RP said on 10/Jul/18
Tree is correct!
Stan Frazier was actually 6’8” in the mid 80’s & 6’8.5” peak ...John Minton was a weak 6’7”...their 6’10” Billings were hogwash. Even Stan’s...his peak barefoot height was 6’8.5”...6’10” in boots.
RP said on 10/Jul/18
Boss is correct!
Boss said on 9/Jul/18
Andre's 7'1" claim in 1971 goes right with Jody Hamilton's claim of Andre being measured on a TV show in Vancouver at just over 7'1" and with Andre's nephew claiming Andre always claimed 7'1.5" to family and friends when asked of his height. Andre's trainer apparently also gave this height for Andre. Also, he looks close to this height with Wilt and Andre is past his peak height with Wilt and Andre's posture is not as good as Wilt's in the pics.
Boss said on 9/Jul/18
RoelC said on 7/Jun/18
Boss said on 2/Jun/18
Andre claimed 7'1" in the HBO documentary.
At the 6:20 mark of new HBO documentary.
This is 1971 he claimed 7'1" and 376 pounds. I think Rob should put this at top of page instead of the just at over 7' which was just someone here mistranslating Andre''s words.
tree said on 9/Jul/18
And with 6ft1 Rpddy Piper
Click Here
tree said on 9/Jul/18
Uncle Elmer was max 6FT8,with 6ft5.5 Hillibily Jim
Click Here
NCL said on 8/Jul/18
Thanks for your feedback on the pic, guys. Can someone post the pic with André with the alleged 6’8” police officer and the pic of Andre with Uncle Elmer? I haven’t been able to find those. I think it’d be interesting to compare those pics with Ron Fuller, Hogan, Tyler Mane, and Wilt Chamberlain.
Elmer was billed 7’2” I think but in reality he was 6’9” give or take right?
Pdoggy said on 5/Jul/18
The Ron Fuller episode is #49.
Pdoggy said on 5/Jul/18
On Fullers podcast he said Andre was over 7'
Boss said on 4/Jul/18
Really good pic NCL.
Boss said on 4/Jul/18
Andre would have 5 inches on Fuller without Fuller's footear advantage.
Boss said on 4/Jul/18
Ron Fuller is wearing cowboy boots and Andre is wearing his wrestling boots in the pic. Andre is actually standing with good posture in the pic.
Danimal 5'9 3/4" said on 27/Jun/18
Gretz6 said on 14/Jun/18
Look,I am sorry I even bought up the Andre could sink in the ring thing(it wouldn't matter at all hardly anyway)all I really wanted to point out was that you could average Andre would be about 0.50 inches taller than most wrestlers because of the thin souled wrestling boots he wore circa 68-84.And I think an inch on Hogan who you could tell had thicker boots on.In an interwiew with Bill Watts it was said watts was standing on a plank and he looked much taller than he usually looked next to Andre(I will try to track the video on YouTube)and Watts had to be 6'3"dont know the reason but Andre was bloody and took it out on Watts who wasn't to happy because he didn't take stuff from anyone.And Jt as far as cinder block pics go,they just aren't dependable enough every time I measure a wall and I'm talking 25+ walls I get a different measurement and admit this after seeing 5 or 6 pics of Andre looking 7'0" or more.Also there is a pic of andre next to weapner near some cardboard advertisements and he dwarfs him by 6+ inches in my opinion,have to track this down too pressed for time.For me from a career standpoint Andre 6.'11".5-7'0.75 early 70's.If some think 6'10" its all good nothing personal,I know this is really the only site that people are trying to get to the truth.props to Rob it looks like 70 percent of the people who post here remain for years.you have guys like JT and Daminal posting for 12+ years!
DANimal, not Daminal ;-). The difference between JT and myself is that JT refuses to accept anything other than 6'10" for Andres height regardless of whatever is posted to the contrary and he posts every single day of his life, where as I post on here once in a while.
