How tall is The Undertaker - Page 35

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Average Guess (950 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 7.69in (202.4cm)
Current: 6ft 6.41in (199.2cm)
Danimal said on 2/Jul/08
Rantsrob says on 2/Jul/08
We have a listing of kane 6'8'' college basketball team dan. Not much growing you do after 21. Kane and Undertaker PEAK were 6'8'' just except it. Any height flucuations were between 6'7'' 6'8'' barefoot ofcourse. 6'9'' was out of reach for both of them

Rantsrob said on 2/Jul/08
We have a listing of kane 6'8'' college basketball team dan. Not much growing you do after 21. Kane and Undertaker PEAK were 6'8'' just except it. Any height flucuations were between 6'7'' 6'8'' barefoot ofcourse. 6'9'' was out of reach for both of them
Dan said on 2/Jul/08
I believe that in the mid to late 90's Kane was a legit 6'10" and with the lifts in his boots he stood about 6'11". Since then Kane has suffered some injuries and is passing into his 40's. I believe that now Kane stands at 6'8.5" and with the boots around 6'9". Undertaker was a legit 6'8.5" and with the boots almost 6'10", however now at 46 years old and 5 hip and back injuries later Taker is barely 6'9" in wrestling gear. Kevin Nash once said in an interview that he is 6'10" in just socks (Which puts him at roughly 6'11.5" in wrestling boots). If you watch him stand toe to toe with Undertaker back in 1996 Nash appears to have only maybe an inch and a half on Taker.
Cyber 08 said on 1/Jul/08
The Undertaker is about 6'8" but in lifts he stands between 6'10"-6'11"
Guy said on 1/Jul/08
He has always worn flat wrestling boots, especially in recent years, and when standing next to Kane in 2003 when Kane wasn't wearing heels on his boots, he looked slightly taller then Kane, so he is either 6'8" or close to 6'9".
Alex2 said on 1/Jul/08
Taker 6'6? Hahahaha then Khali is a flat 6'11 and Kane is 6'6 also pretty much, nice try but he aint below 6'7"! and was once a legit 6'8 guy.
trevor thrasher said on 30/Jun/08
the undertaker is the best and edge is the grossest person in the entire world.
Frank said on 30/Jun/08
Mek i met him and i seen him @ matches and believe me he never looks short !!
And Vince is not a small man by no means...Yes there is a picture where Taker is talking to Vince and he does not look as tall as he usually does but there are thousands of pictures where he looks Very Tall
Ray said on 29/Jun/08
"MEK says on 28/Jun/08
Undertaker is 6'6" max now, I'm strongly doubtful that he was more then 6'7" ever in past. I have a picture of him with Vince McMahon, He looks a miserable small man next to McMahon. I'll post it as soon as possible."

If Undertaker is 6'6" max now than that lowers heights of lots of wrestlers. I'd like to see this pic; when has Undertaker ever looked like a miserable small man?
Ghost said on 29/Jun/08
Big Show 6'11 (7 ft peak)
Kane 6'7,5
Khali 7'05

That's how I see it.
Alex said on 28/Jun/08
UT could be as low as 6'6 1/2 but I'd say more likely 6'7. Kane I am still a bit unsure of. I'd put him at 6'7 1/2 at the least and a possibly 6'8. Big Show I don't buy under 6'11 and the very least.
MEK said on 28/Jun/08
Undertaker is 6'6" max now, I'm strongly doubtful that he was more then 6'7" ever in past. I have a picture of him with Vince McMahon, He looks a miserable small man next to McMahon. I'll post it as soon as possible.
Deb said on 28/Jun/08
Who wants to argue about how tall he is since that friggin' Vicky Guerrero threw him out. They should throw her out on her ass
Clay said on 28/Jun/08
1 or 2 inches between Kane and Big Show? Try 4...and thats at least.
KingNick said on 27/Jun/08
Guys, please read my last post. The man himself said he was 6'8" :>)
Alex2 said on 27/Jun/08
Forget anything less than 6'7" for Taker and 6'8" for Kane, Kane I repeat Kane had a CLEAR and non-biased staredown with Big Show last week on ECW both were straight etc and there was clearly no more than 3" MAX! Kane is 6'8.5" id say and Big Show 7'0" - He hasnt lost any height I doubt and still looks bigger than ever!
Ray said on 27/Jun/08
Rantsrob; I might agree with you as Kane always looks just a little taller than Taker but Kane's boots look to have an advantage over Taker's; Kanes boots always are suspect to me and I believe Kane to be a lift wearer for pretty much his entire career. So IMO some pics of Kane where he looks a little taller than Taker are moot since I believe Kane has a footwear advantage.
Rantsrob said on 26/Jun/08
Shock. Are you putting Takers at 6'8.75'' barefoot? Thus making big show 7'1'' and Khali 7'2''barefoot. Show 7'2'' in ring gear and Khali being his a actual Billed height. And how do you debunk the numerous pictures of Kare being taller then taker i.e Isaac yankem/taker staredown. Sure you post pics theres always gunna be nay sayers. Math on this site hardly works. People want evidence in pictures/videos. I dont disagree with any of your opinions, im just asking for evidence.

Kane 6'7.75''
Undertaker 6'7.5''

Kanes just been to consistantly taller then taker for me to believe otherwise. PROVE ME WRONG!
KingNick said on 26/Jun/08
Here we go guys, this is the magazine I keep talking about. It's called "UNDERTAKER SPECIAL COLLECTOR'S ISSUE" released in 2003. The entire magazine talks about him out of character. The dead man himself, including some others, refer to him as being 6'8" :

" ... as this 6'8" Texas native began to fill out to around 280-290 pounds." Jim Ross, pg. 4

"... I think they forget that I'm six-foot-eight and 300 pounds." Mark Callaway/Undertaker page 50

On the first page there's an opening paragraph describing Undertaker, it doesn't give an author but here's an excerpt: " ... but there's only been one Phenom -- a 6-foot-8, 300-pound hybrid of agility, power and speed known as the Undertaker."

Now granted, this doesn't PROVE anything but it does say a lot when the WWE (WWF at the time) went out of the way to dedicate an entire magazine to the Undertaker, referring to him by his real name and constantly referring to him as being 6'8" and 300 pounds when on TV he was being billed 6'10" and 328lbs.

He could have possibly loss height since then. I can buy a 6'7" Undertaker, I think that's realistic. Personally, I still put him at 6'8" just due to any time he actually stands up straight.
Ray said on 26/Jun/08
Tuga: awesome video. Ghost: completely agree!
tuga said on 26/Jun/08
Shock of Electric says on 26/Jun/08
...I've seen people on here say that he wore lifts during the MOD era, but that is completely untrue and I don't even understand how anyone could determine that...

Its easy to say when you don
Shock of Electric said on 26/Jun/08
Undertaker, with the exception of late 1996-97 when he changed boots originally and early 2000s when he wore work boots occasionally as a heel, always wears very thin boots (as did Steve Austin), which puts him down .25-.5" in any situation vs many guys in comparisons who wear the standard 1.25" boots or the ocassional 1.5".

