How tall is The Undertaker - Page 25

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Average Guess (950 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 7.69in (202.4cm)
Current: 6ft 6.41in (199.2cm)
Omid said on 16/Feb/15
@James B, Kane is obese!? wow!

you call this obese:
Click Here

also undertaker is in better shape?
Click Here

also this is undertaker in front of Kane both in their 20s
Click Here

and people always say how Kane wears big boots, guess what:

Click Here

about Kane not looking as tall as nash, first:

Nash is 6'9

second, its not about what they look, its about how they measure

you could easily look taller or shorter than your real height, that effect is worsened when you are watching tv angles

Taker has longer legs, therefore he can appear taller but without a doubt and based on the photos I posted Kane is the taller man
Vegas said on 16/Feb/15
taker doesn't look taller than sid in that memphis video from 1989 and footwear is identical

speaking of mabel how tall would people estimate the guy standing with him Click Here
Danimal said on 15/Feb/15
dicksock says on 12/Feb/15
I think Undertaker and Sid were both about 6'7" in their prime.

I think a young and healthy Taker was taller than a flat 6'7". All we need to do is look at him next to 6'6" Mabel/Viscera. That was over 1" of height difference. Peak Taker was from the late 80's to around 2000 or so. After that he began to lose height. I think Sid was a flat 6'7" at his peak, but doesn't look over 6'6" today. While we're at it, I also think that Kane (without his lifts/platform boots) was a flat 6'7" as well. All 3 men were "around" the same height at their respective peaks and possibly Taker having been the tallest of the 3.
James B said on 15/Feb/15
Kane has hardly got a healthy body the guys obese. Undertaker way more injuries but clearly is in better shape.

You never know though Kane could have been 6'8 peak but today i don't think he's that tall i mean kevin Nash is that height now and looks taller than Kane does on TV.
Omid said on 15/Feb/15
Kane was always, and I mean always taller than taker no matter when he was Kane or Issac Yankem

Kane 6'8 peak
Taker6'7.5 peak, however taker has aged terribly, compared to him kane has pretty much kept a healthier body

Today I think Kane can measure "around" 6'8 with military posture, but standing loose and hunching like he does on TV he some times appears barely 6'7

as for Taker I think at 6'6.5 is fair now
Vegas said on 14/Feb/15
Bol was said to have been measured at 7'6.75 and Mureșan at 7'6.5.

Bradley either 7'5 1/2 or 7'5 3/4
Danimal said on 13/Feb/15
Vegas says on 10/Feb/15
232cm would make gonzales the tallest player to ever play in the nba and yet his name is never mentioned regarding that particular record.

What about Manute Bol? Was he not just shy of 7'7"? Shawn Bradley was pretty close to that measurement as well.
dicksock said on 12/Feb/15
I think Undertaker and Sid were both about 6'7" in their prime.
Ali Baba said on 12/Feb/15
Stalker says on 10/Feb/15
@ Ali Baba
How tall were you at the time you took a picture with Taker?
Were you exactly 198 cm or little shorter?

Could have been anywhere from 197 to 198 CM. Probably closer to 198 that day since I didn't work and have to wear a bunch of gear. But I was on my feet for several hours straight.
James said on 12/Feb/15
6'7 1/2 peak looks questionable if Sid Eudy was 6'6 1/2
JT said on 11/Feb/15
Click Here I read somewhere that Gonzalez's pituitary tumor was discovered in his mid-30s. However, he clearly had the tumor since childhood and in all likelihood was done growing before WCW.

It looks like the Atlanta Hawks did measure him and tippy toes weren't allowed. Click Here If he was measured in shoes, those don't give too much boost. A Sports illustrated article from 1989 said Gonzalez was 7'6 1/2" which may have been his measured height in those shoes.
RoelC said on 11/Feb/15
Frank says on 9/Feb/15
He had a website and true he was 7ft 6 but he grew to 2.32 after wrestling I dont know if that true but thats what his Website said

I remember that website and that's where the 232cm claim came from. Not from an official measurement from Guinness World Records, which a few on here have claimed before.
Vegas said on 10/Feb/15
232cm would make gonzales the tallest player to ever play in the nba and yet his name is never mentioned regarding that particular record.
Stalker said on 10/Feb/15
@ Ali Baba
How tall were you at the time you took a picture with Taker?
Were you exactly 198 cm or little shorter?
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 10/Feb/15
Click Here

This indicates Taker had a footwear advantage over Sid in 1991 as their footwear in 1989 was equal.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 10/Feb/15
Tuga says on 6/Feb/15
Be generous Red, give taker even just half an inch more, don´t be a taker, be a giver! :D

Sorry 6´7.5" is generous enough, 6´7"peak isn´t out of question
Click Here

Sid was a weak 6´7" and Mark just a tad taller, everything else is footwear, cam angle, kayfabe....

Rob, hard to see the full inch you´re listing between them in their very peak staredown
Editor Rob
I don't know, I think you could argue anywhere from 1/2 to 1 inch.
Frank said on 9/Feb/15
He had a website and true he was 7ft 6 but he grew to 2.32 after wrestling I dont know if that true but thats what his Website said
RoelC said on 8/Feb/15
Michael says on 21/Jan/15
Jorge Gonzalez was measured at 2,32 m (7-7,25) by the Guiness Book of Records in 2000.

Click Here

Time to destroy that myth once and for all. Gonzalez was listed as 7ft6 in the 2000 edition of Guinness. Just like he was listed at 7ft6 while playing basketball for the Atlanta Hawks or 229cm while playing basketball in Argentine.
davyyyy said on 8/Feb/15
6'7.5 as his peak height is spot on. Taker and Sid looked to be the same height. Sid had a good 2 inch advantage on Hogan.

Taker 6'7.5
Sid 6'7.25
Hogan 6'5.25
Nash 6'9
just because said on 7/Feb/15
Heres undertaker and the 5.10 mike tyson Click Here
Scotty said on 6/Feb/15
He was billed 7'0 & later 6'10 in his career but he was really 6'8.
Tuga said on 6/Feb/15
HeightcrazyRed6ft says on 4/Feb/15
Taker looking more to the cam adds as much to the illusion as his clear footwear advantage...

Looking to the cam? Illusion? So this staredown is an illusion, why, because taker looks taller than you want? ;)

I still can´t see the so big and obvious footware difference you keep mentioning:
Click Here
Click Here
Tried also a pic where both had their feet up so not to be "sunk" in the ring mat.

But I´ll give you footware, but in turn I get jbl higher ground position and taker so obviously bent knees (unlike here: Click Here );P

Be generous Red, give taker even just half an inch more, don´t be a taker, be a giver! :D
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 4/Feb/15
Tuga says on 4/Feb/15
The other pic of the staredown also shows the same considerable height advantage taker has and you can also notice how jbl is looking quite up:

Taker looking more to the cam adds as much to the illusion as his clear footwear advantage...
If Taker looks at JBL the tip of Takers nose is at JBL´s eyelevel, so he´s about 2-2.5" taller nothing more without footwear advantage.

Taker was 6´7.25"-6´7.5" peak and is 6´6.5"-6´6.75" today
Classic Undertaker was 6´8.5"-6´8.75" in wrestlingboots. Master of Pain was in standardboots with less sole 6´8"-6´8.25", billed at 6´8" in 1989....

If peak Mark was legit 6´8" he would been 6´9" in boots and billed at that at least.

He was never billed 6´10" before WWE when he was feuding with 6´8" billed Hogan and visible taller...

Funny looking back at the wcw billings they seem to have had a two inch rule...
Or adding one inch at height in boots...

Tyler Mane was 6´8", 6´9" in boots, billed 6´10" in wcw
Kevin Nash was 6´9", 6´10" in boots, billed 6´11" in wcw
Mark Calaway was 6´7", 6´8" in boots, billed at 6´9" in wcw

same goes for Hogan when he went to wcw:

6´5" barefoot, 6´6" in boots, billed 6´7" ...

Of course not talking about +-fractions and occasionally bigger billings....
Tuga said on 4/Feb/15
HeightcrazyRed6ft says on 3/Feb/15
This time Taker has the bigger footwear and is closer to the cam, I can see max 2.5" between them legit, probably just 2"

Red, you should now better, this particular camera angle favours the man on "top", you´ve even used this argument with a staredown between khali and taker putting taker on same horizontal level as khali (without scaling taker´s size ;P).
Here you go:
Click Here

But forget about that, I don´t think either taker or jbl really have any advantage in the staredown when they´re close.

