How tall is Kane - Page 3

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Average Guess (670 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 7.86in (202.9cm)
Current: 6ft 6.91in (200.4cm)
Resurrection of Edwards said on 18/Jan/21
the story of kane being 6’5 and big show 6’7.5/6’8 is most hideous story i’ve ever seen in celebs height.
Canson said on 17/Jan/21
@Hyper: lol that would mean Rodman is only 6’5 at best or even smaller. Rodman is still at least 6’6” today the last time I’ve seen him on TV
Canson said on 16/Jan/21
Pierre is not Sotiris
Matt logan said on 15/Jan/21
6'6" max
Hyper said on 15/Jan/21


Okay, so if Kane is as low as 6’5”, then you’re gonna have to put Undertaker and Magic Johnson in the same range.

Undertaker with Dennis Rodman — Click Here

Magic Johnson with Dennis Rodman — Click Here

Kane (Who’s looking down) with Undertaker (who’s straightened forward)— Click Here

What? Magic is magically 6’5.5”? 6’4.5”? We can play angles and cameras and pictures all day and you can’t dodge them. Even at more worst posture, Kane’s is still taller than Undertaker.

Here’s Lebron James (who’s closer to the camera) with Vince Vaughn — Click Here

And here Kane and Vince Vaughn (who’s closer to the camera) — Click Here

Is Lebron James magically 6’5.5” now? Or what? Again, let’s play this game and make sure it happens.
Mickie said on 15/Jan/21
@Pierre - the video of Wilder and Fury in the ring before their second fight cannot be dismissed bad angle. It's just that you think it is, because if it weren't it would disprove your wild theory that those guys are the same height.
Ben Calimer said on 15/Jan/21
Pierre, do you honestly believe the photos of Taker and Kane you posted on 1/5/21 were neutral?
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 14/Jan/21
Everyone will claim their own pics are neutral Pierre, it’s just that only you seem to claim your pics are neutral
Hyper said on 14/Jan/21
Let’s see:

More often than not, Kane is usually taller than Undertaker. Heck, even Undertaker did admit Kane is taller. At the moment, I’m enjoying this discussion. It’s getting interesting. 😎😎😎
Ben Calimer said on 14/Jan/21
My “famous” pics? Lol, I’ll do my best.

Explain how Kane is under 6-6 in this photo, then explain how you interpret who has the camera advantage in this photo.

Click Here
Pierre said on 14/Jan/21
Mickie said on 13/Jan/21
@ Ben Calimer - Agreed. He's really bad at judging camera angles or perspectives in photos. I don't say that to be mean to this poster, he's probably a good guy, he just genuinely doesn't seem to be able to determine what constitutes relevant evidence for judging height.

Kane could be 6'6.5" today.

Really bad at judging camera?! but you guess yourself Tyson Fury a lot taller than Deontay Wilder based on your eternal pic on ring with very bad angle of camera.....and curiously when the camera is more neutral like the pics I generally post ,you do abstraction of my pics....On this point I believe I'm really better than you at judging the angles of cameras....
Resurrection of Edwards said on 14/Jan/21

agreed with everything you said dude.kane also looked much taller than deontay wilder with same guy.he didn’t looked only half inch,he looked almost sn inch taller than taker in 2019/20.what is even surprising is taker himself admitted of being barely shorter than kane at at this point,making kane shorter makes no sense lol.
Mickie said on 13/Jan/21
@ Ben Calimer - Agreed. He's really bad at judging camera angles or perspectives in photos. I don't say that to be mean to this poster, he's probably a good guy, he just genuinely doesn't seem to be able to determine what constitutes relevant evidence for judging height.

Kane could be 6'6.5" today.
Canson said on 12/Jan/21
@Hyper: it’s possible when you saw him that he was taller. He was easily at least the full 6’7” in his prime. In spite of this he isn’t only 6’6 or under today. I have him at about 6’6.5 like Edward does
Pierre said on 12/Jan/21
Ben Calimer said on 11/Jan/21
Pierre, it’s not that. I just think you are exceptionally bad at determining plane/perspective/distance advantages in photos. Some of the stuff you post as evidence genuinely leaves me confused if you’re honestly posting that as evidence or flat out trolling.

Then I 'm waiting for your famous pics.....
Resurrection of Edward said on 12/Jan/21
Vincent Caleb said on 9/Jan/21
Edwards is correct as usual, Kane is minimum 6’6.25, possibly 6’6.5”.

thanks dude.i have him around 6’6.5 today and taker at 6’5.75
Hyper said on 11/Jan/21
Kane looks taller than 6’6” range Dennis Rodman, with Undertaker. Seeing Kane in person (unfortunately no photo, because it was 60 bucks for a photo), I can promise everyone he’s over 6’6”.

6’5” is such bull@‘!t, it’s as likely as Bo Burnham being James Bond.
Philip McMullin said on 11/Jan/21
@Pierre I honestly think you're sotiris, but under a new alias. You seem to hate the thought of kane being taller than you want him to be. Kane is still 6'7 today...weak or strong i dont care hes still 201 or 2 cm tall.
Ben Calimer said on 11/Jan/21
Pierre, it’s not that. I just think you are exceptionally bad at determining plane/perspective/distance advantages in photos. Some of the stuff you post as evidence genuinely leaves me confused if you’re honestly posting that as evidence or flat out trolling.
Canson said on 11/Jan/21
@Pierre: how?
Canson said on 11/Jan/21
@Vincent: that’s kinda the same range I have for Kane. 199 cm range (give or take). I don’t quite rule out a weak 200 guy but that’s as high as I could see. Honestly 6’6 3/8 or 6’6.5 is more believable than 6’6 5/8
Pierre said on 10/Jan/21
He's under 6"6' lol
Resurrection of Edwards said on 10/Jan/21
@vincient caleb

agreed with everything you said dude.
Canson said on 9/Jan/21
@Edward and Roderick: I’ve always had Kane a bit taller than Taker.
Vincent Caleb said on 9/Jan/21
Edwards is correct as usual, Kane is minimum 6’6.25, possibly 6’6.5”.
Pierre said on 9/Jan/21
Ben Calimer said on 5/Jan/21
Would love to see Pierre evaluate this photo without the commentary.
I bet he’d beg this guy 3 inches taller than Kane.

Click Here

I imagine you're one of this internauts who prefer this pics with Kane a lot closer to the camera,and exceptionally you post this pic with Kane more distant to the camera to try to decridibilise me ...good try lol.
Pierre said on 9/Jan/21
The fact Taker said in an interview he was probably a bit shorter than Kane is just a poor argument lol
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 8/Jan/21
Resurrection of Edwards said on 8/Jan/21
Roderick said on 6/Jan/21
In @edwards defense, Undertaker has hinted that Kane was a bit taller than him when he first came in.

thanks dude.welcome back!
Resurrection of Edward said on 7/Jan/21

agreed.its pretty much useless for pierre to argue that taker was tall as kane.the undertaker was never as tall as kane.bruce pitchard has clearly stated that,what is even surprising is that undertaker has himself admitted that he was a bit shorter than kane in the latest this point,pierre’s all arguments are at null.there is footage in documentary where kane and taker are standing next to guy’s like miz and kane looks “almost inch” taller than undertaker.
Roderick said on 6/Jan/21
In @edwards defense, Undertaker has hinted that Kane was a bit taller than him when he first came in.
Roderick said on 6/Jan/21
In the defense of Edward, Undertaker has hinted that Kane was both a bit taller and a bit bigger than he was when he first came in.
Hyper said on 6/Jan/21
@Canson I agree. I can promise you 6’5” range is too low. He was quite intimidating up close (stature wise), even though I have seen taller people.
miko said on 6/Jan/21
Taker is a tough one as like with a lot of big guys, his posture makes a very big difference.

I think if he stood in military posture he would likely still measure 6'6 or a little bit over IMO, but how often do we see him stand tall these days? Even recently in a stare down with 6'4.5 Drew McIntyre his posture was dreadful but he still had an inch on him which makes you wonder how much extra height he has in the locker?

As for Kane, I think he is still holding the solid 6'6.5 range and has always edged out Taker by a fraction barefoot.
Hyper said on 5/Jan/21

Undertaker is closer to the camera. Also, Kane had worse posture in other pictures and he's still taller than the Undertaker.
Slim92 said on 5/Jan/21
Pierre is trolling again,everyone! For example... there are plenty of videos of Kevin nash and big show backstage where its clear that nash is looking down with big show, but out in the open in the ring, its clear big show is taller. So yet again, the pics with kane and taker are useless. There a plenty of very recent videos of kane and taker where its clear that kane is taller. Always was. Jesus Christ even taker admitted it. Do research or stop trolling.
Ben Calimer said on 5/Jan/21
Would love to see Pierre evaluate this photo without the commentary.
I bet he’d beg this guy 3 inches taller than Kane.

Click Here
Canson said on 5/Jan/21
@Hyper: he was probably what he’s listed here or within 1/4” when you met him. I can see 6’6.5 but not much higher. Of course his peak is a clear 6’7” range. Likely 6’7.25 no less
Pierre said on 5/Jan/21
@Hyper = Click Here here we can see the whole bodies and so the postures.Undertaker is clearly the one who shrink the most here but...

Click Here here you can see Undertaker doesn't need to looking up to talk to Kane,he's even looking a bit down,he has clearly not the posture of the shortest guy who talk to the tallest guy here.

A guy Ben Bell posted a comment at Kevin Nash's page on 21 feb 20 inwhich he's in a pic next to Kevin and another pic next to Undertaker.By this comparisons imagine how much probabilities Kane is over 6"6'...
Hyper said on 4/Jan/21
Current Kane with Undertaker — Click Here

Undertaker with Dennis Rodman — Click Here

If Kane was 6’5.5” (impossible, since I’ve seen him in person up close), Dennis Rodman would be 6’4.5” and Michael Jordan 6’3” and Kobe Bryant 6’3.25”.

