How tall is Kane - Page 5

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Average Guess (670 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 7.86in (202.9cm)
Current: 6ft 6.91in (200.4cm)
Roderick said on 1/Jun/20
@Philip No, he's definitely under 6'7". If you've watched him in the ring for the past few years, it's obvious he's only 6'6" range now.
Canson said on 1/Jun/20
He’s not a full 6’7” today
Jake wills said on 1/Jun/20
I don't know why they listed him as 7ft in WWE. It is absurd. The great Khali who is a true 7 ft is clearly much taller than kane, also Big show who is around 6'11 is also clearly taller than Kane. I think he was probably 6'9 in wwe at prime height. Maye 6'8 nowadays. 6'6 is too far imo.
Philip McMullin said on 30/May/20
@Rob please get kane back up to 6ft7 hes NOT under it.
Dream said on 30/May/20

That’s fine If you believe that. Again, when you see him in person, you’d be very surprised. Picture can often be deceiving of how tall one looks.

‘In person,’ He looked a lot taller than 6’6.5” Daniel Cudmore, in comparison of Rob with Daniel and myself with Kane, hench the footwear advantage. He certainly wasn’t as short as 6’6.5”, let alone 6’6” flat.

Close to 6’7” flat, today, is easily believable. 6’7 1/2” peak is perfectly fine.
Canson said on 30/May/20
@Roderick: he still looks over 6’6” flat. Maybe 6’6.5” ish
Pierre said on 30/May/20
Click Here =Kane and Taker when around same soles
Roderick said on 30/May/20
@Dream There is no denying that Kane is a huge man, especially in his prime. Shawn Michaels once said that Kane was gigantic compared to the Undertaker.

I still find it hard to believe he's currently over 6'6".
Dream said on 28/May/20
He wasn’t as low as 6’6”, in person. Looked well above it, for sure.

He’s really a lot taller in person, than he looks in pictures.

Again, if anyone else meets him in person, they would really be surprised by the size of him.
Dream said on 28/May/20
He wasn’t as low as 6’6”, in person. Looked well above it, for sure.

He’s really a lot taller in person, than he looks in pictures.
Khaja Qadaruddin said on 28/May/20 the beggining of their segment look at their whole bodies..kane looks at least a full inch short.If kurgan was 6'11in boots kane was 6'10.
Slim92 said on 27/May/20
It is obvious that kane looks taller than kurrgan. Kurrgan is even closer to the camera. Yes kane looks like he may have his boots on still but they are actually just slightly taller than a cowboy boot heel. You physically couldn't do what he did with anything taller. They actually were in the ring together and if I remember correctly kane chokeslammed or closelined kurrgan. Kane looked at least 1" taller. Don't forget that kurrgan also had huge boots on too. Not flats. It has been said on many podcasts that taker had lifts inside his boots and kanes boots looked the way they did bc Vince McMahon wanted the "Munster" look. Do research guys.
Pierre said on 27/May/20
Kane's shoes are generally looking very massive with a big external sole (plus maybe advantageous internal sole ?)then compare Kane wearing his wrestler outfit next to another guy will be very possibly very advantageous for Kane's height.
Vegas' said on 27/May/20
Kurrgan was ~6'8 not 6'11

Those photos posted don't tell us much however
ced said on 26/May/20
Click Here

^^ Kurgan's platform on his boots.

Click Here

Clear Close up of Kurgan and Kane.

BTW, these 2 would have been an awesome tag team. I always wanted to see Kurgan in the ring destroying somebody and the lights go out and Kane comes out and they go face to face.
ced said on 26/May/20
@Lyle, I'm not sure.. If you take a look at the angles, when the camera is far away (and when Kurgan is closer to the camera, it looks as if Kurgan is taller), but, when they get close to them, it looks like Kane is taller.. I paused it a couple times - different angles, obviously, they look so close you can't really tell - but, if you look at the eye level, Kane's eyeline is a little higher, and the top of his head is a little taller..

Now don't forget, Kurgan had some big boots as well back then.. He had about an inch platform.. And I don't believe Kurgan was 6'11.. I believe he was the same as Nash - 6'9.25 - 6'9.5.
Pierre said on 26/May/20
ced said on 24/May/20
Oh, and here is a PRIME Kane and Prime Kurgan - who is taller? Kane is (and is not even standing straight)

(Kane is in his full outfit - no mask - and has the black eye makeup w long hair)

Click Here

Kane looks relatively straight here and in fact the other guy seems to slouch a bit.And depending if Kane had his famous wresler shoes...
Kane99 said on 26/May/20
Not 3 inches, maybe 1,5 inches... kane wore very big boots sole in this segment, probably an inch over kurrgan who was out of gear. I really do think kurrgan was slightly taller than kane in this segment.
A Man said on 26/May/20
It’s a cool picture but Kurrgan looks like he would come out slightly taller than Kane if they went face to face.

It must be from 1997-1998 as well which is when Kane wore huge lifts to make him appear much larger than Taker.
Glady said on 26/May/20
Rob who could be taller today Kane or undertaker. What’s ur guess?? I think today Kane is easily taller than undertaker at least by 1/2 inch??
Editor Rob
Kane's been looking 6ft 6 at times with people too recently.
Dan Trojan said on 26/May/20
Ced lol that's funny kurgan looks taller but hey you keep believing what you want
Lyle said on 26/May/20
@Ced I agree on the Taker one, but I do believe Kurrgan is taller than Kane, Kane has his monster boots on and isn't taller than him
Roderick said on 25/May/20
Kane did look noticeably taller than Undertaker backstage, but it might have been thanks to footwear.

He was looking great at 51, but it's obvious he's caring less and less about working out now that he's 53.

@Rob You should lower Kane to 6'6.25" now that Undertaker is only at 6'6".
Dream said on 25/May/20
I didn’t get a photo, but in my first trip to Galaxycon, Kane was massively bigger in person, than in pictures. He honestly looked significantly taller than Daniel Cudmore, based on comparison. Of course, he was wearing some serious footwear advantage over me, for sure. 6’6” is way too low. Closed to 6’7” is more than believable. He looked 6’8”+, but he had a serious footwear advantage over me.

The second time I went to Galaxycon, I showed my pictures with Tom Welling and Charles Martinet to Rob, Junior, Carson, and even Andrea.
Khaja Qadaruddin said on 25/May/20
Wow..pause at 41:03 in the chap 3 of last those who doubted man beneath the mask..kane looks only an inch or two less than legit 6 11 kurgan.
ced said on 25/May/20
@ Lyle, take another look at that photo.. here’s a clearer picture:

Click Here

To me, Kane looks taller than Kurgan, also — search a full picture of Kurgan on google and you will see he also had about an inch sole on his boots.
Lyle said on 25/May/20
@Ced, I saw the exact same thing, I was shocked so see footage with Kane and Kurrgan from backstage, Kurrgan must have had 3 inches on Kane if they were barefoot?
Pierre said on 25/May/20
@ced 24/May = Your pic seems to myself a lot inclined here and we can not see really the top of his head(I presume Undertaker has the black and white tee-shirt?) ...
Dan Trojan said on 25/May/20
Ced you just never stop with the bad camera angles do you just give up already
MikeV10 said on 25/May/20
There is a short clip on this video - kurrgan kane at about 41:02

Click Here
ced said on 24/May/20
Oh, and here is a PRIME Kane and Prime Kurgan - who is taller? Kane is (and is not even standing straight)

(Kane is in his full outfit - no mask - and has the black eye makeup w long hair)

Click Here
ced said on 24/May/20
Ok, the msytery is truly over between who is taller between Taker and Kane.. Below is a snip taken from Taker's documentary..

NO WRESTLING GEAR ON... Kane is CLEARLY taller and always was.

Click Here
Philip McMullin said on 24/May/20
Chapter 3 of Taker's new doc ''The Last Ride'' Theres shots backstage of kane out of ring boots looking taller than taker with taker not wearing his overly baggy beanie. ALSO there's footage of Kane talking to Kurrgan backstage in similar footwear looking the same size.
Lyle said on 24/May/20
Kane looked shorter than Kurrgan... My bad!
Lyle said on 24/May/20
Can easily see a difference between kane and Taker on episode 3 of the last ride, also a great backstage segment between Kane and Kurrgan back in the day showing them about the same height, although Kane was in gear and most likely had his big boots on but obviously Kurrgan ain't barefoot
Canson said on 24/May/20
If Taker got the 1/4” peak downgrade he could probably use it. I’m starting to believe that he wasn’t any taller than him. And his current is too high. Maybe 6’6.5 but no higher
Paul Atherton said on 22/May/20
I think tsker and kane are same height in real life easy match to predict this is taker vs isaac yankee both had level boots on stood up straight I'd say both were 6.9 in their prime but now 6.6 for kane n 6.5 for taker
Kane99 said on 22/May/20
In similar type of boots they looked identical...
Click Here
For me isn’t possible to determinate who is taller between this two unless measured. So I definitely think you can give the same height
as you have done so far, otherwise they will think that kane is taller, but without his big boots sole there would be nothing to make him assume
Kane99 said on 21/May/20
Do you think kane was taller than taker or we can wait a 6ft7 1/4 list for kane very soon ?
Editor Rob
He could be similar, 6ft 7 up to 7.5 range.
Trinity Samuels said on 19/May/20
Matt Logan - go jump
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 19/May/20
@Matt Logan

You should have say Kane is 6'5 1/4 now with boots on 6'6 3/4 bingo for the listing and 6'6 peak. He clearly lost 2cm since peak if you check on him more. But for me i trust Rob listing close to 202cm peak and 200cm now.
Kane99 said on 18/May/20
Please stop man. Kane was never taller than Nash even in his big boots. The pic you posted it just no make any sense.
Click Here
Matt logan said on 17/May/20
Kane is 6'5" barefooted now and 6'6" barefooted in the wwf. put a regular pair of sneakers on kane it adds 1½ inches in height 6'5" barefoot plus 1½ inches equals 6'6½ in shoes
Pablo13 said on 14/May/20
Ced: Dude you're still trolling, Kane is STANDING WAY CLOSER TO THE Camera, dude just chill out, you give here worst angles ever, did you hear about Camera Angles dude?, Kane has Camera Advantage over Taker in that picture...
Pierre said on 14/May/20
@ced = in you pic Kane is a lot closer to the camera that give him a big advantage here.

Click Here = here there is a slim difference between both guys ,and Kane's shoes are looking generally like good elevator shoes here with big heels and hard angle above his feet = Click Here Click Here =here only his external sole/heels give him imo no less than 2 inches. I can make a mistake but his shoes are looking generous next to Taker's shoes.

