can figure out his real height. I think Stallone is 5'7 because of several reasons:
1) I'm a huge Rocky fan and sometimes he towers over Mickey (Trainer) but sometimes like in Rocky 2 he fails to jumping the rope and he is almost as short as Mickey himself.
2) It's hard to convince people that they are taller than they are if a lot of people have seen him 5'7 and he is claimed to be a short actor.
I think it's just cool to be kind of short! Everybody says that it's better to be tall and more attractive but I think it's just cool!
Glenn said on 11/Apr/06
thanks Rob for agreeing that he can look tall.whether he is 5-8 or 5-10.
Zach said on 10/Apr/06
I'm pretty sure Sly was around the same height as Caan when he was in sandals with his foot plastered up.
Chris said on 10/Apr/06
Yes Rob, very true:)
Glenn said on 10/Apr/06
Thanks for backing me Frank.I never saw Caan,but my friends laugh at how short he is when they see him.
Chris said on 10/Apr/06
Stallone in his lifts. Can
Frank2 said on 10/Apr/06
Caan used to be 5'10" but Glenn is correct. He's now about 5'8".
Glenn said on 10/Apr/06
James caan is 5-8.
ahuat said on 10/Apr/06
does somebody has the clear version photograph of Sly ( when his foot was injured ), wear sandal with ( 5'9" ) James Caan? Sly looks taller than Caan in that photograph.
ForensicNYC said on 10/Apr/06
Nobody really knows the EXACT height of Sylvester Stallone and THAT IS THE ACE UP HIS SLEAVE. A Hollywood celebrity is supposed to wave a magic wand over our eyes and cover us with this blanket of fantasy and deception. Thanks to Sly, the Hollywood "magic" is still there...The moment we confirm his accurate height, we may just walk away and part company...
Glenn said on 9/Apr/06
Well,Im telling you what they looked like to me 10 years ago.I agree Duvall looks 5-8 in films.5-10 in lifts.
Glenn said on 9/Apr/06
Frank2 is great,you kidding me.I love him.but he always isnt right.and dont agree about Stone either.she was my height or taller.unless shes wearing lifts in sneakers.and Duvall looked 5-10 to me,but does look 5-8 lately.
Anonymous said on 9/Apr/06
Glenn, i live in Winnipeg,Canada. It is a 7 hour drive North of Minnistoa. Glenn, i would not call it taking sides, i just happen to agree with Frank2 on Stallones height. I pretty much only hang out in the Stallone section, but i occasionally will check out some of the stars i have met and i feel you are pretty accurate with most of them. A few that come to mind are Rod Stewart, Steve Tyler, and Eddie Vanhalen. Frank2 has some geat hollywood history behing him and i think it is great to have his insights in here as well. THE REAL ANONYNOUS
tgri said on 9/Apr/06
sly's own mother said that he is about 5'9 . i heard that from a sly fan online ....mmm. so maybe hes 5'10 with shoes or 5'10 was hes height in his teens or 20's ?
Glenn said on 9/Apr/06
Well the kind words keep flowing.I was getting worried about people taking sides a little carelessly.thanks No Lifts.and SF, im sorry too.the site needs good guys like you.all of us are equally important.5-8 is possible.5-10 more likely.
sf said on 8/Apr/06
Glenn - sorry I attacked you when you said I was obnoxious. Hell, I CAN be obnoxious, no doubt about it! And, really blunt when I say something. I think everyone here that presents some good points, etc, and that provides a good argument for their case of someone's height are making this site pretty interesting. Now, what do I have to do, to convince you guys that Stallone is no taller than 5'8"!!!!!!!!!????
Nolifts81 said on 8/Apr/06
Frank2- I respect you (but I respect Glenn more than you)but if you say that Sharon Stone is not 5'8" and if you see almost 3 inches of difference between Stallone and Ben Gazzara in the movie "Capone" you have not credibility to me. Sharon Stone is 5'8.5, she has said that a lot of time and she appears that height.Certainly she is not under 5'8"; Ben Gazzara(one of my favourite actors) in the movie Capone is not 2 to 3 inches taller than Stallone(like you said) but only 0.5 inch. Ben Gazzara in his prime was a good 5'10"(178cm). So Stallone, maybe is not a strong 5'10" but a weak 5'10". My bet is still 177cm!!! P.S. The precedent post where I said that after wiewing these pics I think that Stallone is not 5'10" but 5'9" was not mine but was wrote by my brother Domenico that, like some of you thinks that Stallone is in the 5'8"-5'9" range. Frank2- Really I respect you for what you are, but I believe to Glenn more than you. You have made some mistakes about the heights of certain celebrities. Glenn has been more accurate than you, with all his pics and his comments.
Glenn said on 8/Apr/06
Thanks for the kind words real anonymous.I need to read that.I can be a big baby,but understandable being what Ive been through outside the site.where do you live? that would be dumb asking him. I asked johnny ddepp.looked at me funny and said I dont know.
Glenn said on 8/Apr/06
We arnt alone Parker.I know of at least 3 more that agree.good point bringing up Robs page.
Anonymous said on 8/Apr/06
Parker, opinions are what helps make this site so interesting. I respect yours and most others in here. Stallone could be 5'9, but he might be 5'7-5'8. Glenn says he sees him at 5'10. I sometimes feel he could be 5'9, but right now i am thinking he is 5'7-5'8. Glenn, i would not ask Sly the height question, the last thing you need is to get blackballed by him and some of his star buddies. I am pretty sure he knows how some people might feel about his height already. Glenn, please keep doing what you do, you have helped make this the #1 celebrity height site on the net. Just on a side note, i have provided pesonal security for many Rock Bands and entertainers that have come to our city. I wish i had the pics to prove it, but i don't as it is a huge rule to never ask for pics or autographs . I have some great stories and have seen many interesting things. THE REAL ANONYNOUS
Parker said on 8/Apr/06
At the end of the day, its Rob the editor that has the casting vote, and as he still has 5'9 at the top of the page, he, like Glenn and myself haven't been convinced on the 5'7/5'8 theories for Stallone. I don't believe he is less than 5'9 - Its all about opinions, and that's mine
AK said on 7/Apr/06
If you compare his torso length to his lower body this will give you a true indication of his actual height, also in the shower scenes his torso length looks shorter than Sharon Stone's, again indicating that he is in the 5'7-5-8'range
Glenn said on 7/Apr/06
Your right REAL ANONYMOUS.I take things too personal.but some things I could swear is subtle blows towards me,maybe Im wrong.I praise Frank too and think he is priceless to the site.but,as with anyone,including myself,I and a couple others see faults.and I was a little ticked that you guys are believing everything.remember,photos,including mine,can be decieving.and I know what I saw in the flesh,not on the internet or DVD.again,YES,I know stallone could be 5-7, 5-8.but through intense observation in person of his shoes,ankles and long legs,he looks closer to 5-9, 5-10,to me.nobodys word is gospel,but give my words a least I provided you with photos,which is more than anyones done.I myself will ask Sly why does everyone think your short when you look tall to me? and see how he responds.thanks REAL ANONYMOUS for responding fast.I respect you.
THE REAL ANONYNOUS said on 7/Apr/06
Glenn,we all appreciate what you bring to the site. Many of us in here have said it on numerous occassions. If some of us disagree with you, it means no disrespect, it just means we disagree.Glenn, to be honest with you i am not worried about anything, i don't understand why you would make such a comment.Many people see Sly as being 5'10, some people see him being 6', and then some people see him at 5'7. In the end, it really doesn't matter and it's not very important. Glenn, you need to chill bro. Just be yourself and don't take things so personal. As far as being a main contributor and handling things, i have been in situations where i have dealt with life and death.As Burt Youngs character Paulie would say in Rocky, i don;t swat things like Sly's height.
Glenn said on 7/Apr/06
Dont worry REAL ANONYMOUS,Im one inch away from leaving the site.Rob can keep the photos.I respect and Love Frank too,but sometimes his mistakes are pointed out by others on the site.and he doesnt admit fault,unlike him, I do.and Franks urgency sometimes makes me wonder.its so much to the point where he made a few mistakes and a few commented on them.everyone can make mistakes,but he doesnt admit them.and for a insecure,paranoid, height conscious Stallone to take off his boots is a little outlandis to me and Im surprised no one sees this.and I WAS THERE when they shot COPLAND.both stallone and deniro were 5-10.deniro is really yes,stallone and or deniro mightve been wearing lifts,but Id buy stallone at 5-9 any day over 5-7,5-8.if you were main contributer I guess you would handle it better if you were attacked.keep up the good words guys.
tgri said on 6/Apr/06
rob, did mr.t wear lifts in rocky tree(3) ? he looked clearly taller then sly and nearly as tall as weathers . also he looked 5'10 max in a-team.