I've seen people on here say that he wore lifts during the MOD era, but that is completely untrue and I don't even understand how anyone could determine that. I posted a picture of him and Big Show on here where Big was in lifts, and Taker was in 1" boots, at a slightly low angle, and then someone took that picture of his boots and drew lines cutting through what would be the middle of his actual heel, inside the boot trying to say they are lifts when it'd make for an impossibly shaped foot structure. They are simply just 1" soles and the guy doesn't wear lifts. Wrestling nearly flat footed is a lot easier for a guy his size. He also never stands up totally straight unless the guy is his very near his height or taller, which is rare, and that's not to say he has bad posture, he just generally looks downwards at opponents as an added effect.

Undertaker in his current boots, is the same exact height as Kane in his "normal" boots (not Kane's super lifts, since he switches back and forth for some unknown reason, as does Big Daddy V), which are about .25" thicker than Taker's, thus making Taker about .25" taller than Kane. Kane I put around 6'8" even, maybe, maybe a hair taller, based on pics of him with others who aren't wrestlers. Examples can be seen near the bottom of this page.

Generally this site comes in about 1" shorter than people actually are, I honestly don't know why or how that is possible.

My height estimate for Taker upon arrival to WWF was 6'8.75" and 6'8.5" now, and that's if he's lost any height at all. I would go through the trouble of posting example pics, but any time I do, the naysayers just claim it's a bad angle, or the angle favors Taker in general, or he's wearing invisible lifts. Many others already have said very similar things I've posted. This ancient picture where you can't see the top of Taker's actual head, which is tilted at that, is just not a good example. 6'8" would be fair I guess for this site, but he's definitely 6'8" and change.
omar g said on 26/Jun/08
undertaker told me once that he was 6'9 and for years ive always thought that.but i really think he is about 6'7 1/2-6'8.he is very tall and lankey.taker is a true pro and he looked very muscular these days.more than hes been in the last 12 years.
Danimal said on 26/Jun/08
Anonymous says on 23/Jun/08
Now how the hell can Calloway go from 6'10 to 6'7? you don't shrink in height, thats stupid. not until you proly around 55 or something. come on, you know he is at least 6'9. You can't go by angles or other dumb ****. If he has an inch on Sid, Albert, Festus, Heidenrich, Viscera and etc. like what i've seen then obviously people are becoming blind. WWE just wont give people heights for the hell of it.. How come they never claimed any of those wrestlers above as 6'10?...... someone got an anwser? they could've but they didn't. why not?

That's because he was never 6'10" to start out with. He was never over 6'8" and probably even less at his peak (6'7" and change). Today is probably a shade over 6'6".
KingNick said on 25/Jun/08
Viper says on 24/Jun/08
Alex, remember that video where Undertaker only looked 6-2.

tuga said on 25/Jun/08
Forget even 6'6 or 6
Viper said on 24/Jun/08
Alex, remember that video where Undertaker only looked 6-2.
Scott B said on 24/Jun/08
The Undertaker being 6'2 is LAUGHABLE. He is either 6'7 or 6'6. There is no way he is below 6'6.
KingNick said on 24/Jun/08
I'm going to take a stand that Ranstrob was either kidding or had a typo :>)

Anonymous, keep your eyes posted on this site for the next day or so. 'Taker has said on many occasions out of character that he's 6'8". I have a whole magazine WWE dedicated from him. When I get a chance I'll post all the quotes from there stating he's 6'8". (Again, these are HIS words)
Ghost said on 24/Jun/08

The difference between Khali and Taker looks closer to 4 than 6 inches. Why is it so impossible to believe Taker could still be close to 6'8 today. I don't his lost that much height at all.
Alex2 said on 24/Jun/08
I doubt Khali is below 7'1", and wtf who is this saying Taker is 6'2" lol!?
MK said on 24/Jun/08
Rantsrob says on 24/Jun/08
Undertakers probably only around 6'2''.

Identity theft. Nasty crime that.
Clay said on 24/Jun/08
Taker and Kane are 6'2, Big Show is 6'6. Khali is 6'7 - and Ranjin Singh is 5'2''.
Rantsrob said on 24/Jun/08
Undertakers probably only around 6'2''.
Frank said on 24/Jun/08
Taker had more than an inch on Heidenreich and Taker looked about an inch taller than Albert
OOFatman said on 23/Jun/08
Sorry Alex, but Khali doesn't have 6" on 'Taker; more like 5". Here's how I see it to the nearest inch: Khali 7-0, Taker 6-7.
Alex said on 23/Jun/08
My guess for Khali is 7'1 and 6'7 for UT.
Clay said on 22/Jun/08
When has Taker ever looked within 4 inches of Khali? It is either 5 inches in the ring, or 6 inches backstage.
Rantsrob said on 22/Jun/08
Seems so stupid to argue over .5 of an inch. You wouldnt look ata 6'7.5'' guy and go yea he looks 6'7.5'' you'd say he looked 6'10''. + an inch boost in shoes or the bigger boots in wrestling atire. Who cares
Alex2 said on 22/Jun/08
Yea, and if hes 6'7.5 that would result in a 6'11.5-7'0 Khali, It is possible Taker COULD still be a legit 6'8 guy but i wouldnt count on it.
ananth said on 22/Jun/08
he is a true phenom & return of the deadman
Ghost said on 22/Jun/08
Since Taker can look withinh 4 inches from Khali's height, there is no way he could be under 6'7. I think he is more like 6'7,5 even today, same as Kane.
Alex said on 21/Jun/08
Alex 2, yea I can agree on that as far as peak heights go. I'd take at least an inch, if not 1.5 inches off both those heights for them now.
Alex2 said on 20/Jun/08
Rantsrob, yea if you go to galleries, there is loads of recent pics of Taker with fans etc, and its suprising how he really doesnt look that tall next to a lot of them, id say 6'7" today and 6'8.-6'8.5" peak, i think he was a strong 6'8 peak.
Red said on 18/Jun/08
I think UT was a weak 6
observer said on 18/Jun/08
I just stood next to Undertaker at the Brisbane Airport. I thought he looked about 6'6. Not much taller than the Edge. I also went and stood next to that Kahli guy he was phenominal I'm 5'11 and I reckon my head came up to his shoulder. Batista was much bigger than I thought still about 6,3
Rantsrob said on 18/Jun/08
6'9'' is out of reach for taker...even prime i wouldnt put him that high. A 6'8'' peak taker and 6'7''-6'7.5'' is a probably the best estimation with out geting a tape measure and measuring the guy. I put him at 6'7.5'' as of 17/jun/08.
KingNick said on 16/Jun/08
Confound it Rob, my life is not complete without this website!
Alex2 said on 14/Jun/08
If Taker was really lying about his height, then Im sure he'd say 6'10", I could believe a Peak 6'9" or maybe he was rounding from 6'8.5"
anonymous said on 11/Jun/08
when taker went up against khali during khalis debut face to face khali had taker by 4 inches,taker was looking around 6,9" imo.
Paul said on 11/Jun/08
I found this site. Look ok for some heights but has Glen Jacobs listed as 6'10 which I think most of us would disagree with.
Click Here
Frank said on 7/Jun/08
Paul, Owen was closer to 5ft 8 than 5ft 10 believe me
Paul said on 7/Jun/08
Owen was never 5ft 7 lol, come on Frank ! I believe nearer 5'10.
omar g said on 7/Jun/08
danimal i agree.was in a same bar with most of these guys.bret 5'11,neithart 5'10.bulldog 5'9,the person who was pretty short were the bushwackers.about 5;8 or 5'9ish.marty jannetty was 5'9,jerry lawler is 5'10,goldust did not look to tall about 6'3 or so savio vega and marc mero were the same height around 5'9 or 5'9 1/2 very short guys.this was at the wrestlemania 12 after party in anaheim ca at the marriot ballroom. very cool experience.
Frank said on 6/Jun/08
I Agree Danimal Davie Boy Appeared to be 5ft 8 to 5ft 9 Neidhart looked 5ft 9 to 5ft 10 and Owen appeared 5ft 7 to 5ft 8
Danimal said on 6/Jun/08
Frank, I met Davey Boy. He was most definitely 5'9" at most. I was 17 years old and was 5'10" fresh out of bed. I felt taller than him, but he was MASSIVE (at least 245 pounds if not more than). Dynamite Kid was 5'8". Bret Hart was MAX 5'11". Jim Neighart was MAX 5'10" and Owen Hart was not over 5'10". Chris Benoit was 5'8". All these Canadians/Brits (Stu Hart traininers) were SUB-6'0".
Frank said on 6/Jun/08
I agree Tuga i have there stare down on tape When Taker stands straight theres less than a 2 inch difference at one point it looks like an 1 to 1.5 at best
tuga said on 6/Jun/08
Red, explain the 2 1/2 inches between diesel and taker, in their staredown no way more than 1 1/2, and sid was also close, no way near 3 inches...
But good estimates, most I agree.
MK said on 6/Jun/08
Bryan Clarke was always a little taller than Adams during their awfull wwe tag team run, but the input is appreciated Red.
anonymous said on 5/Jun/08
after seeing taker and festus i,d have to say if festus is 6,6" then taker is no less than 6,8",6,9" max.
anonymous said on 5/Jun/08
red your estimates are right on good job.
Danimal said on 5/Jun/08
PEAK Hogan - 6'6" (1975-1989)
Peak Sid - 6'7"
Peak Taker 6'7.5"-6'8"
JT said on 5/Jun/08
Reis was listed at 7
Frank said on 5/Jun/08
Also The British Bulldog is lucky to be 5ft 9 (He was no 5ft 10 for sure) Stone Cold was Shoter than Vince except when Austin wore his Big Boots
Heidenreich was listed @ 6ft 5 and i believe Crush was 6ft 5
Alex2 said on 5/Jun/08
Red, i disagree with ALOT of your estimates, I will post mine later...
Angel smith said on 5/Jun/08
Hi undertaker I am your biggest fan can you come to syracuse at 665 Gifford street to visit my dad it would be an honor to him because he is talking about you all the time thank you your fan Angel smith
Red said on 5/Jun/08
El Gigante 7
Vegas said on 4/Jun/08
topdweeb26 says on 4/Jun/08
The Undertaker is only like an inch taller than a prime Hulk Hogan, and there's no way Hogan was a legit 6' 8

