James B said on 11/Sep/14
Undertaker looks one huge SOB in NCLs pic
NCL said on 11/Sep/14
Treat for you Undertaker fans:
Click Here
James B said on 10/Sep/14
Test looks nearly big as undertaker.
These days bloom looks 6'4.5-6'5 but I think all the weight he carries can make him look shorter. His height is a tricky one.
James B said on 10/Sep/14
Vegas says on 9/Sep/14
i have met orton and test in person and test was taller. if you can find anything with orton and chris masters that would be ideal as test had 1.5-2 inches on him both out of gear.
How tall did Test look to you?
evil said on 10/Sep/14
6'6.5 is right
Alex 6'0 said on 10/Sep/14
Orton ive always thought looked like a legit 6'4. Of course could be a hair less like 6'3.75. Test looks between 6'4 and 6'5. 6'4.5 prob pretty accurate and gets the 6'6 billing
JT said on 9/Sep/14
Click Here Matt Bloom in big footwear could look about as tall as Undertaker and almost Matt Morgan's height. The footwear looks comparable here although Bloom could have something on the inside of his boots. Test to me looked around 6'5". Bloom was listed at 6'6" in college football.
cdk said on 9/Sep/14
ORTON 6'3.75"
TES 6'4.5"
NCL said on 9/Sep/14
I was a few feet away from Orton after a Raw. I didn't get a pic unfortunately but I'd definitely say 6'4" minimum. In the ring, I think he could be nearly 6'6" in his boots. He also gives the impression of being taller than he is because of his lean frame.
Test is a tough one. I think 6'4" is too low for Test - I always thought 6'5". But on the other hand, he did wear chunky footwear. He has pretty chunky footwear in that video with Lesnar that Vegas posted.
I'm sure there are better pics but Test and 6'6" Albert:
Click Here
Click Here
Two shots of him with Undertaker:
Click Here
Click Here
Bud said on 9/Sep/14
Looked 6'7.5 with Kevin Nash when he was young
Click Here
James B said on 9/Sep/14
Miko someone else besides Vegas met Orton and estimated him at 6'3.75.
Guy B said on 9/Sep/14
I wasn't really trying to start any sort of argument or lie, I just go off of what I see. I've seen Undertaker in person, both in his prime and just recently. He is at least 6'7" but no taller than 6'8"
Alex 6'0 said on 9/Sep/14
Test was always billed at 6'6 and even sometimes referred to as 6'7 on TV. I personally think he was easily 6'4 and prob a bit taller.
Vegas said on 9/Sep/14
i have met orton and test in person and test was taller. if you can find anything with orton and chris masters that would be ideal as test had 1.5-2 inches on him both out of gear.
Danimal said on 8/Sep/14
Alex 6'0 says on 11/Aug/14
Was watching Summerslam 2002 last night and in the UT vs Test match UT looked 2-3 inches taller. Test I have at least 6'4 and probably closer to 6'5
To me, Taker started looking shorter in the early 2000's.
Height181 said on 8/Sep/14
Some people on this site are just unbelievable. Even when their eyes see the truth, they will still blatantly lie to show that they are ''right''. If only they realised how foolish they seem.
miko said on 8/Sep/14
Orton could be a hair under 6'4. He's usually at least a solid inch taller than Batista who is 6'2.5/6'2.75 range.
As for Taker today its hard to compare unless we get some newer photos with him next to somebody 6'5 plus. I still think he'd be around 6'7.
Danimal said on 8/Sep/14
Guy B says on 2/Sep/14
The Undertaker is still a solid 6'7"-6'8".
Correction: Taker WAS a solid 6'7" guy in the 1990's. He's a little over 6'6" today at best.
James B said on 7/Sep/14
That's a bad video to judge since the camera is set so low and Orton is clearly closer to the camera.
Orton 6'4
Test 6'4.5
James B said on 7/Sep/14
WTF no way in hell is Orton taller than Test. Test gave a bigger impression on TV for sure and would edge Orton out by 1-2cm.
Height181 said on 7/Sep/14
@James B: Test is shorter than Randy Orton!!! Don't ignore the video I posted.
James B said on 6/Sep/14
Test looks a good 2 inches taller in that stare down with Lesner but in reality he was 6'4.5-6'4.75 range. Test is defiantly taller than randy orton that is for certain.
Height181 said on 6/Sep/14
Yes I admit I was wrong, but like I've said I've never checked what height Test was. He looks 6'3.5'' - 6'4'' tops next to Brock.
Look at this video, Go to exactly 3:07
Click Here I know it isn't the best angle, but you can clearly see Orton is taller than Test. No doubt Orton is a solid 6'4''.
Vegas said on 6/Sep/14
Height181 says on 6/Sep/14
@James B: Wasn't Test 6'6'' or something or was that billed
from 1 minute 30 seconds
Click Here
Height181 said on 6/Sep/14
@James B: Wasn't Test 6'6'' or something or was that billed? I'm not sure about his height, I've never checked, So I could be very wrong. Orton is a solid 6'4'', I'm sure almost all posters on here would agree with that. I don't know why here appeared shorter to you, when he was the same height as Kane in some angles.
Clay said on 5/Sep/14
Hahaha I've been proven wrong - yet he was 3.5 inches taller than Randy Couture, who had an inch or so over James Toney who we know is in that 5'10'' bracket. Do some simple math.
James B said on 5/Sep/14
Height181 says on 5/Sep/14
@James B: Most likely he's not, but it's not impossible though. He is very tall. In some shots he looked the same height as Kane. In his wrestling boots he is around 6'5.5''
Test was a guy who i would describe as at least 6'4. Test for sure gave a taller impression than Orton.
honestly when I saw him on beginning segement of raw last Monday he looked around 6ft3.
Height181 said on 5/Sep/14
@James B: Most likely he's not, but it's not impossible though. He is very tall. In some shots he looked the same height as Kane. In his wrestling boots he is around 6'5.5''
James B said on 5/Sep/14
Height181 says on 5/Sep/14
James B, I can't see Orton any shorter than 6'4''. He is taller than Edge, Batista, The Rock and more. The guy is atleast 6'4''.
Ok 6'4 is good for Orton but no way is he taller than 193cm.
Height181 said on 5/Sep/14
James B, I can't see Orton any shorter than 6'4''. He is taller than Edge, Batista, The Rock and more. The guy is atleast 6'4''.
James B said on 4/Sep/14
Looked 6'6.5 at times next to Orton on raw last Monday. Does anyone agree randy looked looked significantly under 6'4 that night compared to seth rollins?
Height181 said on 3/Sep/14
Guy B says on 2/Sep/14
''The Undertaker is still a solid 6'7"-6'8". Nobody's height truly changes.''
Just LOL! Wow!!...
To be fair Kane did look around 3 inches taller than Orton once they got in the ring. When the ''Authority'' were on the ramp, Orton did look same height as Kane. I think that was just a bad angle. Kane I think is still about 6'7'' Max.
Guy B said on 2/Sep/14
The Undertaker is still a solid 6'7"-6'8". Nobody's height truly changes. Kane stated himself in an interview that he's about 6'8" and Undertaker is actually around the same height. In late 2002 and early 2003 when kane returned from injury, he wore different boots that didn't have the big heels on them, you could see their similar heights plain and clear.
I think the only reason why Undertaker looks so much shorter now is because his posture has changed. He doesn't appear to be able to stand up fully straight anymore due to his years of wrestling and has a sort of hunch in his stance now.
Undertaker has always been the thinner big man in the wrestling business, which has always made his height deceiving. When he stands next to other big men, you finally realize how tall he truly is. I've seen Undertaker in person and he stood next to a friend of mine who was 6'6" himself and Undertaker was slightly taller.
James B said on 1/Sep/14
Daddy- Corporate Kane doesn't look much over 6'5 in my opinion
IR said on 1/Sep/14
6' 7" ( 201 cm ) today
6' 8" ( 203 cm ) peak
Alex 6'0 said on 31/Aug/14
Could UT be 6'6 today? Its not impossible. I think we need to figure out his peak first. No less than a solid 6'7 peak and 6'7.5 is likely. Not sure about 6'8 peak. Today 6'6 1/2 may be right
Daddy said on 31/Aug/14
James B says on 25/Aug/14
When Kane is wearing dress shoes he looks shorter compared to when he is in ring gear.
I realize that Coorperate Kane looked to be (keyword: LOOKED) barley taller than Ramdy Orton at times, but the Undertaker looked 4" taller than Brock Lesnar (6'2") at Wrestlemania 30. Now I'm not saying I believe Undertaker is "just" 6'6"- I peg him at 6'6.75", or should I say 6'6.5" - 6'7". But are we really saying that a man billed at 7' tall who steps over the top rope with ease is less than 6'6"? I know I know I know I know I know, you're thinking about Kane's huge boots, which is exactly what I want. When Undertaker and Kane worked together one night of Raw is War, Undertaker stepped over the top rope, probably because Kane did and he could too. 'Taker seemed to be doing more shenanagins to facilitate easy stepping than Kane, dispite wearing boots that looked to be similar in size. And if either do, 'Taker looks to have longer legs.