Editor Rob
can't say, been long time since seen film and can't recall exactly
THE REAL ANONYNOUS said on 6/Apr/06
Thankyou Vaj. Frank2 is the real deal. I have had the pleasure of reading many of Franks posts on other celebrities in here and i have much respect with the way he carries himself.Frank, i hope someday you will feel comfortable enough to let us know who you are in here. Hey Frank2, did Sly run away in horror when you caught him without his lifts on? Like Zach says, you are the man.
vaj said on 6/Apr/06
I have said it all alonge with Frank2 and the real Anonymous and Sly's own family that he is only 5'8" and 5'10-5'11"" with his thick trainers.
That is way there are the short sightings and close to 6' sightings, is it starting to make sense to the none believers?
In the picture with Bruce Wills and Aronald and Demi he does look more like 5'8-5'9" range.
Great pic's Frank2!
Zach said on 6/Apr/06
Yeah great pics Frank2 (though I did post the Deniro one up before!). I think those and def the stallone/stone shower pics prove he's in the 5'7-5-8 range.

Frank2 - you're the man.
Chris said on 6/Apr/06
Yes Stallone is 5'7'' or 5'8'', I never thought of him being 5'10''!
dmeyer said on 6/Apr/06
Nolifts81 said on 6/Apr/06
Now is difficult claim that Stallone is 5'10". I have to change my opinion after these pics. I think he could be in the 5'9" range.
Clive said on 6/Apr/06
UNBELIEVABLE ! Frank2 you've eventually convinced me with your photo with 5'8.5 Robert De Niro... Even if Stallone doesn't stand him straight he doesn't manage to 5'10, really I didn't imagine to be as tall as Rocky :)))))))))))))))))))))))
trueheight said on 6/Apr/06
We need to conclude Sly's 5'8 at best just because of all the books and celebsource quotes Rob mentions above. I don't see why anyone would have a grudge against this man save for Dickenson; but if she did have a grudge she woulda just went out and said he was like 5'7
Anonymous said on 5/Apr/06
If Frank2 says Sly is 5'7, then i truly believe he really is 5'7. Sorry guys but i think Frank2 is the most reliable member in here and i have got to go with the 5'7. His shoemaker is an amazing craftsman .
Glenn said on 5/Apr/06
finally took a look at those pics of sly with nicholson.problem with Jack is he can look 5-9,5-10 in public.we all know he is really again stallone is either 5-8 or 5-10 depending on who forgot the elevators.the mystery continues.
Frank2 said on 5/Apr/06
Check out this photo: Click Here It's easy to see that Stallone is a few inches shorter than Arnold and is at least three inches shorter than Bruce Willis.

Stallone is several inches shorter than Arnold in this photo: Click Here

Stallone with Robert DeNiro: Click Here They look about the same height.

With 5'11" Mickey Rourke: Click Here Who's had more plastic surgery?

Glenn said on 5/Apr/06
Zach- his feet arent showing.I just remember think thinking this guy is tall and not wearing boots. Jason- the shortest Ive seen him was 5-10. Forensic,his moves are envied by spies!
Zach said on 4/Apr/06
Crikey take a look at this, miracle he didnt break his ankle here...