sid eudy had a clear 2-2.5 inches on hogan in 1991 and taker edged out sid. you couldn't tell the height difference in their matches together, at least in 2002-03 they actually stood next to each other for staredowns and the like
Frank said on 4/Jun/08
Takers Boots dont make him 2 inches taller unless there are internal lifts
Frank said on 4/Jun/08
Topdwweeb, show us a picture where Hogan is an inch shorter than Taker ?? even when they first fought there looked to be a 2 to 2.5 inch difference
topdweeb26 said on 4/Jun/08
The Undertaker is only like an inch taller than a prime Hulk Hogan, and there's no way Hogan was a legit 6' 8.
Alex2 said on 3/Jun/08
Actually, it does sound like this Murray guy isnt lying, I dunno I can just sense it lol,please provide pics!
Clay said on 3/Jun/08
If Taker was 6'9'' in shoes then he is likely 6'7.5 barefoot, as he's listed here...''Murray''.
KingNick said on 3/Jun/08
Anonymous / Murray Thomas , appreciate your claim man. But like you said, you have to post pictures for anyone to believe you. Understand that anyone can come on here and say what you say.
omar g said on 3/Jun/08
ive seen and hung out in the same palce undertaker was.about 6'8.also ive seen john studd in person many of times.he was huge
Alex2 said on 3/Jun/08
Anonymous, what year was it you met Undertaker? I could believe 6'9" peak but no more than 6'7.5-6'8" today, but if Khali is really 7'2" the Taker is easily 6'9".
Frank said on 3/Jun/08
Murray Thomas he told me personally he was 6ft 9 im the guy in the picture above but your not 6ft 9 if you are 6ft 9 in shoes Your probably 6ft 8ish (LOL)
Alex2 said on 2/Jun/08
Rantsrob, I think you'll find Sid was 6'7" or more, most decent people on here would agree im sure...
nick said on 1/Jun/08
i say taker was 6'8 back in 1998, and 6'7 now in 2008 6'7 1/4, most likely, maximum 6'7'5 and minimum 6'6 3/4
KingNick said on 31/May/08
But Christena, I'm not in the WWE. Oh, you're talking about Undertaker ...
Clay said on 31/May/08
Come on lets call a spade a spade is 6'7.5 really that far off from 6'9? They're both freakishly tall heights.
Christena said on 30/May/08
i just want u to know that i love u and i will never put u down and i hope that u stay in the WWE for ever and i love u my friends love u and i think that everybody should because u are the BEST WWE in the whole wide world
Rantsrob said on 30/May/08
A good example is Taker vs Nash. If taker was 6'9'' he would be 6'10'' in boots making nash 6'11'' barefoot 7' in shoes. that would also equal a 7'3'' big show. Or a Taker vs Sid,a 6'9'' taker would equal a 6'8.5'' eudy give or take. but we know sid is 6'6.5''. Or a 1997 Kane would have to be 6'11.5'' or 7' in boots. 6'9'' is out of reach for taker.
hs2008 said on 30/May/08
I really don't believe that 'Taker has lost much, if any height. At 43 years old without any major surgeries losing 1"-1.5" of height is a bit much IMO. About 0.5" possibly, but he still stacks up very well to legit 7'0.5"-7'1" Khali like a 6'8" man would.
Alex2 said on 30/May/08
Rantsrob, I highly doubt he was below 6'8" prime, but 6'7-6'7.5" now.
Ray said on 30/May/08
Ghost: couldn't agree more, well said. Not sure why people want Taker to be shorter? Everyone has to take in to consideration that if Take is downgraded to 6'7" and under (I heard Taker referred to as low as 6'6" to 6'6.5" here), other wrestlers height will have to be taken in to consideration for downgrade. Don't know why it's difficult to see a peak Taker at a strong 6'8" and today at close to that at around 6'7.5"+.
rantsrob said on 29/May/08
Taker was never 6.9 imo you guys really under estamate the how tall a true 6.9ers height 6'7.5 for takes a good estimation
Alex2 said on 29/May/08
I think we could maybe say a 6'8.5" peak and 6'7" today, Taker regulary has terrible posture today, but when he stands straight he looks taller, i.e Khali staredowns, and I also don't believe he ever wore lifts.
Paul said on 29/May/08
Thanks for this Mattiew, I have long claimed on here that Takers tallest height was 205cm and I have also stated many times that Nash was 209 or 209.5.
Taker looks about 202 today though, 203 tops.
Ghost said on 29/May/08
I find these 6'7 tops for taker estimations a little strange. That automatically puts Khali at 7ft even or under and Big Show becomes 6'10-6'11.

