How tall is Andre The Giant - Page 10

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Average Guess (867 Votes)
6ft 11.94in (213.2cm)
RP said on 7/Dec/17
Wepner was 6'5"...and during the match, Andre looked 6" taller. Just watch the video. In that pic, Andre is looking down & Chuck was also wearing cowboy boots.
DAN said on 7/Dec/17
Evidence being posted last few days suggest a 6ft 10 inch Peak Andre the giant
62B. said on 7/Dec/17
JT said on 7/Dec/1

62B, your story does not add up. The eye level of a 6’2” guy like Duggan is at or above Andre’s chin as of 1988 Click Here so your eye level could not have been where you claim it was. You’re either recollecting wrong or the ground was not level, etc.
Again you are using pictures to suit your agenda. In your picture Andre is looking down and Duggan is looking up. There are pictures with Andre and Dibiase where Debiase's eyes are about chin level to Andre or just below. I met Dibiase in the Gym in the early 90's and we were about the same height. He may have edged me out by a fraction. When I have time I will look for the picture and post it. Click Here here is one
62B. said on 7/Dec/17
JT said on 7/Dec/1

62B, your story does not add up. The eye level of a 6’2” guy like Duggan is at or above Andre’s chin as of 1988 Click Here so your eye level could not have been where you claim it was. You’re either recollecting wrong or the ground was not level, etc.
Again you are using pictures to suit your agenda. In your picture Andre is looking down and Duggan is looking up. There are pictures with Andre and Dibiase where Debiase's eyes are about chin level to Andre or just below. I met Dibiase in the Gym in the early 90's and we were about the same height. He may have edged me out by a fraction. When I have time I will look for the picture and post it
Danimal said on 7/Dec/17
Gretz said on 5/Dec/17
Would love to see a pick of Kiel and Kareem would have been close.And if you think Andre was as tall as them your smoking something.the funny thing is ask 100 people in public how tall Andre was and 90+ percent will say 7'4",and why you ask because the ring announcer told them so.I was a mindless sheep till I was about 16 than.seen other 7+ footers and thought these guys w.w.w.f at the time are liars.I still love Andre and think he was 7'0.5" at one point.He was actually ordered by Vince senior not to have his pic taken with anyone taller than him.l think he was so close to wilt in those pics with the footware advantage along with the buzz he probably had going he thought he edged him out.I'm from Philly and during a sixers game 7'6" minute Bolt asked if Andre would come out and take a pic with him he said I'm sick boss.He would have been obviously taller and Vince jr. Would have jumped all over him.(this was around 1983).But even though I jumped all over my boy Andre in those 1969 pics a prime Andre with perfect posture looked maybe even 7'0.75".And a pic of him from that time could have gone either way depending on footware meaning with wilt.

Minute Bolt??? You're from Philly and you don't even know that his name was MANUTE BOL, NOT Minute Bolt. He was listed as 7'7" in the NBA, NOT 7'6" AND he only got drafted into the NBA in 1985, so no, it wasn't 1983 that this happened if, it ever happened at all. WOW...just wow..
JT said on 7/Dec/17
Click Here Arnold has ~0.5” or so footwear advantage although this still shows how much boost those cowboy boots gave Andre. Some here claim Arnold was never 6’1” barefoot but I gave it to him. If Andre stands ramrod straight with Arnold he is not hitting 7'0" barefoot or even 6'11"...

Roel, I’m pretty sure the photo was taken when Andre was in Mexico filming the Conan movie in 1983. Arnold has told the story where Andre said he speaks Spanish and told Arnold the fans were demanding that he get in the ring and pose (which they weren’t). Click Here It looks like Arnold’s wearing the same jeans and the ref has his white shirt. Arnold has the same hairstyle too.

62B, your story does not add up. The eye level of a 6’2” guy like Duggan is at or above Andre’s chin as of 1988 Click Here so your eye level could not have been where you claim it was. You’re either recollecting wrong or the ground was not level, etc.
Boss said on 6/Dec/17
Everyone here is entitled to their own estimates. Andre's peak was somewhere between 6'11" and the 7'1" he was said to be measured in Vancouver on All Stars Wrestling show in 1968. There are too many factors such as head size, footwear and posture to nail his height unless we actually see a measurement happen.
Gretz said on 6/Dec/17
Yeah Chaz like I expect to change your opinion
Guanzo said on 6/Dec/17
With 6'4'' Chuck Wepner

Click Here

6'8'' max
RoelC said on 6/Dec/17
JT said on 5/Dec/17
Full body shot of Andre and Arnold here Click Here

Excellent pic there. Maybe not the best for comparing heights, but it amazes me that you often manage to dig up pics of Andre that no one has seen before.
Chaz said on 6/Dec/17
Gretz said on 5/Dec/17
Look Jt I know Kiel is taller than Andre and wilt for that matter.What I think I'm getting at is that unfortunately 80 to 85 percent of the photos on this site I Andre from 1980 to 1993.And of 80 percent of these pics where taken from 1969 to 1979,his height would raise another half inch to an inch change in the opinion of his height to 6'11.5" to 7'0.7 5 in the morning.see dicksock,i can make , Andre's height fit my opinion too.Your heights are nut carved in granite unless you chiseled it yourself,good luck changing an opinion around have been trying to do it for 11-12 years.And when I started posting here Andre was listed at 7'1.5,when I left for a while he was down to 6'11".When I came back he was 6'11.5",than Ron had A vote and most of us had Andre at 7'0" and it's been that way ever since.

Gretz you are just waffling on,Andre was never 7' at any time of day,when he was young and only 280-310lbs when he was saying he was 208cm he was more than likely 211cm out of bed,as he got older and fatter in later life, when he's posture got bad he lost more standing height over the day,when he was looking 6'9'' if you got him first thing in the morning laying down he would still of measured near 6'10'' or so.And Kiel said he was only 7'1.5'',and used to just say 7'2''.and Andre was more than 1.5'' shorter than him, more like 2.5-3''.
dicksock said on 6/Dec/17
Boss said on 4/Dec/17
Andre's nephew Borris Roussimoff said Andre was 7'1.5" and would always say this height when asked by family or friends. So your wrong Dicksock that documentary guy is obviously guessing as he says 6'10 or 6'11". A&E done their research too and interviewed Andre's family and they said Andre was 7' tall.


A&E is wrong and they did not do very good research. They said Wrestlemania III was in the Summer of 1986 and there were 92,000 people in attendance. They were wrong on both. It was March 1987 and 93,173 in attendance (according to WWE). Regarding his height, they said he was 7' at age 18. That is impossible. He was being billed at 6'10" at that point. We've all seen the video of Andre chopping down the tree from 1966 when he was 19. He was very obviously nowhere even close to 7' at 19. He probably wasn't even 6'10". Look at him in that clip or the martial arts movie he was in. He was not even close to 7' then. So no, A&E is not credible in this case. The best evidence I have seen the Andre was 7' is probably Terry Todd's email to JT. I just think Todd probably overestimated his height because of the cowboy boots.
Gretz said on 5/Dec/17
Would love to see a pick of Kiel and Kareem would have been close.And if you think Andre was as tall as them your smoking something.the funny thing is ask 100 people in public how tall Andre was and 90+ percent will say 7'4",and why you ask because the ring announcer told them so.I was a mindless sheep till I was about 16 than.seen other 7+ footers and thought these guys w.w.w.f at the time are liars.I still love Andre and think he was 7'0.5" at one point.He was actually ordered by Vince senior not to have his pic taken with anyone taller than him.l think he was so close to wilt in those pics with the footware advantage along with the buzz he probably had going he thought he edged him out.I'm from Philly and during a sixers game 7'6" minute Bolt asked if Andre would come out and take a pic with him he said I'm sick boss.He would have been obviously taller and Vince jr. Would have jumped all over him.(this was around 1983).But even though I jumped all over my boy Andre in those 1969 pics a prime Andre with perfect posture looked maybe even 7'0.75".And a pic of him from that time could have gone either way depending on footware meaning with wilt.
Gretz said on 5/Dec/17
Look Jt I know Kiel is taller than Andre and wilt for that matter.What I think I'm getting at is that unfortunately 80 to 85 percent of the photos on this site I Andre from 1980 to 1993.And of 80 percent of these pics where taken from 1969 to 1979,his height would raise another half inch to an inch change in the opinion of his height to 6'11.5" to 7'0.7 5 in the morning.see dicksock,i can make , Andre's height fit my opinion too.Your heights are nut carved in granite unless you chiseled it yourself,good luck changing an opinion around have been trying to do it for 11-12 years.And when I started posting here Andre was listed at 7'1.5,when I left for a while he was down to 6'11".When I came back he was 6'11.5",than Ron had A vote and most of us had Andre at 7'0" and it's been that way ever since.
62B. said on 5/Dec/17
JT said on 4/Dec/17

62B, it’s highly unlikely you could peg Andre’s height down to the inch after “bumping into him” unless you have a photo with him. The height difference is too great. If you were 6’6” or taller, maybe so. I met Bill Walton a few years ago and could not tell how much taller he was than me (other than much taller) until I later looked at photos of the two of us and the difference was around 6 inches (i.e., less than the height difference between you and Andre).

You are right JT. Initially I guessed him at 7'-7'1" and I was able to size him up pretty good. It wasn't until I stood next to Rik Smits a few years later that I realized Andre was just short of the 7' mark. My eye level came up to Andre's upper chest, below his chin. My eye level Today is between 70 and 71 inches and I have lost about a 1/2" since 1988.So if my eye level was 71" (5'11") in 1988 and Andre's head was 11.5"-12" I don't see how he could have been shorter than 6'10.5" in 1988.
JT said on 5/Dec/17
Full body shot of Andre and Arnold here Click Here
JT said on 5/Dec/17
Click Here
JT said on 4/Dec/17
Gretz, some here believe Andre was within an inch of or just about the same height Kiel which is absurd when you see how they measure up to people of comparable height. I’ll use Steve Nash (measured at 6’1”) and Dirk Nowitzki (6’11”ish) if you like. Click Here Valois was BILLED at 6’1” as a wrestler so he could be even shorter.

62B, it’s highly unlikely you could peg Andre’s height down to the inch after “bumping into him” unless you have a photo with him. The height difference is too great. If you were 6’6” or taller, maybe so. I met Bill Walton a few years ago and could not tell how much taller he was than me (other than much taller) until I later looked at photos of the two of us and the difference was around 6 inches (i.e., less than the height difference between you and Andre).
zo said on 4/Dec/17
If he was billed 6ft 10 then he wasn't taller than that.
Boss said on 4/Dec/17
Andre's nephew Borris Roussimoff said Andre was 7'1.5" and would always say this height when asked by family or friends. So your wrong Dicksock that documentary guy is obviously guessing as he says 6'10 or 6'11". A&E done their research too and interviewed Andre's family and they said Andre was 7' tall. How anyone period thinks they could tell the difference between a 6'11" or 7' guy with precision is just wishful thinking.
Gretz said on 3/Dec/17
Here is kind of strange theory,what if where all right as far as the people that think he is 6'10"-7'0". let's say it's 1976 Andre gets out of bed and is measured by a doctor with one of those press the metal rod thingy on your head and he is 7'0.75" but by 10p.m after the main event he goes back takes his boots off and the doc measures him at 6'11.65".he is still 7'0" with his thin souled boots on but as his career continues his morning and evening height goes down over the by 1991 his numbers go down to 6'11 out of bed 6'9.75 after the last match,it's all speculation but possible.than if you count him looking down scrunching and not being able to straighten his back at a late point in his career,not counting his frequent bad posture and you have a convoluted mess and you will never be able to pinpoint his exact height.I no it sounds strange but it could actually be true and we are all right,except for people who think he was 7'4"or 6'9" I have actually seen posts that have him at 7'6" all the way down to 6'6",any reply would be appreciated.
62B. said on 3/Dec/17
dicksock said on 2/Dec/17
I just found a brand new interview with the guy who is making the new Andre the Giant documentary for HBO. He was interviewed by Dave Meltzer. The two of them had a very insightful conversation. The guy being interviewed, Pat, says he even went over to France to speak with Andre's family to find out as much as he could about Andre. He did tons of research about Andre's time in Montreal. He said Andre was about 340-350 lbs when he came to Montreal in 1971. He also said his height was...6'10 or 6'11".

This should pretty much end this debate of whether Andre was legit 7' or more. We have the documentary maker who did tons of research and even spoke at length with Andre's family saying Andre was 6'10" or 6'11". Combine that with the endless amount of other evidence it is clear Andre was never above 6'11". His height should be lowered to 6'11" on this site.


Then by 1988 the only height he lost was in posture, because when he stood straight he was still in the 6'10"-6'11" range. But honestly I think we need to see this documentary before any adjustments are made. Remember there are still guys like Terry Todd that has seen many very large and tall Athletes up close who says a young Andre was 7' . As for JT's comparison pictures with Kiel. Well for one Kiel was for sure taller than Andre, but again they are pictures that if you want to dissect them shows that Andre is still taller than JT wants to portray.
Gretz said on 3/Dec/17
I don't know why you would use dick Kiel on anything to do with Andre,no one is saying he was as tall as Kiel.kiel is tall as Kareem at least and probably edges him out
Gretz said on 3/Dec/17
Listen brother they interviewed his nephew Boris and frenchy they both said 7'1.5.not that I think it's true but you can find people who have an opinion that backs up your that means nothing.
Lawrence said on 3/Dec/17
I think the 6'11'' and the 6'10''could both be right over the day, but for sure the 6'11'' is the most he should be listed here at.
Logan said on 2/Dec/17
Chaz I could see Andre in the 1960's being 7 foot 2.

Andre The Giant- 6'11"-7'0"
Big Show- 6'11"-7'0"
Kane- 6'8"
Undertaker 6'7.75

Kevin Nash- 6'10"
Look at Nash walking by Big Show in 2011 royal rumble. About 1-2 inches shorter and 1998 Nash was standing a little on his tippy toes but about 1-2 inches shorter again. And by the way Big Show is definitely 7'0" in WCW and Nash in his prime so you got NOTHIN !?!
dicksock said on 2/Dec/17
I just found a brand new interview with the guy who is making the new Andre the Giant documentary for HBO. He was interviewed by Dave Meltzer. The two of them had a very insightful conversation. The guy being interviewed, Pat, says he even went over to France to speak with Andre's family to find out as much as he could about Andre. He did tons of research about Andre's time in Montreal. He said Andre was about 340-350 lbs when he came to Montreal in 1971. He also said his height was...6'10 or 6'11".

