How tall is Andre The Giant - Page 9

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Average Guess (867 Votes)
6ft 11.94in (213.2cm)
Gretz said on 3/Mar/18
I don't know what happened to that last post I apologize,I mentioned his condition dropped him to about 6'11 he must have been in great pain.When I seen him in as jaws in the bond movie he dwarfed everyone
danR22 said on 2/Mar/18
That 12" claim depends entirely on the camera distance.
The appearance of the camera being significantly toward Andrés side is the subjective illusion of his enormous bulk. He MUST be closer, I mean look... he looks HUGE.
Sure, because he WAS huge.
Andrés forearm length, inside and outside measures, is comparable to Chamberlain's, and a tad. That's curious as the African-American phenotype consistently favors relatively greater limb-length.
There is no significant foreshortening of either of their respective forearms: they appear to have the long axis orthogonal to the camera direction.
I'm not going to play around with fractions of inches nonsense, especially at these heights.
I'd say he was 7' 3" getting up in the morning.
7' 1" after a hard day of wrassling and drinking.
Gretz said on 2/Mar/18
My bad kiel actually said he was 7'2",but was rounding up cause it was easier to say Then 7'1.5".I don't think he would have a reason to lie about that,heck with boots like Shows when he was in wcw or Andre's cowboy boots you could bill him at 7'4 and be just about right.I would love to see a pic of him and Kareem and Wilt at 7'1.1/16th.It's a shame his condition got so bad Kiel probably dropped to 6'1 ki good fax

Gretz said on 1/Mar/18
Speaking of Richard Kiel I think he stated he was 7'2.5", and in his prime hr certainly looked it to me anyway.And know I don't think Andre was that tall at any point in his life.But if you want to talk about loosing height just watch Kiel in Happy Gilmore,he is on crutches(I would have to look into his health problems along with his age at the time over 60 I would guess)and he may be 6'11 to maybe 7'0 depending on if he could staiten out enough.It looks like he has some kind of spinal disk compression problem if anyone has any info on his condition please chime in I will also check as I'M not sure if Kiel has a page here or not.
Gretz said on 1/Mar/18
How do you explain why he looks at least at least 12in.taller than 6'1 Arnold who is standing next to Andre.Or does the camera angle come in to play there also.And I know Arnold's height is contaversial but some guy measured him at 6'1.5 in the late 60',today he looks a shade under 6'0" he is about 70 though.
Chaz said on 1/Mar/18
Gretz said on 1/Mar/18
Let me ask all you experts this,if in 1984 in the black and white pic with Wilt he is 6'9.5" like Meltzer says.How can he be as tall as wilt in that big wig? Wilt had thin soles I know and Andre has the thick soles on his boots.But does that make up for 3 to possibly 3.3/4 quarter inches that 7'1+ that Wilt is.I think not(and don'tgive me this camera angle b.s)Wilt looks taller than shack as a rookie in what 1992-3,with dress shoes on.they would all look about the same height if you time traveled shack to the 1984 pic in the footware they have on in their pics,oh and Wilts big wig.And 38 year old Andre was not at his peak height by than.I think he was 7'0" even in 1978 in the Backlund pic,and lost a quarter to a half inch by the Wilt pic.So peak height 7'0.25" to 7'0.50 1972 cake pics,6'10.5' by WrestleMania with Hogan.6'10" if that in Terry Gordie pic,makes sense if you think about how he broke down,but just M.O.

because not only as Andre got much bigger boots,he's closer to the camera and the camera is over Andre's side,you gain 1'' for every 12''you hit the camera first.
Gretz said on 1/Mar/18
And yes I know Meltzer estimated Andre at 6'11.5" I'n that pic.The same guy who called some French athletic commission to say Andre was ,6'9.75" give me a break I think someone said he was 13 years old when this commission measured Andre.So he managed to get a hold of this commission years later And they gave confidential info to a wrestling dirt sheet writer,yeah right.
Gretz said on 1/Mar/18
Let me ask all you experts this,if in 1984 in the black and white pic with Wilt he is 6'9.5" like Meltzer says.How can he be as tall as wilt in that big wig? Wilt had thin soles I know and Andre has the thick soles on his boots.But does that make up for 3 to possibly 3.3/4 quarter inches that 7'1+ that Wilt is.I think not(and don'tgive me this camera angle b.s)Wilt looks taller than shack as a rookie in what 1992-3,with dress shoes on.they would all look about the same height if you time traveled shack to the 1984 pic in the footware they have on in their pics,oh and Wilts big wig.And 38 year old Andre was not at his peak height by than.I think he was 7'0" even in 1978 in the Backlund pic,and lost a quarter to a half inch by the Wilt pic.So peak height 7'0.25" to 7'0.50 1972 cake pics,6'10.5' by WrestleMania with Hogan.6'10" if that in Terry Gordie pic,makes sense if you think about how he broke down,but just M.O.
Seagal said on 28/Feb/18
@chaz, fine to Say he isnt Same height as wilt or Those guys,

But in Jts mind andre is half a head shorter than big show, Jt loves editing Photos to make andre look shorter,

Jt seems to get off on The idea of big show dwarfinfpg andre, which is utter nonsense,

But That's his weird fetish for some reason,
Gretz said on 28/Feb/18
Yes dick sock)(where the hell do you hang out to have a poster name like that Mary)I misspelled a name what does that do lower Andre's height.I have been posting here since 2006 and Daminal even before that,so I think we have a good handle on his peak height.JT started posting her before me too.But little known secret he used to post Andre at 6'11".until a guy named by Vegas changed his opinion to 6'10 if he was wrong why did he manipulate Andre to that height he can basically change his height via Photoshop when ever he wants.
Chaz said on 28/Feb/18
Seagal said on 26/Feb/18
@ chaz, you've been shown it, And Then you make up thousands of excuses for why he looks Tall, closer to camera, lighting. Footwear.
Dont pretend you've not seen it Cause you have, but you're so biased against andre you make up Loads of excuses.

You get shown it but refuse to change your biased views no matter what,

You And Jt, make pictures of andre with people he already has pictures with, where he looks Tall, only to make it look like he is half a head taller despite actual pictures of andre with said people showing The opposite

You're big show fans who cant stand The idea of big show being Same height or a little shorter than andre.

So you need to perform mental gymnastics And clearly flawed biased comparison pictures while theres legit pictures out there, just to have Andre as short as you can possibly have him.

there is no Biased here,I just don't live in a dream world,were Andre is the same height as Shaq.or Wilt or even Kiel has some of you clame total Rubish, he's not within 3'' of he's height,the real argument is, was he as short as 6'9.75''or as tall as 6'11-11.25''as dicksock and HeightcrazyRed6ft say, I will still stick to my 6'11'' morning and 6'10'' evening and say he should be listed at 6'10.5'' on here.
Chaz said on 27/Feb/18
JT said on 25/Feb/18
Click Here Taylor, Gagne and Ken Patera, who was roughly Bobby Heenan’s height. Click Here Not sure what Taylor's height really was but he looked at least 400 lbs.

When he won the Bronze medal,in 1972 olymics he weighed in at 191.4kg about 422lbs they have he's height at 195cm.
Seagal said on 26/Feb/18
@ chaz, you've been shown it, And Then you make up thousands of excuses for why he looks Tall, closer to camera, lighting. Footwear.
Dont pretend you've not seen it Cause you have, but you're so biased against andre you make up Loads of excuses.

You get shown it but refuse to change your biased views no matter what,

You And Jt, make pictures of andre with people he already has pictures with, where he looks Tall, only to make it look like he is half a head taller despite actual pictures of andre with said people showing The opposite

You're big show fans who cant stand The idea of big show being Same height or a little shorter than andre.

So you need to perform mental gymnastics And clearly flawed biased comparison pictures while theres legit pictures out there, just to have Andre as short as you can possibly have him.
viper said on 26/Feb/18
Lawrence Taylor is 6'2, not 6'3.

Makes Bam Bam a little shorter
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 25/Feb/18
Click Here

Barefoot Andre and Paul would´ve been very close at their peak. Lowest I could believe for Andres peak evening is 210cm and Big Show also.

There´s no way both were as tall as Shaq, just not possible.FACT!
And imo there´s no way both were within 1" of Shaqs height, who measured 7´0.88", 7´0.63" and just over 7ft during his prime.

So 6´11"-6´11.25" would fit much better with a 7´0.25" listed Shaq.
JT said on 25/Feb/18
Click Here Taylor, Gagne and Ken Patera, who was roughly Bobby Heenan’s height. Click Here Not sure what Taylor's height really was but he looked at least 400 lbs.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 25/Feb/18
dicksock said on 25/Feb/18
Here's Andre in his prime with 6'5" Olympic wrestler, Chris Taylor: Click Here

Can anyone honestly say that he is more than 6" taller? Rob, you list Andre as 7', but how many inches do you see between these guys? Looks like 6" tops to me. Once again we have irrefutable proof that he was no more than 6'11", yet there will still be clowns who claim 7'0"+ with zero proof. I'm sorry, but if he was 7'0"+, I will eat my foot.


Click Here

Yeah he looks exactly 210cm or 6´10.75" if Taylor was 6´5"flat, around 0.25"-0.5" gain with max posture is possible imo, so under 6´11" peak not possible.
7´0" peak evening - no chance
dicksock said on 25/Feb/18
Here's Andre in his prime with 6'5" Olympic wrestler, Chris Taylor: Click Here

Can anyone honestly say that he is more than 6" taller? Rob, you list Andre as 7', but how many inches do you see between these guys? Looks like 6" tops to me. Once again we have irrefutable proof that he was no more than 6'11", yet there will still be clowns who claim 7'0"+ with zero proof. I'm sorry, but if he was 7'0"+, I will eat my foot.
Danimal said on 24/Feb/18
Gretz said on 21/Feb/18
Gretz-I can't believe all the people out there who think you don't lose height!I was measured twice in 12th grade and in the docs office at5'11.5"in one of those machines that press down on your age 29 I injured myself deadlifting and was down to 5'10.And I just turned 50 and am probably not even that anymore.So don't tell me a man 7ft.+ could not lose 2-2.5 inches who took bumps for 20+years.He looks much shorter in that pic with bam bam in about 90-91.

Chaz doesn't believe in height loss. It's a myth to him. He believes that Hogan has only lost maybe 1". Just chalk it up to ignorance. I mean look at videos of Roddy Piper from the 80's where he had a good 2"+ on 5'11" Bobby Heenan and Paul Orndorff, Ric Flair and a good 3" on 5'10" Mr. T and then look at him at the end of his life, where the man was about 5'8" before his death. His entire spine had collapsed on itself due to major disc fusion and knee replacements. Superstar Billy Graham had at least 2-2.5" on Arnold in the 70's and is the same height as 5'10" Mike Tyson today, also due to MAJOR back, knee, neck, hip surgeries. Don't listen to ignorant, closed-minded and uneducated individuals Gretz. It's obvious that Andre lost at least 2.5" from the early 70's to the early 90's. His knees had buckled, his head was resting on his chest, his back had compressed and curved over. 1" height loss is preposterous, especially given all the pics and videos to prove otherwise.
Danimal said on 24/Feb/18
Andre states in this 1981 video (at 1:30) that he grew until 24 years old (1970/1971). So it's fair to say that his peak height was in the early 70's.
Click Here
dicksock said on 24/Feb/18
Gretz said on 24/Feb/18
What do you mean he didn't take bumps he was slammed by el Chinook Hulk Hogan Harley Race ECT. All by 1980,anyone he respected he would take bumps for,even kamala a huge man himself earned Andre's respect because no one could slam him without his approval.


Yes, he took some. But, they were few and far between. Andre didn't leave his feet that often. Getting slammed occasionally isn't going to cause your body to break down. He wasn't landing on concrete. His body naturally broke down because of his disease. Also, who is el Chinook?? Do you mean El Canek?
Chaz said on 24/Feb/18
T said on 22/Feb/18
Chaz said on 21/Feb/18
Click Here young Andre with 5'4'' Jim Breaks no way is he any 214cm there.

That should be Andre in 1969 (age 23) so a peak height. 5’4” is probably generous for Jim Breaks Click Here Click Here

I knew he was short,but going by that the 5'4'' could be in shoes lol, there were some real short Wrestlers in the UK in those days,Mick McManus who was a real big name in the UK was only about 5'6''and he's Tag patner Steve Logan who my Mum worked with he's wife was only about 5'8'',I met him lots of times,
Gretz said on 24/Feb/18
What do you mean he didn't take bumps he was slammed by el Chinook Hulk Hogan Harley Race ECT. All by 1980,anyone he respected he would take bumps for,even kamala a huge man himself earned Andre's respect because no one could slam him without his approval.
Gretz said on 23/Feb/18
Chaz that pic with gianthaystacks.tells me he is even taller than I thought that guy has a hat on too.he actually looks about 6'9" in that pic,i know big show aka the giant in wcw was about 5 inches taller than an old haystack's.but I think the shoes he wore back than gave a him ,2 inch advantage.
JT said on 22/Feb/18
Chaz said on 21/Feb/18
Click Here young Andre with 5'4'' Jim Breaks no way is he any 214cm there.

That should be Andre in 1969 (age 23) so a peak height. 5’4” is probably generous for Jim Breaks Click Here Click Here
dicksock said on 22/Feb/18
Chaz said on 21/Feb/18
Click Here young Andre with 5'4'' Jim Breaks no way is he any 214cm there.


It's always hard to get a great estimate when there is that much of a difference in height. Let's assume Andre's head was 11-12" by that point. He looks to be about a head + an additional 6-7" taller. Let's split the difference and use 11.5" + 6.5", which means he was 18" taller. That would make him about 6'10" if that guy was 5'4". He may have been 6'11" if his head was 12" and the other gap was 7". But, for sure he looks 6'11" max there, especially if he stood with perfect military posture.
Moheez Iqbal said on 22/Feb/18
Rob,do you think Andre peak height was 7"0/7"0.5 2.13m or 2.14m? In the early 80's late 80's he looked around 6"10/6"10.5 what do you think Rob?
Editor Rob
I still feel 7ft range is probably a safer bet than only 6ft 11 for Andre.
miko said on 22/Feb/18
I agree dicksock, around 6'11 at his tallest (or a hair under IM0) and down towards 6'10/6'10.25 right at the end of his WWE run. He might have dropped below it in his final years when he could barely walk.
dicksock said on 21/Feb/18
Gretz said on 21/Feb/18
Gretz-I can't believe all the people out there who think you don't lose height!I was measured twice in 12th grade and in the docs office at5'11.5"in one of those machines that press down on your age 29 I injured myself deadlifting and was down to 5'10.And I just turned 50 and am probably not even that anymore.So don't tell me a man 7ft.+ could not lose 2-2.5 inches who took bumps for 20+years.He looks much shorter in that pic with bam bam in about 90-91.