Click Here =here Kane looks comfortably taller but he wear a toupee while Taker's real hairs are looking slim above his head...Plus Kane probably a bit more shoe ...and a bit closer to the camera here...
Khaja Qadaruddin said on 14/May/20
@pablo..i agree man.
Pablo13 said on 14/May/20
Khaja Qadaruddin: Yes he got maybe half inch on Taker here, But still had Thicker boots than Undertaker in that picture. If Kane was taller than Undertaker at his peak, it only 0.25 inches. But i don't think he ever was never taller, Also right now if he's taller, only 1 cm at best.
Both Kane and Taker were 6'7.25-6'7.5 inches peak height. Right Now Undertaker 6'6-6'6.25, Kane 6'6.25-6'6.5
ced said on 13/May/20
@Pablo, not trolling.. But if you're going to include a backstage a photo and an in ring photo, how are you not trolling?

Here is a backstage photo of Kane in his prime with Undertaker.. Kane in his lifts was taller than Nash..

Click Here

Does Nash look as tall as Kane here? We all know that Nash is taller than Kane of course, but he wasn't taller when Kane wore his ring boots.
Khaja Qadaruddin said on 13/May/20
@pablo..have a good look kane still have a good half inch on taker in that pic..presently may be they may be almost same..but peak kane sure had some advantage due to his built..see unabomb or yankem vs taker.
Pablo13 said on 13/May/20
Undertaker peak was 6'7.25-6'7.25, Kane too, he was never taller than Undertaker. Taker boots in 2000 were bit thicker than in 1998-1999, and he looked close to Kane here(2000).
Click Here

Nash Was 6'9.25-6'9.5, he looked taller than Kane(in his huge boots). next to Undertaker, here is picture with Nash and Taker with normal camera angle(not this trolling angles like Ced posted)
Click Here
Pablo13 said on 13/May/20
He was 6'7 or 6'6 or 22e
Khaja Qadaruddin said on 8/May/20
@mikey97...the website u listed below dosent seems to have it..can u mention exactly which site?
Roderick said on 7/May/20
@Mikey Must have been a little bit later into his career, as he said he uses a phone to track his best lifts.

@Khaja It was still the same person, but my theory is he got sick and lost a lot of weight. He really did look much thinner in 1999 than say, 97, 98, early 99... he was huge in 98.
Dan Trojan said on 7/May/20
Khaja if you're asking if another guy ever portrayed kane the answer is no glenn jacobs has always been kane except for the time they had 2 kanes luke gallows played the fake one
Mikey97 said on 6/May/20
YES! I managed to finally find a workout routine from Kane. I don't know exactly what stage of his career this is from, but I found it off a website called I will make it as simple as possible, he wrote a pretty long summary of it.
Monday: Leg/Shoulders
Wednesday: Chest/Biceps
Friday: Back/Triceps
He said for chest he does incline bench and dumbbell press (I assume on incline as well) as his next line is flat bench and dumbbell press. He does weighted dips and uses machines for super sets
For back, he does deadlifts, weighted pull ups/chinups, barbell/dumbbell rows, and t-bar rows. and he also does machines for back
For shoulders, he does military press, (standing OR sitting, both behind and in front of the neck), and he wrote dumbbell press again, im assuming dumbbell shoulder press and dumbbell raises, assuming thats front raises. He does lateral raises and wrote "any of rear delt exercises".
For legs, he does squat variations (narrow, normal, and wide), leg press, walking lunges with dumbbell or bar, romanian deadlifts, he super sets leg extensions and hamstring curls.
For biceps, he does something called scott curls, standing barbell curls with grip variations, dumbbell curls, supersets cable bicep movements with seated dumbbell curls.
For triceps (Kane's specialty IMO), close grip bench press, skull crushers (writes a side note as "his favorite") close grip dips, bench dips and supersets triceps extensions with close grip pushups. He says go heavy on your first set in every exercise with 85% of your max so the intensity stays high the entire workout
He says he rests for 3 minutes between ssets as well
He also uses his phone to track his PRs to help him keep improving

This is such a cool find and sounds like the key to look like Kane.. Click Here
Pierre said on 6/May/20
Undertaker in recent pics never looks shorter than Kane.I know Undertaker is closer to the camera with a bit more shoe but Undertaker has a terrible posture here = Click Here Click Here and remember that Undertaker has a long forehead under his bonnet too...

If I had to bet who is the tallest here I would'nt bet on Kane...
Khaja Qadaruddin said on 6/May/20
@roderick..i may agree they were both 6'7 at peak..but kane had 0.75 inch on taker when young..iam reffering to taker vs issac yankem staredown..both in equal footwear and posture.
Khaja Qadaruddin said on 5/May/20
If anyone wud excuse me..i know its irritating but still got a doubt since childhood..i always wonder the kane in 1999 was much thinner and smaller..was it someone else and wwe nvr disclosed it..Click Here
ced said on 5/May/20
Rob, take a look below.. I put these photos side by side (not to compare photo to photo, but just to see how much Kevin Nash and Kane were taller than Taker).

Looking at this photo below, would you say that Kane was indeed taller than Taker at their peaks and was Kane in his lifts taller than Kevin Nash? (Again, in his lifts, we all know Nash is taller, but would Kane be taller than Nash in his liftS?)

Click Here
Editor Rob
Kane has a bit of camera advantage beside Taker, making him seem taller by several inches, but I still would put Kane/taker closer for peaks.
Roderick said on 4/May/20
I think Undertaker and Kane were the same height. Both 6'7". But I believe Undertaker has aged much worse than Kane, and Kane is 6'6" currently, while Undertaker is 6'5.5".
Michael186 said on 1/May/20
202 Peak barefoot
Dan Trojan said on 30/Apr/20
Ced i won't argue with you there i believe kane is taller too
ced said on 29/Apr/20
@dan trojan, no. I post photos I can find, and if you read my post, I stated that the Sid - Goldberg staredown is a better angle, but even so Kane has a taller impression against Goldberg. Now, does that mean that Kane is taller? NO. It's one guys opinion and to me looks as if Kane is taller against Goldberg.
A Man said on 28/Apr/20
@ Khaja
A picture of Kane in ring gear standing next to two guys who I have no idea who they are or how tall they are? Yep still plenty of doubt
Lyle said on 27/Apr/20
@Pierre, that last photo of Kane and 'Taker' is fake. The original is kane and Jack Swagger
Dan Trojan said on 27/Apr/20
Pierre just stop embarrassing yourself that onw photo with undertaker and kane outside of the ring is photoshopped that's actually jack swagger someone put the undertaker's head on his body
Dan Trojan said on 26/Apr/20
Hey ced do you intentionally post bad angle pics or what
Roderick said on 26/Apr/20
Happy birthday to the Big Red Machine. It's unreal that he's 53 now. These new kids have no idea how cool the Kane storyline with Paul Bearer against the Undertaker was in 1997/1998.
Khaja Qadaruddin said on 25/Apr/20
Common man..u all still doubt his peak over 6.7.. Click Here
Pierre said on 24/Apr/20
Click Here Kane and Undertaker in ring ,Kane's shoes looking very big with a very vertical angle = Click Here

Click Here =here out of ring Undertaker looking not particularly straight
Roderick said on 24/Apr/20
Honestly Kane would have probably looked at least an inch taller than Sid. 6'7.5" peak isn't necessarily impossible, but he still doesn't look over 6'7" with guys like Test and Albert. In a quick staredown with Kane and Albert (Matt Bloom, who I believe was 6'5" barefoot but wore lifts to look 6'6") looked an inch shorter than Kane. Just an inch, which would make Kane look 6'7".

It's possible Kane never actually wore lifts, instead just really thick soled boots. In 2014/2015 he was in dress shoes a lot and didn't look any shorter than he did in his wrestling boots.
ced said on 22/Apr/20
Found some images of Kane Vs Goldberg and then Sid Vs Goldebrg..

The Sid - Goldberg staredown is a better angle, but even so, Kane does give a taller impression than Sid against Goldberg..

Click Here
Goldberg - Sid ^^

Click Here
Goldberg - Kane
Pablo13 said on 21/Apr/20
Ced is putting Kane at his peak close to 6'8 or 6'8, and Undertaker below 6'7, thats amazing LOL.
Undertaker 6'7.25-6'7.5 peak, Kane 6'7.5 peak, not more not less.
ced said on 21/Apr/20
Here is Vader and Sid.

Click Here

Here is Vader and Kane:

Click Here

Look how much taller Kane is wih Vader than Sid (Even if Kane took off his lifts.. You can tell that Kane was the taller man)
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 17/Apr/20
Pierre said on 17/Apr/20
Triple H and Hafthor 6"7.5' Click Here = the top of HHH's head is max the same height as the start of hafthor's ears = Click Here

Now Triple H and Kane = Click Here = the top of HHH's head is around the same height as,this time,the top of the highest ear of Kane

Kane by this comparison again is 6"5.5' max.Wrestler shoes give him lots of height imo
Roderick said on 16/Apr/20
@ced That's hilarious Lol. I'd be pretty scared too if a guy Kane's size walked into my hotel with my girlfriend as well
ced said on 14/Apr/20
In reading the book "Mayor Kane", he mentions a story where he was at a hotel in Anaheim after a RAW taping, and he went to a hotel where they gave him the wrong room key and walked into an older Japanese couple and scared the living shizzles out of them. He said "here I am, 6'8 315 pounds, I haven't taken off my black eye makeup that went under my mask yet, and I walk in on this couple and they're jumping on the bed screaming"..

I think think happened somewhere around 1998..

Is he 6'8 today? No. But in the Attitude era, I believe he was 6'7.75, in his lifts he would have been 6'9.25 - 6'9.5 roughly.
Roderick said on 12/Apr/20
@Mikey97 Wow man, I found two interviews when Kane straight up said he was 7'0". One from 2006, and one from 2009. Rob it's worth an add I'd say.
Mikey97 said on 10/Apr/20
I was watching some Kane interviews and Kane is very consistent with his interviews and usually everything he says can be backed up by his past interviews. It is interesting that he claims 6'8" often, but there was a specific interview from March 2013 when Daniel Bryan and he were on a radio show and Kane did claim he was 7'0". Kane also was on the News with the weather man and Kane was standing on a box and the weatherman claimed he was 6'4" to really exaggerate the height of Kane, and even called Kane 7'0" and Kane didn't deny it.