6’5” range? No. He’s clearly over 6’6” without question. 6’7 1/2”, I wouldn’t doubt it.
Hyper said on 4/Jan/21
Current Kane with Undertaker — Click Here

Undertaker with Dennis Rodman — Click Here

If Kane was 6’5.5” (impossible, since I’ve seen him in person up close), Dennis Rodman would be 6’4.5” and Michael Jordan 6’3” and Kobe Bryant 6’3.25”.

6’5” range? No. He’s clearly over 6’6” without question.
Vegas' said on 3/Jan/21
Pierre eventually you are just going to have to change every wrestlers height because if one guy is off by 2 inches then everyone else follows like domino effect.

I have already shown HHH being taller than Mark Henry Click Here

Here he is Sheamus at 1 minute 45 looking close in height Click Here
Pierre said on 1/Jan/21
Philip McMullin said on 31/Dec/20
@Pierre He really isn't though. Still nowadays he's ABOUT half a foot taller than a 6ft1.5 HHH (in dress shoes).

Here is HHH next to Hafthor = max same height as Hafthor's lower ears or lower nose = Click Here

By this scale Click Here Hafthor's lower ears or lower nose is 6"0'

Click Here = here is how tall looks Triple H next to Arnold,that some people are guessing around 5"10' now(go eventually at Arnold's page here)
Philip McMullin said on 31/Dec/20
@Pierre He really isn't though. Still nowadays he's ABOUT half a foot taller than a 6ft1.5 HHH (in dress shoes).
Pierre said on 30/Dec/20
Philip McMullin said on 28/Dec/20
@Ruben Alex Youre flippin' crazy if you think Kane is 6ft5.5. I don't know why people find it hard to accept KAne is STILL 6ft7 at least.

And other people find it hard to accept he's 6"5.5'...
Ruben Alexandre Gon?alves said on 30/Dec/20
Sorry. Correction
Kane today: 6'6.5
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 29/Dec/20
Miz may be 182cm worst case, but I doubt lower. 5'11.75" or 6'0" is where I have him.
Resurrection of Edward said on 29/Dec/20
Philip McMullin said on 28/Dec/20
@Ruben Alex Youre flippin' crazy if you think Kane is 6ft5.5. I don't know why people find it hard to accept KAne is STILL 6ft7 at least.

i can see this.i agree with you.while i disagree that he is solid 6'7 currently.i can buy weak 6'7 currently.he is in 6'6.5 range which might still be considered to be weak 6' of the folk even guessed him 6'6.75 if he really stood straight with his full strength.kane seems to have problem in his knees and his legs can bow in dramatically.if he really stood straight as possible with his full strength,he can measure weak 6'7.folks have never seen him in military posture so all those guesses are coming.standing fully straight,he edged 6'6 guy with afro not barely but noticeably.similary,he edge legit combined 6'5.75 measured but by around 1.5,he didnt looked much shorter than nash.undertaker too has be guessed as 6'5 flat recently but i doubt he is that low.
Philip McMullin said on 28/Dec/20
@Ruben Alex Youre flippin' crazy if you think Kane is 6ft5.5. I don't know why people find it hard to accept KAne is STILL 6ft7 at least.
recapa said on 28/Dec/20
@lloyd,makes sense that would make him around strong 6ft6 range barefoot.
Lloyd Adam Eloff said on 27/Dec/20
I've been lucky enough to meet kane after a show in 2009. I am 6 ft and my cousin is 6 ft 5 barefoot.
Kane easily had 3.5 inches on my cousin mind you he was in wrestling boots which were atleast 1 and a half inches thick
Ruben Alex said on 27/Dec/20
Dudes wtf are you talking here.
The guy is 6ft 7. The mother er said that multiple times on interviews. So what the hell are you discussing here you crazy height scientist's

Lets be clear:

Kane: 6'7 (peak 6'8) with toose boots 6'10
Today: 6'5.5

Big Show 6'10 (peak 7ft)
Today: 6'9

Kevin Nash: 6'10 (peak 6'11)
Today: 6'9

Undertaker: 6'7 (peak 6'8)
Today: 6'6 or 6'6.25

Resurrection of Edwards said on 26/Dec/20

agreed dude.couldnt agree more.if anything,miz might be 5'11 range.he looked minimum 7" shorter than kane.wouldnt be surprised if miz was 7.25 or even 7.5 inches shorter than kane if kane stood fully straight.i too was shrprised how short miz looked next to kane.miz wasnt even at kane's nose.imho,miz is over listed.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 24/Dec/20
Never thought that Miz would look that small next to Kane. It's bad news for Miz's 6'0.5" listing here.
Pierre said on 24/Dec/20
Vegas' said on 24/Dec/20
Pierre, HHH is taller than Mark Henry unless you are going to try to convince us Henry is really 5'11 range... Click Here

Like I said I met Miz in person, he is 5'11.5-6 foot in person, taller in person than RVD e.g Click Here

I just comment what I see .I say next to Hafthor Triple H looks big max 6"0'.and The Miz looks shorter than Triple H in your pic.
Vegas' said on 24/Dec/20
Pierre, HHH is taller than Mark Henry unless you are going to try to convince us Henry is really 5'11 range... Click Here

Like I said I met Miz in person, he is 5'11.5-6 foot in person, taller in person than RVD e.g Click Here
Resurrection of Edward said on 24/Dec/20
I am sure Kane might look 6ft 6 with some people or guessed that, but I doubt he's going to come in that short when getting measured in last couple of years.

@ editor rob

this was just a year ago if i'm not mistaken.the difference between kane and miz looked similar to difference between you and your 'measured 6'3.5' friend.miz is not even at his nose,people still think this dude is 6'6.i cant stop laughing,kane looked almost an inch around 0.75 taller taller than guys like taker and corbin.rob,you said looking that height and measuring that height can sometimes throw some surprises.few folks guessed undertaker as 6'5.5 or even 6'5 flat but we can all agree that he is 6'6.similarly,even for kane,he might be guessed as 6'6 but he is atleast a weak 6'7.dont you think the difference between kane and miz looked similar to you and your measured 6'3.5 dude,kane is easily 7.25 or minimum 7 inch taller than miz,miz might have a advantage due to his thick hair and miz is not even at his nose.rob,you still doubt near 6'7.i think he is still near 6'7 and looked much taller than deountay wiler.kane being 6'6 means undertaker and corbin around 6'5.25 and strowman at 6'5.5.kevin nash at 6'7.5/6'7.75 and show around 6'9 flat or lower.what is your opinion on difference between you and your friend and kane and nash.

rob,you and your 6'3.5 measured friend Click Here
kane and the miz Click Here

what do you think about this?
Editor Rob
with Miz Kane I think can still clear 6ft 6 easily enough. He has a bigger head than average remember.
Pierre said on 23/Dec/20
@Vegas = Next to Rob Maryse was in huge stilettos,with a big front wedge sole.
In your pic the Miz looks shorter than HHH.
Here is HHH and Hafthor 6"7.5' = Click Here .By the scale Hafthor's lower ear/lower nose is 6"0' Click Here .
Vincent Caleb said on 23/Dec/20
Kane is not really under 6’6.25”. 6’6.5” is a strong possibility.

Spot on. 6’7” flat is too high today, but even 6’6” flat is too low. Somewhere between the two.
James B 172cm said on 23/Dec/20
well he often does not look over 6'6 to me these days on TV. Looks he would only be 1 inch taller than wade barrett and similar height to baron Corbin.
K.A said on 23/Dec/20
2001 Kane had a very scary size ,The man was just big and muscular.
Vegas' said on 23/Dec/20
Pierre I have met both Miz and Henry in person. Miz was slightly taller than me so Rob's estimate is close enough.

That's a better shot of Henry and Miz out of gear Click Here

Rob with Maryse Click Here
Miz with Maryse Click Here
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 22/Dec/20
@Pierre big talk from you, your arguments are about as solid as room temperature helium
Resurrection of Edward said on 22/Dec/20
@Editor rob

just your honest personal opinion and nothing you think kane could be as low as 6’6.i highly doubt he is that short.he is not barely but noticeably taller than measured 6’6 and 6’5.75 guys.looks like he has problems in his knees unlike the undertaker who has problem in both his knees and hips.i think folks might guess kane as low as 6’6 is dude to his knee problem.a poster in this site sometimes ago met kane and said he is still near 6’7 standing straight.he didn’t looked much shorter than guy’s like nash or show.he still seems to edge guy like braun strowman not just by 0.25 or 1/4 but probably by 1/2 or half this photo,strowman is near to camera but kane still edges him by 0.5.Click Here
imho,kane is even today much taller and bigger than someone like a peak sid.standing fill straight,even today guy like miz isn’t even at kane’s nose tip.miz is clearly under his nose and you have listed miz at 6 feet if i’m not mistaken.
rob,this dude claims 6’6/6’7 but one of the posters in this site admitted that he is 6’ is the same dude with kane,the guy has tall he looks with post prime kane(currently)Click Here not to mention kane didn’t looked much shorter than legit 6’9 range guy who edged someone like nash.this was already posted before.imho is still a weak 6’7 if stood fully straight in what many would called “military posture”.rob,how tall kane looks with the gentlemen with afro?and do you agree with me that he is weak 6’7 with military posture.he isn’t much shorter than nash or show.what is your opinion?kane is noticeably taller than guy like strowman by half inch and again strowman is 1/4 to atmost 1/2 taller than corbin and undertaker who are exactly similar?he looks too tall next to the gentleman with afro.
Editor Rob
I am sure Kane might look 6ft 6 with some people or guessed that, but I doubt he's going to come in that short when getting measured in last couple of years.
Chris n said on 22/Dec/20
Kanes thread is the most entertaining on this site. People expressing frustration towards others just because of height estimates they disapprove of. It’s funny.
Pierre said on 21/Dec/20
Vegas' said on 19/Dec/20
Roderick said on 18/Dec/20
I would put serious money down on Kane being likely 6'5.5".