This should pretty much end this debate of whether Andre was legit 7' or more. We have the documentary maker who did tons of research and even spoke at length with Andre's family saying Andre was 6'10" or 6'11". Combine that with the endless amount of other evidence it is clear Andre was never above 6'11". His height should be lowered to 6'11" on this site.

Click Here
Erik said on 2/Dec/17
Click Here

This match in back in 1977 against Gorilla Monsoon is lower quality and it could be an illusion from the camera angles but this is the tallest I've ever seen Andre the Giant. They say Monsoon is 6'5 which I don't trust anything they say but compared to Andre in his prime he might be a legitimate one. And when they kind of stand next to one another Andre is bend down and he still looks about 4 inches taller than him. So I think in 1977 he might've been 6'9.69 - 6'10
dicksock said on 2/Dec/17
JT said on 1/Dec/17
dicksock said on 30/Nov/17
....I could show dozens and dozens of other pieces of footage showing Andre looking about the same height as he does with Valois. It's not fair or intelligent to just focus on one or two bits of evidence because it fits more with what you want to be true. Again, most evidence shows that he was about 6'11" legit.

Click Here This is the early 1970s. Compare that to Richard Kiel and Dick Van Dyke, whom Rob has a little shorter than Valois at 6'0.5". Click Here


It definitely shows that Andre was no 7'. He was 6'11" at best, which is still very tall especially when considering his overall size and features. It's obvious that Andre was only a legit seven footer in his 2" heeled cowboy boots. Seems pretty clear he was 6'10.5"-6'11" barefoot and 7'0.5-7'1" in cowboy boots.
dicksock said on 2/Dec/17
This should be interesting: Click Here
Gretz said on 2/Dec/17
I meant to write Rob,sorry.
Gretz said on 1/Dec/17
I can see no reason why Bob backlund would be listed at 6'1 in college wrestling(I mean where they trying to make him more intimidating or something?)but be 5'10 as a pro.i was at one point 5'11.5 in 12th grade at 17 years old,measured in gym class in socks and at the docs office on one of those machines they press on your head.I injured my back deadlifting and 12 years later I'm 5'9.75.So don't tell me these wrestler's with all the abuse they take don't lose more height than the general public. I am 50 now buy am still about the same height,but one injury is all it takes.
Gretz said on 1/Dec/17
I was reading the page with elevator boots,and could you imagine Andre the giants shoes he's wearing in the pic with giant baba(they give him a big boost)if they where to make these into elevator boots on top of this.We are talking maybe 4-4.5 inches.He would have been at least his billed height!And I swear I seen a video where Ernie Ladd Was like at least 2 or so inches taller than John Studd,than I seen a video of studd taller than Ladd.was he wearing elevator shoes or insoles or both.He always talked about being the next giant after Andre retired.
Gretz said on 1/Dec/17
Chris did you ever think about having an archive of old posts at least for the top 25 site's here? Would love to see all the old Andre posts.
Gretz said on 1/Dec/17
Boss I think if you post the cake pics it will show a peak Andre of 7'0 and a fraction.Some of those guys are 6'0 and maybe a little taller,they certainly aren't 5'7 to 5'9 guys,in my opinion these are some of the best pics of Andre looking a legit can throw in him next to Bobby Hull also.He dosent look 7ft. in a lot of pics because he tilts that huge head down so much or scrunches a little bit he looks 6'10 or so but its natural for a guy that big to do this.Then what makes things more complicated is that he dropped below one point probably within 2 or 3 years after the backlund pic anyway just my opinion.I know everyone thinks there right but that's what it's all about.
JT said on 1/Dec/17
dicksock said on 30/Nov/17
....I could show dozens and dozens of other pieces of footage showing Andre looking about the same height as he does with Valois. It's not fair or intelligent to just focus on one or two bits of evidence because it fits more with what you want to be true. Again, most evidence shows that he was about 6'11" legit.

Click Here This is the early 1970s. Compare that to Richard Kiel and Dick Van Dyke, whom Rob has a little shorter than Valois at 6'0.5". Click Here
Chris said on 1/Dec/17
Just to clarify....I remember taking that photo with Bob Backlund, I believe it was back in 2008 or 2009. I believe he kinda leaned in to the photo. I would say with good certainty that Bob was a solid shorter. I stood by him for awhile and talked to him. He had his normal dress shoes and “Mr Backlund” outfit on. I saw him again about a year ago, he is still in great shape but looked to be a bit shorter- I’ll find that photo and post it.
Hope this helps to clarify.
aaronious said on 30/Nov/17
and JT, as usual, stretching images upward to try and downgrade Andre, ONly you messed up, because backlands feet in both backland images aren't matched!
dicksock said on 30/Nov/17
Boss said on 29/Nov/17
Andre clearly is over 12" taller than Backlund and Backlund has footwear advantage.
Click Here


No he doesn't. If Backlund were standing to his full height, the top of his head would be up to the middle of Andre's chin. Andre appeared roughly 11" taller in that picture. But again, most evidence shows him to be shorter than he looks in that picture. I still have yet to hear anyone respond to the the footage of him and 6'1"-6'2" listed Frank Valois from 1974.

Click Here
The camera angle is as perfect as can be, both men are in street clothes (so no footwear excuse), Andre is in his prime, Both men have similar relaxed posture, and Frank Valois is in his late 50s there. With all of that factored in, Andre is no more than 9" taller.

Here's another perfect clip from the mid 70s: Click Here
Look at 6 seconds and 15 seconds. Andre stood as straight as possible and he only looked about 9/9.5" taller than a 6'1"-6'2" billed wrestler who was in his late 50s.

I could show dozens and dozens of other pieces of footage showing Andre looking about the same height as he does with Valois. It's not fair or intelligent to just focus on one or two bits of evidence because it fits more with what you want to be true. Again, most evidence shows that he was about 6'11" legit.
Boss said on 30/Nov/17
Here is the original Wilt and Andre pic. The black n white pic was a photoshopped version of this pic.
Click Here
Boss said on 29/Nov/17
Andre clearly is over 12" taller than Backlund and Backlund has footwear advantage.
Click Here
Gretz said on 29/Nov/17
Wow looked at some pics that boss posted and he has Andre next to backing and a pic of Andre from circa 1990.and it looks like he lost 2 or even close to 3 inches in height.You have some great pics there boss great work.
Gretz said on 29/Nov/17
I started posting here in 2006(I think daminal and jt where posting here then and for 3 years jt posted Andre as being 6'11.i posted pics of Andre in 1969 and he looked close to 7'1so I think he peaked at 7'.05 in like 1972 by 1984 he was down to 6'11.5 as he is as every bit as tall as wilt in the black and white pic with the footware advantage.and nothing personal jt but you changed Andres height by an inch after 3 years of trying to show him at 6'11 after Vegas started posting here(and changed your opinion) but for the last 7or 8 years you have him at 6'10 you can't have it both ways.guess you thought no one rendered that.
Gretz said on 29/Nov/17
I started posting here in 2006(I think daminal and jt where posting here then and for 3 years jt posted Andre as being 6'11.i posted pics of Andre in 1969 and he lllookedalmost a
Kunoichi said on 28/Nov/17
Since Backlund’s height was slightly shorter than Antonio Inoki,so in my view he was 184 - 185 cm tall.
dicksock said on 28/Nov/17
Logic said on 27/Nov/17
Chaz said on 27/Nov/17
Backlund is no taller than 5'11''ish Bret Hart he's just got more hair.


A poster on this board by the name of Chris used to post on Andre's page. And he had his photo taken with Backlund back in 2011.

Here is that photo Click Here

Chris estimated that Backlund's height was close to 6'1". And if I am not mistaken, Chris had stated that he himself was around 6' 1.5". So, if Backlund was only 5'11"ish then Chris should have been able to notice that amount of height difference rather easily.


The top of Backlund's head comes up nearly an inch above Chris's. I would guess Chris is more like 5'11".
dicksock said on 28/Nov/17
Regarding Bob Backlund, I'll just say I met him and briefly spoke to him in 2013 at WWE Night of Champions. I am 5'9" at night and he was about 3" taller than me. That is a fact. He was roughly 6' and at least 200 lbs in 2013. And no Chaz, he does not have a small head. I don't know where you got that idea. He was a little taller than 6' Bret Hart in the 90s. He's another guy like Giant Baba that has a head that goes higher than most. He's deceptively tall. Whether anyone likes it or not, Andre looked 6'11"-7' next to him. Keep in mind that Andre wasn't standing as straight as he could either and was at a slight footwear disadvantage. Sometimes Andre looked close to 7', but most of the time he looked about 6'11" and sometimes less.
Erik said on 28/Nov/17
In his prime I think that 6'10 might be acceptable barefoot. Let-alone in wrestling or cowboy boots which if thick could give him as much as 2.75 - 3 in. So maybe in prime 7'0.25-7'1 in thick boots and at end of his career 6'11 in boots and 6'8-6'9 barefoot.
JT said on 28/Nov/17
Here’s how Backlund (around 6’0”) would look standing straight with Andre Click Here If Backlund was really standing straight with Andre, he’s no more than 5’10” Click Here as Debbie Harry's no more than 5'6" in high heels.
Boss said on 27/Nov/17
Click Here
Danimal said on 27/Nov/17
dicksock said on 20/Nov/17
I will say that after a decade of posting on this site, it amazes me how anyone can think Andre was above 6'11. It is beyond obvious that 6'11" was his peak height. He was not a legit 7' man. Anyone who can't see this either hasn't done the necessary research or has no clue about height. It's pretty easy to understand: He was 6'11" tops barefoot and 7'1" tops in cowboy boots.

I've been posting on this site for almost 13 years dicksock (longer than anyone) and I say that Andre hit 6'11.5" at his peak and shrunk down to 6'9"-6'10" by the time he died.
Chaz said on 27/Nov/17
Backlund is no taller than 5'11''ish Bret Hart he's just got more hair Click Here
Guanzo said on 26/Nov/17
Early 6'10.5''
Mid 6'10''
Late 6'9'' 3/4 - 7/8 change it.
Chaz said on 26/Nov/17
Boss said on 22/Nov/17
Andre with Bob Backlund who was listed as 6'1" in NCAA. Here Backlund is at 6'0.25" for this comparison. Andre comes out 7' with a footwear disadvantage. Andre could stand taller as well. Giant Gonzales was added to comparison and he is also of known height. Gonzales was measured at 7'7" after this so you could add .5" to all in the compraison if that's the case.
Click Here

If you think that line is were the top of Backlund's head is,or Andre's for that matter you need help or new glasses,Andre had a flat head and a small forhead. and Backlund has got a small pin head and a big head or hair.that is why people this he's teller than he is,try dropping the line down an inch and a half and you may be nere is head.
62B. said on 24/Nov/17
Logan said on 23/Nov/17
Andre The Giant
Late: 6,11
Mid: 7,0
Early: 7,2
Never 7'2"
Michael Voorhees said on 24/Nov/17
There is some old video on YouTube from the late 1960s and Andre is asked how tall he was at that time & he said 6'10'. So in his cowboy boots he was 7'0'. I had guy doing some work on my home, & with his work boots he had to duck to get in the doorway, When I asked him if he was 6'10', he said no I'm 6'7' but in my work boots I'm 6'9'. So when you see guys that tall it's easy to be off by a inch or two. I've seen a few of everyday guys walking around in the 6'6' to 6'10' range. But it's still rare. But Andre was rare at the time he was alive & still would be today but just not as much in this day in age. People are bigger today.
Chaz said on 24/Nov/17
Logan said on 23/Nov/17
Andre The Giant
Late: 6,11
Mid: 7,0
Early: 7,2

Big Show
Late: 6,11.75
Mid: 7,0
Early: 7,1

You live in a fantasy world.Andre was not even 7'2'' in cowboy boots let alone barefoot,if you want a 7'1'' Big show you need a 7'2''+ Shaq and a Near 7'4'' Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.and Nash was never over 6'10'' he's got very good posture so no way would he lose 1'.75''he's too light for that.
Logan said on 23/Nov/17
Andre The Giant
Late: 6,11
Mid: 7,0
Early: 7,2

Big Show
Late: 6,11.75
Mid: 7,0
Early: 7,1

Kevin Nash
Late: 6,9.5
Mid: 6,10
Early: 6,11.25

Late: 6,7.75
Mid: 6,8
Early: 6,8.5

Late: 6,8
Mid: 6,8.5
Early: 6,9
Boss said on 22/Nov/17
Andre with Bob Backlund who was listed as 6'1" in NCAA. Here Backlund is at 6'0.25" for this comparison. Andre comes out 7' with a footwear disadvantage. Andre could stand taller as well. Giant Gonzales was added to comparison and he is also of known height. Gonzales was measured at 7'7" after this so you could add .5" to all in the compraison if that's the case.
Click Here
Anonymous said on 22/Nov/17
Andre in 1970's was 7,1 at least in his prime was probaly 6,11.5 maybe 7,0. By Wrestlemaina 3 and 4 Andre was definitely 6,10-6,11 there is now way Andre is 1 foot taller than the 6,4 Hulk Hogan. We can say at the time Hogan was probably 6,5 and wearing big soles which makes him 6,5-6,6 peak but that makes him still 6-7 inches shorter than Andre wich is almost IMPOSSIBLE by 1987.

Andre is probably 7,0 prime but at the time of wrestlemania 3 was 6,10.
emre turk said on 21/Nov/17
andre peak height 215 cm 1993 height 213 cm today height was 208 cm
tree said on 21/Nov/17
It is beyond my mind how some people can think he was 7ft2 in the 70's
He never ever ever looked more than 7ft
day day said on 21/Nov/17
He was easily 7ft prime look at him when he was 370lbs in the 70s next to guys like kolwalski don leo studd ladd mulligan hogan then look at strowman to triple h who is 6,2 what im saying is 5-6" in height difference sometimes doesnt appear to be, its really not that much, so cant see andre being only 6'9-10 prime id say 7ft+ 70s 6'11 when wrestling with giant baba early 90s
Oanh said on 20/Nov/17
VicLions said on 19/Nov/17
You know this one is a difficult one in all honesty. I feel at his peak in the early to mid 1970s he was about 7ft2. With those black boots on he was probably 7ft3.5 so thats where the 7ft4 came from. Then he got up to well over 500 lbs which causes stress on the spine, so by 1983 when Conan was being filmed he probably shrunk to 7ft0 because he appears an inch shorter than Wilt Chamberlain. And then by the time he died after the back surgery he was 6ft10. I was told that he was advised by various photographers and promoters not to stand next to, or interact with Wilt Chamberlain, and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in the 1980s because they would appear taller than him. It could be a similar case with David Prowse.