Taker looks no shorter than Kane today (next to Khali Taker actually appears taller than Kane).

He hasn't lost that much height in my opinion. 6'8 prime, about 6'7,5 tday.
Alex said on 29/May/08
I can def believe a 6'8 peak UT though, but today I wouldn't say UT is more than 6'7 tops.
Mattiew_- said on 29/May/08
I remember reading an itw of Taker years ago where he described himself as a " 6'9 320 romping stomping dragon " , and at this time he was billed 6'10"1/2 or 6'11" ...
A peak 6'9 if he stood tall is possible , he often had horrible posture with opponents he towered ...

I also remember the French Canadian commentator stating Diesel being 210cm and Taker 205cm when they both billed 2" taller than this .
Clay said on 29/May/08
Alex2 - going by thre rule most men will add an inch to their true height, then it is definitely possible Taker was 6'9'' at his highest. He said he used to be 6'10, minus the inch of 6'9''.
Alex said on 28/May/08
I really can't believe 6'9 for his peak. He could have looked it. But UT's "real height" was always stated as 6'8 next to his billed height.
Alex2 said on 28/May/08
Taker looked 6'9" with Big Show at times I remember, 6'9" peak ISNT impossible....
Rantsrob said on 27/May/08
We have more then enough proof to pin point undertakers height Anonymous to between 6'7'' and 6'8'' you trying to make us believe undertaker is 6'9'' does not make us change are judgment. Until you gives us a picture with a measure or somthing showing your height and a picture with you side by side with undertaker we will not believe you
mike said on 27/May/08
without a doubt anyone could see that ,just take a look at the soles on his boots their ridiculous.
Alex2 said on 26/May/08
Anonymous says on 25/May/08
I know I already came on here a while ago, getting Undertaker's autograph, we the same height which made me actually envious lol. I tell people I'm 6'10, and at work people call me Maury 7'0 Munster lol but really I'm only 6'9. And we stood the same height. Me and Mark Calloway that is.. He is 6'9 at least... becuz I'm 6'9, LOL I just don't know how else I can convince people but my experience set my opinions straight. Trust Me

Prove you're 6'9" and then I may believe you, wow it's amazing how many wanabee 6'7+ guys we have on here that NEVER prove it!
rich said on 25/May/08
Kane has said before that he wears lifts
Ben the GP said on 23/May/08
Just playing this site is incredible Rob is cool to I just wanted to give out a random comment I do apoligixze it was a joke, too....
Rantsrob said on 23/May/08
Clay says on 22/May/08
I remember hearing Kane and Undertaker are the exact same height, Kane is the lift wearer.

NO WAY!!! you really think kane wears lifts?!?!?!
Ghost said on 23/May/08
Kane doesn't look any taller than Taker today.
Clay said on 22/May/08
I remember hearing Kane and Undertaker are the exact same height, Kane is the lift wearer.
Alex2 said on 22/May/08
You know it isnt impossible Taker is still a good/weak 6'8"
OOFatman said on 21/May/08
Ben the GP says on 18/May/08
Uh OOFatman did you imperssanate taker man... he is 6'7.5 in my opinion oky guys see yeah.

No dumb@ss, YOU impersonated 'Taker, hence Rob's quote on YOUR comment.
Ray said on 21/May/08
Alex: it could be lifts but I personally don't think the Undertaker ever wears lifts. I think with Khali and other men taller than him, he stands taller unlike he does with smaller guys.
Clay said on 21/May/08
I know and that is the confusing part. I thought Taker was probably in lifts during that first staredown with Khali because I think that guy is a strong 7'1'' or more...he's friggin huge, lol.
Alex said on 21/May/08
Clay, maybe UT is in lifts or something? Because Kane and UT when they face off today, Kane still is a bit taller I think.
Clay said on 21/May/08
Alex, what do you think of taker looking taller next to Khali compared to Kane? That is twice now we have seen a Taker/Khali staredown with no more than 5 inches between them, where as there is shots of Kane coming up below Khali's eyelevel, and he is an acromolegenic giant so his eyelevel to the top of his head is likely more than 5 inches.
Clay said on 20/May/08
They are both a weak 6'8'' IMO.
Alex said on 19/May/08
Kane is an inch tops taller than UT. I do think UT is 6'7 tops today and would make Kane 6'8 tops and likely a bit less.
Alex2 said on 19/May/08
I think Kaner has an inch on Taker, just look at Kane, he NEVER stands straight becuase of something to do with his knees it seems.
Ghost said on 19/May/08

I don't think taker can be under 6'7. When he stands perfectly straight (like with Khali) he can still look close 6'8. I believe he is 6'7-6'7,5. Kane isn't any taller than him these days either.
Derek said on 18/May/08
6'6.5"-6'7" for UT is fair, though I think he is a flat 6'7".
Ben the GP said on 18/May/08
Uh OOFatman did you imperssanate taker man... he is 6'7.5 in my opinion oky guys see yeah.
Alex said on 18/May/08
Fatman, I agree on your estimate on UT today.
OOFatman said on 18/May/08
Ben the GP says on 16/May/08
MC nice to see you on this site caliming your 6'8 good for you i'm not sure you are no ofense it's just cool for you to state what to you is the truth , too.

[Editor Rob: can you not try to impersonate anybody. Thanks.]

LMFAO!!!!!!!! BTW, I peg 'Taker around 6-6.5 to 6-7.
MK said on 17/May/08
Its a Pitty Mark Callaway does'nt know how to spell MARK CALLOWAY. Almost makes him look foolish. Almost.....
Ben the GP said on 16/May/08
MC nice to see you on this site caliming your 6'8 good for you i'm not sure you are no ofense it's just cool for you to state what to you is the truth , too...
Ben the GP said on 16/May/08
MC nice to see you on this site caliming your 6'8 good for you i'm not sure you are no ofense it's just cool for you to state what to you is the truth , too.

Editor Rob
can you not try to impersonate anybody. Thanks.
Mark Callaway said on 16/May/08
Thanks Ray I thought i'd stop at this site one of my none famous friends Steven Anston told me he saw a photo of Glen Jcobs or to you guys Kane So I went on and found me!! Well see Yeah and i'm 6'8 guys its so on my medical records...
Da Man said on 16/May/08
Kane also looks the same amount taller than Edge in dress shoes as he does in ring (~4.5"). Click Here
Vegas said on 15/May/08
yet orton and HHH wear dress shoes to the ring 50% of the time on WWE broadcasts and still look the same height as in gear, Orton's dresshoes being completely flat Click Here the sole on ortons wrestling boots is also thin Click Here

as for HHH here he is in his dress shoes Click Here Click Here camera angles play a huge role here HHH looks nearly 5 inches taller than vince compared to 2 inches yet same footwear, location etc Click Here
Ray said on 14/May/08
"JT says on 12/May/08
Ray says on 10/May/08
....Plus, unlike Taker, other wrestlers use internal lifts....