So how tall is the Miz then....

Click Here

That's similar height difference to Rob and his measured ~6'3.5 barefoot friend Click Here
Click Here

Click Here = here no wrestler shoes = here is The Miz supposed 6"0' closer to the camera than Mark Henry (absolute max 6"1.5') ...

Here is The Miz next to John Cena = Click Here Click Here

John Cena/James Corden not perfectly straight = Click Here

James Corden/Justin Timberlake 5"11' = Click Here Click Here
Pierre said on 21/Dec/20
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 20/Dec/20
Hmm, if you’re not a troll you can name 3 other posters who believe Kane to be 6’5.5 AND find quotes to prove it. Go!

Lol here is another "solid" argument ...
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 20/Dec/20
Hmm, if you’re not a troll you can name 3 other posters who believe Kane to be 6’5.5 AND find quotes to prove it. Go!
Public Enemy said on 20/Dec/20
I don’t think Pierre is a troll at all. He has his own point of view. I don’t agree with him but he is entitled to express his view and perspective.
Canson said on 20/Dec/20
@Chaos Control: nah he’s been listed 6’6.75 for a while. He was reduced from 6’7 previously
Pierre said on 20/Dec/20
Lol the only arguments of this guys is=hater,troll,and something like that....there is an expression that says= attribute to others what you are yourself...
Pierre said on 19/Dec/20
Click Here = here are Undertaker's shoes and Kane's shoes(first minute in the video).Slim 92 probably you will explain me Kane's shoes are not more advantageous than Taker's shoes here or just a fraction...
Pierre said on 19/Dec/20
Slim92 said on 18/Dec/20
Pierre I see what you're doing now. You're an absolute troll. Look at photos of kane where he is unmasked from 97-02 and you'll see his hair is REAL. The photos you posted are recent ones in which yes, that is a wig. Those have nothing to do with the staredown you posted of kane and Taker, genius. When you wet your hair, it gets darker. Which is what kane always did and soaked it in conditioner. He said it took 30 minutes to do his hair and mask, every time. Do research before you troll or hate.

Lol of course my pic with a toupee is recent! The comparison I posted Kane /Taker on ring is recent too! What is your logic lol?
Vegas' said on 19/Dec/20
Roderick said on 18/Dec/20
I would put serious money down on Kane being likely 6'5.5".

So how tall is the Miz then....

Click Here

That's similar height difference to Rob and his measured ~6'3.5 barefoot friend Click Here
Click Here
ChaosControl 6'2.5 said on 19/Dec/20
@Pierre hair dye exists. That’s how you change your hair from bling to black. PS did Kane get a slight upgrade? I thought he was listed 6’6.5
Canson said on 18/Dec/20
@Pierre: i agree with Public Enemy, if I had to guess Kane has just loss less height than Taker. Taker appears to have lost at least an inch. Even a worst case 6’7 peak and it’s possible he’s still 6’6” today but Kane I’m not so sure he was 6’7.5 maybe 1/4” less and still 6’6.5 today. Kane isn’t as low as 6’6 flat next to the football player Vegas referenced. And I’m giving Lee Smith a normal height in the afternoon of 6’5.25-.5 range not a morning height that he got at the combine. I’ll go with 6’5 3/8” and call Kane 6’6 3/8 minimum. With the angle being as bad as it is, he may even have a bit more than 1”. All I will say is that it’s not less than 1” between them. If Kane isn’t the 6’6.75 he’s listed, he is for sure near enough 6’6.5”. He and Taker both have very decent listings relative to where they stand today. Not like Rob is 1” or 3/4” off their afternoon heights. Maybe 1/4” for both
Roderick said on 18/Dec/20
I would put serious money down on Kane being likely 6'5.5".

He really isn't as tall as people think. He's shorter than a 6'6.5" guy, and would maybe even be edged out by a 6'6" guy.

He's old and he's sorta fat now. He's lost some height.

FYI Kane's hair was real until the night he unmasked and when he remasked.
Slim92 said on 18/Dec/20
Pierre I see what you're doing now. You're an absolute troll. Look at photos of kane where he is unmasked from 97-02 and you'll see his hair is REAL. The photos you posted are recent ones in which yes, that is a wig. Those have nothing to do with the staredown you posted of kane and Taker, genius. When you wet your hair, it gets darker. Which is what kane always did and soaked it in conditioner. He said it took 30 minutes to do his hair and mask, every time. Do research before you troll or hate.
Pierre said on 18/Dec/20
@Slim93 =lol stop the documentary Kane stands around one meter closer to the camera than Taker.... Kane's natural hair is nearly blond Click Here ....and here suddenly black lol Click Here Click Here
Slim92 said on 17/Dec/20
Pierre... You gotta stop dude. Kane never wore a "Toupee" Its always been his real wetted down hair, till the night he unmasked for changed storyline reasons. Read my recent comment about Kanes boots. Explain how he was taller on video as Isaac Yankem. Both in flats. Taker has even said multiple times that kane is taller. Also, that pic of him and taker.... taker is obviously closer to the camera. Watch the most recent documentary and it shows them together several times outside of gear and Kane is taller.
Pierre said on 17/Dec/20
@Canson = I wouldn't bet a dollar Kane is taller than Taker,particularly by looking at this pic with both wearing sneakers.Taker wear an advantageous bonnet here,but remember Taker has a big forehead...and slouch a lot in the pic.In the pic on ring Kane wear massive shoes ,plus mask and toupee.And even with all this advantages he does not dwarf Taker.
Matt logan said on 17/Dec/20
6'6 max for kane the dude can also look 6'5.5
Matt logan said on 17/Dec/20
6'6 max for kane the dude can also look 6'5.5
Matt logan said on 17/Dec/20
6'6 max for kane the dude can also look 6'5.5
Canson said on 17/Dec/20
Pierre said on 16/Dec/20
Vegas' said on 13/Dec/20
Pierre said on 8/Dec/20
I believe 6"5.5' actual height is a better list for him.

Considering he was taller than a measured 6'5 3/4 barefoot guy just recently it would not

Thebn give me the link please

To be fair the 6’5.75 measured guy (a football player) was likely a morning measurement as majority of NFL combines are. However, with a 6’5 1/4-1/2 range guy next to him he isn’t going to only be 6’5.5 himself. Kane had at least 1” on him. Kane may be 6’6.5 or perhaps 199cm. He’s not 6’5.5”. And he is taller than Undertaker is today even if it’s only by 1/2 or 3/4”
Public Enemy said on 16/Dec/20
Both Kane and Taker have always been very close in height peak and current. In both instances I would still give Kane the edge.
Pierre said on 16/Dec/20
Here is how much tall looks Kane next to Undertaker,Kane wearing massive shoes ,and mask plus toupee = Click Here

Here is how much tall looks Kane next to Undertaker when similar shoes(Undertaker leans a lot)= Click Here

Click Here = Here look at the pics in the comment on 21/feb/2020=the same guy next to Undertaker and next to Kevin Nash....(Kevin Nash that lots of people apparently guess a bit under 6"8.75')
Pierre said on 16/Dec/20
Vegas' said on 13/Dec/20
Pierre said on 8/Dec/20
I believe 6"5.5' actual height is a better list for him.

Considering he was taller than a measured 6'5 3/4 barefoot guy just recently it would not

Thebn give me the link please
Joe Crook said on 15/Dec/20
Here is a picture of JBL, Nash, Mideon and Kane from the WWE video "The day of survivor series 2020"
Kane is in wrestling boots and Nash looks slightly taller.

Click Here
Anmol Sharma said on 14/Dec/20
I think kane is just under 6.8 in his prime and The Undertaker is 6.7.5 in his prime
Vegas' said on 13/Dec/20
Pierre said on 8/Dec/20
I believe 6"5.5' actual height is a better list for him.

Considering he was taller than a measured 6'5 3/4 barefoot guy just recently it would not
Philip McMullin said on 13/Dec/20
@Canson Glenn still says hes about 6'8 in interviews to this day. He's not the type to lie about things as small as that.
Vincent Caleb said on 12/Dec/20
Kane ain’t no 6’7” today, not a chance. At his peak easily though.
Canson said on 12/Dec/20
Philip McMullin said on 9/Dec/20
Pierre seems to be an appretice of Sotiris Grav whatever he was called. Hates the idea of Kane being tall. Kane is every bit of at least 6ft7.