It's a fact that the average man doesn't start losing height until their 40s. The average man shrinks about .5" every decade after their 40s. I find it very hard to believe you lost 1.5" by age 29. Even if you did, it has no relevance to Andre. Also, how often did Andre take "bumps"? Pretty much never. I will say it again: He never ever looked 7'+. He looked 6'11" tops, even in the early to mid 70s. He still looked around 6'11" in 1986. Even at WM 6 in 1990, he looked 6'10-6'11". The Bam Bam pic is from 1992. This was after his major knee surgery. His body really deteriorated severely after that. He may have dropped a little below 6'10" at the very very end, but it's not like anyone uses those pics to determine his height anyway. He was around 6'11" for the majority of his career and only looked a little shorter by the late 80s. There is no WWE footage of him under 6'10", in my opinion.
Chaz said on 21/Feb/18
Click Here young Andre with 5'4'' Jim Breaks no way is he any 214cm there.
Gretz said on 21/Feb/18
Gretz-I can't believe all the people out there who think you don't lose height!I was measured twice in 12th grade and in the docs office at5'11.5"in one of those machines that press down on your age 29 I injured myself deadlifting and was down to 5'10.And I just turned 50 and am probably not even that anymore.So don't tell me a man 7ft.+ could not lose 2-2.5 inches who took bumps for 20+years.He looks much shorter in that pic with bam bam in about 90-91.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 21/Feb/18
Danimal said on 18/Feb/18
Click Here (Bam Bam was only 6'0" legit. 6'3" Lawrence Taylor had 3" on him and Bam Bam was billed 6'0" early on in his career)


Wow...just...Why spreading out such nonsense and type it like fact????

Click Here
Chaz said on 21/Feb/18
Click Here Haystacks from about 1978 so only about 450lbs standing upright with 5'5' Peter( tally Ho) Kay
Chaz said on 21/Feb/18
Click Here young Andre with 5'4'' Jim Breaks no way is he any 214cm there.
Danimal said on 21/Feb/18
This short video pretty much breaks down the "breakdown" of Andre's body in the later years of his life. It's a short video and MUST watch. It pretty much states that his deterioration started in 1981 when he broke his ankle literally stepping out of bed and by 1983 his entire body (all his joints) started to betray him.
Click Here
Massagemandan69 said on 20/Feb/18
I believe Andre in his prime was close to 7ft 1". When he died, he was slightly over 6'9"
aaronious said on 20/Feb/18
Miko, Hogan wore lifts in the 70's and early 80's, it was widely known, because he was billed as 6'9". watch an interview with him and 6'1.5" Vince Mcmahon when Hogan was a heel with Blassie managing him, Hogan ****ing dwarfed Mcmahon by 6+ inches easily.
dicksock said on 20/Feb/18
miko said on 19/Feb/18
Hogan stacked up to Andre in 1979 the exact way he did in 1987 at WM3.

Unless we start talking about Hogan losing height in his late 20's/early 30's which is utterly absurd then Andre lost nothing in that 8 year period. Andre got fat from the mid 80's onwards but it didn't look like his health really started failing until around 1988/89 onwards, from then onwards I've no doubt he lost some height.


I agree with the idea that Andre didn't really look like he lost height by 1987. But, I will say that by 1985 he was in pretty bad shape. He could barely move compared to how he did in the mid 70s. He was experiencing nearly crippling back pain by 1986. That is why he had major back surgery. He could still look 6'10"-6'11" in the late 80s though, in my opinion.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 20/Feb/18
miko said on 19/Feb/18
Hogan stacked up to Andre in 1979 the exact way he did in 1987 at WM3.

Unless we start talking about Hogan losing height in his late 20's/early 30's which is utterly absurd then Andre lost nothing in that 8 year period. Andre got fat from the mid 80's onwards but it didn't look like his health really started failing until around 1988/89 onwards, from then onwards I've no doubt he lost some height.

Hard to tell ~1-2cm heightloss, Andre had BIG surgery unlike Hogan prior to WM3 - so might regard this... and listen to 3:09min onwards what they tell about his health during Princess Bride filming
Andre was passing the torch from WM3 onwards, due to his backproblems...
He already looked noticable shorter facing Big John Studd at WM5 1989 than he used to during the late 70`s early 80´s
RoelC said on 19/Feb/18
Danimal said on 15/Feb/18
Rare footage of Andre at an airport in 1971 looking TALL with NO slouch. The French announcer (I speak French) says he's 214cm, which comes out to 7'0.25". I believe that was his TRUE PRIME height before any height loss occurred. By the early 80's he was down to 6'11.5" and by the late 80's he was 6'10.5" and early 90's he was under 6'10" (2.5" height loss in total). Anyway, here's the video of him being announced at 214cm/7'0.25". Click Here

If you speak French, then I’m sure you noticed this was a wrestling promo video, and they’re just giving his billed height & weight there (214cm & 171 kg).
We all know wrestling organizations tend to exaggerate. If he’s listed at those stats it doesn’t mean there’s any truth in them. In 1968 the French were billing Andre at 212cm (6’11.5”), yet when he went to the UK in 1969 he was getting 6’10” and 6’11” billings. So we know the French were already starting to exaggerate his stats.
RoelC said on 19/Feb/18
Danimal said on 14/Feb/18
I love how Ernie Ladd in this short interview was just being honest without having to resort to kayfabe and sticking with the 7'4"-7'6" billed height of Andre. Ernie with respect said that he was 6'9" and Andre was taller than 6'9" by far. This was back in the 1970's when Andre was at his tallest (straight spine and no back/knee surgeries/curvature yet). I personally believe that Andre at that time was between 6'11.5" and 7'0.25" and down to 6'10"-6'10.5" in the 1980's and maybe even less than that by the early 90's. Anyway, I have respect for Ernie Ladd for being honest and not exaggerating Andre's height.
Click Here
Ernie Ladd isn’t giving any specific height for Andre, so how can you tell he’s not sticking to kayfabe. He claims Andre is taller than 6’9” ‘by far’ (i.e. “a lot taller”). So he could still be indicating Andre was 7’4” or close to it. The only thing Ernie Ladd shoots down in that interview is that him and Andre were the same height and that Andre was only 6’9” or close to that mark.
miko said on 19/Feb/18
Hogan stacked up to Andre in 1979 the exact way he did in 1987 at WM3.

Unless we start talking about Hogan losing height in his late 20's/early 30's which is utterly absurd then Andre lost nothing in that 8 year period. Andre got fat from the mid 80's onwards but it didn't look like his health really started failing until around 1988/89 onwards, from then onwards I've no doubt he lost some height.
dicksock said on 18/Feb/18
Danimal: None of the pics you posted prove that he lost more than 1". He's hunched over or has his head down in all the "end of life" pics. You're basically just eyeballing those pics and making a guess. I'm basing my 1" height loss not just on the shape he was in, but more on how he stacked up next to people. For example, he really didn't look much shorter standing next to guys like Mean Gene, even in 1991. My logic is that he didn't look more than 6'11" next to Frank Valois (or anyone else) in his prime, and he still pretty much looked around 6'10" or more by the late 80s/early 90s. He may have dipped down below 6'10" at the very very end, although the Bam Bam pic seems to show otherwise. I'll stick with my estimate of around 6'11" in his prime and around 6'10" by the late 80s.
62B said on 18/Feb/18
@ Danimal. I still give Andre 6'11" standing tall in 1988. How much true height he would have lost by then I don't know. I doubt much. Maybe an inch at most. Most of his height loss at that time was from poor posture. I don't think 7' peak is out of the question, but the Andre that most people think of when you say his name was not at his peak.
Danimal said on 18/Feb/18
dicksock said on 17/Feb/18

I'm sorry, but how in the name of god could you guess his height based on that video? You don't even know who he's standing next to. You are free to think what you want, but most evidence shows that he was never above 6'11". For example, he was less than 10" taller than his 6'1" listed manager, Frank Valois in 1974. Frank has 6'2" listings, but he was in his late 50s in 1974 so he was 6'1" at best at that time. Here he is with Andre: Click Here
Click Here

Based on that evidence alone, there is a zero percent chance he was above 6'11". He was only 28 in these clips, so there is no chance of height loss. If anyone disagrees, I'd love to hear their logic. I like Andre as much as the next guy, but we have to be honest. He was not a legit 7 footer. 6'11" is a good peak listing. He was about 6'10" in the last 5 years of his life.

There is no way he only lost 1" of height from his prime in the early 1970's to the end of his life. No way. His head was literally resting on his chest by the late 80's. His neck and upper back were noticeably hunched/curved, compared to him in his prime where his back was straight and his neck was longer. He also had major back surgeries in 1986/1987 and knee replacement surgery in 1991 at which time he could barely stand without the aid of a cane. I believe he was no less than 6'11.5" (and possibly 7'0.25") in the 1970's and gradually lost height by the mid 80's (his hunching) and then lost more height post back surgery (1986-1987) and then lost even more post knee replacement in 1991 at which point he barely stood 6'10".

There is no way Andre lost a mere 1". This is NOT a 1" height loss:

PRE-height loss:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here (This one takes the cake)
Click Here (still held up really well by 1985)

End of his life (yeah, that's more than 1" of height loss my friend):
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here (Bam Bam was only 6'0" legit. 6'3" Lawrence Taylor had 3" on him and Bam Bam was billed 6'0" early on in his career)
Telamonas said on 17/Feb/18
In the same year (1971) another video where Andre claims 214cm:
Click Here
I also like Danimal I think this is his real height at least a morning height.
dicksock said on 17/Feb/18
Gretz said on 15/Feb/18
Daminal thanks so much for posting this.I think it shows a true 7+ giant and agree with everything you said,this I's Gretz by the way did not show I don't think.But I agree with 100 percent of your post


I'm sorry, but how in the name of god could you guess his height based on that video? You don't even know who he's standing next to. You are free to think what you want, but most evidence shows that he was never above 6'11". For example, he was less than 10" taller than his 6'1" listed manager, Frank Valois in 1974. Frank has 6'2" listings, but he was in his late 50s in 1974 so he was 6'1" at best at that time. Here he is with Andre: Click Here
Click Here

Based on that evidence alone, there is a zero percent chance he was above 6'11". He was only 28 in these clips, so there is no chance of height loss. If anyone disagrees, I'd love to hear their logic. I like Andre as much as the next guy, but we have to be honest. He was not a legit 7 footer. 6'11" is a good peak listing. He was about 6'10" in the last 5 years of his life.
RP said on 16/Feb/18
Ernie Ladd's "True" barefoot height @ age 23 was 6'8-1/2" !
Gretz said on 15/Feb/18
Daminal thanks so much for posting this.I think it shows a true 7+ giant and agree with everything you said,this I's Gretz by the way did not show I don't think.But I agree with 100 percent of your post
Undertaker Frank said on 15/Feb/18
I know Ernie Ladd was listed @ 6ft 9 but i believe he was closer to 6ft 7 he looked slightly taller than 6ft 6 Big John Studd
Danimal said on 15/Feb/18
Rare footage of Andre at an airport in 1971 looking TALL with NO slouch. The French announcer (I speak French) says he's 214cm, which comes out to 7'0.25". I believe that was his TRUE PRIME height before any height loss occurred. By the early 80's he was down to 6'11.5" and by the late 80's he was 6'10.5" and early 90's he was under 6'10" (2.5" height loss in total). Anyway, here's the video of him being announced at 214cm/7'0.25". Click Here
jt said on 15/Feb/18
Click Here

Bigelow looked quite a bit shorter than John Tenta Click Here Click Here Click Here
Danimal said on 14/Feb/18
I love how Ernie Ladd in this short interview was just being honest without having to resort to kayfabe and sticking with the 7'4"-7'6" billed height of Andre. Ernie with respect said that he was 6'9" and Andre was taller than 6'9" by far. This was back in the 1970's when Andre was at his tallest (straight spine and no back/knee surgeries/curvature yet). I personally believe that Andre at that time was between 6'11.5" and 7'0.25" and down to 6'10"-6'10.5" in the 1980's and maybe even less than that by the early 90's. Anyway, I have respect for Ernie Ladd for being honest and not exaggerating Andre's height.
Click Here
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 14/Feb/18
Andre peak 6´11" evening
Andre 1990-1993 6´10" but looked 6´8-9" due to horrible posture
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 12/Feb/18
Click Here
The Ben said on 11/Feb/18
I met Bam Bam in 94. Full Metal or Hart Attack tour, can’t remember which.
I was 18 and 6,0 3/4, I’d say Bam Bam was an inch to an Inch and half taller. I remember thinking he would have been taller.
I had a photograph taken with him but it barely came out as the flash wasn’t turned on.
I’d say he was probably 6’2 or there abouts.
I had 3 photos with Goldberg last summer, pretty sure I put them on the Goldberg page on here, I’d say Bill was 6’1 1/2. I’m guessing he lost some height in the last 20 years.
Personally I give a peak Andre 7’0 give or take.
RP said on 10/Feb/18
Dicksock, I was going off of their in-ring staredown @ Wrestlemania. LT was a legit 6'3" barefoot....Bam Bam looked 6'1.5" to at best 6'1-3/4" in that staredown're correct ...not a full 6'2"...I now have a peak Bam Bam @ 6'1-3/4" ...6'1-1/2" by the 90's...6'1" by 2000...IMO Rob still had Bam Bam @ 6'2".
dicksock said on 9/Feb/18
RP said on 9/Feb/18
Dicksock ...Bam Bam was 6'2" ...


No he wasn't. He was a weak 6'1" at best. Here he is next to 6'3" listed Lawrence Taylor: Click Here

You only see an inch there?

He was also shorter than 6'2.5" Bill Goldberg. Trust me, he was no 6'2".
RP said on 9/Feb/18
Dicksock ...Bam Bam was 6'2" ...pour Andre looks horrible there & in a lot of pain. Bent knees, slouched neck & his back looks a wreck there. His back, knee & neck posture alone there is probably costing him 2" if not 3" inches.
RP said on 9/Feb/18
Dicksock ...Bam Bam was 6'2" ...
dicksock said on 7/Feb/18
Here's a good picture a Andre and 6'1" Bam Bam Bigelow from 1992: Click Here

Taking everything into consideration, Andre was still looking about 6'10" in the last 6 months of his life. Despite his posture being terrible and Bam Bam being closer to the camera, he still looked about 8" taller. He would have easily been at least 9" taller if those factors weren't involved.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 7/Feb/18
JT said on 7/Feb/18
....probably had a footwear advantage as he had on those black orthopedic shoes he started wearing.....


Typically JT "assumption"....

show proof of Andres footwearadvantage...
Danimal said on 7/Feb/18
Andre and 6'4" King Kong Bundy probably in the late 80's. Andre looking TALL here. Click Here
JT said on 7/Feb/18
Andre had around 5 inches on ~ 6’4” Big Boss Man in 1991 and probably had a footwear advantage as he had on those black orthopedic shoes he started wearing beginning around 1986 when his feet swelled up from CHF Click Here (beginning around 16:50)
dicksock said on 6/Feb/18
Here's Andre with 6'5" Jake Roberts from 1986: Click Here

He would definitely be 6" taller if he stood to his full height. It's doubtful Andre was wearing cowboy boots here. Jake was probably in sneakers. Andre was looking about 5"/5.5" taller, but as usual his posture was very poor. If he straightened up, he'd be at least 6" taller than 6'5" Jake. So, about 6'11".
Chaz said on 6/Feb/18
Danimal said on 5/Feb/18
Here is a good height comparison between Andre and then 6'5" Jake Robert in 1991 (Andre died in 1993). Andre is not crutches due to just having had knee surgery and can't stand up straight. He's also quite hunched over in the upper back/neck area. Andre still has at least 5" on Jake. So to claim he wasn't more than 6'10" when he was young and healthy and could stand straight as an arrow as he did in the 70's is ridiculous. Skip the video to 36 seconds.
Click Here

How is that a good comparison? we cannot see the footwear,and we know from 1975 next to Shoemaker he never had 2' over him with perfect posture and he was only about 380lbs then,so I would love to know when he was 7'? .