I think if everyone throws out their previous idea of Undertaker and his brother's heights, and looks at the head levels and boots sizes, more would agree with me that back during the Attitude Era, Kane was 6'7.75" - 6'8.25" while The Deadman was 6'7.5"- 6'8". But today, they're more like 6'7.25"- 6'7.75" and 6'6.5"- 6'7", for the big red monster and the now white goateed deadman.
Fair enough?
James B said on 29/Aug/14
There looks more than 4 inches between triple h and taker in those pics.
Height181 said on 28/Aug/14
Taker looks no taller than 6'6'' today. The highest I would give him is 6'6.5'', no more than that. I mean Taker only looks around 4 inches taller than HHH, who isn't a proper 6'2'' himself.
Click Here Click Here
James B said on 27/Aug/14
Alex 6'0 says on 26/Aug/14
How much can Kane's wrestling boots give than dress shoes? A smaller fraction unless he has big boots
On the last edition of Raw Kane diet look over 6'6 I thought
Alex 6'0 said on 26/Aug/14
How much can Kane's wrestling boots give than dress shoes? A smaller fraction unless he has big boots
James B said on 25/Aug/14
Daddy says on 24/Aug/14
Guys, I'll keep saying this. People keep on mentioning Kane and saying he wears lifts, but no one wants to aknowlege the fact that Undertaker has worn some pretty substantial boots over the years. The deadman is not as tall as you want to believe. For example, in one of the video Red183 was so nice to provide us the link to, 'Taker had cowboy boots on, which, especially at such large sizes give 2"+. We all agree Kane is not 7', Big Show didn't live up to his 7'2" (7'4-5" in WCW), Triple H isn't 6'4", Sid Vicious isn't 6'9", The Rock isn't 6'5", Viscera isn't 6'10", and Chris Jericho isn't 6'0". Why can't we just accept that he has most likely never been over 6'8", if even that, and today wouldbe lucky to be 6'7.25"?
When Kane is wearing dress shoes he looks shorter compared to when he is in ring gear.
Daddy said on 24/Aug/14
Guys, I'll keep saying this. People keep on mentioning Kane and saying he wears lifts, but no one wants to aknowlege the fact that Undertaker has worn some pretty substantial boots over the years. The deadman is not as tall as you want to believe. For example, in one of the video Red183 was so nice to provide us the link to, 'Taker had cowboy boots on, which, especially at such large sizes give 2"+. We all agree Kane is not 7', Big Show didn't live up to his 7'2" (7'4-5" in WCW), Triple H isn't 6'4", Sid Vicious isn't 6'9", The Rock isn't 6'5", Viscera isn't 6'10", and Chris Jericho isn't 6'0". Why can't we just accept that he has most likely never been over 6'8", if even that, and today wouldbe lucky to be 6'7.25"?
research....first said on 21/Aug/14
Undetaker from 1990 to 2005 was 6'8"-6'7.5". From 2006 til now 6'7.5"-6'6". Due to age and injuries he lost height. And again footwear makes a big difference when comparing to others a bit taller or a bit shorter than Undertaker.
James B said on 19/Aug/14
Alex 6'0 says on 18/Aug/14
In 2002 UT was still at his peak so if he was 6'7.5 peak then Test looked 6'4.5-6'5
Taker could have been 6'7.25 as well as 6'7.5 peak
Alex 6'0 said on 18/Aug/14
In 2002 UT was still at his peak so if he was 6'7.5 peak then Test looked 6'4.5-6'5
Tuga said on 14/Aug/14
NCL says on 8/Aug/14
Tuga says on 5/Aug/14
Tuga says on 8/Aug/14
Awesome posts!!
Thanks NCL :)
James B said on 12/Aug/14
6'4.75 spot on for test
Alex 6'0 said on 11/Aug/14
Was watching Summerslam 2002 last night and in the UT vs Test match UT looked 2-3 inches taller. Test I have at least 6'4 and probably closer to 6'5
Bill said on 11/Aug/14
As Yankem He had a slight footwear advantage.
James B said on 10/Aug/14
In his recent wwe (unmasked) gimmick he looked under 6'7. The ring gear he wears does boost his height.
Vic said on 10/Aug/14
Glenn Jacobs in interview earlier this year (can be seen on youtube), he's 6'75.
NCL said on 8/Aug/14
Tuga says on 5/Aug/14
Tuga says on 8/Aug/14
Awesome posts!!
research...first said on 8/Aug/14
It seems most people on here don't want to accept that kane is a weak 6'7" and that he wear lifts. Again, that's why he most of the time looks abit taller than undertaker. Barefoot Undertaker always been taller than kane. It's not fanboy but facts.
James B said on 8/Aug/14
Although he's not 6'6 Undertaker is probably 6'6.75 today given years of injuries. Peak 6'7-6'7.5 range or a legit 6'7. Kane was probably nearer 6'8 than undertaker.
In a few years down the line will probably be no taller than 6'6 I would imagine.
Tuga said on 8/Aug/14
Taker and sid:
Click Here
Click Here
But still please explain how can he look that tall next to sting, or for that matter next to peak hogan etc.
Peak 6'8 taker and sid 6'7 1/2 (sid 6'7 if he did gain advantage in tip toeing or so).
A 6'7 peak taker would downgrade so many people, don´t even get it started....
miko says on 7/Aug/14
Undertaker at a flat 6'6? I guess Brock Lesnar is barely 6'1 then?
Yes miko, no way "just" 6'6, he might give that impression due to big forehead and ususal bad posture, but its clear he is taller than that, just as he looked next to khali and others in more recent times.
Just look at my posts for evidence.
alex 190 said on 8/Aug/14
I struggle to believe that the undertaker is something more than 6ft4, knowing that lesnar is somewhere at 6ft1
Daddy said on 7/Aug/14
@Tuga well then, how tall would you peg Kane?
@NCL try bending forward when looking at people and notice how little you shrink compared to them. And I recognize that there's a 99.999% chance you are less than 6'6", meaning Undertaker loses more height than the average person (you), but you said he's losing a minimum of 2",so try the "bending forward by a person" test and reevaluate if you really think he's losing that much. And I know you mentioned it, but if you remember the size difference in Lesnar's boots vs Taker's, I feel saying Taker is 6'6.75" (6'6.5"-6'7") is very reasonable.
miko said on 7/Aug/14
Undertaker at a flat 6'6? I guess Brock Lesnar is barely 6'1 then?
research...first said on 7/Aug/14
Robby, you believe everything w tells you? You know what the w stands for.
Alex 6'0 said on 7/Aug/14
Danimal, so 6'7 peak and today 6'6-6'6 1/2 you think?
Alex 6'0 said on 7/Aug/14
Undertaker vs Sid WM 13 UT was barely taller. Looked 1/2 inch at best taller
Robby said on 6/Aug/14
Research First. Undertaker was born in 1965. Not 1962. The Undertaker graduated from Waltrip High School in 1983. Making him 18 when graduated. Research that.
James B said on 6/Aug/14
Danimal - I would have guessed Scott hall at 6'4 always thought 6'5 was extreme for him.
James B said on 6/Aug/14
Taker is still around a flat 6'7 today. He does look that tall as well and I'd say he gives a slightly bigger impression than Kane does today.
Sid still looked huge on his last wwe appearence even though he has lost height.
Danimal said on 5/Aug/14
Clay says on 3/Aug/14
Im thinking 6'8 peak and barely scarping 6'7 today at 50 is more like it.
If Sid was 6'7" at this peak, we know that Taker didn't have a full inch on him in 1989 (at 2:30) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdZmtXMBWn4
So, I doubt Taker was ever much over 6'7" at his peak. Today, he's floating around 6'6" and Sid seems to have lost a lot of height as well (looks about the same height as Scott Hall today)
Click Here
Daddy said on 5/Aug/14
Many forget that Issac Yankem was taller than 'Taker by about 1.5". Just throwing that in there again
Iwannaberich said on 5/Aug/14
I don't know what to think sometimes kane looks taller and other times undertaker looks taller. there was one time undertaker looked almost the same height as bigshow. youtube- undertaker makes big show his little b-word. curse word,
research...first said on 5/Aug/14
Fact, Undertaker was taller than Kane. Fact, Undertaker in his prime was 6'8"in his barefeet not bear feet phillymike. Just kidding, not a bad list you have. Fact, Kane in his prime 6'6.75". Fact, footwear does make a difference when comparing heights. Fact, Kane always wore 2 inch and 3 inch lifts. That's why Kane most of the time looked a inch taller than Undertaker. There was a time Undertaker wore 2 inch lifts, the ministry days. Research that and you'll see Undertaker than Kane. Also look up Undertaker and Kane on America's most wanted. Kane wearing sneakers and Undertaker 2" taller than kane. Fact, Undertaker is 52 not 49 and he did shrink due to age. Now he is 6'6.75"-6'6.5". Kane is 47 and lost half inch and know is 6'6.25" and still shorter than undertaker. Fact, Kane still wears lifts. Whomever wants to debate this that's fine, but do research first...