Kane said he could bench 525lb at his best and he said he was able to squat 500lb for ten repetitions. He then added, "nowadays? Not so much?" and then laughed.
Big ed said on 8/Apr/20
As Dr Yankeem dds he was called 6'9 by Jr in commentary they later gave him 6'11 he was 6'11 on cards then he was billed 7ft as Kane he may have been 6'8 at his tallest but probably 6'7 now or a shade under it now
Pierre said on 8/Apr/20
I maybe confuse Kane with Abyss... while some guys make mistakes on Kane's height...They probably confuse Kane with Big Show 🙂
Dan Trojan said on 7/Apr/20
Lol how is anyone supposed to take this pierre guy seriously when he posts a photo of abyss trying to say it's kane i'm sorry it's just too funny
MikeV10 said on 7/Apr/20
Click Here

Kane and Matt Morgan backstage

@Pierre its very hard to believe that you think that is Kane in your Picture ?
Did you ever watch wrestling ?
Thats Abyss , he was about 6'5-6'6
Pierre said on 7/Apr/20
Roderick said on 6/Apr/20
@Pierre That's definitely not Kane. How can you even look at that photo and think that's Kane lmao

Because when I search "Kane and Matt Morgan" Google give me this pic.And In fact his mask looks a lot like Kane's mask here.But Maybe this is not Kane ,I always see Kane in ring with big soles that is not the case here...

Click Here = here Kane with probably his advantageous wrestler shoes closer to the camera than Shaq plus very low camera that advantage him.

Click Here = Kane again closer to the camera very low(good advantage) with good wrestler shoes .Shoes = Click Here

Click Here = Great Khali a bit closer to the camera that is low and logically give him an advantage /Shaq 7"0.25'
ced said on 7/Apr/20

I hope you're just joking, but that's not Kane.. That's Abyss (he's 6'5)..

Kane has lost a lot of height since his peak.. I believe at his very peak he was 6'7.75 (listed 6'8 in college)..

Today, he's either 6'6.25 or 6'6.5
Roderick said on 6/Apr/20
@Pierre That's definitely not Kane. How can you even look at that photo and think that's Kane lmao
Lyle said on 6/Apr/20
Matt Morgan has the bigger boots there it's clear, they would be very similar in height but yes Morgan may just have edged him barefoot back then
Canson said on 6/Apr/20
Kane could use a downgrade to 6’6 1/2”
Roderick said on 5/Apr/20
Matt Morgan looks like he had an inch on Kane. Morgan at 6'8" peak and Kane at 6'7" peak works.
Pierre said on 5/Apr/20
Kane closer to the camera and wearing toupee(wig) /Matt Morgan shrinking maybe a bit more than Matt,not sure= Click Here
Pierre said on 4/Apr/20

I don't know if it's the case for other internauts, when I put on "click here" on the link on Canson's comment on 2/April/20 , after doing this my videos Youtube are blocked .Then when I erase my recent search computer history then Youtube works correctly.This is not a real problem for me, if it's the case for other internauts maybe my message can help them.
Editor Rob

Canson included the persist_app=1&app=m part, which causes problems like you say.
I removed that part from the comment
Vegas' said on 4/Apr/20
Morgan was taller in person than Kane and we met both out of gear within minutes of each other in WWE hotel during Wrestlemania 20 weekend.

Morgan was taller next to my ~6'4 friend than Kane was.
Canson said on 4/Apr/20
Kane is not as tall as Matt Morgan
Pierre said on 4/Apr/20
Canson said on 2/Apr/20
Pierre said on 31/Mar/20
@Vegas = Click Here = 2020 Jason Momoa next to 6"0.25' Keegan Michael Keys

Click Here =Jason Momoa and imo max 6"2' Ray Fisher = Click Here = Ray fisher with an advantage of shoes next to Rob .

Click Here = Next to Hafthor 6"7.5' with low camera =Haftor looks a complete forehead on him (and Hafthor's forehead is big)

@Pierre: if you’re going to use a pic though, use one that is more objective. KMK is around the listed height and Momoa looks much closer to his listed height than not. Yet in the pic you used it’s hard to tell any difference between them. But if you look closely Momoa is looking down at him

@Vegas: agreed. He looks over 6’3 next to Rob and if we see him on TV he looks near 6’4”.

@Canson but you forget to talk about other comparisons,fact is we know the real height of Jenny and if you want to be really objective Jason is never looking 6"4' next to her,visually and by the scale .By the scale is between 6"2' and 6"3'.Next to Ray Fisher Rob has seen Jason does not look really taller than him.Next to Hafthor he never looks even close to 6"4'again.
Public Enemy said on 4/Apr/20
He looks as tall as Morgan. Also Kane’s boots look normal.
remo said on 2/Apr/20
Heres Kane, and Matt Morgan wrestling. They look close in height. If Matt Morgan's 6'8, then kane also 6'8 Click Here
Canson said on 2/Apr/20
Pierre said on 31/Mar/20
@Vegas = Click Here = 2020 Jason Momoa next to 6"0.25' Keegan Michael Keys

Click Here =Jason Momoa and imo max 6"2' Ray Fisher = Click Here = Ray fisher with an advantage of shoes next to Rob .

Click Here = Next to Hafthor 6"7.5' with low camera =Haftor looks a complete forehead on him (and Hafthor's forehead is big)

@Pierre: if you’re going to use a pic though, use one that is more objective. KMK is around the listed height and Momoa looks much closer to his listed height than not. Yet in the pic you used it’s hard to tell any difference between them. But if you look closely Momoa is looking down at him

@Vegas: agreed. He looks over 6’3 next to Rob and if we see him on TV he looks near 6’4”.

Click Here
Pierre said on 2/Apr/20
Vegas' said on 1/Apr/20
Pierre, hat isnt relevant because we know where top of Rob's head reaches on someone ~6'3 1/2 barefoot
Click Here
Click Here

Momoa slightly taller there than Rob's friend so I doubt he is below 6'3 1/2 in those photos

Click Here Next to Jason Rob isn't at his max you can see he tilt his head in opposite to your pic (and probably a bit his back).In the pic next to Jenny both are looking the same posture and no cap .Jenny has a fraction more shoe and so is around the same height as Rob finally and in comparison Jason next to Jenny looks clearly shorter than Rob's friend imo.
Vegas' said on 1/Apr/20
Pierre, hat isnt relevant because we know where top of Rob's head reaches on someone ~6'3 1/2 barefoot
Click Here
Click Here

Momoa slightly taller there than Rob's friend so I doubt he is below 6'3 1/2 in those photos
Mikey97 said on 1/Apr/20
Go onto YouTube and search Kane with Stone Cold Steve Austin in the 2003 and there is a series of segments where you only looks at the best 6'6 which makes me wonder if Austin wore lifts at the time or not.
Pierre said on 1/Apr/20
Canson said on 31/Mar/20
@Pierre: It says 6043 so not sure if that meant 6’4 3/8”. Of it said 6’4.3 that would be different but it didn’t. Says 6’4.4. I think it’s fair to say he’s not that tall. I have Brady at 6’4” flat going with afternoon heights and he’s prob still that tall today. His combine was earlier in the day. Worst case 6’3 7/8 afternoon height perhaps. He never got hit with that offensive line he had and he only suffered one injury. Guys that age may begin to lose height but that’s the onset not in their 30s or something. Brady still looks his peak height on the field.

As for the pic that is not a good angle. I am sure others here would agree as well.

The angle isn't good in both pics but the pic is showing one of this guys has to shrunk to talk to the other guy while one of this guys has to looking up to talk to the other guy :D
Canson said on 31/Mar/20
@Pierre: It says 6043 so not sure if that meant 6’4 3/8”. Of it said 6’4.3 that would be different but it didn’t. Says 6’4.4. I think it’s fair to say he’s not that tall. I have Brady at 6’4” flat going with afternoon heights and he’s prob still that tall today. His combine was earlier in the day. Worst case 6’3 7/8 afternoon height perhaps. He never got hit with that offensive line he had and he only suffered one injury. Guys that age may begin to lose height but that’s the onset not in their 30s or something. Brady still looks his peak height on the field.

As for the pic that is not a good angle. I am sure others here would agree as well.

Click Here
Pierre said on 31/Mar/20
@Vegas = Click Here = 2020 Jason Momoa next to 6"0.25' Keegan Michael Keys

Click Here =Jason Momoa and imo max 6"2' Ray Fisher = Click Here = Ray fisher with an advantage of shoes next to Rob .

Click Here = Next to Hafthor 6"7.5' with low camera =Haftor looks a complete forehead on him (and Hafthor's forehead is big)
Pierre said on 31/Mar/20
Vegas' said on 28/Mar/20
Rob and Jason Momoa Click Here

Orton and Jason Momoa Click Here

Shaq makes taller dudes than Orton look short like Magic Click Here or Wilder Click Here

7 foot 1/4 doing Shaq a disservice imo

Randy Orton is in a better posture than Jason Momoa imo.Jason Momoa next to Rob had a big advantage with his big cap.Next to Jenny the top of Jason's head looks not even exactly at the 6"3' mark,Jenny has a fraction more shoes but isn't standing at his maximum height (~ 1:44 ) = Click Here .Next to Jenny he's 6"3' max not 6"4'.
Pierre said on 29/Mar/20
Canson said on 28/Mar/20
@Pierre: you just posted a pic of Winston being closer to the camera than Smith. Winston measured at 6’3 3/4 likely a morning measurement so probably around 6’3.5” at best.

As for Kane and Smith, the camera doesn’t have any impact as you can look at their bodies and tell clearly that Kane is taller. The shoulders and head are both higher. If you reversed them Kane would still be taller. Now maybe Kane is 6’6.25 which I don’t completely rule out but that’s about as low as I would go. I doubt he’s as high as 6’6.75 either. I think 6’6.25-.5 range

Click Here

@Canson = Imo my pic is sufficiently in a good angle to show both guys very close one to the other one have their shoulders at a very similar height and clearly show Donovan Smith's neck looks short.

So remember this pic Donovan Smith next to Jameis Winston = Click Here

Click Here =Now here is a recent pic Jameis Winston closer to the camera than Tom Brady,Tom completely tilting his head at the opposite to the camera here(Tom Brady measured 6"4.25' in 2000 at his debut in his professional career of football quaterback and who played during around twenty years then I would be not surprised if he's a bit under 6"4' now.).

.... Click Here = and here Tom Brady in better posture than the first pic and this time closer to the camera....Jameis has curiously to tilt his head up to talk to him while Tom has to tilt his head down to talk to him and tilt again a bit his head at the opposite to the camera.... Watch their shoulders too ...What are the probabilities Donovan Smith is as tall as 6"5.5'?very slim to me.He looks hardly the same height as Jameis Winston ,himself looking shorter than 6"4' max Tom Brady....I wouldn't bet a dollar Kane is as tall as even 6"5.5' by this comparisons...
Vegas' said on 28/Mar/20
Rob and Jason Momoa Click Here

Orton and Jason Momoa Click Here

Shaq makes taller dudes than Orton look short like Magic Click Here or Wilder Click Here

7 foot 1/4 doing Shaq a disservice imo
Roderick said on 28/Mar/20
Strowman is 6'6.25"

Kane is max 6'6"

Orton is 6'3.5"

In 2013 Kane looked only 3" taller than Orton during a Team Hell No segment on Smackdown, I gotta find it
James B 172cm said on 28/Mar/20
orton is standing much worse than shaq
Canson said on 28/Mar/20
@Pierre: you just posted a pic of Winston being closer to the camera than Smith. Winston measured at 6’3 3/4 likely a morning measurement so probably around 6’3.5” at best.