MAD SAM said on 22/Jun/18
Over 7’ perhaps in 214-215 cm range
NCL said on 22/Jun/18
I may have found a gem. Thoughts on Ron Fuller's height? Here he is next to Andre
Click Here
I'm not familiar with him. He apparently was a wrestler and a basketball player. Wrestling has him at 6'9" on a google search. I found this which says he was 6'8" (basketball stats) My guess is the Basketball Stats are probably accurate:
Click Here

Editor Rob
he could be over 3 inches smaller, maybe almost 4
NCL said on 22/Jun/18
Andre the Giant and Bob Euker:
Click Here
I think the biggest thing that's deceiving about Andrew height-wise is his large features. His head was ENORMOUS. Look how much height he appears to lose at 44 seconds just because he bent down his head. Not sure of anyone's footwear here. Regardless of whatever anyone thinks Andre's height is, I think Andre could seem shorter than he actually was because his build was unusual. He had relatively short legs for his height, a very large head, and he rarely stood straight.
Alfred said on 16/Jun/18
Andre's enormous hands were 10.5" from base of palm to tip of middle finger. The remarkable thing about Andre's hands were the sheer robustness,the monstrous thickness of the fingers and width of the hand is comparable to an adolescent male Eastern Lowland Gorilla's.
I spoke to curators at the Baylor University years ago and they confirmed this measurement. I am in talks to outright buy the hand castes Friday m Baylor or reproduce them altogether as I collect such artifacts.
Andre in my opinion was a truly exceptional human being. I am in search of a superlative specimen named Mills Darden who reputedly was much larger than even Andre and if it is to be believed had much larger hands than Andre.
Gretz6 said on 14/Jun/18
Look,I am sorry I even bought up the Andre could sink in the ring thing(it wouldn't matter at all hardly anyway)all I really wanted to point out was that you could average Andre would be about 0.50 inches taller than most wrestlers because of the thin souled wrestling boots he wore circa 68-84.And I think an inch on Hogan who you could tell had thicker boots on.In an interwiew with Bill Watts it was said watts was standing on a plank and he looked much taller than he usually looked next to Andre(I will try to track the video on YouTube)and Watts had to be 6'3"dont know the reason but Andre was bloody and took it out on Watts who wasn't to happy because he didn't take stuff from anyone.And Jt as far as cinder block pics go,they just aren't dependable enough every time I measure a wall and I'm talking 25+ walls I get a different measurement and admit this after seeing 5 or 6 pics of Andre looking 7'0" or more.Also there is a pic of andre next to weapner near some cardboard advertisements and he dwarfs him by 6+ inches in my opinion,have to track this down too pressed for time.For me from a career standpoint Andre 6.'11".5-7'0.75 early 70's.If some think 6'10" its all good nothing personal,I know this is really the only site that people are trying to get to the truth.props to Rob it looks like 70 percent of the people who post here remain for years.you have guys like JT and Daminal posting for 12+ years!
Charlie Howell said on 14/Jun/18
Gretz said on 28/May/18
A guy who used to set up the rings in the early 80`s said Andre was so heavy he sunk in the ring a little bit,and i am not obsessed with meltzer I never even kissed him.but if you want him go for it!
Yes? then he must of had 1"+ soles on he's boots,which is rubish because they are no more than 1/2" and in the photo with Haystacks,who even then in 1980 is bigger 'they both have the same 1/2" soles on,you can still see all the sole,so not even Haystacks is sinking down in the ring,
Halb said on 14/Jun/18
JT said on 12/Jun/18
In this NY Times article from 1976 Click Here Wepner claimed Andre was 6’9”. I would not even go that low for Andre at peak height.
which is the same guestimate as the WM2 ring announce
Danimal 5'9 3/4" said on 13/Jun/18
dicksock said on 9/Jun/18
Here are some good pics of Wepner and Andre:
Click Here
Click Here
Andre looks roughly 6" taller in those pics. Both men were likely in cowboy boots, so I doubt there is much of a footwear difference between them. I think most pics and videos show Andre to have been around 6'11" in his prime. He could look 6'10" in some, 7' in others, but overall I think 6'11" the best estimate for him; especially if we are using his average daily height in his prime.
It's arguable that Andre's PRIME was in the EARLY 1970's where he was 7'0 1/4" (what he claimed to be). He seemed to have developed a bit of a hunch in his neck/upper back by the mid/late 70's, in which case he could have stood 6'11.5" by then. His body was already breaking down by that point. He was gaining weight and it was putting pressure on his spine and his overall posture was being altered as a result.