Tuga said on 5/Aug/14
Well, lets get started with the "taller" kane:
Click Here
Full body shot, no mask, no wider stance, excuses?
Alex 6'0 says on 5/Aug/14
UT has a long forehead so his eye level is gonna be a good 5 inches or a bit more from top of his head Id say
Great point Alex:
Click Here
Click Here
Gotta say he can still look 6'7 1/2 at the time of this pics.
Click Here
Sorry but there´s no way a 6'6 range or even flat 6'7 men can pull this with khali, taker really stood straight this time.
A peak 6'7 taker downgrades a lot of wrestlers, like sid for example:
Click Here
6'6 range peak sid? What about sting? ectectetc for now its enough, I´ve given a fair amount of other examples over the years here.
Clay says on 3/Aug/14
Im thinking 6'8 peak and barely scarping 6'7 today at 50 is more like it.
Agree with you with 6'8 peak, nowadays (well, at the time of the pics really ;))at least 6'7 maybe 6'7 1/2...with perfect posture of course.
Alex 6'0 said on 5/Aug/14
Miko, yea that's true he can appear his real height standing better but 6'7 today for UT may be a bit too much. His peak def. 6'7 to maybe 6'7.5. I doubt the 6'8 peak. Today with guys like HHH and Lesnar he has max 5 inches on them. 6'6 1/2 for UT today is my guess. Kane was a bit taller and that's in regular boots.
Alex 6'0 said on 5/Aug/14
Height181, yea sometimes it can look more 4 inch range and sometimes 5. UT has a long forehead so his eye level is gonna be a good 5 inches or a bit more from top of his head Id say.
miko said on 4/Aug/14
He still looked around 6'7 with Lesnar when he stood tall.
If Taker has lost anything its likely minimal. His posture does him no favours.
I don't think he was ever anywhere near a flat 6'8 personally. A hair over 6'7 prime and a flat 6'7 today I'd go for.
Clay said on 3/Aug/14
Im thinking 6'8 peak and barely scarping 6'7 today at 50 is more like it.
Danimal said on 3/Aug/14
Alex 6'0 says on 3/Aug/14
UT is 49 so he naturally lost a little height. 1/2 inch or something seems right. UT always claimed 6'8 as his real height back then when he was being billed 6'10-6'11. 6'8 peak? I'm thinking 6'7 peak really and today 6'6 1/2. Against HHH and Lesnar he has max 5 inches on both of them
I agree with you Alex.
NCL said on 3/Aug/14
Undertaker bent down quite a bit still has a good 3.5" - 4" on 6'2" Lesnar
Click Here
To be fair, Lesnar's footwear seemed to be completely flat in their WM match but I don't think 'Taker had more than an 1" advantage. Bottom line is I think if 'Taker stood straight he'd gain a minimum of 2", which would put him at lowest 6'7" today w/o footwear
Similar shot of them from several years ago:
Click Here
And another older shot of them and Vince, but cant' see shoes here:
Click Here
Alex 6'0 said on 3/Aug/14
UT is 49 so he naturally lost a little height. 1/2 inch or something seems right. UT always claimed 6'8 as his real height back then when he was being billed 6'10-6'11. 6'8 peak? I'm thinking 6'7 peak really and today 6'6 1/2. Against HHH and Lesnar he has max 5 inches on both of them
Alex 6'0 said on 30/Jul/14
Rob, UT appears to def lost a little height. I think he needs a peak height and current height listing on here.
lion said on 29/Jul/14
Taker is 6'7.5 today but only because of his unusual long forehead increasing his height.
Daddy said on 28/Jul/14
Alex is 100% right. 'Taker has CLEARLY lost height over the years. He may have been 6'7.5" early in life, but the man has white hair now, and looked to be a mere 4 inches over Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania 30. Either that or he quit wearing the lifts, and has never been more than 6'7". But I think, and believe most posters will agree with me, that Taker should be listed with a peak he height (6'7.5"/202cm) and current height (6'6.75"/200cm?). Think about it Rob, if you don't mind
NCL said on 27/Jul/14
like the estimates guys thanks!
Height181 says on 23/Jul/14
Rob, is a slight downgrade for Undertaker possible? You need to check this out, Click Here Pause it at EXACTLY 6:11, You don't even need to watch the whole video. Kane is clearly taller than Taker. You have them both at the same height?
[Editor Rob: they are pretty close, kane can look a little taller but are they equal wrestling boots]
Rob makes a good point. It's hard to tell b/c the video isn't crisp but you pause the video at about 5:22 you can see the boots a bit
Alex 6'0 said on 27/Jul/14
Kane was a bit taller in that video. Nowadays he wears normal wrestling boots compared to his old wedges back in the day. UT has lost height though. He needs a peak height and today height listing on here.
Joe said on 27/Jul/14
In regards to Height 181... you do realise Kane is standing above Undertaker right? you can see it on the wide shot. Nice try though.
James said on 26/Jul/14
Kane is 6'6.5-6'7''at max.
Nick said on 26/Jul/14
@lou lou Kane 6'11''LOL there's no way Kane is 6'11'' because he is clearly shorter than Big Show by 3-4 inches
lou lou said on 25/Jul/14
I agree with nick, phillymkike that is a good listing. I only disagree with kane, i met him at a signing. I took a picture with him, i'm 5'11 and he was at least a foot taller then me. So i would say he is 6'11.
Aza said on 21/Jul/14
His listed height was his peak height when he started out in wwe ( hogan looked 6''5 back then). His morning height is 6'6 these days.
Nick said on 19/Jul/14
Philly mike great listings.
In my opinion with much certainty I believe triple h is a legit 6'2.5 but looks shorter due to his neck being craned forward.
Also the big show was definetly between 7'0-7'0.25 in the morning in his prime. I wouldn't be suprised if 4 hours after waking in his absolute prime he would measure in at 6'11 3/4 ths. At that point your talking about the difference of 1/300th of his height off the golden 7 foot mark , totally unnoticeable. Nowadays I definetly wouldn't doubt the big show is 6'10.5-6'11.
If he measured 7 foot right after getting out of bed that would be awesome and impressive..
To take it into consideration about how insignificant a quarter inch to a man I. The 7 foot range it would be equivalent to the length of a pee wee baseball bat the the Titanic ship.
Marc said on 18/Jul/14
Well he is about one inch shorter than Kane who on this site is listed as the same thing as taker. So I think Kane is probably actualy 6ft8 and this is taker's real height
phillymike said on 14/Jul/14
Most of the people on here are pretty close or dead on. A few people are way off. My uncle worked for the wwf/wwe and knew the wrestlers down below. He also knew the footwear they used. He stated there are 3 kinds of footwear: standard wrestling boot is 1.25", and there are 2" and 3" lifts. Another thing to consider is men over 45 can shrink and lose height due to injuries. Here are the wrestlers in there prime, now, and bear feet.
Giant Gonzalez 7'4" he wore the 3" lifts
Great Khali 7'0.25" he wears the 2" lifts
Andre the Giant 6'11.5" retired 6'9"
Big Show 6'10.5" wears the 2" lifts
Kurrgan 6'9.5"
Kevin Nash 6'9.25" now 6'8.5"
Matt Morgan 6'8.5"
Undertaker 6'8" now 6'6.75"
Sid 6'7.25" now 6'6"
Kane 6'6.75" now 6'6" wears 3" lifts
Big John Studd 6'6 wore 2" lefts
Test 6'6"
Albert/tensai 6'5.75" wear 2" lifts
Hulk Hogan 6'5.5" now 6'3.5"
Jake the Snake 6'5" now 6'3.75"
DDP 6'4.5"
Randy Orton 6'3.5"
King Kong Bundy 6'3"
Edge 6'2.75"
Batista 6'2.5" Wears 2" lifts
Rock 6'2.5"
Brock Lesner 6'2" first wwe run 2" lifts now sneakers/mma boots
HHH 6'1.75"
Stone Cold 6'1.5" now 6'0.25" neck injury
Vinny Mac 6'1" now 5'11.5"
John Cena 6'0" wears .75" sneakers
RVD 5'11.25"
Shawn Michaels 5'11" now 5'10"
Chris jericho 5'10" wears 2" lifts
Kurt Angle 5'10" now 5'9"
willom/ER: I agree with your most current roster heights.
willom said on 14/Jul/14
dean ambrose 6'0.5
seth rollins 6'1.5
roman reigns 6'2.5
got to think logical people, would management let these three walk through the audience if they were not big and intimidating. it has to fit the character and look believable in order to sell it.
ER said on 12/Jul/14
KANE 6'7.5, PEAK 6'9
BIG SHOW 6'11.5, PEAK 7'0.5
BATISTA 6'2.75
HHH 6'2
BIG E 5'10.5
NCL said on 11/Jul/14
I may have to take back what I said about Reigns being only slightly taller than Cena - looked a good 2" taller on Raw. I could of sworn I saw a show where he was only a bit taller but maybe it was the camera angle
Tuga said on 11/Jul/14
NCL says on 10/Jul/14
"I'm curious of your opinions what do you guys think?"