Click Here
Clive said on 4/Apr/06
No seriously Stallone can't be only 5'9, his photo with Milo Ventimiglia shows that he looks EASILY 1 inch more than him(as well lited as 5'9 on this site). Futhermore this photo has been taken on January 2006 so I don't see on what you're going by to list him as 5'9.
Moreover I'm not blind, on the photo above Sly does look 2 inches more than Glenn. Until now I didn't see any photos which show Stallone is 5'9 !
sf said on 4/Apr/06
Yea, Glenn, but you, yourself, said in some post that they make lifts in sandals. They do - I've seen them on some web sites. Downplaying Stallone's height won't make me feel better about myself. I've argued that Schwarzennager (have no idea how close that is to correct spelling) is taller than some people have said. I am honestly trying to argue heights based on what I really believe. Stallone is just so much fun because of the lengths he goes to, to conceal his height. And, I think he's been going to great lengths for a long time. To me,it seems like people just have to have/believe that stars are taller than they are. People just don't want them to be shorter. I remember one post where someone mentioned they were dissappointed that Angelina Jolie was shorter than they thought. Like, it's a bad thing. Glenn you've seen Stallone alot, true, but so have so many other people, and so many other people, quotes, etc. have seen him shorter. Stallone has a huge image to maintain as a big, tough guy - Rambo, Rocky, Cobra, Tango (or was he Cash??). I would guess he probably, almost always when he has to wear shoes, has something in them. Seriously, I've made my points, and believe that Stallone is no taller than 5'8".
TNTinCA said on 3/Apr/06
I actually think Stallone was close to 5'10" in his prime and is probably closer to 5'9" nowadays. I really dont think he was shorter than that.
Part of the reason for so much of the scrutiny on his height is Stallone's own fault. He had a reputation for always demanding that fellow celebs in his pictures be close to his height or shorter. (i.e. Rob Schneider)
nolifts81 said on 3/Apr/06
I've seen Steve's pic (Stallone And Ventimiglia). In that pic Stallone looks about 1 inch taller than Milo Ventimiglia. But for the Honesty I have to say that Milo Ventimiglia is not 5'10, but he is 5'9". Milo Ventimiglia is one of the few stars that I've met personally. I've seen him in Italy (Sardegna)last summer in a club called "Billionaire". I am 5'10"(178cm), we were both in sneakers, and he was a good inch shorter than me.So I'm sure he is 5'9"(175cm). Stallone looks about 1 inch taller. So Sly is about 5'10" (177cm).
Frank2 said on 3/Apr/06
Right now I'm watching Nighthawks and noticing that Stallone is at least a couple of inches shorter than Billy Dee Willimas. And Sly is wearing what look to be at the very least, custom made shoes that seem to have bigger heels than normal. I met Billy and he's my height or 5'11". In fact at the time Universal was making that film is the first time I met Sly. He was in the next cutting room from mine. At one point he took off his cowboy boots and walked past me and that's when I noticed he was no more than about 5'7". He was certainly several inches shorter. With the boots on he just about came up to my height, possibly an inch shorter so those boots made him look the way he should if he was truly 5'10"
sf said on 3/Apr/06
Now, see - haven't we had fun debating Stallone's height? Glenn, I still respectfully disagree that your opinion is more valid, more important. Why? Cause, to me, you are another person just giving his opinion who has met Sly. Just like my friend, just like the article I provided that provides TWO quotes - again, people who have met Sly. Now, is your opinion more valid than these 3 other people that have also met Sly? 3 other people who say he's 5'7" or 5'8"? oh wait, let's not forget Frank - that's 4 people. No. To me, again, logic dictates that he must be shorter with all of the height variations reported, from shorter to taller. Parker, I'm not saying he wears 4.5 inch lifts all the time. I would specuatae that sometimes he has smaller lifts, sometimes he has larger lifts. And, sometimes he just gets plain tired of wearing them, and those are the times he gets caugh "short." And, just like you admitted regarding Alan Ladd, they do everything possible in every shot to minimize height differences between Stallone and his co-stars. Just look at the First Rocky with Burgess Meredith and Burt Young, is it? Two men, both very short, playing major roles next to him. Yes, also many taller men. But, again, with angles, lifts, trenches, boxes, hovercrafts, stilts, pogo sticks, Hollywood seems to be able to do about anything to anyone on screen.
Parker said on 3/Apr/06
The real Anon - If you look at thr picture below you can see Sly's left foot through the legs of Pele - Mike Summerbee on Sly's right is an official 5'10 as measured and listed by man ity football club. John Wark was listed at 5'11.

Click Here
Anonymous said on 3/Apr/06
sf, i got your back. Dominic; Brigitte has excellent posture in that wedding pic with Sly. Cmon Dom, she is slouching in that pic and i will bet anything she is wearing flat shoes. Sly has the hair,posture and as we all know his special shoes on and he is still shorter than the 5'11 Neilson. Parker, i can't see Sly's feet in that pic. I'm thinking he is standing on some type of platform to appear the same height as his team mates. Parker, you bring up the beach scene. There is uneven ground on the beach and i am sure at no time was Sly in a scene where the sand he was standing on was lower than Carl Weathers. THE REAL ANONYNOUS
Cobra said on 3/Apr/06
5ft10, min 177 cm.
I read myself through all the comments, pics, and also saw many films with him, also lot of pictures.
That`s my opinion, the marriage pic with Nielsen, no lifts in the world would help if he is only 5ft8.
On the beach with Apollo in rocky 3 also. I say it again, 177 cm min, or maybe the full 5ft10
steve said on 3/Apr/06
Sly with 5.10 co-star from the new Rocky movie
Click Here
Glenn said on 2/Apr/06
Actually SF,although what you say is very important,as with 90% of the people on the site,I beg to differ on that statement of just as important as me.while 90% of you people make and help this site exist,many will agree,my word is more important as I witnessed these celebs over and over again,giving me better gauge to height reference.have I ever been wrong? sure.just like everyone else and yourself,Im not perfect.but for you to not see me as a better as a better encyclopedia to height would be foolish on your part,even if Im wrong on sly.60% chance Im right is my guess.
Glenn said on 2/Apr/06
Are we going to aurgue the difference of wiseass and smartass.alot on this site agree Ive been disrespected,and should be treated probably meant no harm,but I like friendly debates,not smartass debates.and how hard is to walk with 4.5 lifts? I dont know.wouldnt he walk funny? I have yet to catch him one friend did.but he saw the 6ft version as well and was probably caught off guard and saw 5-9.25 or it would be boring to agree.but lets debate friendlier please.sly is the truest of all height enigmas.johnny depp and mel gibson being distant 2nd and 3rd.
Glenn said on 2/Apr/06
Yes,your points are valid Im not taking Rob hostage.I just think as the major contributor to the site I should be treated with may have not noticed,but those disresptecful have been silenced.Rob emailed me today most pleasantly.if he doesnt like my way of things he could tell me.I nothing but respect for the guy.
dmeyer said on 2/Apr/06
a bunch of people think he is 5'7 or 8 is there any proof
sf said on 2/Apr/06
Glenn - I don't want to take over anything, but my point and arguments are every bit as valid as yours, even with all of your photos. So, you're going to take Rob "hostage" cause of all your photos? I doubt it. I would also speculate that Rob probably enjoys most of the conversations as it makes the whole site more interesting and fun. do you think as many people would be coming on if we all just said, "Stallone is 5'8"." "Yea, that's how tall he is". "Uh-huh, I agree." Pretty boring, don't you think?

Parker - I agree - Stallone DOES always look around 5'10" event taller in photos. But, knowing what so many have said and seen (Stallone in a swimsuit), and knowing someone who personally stood next to Stallone a LONG time ago, I just have to believe he is smaller. Can't say it enough - 4.5 inch lifts - pretty much explains it all. That, and as Frank has said, every angle, every possible method to lesson differences in height, etc.