The 7'4" listing came from Vince McMahon Sr. in the early 70's. Vince wanted to promote him as the "immovable monster"
Unertaker Frank said on 20/Nov/17
Vicklions, They billed him @ 7ft 4 because they wanted to make him Taller than Kareem Abdul-Jabbar who was listed @ 7ft 2
I dont believe Andre was ever 7ft barefoot i do believe he was about 6ft 10 and he was shorter than Wilt and he never towered 6ft 4 & 6ft 5 guys like a 7ft guy would
RoelC said on 20/Nov/17
Chaz said on 17/Nov/17
aaronious said on 15/Nov/17
RoelC, next time i am at my storage unit, I'll try and dig up the guiness record book...i know whats in it, having read it about 100 times when i was a kid,.

Yeah, you go and "try" to dig up that Guinness Record Book. Seeing as you know what's in it, tell me, for what record was Wilt listed in the Guinness Record Book? The only reason Guinness would have for measuring Wilt, is if he broke some type of height record.

IIRC, Wilt was listed in Guinness for his scoring ability (on the basketball court that is).
homer said on 20/Nov/17
Honestly I have yet to see a picture of Andre being the shorter man in any picture that has been posted. He appears to be 99% taller than pretty much everyone, right? I'll go out on a limb and call him a giant, even if we dont agree on his height.
62B. said on 20/Nov/17
****sock said on 20/Nov/17
I will say that after a decade of posting on this site, it amazes me how anyone can think Andre was above 6'11. It is beyond obvious that 6'11" was his peak height. He was not a legit 7' man. Anyone who can't see this either hasn't done the necessary research or has no clue about height. It's pretty easy to understand: He was 6'11" tops barefoot and 7'1" tops in cowboy boots.

Its been almost 30 years since I "bounced" off of Andre. He is still by far the largest person I have ever seen and still the second tallest. When I first stood up after being knocked down Andre went from his normal poor posture to standing as tall as he could. I initially guessed him in the 7'1" range, so I can see why people will guess him at this height. Realistically the Andre I saw I 1988 was in the 6'10" to 6'11" range, so I can see a peak Andre between 6'11" and 7'0".
dicksock said on 20/Nov/17
I will say that after a decade of posting on this site, it amazes me how anyone can think Andre was above 6'11. It is beyond obvious that 6'11" was his peak height. He was not a legit 7' man. Anyone who can't see this either hasn't done the necessary research or has no clue about height. It's pretty easy to understand: He was 6'11" tops barefoot and 7'1" tops in cowboy boots.
Anonymous said on 19/Nov/17

6'9'' 20%
6'9.25'' 27.5%
6'9.5'' 44.5%
6'9.75'' 65.5%
6'10'' 87.5%
6'10.25'' 32.5%
6'10.5'' 15%

Cowboy shoes with Wilt Chamberlain,

6'10.5'' 22.5%
6'10.75'' 32.5%
6'11'' 44.5%
6'11.25'' 70%
6.11.5'' 32.5%
7'' 15%
VicLions said on 19/Nov/17
You know this one is a difficult one in all honesty. I feel at his peak in the early to mid 1970s he was about 7ft2. With those black boots on he was probably 7ft3.5 so thats where the 7ft4 came from. Then he got up to well over 500 lbs which causes stress on the spine, so by 1983 when Conan was being filmed he probably shrunk to 7ft0 because he appears an inch shorter than Wilt Chamberlain. And then by the time he died after the back surgery he was 6ft10. I was told that he was advised by various photographers and promoters not to stand next to, or interact with Wilt Chamberlain, and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in the 1980s because they would appear taller than him. It could be a similar case with David Prowse.
JT said on 18/Nov/17
The 1980 measurement of Wilt is not foolproof (60 inch tape measure, did they measure precisely at the apex of his head, etc.) Also, since they measured beginning at the bottom of Wilt’s heels, the measurement would be different depending on whether his toes were pointing towards his head (correct) or away from his head (incorrect and making him measure shorter). Doesn’t really matter as Wilt’s standing height was no more than 7’1” as of 1983 and Andre looks 3 inches shorter after factoring in his big footwear advantage and slight camera advantage.

Boss, this video is from September 1983, or right about the same time that Andre was in Mexico shooting the Conan movie. Click Here The boots look identical to the ones he’s wearing with Wilt and Arnold. The heel is noticeably larger than Watts’ heels, which are around 2 inches, so they are no less than 2.5 inches. I don't recall a picture or video of Andre wearing cowboy boots with heels that were any smaller than these.

Watts was listed as 6’2” in football Click Here and 6’3” in wrestling.
dicksock said on 18/Nov/17
Honestly, I don't think there could be a better comparison of Andre and Big Show than this: Click Here

That is pretty much exactly what they'd look like together. Obviously, Andre was well past his prime in that comparison, but his height loss was minimal in my opinion.
Chaz said on 18/Nov/17
Boss said on 16/Nov/17
Here Andre's cowboy boots don't look close to 2.5".
Click Here

size 25! lol it gets worse, if he took size 25 so did Giant Haystacks side by side the feet look the same length,no way did he take 8 size begger boots,you seem to believe every BS story about know I was told he was so strong he could stand in two metal buckets and just pulling them up by the handles could lift himself off the floor.
day day said on 17/Nov/17
Andre had a bigger head than show shows around 11.5" andres close to 13" andre never done anything for his acromegaly whereas show was treated
Chaz said on 17/Nov/17
aaronious said on 15/Nov/17
RoelC, next time i am at my storage unit, I'll try and dig up the guiness record book...i know whats in it, having read it about 100 times when i was a kid,.

You are talking rubish,I have every GBR except the first one,there is no mention of them measureing him.he is just listed has having the most points scared in NBA matches at the time of 31,419 between 1960 and 1973.the only NBA players I can find in there that they say they measured are Gheorghe Muresan at 7'7'' and Manute Bol at 7'6.75''.both claimed to be taller than Muhammed Channa.but in the end were just shorter than he's average 7'7.33''.
Capt. Nobody said on 16/Nov/17
JT said on 12/Nov/17
mrtguy said on 8/Nov/17
Andre is so GIGANTIC, anyone who sees him in person would be boggled and his head has got to be at least 12'' and I agree with Rob that his head is definitely larger than Big Show

You’re falling for the Andre afro effect Click Here If anything Big Show’s head is longer.


And apparently his feet are twice the size as well. Scaling discrepancies typically occur when you are scaling things to what you are trying to find, rather than evidence suggests you will find. Do you honestly believe if Andre and Show were face to face there that is how a comparison of their bodies would look?
Oanh said on 16/Nov/17
JT said on 12/Nov/17
mrtguy said on 8/Nov/17
Andre is so GIGANTIC, anyone who sees him in person would be boggled and his head has got to be at least 12'' and I agree with Rob that his head is definitely larger than Big Show

You’re falling for the Andre afro effect Click Here If anything Big Show’s head is longer.

That image is not a good photo to compare the two. I'm confident Andre had a bigger head.
Boss said on 16/Nov/17
Here Andre's cowboy boots don't look close to 2.5".
Click Here

Here we have Andre's boot heels being measured at 2" which is about a 1.8" height boost. This is clearly the best proof of Andre's boot heels as they are measured right in front of our eyes. They look the same as boots he was wearing with Wilt.
Click Here
aaronious said on 15/Nov/17
RoelC, next time i am at my storage unit, I'll try and dig up the guiness record book...i know whats in it, having read it about 100 times when i was a kid
aaronious said on 15/Nov/17
RoelC, the article you posted is a media article, and nowhere in there do they actually state his height, rather, they state a combination of lengths derrived from a 60 inch cloth tape measure, 60 inches + 24.5", which in itself provides a certain level of inaccuracy. the only accurate way to derive a height measurement is one continuous measurement.

the history books show him to be officially measured at 7'1 1/16th", which is a very precise measurement , and i'm going to trust that over a slanted news article, since he is mentioned in the article.
dicksock said on 15/Nov/17
Here is an interview with Andre that I've never seen: Click Here

Right at the start, Gordon Solie asked him when he really started to grow. Andre said he quit school by 14, and by 13 he was already bigger than his teacher. This seems to confirm that he started getting much bigger than average by 12, 13. He very well could have been 6'+ and 200lbs+ by 12-13 years old.
62B. said on 15/Nov/17
I saw a guy yesterday at my DOT physical that in work boots was easily an inch over the top of the door trim making him about 6'11" in his work boots. He was probably 6'9" barefoot as I believe he still would have had to duck under the door way even without shoes. Yes its been along time since I've seen Andre, but I believe he would have had had this guy I saw yesterday by at least 2". I will always stand by Andre being about 6'11" standing tall in 1988, at least in the mid morning. Its possible Andre would have lost an inch by evening but more likely his posture just got worse through out the day. Still 6-10"-6'11" in the late 80's and probably 6'11"-7'0" peak.
day day said on 15/Nov/17
Can you really tell the difference of a 6'11 man and a 7ft man really? a guy walks into a bar hey man your really tall how tall? im 7ft mate god you only look 6'11
Chaz said on 14/Nov/17
TCH said on 14/Nov/17
Jt, the wilt pictures make it clear Andre is around same height as Wilt, i don't get why you constantly need to make downgrading photoshops to make it look otherwise, well i do know why, you're a biased Big show fan who wants to downgrade Andre's height as much as you can while constantly boosting Show's height.

Your bias makes it very hard to take you serious.

Yes and I have fairies living at the bottom of my garden.that also think that having 2.5'' cowboy boots on and being closer to the camera,have no effect on the photos.and barefoot they are both the same height back to back.
TCH said on 14/Nov/17
Jt, the wilt pictures make it clear Andre is around same height as Wilt, i don't get why you constantly need to make downgrading photoshops to make it look otherwise, well i do know why, you're a biased Big show fan who wants to downgrade Andre's height as much as you can while constantly boosting Show's height.

Your bias makes it very hard to take you serious.
JT said on 14/Nov/17
Andre going from 2.5" heels to 0.5" heels. Click Here Wilt would have a slight footwear advantage.
JT said on 12/Nov/17
mrtguy said on 8/Nov/17
Andre is so GIGANTIC, anyone who sees him in person would be boggled and his head has got to be at least 12'' and I agree with Rob that his head is definitely larger than Big Show

You’re falling for the Andre afro effect Click Here If anything Big Show’s head is longer.
RoelC said on 11/Nov/17
aaronious said on 10/Nov/17
Chaz, im sorry but you are incorrect. you are referring to an article from a boston paper, where they measured him laying down, along with Bill Russell. I saw the article at the NBA hall of fame, in person. the table used to measure was owned by the Celtics, and the article was written to 'diminish' Wilt's height, as the Boston media often did, since Bill Russell was the hometown favorite. they measured Wilt at 7 ft 0.5", when Wilt was actually over 7'1", having been measured by Guinness years later. they measured Bill Russell at 6'10.5", which was a 1-inch exageration, as Bill Russell's actual height was 6'9.5"
the GUINNESS actually measured Wilt, Standing up, barefoot, in the 70's, verifying a height of 7'1 1/16" inches. i have a copy of the 1974 Guinness records book with the entry that verifies it. they also gave other various measurements of his of body parts and all.

This is getting ridiculous. We have Wilt being measured right in front of your eyes, and yet you still deny it. And because you’re unable to provide your own proof, you resort to flat out make stuff up.

So now you’re accusing the media for deliberately diminishing Wilt’s height. You claim the table used for Wilt’s measurement was owned by the Celtics, yet we clearly see the logo of Philadelphia’s 76ers in the background. And on top of that the measurement was performed by people who were convinced Wilt was taller than the 7’1 1/16” he was always listed at. It was Wilt himself who insisted that he was 7’1 1/16” at most. Wilt was a lot of things, but modest wasn’t one of them.

The 7’0.5” measurement took place in Philadelphia on December 9, 1980 during an afternoon press conference in the Sixers meeting room at Veterans Stadium. There’s no downgrading here. Multiple newspapers covered this measurement, even Philadelphia’s own Daily News. Click Here

If you have a copy of Wilt’s measurement in Guinness, why don’t you just post it? Why would Guinness measure Wilt? It’s not like he broke a height record?
day day said on 11/Nov/17
Ernie ladd page?
day day said on 11/Nov/17
Theres no proof from any pictures with wilt arnie and andre that wilt was taller i could find hundreds of pictures of people within a couple of inches of one another and people could easily misjudge if a 6'1 man is standing to his tallest next to a 6'3 man who is relaxed and chin slightly pointed downward they could appear the same height
aaronious said on 10/Nov/17
Chaz, im sorry but you are incorrect. you are referring to an article from a boston paper, where they measured him laying down, along with Bill Russell. I saw the article at the NBA hall of fame, in person. the table used to measure was owned by the Celtics, and the article was written to 'diminish' Wilt's height, as the Boston media often did, since Bill Russell was the hometown favorite. they measured Wilt at 7 ft 0.5", when Wilt was actually over 7'1", having been measured by Guinness years later. they measured Bill Russell at 6'10.5", which was a 1-inch exageration, as Bill Russell's actual height was 6'9.5"

the GUINNESS actually measured Wilt, Standing up, barefoot, in the 70's, verifying a height of 7'1 1/16" inches. i have a copy of the 1974 Guinness records book with the entry that verifies it. they also gave other various measurements of his of body parts and all.
Anonymous said on 9/Nov/17
mrtguy said on 8/Nov/17
Andre's head was so large that it would make the one's of OJ's small


I might be wrong, but do you mean that OJ Simpson has multiple heads...and that they are small compared to Andre's?
mrtguy said on 8/Nov/17
Andre's head was so large that it would make the one's of OJ's small
mrtguy said on 8/Nov/17
Andre is so GIGANTIC, anyone who sees him in person would be boggled and his head has got to be at least 12'' and I agree with Rob that his head is definitely larger than Big Show
Unertaker Frank said on 7/Nov/17
Rob from those Andre Pictures with Wilt Wilt looks alittle taller but i did seen another picture of Wilt Andre & Arnold in street clothes Wilt was clearly taller about 2 inches atleast I wish i knew what Magazine that picture was in a guy showed me along time ago
Editor Rob
Wilt's wig also was a bit thicker possibly
Oanh said on 4/Nov/17
Rob, based on the photos of Andre and Wilt The Stilt, would you say one or the other was taller or are you not sure?
In one photo Andre looks taller, but Wilt looks taller in another photo. The thing is, Andre seems to have an advantage with his boots.
Editor Rob
I've always thought Wilt would be the taller of the two, though Andre wasn't really much smaller..certainly still nearly 7ft then
62B. said on 4/Nov/17
The Andre/Wilt photo's are probably the best ones we have for Andre's height. There are still problems with camera angles and altered versions of the originals. But all things considered, including footwear, I think Andre measures up better with Wilt than a Bigshow of Today measures up to Shaq. Comparing a young Arnold and Andre photo to an old Arnold and Shaq photo isn't necessarily apples to apples since Arnie is older in the Shaq photo and you can never trust his footwear. I would say that Andre certainly appears very close to 7'. Certainly taller than the 6'9 3/4" guesses.
Anonymous said on 3/Nov/17
But Andre has more shoe he is under 7 ft
Boss said on 1/Nov/17
Andre was taller in comparison to Arnold than Shaq was too. Andre's head is longer than Shaq's head.
Click Here
Canson said on 29/Oct/17
I thin out of all of the celebs here his height is the most difficult to guess
ReturnofG said on 28/Oct/17
Andre being 2.5 to 3 inches shorter than Wilt is pure laughable. There wasn't an inch between them and to be honest Andre generally looked taller in the pictures.
Chaz said on 24/Oct/17
aaronious said on 24/Oct/17
Chaz, Wilt was measured barefoot by the guinness book at 7' 1 1/16", while standing. fact.