We have used many of this kind of staredowns, we were "lucky" with this one because jbl lifted his title so taker has better posture than he usually has because he was staring the title :)

The other pic of the staredown also shows the same considerable height advantage taker has and you can also notice how jbl is looking quite up:
Click Here

For sure jbl is not suffering from camera angles :P
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 3/Feb/15
Tuga says on 3/Feb/15
HeightcrazyRed6ft says on 1/Feb/15
Actually not enough, one with Taker in better posture and unknown footwear and the other is a comparison..

So jbl in cowboy boots and closer to the camera is better, ok so be it :)

You asked for it ;p
Click Here

Click Here

So what do you think ;)

This time Taker has the bigger footwear and is closer to the cam, I can see max 2.5" between them legit, probably just 2"
both in equal footwear Click Here
Tuga said on 3/Feb/15
HeightcrazyRed6ft says on 1/Feb/15
Actually not enough, one with Taker in better posture and unknown footwear and the other is a comparison..

So jbl in cowboy boots and closer to the camera is better, ok so be it :)

You asked for it ;p
Click Here

Click Here

So what do you think ;)
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 1/Feb/15
Tuga says on 26/Jan/15
HeightcrazyRed6ft says on 23/Jan/15
Click Here
JT´s pic tells a lot...

Agree, these tell ;D
Click Here
Click Here

Actually not enough, one with Taker in better posture and unknown footwear and the other is a comparison...

No chance against a real life fullbody shot with both in usefull posture ;)
Tuga said on 26/Jan/15
HeightcrazyRed6ft says on 23/Jan/15
Click Here
JT´s pic tells a lot...

Agree, these tell ;D
Click Here
Click Here
my height 188cm said on 23/Jan/15
every time i see taker and big show stare downs it looks 3 inches so if big show is 6ft11 then undertaker is 6ft8 or big show is 6ft10 which makes taker 6ft7
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 23/Jan/15
Click Here

JT´s pic tells a lot...
6´5" JBL in cowboyboots basicly the same height as Taker ~2000
JBL cowboyboots are not the biggest ones, so he would be at best 6´7" but more like 6´6.75" in them.
If Taker was 6´8" barefoot he would be near 6´9" in footwear there... doesn´t look so for sure!
Bob Smith said on 22/Jan/15
If you watch the Royal Rumble from 2009, there are times where he comes near stare down with Big Show and they look almost eye level.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 22/Jan/15
Michael says on 21/Jan/15
Jorge Gonzalez was measured at 2,32 m (7-7,25)

Yeah but he was still growing after wrestling I read, 7´6"-7´6.5" listed in Basketball
looking at the pic were Gonzalez stands straight it fits with 6´7"-6´7.5" Taker
Michael said on 21/Jan/15
Jorge Gonzalez was measured at 2,32 m (7-7,25) by the Guiness Book of Records in 2000. Taker´s peak of 2,02 (6-7,5) doensn´t fit, he must have been taller: Click Here
Oasis said on 21/Jan/15
Undertaker is 6.6.
James B said on 17/Jan/15
Danimal says on 15/Jan/15
James says on 13/Jan/15
Sid at 6'5-6'6 peak would put lex luger 6'2.25

Sid was 6'7" and Luger was 6'3".

Sid 6'6.5
Lex Luger 6'3.25
Paul said on 15/Jan/15
Yes indeed, Rob generally avoids street pavement heights as the website says.
Frank said on 15/Jan/15
James all I remember is that he did not appear as tall as I thought he'd be
My Friend with me said Sid did not Tower over me & im 5ft 11ish . That day I also seen Charles Wright(Papa Shango) he looked about 6ft 3 to 6ft 4
James said on 15/Jan/15
Frank says on 13/Jan/15
James it was in the 1990's

harder to judge height on the streets i think?
Danimal said on 15/Jan/15
James says on 13/Jan/15
Sid at 6'5-6'6 peak would put lex luger 6'2.25

Sid was 6'7" and Luger was 6'3".
Frank said on 13/Jan/15
James it was in the 1990's
James said on 13/Jan/15
Sid at 6'5-6'6 peak would put lex luger 6'2.25
James said on 13/Jan/15
Frank says on 12/Jan/15
I seen the Picture of Sid in front of the height Chart with his hair he hit about 6ft 6 but if he had shoes on hes 6ft 5 barefoot I seen him up close in street clothes outside Madison Square Garden and he really looked about 6ft 5 to 6ft 6

What year did you see him?
cdk28 said on 12/Jan/15
Undertaker peak height 6'8" barefoot 6'10" in boots
Sid peak height barefoot 6'7.5" 6'9" in boots
Frank said on 12/Jan/15
I seen the Picture of Sid in front of the height Chart with his hair he hit about 6ft 6 but if he had shoes on hes 6ft 5 barefoot I seen him up close in street clothes outside Madison Square Garden and he really looked about 6ft 5 to 6ft 6
Clay said on 11/Jan/15
Speking of Khali it's too bad he got released by WWE, even though his knee's are shot and he was horrid inside the ring. I don't think we're going to see that combination of height, giant proportions and bodybuilder mass for a loong time.
James B said on 10/Jan/15
Both shaq and khaki dont look over 7ft.05
Alex2 said on 9/Jan/15
Khali was the exact same height as Shaq, stop living in denial.
Clay said on 8/Jan/15
LoL Khali 6'11-6'11.5 thats why he was the same height as Shaquille O'Neal who's 7'2.5 in running shoes. I do think Undertaker had a footwear advantage with giant Khali, but I don't believe he's under 6'7'' stretched out either.
James B said on 8/Jan/15
Yes judging by his past stare downs with 6'6.25 Sid Eudy I don't think taker was over 6'7 flat to begin with and there looked more than 1.5 inches between him and legit 6'9 Kevin Nash at mania 96.

6'6.5 might be his barefoot heights today?
josey wales said on 8/Jan/15
Ali isn't over foot anymore. He is a massive man compared to typical other sevnfooters, but probably ducks under 7 foot today, say 6'11". 6'6" for the Taker is spot on. I wonder if Show clears 6'10" today
Mathew said on 8/Jan/15
Danimal says on 5/Dec/14
HOW? Ali is under 6'6" today and Taker was barely taller than him AND Taker had the footwear advantage?


If we say Ali is currently a "weak" 6'6" then Undertaker is, maybe, 6'6.5". I wouldn't put him any taller than that. The difference between the two appears to be small, somewhere around a half inch, but to get more precise than that we'd really need to measure. Maybe in his youth Undertaker was a legit 6'7" or even slightly over that, but today I 'd put my money on 6'6.5".
Mathew said on 7/Jan/15
Alex2 says on 1/Nov/14
Taker is slouching in Ali's pic and his eye level is higher. Please explain how he was max 5" shorter than Khali a few years ago


Based on Ali Baba's photo the Undertaker is about 6'6.5". Khali would be 6'11" - 6'11.5" then.
6'2 said on 6/Jan/15
sid eudy was 6'7 prime spivey wasnt shorter than 6'6 taker was 6'8
Jadis said on 4/Jan/15
HeightcrazyRed6ft says on 2/Jan/15
Height crazy ? At least he admits to it.
Mid190s said on 3/Jan/15
Ali Baba if you measured 6'5.5 then you have crept down into my range. That's my height after 3 hours. Is it safe to say I'm the same height as you and Undertaker?? (I'm 196 cm avg)
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 2/Jan/15
6'2 says on 2/Jan/15
he was 6'8" he always referred to himself when asked his height as 6'8"

US style giving height in footwear, he was billed 6´8" in 1989 so that was his height in normal wrestling boots.
In their first staredown he was only marginally taller than 6´6.5" Sid Eudy in same footwear.
6'2 said on 2/Jan/15
he was 6'8" he always referred to himself when asked his height as 6'8"
miko said on 20/Dec/14
Swagger is around 6'4.5/6'5.