Oh, yes. I said I'm a "smart-ass" NOT "wise-ass"...
Avon Lady said on 2/Apr/06
Stallone applied a lot of height increasing cream on the right side of his face but left in hurry from my parlour...that's why you see the right side of his face starting to GROW 2" while his left side is struggling to BE NORMAL...
Glenn said on 2/Apr/06
I thought Rutger was 6-2? no? Sly is like the old fish tale in reverse,you know,people see a 15 foot great white shark never before experiencing one and claim "oh my god it was monster 25 footer",and it really wasnt.people expect sly to be this 6ft-6-2 guy,like arnold(strangely,I witnessed the opening of PLANET HOLLYWOOD IN 1991 where stallone looked 6ft) and when you do see him(everyone catches himsans lifts except me) you see 5-10 and downplay it to 5-8 cause he wasnt the tall guy you expected.theres a few of these on the site,claims of 5-6 on 5-8,-5-9 guys.
Tripod said on 2/Apr/06
In Nighthawks in the fight on the roof of the postbox you can clearly see the soles of their shoes. Rutger Hauer is 6' CASE IN POINT.
Glenn said on 2/Apr/06
Good eye for height Parker!
dmeyer said on 2/Apr/06
rob i think you right stallone cant be under 5'9" since he can look close to 6'0" sometimes
dmeyer said on 2/Apr/06
also nielsen was 6'1" at that time
Glenn said on 2/Apr/06
Thanks Dominic!
Parker said on 2/Apr/06
Sly always appears to be 5'10 in every photograph I've seen. I'm like a broken record, but stood next to 5'10 Mike Summerbee in 'Escape To Vicory' they looked the same height.

Case in point. In this mornings UK Sunday People there is a photograph him next to 5'7 Ricky Hatton - Again Sly looks 3 inches taller. Does this mean that Sly constistently walks round in footwear that gives him 4 inches over his barefoot height?
Glenn said on 2/Apr/06
No, I dont run the site,but I saved it from near extinction.I understand this doesnt give me authority,but if Im annoyed at wiseasses,Rob,I think,99% will choose me over you.unless of course you have thousands of photos with celebs,then you can take over.yes,sf you could be right about stallone,but I have a better shot.this is a discussion forum,not a wiseass forum.I have a sense of humor.the devito crack was good.give you props.if Rob wants me out,Ill leave gracefully.however Rob knows there is new celebs to come,and thousands unseen photos.and I think Rob and I have a liking for each other.
Dominic said on 1/Apr/06
Click Here

That's Sylvester Stallone next to 5'11.75 Brigitte Nielsen. Stallone can't be under 5'9.5. His footwear can't boost him from 5'7 all the way up to just about 6'0. I dont think stallone is a shade under 5'10.
Frank2 said on 1/Apr/06
Sharon Stone is not 5'8".
sf said on 1/Apr/06
Wow - Glenn, almighty has spoketh. All praise Glenn! Okay, Glenn YOU don't run this site. Rob does. And, I'm sure he knows that. I also have the feeling that Rob, yes Rob, will make whatever decisions he wants to make. Me, personally, if I ran this site, I would rather kick someone off who acts like he has almighty authority and runs the site, even though he doesn't. YOU were the one who disrespected ME first, calling me Obnoxious. I said, again, for ME, the case is closed. I AM allowed to say that, aren't I? NO, I can't explain everything. Neither can you. No one can. What a thought. Wait! Just like YOU, I COULD say that I "proved my point." And, I did! To ME!!!!!!! Let's do the math. Stallone is 5'8" more or less. According to the quote above, he sometimes can wear 4.5 inches lifts, which I believe he may do at times. Add 4.5 to 5'8" and you have your magic number, 6'.5" inches. And, something else you don't understand. I don't care how tall Stallone is! If I thought he was 6'5" I"d argue for that. I don't want him to be shorter OR taller. In fact, years ago, my friend was telling me Stallone was only 5'7" and I argued that he couldn't be and that he was probably 5'10". I thought he had to be. Since then, through what I've read and heard, etc. I now believe Stallone to be in the 5'7" to 5'8" range. Now, see I've included up to 5'8" based on my friend who personally was presented a trophy by Stallone back in the 70's. And, I'm including the other quotes I've referenced, Frank's comments, the photos I've seen. Again, with logic, you can understand how someone can look taller from time to time. It's the looking shorter things that are harder to explain. Glenn, relax!

Finally, I CAN admit to something if evidence seems to support it. Case in point, I have always argued that Alan Ladd was 5'4" or so, Recent accounts by Frank, etc. made me think he might actually be taller and I admitted to the possibility.

I don't think I'm a "know it all", but I do admit to being a smart-ass. This is fun...
Glenn said on 1/Apr/06
Sf- What the hell are YOU talking about? for starters I dont get a piece of scrap paper stallones case you get gloves or photos signed.MR AUTOGRAPHS business can be quite lucrative.of course I can go through rough times,but at least I dont have to get up in the morning.what do you do for a living? and speaking of not waking up in the morning,that photo WAS my peak height cause I always wake up after 3pm! and smartass,or should I say dumbass,in those early days with a alot of celebs and Nimoy,we were only innocently asking for photo with,not autographs and were constantly turned in a rude manner.and im 5-8 when I wake and im not sure how long after that I stay that way.apparently,as with some,most,or all people,I flucuate.and Im not interested in accounts of people,cause they always want to see stallone short.until you saw him yourself,you cant say case close.YOU STILL dont explain or comprehend the moments he can look over 6ft.5 inch lifts? Ill buy 5-9.25 any day over 5-7 or 5-8.closer stones height
sf said on 1/Apr/06
Glenn - what the hell are you talking about? How is that obnoxious? I said, for ME - the case is closed. ME? Do you understand what ME, means. Let me, repeat - ME. Not YOU, not anyone else. For ME. Did you meet Stallone in 1978 when he was really just getting started and probably wasn't always as height conscious as he is now? Before he did everything he possibly could to look taller? Before everyone saw Stallone as this gigantic action hero? No, but my friend did. As we both know, they even put lifts in sandals. And, YOUR word is not gospel, MR. Autograph guy, who spends his life hounding celebrities to get a picture and their signature on a piece of paper. And, I guess when one's shoulders are taller than another person's that means they are tiptoed. HMMMMMmmmm....I thought it could also mean someone is taller than another person. I guess not. ONLY when tiptoed are you taller than someone. My point is valid in regards to nolifts81 - You can't claim Stone is on her tiptoes based on those pictures.