Not sure but I would say:
Ambrose between 6' 1/2 and 6'1
Rollins between 6'1 and 6´1 1/2
Reigns between 6'2 and 6'2 1/2
Standing next to cena reigns did seem around 2 inches taller when having fairly decent posture.
Rollins next to cena was taller but camera angles were not the best...
Next to HHH, well that´s even harder since they could look identical and following week HHH was considerably taller...
NCL said on 10/Jul/14
Daddy says on 9/Jul/14
Rob I agree with NCL: Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins need pages!!
Tuga says on 4/Jul/14
NCL, yes, the former shield members should be represented here ;)
BELIEVE in the Shield :>)
Well, former Shield anyway. I'm curious of your opinions what do you guys think? They're a little hard to narrow down.
Roman Reigns looks around the same height as Cena or slightly taller, I don't think Ambrose and Rollins are much taller if they are. IMO maybe 6' - 6'1" each
Since we're talking about Harper, I think he's closer to 6'5" too. Barret's a bit further up the stage and has a thinner frame. Whatever Harper is, Rowan looks consistently 2" taller to me.
Give or take an inch either way, they're BIG dudes. I haven't heard weight billings from them yet but I'd bet Harper is probably a legit 270-280 and Rowan has got to be around 300 or more.
Daddy said on 9/Jul/14
Rob I agree with NCL: Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins need pages!!
Bubba said on 5/Jul/14
Taker is definitely taller than Luke Harper not sure about Rowan.
Tuga said on 4/Jul/14
Vegas says on 24/Jun/14
i don't see 3.5 inches between barrett and chad
No, but easily 2 inches at least, so 6'5 1/2 for barret should be a safe bet.
Harper IMO is closer to 6'5 than 6'4, sometimes he stands really tall, but that´s one for now I would not bet.
NCL, yes, the former shield members should be represented here ;)
NCL said on 2/Jul/14
Hey Rob - how's about pages for Ambrose, Rollins, and Reigns? They seem to come up in debates and I'm curious as to what everyone else thinks
Sorry to get off topic of Undertaker, but since this page is so popular, I thought I'd post it here.
Vegas said on 24/Jun/14
i don't see 3.5 inches between barrett and chad in those photos. chads eyeline would be alot lower if that were the case.
barrett next to harper whom most here seem to estimate around 6'4?
Click Here
Daddy said on 23/Jun/14
WWE has listed him as low as 6'8", so I'm not buying anything over that for him. I'd say 6'7.75" when he was young (people quote the DVD "It's my Yard" as proof he's 6'8.5", but that video also said that Taker actually burned Kane as a child, it's 100% kayfabe BS), and at WM 30, he could have been as low as 6'6.75". Whatcha guys think?
James B said on 20/Jun/14
Barrett looks 6'7 compared to chad
Maybe the 6'3.5 was in the morning?
Vegas said on 16/Jun/14
not taker related but here is wade barrett with a few nfl combine measured players. the taller chap is chad schofield who measured 6'3.5 barefoot, the other guy is brandon stephens who came in at just a hair over 5'10 barefoot
Click Here
Patrick said on 14/Jun/14
manny says on 11/Jun/14
Undertaker has no reason to lie about his height. He's already tall, he's not a short celebrity to add a few inches. Rounded up he is a solid 6'8".
I couldn't agree more
TopKek said on 12/Jun/14
He didn't seem to have more than 4 inches on Lesnar recently. I'd say nowadays he's 6'6"-6'6.5" but this current listing at 6'7.5" would be accurate for his peak height
manny said on 11/Jun/14
Undertaker has no reason to lie about his height. He's already tall, he's not a short celebrity to add a few inches. Rounded up he is a solid 6'8".
Vegas said on 8/Jun/14
Nishanth Hegde says on 7/Jun/14
Orton: 6ft2
Cena 5ft10
angle 5ft8
the editor of this site has a shot with bret hart. thats hart with cena on flat ground @ 1 minute mark
Click Here
not sure what to make of your previous post, kane 6'4!
john b said on 8/Jun/14
Have to agree Taker has lost height, a good few years back he was a good 6'7 but now around or just over 6'5 - Here is the tale of the tape....
HHH was billed as tall as 6'5 in WCW, went down to 6'4 in WWE. But for real at max was a 6'2, now looking 6'1 on a good day.
Batista no more then 6'2
Orton 6'3 maybe 6'3 and a half ??
Rock really looking 6'2 - 6'2 and a half to day, like HHH Rock was billed from 6'5 to 6'4 :(
Hulk Hogan has to be one of the crazies wrestler when he comes to his height - billed at 6'9 to 6'8 but for real he couldn't have been more then 6'6 back some years ago, I have spoken with a few people in the last few years who have met him and said he looked a good 6'4.
here is a few surprises if you meet Rowdy Piper his looking very close to 5'9 to day back in the 80' & 90's he was a 6'1 guy. Rick Flair was a true 6 footer in his day, now be lucky if his 5'10 on a good day.
kurt Angle no more then 5'9.
HBK was billed as 6'1 but for real no more then 6 foot - to day about 5'10 and a half.
Steve Austin billed as 6'2 - was 6 foot but fighting to day to maintain that.
Andre the Giant Billed at 7'5 - 7'4 but for real was a 7 foooter and by the time his life was near the end he was lucky if he was 6'9.
Big Show, billed as 7'4, 7'3 and 7'2 for real just under 7 foot could pass for 6'11
Jackie Knife said on 8/Jun/14
2 Nishanth Hegde
it's ridiculous. i stood 2 feet away from john, and he was just a tad shorter than me and i'm 186 cm tall
Rikashiku said on 8/Jun/14
HHH - A weak 6'2" now a days.
RKO - 6'4, maybe a slight bit more.
Batista - 6'2.5 looks about right now. Though in his return appearances, he looked like he wasn't wearing his boots from 2003. Rather, Orton is wearing them.
Undertaker - 6'7.5 or 6'7" flat. Looked taller in past appearances around '99 and '00. In a doco about him, he claimed he was around 6'8" and 6'9". In 2002, WWE had listed him as 6'8" a few times for a build up for his match with Kurt Angle, who was listed at 6'0".
Nishanth Hegde said on 7/Jun/14
Jackie Knife says on 5/Jun/14
2 Nishanth Hegde
alright, and what is orton like? 6'1"? and cena? 5'10"? and angle? 5'7 and a half?
Orton: 6ft2
Cena 5ft10
angle 5ft8
Jackie Knife said on 5/Jun/14
2 Nishanth Hegde
alright, and what is orton like? 6'1"? and cena? 5'10"? and angle? 5'7 and a half?
Nishanth Hegde said on 3/Jun/14
My estimates
Undertaker 6ft4.5
kane 6ft4
Big show 6ft8.5
Khali 6ft10
Anthony1798 said on 1/Jun/14
HHH - 6'2
RKO - 6'4.
Batista - 6'3.
Undertaker - 6'5.5
George F said on 1/Jun/14
Maybe they don't know themselves their accurate height. The Undertaker claiming 6ft 9 maybe that is his height in wrestling boots that can give you even a two inch boost Rob?
George F said on 29/May/14
I would say:
Undertaker 6ft 7.25
Kane 6ft 7
Big Show 6ft 11.5
Khali 7ft 1
Rikashiku said on 29/May/14
@Stonecold Fan says on 24/May/14
Mate, just link the picture.
4-5 inches isn't towering on a 6'2-6'3" guy?
George F said on 28/May/14
Rob do you think that Undertaker and Kane are the same height or one of them is ever a little taller?

Editor Rob
undertaker could be now at age that he's lost another fraction, I think they would be pretty close though
Clay said on 27/May/14
Nishanth Hegde says on 24/May/14
Undertaker looks 3/4 inches taller than 6ft1 Vince McMahon...
*drops head*
Nishanth Hegde said on 24/May/14
Undertaker looks 3/4 inches taller than 6ft1 Vince McMahon...
Nishanth Hegde said on 23/May/14
I am not
trolling @Rikashiku.It is true that Taker did not tower over HHH or Lesnar.
Rikashiku said on 22/May/14
@Stonecold fan says on 30/Apr/14
You never did bring up that picture of that 6'5" woman next to JBL.
@Nishanth. You have a terrible eye or you're just
Nishanth Hegde said on 19/May/14
Have you guys ever wondered why Undertaker didnt tower over HHH or Lesnar? He looked like max 4 inches taller than both. Nothing more.They were looking like they are of the same height.
Kenn said on 19/May/14
Taker looks like a strong 6'8.75-69 next to 7'0.5'' Khali
Clay said on 17/May/14
Nishanth Hegde says on 15/May/14
Now I have never seen anyone else other than Khali because I stay in India but I can guarantuee you he aint taller than 6ft 10 thats for sure.Because he did not have to bend down on the rest room which is like 7ft... and he was like a foot taller than me.
I guarantee you he's a 7'1 framed human being.
Nishanth Hegde said on 15/May/14
Now I have never seen anyone else other than Khali because I stay in India but I can guarantuee you he aint taller than 6ft 10 thats for sure.Because he did not have to bend down on the rest room which is like 7ft... and he was like a foot taller than me.