He was not measured by Guinness,he was measured by a Dr who made up a device to measure him laying again you need to take height of that standing up.and that was years befor the Andre photos.
Anonymous said on 24/Oct/17
Prime Hogan at wrestlemania 3 was a solid 6'5" in my opinion and he was about a minimum of 4-5" shorter then Andre. So Andre out of his prime in the mid to late 80s had to be 6'9.5" tops. Prime Andre in the 70s I'd go with 6'10.5".
aaronious said on 24/Oct/17
Chaz, Wilt was measured barefoot by the guinness book at 7' 1 1/16", while standing. fact.
Anonymous said on 23/Oct/17
my friend whos 6'7 met andre in 1991 and said he was about 3-4 inches taller but said the overall size of him was surreal id put 6'10 before death and 7' prime
franz said on 23/Oct/17
Arnorld is still alive, but no one asked him who was taller betweeen andre and wilt, he certanly knows it.
Lawrence said on 22/Oct/17
You only have to look at Ali Next to Wilt to see Andre was not any 7'.

Even with he's 3''afro he dont have that kind of height over any real 6'2+ guys.

Too many of you are thinking with your hearts not your brains.

He was at least 2.5''shorter than Wilt and more likely 3''.
tree said on 21/Oct/17
In Guanzo's picWilt is Lookg down,droping atleat half an icn compared to Andre,Wilt was taller than Andre with less shoe
tree said on 20/Oct/17
Guys..guys.. between laying down and standing there is less than 1cm,ask Rob he tryd it.
And Andre can stretch as much as he wants but he is still shorter than Wilt.Andre had also more shoe
I beleave Wilt was 7ft1,compare him with Ali who was 6ft2.5 Click Here
Andre was MAX 7ft tall.
Chaz said on 19/Oct/17
Boss said on 17/Oct/17
What people are failing to mention here is Andre has his head slightly tilted down in all of the Wilt pics yet he still comes out slightly taller than Wilt in all but the one where Wilt is on the standing on the downward slope between the buses. Andre could also stand with better posture in the Wilt pics. Andre may of had a footwear advantage but he comes out looking an easy 7' with Wilt who also has boots on and this was past Andre's prime height. Andre compares better to Wilt than Shaq ever did. Andre's boots had 2" heels which you can see here in the pics and the heels are measured by a measuring tape not someones guessing.

Click Here

Yes and what you keep failing to mention,is Wilt was measured at 7'.5" laying down,so would not be more than 7' standing up,so he was past he's prime to.and in every photo Andre is closer to the camara,and the camera is over he's side,that gives him "1 of height and that is without the 1-1.5" heel advantage.
aaronious said on 18/Oct/17
Hogan and Hillbilly Jim are in the background, Windham and Mike Rotunda are in the foreground, and the cameraman is low, so that Bob Costas is the center of the shot. this makes Rotunda and Windham appear taller than they are with respect to Hogan and Hillbilly.

Hillbilly is a known 6'5.5" tall, and Hogan is taller than him here, thats a better indicator of Hogan's height, than using Windham.
Boss said on 17/Oct/17
What people are failing to mention here is Andre has his head slightly tilted down in all of the Wilt pics yet he still comes out slightly taller than Wilt in all but the one where Wilt is on the standing on the downward slope between the buses. Andre could also stand with better posture in the Wilt pics. Andre may of had a footwear advantage but he comes out looking an easy 7' with Wilt who also has boots on and this was past Andre's prime height. Andre compares better to Wilt than Shaq ever did. Andre's boots had 2" heels which you can see here in the pics and the heels are measured by a measuring tape not someones guessing.

Click Here
JT said on 16/Oct/17
Dicksock, Windham looks like he has loafers on with Boesch so the heels aren’t that large. Windham was basically the same height as Hogan Click Here so the top of his head would have come up to around Andre’e eye level.

I didn't say the documentary referred to Andre as 6'3" at 12, just that his brother in the documentary said that they really noticed Andre's size when he was 16. Bios of Andre, including the Sports Illustrated article, mention him being 6'3" and over 200 lbs. at age 12, which is inconsistent with the brother's recollection.
dicksock said on 15/Oct/17
JT said on 15/Oct/17
Click Here

Dicksock, you must not have any kids or nephews. A 6'3" 12 year old (which has always been the claim for Andre, just like the 7'8" grandfather) is exceptionally tall.


No actually I work with teenagers for a living and have for years, so I know exactly what I'm talking about. I never said 6'+ isn't tall for a 12 year old. I simply said that I have seen kids that size before. My morning height is 5'10" and I have seen several 14 year olds 2-4" taller than me. Again, he may not have been 6'3" by age 12, but then again he could have been. I heard the documentary say over 6' and 240 lbs by 12, so I don't know where you're getting 6'3" from in that documentary. He could have easily been 6'+ by 12 or 13. When I was 12 I was about 5'7" 175 lbs (not fat either), and I don't have Acromegaly. I was just big for my age. There were other kids around my size, and some taller. Most were way smaller, but there are always exceptions, and I think Andre would have been one of those exceptions.

In that new comparison you made, you are aware that Andre has his head tilted down and is at a footwear disadvantage, right? Windham has good posture and a footwear advantage.
JT said on 15/Oct/17
Click Here

Dicksock, you must not have any kids or nephews. A 6'3" 12 year old (which has always been the claim for Andre, just like the 7'8" grandfather) is exceptionally tall. Remember that Andre came from a short family too, so Andre really would have been an anomaly at that age and height. A 240 lbs. 12 year old is not as rare anymore, given how fat our society has become, but would have been back in the late 1950s.
dicksock said on 13/Oct/17
JT said on 12/Oct/17
Oanh said on 10/Oct/17
....No, he said at 16 they noticed "he was getting very big"...he didn't say taller.

The repeated claim is that Andre was 6'3" and over 200 lbs. at age 12, which is enormous for that age (height and weight). If those stats were true, Andre's brother would have mentioned this age instead of when Andre turned 16.


Well, that is your assumption that he would have mentioned it. It is certainly not a fact. That documentary came out in the late 90s and his family and friends are trying to remember specific details from the late 50s and early 60s. His brother said that he started to notice him getting getting really big by age 16. While 6'+, 240 lbs is big for 12, his family may have thought he was done growing by that point, and didn't start to really think about it too much until he got over 6'6" and his bone structure became abnormally big. In that same documentary, his childhood friends mention how huge he was in school. My point is that he could have definitely been over 6' and over 200 lbs by 12/13. I knew kids about that size when I went to school, and they didn't have any disease. The documentary says over 6', not 6'3". Maybe he was chubby and started to get lean as he got taller? Who knows. His brother said that at 16 everyone turned their heads as he passed. Nobody would turn their heads at a person who is 6'1"-6'3". He was probably more like 6'8" by 16.
Chaz said on 13/Oct/17
****sock said on 9/Oct/17
Here's 6'4" Barry Windham talking about working with Jorge Gonzalez:
Click Here

He describes him as being 7'2"...

Just go's to show you even Windam don't know what he's talking about as well.

that would make Taker 6'3'' Hogan 6'1'' and Wader 5'10''
Logic said on 12/Oct/17
****sock said on 9/Oct/17
Here's a newly uploaded interview with Andre from 1976: Click Here

He looked pretty beefy and strong there. He's with 5'11-6' Paul Boesch. I think he'd be about 11" taller if he stood perfectly straight as he looks about 10" taller with not so good posture. There is pretty good chance he's at a footwear disadvantage as well because he was in his old wrestling boots from the 70s and Boesch is likely in dress shoes. He looks about 6'11" there if he stood perfectly straight.

In this video Click Here at the 3:45 you can clearly see Paul Boesch's and Andre's footwear. And here is another video of Paul Boesch and Andre Click Here Here is a screen shot taken from that video Click Here

As you can see in those videos, Andre's perceived height can change rather significantly by the way Andre tilt's his head. When Andre tilt's his head down and looks down at Boesch the top of Boesch's head is just under Andre's nose. But when Andre is standing up straight with his head tilted in a straight on position then the top of Boesch's head is under Andre's bottom lip.

And here is a photo of Boesch standing beside of former President George H. W. Bush(he was vice president at that time). Rob has H.W. listed at 6'2". If that is Bush's true height then Boesch was around 6'.5" to 6'1" and probably no less than 6'.

Click Here

day day said on 12/Oct/17
It said by age 12 he stood over 6ft tall weighed 240lbs age 16 he was 6ft10
JT said on 12/Oct/17
Oanh said on 10/Oct/17
....No, he said at 16 they noticed "he was getting very big"...he didn't say taller.

The repeated claim is that Andre was 6'3" and over 200 lbs. at age 12, which is enormous for that age (height and weight). If those stats were true, Andre's brother would have mentioned this age instead of when Andre turned 16.
Oanh said on 10/Oct/17
JT said on 1/Oct/17
Editor Rob: This is how tall I'd probably have looked with Andre the Giant when he was 41 and not quite at his peak.

Andre at peak height and peak shoes here Click Here

Mayfield said on 30/Sep/17
Click Here

Mentions Andre was 6'3 at 12 years old and at 24 was 6'9.75.... don't believe that latter claim

IIRC Andre's brother in that A&E documentary said they started noticing Andre getting tall at age 16 so the 6'3" claim at 12 doesn't make sense.

No, he said at 16 they noticed "he was getting very big"...he didn't say taller.
dicksock said on 9/Oct/17
Here's a newly uploaded interview with Andre from 1976: Click Here

He looked pretty beefy and strong there. He's with 5'11-6' Paul Boesch. I think he'd be about 11" taller if he stood perfectly straight as he looks about 10" taller with not so good posture. There is pretty good chance he's at a footwear disadvantage as well because he was in his old wrestling boots from the 70s and Boesch is likely in dress shoes. He looks about 6'11" there if he stood perfectly straight.
dicksock said on 9/Oct/17
Here's 6'4" Barry Windham talking about working with Jorge Gonzalez:
Click Here

He describes him as being 7'2"...
62B. said on 9/Oct/17
RONSTER said on 8/Oct/17
Anonymous, so you can assure us he was never over 7’, basing this on your expert photo opinions like everyone else here I presume lol. I saw Andre up close and personal in 1987 along with Hogan and I know for a FACT as some like to say he was way over 7’ tall at that time. His head was almost level with the top of the ring corner turnbuckle standing on the floor for God’s sake. And Hogan also was every bit 6’6-7” tall barefoot with ease, he towered over my friend who was over 6’4” barefoot. These are facts that I know because unlike you I was lucky enough to see them and do not use altered or bad photos to try and judge height. Too bad Rob never got a picture with Hogan or Andre in the 80’s.

I bounced off of Andre at the Milwaukee airport in 1988. I got to size him up really good. Initially I thought he was 7' maybe even 7'1". He was to this day the most massive man I have ever seen. It was a few years later that I also stood right next to Rick Smits. It was then that I realized that Andre was not the full 7". At least not in 1988. He was still every bit of 6'11", but admittedly this was late morning. Someone of Andre's size could very well have shrunk to 6'10" by late evening. I am guessing he was at one time the full 7', but nothing over in my opinion. It is also quite possible that he may have missed the 7' mark by a fraction of an inch.
GS1981 said on 8/Oct/17
never bigger than 6ft 10
Undertaker Frank said on 8/Oct/17
Wilt was taller than Andre for sure by atleast 2 inches I cant show proof but i know what i seen
RONSTER said on 8/Oct/17
Anonymous, so you can assure us he was never over 7’, basing this on your expert photo opinions like everyone else here I presume lol. I saw Andre up close and personal in 1987 along with Hogan and I know for a FACT as some like to say he was way over 7’ tall at that time. His head was almost level with the top of the ring corner turnbuckle standing on the floor for God’s sake. And Hogan also was every bit 6’6-7” tall barefoot with ease, he towered over my friend who was over 6’4” barefoot. These are facts that I know because unlike you I was lucky enough to see them and do not use altered or bad photos to try and judge height. Too bad Rob never got a picture with Hogan or Andre in the 80’s.
dicksock said on 8/Oct/17
Editor Rob: I remember there was a quote by Hogan once about Andre

"For someone who's 7-foot-4 and 530 pounds, you're an awful little man."