Use some logic, some deduction here. Too, too many accounts have Stallone at a lower height. Many higher, etc. How can that be? There are really two MAIN conclusions - people's accounts and judgements of height are just off or vary, or Stallone uses all different types of footwear, with variations in lifts sizes, accounting for why people see him at different heights.

Now, let's take you - you claimed forever that you were 5'8", and recently have admitted, quite honestly, that you are only 5'7" and 1/2 or so which makes every comparison of you next to a celebrity just off a little bit. Even YOU were off on YOUR height. And, no during the afternoon, you are not at your peak height. Some people can gain as much as an inch over night, others only 1/2 inch or so. It varies. By the afternoon, you have probably very easily lost most of the additional height you gained over night.

Now, as YOU always go on about - you talk over and over about how many times you've seen Stallone. Good for you. Frank2 has seen him, many others have seen him - IN PERSON, just like you, and they say he is shorter. The one guy in the article I referenced saw Stallone get out of a swimming pool - no shoes. Repeat, no shoes. He said Stallone was 5'7". His word is every bit as valid as yours. My friend says he is shorter, and met him before the idea of leeching off these celebrities was ever a spark in your mind. Now I know why Leonard Nimoy was such an a-hole to you...
nolifts81 said on 1/Apr/06
sf Look again the shower scene pics and look at Sharon's shoulders. Her shoulders are too taller than Stallone's, this happens when anyone is tiptoed.
Glenn said on 1/Apr/06
Sf you are the man.everyone has a story to tell.but none of you has seen him as much as me.and once in sandles looking 5-10(photo coming)and still looking 5-10.again I admit I could be wrong,you obnoxiously cant be.
sf said on 1/Apr/06
Hi-larious! People just see what they want to see. As in Stone being tiptoed. Aanybody else see her toes? What ELSE can you see?
sf said on 1/Apr/06
Oh yea, I believe the tournament Gil was in was a senior tournament, as he was in his 40's when he placed third.
sf said on 1/Apr/06
Okay - I have new info on our pal, Stallone, and a few other hotly contested celebs. Some of you may know that I have a friend at the gym that fought Chuck Norris 3 times in the 70's. I referenced this once, when I referred to Norris' height. (My friend is a 7th degree blackbelt) Well, again, tonight, I thought about something else when I was talking to him. This guy was not only a competitive martial artist, but also a competitive body builder in the late 60's and 70's. His name is Gil Hanson, he's 73, a retired cop, and still teaches martial arts to police academy students. Trust me, this is one 73 year old man you don't want to mess with. He can still bench 350! Tough as nails. I remembered tonight to ask him about some of the body builders he's met. Okay, this comes from a guy who met, knew and competed next to these guys, BAREFOOT. Gil is 6'0", maybe a little under now but not by much. Gil, without hesitation, said Ferrigno was 6'4". Again, he knew Ferrigno in the 70's. He also knew Arnie a little. Again, without hesitation, he said Arnie was "6'2", maybe bigger. He's a pretty big guy." Gil is a trained police officer, trained to notice things, and again, stood beside these guys at competitions BAREFOOT, or in normal shoes. They weren't wearing lifts when competing! Here's the best part! I didn't even ask him, and he said he had met Stallone. Gil finished 3rd in the Mr USA (natural, I think) in 1978, he said. Stallone personally presented him with his trophy! Now, remember, this was the 70's, before any of these guys were such big deals. Yes, Stallone was on his way, but had only just had big success with Rocky. Gil, again without hesitation, said Stallone was about 5'8". Remember, Stallone stood right next to Gil and handed him his trophy. I laughed when he told me, and told him about this web site where everybody is contesting these guys heights.

This closes the case for me. Stallone is no taller than 5'8". Arnie was 6'2". and Ferrigno was 6'4".
Mike said on 31/Mar/06
lol,was jus bout 2 say that sf bout stone wearing lifts... bottom line anonymous, nobody knows whats in who's shoes except Sly is crazy bout his ones, ott compared2other celebs.

what we can all see is when two people are both barefeet and 5'7/8 Stone is cleary TALLER than Stallone.

p.s. sorry Glenn
ForensicNYC said on 31/Mar/06
Glenn, in this photo lets assume you are wearing normal shoes which would give you a 5'9" height...An anthropometric scan places your eye level on Sly's nose tip...He has a 2" advantage over you, making him 5'11"...
If it is true that Sly never leaves the house without his lifts, then he would be wearing them here in this photo right?
Frank2 said on 31/Mar/06
So anonymous, have you met him?
nolifts81 said on 31/Mar/06
I've seen the shower scene pics posted by Rob and I am still sure that Stallone is very close to 5'10". He looks 1.25 inchs taller than 5'8.5 Sharon Stone.Look at the third pics, that is the only fair pic, the other are not because often Sharon in that scene is tiptoed. Sly is 177 cm!
Maverick said on 31/Mar/06
Lets say Stallone is 5'10 for a minute!....In Hollywood his agent would list him as 6' or 6'1....and sly would say he is 6' every time, when asked about his height!
He is famous as a Hollywood star, also famous for being short!(if he was a legit 5'10, there would not be all this debate about his height!) I think at his peak probably 5'7, but now just a tad under around 5'6.5, the same height as Sharon Stone! (see shower scene!)...its all lifts and excellent posture!...Frank2 ...any comments?
Glenn said on 31/Mar/06
Thank you Anonymous! at least a few of you are on my side.people are obsessed with their own take on height on these pages.even with the fact that I see these celebs all the time,they can never be convinced.
Glenn said on 30/Mar/06
I see your trying to make a point VAJ but,my true height and peak height is please stop your habit of downgrading me.that stallone pic was in the day,when Im at my peak lets not start that Im 5-6 again.and I still think stallone is 5-10.I witnessed him many times,unlike the rest of you at home freeze framing seem to also have a habit of forgetting that he can he look 6ft or a hair more in public.he could be 5-7.but unlikely.that would be 5 inch lifts.hard to walk like that or run in movies.the only other person who met him agreed that he was 5-10.5.figures.cause he MET and worked with him on a film set.the problem with you and most people is you cant be wrong.I admit I might be wrong about 5-10.but better qualify than you.remember,WE ALL will never know the real heights of these celebs.only guess.and 5-10 is nothing to brag about,and is still considered short to some.
sf said on 30/Mar/06
dmeyer - don't you understand the concept of 4 inch lifts? I just don't get how Rob can still have him at 5'9". HOW???????
Anonymous said on 30/Mar/06
If Rob can post on this page the Shower scene pics(posted by Zach) with Sharon Stone I'll be grateful to him, because with my PC I don't see nothing.