Clay said on 14/May/14
roflmao@6'9 or 6'10 Khali sightings at airports - you just aren't good at telling height then.
Nishanth Hegde said on 12/May/14
Guys,even I have seen Khali in Mumbai up close. There is no way he is 7ft but he is FREAKING HUGE! Khali looks 6ft10 to me but I never got a chance to stand next to him for more than a couple of seconds. And Undertaker is 6ft4 today. He looks 3 inches taller than Brock,4 inches taller than HHH and 6 inches taller than HBK. So my guessing is Undertaker is nothing over 6ft5 today.
Clay said on 10/May/14
Vegas says on 31/Mar/14
Here is kane, khali and eric rowan leaving a hotel out of gear
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Khali's lower body is so skinny compared to his upper these days its laughable, the poor guy looks like he can barely walk down that alley way.
James B said on 9/May/14
Still around 6'7 flat in 2014
Rikashiku said on 9/May/14
How tall is Tim Sylvia? I ask because Taker has over an inch on him when he meets Matt Hugh
In NCL's posts, Taker looks about 4 or 5" shorter than Khali, who is a 7'0"? man, and he is indeed leaning in the video.
HHH isn't 6'1". A weak 6'2" at most. He definitely looks shorter than he used to.
NCL said on 7/May/14
Nishanth Hegde says on 5/May/14
Guys,wrestlers may look tall when you see them but when you actually use a tape to measure them,Taker today would never be above 6ft4 or 6ft5. 6ft 5 max! He doesnt look much tall even next to 6ft1 HHH. In the recent staredown between Taker and Brock,I could only see Taker haveing 3 to 4 inches thats it.
Undertaker and Khali from within the last few months. Credit to mj for first posting :
Click Here
Nishanth Hegde says on 6/May/14
Guys! Check this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlHFovHPjBk at around 1:57 mark,you can see HHH,HBK and Taker. Taker looks max 5 inches taller than HBK and 3 inches taller than HHH.
IMO it looks like he's leaning. Maybe that's just me tho. Other thoughts?
Nishanth Hegde said on 6/May/14
Guys! Check this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlHFovHPjBk at around 1:57 mark,you can see HHH,HBK and Taker. Taker looks max 5 inches taller than HBK and 3 inches taller than HHH.
Nishanth Hegde said on 5/May/14
Guys,wrestlers may look tall when you see them but when you actually use a tape to measure them,Taker today would never be above 6ft4 or 6ft5. 6ft 5 max! He doesnt look much tall even next to 6ft1 HHH. In the recent staredown between Taker and Brock,I could only see Taker haveing 3 to 4 inches thats it.
Rikashiku said on 30/Apr/14
So are you going to link the photo or not? Because I can't see it. If you linked it before, it'd have saved everyone some time.
Ali Baba said on 29/Apr/14
But she still claims to be 6'7"
Rikashiku said on 29/Apr/14
Going off topic is a very common thing. Especially when everyone agrees with the height of the subject on the page.
So we talk about the height of other athletes who have been seen near the subject, since they don't have pages of their own.
James B said on 28/Apr/14
Wade Barrett 6'5.75
JBL 6'5.25
Jack Swagger 6'4.75
Drew McIntyre 6'4
Randy Orton 6'3.75
Nishanth Hegde said on 27/Apr/14
Guys a small request.Lets talk about Takers height instead of JBL and Wade!
Rikashiku said on 27/Apr/14
Of course JBL is over 6'5". He's almost as tall as Wade Barrett, and that's one of the few guys who's actually his listed height. Hell, sometimes he gets listed at 6'4" even though he's clearly taller than Drew McIntyre and Jack Swagger. Which is funny, because Jack Swagger was billed as being 6'4" during his early appearance on WWE, despite being an inch shorter than Barrett.
James B said on 26/Apr/14
Vegas says on 25/Apr/14
James B says on 24/Apr/14
He (Big show) can look 6'10 at times these days
James B says on 24/Apr/14
Sheamus looks 6'4 on TV
pause at 9 seconds, does there only look 6 inches between show and sheamus there? Click Here
btw do you really think sheamus and swagger look the same height?
No I think swagger looks taller but not a lot. Didn't you say Vegas that you thought swagger was 6'5? Sheamus I think is a 6'3 guy in reality but with his build and hairstyle pulls of looking 6'3.5 or 6'4. In fact I'd say sheamus looks the same height as billy gunn on TV
Rikashiku said on 26/Apr/14
@Vegas. Video
blocked, yo.
At times he does look like a weak 6'4". He's taller than Bautista and Roman REigns, both men under 6'3". well, Reigns might be 6'3" solid, and Sheamus looked slightly taller. With Cesaro, I can't quite see a definitive height difference. Sheamus' hair is distracting, and they're always moving around.
Are we really now saying that Big Show is 6'10" now? 6'11" sure, but 6'10", really?
Vegas said on 25/Apr/14
James B says on 24/Apr/14
He (Big show) can look 6'10 at times these days
James B says on 24/Apr/14
Sheamus looks 6'4 on TV
pause at 9 seconds, does there only look 6 inches between show and sheamus there?
Click Here
btw do you really think sheamus and swagger look the same height?
James B said on 24/Apr/14
Sheamus looks 6'4 on TV
Vegas said on 23/Apr/14
sheamus is the only wrestler i have met in person whose footwear out of the ring seemed suspect to me. ron killings had big footwear more akin to what you would expect to see on a guy 20 years his junior.
miko said on 23/Apr/14
Sheamus isn't anything over 6'3 IMO.
He wears quite chunky boots and the hair is a big boost.
Rikashiku said on 22/Apr/14
My list.
Orton: 6'4
McyIntre: 6'4
JBL: 6'5
Swagger: 6'4.5- 6'5"
Barrett: 6'6 solid
Sheamus 6'3.5- 6'4"? turns out he's taller than he looks. He's just got short legs.
Cesaro- 6'3
DDP 6'3.5
jake the snake 6'4 now
Rikashiku said on 22/Apr/14
>Stonecold fan says on 19/Apr/14
>You sure he's over 6'5??
Rick said on 22/Apr/14
*I'm Mexican(have no reason to include that)and I am 6'5,I have met randy orton,cena,swagger,and taker,
Taker was 3 inches taller than me I was looking in the face of swagger ,cena was three inches shorter than me and randy was probably 1.50 inches shorter than me
Rick said on 22/Apr/14
I'm Mexican(have no reason to include that)and I am 6'5,I have met randy orton,cena,swagger,and taker,
Taker is was 3 inches taller than me I was looking in the face of swagger ,cena was three inches shorter than me and randy was probably 1.50 inches shorter than me
miko said on 19/Apr/14
Personally I've got...
Orton: 6'4
McyIntre: 6'4.5
JBL: 6'4.5/6'4.75
Swagger: 6'5
Barrett: 6'5.25/6'5.5
James B said on 19/Apr/14
I'd give swagger 6'4.75 and wade Barrett the full 6'5
Rikashiku said on 18/Apr/14
Drew is def 6'4" flat. He's shorter than Jack Swagger, taller than Sheamus, and a lot shorter than Barrett.
JBL is a solid 6'5" or maybe slightly more today. He's taller than Titus O'Neill who's about 6'4".
Click Here
In this video, Undertaker says that during his WCW days, he was called on to join the Two Towers tag team with Spivey because he was a 6'8"-6'9" kid that can take Sids place while he was injured.
Sid today has to be 6'6". He doesn't look as tall as he used to. DDP looks about 2-3" shorter than him and he's a weak 6'4".
In a ECW appearance with Sid, he looked about 4-5" taller than Bubba Ray. Bubba Ray is 6'2"-6'3"?
Vegas said on 18/Apr/14
well not going to argue half inches but orton looked slightly shorter than drew in person. swagger looked around 6'5 in person, that leaves the estimate open +- half an inch...
James B said on 18/Apr/14
Vegas says on 17/Apr/14
drews a flat 6'4 without gear, orton is slightly under.
Yeah figured orton was more 6'3ish.
Would you say swagger is 6'4.5 and Kane 6'6.5 Vegas?
Vegas said on 17/Apr/14
drews a flat 6'4 without gear, orton is slightly under.
James B said on 17/Apr/14
Vegas would you agree both drew and orton are 6'4 flat?
Drew to me looks a strong 6'4 but randy orton looks 6'3ish
Vegas said on 17/Apr/14
i met tom pestock last week and he looked very close to undertaker and kanes height in person. pestock was measured 6'6.5 barefoot at the 2009 nfl combine but i met him at about 2.30am so he probably would have been 6'6 flat at that stage
i see a few people on these pages recently claiming 6'5 for randy orton and drew mcintyre (both of whom i have also me), pestock was inches taller than both in person
James B said on 11/Apr/14
UnderTaker actually gives a taller impression than Kane cause he is leaner and smaller in frame. I'd say taker can pull of looking a 6'7 today whereas as Kane because of all his bulk and mass can actually look 6'6. And I don't get these 6'8 claims for Kane cause he does no look that tall to me on TV.