He's inbetween Orton and Barrett heightwise.
IR said on 17/Dec/14
Jack Swagger 6' 4.5" ( 1.94 m ) - 6' 5" ( 1.96 m ) ?
Junior31 said on 12/Dec/14
CLEMENT says on 19/Nov/14

184.3cm said on 10/Dec/14
Peak 6ft 7.5
Current 6ft 6.5

The photo from Ali Baba should have put this to rest, i dont get the 6'8 comments even 6'7 is a stretch.
Shuvayu said on 10/Dec/14
Click Here check this... takers got 2 inch advantage... taker was always 6'8"... kane may be half an inch taller
JT said on 9/Dec/14
Click Here The other guy (Tony Longo) claims to be 6'6". Their feet look about the same distance from the camera but the other guy might be leaning back a bit.
6'2 said on 9/Dec/14
he was 6'8" peak he has admitted it a few times not sure about today wouldnt have lost more than 1" in my view
miko said on 8/Dec/14
It is pretty clear that in good posture today Taker is still around 6'7.

Standing in poor posture means nothing in terms of height.
Shuvayu said on 8/Dec/14
Taker was billed 6'8" at memphis as master of pain...
Alex2 said on 7/Dec/14
Danimal, not sure why you are always trying to put the heights of people taller than you down? Maybe to make yourself feel better? How was he MAX 5" shorter than Khali a few years back then? Is Khali 6'11" now too? or how about having around 3" on 6'5" JBL a few years back? His posture is awful in Ali's pic and still looks taller. Absoluetly zero chance he is anything less than a weak 6'7" today full stretched out. People don't loose 2" before 50!
Danimal said on 5/Dec/14
Alex2 says on 1/Dec/14
6'6.75" Today
6'7.75" Peak

HOW? Ali is under 6'6" today and Taker was barely taller than him AND Taker had the footwear advantage?
6'2 said on 4/Dec/14
jackie knife .25" between rock and henry ha ha get a grip what a waste of a list everyone is wrong u shud save your fingers for something else not typing on these pages
josey wales said on 4/Dec/14
Not wishing to get into a weight debacle but i reckon "around" 280 is fair, but thats upper limmit with 270 being the lower end. Taker seems a fair bit larger in build than Ali and when you got a 6'6" frame it ads up quickly
FlameBoy said on 1/Dec/14
i used to be 6 Ft 10 ? undertaker is the Justin bieber Or wrestling
Alex2 said on 1/Dec/14
6'6.75" Today
6'7.75" Peak
Danimal said on 1/Dec/14
josey wales says on 26/Nov/14
People still calling Taker 6'4" etc are obviously trolling. Anything around 6'6", but not less, is the obvious answer. Agree that if Ali is 250 Taker would be around 280lbs.

He's MAX 270 pounds (if that) today.
Danimal said on 1/Dec/14
Around202cm says on 27/Nov/14
Taker is around my height,eventually shorter 1cm...

No, you have 4cm on him (if you truly are 202cm that is).
Danimal said on 1/Dec/14
joe says on 28/Nov/14
Peak(6´7-202 cm)seems exactly right it was a few inches taller than jake snake

A few? Jake was 6'5" legit.
Paul said on 30/Nov/14
blasphey says on 30/Nov/14
Said his billed height is 6'10" but he's actually 7'5".
blasphey said on 30/Nov/14
Said his billed height is 6'10" but he's actually 7'5".
joe said on 28/Nov/14
Peak(6´7-202 cm)seems exactly right it was a few inches taller than jake snake
Danimal said on 28/Nov/14
HeightcrazyRed6ft says on 12/Nov/14
Hogan was nothing more than 195cm/ 6´4.75" facing Sid in 1992.

Hogan and 6'3" Lex Luger in the mid 90's: Click Here
Clay said on 27/Nov/14
Weight can be hard to guess as it's just a number. A lot of the time a guy is hiding 30-40 pounds worth of fat which you don't notice, or he's ripped and looks a lot heavier than he is. Ali B says Undertaker felt a little taller and weight 280 lbs sounds right.
Around202cm said on 27/Nov/14
Taker is around my height,eventually shorter 1cm...
josey wales said on 26/Nov/14
People still calling Taker 6'4" etc are obviously trolling. Anything around 6'6", but not less, is the obvious answer. Agree that if Ali is 250 Taker would be around 280lbs.
Frank said on 25/Nov/14
Drummer777, Ali Baba was not the same height as Taker & Mane he Appeared alittle shorter
Drummer777 said on 24/Nov/14
Undertaker & Sid Eudy are within a half inch of each other in pics you see them in.... Kevin Nash comes out a couple inches taller than Sid so it would stand to reason that Kevin Nash would have the same amount of Height over Undertaker.... So how is it that Ali Baba could be the same height as Tyler Mane and Mark Callaway... or so it would seem...
Ali Baba said on 23/Nov/14
A-List, there's no way he only weighs 10 pounds more than me.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 22/Nov/14
The A-List says on 21/Nov/14
@Ali Baba you seriously think he weighs 280. In that picture Undertaker looks 260 lbs top.

Estimating weight fro that pic is impossible, AliBaba saw him live, as close as you can get...

But even seeing someone in person... very hard to tell weight especially for tall people.

I remember going to a new gym 15 years ago and the coach looked at me and asked about 85kg ~190lbs, I went on the scale and had 102kg 225lbs and I´m not oversized at 6ft.
The A-List said on 21/Nov/14
@Ali Baba you seriously think he weighs 280. In that picture Undertaker looks 260 lbs top.
Vegas said on 20/Nov/14
Jackie Knife, the people you listed i have met in person (or stood very close to) are: khali, show, kane, taker, albert, swagger, goldust, orton, axel, sheamus, henry, batista, austin, cena, miz, bret, cody rhodes, ziggler, christian, hbk, xpac, rvd, bryan and mysterio. i have been in the same room a few feet away from rock, jericho and cesaro...just to say not arguing half inches as my estimates are usually +- half an inch

rock was taller than vader in 1997 so you could probably swap those guys peak heights around. looking at batista with 5'8 mamun recently i don't think he has fallen as low as 186cm although prior to his returning to wwe he would have been a guy i would have said lost height (but not anymore)..hhh doesn't seem as low as 184cm either and he was noticeably taller in dress-shoes than ryback (in gear) at a show i attended last week and i was seated quite far back but still could tell hhh looked taller.

christian is about 5'11.5 in person, cena is a shade over 6ft and rvd is around 5'11. henry isn't as tall as 6'2 out of gear. sheamus looked closer to 6'3 in person but he did have suspicious footwear it must be said, however in those he was identical in height to chris masters whom i saw standing together talking at the bar, a fan about 5 inches taller than both then came over talking them..some "really" tall wrestling fans out there
CLEMENT said on 19/Nov/14
Jackie Knife said on 18/Nov/14
hey, Vegas, what do you think about this list?

the great khali — 7'0" (213 cm)
big show — 6'11" peak (211 cm), 6'10,25" now (209cm)
kevin nash — 6'8" peak (204 cm), 6'7,5" now (202 cm)
kane — 6'7" peak (201 cm), 6'6,5" now (199 cm)
undertaker — 6'6,5" peak (199 cm), 6'6" now (198 cm)
sid — 6'6" peak (198 cm), 6'5" now (196 cm)
eric rowan — 6'5,5" (197 cm)
albert — 6'5,5" peak (197 cm), 6'4,5" now (195 cm)
wade barrett — 6'5" (196 cm)
jack swagger — 6'4,5" (194 cm)
hulk hogan — 6'4,5" peak (194 cm), 6'2,5" now (190 cm)
jbl — 6'4,25" peak (194 cm)
billy gunn — 6'4" peak (193 cm)
luke harper — 6'4" (193 cm)
titus o'neil — 6'4" (193 cm)
cesaro — 6'3,5" (192 cm)
goldust 6'3,5" (192 cm)
randy orton — 6'3" (191 cm), wears chunky boots
ddp — 6'3" peak (191 cm), 6'2,5" now (190 cm)
vader — 6'3" peak (191 cm)
damien sandow — 6'2,5" (190 cm)
lex luger — 6'2,25" peak (189 cm)
curtis axel — 6'2,25" (189 cm)
sheamus — 6'2,25" (189 cm), wears chunky boots
the rock — 6'2,25" (189 cm)
mark henry — 6'2" (188 cm)
batista — 6'2" peak (188 cm), 6'1,25" now (186 cm)
roman reigns — 6'1,5" (187 cm)
triple h — 6'1,5" peak (187 cm), 6'0,5" now (184 cm)
goldberg — 6'1,5" peak (187 cm)
sting — 6'1,25" peak (186 cm)
brock lesnar — 6'1,25" (186 cm)
dean ambrose — 6'1" (185 cm)
seth rollins — 6'0,5" (184 cm)
vince mcmahon — 6'0,5" peak (184 cm)
stone cold — 6'0" peak (183 cm)
ryback — 6'0" (183 cm)
john cena — 5'11,5" (181 cm)
the miz — 5'11,5" (181 cm)
bret hart — 5'11" peak (180 cm)
stardust — 5'11" (180 cm)
dolph ziggler — 5'10,5 (179 cm)
christian — 5'10,5" (179 cm)
cm punk — 5'10,5" (179 cm)
shawn michaels — 5'10,5" peak (179 cm)
x-pac — 5'10 peak (178 cm)
rusev — 5'10 (178 cm)
big e — 5'10" (178 cm)
scott steiner — 5'10" peak (178 cm)
kurt angle — 5'9,5" peak (177 cm)
rvd — 5'9,25" (176 cm)
rick steiner — 5'9" peak (175 cm)
chris jericho — 5'9" peak (175 cm)
daniel bryan — 5'7,5" (172 cm)
rey mysterio — 5'1" (156 cm)
BigMe said on 18/Nov/14
@The A-List
I think Kevin Nash is about 204cm and Taker is 200cm...That's a good ratio between them :)
The A-List said on 14/Nov/14
Kevin Nash has about 1.5'' on Taker (imo).
Vegas said on 14/Nov/14
undertaker in memphis wrestling late 80s standing with dave brown (brown btw said he was 6ft on one show i watched) Click Here