Editor Rob
the brightness on your monitor is probably low as the pics were dark, so just for you I brightened them:

Stallone getting Stoned
Glenn said on 30/Mar/06
james woods is a mystery.when I first saw him 16 years,ago I thought he was my height.then got a photo with him in 1994 and he was 6ft at friend met woods a few years ago,and was shocked at how tall he was.
vaj said on 30/Mar/06
I am 5'9" barefooted 5'10.25 in shoes, if I would of taken a picture with Agassi there wouldn't have been such a big difference in height just barely and 1". In the pic with Glenn and Sly there is a big difference b/c Glenn is not 5'8" like he stated at night is 5'7.25" that is his real height. That is why Glenn when he see's Sly in his 3" lifts he seems 6'.Glenn, I am not trying to say anything bad about you just trying to make a statement about how Sly fooles people he is taller than he really is, and by the way I think you have contributed alot to this site!

dmeyer said on 29/Mar/06
stallone is a tricky one i guess no shorter than 173 and no taller than 178
dmeyer said on 29/Mar/06
since he can look 5'11 to 6 feet i dont think he can be lessthan 5'8,5 or 5'9 barefeet
kramer said on 29/Mar/06
when hes beside apollo creed (carl weathers) in similar boxing shoes he looks maybe 3 inches smaller than him at most.If Weathers is 6ft 1 then Stallone would be the 5ft 10 he claims. Can't believe they have shot every scene since 1976 just to make Stallone look taller!
Anonymous said on 29/Mar/06
sf, that is an amazing article. Sly is 5'7? Frank2 has met him and says 5'7. Glenn meets him and he can look 5'10. Glenn, you have got to be on Sly's payroll. :)
Glenn said on 29/Mar/06
Amen to that Rob! Im 5-9,5-10 in shoes vaj.back to a full 5-8 during the day barefoot.5-7.25 at night.
Frank2 said on 29/Mar/06
"Did you realise when you were young your parents were different Frank?"
Not until I noticed they both had cone-shaped heads and devoured mass quantities of non-food items.

Last night I watched the horrible movie The Specialist which Stallone starred in with Sharon Stone. She's about 5'7". In the film she wore 3 inch spiked high heels and was his height when he was wearing his lifts, possibly even a half an inch taller. But later in a shower scene when they're both naked they're about the same height! James Woods who's about 5'10" was an inch taller than Stone when she wore her high heels. Figure it out.
vaj said on 29/Mar/06
Sly has you fooled he can only stand 5'11" in lifts look at the picture with Agassi. Don't you think he would try to compete with Agassi and look taller next to Agasdi(5'11") if he wanted people to think he was 6'. Sly may look 6' to you b/c you may be 5 7.5" barefooted or 5'8" in shoes?

Editor Rob
how often is sly caught short in a pic not once, but Twice ?

its amazing though that sometimes Sly can look as others have said 6 Foot. If they had oscar categories for best lifts and best posture, he'd be a shoe in. In such a situation, it doesn't look like any camera angles helping him...this might be the time when 'frankenstein lifts' are brought from the Italian Shoemaker's shop...I'd love to borrow sly's shoes for a day!
Glenn said on 29/Mar/06
Maybe its the twin stunt double I keep seeing who is 6ft.
sf said on 29/Mar/06
Great article exposing heights that has TWO eyewitness testimonies that Stallone is only 5'7". Rob has referred to one of the quotes above. This article also references this site. Rob, sorry if you posted this before. Click Here
Movies Fann said on 28/Mar/06
What happened to Sylvester Stallone? Have we run out of things to say? Does he have corns and calluses from wearing all those gizmos? What sort of plaster does he use for extreme blisters? What brand? Dr. Scholls? Does he wear high heels when lifting weights? Does he wear shoes when he swims in the pool?
Zach said on 28/Mar/06
Sly with DeNiro again...

Click Here
Glenn said on 28/Mar/06
Did you realise when you were young your parents were different Frank? thanks anonymous!
sf said on 28/Mar/06
Yea, I don't think Sly EVER looks 6'1", and yes, I know I've never seen him in person. Like Frank's saying, I'm sure every trick in the book is used to compensate for Stallone's height, every angle, lifts, blah, blah, blah....blah.


Editor Rob
the times when sly looks 6ft in photos in my humble opinion appears more to to do with camera angle and sly's strategic positioning than land of the giant lifts
vaj said on 28/Mar/06
I agree with you Frank2, I beleive he is 5'8" and 5'11" max with lifts.
Frank2 said on 28/Mar/06
My dad was an independent producer/director who at one time owned his own studio. My mom acted in radio with all sorts of stars such as Orson Welles (at one time we lived in a home that Welles and Rita Hayworth had previously lived at which was located in Brentwood, California), Bob Hope, Walter Huston, John Huston and Jack Benny to name, but a few. She did a few feature films before marrying my father back in the 1940's. Rudy Vallee was my godfather. He knew both of them and got them to meet and go out on a date. The rest was as they say is history. My father died in the early sixties. After that my mom returned to acting briefly in a few TV programs as well as commercials. She's still around, now in her mid eighties.
Anonymous said on 28/Mar/06
Frank2, once again i agree with you, and always look forward to your posts. Rob, you have a great site, and thanx once again for giving some of us a place to relax and kickback each day. Glen you help make this site number one with your pics and stories of the stars. Sylvestor Stallone, i love your movies and i will still love them even if you are only 5'7 barefoot and 5'11 in monsterlifts. THE REAL ANONYNOUS
Height Tracker said on 28/Mar/06
Frank2 I totally agree with you.
Zach said on 28/Mar/06
nolifts, I think the problem might be with your monitor, try adjusting the brightness settings on there? Others seem to have been able to see the pics. If that fails save the pics onto your computer and try opening them with photoshop/coreldraw and they too also have brightness options.

Rob I take your point about Sly being 'stuck into' Stone lol but I think there is a lot simulation in that scene, if you rewatch it you'll see what I mean so I'm not too sure that actually affected his height.

tgri, my sympathies are with you! I know its bewildering how he appears shorter than Stone but nearly as tall as Hogan! But look at it this way - he can cheat with shoes, but he cant cheat when he's barefeet can he?
Glenn said on 28/Mar/06
Yeah,stallone was tallest in Judge Dredd.Frank,your Parents knew and met as celebs as you?
Frank2 said on 28/Mar/06
Thanks to everyone here for the kind remarks. I only wish I could meet you all and show you some rather interesting photos of my father and mother who were players during the Golden Days of Hollywood. I grew up with celebs so after a while it all became rather routine. Now I wish I could travel back in time to truly appreciate what I was around.