Funny as well cause for a wrestler randy orton who is lean. He must weigh like what? 200 pounds? Yet he actually looks 6'3.5 or 6'3 on TV even though he's a legit 6'4.
miko said on 10/Apr/14
Taker still consistently looks 6'7 range when he STANDS STRAIGHT.
Him leaning forward is just like people underpinning other tall guys when they slouch, the bigger you are the more height you'll lose through bad posture, Big Show is a prime example. He's still over 6'11 yet can look barely 6'10 slouching.
rhaegar said on 9/Apr/14
Click Here
Looks max 2 inches taller than Lesnar with footwear advantage.
rhaegar said on 9/Apr/14
Why did he look same height with Brock Lesnar then? I agree sometimes he looks 6'6+, but after seeing him with Lesnar i don't think its possible for him to be anything more than 6'4 right now, maybe he had surgery recently or something, but he didn't look as big as he used to.
James B said on 9/Apr/14
6'7 flat today
mj said on 9/Apr/14
great pic....taker with khali....
Click Here
CDK82 said on 8/Apr/14
6.7" barefoot
6'8.5" in boots
James B said on 8/Apr/14
Kane recently has been look shorter than 6'7 but then he is very heavy set.
If Kane is 6'8 then that makes jack swagger 6'6 which we know is not true.
TX Undertaker said on 8/Apr/14
Undertaker and Kane are both 6'8. WWE lies about heights.
rhaegar said on 7/Apr/14
looked around 6'3 with Lesnar lol.
James B said on 1/Apr/14
I don't get why Kane is listed at 6'7.5 when he only had 2 inches in swagger?
miko said on 1/Apr/14
Swagger looked very close in height with Wade Barrett a couple of years ago standing side by side, Wade isn't under 6'5, Swagger has to be in the 6'4.5 range, plus he stacked up to Kane very well.
James B said on 31/Mar/14
Vegas says on 30/Mar/14
swagger is more than 0.25 inch taller than cesaro Click Here
as i stated a few weeks ago i say cesaro in dress shoes standing next to kane in sneakers, he looked shorter next to kane than my 6'4 friend did 10 years ago so i think 6'3 range is probably more correct for cesaro
Cesaro 6'3.25 (191cm)
Jack swagger 6'4.5 (194cm)
Vegas interesting you mentioned a few times that there was no more than 2 inches between Kane and jack swagger when they stood side by side. Swagger to me does not look a proper 6'5 more like between 6'4-6'5 range. Taking that into account that would make Kane no more than 6'6.5. Am I correct?
NCL said on 30/Mar/14
I found a video of Undertaker scuffling with the Wyatt family - can't really tell much for heights because of the camera angle, but I'd figure I'd post it here anyway in case someone can find another video with a better camera angle
Brawl starts at about 1:28
Vegas said on 30/Mar/14
swagger is more than 0.25 inch taller than cesaro
Click Here
as i stated a few weeks ago i say cesaro in dress shoes standing next to kane in sneakers, he looked shorter next to kane than my 6'4 friend did 10 years ago so i think 6'3 range is probably more correct for cesaro
James B said on 30/Mar/14
Cesaro 6'4(193cm)
Harper 6'4.5 (194cm)
Jack Swagger 6'4.25 (194cm)
Joe manganiello 6'4.75 (195cm)
James B said on 30/Mar/14
miko says on 27/Mar/14
Cesaro is pretty much 6'4 as he's barely shorter than Swagger so that puts Harper in the 6'4.5 range.
Do you agree that if harper is 6'4.5 then joe manganiello did not look a 6'5 guy when he was on WWE last Monday?
Of course though joe did wear converse and stand with his legs spread apart a lot of the time whereas harper probably wears chunky wrestling boots.
miko said on 27/Mar/14
Cesaro is pretty much 6'4 as he's barely shorter than Swagger so that puts Harper in the 6'4.5 range.
Vegas said on 27/Mar/14
harper only just edged out cesaro when they worked outside wwe
Click Here
Tim said on 27/Mar/14
I'm 6,0 flat and he towered over me by atleast 8 inches when I met him he was wearing shoes so probely he is 6'7 6,8 I didn't ask him to busy just talking sorry guys :(
Nick said on 26/Mar/14
When I saw Undertaker vs. Kevin Nash it looked to me like Kevin Nash was more than 2 inches taller than Undertaker, and Nash is listed on here as 6'9''. Those are two wrestlers I'd really love to meet to see how tall they really are. Off of subject but isn't it kinda funny that all of the commenters on this website are men? I bet if this website was about celeb eye color all the commenters would be women haha.
Nishanth Hegde said on 26/Mar/14
To be frank,Undertaker to me looked 6ft4 next to Lesnar.
Pierre_Littbarski said on 25/Mar/14
Taker is 6'4, Lesnar is slightly above 6'1 - FACT, it's all about reckoning perspective - note how these people would look in real life, i.e in an airport... taker has probably shrunk an inch or maybe half an inch mirroring certain practicalities and such
josey wales said on 25/Mar/14
Hi Rikashiku, youre right in that Taker looked tall next to those guys, but i do not think none of them are those heights. I dont see HHH or Brock taller than 6'1". Bradshaw is a tall ole cowboy and could be 6'5". Dont think Taker is above 6'6" these days.
Freddy said on 24/Mar/14
If Kane is 6'8" then how the heck is undertaker going to be 6'7 if taker is taller than kane without wrestling boots. Like i've said before, Undertaker is most likely 6'8.5" or 6'9" peak.
NCL said on 20/Mar/14
James B says on 19/Mar/14
Harper I think was described as "6ft4" on NXT
Anyone else remember that? I've never heard or seen a billing lower than 6'7" for Rowan.
See from 2:28-2:32 when they're on the ring apron
Click Here
Bray Wyatt's gotta be 6'1", I think either JT or Vegas said they met him and he was around that height. There's way more than a 3" difference between him and Rowan and you can see their footwear at 2:28.
see 1:30-2:30 here
Click Here the Shied members have got to be around 6' themselves, probably more 6'1"-6'2"
Here's the Shield backstage and then Reigns with Bray Wyatt
Click Here
James B said on 19/Mar/14
NCL says on 19/Mar/14
I read the Smackdown results and Undertaker gets into a scuffle with the Wyatts, chokeslamming Erik Rowan. Not sure if it's going to make air or not but it could be interesting to see if we can get a gauge of heights.
IMO, Erik Roawn 6'7" and Luke Harper 6'5"
Harper I think was described as "6ft4" on NXT
NCL said on 19/Mar/14
I read the Smackdown results and Undertaker gets into a scuffle with the Wyatts, chokeslamming Erik Rowan. Not sure if it's going to make air or not but it could be interesting to see if we can get a gauge of heights.
IMO, Erik Roawn 6'7" and Luke Harper 6'5"
Toby said on 15/Mar/14
People see taker next to 6'2" and 6'3" guys and say hes only 6'6"; do you forget how me measures up against khali, big show, diesel, nathan jones and kane. Taker is 6'8" rounded in my opinion; AND HE SAYS HIMSELF HE'S 6'8" or 6'9"
Alex2 said on 14/Mar/14
I really don't think he's lost much height if any at all. He has very poor posture 90% of the time and when he does stand fully straight his true height shows, as with Lesnar, Triple H etc.
Ray said on 11/Mar/14
Still after these years, The Undertaker's height is still being said as 6'7"-6'8" and that seems very accurate to me. I think closer to 6'8" myself but the 6'7.5" could be right on as listed here.
James N. said on 10/Mar/14
@Tuga, good picture, and I would add that the Undertaker is still not standing as tall as he could be standing, while Triple H seem to be. Nevertheless, there's 5+ inches there.
The Ben said on 10/Mar/14
I don't know how people can estimate height to 0.25 of an inch.
I only feel I can guess to an Inch.
6'8 in 94 for taker
I believe he's lost an inch or so.
Tuga said on 10/Mar/14
Click Here
Clear shot of hhh and taker, and do notice hhh´s boots, The Ben, Red and I were discussing this at hhh page...
Vegas said on 10/Mar/14
Lorne says on 9/Mar/14
No Goldberg was always taller than HHH.
in these videos goldberg doesn't look taller
Click Here
3 minute mark
Click Here
Lorne said on 9/Mar/14
No Goldberg was always taller than HHH. As for Brock, He's a very strong 6'2, like 6ft2.25, his 6ft2.5 listing is possible, but not so sure. I don't see 6 inches between them, but a good 5 inches. I've been saying for years, peak Taker was close to 6'8. Sorry, I just cannot see 6'7 flat, and less than 6'7(like the 6'6 stuff) is a joke.
James N. said on 9/Mar/14
@Height181, you posted a terrible picture that doesn't come close to showing what the Undertaker's height is. At least with Winston's video (and the picture previously posted), you see a good comparison of Undertaker and Lesnar's heights at the 4:19-4:21 mark because they are both standing up straight, it's a good angle, and you can generally see how they're standing and what their footwear is. In your picture... not so much.