the rock standing next to brown a few years later Click Here
BigMe said on 12/Nov/14
Taker is exactly 200cm
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 12/Nov/14
Taker 6´7" fits pretty good, Kane´s advantage is exactly his footwear advantage, so Jacobs also 6´7".

Click Here
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 12/Nov/14
Hogan was nothing more than 195cm/ 6´4.75" facing Sid in 1992.
At peak 6´5.25".
Tiny Lister told the truth, both were 6´5" during their feud.

Taker was 2-2.25" taller in 1991/1992 so solid 6´7"
Sid was 1.75" taller than Hogan in 1992, so Rob is right with 6´6.5".
short ass said on 11/Nov/14
Undertaker and 6'2 Triple H 2013. Undertaker can't be 6'7 now, 6'6 even.
Click Here
Height181 said on 11/Nov/14
Danimal it's impossible that Hogan was 6ft 6 in 1990. He looked 2-3 inches shorter than Sid Justice in 1991 and only an inch or so taller than Sgt Slaughter same year and Slaughter was billed 6ft 3 at that time
MikeV10 said on 11/Nov/14
Thats not dead even in my eyes ,look at the top of there Heads Click Here
Tuga said on 11/Nov/14
Danimal says on 10/Nov/14
Sid and Taker in the early 90's in a staredown. Sid at that time was 6'7". They look dead even in height (20 + years ago): Click Here

No they don´t ;)
Click Here
Another one:
Click Here

Note: notice sid´s boots in wm13 staredown.

Winner: taker´s forehead :)
Danimal said on 10/Nov/14
Sid and Taker in the early 90's in a staredown. Sid at that time was 6'7". They look dead even in height (20 + years ago): Click Here
Paul said on 10/Nov/14
What every wrestler who is shorter than they would like to be needs a pair of....
Click Here
Tuga said on 10/Nov/14
Ali vs Taker plain photo:
Click Here

Hair vs hair match:
Click Here
Click Here

Note: taker is leaning his head forward.
Winner: Rob!

Now Ali vs Nash should be next in line! ;)
Kunoichi said on 9/Nov/14
Texas Red (The Undertaker) vs. Bruiser Brody:1984 WCCW
Click Here
Brody's height was 6'4.
Danimal said on 9/Nov/14
Ali Baba says on 5/Nov/14
Mike, I wasn't wearing boots. I was wearing a shoe that gives me 1.125 inches. So I was right around 6'7". Taker was wearing boots. Whether or not they gave him any extra is unknown.

JT, I don't doubt he's taller than me because like I said it felt like he was. But a half inch at the most. Now if his boots gave him a boost over my shoes then even less. But he's obviously not 6'7". Let alone 6'8 to 6'10" as some believe.

Ali, take into account that Taker has been wrestling for 30 years, has had severe injuries, surgeries and is around 50 years old. I can assure you, that if your current self stood next to a young and healthy Taker from circa 1990, things would be different. Hogan was 6'5.5"-6'6" (your current height) legit in 1990 and Taker was noticeably taller than him back then (easily 6'7").
Clay said on 7/Nov/14
Taker is one of those dude's that has 5+ inches above his eye level. I have like 4-4.5 as most do.
Paul said on 5/Nov/14
A peak height LOL Rob ! I knew Nash was 6'10 1/2 once and is now around 6'9. UT 20 years ago was never 3in shorter, shorter yes but never 3in. Still I agree UT is now about 6'7.
MikeV10 said on 5/Nov/14
see it the same way JT,
taker has a very low eyelevel and a huge Forehead.
If ali is the same eyelevel as taker , taker is at least 2- 3 cm taller . If they where the same height ,takers eyelevel would be lower than alis.

In this pic Sids eylevel is heigher than takers , but taker is still a tad taller

Click Here
Ali Baba said on 5/Nov/14
Mike, I wasn't wearing boots. I was wearing a shoe that gives me 1.125 inches. So I was right around 6'7". Taker was wearing boots. Whether or not they gave him any extra is unknown.

JT, I don't doubt he's taller than me because like I said it felt like he was. But a half inch at the most. Now if his boots gave him a boost over my shoes then even less. But he's obviously not 6'7". Let alone 6'8 to 6'10" as some believe.
MikeV10 said on 5/Nov/14
Hey Ali Baba what exact height are you at this time with this boots you where wearing when you take the picture with taker ???
JT said on 4/Nov/14
Ali Baba says on 3/Nov/14
Alex2, eye level looks pretty darn even to me. Click Here And posture is the same. So.....

That’s correct but the reason why Taker is still taller in that pic is the length of his head from the eyes up. It’s actually longer than the length from the eyes down, which is very unusual. Click Here
Click Here
Johno said on 3/Nov/14
I believe Ali Baba is the same height or more then Undertaker. Undertaker; it seems to me, can dip below 6'6at some point in the day like Ali.
Ali Baba said on 3/Nov/14
Alex2, eye level looks pretty darn even to me. Click Here And posture is the same. So.....
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 3/Nov/14
WWE time Khali legit 7´0"-7´0.5" - 5" = 6´7-6´7.5" - heightloss = 6´6.5"
Alex2 said on 1/Nov/14
Taker is slouching in Ali's pic and his eye level is higher. Please explain how he was max 5" shorter than Khali a few years ago.
Tim 181 said on 28/Oct/14
@Strahinja95 you should have posted this on general height page, but looking at you two I thought you were 5'5 and 6'1.
Ali Baba said on 27/Oct/14
Strahinja95, considering the posture of both of you, you look 6'6" to 6'7".
Paul said on 27/Oct/14
6'7 1/2 you are
Greenbolt said on 27/Oct/14
@Strahinja95: Looking at that guy's frame and proportions, I highly doubt he's anywhere near 5'11''. If, somehow, he is, then I'd estimate you at 6'7'', but again, judging by frame and proportions I don't think you look anywhere near that height.
Strahinja95 said on 27/Oct/14
What do you think my height in black jacket