As for Kane and Smith, the camera doesn’t have any impact as you can look at their bodies and tell clearly that Kane is taller. The shoulders and head are both higher. If you reversed them Kane would still be taller. Now maybe Kane is 6’6.25 which I don’t completely rule out but that’s about as low as I would go. I doubt he’s as high as 6’6.75 either. I think 6’6.25-.5 range

Click Here
Canson said on 26/Mar/20
@Ced: I agree on Orton. 6’3.5 and Kane may be 6’6-6’6.5. Strowman on the other Hand 6’6”-6’6.5. Hes not as low as 6’5.5” I doubt. I’d be surprised if he were
Pierre said on 26/Mar/20
@ced = And I believe if you guess Randy was clearly shorter than you I doubt it was only by 0.5 inch but more by an inch....0.5 inch when you stand next to another guy is not really detectable in my opinion (don't get me wrong ,I do myself generally the same thing when I play to guess the height of some friends who ask me, standing next to me .I'm 5"11.25' and when I guess 5"10.75' for a friend because he's clearly a bit shorter than me ,in reality he's generally more 5"10.25'). Here is Randy closer to the camera than Shaquille O'Neil listed 7"0.25' plus camera very low that logically advantage him too = Click Here
James B 172cm said on 26/Mar/20
but orton could be just shy of 6ft4 these days
Shaka12 said on 26/Mar/20
Ced: I can tell for 100%, that Orton wears Lifts in his boots, since 2016.
Pierre said on 26/Mar/20
@Canson = Kane stand closer to the camera than Donovan Smith in your pic .Fact here kane looks the tallest but lots of times official sportmen heights are generous...Then Donovan 6"5.5'...maybe...

Click Here = here is Dameis Winston listed 6"4' in web next to Donovan ,I know we cannot see the top of his head , their shoulders are looking very similar and Donovan has a very short neck.
ced said on 25/Mar/20

here's the staredown between Orton and McIntyre.

Click Here

About .5 inches between them.
ced said on 25/Mar/20

if Corbin stood up straight, he would be half an inch taller than Strowman, maybe even .75.

Braun is no more than 6'5.5.

Kane is 6'6-6'6.25 (I have met both men, and I believe Kane is definitely the taller man out of gear).

Drew McIntyre is not 6'4.5. 6'4 AT BEST. (I've met Randy Orton, I am 6'4, and had .5 on Randy, in the staredown between Randy and McIntyre on RAW, Macintyre only had him by .5 inches.
Canson said on 24/Mar/20
Sotiris posted this earlier but here is Donovan Smith pre draft of 6’5 5/8. Afternoon height probably 6’5.25”. Kane has a full inch difference on Smith. That’s too much for Kane to only be 6’5.5. Even with Lee Smith who is prob even taller that’s more

Click Here

Click Here
Canson said on 24/Mar/20
@Roderick: But the pic with Boomer is no good. They have to be equidistant from the camera to consider that. Kane still looks over 6’6” with Lee Smith
Pierre said on 24/Mar/20
Click Here = When Drew's head again probably stand a bit more distant to the camera than Braun's head = Drew McIntyre 6"4.5' Braun max 6"5.5' again (no advantageous wrestler shoes here)

Click Here Braun in perfect posture /Baron Corbin 6"6.25' slouching = but Baron looks again an hair taller than Braun.... Braun again 6"5.5' max
Pierre said on 24/Mar/20
Vegas' said on 23/Mar/20
Pierre I have never met Strowman in person but I did see him leaving WWE hotel from across the road and he looked noticeably taller out of gear than Erik Rowan who on tv seems taller than Drew McIntyre.

McIntyre I have met.

As for that video, McIntyre is closer to camera in that still. Even here it's more than an inch Strowman not standing straight Click Here

A better comparison there would be Kofi Kingston. He is maybe 5 inches shorter in person out of gear than McIntyre and looks more than ~6 inches shorter than Strowman

Nah in your pic Braun's head looking very big is clearly closer to the camera than Drew's head so Braun has the advantage here.
When you stop the video at the good moment there is no more than an inch between them

@Robbe = Click Here = how much closer to the camera is Hafthor's head here? Both head are looking the same size in the pic.....Hafthor has clearly two good inches on Braun here .Some guys are even saying in Hafthor's page Hafthor is probably more 6"7.25'/6"7.5' than really 6"7.75'(226 votes are giving him a weak 6"7.5' and Hafthor in contrary to wrestlers or others never wear lifs then this votes cannot be inflated by this parameter)....Braun is never 6"6' range here ...max 6"5.5'
Do you really believe it's a random if Tyson Fury just a hair taller than Braun (when same posture)is towered by Magic when both are standing meck and neck ... Click Here Click Here Click Here

Hafthor and Magic are the same range height a bit over 6"7' Braun weak 6"5.5' Tyson 6"6' no more.
Kane very probably under 6"6'

Click Here Click Here = here Kane with very probably big wrestler shoes next to Shaquille 214 cm ....
Roderick said on 24/Mar/20
I can buy 6'6.25" for Braun and 6'4.5" for Mcintyre. I would be surprised if they were just an inch apart. I would bet it would look close to two inches in an actual staredown.

Kane looks 6'5.5" MAX with Boomer. I am a strong believer Kane can easily be in the upper 6'5" bracket like 6'5.5"-6'5.75". I don't get how he's STILL listed this high.
James B 172cm said on 23/Mar/20
rob how tall would you say braun looks in those photos with drew mcintyre?
Vegas' said on 23/Mar/20
Pierre I have never met Strowman in person but I did see him leaving WWE hotel from across the road and he looked noticeably taller out of gear than Erik Rowan who on tv seems taller than Drew McIntyre.

McIntyre I have met.

As for that video, McIntyre is closer to camera in that still. Even here it's more than an inch Strowman not standing straight Click Here

A better comparison there would be Kofi Kingston. He is maybe 5 inches shorter in person out of gear than McIntyre and looks more than ~6 inches shorter than Strowman
Robbe said on 23/Mar/20
Like Vegas said, Thor is closer to the camera with Strowman, that's why looks way taller there. Here is a very good example, could you ever believe that the guy on the left is only 1cm taller than the guy on the right?

Click Here

The guy on the left is 218cm, and the guy on the right is 217cm. Just because the first one is slightly closer to the camera, he looks like 3in taller there. It's just the same with Thor vs Strowman picture. It favours Thor heavily there.

Secong pic Vegas posted, is much better, even though Thor is closer to the camera there too. But anyway, Thor is roughly an inch taller than Strowman. Tyson Fury is taller than Strowman, but slightly shorter than Thor.
Pierre said on 22/Mar/20
@Vegas = Braun Strowman next to Drew Mcintyre 6"4.5' both wearing tuxedo so without advantageous wrestling shoes = Click Here Click Here = at 3:53 / 3:54 the moment when both heads are same distance to the camera =difference = an inch not two = Braun 6"5.5' again here
Pierre said on 22/Mar/20
Roderick said on 21/Mar/20
@Pierre Wow, Ric Flair really made some changes in the photo with Evander. Rarely see him wear glasses, dyed his hair black, and also managed to look 30 years younger! Really cool photo

👀 But....
Pierre said on 22/Mar/20
@Canson = Braun Strowman supposed 6"6.5' /Baron Corbin supposed 6"6.25'
Braun very straight Baron slouching a bit = Click Here = how can Braun be taller than Baron here?It's the opposite...
Pierre said on 22/Mar/20
Comparison Big Show/Dion Dawkins = I agree big Show here tower over Dion but sometimes sportmen heights are a bit generous....
Pierre said on 22/Mar/20
@Vegas =Good find.I asked me where you found this pic,I don't found it in the web. Hafthor tilt a lot his head in your pic and so probably slouch his back but the top of his head is always the same height as Braun's glasses high over his head,Hafthor to me here take the posture of the tallest man who want to be around the same height as the other guys for the photo and so is clearly shorter than his classic posture.By the size of their heads in the other pic, Haftor is not really standing closer to the camera Click Here plus imo there is more chances the floor is regular here than in the other pic.
In the second pic you posted Big show stand clearly a lot closer to the camera plus the camera is particularly low that give a big advantage to Big Show imo.And I think Big Show here is maybe in his wrestler shoes that can give him a big advantage too.
Canson said on 21/Mar/20
@Vegas: even if we said that Dawkins is 6’3 1/4-6’3 1/2” it still puts Show in the 6’9 range. Probably more like 207cm. I respect Pierre’s opinion but He’s not that low. Kane has to be over 6’6” based on what we’ve seen. But it’s possible that it’s an upper 198 range or low 199. I can’t see under that. Also, there’s Strowman next to Hafthor. Strowman looks around what Rob lists him 6’6.5. Worst case 199cm. I explained to Pierre that Strowman isn’t 6’5.5”
Roderick said on 21/Mar/20
@Pierre Wow, Ric Flair really made some changes in the photo with Evander. Rarely see him wear glasses, dyed his hair black, and also managed to look 30 years younger! Really cool photo
Vegas' said on 20/Mar/20
Pierre, another photo of Hafthor and Strowman where Hafthor isn't as close to the camera Click Here

Big Show and Hafthor same height? Big show is closer to cam yes but Click Here

Dion Dawkins measured 6'3 3/4 or 192.5cm barefoot at NFL combine, that's more than 4 inch difference both guys wearing similar footwear Click Here
Pierre said on 20/Mar/20
Click Here = here is Triple H next to Kane,Kane closer to the camera ,slouching more than Triple H,but Triple H has a generous space between his own feet.

Click Here = now Triple H next to Ric Flair.

