How tall is The Undertaker - Page 37

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Average Guess (950 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 7.69in (202.4cm)
Current: 6ft 6.41in (199.2cm)
Alex2 said on 8/Feb/08
Im willing to bet Gonzalez had at least 2" in his boots for boosted height. Watching that undertaker vs gonzalez match, taker's shoes are really flat and gonzalez looks like hes wearing high heels lol.
Alex2 said on 8/Feb/08
Id say Orton is abig jerk. Lesnar is a jerk, Kane is cool and also Big show is very down to earth i believe.
Vegas said on 8/Feb/08
omar g; from my own personal experiences both batista and ric flair were not nice in person, i have heard that john morrison (aka johnny nitro) can be a bit of a d**k at times and that jbl is horrible (i have never met either so i don't know for sure). most others i have met were great but especially the likes of matt morgan, ron simmons, mick foley, steve austin, john cena, bob orton, kid kash who were really down to earth. The rock seemed a great guy in person taking time out to sign autographs even though his security people were trying to usher him out of the building. tajiri and funaki we only met for a short while but they are completely crazy (in a good way), i would love to go for a drink with those guys it would be an experience....
KingNick said on 8/Feb/08
omar g, I met Rico too. Right before he was released. Me and some friends were waiting outside the meadowlands to try to get autographs. Rico was the only one who stopped and took the time to sign. There were about 50 people outside and he got every one and chatted with them a bit, he was real cool.
Jose bob said on 7/Feb/08
I don't think that is true. because, he's looking more then 202(m)
Just look how tall is him...
Frank said on 6/Feb/08
Yes Alex2 Jorge Gonzalez has a website and i emailed them and asked him how tall he was and they emailed me 232 cm which is alittle over 7ft 7 i beliece
The website is all in Spanish but it says he was 7ft 6 when he went into Wrestling
Alex2 said on 5/Feb/08
I was reading in a magazine a few weeks ago about werstling and basically giants of wrestling and supposadly Gonzales grew to 7'7.25" after he left wrestling.
cantstop25 said on 5/Feb/08
Mike knox was taller then test when they were a team, I remember joey styles said he was 6'4", now im sure people wuld say htat is hsi max heigth after hearing that becuas there are a lot of closeminded mrons who think everybody else in the world is as Obsessed With Height as we are lol. Mike Knox a legit 6'6" I dont deny it
tuga said on 4/Feb/08
Ray, I think you
Paul said on 4/Feb/08
Frank your right he was. If you guys find the match on Youtube between UT and Yankem, look carefully at the heel on his right boot as the two are squaring up. It doesn't look quite right.
Ray said on 4/Feb/08
Frank - thank you! Not only that, but aside from Kane's thick heel, I think he has an internal lift as well TODAY. Maybe I'm the minority when it comes to that but does anyone else think so?
brother_h said on 3/Feb/08
haha thatrs funny. u cant see 6'5 but u can see 6'4.25 theres not much difference u idiot.
Ray said on 3/Feb/08
LV: you say both have thick boots on - Kane has the clear boot advantage in my opinion. Kane's boots are monstrous! Can anyone honestly say Kane doesn't have bigger boots than The Undertaker?
Alex2 said on 3/Feb/08
Anonymous, i can't see 6'5" for Orton, maybe like 6'4.25" though
Frank said on 3/Feb/08
Just because Yankem was playing the part of a heel does not mean he did not wear lifts back then
LV said on 2/Feb/08
1. Both have thick boots on.
2. UT is closer to the camera in every shot.

If you believe UT is taller, please refer to the pictures of UT and Yankem from back in the day when Yankem was not being "pushed" so he wasn't likely wearing lifts and had at least an inch on the very popular UT. Some please post those pics, I can't find them.
Ray said on 2/Feb/08
Here's the Taker/Kane vs. Big Daddy V/Mark Henry match from SD last night. Pause at 6:41, 7:03, 7:04, and 7:05. Taker and Kane are around the same height and Kane's boots are clearly bigger:

Click Here
Ray said on 2/Feb/08
Nick, sounds good to me. That's what I believe to be most accurate.
nick said on 2/Feb/08
the deisel and undertaker staredown proves taker to be 6'8 back in the mid 90's . The khali staredown proves him around the 6'7 to 6'8 mark.
Alex2 said on 2/Feb/08
LOOK UP TO THE TALL PEOPLE, your claim is just stupid, that would downgrade a hel lof alot of people.
Anonymous said on 2/Feb/08
slyvester turkay was 6'6. or close to it. not his billed either.

mike nox was billed at 6'4. he was shorter than 6'6-6'7 test by 3 inches and shorter than 6'5 randy orton.
i think he is more 6'3-6'4.

i dont think anyone is dumb enuff to bill a 6'6 man as a 7 footer.

i like the idea of taker being 6'9 though like he was on wcw
miko says on 29/Jan/08
Rob, how about a 6"8 and 6"7.25 current, perhaps that would stir a little more debate.

taker was NEVER 6'8 in my opinion he was 66.25 peak and 6'6 now. kane is prolly 6'6.75 and show was a good 6'11.5 show honestly looks 7 foot especially when u consider his biulky build makes him look shhorter but if he was really 7 foot how come the wwe had him billed as 7 foot for a while instead of the 7'2 they had him as in the beggining a while bACK
miko says on 29/Jan/08
Rob, how about a 6"8 and 6"7.25 current, perhaps that would stir a little more debate.

taker was NEVER 6'8 in my opinion he was 66.25 peak and 6'6 now. kane is prolly 6'6.75 and show was a good 6'11.5 show honestly looks 7 foot especially when u consider his biulky build makes him look shhorter but if he was really 7 foot how come the wwe had him billed as 7 foot for a while instead of the 7'2 they had him as a while bACK
Alex2 said on 1/Feb/08
Anyone realise there is a guy on ECW occasionally called Mike Knox? He is a legit 6'6" if not more.
Vegas said on 1/Feb/08
Sylvester Terkay never fought in the UFC, he was a K1 fighter, Terkay is a legit 197cm or 6'5.5".
Derek said on 31/Jan/08
Hulk Fan- There was about 2 inches between the two. Undertaker was 6'8" back then, but he is not 6'8" now. Nash was a solid 6'10" in the 90s as well.
Alex2 said on 30/Jan/08
Just to say, next week i will be going to a wrestling convention in Manchester, UK where you basically meet wrestlers from the past, i will have the privallage of meeting Kamala and Bret Hart, so i can hopefully get some good estimates of them for when i go and maybe even a picture or two.
Alex2 said on 30/Jan/08
Does anybody remember a WWF/WWE wrestle named Bull Buchanan, wasnt he like 6'6"?
Ray said on 30/Jan/08
Nice video Big Show; it looked like all 3 men had the same type of boot on too. It looked like 3-4" difference between Take and Show btu camera angle wasn't the best. I'd say roughly 4" difference between the 2 and maybe even today. Could be a shade less though and maybe a shade more but less if anything.
Alex2 said on 30/Jan/08
I was watching the Rumble last night an i swear Undertaker had to duck his head thrugh the rather low entrance door, bui only him Big V, Kane and Khali had to, lol Khali looked like he was on his knees getting through it lol. and he stacked up to Khali pretty well also, i saw no more than 5" MAX, probably less.
JT said on 29/Jan/08
Interesting find there Big Show. It looks like at least a 4 inch difference (pretty much how ~ 6'8" Akebono measured up to Big Show), given the size of Big Show's head. Big Show has a pretty wide and relaxed stance though. Taker's stance is narrow at the end when the camera pulls back - not sure if it was the same during the stare down.