Click Here

This guy near me is in 5'11 range
Alex 6'0 said on 25/Oct/14
Stadiometers are typically very good. My results on them are about the same as against the wall. The stadiometer rod on the weight scale I think is pretty good or the tool that Rob has but the one you have to mount against the wall if not mounted totally correct it will be off a bit. One stadio against the wall I measured on was about an inch off!!
Editor Rob
when using something like the can, it's always worth remembering to go with the highest part of the pencil line and get the line as near to the can as possible so you don't short change yourself a mm, not that it's of any great significance, but still :)
Enos said on 25/Oct/14
It makes sense that he is between 6'6 1/2'' 6'6 3/4'' barefoot, and could have rounded up to 6'8'' maybe a little more than that in boots. does that make any sense rob?
IR said on 24/Oct/14
6' 8" peak
6' 7" current
George F said on 24/Oct/14
I was measured in the gym with a stadiometer. Maybe the particular stadiometer was not a well made one Rob! I don't trust digital ones too though.
Josey Wales said on 23/Oct/14
Think 6-7 is a bit of a stretch but im sure we can call him a very believable 6'6" making 6'7 1/2" quite possible for peak height
George F said on 23/Oct/14
Rob the stadiometer is not a reliable way to measure your height properly. It happens to me. The most accurate method of measurement i believe is the aerosol method, i have been measured a hundred of times and i have the same result with the aerosol method. Maybe the stadiometer will show you shorter than what you really are. Have you noticed that too Rob?
Editor Rob
stadiometers are fine, there might be small errors though, but well made ones will be very precise.
George F said on 22/Oct/14
Rob you said in one post that most people would agree that Dwayne Johnson is from 6ft 2.5 to 6ft 3.5 and I don't understand why you have him at 6ft 3. After all the right thing wouldn't be to have him his night height, the lowest possible which I agree with you is 189 cm?
Editor Rob
I still think because he stands loose or leans in a lot of photos it creates a shorter impression for him...catch him standing tall and I think he could still knock near the 6ft 3 mark on the stadiometer.
Mark said on 21/Oct/14
It's a funny site this as people simply won't admit what's glaringly obvious. If Undertaker said he's 6'6,people would dispute this.
Paul said on 19/Oct/14
Shawn Michaels once said in a shoot interview around 1994 that Kevin Nash was 6'10 1/2.
Mark said on 19/Oct/14
Miiiiiighty not more than 2" on Jake Roberts I'm afraid.
Michael said on 19/Oct/14
Now (barefoot, fully streched) 2,01 m (6-7).
Peak 2,03 m (6-8).
Carllll said on 18/Oct/14
Alex2 says on 16/Oct/14

Yeah. Fully stretched out. Maybe if you pull his knees out of socket an inch he'll be 6'7 or more. He looks 6'6" and some change in that picture with Ali. While Kane is looking just under 6'7 these days. That seems about right considering Kane has always shown a complexion of being slightly taller than Taker.
Greenbolt said on 17/Oct/14
I apologize for the name change, Rob, I just realized there was another 'Greg' going to this site, and thought it would be best to switch.

@Alex2: There's nowhere near an inch of difference between the Undertaker and Ali Baba, it's practically no difference at all:

Click Here
KROC said on 17/Oct/14
I had a conversation with my father yesterday about him meeting the Undertaker back in 97. He took a picture with him which I recall seeing when I was kid. My father is 6'7.25 and according to him and Calloway were eye to eye. In his opinion Mark Calloway was 6'7 flat peak. I'm hoping he can find that picture, but I wouldn't hold my breathe considering how disorganized he is lol
Ali Baba said on 17/Oct/14
And there's no where near an inch difference between us, even without any difference in shoes.
Ali Baba said on 17/Oct/14
Alex2 says on 16/Oct/14
These comments are ridiculous, Taker has awful posture in Ali's photos and still looks around an inch taller. I guarantee he is at least 6'7 fully stretched out.

His posture was fine other than his drooping head, which I mimicked. He is not bent at the waist at all. You're making stuff up now.
miko said on 17/Oct/14
Taker was never 6'8 barefoot IMO, he never really looked that tall at any point in the early 90's. A solid 6'7 prime and a weak 6'7 today, might drop a hair below 6'7 late in the day. Half an inch loss, Rob has it nailed.
Miiiiiiighty_- said on 16/Oct/14
No way he was under 6'8 prime.
He was more than 2 inches taller than Jake the Snake who was a strong 6'5 ( almost as tall as Mabel back around 1995 )
6'7 Prime taker doesn't make sense..
That would make a 6'6.5 at best Sid ? How do people explain the difference with Sting etc ???

I personally met Kevin Nash in 1995, was 5'10 back then, asked him his height he said 6'10 and the president of the university (a friend of my father, Tenessee university if I recall correctly ) where he played basket ball said the same thing told me and I quote " Ah Kev? Big guy ! He is 6'11 " I didn't even know his name was kevin back then to me he was just Diesel.
So I guess 6'11 was his "inshoes" measurement so he was 6'10 probably.
Remember he was billed 7' when they told me that..
I think for both taker and nash Billed height - 2 inches = prime standing tall height, so that would make Nash 6'10-6'10.25 and Taker 6'8-6'8.5 which seemed to be the difference between them during their staredown..

I had pics with Nash I try to get them but I don't know where they are ;(
He looked a legit full foot taller than me imo
Alex2 said on 16/Oct/14
These comments are ridiculous, Taker has awful posture in Ali's photos and still looks around an inch taller. I guarantee he is at least 6'7 fully stretched out.
Greg (6'1'') said on 16/Oct/14
@George F: I have to agree with you there, I've noticed the same thing. I think Rob would be the first to admit that he'll generally give people the benefit of the doubt, that's just how he rolls.
Mark said on 15/Oct/14
I agree with George F in that think heights are slightly on high side possibly in not looking to offend anyone.
George F said on 14/Oct/14
I believe Rob's site is the most accurate for heights but most of the times Rob is too generous. I mean adding 2 cm in celebrities height for being right in guessing and not to underestimate a celeb height is a problem for me. I have noticed when I see a height that Rob has listed I drop 1-1.5 cm and I believe it's closer to the truth. But Rob's ability in height guessing is remarkable anyway.
The A-List said on 13/Oct/14
6'7'' seems about right for big mark.
Markus said on 13/Oct/14
JUST an opinion!

Based atmospheric perspective, shoulders, waist and pelvic levels, I would still say 6'7.5" to 6'8" is possible for Undertaker. Even receded back, he still appears taller.

The bend in the lower torso (stomach) certainly indicated that he isn't even trying to stand up straight. There are too many people who have met him and haven't questioned his own 6'8" claim.

If we have Tyler Mane listed at 6'8" when he appears shorter, Taker should be no lower.
George F said on 13/Oct/14
Rob what's the point of list wrestlers height barefoot? Especially in wrestlers height is important with boots on. I mean nobody cares a wrestler's height barefoot. For example Undertaker can be 6ft 7 with boots on, that counts to me.
Editor Rob
because barefoot height is the equalizer.
Tuga said on 13/Oct/14
Great pic Ali Baba, thanks for sharing.

Looks around 6'7, too bad he´s leaning his head forward, but this of course seems consistent with what he looked next to lesnar.

Ali, you should have asked for the classic wrestlemania staredown pic :)

IMO 6'8 peak Rob ;)
Clay said on 12/Oct/14
James B says on 12/Oct/14
Alex- According to my doctor a 6ft man with a small frame should weigh nearer 159 pounds. My doc also said a medium framed 6ft male should aim to weigh 171 pounds and if your large framed nearer to 182 pounds.

My doc also went onto to say even if your large framed at 6feet you shouldn't weigh 187 lbs or over.

That doesn't take into account for any weightlifting and muscle development, WHAT SO EVER. Those BMI's that doc's give you are a joke.
Aza said on 12/Oct/14
Ali Baba - thanks for the great picture. Undertaker is now 6'6.5 (evening height). Still a very large human being (I'm 5'11) but just not as big as he used to be.
James B said on 12/Oct/14
Rob people have been saying taker and sid looked roughly around the same size. Despite that do you still think 6'6.5 peak and 6'6 now for undertaker is unlikely?
James B said on 12/Oct/14
Correction I was told a medium built 6ft should weigh 172 pounds
James B said on 12/Oct/14
Alex- According to my doctor a 6ft man with a small frame should weigh nearer 159 pounds. My doc also said a medium framed 6ft male should aim to weigh 171 pounds and if your large framed nearer to 182 pounds.

My doc also went onto to say even if your large framed at 6feet you shouldn't weigh 187 lbs or over.
Danimal said on 11/Oct/14
Robby says on 11/Oct/14
After seeing the pic with Ali Baba. I have come to this conclusion. that the Undertaker in his prime was about 6'8" IN boots. barefoot a very strong 6'6". between 6'6.5"-6'6.75" I do believe when he played high school basketball he was listed at 6'8"? now we know a lot of basketball players like Derrick Rose and Kevin Love for example are listed with their listed height in shoes. Kevin Love 6'10" in shoes, however was measured at 6'7.75" barefoot. Derrick Rose 6'3" in shoes, barefoot 6'1.5" Ali Baba how tall do you think Taker is?