I really doubt Hogan ever said that to Andre. He had way too much respect to say that. Not to mention, Andre would have beat the crap out of him.
Anonymous said on 7/Oct/17
RONSTER said on 4/Oct/17
The Wilt, Arnold photo with Andre is useless and here is why. They are at different stances and distance to the camera, and the biggest problem here is that while people are using this to say he appears a tiny bit shorter to Wilt who has a wig on, the driveway they are in is running downhill as is easily seen especially by the trailers along side them, so that would if anything make Andre at least an inch or two taller than Wilt. Can not believe nobody else has seen the obvious or mentioned it before

I assure you, Andre was never 1-2" taller than 7'1" Wilt. The tallest Andre ever stood would have been 7'0.5" at his absolute peak. He was more likely 6'11.5" and went down to about 6'10.5" by the time of his death, while appearing even shorter (6'9"-6'10").
Lawrence said on 7/Oct/17
99%,about Andre seems to be made up anyway. It's working out the BS from the truth.

I will stick to my estimate of morning 6'11". Evening 6'10", until I see anything to change my mind.
Editor Rob
I remember there was a quote by Hogan once about Andre

"For someone who's 7-foot-4 and 530 pounds, you're an awful little man."
62B. said on 7/Oct/17
There is no proof the Meltzers French athletic committee ever existed or if they did that they ever measured Andre or that they ever disclosed anything to Meltzer.
62B. said on 7/Oct/17
Chaz said on 6/Oct/17
Funny how the French athletic commission story is dismissed out of hand as rubish,yet this New York State Athletic commission story,is now a smoking gun.when in fact it gives more credit to Melzter,because if one athletic commission measured him then there is more chance another one did.and even if it's true we don't know what time of day each one was taken,

Pretty sure ****sock was just showing how easy it is to make something up and act like its a fact
RoelC said on 6/Oct/17
Chaz said on 6/Oct/17
Funny how the French athletic commission story is dismissed out of hand as rubish,yet this New York State Athletic commission story,is now a smoking gun.when in fact it gives more credit to Melzter,because if one athletic commission measured him then there is more chance another one did.and even if it's true we don't know what time of day each one was taken,

My guess is Dicksock was just being sarcastic when he made that claim, probably to see the people's responses.
I highly doubt he would first claim Meltzer's story holds no credibility for lack of proof and then come up with a close to exact same claim about Andre being measured by the New York State Athletic Commission and also not providing the least bit of proof to said claim as well.
dicksock said on 6/Oct/17
Jesus you guys, I made up the NY State Commission thing. It wasn't meant to be taken seriously. It was sarcasm. Look at the comment I was replying to when I made it up:

"Halb said on 1/Oct/17
Melzter gave the source for the shorter measurement way back, it was a French athletic commission. The higher estimate was his own estimate off the pic with Wilt."

I was trying to show Halb that just because Meltzer said it was a French Athletic Commission, that is not proof of anything. He provided no specific names, dates, documents. Meltzer just makes a general claim and expects you to believe it. That is what I did in my response. My point was that anyone can just claim something, but if they have no evidence to back it up, then it's useless.
Chaz said on 6/Oct/17
Funny how the French athletic commission story is dismissed out of hand as rubish,yet this New York State Athletic commission story,is now a smoking gun.when in fact it gives more credit to Melzter,because if one athletic commission measured him then there is more chance another one did.and even if it's true we don't know what time of day each one was taken,
aaronius said on 6/Oct/17
I call BS on the 'New York State Athletic commission" measuring Andre at all. Every state athletic commission card that ive seen of Andre floating around shwo him at his kayfabe height of 7'4"

tell this 'friend' to dig up actual proof, documents prooving it
anyad said on 4/Oct/17
If the Wilts photo is not good than I give Andre 6ft11-6ft11.5
RONSTER said on 4/Oct/17
The Wilt, Arnold photo with Andre is useless and here is why. They are at different stances and distance to the camera, and the biggest problem here is that while people are using this to say he appears a tiny bit shorter to Wilt who has a wig on, the driveway they are in is running downhill as is easily seen especially by the trailers along side them, so that would if anything make Andre at least an inch or two taller than Wilt. Can not believe nobody else has seen the obvious or mentioned it before
Danimal said on 3/Oct/17
****sock said on 2/Oct/17
Halb said on 1/Oct/17
Melzter gave the source for the shorter measurement way back, it was a French athletic commission. The higher estimate was his own estimate off the pic with Wilt.


I've just pinned down Andre's height. I was just informed by a former employee that Andre was actually measured in 1973 by the New York State Athletic Commission. His official barefoot height was 6'11.75".

I'm assuming that was not a morning height?
62B. said on 3/Oct/17
****sock said on 2/Oct/17
Halb said on 1/Oct/17
Melzter gave the source for the shorter measurement way back, it was a French athletic commission. The higher estimate was his own estimate off the pic with Wilt.


I've just pinned down Andre's height. I was just informed by a former employee that Andre was actually measured in 1973 by the New York State Athletic Commission. His official barefoot height was 6'11.75".

Hey, I think I know that guy. He was just telling me the same thing.
dicksock said on 2/Oct/17
Halb said on 1/Oct/17
Melzter gave the source for the shorter measurement way back, it was a French athletic commission. The higher estimate was his own estimate off the pic with Wilt.


I've just pinned down Andre's height. I was just informed by a former employee that Andre was actually measured in 1973 by the New York State Athletic Commission. His official barefoot height was 6'11.75".
JT said on 1/Oct/17
Editor Rob: This is how tall I'd probably have looked with Andre the Giant when he was 41 and not quite at his peak.

Andre at peak height and peak shoes here Click Here

Mayfield said on 30/Sep/17
Click Here

Mentions Andre was 6'3 at 12 years old and at 24 was 6'9.75.... don't believe that latter claim

IIRC Andre's brother in that A&E documentary said they started noticing Andre getting tall at age 16 so the 6'3" claim at 12 doesn't make sense.
Halb said on 1/Oct/17
Melzter gave the source for the shorter measurement way back, it was a French athletic commission. The higher estimate was his own estimate off the pic with Wilt.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 1/Oct/17
Editor Rob: This is how tall I'd probably have looked with Andre the Giant when he was 41 and not quite at his peak.

Nice comparison Rob, 6´11" evening sounds pretty good for peak Andre
Click Here
dicksock said on 1/Oct/17
Chaz said on 30/Sep/17
Mayfield said on 30/Sep/17
Click Here

Mentions Andre was 6'3 at 12 years old and at 24 was 6'9.75.... don't believe that latter claim

the 6'9.75'' is more than likely true,but could have been taken in the evening.out of bed he could of been 1-1.5'' thing is for sure he was under 7'.there are just too many people that knew him saying he was no more than 6'11''.


Who are these people? We have Dave Meltzer, who doesn't have a source that he's willing to mention, so he has zero credibility. We have the 6'6" ring announcer from WM2 who claimed Hogan was 6'5"-6'6". What about 6'5" minimum Tiny Lister, who claimed Andre was 7'1"? I guess he doesn't count? Andre would not have lost more than half an inch in 1970. He was in very good shape, not to mention most measurements take place in the morning or early afternoon. All the evidence in the world shows he was about 6'11". There is no contradictory evidence. Andre was about 6'11", not 6'9.75" or 7'1". He was about 6'11", end of story. I'd bet anything in the world his average daily height was 6'10.5"-6'11.5".
tree said on 30/Sep/17
Editor Rob: This is how tall I'd probably have looked with Andre the Giant when he was 41 and not quite at his peak.
Nice pic Rob,so a 5ft11 guy would be enough to reach Andres head that would make him max 6ft11
Chaz said on 30/Sep/17
Mayfield said on 30/Sep/17
Click Here

Mentions Andre was 6'3 at 12 years old and at 24 was 6'9.75.... don't believe that latter claim

the 6'9.75'' is more than likely true,but could have been taken in the evening.out of bed he could of been 1-1.5'' thing is for sure he was under 7'.there are just too many people that knew him saying he was no more than 6'11''.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 30/Sep/17
Mayfield said on 30/Sep/17
Click Here

Mentions Andre was 6'3 at 12 years old and at 24 was 6'9.75.... don't believe that latter claim

Yeah, easy to claim something Meltzer claimed while contradicting himself with a 6´11.5" estimation
without giving a source to the supposed 208cm measurement.
TCH said on 30/Sep/17
We all know the creator was either Jt or Chaz, anything to downgrade andre's height.
Mayfield said on 30/Sep/17
Click Here

Mentions Andre was 6'3 at 12 years old and at 24 was 6'9.75.... don't believe that latter claim
Lawrence said on 30/Sep/17
Andre looks smaller with clothes on than that fat guy. You look bigger with your top off. Just look at Andre in the Wilt photos in clothing. He don't look so big in those slacks and Shirt.

There is no way a really Huge Fat guy like Loch Ness could fit in those slim slacks or that shirt.
Editor Rob
This is how tall I'd probably have looked with Andre the Giant when he was 41 and not quite at his peak.
aaronious said on 29/Sep/17
Capt. Nobody said on 27/Sep/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 26/Sep/17
aaronious said on 24/Sep/17

that photo you posted of Andre, Wilt, and Arnold is photoshopped, someone 'resessed' Andre in the picture. you can tell, because Arnold's arm seems to melt into Andre's, as if Andre has tiny T Rex arms, and his shadow is smeared in the sand behid him. here is the real picture, noticee how the shadow is crisp and clean in the real photo:

Click Here


Thx, finally someone meantioned the fake photo... wonder who the creator was... Click Here


I wonder hahahaha. Shame, shame. It's almost psychotic at this point


Capt Nobody, i know right.. the dude is SICK...
Chaz said on 29/Sep/17
****sock said on 27/Sep/17Here is a roughly 350lb Andre with lean muscle and very little fat: Click Here

He is not any 350lbs there, that is when he was getting 140kg Billings that is 308lbs 22st,350lbs is 25st that is only 30lbs less than Leon Whites real weight.look at Andre's thin legs? there is nothing of him there,he never had the fat or Muscle bulk to be that weight then.
tree said on 28/Sep/17
Andre was bloated fat.
This is muscle fat Click Here Click Here
Anonymous said on 28/Sep/17
Andre 6'11"
dicksock said on 27/Sep/17
tree said on 27/Sep/17
Andre did not look bigger than the fat guy in red clothes Click Here
Anyway if want to find out his WEIGHT lets compare him to the Big Show and Akebono who were around 500lbs. Click Here


His weight was around 500lbs at his heaviest. Maybe 530lbs or so at the most. When he was relatively healthy, he was probably more like 400 lbs and definitely had a good amount of muscle in his chest and legs. He wasn't that fat for most of his career. He had a bit of belly fat, but no more than guys like Jim Duggan. His Acromegaly caused his organs to grow which in turn caused his rib cage to expand. This made him look fatter than he was.

Just look at his rib cage in this video from 1983: Click Here
Look at the 11:42 mark. He wasn't very fat, and clearly had quite a bit of muscle. He had no flab on his chest either. Even at well over 400 lbs, he wasn't very fat. He had lots of muscle as he was very strong. Even Ken Patera, who was once one of the world's strongest men, said that Andre had unbelievable pulling strength. A lean muscular Andre was about 370 lbs. A normal 6'11" guy, like the one you posted a pic of, would be closer to 270 lbs if they were lean and muscular. That pic from the Princess Bride doesn't do Andre justice.

Look at Andre walking backstage here: Click Here
He was unbelievably wide and massive.

Here is a roughly 350lb Andre with lean muscle and very little fat: Click Here
Capt. Nobody said on 27/Sep/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 26/Sep/17
aaronious said on 24/Sep/17

that photo you posted of Andre, Wilt, and Arnold is photoshopped, someone 'resessed' Andre in the picture. you can tell, because Arnold's arm seems to melt into Andre's, as if Andre has tiny T Rex arms, and his shadow is smeared in the sand behid him. here is the real picture, noticee how the shadow is crisp and clean in the real photo:

Click Here


Thx, finally someone meantioned the fake photo... wonder who the creator was... Click Here


I wonder hahahaha. Shame, shame. It's almost psychotic at this point.
Chaz said on 27/Sep/17
Andre had muscle?lol I would like to see were.he's like all Acromegalics that don't train with weights,large bones, flab and hydro blote.and if the WWE/WWF say he's top ring weight was 520lbs you can be sure he was not over that,you only have to look at Big Show when he was hard on the weights in the Gym,and then after he stoped,and now,not the same Animal.
tree said on 27/Sep/17
Andre did not look bigger than the fat guy in red clothes Click Here
Anyway if want to find out his WEIGHT lets compare him to the Big Show and Akebono who were around 500lbs. Click Here
tree said on 26/Sep/17
Andre had bigger bones but was not more muscular,why would he be,he never lifted weights,just look at his arms and forearms Click Here
Andre was a very tall fat guy with thick bones,but no muscles.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 26/Sep/17
****sock said on 25/Sep/17
tree said on 25/Sep/17
I think Andre was MAX 500 POUNDS AT HIS HEAVIEST


Andre had a dramatically bigger bone structure than him and more muscle. That guy is just a tall fat guy. Andre was a true giant with Acromegaly.


Yeah, Andre was the true Giant - he lived and died for it, he could´ve fixed it like Big Show but decided against.

Andre in 1987 looked overall bigger than this guy, no reason to believe Andre wasn´t around 550-560lbs at his heaviest.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 26/Sep/17
aaronious said on 24/Sep/17

that photo you posted of Andre, Wilt, and Arnold is photoshopped, someone 'resessed' Andre in the picture. you can tell, because Arnold's arm seems to melt into Andre's, as if Andre has tiny T Rex arms, and his shadow is smeared in the sand behid him. here is the real picture, noticee how the shadow is crisp and clean in the real photo:

Click Here


Thx, finally someone meantioned the fake photo... wonder who the creator was... Click Here
Telamonas said on 26/Sep/17
Dear tree one think is sure that Andre had way thicker bones, his hands was much bigger than the 6'11 guy in the photo
dicksock said on 25/Sep/17
tree said on 25/Sep/17
I think Andre was MAX 500 POUNDS AT HIS HEAVIEST


Andre had a dramatically bigger bone structure than him and more muscle. That guy is just a tall fat guy. Andre was a true giant with Acromegaly.
tree said on 25/Sep/17
I think Andre was MAX 500 POUNDS AT HIS HEAVIEST
aaronious said on 24/Sep/17

that photo you posted of Andre, Wilt, and Arnold is photoshopped, someone 'resessed' Andre in the picture. you can tell, because Arnold's arm seems to melt into Andre's, as if Andre has tiny T Rex arms, and his shadow is smeared in the sand behid him. here is the real picture, noticee how the shadow is crisp and clean in the real photo:

Click Here
aaronious said on 24/Sep/17
JT, leave it to you to mix sets of photos with absolutely no regard for scale at all. the Aunt has 4 inch heels on, you can tell from the angle of her foot. 4 inch heels, ALL day. that would make her around 6'3" in shoes, IF she is 5'11" barefoot.