And finally Evander 6"1'/6"1.25' Click Here next to Ric Flair =

Click Here ...Kane as tall as 6"6'?!Hum...
Creeper said on 19/Mar/20
Anybody else notice how Kane was losing a lot or muscle tone when he got older? For taller guys like Kane, it's really hard to keep your definition when you grow old. So I'm pretty impressed with what Kane was able to hold onto throughout the end of his career.
ced said on 18/Mar/20
Guys, the one thing you need to remember is that Vince Vaughn stated that he was on his tippy toes in that photo with Kane. Let's say Vaughn is 6'4.5, tipping toeing would add about an inch, now he's 6'5.5, there is still .75 to inch between he and Kane in that photo. I think Kane is 6'6.25 today with a peak of 6'7.75.
Yuron Ciaoux said on 17/Mar/20
Regarding the picture of Kane and Vaughn:

- If you look closely at the pic, not even that close, you will notice Vaughn is on his toes. Look at the shape/posture of his torso and his shoulders. If he was standing flat on his feet that posture is highly unlikely. Think outside the square people.

If that pic was legit then Kane is no more than 6’5 which we all know is incorrect.
PeterMarshall said on 17/Mar/20
If BigShow is in the 6’7 range then Kane is in the 6’4 range. Let the thought go guys it’s dumb! He may appear that low in photos due to camera angles.
Dan Trojan said on 17/Mar/20
I don't call everyone that guesses a wrestler low a troll the fact is i've already said plenty of times that i've seen big show in person and i know for a fact he isn't that low
Pierre said on 17/Mar/20
@Roderick =Big Show and 7"0' Shaq when Big Show is not in wrestler shoes,Big Show closer to the camera and low camera that imo advantage him = Click Here
Roderick said on 16/Mar/20
@Dan Trojan How is Pierre a troll? Most of the evidence he posts does point to the direction of Show being 6'7" range. Stop assuming that just because a guess may seem "low" to you or others that it is instantly a troll estimate. I don't buy Show at 6'7" either, but it's still the proper thing to show more respect towards one another.

@Pierre I think Show holds up too well next to 7 footers to just be 6'7" range. I could buy Show at 6'9.5" but that's the absolute max and I can go as low as 6'9" as well. It really is absurd how much height he's lost.
James B 172c, said on 15/Mar/20
How can big show be 6’7 when he towered Braun strowman?
Pierre said on 15/Mar/20
Click Here = imo 6"4' max Vince Vaughn and Kane

Click Here = Vince Vaughn Mel Gibson

Click Here = Vince Vaughn and Snoop

Click Here Click Here = Vince Vaughn and Stephen Merchant listed 6"7' in a terrible posture Click Here = here Vince a lot closer to the camera Stephen always in a terrible posture but even here again looks taller than Kane ...

Click Here = Snoop and 6"7.5' Magic Click Here Click Here = Vince Vaughn looking a bit in better posture than Snoop

Again = 6"7.5' Hafthor in terrible posture again easily taller than Braun's cap = Click Here

Big Show and Braun = Click Here = Big Show does not look taller than Hafthor in comparison.Braun has no cap here and Big Show stand in good posture ...

Kane Big Show Click Here =Kane in better posture and closer to the camera

Others Click Here Click Here
Pierre said on 15/Mar/20
Click Here = imo 6"4' max Vince Vaughn and Kane

Click Here = Vince Vaughn Mel Gibson

Click Here = Vince Vaughn and Snoop

Click Here Click Here = Vince Vaughn and Stephen Merchant listed 6"7' in a terrible posture = here Vince a lot closer to the camera Stephen always in a terrible posture but even here again looks taller than Kane ...

Click Here = Snoop and 6"7.5' Magic Click Here Click Here = Vince Vaughn looking a bit in better posture than Snoop

Again = 6"7.5' Hafthor in terrible posture again easily taller than Braun's cap = Click Here

Big Show and Braun = Click Here = Big Show does not look taller than Hafthor in comparison.Braun has no cap here and Big Show stand in good posture ...

Kane Big Show Click Here =Kane in better posture and closer to the camera

Others Click Here Click Here
miko said on 15/Mar/20
More chance of Show still measuring 6'11 than 6'7. This site has certainly attracted a few weird people over the last 12 months.

Kane as for his peak, he must have been over 6'7, in his biggest boots he likely touched the 6'9 mark.

Today he can still look close to 6'7, I don't think he's lost much height other than his posture being rather hunched these days, likely would measure between 6'6.5/6'7. The 6'5 talk isn't worth debating.
Pierre said on 15/Mar/20
Peter Marshall said on 13/Mar/20
@pierre - Those estimates You’ve suggested for Show/Kane/Braun are dumb and blind.

@Peter = well your arguments here are very slim....
Dan Trojan said on 14/Mar/20
Pierre 6'7" for the big show that's absurd you must be a troll
DFens said on 14/Mar/20
Kane at 6'5... Aw sht, here we go again.
Peter Marshall said on 13/Mar/20
@pierre - Those estimates You’ve suggested for Show/Kane/Braun are dumb and blind.
Khaja Qadaruddin said on 13/Mar/20
@roderick @Pierre.. You mean to say tht currently big show is even smaller den kevin nash who is listed 6'8..whaaat?
Canson said on 13/Mar/20
Big Show at 6’7???? He’s well over that mark
Canson said on 12/Mar/20
@Roderick: 6’8” range looks too low for him imho. 6’9” or 6’10
Pierre said on 12/Mar/20
@Roderick =I agree with you a weak 6"7' is probably too low,but 6"8' is probably too high, more a strong 6"7' for Big Show =

In the first pic I posted on 09/Mar Click Here I have to admit the camera is low and by considering I can not really see the top of Big Show's head in his posture,the real difference is very probably bigger between him and Kane or Braun.

I prefer compare them when they are wearing tuxedos because in the ring they are wearing sometimes very advantageous wrestler shoes.

By this comparison Click Here Click Here to me Big Show cannot be taller than Hafthor,who is himself between 6"7.5' /6"7.75' imo.Here haftor in a terrible posture is standing again taller than Braun's cap...

Big Show ~ strong 6"7'
Kane /Braun ~ 6"5.5'
Hafthor ~ 6"7.5'

In the ring with different shoes(see the last pics in my comment on 09/Mar) sometimes Braun looks taller than Kane sometimes he looks shorter than him,sometimes same height.Then again I think both have a similar height when same shoes.
Roderick said on 11/Mar/20
@Pierre Big Show at a weak 6'7" is too low, but I can understand a guess in the 6'8" range.
Canson said on 11/Mar/20
@Roderick: his pics didn’t show that Melo is taller than Kane. Kane is further from the camera than Boomer in the pic Sotiris posted. In addition, we already saw the pic with Lee Smith who measured 6’5.75 at the combine so even 6’5 3/8 is prob afternoon height. Kane has Smith by an inch in the pic Sotiris posted
Roderick said on 9/Mar/20
@Canson but... Sotiris just showed that Carmelo is taller....

There is no way Kane is taller than that guy. That means Kane is probably in the high 6'5" range somewhere like 6'5.5"-6'5.75".
Canson said on 9/Mar/20
@Sotiris: Kane is standing further from the camera than Boomer in your picture. I highly doubt Kane is any less than a legit 6’6” range guy. I really think he has a legit shot at 199cm range
Pierre said on 9/Mar/20
Then by Haftor 6"7.5'/6"7.75' Braun and Kane = max 6"5.5' and Big Show weak 6"7' Imo
Pierre said on 9/Mar/20
Click Here = in smoking so without monster soles of wrestling shoes =Kane more distant than Braun Strowman.I would say around the same height here

Click Here = to compare Kane to Braun next to Big Show(with the first pic)=Big Show here does not look up like the first pic = I would say Braun and Kane very similar height by this comparison.

Now Hafthor (Rob has seen him and guess him 6"7.75' )Hafthor next to Braun,Hafthor in a terrible posture looks again taller than Braun's cap ! = Click Here Click Here ( 225 votes are guessing Haftor 6"7.45' )

other pics Kane /Braun with different wrestling shoes this time = Click Here = in this first pic by the red ropes the pic is a little bit inclined in favor to Kane Imo
Click Here Click Here funny no?
Roderick said on 8/Mar/20
Lol how am I supposed to believe Merriman is 4.5" shorter than Kane...

@Sotiris No matter what you post, some people won't ever accept the obvious height of Kane.
Canson said on 8/Mar/20
@Sotiris: I doubt Kane is shorter than Carmelo. My guess would be if you stood them back to back that they’d be close in height and if anything he would have the Slight edge over Carmelo
Sotiris Gravas said on 7/Mar/20
6'6.25" Carmelo Anthony w/ Shawne Merriman (2018)... Click Here

In comparison to Boomer/Merriman (2016)... Click Here

Again, Boomer/KANE (2019) ... Click Here

@Canson As for Cam Newton's height, here's Carmelo w/ max 6'4" Michael Strahan (2015):
Click Here And here... Click Here

@Editor Rob Kane isn't even as tall as Carmelo Anthony. His current listing has to go.
Canson said on 6/Mar/20
@Roderick: 6’5.5” isn’t a bad estimate for Taker in my humble opinion. He’s commonly guessed in the 6’5.5-6’6 range. I also suppose 6’6” isn’t terrible for Kane being he's been guessed 6’6.25 by a few posters. But they don’t always stand their tallest. Taker next to someone like Baron Corbin looks just about 6’6”. Corbin measured 6’6 1/2 at the combine so if that’s accurate he should still be around 6’6” flat in the afternoon and seeing Corbin with Strowman they look very close in height meaning max 1/2” In the ring. Ironically both guys claim 6’8”
CHARLTON RS said on 6/Mar/20

Agreed. People make an assumption by what they see, without actually looking at camera angles or reading between the lines.

If it were vice versa where kane was standing closer to the camera. He would look taller. And Yes it does make quite the difference in photos.
Shaka12 said on 6/Mar/20
NRM: How about that ?
Click Here
Undertaker was taller than Kane in that March 2018 apperance with Kane easily. Also there was a guy posting here, who met both of them back then, and said that Undertaker was taller than Kane.
Pierre said on 6/Mar/20
NRM said on 6/Mar/20
Can people not see that Taker is standing way in front of Kane in all the photos and is wearing a big beanie and glasses on top e them? Hahaha seriously

Who say the contrary....fact is Taker has a big forehead then even without his beanie....Why don't you talk more about taker's posture,looking very poor....

Even if Taker stand closer than Kane ,is it the posture of a short Taker talking to a tall Kane here? =

Click Here .Of course no!This is the contrary! Ahahah ! Kane's sneakers have not the same advantage as Kane's wrestling monster shoes ....
NRM said on 6/Mar/20
Can people not see that Taker is standing way in front of Kane in all the photos and is wearing a big beanie and glasses on top e them? Hahaha seriously
Canson said on 6/Mar/20
@Sotiris: I’ve gotta wonder what footwear Cam Newton is wearing in the pic although I’ve guessed Cam to be 6’4.5 before being hes 6’5 early morning. That pic with Carmelo makes him look even less.
Roderick said on 5/Mar/20
@Canson Undertaker and Kane don't look taller than 6'5" range guys the way they should and they just don't keep up with guys in the 6'6"-6'7" range very well at all.