The height differential looks larger here (Click Here) (Click Here) (Click Here).
Hulk Fan said on 29/Jan/08
If I am not mistaken I watched the wrestlemania match between Undertaker ad Diesel and Diesel only had two inches on Undertaker.
nick said on 29/Jan/08
looks like a 4 inch difference Bigshow 7'0 taker 6'8,

nice vid
Big Show said on 29/Jan/08
Here's match from 1999 between Big Show and Viscera. At 5:16 there's a nice staredown between Taker and Big Show.

Click Here
Red said on 29/Jan/08
miko nice idea
Aung Thu said on 29/Jan/08
Undertaker height will be maximum 6' 7" according to the height of Diesel
Because Diesel height is 6' 10". Undertaker is much shorter than Diesel.
Diesel is 330 lbs. Undertaker is only 273 lbls.
miko said on 29/Jan/08
Rob, how about a 6"8 and 6"7.25 current, perhaps that would stir a little more debate.
D-lurker said on 28/Jan/08
Nathan, thats his billed height, completely different from actual...Speaking of billed heights, 6ft8 Snitsky, is down to 6ft6in for the royal rumble (listen to good ol JR)..Must be to accomodate the real 6ft8'ers :P
nathan said on 28/Jan/08
i think undertaker is 6'10' because it says he is on smackdown everyweek. he is the best and nobody is better than him
dakota said on 27/Jan/08
tyle mane is under taker wow doesnt look like it for the movie halloween
Anonymous said on 27/Jan/08
'My money is on Undertaker, second best guess would be Batista, third HHH'.
I guess that wrestling is just about the only thing you can't place a bet on. Not suprising really.
KingNick said on 27/Jan/08
I probably should have asked this yesterday by the time these posts get up it'll be over, but any predictions for the Rumble tonight??

My money is on Undertaker, second best guess would be Batista, third HHH.

I'll be there, gentlemen! In the nosebleeds but I'll give you guys a full report! My first rumble babay!!!
Alex2 said on 26/Jan/08
Its kinda funny how Taker had 2-3 inches on the 6'8" built UFC fighter Tim Silvia.
Halb said on 25/Jan/08
When I watched WM12 I thought Nash had 2 inches on Undi.
If Nash is 6'9 then Undi is 6'7 in my opinion.
Paul said on 24/Jan/08
It is about 1 and 3/4 inches difference.
Frank said on 24/Jan/08
Magic Touch i see a 1.5 difference and the most you can say is 2 inches
To say Nash is more than 2 inches taller I dont see that !!
tuga said on 24/Jan/08
Vegas says on 23/Jan/08 you guys honestly believe taker would be taller than magic and miller???
Yes Vegas, he is taller, but why? Is there some rule against him being taller?
Did you see the pics of nash with them?
Click Here
Nash is leaning, he has just a little more advantage than over taker.
Anybody have the nash magic picture? Can
MagicTouch said on 24/Jan/08
People still say 2 inches, well look at the height of Taker's eye, if the gap between taker and diesel is 2 inches or over, then undertaker's eye must be atleast 1 inch tall fully opened LOL which is freakish even for a man of his size.

The gap in the photo I posted looks like 1.2 inches, but given the fact that the camera level is a bit too low, the real gap should be a little more, say around 1.5 inches
MagicTouch said on 24/Jan/08
JT, I agree the camera height will take away some of the height difference but this is the same camera height we see in any WCW match when you compare heights.

Hogan did not wear those type of boots in the Thunder video, the difference in height in the video is clearly less than the difference shown in the foto you posted.
JT said on 24/Jan/08
MagicTouch says on 23/Jan/08
Here's a screen capture of Nash and Hogan....

The high camera angle tends to shrink the actual height advantage though. Nash usually looked no less than 5 inches taller than Hogan in the WCW days. Here
Red said on 24/Jan/08
KingNick said on 23/Jan/08
Red, great find with that video. I'm open to Nash being anywhere from 2" - 2.5" taller, personally, I see only 2".
brother_h said on 23/Jan/08
makes sense ray.
i was looking at a diesel vs undertaker at WM and diesel had over 3-4 inches on taker and both standing up straight, cept nash had his head raised abit, so lower it little and it would be 2-3 inches.

but remember, most wrestlers wear/wore lifts to appear bigger. so some in the ring arent good quality.
MagicTouch said on 23/Jan/08
Here's a screen capture of Nash and Hogan. Nash is straight, no bent knees or back or slouching neck or shoulders, no excuses. The gap looks a little over 4 inches.

Hogan was wearing flat soled boots, no cowboy boots - you can check the thunder video posted below and see for yourself.

Click Here
MagicTouch said on 23/Jan/08
I have captured the image from between 2:47 - 2:48 - if you think the gap is 2+ inches, then Nash's and Taker's eyes between their eyelids must be 1 inch tall LOL

Click Here
MagicTouch said on 23/Jan/08
Red, I compare the heights from this video as the camera swings to the middle of both men giving a fair impression of their heights, but of course there are the factors that the footage doesnt show and none of us will know about such as the footwear, how wide their feet are apart, tip-toe or flat feet, knees bent etc

The camera swings during 2:48, you have to pause where 2:47 becomes 2:48, that is where the camera is dead middle. Stop fudging the "evidence" in your favour. I see blue and you on purpose say you see red, there is no point in debating this if all you will do is make excuses and look at what is there as fairly as possible. I dont see a 2 inch + gap. All I see a 1 - 1.5 inch gap and this is with Diesel's high volume hair in the mix so its difficult to see what level the top of his head actually is.
Ray said on 23/Jan/08
The 2" makes Nash 6'10" and Taker 6'8" at that time, which seems right to me. Both men may have lost .5" height so maybe 6'9.5" Nash and 6'7.5" Taker today.
Vegas said on 23/Jan/08
hogan wore cowboy boots alot of the time in WCW, like here Click Here there are a ton of other examples, formation of the nwo, his first fight with big show at Halloween havoc 1995 etc etc

nash is clearly taller than taker in that face-to-face video Red posted by at least 2"+, nash is 2ish inches taller than 6'9 listed basketballers like Oliver Miller and Magic Johnson, do you guys honestly believe taker would be taller than magic and miller???