Taker was noticeably taller than 6'6" Mabel/Viscera in the staredown in the 1990's. I think he was over 6'7" in his prime.
Alex 6'0 said on 11/Oct/14
Technically at about 210lbs I'm overweight but I am good amount of muscle and size. Yea I'm no pro bodybuilder but I'm still a pretty big guy. If I weighed this and didn't have muscle then Id be out of shape. For a 6'0 that doesn't workout and have muscle 160-180lb range seems healthy.
Daddy said on 11/Oct/14
Rob, I'm glad to see you update the deadman as he doesn't seem to measure up, so to speak, anymore. But, I still think 6'6.75"! Keep it it mind. And while you're at it, consider if Kane could use a downgrade too. On Smackdown! A few weeks ago, Erick Rowan (6'6" - 6'7") looked to be the same height.

P.S. Thanks for downgrading Big show to 6'11". But just to satisfy a kid's curiosity, would you say Paul Wight was more 7'0.5" or 6'11.5" as a young man in the then WWF?
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 11/Oct/14
Click Here

Given how Lou looked next to Ali this might be close
Arch Stanton said on 11/Oct/14
Nah, 225 pounds even for 6'4" isn't rake thin, Jimmy Stewart at 130 pounds 6'3" is!!! 225 pounds isn't even on the light side for 6'4". Hasslehoff although slender is pretty well built and is only 191 pounds.
Arch Stanton said on 11/Oct/14
@ Danimal, not exactly anorexic, Peter Crouch is pushing 6 ft 8 and is 170 pounds, that's borderline anorexic weight for that height. 200 pounds for 6 ft 6 is on the skinny side for sure but not anorexic by any means. I think an average build 6'6" guy would be more 220 pounds odd.
James B said on 11/Oct/14
He did look 6ft6 range compared to Sid Eudy
PathfinderCC said on 11/Oct/14
Nash now 6´8.25"
Taker now 6´6.5"

Peak Nash 6´9", Taker 6´7.25", Sid 6´6.75", BigShow 6´11.5", Andre 6´10.75", Hogan 6´5.25", Studd 6´6.5", Khali 7´0.5", Gonzalez 7´6.5"

Khali only WWE World Champion real 7feet +
Danimal said on 11/Oct/14
Clay says on 9/Oct/14
James B says on 8/Oct/14
Chris a 6'6 or 6'7 guy should weigh 200 pounds

According to what?!? Alex is 6'0 205-210 and he has size for sure but he isn't Mr.Olympia or anything. 6'6-6'7 guys unless they are sick and frail should weigh 220-230 at least, thats if they dont lift.

EXACTLY! I have a friend who is 6'4" and he weighs 225 pounds and looks like a rake with some lean muscle. A healthy 6'6" should be about 250 pounds, while carrying some lean muscle and a bit of fat. Even 260-280 isn't obese on a 6'6" guy. 200 pounds is anorexic for someone of that height.
Danimal said on 11/Oct/14
Alex 6'0 says on 9/Oct/14
Ali Baba, you're usually 6'6 flat most of the day or a bit over. UT is 6'6.5 to maybe 6'7 max with better posture.

Don't forget Alex, Taker had the shoe advantage. Could have been .5"-1" more in footwear in Taker's advantage. It's very possible that if you subtract the footwear advantage, they're the same height. Also, Ali supposedly wasn't standing full tall he said.
Danimal said on 11/Oct/14
Ali Baba says on 10/Oct/14
Danimal, if Hogan really has lost that amount of height, which is obviously hotly debated, then his whole perspective has changed. Try dropping down three inches while hanging out with your friends and see how weird it feels. Just the little bit that I'm losing now is noticeable when I'm with other guys I've known for a while who are close to my height.

In all honesty, it's not that debatable. Hogan was taller than legit 6'5" men in the 1980's. Most noticeably Jake the Snake Robert and Hilbilly Jim (both 6'5" guys) and if you go to Hilbilly Jim's website, there is a height comparison of him and Hogan (one from 1985 and one from 1989 where Hogan has minimum 1" on him) and then there's an updated pic from the 2002-2004 where Hogan is a solid 2" shorter than Hilbilly. Even a recent comparison of him next to Nikolai Volkoff where they are the same height today and in the 1980's he had at least 3" on him. I can go on, but that's for the Hogan page. Even a 1992 Hogan was barely shorter than a PRIME Undertaker (maybe 1-2") at that time. Hogan was also 2" shorter than 6'8" Ben Davidson and had 2" on 6'4" King Kong Bundy and Big Bossman and was about 1" shorter than 6'7" Big John Studd. He even had 4" on 6'2" Ed Leslie (Brutus Beefcake) in the '70's and '80's and recent pics show them at the EXACT SAME height. Lastly, he had 2" on 6'4" Buster Douglas in 1990 and was at least 1"-2" shorter than 6'4" Troy Aikman a couple of years ago. So yeah, not very debatable. My point was, he was around your current height today. Just imagine struggling with 6'3" today when you once stood 3" taller.
Robby said on 11/Oct/14
After seeing the pic with Ali Baba. I have come to this conclusion. that the Undertaker in his prime was about 6'8" IN boots. barefoot a very strong 6'6". between 6'6.5"-6'6.75" I do believe when he played high school basketball he was listed at 6'8"? now we know a lot of basketball players like Derrick Rose and Kevin Love for example are listed with their listed height in shoes. Kevin Love 6'10" in shoes, however was measured at 6'7.75" barefoot. Derrick Rose 6'3" in shoes, barefoot 6'1.5" Ali Baba how tall do you think Taker is?
Mr. E said on 10/Oct/14
Ali, what's the tallest you've ever been measured? The best I can give Taker at this point is 6'6.5" That's what makes Nash such an odd one because he looks in the 6'8" to 6'9" range with Rob but he's not a full 2" taller than Taker. I don't think there's any way Taker is a full 6'7" now. He looks identical in height to you.
NCL said on 10/Oct/14
Ali Baba - you're the most popular guy on this site! Along with everyone else, I thank you for the great pic!!

Super interesting too how based on this photo we have such varying opinions!
James B said on 10/Oct/14
Clay I am 5'7 myself and weigh 145 pounds and my doctor told me that a 6'6 man to avoid problems like heart problems should weigh 200 pound.

I have mentioned this before but I knew a 6ft guy who weighed 210 pounds who had a heart attack. He lost weight and got down to 173 pounds and still the docs ordered him to lose an additional 5 pounds and get down to 168 pounds.

Often men let there weight get higher than medically recommended and women often let there weight go under what is healthy.
KROC said on 10/Oct/14
@James B
So a 6'6/6'7 should weigh as much as your average 6footer? Not a chance buddy. 230ish would be better. I weigh 257 at 6'5, but I have a huge frame/structure.
Danimal said on 10/Oct/14
Ali Baba, I'm sure you and a PEAK Hulk Hogan would have been exactly the same height. Today, I'm sure you'd have a good 3" on him. Just imagine shrinking to 6'3" Ali Baba by 60 and you'll know how it feels to be Hulk Hogan today.
Danimal said on 10/Oct/14
JT says on 6/Oct/14
Same basic outcome as my earlier pic Click Here The huge head is the only thing that saves him. I'm actually surprised he still looks this tall (unless his work boots are giving him more boost than we're assuming, which we'll never know).

How tall do you think he was in his prime JT?
Danimal said on 10/Oct/14
Frank says on 8/Oct/14
Undertaker looks Taller than Ali Baba but not by much Even Taker eye level is alittle higher than his Even Ali Baba said he thought Taker was taller
The Shortest I say Taker can be is 6ft 6.5 When I met Taker back in 93 he told me he was 6ft 9 which now I say is NOT TRUE!!