How does he “hate the idea of him being tall”? He just doesn’t think he’s as tall as you think he is. For that matter, neither do the majority of the people here, including Rob, who lists him at 6’6.75”,
Lomax said on 11/Dec/20
On of my favorites the big red machine. Never believed he was 7’ always thought he was 6’8 or 6’9. Carrying serious weight, age and career. I can see him a little under 6’7.
Philip McMullin said on 9/Dec/20
Pierre seems to be an appretice of Sotiris Grav whatever he was called. Hates the idea of Kane being tall. Kane is every bit of at least 6ft7.
Pierre said on 9/Dec/20
Undertaker is a gentleman then when a journalist ask him who is the tallest he answer Kane is certainly the tallest...
Resurrection of Edward said on 9/Dec/20

i personally think he is surely one of the tallest and biggest looking 6’7 range guy in wwe.i personally havent seen any 6’7 range guy as tall and as big as peak kane.
Resurrection of Edward said on 9/Dec/20

i 100% agree with you.couldnt agree more and well said.i might add,undertaker has himself admitted of being shorter than kane in last podcast.”he wasn’t much taller than me”.taker referring kane at the podcasts.
Pierre said on 8/Dec/20
I believe 6"5.5' actual height is a better list for him.
Vincent Caleb said on 7/Dec/20
Agreed, Kane doesn’t have a shot at the full 6’7” today. It should be ruled out.
Resurrection of Edward said on 5/Dec/20
i personally think,in the morning he would easily clear 6’7 possibly even over 6’7 maybe sround 6’7.25,but after a wrestling match he’ll be lucky to hit 6’6.5
Canson said on 5/Dec/20
@Edward: I agree 100%. I also have him with perfect posture at or near 6’6.5 today. He has a chance of something like 6’6 3/8 as a low case afternoon height. Peak height though I think 201-202 cm range. My definition of weak would be the same as yours, .5-.75 range. So for example I used to call myself a borderline weak 6’5”/strong 6’4 when I began 5+ years ago in CH but that was before I knew my height varied and thought I was 6’4.5 but now that I know where I stand around 6’4.25, I just call it a strong 6’4” which I consider anyone who’s maybe .2-.5 range at a low. I class a peak Kane as a strong 6’7, sane with Sid if he really was as tall as listed. Ditto for Hogan. Strong 6’5 range imho. I’m unsure of Taker’s exact but I think you and I and others here (the majority such as Christian, Alan32080, 62B, Julian, Big Lul, J2Frenzy, Vegas, etc) have a peak Taker as anywhere between 6’7-6’7.5 with the attention primarily on the 6’7-6’7.25 range. So maybe a legit 201cm guy in his prime could be what we call him even if he dips .34cm below at a low. I’d give a guy like Big Show a much wider range. While I don’t know his exact height, I feel he was 6’11 and change and Andre 6’10-6’11 (6’10 and change). Maybe he lost his early and was the full 6’11 peak height but I don’t see either guy being as tall as Shaq in their primes. Keep in mind Shaq only claimed 6’11.75” and at times he can look precisely that when compared with Karl Malone (don’t see a full 4” in some pics with Shaq admitting he wears orthotics and with Malone admitting he’s 6’8” and looking it (at best) next to a peak Dennis Rodman or Scottie Pippen). And as we know, there’s no guarantee that even the most legit “looking” 6’8” guy doesn’t dip to 6’7.75 (at least today). Could even be 6’7.5 from the looks of it today in his 50s but I’ll leave his peak at 6’8”.
Canson said on 5/Dec/20
@Edward: I agree 100%. I also have him with perfect posture at or near 6’6.5 today. He has a chance of something like 6’6 3/8 as a low case afternoon height. Peak height though I think 201-202 cm range
Pierre said on 5/Dec/20
0% probabilities Kane is 6"7' or close.
Slim92 said on 4/Dec/20
What most of you need to understand is, that kanes "platform" boots really weren't that exaggerated. There is no way anyone could do what he did in 3" plus heels. His boots were basically cowboy boot height but "wedge" style. His boots also LOOKED that way because having him in flats wouldnt even really look right and Vince McMahon said himself he wanted the "Munster" look for him. Do you all really think Kane was the only one to have boots like this? Yeah, his looked different but if alot of you would actually pay attention and do more research, you'd see alot of other wrestlers had different style of "lifts". Wrestling boots aren't like what normal people in everyday life wear, and they couldn't ALL look the same for everyone on the roster. Geez... BTW, on one of the several podcasts you can find of him on YouTube, he has recently said he was a "legit 6'9 guy with long hair to my back walking around the street" So even IF he is 6'6 or 6'7 TODAY, that would absolutely prove he had to have been atleast 6'8 6'9 in his prime BAREFOOT. After all of the punishment his body has taken combined with his age id bet a weeks pay he has compressed at least 2" A prime Kane with maybe 2" MAX boots would have been every BIT 6'11 and 6'10 COMFORTABLY. Kane back in the day was more intimidating than anything before and probably after, we will ever see again.
Resurrection of Edward said on 3/Dec/20

i personally think that even today glen jacobs appears near 6’7 standing fully straight what would be called “military posture”.i personally think the dude is weak 6’7.and when i say weak 6’7,any people who is 6’6.5 or 6’6.75 would be considered to be weak 6’7.i personally have kane at 6’6.5 today.6’6.5 is weak 6’7 for me like any dude who measures 5’11.5/5’11.75 would ve considered weak 6,any dude who measures 6’3.5/6’3.75 would be considered weak 6’4.kane still holds pretty well next to nash and show.infact,he still stacks pretty well next to show and nash and doesn’t look much shorter than those guys.he appeared much taller than wilder with the same guy.he also didn’t looked much shorter than 6’7.5/6’8 guy even today.
here is a dude who claimed 6’10/6’11 but i doubt he is that tall,he could be solid 6’ he is with kane and nash,he seems to edge nash if i’m not is kane next to same dude,you can see their shoulder’s,he isn’t more than 2” taller,remember the guy is tilting is heading up.kane isn’t much shorter than him.Click Here

@Editor rob

rob,if you have a must pick situation between flat 6’6 and flat 6’7,where would you put kane in?i know you will lean towards in between 6’6 and 6’7 right in the middle but between 6’6 flat and 6’7 flat,where do you think he haf chance to measure?if you had a must pick situation between 6’6 flat and 6’7 flat.
Resurrection of Edward said on 3/Dec/20
Canson said on 1/Dec/20
@Edward: I don’t agree with most of Pierre’s estimates but he’s a nice guy overall. However, there’s no way VV is as tall as Kane today. Kane doesn’t even appear to be as low as 6’6 flat imho. He still can look what Rob lists him or near what he lists him if he stands straight

agree with everything you said dude.pierre is friendly and very nice dude overall.i respect pierre and his estimation as this is height site and everybody has their personal opinion on height.but the problem is that the dude post’s same photo 1000 times while he ignores rest of the photo’s.the dude is decent not like willies or battery though.i can get that.
Lyle said on 3/Dec/20
Check out the latest video on Takers page, at the 0:13 it's clear Kane is taller
Resurrection of Edward said on 1/Dec/20

dude,kane still seems to edge braun strowman by 1/2 or half inch.Click Here
Canson said on 1/Dec/20
@Edward: I don’t agree with most of Pierre’s estimates but he’s a nice guy overall. However, there’s no way VV is as tall as Kane today. Kane doesn’t even appear to be as low as 6’6 flat imho. He still can look what Rob lists him or near what he lists him if he stands straight
Chris n said on 1/Dec/20
Pierre once again you do not understand how camera angles makes a difference in the appearance of a persons height. If undertaker and Kane switched positions there, Kane would look taller.

But I guess you will keep on posting that pic below over and over anyways.
NR said on 30/Nov/20
@Pierre Taker has already admitted Kane is a bit taller than him. Why do u keep posting the same stuff everyday trying to say otherwise, especially when he’s admitted it haha
heightchecker34 said on 30/Nov/20
Well whats interesting, was this was the first time I ever watched Kevin Nash vs Isaac Yankem in 1996 and if Nash was 6'9.5, than he made Kane look 6'7.5 which is what I believed both their peak heights were. If Nash was 6'9, than Kane may have been 6'7, but IMO would make Undertaker 6'6.75 which I doubt. I always believed Kane was slightly taller than Taker, but sub 6'7 for Taker in his prime would be surprising. So Kevin Nash: 6'9.5, Kane: 6'7.5, and Undertaker: 6'7.25.
Resurrection of Edward said on 30/Nov/20
i’m not taking pierre seriously as this dude continuously post the same photo of kane with vaughn and show with shaq to back up his evidence while he ignores rest of photos.smh
Roderick said on 29/Nov/20
Kane is maybe 6'5.5".

He is not in the same height range as guys like LeBron James or Braun Strowman. He's shorter than them, and it's noticeable.

Before you argue that Kane is taller than Strowman, Undertaker even said on the Broken Skulls session that Kane wears platform boots. In an outside-of-ring photo, Kane IS shorter than Braun.

Even in the 90s, while Undertaker and Kane were both built and young, it's hard to comfortably say that they were both 6'7" dudes. Sometimes it's questionable, but maybe I'm wrong.
Pierre said on 28/Nov/20
Click Here here no big wrestler shoes,Kane looks max same height as Undertaker.
Roderick said on 27/Nov/20
Something very interesting! I haven't posted in awhile, but on the new Broken Skull sessions with the Undertaker, Austin pulls up this picture on the TV and shows it to Undertaker.

Undertaker looks at it and says, "Now there may have been some camera angle there, and he may have had some platform boots on, because he's not that much taller than me."

Interesting find for sure.
Resurrection of Edward said on 24/Nov/20
braun strowman and kane were both dubbed as “monster” but braun never looked intimidating as a peak kane.strowman never looked as tall as peak kane.
J2Frenzy said on 24/Nov/20
@Res of Edward it’s difficult to notice if a guy is only half an inch taller than you
Resurrection of Edward said on 23/Nov/20
@ Editor rob

Again, on the new episode of broken skull sessions, Taker says Kane he wasn't that much taller than me.

The 'may' part obviously comes across as a joke and secondly you don't say someone 'isn't that much taller than me' if he isn't actually taller.