How does Sly go from 5'7" to looking 6'? Well, first of all, he's never six feet. Not at least in person, not any time I've seen him. The tallest I ever saw him in the flesh was about an inch shorter than me which would be 5'11". He wears big lifts. Like Burt Reynolds, he wears shoes that boost him by several inches. Reynolds is taller (about 5'10") but Reynolds still wants to be over six feet so he wears lifts in all of his films. Sly claims to be 5'10" so he has to wear lifts to make himself appear around 5'11" with shoes. Then when they film him they play all sorts of tricks, but he still looks rather short. In Cobra he wore gigantic lifts and was still shorter than co-stars Brigitte Nielsen and Reni Santoni. Nielson is just shy of 6' and Santoni is about 6'1". They made sure to keep Brigitte in flat shoes and to angle shots with Santoni so he didn't tower that much over Sly. Notice in that film that Andy Robinson who's 5'10" is no taller than Stallone. That's the key. And I've never seen bigger lifts than the huge boots Stallone wore in Judge Dredd. They must have gotten him up to 6' easily for that one. He must also have back problems.
Glenn said on 28/Mar/06
For you no lifts81,I will dig out a copy in my vault.give me a week or less.I agree sf,but what about those uncanny,not as often moments where he is near 6-1? So you agree nolifts81 that he is near 5-10? I was on the money when I said sharon was 5-9,so 5-8.5 makes sense.thanks no lifts81,you and 90% of the visitors are the reason we are here.without you guys,we are it works both ways.I love all of you!
nolifts81 said on 27/Mar/06
Personally I think that Glenn has improved a lot this site. I also think that without Glenn and without his pics this site would not be the same. We all have to thank Rob and Glenn for the great job done. This is a great site!!!P.S. Glenn- I would ask to you if you have seen accurately the shower scene in the "Specialist". And What you see? focus my attention only on the height I see a difference of about 1.25 in Stallone favour. Considering that Sharon Stone in Italy last week "for the presentations of the prime of Basic Instinct2" has said 2 time that she is 5'8.5 at two different italian television programs, and I believe her, I put Stallone height at 5'9.75 (177cm).Glenn, what do you think about the height difference in the famous "Shower Scene"?
Anonymous said on 27/Mar/06
Frank2 is awesome, i really enjoy all the inside scoops he brings he shares with us about the bussiness and it's stars. Frank2, you said that Sly is 5'7 barefoot. How the hell does he do it. How can he look 5'11 sometime? Glenn, i think the spoonfed comment by Zach was in regards to that thread where you blew a gasket about the Sharon Stone pics. Zack has been very positive towards you in the last while, i don't think you meant all the s*** you said in those threadS about some of the members in here.THE REAL ANONYNOUS
Frank2 said on 27/Mar/06
Glenn, I also appreciate you. More power to you! But try to keep the four letter words off the forum since it tends to cheapen your strong position.
Glenn said on 27/Mar/06
Do you really think Mike, that Rob would let me get away with cursing and that statement if it wasnt true?.goes to show how stupid you are and how much you resent me.go on people,STEP UP TO THE PLATE AND NAYSAYERS TELL ROB TO GET RID OF ME.your lucky I havnt left 2 weeks ago in disgust.keep it up.and are you really that mentally slow to not realise my photos helped the site bigtime and made it more fun? go ahead,lets see how many people are on your side and are on my side.I always had and stated my love and apoligies when I went overboard in the past,so is that arrogant? I make mistakes,unlike others here cant admit.this is going to be fun.dumb and dumber Mike and Zach and lets see if others come out against me.and lets see what Rob has to say? speak to me that way,and rightfully so,IM THE MOTHERf***ING DEVIL! if ROB wants me out,Im out. to the ones I love on the site,forgive me,that you have to witness this.Ill try to be there for you guys.and Rob,you rule,no matter what.sorry,but I have to express myself.
Glenn said on 27/Mar/06
Thats a good one,Movies Fann! I think he would be good in XMAN 4 as well!
Mike said on 27/Mar/06
Glenn man, the others have a point u stink of arrogance. And for ur info this site was running fine long before u came along. ROB is the reason why this site is great not u. a lot harsher things been said to him yet he always responds with a smile and humility, learn a lesson from him. And to say this site would be gone without u is just plain disrespect to Rob and everyone else on here.cos trust me this site was fine b4 u came along and will be long after you're gone.

Anyway I think 5'5 is a bit rediculous for Sly (although thats not the first time I've heard that madam tassuads thing), from those pics seems more like 5'7 but no way 5'9.
Movies Fann said on 27/Mar/06
I nominate Sylvester Stallone to be the next member of the FANTASTIC FOUR as "Mr. Fantastic" the one who could stretch his limbs! They won't need special effects on Sly because he can do it so easy the same way he has done this thing to ALL OF US, stretching at will to be from 5'4" to 6'2"!!!!
Glenn said on 27/Mar/06
Thanks Clive,and anonymous,true that about them boots! you got me on that one!
Glenn said on 27/Mar/06
If you dont want me to sound arrogant,then what the f*** is spoon feed me dick? if it wasnt for me this site wouldve been talk to me with respect and Ill do the same.amazingly gay that spood fed comment was.I own 3000 movies,10000 cds and 10000 albums.I dont even know if I own that movie,nor have the time to watch it.never rented a movie in my life either.when I say idiots,Im talking about the few like you.everything spoon fed to me? who the f*** are you and what the f*** are you talking about.dont bother with me anymore.hows that for arrogant? much love to the others on the know who you are. Glenn
Clive said on 27/Mar/06
I think 5'9 is a bit exagerated for Stallone he really looks 2 inches more than Glenn,moreover I saw Sly's photos with Banderas, Murphy and Douglas and he's taller them so he can be 5'10 AT EASE !!!
Frank2 said on 27/Mar/06
I wonder how tall they have Tom Cruise.
Anonymous said on 26/Mar/06
tgri, Sly's height is so crazy to pin down, and i hink that is why we have so much fun in here. If we all agreed he was 5'10, i would not come in here and just move on. Even though i disagree with you and nolifts about Sly's height all the time, i always look forward to reading your posts. Glen, of course the rest of the cast was wearing boots, just look at what Sly can do with a pair of trainers, can you imagine what he can pac in a pair of boots.
nolifts81 said on 26/Mar/06
Rob can you do something for let me see Zack's pics about the famous shower scene. I don't see nothing on my PC they are too dark!!!. Thank you in advance.
Zach said on 26/Mar/06
Glenn, why dont you just go and watch the specialist scene instead of wanting everything spoon fed to you? They are both CLEARLY barefeet in that first scene from which I posted screenshots from.