Frank, Undertaker has lost height since you met him. I promise you that.
Danimal said on 10/Oct/14
James B says on 8/Oct/14
Chris a 6'6 or 6'7 guy should weigh 200 pounds

Are you kidding me? Maybe a 15 year old teenager who has absolutely no muscle mass. a healthy 2 meter man with some muscle should be bare minimum 220-230 pounds and that's LEAN.
Frank said on 10/Oct/14
Im just say Ali is that he appears alittle taller than you and you said it yourself
Clay said on 9/Oct/14
James B says on 8/Oct/14
Chris a 6'6 or 6'7 guy should weigh 200 pounds

According to what?!? Alex is 6'0 205-210 and he has size for sure but he isn't Mr.Olympia or anything. 6'6-6'7 guys unless they are sick and frail should weigh 220-230 at least, thats if they dont lift.
Alex 6'0 said on 9/Oct/14
James B, 6'6-6'7 200lbs is pretty thin. I'm about 210 and I'm 6'0!
Alex 6'0 said on 9/Oct/14
Kroc, you're right. When you get to taller heights an inch is harder to tell. 6'6 from 6'5 can look the same to shorter people but obviously someone like you a strong 6'5 range you'll tell the difference.
Alex 6'0 said on 9/Oct/14
Ali Baba, you're usually 6'6 flat most of the day or a bit over. UT is 6'6.5 to maybe 6'7 max with better posture.
Alex 6'0 said on 9/Oct/14
Looks 6'6-6'6.5 with Ali Baba but not good posture. Id say more 6'6.5 to perhaps 6'7 more straight.
JT said on 9/Oct/14
Red183 says on 8/Oct/14
Ali I thought your head is higher with my estimation.
Click Here

I think your line is about right, Red. This is Taker with some hair. Click Here Click Here If the tops of the scalps were at the same level, Taker’s hair (thinner than Ali’s) would not be higher unless Ali’s head is shaved or bald at the crown, which it certainly does not look like. It's just an abnormally long forehead from the eyes up that makes him taller than he appears. Whether Taker had some extra boost in his work boots is a separate question. In the ring he arguably looked 6'8"-6'9" in the corporate ministry days and staredowns with Khali but recently closer to 6’6” with guys like Triple H, Lesnar and Batista. Maybe it’s posture related, maybe it's lifts.
Mark said on 9/Oct/14
Ali Baba so in your estimation how tall would you say Taker is?
James B said on 9/Oct/14
Ali Baba- at your height you should aim to weigh 198 pounds If you want to be as healthy as you can.
Arch Stanton said on 9/Oct/14
James B says on 8/Oct/14
Chris a 6'6 or 6'7 guy should weigh 200 pounds ??

Not an average build guy. A proper 6'6-6'7 and average build would be more 215-220 I think.
Jimbob said on 9/Oct/14
If anything Ali looks to have the edge, probably arguing over fractions. Very close.
miko said on 9/Oct/14
If Taker was measured and stood his tallest he'd still hit 6'7 IMO....

With his posture though I can understand him looking 6'6 on occasion.
Ali Baba said on 8/Oct/14
Frank, Taker's eye level is not higher in that picture. I'm not trying to argue with it, it just isn't.

Chris, I'm 250 pounds. I would bet Taker outweighs me by a good 30 pounds. He's still pretty stout. Just not as fit as he used to be.
James B said on 8/Oct/14
Chris a 6'6 or 6'7 guy should weigh 200 pounds
Red183 said on 8/Oct/14
Ali I thought your head is higher with my estimation.
Click Here

But i believe you and therefore I say Taker isn't over 6'6.5"
Frank said on 8/Oct/14
Undertaker looks Taller than Ali Baba but not by much Even Taker eye level is alittle higher than his Even Ali Baba said he thought Taker was taller
The Shortest I say Taker can be is 6ft 6.5 When I met Taker back in 93 he told me he was 6ft 9 which now I say is NOT TRUE!!
Chris said on 8/Oct/14
Ali Baba.....Just curious what is your current weight? I know 'Taker has dropped quite a bit of weight over the last few years but he appears similar to your body size. I'm guessing 240-250......close??
CARLOS V said on 8/Oct/14
This pic is a dream come true, never though we can have a pic like that with a guy like Ali baba that is so important because his height, My guess is strong 6´6. I always thought taker was 6´5, because his poor posture with all wrestlers (sid,cena,triple h, Lesnar...), when he was in a good posture because the estature of his oponent (very few times) he had shined. (with show, nash, kalhi).
He always have the head bend down, and his back hump. In this pic he has 0.5-1 inch left. I notice his legs are bigger and level of shoulder is taller.
Noway under 6.6. I am very happy that taker is so big.
And I notice Ali baba have a sensation of taker was bigger than him.
Thanks a lot Ali.
Joe said on 8/Oct/14
People are jumping to conclusions regarding this latest pic with Ali Baba, Undertaker hardly ever stands up straight, his posture is very poor, He has had various injuries and operations throughout the year. I would say he is at least 6'7 today when standing fully straight, Peak height was 6'8 / 6'8.5.
KROC said on 8/Oct/14
Andrea a REAL 6'6 doesn't look any different then someone who is 6'5. I mean its only an inch. There are certain heights that look more or less the same to most people. 6'5/6'6 is just that.
dave said on 7/Oct/14
Undertaker 6'6" TODAY 6'7" PEAK
Kevin Nash 6'7.5" Today 6'9 PEAK
Clay said on 7/Oct/14
Andrea says on 7/Oct/14
Arch, of course he is "seriously" tall, a REAL 6'6 is very very tall/exceptionally tall... And i talk for personal experience because i have this friend who is a solid 198 guy and he's way taller than most of the people! You're probably used to "6'6 hollywood guys", who are basically 6'4-6'5 who attempt to claim 6'6...

Who are these '' 6'6 Hollywood guys '' you're referring to?! The tallest mainstreamers in Hollywood like Vince Vaughn, Goldblum, Bob Saget, Conan, Hasselhoff, Tom Selleck etc. are all legitimtely their 6'4-5'' claims.

Wrestlers are a differen't story, everyone knows they lie about their size - thats been known for Millennia.
James B said on 7/Oct/14
6'8 peak rob?
184.3cm said on 7/Oct/14
I dont think hes more than 2m today. An inch loss for him is perfectly reasonable. Maybe better at 6'6.5 today. Its a small difference noway an inch difference.
Attitude said on 7/Oct/14
Thanks Ali Baba! You're awesome dude!

Undertaker is looking a strong 6'5 there. Work boots typically give a whopping 1.5 inches at least. Dress boots 1.3 to 1.5 inches. I'd say Taker has the footwear advantage easily. But look at shoulder height and it is the same.

I'd give undertaker 6'5 on the dot. Hell, those work boots could give him more lift, so he COULD be shorter. Wow.

I wonder if he is still near peak height
PathfinderCC said on 7/Oct/14
Ali Baba says on 7/Oct/14
Just in case anyone is wondering where my head is under my hair I got a hair cut two days before the picture and made sure it was very short just to try to ease the estimate here. Here's a pretty close mark of where my actual head is Click Here

Undertaker not higher 1,99m very good pic !
Andrea said on 7/Oct/14
Arch, of course he is "seriously" tall, a REAL 6'6 is very very tall/exceptionally tall... And i talk for personal experience because i have this friend who is a solid 198 guy and he's way taller than most of the people! You're probably used to "6'6 hollywood guys", who are basically 6'4-6'5 who attempt to claim 6'6...
Ali Baba said on 7/Oct/14
Just in case anyone is wondering where my head is under my hair I got a hair cut two days before the picture and made sure it was very short just to try to ease the estimate here. Here's a pretty close mark of where my actual head is Click Here
Jimbob said on 7/Oct/14
I now think 6'6 based on Ali's pic is a fair estimation.
Johno said on 7/Oct/14
Ali Baba, excellent pictures as usual. I think rather then stating what height he is; you can ascertain what height he is not -- he does not seem to touch 6'7.

I am surprised you go as low as 6'5.5/ Undertaker quite clearly not taller then you. As a matter fact, I would put you a fraction taller then him. I have rough guess on how much height "workboots" typically add. This new speculative height would go a long way to explain why Cena measures up strongly to Undertaker; as he clearly does and what height Kevin Nash actually maybe [~1.5 inches on taker].