Red; why do you believe Nash was 6'10.5" when he was listed in basketball at 6'10 flat and was 2.5-3" shorter than Big Show both in WCW and in the WWE. I know Wight was listed at 7'1 in college basketball and claims it himself but from my own personal experiences i cannot see Wight at over 7 foot at any time even with excellent posture

by the way great find on the videos, the bit with nash and kareem standing together should be on those videos somewhere, once that footage is shown here it will finally put to rest those guys over on nashs page who claimed nash was 6'6 max, lol
Red said on 23/Jan/08
At 2:48 UT is slightly closer to the cam, at 2:47 the distance looks equal and the difference is more than 2 inches in any case
MagicTouch said on 23/Jan/08
I am satisfied with the footages and fotos seen on here, my estimations of peak height in barefeet are:

Undertaker = 6'8 (minimal)
Kevin Nash/Diesel = 6'9.25
Sid = 6'7.5
Kane = 6'8
Big show = 7 foot
Hogan = 6'6 (in the late 70's)
Red said on 23/Jan/08
in my opinion you don
Red said on 23/Jan/08
MagicTouch now you
MagicTouch said on 23/Jan/08
Red, well if you choose to be childish then you either are a troll or just incapable of taking in facts when making estimations.

8:40 on the thunder video, nash is straight as he can be, knees not bent, shoulders upright, head looking level. While hogan is slightly tilting his head forward, max of 5 inches. Less if Hogan stood completely straight.

How about 9:27??? Nash's head totally upright, nothing relaxed at all as he talks with his mic, and Hogan standing straight. No more than 4 inches between the 2.

This is why I stick by the 4-5 inch range to allow for error.


That Undertaker & Diesel staredown video shows the height gap change because of 2 reasons.

- movement of the wrestlers
- movement of the camera.

The most accurate part of the video footage is 2:48 min mark, because A) both wrestlers appear to be standing straight, B) the camera is dead middle so no advantage to either man. From this point I see 1 inch difference. But I grant that the camera height is slightly low so the real gap maybe a tiny bit larger, around 1.5 inches at most.

Anyway, I am done discussing the difference in height with you if you continue to act childish.

For the rest in this forum, I think the problem with people who rate Nash is because he comfortably looks tall, his body frame is larger than the Undertaker, and often has much "bigger" hair LOL - Undertaker's shoulders are less built than Nash's and hair is often flat so doesnt carry his height aswell as Nash does.
tuga said on 23/Jan/08
Red, nice find.
Ok, there you have it, they
Anonymous said on 23/Jan/08
nash in that video at that time was 6'10 and the undertaker in that video at that time is 6'8 cased closed
Anonymous said on 23/Jan/08
majic touch he is leaning in to far that it it deducts height, anyway nash and show had a stardown and it always looks 2 inches
Frank said on 23/Jan/08
I have that whole interview on tape and at the very end which they cut out the height difference lookes about 1.5 but there is no more than 2 inches between them
JT said on 23/Jan/08
MagicTouch says on 23/Jan/08
JT - nice photo you captured. We dont know the effect of height lift the boots each man is wearing, but the gap looks like under 2 inches which is what I have always thought it would be....

Looks like a 2 inch advantage right there, plus whatever extra Nash gains from narrowing his stance. Given the high camera angle, Nash appears a little taller in the pic since he is slightly farther from the camera. IMO, still more than a 2 inch height advantage for Nash, who's always worn boots with relatively small heels.
Red said on 23/Jan/08
Click Here
Finally I
Red said on 23/Jan/08
MagicTouch Don
MagicTouch said on 23/Jan/08
5 inch gap between Hogan & Nash who is tip toeing! Click Here
MagicTouch said on 23/Jan/08
JT - nice photo you captured. We dont know the effect of height lift the boots each man is wearing, but the gap looks like under 2 inches which is what I have always thought it would be.

Red - You are now dismissing facts and replacing it with conjecture. " Nash stands very relaxed in your vid and it looks more than 5 inches"

Just how is Nash compromising his height because he appears relaxed? All he does is hold his mic or put his hands on his hips. YOU seem to OMIT that his knees are not bent, his shoulders are not slouching and his head level. Nash could have tilted his head down at the shorter Hogan but he did not. He just has good posture throughout the video.

When the 2 men stand level distance from the camera, the gap is at its minimal, at around 4 to 5 inches. Nash early on the video stands several inches further away from the camera so the height gap would appear more than 4-5 inches to you.
Red said on 23/Jan/08
tuga says on 22/Jan/08
Red, so now nash has bad posture... - YES
guess your biased lines weren
JT said on 22/Jan/08
Nash and Taker from 1996 (Click Here) Taker is standing on one leg, which makes him as tall as he can be. The position of Taker
Frank said on 22/Jan/08
Nash always said he was 6ft 10 so i doubt he was taller than that and besides he looked about 4 inches shorter than Kareem who is listed @ 7ft 2
MagicTouch said on 22/Jan/08

Red - "Nash looks 7 inches taller than Hogan in this vid and Hogan was not below 6
MagicTouch said on 22/Jan/08
What Red does is he selects a screen capture where the gap between nash and undertaker appears at its greatest. Red, you shouldn't be accusing others of talking "bs" when you are selective with your evidence.
tuga said on 22/Jan/08
Red, so now nash has bad posture, guess your biased lines weren
Viper said on 22/Jan/08
Id bet my life savings that Undertaker is 6-6 1/2 tops these days.
brother_h said on 22/Jan/08
i do read wat the posters say, and ive been here longer than u have red.

lines suck dude. unless the pictures ur comparing are perfect. like the gonzalez and khali lines. those were awsome.
Frank said on 22/Jan/08
Vicersa's boots look like they got more of a heel than Takers Boots
JimmyDavid said on 21/Jan/08
here's the video: Click Here
That guy is pretty big for such an unknown wrestler. I say 6'8''. And he's featured against Nash's tallest height ever.
Vegas said on 21/Jan/08
todd champion was billed at 6'6 Click Here
Danimal said on 21/Jan/08
Alex2, I have a picture here at home from an old wrestling program from 1985/1986, with Uncle Elmer and Hilbilly. Uncle Elmer has a good 4-5" on Hilbilly and their feet are visible. I do not own a scanner unfortunately. Uncle Elmer was not around when Taker debuted in 1990, but Andre was still around. Too bad we never saw them stand side by side. Would have been the same height difference as was with Mane and Andre anyways.
Alex2 said on 21/Jan/08
I find it strange that we have Tyler Mane listed taller than Kane, bet you both Kane and Undertaker and taller than him, even if like 0.25"
KingNick said on 21/Jan/08
Gotcha Red. I think there's 2" between the two. I think at times it can look like 3" but its cuz UT has bad posture and a longer forehead, just my opinion.
JimmyDavid said on 21/Jan/08
So, anyone care to take a guess on Todd Champion's height? He's that wrestler who jobbed for Nash (on a video i posted down below). Wait, i'll repost link...
Anonymous said on 21/Jan/08
taker looks really tall Click Here (mark at 7:37)
Red said on 21/Jan/08
Click Here
Nash looks 7 inches taller than Hogan in this vid and Hogan was not below 6
Red said on 21/Jan/08
tuga says on 21/Jan/08
Its better to compare nash and taker with sid, hogan lost quite some height, so its hard to tell.