JT said on 12/Jun/18
In this NY Times article from 1976
Click Here Wepner claimed Andre was 6’9”. I would not even go that low for Andre at peak height.
dicksock said on 9/Jun/18
Here are some good pics of Wepner and Andre:
Click Here
Click Here
Andre looks roughly 6" taller in those pics. Both men were likely in cowboy boots, so I doubt there is much of a footwear difference between them. I think most pics and videos show Andre to have been around 6'11" in his prime. He could look 6'10" in some, 7' in others, but overall I think 6'11" the best estimate for him; especially if we are using his average daily height in his prime.
RP said on 9/Jun/18
JT measures up to Cinder Block Andre almost identical to what Hulk Hogan did throughout the 1980's !
RoelC said on 7/Jun/18
Boss said on 2/Jun/18
Andre claimed 7'1" in the HBO documentary.
star69 said on 6/Jun/18
I saw that photo of a barefoot Andre vs Wepner with shoes on. It’s been awhile, maybe a year or so, but I did see that photo Star69 mentioned. It was one of the promo shots. Anyway, Andre was no less than 6’11.5 at his peak. Bill Walton was not 7’1 peak, maybe 7’0.
JT said on 6/Jun/18
You can’t scale pics much better than these and took a while to get the proper camera level and distance
Click Here Click Here That’s Andre in April 1978, or just shy of his 32nd birthday, and standard 7 5/8” cinder blocks. I measured 6’5” in socks for a physical a few years back but am dealing with progressive scoliosis that will probably require fusion surgery so I may not even be that tall anymore. Me w/o buzz cut and ~6’11” Bill Walton from around 4 years ago.
Click Here A prime Walton was probably close to 7’1” and would have Andre by around 3 inches.
Star69 and Gretz, there is no pic of Andre barefoot next to Wepner and no pic of him looking 6 inches taller. These are the only pics I’ve ever come across from that “staredown” press conference.
Click Here Click Here Click Here The guy looking not so small next to Andre is Earl Shaw, a doctor from the New York Athletic Commission. Wepner could have a footwear advantage but he’s not wearing cowboy boots like some have claimed.
Wepner has always claimed 6’5” and no more, which is what he said in a Sports Illustrated article from 1975 leading up to his match with Ali. And where is the sinkage here in this cheap ring with Andre in hard heels???
Click Here
Boss said on 2/Jun/18
Andre claimed 7'1" in the HBO documentary.
Gretz said on 2/Jun/18
Duhon,in that pic i think it was pointed out that Weapner had some kind of boot that boosted his height a couple of inches and andre had his thin souled wrestling boots on.Also Andre has his head down he gains a lot of height when he raises it,there is another pic where andre looks an easy 6 or so inches taller than chuck.Boss probably has it in his photo album,don`t know Weapner`s real height I have seen him listed at 6'5" to 6'6.5"(I think his manager said this and said Chuck was dwarfed by Andre and looked like a pygmy next to him.
Roel Cuppen said on 1/Jun/18
Gretz said on 1/Jun/18
AND when was this debunked years ago that Andre may have sunk in the ring? did you find a 500lbs? man and find out,In rings that are different than that of the early 80`s?I doubt it(you think the results from the modern day adhear to the modern day colimbine results have anything to do with Andre in the kayefabe era,give me a break if Andre was 6'9.75" he would have never even allowed himself to be measured.You are so unqualified to give an opinion it is a joke
Yeah Andre is really sinking about an inch in the mat here!!!
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Unlike you I trust what I can see, and not what some guy told me.
And why don’t you answer the question I was asking you, instead of rambling about wrestling and kayfabe. You accuse Meltzer of leaking confidential info to the public, when all he did was claim Andre was measured at 6’9.75” at the age of 24 in France.
I don’t see the difference between leaking the measured height of a wrestler to a wrestling journalist compared to leaking the measured height of a basketball player to a sports journalist. But go ahead and sue Meltzer for this. I’m sure even judges need a good laugh from time to time.