Jackie Knife said on 8/Mar/14
2 Height181
not sure about Brock being taller than Triple H. Back in 2003 Hunter was taller than Goldberg, and in 2004 Goldberg was taller than Brock
Alex2 said on 7/Mar/14
6'7.75" Peak, 6'7.25" Today
James N. said on 7/Mar/14
@Height181, if you go to Winston's video from Feb. 25th and watch from 4:19-4:21, you'll see that he does, in fact, "tower" over Lesnar. Regardless of whether or not he appears to tower over Lesnar to you, there is a 6" difference between them. Ultimately, the top of Lesnar's head comes up to the bottom of the Undertaker's nose. If Brock is 6'2", then Undertaker is 6'8".
Freddy said on 7/Mar/14
Click Here
In this video undertaker is taller than Kane.
miko said on 7/Mar/14
I don't think Taker has lost any noticeable height from his prime.
I've always had him pinned in the 6'7/6'7.5 range. 6'8 out of bed no question.
Shock said on 6/Mar/14
@Height181 - the only thing I did to the picture was even the ropes because the camera title favored Lesnar, but as you can see, Undertaker is standing up straight at the same posture as Lesnar, shoulders back, head up. The instant he looks down at Lesnar again you see his entire upper body fold forward to get eye to eye, which means, similar to his posture with Yokozuna (similar height to Lesnar and a full staredown) at the 1994 RR, he loses 2 or more inches in perceived height.
For the sake of argument, we'll say that Lesnar is 6'1.5" like you say, that still means Taker is 6'7.5". The full video shows the Undertaker intentionally disadvantaging his own height, and for some reason, you want to claim that as his actual height when it's clear, VERY clear, that he's significantly taller than Lesnar.
To anyone saying 6'6" range, you need to have your eyes examined or just simply look at the pic I posted the other day and accept it as fact. Undertaker is claiming all of 6'8" because he can and I would strongly suggest to revise this listing still, even after all the years of Rob neglecting this guy's true height, it still needs it. I remember back when this page said "6'8" is probable" - how about quoting the Undertaker from when he himself in a non kayfabe manner, after the Kane and JR quote his typically billed heights of 6'9"-6'11", says "6 foot 8, 6-9."
I'll post it again:
Click Here
- I concede a possible 1 pixel up for Lesnar and 1 pixel down for Taker but no more making the difference possibly 5'5" (which according to Lesnar's height on CH still makes Taker 6'8"), but to say 6" is too much is merely accepting the illusion of him being shorter than he actually is due to his posture in the close ups. The fact that people cannot accept this plain as day comparison is awe inspiring. Everyone's response should be "Holy cow, I can't believe how wrong we were all these years to never notice this dude's tall!"
Question: "Why does Undertaker look 6'8" when he stands up straighT?"
Answer: Because he is 6'8"
Bud said on 6/Mar/14
Rare pic with Taker and Big Show
Click Here
ck82 said on 5/Mar/14
Undertaker today looks slightly under 6'7"
Peak height was very close to 6'8"
Patrick said on 4/Mar/14
I'm convinced Taker is between 6'7" and 6'8" - which keeps Nash at 6'9"
Click Here
7991WWN said on 4/Mar/14
Remember guys, undertaker has a huge forehead. He's got at least 6 inches on Lesnar who I believe is at least 6'2. Taker looked 6'8 in raw
josey wales said on 3/Mar/14
A good pic of Undertaker vs Lesnar. He rarely stands striaght. I'd love to see a pic of Rob and Taker. (As would we all im sure)
Shock said on 3/Mar/14
Height181, if you look at the picture I posted, it gives a clear example of Taker not cheating himself out of height with his head tilted back standing up straight, subsequently towering comfortably over Lesnar, who has to be at least a flat 6'2" and not 6'1.5". When they get close for the staredown, I agree Taker gives the illusion of 6'6", but it's absolutely that for the sake of theatrics, he has always cuts himself down to anyone shorter for eye contact. I also think a lot of people underestimate the size of Taker's cranium as well, only just look at his eyes, and disregard the amount of skull above his eyes. Anyone who comes up to his eyes (ex: Triple H), he's about 5'5." taller than, but you'd never know that due to his general posturing for staredowns. Lesnar is up to the dorsum of his nose when looking straight ahead, or ~6" taller. It's right there and I've been right all these years. Another gem of proof.
Freddy said on 1/Mar/14
Lesnar measured 6'2.5 in NFL
Shock said on 28/Feb/14
If Lesnar is in fact 6'2"+ (I think 6'2.25"), Undertaker is coming out close to if not exactly 6" taller than Lesnar from RAW this Monday. Taker at full posture blows 6'7" out of the water. This reminds me of the JBL staredown where he had 3" on him. JBL guaranteed 6'5"+
Lesnar in 1.5" sneakers, Taker in 1.25-1.5" wrestling boots.
Click Here
The pic is adjusted because so the ropes go straight across (original camera angle favor Lesnar about 1") IMO the pic represents 12 px/in.
miko said on 27/Feb/14
Taker had at LEAST 5 inches on Lesnar when he stood up straight. He could see over his head. Lesnar is 6'2 at the absolute max though.
Taker isn't under 6'7. If you watch the confrontation between the men, when Taker slouches back down during the staredown he must lose at least an inch from military posture, for those few seconds he looked legit tall.
Joe said on 27/Feb/14
Atleast 5 inches taller than lesnar when he actually stands up straight as shown in my picture below. so 6'7.5 seems about right. Not sure how he could ever 6'6 or under like other people say. He may look it but he hardly ever stands tall. When he stands tall he gains 1-2 inches.
James N. said on 27/Feb/14
Joe says on 25/Feb/14
Heres a picture from last nights raw featuring the return of the undertaker. How many inches between the two?
Click Here
6" and an excellent example of Undertaker standing tall.
Johnson said on 26/Feb/14
Ali Baba, what is your shoe size? Often times you can find a celebrity's shoe for sale. Often people of similar heights have relatively similar shoe sizes.
The Ben said on 26/Feb/14
Looked 6'6 and change to me with Lesnar. I saw a just over 4 inch difference.
I suppose it could have been 5. And that's if Lesnar is 6'2.
Ali Baba said on 25/Feb/14
Arch Stanton says on 24/Feb/14
I must say I'm seeing you Ali Baba on a lot of the super tall guy pages and you seeming to downgrade people. I gather you're a proper 6 ft 6 guy but I'm curious at your reasoning for frequenting such pages. Are you one of those very tall guys who doesn't like to think that anybody is taller and always likes to be the tallest wherever he goes? For a guy so tall it does seem odd that it bothers you.
It doesn't bother me a bit, Arch. The reason I'm mostly on the taller guy's pages is because they are just more interesting to me. Anytime I meet someone I make a comment on their height though, even they're more of an average height. I know people are taller than me. I've known plenty in my life and was good friends with quite a few. I'm not trying to downgrade anyone. I just call it the way I see it.
Tuga, I'm not ignoring the videos you posted. One of them doesn't work because the WWE had it removed. The other I have a screen shot, but hadn't had a chance to post it. So here it is
Click Here
miko said on 25/Feb/14
Taker looked every inch of 6'7 face to face with Brock Lesnar last night on RAW.
Lorne said on 25/Feb/14
@arch: I agree Baba downgrades some taller guys, but to be fair. He has pics backing up some some of his claims, I mean him and supposedly 6ft Tulyler Mane look identical! Of course pics can be deceiving, so Mane can(is most likely) taller. Mane looks about the same, but could very well be standing an inch taller than 6'6 baba. Add his half inch footwear disadvantage and 6ft7.5 is quite likely. But in any case it rules out anything over 6'8. Again I think some of his estimates are just too low, but I appreciate his contributions and he does have some evidence to provide(the pic of ferrigno, for example, 189 looks the absolute max, though I can believe when Rob says he'd measure "close" to 6ft3". Also Bana has referred to himself as a "weak" 6ft6 becuz he Apperantly dips a few mn under. I just think at 6'6 his height is obviously mentioned a lot by people, and his own explanation of people constantly upgrading themselves makes sense.
Winston said on 25/Feb/14
A great video of Undertaker's return with Brock Lesnar
Click Here
Aaron said on 25/Feb/14
Taker looked around 2 - 2.5 inches max taller than Lesnar on raw. No way was there 5 inches between them. Rob has Lesnar at 6'2.5 on this site and Taker as 6'7.5 so one of them has to be wrong. I also believe Kane is taller than taker by 1 - 2 inches. I think Taker is 6'6 and Kane is 6'8. I also believe Lesnar to be 6'3. When ever Kane and Taker are together I think Taker wears thick soled boots.
Tuga said on 24/Feb/14
The Ben says on 22/Feb/14
The Cena Taker video is terrible. the Camera has a ridiculous tilt to it.
Yes, it is obvious, check this video out since others are ignoring it:
Click Here
Arch Stanton said on 24/Feb/14
I must say I'm seeing you Ali Baba on a lot of the super tall guy pages and you seeming to downgrade people. I gather you're a proper 6 ft 6 guy but I'm curious at your reasoning for frequenting such pages. Are you one of those very tall guys who doesn't like to think that anybody is taller and always likes to be the tallest wherever he goes? For a guy so tall it does seem odd that it bothers you.