I don't see anymore than 6'6" for Kane and no more than 6'5.5" for Undertaker.

Kane is likely 6'5.5" and Undertaker at 6'5"... IMO.
Pierre said on 5/Mar/20
Click Here =Kane with Undertaker.Hard to guess Kane taller than Undertaker here=

Click Here Click Here
Roderick said on 4/Mar/20
Going by the photos with R Truth.... Kane might only be 6'5.5"....
Riccardo5'7 said on 4/Mar/20
I think Kane should be AT LEAST same listing as current undertaker (6'6"1/4).
He isn't taller than that today, to much evidence. If you ask a me, I say just 198cm. And Taker at 6'5.5.

He was never, never 6'8" or "close" to it. We can't say "he gave often the impression of a 6'8" guy" because we saw him only in WWE with big footwear until few years ago.
And since he started taking pictures around he started to look 6'6" or even less. Who knows why...

Today it's the 6'6" range for Kane, and Taker most of all, that has to be proven...not the way around.
People who thinks wrestlers are really shorter than we think are legit.
Shaka12 said on 4/Mar/20
Canson: In March 2018, Undertaker looked taller than Kane easily, so it is hard to tell, who is taller between them, in WWE Ring Kane might look taller, because of his huge boots, but outside the ring Undertaker looks taller.
TheBat said on 4/Mar/20
Today I believe Kane is currently 6'6.25"-6'6.5". Anything below 6'6" flat I just can't see.
Sotiris Gravas said on 3/Mar/20
Ron Killings (aka R-Truth) w/ Kane... Click Here

W/ maybe 6'4.5" Cam Newton... Click Here

Cam Newton w/ 6'6.25" Carmelo Anthony (2016)... Click Here

The fact that Editor Rob still lists Kane at 6'6.75" is hilarious. Does Kane look as tall as Carmelo...? No, he doesn't.

In other words: AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA! (Sorry, I just love doing that.)
Canson said on 3/Mar/20
@Roderick: there is far more evidence today that Taker is under 6’6 and only slightly than Kane being under 6’6”.
Pierre said on 3/Mar/20
this pic is better = Click Here
Pierre said on 3/Mar/20
Vegas' said on 2/Mar/20
Roderick, most people here still seem to have Kane at least 6'6 so evidence hasn't been as compelling as you suggest.

I can't buy less than 6'6 for Jacobs in dress-shoes next to ~5'10.5 Ron Killings just a few months ago in video Click Here

Is Ron Killings really around 5"10.5'? Plus compare a very taller man to a 5"10' guy is generally less precise than compare him to tall men.

Ron next to Tupac Shakur listed 5"9.25',Tupac closer to the camera but not really straight =
Click Here .I guess him easily shorter than 5"10.5' here.
ced said on 2/Mar/20
@Sotiris -

In Bruce Prichard's podcast he mentioned how Taker wore internal lifts and Kane's were on the outside.. I not saying Kane wasn't a 6'7 peak, personally, I have him around 6'7.5-6'7.75 peak.. But, in the picture I posted, he looks way closer to Big Show's height than Nash does (in 1999). If he was just 6'7 peak, in his boots he would be 6'9.. Show I have at 6'11.25 peak, in boots 7 feet..

There's only a 1.75-2inch difference in their height in the photo I posted..
Vegas' said on 2/Mar/20
Roderick, most people here still seem to have Kane at least 6'6 so evidence hasn't been as compelling as you suggest.

I can't buy less than 6'6 for Jacobs in dress-shoes next to ~5'10.5 Ron Killings just a few months ago in video Click Here
Roderick said on 1/Mar/20
@Vegas I just think there is more evidence that supports Kane being under 6'6" than over it today.
Canson said on 29/Feb/20
@Edwards: actually that’s a very reasonable estimate For Kane as he has had his moments where he has looked Nearer 6’8”. I actually wouldn’t be surprised if he edged Taker at his peak (at times)
Pierre said on 29/Feb/20
Kane without his comfortable Wrestler shoes and Triple H = Click Here Click Here =Difference = around 4.50 inches ?

Rob and Evander= Click Here he guess him around 6"1.25' , 88 votes guess him 6"1.16' .

Triple H and Evander = Click Here
Vegas' said on 29/Feb/20
Roderick, countless? I see the same 4-5 photos doing the rounds here where he looks under 6'6 like with Lee Smith, Vince Vaughn and Ron Paul. Similar to Andre page where same 3-4 photos have been reposted for years to prove Andre was 7 foot.

Kane looks probably under 6'6 with my friends ex back in early 2004 but it doesn't mean he actually was at the time.
Tim Rains said on 28/Feb/20
Kane is a tough one to judge due to the heel of his boots, especially when he debuted. I think as far as peak height is concerned the best place to start is with the undertaker- Isaac Yankem staredown. Both were in flat soles and kane was clearly taller. I’d guess by at most half an inch. Then if you look at the undertaker- nash staredown, nash looks about 2 inches taller than the undertaker. If Nash was peak 6”9.5, that would make the undertaker 6”7.5 and Kane as he said “about 6”8.” I believe due to age and wear and tear kane has probably shrunk an inch to an inch and a half. My father is 60 and used to be 5”9 he is now 5”7.5. Kane is in his early to mid 50’s and from what i’ve heard taller people shrink a bit more than average people, especially given the fact he had a career that was rough on his body.
Sotiris Gravas said on 28/Feb/20

Dude, Kane was never close to 6'8" peak. Whenever he looked that tall, it was thanks to footwear (he's said to have worn internal lifts). Kane is max 6'6" now and was around 6'7" peak.
Roderick said on 28/Feb/20
@ced You're actually 100% correct. Kane does have knee issues, he mentioned it in a Knoxville interview where he said he doesn't do squats anymore because of his bad knees.
Khaja Qadaruddin said on 28/Feb/20
Click Here
Is it jst me or taker looks noticeable taller dan kane here.. (both at peak)
ced said on 27/Feb/20
Question for Sotiris... In 1999, we saw a staredown between Big Show and Kane, and man, Kane was really close to his height, up until Great Khali came in, I don't think I've ever seen someone that close to Show's height (even Kevin Nash)..

Here is an example of exactly what I'm talking about:

Click Here

Now, obvisouly today, Nash remains taller of the 2, (I believe Kane has some knee issues), and we know that Kane wore his lifts in 99, but to be taller than Nash against a peak Big Show, he had to have been close to 6'8, or 6'8.5 -- Keep in mind, Big Show also has some big boots on in that image..

I'm really interested in how you would asses the above image as I do respect your opinions and examples, and you have swayed me into thinking that Kane is not as tall as I initially thought, but the above image might prove that Kane was indeed as tall as 6'8 peak + 2 inch lifts = 6'10?
Roderick said on 26/Feb/20
@Vegas Yeah, but just like there are countless photos of Kane looking under 6'6", there will be that one photo where he looks slightly over it. My believe is Kane is still 6'5.75"
Canson said on 26/Feb/20
Vegas' said on 25/Feb/20
Roderick said on 19/Feb/20

In the photo with Donovan Smith, I think Kane looks 6'5.5".


If you go by top of head there is an inch there Click Here

Smith has measurements of slightly over 6'5 1/2 barefoot himself so Kane can't be 6'5 1/2 in that photo. Even if you think Smith is lower than his measurements like say 6'5 flat Kane still looks 6'6 in that particular photo.

Of course that's one photo and you can't see feet or ground.

Yea 6’5 flat is a stretch for a guy who measured 6’5.75”. I would’ve probably said 6’5 3/8 maybe 6’5.25 worst case. Kane would have to be somewhere around 199cm if that’s the case as it’s minimum 1”
Mikey97 said on 26/Feb/20
Click Here

Very cool young Kane photo. Kane claims he was 6'4" in 8th grade. I can buy that
Sotiris Gravas said on 25/Feb/20
Just a reminder:

Kane looks 6'5" w/ 5'6" Rand Paul... Click Here , Click Here At around 6'7", I have never looked so "short" next to a 5'6" someone...

Rand Paul w/ 6'0.5" Trump (aka "The Chosen One," lol)... Click Here

Shane McMahon w/ 5'10" Kevin Owens... Click Here
W/ Kane... Click Here
W/ Undertaker... Click Here
W/ Kevin Nash... Click Here
Vegas' said on 25/Feb/20
Roderick said on 19/Feb/20

In the photo with Donovan Smith, I think Kane looks 6'5.5".


If you go by top of head there is an inch there Click Here

Smith has measurements of slightly over 6'5 1/2 barefoot himself so Kane can't be 6'5 1/2 in that photo. Even if you think Smith is lower than his measurements like say 6'5 flat Kane still looks 6'6 in that particular photo.

Of course that's one photo and you can't see feet or ground.
Roderick said on 24/Feb/20
Several people have claimed Big Show looked 6'7" in person. Maybe his height loss is more serious than we think...
Khaja Qadaruddin said on 24/Feb/20

May be.. Tht was a bad dream!
DFens said on 24/Feb/20
Kane is definitely not 6'5".

Click Here
Canson said on 24/Feb/20
So Donovan Smith shows 6’5.75 and 6’5 5/8 in the link I have. If the latter is correct, Sotiris is right in that is all he would be in the afternoon. But I can’t rule out the listing here being an alternate measurement like a pro day etc

Click Here
viper said on 24/Feb/20
Another poster on here thought Big Show looked 6-7-6-8
Roderick said on 23/Feb/20
We have THREE 6'6" range Smiths in the occasion now..