Who uses INTERNAL lifts and how do you know this?"

JT: I suspect Triple H, Orton, and Kane of using lifts. I can't be 100' sure since I will never be able to look inside their boots but from what I do see I suspect they are lift wearers; there boots catch my eye; as with height estimate, it's just my opinion.
Alex2 said on 13/May/08
Click Here - This photo was taken in late 2007/early 2008 and you can see here how tall Taker still really is, just look at that doorway, he must have easily had to duck his head under that. Click Here - Look how much Taker towers over this guy, I think its easy that he was a legit 6'8"+ guy at one point in his career.
JT said on 12/May/08
Ray says on 10/May/08
....Plus, unlike Taker, other wrestlers use internal lifts....

Who uses INTERNAL lifts and how do you know this?
KingNick said on 12/May/08
Ray says on 10/May/08
The heels look 1" thick on Taker's boots but they may only give him .75" advantage; even if his boots do by chance give him 1" height advantage, that's not bad at all; sneakers will give you that. I don't see any other wrestlers with flatter boots than that nowadays. Plus, unlike Taker, other wrestlers use internal lifts. Anything lower than 6'7" for Taker today is a low ball figure IMO.

well said man. totally agree
Ray said on 11/May/08
"Mark Calaway says on 26/Apr/08
C'mon guys i'm at least 6'8 don't you guys have some faith in me. REgardless its okay...."

I believe you Mark. A shame others don't and try to low ball you. As a matter of fact, if you run for President I'd vote for ya.
Rantsrob said on 10/May/08
Alot of fighters in here for takers height. IMO taker is NOT 6'9'' in boots possibly 6'8'' or a hair under.

Brent said on 10/May/08
I would say Undertaker at his peak was 6 foot 8 which WWE now lists him at sometimes, and now probably 6 foot 7 and a half or 6 foot 7 barefoot. With boots 6'9
Ray said on 10/May/08
The heels look 1" thick on Taker's boots but they may only give him .75" advantage; even if his boots do by chance give him 1" height advantage, that's not bad at all; sneakers will give you that. I don't see any other wrestlers with flatter boots than that nowadays. Plus, unlike Taker, other wrestlers use internal lifts. Anything lower than 6'7" for Taker today is a low ball figure IMO.
Alex2 said on 9/May/08
I doubt Taker is in the 6'6" range already, that would mean he lost 1.5" inch at 43 lol, but i am betting he has lost some height and Id say 6'7-6'7.5" today and as for JBL he looks at least 6'5" most of the time and possibly pushing 6'6". Taker didnt look that tall when I saw him at a house show this year at ringside.
Rantsrob said on 9/May/08
Nicknick those boots clearly give takers a 1'' boost
Vegas said on 9/May/08
taker has been wearing the same footwear for a while now
jim powers said on 8/May/08
I believe that taker is taller than 6'6'' barefoot. I would give him 6'7'' and change. and around 6'9'' in boots!
KingNick said on 8/May/08
JT, that shot of Undertaker's heels is NOT recent. That's a photo of him from Wrestlemania 23 from over a year ago. THESE shots are of the type of shoes Undertaker is wearing now (all from 2008. See numbers 11 and 18 especially): Click Here

Ray, glad you got to be at ringside to see the deadman! I was a few rows back at a house show where he destroyed Khali, it was awesome.
Scott B. said on 8/May/08
Undertaker looks to be either 6'7 or 6'8. JBL looks to be at either 6'5 or 6'6.
Rantsrob said on 7/May/08
We need proof of this article first.
JT said on 7/May/08
Vegas says on 5/May/08
taker has the high camera angle advantage (the same advantage that made big show look a smidge taller than khali about 2 weeks ago), he is still a good 5 inches shorter though
Click Here
Click Here

That would probably be at least 6 inches if they were the same distance from the camera, though Taker looks like he
Alex said on 7/May/08
For UT today I'd say 6'7 tops and likely 6'6.5, but 6'8 at his peak.
JBL I'd give 6'5 but could be a bit less.
Alex2 said on 7/May/08
Id say Undertaker peak: 6'8.25" 6'7" ish now
JBL: 6'5.5"-6'6"
Paul said on 7/May/08
Thanks Frank, Derek. So if the article Kevin Durant read is correct, Mark Calaway could have reached 6'8 by 18 or even 17 (24 March).
Frank said on 7/May/08
Paul a high school senior is about 17 to 18 it all depends what month you were born I graduated @ 17 becasue im born in September
Derek said on 7/May/08
Paul- A high school senior would be 17 going on 18.
mike said on 7/May/08
undertaker peak height 6,8" as mean mark,today 6,7".jbl is listed at 6,5" or at least he was as justin hawk bradshaw,taker does not appear to have much height on him maybe 2 inches at most.
Paul said on 6/May/08
How old would someone be in HS Senior Years in the US ? 19 or 20 ? Not something I'm familiar with.
Ray said on 6/May/08
KingNick: Taker is the best IMO also - huge fan. Got to see him live a few times; once was right at ringside banister for house show during his Big Evil undisputed championship run. Another time was late 1997 maybe early 1998 at a house show and he fought Kane - it was shortly afer Kane first appeared. Vegas: thanks for posting that pic of Khali/Taker; looks like Taker comes up to Khali's eyebrows and I'd agree definite 5" difference. Has anyone ever seen WXW Wrestling? It's a local federation here in Allentown, PA run by the Samoans. They have a guy in there named Damage - not sure if he's still there currently but he is very tall and massive; looked about 6'9-6'10" and probably 400lbs. or more.
Kevin Durant said on 6/May/08
I read an article which state that the Undertaker aka Mark Callaway was measured at 6'8" back in his Senior Year in HS, and I think his current height is 6'7.5".
KingNick said on 6/May/08
Agree too Ray, he's definitely more muscular. On top of that he's one of the few wrestlers I've ever seen that just improves over time. He constantly changes his character and his arsenal in the ring, that's way he's one of the best, IMO, THE best.
Ray said on 5/May/08
I personally think Khali is a little over 7' flat; maybe 7'0.5"-7'1". I think Show is very close to 7' barefoot; Khali has 1" or maybe a hair more on Show.
Vegas said on 5/May/08
taker has the high camera angle advantage (the same advantage that made big show look a smidge taller than khali about 2 weeks ago), he is still a good 5 inches shorter though
Click Here
Click Here
Mattiew_- said on 5/May/08
Khali was listed 7'1 as a bodybuilder .
Seriously I can't buy anything below this height for this gigantic guy ...
Ray said on 5/May/08
Yeah, I noticed too KingNick that Taker stacked up well to Khali. Anyone else notice that Taker is looking larger in the muscle department too lately; looks to have gained some muscle mass and is bulking up. Not too hard to believe he's close to his billed weight 299lbs right now.
jim powers said on 5/May/08
He appeared to be 5 or 6 inches shorter than khali on smackdown. ill give khali the 7'2'' he claimed to be on conan. and ill give taker 6'8'' tops maybe 6'9 depending on the boots. 6'7 minimum.
Alex2 said on 5/May/08
KingNick, i agree Taker often NEVER stands straight and stacks upto Khali VERY well, id say 6'7.5" minimum today and 6'8" or a little more peak.
KingNick said on 5/May/08
Anyone see Smackdown this week? There are no photos on of the staredown, but Undertaker stood very well next to Khali. It's amazing how tall he is when he actually stands up straight, which he pretty much only does for people taller than him (which are not many). I don't buy Khali anything less than 7' (personally think 7'1") and UT was no more than 5" shorter.
Anonymous said on 3/May/08
From what I have seen, The Undertaker dose Not wear Lifts. Kane on the other hand DOES wear Lifts. The WWE claim's the Rock is 6'5. He is 6'3. Taker is either 6'6 or 6'7 Barefoot. Big Show is either 6'10 or 6'11.
Ghost said on 3/May/08
Click Here

Taker and Khali in a segment on Smackdown.