Inoki, is standing IN FRONT of Hogan and Andre, and Andre is NOT wearing cowboy boots in those photos, hes wearing dress shoes just like everyone else. all photos presented are terrible for trying to compare anyone's height

anything and everything to push yoru 6'10" Andre agenda ehh?
JT said on 23/Sep/17
Click Here Andre’s aunt from 1970 claimed to be 5’11”, so she'd be maybe 6’1.5” in high heels. Inoki's around 6'1" so roughly 6’2” in dress shoes. Andre's in cowboy boots at Hogan's wedding.

John Stockton is around Inoki’s height, maybe a tad shorter, which shows how large Mark Eaton (listed at 7’4” like Andre) really was peak height. Click Here Karl Malone is 6’8’.
dicksock said on 23/Sep/17
Chaz said on 22/Sep/17
Kunoichi said on 21/Sep/17
The line of 3 people 's feet is fixed, I measured roughly with the application.

Assuming Hogan's height is 196 cm, Andre' s height is 210.6 cm.
Assuming Inoki's height is 186 cm, Andre's height is 207.9 cm.
Assuming Inoki's height is 186 cm, Hogan's height is 194.5 cm

Click Here

If Inoki is only 6'1 3/16" then Andre is no more than 6'9.75" and Hogan is 6'4.5"


That's also only one small piece of evidence. It's one picture. There are tons of videos of Andre and Inoki, and Andre was clearly more than 8" taller. It's clear he was closer to 10" taller. Just like there are multiple pictures and videos of Hogan and Inoki where Hogan looks 6'5"+.
Click Here
Click Here (just give it a couple of seconds and it will take you to the right pic)
Click Here - looks around 6'11" with Inoki here

Andre - about 6'11"
Hogan- about 6'5./6'5"
Lawrence said on 23/Sep/17
Hogan looks very short next to Inoki in those photos. Makes one wonder if the story's of the built up wrestling boots are true. And all this height lose he has now is hogwash.and he was never over about 191cm
Chaz said on 22/Sep/17
Kunoichi said on 21/Sep/17
The line of 3 people 's feet is fixed, I measured roughly with the application.

Assuming Hogan's height is 196 cm, Andre' s height is 210.6 cm.
Assuming Inoki's height is 186 cm, Andre's height is 207.9 cm.
Assuming Inoki's height is 186 cm, Hogan's height is 194.5 cm

Click Here

If Inoki is only 6'1 3/16" then Andre is no more than 6'9.75" and Hogan is 6'4.5"
Kunoichi said on 21/Sep/17
The line of 3 people 's feet is fixed, I measured roughly with the application.

Assuming Hogan's height is 196 cm, Andre' s height is 210.6 cm.
Assuming Inoki's height is 186 cm, Andre's height is 207.9 cm.
Assuming Inoki's height is 186 cm, Hogan's height is 194.5 cm

Click Here
Capt. Nobody said on 20/Sep/17
Has anyone had a chance to check out the new WWE dvd of unreleased matches? I guess it has a dark match from '89 of Studd vs. Andre.

Didn't see any Big John Harris matches on the listing unfortunately.
dicksock said on 18/Sep/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 17/Sep/17
Click Here

Andre claimed 210cm at age 19, the interviewer claims 186cm


If the interviewer was really just over 6'1", then I'm seeing about 6'8.5" tops for Andre at age 19. He looked like he was on higher ground and still only looked about 7"/8" taller. I'll say he was about 6'8"/6'8.5" 260 lbs at age 19, which would have been 1965. He was much closer in size and height with Giant Baba at that point. It's crazy how much Acromegaly affected his appearance.

Here is Andre with 6'1"+ Antonio Inoki at his biggest: Click Here
I could see him looking 6'11" next to Inoki if he straightened up his posture.
Danimal said on 18/Sep/17
Somewhere between 6'10.5" and 6'11.5".
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 17/Sep/17
Click Here

Andre claimed 210cm at age 19, the interviewer claims 186cm
Undertaker Frank said on 11/Sep/17
Vince would not show anyone taller than Andre @ that time
Capt. Nobody said on 10/Sep/17
****sock said on 10/Sep/17
Capt. Nobody said on 7/Sep/17
****sock said on 5/Sep/17
Capt. Nobody said on 4/Sep/17

I've seen enough interviews and shoots to know that John Harris was most certainly there. I want to say I've heard rumors that he and Andre were going to tag up or maybe even did. There has to be footage of John Harris in a WWF ring somewhere. It sounded like Vince McMahon was thoroughly unimpressed in his work and never went further with him.


What interviews are you referring to that discuss Harris and Andre or even just Harris in WWE?


I can't remember a specific one, I've watched/listened to a lot of shoot interviews and various radio shows over the years. I know I've heard it more than a few different times with a few different people bringing it up. Maybe even some books. If and when I've ever heard anything about it, it's short and didn't seem to really stick out in anyone's mind and they are typically dismissive about it. Jim Cornette talked about him on this radio show. They quickly mention him being signed to the WWF.

Click Here


Well, the co-host mentions that he MAY have worked for WWE. Cornette doesn't confirm that. The co-host also sounds like he is 20 years younger than Jim Cornette and has zero knowledge on the subject other than what he's read on the internet. My gut tells me that if there were a legit 7'2" guy working for Vince McMahon, there would at least be one picture or video of him. Until I see any real evidence, I'm calling BS. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see him with Andre, but I just don't believe it. He may have worked one dark match or something, but that was probably the most he did.


From what I remember hearing it sounded like it was a dark match if he did work. I'm not sure about that time, but I know WWF used to almost always leave the tape rolling on dark matches in following years and I'm sure they would leave it rolling on a try out match if there was one so they could see how he looked on camera.

It may be a case of other workers hearing the stories of him in WWF then adding their own bits and pieces as it traveled but if he ever stepped foot in a WWF ring then there has to be some sort of evidence locked in the vaults somewhere.

And the accounts I remember hearing is that Vince wasn't impressed physically by Harris at all and once he saw his work he was already an afterthought.

I'm sure JT can find some of the interviews I'm talking about.
dicksock said on 10/Sep/17
Capt. Nobody said on 7/Sep/17
****sock said on 5/Sep/17
Capt. Nobody said on 4/Sep/17

I've seen enough interviews and shoots to know that John Harris was most certainly there. I want to say I've heard rumors that he and Andre were going to tag up or maybe even did. There has to be footage of John Harris in a WWF ring somewhere. It sounded like Vince McMahon was thoroughly unimpressed in his work and never went further with him.


What interviews are you referring to that discuss Harris and Andre or even just Harris in WWE?


I can't remember a specific one, I've watched/listened to a lot of shoot interviews and various radio shows over the years. I know I've heard it more than a few different times with a few different people bringing it up. Maybe even some books. If and when I've ever heard anything about it, it's short and didn't seem to really stick out in anyone's mind and they are typically dismissive about it. Jim Cornette talked about him on this radio show. They quickly mention him being signed to the WWF.

Click Here


Well, the co-host mentions that he MAY have worked for WWE. Cornette doesn't confirm that. The co-host also sounds like he is 20 years younger than Jim Cornette and has zero knowledge on the subject other than what he's read on the internet. My gut tells me that if there were a legit 7'2" guy working for Vince McMahon, there would at least be one picture or video of him. Until I see any real evidence, I'm calling BS. Don't get me wrong, I would love to see him with Andre, but I just don't believe it. He may have worked one dark match or something, but that was probably the most he did.
Capt. Nobody said on 7/Sep/17
****sock said on 5/Sep/17
Capt. Nobody said on 4/Sep/17

I've seen enough interviews and shoots to know that John Harris was most certainly there. I want to say I've heard rumors that he and Andre were going to tag up or maybe even did. There has to be footage of John Harris in a WWF ring somewhere. It sounded like Vince McMahon was thoroughly unimpressed in his work and never went further with him.


What interviews are you referring to that discuss Harris and Andre or even just Harris in WWE?


I can't remember a specific one, I've watched/listened to a lot of shoot interviews and various radio shows over the years. I know I've heard it more than a few different times with a few different people bringing it up. Maybe even some books. If and when I've ever heard anything about it, it's short and didn't seem to really stick out in anyone's mind and they are typically dismissive about it. Jim Cornette talked about him on this radio show. They quickly mention him being signed to the WWF.

Click Here

I'll retrace my steps and see where else I may have heard it. There has to be a photo or a video of Harris in the WWF unless people in the business that remember this are completely mistaken. Pat Patterson may have brought it up on something as well.
dicksock said on 5/Sep/17
Capt. Nobody said on 4/Sep/17

I've seen enough interviews and shoots to know that John Harris was most certainly there. I want to say I've heard rumors that he and Andre were going to tag up or maybe even did. There has to be footage of John Harris in a WWF ring somewhere. It sounded like Vince McMahon was thoroughly unimpressed in his work and never went further with him.


What interviews are you referring to that discuss Harris and Andre or even just Harris in WWE?
LG69 said on 5/Sep/17
Rob, Mighty Joe Thunder was billed at 6'6", so I doubt he was any taller than Studd. What do you think?
Editor Rob
very rare for a wrestler to be over their billed height, thought I'm sure a few exceptions are out there.
Capt. Nobody said on 4/Sep/17
****sock said on 3/Sep/17
JT said on 1/Sep/17
Would have been interesting seeing this guy (Mighty Joe Thunder) in the ring with Andre Click Here Click Here (same event) The guy was in WWF back in the early 1980s but looked like a horrible wrestler. He stepped over the top rope and could have been around Studd’s height. Click Here Click Here


Never heard of that guy, but he may have been even taller than Studd. He looked 6'7"-6'8" to me. No way Andre would have been more than 4" taller than him and likely less. But, I would really like to see Andre with 7'2" minimum John Harris. Allegedly, Harris was in the WWF briefly while Andre was there. But we should probably take that with a grain of salt, just like the rumor that Andre was supposed to be Giant Gonzalez's manager in 1993. For the sake of his legacy, I'm sure Andre was glad neither one of those meetings was documented as they both would have dwarfed him. Well, Harris wouldn't have dwarfed him, but he would have been noticeably taller.


I've seen enough interviews and shoots to know that John Harris was most certainly there. I want to say I've heard rumors that he and Andre were going to tag up or maybe even did. There has to be footage of John Harris in a WWF ring somewhere. It sounded like Vince McMahon was thoroughly unimpressed in his work and never went further with him.
Chaz said on 4/Sep/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 2/Sep/17

Noway he could lift his head that high, his head is not down, his neck is traight. Wonder why his pants end up 5" higher in the left than in the right pic????
Only in the right pic we can see his heels touching the ground.

Don't talk rubbish, he's doing a single bicep pose,and with the other arm holding Arnold up. do the same thing? and feel your lats spread pulling up the neck and traps.
dicksock said on 3/Sep/17
JT said on 1/Sep/17
Would have been interesting seeing this guy (Mighty Joe Thunder) in the ring with Andre Click Here Click Here (same event) The guy was in WWF back in the early 1980s but looked like a horrible wrestler. He stepped over the top rope and could have been around Studd’s height. Click Here Click Here


Never heard of that guy, but he may have been even taller than Studd. He looked 6'7"-6'8" to me. No way Andre would have been more than 4" taller than him and likely less. But, I would really like to see Andre with 7'2" minimum John Harris. Allegedly, Harris was in the WWF briefly while Andre was there. But we should probably take that with a grain of salt, just like the rumor that Andre was supposed to be Giant Gonzalez's manager in 1993. For the sake of his legacy, I'm sure Andre was glad neither one of those meetings was documented as they both would have dwarfed him. Well, Harris wouldn't have dwarfed him, but he would have been noticeably taller.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 2/Sep/17
Chaz said on 1/Sep/17
Wilts head is down in the right pic and in the left pic he's having to pull back and up to lift Arnold. and in both pics Andre is closer to the camera.


Noway he could lift his head that high, his head is not down, his neck is traight. Wonder why his pants end up 5" higher in the left than in the right pic????
Only in the right pic we can see his heels touching the ground.
JT said on 1/Sep/17
Would have been interesting seeing this guy (Mighty Joe Thunder) in the ring with Andre Click Here Click Here (same event) The guy was in WWF back in the early 1980s but looked like a horrible wrestler. He stepped over the top rope and could have been around Studd’s height. Click Here Click Here
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 1/Sep/17
Undertaker Frank said on 31/Aug/17
Andre did look close to 2 inches on Tyler Mane but Mane looked about 6ft 7 next to 6ft 6 Ali Baba Andre could have been in the 6ft 9 range @ that time

Since Nash was just slightly taller than Mane and Big Show with thicker boots max 2.5" taller than Nash, what does that make peak Big Show?
Chaz said on 1/Sep/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 31/Aug/17
Click Here
Wilt is way taller in the left pic than in the right, only explanation for me is that Wilt is on his tiptoes in the left pic, because he has 2.5" on cowboybooted Andre who was at least 215cm in his big boots.

Wilts head is down in the right pic and in the left pic he's having to pull back and up to lift Arnold. and in both pics Andre is closer to the camera.
dicksock said on 1/Sep/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 29/Aug/17
62B. said on 29/Aug/17
The question for me is. How much height if any had Andre lost from peak by the time I had seen him? My guess is somewhere between 1/2" and an inch. I certainly can't see him ever being over 7'.

IMO Andre looked a bit shorter in 1989 WM5 than he looked in 1979 and in 1987 WM3, Posture or spinedamage I don´t know but he looked ~2cm shorter in 1989. Still looked at least 6´10" in 1990 next to Tyler Mane and in 1991 next to Jake Roberts.

I give him 6´10.75" peak evening (barefoot morning 6´11.75-7´0.25", evening 7´1" in his biggest cowboyboots), 6´10-10.25" in 1989 evening.