Honestly I won't deny that Kane does look taller than that dude but how do we know that guy is a legit 6'6"? What if he's 6'5.5", or as low as 6'5.25"? Even still, Kane looks 6'6" there.
HJake said on 21/Feb/20
Back in the mid 2000s I had good seats at a house show- non-televised. I was at the aisle right near the ring- entrance side. So, I got to see everyone up close as they walked by to the ring. No ramp where I was standing- equal footing. I'm 6'1.5" barefooted afternoon and it really shocked me to see the real heights of these guys as they walked by, some stopping to slap fives etc. I don't know if it was where I was standing somehow, but HHH looked 5'11", Cena maybe 5'10". But, Kane was the guy I was there to see- when he was tag teaming with Big Show. Kane looked all of 6'5" walking by and that's generous. Show looked maybe 6'7-8" ish. I don't know, had to be something with angles a bit or something, maybe I had hiking boots on that day. I just remember being a little shocked at heights across the board. And, no, I didn't expect billed heights.
Canson said on 21/Feb/20
@Roderick: I’m referring to the Smith who measured 6’5 3/4 who we were all referring to below. Kane has an inch on him. You can see it in the shoulders and the bodies too. If it were only around 1/4” the difference could go either way in the picture and it doesn’t. Kane has the clear height advantage. As for Smith I could agree with Sotiris but a 6056 an hour out of bed could mean 6’5 3/8 afternoon height for some. Most like myself (I lose a cm after an hour) and another cm thereafter estimated. But then some like Christian 6’5 3/8 lose 1/4 after an hour and lose half inch therafter. So in this case Rob may list him 6’5.5 as that would be his lunchtime. If that’s the case that’s an immediate argument for Kane to be 6’6.5”. I still can’t see the solid 6’6” for Kane today let alone under that mark. The lowest I could argue for his afternoon height is 6’6.25 which means lunchtime 6’6 3/8 or 1/2”. I think the compromise 6’6.5. I agree 6’6.75 looks too much but he’s noticeably taller than Taker at this stage. He’s around the same as Strowman today. Kane would easily still wake to 6’7-6’7.5 range
Roderick said on 21/Feb/20
I see Kane more as a guy who specialized in strength training rather than bodybuilding training (like most WWE stars).

If you look closely at Kane, you will notice how his tricep development is a lot stronger and bigger than his bicep development. I think this is because Kane would work out his chest a lot, and usually your triceps come into the day you train your chest.

But Kane didn't seem to care much for his calves. If you've ever seen a photo of them, it looks like he's never worked them out a day in his life, lol.
DFens said on 20/Feb/20
Google says this guy is 6'6" (search Tray Smith Tennessee)

At 3:58.

Click Here
Canson said on 20/Feb/20
@Edwards: yea 199 is a good fit for him just like 197.5 would probably be for Taker. It’s about a 1.5 cm difference between them in pics. Lol a 6’4.75 Taker would mean that he’s even shorter than when Dan Trojan met him
Roderick said on 19/Feb/20
I just noticed we are talking about two different Smiths here... lol.

In the photo with Lee Smith, I think Kane looks 6'4.5".

In the photo with Donovan Smith, I think Kane looks 6'5.5".

@Canson To me it looks like a very tiny difference. Kane is a bit closer to the camera, and also looks like he's tippy toeing on his right leg.

Kane looks shorter than Wilder as well.

Best bet for Kane IMO is 6'5.75" max, he might not even reach 6'6" the more I look.
Pierre said on 19/Feb/20
Kane / Vince Vaughn = Click Here

Vince Vaughn/Stephen Merchant listed 6"7' each time in poor posture = Click Here Click Here Click Here

Vince Vaughn /Snoop = Click Here Click Here

Snoop /Magic 6"7.5' = Click Here Click Here
Click Here

Kane 6"7' = porbabilities = 0% imo Kane 6"6.5 or full 6"6' = probabilities = 0% imo
edwards said on 18/Feb/20
@ canson

agreed with everything you said.6’5.25 is joke for kane.he still got 1.5” on 6’5 guys.i can see the possibility of kane being 6’6.25 but that being the minimum.the max is 6’6.5.i can see kane having the possibility to measure 6’6.5 still on a good day but not any higher though.i personally wouldn’t go below 6’6.25 for kane and wouldnt go above 6’6.5 aswell.if kane is 6’5.25 than undertaker by sense is 6’4.75 which i dont thing is possible at all cost.
Canson said on 18/Feb/20
@Roderick: actually with the variables In picture etc I’m going to say it’s a full inch between them minimum. So if Smith is day 6’5 3/8 then a 6’6 3/8 Kane works. I agree 6’6.5 for Kane is ok but I wouldn’t go as low as 6’6 flat for An afternoon let alone 6’5.25”. 6’6” flat at an extreme (once in a while) low is remotely possible if he is more 6’6.25 at the normal low than 6’6.5. That part I don’t rule out
Canson said on 18/Feb/20
@Roderick: in the pics with Undertaker and Strowman and some of the other taller wrestlers as well as the one with the football player below that was posted. If we use his afternoon (supposed height), Kane would not be 6’5.25 because he’s taller than Smith. If Smith is a morning 6’5.75 after around an hour he’s not lower than 6’5.25 maybe 6’5 3/8”. And Kane has around an inch on Smith. We could argue that maybe it’s 2cm worst case. I think a 6’6.5 listing is more than fair for him. I don’t see below 6’6.25”
Roderick said on 16/Feb/20
IMO Kane should be downgraded to 6'6.5", even though I think he's absolute maximum 6'6".

I wouldn't be surprised if Kane measured 6'5.25" at night, since he's almost 300 pounds. But his afternoon height I think is around 6'5.75".
Canson said on 16/Feb/20
@Vegas: But I didn’t say 1/2-3/4. I specifically said 3/8-1/2” where I mentioned below. Im sure some manage 3/4 while some manage 1/4”. Lamont Jordan from MD I remember Viper and I discussed when he posted that Jordan was 5’9.5 at his Pro Day or Senior Bowl but 5’10.25 at the combine. That one stood out to me. Rob has even said that it could vary. And in your case were these guys you met players who were drafted a long time ago? And to what you said about near the pre draft listing, you may get a guy who is measured 6’3.25 like Vernon Davis where he looks around 6’3 still but it’s because he likely only comes down to 6’2 7/8 so you wouldn’t tell the difference between that and 6’3” or 6’3 1/8 unless you are that close. But I doubt Peyton Manning was the case. I see 6’5 or maybe slightly higher. I saw his Pro Day was actually higher at 6’5 3/8 so the combine was likely Held later in the 90s. I do think Eli is the case in 2004 but my argument would be that he’s around 194. He looks shorter than Roethlisberger who looks about 195. I actually feel Ben’s was probably a different measurement like a Pro Day. He looks around his as does Antonio Brown. And with Brady that would mean he dropped 7/8 which usually doesn’t happen. I have Brady at 6’4. Viper posted the Senior Bowl listings from 2006 once and here. Also see my link below. it says that the players measured early. They did it after the drug test so I gave that a full hour and called it 7 am instead of 6 but 3/8” and 1/2” variances signal an hour or slightly less or slightly more out of bed. Rob said before you could lose 1cm after waking (I lose .9cm myself) and some like Christian just lose 1/4” after 1 hr which is why you see the 1/2” variance for some guys. Also look at the tweets of times when measurements come out. Kyler Murray’s came out around 9 am eastern last year. I know it said Vincent Jackson measured 6’4 3/8 at the senior bowl and he measured 6046 at the combine. Another example DeAngelo Williams was 5’8 3/8 or half and was 5’9” at the combine. Those two I remember. Another was Nick Mangold and Marcedes Lewis. Theirs were about the same 3/8 or 1/2”. I saw where I posted that mangold was 6’3.25 senior bowl and 6’3 5/8 then Lewis Viper posted 6’5 7/8 where he was 6’6 3/8 at the combine. I don’t remember Exactly where the 2006 senior bowl listing is but I’m sure that Viper can find it and it’s clear that the average disparity there was around 3/8” some half inch some did manage 1/4”. But the 3/8 was very common and lines up to what Rob said given the time of day it is held. I’ve also posted the one for the NBA where the players all measured 1/2” taller from 08 to 09 just based on time of the day. That is likely commonplace being they know it helps draft stock by the players measuring taller which it explicitly states in the NBA article

Click Here

Click Here
Vegas' said on 15/Feb/20
How do we know it's morning measurement within hour out of bed?

Is every NFL player in same boat then? Does that mean Peyton Manning was 6'4 1/2 afternoon, Eli Manning was close to flat 6'4, Tom Brady 6'3 1/2?

I have met a couple of measured ex NFL players late at night and they looked close to their measured heights after 12am not 1/2-3/4 inch short of measured number.
Canson said on 15/Feb/20
Sotiris Gravas said on 14/Feb/20
Vegas' said on 13/Feb/20
Donovan Smith was measured 6'5 6/8ths barefoot

That was a morning measurement. He's 6'5.25". And Kane is 100% not over 6'6".

@Sotiris. It likely was a morning measurement. I agree with both you and Viper. That could mean 6’5.25 or 6’5 3/8 like Christian. I still see a full inch between he and Kane though. Kane would be no less than 6’6.25 maybe even 6’6.5”. The angle in the pic is not the best to be honest. But I can safely rule out 6’7”. Even 6’6.75 that Rob lists him looks on the high side. Should be a little less if going with an afternoon or lunchtime height. Fact of the matter is that the site standard is lunchtime or afternoon heights but some people here use pre drafts as gospel or the rule of thumb which is not a fair comparison since the standard is what it is.
Canson said on 15/Feb/20
@Edwards: yea for taker’s peak he could’ve been Closer to 6’7” flat as opposed to 6’7.5 based on the possibility of footwear. I doubt less than 6’7” but today I doubt more than 6’6” or even that if going by an afternoon height. It won’t surprise me if Rob knocks Taker down to 6’6” flat now based on what he said about the encounters people he knows have had but I still can’t see less than that even though he really looks a bit less at times. Rob even admitted on Taker’s page that many believe Taker is not as tall as he’s billed here or there
Canson said on 15/Feb/20
@Viper: see my last post too. I said the same to Vegas. In fact Sotiris could be right as we’ve seen guys gain half inch or 3/8 inch from senior bowl to combine or pro day to combine simply because its early morning. But Rob has made it clear that the standard is supposed to be afternoon or max lunchtime. That said 6’5.5 may be a fair listing for him if 6’5 3/8 is his afternoon height. If 6’5.25 is it then 6’5 3/8 would be lunchtime. I think he would measure the same as Christian to be honest
Sotiris Gravas said on 14/Feb/20
Vegas' said on 13/Feb/20
Donovan Smith was measured 6'5 6/8ths barefoot

That was a morning measurement. He's 6'5.25". And Kane is 100% not over 6'6".
viper said on 14/Feb/20
Lee Smith is 6-5 1/2 at best

Click Here
Canson said on 14/Feb/20
@Vegas: true. But Rob has made the standard lunchtime or afternoon height which he’s mentioned many times. If we want to use an afternoon height Sotiris is potentially right being a lot of guys lose 1/2” from their combine measurement or best case 6’5 3/8 perhaps. Remember this is a taller guy with more potential to lose height. If he has that measurement an hour out of bed 6’5.5” would be fair for Donovan Smith as a lunchtime height as we saw Rob also list Baron Corbin and others below their combine listings. As for the picture, it’s an odd angle. I have a hard time seeing Kane below maybe 6’6.25” but I could argue maybe 6’6.5. However I don’t believe he’s 6’6.75 (200cm) like Rob lists him. That looks around a 2cm or a stretch 1” difference but that’s possible due to the angle
edwards said on 13/Feb/20
@ canson

dude,The fact that undertaker look very short now might mean that it's not all height loss. Maybe he did wear internal lifts which bruce pitchard revealed.maybe undertaker was just 6’7 1/8 peak ?
edwards said on 13/Feb/20
@ canson

dude,agreed with everything you’ve said.