And no offence Glenn, I know you've contributed your pics to this site for which many people have expressed gratitude but theres a real arrogance in the way you speak. Why generalise everyone 'you guys are so pathetic/immature/lame'? Some people have a go at you, and I believe a lot especially on this thread have apologised, stop being so bitter man.
Jenny said on 26/Mar/06
At Madame Tussaud's wax museum in Las Vegas, the tour guide said that Stallone is 5'5" and requested that the sculptors make his likeness taller, and they complied. The sculpture is about 5'10"
Felix said on 26/Mar/06
Watch Rocky 2 when Rocky is going to the cage where he is going to film the commericial, he stands barefoot and YES he look very much shorter than usual, my guess is 172 cm. (Excuse my bad english, I'm from Sweden :))
tgri said on 26/Mar/06
anonymous , iam really at the point to where i don't care what his true height is. what i do know is that somehow stone and stallone do like the same height in them pics .... and somehow is also just shy of 6'4 hogan. i come here to pin down celebs heights just for fun . i think iam pretty good at rough guesses ....somehow sly got me . iam so sick of trying to pin him down.
guest said on 25/Mar/06
Rob why don't you shrink his height to 5'7 maverick is right have you seen the specialist?
Maverick said on 25/Mar/06
I did read once of sharon stone being described as 5ft 6.5in in height in a magazine article about her! could be that her height has been rounded up to 5'7 (would explain the listings of her at 5'7) In the shower scene with Sly, Stone does look slightly taller than Sly!! Stallone is an absolute maximum of 5'7 barefoot, 5'8 in normal dress shoes and 5'11 in those specially made shoes with lifts!!
I think Hogan is no more than 6'2 (6'4.5 in his prime)
Glenn said on 25/Mar/06
Furthermore, do you really think in the paranoid,height conscious world of sly,he world embarress himself like that with her looking taller? please.its an odd moment,thats all.stop thinking you are right.Im smart and mature enough to know that he could be 5-8.but aware that he could be 5-10 which he admits,and thats nothing to brag at.he could say taller.explains why when I take a doubting friend with me and they say "oh, s*** he's 6ft".thats why he is guys are so lame you cant admit that its a possibilty and resort to cheap shots at my height,weight and hair loss(?).low.real time stallone is around Ill let you guys know,that way if anyone lives anywhere near new york can come over and Ill escort you to your embarresment.then again my friends says for ROCKY 6 he is looking maybe he will come sans lifts.this same friend saw him at 6ft years ago too. the real stallone master Glenn
Glenn said on 25/Mar/06
Show me a head to toe on the stallone/stone and Ill believe.all that prooves is 2 possibilties,he is 5-8 or 5-10 if he isnt standing straight and or shes on her toes a bit.she can look the ones that want to be right,plus the wiseasses,you seem to forget that it is tough to go from 5-7 to 6-1 in public without falling over.and furthermore,Im tired of this COPLAND crap.all your tongues are wagging,but all but one of you ever met liotta or stallone.liotta can look 6-2 for petes sake in public.stop guessing from your DVDS and accept the truth for once from a man who see these people all the time.Stallone looked 5-10 in COPLAND.not the 6 feet I see in clowns are so silly that you had me pegged at 5-6.geez.the man is close to 5-10.even the sole individual who worked with him wrote in he looked 6ft.your putting down this one guy for making up Briggette neilsons height,when you are doing the same thing too! we will never know the truth,but its closer to 510 than 57.stop acting immature.
Mike said on 24/Mar/06
Crikey, Zach those are sum VERY revealing pics and a LOT more credible than the 'denzel' or even glenn pics above where he's undoubtedly wearing lifts.

Rob you have got to lower this guy to a more accurate height.

tgri, I think there comes an end to ur mission to get sly tall, he barely passes for 5'8, more likely 5'7.
Glenn said on 24/Mar/06
And the rest of the cast in flatbush isnt wearing boots? of course.and he did look tall in death race.
Zach said on 24/Mar/06
I think those pics I posted prove beyond doubt Sly is 5'7-5'8, and that was 13 years ago too.

Love to hear your thoughts on them Rob. Sly's height for some mysterious reason seems to only go up on this website...

Editor Rob
I think its hard to compare this scene. I've seen it...although may watch it again, but just can't say how foot position and adoptive posture (i.e. Stallone getting stuck into Stone) affects both their heights.

s***, imagine you in place of the Sly - the last thing on the mind is gonna be military posture...
Frank2 said on 24/Mar/06
You'd be surprised how many male stars have had expensive hair transplants. In the good old days they'd just slap a rug on them and be done with it. In the past many stars such as John Wayne could care less how they looked in public. Today it's all changed. And the methods they use today in transplant surgery is almost undetectable, even standing up close. Jack Nicholson has had one...or two....or three...he just seems to be getting more hair as he gets older! I knew Arnold had one when I saw him in person and could see up close that his hairline wasn't quite normal. It's hard to explain. With Travolta they actually did slap a wig on him. I watched The Punisher and he's wearing a full-frontal hairpiece. His hair had been thinning and I guess it finally got to the point where paint couldn't help. And yes, they do use paint!
Anonymous said on 24/Mar/06
Glenn, i was just joking when i said Stallone looked Huge in Death Race 2000 and towered a couple of inches over the 5'6 Henry Winkler. Have a look at the Herman Munster biker boots he was wearing in the Lords of Flatbush. sf, thanx for those pics, as it confirms what many of us in here have been saying all along. I am looking forward to tgri and nolifts reply on the latest pics and information.
Maverick said on 24/Mar/06
The picture with Agassi reveals Sly's height! Agassi is 5'10 barefoot and 5'11 in shoes! With his 4/4.5 inch shoes, Sly becomes 5'11 or 5'11.5...also that shower scene with Sharon Stone who is at most 5'7.5 actually PROVES that sly is 5'7 max barefoot....not 5'8!!
Also that picture (Gettyimages) with Burt Young in the first Rocky, shows Sly to be shorter than the 5'8 Burt Young!! The guy is plain short and not even average!!.....I knew he was 5'7 barefoot...but there is now enough evidence to show him to be 5'7 barefoot! Sly and DeNiro are both 5'7 (in Copland)...also Frank2 has seen Sly without his lifts/shoes and says max 5'7....and the many others who work in the industry!!
nolifts81 said on 24/Mar/06
Zach- I don't see your pics on my PC. They are too dark and I don't see nothing.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.