Nash looked much taller with 6
Red said on 21/Jan/08
tuga, Nash has a bad posture before the chokeslam, nothing to compare inches.
To post and compare photos is what this site is made for.
Right Rob?
Thats a pretty good way to judge heights, much better as talking BS like you do.
There are a lot of good staredown photos where the wrestler
Red said on 21/Jan/08
MagicTouch you talk MAGIC BS.
How can I belittle UT he
Frank said on 21/Jan/08
MagicTouch, Tuga I agree i have the Interview with Todd Pettengil and Taker and then Disel interrupts at first it looks like a big difference and then near the end Taker get close to Diesel and stands straight and they look eye to eye and at one point it looks like an inch differnce maybe 1.5 and the most Nash could be taller is 2 inches ...There is a Bigger difference Between Taker & Hogan than there is Nash & Taker
tuga said on 21/Jan/08
Red, I never said 1 inch, I said 1 1/2 absolute max 2.
Its better to compare nash and taker with sid, hogan lost quite some height, so its hard to tell.
Check my previous post and look close to the video, its clear photos mislead people, like that taker nash pic. Look closely to taker chokeslam to nash video, they are just in front of each other, photos may be taken but they can favor one or the other.
Thats why I don
MagicTouch said on 21/Jan/08
Red, that staredown is an awful example to compare their heights. The camera is below head level, and is closer Diesel so it will making appear much bigger. You also skirt around the fact that the image is only ONE screen capture from the video footage where undertaker later straightens up and you see a much smaller gap between the 2.

You are on a mission to belittle the undertaker or something.
Red said on 21/Jan/08
KingNick take a look:

KingNick says on 20/Jan/08
Red, I think your spacing between the inches in the Nash/Sid photo look accurate, but they're in shoes there. You may want to up in an inch assuming Nash is 6'10" barefoot and Sid is 6'7" barefoot, you know what I mean? 6'11" in shoes and 6'8" in shoes. Unless you think they're shorter than that?

Red says on 19/Jan/08
The height I wrote is barefoot, but don
Red said on 21/Jan/08
brother_h maybe you post to much BS?
Red said on 21/Jan/08
tuga the problem with the UT/Nash match at WM12 is that they never had a good moment to compare the heights. But only 1inch between them ist impossible. The staredownpic with masked UT is pretty accurate, in the vid of the pic it
brother_h said on 21/Jan/08
red, i can post w/e i want

look at the kane thread and look at the stupid height lines the ppl put on there. the wrestlers are on a bad angle and looking down and looking up.

u need perfect lines before u make them.
JT said on 20/Jan/08
Click Here

Elmer (Stan Frazier) was billed as high as 7
Alex2 said on 20/Jan/08
I came accross some wrestling forum which linked to a page with wrestlers heights and taker was listed 201cm, 6'7ish
Alex2 said on 20/Jan/08
Ahh thanks Danimal, was he around when Undertaker debuted?
Anonymous said on 20/Jan/08
Strange jobber here... this guy is a muscle ripped 300 pounder and has some moves too. Somehow his name never made it big. He doesn 't look like a shorty either...
Click Here
tuga said on 20/Jan/08
Click Here
Red, if look close to the video, whoever is more far from camera has an advantage, check the ring ropes, if you pause video between 4.25 and 4.26 you
Paul said on 20/Jan/08
I think the difference was about 1 and 3/4 inches and that Nash was 6'10' 1/2.
Danimal said on 20/Jan/08
Uncle Elmer WAS a wrestler and he claimed to be over 7'0". I believe as high as 7'2". He had a few inches on Hilbilly Jim. I believe he was at least 6'10" in reality.
KingNick said on 20/Jan/08
Red, I think your spacing between the inches in the Nash/Sid photo look accurate, but they're in shoes there. You may want to up in an inch assuming Nash is 6'10" barefoot and Sid is 6'7" barefoot, you know what I mean? 6'11" in shoes and 6'8" in shoes. Unless you think they're shorter than that?
Frank said on 20/Jan/08
I agree with Tuga im not trying to say Taker is as tall as Nash but there is not a 3 inch difference... When Taker stands up straight there is 1.5 to 2 inches and best
Red said on 20/Jan/08
brother_h says on 20/Jan/08
the men are always looking down or looking up or have a bad back.

MagicTouch said on 20/Jan/08
LOL at the lines in Red's photo. You managed to chop 2 inches off sid's dome and less than an inch off Nash's head. Also the video itself shows sid & nash moving their heads so the heights are variating. So I think your interpretation of height and the photo is a bit selective.

The camera is level with the heads of the 2 men, so it can swing behind sid or nash and the perceived heights will not change. It is only if the camera was looking from below would sid appear taller than he actually is.

It still looks like a 2.5 inch gap between the Sid & Nash. Most of the Undertaker and Sid staredowns show taker who is usually a good 0.5 inch taller than Sid. I say 1.5 - 2 inches is a more realistic gap between Undertaker and Nash during the mid-90s.

I wish people would see that 3 man tag team video on youtube, the 2 men are very close in height.
brother_h said on 20/Jan/08
photo linees dont mean crap mate

the men are always looking down or looking up or have a bad back.
justin joseph said on 19/Jan/08
No you dont know what youre talking about yo! nash is 6'10'' and taker is 6'7.5''-6'8''!
Alex2 said on 19/Jan/08
Wasnt their a Wrestler called Uncle Elmer who was 6'10 ish?
Red said on 19/Jan/08
Click Here
tuga said on 19/Jan/08
Red, OF COURSE nash is taller, clearly, so don
Frank said on 19/Jan/08
Red, Tuga is not saying Taker is as tall as Nash but i sgree with him That Nash is not 3 inches taller again when Taker stands straight there is about a 1.5 inch difference and the most 2 inches
Alex2 said on 19/Jan/08
I think we should have a page here for Giant Gonzales, it would be good to have another giant here.
Alex2 said on 19/Jan/08
I think Jeff might be more 6'1.5" he didnt look more than 2" smaller than Orton last week.
Red said on 19/Jan/08
Tuga you need good glasses. Just to say nash is not 3 inches taller is BS - prove it.
My lines are more correct than your estimations.
MagicTouch said on 19/Jan/08
Sorry I posted below but the you tube link doesnt show on here. If you go on there and type in diesel hbk undertaker you should see the video.
Anonymous said on 19/Jan/08
The 3 man tag team match part 1, Taker, HBK and Diesel. Look at taker slouching next to Nash, thats only where you will see 3 inch difference - when he actually slouches.
tuga said on 19/Jan/08
Red, your lines are way off...just watch the can download it with great quality.
And nash is not 3 inches taller than sid in that video, I also believe sid wears lifts but it is not only with nash.
Posting selected pics to prove your point will not work with me, I
Atoadaso said on 18/Jan/08
He is definitely standing straight in the pic by Red with Nash - straighter than Nash himself is even. There is over 2" difference between them in that shot. Looks like 6'7.5" and 6'10", if not slightly more of a difference than that.
Junel said on 18/Jan/08
How can the be so heavy it is almost imposible and they dont look that gigantic in the first place
Frank said on 18/Jan/08
Yes when Taker stands up straight there is less than a 2 inh difference
but most of the pictures you see with him and Nash he is not standing up fully straight
KingNick said on 18/Jan/08
tuga, let us know if you load that tape it'd be cool to see
Red said on 18/Jan/08
tuga your vid
Red said on 18/Jan/08
tuga, make pics of your tape to proof. Nash looked 2.5-3inches taller at WM12 like in my pic
Red said on 18/Jan/08
Frank, I have the vid. UT looks closer to Nash at the end because the camera angle is much lower than in my pic. Do you have a camera? try the angles and you
tuga said on 18/Jan/08
The pictures posted to compare taker and nash are horrible for accurate comparison. I also have a taped monday night raw from 1996 where they had a staredown and I remember it was less than 2 inches.