Andre was still getting billed at 6’10” or 6’11” in the UK in 1969, so if Andre was so concerned with his own gimmick, he would’ve never allowed himself to be listed below his actual height.
star69 said on 1/Jun/18
There is another photo from a different angle that shows Andre was barefoot, and Wepner has on shoes. Andre has his head tilted down and still looks 4” taller. Factor the shoe disadvantage, and Andre was probably 5’5” taller than 6’5.5 Wepner.
joe### said on 1/Jun/18
yes chuck wepner is a solid 6´5 peak
Gretz said on 1/Jun/18
AND when was this debunked years ago that Andre may have sunk in the ring? did you find a 500lbs? man and find out,In rings that are different than that of the early 80`s?I doubt it(you think the results from the modern day adhear to the modern day colimbine results have anything to do with Andre in the kayefabe era,give me a break if Andre was 6'9.75" he would have never even allowed himself to be measured.You are so unqualified to give an opinion it is a joke(Did you even see him wrestle live) i did over 20 times starting in the late seventies at the Wildwood convention center ,than at the philadelphia spectrum at least a dozen times i got close enough to touch his shoulder.So I think i have a better description of his height to you and a lot of you guys 40 and under.Gorrila Monsoon who I think is listed at 6'6" but probably was 6'4"+ was the biggest man i had ever met,I was 12-13 at the time and he was sitting outside selling tickets(summer of 79-80)i was so intimidated I was afraid to ask him for his autograph.That night 6+ wrestlers had to hold him back so as not to kill this old fool that for some reason gave him a hard time.And to be honest the thing that stood out the most was the size of his feet they where leather addidas white (that was rare for the times)and they had to be like size 16 easy.My father was a solid 6'1" was dwarfed by his height and overall size.my older sister got a photo of her and Sargent Slaughter and he looked a bit taller than Monsoon even.What a great time I don`t know if you can meet wrestlers so up close and personal anymore.So yes a lot of you young guys will stand by Meltzer`s contrived height.But I was actually their through out all those years(I actually consider my self an expert of his career i have vhs tapes of over 300 matches at least)so I am sorry but my opinion is that andre peaked at 6'11.5" to maybe 7'0.75" in the morning in the earl 70`s.A pic of Wilt and Andre in 1972(I wish they had one)would show almost no difference in height,and truth be told Andre makes the mighty Wilt look like a daddy long legged guy next to Andre who has the body that looks like a 5'6"guy,in reality if his legs where longer he would have the body of a 7'6"man easy.So please try to school me on Andre I have only been following for 44 years!Oh and look 350 votes and still at 7'0" looks like Rob is right again
tree said on 31/May/18
That pic is not good Boss
There is an agel tilt in Andres favor
These are good
Click Here Click Here Wilt has half an inch on Andre who's shoes look to give 2 inches.Wilts shoes give only 0.75inch
Knowing that Andre is 6ft11-6ft11.5 there.
You could argue Andres shoe give only 1.5 inch that could make him 7ft,anyway there is plenty of evidence he was never over 7ft.
Duhon said on 30/May/18
Can anyone explain this pic why are Andre and 6'5" Chuck Wepner almost standing eye to eye?
Click Here
Gretz said on 30/May/18
Boss thats a great pic but can anyone explain why Andre and Wilt both have A foot plus on Arnold in that pic.He was measured by a friend barefoot in I think 1968 at 6'1.5".Does the wig Wilt is wearing and Andre`s foot ware advantage really elevate them that much over a 6'1" man.one thing this tells me
is that a peak 6'10" Andre makes no logical sense.And roelC you must be young and going by todays standards,at the columbine you want to give them your official height and weight and speed and how often you use the bathroom so you can move up in the draft.But in the early 70`s wrestling was a very protected sport(have you ever even heard the word kayfabe)?Vince sr. told Andre to never have a pic taken with someone taller than him,the people who cared for andre would never allow a measurment that would have debunked his career to get out,And why can`t I get the number of this french athletic commission and ask who measured him at a mere 6'9.75",because it never happened ask Meltzer who he called bet he won`t even answer you.He is a hypocrite who said Andre was 6'11.5" in the wilt pic,man I have probably been posting here when you where in diapers genius.
Boss said on 29/May/18
Another pic of Andre with Arnold and Wilt from Arnold's twitter page.
Click Here
Gretz said on 28/May/18
A guy who used to set up the rings in the early 80`s said Andre was so heavy he sunk in the ring a little bit,and i am not obsessed with meltzer I never even kissed him.but if you want him go for it!