And all this going on about the 208cm measurement,like it's so far out,that is the height he was billed at in the early days in the UK.and even if he was 6'11'' in the morning the 9.75'' could of been an evening height.he was 6'10-11''at he's tallest.
Danimal said on 5/Feb/18
Here is a good height comparison between Andre and then 6'5" Jake Robert in 1991 (Andre died in 1993). Andre is not crutches due to just having had knee surgery and can't stand up straight. He's also quite hunched over in the upper back/neck area. Andre still has at least 5" on Jake. So to claim he wasn't more than 6'10" when he was young and healthy and could stand straight as an arrow as he did in the 70's is ridiculous. Skip the video to 36 seconds.
Click Here
dicksock said on 4/Feb/18
Here's Lee Majors talking about Andre: Click Here

That settles it. He was 7'5-7'6". But seriously, I will always stick with my 6'11" estimate. He just never looked like a legit 7 footer with guys like Hogan or even his manager, Frank Valois, who was listed as 6'1"/6'2". I'll say about 6'11" prime and closer to 6'10" towards the end of his life. But, he looked like a legit 7 footer in his big cowboy boots. They made him look nearly 2" taller than he did in his wrestling boots.
RP said on 3/Feb/18
Most people in the know, who knew & worked with him personally ...when they shoot interview & tell the truth, usually say that Andre in his prime was a hair over 7'0" to 7'1" & about 6'11" at the end of his in-ring career (1988-1992) time frame. And that from (1975-1990) his weight went from 420 lbs to 520+ lbs....with briefly peaking around 550 lbs.
62B said on 3/Feb/18
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 3/Feb/18
Just Meltzers estimation from this pic, no measurement at 6´11.5". Meltzer also claimed he saw a french athletic commission document with Andres height at 208cm.

It´s not hard to see that Andre was clearly taller than 208cm at peak, if not Hogan was never above 6´4"...
The height could be just an old measurement from a still growing Andre...

Or it could be fictional all together.
Doink said on 3/Feb/18
Bruce Prichard aka "Brother Love" (Vince McMahon's right-hand man for 20+ years) said on his podcast this week that "Andre was probably about 7 foot".

Click Here
iconjj said on 3/Feb/18
Guys for what its worth on Something to Wrestle with Bruce Prichard ep. 85 around 1:14:45 Conrad flat out asks Bruce about how tall Andre was really. Bruce said Andre was really "about 7 foot tall, but with the fro 7'4".
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 3/Feb/18
star69 said on 2/Feb/18
Juby5'9 3/4 said on 2/Feb/18
Andre was 6-11

That photo has been posted here many times over the years. It actually says Andre was 6'11 1/2

Just Meltzers estimation from this pic, no measurement at 6´11.5". Meltzer also claimed he saw a french athletic commission document with Andres height at 208cm.

It´s not hard to see that Andre was clearly taller than 208cm at peak, if not Hogan was never above 6´4"...
The height could be just an old measurement from a still growing Andre...
Gretz said on 2/Feb/18
Actually this shows a 1984 Andre at over 6'11,Probably at least 6'11.5 minimum.Take that wig off Wilt and you will gain a new perspective.Many people don't know Andre was told by Vince sr. And jr never to have a pic taken with someone taller than him so with his shoes on and a buzz going he thought he was tall as Wilt and in the b and w pic they are the same one 6'9".75 could pull this off.
star69 said on 2/Feb/18
Juby5'9 3/4 said on 2/Feb/18
Andre was 6-11

That photo has been posted here many times over the years. It actually says Andre was 6'11 1/2, which was what he was listed on this site a few years back.
Juby5'9 3/4 said on 2/Feb/18
Andre was 6-11
Click Here
Gretz said on 31/Jan/18
Come on now I here from 6'9".75 to 7'5 in the first two posts since coming back.Anyone who has researched heights knows he was never close to 7'5",or he had enough of a footware advantage to build him as an equal to 7'1" Wilt Chamberlain.If you look at the cake pics from circa 1972 some of the guys are listed as 6'0"+.Then Andre was 7'0"+ I think he dropped below the 7'0" mark sometime after the Backlund pic in 1978.By 1984 with Wilt he could still be 6'11".75.But by the time he fights Hogan at WrestleMania backstage talk had him at 6'10.5 and that actually looks about right.
dicksock said on 31/Jan/18
Guanzo said on 31/Jan/18
HBO movie claims Andre at 7'4" lol!

Andre is 6'9" 3/4 max

6'10" at his young years maybe.


That movie hasn't even come out. Where did you hear this? The maker of the documentary did an interview with Dave Meltzer where he said Andre was 6'10"/6'11" in his prime, so I don't think they are going to push the 7'4" crap. Again, what are you even referencing?
star69 said on 31/Jan/18
Murtuza said on 30/Jan/18
Andre's Peak was Definitely 7'5 and his peak was around 1970-1980 when he died they measured him at 6'11 and yea he was 6'11 when he died because he had a lot of surgery and he was old so he shrank but his peak 7'5

LOL. He was NOT 7'5" ever! Andre was only 46 when he passed away...far from old.
Guanzo said on 31/Jan/18
HBO movie claims Andre at 7'4" lol!

Andre is 6'9" 3/4 max

6'10" at his young years maybe.
Halb said on 31/Jan/18
'When he was 7 feet tall or close to.' Jim Cornette discussing André in the 70s.
Click Here
Murtuza said on 30/Jan/18
Andre's Peak was Definitely 7'5 and his peak was around 1970-1980 when he died they measured him at 6'11 and yea he was 6'11 when he died because he had a lot of surgery and he was old so he shrank but his peak 7'5
Logic said on 28/Jan/18
Akebono standing beside of two ~6'6" guys.

Click Here

Kaido Hoovelson is on the far left and Jaideep Singh is standing in the middle. Kaido was also a sumo and Judo wrestler and his height is usually listed between 197-198 cm (6'5.5"- 6'6"). And Jaideep's height is usually listed between 196-198 cm (6'5"-6.6").

Logic said on 28/Jan/18
Akebono and Sapp almost nose to nose

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

Click Here

They looked to both be wearing dress shoes at that event.

Click Here

Click Here

HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 28/Jan/18
RP said on 26/Jan/18
Undertaker appears to have a 0.75" footwear advantage on The Big Show in that video. Zoom in & check it out.


I don´t see 0.75" more footwear, that would be twice as thick as BigShows sole...

Click Here

Taker has max 1" sole and Big Ahow about 0.75". Takers boots only look thick from a distance because of the kickpad design...
But look how Big Show is slightly getting on his Tip Toes - that gives more height than Takers 0.25" footwearadvantage.

Big Show claimed on tv that Taker is about 3" shorter than him, so that looks to be their barfoot gap in 1999 between 3 and 3.5".
Click Here
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 28/Jan/18
Rob, we have a lot of measured height listings for Akebono and imo a visible heightloss from 2003 to 2015 about 1"

will you give him a page?

If not, whats your peak estimate range for Akebono like imo 204cm morning(Not right out of bed) to 202cm evening?
Editor Rob
Well I think seeing Akebono barefoot 5 inches taller than Jim Duggan kind of nullifies peak 6ft 6, but he definitely lost height and probably can't stand as tall as he once did...he can seem 6ft 6 at times, but peak may well have been 6ft 8.

He is worth a page, I'm not so sure myself though, he's a confusing guy at times.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 28/Jan/18
Chaz said on 27/Jan/18
JT said on 26/Jan/18
Click Here

Akebono has the same height over Sapp as Andre did over Hogan.


Only with this kind of crappy angles and lose posture
Guanzo said on 27/Jan/18
Here 6'7" Martyn Ford with 7'2" Olivier Richters,

Click Here

How 7'4" guy looks like,

Click Here

That 7'4" guy looks to genetically tall (large body)
tree said on 27/Jan/18
Next to 6ft6 Hogan Click Here
He looked shorter and smaller than usually
Chaz said on 27/Jan/18
JT said on 26/Jan/18
Click Here

Akebono has the same height over Sapp as Andre did over Hogan.and people say he was 6' taller.Akebono is at least 4'' taller there he's down by he's eyes,that is more like 4.5''without knowing the footwear.
JT said on 26/Jan/18
Click Here
Chaz said on 26/Jan/18
dicksock said on 25/Jan/18
Here is a good staredown from 1999 between Big Show and Undertaker: Click Here

Notice how when Show is in modest heels, he looks less than 4" taller than Undertaker? Closer to 3". Taker was 6'7" tops in his prime, so I can't see Show over 6'11" here and more like 6'10.5". Maybe I'm wrong, but does anybody think Show looks over 6'11" there?

No because he never was over 6'11'' in the Evening,if he was nere 7' it would be first thing in the morning.Shaq was more than likely only 7' in the evening.and 7'1'' morning,that is why in the day with he's 1.5''trainers he's 7'2''
RP said on 26/Jan/18
Undertaker appears to have a 0.75" footwear advantage on The Big Show in that video. Zoom in & check it out.
mrtguy said on 25/Jan/18
Rob, here's another pic of the so called 7'4'' guy is his clam feasible and how big would you say his head is ??
Click Here
dicksock said on 25/Jan/18
Here is a good staredown from 1999 between Big Show and Undertaker: Click Here

Notice how when Show is in modest heels, he looks less than 4" taller than Undertaker? Closer to 3". Taker was 6'7" tops in his prime, so I can't see Show over 6'11" here and more like 6'10.5". Maybe I'm wrong, but does anybody think Show looks over 6'11" there?
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 25/Jan/18
Kunoichi said on 25/Jan/18
Click Here
In my opinion, his height may include the head of a head.
Akebono Sapp in 2003
Click Here

Thanks for the Akebono listings, I´ve seen another list but can´t find it atm.

Here´s imo a better angle of the 2003 photoshoot
Click Here

Sapp has his head down and Akebono looks still only 3" taller

The measurements seem morning measurements because they went from 204cm to 203cm back to 204cm then 203.5cm.
I don´t think Akebono ever measured taller than 202cm 6´7.5" for eveningheight.
Chaz said on 25/Jan/18
Logic said on 25/Jan/18Matt Bloom/Albert and Akebono looked to be very close to nearly identical in height when they were wearing the same footwear stand sid by side. And Matt Bloom is probably no more than 6'7"..... if even that.

Click Here

Matt Bloom has got he's chin up, back straite.Akebono has he's chin down round back and feet wider apart.he would gain a good 1'' if he stood up right.
Logic said on 25/Jan/18
These photos were taken from a different match between Akebono and Viscera. You get a fairly clear view of their respective footwear on the first link.

Click Here

Click Here

Akebono has said on video that he was 6'5" and 315 pounds at age 18. Did he grow another 3"? It's possible. But in my opinion he looked to be around 6'7".

Click Here

Matt Bloom/Albert and Akebono looked to be very close to nearly identical in height when they were wearing the same footwear stand sid by side. And Matt Bloom is probably no more than 6'7"..... if even that.

Click Here

Kunoichi said on 25/Jan/18
Click Here
In my opinion, his height may include the head of a head.
Akebono Sapp in 2003
Click Here
Chaz said on 24/Jan/18
The thing is the Japanese are stickers for accuracy,if they say they measured Akebono at 203.9cm 6'8.25''.and they made a big thing of it at the time,you can bet your house they did,at some point in the day.

and some on here need to look at footwear and posture befor they make fools of themselves saying people are the same height.
JT said on 24/Jan/18
Akebono and Viscera are standing in about the same spot here and their footwear Click Here
Chaz said on 23/Jan/18
RoelC said on 22/Jan/18
dicksock said on 20/Jan/18
Viscera actually looks a little taller than him. I think Akebono could have been 6'8" in his prime in the morning. But, he was no more than 6'6.5" with Viscera in the evening. I don't see how Akebono's evening height with Big Show could have been 6'8". Big Show's evening height was probably no more than 6'10.5" and 7' in his boots at that time.
Viscera was wearing platform boots with Akebono. Click Here

my God he's heels are even bigger than I was thinking,I knew they was at least 1.5'' but they are more like 2'',they make Big Show's heels look like Andre's and Haystack's heels. I wonder why he looks the same height as Akebono ? lol .if Akebono was only 6'6''then Giant Silver must only be 6'10-11''.because no way was he 6.5'' taller.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 23/Jan/18
Click Here
BDV Platforms look like Kanes later platforms and BDV comes out 0.5" shorter than Kane, so 6´6.5" looks right - 6´6"flat arguable.
Akebono has max 0.75" footwear and BDV 1.75"-1.9"(similar to BigShows platforms).
BDV looks a half inch taller than Akebono.

BDV 6´6.5"+~1.8"footwear = ~ 6´8 1/4" in ring height.
Akebono 6´7 3/4" in ring- low footwear= 6´7"-6´7 1/4" barefoot.
Oanh said on 22/Jan/18
Akebono looked 2-2.5” taller then 6’4” Bob Sapp when they faced off. Maybe 6’7 out of bed height. The 6’8 listing has to be with shoes on because there is no way he’s that height in barefeet.
mrtguy said on 22/Jan/18
Rob, do you think this guy truly is 7'4'' and how big do you think his head look compared to the other bloke??
Click Here
Editor Rob
Looks over an inch longer, but I don't know if he's a full 7 foot 4 or not.
RoelC said on 22/Jan/18
dicksock said on 20/Jan/18
Viscera actually looks a little taller than him. I think Akebono could have been 6'8" in his prime in the morning. But, he was no more than 6'6.5" with Viscera in the evening. I don't see how Akebono's evening height with Big Show could have been 6'8". Big Show's evening height was probably no more than 6'10.5" and 7' in his boots at that time.
Viscera was wearing platform boots with Akebono. Click Here
Logic said on 21/Jan/18
For what it's worth, starting at the 1:50 mark Akebono said that he was 6'5" and 315 pounds at age 18.

Click Here
Logic said on 21/Jan/18
JT said on 20/Jan/18

Akebono in small heel boots was taller next to Matt Bloom than Taker was in decent size heels.


I am not so sure about that because Matt Bloom's boots in that match with the Undertaker appeared to have had a rather thick heel. So, Matt Bloom may have been about a 1/2" or so shorter than the Undertaker at that time if they were wearing boots with similar sized heels.

Here is a screen shot of that match where you can see the thickness of Matt Bloom's boot heel.

Click Here

A different photo of Matt Bloom and Akebono.

Click Here

Matt Bloom and Akebono had shoes with similar sized heels and they were about the same height.... although Akebono may edge Bloom by a bit. In my opinion, Akebono does not look to be over 6'7" in those photos with Matt Bloom, Dennis Rodman, Big Show or Viscera.
dicksock said on 20/Jan/18
Logic said on 17/Jan/18
Akebono is probably no more than 6'7".

A stare down between Akebono and Viscera/Mable. Viscera is listed here at 6'6.5".