@editor rob

do you think undertaker was joking when he said”kane wasn’t much taller than me”.secondly you don't say someone 'isn't that much taller than me' if he isn't actually can see that in the latest taker documentary.need your opinion.
Editor Rob
he could have felt Kane edged him out and was saying it like he seen it...
Resurrection of Edward said on 23/Nov/20
Lyle said on 22/Nov/20
Again, on the new episode of broken skull sessions, Taker says Kane 'may' have worn platform boots, he wasn't that much taller than me.

The 'may' part obviously comes across as a joke and secondly you don't say someone 'isn't that much taller than me' if he isn't actually taller

fully agreed with everything you said.
Lyle said on 22/Nov/20
Again, on the new episode of broken skull sessions, Taker says Kane 'may' have worn platform boots, he wasn't that much taller than me.

The 'may' part obviously comes across as a joke and secondly you don't say someone 'isn't that much taller than me' if he isn't actually taller
recapa said on 20/Nov/20
6ft7.5 peak,6ft6.5 today.
Pierre said on 18/Nov/20
@Resurrrection of Edward = Kane stands nearly one meter closer to the camera here of course he looks taller than Taker.And the camera is low here Kane has a big advantage !
Resurrection of Edward said on 18/Nov/20
i bet that neither show is 6’7.5 nor kane is 6’5.its very hard for people to convince me.nothing and no amount of photo evidence can change my mind.sorry.
Resurrection of Edward said on 18/Nov/20
Hyper said on 18/Nov/20
Kane really did look taller than Dennis Rodman, with Undertaker.

And Dennis Rodman has constantly made Michael Jordan look 6’4”. Not to mention Kane was at least an inch taller than Lee Smith (who was measured 6’5.75” but comes down to 6’5.25”-6’5.375”.)

Clearly 6’5” is a myth for Kane (based on meeting him in person and other pictures of him.) He’s really clears 6’6” for sure.

agreed with everything you said.
Hyper said on 18/Nov/20
Kane really did look taller than Dennis Rodman, with Undertaker.

And Dennis Rodman has constantly made Michael Jordan look 6’4”. Not to mention Kane was at least an inch taller than Lee Smith (who was measured 6’5.75” but comes down to 6’5.25”-6’5.375”.)

Clearly 6’5” is a myth for Kane (based on meeting him in person and other pictures of him.) He’s really clears 6’6” for sure.
PLk4521 said on 18/Nov/20
Edward, I thought you said you watched the actual documentary.

Here is the footage of when Undertaker and Kane met and shook hands:
Click Here

Hard to tell from here but Undertaker does edge him:
Click Here

Now whether those boots are Chelsea's or Cowboys, I'm not sure but either way I don't see how you can tell the exact height he's gaining from those.
Resurrection of Edward said on 17/Nov/20
PLk4521 said on 17/Nov/20
Undertaker was wearing Chelsea boots not cowboy boots lol. They probably added just over an inch. Doubt it was closPierre said on 16/Nov/20

@resurection of Edward=please give the link of this famous video Undertaker/Kane with Undertaker wearingcowboy shoese to 2 inches.

here is the footage of kane and kane,some people will say kane is near to camera and blah blah blan
here is the shoes that both guys wore.Click Here

Click Here

now,i have nothing to say for some people who thinks kane is 6’5 and big show at 6’7.5/6’8
PLk4521 said on 17/Nov/20
Undertaker was wearing Chelsea boots not cowboy boots lol. They probably added just over an inch. Doubt it was close to 2 inches.

He did edge out Kane when they met. The quote he used was "they brought out someone who was as tall, if not taller than me" when referring to Kane's debut.

Then again, in the state down photo of Undertaker and Unabom which was Kane's earliest gimmick, Taker looked taller.
Click Here

Hard to tell the difference.
Robbe said on 17/Nov/20
That comparison with Barkley vs Kane wasn't so bad actually, Barkley's posture is also very relaxed there. But anyway, my point was, just like i said earlier, picture comparisons are more than often nowhere near the truth. Kane and Barkley here with Boomer.

Click Here

Once again, Kane looks only hair taller. But Kane looks the same height as 6'6.5 Wilder here with Boomer Click Here

Kane 5in shorter than Big Show Click Here

Kane taller than 6'6 Guy Click Here

Picture comparisons are fun to do, but most often just waste of time. But anyway, current listing for Kane is close enough in my opinion.
Pierre said on 16/Nov/20
@resurection of Edward=please give the link of this famous video Undertaker/Kane with Undertaker wearingcowboy shoes
Resurrection of Edward said on 16/Nov/20

i can’t even buy your single photo from the very beginning since you cherrypicked photo where kane and show are looking shorter dude.there is the whole video footage of kane and taker in the latest documentary and taker in cowboy foot is nowhere near kane in normal 1 inch shoes.your photo’s are very much misleading.
J2Frenzy said on 16/Nov/20
@Pierre why does big shoes mean he’s got lifts in them? He’s a huge guy, his feet are probably massive
Resurrection of Edward said on 15/Nov/20
Lyle said on 15/Nov/20
Just finished watching the brothers of destruction documentary, Undertaker pretty much admits that Kane is taller, at the end they hug and Taker does look taller than Kane, but Taker is wearing cowboy boots which probably give 2inch whilst kane is in normal shoes, every clip shown throughout is nothing new and it still shows they were/are very close in height, with Kane getting the slight edge

@editor rob

rob in “brother of destruction “documentary airing in wwe network,undertaker hugs kane and pretty much admits that kane was bigger and taller one at peak.rob undertaker in cowboy boot that might give him 2/2.025 inch and kane in normal common 1 inch shoes,kane still looks taller when both were standing in similar posture .i personally think there is enough to see that mark calaway has never been as taller as jacobs in peak or currently.if mark calaway was really 6’7 1/4 then i could buy 6’7 3/4 for jacobs but attimes looked even half inch between jacobs and calaway.rob,you gotta to see the documentary.either it is jacobs who is still 6’7 if mark calaway is 6’6 or it is mark calaway who is 6’5.5 and jacobs at 6’6.5 currently.i fully agree with everything poster lyle says, Lyle said on 15/Nov/20
Just finished watching the brothers of destruction documentary, Undertaker pretty much admits that Kane is taller.maybe jacobs wasn’t far off his claim at peak?there is footage of these guy at 1995 and undertaker looks much shorter than glen and both guy’s were at peak.
Canson said on 15/Nov/20
@J2Frenzy: agreed. He would’ve probably been a 204-205 range guy out of bed at 6’7.5”
Pierre said on 15/Nov/20
Resurrection of Edward said on 15/Nov/20

kane wore outer but undertaker wore internal lifts.

@chris n

agreed with everything you said.

Why Kane wearing big external soles would exclude internal helps ?His shoes are looking very big ,it seems to me possible to insert lifts in them.
Pierre said on 15/Nov/20
Click Here here I don't bet a dollar Kane is the tallest guy

Click Here Who is the guy who has to looking down to talk to the other guy in the eyes here...that's not Kane to me...Plus remember Undertaker's forehead is big...
Lyle said on 15/Nov/20
Just finished watching the brothers of destruction documentary, Undertaker pretty much admits that Kane is taller, at the end they hug and Taker does look taller than Kane, but Taker is wearing cowboy boots which probably give 2inch whilst kane is in normal shoes, every clip shown throughout is nothing new and it still shows they were/are very close in height, with Kane getting the slight edge
Resurrection of Edward said on 15/Nov/20

kane wore outer but undertaker wore internal lifts.

@chris n

agreed with everything you said.
Pierre said on 15/Nov/20
Chris n said on 14/Nov/20
Pierre you just do not understand how camera angles make significant changes in height comparisons in pictures. Not just the photo below of Kane and UT, but many others you have posted here throughout time.

Look at the floor of the ring, the angle in which the photo is taken. Can you see that? Yes? The undertaker is always going to appear taller from that angle since they are close in height.

The only case Taker could have an advantage by standing more distant to the camera is if the camera was very high that is not the case here =the camera is max same height as their heads here...
J2Frenzy said on 15/Nov/20
Yeah yeah, Kane wore lifts, we get it. That’s why we didn’t use in-ring photos
Chris n said on 14/Nov/20
Pierre you just do not understand how camera angles make significant changes in height comparisons in pictures. Not just the photo below of Kane and UT, but many others you have posted here throughout time.

Look at the floor of the ring, the angle in which the photo is taken. Can you see that? Yes? The undertaker is always going to appear taller from that angle since they are close in height.
Pierre said on 14/Nov/20
Click Here Undertaker in poor posture,Kane wearing shoes that are looking massive ,Kane no mask with toupee this time and standing easily closer to the camera than Undertaker
Pierre said on 14/Nov/20
Robbe said on 13/Nov/20
Yeah, can somebody post a link where Vince says he is tiptoeing in that pic with Kane. Otherwise this picture will be posted here like 100 times a month..

Lol I posted lots of pics here that are not this pic(and that each time show the same thing...).Well I have to understand you have no links about this anecdot of Vince tiptoeing...
ced said on 13/Nov/20
Anyine see that picture of Big Show / Kane staredown from Insurextion 99 i posted below?

Both were at peak height there — Kane was 6’8 out of bed in 1999 for sure.

There’s not a chance he was underneath that in 99. If Big Show’s peak was 7 foot, (i believe 6’11.5) + boots and he also had a thick sole, that would make him 7.05 in boots.

They have about 2 iches between each other in that photo.

Kane was 6’8 out of bed and 6’7.75 afternoon. + 2 inch lifts = 6’9.75

That’s exactly how much height difference is between them in that photo give or take .25 inches.
Robbe said on 13/Nov/20
Yeah, can somebody post a link where Vince says he is tiptoeing in that pic with Kane. Otherwise this picture will be posted here like 100 times a month..
Pierre said on 12/Nov/20
Robbe said on 12/Nov/20
It has been said many times Vaughn is tiptoeing with Kane, so it's pretty useless to post that pic over and over again..