RoelC said on 28/May/18
Gretz said on 24/May/18
THANKS RP,some of you guys are looking at the video evidence.Others are like republican and democrats voting along the party lines despite any evidence,if your a dem he is 6'10" no matter what,a republican he is 70'0" no matter what.And I try to remind everybody until he started waring those orthapedic boots in the mid to late 80`s he always had his thin souled boots that gave him maybe a half inch boost in the ring,then if he happened to be around 500lbs. that would have him sink maybe that whole half inch back in the ring.Some of the guys he wrestled maybe wore size 12 230lbs. would probably stay level in the ring giving them a good inch on andre to start out with.Dosen`t sound like much but if we are trying to hypothesize his height between 6'11"-7'0" it becomes significant.And when I was 18 I was 5'11.5,when i was in pics almost unconsciously with shorter family members I would scrunch down and lower my head to make myself fit in the pic better.(I am willing to bet that human nature gets most of that to do that to some extent).One more thing i would like to point out is that because of the angle in ring pics are not as reliable as pics taken on level ground.when Hogan wins the belt in 1984,Andre comes out from the back and mean gene is interviewing Hulk and he dumps a bottle of bubbly on his head.Andre is a 6 solid inches taller than hulk then and with the footware Andre is waring he is probably 6.5 inches taller in 1984.And by then I think Andre was 6'11.5".So can we please call meltzer a sham and the 6'9.75"measurement was a total fabrication.Or give me this athletic commission from france Address and the doctor who measured him who was not allowed to give information to a reporter because of doc patient confidentiality Andre or his estate could have sued the hell out of this doctor and Meltzer,and should in FACT DO IT NOW!Even if they had this manufactured fake evidence they could be proven guilty in a court of law.I may even if they post on his website that he has opened him up to a purgery and confidentiality lawsuit the idiot!even though i don`t think these documents exist,if he faked them it would be akin to printing counterfeit money the jack-ass.
You’re way too obsessed with Meltzer!
If Meltzer got his info from the French Athletic Commission, why is that any different than American sports journalists getting measurements from the NBA draft camp or NFL combine measurements.
That nonsense of ring sinkage has been debunked years ago. There are plenty of in-ring pics of Andre, where you can clearly see the soles of his shoes. Besides, there are also plenty of pics of Andre outside of the ring, so excuses of ring sinkage don’t apply there.
RoelC said on 28/May/18
RP said on 21/May/18
Gretz is correct!
There were times in the 1980's mostly (1982-1986) including their AWA days, that Big John Studd only looked a 0.5" taller than Hulk Hogan. Then there would be other times that he would look 1.5" to even 2" taller. I have also seen older video clips & photos from the era of 1975-1980, were John looked the exact same height as Ernie. Then there would be other times that Ernie would look 1.5" taller than Studd.
I find it highly unlikely that there’s a video out there where Ladd is 2 inches taller than Studd, and yet that video has never found its way to this page. Ladd’s height has often been discussed at this page. There are some who swear Ladd was a legit 6’9” (mostly the people who swear Andre was a legit 7’), and there are people who claim Ladd was shorter than his AFL listed height (mostly the people who don’t believe Andre was a legit 7’) . One of the reasons why people think Ladd wasn’t 6’9” are the videos with Studd. So if there was ever a video on Youtube of Ladd & Studd together, where Ladd is 2 inches taller, than the 7ft Andre camp would’ve definitely posted it here.
In the interviews that I’ve seen (and have been posted here) Ladd & Studd roughly look the same height. If you’ve seen other videos than post them here! So far you’ve not convinced me that Studd wore lifts.
Besides, has it ever occurred to you that it might be Ladd who’s the one that wore lifts? Like I said, when they tagged together Ladd was billed at 7ft and Studd at 6’9”. Why would they put lifts on Studd to make them look the same height, when according to their billed height Studd should've been 3 inches shorter.
Undertaker Frank said on 27/May/18
When Andre fought Chuck Wepner the Sports writers @ ringside estimated Andre @ 6ft 9 i believe he was 6ft 10
star69 said on 27/May/18
Tree, I saw that giant’s photo on “Tallest Man” website. He’s listed under unknown giants. One of the site members did a height estimate using pixel count. He estimated the giant has about two feet on the little guy. I think the little guy was estimated to be 5’0-5’1, so the giant would be at least 7’0. If he was 7’0, he’s much heavier than Andre. There was speculation that it might be Mills Darden, because the photo supposedly was from 1857, but the little guy would have to be 5’6 if the giant is 7’6. Rob, if the giant is 7’0, do you think he’s about 650-700lbs?