Once again Taker is looking very tall next to Khali (about 9:00 and on) even though Taker is standing slightly further away from the camerca making him appear marginally taller than he is. Still, I can't really see Taker being anymore than 4 inches shorter than khali in that clip.

If you have Taker as 6'7,5 today (the 6'6 nonsense has furtunately stopped) Khali would be no more than 6'11,5. Wasn't he once listed at that height in bodybuilding or something? Could it be the truth?

It certainly leads me to believe Kane is certainly no taller than Taker and probably never was. Khali appeared easily 5 inches taller than Kane. The "brothers" probably are the same height today.

Then again Big Show always had Kane and Taker by 4 inches and Khali seems to be an inch taller than Show. Show was also listed 7'1 in college football so who knows.
yarbrough320 said on 3/May/08
you are all crazy, i met the iron sheik and i towered over him 10 years ago so if you watch sheiks match vs hogan where he dropped the belt hogan was billed as 6'8'' then then that really means hogan is 6'2'' like me, hogan and taker are very close in height. so there i say 6'4'' tops.. 6 '9'' with lifts
KingNick said on 2/May/08
Ranstrob, here's one shot Click Here (in that same link you can find a close up of there faces) and here's the match on youtube Click Here I think they're BOTH wearing normal wrestling shoes
Frank said on 2/May/08
Yankem looked about .5 taller than Taker but Jacobs could have worn an Internal Lift you dont know for sure....A guy who said he worked for the WWF said that Taker was actually taller than Jacobs and that Jacobs does wears Lifts?? Again people make alot of claims on here that cant prove what they say
Ray said on 1/May/08
I'm certain Undertaker does not wear internal lifts; not sure about Kane, Orton, and Triple H though.
Rantsrob said on 1/May/08
Can somone post the isaac yankem undertaker staredown. I think thats the most LIGIT piece of evidence we have on whos taller. Kane had flat boots on. Mayb we can even use it as a picture on the site. Undertaker with 6 ft 7.5 Kane
Mattiew_- said on 1/May/08
And what about the inside lifts Da Man ???
MK said on 1/May/08
Paul Bearer says on 1/May/08
The Undertaker is 6'12".

Another joker.
brother_h said on 1/May/08
Ive got some cool vids you all prolly already seen!!!!!

goto youtube and search Undertaker tv show and hes with these actors who look 5'7 and 6'0.
all of them are puny compared to taker.

its still hard to tell his height because idk who these people are but undertaker really is huge!
Paul Bearer said on 1/May/08
The Undertaker is 6'12".
Rantsrob said on 30/Apr/08
It was a joke Hulk Fan. lol
Hulk Fan said on 29/Apr/08
Rantsrob says on 28/Apr/08
Undertaker is no shorter then 7'6'' trust me i met him.


Do you mean 6'7
Rantsrob said on 29/Apr/08
Finally the comments on Kanes enourmous boots will finally die.

Da Man said on 29/Apr/08
JT says on 29/Apr/08
"Big Show's boot (at least the left one to me) looks around 1.25"; Kane's maybe 1.5" (but smaller than the late 1990s boot). That's probably 25% and 50% bigger than Taker's soles but still only yields a 1/4" and 1/2" height advantage."

Exactly, 100% dead on. Many people here seem unable to comprehend the fact that increases in heel height do not correlate proportionally with height boost over barefoot.

For example this heel Click Here provides 2" of actual height advantage over barefoot, while this MUCH larger heel Click Here only provides 2.3" of actual height advantage over barefoot. Two dramatically different heels that only provide just over a 0.3" difference in height advantage.

Kane's boots do not provide a 0.75" height boost advantage over Takers, more like a 0.25" to 0.4" advantage.
JT said on 29/Apr/08
Big Show's boot (at least the left one to me) looks around 1.25"; Kane's maybe 1.5" (but smaller than the late 1990s boot). That's probably 25% and 50% bigger than Taker's soles but still only yields a 1/4" and 1/2" height advantage.

Plenty of wrestlers use boots with soles as thick or even less thick than Taker's - Singh and Batista (Click Here), HHH, Orton, JBL, Snitsky, Festus, Regal....

Andre's soles were paper thin compared to Taker's in 2008. Earthquake/John Tenta had some of the smallest soles I've ever seen on a wrestling boot.
Rantsrob said on 28/Apr/08
Undertaker is no shorter then 7'6'' trust me i met him.

Anonymous said on 28/Apr/08
Takers footwear is .75-1inch Kane is 1.5inch.
Frank said on 28/Apr/08
Andres boots look flatter than Takers but Taker boots dont give him that much height unless he has an internal lift inside
Vegas said on 28/Apr/08
a close of takers and kanes soles, both have been wearing these for a while, they were wearing this exact footwear last week on smackdown in front of me and in JT's photos
takers Click Here and Click Here

kane Click Here
KingNick said on 28/Apr/08
JT, fantastic pics! This one especially tp:// this is what I'm talking about, look how large Big Show's shoes are.

Rantsrob says on 27/Apr/08
We've discussed kanes boots and the conclusion is they give him a boost of 1.5inches. Takers boots give him a boost of 0.75inch possibly an inch. And from my own comparisons Kane with his bad posture was slightly taller then the undertaker in JT pictures. Takers giant hair also gives him an easy inch. So if i had to put money on it they are either the same height or Kane slightly edges out taker

Couldn't said it better myself. My guess is the average wrestling boot gives .75" in height and UT now is wearing the average boot. Kane and Big Show's are larger than normal.