Each time I post this pic a guy say Vince was tiptoeing but never give me a link in which Vince would explain this...
J2Frenzy said on 12/Nov/20
If 6’7.5 was Kane’s afternoon height he probably woke up at strong 6’8, maybe 6’8.25
Resurrection of Edward said on 12/Nov/20
J2Frenzy said on 11/Nov/20
@Res of Edward depends if 6’7.5 was afternoon or evening height

its a afternoon height.all the height listed in site are afternoon height if i’m not mistaken.
Robbe said on 12/Nov/20
It has been said many times Vaughn is tiptoeing with Kane, so it's pretty useless to post that pic over and over again..
J2Frenzy said on 11/Nov/20
@Res of Edward depends if 6’7.5 was afternoon or evening height
Pierre said on 11/Nov/20
Here is Jack Swagger who looks hardly 78 inches(6"5') by this mugshot and who very probably wear shoes,then hardly full 6"4' barefoot Click Here Click Here

Here is how much tall looks Kane next to Jack Swagger in relaxed posture(opposite to his posture with the mugshot)(Jack standing a bit closer to the camera )= Click Here

Click Here Kane /Vince Vaughn

Vince Vaughn/Stephen Merchant 6"7' wearing flat sneakers and standing each time in a terrible posture and a lot more distant to the camera in first pic = Click Here Click Here
Pierre said on 11/Nov/20
J2Frenzy said on 8/Nov/20
6’5.5 current is ridiculous but so is over 6’7. I’d put him at a strong 6’6 now, and an inch taller in his prime

Lol here is another comparison = Shaq 7"0' range /Randy Orton ,Randy closer to the camera and low camera=good advantage for the clothest guy = Click Here

Randy Orton this time more distant to the camera/Big Show = Click Here

Kane /Big Show both without wrestler shoes = Click Here
Resurrection of Edward said on 11/Nov/20
@j2 frenzy

a peak kane might be 6’8.5 or 6’8.25 immediately out if bed.
ced said on 10/Nov/20
@J2Frenzy - Agreed.

Found this hidden gem - From 1999 - WWE Insurextion PPV -

Kane/Big Show Staredown:

Click Here
J2Frenzy said on 10/Nov/20
Definitely 6’8 out of bed peak
Canson said on 9/Nov/20
@Philip McMullan: I agree to an extent. He isn’t anything close to what Pierre is saying but I’m not sure he’s 6’7” today. Hyper has met him and guessed 6’7” but I don’t know when that was. I’d still give Kane a weak 6’7 however. I’d say 6’6.5 afternoon height
J2Frenzy said on 8/Nov/20
6’5.5 current is ridiculous but so is over 6’7. I’d put him at a strong 6’6 now, and an inch taller in his prime
Resurrection of Edward said on 8/Nov/20
Philip McMullin said on 7/Nov/20
@Pierre in no way shape or form are your images a good representation of Kane's real height. Also in no way shape or form is Kane anything under 6ft6.3/5..i myself am CONFIDENT that kanes still 6'7 or just over

while i respectfully disagree that he is 6’7 today,i can see the 6’6.5 argument today as he typically looks it.he was taller than some legit combined measured guys.if anything,i have to say a peak height of 6’7.5 and current height of 6’6.5.he did looked noticeably taller than braun strowman out of gear last time.
Resurrection of Edward said on 8/Nov/20
@ben bell

dude,you said you haven’t seen kane next to tall celebs,for your interest in kane with tall is kane next to pen jillete.kane is obviously the the taller one.Click Here
Philip McMullin said on 7/Nov/20
@Pierre in no way shape or form are your images a good representation of Kane's real height. Also in no way shape or form is Kane anything under 6ft6.3/5..i myself am CONFIDENT that kanes still 6'7 or just over
Ben Bell said on 7/Nov/20
I wonder how tall Haftor really is. Hard to say. Significantly taller than Kane looking at pics. Looks to have 2” or a little more.
If Triple H is 6’2. I think Kane today could be 6’5.5 with 6’6 peak.
I haven’t seen a single photo of Kane with a tall celebrity where he looks over 6’6.
Also when he first came in as Isaac Yankem them said he was 6’7. When he was Yankem and without lifts he certainly never looked taller than Sid or Taker. Yankem vs Taker with no visible lifts they were eye to eye. With takers long head he edged it slightly.
As Diesel and Kane with obvious lifts at times he did look huge. You have to wonder if there’s a 2”’sole how much lift is inside the boots.
I can’t think of any wrestler apart from Zeus who had lifts as obvious as Kane.
Pierre said on 6/Nov/20
Kane /Triple h one time a bit closer to the camera one time a bit more distant = Click Here Click Here

Triple H /Hafthor 6"7.5' = Click Here

Around 6"5.5' here.
Khaja Qadaruddin said on 6/Nov/20
Click Here take a look at 3:08...taker and kane exact same..and this was when stopped wearing monster boots..
Resurrection of Edward said on 6/Nov/20
i’m sorry i just mistakenly said 1999 podcast,it was 1996 “bad blood” podcast by bruce pitchard who was a one of the major person behind wwe’s creative team in the 90s.he did managed undertaker and kane.bruce pitchard aka brother love had a 1996 bad blood podcast where he talked about taker and kane.the poscast is more than 1 hours,maybe 1 and half if i’m not mistaken.he talks about undertaker,kane and vince mcmahon.he also talks about how taker’s boot were custom made designed to enhance max height.he also talks about the character “kane”.he also added how wwe were very close to find a person to fit in the character kane.glenn jacobs was only guy who could fit the gimmick.the character “kane” needs to be taller and bigger than the undertaker love added that glen jacobs was only guy that was taller/bigger than the undertaker at that time and was only person that could fit the character.he also discussed how the first hell in a cell was made for kane’s debut.he also said the cage door wasn’t that hard and jacobs could destroy the cage door and go face to face with his brother the undertaker.
Resurrection of Edward said on 6/Nov/20

dude,i agree with everything you said.i have to add,in 1999 taker did towered guy’s like rock,stone cold,hhh and even vince mcmahon.he was closer in height with guy’s like kane and year later,circa 2000,callaway even struggled to tower or look big next to guy’s like rock,stone cold,hhh or even vince did looked obvious that callaway did had his internal 1999,he did looked 6’9 or near it in boots but come circa 2000,callaway struggled to look anything over 6’8.25 or max 6’8.5 in even became more obvious.there is bruce pitchard 1999”bad blood” podcast where he revealed that calaway had his for kane,pitchard said he was already taller and bigger but vince mcmahon and the create team wanted him to be even taller and bigger so they planned monster boot for kane.kane did have his monster boot that help him stack with legit big guy’s like nash and show.kane was eye to eye with show.pitchard dud managed borh taker and kane before paul bearer.he did described undertaker who was at peak.he did described mark calaway as tall “6’7” guy.he also said that jacobs was over 6’7.excluding footwear,6’7.25 is the “absolute highest” a peak mark calaway has ever looked.i feel he was just 6’7 if anything.

@Editor rob

how much do internal shoes lifts give?how much they add rob?
Editor Rob
In some boots you could get an inch inside, but any more and the angle would not be great for wrestling. It would be better with a custom made boot with bigger sole (and front platform) to add height.
Canson said on 5/Nov/20
@Edward: that estimate is even more realistic. I could see a small fraction on Taker. I wouldn’t have taken Calloway to wear lifts but looking back maybe that’s why some thought he looked 6’8” or over
Resurrection of Edward said on 4/Nov/20
@ben bell

dude,i have to partially disagree with you.Yankem was taller than taker in that match with staredown, same sized soles on boots, yankem didn’t had lifts but yankem was a jobber so wwf would be trying to make Taker the bigger, badder, tougher, etc. If either had lifts it would be taker.but to me personally,either had similar shoes and yankem was barely taller than looked even as high as 1/2 attimes but i still had them 1/4 apart.yankem was taller.undertaker has even been described as 6’6 range guy at peak?but i doubt he was that low.he was 6’7 or 6’7.25 at absolute most.


dude,kane wasn’t even under wwe contact in 1996,he was a jobber and he did came to wwf straight out of puerto rico if i’m not mistaken.he was at rico that time according to bruce pitchard.taker was already a draw at wwe along with michaels,bret hart and hogan.kane was a jobber and had small footwear and he did edged the undertaker who was in boots.bruce pitchard even revealed that taker wore internal lifts to get closer to jacobs height.he did said undertaker was 6’7 and kane being bit over 6’7.say taker at 6’7 or 6’7.25 and kane(yankem) at 6’7.5.bruce pitchard was one of the major person behind gimmick kane.he has clearly stated undertaker had his internal lifts and glen had his outer lifts but jacobs was taller between the two by a fraction.bruce pitchard said that taker wore internal lifts to go eye to eye with yankem but jacobs was still taller.
J2Frenzy said on 4/Nov/20
@Vincent Id give Lesnar flat 6’2 but he probably drops under it as an extreme low. I’d also give current Taker 6’6

@Ben Bell I thought Yankem was billed 6’10
ced said on 4/Nov/20
@Ben Bell

Ben, I respectfully disagree, take a look below. This is from a 1995 Battle Royal, Kane (wearing flat boots) and Sid are in the ring together.

Who is taller? I'll let you be the judge.