@ sotiris gravas

dude,even if those guys are height that you estimated.kane still edges them but barely.under 6’6 for kane maybe out of window even if we go by photo’s you posted.kane still edges them.
Roderick said on 13/Feb/20
@Sotiris Yeah, but Edge was never known as a huge guy, even though he was billed at 6'5" 250lb. I would say 6'2.5" 220lb is probably the most he ever was.

Also 100% agree on Kane and Taker
Vegas' said on 13/Feb/20
Donovan Smith was measured 6'5 6/8ths barefoot
Canson said on 13/Feb/20
@Edwards: I was mentioning on his page that 6’6” flat is probably enough for him as opposed to 6’6.25”. 6’6 is the catch all being some have doubt he’s that low but most of us know he’s not higher than that and really suspect he’s lower. We have a range of 6’5 for some and 6’6.5 or 6’6.25 for other posters where you Christian and me are all around the middle of that range. That said 6’6” is probably decent especially if we consider it just lunchtime and not afternoon which he’s definitely under 6’6 by that stage
Canson said on 13/Feb/20
@Edwards: that’s a very good estimate

Strowman maybe 6’6 3/8-1/2
Corbin 6’6”
Taker 6’5.75
viper said on 13/Feb/20
Sotiris Merriman doesn't look any tker than 6-2 with Boomer
Riccardo 5'7 said on 12/Feb/20
Nishanth Hegde said on 10/Feb/20

Without footwear factors I don't know who was the taller man at their peaks.
In my opinion both Undertaker and Kane were not 6'7.5. Max 6'7".
Today we have brosofdistruction who met taker and Kane in Knoxville and he said Taker was about an inch taller.
Now I don't think Taker is really that much taller than Kane...

Peak Undertaker 6'6"3/4 /6'7" barefoot and 6'8"1/4 in wrestling gear
Current Undertaker 6'5"1/2 and 6'7" in gear.

Peak Kane 6'7" and 6'9" on gear
Current Kane 6'5'3/4 6'6", barefoot.
Robbe said on 12/Feb/20
6'6 is absolutely the max for Kane. Looks hair shorter than 6'6 Wilder.

Click Here

Kane has also probably slighly more footwear there. 6'5.75 is probably spot on for Kane's current height, so he needs a downgrade.
Sotiris Gravas said on 11/Feb/20
@Roderick Yeah, I met Edge back in 1997. He was very lanky. I'd say max 6'2.5" peak, max 6'1.5" today.

@edwards For me, Kane is max 6'6" today, and Undertaker is max 6'5.5". (Pics of Taker w/ Kevin Love and Ike Catcher makes this abundantly clear.)

This is Kane w/ maybe 6'5.25" (listed 6'6") Donovan Smith... Click Here

And w/ listed 6'6" Lee Smith... Click Here Notice how Kane looks shorter. Kane is nowhere near 6'7" or 6'6.75" now.
Roderick said on 11/Feb/20
@Nishanth I would say there is a greater chance Kane is taller. Kane can still look like a solid 6'6" in some pictures. However Undertaker frequently looks 6'5" range and he can only appear taller thanks to big boots and a beanie.
Canson said on 11/Feb/20
Nishanth Hegde said on 10/Feb/20

Don't you guys think that Kane and Undertaker are the same height today?
In my eyes, they either look the same height or Taker ends up looking taller.
What do you guys think?

I highly doubt it. I doubt Kane is less than 6’6.25 and could possibly even manage 6’6.5 in the afternoon still. I feel Taker struggles to hit 6’6” in the afternoon. I doubt much less but I feel 6’5.75 is possible. Peak heights I feel Kane would be the taller of the two ever so slightly. Edwards’ estimates are good. 6’7.25 for Taker and 6’7.5 for Kane. The max was 1/2” difference between them. Taker may have been 6’7” flat but doubt less than that. I think current listings should be Taker at 6’6” flat (Rob didn’t reduce it enough) and Kane 6’6.5” (same thing)
Canson said on 11/Feb/20
Nishanth Hegde said on 10/Feb/20

Don't you guys think that Kane and Undertaker are the same height today?
In my eyes, they either look the same height or Taker ends up looking taller.
What do you guys think?

I highly doubt it. I doubt Kane is less than 6’6.25 and could possibly even manage 6’6.5 in the afternoon still. I feel Taker struggles to hit 6’6” in the afternoon. Peak heights I feel Kane would be the taller of the two ever so slightly. Edwards’ estimates are good. 6’7.25 for Taker and 6’7.5 for Kane. The max was 1/2” difference between them. Taker may have been 6’7” flat but doubt less than that
edwards said on 11/Feb/20
@ canson

agreed with everything you said.i think taker still has a chance in 6’6 and kane still has chance in 6’6.5 but that is maximum for both guys.6’6 max for taker and 6’6.5 max for kane.but considering today afternoon 6’5.75 for taker and 6’6.25 for kane looks more than likely.i means 6’5.75 for taker and 6’6.25 for kane looks very very likely and believable for peak,i have peak kane at 6’7.5 and peak taker at 6’ for corbin i personally think he did edged taker in madison square garden last year by probably 0.25 i might be wrong but i saw corbin edging taker but barely maybe by,me and christian have same estimation since more than a years.
edwards said on 11/Feb/20
@ NR

if that guy is legit 6’9 then kane looks 6’7 though,i dont agree that he is 6’7.peak was 6’7.5 in my personal opinion.
Canson said on 10/Feb/20
@Edwards: I think 6’5.75 is good. I agree with both you and Christian after seeing that and also because of how he looked with Baron Corbin who I think is a legit 6’6 perhaps or maybe same range 6’5.75-6’6” range
NR said on 10/Feb/20
This guy That’s 5 inches taller than Drew Mcintyre even with Drew on his toes and that same guy with Kane Click Here Click Here

This guy has claimed 6’9 btw
ced said on 10/Feb/20
@Roderick, I agree with that.. I think he was a peak of 6'7.25, may have woke up around 6'8, but today Kane is no more than 6'5.75. Sotiris proves it with the Deontay Wilder photo. (there maybe a slight footwear advantage as NBA guys are known to wear some high shows) but 6'5.75 for Kane, 6'5.5 for Undertaker (currently).

I think Big Show has lost a tremendous amount of height too since his peak (6'10.75 at peak) + 1 inch boots = 6'11.75. Currently, I think he is 6'9 or maybe even 6'8.75
Nishanth Hegde said on 10/Feb/20

Don't you guys think that Kane and Undertaker are the same height today?
In my eyes, they either look the same height or Taker ends up looking taller.
What do you guys think?
edwards said on 10/Feb/20
@ canson

agreed with everything you said for undertaker,i have him same as kane peak but probably fraction lesser than kane.i think taker at 6’7.25 and kane at 6’7.5 looks accurate in my personal opinion after looking enough for both of the guys.
edwards said on 10/Feb/20
@ roderick

dude,there is noway kane is only 6’5.5,he might have look that but on a stadiometer,its a different story.he dosent look more than max 3” shorter than big show who i think is 6’9.5 today.
Roderick said on 10/Feb/20
@Canson I am not an expert or know anything about height loss to be honest. I would guess it was just naturally due to him aging and the lifestyle he lived. Kane was probably in the gym more often than any other wrestler in the WWE. Kane probably worked out more in a week than Andre did in his entire lifetime.

But yeah, maybe that had some effect on Kane's height? Not too sure.
edwards said on 9/Feb/20
@ canson

dude,i personally feel taker ain’t low as 6’ the ring,he generally looks 6’5.75/6’6.i think you can agree with me on this one.
here is taker with hhh at super showdown last year. Click Here
Roderick said on 9/Feb/20
Those photos Sotiris just posted prove 100% that Kane is probably 6'5.5".

@Sotiris Didn't you meet Edge and say he looked max 6'2" in the 90s?

IMO Edge was 6'2.5" peak, 6'1"-6'1.5" now
Deathvalley99 said on 9/Feb/20
What do you think about this pic?
Click Here
Kane for me looks similar to 6ft6 1/2 deontay wilder, but I think he edge out deontay in the pic
Editor Rob
They can seem roughly similar compared to the guy, both though are a fair bit further away.
Canson said on 9/Feb/20
@Roderick: I wonder when Kane began to lose his height. And to which degree. I think peak probably 6’7.25 or .5 and today 6’6.5 is max he would measure at an afternoon height. Could even be around 199 flat
Canson said on 9/Feb/20
@Edwards: it’s good to have Sotiris back! And good to have you back too! My guess for Kane:

6’7.25-.5 out of bed (current)
6’6.25-.5 afternoon (current)

Peak though

6’8-6’8.5 out of bed
6’7-6’7.5 afternoon
edwards said on 9/Feb/20
@ sotiris gravas and canson

glad to have you back dude.
lol i am not a fanboy nor anything but anything less than 6’6 is complete joke for kane.dude,how tall do you think is kane in the morning.

here is kane with edge who editor rob has listed at peak 6’3.kane easily have almost 5” on edge here

Click Here

here is peak kane with big show

Click Here

here is kane with bug show lasttime

Click Here

here is kane with a fan.i guess most of the door in the states are 6’8. Click Here

here,kane is with ex wwe star piage posing near the door. Click Here

dude.i honestly think kane is not less than 6’6.
Canson said on 8/Feb/20
@Roderick: 6’5 flat is too low for Taker. Remember his poor posture as is the case with Hogan and Big Show too. Taker bare minimum is 6’5.5” but I’d really go with 6’5.75” afternoon height and 6’6.75 out of bed
Sotiris Gravas said on 8/Feb/20
Kane w/ the Brooklyn Brawler... Click Here

6'3.5" Snoop Dogg w/ Brawler... Click Here

Brawler w/ Ric Flair... Click Here

Brawler w/ Chris Jericho... Click Here

Snoop w/ Flair (2016)... Click Here , Click Here

Kane w/ Flair (2018)... Click Here , Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 8/Feb/20
Kane w/ Stone Cold... Click Here

6'5.5" Tommy Kelly w/ Stone Cold... Click Here

The fact that ppl think Kane is 6'7" or even 6'6.75" barefoot today astounds me. Agree to disagree, lol.

A word to the wise: stop looking at WWE Kane pics when he's in big footwear or even internal lifts. You will never gauge his true height from that. This guy wears big boots when getting pics w/ fans -- even that isn't a true indicator.

@Dfens Great pics.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.