JT, where'd you get those photos btw? Were you at a show and took them?
Ray said on 28/Apr/08
JT: also, those are I'd say the flattest wrestling boots out there today. It's as if he's wearing Nike sneakers. If you don't think Taker's boots are flat then who's wrestling boots are?
Ray said on 28/Apr/08
JT - thanks for posting; IMO that cements that Taker's boots are flat and I'd agree with Rantsrob that he gets around .75" height in those boots where Kane gets 1.5" in his.
Frank said on 28/Apr/08
I agree Jt but Kanes soles are alot Bigger that is plain as day
Rantsrob said on 27/Apr/08
Just image a bald taker and Kanes bad posture.
Rantsrob said on 27/Apr/08
We've discussed kanes boots and the conclusion is they give him a boost of 1.5inches. Takers boots give him a boost of 0.75inch possibly an inch. And from my own comparisons Kane with his bad posture was slightly taller then the undertaker in JT pictures. Takers giant hair also gives him an easy inch. So if i had to put money on it they are either the same height or Kane slightly edges out taker
Ray said on 27/Apr/08
For years I thought Taker was taller since Kane wore bigger boots and still does today. Taker and Kane look VERY close in hieght in JT's pics and anywhere else today and Kane has bigger boots so draw your own conclusions but they are I'd say pretty much the same height barefoot; Undertaker does not look 6'7" or smaller with Show - he looks 6'8" since he comes up what looks to be a little past Show's eyebrows. Taker's boots are also as flat as can be while of course Kane and Show aren't as flat.
Rikashiku said on 27/Apr/08
in those pics. some of them have tkers head tilting upwards so his head would look higher than kanes. strangly, kanes eyes are higher than takers so he would be looking down on taker.

but with bigshow in those pics, and looking at taker and show together. i would say 6'7 or smaller. i hate saying it but he does look it with show. unless the angle sucks and show is tilting his head back too!
Alex2 said on 27/Apr/08
Undertaker looks easily 6'8" in JT's pics.
hs2008 said on 27/Apr/08
Nice pics JT! Kane's boots look huge in the first pic, I thought Kane was taller than Undertaker bare-footed but perhaps not.
Hugh said on 27/Apr/08
How about he was 6ft9 at his then got dropped on his head and is now 6ft8.
JT said on 26/Apr/08
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Ben the GP said on 26/Apr/08
Hi guys i'd say is that undertaker on this iste!! Regardless i'd say 6'7.5 to6'8, too.
Mark Calaway said on 26/Apr/08
C'mon guys i'm at least 6'8 don't you guys have some faith in me. REgardless its okay....
Hugh said on 26/Apr/08
Be Quiet MK.
juan said on 25/Apr/08
hey ROB you should upgrade the PHENOM i have i lots of photos where he looks clearly 6'8" well the guy easily tower alots of marines who are also tall
Geleson. said on 24/Apr/08
I need to see a picture of under taker
Rantsrob said on 23/Apr/08
If we only new heights of the ring...... Like platform to the first rope second 3rd etc. We'd know alot of heights. If i had to estimate plat form 3ft and change. 1st rope maybe 5.5 even. 2nd rope 6.5ish and 3rd 7.5ish
MK said on 23/Apr/08
Hugh says on 22/Apr/08
Is That Paul Bearer on the left?

Is that the stupidest thing anyone's ever posted on this site Rob?, i think this guy's just having a laugh.
Da Man said on 22/Apr/08
Ray says on 20/Apr/08
I don't know the exact height difference between Undertaker and Festus but from what I saw in the match I'm gonna go with 2" advantage to Taker. Taker looked noticably taller - wasn't really too close to call or anything. Looks pretty clear to me.

In a lot of shots I could see no height difference. In just a few of the shots could I see that Taker was taller. I can't see more than 1, maybe 1.5".
Ben the GP said on 22/Apr/08
Taker did have 2 to 2.5" on Festsu he looked 6'5 or 6'5.5 too.
Hugh said on 22/Apr/08
Is That Paul Bearer on the left?
Alex said on 22/Apr/08
Again, that was not me below. People need to still put a number next to a name that is already on here.
Danimal said on 21/Apr/08
Alex says on 19/Apr/08
You stubids the deadman is billed at 6 feet 10 and a half inches and if u dont believe me look on wikpedia

stuBids?????? HAHAHAHAHA
Alex2 said on 21/Apr/08
Yea id say 6'5.5 for Festus and 6'7.5 for Taker sounds right.
Ray said on 20/Apr/08
I don't know the exact height difference between Undertaker and Festus but from what I saw in the match I'm gonna go with 2" advantage to Taker. Taker looked noticably taller - wasn't really too close to call or anything. Looks pretty clear to me.
Alex said on 20/Apr/08
That was not me who just posted that comment about UT being billed at 6'10 1/2.
Alex2 said on 20/Apr/08
Alex was that you lol!? It doesn't sound like you???
Alex said on 19/Apr/08
You stubids the deadman is billed at 6 feet 10 and a half inches and if u dont believe me look on wikpedia
yarbrough320 said on 19/Apr/08
He is no more than 6'5ish probably 6'4'' and a half, consider those ridiculous boots all wrestlers wear that give them 5 inches and mcmahons mirrors like when he had yoko andre taker and sid stand on a box in a interview, the old guys like me will remember. the same is true for the nfl players after they wear cleets
Alex2 said on 19/Apr/08
Actually in the WWE DVD "Undertaker This is my yard", Taker says near the beginning "Im this huge guy, 6'8-6'9" not 6'10 though lol.
topdweeb26 said on 19/Apr/08
Da Man: no Undertaker was practically towering him. I was actually surprised how much taller Taker was.
glenn said on 19/Apr/08
alot of people have pics with celebs big deal.neither are my pics.and its not the first time we established or found similiar people on this site.i have undertaker/pallbearer and some wrestlers too viper.maybe this guy would like to post his pics up here for free? and maybe ill move along.
Da Man said on 19/Apr/08
Where did anyone see 2-2.5" between Taker and Festus? I didn't see it at all. Looked like 1" tops.
Viper said on 19/Apr/08
This guy could give Glenn a run for his money. Hes got pictures with everyone, including a bunch of wrestlers like Undertaker and Kane. Click Here
Ben the GP said on 18/Apr/08
Taker was taller then Festus by 2.5 inches now JBl more like 2 inches or 2.5 inches also does anyone have a staredown between Nathan Jones and Kevin Nash , too...
JT said on 18/Apr/08
Ola says on 18/Apr/08
no he was 29-30 since this was back in 1992(?) ... still young! he looks like 40+ ;) and about his height, i dont see him much over 6'4 or absolutely tops at 6'4 1/2 but we can forget 6'5

He was born in 1963. This is before he tag-teamed with Tugboat/Typhoon, so it could be around 1990-1991. It may have been around the time of his brief feud with Andre.

Tenta was 6
Vegas said on 18/Apr/08
JBL was listed at 6'5 in pro-football
Jason said on 18/Apr/08
That pic of Earthquake is probably 1990 ... can't remember him wearing those plain blue tights after then.
MK said on 18/Apr/08
JBL is not 6'6'' Mark, barely 6'5'' and definitely not taller than Festus.
JT said on 18/Apr/08
John Tenta (Earthquake) was only around 27-28 here Click Here
Jason said on 17/Apr/08
How do you know that's his real MySpace?
Mark said on 17/Apr/08
Im gunna go ahead and say festus and a very big 6 ft 5.5 cause he doesn't appear queit as tall as jbl who im sure is a 6.6. And from smackdown last week undertaker was noticibly taller then festus. i'd give taker a good 2in over him
Brah said on 17/Apr/08
Drew Hankinson also has a myspace page. He lists himself as 6'6". And no, this not one of those fake myspace pages.