Image 1:
Click Here

Image 2:
Click Here
Canson said on 4/Nov/20
@Vincent Caleb: excellent estimates!
Ben Bell said on 3/Nov/20
The bad thing with Kane is he generally wore lifts, sometimes monster lifts.
It’s easier to judge him on his Isaac Yankem height as he had flat boots.
He was billed at 6’7 at times as Yankem so I struggle to see any more than this.
He really never looked taller than Sid and Taker to me so I’d have to say 6’7 max which is still huge!
He certainly looks shorter today.
Canson said on 2/Nov/20
@Edwards: I agree. He is another one of those big wrestlers who doesn’t stand his best. I’d def say a peak Kane would’ve cleared 6’7” at a low. Maybe 6’7.25 and I don’t rule out .5 yet either
ced said on 2/Nov/20
Here is a picture of a pre lifts Kane as the Fake Diesel Vs Undertaker.

You can tell Glenn has about an inch on Taker here.

Click Here
Vincent Caleb said on 2/Nov/20
Here are my edited guesses of WWE wrestlers after closer inspection:
Hulk Hogan 6-5.25 peak(minimum) 6-3 currently(maximum)
Kane 6-7.25 peak 6-6.25 currently
Baron Corbin 6-5 7/8
Roman Reigns 6-2(solid one)
Kevin Nash 6-9.25 peak 6-8.25 currently
Triple H currently 6-1.25
Andre the Giant 6-11(anything within a half inch below or above is ok)
Viscera peak 6-6 range
Braun Strowman 6-6.25
Dwayne Johnson 6-2.75 peak 6-2 current
Brock Lesnar 6-1 7/8
John Cena 6-0.25
Stone Cold Steve Austin 6-0 7/8 peak current is 6-0 MAX
Big Show 6-11.5 peak Current 6-9.5
Shad Gaspard 6-4.75(RIP)
Undertaker 6-7 peak 6-5.75 current
LOL I really have too much time on my hands due to the pandemic nowadays. I will try not to spam comments anymore lol.
Resurrection of Edward said on 2/Nov/20
i saw in one of the comments in youtube.some body said that at one point,peak kane was ones the tallest wrestler in wwe.with big show in hiatus and nash no longer in contact with wwe,kane was tallest super star in the wwe at ine point.
Hyper said on 1/Nov/20
Even when he lost height, he gave a taller impression than Dennis Rodman next to Undertaker.

Current and peak listings are legit for Kane.
Kan said on 1/Nov/20
Editor Rob
if anybody had forgotten, here is what Kane looked like with 5ft 8 mamun. It's a sizeable difference, I guess it depends how big you estimate Kane's head was. He'd be nearer his peak there.

In my opinion Kane head isn’t under 25 cm, so i think whit mamum looked 6ft7 1/2 peak mark and i believe this photos was taken in 2005-2006.@edwards in my opinion back to 2007 when Kane and viscera had the staredown, i still think that Kane was near his peak, but i’m not sure that viscera still in his peak considering his weight. Though personally the most i ever see his an inch, 1.5 seems a very big difference, i really doubt. But for sure Kane is taller
Resurrection of Edwards said on 31/Oct/20

dude i think you might disagree but there is atleast sn inch difference between kane and viscera,atleast 1 inch.i wouldn’t be surprised if kane was 1.25 taller than viscera.
Resurrection of Edwards said on 31/Oct/20

i personally think that if stood in military posture,kane could measure hair over 6’7 in that particular photo.then again,i could be wrong and he might only be 6’7 like you said.but in my personal opinion,he looked the listed height or say he looked what rob lists him in that particular photo.
Resurrection of Edwards said on 31/Oct/20

yeah dude,i can get and i agree with what you said.i personally still feel that there is easily 1 inch between kane and viscera and attimes looked even 1.25/1.5 in some particular photos.then again,i might be wrong and there might have been only an inch difference.i can get what you’re trying to say dude.
Editor Rob
if anybody had forgotten, here is what Kane looked like with 5ft 8 mamun. It's a sizeable difference, I guess it depends how big you estimate Kane's head was. He'd be nearer his peak there.
Canson said on 30/Oct/20
Ben only measured 6’4 7/8 at the combine. I’d say he can look closer to that mark so maybe 6’4.75”. No less than maybe 6’4 5/8”. Usually combines are early morning but he looks taller than Eli. Kanelooks 6’7 there imho
Canson said on 29/Oct/20
Viscera couldn’t be only 6’5.25”. He looks to be every bit of 6’6” range
Khaja Qadaruddin said on 29/Oct/20 today viscera is no more!
Kan said on 29/Oct/20
@edwards Rob
Though for kane and viscera like a Said camera angle make the difference
If you watch the video when they walked, both can looks taller or shorter than they are.
Click Here
Here viscera could looks only half inch shorter i think even Rob can confirm it
In this kane looked over an inch taller
Click Here
But kane walked and he was near the camera
Here they looked very close
Click Here
I think it’s half inch at most. So i don’t know what Rob think, but in my opinion both man standing straight, the difference wasn’t as much ad 1.25 inch
Click Here
Kan said on 29/Oct/20
It’s difficult to judge because both walking in that segment .
This is the whole videos
Click Here
Kane probably looks about 1 inch taller, but i believe viscera lost more height than Kane because of his mass and i think his posture isn’t great especially in that moment.
Click Here
Instead kane stayed in a very good posture
It’s really hard to judge how tall is viscera, but Rob in viscera’s page doesn’t rule out 6ft6.75 for peak viscera
Resurrection of Edwards said on 28/Oct/20
Kan said on 27/Oct/20
If big ben is a full 6ft5
Click Here
Footwear is unknow, but how tall do you think is Kane ? In my opinion seems over 2 inch taller
Editor Rob
A bit more than 2 inches, not 3 though

he looks his listed height in that particular photo.
Resurrection of Edwards said on 28/Oct/20

i can get what you’re saying dude.
Matt logan said on 28/Oct/20
Kane is 6'6 vecara is like 6'5.25
Kan said on 27/Oct/20
If big ben is a full 6ft5
Click Here
Footwear is unknow, but how tall do you think is Kane ? In my opinion seems over 2 inch taller
Editor Rob
A bit more than 2 inches, not 3 though
Khaja Qadaruddin said on 27/Oct/20
@kaneeeee..bro sid himself stated that he was 6'6 considering it he was suppose a full 6'6..which puts kane at max 6'7 at peak.
Matt logan said on 27/Oct/20
No kane is 6'6 today viscera has to be 6'5ish
ced said on 27/Oct/20
@Big Lul,

I think the camera angle in that instance is more so helping Viscera. Reason: take a look at the top rope in your photo, look how it’s angled behind Kane and how it is angled behind Vis. The top rope is angling downwards behind Kane and upwards behind Viscera giving Vis an advantage.
Resurrection of Edwards said on 26/Oct/20
@Editor rob and kan

here is another shot that i found sometimes a go.clearly a 1.25 inch difference at this particular photo between big daddy v and kane.i might be wrong but the photos looks clear.ofcourse i might be wrong but here is kane in military posture.Click Here
Editor Rob
could be full 3cm range there
Kaneeeee said on 25/Oct/20
Vicera is about 6ft8 himself, kane inches him out, braun strowman is 6ft8 measured by strongman competition who again kane has a inch over him, sid was a good 6ft8 in real life if you look at his documentary and stood as tall as taker, yet again kane is taller than taker too.
James Brett 172cm said on 25/Oct/20
rob would you say kane 6ft7.25 and bigg daddy 6ft6.25 at the time they had a staredown?
Editor Rob
roughly those figures
Kan said on 25/Oct/20
The camera angle always makes a difference
Click Here
Kan said on 25/Oct/20
Though with undertaker doesn’t look shorter who looks only half inch shorter at most than Kane
Click Here
Mr.SixfeetOne said on 25/Oct/20
Man Kane definitely looked quite taller than Dwayne Johnson who in his peak was about 6.3, maybe more than 4 inches taller. 6.9 at peak max!!
Kan said on 24/Oct/20
Despite what Rob Paul said, i think the camera does help kane, i doubt as much as a full inch..
Click Here
I really doubt is more than half inch or 3/4 inch
Kan said on 23/Oct/20
Maybe this two videos are better
Click Here
Click Here
It seems more half inch than a full inch in my opinion
Big Lul said on 23/Oct/20
@edwards, Canson and Riky

To be honest, in the last ride documentary taker in the first 2 episodes looked at best 6’5-6’5.5 especially with guys like Roman, Orton and JBL. Then episode 3 he looked consistently 6’5.5. Then the last two episodes taker looked 6’5.75-6’6 max especially when he was around with Braun Strowman and the nxt big guys. So basically what I’m trying to say is that some times taker has really bad posture but not as bad as people say. But I will say this, he probably only looked 6’5-6’5.5 max in the first 2 episodes because it was pre 2nd hip surgery.
Kan said on 21/Oct/20
Probably this segment it's easier to judge
Click Here
2:00 mark
The camera probably help Kane, but he doesn’t look an inch taller to me, but you are a better guesser than mine
Resurrection of Edward said on 21/Oct/20
Kan said on 21/Oct/20
For you @rob
How is the difference in height between viscera and Kane ?
Click Here
Editor Rob
Kane looks taller, a full inch? Maybe, the video looks slightly squashed

@editor rob

rob here is the closer one,as your response to much do you think is possible between kane and big daddy v Click Here
Editor Rob
In that still you could say 3cm between the clip itself, overall I'd still go with about 1 inch
Kan said on 21/Oct/20
For you @rob
How is the difference in height between viscera and Kane ?
Click Here
Editor Rob
Kane looks taller, a full inch? Maybe, the video looks slightly squashed
Nik said on 20/Oct/20
@ Christian 6'5 3/8" - Good spot!
Resurrection of Edwards said on 18/Oct/20

yeah dude,i can get what you’re saying and i can see the argument.i fully agree with everything you said.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 18/Oct/20
And Kane's real name happens to be Glenn as well.
Kan said on 18/Oct/20
Thanks! It’s really hard to judge the difference height between 2 wrestler. Camera angle, boots and even the ring may not be completely flat like a floor. So i respect every guess as long as it is likely. In my opinion i think that Kane peak height is between 6ft7 - 6ft7 1/2, i doubt is 6ft8... i mean if sycho sid is 6ft6, peak kane and undertaaker are about 6ft7 - 6ft7 1/2
Today is taller than undertaker, half inch at least i think
Resurrection of Edward said on 16/Oct/20
Kan said on 13/Oct/20
No question about Kane looked taller than viscera, but i really don’t think the difference was as much as 1” - 1.5” inch.
I can see 0.5” - 1” inch, but i respect your position on kane and viscera height. In my opinion you are one of the best to judging heights


thanks dude.we can all agree to disagree and still be respectful and appreciate each other.yeah dude,you too,your estimation are bang on.i agree on all of your too has really good estimation overall.
Nik said on 16/Oct/20
He's over a foot taller than Glenn C!
ced said on 14/Oct/20
Would have been interesting to see Kane of 2002 (after his comeback with the half mask) - he didn't have lifts on his boots and Viscera of Attitude Era (I believe peak height Vis), in 06/07 when he was Big Daddy V, he obviously wore lifts but then so did Kane.