Click Here


Viscera actually looks a little taller than him. I think Akebono could have been 6'8" in his prime in the morning. But, he was no more than 6'6.5" with Viscera in the evening. I don't see how Akebono's evening height with Big Show could have been 6'8". Big Show's evening height was probably no more than 6'10.5" and 7' in his boots at that time.
JT said on 20/Jan/18
star69 said on 19/Jan/18
Akebono never looked 6'8 to me; I think he is 6'6-6'6 1/2.

Akebono in small heel boots was taller next to Matt Bloom than Taker was in decent size heels Click Here So what's your estimate for Taker's height then?
star69 said on 19/Jan/18
Akebono never looked 6'8 to me; I think he is 6'6-6'6 1/2.
star69 said on 19/Jan/18
Andre looked close to 7'0 at his less than 6'11. After his back surgery in the mid 1980's he seemed to have
lost some height. When he passed away, it was reported that he was 6'10.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 18/Jan/18
Click Here
25:30 onwards Akebono looks 6´6"flat facing Sapp in 2015
Logic said on 17/Jan/18
Akebono is probably no more than 6'7".

A stare down between Akebono and Viscera/Mable. Viscera is listed here at 6'6.5".

Click Here

Click Here

The stare down is around the 2:09 - 2:10 mark. Also, Akebono did not appear to be any taller than Dennis Rodman.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 17/Jan/18
JT said on 17/Jan/18
Click Here

Click Here No footwear issues, at least as to Akebono and Big Show. Akebono with a footwear disadvantage looked around 6 inches taller than Lesnar when they wrestled a few years later Click Here so his 6’8” sumo listing looks accurate.


Nice find for the Studd one,

Still making all to let Paul look taller than he was for the other one. Akebono was 204cm listed for the tallest he ever got - probably a morning measurement. He uasually looks 201cm-202cm wich he also measured before and after the 204cm listing....
Click Here Akebono for sure is not 4-4.5" taller than 6´4" Bob Sapp Click Here

So put Akebono down two more legit evening 201-202cm eveningheight and Paul struggles cracking the 6´11" barefoot.
Click Here

Your Lesnar pic counts to bad angle useless to estimate real height gap....
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 17/Jan/18
JT said on 17/Jan/18
Click Here

Click Here No footwear issues, at least as to Akebono and Big Show. Akebono with a footwear disadvantage looked around 6 inches taller than Lesnar when they wrestled a few years later Click Here so his 6’8” sumo listing looks accurate.


Nice find for the Studd one,

Still making all to let Paul look taller than he was for the other one. Akebono was 204cm listed for the tallest he ever got - probably a morning measurement. He uasually looks 201cm-202cm wich he also measured before and after the 204cm listing....
Click Here Akebono for sure is not 4-4.5" taller than 6´4" Bob Sapp Click Here

So put Akebono down two more legit evening 201-202cm eveningheight and Paul struggles cracking the 6´11" barefoot.

Your Lesnar pic counts to bad angle useless to estimate real height gap....
JT said on 17/Jan/18
Click Here

Click Here No footwear issues, at least as to Akebono and Big Show. Akebono with a footwear disadvantage looked around 6 inches taller than Lesnar when they wrestled a few years later Click Here so his 6’8” sumo listing looks accurate.
dicksock said on 10/Jan/18
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 10/Jan/18
Click Here
Imo one of the few shots of Andre with comparable angle to the Big Show Jericho staredaown.
Scale shows height in their footwear. That was after surgery Andre looking 6´10.5"barefoot and 6´11-11.25" in his wrestlingboots.
Big Show looks taller because of his big footwear. Reducing the Frankenstein bootadvantage Big Show looks between 6´10.5"-6´11" so maybe a cm taller than after surgery Andre.


Another perfect comparison. I wonder what the nonsensical excuses will be. Perhaps they will just ignore this comparison because there is nothing to argue.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 10/Jan/18
62B. said on 8/Jan/18
For sure Shows boots if anything would give him more than Hogans boots because Shows sole under the toes is thicker than Hogans boots.
Assuming the scaling is on.


Funny thing is, I didn´t scale them up to fit with their real heights, it´s just the result if both heels were equal.

One thing is sure, peak Hogan wouldn´t look taller than this in a real life measuring-up.
This means Big Shows heels could even be larger than Hogans cowboyboots.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 10/Jan/18
Click Here
Imo one of the few shots of Andre with comparable angle to the Big Show Jericho staredaown.
Scale shows height in their footwear. That was after surgery Andre looking 6´10.5"barefoot and 6´11-11.25" in his wrestlingboots.
Big Show looks taller because of his big footwear. Reducing the Frankenstein bootadvantage Big Show looks between 6´10.5"-6´11" so maybe a cm taller than after surgery Andre.
dicksock said on 10/Jan/18
Here is Big Show with ~5'11" JJ Dillon from 2008: Click Here

JJ comes up to the middle of Show's chin.

Here is JJ next to Bob Backlund from 2008: Click Here

Notice how Bob is about 1"-1.5" taller than Dillon. So he was definitely looking about 6' in 2008.

Here is Andre next to a YOUNG Bob Backlund: Click Here

A young Backlund came up to the middle of Andre's chin and an old JJ Dillon came up to the middle of Big Show's chin. Big Show was only 35/36 in the Dillon picture. Andre was probably in his early 30s with Backlund. We can assume Big Show was in sneakers and Andre was in his .25" heeled wrestling boots from the 70s.
62B. said on 8/Jan/18
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 8/Jan/18
dicksock said on 6/Jan/18
Honestly, Andre in cowboy boots would not have much of an advantage over Show in his wrestling boots.

Look at how small his bare feet come out next to his "frankensteinbooots" Click Here

They gave nothing less than peak Hogans cowboyboots Click Here
Generally I don't hold much stock in combined pictures due to having know way to know if the two pictures are scaled perfectly to one another. But the Hogan cowboy boot to Big Shows thick wrestling boot looks pretty close. For sure Shows boots if anything would give him more than Hogans boots because Shows sole under the toes is thicker than Hogans boots. Assuming the scaling is on.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 8/Jan/18
tree said on 7/Jan/18
WM 3 Andre was pretty fat...
Andre was very big but a pretty boring wrestler,maybe his bones were too heavy too move quicker.


So you base Andre´s wrestling skills on an after surgery passing the torch broken down Andre.
Andre when he still could wrestle was far better coordinated and had far more in ring intelligence than Big Show.

Andre used the Tombstone piledriver long before Taker was born, Andre jumped the giant Splash (Like Earthquakes finish)from the top of the turnbuckle on his Opponents chest - Big Show wouldn´t be able on his best day jumping from the turnbuckle bottom to opponents chest without hurting him and himself badly.
Logic said on 8/Jan/18
This is not height related but here is a photo of Andre that some of you may have never seen.

Andre holding Kevin Sullivan and Kevin's brother in his arms.

Click Here

Click Here

dicksock said on 8/Jan/18
Chaz said on 7/Jan/18
dicksock said on 6/Jan/18Big Show is a little closer to the camera in that picture. Bruno looks the same next to both guys. Both pictures are at pretty much the same angle. Bruno is shorter with Big Show and Big Show has a footwear advantage, yet both guy look about the same height. I never said that you think Big Show is 7' so I don't know why you're bringing it up. It is beyond obvious that Big Show was never taller than Andre in his prime. Honestly, Andre in cowboy boots would not have much of an advantage over Show in his wrestling boots. Andre was 6'10.75"-6'11.5" prime and Big Show was 6'11"-6'11.5". It's also possible Andre was taller than Show.

Nonsence,you don't know what you are looking at,Andre as camera advantage over Bruno in that pic and in the other one Bruno as the slight advantage.and even worse the photo is taken closer in the Andre it's of no use what so ever.


I know exactly what I'm looking at. You are just making ridiculous excuses. Bruno looks the same height with both guys. Not to mention Bruno from 1976 was probably taller than he was in 1996.

Here's Andre with ~5'11" Dusty Rhodes: Click Here

Rhodes has about .75" of footwear advantage and Andre still looks about 11.5"-12" taller. The other man is Mil Mascaras, who is billed at 5'11". He has a .5" minimum footwear advantage and is slightly closer to the camera.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 8/Jan/18
Chaz said on 4/Jan/18
Rubbish their feet were both about the same size 18 and face and hands there is not much in it.Andre's hands were just thicker.

Their claims on tv sound pretty legit:

Andre claimed size 20 on Letterman, wich easy fits with this
Click Here

Big Show claimed size 17 on tv total 2:45min
Click Here
Host claims 1,82m but looking at him with other celebs he doesn´t look that regarding evening height. ~1,80m evening.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 8/Jan/18
dicksock said on 6/Jan/18
Honestly, Andre in cowboy boots would not have much of an advantage over Show in his wrestling boots.

Look at how small his bare feet come out next to his "frankensteinbooots" Click Here

They gave nothing less than peak Hogans cowboyboots Click Here
aaronious said on 7/Jan/18
Tree, all good points. in fact Andre's internal organs continued to grow, and his spine compressed and curved more with age, making him shorter as he got older passed his mid 30's
Chaz said on 7/Jan/18
dicksock said on 6/Jan/18Big Show is a little closer to the camera in that picture. Bruno looks the same next to both guys. Both pictures are at pretty much the same angle. Bruno is shorter with Big Show and Big Show has a footwear advantage, yet both guy look about the same height. I never said that you think Big Show is 7' so I don't know why you're bringing it up. It is beyond obvious that Big Show was never taller than Andre in his prime. Honestly, Andre in cowboy boots would not have much of an advantage over Show in his wrestling boots. Andre was 6'10.75"-6'11.5" prime and Big Show was 6'11"-6'11.5". It's also possible Andre was taller than Show.

Nonsence,you don't know what you are looking at,Andre as camera advantage over Bruno in that pic and in the other one Bruno as the slight advantage.and even worse the photo is taken closer in the Andre it's of no use what so ever.
tree said on 7/Jan/18
WM 3 Andre was pretty fat.
Even a fat Big Show had that athletic V shaped form also Big Show was more athletic in the ring Click Here

Andre was very big but a pretty boring wrestler,maybe his bones were too heavy too move quicker.
Lawrence said on 7/Jan/18
Hogan was never any 6'6'' you would need a 6'8.5_9" Sid, a 6'9''Taker and a 6'5'5" Kamala For that to be true.

And Andre is not 6',taller than Hogan in that photo more like 4', he's up to he's forhead even adding 1' for the camera advantage, only get the real answer a 6'5'',guy next to a 6'10'guy.
Capt. Nobody said on 6/Jan/18
JT said on 4/Jan/18
Click Here Rene Goulet was probably around Bruno’s height.


So, basically you're saying Shaq is like 3-4 inches taller than Wilt?
tree said on 6/Jan/18
You know what i hate?When i read the youtube comments and when Andre is not looking 7feet some people say well cuz he was still growing and did not reach his 7ft4..they also ignore the fact that he didn't look 7ft4 in his later years
Well having gigantism doesn't mean you keep growing taller till you die only your internal organs do.
And when you can see that he is not looking more than 7 feet with the self proclaimed 6ft7 Hugan(who was no more than 6ft6)but they still see Andre at 7ft4 next to him.

They msust be some clueless 8 years old kids.
dicksock said on 6/Jan/18
Chaz said on 3/Jan/18
dicksock said on 2/Jan/18 Here's another great comparison: Click Here

How is that a great comparison? in the Bruno Andre one Andre is close to the camera,and it's a closer shot,in the Bruno Big Show one Bruno is close to the camera (look at the size of he's head?)and the shot is taken from more of a distance.

And I have never had Big Show at a full 7' I have been saying for years he's at most 6'11.5'' and not over 6'11'' in the evening.


Big Show is a little closer to the camera in that picture. Bruno looks the same next to both guys. Both pictures are at pretty much the same angle. Bruno is shorter with Big Show and Big Show has a footwear advantage, yet both guy look about the same height. I never said that you think Big Show is 7' so I don't know why you're bringing it up. It is beyond obvious that Big Show was never taller than Andre in his prime. Honestly, Andre in cowboy boots would not have much of an advantage over Show in his wrestling boots. Andre was 6'10.75"-6'11.5" prime and Big Show was 6'11"-6'11.5". It's also possible Andre was taller than Show.
Lkyung said on 6/Jan/18
this is they call a giant...
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 5/Jan/18
tree said on 4/Jan/18
Andre was bigger than Show only when he got very fat,a slimmer Andre was smaller than a slim Big Show Click Here Click Here
Big Show looked more impressive when he was the same weight as Andre

Show wasn´t that impressive as "slim" WCW newbi. Andre at WM3 was giantwise far more impressive than Show.

Show was produced better with big wrestlingboots and camera wise. Yeah Show did bodybuilding to look impressive, but compared to Andre he looked sawft giant.
Andre clearly had the bigger giant features like hands, feet and the giant head, his head was the most impressing and his torso mid eighties.

Look WM 3 when he´s down on his back - Big Show never looked that unreal gigantic.

Andre was the legit giant. Big Show hadn´t the chance because he got surgery, turning him from the next giant to an oversized truckdriver.

they were the same size peak weight and height, but Andre was the giant.
Anonymous said on 5/Jan/18
tree said on 3/Jan/18
Rob a 6ft11 listign wouldn't be better?
Andre was 31 years old here and did not look over 6ft11 Click Here

try 41. He was born in 1946.
RP said on 5/Jan/18 Wrestlemania 3, Andre was 40 years old. Not 31.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 5/Jan/18
tree said on 3/Jan/18
Rob a 6ft11 listign wouldn't be better?
Andre was 31 years old here and did not look over 6ft11 Click Here


Naaaah he was 41 :)
Hogan is closer to the camera, Andre already had big back and knee surgery.

But I agree 6´11", 6´11.25" would fit him much better.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 5/Jan/18
Click Here

Andre with 6´2" Tony Atlas, no possibility Andre is under 6´11" there
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 5/Jan/18
JT said on 4/Jan/18
Click Here Rene Goulet was probably around Bruno’s height.

Really? Still looked solid 5´11" as a very old man next to 6´1.5" Chris...

Click Here

And the angle in your pic isn´t favouring Big Show???
You are sick with your Big Show/Andre thing - seriously.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 5/Jan/18
Chaz said on 4/Jan/18
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 4/Jan/18
Andre and Show were both ~6´11"peak, Show had Brain surgery, Andre didn´t.
So it´s clear Andre had the bigger head, feet, hands and overall body.

Big Show covering up with bodybuilding, but overall being the Giant - Andre is clear ahead.

Rubbish their feet were both about the same size 18 and face and hands there is not much in it.Andre's hands were just thicker.and Big Show said he's top weight for a short time was 535lbs and he had much bigger legs than Andre.

Rubbish is the nonsense you spread out, even Hogan claimed how small Big Shows feet were compared to Andre´s
Show himself claimed size 17 on TV.

Andre didn´t have the surgery, so it´s common sense face, hands and feet grew larger than Big Shows.
tree said on 4/Jan/18
Andre was bigger than Show only when he got very fat,a slimmer Andre was smaller than a slim Big Show Click Here Click Here
Big Show looked more impressive when he was the same weight as Andre
Chaz said on 4/Jan/18
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 4/Jan/18
Andre and Show were both ~6´11"peak, Show had Brain surgery, Andre didn´t.
So it´s clear Andre had the bigger head, feet, hands and overall body.