Click Here
Pause at 4 seconds, you can see they are very close in hight.

Also, sid is a good measuring stick as well, you can see here that he stacks well to nash:
Click Here

So difference is clearly less than 2-3 inches between taker and nash.
Sabby said on 18/Jan/08
yeah, he faught as a member of the Oddities back i the late 90's. I believe he is originally from New brunswick, Canada. He looked to be about 7'1 to me, almost as tall as Silva but not quite. He palyed the uber-immortal in 300, his real name is ROBERT MAILLET
Sabby said on 18/Jan/08
yeah, he faught as a member of the Oddities back i the late 90's. I believe he is originally from New brunswick, Canada. He looked to be about 7'1 to me, almost as tall as Silva but not quite
Tom said on 18/Jan/08
In wrestlemania 12, there looked like a good 2-3 inches between Nash and Taker.
Anonymous said on 18/Jan/08
Does anyone remember a guy called Kurgen who was very close to the giant silva in height and was very mobile for a big guy. I would say he was a 7 footer??
Anonymous said on 18/Jan/08
Noway harry smith is 6'5, if he's 6'5 then jeff hardy is 6'3.

matt hardy is atleast 6'0 and jeff is taller. HS is only 2 inches taller than jeff hardy. so either 6'2 or 6'3.
undertaker looks 2-3 inches shorter than nash.
Frank said on 17/Jan/08
Red i have that interview on VHS with Nash & Taker and in that clip there looks like a 2 inch difference but when Taker straightens up it looks less than 2 inches....And the picture with Bundy Takers Head is tilted downward so you cant judge by that
Viper said on 17/Jan/08
"It makes me think if batista really is around 6'3.5 6'4."

Batista looked no more than 6-2 with a 6-4 1/2 baketball player.
Frank said on 17/Jan/08
Vegas that picture the angle is off im not saying Taker is taller than Nash but they are closer in height than that picture shows
KingNick said on 17/Jan/08
Vegas, great pic! where do you find these things? It's weird tho, everyone looks proportioned there except Diesel he almost looks like a legit 7'. But it may be the camera angle plus he is kind of leaning up.
Red said on 17/Jan/08
Frank, noway just 1.5" between Taker and Nash not in 1995 not today.
Nash looked a good 6
Red said on 17/Jan/08
MagicTouch are you new?
Click Here
Click Here
Alex2 said on 17/Jan/08
Lol Abyss, hes 6'5 or maybe less, i remember once he was wrestling Lance Hoyt who is believed to be a legit 6'7 and is billed 6'7 and they had a staredown and one commentator said "Lance Hoyt is bigger than Abyss by an inch or 2" lol. And yes Taker boots were flat as anything in the early 90's
Frank said on 17/Jan/08
I have a good staredown on tape and at one poibt when Taker stands real straight it looks like Diesel has about an inch to an 1.5 on Taker but when Taker slouches it look about 2 inches Your right Magic Touch
Vegas said on 17/Jan/08
taker and nash both in streets standing next to each other circa 1995 make of it what you will Click Here
MagicTouch said on 17/Jan/08
Kevin Nash/Diesel 2.5 inches taller than taker? That is rediculous.

Not only has no one seen a decent collection of staredowns between the 2, but how they compare against other wrestlers like Sid, Mabel etc I dont see that much of a difference between the 2.

There is a 3 man tag team match with Diesel/HBK/Taker vs Owen Hart, Yokozuna and British Bull dog, you can see that Taker is constantly slouching but Diesel in his good posture is no more than 3 inches taller considering that stance.
Vegas said on 17/Jan/08
6'2 Harry Smith??? he is at least 6'4 and i have seen alot of his matches, here at the start he towers over Teddy Hart (whom i have met in person) by at least 6 inches Teddy Hart is more than 5'8 Click Here
Red said on 17/Jan/08
KingNick, thank you - you
nick said on 17/Jan/08
That guy is between 6'3.5 and 6'4.5. Triple H seems to be around 6'2 6'2.5 in his pictures with him. Regarding the rock he is slouching but they are about the same height if he was totally standing straight. I was shocked to see batista the same height or an inch taller than him. It makes me think if batista really is around 6'3.5 6'4.
Alex said on 17/Jan/08
Aren't Jeff and Matt the same height or Jeff a bit taller.
I thought Jeff was 6'1 while Matt was 6'0.
Kevin Durant said on 17/Jan/08
I think Harry Smith is a legit 6-5 because he is taller than Hulk Hogan in his show. brother_H most of the wrestler are slouching in his pictures that is why mosts of them look smaller.

Jeff Hardy is not even 6-1 he is at least a weak 6-0.
KingNick said on 16/Jan/08
canstop25 your right the second pic was the camera angle I just looked it at real fast and got confused
Frank said on 16/Jan/08
This guy is about 6ft 4 and he looked 2 inches shorter than Earthquake and he looked alittle taller than Hogan and he looke 2 inches shorter than Vicera
Like i said these guys look smaller in street clothes they wear lifts in the ring im sure of it
cantstop25 said on 16/Jan/08
what are you talking about kingnick kane is clearly taller in both pictures, the first one mroe then the second obviously. Jkae may have lost some heigth over the years, as for harry smith he was clearly taller then hulk hogan on the show by a good inch id say. kid towers over hulks daughter who is supposed otbe atleast 5'10"
Viper said on 16/Jan/08
Rock looks 6-2 next to him If hes 6-4. And John Cena looks to be below 6-0. Yet how is Batista the same height as him or marginally taller?
KingNick said on 16/Jan/08
Also, this link that Red posted is great proof in my opinion to show UT did NOT wear lifts in the early 90s at the very least. Look at his shoes they're almost flat Click Here
KingNick said on 16/Jan/08
check this out, ghost posted this saying he got it from the Khali page. This guy is huge and is standing with all the wrestlers. There's even two shots with him and Kane! But they're both completely different, one Kane looks taller one shorter look Click Here and Click Here it has to be the camera angle

What's weird is I always thought Jake Roberts and Harry Smith were legit 6'5"s yet this guy is taller than them: Click Here but shorter than Snitsky who looked the same height as the 6'5" football player Click Here

Was snitsky barefoot with the football player??