Sid and Viscera were about the same height.

I think the peak heights are Kane - 6'7.25, Viscera - 6'6 - 6'6.25, Sid 6'6.25 - 6'6.5, Undertaker - 6'7. Diesel - 6'8.8, Big Show - 6'10.9 (Just a smidge under 6'11).
Hyper said on 14/Oct/20

I measured at 5’8.5”-5’8.75” at a low, on my bare feet.

He’s a lot taller in person than he looks in pictures.


I definitely believe him to be over 6’6”, today.
Kan said on 13/Oct/20
No question about Kane looked taller than viscera, but i really don’t think the difference was as much as 1” - 1.5” inch.
I can see 0.5” - 1” inch, but i respect your position on kane and viscera height. In my opinion you are one of the best to judging heights
Resurrection of Edward said on 12/Oct/20

another one.Click Here
Resurrection of Edward said on 12/Oct/20

ofcource i could be wrong but here is........

Click Here
Resurrection of Edward said on 12/Oct/20

camera angles might be huge factor especially when determining or estimating someone’s height.not a good quality photo but here,kane looks taller.Click Here
Pierre said on 11/Oct/20
@Hyper= how tall are you?
Kan said on 11/Oct/20
I really doubt kane had 1” to 1.5” on viscera in every staredown i see... show me this photos, i’m interested
Resurrection of Edward said on 11/Oct/20
i personally don’t think kane was ever 6’8 and i still don’t believe that he ever was that taller.but again,i’ll be honest.few people met or did encountered with a peak kane out of gear and said he can look near 6’8.i still don’t believe them though.
Canson said on 11/Oct/20
@Hyper: he still looks comfortably over 6’6” today in pics. See the ones with the football player that were posted. Lee smith I believe. He was measured 6’5 3/4 so probably something like 6’5.25-.5 range in the afternoon and Kane had at least 1”. I have Kane around 6’6.5 give or take
Resurrection of Edward said on 11/Oct/20

i respectfully disagree with other footages,kane has 1” to even 1.5 on viscera.
Hyper said on 10/Oct/20

I did meet him in person. I said it multiple times. I didn't a picture unfortunately, because it was expensive.

He is taller in person than he looks in pictures. He's definitely over 6'6". He had a footwear advantage, but he is over 6'6", without a doubt. I would've thought he was over 6'7", but he had a footwear advantage over me.
Hyper said on 10/Oct/20

I did meet him in person. I said it multiple times. I didn't a picture unfortunately, because it was expensive.

He is taller in person than he looks in pictures. He's definitely over 6'6". He had a footwear advantage, but he is over 6'6", without a doubt.
6'3 Julian said on 10/Oct/20
@SeanR Kane could definitely get himself upwards of 6’10 in lifts, he wasn’t particularly agile so it wouldn’t cause him problems
Kan said on 9/Oct/20
I know i asked you @rob many times if Kane in his peak was as tall as 6ft7 1/2.
I just found this match with viscera back to 2007 and kane struggling to look over half inch taller in my opinion
Click Here
And i really doubt kane lost half inch or so back 2007. He was 40 and his posture looks great.
I mean or viscera could look over 6ft6 1/2 or maybe Kane as 6ft7 1/4 peak is probably closer the truth
SeanR said on 8/Oct/20
Hi Rob,

What’s the most height increase you have seen someone with lifts have?

It looks like Kane could have add 3 inches + in footwear with his staredowns with Big Show.
Editor Rob
It really is tough getting anywhere near 4 inches from a boot and being able to walk, let alone wrestle.

However if there is a decent thickness to the front of the boot (like 1-1.5 inches) then a lifted boot might bring you to 3 inches and you could kinda wrestle, just have to be very careful you don't topple your ankles.
Kan said on 8/Oct/20
I really dubit Kane being 3 inch taller than orton back to 2015. Mauve in 2000’s but the most i can see is 6ft6 1/2 next to Randy and o really think isn’t over than that today
Scott 5'6 said on 8/Oct/20
6’8 now 7’0 peak
Pierre said on 8/Oct/20
Hyper said on 6/Oct/20
If Kane is 6’5”, Anthony Joshua is 6’4” and Wladimir 6’3.75”, with Kobe at 6’3.25”.

@Hyper I don't understand your logic about downgrade all this guys if Kane is around 6"5'?
Canson said on 7/Oct/20
Kane is not not under 6’6 let alone closer to 6’5”
Hyper said on 6/Oct/20
If Kane is 6’5”, Anthony Joshua is 6’4” and Wladimir 6’3.75”, with Kobe at 6’3.25”.
James Brett 172cm said on 5/Oct/20
orton looks quite a bit under 6'4 there unless kane wears lifts?
Pierre said on 5/Oct/20
Kane closer to 6"5' than to 6"6' to me
Chris Nehmes said on 4/Oct/20
Kan said on 4/Oct/20
I really doubt kane still near 6ft7
Click Here
If Kane stood straight in that pic, then there’s easily 3 inches on Orton.
Vegas' said on 4/Oct/20
Nwo2020, Kane definitely bigger boots there Click Here

Pierre, Nowitzki has similar posture in both photos I posted...
Kan said on 4/Oct/20
I really doubt kane still near 6ft7
Click Here
Editor Rob
I'd still have said that moment he's over 6ft 6.
Pierre said on 4/Oct/20
Nwo2020 said on 3/Oct/20
so what so you think of this image. Both peak heights in the 90s and both obviously wearing lifts if you care to watch the actual match

Click Here

I believe Kane here was wearing massive helps while Big Show was wearing slimer helps
Nwo2020 said on 3/Oct/20
so what so you think of this image. Both peak heights in the 90s and both obviously wearing lifts if you care to watch the actual match

Click Here
Canson said on 2/Oct/20
@Vegas: yea Show was taller than Durant in their pic years ago. Probably not as much as the camera suggests but he was taller by at least 1”. Durant, if he really grew, it was only maybe 1cm or maybe he was rounded down to begin with when he was measured
Pierre said on 30/Sep/20
@Vegas but your pic of Joakim is different to mine,you can see the middle man is not in same posture and so Joakim stands closer to the camera in your pic.Plus in my pic Joakim leans a lot all his bust and head opposite to the camera and so stands around same distance to the camera as gabrielle,probably a bit closer ,but in your pic Big Show stands closer to the camera than gabrielle.

In your pic Dirck Nowitzki has a bad posture next to big Show,he clearly leans a lot to try to place his head around same height as Big show's head for the photo.
Vegas' said on 28/Sep/20
Pierre, Noah was measured 6'10 1/2 barefoot (6'11 3/4) in shoes, he is much closer to camera Click Here

We have a full length photo of Wight and Nowitzki Click Here

Nowitzki similar posture with 6'9 barefoot measured Kevin Durant Click Here

Pierre if your estimate was correct Durant should be significantly taller than Wight today and taller than peak Wight playing college basketball..that's not very likely is it comparing those two photos of an older obese Wight!
Pierre said on 27/Sep/20
@Vegas = Click Here Joakim Noah (listed 209 cm/ 6"10' in French site of heights of celebrities,211cm/6"11' in web) leaning a lot/Gabrielle Reece

Click Here Big Show straight/ Dirck Nowitzki leaning a lot on opposite side to the camera and so loosing a lot height ,Dirck still looks taller than Big Show.

Click Here Dirck /Shaq listed 7"0.25' other Click Here
Big Lul said on 27/Sep/20
@Riky maybe studd was a around 6’5.5-6’6 max who just wore massive footwear to look 6’7 with people like Andre and hulk hogan. But I know this, out of the ring he looked max 6’6
Vegas' said on 26/Sep/20
That should have stated over 150 measured college players not 50..
Vegas' said on 26/Sep/20
Pierre, James and Wight are not similar height..

Big show in black T-shirt, Lebron in white Click Here

Rob has Gabrielle Reece at 6'2 3/4 Click Here
Vegas' said on 26/Sep/20
Robert Carter was listed 6'9 officially in college. If he was described 6'10 online it's irrelevant really. 2 1/4 inches is still within the limit I mentioned, I think 22 players from over 50 were overlisted at least 2 inches.
Riky said on 25/Sep/20
Big Lul said on 24/Sep/20

You know I thought Studd was between 6'5.5 and 6'6" max.
Taller than Hogan but shorter than someone like Taker in his prime.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.