Freddy said on 23/Feb/14
Yes i did say "everybody i know". I did not say everybody from my high school which is totally different from the statement i made. So no, it's not a hyperbole.
Viscera's wrestling boots have very thick soles. Even thicker than kane's boots.
Ali Baba said on 23/Feb/14
"Everyone i know from high school including me have grown a couple of inches."
That's called hyperbole. You overstated that everyone you know from high school grew since high school, which makes the statement incorrect.
James N. said on 22/Feb/14
Freddy, I agree with you. One particular video showing Undertaker not being as tall as we would expect him to be next to Cena should not skew our estimates for him, especially when we can't see both guys from the floor up. There are other examples that we've seen where it is obvious that he is huge next to Cena. When comparing him to taller people, like Nathan Jones (6'9"-6'10"), he measures up very well. I still think he is closer to 6'8" than the 6'5"-6'6" range that many on here feel he is. If anything, I would suspect that guys like Sid, Mabel (RIP), and Albert wear lifts. Also, he was always two-three inches taller than Spivey, who is 6'5"-6'6", when he stood up straight (he hardly ever does). The same goes for JBL, who I would peg at 6'5" barefoot.
As far as people's assessment of him when they say they saw him from 10 feet or 20 feet away, I give no credence to that. Most people are clueless when it comes to estimating heights, particularly those that are relatively close to their own height. They usually think they are the same height or taller than someone who is taller than them. You always here something like, "I was eye-to-eye with that guy." Yeah, the only trouble is you were looking up to meet him eye-to-eye. LOL
The Ben said on 22/Feb/14
The Cena Taker video is terrible. the Camera has a ridiculous tilt to it.
I'd say Cena is 6ft but not 6'1. Taker then was probably around 6'7.
10 years later and I imagine he's somewhere between 6'6 and 6'7.
In 94 when I met him I'd have said 6'8-ish. 1 1/2 height loss of over 20 years, weight training, surgeries, injury all taken in to account seems plausible.
It is all Guess work and he still may be over 6'7 today.
Very hard to tell. Plenty of wrestlers I met over the years where taller than I thought and where actual billed heights but some guys were far shorter (flair and piper both 5'9ish).
Freddy said on 21/Feb/14
Click Here
Here is a video of Nathan Jones and the undertaker. Nathan has 1 inch on the undertaker where Nathan is wearing wrestling boots and undertaker has tennis shoes on.
Yeah because you personally know me so you would know if i grew since high school or not. :~
miko said on 21/Feb/14
Cena and Taker line up exactly how they should.
Taker is 6'7, Cena is near 6'1, there is 5 inches difference and Taker isn't standing fully straight and is slouched a bit.
Tuga said on 21/Feb/14
Ali Baba says on 20/Feb/14
Screenshot of Cupid's Taker/Cena video posted again without any bias towards Cena
Click Here
Sorry Ali Baba, but it still isn´t right:
Click Here
Notice something?
Ali, why don´t you take screen caps from the video I posted? No need to tilt the pics there, why ignore it?
7991WNN said on 20/Feb/14
@Vegas intersting pic of cena and big show. I met big show back in November and I was up to just below his bottom lip. I'm 6'1. How tall would that make you estimate Cena? In honestly seeing weak 6 foot in that vid.
Ali Baba said on 20/Feb/14
Screenshot of Cupid's Taker/Cena video posted again without any bias towards Cena
Click Here
Ali Baba said on 19/Feb/14
Freddy, I'm calling straight up BS on that. It's rare for anyone to grow that late, so no not everyone you know has grown since high school (especially 2 inches). The main reason athletes seem to grow after going to college and/or being drafted into professional sports is because the school or team they play for are allowed to list them at whatever they want. There is no rule saying they can't fudge the numbers, and they do it pretty much with everyone. I've met plenty of pro basketball players that were supposed to be 6'7" and they were usually an inch shorter than me. The worst one was actually 6'4".
Miko, Cena is more 6'0" (having met him). Taker tends to drop his head a bit, but not enough to make Cena seem as tall as he looks in that video if Taker is as tall as some contend. So either Taker is not that tall or Cena is standing on something, even with the possible camera bias removed.
Click Here

Editor Rob
your tinyurl's not working, try using bit.ly instead.
Vegas said on 19/Feb/14
here is big show and cena, show looks to have a full head on him when both are standing straight at 36 seconds
Click Here
Tuga said on 19/Feb/14
miko, didn´t you see the videos I posted?
In their match he really makes cena look short, and the camera in the backstage video is much better as you can see from the background, he towers cena big time...
Him being taller than 6'7 range tiptoeing sid and about 2 inches taller bending over crush does not at all put him under 6'8, even if sid was 6'7 flat and crush a little under 6'6.
Ali Baba, I posted a video with much better camera position, notice when taker stands tall... Cupid´s video has a huge tilt, its clear looking at the background, either way just look at their match, there´s a huge difference in height, if cena didn´t take his hat it would look taker was wrestling a school kid ;)
Freddy said on 18/Feb/14
@Ali Baba
Everyone i know from high school including me have grown a couple of inches. What makes your think a 17 year old won't grow?
miko said on 18/Feb/14
Cena is close to 6'1 (having met him twice) so he's a pretty big dude himself.
Taker has terrible posture most of the time and only when he stands fully straight does he ever look near 6'7. Today he could be slightly under it, but unless he stares down somebody around his height we aren't going to know.
I certainly don't believe Taker was ever anywhere near 6'8, he didn't have enough height on guys like Brian Adams and Sid.
Ali Baba said on 15/Feb/14
Freddy, why would you automatically assume that someone grew after high school, let alone after the age of 19? Most people are done growing well before that point. I was even done by 16.
Tuga, I tried to find a good vertical line in the Undertaker/Cena video posted by Cupid, but didn't see anything that I had confidence in as being straight up and down. There was a possibility for that on the left side of the video during part of it, but I'm not sure what it is or that it's perfectly vertical. If I were to go off that I would say there is a bit of a tilt in Cena's favor. Originally I thought Cena might be standing on something since he never moves. Maybe they were just trying to put him over since he was brand new at that time.
Freddy said on 14/Feb/14
Lebron James was measured 6'7.25" out of HIGH SCHOOL. I am pretty sure he grew a little. Also, According Kevin Nash himself, he is 6'9.5". Check out Stone cold's podcast for proof. Undertaker was billed 6'8" at the age of 19 when he was wrestling as a Texas Red. You really think he did not grow a single inch in those years?
Tuga said on 14/Feb/14
That would be nice if it wasn´t for the enormous tilt as you can see from that shelves (?) behind, still its pretty much noticeable throughout the video that taker towers cena bigtime (just look at cena´s eyes for ex).
For those who haven´t watched:
Click Here
And a much better stand off between them:
Click Here
Just wait for the correct tilt (notice the roof or whatever behind).
Ali Baba said on 13/Feb/14
Unless there was some Tom Foolery going on in the Cena clip (which is always possible when discussing the WWE) someone has some explaining to do.
josey wales said on 13/Feb/14
The Taker Cena clip a good example of Taker putting a young guy over. Re Tugboat/Fred Ottman, he is one of those guys who can be believable being billed taller than what he is. I can buy him at being 6'3" anyday. (Remember how they billed Davey Boy Smith as 6'3" during his last stint wow!!) He is a genuine big-man as opposed to some fat big-men. Sure he wasnt mr Universe but massive arms and barrel chest.
Cupid said on 10/Feb/14
A great video clip of John Cena and the Undertaker during Cena's debut. Perfect face-to-face
Click Here
Kunoichi said on 9/Feb/14
Red183 says on 1/Feb/14
Only one I have to disagree is Typhoon,he was 6´3"range maybe 6´4"flat but not 6´5".
Click Here
I think your claim is correct,Fred Ottman is billed at 6'3 officially.
Vegas said on 9/Feb/14
clement says on 4/Feb/14
KANE 6'6"
there is more than 2 inches between big show and kane, here are both side by side in december out of gear (bret hart and mick foley whom editor rob has been photographed with stand close by for reference)
Click Here
andre was clearly more than an inch taller than studd even in 1989
nash and sid were not the same height back in the 1990s, watch this entire clip
Click Here
clement said on 7/Feb/14
clement said on 7/Feb/14
Paul said on 6/Feb/14
UT was taller years ago than is generally given credit for on here. Never 6'10 or 6'10.5 but upper 6'8's for sure and today around low to mid 6'7s.
AUOU said on 5/Feb/14
The ben MIGHT be close. clement I believe to be off by a bit. I am about 5'10 1/4'' barefoot. I have been up close to Kevin nash and rick steiner. nash was enormous! but Id give him a barefoot height of a hair over 6'8''. rick steiner was in his boots. in his boots he was around 6ft or so. Id give em 5'10 1/2''-5'11'' barefoot. that's realistically. if im around 5'11 1/4'' with shoes on, my shoes are never all that big, he was a little taller than I was. there aint no way bro that andre, sid, kane, and nash are all the same height! I cant be far off on my estimates.
AUOU said on 3/Feb/14
Idk man that wasn't the best camera angle with phoon and quake.