Here's the whole album there's a shot of him with Matt Morgan too
Click Here
KingNick said on 16/Jan/08
I think Red was talking about peak heights but his opinion on current heights are different. stop me if I'm wrong, Red.
Red said on 16/Jan/08
Gonzalez was measured by Guinnes at 7
Paul said on 16/Jan/08
Even Jason - who is not the most generous of estimators- had Gonzales down as more than 7'3. I believe he quoted 7'4.
Frank said on 16/Jan/08
I read Gonzalez was 7ft 6 but he also grew alittle after that to 232cm which is alittle over 7ft 7 i believe ..He has a website in spanish which i had somebody read it for me and i emailed the site and they had rsponded he was 232 cm but now he is very ill in a wheelchair
nick said on 16/Jan/08
I definetly would put my money on nash over nathan jones, without a doubt. He never was beat by height and the only guy that did it was the bigshow and thats it.
Tuga said on 16/Jan/08
I think Nathan Jones is same hight as peak Kevin Nash.
About Nailz, It may be lifts, but he looks clearly taller next to a closer to camera mean gene than hogan ever did. And hogan himself was I believe 6
D-lurker said on 16/Jan/08
"diesel is taller than nathan jones??!?!??????"

Quite possibly, at peak especially, but very little difference nowadays..Matt Morgan is only Billed at 1 inch taller on TNA, but popular figure thrown around is 6ft9 inches There was a height comparison photo, not so long back of some one else who was a legit 6ft9 and Matt was very similar in height....He has quite some lifts in the ring.
brother_h said on 16/Jan/08
bossman was billed at 6'6. he was 6'4 for real. we had this talk before and everyone found out he was 6'4 320lbs

diesel is taller than nathan jones??!?!??????

is this peak heights or now heights? coz thats jus foolishness. matt morgan is taller than kevin nash and ur saying diesel is taller than nathan jones??

red u have the weirdest estimates. and u seem to have changed them.
KingNick said on 16/Jan/08
Mark, much respect man.

I didn't hear about the Gonzalez 7'3" thing but "nick" these photos were posted here and are kind of interesting:

Click Here
JT said on 15/Jan/08
Never heard those rumors Mark. How old was Jason back then??

The Atlanta Hawks listed Gonzalez at 7'6" and around 400 lbs. There are also many 7
Mark said on 15/Jan/08
King Nick, stand corrected. I admit when wrong. Before Gonzales was due to join WWE rumours were he was 7'3, 7'6 in boots and 'padding'. Not being deliberately controversial, just interested peoples thoughts, is it nailed on that he's 7'6 in bare feet? Vegas, anyone!
Mark said on 15/Jan/08
Nailz luicky to be 6'4. Remember Bossman promo's of old, so good each one was a different height, fantastic WWF/E continuity.
Red said on 15/Jan/08
My current estimations

barefoot peak
El Gigante - 7
Red said on 15/Jan/08
Click Here
Look at 1:23 - 1:28
UT looks 2-3inches taller than 6
Anonymous said on 15/Jan/08
Paul, I guess you
Alex2 said on 14/Jan/08
One thing i have noticed about Nailz, he does have huge boots compared to takers in that match and in others
Alex2 said on 14/Jan/08
I was looking through videos of Nailz and i found this one of him and Bossman in a promo, Bossman says near the end "Im 6'7 325lbs" Click Here
Alex2 said on 14/Jan/08
This is one im not too sure on, how tall was Big Bossman, i know he had lots of feuds with Nailz, was Nailz the taller guy? Thanks.
Alex2 said on 14/Jan/08
For Alex and others interested, here is the main artcile about Big Shows return froma wrestling news website, it is legit and confirmed he will return, all we now want to know is "when?" Click Here
Alex2 said on 14/Jan/08
Alex, i am happy too since he quite WWE he has lost over 60lbs in weight, so expect a somewhat thinner looking Big Show, i read from loads of wrestling forums and wrestling magazines and some wrestling geeks i know, but yes i cant wait, and yes Nail aka Kevin Kelly is 6'5
Paul said on 14/Jan/08
Back to Gonzales, if you search for images of 'Jorge Gonzales' on the yahoo search engine one of the first photos you will see is of Gonzales and Harvey. If you save the image to your directory and expand it you will appreciate the size of his footwear. Remember UT was no more than 10' less than Gonzales who was at least 7'6 barefoot and probably 7'8 in the boots. Close to 6'9 for UT was probably very realistic in 1993.
KingNick said on 14/Jan/08
Mark, monsoon said 6'9" or 6'10" at UT's debut Click Here (about 47 seconds in), but I get what you're saying, most people believe they're measured in there shoes, but if UT was billed 6'9" or 6'10", i think realistically he was more 6'7" or 6'8" at peak
Frank said on 14/Jan/08
Nailz was listd @ 6ft 5
Paul said on 14/Jan/08
Not really much more than 6'5 for Nailz but he used to wear some crazy footwear.
tuga said on 14/Jan/08
Alex, Nailz seens taller next to mean gene than hulk hogan ever did, and mean gene is closer to the camera, I think Nailz is taller than 6
Alex said on 14/Jan/08
Alex 2, I didn't hear but I am happy. Where did you hear this? I am guessing if so he'd make a suprise entry in the Royal Rumble.
Alex said on 14/Jan/08
Nailz easy 6'5.
tuga said on 14/Jan/08
How tall do you guys think nailz is?
Click Here
nailz interviewed by mean gean
Click Here
Taker and nailz staredown.