Ali Baba 6'5.5 - 6'6.5
Undertaker strong 6'5 ranger: 6'6 in the mornings.
Johno said on 7/Oct/14
6.6/weak 6.6
JT said on 6/Oct/14
Same basic outcome as my earlier pic Click Here The huge head is the only thing that saves him. I'm actually surprised he still looks this tall (unless his work boots are giving him more boost than we're assuming, which we'll never know).
Mark said on 6/Oct/14
Rob 1/2 downgrade isn't enough. I know you'd take heat from some but best being accurate surely.
Editor Rob
I think you could argue 6ft 6.5, but based on one photo I'm not as sure
Michael said on 6/Oct/14
I´ve been watching Taker since 24 years now and I´m a fan since 22 years. I saw tons of pics with him. His peak height is more than 2,02 m (6-7,5) for sure! About 2,03/2,04 m (6-8+) barefoot. He was always a little bit taller than Sid (1-2 cm, 0,5").
James B said on 6/Oct/14
His on screen brother Glenn Jacobs is looking 6ft5 these days
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Oct/14
Not under 6ft7 today
Arch Stanton said on 6/Oct/14
Hehe imagine measuring at "only 6'5.5" after a really long day!!
Arch Stanton said on 6/Oct/14
@ Ali Baba, you're seriously tall!!
Clay said on 5/Oct/14
Thats frustrating both Undertaker and Mane are in tooque's with Ali. Mane looks a little taller to me, Taker is a weak 6'7'' nowadays just as I speculated.
Frank said on 5/Oct/14
Taker looks alittle taller than Mane in Ali Baba's photos
Chris said on 5/Oct/14
Ali Baba, thanks for sharing that photo....Great shot of both of you.
Mark said on 5/Oct/14
Wrote previous post before Ali Baba today. Even states he adjusted his posture to meet Takers. 6'6 maximum.
JT said on 5/Oct/14
Thanks for the great pic, Ali. It looks like he might have you by around an inch but only because of his abnormally long forehead. Click Here His craning his neck forward a bit is probably offset by any footwear advantage he had. In a staredown I bet your eye levels would be about the same.
Red183 said on 5/Oct/14
Rob could you do a current height because Taker is noway 4cm taller than AliBaba
Editor Rob
he could have lost between half and 1 inch today
Mark said on 5/Oct/14
Ali Baba has stated himself he's around 6'5 3/4. Minimal difference between him and Undertaker in reality. Face it not 6'8 Kevin Nash realistically that height and he had 2" on Taker.
Ali Baba said on 5/Oct/14
Undertaker definitely felt taller than Mane but he did have a touch more footwear. My shoes give me just under 1&1/8". I'm not sure what Taker's boots gave him. Maybe a little more than than that. I tried to mimic his posture and dropped a little height myself. Taker's posture is actually very good until you get to his neck. He always has his head forward. And I'm not sure where the top of his head is under the hat. I don't think it was pulled tight to actually hug his head. When he first came out and I saw what kind of hat he was wearing I thought we were good to go in that respect, but I'm not sure now.

He was very cordial and shook everyone's hand and said hello and everything. Very soft spoken and relaxed. There were probably close to 500 people there to have a picture taken with him and then at least that many waited to go to his autograph table. He was there a lot longer than originally planned.

And Bob, I assure you I'm not taller than that. After a long day recently I even measured 6'5.5".
Joe said on 5/Oct/14
Thanks for the pic Ali Baba, so what is your official guess on his height? He looks taller than you slightly, depending on foot ware and the fact he probably wasn't standing as tall as he could.. 6'7 ? 6'7.5 ?
vinny said on 4/Oct/14
James B says on 10/Sep/14

Matt Bloom is taller than Test and is very close to Undertaker and Kanes height, and in some cases can even look a bit taller. I'd put him no less than 6'6".

6'7" peak Kane and Undertaker both
6'4.5" JBL
6'6.5" Albert
6'4.5-6'5" Test
Red183 said on 4/Oct/14
Ali Baba says on 3/Oct/14
He was wearing a work type boot
Click Here

Ali you re a true celebheights hero! Thank you very much!
Taker looks 2-2,5cm taller - footwear ??

Takers body looks strong 6'5" - weak 6'6" type but his head is veeerry long.

If footwear is equal I say Taker is exactly 2,00m today
miko said on 4/Oct/14
Just seen the Ali Baba picture, Taker is looking a solid 6'7 there when you consider his posture (he's leaning his head in a little like he does in most photos) and how much height he has on him already (around an inch).
Mark said on 4/Oct/14
So Ali Baba how tall would you say Undertaker was in your opinion?
cdk82 said on 4/Oct/14
Undertaker looks 6'7.75" in boots
6'6.5" barefoot
1PunchBob said on 4/Oct/14
Ali Baba looked a tad taller than Tyler Mane and a tad shorter than Undertaker (top of head - not hair) but both claim 6-8. Either Ali is taller than 6-6 or both Tyler and Taker are around 6-7ish at best...
cdk23 said on 4/Oct/14
TODAY HE IS 6'4.5"
miko said on 4/Oct/14
Taker in good posture is still clearly 6'7 range. Has he lost any height? It's possible, but I'd doubt its more than half an inch, his posture is just not what it used to be.
James B said on 4/Oct/14
Nope JBL is no way 6'6

Here at 5:40 with 6'4 randy Orton
Ali Baba said on 3/Oct/14
He was wearing a work type boot
Click Here
Chris said on 3/Oct/14
I met and was around JBL for a while at the HOF banquet in Waterloo, Iowa a couple of years ago. I didn't get a picture with him but several photos of him. My best guess was 6'6"....He was taller than I expected. He was wearing tennis shoes when I was around him. Fairly nice guy....I asked him if he ever met Andre while he worked in Japan. He said "Yes, but very briefly." Bascially, he said Andre was sitting backstage at an event and JBL walked over to him and introduced himself. He said he was just a quick exchange but he was glad he went over to meet him.
James B said on 2/Oct/14
JBL is a weak 6'5
Clay said on 1/Oct/14
Ryan says on 24/Sep/14
JBL height? 6'6? Rob?

6'5 and change peak weak 6'5'' today.
184.3cm said on 30/Sep/14
Must have been atleast this in the 90's. He easily had 6cm on Hogan in Suburban commando. Hogan had boots on as well so i doubt he had more shoes.
NCL said on 29/Sep/14
Undertaker and Leo Manzano (silver medalist). I read he's 5'5"

scroll down the link:

Click Here
James B said on 27/Sep/14
Taker made Sid look 6ft6.
James B said on 27/Sep/14
Nash could be 6ft8 today and probably a little over that peak.

JBL is 6'4.5 no way is he 6'6.

Also Undertaker made Sid Eudy look 6'6.5.
Aza said on 24/Sep/14
Sid just to clarify think his 6'7 peak height is his evening measurement . Quite possible he was taller first thing in the morning.
Ryan said on 24/Sep/14
JBL height? 6'6? Rob?
sid said on 23/Sep/14
If undertaker was 6'7 peak that would make kevin nash 6'8 peak, there no way undertaker was peak 6'7 he has to be 6'8 peak, and nash 6'10 peak
Ali Baba said on 23/Sep/14
I'll give a better estimate in a couple of weeks.
Daddy said on 22/Sep/14
Rob, Undertaker needs a downgrade! All who watched this man wrestle in 2014 could see he's shorter than he was in his 30s. He's more like 6'6.75"/200cm today. I'm now also thinking Kane might need to be downgraded to 6'7.25" now too.
Ali Baba said on 21/Sep/14
I think his head looks longer than it really is because of the receding hairline.
Aza said on 21/Sep/14
Undertaker is now 6'6. Peak height 6'7
Bud said on 14/Sep/14
Well i had a taught like that,but i wans't sure,ooops sorry.The sizes,height of wrestlers looked so real and logical
Height181 said on 13/Sep/14
Buds picture is photoshopped to the Max LOL. Some people on here though will just believe anything they see or hear. It's just sad.
Ali Baba said on 12/Sep/14
Bud, that looks like a composite picture to me. Meaning each individual wrestler was photographed separately and photoshopped into one picture. Triple H is no where near that short next to Taker in any other pic I've seen them in.
NCL said on 12/Sep/14
Danimal says on 11/Sep/14
NCL says on 11/Sep/14
Treat for you Undertaker fans: Click Here

I'm assuming you were that kid? Early 1990's, right?

haha no I wish!! How are ya Danimal?

I don't have any pics with Undertaker unfortunately but I do have a pic with King Kong Bundy someplace. If I can find it I'll post it here.

Bud says on 11/Sep/14
Looks pretty tall here Click Here

How did you find that?? Awesome pic!!
James B said on 12/Sep/14
With then 6'11.5 big show in that photo undertaker looks 6'8.5 for sure. Takers hair advantage can make him look 6'9 range in the pic.

Either that or big show is 6'10 which is unlikely but taker I am sure would not be over 6'7 in that pic.
James B said on 12/Sep/14
With then 6'11.5 big show in that photo undertaker looks 6'8.5 for sure. Takers hair advantage can make him look 6'9 range in the pic.

Either that or big show is 6'10-6'11 which is unlikely but taker I am sure would not be over 6'7 in that pic.
Bud said on 11/Sep/14
Looks pretty tall here Click Here
Danimal said on 11/Sep/14
NCL says on 11/Sep/14
Treat for you Undertaker fans: Click Here

I'm assuming you were that kid? Early 1990's, right?

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.