Based on everything I've seen, I would say his daily average peak height was 6'11.25" if I had to nail it down. Maybe woke up near 7' and was 6'10.75"-6'11" by evening. I don't think he would have lost more than 1" during the day; especially in his prime in the early to mid 70s. His weight was under 400 lbs and his body was very strong and healthy. An inch is a lot to lose during the day. Most men lose about half that.
Undertaker Frank said on 31/Aug/17
Andre did look close to 2 inches on Tyler Mane but Mane looked about 6ft 7 next to 6ft 6 Ali Baba Andre could have been in the 6ft 9 range @ that time
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 31/Aug/17
Click Here
Wilt is way taller in the left pic than in the right, only explanation for me is that Wilt is on his tiptoes in the left pic, because he has 2.5" on cowboybooted Andre who was at least 215cm in his big boots.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 29/Aug/17
62B. said on 29/Aug/17
The question for me is. How much height if any had Andre lost from peak by the time I had seen him? My guess is somewhere between 1/2" and an inch. I certainly can't see him ever being over 7'.

IMO Andre looked a bit shorter in 1989 WM5 than he looked in 1979 and in 1987 WM3, Posture or spinedamage I don´t know but he looked ~2cm shorter in 1989. Still looked at least 6´10" in 1990 next to Tyler Mane and in 1991 next to Jake Roberts.

I give him 6´10.75" peak evening (barefoot morning 6´11.75-7´0.25", evening 7´1" in his biggest cowboyboots), 6´10-10.25" in 1989 evening.
62B. said on 29/Aug/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 28/Aug/17
Did quite a bit with all Big Show Andre comparisons I have right now and got to agree with ****sock that Big Shows high skull could edge Andre a little bit.

Going through the Wilt/Andre pics, I think the one with Arnie being lifted up doesn´t show Andre full stretched but Wilt.
Andres Cowboyboots were 2.25" max and I see the possibility of Wilt in normal footwear could still be the taller one but max 1".

The Shaq/Big Show and Wilt/Andre pics imo prove, that both Andre and Big Show were 209cm-210cm barefoot in it.

I don't think that is the best Wilt/Andre photo to compare heights. I think Andre was closer to Wilt in height than Big Show currently is to Shaq. I am very confident that the Andre I saw in 1988 was still 6'11". At least early in they day, he may very well have been 6'10"-6'10.5" evening, I doubt Andre would have lost any height of significance between 1984 and 1988. The question for me is. How much height if any had Andre lost from peak by the time I had seen him? My guess is somewhere between 1/2" and an inch. I certainly can't see him ever being over 7'.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 28/Aug/17
Did quite a bit with all Big Show Andre comparisons I have right now and got to agree with ****sock that Big Shows high skull could edge Andre a little bit.

Going through the Wilt/Andre pics, I think the one with Arnie being lifted up doesn´t show Andre full stretched but Wilt.
Andres Cowboyboots were 2.25" max and I see the possibility of Wilt in normal footwear could still be the taller one but max 1".

The Shaq/Big Show and Wilt/Andre pics imo prove, that both Andre and Big Show were 209cm-210cm barefoot in it.
iconjj said on 27/Aug/17
Hey guys food for thought, there is a new old school on the network that features Studd and Bundy vs the machines late 86 and Studd and Bundy has a nice face off after the match if anyone wants to screen capture that.
Guanzo said on 27/Aug/17
6'10'' young
6'9'' 3/4 peak
6'9'' - 6'8'' 3/4 90s

3'' cowboyboots close height with Wilt.
JT said on 26/Aug/17
Bossman looks a good 2+ inches shorter than John Tenta here (maybe the 6’5 7/8” measurement was later in the day).
Click Here Click Here
Rough idea how Bossman and Vader (with a footwear advantage) measured up Click Here

Bossman’s height varied b/c of footwear but was probably ~ 6’4”.
Capt. Nobody said on 26/Aug/17
JT said on 24/Aug/17
Andre without his 2 ½ inch cowboy boots
Click Here
Click Here (and lined up with Wilt)


And here's what happens when you bring Andre's center point in line with Wilt's:

Click Here

It's a tough shot to compare though since the shot of Andre and Wilt is at a greater distance away and from a more upward angle than the shot of him in gear. It's why the scaling is difference between the two Andre's.

Also, those boots don't have nearly enough arch to be the really big ones he wore in the past. They do indeed look more like the ones Boss posted with a tape measure at the heel.
dicksock said on 26/Aug/17
Just thought I would post this for those who haven't seen it: Click Here

It's Joe Theismann talking about meeting Andre in the mid 70s.
Chaz said on 26/Aug/17
Bossman was not any 6'4.5'' he was not taller than a barefoot 6'4'' Kamala he was more 6'3''.
Danimal said on 25/Aug/17
Dub said on 24/Aug/17
Andre was a verified 6 foot 9 3/4. Not sure why people here are trying to make him taller

Verified? By who? It was a Dave Meltzer claim, who also claimed Andre was 6'11.5" in a 1983/1984 pic.
dicksock said on 25/Aug/17
Vegas said on 25/Aug/17
Bossman and rude staredown on video, bossmans got the high camera angle advantage but they look very close when the same stand similar distance from the camera at 4.30ish Click Here

Boss man didn't look 6'4.5 next to Vinny jones or matt bloom so he likely was never that tall.


Here is Bossman and 6'3" prime Dwayne Johnson (Rock): Click Here

Bossman is CLEARLY at least 2" taller. How do you explain that? Bossman looked 6'4"-6'5" next to Rick Rude, Akeem, Bret Hart, Ted Dibiase, Hulk Hogan, Slick, and The Rock. Plus, ~6'0.5" Stone Cold and ~6'0" Jim Cornette have both described Bossman as 6'6" and they knew him very well. Bossman himself stated he was 6'6". There is no way in the world he was under 6'4". It's impossible.
Vegas said on 25/Aug/17
Bossman and rude staredown on video, bossmans got the high camera angle advantage but they look very close when the same stand similar distance from the camera at 4.30ish Click Here

Boss man didn't look 6'4.5 next to Vinny jones or matt bloom so he likely was never that tall.
62B. said on 25/Aug/17
Dub said on 24/Aug/17
Andre was a verified 6 foot 9 3/4. Not sure why people here are trying to make him taller

So because one guy says he called up some French athletic committee and says that's what they told him. That makes it "verified"? Good grief. Why should anyone take Meltzers word over a guy like Terri Todd who has not only spent time with a young and old Andre, but also Paul Wight and Wilt, along with a bunch of other very large and tall athletes?
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 25/Aug/17
Dub said on 24/Aug/17
Andre was a verified 6 foot 9 3/4. Not sure why people here are trying to make him taller


Prove it!
dicksock said on 24/Aug/17
Danimal said on 24/Aug/17
****sock said on 23/Aug/17

Big Bossman and Ric Rude:
Click Here
Big Bossman and 6'4" Slick:
Click Here
Big Bossman and Hulk Hogan:
Click Here
Click Here
Big Bossman and LEGIT 5'11" Bret Hart (I personally met the man and he was listed that height in Stampede wrestling): Click Here


So Bossman was about an inch taller than the minimum 6'3.5" Rick Rude. This once again puts shows him to be at least 6'4.5". In the in-ring pic of him and Hogan, they are the same height when you factor in Bossman's posture. If Bossman lifted his head, they be the same height. In the other pic, he looks about 1" shorter than Hogan. Bret was 6' in his prime. He was roughly the same height as Roddy Piper at WM 8, he was at least 1" taller than Ric Flair in 1998, and he was 1" taller than Macho Man in 1992. He was also roughly the same height as Vince McMahon in the early to mid 90s.

Very clearly taller than Macho: Click Here
Bret in low-heeled cowboy boots and Vince in big basketball sneakers and they are same height: Click Here
If you look at 19 seconds in, Bret is actually a little taller.
Bret looking at least an inch taller than 5'11" Ric Flair in 1998: Click Here
Bret had a little bit of footwear advantage, but still looks 6'.
JT said on 24/Aug/17
Andre without his 2 ½ inch cowboy boots
Click Here
Click Here (and lined up with Wilt)
Dub said on 24/Aug/17
Andre was a verified 6 foot 9 3/4. Not sure why people here are trying to make him taller
Danimal said on 24/Aug/17
****sock said on 23/Aug/17
I just saw this and figured I'd post it here: Click Here

I linked to the approximate correct time. The Big Bossman was clearly about 1.5" taller than the roughly 6'3" Ted Dibiase. I just want to point that out because a 6'4.5" Bossman verifies a roughly 6'6" Akeem and nearly 6'6" (in footwear) peak Hulk Hogan. Look specifically at 1:20:45 and you'll see Bossman was about 1.5" taller than Dibiase.

Big Bossman and Ric Rude:
Click Here
Big Bossman and 6'4" Slick:
Click Here
Big Bossman and Hulk Hogan:
Click Here
Click Here
Big Bossman and LEGIT 5'11" Bret Hart (I personally met the man and he was listed that height in Stampede wrestling): Click Here
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 23/Aug/17
****sock said on 22/Aug/17
Keep in mind that Paul Wight looked as tall or taller next to Mean Gene than Andre did even when Andre was in cowboy boots.


Camera angles may play a part there...Andre had a lower chinlevel too...posture?
Cowboybooted- Andre was as tall as Wilt in normal footwear, 7´1"+

Lowest I could believe for Andre from 1975-1987 is 6´10.75" and he had to be in 2.5" boots with Wilt.

Here´s JT´s comparsion of Tenta and Big Show, putting Tenta at 6´5.5"-75" makes Big Show 6´11.5", than look at the heels and cut 2,5-3cm footwear advantage from 212cm = 209-210cm range

Click Here

Akebono has to be 6´8" if we want Paul at 6´11", but Akebono was listed at 202cm/6´7.5", wich makes Paul 6´10.5" again.
Click Here

Still the best we got for peak Andre and Studd Click Here

Big Show in big wrestlingboots, Andre in normal shoes Click Here
If Meane Gene has lost height - bad news for peak Paul.

I would list both at 6´11" peak, doubt there was much between them, one or the other direction.
dicksock said on 23/Aug/17
I just saw this and figured I'd post it here: Click Here

I linked to the approximate correct time. The Big Bossman was clearly about 1.5" taller than the roughly 6'3" Ted Dibiase. I just want to point that out because a 6'4.5" Bossman verifies a roughly 6'6" Akeem and nearly 6'6" (in footwear) peak Hulk Hogan. Look specifically at 1:20:45 and you'll see Bossman was about 1.5" taller than Dibiase.
62B. said on 22/Aug/17
Guanzo said on 22/Aug/17
Click Here
Click Here

I always have to laugh at those photo's you shared. All you have to do is look at the Andre/Wilt photos to realize the hacked photo's you shared are skewed to make Andre look shorter than he really was
Capt. Nobody said on 22/Aug/17
Guanzo said on 22/Aug/17
Click Here
Click Here


I'm all for comparisons, but lets provide context. Again, if Shaq were that much taller than Andre, give me the height boost of his boots with Wilt. Andre came up technically taller than Wilt in some of those shots most likely. Wilt was taller than Shaq by some estimations by as much as an inch and half. They just don't corroborate.

I seem to recall there being a comp shot of Patrick Ewing and Andre where they were about the same height, maybe even Andre coming up shorter.

Click Here


Click Here

Andre's boots probably have as much or less lift than Ewings flattop. Wilt even in dress shoes here is likely at no advantage, and may be at a disadvantage compared to basketball sneakers. Is Wilt wearing huge boots in this shot? It doesn't add up. Until we see a back to back shot of Andre and Wilt where Wilt is clearly visibly taller by a wide margin then you can't ignore the control in these scenarios. You have to take the totality of the evidence of the photos we have, and that's that Andre was probably a bit taller than Wilt while wearing his cowboy boots. The question then is how much lift is he getting in the Wilt shots. We have a pretty good example of some of his comparable boots and I think the lift was about 1.8 inches IIRC.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 22/Aug/17
Click Here

Both in equal footwear, Studd clearly the taller man, about 2cm imo. In OMG´s 1995 boots they would look equal.

I think 200cm/6´6.75" is the maximum for Studd, so 198cm is the maximum for OMG, 197cm might be the right number.
dicksock said on 22/Aug/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 22/Aug/17
****sock said on 21/Aug/17
Wight was probably 7'0.5"-7'1" in his boots and 6'11.5" barefoot in WCW


Yeah, I think these heights from WW3 are pretty much maximum.

OMG----- 198cm barefoot - 202cm in WW3 1995 footwear
Hogan--- 196cm barefoot - 198cm in WW3 1995 footwear
Big Show 210,5cm bareft - 215cm in WW3 1995 footwear

As you pointed out, OMG in bigger footwear was only Tentas height in max 1" footwear and Tenta was max 198cm barefoot...
OMG could be only 196-197cm barefoot, wich makes 1995 Hogan 194-195cm and the Big Show/Giant ~209cm

Maybe Paul didn´t lose any height and was always around 6´10.5" barefoot and 7´0"-7´0.25" in his ringboots.

can´t see 6´11.5" for his eveningheight with all this evidence.


Keep in mind that Paul Wight looked as tall or taller next to Mean Gene than Andre did even when Andre was in cowboy boots. He was also 2" taller than Nash when Nash was in cowboy boots. He was an easy 3/3.5" taller than 6'8" listed Akebono when both men were barefoot. I can't imagine him under 6'11" in his prime.

I will say 6'11"-6'11.5" barefoot and 7'0.5"-7'1" with 1.5" boost from his footwear. Andre was around 6'11" or a shade under barefoot and 6'11.25" in his 70s footwear and around 7'1" in cowboy boots. Hogan in his footwear from the 70s/80s/mid 90s WCW would have been about 6'6". This explains why in 1980, Andre looked about 5.25" taller than Hogan and Paul Wight looked more like 7" taller. He had about 1.25" of footwear advantage over Andre and was probably .5" taller than Andre because of the shape of his head. Similarly, Andre was roughly the same in 2" cowboy boots and Wight was in 1.5" wrestling boots. One thing is for sure: Andre's height should be lowered to 6'11" on this page and certainly no more than 6'11.5" like it used to be.
Guanzo said on 22/Aug/17
Click Here
Click Here
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 22/Aug/17
****sock said on 21/Aug/17
Wight was probably 7'0.5"-7'1" in his boots and 6'11.5" barefoot in WCW


Yeah, I think these heights from WW3 are pretty much maximum.