Big Show covering up with bodybuilding, but overall being the Giant - Andre is clear ahead.

Rubbish their feet were both about the same size 18 and face and hands there is not much in it.Andre's hands were just thicker.and Big Show said he's top weight for a short time was 535lbs and he had much bigger legs than Andre.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 4/Jan/18
Andre and Show were both ~6´11"peak, Show had Brain surgery, Andre didn´t.
So it´s clear Andre had the bigger head, feet, hands and overall body.

Big Show covering up with bodybuilding, but overall being the Giant - Andre is clear ahead.
JT said on 4/Jan/18
Click Here Rene Goulet was probably around Bruno’s height.
tree said on 3/Jan/18
Rob a 6ft11 listign wouldn't be better?
Andre was 31 years old here and did not look over 6ft11 Click Here
tree said on 3/Jan/18
If Hogan was 6ft6 than Andre was 6ft11 Click Here
Logan said on 3/Jan/18
6-11 in his prime, 6-10 in the late 80's and early 90's
Chaz said on 3/Jan/18
dicksock said on 2/Jan/18 Here's another great comparison: Click Here

How is that a great comparison? in the Bruno Andre one Andre is close to the camera,and it's a closer shot,in the Bruno Big Show one Bruno is close to the camera (look at the size of he's head?)and the shot is taken from more of a distance.

And I have never had Big Show at a full 7' I have been saying for years he's at most 6'11.5'' and not over 6'11'' in the evening.
dicksock said on 2/Jan/18
JT said on 2/Jan/18
dicksock said on 1/Jan/18
....Sigh...Big Show was never taller than Andre. Click Here
What's your excuse? Big Show has the footwear advantage by the way. Both men were 6'11"...

You really need an education on the effect of camera angles..... Click Here


I guess everyone else does to. I guess Rob does. You are so salty because pretty much no one buys into what you're selling. Have fun thinking Big Show was 2-3" taller than Andre. Whatever helps you sleep at night. There's a reason Big Show and Andre have the same peak listing on this site. There's a reason Terry Todd told you that Andre was bigger and taller than Big Show. It isn't because Big Show was 7' and Andre was 6'9.5". Both guys were about 6'11" in their primes, but Show looked at little taller because of his posture and huge in-ring footwear advantage. This is beyond obvious, and most on this site understand it. After over a decade of your futile effort, you should understand it too.

Here's another great comparison: Click Here
JT said on 2/Jan/18
dicksock said on 1/Jan/18
....Sigh...Big Show was never taller than Andre. Click Here
What's your excuse? Big Show has the footwear advantage by the way. Both men were 6'11"...

You really need an education on the effect of camera angles..... Click Here
Chaz said on 2/Jan/18
Duhon said on 30/Dec/17
Remember the story how Vince did everything to prevent Andre ever being seen next to Kareem Abdul Jabbar? Imagine if this guy was around back then? Click Here

That is a good example of how much you gain from being closer to the camera,unless Jabbar is only 6'11'' now.he's looking 7''shorter when it should be 4-4.5''.
Takerfan said on 2/Jan/18
uhon said on 30/Dec/17
Remember the story how Vince did everything to prevent Andre ever being seen next to Kareem Abdul Jabbar? Imagine if this guy was around back then? Click Here

Gonzales was taller than him and was around back in the early 90s, there wasn't much height difference between Andre and Wilt and there wasn't much height difference between Wilt and Kareem
dicksock said on 1/Jan/18
Chaz said on 30/Dec/17
dicksock said on 29/Dec/17Whatever you say buddy. How about this? Click Here
And obviously Andre could stand taller not to mention that he was past his prime and had a footwear disadvantage. But, I'm sure you'll have an excuse. Anything to avoid admitting the obvious.

Yes but in this Andre's face and Big Show,s face are about the same size,and in the @HeightcrazyRed6ft useless comparison,Andre's face
looks huge.that is because he's close to the lens,end of story.for every 12'' you gain 1'' you can't have it both ways.Andre,s face was just under 12'' and I would say Big Shows is just over 11.5'' Andre's hair made it look longer,


Sigh...Big Show was never taller than Andre. Click Here
What's your excuse? Big Show has the footwear advantage by the way. Both men were 6'11"...
aaronious said on 31/Dec/17
Capt Nobody, JT did the totally fudged shot. all of his photos are bad comparisons, he never gets them right.
Lawrence said on 31/Dec/17
I don't See what Using Andre and Big Show comparisons have to do with making Andre 7'1'' Big Show was only 7'1'' in boots. And 6'11_6'11.5'' barefoot at most. He was at least 1'' shorter than Shaq. Who was just over 7'.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 30/Dec/17
JT said on 28/Dec/17
Sportswriters covering the Ali-Inoki-Andre-Wepner press conference from 1976 estimated Andre at 6’9” for a reason...


Yeah and the reason becomes very clear watching a vid like this from 1984 and see how much height Andre lost with his usual slouch.
If peak Andre stands straight there´s no visible heightdifference next to peak Big Show, except one is in bigger footwear.

Click Here

Click Here Hogan in 1984 was easy 5.5"-5.75" shorter than Andre
and they look having exactly the same gap as in 1979 Click Here

The Wilt Arnie Andre pics are also from 1984 Click Here

Again just for fun:

1984 Andre has 5.5" on 6´5.5" Hogan either in equal or Andre in a bit less footwear.
1984 cowboybootet Andre was about normal bootet Wilt Chamberlains height and nothing less than 12" taller than 6´1" Arnie in normal footwear (0.75-1" as Wilt).

Arnie in boots ~6´1.75", Andre in big cowboyboots ~7´1.75"
Hogan in wrestlingboots ~6´6.25", Andre in equal or less wrestlingboots ~6´11.75"

So the gap between cowboybootet and thin wrestlingbootet Andre was ~2", so Andres cowboyboots gave 2.25-2.5"max.

I can´t go under 6´10.75"-eveningheight for Andre peak to 1987 and no higher than 6´11.25"

During my first years visiting celebheights, I thought Andre could´ve been 6´11.5"-7´ evening but I can´t go that high anymore.

Rob would you complete rule out peak evening 6´11" for Andre?
Duhon said on 30/Dec/17
Remember the story how Vince did everything to prevent Andre ever being seen next to Kareem Abdul Jabbar? Imagine if this guy was around back then? Click Here
Chaz said on 30/Dec/17
dicksock said on 29/Dec/17Whatever you say buddy. How about this? Click Here
And obviously Andre could stand taller not to mention that he was past his prime and had a footwear disadvantage. But, I'm sure you'll have an excuse. Anything to avoid admitting the obvious.

Yes but in this Andre's face and Big Show,s face are about the same size,and in the @HeightcrazyRed6ft useless comparison,Andre's face
looks huge.that is because he's close to the lens,end of story.for every 12'' you gain 1'' you can't have it both ways.Andre,s face was just under 12'' and I would say Big Shows is just over 11.5'' Andre's hair made it look longer,
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 30/Dec/17

And who's that 7'0" tall wrestler you're referring to?
Capt. Nobody said on 29/Dec/17
Chaz said on 28/Dec/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 26/Dec/17
Click Here

Shame Andre is side on and much closer to the lens,best leave the comparisons to JT he knows what he is doing.


Who did that shot with Wilt and Andre holding Arnold that was revealed to have been totally fudged?
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 29/Dec/17
dicksock said on 26/Dec/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 26/Dec/17
Click Here


And the award for best comparison pic of 2017 goes to...

Chaz said on 28/Dec/17
best leave the comparisons to JT he knows what he is doing.


Just about to figure out wich was the bigger compliment...

Since it just came from the little bumlicker not JT himself...

dicksock is miles ahead of both.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 29/Dec/17
Click Here

Hogan looked exactly this height next to Andre in their first tv staredown in 1979, so nothing to argue about this comparison.

Big Show, once he gets rid of the Big Footwear comes out pretty near if nor exactly Andres height.

Next to peak Hogan, I think it´s clear that Bill was rather 6ft than 6´1" even at his peak.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 29/Dec/17
JT said on 29/Dec/17
dicksock said on 26/Dec/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 26/Dec/17
Click Here

And the award for best comparison pic of 2017 goes to...

Why? Comparing photos from different camera angles will produce bizarre results, just like that. Plus, Andre has a camera advantage over Arnold. Here I just "proved" that Andre was many inches shorter and 150 lbs. lighter than Andre Click Here Click Here

5’11” guys came up past Andre’s chin. Not true for Wight. Click Here Given the comparable camera angles, this is more realistic Click Here Click Here Add 0.75" or so to Andre given the footwear disadvantage.


Forgot to open the box and take your friday pills??? your 6´9-10"Andre, 7ft Big Show agenda is proved wrong with good comparisons period

Both were peak ~6´11", I would even give a tad to Big Show like Andre 6´10.75-6´11" and Big Show 6´11-11.25".

That´s it. Tooooo much evidence, the Backlund full Bodayshot and the Andre Wilt pics proved you wrong long time ago.

Only thing to talk about is how much evidence must be brought up to convince Rob to get the 6´11" listings for Andre and Big Show.
tree said on 29/Dec/17
I dont care what that Blacques Jacques says there is no proof Andre was ever over 7 foot,he measured 7ft1 morning or in boots.
dicksock said on 29/Dec/17
JT said on 29/Dec/17
dicksock said on 26/Dec/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 26/Dec/17
Click Here

And the award for best comparison pic of 2017 goes to...

Why? Comparing photos from different camera angles will produce bizarre results, just like that. Plus, Andre has a camera advantage over Arnold. Here I just "proved" that Andre was many inches shorter and 150 lbs. lighter than Andre Click Here Click Here

5’11” guys came up past Andre’s chin. Not true for Wight. Click Here Given the comparable camera angles, this is more realistic Click Here Click Here Add 0.75" or so to Andre given the footwear disadvantage.


Whatever you say buddy. How about this? Click Here
And obviously Andre could stand taller not to mention that he was past his prime and had a footwear disadvantage. But, I'm sure you'll have an excuse. Anything to avoid admitting the obvious.
Shivam said on 29/Dec/17
Andre was 7'5 because he once towered a 7'0 tall wrestler by 5 inches
JT said on 29/Dec/17
dicksock said on 26/Dec/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 26/Dec/17
Click Here

And the award for best comparison pic of 2017 goes to...

Why? Comparing photos from different camera angles will produce bizarre results, just like that. Plus, Andre has a camera advantage over Arnold. Here I just "proved" that Andre was many inches shorter and 150 lbs. lighter than Andre Click Here Click Here

5’11” guys came up past Andre’s chin. Not true for Wight. Click Here Given the comparable camera angles, this is more realistic Click Here Click Here Add 0.75" or so to Andre given the footwear disadvantage.
62B. said on 28/Dec/17
Chaz said on 28/Dec/17
best leave the comparisons to JT he knows what he is doing.


This has to be a joke. Right?
Chaz said on 28/Dec/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 26/Dec/17
Click Here

Shame Andre is side on and much closer to the lens,best leave the comparisons to JT he knows what he is doing.
Joakim Agren said on 28/Dec/17
Here is a statement from someone who actually knew him named Blacques Jacques and I quote:

"This is before the Acromegaly began to affect his proportions . Its rare that a guy as naturally tall as Andre got the disease but It may have been why he was able to perform like he did . Acromegaly is a form of giantism one gets after puberty when the growth plates of the long bones are closed . Given Andre was 6' at 12 he would have been tall no matter the disease or not . He was only made a little taller due to the fact that acromegalics heads never quit growing . He couldn't grow up so instead he grew wider every year . His skin got thicker as did his tongue , which gave him his distinct speech . After a while edema becomes a huge problem further limiting mobility . After gaining nearly 200 lbs onto his frame his neck and back compacted , unable to handle the stress . This made him much shorter in the end then at his peak which at last measure was just shy of 7'1" . At his death he weighed 535 lbs and was 6'9" . I cannot imagine the pain he must have been in for the last 10 years of his short life ."

"Jody Hamilton said that Andre was set to appear on a New York talk show early in his American career with Haystacks Calhoun who was billed as weighing 601 lbs . This was a big deal . Wrestling never really got a lot of mainstream press back then , so when the host did not believe Andre was as tall or Calhoun as heavy as billed they agreed to being weighed and measured off camera . Neither measured up but Calhoun was close at 564 lbs and Andre too at 7'1" . Later though Andre was losing height to gravity . He was usually 6'11" but had shrunk further to 6'9" by his passing ."

So I guess we can have him at 7"1" at peak and 6'9" towards the end of his life! For most of his wrestling carer he was probably in the 6'10"-7' range.
dicksock said on 26/Dec/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 26/Dec/17
Click Here


And the award for best comparison pic of 2017 goes to...
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 26/Dec/17
Click Here
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 24/Dec/17
Added close up Wilt/Andre without footwear advantage.

Wilt was 7´0.5"-7´1" no one can tell how long he was on his feet during the time of the Andre pic,
Andre looks 1.75-2" shorter, I would say 6´10.75" sounds good.

Big Show looks closer to 6´10" today than Andre in 1984.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 24/Dec/17
I'm sure you wouldn't object to Andre's average daily peak height being lowered to 6'11". There is no way on this planet his midday peak height was 7'.


Yeah, peak I would prefer 2,11m for both Andre and Big Show.

Rob might hate me for this but I don´t think it´s right having Shaq at 7´0.25",
Barkley at 6´4.75" while Hogan at 6´6" and Andre and Show at 7ft - It just doesn´t fit.

Barefoot Andre and Show were never Shaq or Wilt´s height, Hogan was the same height as Barkley.

More important: Merry Christmas Rob, Jenny, regular estimators and all visitors!
Chaz said on 24/Dec/17
ReturnofG said on 24/Dec/17
Andre 7'1.5 peak
Hogan 6'6 peak
Undertaker 6'8 peak
Studd 6'7 peak
Flair 5'11.5 peak
Nash 6'10 peak
Kane 6'8 peak
Kurgan 6'11 peak
Show 7'0 peak
Gonzales 7'7 peak
Silva 7'3
Elmer 6'11
Khali 7'1
Yeti 7'1.5

So Andre was the same height as Richard Kiel? lol
dicksock said on 24/Dec/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 22/Dec/17
dicksock said on 18/Dec/17
....Not to mention Gene is two years older than Bobby, so if you think Heenan lost height, why wouldn't Gene? But that being said, Heenan may have been closer to 5'10 in his prime.


That was little misunderstanding, never talked about heightloss.

Ric Flair was a solid inch taller than Heenan, can´t see Flair at more than 5´11.25" in 1991-92, he´s got 5´11" billed heights during those years. So 5´10-10.25" sounds pretty good for Heenan.