Old school!
Alex2 said on 13/Jan/08
Has everybody heard, Big Show is returning, i hope we can see him in the rign with Kane, Taker ans Khali, we can get some good comparisons :)
Anonymous said on 13/Jan/08
Alex2 says on 13/Jan/08
'I agree Mark but kane at just 6'7 is absurd'
I agree Alex 2, more like 6'6.
Mark said on 13/Jan/08
Alex 2, Why is 6'7 crazy height for Kane? when I say 6'7 incidentely that could mean b/tween 6'7 and 6ft 7.9, not necessarily flat. Think Rob could be absolutely spot on with estimate.
Alex2 said on 13/Jan/08
I agree Mark but kane at just 6'7 is absurd
Mark said on 13/Jan/08
Alex 2. Wrestlers have often been hugely over billed. Andre to start possible by 5-7 inches. Kane billed at 7ft when realistically 6'7. Scott Hall commentators said 6'10 when really more 6'4-6'5. Wrestlers height in my opinion is in shoes or boots so Taker in boots roughly 6'8 so only 2 inch increase.
Alex2 said on 13/Jan/08
In my gym in UK the weights are normally in KG so i convert them to lbs, i normally do 50Kg for 10-12 reps and 60-70 kg for 5-7 reps, but i would say you need a 200lb+ frame to do 300+
Alex said on 13/Jan/08
Alex 2, when I first joined I was doing 95lbs for 12 reps, 115 for 10, 135 for 6-8. That girl was impressive in general to lift that much but she was a big girl and was solid like I said easily over 200lbs so you gotta expect that. Now it would be very impressive to see a girl 120lbs benching 135lbs 8-10 reps.
cantstop25 said on 13/Jan/08
taker would tower over angle hugely in there staredowns, would look more then 8 inches imo.
Alex2 said on 12/Jan/08
I think if Taker was always 6'6-6'7 he would have never been built 6'10-6'11, there is clearly also less than a foot with him and 7'6-7'7 Gonzales, George, are you really that tall? If so you should be in Basketball or wrestling, wow!
Mark said on 12/Jan/08
Monsoon actually said 6'8-6'10, WWF at time should have plumped for 6'8. In a late match with Angle had him billed at 6'8 and Angle @ 6' flat. 8 difference. If that's the case (which I believe it is) then with Angle really being 5'10 would make Taker around 6'6. I read some magazine around 92 which had him 6'6 and was 1st place I read 6'5 for Hogan (I was genuinely shocked). That time believed billed heights and this gave me food for thought.
George Lubbon said on 12/Jan/08
hi, i'm Jeremy's older, and slightly shorter brother. I myself stand 7'0" Jeremy is actually 7'0 1/2 or 7'1" if anyone has seen my brother on this room. I agree that Undertaker was 6'8.5" at his peak and is now 6'8" flat. Gorilla Monsoon said six-nine six-ten at Survivor Series 90 at UT's debut,
Alex2 said on 12/Jan/08
Yea that is impressive, ive never known a girl do that much, thats probabaly what im on at the time, i could Max 150 though easy with about 2-3 reps. I have looked it up and i dont think there has ever been a woman to break a 300lb bench, i assume i was referring to what this guy can work out with, im
retty sure he can do more, but anything over 300 is amazing, i hope ill be able to do that some day, i ve started using whey protein with my scheduel and that helps alot.
Alex said on 12/Jan/08
Alex 2, there is a guy I know who is 5'7 190-200lbs and benches 405 for 6-8 reps.
Myself can max out at 305lbs one time.
This is kinda impressive. Yesterday I saw some girl but she was a beefy girl easily 200-210lbs but you figured she'd be strong. She puts up 95lbs for 15 reps, then 115 for 11 reps then 135lbs for 8 reps. I've never seen a girl do that much but like I said she was big. Would be more impressive if a lean girl did that.
Alex said on 12/Jan/08
Sory guys, that was a big typo. I meant to say Gonzalez would have 5 inches on Khali comparing those 2 staredowns.
Alex2 said on 11/Jan/08
Forgot to add that supposadly George Bush benched 185
Alex2 said on 11/Jan/08
Alex, there ism also a man who comes to my gym who is 5'7 and weighs 230lbs and can bench 380lbs, he does deadlift competitions also.
Alex2 said on 11/Jan/08
Such a shame he died, you know when?
Ghost said on 11/Jan/08
Jon Harris had a very brief career as a wrestler.

He apparently had no wrestling skill whatsoever and only wrestled a couple of matches. I believe the WWF actually hired him and named him Trapper John, but never used him.

There was a story on the net from a wrestler (can't remember who) where he told about Silo Sam having no clue what to do in a battle royal. He tried to eliminate people who were supposed to be last ones to go and finally they all just got tired of him and threw him out of the ring.

My guess is he was 7'2 (he has died).
Paul said on 10/Jan/08
I disagree JT. Taker didn't wear the ministry boots when facing Khali. Taker was slightly taller back in 1993. Maybe up to an inch or so...therefore a 1993 Gonzales would hypothetically appear a shade taller than either Khali or the more recent Taker than the comparisons suggest.
glenn said on 10/Jan/08
im not sure what site that was,but i have a lost pic with him too and he was 6-7 like you least.
Alex2 said on 10/Jan/08
Has anybody heard of the Giant AWA wrestler Silo Sam? Hes probably around 7'2-7'5, what does everybody think looking at these videos? Click Here Click Here
Alex2 said on 10/Jan/08
I really don't think from looking at Nick's very accurate pics and looking at Taker with 6'10 Nathan Jones and Ricky Hatton, i still think Taker is not under 6'8 today, and if he has lost any height it would be like maybe 0.25" at best
Scott B said on 10/Jan/08
Hey Glen. I was on one of the sites where this guy listed the heights of some of the wrestler's and he listed the UT at 6'1. Do you know what site its on?
Anyway I stood next to him a few years ago. I am 5'10 and he had me by at least 9 or 10 inches. He was wearing normal tennis shoes. He is no less than 6'7 Barefoot.
JT said on 10/Jan/08
Great job there Nick. If Taker's wearing his ministry boots with Khali, he'd be even taller than the 1993 Taker. In reality, Singh should be up to Gonzalez's eye level and no more, or at least a 5 inch difference.
Atoadaso said on 9/Jan/08
Nice pics. Gonzalez with 5" on Khali would be how I think it would look. 7'1" and 7'6"
brother_h said on 9/Jan/08
theres about 8 inches with the gonzalez shot.
5 inches from the khali shot.

8 inches would make taker 6'11
5 would make him 6'10 if khali was 7'3
6'8 since khali is really 7'1.
Anonymous said on 9/Jan/08
Great work nick
Looks like the diff between Gonzalez and Khali is bigger than between UT and Khali. I think UT 6
KingNick said on 9/Jan/08
nick, amazing job my man! Those pictures look insanely accurate, great work!!

Alex, 5 inches would put Giant Gonzalez at 7'1" or so, around Khali's height, typo?
nick said on 9/Jan/08
Click Here
whole shot
Paul said on 9/Jan/08
Alex, only 5in for Gonzales over UT !
Amazing. That would imply that UT is over 7'. It's a big increase on a 6'7 from you.
Ghost said on 9/Jan/08
Bravo nick!

Not sure how accurate that is height-wise, but that was some extremely well done photoshopping.
Alex said on 9/Jan/08
Gonzalez would have a good 5 inches on UT.
nick said on 9/Jan/08
Click Here

A new picture i made with the current Undertaker and the Giant Gonzalez. The difference in height between he and the Khali is double that with him and Gonzalez.

Click Here
Here is the reference i used with both the old Undertaker and the Current i really liked that picture to i decided to do it when i saw how well the pose went with him and the Great Khali.