OMG----- 198cm barefoot - 202cm in WW3 1995 footwear
Hogan--- 196cm barefoot - 198cm in WW3 1995 footwear
Big Show 210,5cm bareft - 215cm in WW3 1995 footwear

As you pointed out, OMG in bigger footwear was only Tentas height in max 1" footwear and Tenta was max 198cm barefoot...
OMG could be only 196-197cm barefoot, wich makes 1995 Hogan 194-195cm and the Big Show/Giant ~209cm

Maybe Paul didn´t lose any height and was always around 6´10.5" barefoot and 7´0"-7´0.25" in his ringboots.

can´t see 6´11.5" for his eveningheight with all this evidence.
Logic said on 22/Aug/17
Here is another photo of a stare down between Studd and Akeem/One Man Gang.

Click Here

Logic said on 22/Aug/17
Here is a face to face stare photo of John Studd and Andre the Giant that some of you may have not seen. Andre still had is afro in that photo so this was taken in the early 1980's.

Click Here

Studd appears to be standing on his tip toes and Andre is slouching as usual. If Andre were to actual stand perfectly straight like the Big Show used to and Studd was not standing on his tip toes then Andre would probably have had close to 5" on Studd. The One Man Gang was possibly slightly shorter than Studd and he was certainly no taller than Studd. So, an early 1980's Andre would have had around 5" or so on the One Man Gang as well.
day day said on 22/Aug/17
If you look at the peak heights i listed theres no need for debate there all acurate if there is any other wrestlers height you want to know ill gladly post
aaronious said on 21/Aug/17
JT, JYD was 6'2"-6'3". where you got 6'1", nobody knows...there you go downgrading everyone as usual
dicksock said on 21/Aug/17
JT said on 19/Aug/17
Red, bookmark this so you don’t have to be corrected again. Click Here OMG’s heels in that WCW battle royal were very large, probably around 2 inches. OMG was also taller than he should have been with Hogan Click Here and probably a good 5 inches taller than Sting, who did have a decent heel there Click Here


His heel looks about the same as Sting's and Wight's, if not smaller. The fact is that Gang didn't look any taller than 6'5.75" John Tenta with those same boots.

Here's what Hogan and Gang actually looked like next to each other in WCW (similar to JT's comparison): Click Here

There is no great comparison in this match, but if you look from 2:43-2:47, you'll see Gang was maybe an inch taller than Hogan in those same boots. That makes sense because Gang was about 6'6" and Hogan was about 6'5" by 1996 and probably a hair taller at his peak. Wight was probably 7'0.5"-7'1" in his boots and 6'11.5" barefoot in WCW. Andre was probably 6'11.25" in his thin-heeled boots from the 70s and 6'11" barefoot.
Click Here
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 21/Aug/17
JT said on 19/Aug/17
Red, bookmark this so you don’t have to be corrected again. Click Here OMG’s heels in that WCW battle royal were very large, probably around 2 inches.


Bookmark this, Old Andre-hater;)

Click Here

I admit, OMG´s heels are pretty big, bigger than Stings - therefore I stand corrected.

2" noway - that would correctly be called "Kanestyle".

Hogan was in pretty flat footwear 1,8-2cm , and measuring there heels shows OMG has twice the soleheight of Hogan, so 3,6-4cm.

So, now you got to show me, where is Big Shows disadvantage?
Big Show has still bigger heels than OMG and comes out only 5 inches taller.

OMG in your comparison looks 4cm taller than Hogan.

Lets do the math

OMG----- 198cm barefoot - 202cm in WW3 1995 footwear
Hogan--- 196cm barefoot - 198cm in WW3 1995 footwear
Big Show 210,5cm bareft - 215cm in WW3 1995 footwear

Big Show was 210cm-211cm peak and is 209cm today, that´s a possible heightloss and fits with what he looked next to Shaq, Big Cass, Strowman and many others.

His claim of just over 7ft is footwear including measurement imo.
dicksock said on 21/Aug/17
There's been quite a lot of discussion about The One Man Gang on this page. I was just watching a promo with him and Slick from 1989. If you watch closely, you can see how the Gang/Akeem deliberately stands in front of Slick to make himself look noticeably taller. But, at about the 12 second mark of the video, they stand side by side and Akeem was only 1-2" taller than Slick. Slick has always claimed to be 6'4" and I have no reason not to believe that. He was clearly a tall guy. During this same promo, he describes Akeem and John Studd as being 6'9".

Pause at 12 seconds: Click Here
mrtguy said on 21/Aug/17
JT said on 19/Aug/17
JT said on 19/Aug/17
From WM3 Click Here Jake would be around 6’7” in those Kane-style boots. Click Here I stood right next to JYD a year earlier (1986) and got a good estimate of his height – around 6’1”.
Click Here Lamar Odom never looked quite his listed height of 6’10” but is close to it. Click Here Click Here

tch, I just call them as I seem them. Some guys on this site are IMO listed too high (e.g., Andre, Hogan, Piper, Ventura, Rocky Johnson) and some too low (Charles Barkley, Kareem, Bill Walton). When Ron Reis (probably legit 7’1”) says Big Show was taller than him in his big boots and that Reis “believes” he is taller barefoot (which I believe he is), something’s clearly wrong (and biased) when comparisons put Big Show sub-7 feet in boots and only slightly taller than Andre (whom reporters and Wepner in 1976 estimated in the 6’9” range as did apparently Wilt in 1983). It would be nice if the "Giant" was really legit 7'0" but my world's not going to end if he's

JT your so full of ****, Big Show was never any taller than Andre and for all we know Andre always carried a more unique giant character with the voice
Capt. Nobody said on 20/Aug/17
If you have Nash taller than Andre or as tall in a comparison shot, then you have to explain old broken down Andre still being taller than Mane when they wrestled.

Andre could have been 6'6" for all I know, but from what I've seen, if true you have to start knocking everybody else back as well.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 20/Aug/17
Has anyone here met Joe E. Legend or an estimate for him?
JT said on 19/Aug/17
Red, bookmark this so you don’t have to be corrected again. Click Here OMG’s heels in that WCW battle royal were very large, probably around 2 inches. OMG was also taller than he should have been with Hogan Click Here and probably a good 5 inches taller than Sting, who did have a decent heel there Click Here
JT said on 19/Aug/17
From WM3 Click Here Jake would be around 6’7” in those Kane-style boots. Click Here I stood right next to JYD a year earlier (1986) and got a good estimate of his height – around 6’1”.
Click Here Lamar Odom never looked quite his listed height of 6’10” but is close to it. Click Here Click Here

tch, I just call them as I seem them. Some guys on this site are IMO listed too high (e.g., Andre, Hogan, Piper, Ventura, Rocky Johnson) and some too low (Charles Barkley, Kareem, Bill Walton). When Ron Reis (probably legit 7’1”) says Big Show was taller than him in his big boots and that Reis “believes” he is taller barefoot (which I believe he is), something’s clearly wrong (and biased) when comparisons put Big Show sub-7 feet in boots and only slightly taller than Andre (whom reporters and Wepner in 1976 estimated in the 6’9” range as did apparently Wilt in 1983). It would be nice if the "Giant" was really legit 7'0" but my world's not going to end if he's not.
OldSchooler said on 18/Aug/17
Having seen many pictures of Andre the Giant and Big Show I say they were the same height at some point in their career. I see both being around 6´11", give or take half an inch, at their peak. There are some reasons why both can look shorter or taller than the other.
1. Andre´s head is a bit bigger and he has a different built. Much of Andre´s height was in his upper body. So later in his life, when he slouched a lot, he looked shorter.
2. Big Show wore some of the thickest boots ever for some time, making him at least 2 inches taller. Ron Reis (Reese) confirmed that in an interview. Andre´s ring boots were flat. However it was different when Andre wore his cowboy boots.
3. Both probably shrunk some from their enourmus weights and physical stress in wrestling.
4. Comparisons of them a hard to do. Either one of them is in bigger boots, too old/young or wrestling / standing next to somebody who is an old / young man respectively.
Conclusion is Andre surely wasn´t 7´4" and most likely not even over seven feet, but bigger than some want him to be.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 18/Aug/17
I wouldn´t say no to Big Show edging Andre by 0.25-0.5", but I don´t think Big Show has just a slight footwear advantage and Andre´s posture doesn´t look as straight as Big Shows in my second comparison.

Andres boots in 1979 gave 1-1,5cm (He wasn´t in his very flat few mm boots with Hogan there), in 1987 Andre had 2cm sole.
Big Show had 4-4,5cm sole Click Here Click Here

So Big Shows Boot Advantage with the 1979 Andre is 3-3.5cm, with 1987 Andre 2-2,5cm

lol at JT´s try with the blurry pic to make OMG´s boots "Kanestyle".
Even Sting had bigger sole than OMG Click Here
Capt. Nobody said on 17/Aug/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 17/Aug/17
Click Here Tenta was listed 196cm and 198cm in sumo.

Click Here ~4:44


When you watch the interaction close to the camera between Tenta and OMG after the match I think it's clear that OMG is a bit taller. I'm not sure by how much, but taller.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 17/Aug/17
tch said on 15/Aug/17
Jt i see you constantly make excuses for big show looking short, then making pictures of big show towering andre, your bias has no place on a fair height Judging website, give it a rest, And start being reasonable,


Agreed, he always tries to make Big Show taller and Andre the Giant shorter... year after year...

But he also has a lot... "AND THE ROCK MEANS A LOT" of great comparisons for other celebheights.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 17/Aug/17
Going by eveningheight, there are not many true 7 Footers in wrestling historie

Giant Gonzalez 7´6.5-7´7" Click Here
John"Silo Sam" Harris 7´2"
Great Khali 7´0"-7´0.5"
Max Palmer 7´5"-7´7"
Ron Reis "Yeti/Big Ron Studd" 7´0"-7´0.5"
Giant Silva ~7´0.5"
Shaq 7´0.25"-7´0.5"

any more??

7ft Kane
7ft Cass
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 17/Aug/17
Click Here

Another angle but nearly same result, Big Show only ~1" taller because of much bigger footwear

Both 6´11" peak evening
dicksock said on 17/Aug/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 16/Aug/17
Click Here

Asuming OMG had about 0.5" on Hogan, OMG was pretty equal or slightly taller than John Tenta.

Big Show still has footwear advantage over Andre in this comparison.

Hard to see anything between Show and Andre barefoot.


Good job with that picture. That's about what imagined it would look like. Wight has a slight footwear advantage over Andre in that picture, but not enough to make them the same height. Wight was probably .5" taller barefoot because the top of his head is longer than Andre's. Their eye level is the same though. I'll say Wight was 6'11.5" and Andre was 6'11".
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 17/Aug/17
Click Here Tenta was listed 196cm and 198cm in sumo.

Click Here ~4:44
dicksock said on 16/Aug/17
Here is Andre in the mid 70s with 6'1" Frank Valois in an interview I've never seen: Click Here

Andre was standing to his full height here and looked 9-10" taller, but he was in his super thin heeled wrestling boots, so he was at a footwear disadvantage. Keeping that in mind, he looked about 6'11" with 6'1" Valois.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 16/Aug/17
Click Here

Asuming OMG had about 0.5" on Hogan, OMG was pretty equal or slightly taller than John Tenta.

Big Show still has footwear advantage over Andre in this comparison.

Hard to see anything between Show and Andre barefoot.
day day said on 16/Aug/17
Peak heights andre 7'0.5" nash 6'10 taker 6'8 sid 6'7.5 john studd 6'7 omg 6'6.5 earthquake 6'6 hogan 6'5.5 jake 6'5 goldust 6'4.5 godfather 6'4 kamala 6'4 bossman 6'3.5 vader 6'3 million dollar man 6'2.5 warrior 6'2 henry 6'1.5 mr perfect 6'1 hbk 6'0.5 bret 6ft bulldog 5'10.75 owen hart 5'10
tch said on 15/Aug/17
Jt i see you constantly make excuses for big show looking short, then making pictures of big show towering andre, your bias has no place on a fair height Judging website, give it a rest, And start being reasonable,
RP said on 13/Aug/17
BJS looks 1" taller than OMG.
Capt. Nobody said on 11/Aug/17
I still can't find any great comps with OMG and Studd but here is a composite of Akeem/Studd at the points of them standing their tallest and as straight in line as possible when facing off. Studds front heel is off the mat, but his away heel is flat. This shot is on the down part of him being on his tiptoes and there is no height gained on this shot. Akeem is walking toward Studd and his plant leg is straight.

Click Here

This is a shot of them in their match when Studd starts to send Akeem into the ropes. Both are about mid stride. Studds head is angled towards the camera but it does give a pretty good idea of shoulder levels and chest levels between the two.

Click Here
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 11/Aug/17
Click Here
dicksock said on 10/Aug/17
Vegas said on 10/Aug/17
The best Studd and OMG comparison takes place towards the end of the 89 rumble


These are good as well:
Click Here
Click Here

I think Studd may have been a little bit taller...a very little bit. The Gang was maybe 6'5.75"-6'6" and Studd was maybe 6'6.25"-6'6.5". Those two are hard to get down specifically, but in general they were both ABOUT 6'6" with Studd just edging him out. Both guys were generally billed at 6'9-6'10".
JT said on 10/Aug/17
Studd wasn't any taller than OMG Click Here
Click Here Studd looks to be cowboy boots given the pointy toe; OMG in tennis shows.
Vegas said on 10/Aug/17
The best Studd and OMG comparison takes place towards the end of the 89 rumble
Capt. Nobody said on 9/Aug/17
Average Guess (229 Votes)
7ft 0.19in (213.9cm)
Logic said on 8/Aug/17
Was John Studd a littler taller than the One Man Gang/Akeem? Here is a face to face photo of the two of them. OMG is standing relatively straight but Studd has his knees bent quite a bit and Studd still looks like he is a little taller.

Click Here

Are there any good or better photos of the two of them face to face?

That's a good shot there.

I'm fairly sure that's the consensus. In the matches with OMG it's hard to find any really great comps due to the fact that both men seemed to always kind of hunch over in a heelish manner while moving in the ring. Studds also a tough one to gauge at times because he seemed to rarely lift his head up fully. Both he and Andre had more of a hulking presence in that way.

I think you have Tenta with OMG being a bit taller than him, and Studd being a bit taller than OMG.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.