Click Here
hs2008 said on 17/Apr/08
Yeah, Festus 25 in December so he's really only 24!
Gollum said on 16/Apr/08
Click Here
I found this on youtube. I thought it would be a good laugh.
tuga said on 16/Apr/08
Taker is clearly taller than festus, even with his usual terrible posture, 2inches minimum.
Frank, yes, taker has clearly more than 1 inch on jbl, I
Jason said on 16/Apr/08
Click Here

Drew Hankinson ... listed at 6'6''. It appears from this that he really is only 24...?
Frank said on 15/Apr/08
Taker has JBL by more than an inch
Ben the GP said on 15/Apr/08
Rey and king Nick I Ben the GP thank you for noticeing my comments... For some reason the population at large on this site ignores when I post, too. anyway yeah Fetuslooks around 6'5 and taker around 6'7.5 , too.
Scott B said on 15/Apr/08
I saw the match with UT and Fetus. Fetus looks 6'5 to me. UT had him by 2 inches. 6'7 for UT seems about right. JBL also looks to be 6'6. UT only has him by an inch.
Alex said on 15/Apr/08
I agree on Masters at 6'2 1/2. Could be 6'3 though but no more.
Da Man said on 15/Apr/08
It didn't look quite like 2 inches to me.
topdweeb26 said on 15/Apr/08
Festus and the Undertaker didn't have a stare down, but I could tell Undertaker was clearly the taller of two, no doubts, by at least 2 inches.
brother_h said on 15/Apr/08
so its settled? 2 inches then. festus is billed at 6'7. looks 6'6 next to snoop dogg. under taker 6'8? or the height hes listed here.

yes HHH is a lifts wearer

yes JBL is 6'6 but if hes had any recent injuries then hes likley around the 6'5 mark. HHH was also 2-3 inches taller than william regal. he didnt in back stage segments where regal was an inch taller and regal is 6'2. billed at 6'3.
Jason said on 15/Apr/08
Actually, Festus ''is'' only 24 (listed as being born in December 1983). That's gotta be wrong...
KingNick said on 15/Apr/08
Yeah gotta concur with everyone w/o a staredown it was too hard to tell, but UT looked minimum 2" taller to me. BTW, Festus wears really flat boots. 'Taker's shoes don't look like they give much of a boost either: Click Here
Ray said on 14/Apr/08
I agree Ben The GP; there were no stare downs really but from what I saw Taker was EASILY the taller of the two - without even thinking about it. I'd go as far as to say a couple inches; 2-3"
topdweeb26 said on 13/Apr/08
I'm surprised Festus is only 25. I would have pegged him as being in his late 30's because he's so bald and fat. Sucks to be him. He'll practically look mummified when he really is in his late 30's.
Alex2 said on 12/Apr/08
Just a thought, maybe Triple H is a lift wearer?
Alex2 said on 12/Apr/08
Wow! I don't know what im seeing here, but last week on RAW Triple H had a staredown with JBL and look at MOST 1 inch shorter!?! I thought JBL was like 6'6-6'7, wow! Someone please support me here! Im so confused!
Ben the GP said on 12/Apr/08
Festus is billed as 6'7 although he is ocasonnily called 6'8 so he is likely 6'5 in real life and takerhas 2 inches on him, too. But taker seems more like 6'7.5 the match had almost no staredowns and the only one made taker seem a legit 6'7.5 too.. okay...................
hs2008 said on 12/Apr/08
Btw, here's a pic of Edge with Tomko. Edge looks surprisingly tall, only about an 0.5"-1" shorter:
Click Here
I'm not very good with baseball players, so I don't know if this is anyone famous:
Click Here
Da Man said on 12/Apr/08
Well, in the Taker/Festus match it was hard to see much of a difference between them, in a few of the shots it looked Taker edged him by around an inch. Pretty good match though, some of those exchanges looked shoot.
hs2008 said on 12/Apr/08
Lol, Jesse is 29. Some sites list him at 26 but he's 29.
Click Here
Article decribes him as 24 in September 2003, making him 29 since his b'day is in March.

Also, i'm not American.
MK said on 11/Apr/08
Well if anyone could be accused of wearing lifts at Wrestlemania, it would be Snoop. btw Vegas, any pics you might want to show would be greatly appreciated.
brother_h said on 11/Apr/08
Whoa! Jesse is 28/29?! 0.0 what do you americans eat?!

on wrestlemania, it was snoop dogg with Festus, snoop is listed at 6'3 on this, that would actually make Festus 6'4 and mick foley 6'0(slouching he'd be 5'10)
upgrade snoop dogg to 6'5? so then Festus would be 6'6 and foley 6'2.

really they almost looked the same height, in wrestling gear too.

you can also tell festus isnt strong, he has no shoulder muscle or biceps or anything. hes just fat. weak fat.

"i met Festus during mania week in orlando along with a few other lower-mid card guys and guys from the past such as tony atlas, rocky johnson, briscoes brothers etc..."

and then?...
Vegas said on 10/Apr/08
Drew Hankinson aka Festus played football for Fairmont State as late as 2002-03 i believe, perhaps JT can find some listings??

i met Festus during mania week in orlando along with a few other lower-mid card guys and guys from the past such as tony atlas, rocky johnson, briscoes brothers etc...
hs2008 said on 10/Apr/08
Festus is billed at 6'7" so is probs around 6'5". Still a tall guy of course. brother_h I can't believe Festus is only 25 either! I thought he was in his late 30's and way older than Jesse, but Jesse is about 28/29.
Dave said on 10/Apr/08
festus is no where near kanes strength in my opinion..... and not just that, i saw both men in casual clothes after a smackdown show in belfast. And kane had more than 2 inches on him.... id say at least 2.5-3 inches. either way, kane is easily taller, wrestling boots or not.
brother_h said on 10/Apr/08
well the vid helps. the two are barley an inch apart and in wrestling gear they clearly have a chin over tod. so how big do you think the boots are to make a 6'7.5 man appear 6'9 to a 6'1 man?

isnt festus billed at 6'7? when kane and festus stood side by side when mcmahons child was named, kane looked to have 2 or so inches over him. but festus's boots dont look as big.
he is the fake kane. and he was shorter than kane. and hes not as strong. can you believe festus is only 25!.
alex2, i believe your refering to backstage segments. as i have said many times backstage segments cant be trusted. they are either standing on boxes or hiding gigantic boots.

anyway, smackdown is prolly going to state "undertaker 6'10 300lbs against 6'8 or 6'9 festus" just to keep the kayfabe alive.
KingNick said on 9/Apr/08
Something interesting/fishy here. Look at the UT/Kane staredown at the 2:46 mark. The height difference there looks the same as it does when UT stared down Yankem yet during the Kane era Jacobs had much higher boots ... Click Here
Alex2 said on 9/Apr/08
Id agree, Grisham is max 6'0, Triple H had like 3-4 inches on him once I remember.
Da Man said on 9/Apr/08
Festus was also clearly shorter than Kane, both in the ring (in Kane style boots) and at last years hall of fame ceremony. I would think Taker should have an inch or so on Festus if he bothers stand up straight.

It's sometimes hard to see an inch in a match though.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.