Click Here


Yes, you are most likely correct. Heenan was about 5'10-5'10.5" prime, Gene was 5'7-5'7.5" prime, and Andre was an average daily height of 6'11" in his prime and maybe 6'10-6'10.5" in the last 5 years of his life. I'm sure you wouldn't object to Andre's average daily peak height being lowered to 6'11". There is no way on this planet his midday peak height was 7'.
ReturnofG said on 24/Dec/17
Andre 7'1.5 peak
Hogan 6'6 peak
Undertaker 6'8 peak
Studd 6'7 peak
Flair 5'11.5 peak
Nash 6'10 peak
Kane 6'8 peak
Kurgan 6'11 peak
Show 7'0 peak
Gonzales 7'7 peak
Silva 7'3
Elmer 6'11
Khali 7'1
Yeti 7'1.5
Anonymous said on 22/Dec/17
Andre is 6-11
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 22/Dec/17
dicksock said on 18/Dec/17
....Not to mention Gene is two years older than Bobby, so if you think Heenan lost height, why wouldn't Gene? But that being said, Heenan may have been closer to 5'10 in his prime.


That was little misunderstanding, never talked about heightloss.

Ric Flair was a solid inch taller than Heenan, can´t see Flair at more than 5´11.25" in 1991-92, he´s got 5´11" billed heights during those years. So 5´10-10.25" sounds pretty good for Heenan.

Click Here
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 22/Dec/17
Click Here Andre in Cowboyboots, 1984 Wilt was imo a bit taller than Shaq today and gains ~1" from the wig.

updateted Andre without footwearadvantage Click Here

headsizes from this comparison Click Here
Andre 12.25-12.5"
BigShow 11.75-12"
Mita02 said on 22/Dec/17
7ft 1in late 70s early 80s
Logan said on 21/Dec/17
I looked at wrestlers billed heights and they all changed. Most of the old wrestlers like Hogan, Taker, and Hall are billed 3-4 inches taller than they actually are.
They Billed Hogan at 6-7 Real: 6-4
Scott Hall 6-8 Real: 6-5 Current: 6-2
Underatker: 6-10 Real: 6-7

About Andre, he was no more than 7-0 next to Wilt who is 7-1. Can't believe they billed Andre at 7-4 or 7-5
ImAlexandros said on 21/Dec/17
André The Giant He Was 6' 9" in real not 7' 0" and big show is 6' 10½"
dicksock said on 21/Dec/17
JT said on 20/Dec/17
dicksock, unlike people, cars can’t lie about their height. Wilt is significantly taller than pre-cowboy boots but peak height Andre standing next to cars that are very close in height (within 2 inches). The camera angle is close too.

The Mini comes up around the bottom of Andre’s sternum and is only a little higher than ~ 6'5" Jeremy Clarkson’s sternum. Granted, Andre is not standing as straight as he can and likely has a longer torso than Clarkson. However, there’s no way he’s approaching 7 feet fully erect, even in dress shoes.

If you’re doubting how much boost Andre’s cowboy boots gave him in the photos with Arnold and Wilt, you may not have seen this photo of Andre and Arnold in modest shoes taken during that same time period. Click Here


I have seen that new pic of Arnold and Andre and it's not as good for comparing their heights as the Wilt/Andre pics. Arnold is coming up to Andre's nose in that pic, yet side-by-side in the Wilt pics, Andre is a whole head taller. The Andre/Wilt pics are far superior for comparing Andre and Arnold. Again, you sound foolish implying that Andre's boots gave him 3-4" or that a prime Andre was only 6'9" barefoot. No matter how much you want those things to be true, they aren't. There is no way in the world Andre was less than 6'10 barefoot. I would bet anything on that.
JT said on 20/Dec/17
dicksock, unlike people, cars can’t lie about their height. Wilt is significantly taller than pre-cowboy boots but peak height Andre standing next to cars that are very close in height (within 2 inches). The camera angle is close too.

The Mini comes up around the bottom of Andre’s sternum and is only a little higher than ~ 6'5" Jeremy Clarkson’s sternum. Granted, Andre is not standing as straight as he can and likely has a longer torso than Clarkson. However, there’s no way he’s approaching 7 feet fully erect, even in dress shoes.

If you’re doubting how much boost Andre’s cowboy boots gave him in the photos with Arnold and Wilt, you may not have seen this photo of Andre and Arnold in modest shoes taken during that same time period. Click Here
dicksock said on 18/Dec/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 18/Dec/17
dicksock said on 16/Dec/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 15/Dec/17

Here's Gene looking about 3" shorter than Heenan: Click Here


I think its a bit more than 3 inches and Heenan at this age was max 5´10.5"


How could it be more than 3"? The top of Gene's head comes up to the middle of Heenan's forehead. It's 3" tops. Pause at 46 sec for a great comparison. Also, Heenan was only 40 during that interview and he spent most of that time managing, not wrestling or weightlifting. No chance of height loss by 40 for a healthy man. Not to mention Gene is two years older than Bobby, so if you think Heenan lost height, why wouldn't Gene? But that being said, Heenan may have been closer to 5'10 in his prime.

Here he is with 5'10" listed Nick Bockwinkel: Click Here

They look about the same height to me and Heenan was only 39 in this interview. Shockingly, Bockwinkel was ten years older than Heenan! I had no clue until I looked that up. He looked amazing for nearly 50 years old. If he didn't lose any height, then I fail to see how Bobby would have. So yes, Gene may have been closer to 5'7".
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 18/Dec/17
dicksock said on 16/Dec/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 15/Dec/17

Here's Gene looking about 3" shorter than Heenan: Click Here


I think its a bit more than 3 inches and Heenan at this age was max 5´10.5"
dicksock said on 17/Dec/17
JT said on 16/Dec/17
Click Here This is probably ~1970 time frame as Andre’s starting to put on weight and given that version of the Mini. Jeremy Clarkson (Top Gear) is pretty tall – looks maybe 6’4”-6’5” range with most guests.

Click Here


There's no way Wilt would look that tall next to Andre. We've seen them together in 4 pictures and they look about the same height in all 4. Andre actually looks taller than Wilt in the black and white one. Yes, Andre is a little closer to the camera and has about 1.5" of footwear advantage, but I would say Wilt was no more than 2" taller than Andre. There is no denying he was about a foot taller than Arnold in the black and white photo and he was not in front of Arnold either. Let's say Arnold was about 6'1" barefoot and maybe 6'1.5" in those boots. That still puts Andre at approximately 7'1.5" in his cowboy boots. There is no way in the world his cowboy boots boosted his height by more than 2-2.5". Like I have said a million times before, that pic was probably taken in the morning/early afternoon when Andre was still about 6'11"-6'11.5" barefoot. He probably dipped down to 6'10.5"-6'11" by the evening. I think it is possible Andre could have woken up at about 6'11.5" and went to bed at 6'10.5" when he was at his tallest.
JT said on 16/Dec/17
Click Here This is probably ~1970 time frame as Andre’s starting to put on weight and given that version of the Mini. Jeremy Clarkson (Top Gear) is pretty tall – looks maybe 6’4”-6’5” range with most guests.

Click Here

Gretz, that story about Andre’s 7’8” grandfather is made up to provide a genetic basis for his height rather than the real reason - a disease (i.e., a tumor in his pituitary gland). IIRC both of Andre’s parents were pretty short. I think there was a similar made up story about a relative of Giant Haystacks being extraordinarily tall.
dicksock said on 16/Dec/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 15/Dec/17
Click Here

Putting Meane Gene at just over 5´7" (Wouldn´t go under that)means 1987 Andre full straight was between 6´10.75"-6´11"
and 1984 Hogan full straight was 6´5"-6´5.25". That´s what I think they were back then.

If you want to have Meane Gene at 5´8" means Andre near 7ft and Hogan 6´6", I don´t think so for evening height


I think Gene was closer to 5'8" than 5'7". He always looked about 3" shorter than ~5'11" Bobby Heenan. You are assuming those interview segments took place in the evening, but that is probably not true. The interviews are nearly all taped early in the afternoon, not live during the event.

Here's Gene looking about 3" shorter than Heenan: Click Here

Here's Gene looking roughly the same height as 5'9" listed Jerry Blackwell: Click Here
Lawrence said on 16/Dec/17
You can come up with all the excuses about this and that, but all the evidence points to a 6'10"-11"Andre and about 7'1" in cowboy boots.
Guanzo said on 15/Dec/17
Click Here

6'9.5'' Barefoot
6'11.5'' Cowboy boots
Gretz said on 15/Dec/17
Recently read an article that may be hard to believe,but it stated that Andre was actually 7'8" 600lbs.and was told to always scrunch over by Vince senior because anyone 7'4 or over would be billed for two seats when flying.Just kidding guy's don't flip out LOL,actually I have heard that his grandfather was 7'8" but I don't even no his first name or if Andre's family even has a picture of him.And I would think someone that tall would be on some height list somewhere on the internet.In fact I never seen this measurement discussed at all at any time or place at all.You would think that Andre being as famous as he was would love to see a pic of his grandfather just to see for themselves if he was near this incredible 7'8" height.But he seems to be lost in history and oddly enough no one seems to care.I don't know when this grandfather passed away,but it would be cool to see a pic of him with say a 21 year old Andre.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 15/Dec/17
Click Here

Putting Meane Gene at just over 5´7" (Wouldn´t go under that)means 1987 Andre full straight was between 6´10.75"-6´11"
and 1984 Hogan full straight was 6´5"-6´5.25". That´s what I think they were back then.

If you want to have Meane Gene at 5´8" means Andre near 7ft and Hogan 6´6", I don´t think so for evening height
Gretz said on 14/Dec/17
Thought I found a gem but it was a very big lump of coal.found a tag match with Jean ferret and gargantua vs vs Tibor Szakaes and Barry Douglas.This was an imposter gargantua as he would Kurt Zehe be listed at like 8'4" and I think looking at him again he was around. Andre Big show size.This guy turned out to be Jim Moran a 6'7" English wrestler and he does look every bit of 6'6" quite tall at the time,if anyone can verify this please post when you can,sorry if keep hitting submit button.
dicksock said on 14/Dec/17
Aaronious: I appreciate your effort with the andre/scale pic, but you are assuming the height of the scale. You are telling us it looks just like the scale at your doctors office, but how do you know for a fact it's the exact same one? Also, are you telling us you actually measured the scale in your doctor's office? Honestly I think you'd be much better of using the Andre/Willie Shoemaker pic, because we actually do know Shoemaker's height, and Andre was standing perfectly straight in his prime in normal shoes, not cowboy boots.

Click Here

JT has done a good job here. I don't really see how it could be very far off. It shows Andre to be about 6'11" in modest footwear or roughly 6'10.25" barefoot. Let's assume Andre would gain a little height by standing in alongside Shoemaker rather than behind him, and he may have hit 6'11" barefoot. But, Andre is behind Shoemaker just like he is behind the scale in your pic, and in both he is standing straight in his prime. Do your pixel test on the Shoemaker picture. If your scale pic is accurate, Andre should come out roughly the same height. Basically, they are the same pictures, it's just in the Shoemaker picture, we know how tall Shoemaker was, but we really don't know how tall the scale is.
Gretz said on 13/Dec/17
Rob I hope you will post this here,when reading about wrestler Kurt Zehe doubt even the 7'2" listing although like I said before listed as high as 8'4" seems impossible,it amazes me that 99 percent of the pics I have seen of him the people men or women are to me 4'10"-5'2" and I would accuse Andre or many other giants for that matter of doing the same thing.This makes Zehe being 8'2 billing far more realistic and at first I can thought but maybe he was as short as 6'10",7'0" could be realistic(it's so close long ago with people of unknown height I would be not pretend to verify an exact height if anyone has more info to verify give a better height please do).I would say him Caramel,Andre,Bigshow,with Carmel's big hat on would very all look the same heights in the peaks of their careers. Even JT years ago posted a pic of Eddie Caramel in a guys office and said do you really think this guy is anywhere near as big as minute bol(7'7)if he where juxtaposed in his spot,even though this is one of the few times Me and JT agreed on something.Also even though JT and I disagree on a lot,I have nothing but respect for his passion and even though I disagree on a lot of his photos,he always tries to back up what he says and I have been posting here since early 2006(which is why I was hoping for an archive search Rob big guy).And sure enough JT,Daminal,are really the only guys left on this board page anyway.Two posters I will always remember are Jason(very controversial,and Texas Tom(very knowledgeable).
Editor Rob
as I said, never say never on the archived pages.
Gretz said on 13/Dec/17
I have to laugh at some of the heights these guys were billed at Eddie caramel was billed at the 9'0.68" mark at one point maybe the biggest exasgeration of all time usually held at 7'3"the pics when he is probably in his early 20's with his cowboy hat on at a restaurant their is a guy that I'd probably say is 6'4"5.And Carmel dosent look taller than Andre or big show with a cowboy hat maybe he was 7'3" at one point because later in life he looks like a hunchback.But no way was he ever close to 8'0" much less 9'0".
Gretz said on 13/Dec/17
Edward boupre was listed at 8'2" and may have been that.And wrestled Louis Cyr legendary strong man and lost.So may have been the tallest wrestler ever back in 1902.
RoelC said on 13/Dec/17
dicksock said on 11/Dec/17
The only explanations I have are either the measurement didn't happen at all or maybe Hamilton has his timeline mixed up. Maybe it happened in the early 70s and Andre was in cowboy boots? I've heard wrestlers mix up dates many times. That would make a lot more sense to me. It also fits with what pretty much all the evidence shows to be true.

Jody Hamilton isn’t mixing up his timeline, as in his book he claimed Rod Fenton sent Andre on publicity tours. Fenton was the owner of All-Star Wrestling, but he retired in early 1968, selling his shares to Sandor Kovacs & Gene Kiniski.
So unless Hamilton is also mixing up his persons, the latest date for this measurement to have happened is 1968.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 13/Dec/17
dicksock said on 11/Dec/17
.... to get a measurement of a little over 7'1". The only explanations I have are either the measurement didn't happen at all or maybe Hamilton has his timeline mixed up. Maybe it happened in the early 70s and Andre was in cowboy boots?


since we have Andre claiming 2,14m on vid in 1971, I don´t think a barefoot measurement or in thin wrestlingboots at a little over 7´1" did happen.
He didn´t wear big cowboyboots in the late 60´s early 70´s to my knowledge. If he was measured at lets say 7´1.25" it was probably in 1.25-1.5" footwear.

some of the 6´10" billings could just be use of old billings, they interestingly went from 2,08m to 2,10m to 2,12m to 2,14m in europe.
Andre himself claimed he finished growing in height just the year he claimed 2,14m arriving in Noth America.
There´s a rumor that Andre was measured at 7´0.5" - 2,14m in japan...
He´s also been described at the 6´11" frenchman arriving Canada...

2,14m barefoot is imo only possible for a very early measurement, like sleeping in the hospital and getting measured during the first hour after getting up.

So if Andre measured himself after getting up at 2,14m peak and claimed this height, I see a real chance of a true measured height.

This would turn into an evening height of 211cm wich he looked at his peak and 2,16-2,17m in big cowboyboots wich he looked next to Wilt Chamberlain even in 1984.

Click Here

Andre still looked 6´11" flat in 1987 standing full straight Click Here

Imo Richard Kiel was about 1" taller than 7´0.5"-7´1" Ian Whyte so 2.25-2.5" inches taller than Andre.