And here is the great khali with the giant gonzalez
Click Here

The photoshop i did was drawn from the very top of the elbow pad down. I drew the Undertakers tatoos his boots etc. Also moved Gonzalezes arm down so the tats are visable. It was definetly a project lol
Alex said on 9/Jan/08
They look around 6 inches apart.
tuga said on 9/Jan/08
Vegas, pause video again at 2:10, just look at taker
nick said on 9/Jan/08
Meant to put 7 inches. However i think cena is just under 6'1
fletch said on 9/Jan/08
yeah i dont think he's 6'10
definately around 6'7
brother_h said on 8/Jan/08
taker looks massive compared to those guys. even when he isnt standing on that box he still looks huge. he looked 8 inches taller than cena at 2:09.
Vegas said on 8/Jan/08
sorry nick no way in the world is taker 8 inches taller than cena, at most cena is 6 inches shorter than taker, 2:10 is the perfect example of the height difference between taker and cena, i saw with my own eyes how a 6'1.5-6'2 man measures up to undertaker in streets and it was very similiar to how cena and taker measure up in that video
Alex2 said on 8/Jan/08
Oh know weve got another Gamma like person, Mark lol. Here is a video with Undertaker and Batista with 5'7 boxer in a Gym in UK, watch the whole video and you can clearly see Taker has at least 1 foot on him, Taker is 6'7.5" minmium today
nick said on 8/Jan/08
Click Here

Taker with orlando jordan and cena, at 2:09 he looks 5 inches taller with very loose posture if he stood straight he can be up to 8 inches taller. Looks consistantly around 6 inches taller than orlando
lsu alum said on 8/Jan/08
a little info for the debateon several different man gang is now a prison guard her in told by the quartermaster at the prison thatgang measured a tad over 6'7"when measured for his uniforms(in socks only).although he reportedly has lost a lot of weight he still weighs over 375 lbs.,and had to have his uniforms taylored
JohnR said on 7/Jan/08
tuga, great great post. have never seen that smackdown episode and that segment really proves UT's height
KingNick said on 7/Jan/08
JT and Red, love you guys to death, but I just see more umph in Albert's boots.

Again, I'm open to the fact Undertaker may be 6'7" now, but I still argue 6'8" because of his staredowns with guys like Khali and Big Show Click Here and Click Here

I posted a ton of links not too long ago with UT in street clothes. Scroll down you can see for yourself how tall he is.
Ghost said on 7/Jan/08
Vegas's info would put A-train at around 6'6 or even a bit over which looks about right.

Click Here

Here is an interview with him where they refer to him being 6'7, 300 lbs . He seems like a great guy.
Mark said on 7/Jan/08
Great line of debate there Jiga, well reasoned.
Vegas said on 7/Jan/08
i have a couple of very interesting photos of albert to post in ring gear and in streets, in streets standing next to tyson tomko he (albert) looks 1.5"-2" taller (tomko looked slightly taller than snitsky to me when they tagged), albert is also approx 1" taller standing next to abyss
tuga said on 7/Jan/08
Ok, so the downgrading, have any of you bothered to watch taker and albert ( a train) matches, taker has more height on albert in other matches than in that staredown, same thing comparing albert to big show, have you seen albert huge boots?

But albert is surely very tall, compare him next to vince and peak hogan:
Click Here
vince and peak hogan
Click Here
watch near the end, albert and vince
Yes, albert has more height on vince than hogan, cleary!

Taker basically the same height as nathan jones, Jones must be 6
JT said on 7/Jan/08
That's right Red. Albert's boots are on the left. I did not scale the boots to size though. Albert's heels were pretty good-sized - around 1.25". Taker looked like he was wearing casual shoes/boots, so there is at least an inch of heel there.
Jiga said on 7/Jan/08
Sorry Mark but your WAY off mate!
legit 6'2'' said on 7/Jan/08
im lookin at da pic now and i dont even see an inch between albert and taker 4 inch lifts? gimme a break people just cant except the fact that these guys are as tall or taller than taker. you guys be livin da kayfabe days the guys only about 6'7 and hes lucky hes that
JimmyDavid said on 7/Jan/08
Mark, don't forget that you are talking about some of the tallest guys in wrestling, don't you think those numbers are a little underestimated? I am 5'9'', just another normal guy on the street... your estimates would make most of the ordinary wrestlers around my height. And i don't think that's the case.
Red said on 6/Jan/08
KingNick, please look again. The marked sole in the right pic is Taker
Mark said on 6/Jan/08
Test b/ween 6'4-6'5. Albert b/ween 6'5'-6'5 3/4. Taker I still put @ 6'6 1/2. 5 inches less than 6'11 1/2 Singh and 6' 10 1/2 ish Wight.
tuga said on 6/Jan/08
KingNick, I agree with, try watching undertaker matches against albert, and also versus albert and big show, taker is taller.
Its funny that this video/photos as they make taker look shorter are having a lot of comments, but taker and nathan jones, khali etc videos or with others are almost ignored, why is this? Its because taker looks taller?
Many tried the same thing with taker and jbl, me and others posted videos where taker is actually taller 2 inches even with jbl using cowboys boots.
Sorry, but taker is not around 6
JT said on 6/Jan/08
Here are a few pics of Albert with 6
Danimal said on 6/Jan/08
Jimm Ross also would call him out at 6'7" as well as 6'8". Actually, it was first 6'8" and then 6'7". MAX 6'6", but probably less.
KingNick said on 6/Jan/08
Red and JT, I think Albert has a very CLEAR advantage in his boots. Does anyone else hear agree with me?? Look at these pics again Click Here Albert was having a push at the time maybe they wanted to make him as big as UT for some reason
Red said on 6/Jan/08
Click Here
Taker is max 1cm or 0.4" taller than Albert. Their boots are the same height in JT
Alex said on 6/Jan/08
I see Albert at 6'6 minimum.
brother_h said on 5/Jan/08
dont forget, albert wore lifts aswell. undertaker didnt in the attitude era.
and albert was listed as 6'8 to wwe. and he was 2 inches taller than god father
JT said on 5/Jan/08
Jason says on 5/Jan/08
WWF Magazine had Albert at 6'4'' in that bio I've posted here a couple of times.

Yet WWE billed him at 6
JimmyDavid said on 5/Jan/08
JT, i wouldn't say the comparisson between taker and Albert is a copy of Sid/taker. Sid has shoulder and chin levels above undertakers (it's weird how most times his head top isn't, though) and Albert is clearly a little shorter than Undertaker at those body levels...
Jason said on 5/Jan/08
Albert isn't as tall as Taker was then, in 2001 ... that staredown's good evidence he's been a lift-wearer. Even Vegas says he's 6'5''.
Jason said on 5/Jan/08
WWF Magazine had Albert at 6'4'' in that bio I've posted here a couple of times.
Danimal said on 5/Jan/08
Taker is no longer 6'8", if he ever was a full 6'8" it was in the 90's. He is shorter today.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.