Regarding evening height I don´t know what else to estimate than 6´11"-6´11.25" for Andre.
aaronious said on 12/Dec/17
Boss, 214cm is consequently the rumored measured height for Andre from a Japanese Medical exam from the mid 70's, so you may be onto something there. i would love to see that document and settle this once and for all, perhaps it will appear on the web one day again..

everyone on here has to understand the medical pathology of Acromegaly/Giantism. most people with this disease continue to grow well into adulthood, well into their 20's and 30's, unless it is treated, or until until the body can't take anymore growth/expansion of the bones, then the growth plates seal, and the bones and internal organs continue to grow in thickness and mass, and the afflicted person starts to lose height due to developing spinal conditions. Andre NEVER had his disease treated, so his ultras high HGH levels continued unchecked, and thus he developed the large protruding forehead, that got bigger each year, his internal organs continued to grow, and his chest cavity expanded, and he developed spinal stenosis and scoliosis.

Andre's billings increased over time part due to exaggeration by promotions, but also in part due to the fact that he continued to grow in height. Not every promoter would measure Andre, some would just re-use the billings from previous bookings, and because europe used the METRIC system, feet and inches meant nothing to them. Regardless if he was billed at 210 cm or 225cm, it didnt matter, because even 210cm was HUGE for that era of Pro Wrestling. I believe based on the photographic evidence of Andre standing barefoot on the scale on the cover of the Wrestling Magazine, and extrapolating his height using the known height of the scale, and counting the pixels and setting up a standard mathematical proportion, that 214cm is SPOT on for his PEAK height, when he stood fully erect.

Click Here

please note, that this analysis actually gives the Andre haters the benefit of the doubt here, because Andre is BEHIND the front of the scale, and thus farther away from the frame of reference( the FRONT of the scale, closest point to the viewer ). He might actually measure higher than 84.5" , but for the sake of this argument, 84.5" is the highest measurement i can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Gretz said on 12/Dec/17
I seen an interesting list of top 10 tallest pro wrestlers(on did not use billed heights but their best opinion of the evidence they had.
1#-Giant gonzales 7'7.25"-sometimes billed at 7'10"-8'0"
2#-Max Palmer(Paul Bunyan)billed at 8'0",but usually credited at 7'
7" although many people have speculated 7'3"-7'5"
3#John Harris(Silo Sam)blled at 7'7" though many think 7'3"(a height that looks closer to the truth in my opinion).
#4-Kurt Zehe-billed at a whopping 8'4",but usually listed at 7'2".Actually looked around 6'10" to me,but people in the 40`s and 50`s where so much shorter for the most part back then i can see them trying to bill him at this.Thier is even a billed height of 7'7" for Stan Frazier who is probably tops 6'9"-10.
5#-Raja Lion 7'2",don`t know anything about this guy.
6#-Giant Silva-7'2",seems about right
7#-Ron Reis-7'2" seems about right
8#-Great Kali-Billed 7'3 at first in wwe then 7'1".
9#-Andre the Giant-billed 7'4",listed here at 7'0" agree with that but a good minority will say 6'10".
10#-Big Show-Billed 7-4 at one point in wcw,than 7'2",than 7'O what they have him listed at.

now many say 6'10.5".i`m sure they missed a lot of guys the obscure Canadien giant comes to mind but don`t even have a listing for him is he even 7ft.?post if you have someone in mind.
dicksock said on 12/Dec/17
Boss said on 11/Dec/17
Andre I believe was 2.14m barefoot peak. This is the height Andre gives in 1971 for himself. It's a very specific number.
Click Here


Remember that they use the metric system in France though. It only seems specific because you're converting it to feet and inches. Pretty much anything he said in cm would seem specific when converted. I'm sure that was just his billing because it was for a wrestling promo. So he was billed as 214cm or 7'0.25", which means he was more than likely less than that.
Boss said on 12/Dec/17
dicksock said on 11/Dec/17
Boss said on 10/Dec/17
I believe Jody Hamilton is telling the truth about Andre being measured on a pre promotional basis as it says he wasn't wrestling in Canada yet in the story. I think Andre was measured in his wrestling gear. There is way too much information on this measurement for a 70 year old guy to be making up and when JT questioned him on it he was adamant about it.

Click Here

Andre with 2.12m billing in 1967. So his billings were increasing in the late 1960's.
Click Here

This one is from 1970 in France at 2.14.
Click Here


I don't understand what you mean by pre-promotional. Andre didn't wrestle in Montreal until 1971, much less Vancouver. Why would he have been brought over for a "pre-promotional" tour and not end up doing the actual tour? I'm sure you can find a couple billings above 6'10" (212 cm is only about 6'11.5" by the way), but it doesn't take away from the fact that most of his billings were 6'10". Also, Adrian Street, who worked with Andre, said Andre was listed as 6'11" right up until he left England in 1969/1970. They never would have billed him as that if he were 7'1"+; even if it were in wrestling boots. Remember, his wrestling boots back then only gave him like .5" at the most, which means he would have been just shy of 7'1" barefoot to get a measurement of a little over 7'1". The only explanations I have are either the measurement didn't happen at all or maybe Hamilton has his timeline mixed up. Maybe it happened in the early 70s and Andre was in cowboy boots? I've heard wrestlers mix up dates many times. That would make a lot more sense to me. It also fits with what pretty much all the evidence shows to be true.

Definitely a possibility.
Gretz said on 12/Dec/17
Found an interesting list of 10 tallest wrestler's of all time.No billed heights here they( the best they could weather you think it's right or not is up to you.#1-Giant Gonzalez 7'7.25,#2-Max Palmer(Paul Bunyan) billed 8'0" usually thought to be 7'7", speculation by many 7'3"-7'5".#3-John Harris(Silo Sam) billed 7'7", thought to be 7'3".#4-kurt Zehe
JT said on 12/Dec/17
This was the photo that Meltzer posted in his newsletter in 1984 Click Here If this was the only pic Meltzer had seen by then, it’s reasonable to conclude that Andre was 6’11.5” as he looks a little shorter than Wilt and you can’t tell that Andre was wearing his cowboy boots. It wasn't until Chris posted the pic of Andre and Wilt holding up Arnold that it became apparent at least on this site that Andre was in cowboy boots.
dicksock said on 11/Dec/17
Boss said on 10/Dec/17
I believe Jody Hamilton is telling the truth about Andre being measured on a pre promotional basis as it says he wasn't wrestling in Canada yet in the story. I think Andre was measured in his wrestling gear. There is way too much information on this measurement for a 70 year old guy to be making up and when JT questioned him on it he was adamant about it.

Click Here

Andre with 2.12m billing in 1967. So his billings were increasing in the late 1960's.
Click Here

This one is from 1970 in France at 2.14.
Click Here


I don't understand what you mean by pre-promotional. Andre didn't wrestle in Montreal until 1971, much less Vancouver. Why would he have been brought over for a "pre-promotional" tour and not end up doing the actual tour? I'm sure you can find a couple billings above 6'10" (212 cm is only about 6'11.5" by the way), but it doesn't take away from the fact that most of his billings were 6'10". Also, Adrian Street, who worked with Andre, said Andre was listed as 6'11" right up until he left England in 1969/1970. They never would have billed him as that if he were 7'1"+; even if it were in wrestling boots. Remember, his wrestling boots back then only gave him like .5" at the most, which means he would have been just shy of 7'1" barefoot to get a measurement of a little over 7'1". The only explanations I have are either the measurement didn't happen at all or maybe Hamilton has his timeline mixed up. Maybe it happened in the early 70s and Andre was in cowboy boots? I've heard wrestlers mix up dates many times. That would make a lot more sense to me. It also fits with what pretty much all the evidence shows to be true.
Boss said on 11/Dec/17
Andre I believe was 2.14m barefoot peak. This is the height Andre gives in 1971 for himself. It's a very specific number.
Click Here
62B. said on 10/Dec/17
dicksock said on 9/Dec/17
Boss said on 8/Dec/17

Yet it's the most detailed account of Andre being measured that we have and Jody Hamilton was adamant about what he saw. Funny thing if we found the actual video you would just make up some other excuse.


I promise you I wouldn't make any excuses. I just know it's not true. Andre was not touring Canada in 1968, he was being BILLED at 6'10" in Europe, and he was never 7'1". He never looked even close to this; especially in 1968. You are the one who makes excuses. I am not trying to seem like a know-it-all, when I see posters making all of these blatantly false and illogical claims, I point them out. I'm not saying I know exactly how tall Andre was or exactly how much height he may or may not have lost. But, there is no way in the world he was 7'1" or 7'1.5". The vast majority of evidence shows him to have been 6'11" at the most. Maybe he was a tad over 6'11", but if he was 7'1"+ barefoot, he would have been 7'3"+ in his cowboy boots. Either Hamiliton is wrong or you honestly believe Andre was 7'1"+ barefoot in 1968 while being billed as 6'10". Does that really makes sense to you?

I agree. never over7' probably between 6'11" and 7'. 6'9" guesses are just dumb.
62B. said on 10/Dec/17
RoelC said on 9/Dec/17
Gretz said on 8/Dec/17
I would like to know how anyone can think Meltzer can be taken at his word in anyway,he said he was measured in Japan at 6'9.75" in 1971(A year I'm not sure he was even still touring there as monster Roussimoff) then in the photo with Wilt he has him at 6'11.5"an estimate I happen to agree with.someone who still may post here said he emailed Meltzer and he told him he called some athletic commission to verify his height who even knows if this commission ever even existed Meltzer was 13 at the time of this measurement,and he would give no more info about them but this guy even tried to contact the VC one in

No one here is claiming you should take Meltzer's word in anyway. This measurement claim needs to be proven first before it holds any validity. But that goes for all measurement claims.

I would believe Terry Todd over Meltzer any day of the week.
Boss said on 10/Dec/17
I believe Jody Hamilton is telling the truth about Andre being measured on a pre promotional basis as it says he wasn't wrestling in Canada yet in the story. I think Andre was measured in his wrestling gear. There is way too much information on this measurement for a 70 year old guy to be making up and when JT questioned him on it he was adamant about it.

Click Here

Andre with 2.12m billing in 1967. So his billings were increasing in the late 1960's.
Click Here

This one is from 1970 in France at 2.14.
Click Here
Boss said on 10/Dec/17
dicksock said on 9/Dec/17
Boss said on 8/Dec/17

Yet it's the most detailed account of Andre being measured that we have and Jody Hamilton was adamant about what he saw. Funny thing if we found the actual video you would just make up some other excuse.


I promise you I wouldn't make any excuses. I just know it's not true. Andre was not touring Canada in 1968, he was being BILLED at 6'10" in Europe, and he was never 7'1". He never looked even close to this; especially in 1968. You are the one who makes excuses. I am not trying to seem like a know-it-all, when I see posters making all of these blatantly false and illogical claims, I point them out. I'm not saying I know exactly how tall Andre was or exactly how much height he may or may not have lost. But, there is no way in the world he was 7'1" or 7'1.5". The vast majority of evidence shows him to have been 6'11" at the most. Maybe he was a tad over 6'11", but if he was 7'1"+ barefoot, he would have been 7'3"+ in his cowboy boots. Either Hamiliton is wrong or you honestly believe Andre was 7'1"+ barefoot in 1968 while being billed as 6'10". Does that really makes sense to you?

Andre was getting 7' billings in Europe by 1969 as well.
Click Here
RoelC said on 10/Dec/17
Boss said on 8/Dec/17
Yet it's the most detailed account of Andre being measured that we have and Jody Hamilton was adamant about what he saw. Funny thing if we found the actual video you would just make up some other excuse.
The most detailed account? The only info Jody Hamilton is giving is that Andre was measured at a tv-show in 1968 and that he measured 7’1 ½”.
Meltzer claimed Andre was measured at 6’9 ¾” in France at the age of 24. Pretty much the same level of detail.

You’re just reading what you wanna read, but Hamilton deliberately left out all details in order to track down that measurement. He doesn’t give the name of the tv-station or the name of the tv-announcer who measured Andre. Instead he just kept referring the announcer as the “tv-guy”.

Ask yourself the question as to why Hamilton is not giving those details!

Then there’s the timeframe this measurement supposedly took place. You’ve bashed the Meltzer claim in the past because it didn’t match the timeframe of Andre’s career at that point. Always nice to see you hold the same standards with measurements that are in your ballpark. Cause guess what, there’s also no proof that Andre was in Canada in 1968. In fact every biography of Andre claims that his first appearance in Canada was in 1971. When he started wrestling over there they even said it was his first appearance in Canada.

I find it remarkable that you think it’s completely out of the realms of possibility that Andre, who was billed 6’10” at the age of 23, could’ve been measured 6’10” at the age of 24, yet find it completely acceptable that Andre was measured 7’1 ½” at the age of 21, despite him still being billed as low as 6’10” until the age of 23.
62B. said on 10/Dec/17
I also find it funny in that picture your scale has Andres chin level at 5'11" which was my estimate. And again his head appears tilted downwards slightly.
62B. said on 10/Dec/17
Jesus JT, did you even look at the picture you posted with Andre and his Aunt? You say she could be s tall as 6'1.5" in here heels. Where is her eye level to Andre? As a matter of fact if you took away his Aunts hair she would only be up to his chin in her heels, and his head appears tilted down
62B. said on 10/Dec/17
JT I don't know why you think that picture of Arnold and Andre is so good. While neat, its taken at a huge upward angle
62B. said on 10/Dec/17
JT said on 9/Dec/17
Click Here

If Andre stopped growing at 24 (1970) as he claimed this is the best photo we have as it’s from 1970 and Andre’s aunt said she was 5’11” (or no more than ~ 6’1.5” in heels per Rob’s article on heel height). Click Here Click Here His jaw had not really elongated at this age.

Andre’s chin is titled back in your pic, 62B. Duggan’s eye level was right around Andre’s chin in 1988 Click Here So you’re an inch taller than Duggan yet your eyes were at the level of Andre’s chest in 1988??? Then you’re 5’11” or Andre was wearing platforms significantly larger than those big orthopedic shoes he started wearing a few years earlier.

You keep showing pictures with Andre looking down, The picture I posted Andre is standing tall and looking straight and his mouth is open. I was at the most an inch taller than Duggan, but that is only a guess at his footwear because what ever advantage he had made us the same height. Andre probably was wearing is orthopedics when I saw him so he probably had an advantage there
Steve said on 10/Dec/17
Oanh of course Wilt had the Wig on, I have acknowledged that many times in previous posts. I just wanted to make the point about Andres big hair and cowboy boots...that's all. Not sure why people feel he lost height by 1984? he was still quite young and did not have the back surgery until around 1986/1987. If he did lost height by the mid 1980's it would be very very minimal at best.
RoelC said on 9/Dec/17
Gretz said on 8/Dec/17
I would like to know how anyone can think Meltzer can be taken at his word in anyway,he said he was measured in Japan at 6'9.75" in 1971(A year I'm not sure he was even still touring there as monster Roussimoff) then in the photo with Wilt he has him at 6'11.5"an estimate I happen to agree with.someone who still may post here said he emailed Meltzer and he told him he called some athletic commission to verify his height who even knows if this commission ever even existed Meltzer was 13 at the time of this measurement,and he would give no more info about them but this guy even tried to contact the VC one in

Meltzer never claimed Andre was measured in Japan in 1971. He mentioned in his book Tributes II that the last time Andre was measured was in France at the age of 24 and that he was 6'9.75" at the time.

The photo with Wilt & Arnold was posted in an Wrestler Observer Newsletter in 1984. And from what I can tell he wasn't giving a barefoot estimation for Andre, just an estimation about what Andre looked in that picture.
Meltzer didn't find out about that measurement until the early 2000's (the book Tributes II was released in 2004). How and where Meltzer got that info is still a mystery. I've heard this story about the French Athletic Commission, but I've never heard Meltzer himself make this claim. Although that story seems likely. The French Athletic Commission (or the Fédération Française de Catch Professionnel as it is called in France) were the ones that issued the wrestling licenses to wrestlers. It doesn't seem far-fetched that they had real measurement stats on Andre, who was still wrestling in France at the age of 24.

No one here is claiming you should take Meltzer's word in anyway. This measurement claim needs to be proven first before it holds any validity. But that goes for all measurement claims.
Gretz said on 9/Dec/17
I just seen a pic of up to 8'0" max palmer who`s usually thought of being 7'7".And he is standing barefoot next to a ref and to be honest 7'4"-5 looks closer to the truth,Also John Harris billed at 7'7" looks a lot closer to 7'3" he is not as tall as giant gonzales7'7".and kurt zech from germany billed at 7'2 and up looks more like 6'10" but then again who unless your 80 years old could size these guys up in an accurate way.
Gretz said on 9/Dec/17
I have been lookng at pics of Max Palmer billed at 8'0" probably 7'7" and john Harris aka.Silo Sam billed7'7" but probably 7'3".I used to thnk Palmer was 7'7" but a pic with him barefoot with a ref unless he himself s 6'5" or more has me downgrading palmer to 7'4-5" look for them onlne as I have posted enough pics over the years if you are interested you can easily find these the way too of the most terrible wrestlers I have ever seen inside the ring they where there for their height only.
JT said on 9/Dec/17
Click Here

If Andre stopped growing at 24 (1970) as he claimed this is the best photo we have as it’s from 1970 and Andre’s aunt said she was 5’11” (or no more than ~ 6’1.5” in heels per Rob’s article on heel height). Click Here Click Here His jaw had not really elongated at this age.

Andre’s chin is titled back in your pic, 62B. Duggan’s eye level was right around Andre’s chin in 1988 Click Here So you’re an inch taller than Duggan yet your eyes were at the level of Andre’s chest in 1988??? Then you’re 5’11” or Andre was wearing platforms significantly larger than those big orthopedic shoes he started wearing a few years earlier.
dicksock said on 9/Dec/17
Boss said on 8/Dec/17

Yet it's the most detailed account of Andre being measured that we have and Jody Hamilton was adamant about what he saw. Funny thing if we found the actual video you would just make up some other excuse.


I promise you I wouldn't make any excuses. I just know it's not true. Andre was not touring Canada in 1968, he was being BILLED at 6'10" in Europe, and he was never 7'1". He never looked even close to this; especially in 1968. You are the one who makes excuses. I am not trying to seem like a know-it-all, when I see posters making all of these blatantly false and illogical claims, I point them out. I'm not saying I know exactly how tall Andre was or exactly how much height he may or may not have lost. But, there is no way in the world he was 7'1" or 7'1.5". The vast majority of evidence shows him to have been 6'11" at the most. Maybe he was a tad over 6'11", but if he was 7'1"+ barefoot, he would have been 7'3"+ in his cowboy boots. Either Hamiliton is wrong or you honestly believe Andre was 7'1"+ barefoot in 1968 while being billed as 6'10". Does that really makes sense to you?
Boss said on 9/Dec/17
Here is Andre and Bobby Hull.
Click Here

Here are many photos showing Andre in 7' range.
Click Here
aaronious said on 9/Dec/17
the guy who is doing the new Andre documentary needs to stop blowing Meltzer. Meltzer is, and always has been an Andre hater

he probably got ALL his info from Meltzer, and did very little work himself.

they only mention Andre's height from when hes a very young man and weighed 300 lbs. what they don't take into account is that if Acromealy/giantism isnt treated, the body continues to grow. Andre continued to grow well into the mid 70's, i have no doubt, based on the barefoot picture of him on the scale on that wrestling magazine cover, that he was a legit 7'0.5" when he stood as tall as he could

dicksock, this guy was doing research on Andre's career, not his vital statistics. most of the guys on this website have done waaaay more research on Andre's height than this 'researcher'. Unless he has an actual medical document from 1975 or later, showing under under 7ft, i'm going to give ANdre the benefit of the doubt
aaronious said on 9/Dec/17
the guy who is doing the new Andre documentary needs to stop blowing Meltzer. Meltzer is, and always has been an Andre hater

he probably got ALL his info from Meltzer, and did very little work himself.

they only mention Andre's height from when hes a very young man and weighed 300 lbs. what they don't take into account is that if Acromealy/giantism isnt treated, the body continues to grow. Andre continued to grow well into the mid 70's, i have no doubt, based on the barefoot picture of him on the scale on that wrestling magazine cover, that he was a legit 7'0.5" when he stood as tall as he could
62B. said on 9/Dec/17
Chaz said on 8/Dec/17
62B. said on 7/Dec/17
Click Here Hmmm, hear is one of the same match you posted with Duggan. Only Andre is standing straight. Where is Duggan's eye level even though he is lifting his head? Also I stood just as close to Duggan as I did Andre that same year. Duggan was likely a fraction over 6'2" as we were the same height, only I was in running shoes and he was in hiking boots. its not likely he had more than an inch footwear advantage over me and I was 6'3.25"

The 6'' point on Andre's face is just over the tip of he's unless Duggan is 6'5'' in he's boots Andre is not 7'

I never said I thought Andre was 7' in 1988. I said I felt my eye level was just under his chin, which is where Duggans eyes come to in the pic I posted if he tilts his head level. Then Andre also has his mouth open lowering his chin slightly. Also in the pic I posted the top of Duggans' hair is at Andre's top lip, not the tip of his nose.
62B. said on 9/Dec/17
Chaz said on 8/Dec/17
62B. said on 7/Dec/17
Click Here Hmmm, hear is one of the same match you posted with Duggan. Only Andre is standing straight. Where is Duggan's eye level even though he is lifting his head? Also I stood just as close to Duggan as I did Andre that same year. Duggan was likely a fraction over 6'2" as we were the same height, only I was in running shoes and he was in hiking boots. its not likely he had more than an inch footwear advantage over me and I was 6'3.25"

The 6'' point on Andre's face is just over the tip of he's unless Duggan is 6'5'' in he's boots Andre is not 7'

I never said I thought Andre was 7' in 1988. I said I felt my eye level was just under his chin.
day day said on 9/Dec/17
What the hell andre went from about 380lbs to over 500lbs he had back surgery he broke his ankle he had bad knees what people forget here is his condition untreated it kills you so its remarkable he wrestled to 92 anyone else would have been in a care home with his condition,a 45 year old unfortunetly would be like a 85 year old so to think he could stand to his true 1970 height compared to 1987 onwards is ridiculous after wm6 andre was sadly dying slowly and he stayed in the wrestling business till the very end.
Gretz said on 8/Dec/17
I would like to know how anyone can think Meltzer can be taken at his word in anyway,he said he was measured in Japan at 6'9.75" in 1971(A year I'm not sure he was even still touring there as monster Roussimoff) then in the photo with Wilt he has him at 6'11.5"an estimate I happen to agree with.someone who still may post here said he emailed Meltzer and he told him he called some athletic commission to verify his height who even knows if this commission ever even existed Meltzer was 13 at the time of this measurement,and he would give no more info about them but this guy even tried to contact them and one in France even and got nothing.I wonder if anyone tried to contact the police department in the town he got arrested in,I know it was late in his career but I would think they would have measured him,just something to consider.i may have hit the submit button a couple times if I did sorry.
Anonymous said on 8/Dec/17
The photo with Wilt Chamberlain in my opinion Andre looks about 6'11"
Gretz said on 8/Dec/17
I would like to know how anyone can think Meltzer can be taken at his word in anyway,he said he was measured in Japan at 6'9.75" in 1971(A year I'm not sure he was even still touring there as monster Roussimoff) then in the photo with Wilt he has him at 6'11.5"an estimate I happen to agree with.someone who still may post here said he emailed Meltzer and he told him he called some athletic commission to verify his height who even knows if this commission ever even existed Meltzer was 13 at the time of this measurement,and he would give no more info about them but this guy even tried to contact the VC one in
Gretz said on 8/Dec/17
I would like to know how anyone can think Meltzer can be taken at his word in anyway,he said he was measured in Japan at 6'9.75" in 1971(A year I'm not sure he was even still touring there as monster Roussimoff) then in the photo with Wilt he has him at 6'11.5"an estimate I happen to agree with.someone who still may post here but said he emailed
Gretz said on 8/Dec/17
Steve I respect your opinion but for what ever reason its very hard to tell I think that in the Backlund pic from 1978 Andre may be 7 ft. even going by Backlund and the cinder blocks(and there are 5 or 6 pics of Andre standng close enough to cinder blocks to estmate his height of about 7ft.)By the Wilt pics of 1984 he looks about 6'11.75 or 6'11.5(and I sure hope the moderator Daminal thinks those dates are right).Wow just Wow!
Gretz said on 8/Dec/17
Hey Boss when you get a chance could you post that pic of Andre and 5'10" Bobby hull,Andre has a
foot ware advantage but Hull`s clearly on higher ground.This pic shows a 7ft. Andre In my opinion,if not I will try to post it though It has been posted by I and others many times over the years.In fact if you want to see to just google it,t will come up.
Chaz said on 8/Dec/17
62B. said on 7/Dec/17
Click Here Hmmm, hear is one of the same match you posted with Duggan. Only Andre is standing straight. Where is Duggan's eye level even though he is lifting his head? Also I stood just as close to Duggan as I did Andre that same year. Duggan was likely a fraction over 6'2" as we were the same height, only I was in running shoes and he was in hiking boots. its not likely he had more than an inch footwear advantage over me and I was 6'3.25"

The 6'' point on Andre's face is just over the tip of he's unless Duggan is 6'5'' in he's boots Andre is not 7'
Gretz said on 8/Dec/17
Wow just Wow,277 votes and Andre has a consensus vote of just over 7ft.,so all these guys posting a pic of A broken down Andre in the late 80`s are in the minority it turns out.Who would have thunk it,(wow just wow)hope I didn`t make any errors as I don`t read the dictionary and check nba rosters from 1983 before I post.
Boss said on 8/Dec/17
dicksock said on 7/Dec/17
Boss said on 6/Dec/17
Everyone here is entitled to their own estimates. Andre's peak was somewhere between 6'11" and the 7'1" he was said to be measured in Vancouver on All Stars Wrestling show in 1968.


Yet, there is zero footage of the measurement or reference to him being on the show. Not to mention the fact that he was still wrestling in Europe at the time and being billed at 6'10! Also, Andre has said he didn't stop growing until 1970 (age 24), which means you think he could have grown beyond 7'1". That story has literally a zero percent chance of being true, yet you still throw it out there like it has any validity.

Yet it's the most detailed account of Andre being measured that we have and Jody Hamilton was adamant about what he saw. Funny thing if we found the actual video you would just make up some other excuse.
Gretz said on 8/Dec/17
Daminal I will try to find the info about the back stage request of Bol wanting to meet Andre as I have no reason to make it up.And I said it was around 1983 because I wasn't 100 percent sure of the year.But yes you are right Bol is listed at 7'7",and I will debate about heights all day if I think I'm right.But I will not get personal or insult anyone,and I have nothing personal against you or anyone else that posts hear.
Oanh said on 8/Dec/17
Steve said on 8/Dec/17
I have been on here at least 10 years and don't post often, but have always had the same view, Andre's peak was between 6'11" - 6'11.5". Some on here are saying that he peaked at some point in the 70s then suddenly lost height by the early 80's.

There is no evidence he lost any height by the mid 1980's. Even after back surgery he appeared the same height, yes his posture was worse and he gained some weight, but those don't = height loss. Bad posture isn't height loss, many on here cannot understand that point.

The reason why he appeared taller in the mid 1970's is because of his massive afro and he almost always wore his big cowboy boots when out of the wrestling ring.

Even in the latest photo with Arnold posted by JT, you have to subtract his afro which adds a few inches to his height. He looks 6'11 max with Arnold when you minus his afro.

With Wilt, Andre has a footwear advantage in the pic where he is wearing his cowboy boots and has a afro. Those who say Andre was taller than Wilt or claim Andre was 7'0.5" with Wilt don't take those points into account.

*Edit* Don't forget, Wilt had a wig on in those photos. People tend to not mention this.
Gretz said on 8/Dec/17
Give me a break daminal,I was going by memory. And so spelled Bolt instead of bol,what did some one piss in your cheerios and my opinion counts just as much as your's big guy.
Steve said on 8/Dec/17
I have been on here at least 10 years and don't post often, but have always had the same view, Andre's peak was between 6'11" - 6'11.5". Some on here are saying that he peaked at some point in the 70s then suddenly lost height by the early 80's.

There is no evidence he lost any height by the mid 1980's. Even after back surgery he appeared the same height, yes his posture was worse and he gained some weight, but those don't = height loss. Bad posture isn't height loss, many on here cannot understand that point.

The reason why he appeared taller in the mid 1970's is because of his massive afro and he almost always wore his big cowboy boots when out of the wrestling ring.

Even in the latest photo with Arnold posted by JT, you have to subtract his afro which adds a few inches to his height. He looks 6'11 max with Arnold when you minus his afro.

With Wilt, Andre has a footwear advantage in the pic where he is wearing his cowboy boots and has a afro. Those who say Andre was taller than Wilt or claim Andre was 7'0.5" with Wilt don't take those points into account.
62B. said on 7/Dec/17
Click Here Hmmm, hear is one of the same match you posted with Duggan. Only Andre is standing straight. Where is Duggan's eye level even though he is lifting his head? Also I stood just as close to Duggan as I did Andre that same year. Duggan was likely a fraction over 6'2" as we were the same height, only I was in running shoes and he was in hiking boots. its not likely he had more than an inch footwear advantage over me and I was 6'3.25"
LG69 said on 7/Dec/17
Chuck Wepner is 6’5-6’6”
Oanh said on 7/Dec/17
Guanzo said on 6/Dec/17
With 6'4'' Chuck Wepner

Click Here

6'8'' max

Wepner was 6'5" not 6'4", and he was wearing shoes--Andre was barefoot. Also, Andre's head is tilted down.
There is another version of that photo that someone posted on this site, but it shows them head to foot.
day day said on 7/Dec/17
Why would ernie ladd be billed in football? he was a legit 6'9 and said andre was taller by far just accept he was 7ft prime he didnt shrink either it was just his condition all giants that get,they get older & heavier & cant stand to thier fullest sandy allen for example
dicksock said on 7/Dec/17
Boss said on 6/Dec/17
Everyone here is entitled to their own estimates. Andre's peak was somewhere between 6'11" and the 7'1" he was said to be measured in Vancouver on All Stars Wrestling show in 1968.


Yet, there is zero footage of the measurement or reference to him being on the show. Not to mention the fact that he was still wrestling in Europe at the time and being billed at 6'10! Also, Andre has said he didn't stop growing until 1970 (age 24), which means you think he could have grown beyond 7'1". That story has literally a zero percent chance of being true, yet you still throw it out there like it has any validity.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.