Gretz said on 24/May/18
Tree I don`t know who that guy is but i `m sorry without some info that pic don`t know where you found that pic.It means nothing,that guy could be 6'7" with thin shoulders.the man he is standing with is a classic example of a guy possibly 4-10"-5'0" making this guy look bigger.i 99% doubt this guy is even 6'9".
Gretz said on 24/May/18
THANKS RP,some of you guys are looking at the video evidence.Others are like republican and democrats voting along the party lines despite any evidence,if your a dem he is 6'10" no matter what,a republican he is 70'0" no matter what.And I try to remind everybody until he started waring those orthapedic boots in the mid to late 80`s he always had his thin souled boots that gave him maybe a half inch boost in the ring,then if he happened to be around 500lbs. that would have him sink maybe that whole half inch back in the ring.Some of the guys he wrestled maybe wore size 12 230lbs. would probably stay level in the ring giving them a good inch on andre to start out with.Dosen`t sound like much but if we are trying to hypothesize his height between 6'11"-7'0" it becomes significant.And when I was 18 I was 5'11.5,when i was in pics almost unconsciously with shorter family members I would scrunch down and lower my head to make myself fit in the pic better.(I am willing to bet that human nature gets most of that to do that to some extent).One more thing i would like to point out is that because of the angle in ring pics are not as reliable as pics taken on level ground.when Hogan wins the belt in 1984,Andre comes out from the back and mean gene is interviewing Hulk and he dumps a bottle of bubbly on his head.Andre is a 6 solid inches taller than hulk then and with the footware Andre is waring he is probably 6.5 inches taller in 1984.And by then I think Andre was 6'11.5".So can we please call meltzer a sham and the 6'9.75"measurement was a total fabrication.Or give me this athletic commission from france Address and the doctor who measured him who was not allowed to give information to a reporter because of doc patient confidentiality Andre or his estate could have sued the hell out of this doctor and Meltzer,and should in FACT DO IT NOW!Even if they had this manufactured fake evidence they could be proven guilty in a court of law.I may even if they post on his website that he has opened him up to a purgery and confidentiality lawsuit the idiot!even though i don`t think these documents exist,if he faked them it would be akin to printing counterfeit money the jack-ass.
tree said on 22/May/18
Rob you think this giant could be 7ft?If the giant is around 7 feet he would have wider shoulders than Andre who himself has a huge frame.
Click Here
Wouldn't it makes sense for that huge guy to be under 7ft so his shoulders wouldn't be wider?

Editor Rob
Near 7ft maybe
Tunman said on 21/May/18
Not related to height,but is it true that he was able to drink phenomenal quantities of alcohol?
Click Here
Well,I remember someone who once boasted about how he drank 30 beers in a single night(7,5 liters)and I was very skeptical but 119,about 4 times that?even more funny is the story about 12 bottles of wine in a 3 hour bus ride.All this seems very exaggerated imo.
RP said on 21/May/18
Gretz is correct!
There were times in the 1980's mostly (1982-1986) including their AWA days, that Big John Studd only looked a 0.5" taller than Hulk Hogan. Then there would be other times that he would look 1.5" to even 2" taller. I have also seen older video clips & photos from the era of 1975-1980, were John looked the exact same height as Ernie. Then there would be other times that Ernie would look 1.5" taller than Studd.
Gretz said on 18/May/18
Roelc-I disagree when you say John Studd never wore lifts when in the ring with Ernie Ladd.During an interview at ringside ladd has a solid two inches+ on Studd then on another occasion Studd actually looks slightly taller than Ladd.So it's not impossible to think Studd would ware them at times,he would always say when Andre was retired he would be the next giant of wrestling.In a match with Hogan that was outside because it started raining,Studd had probably a weak two inches on Hogan.At the time Hogan was a good inch or so taller than Hillbilly Jim,who most people list at 6'5"-6'5.5".So I have seen enough of Studd that I think he was probably 6'6.5" plus whatever he fudged at times.I will try to find the difference in height between Studd and Ladd as changing at times but I'M old school so don't hold your breath but it's on YouTube somewhere.
Gretz said on 18/May/18
Oanh,I think he(miles Darden)is really the biggest over all man in history.Maybe Goliath of Gath was bigger at 9'9",or some emperor from ancient Egypt was like 8'6" and some vast weight along with that.I was just pointing out it was unfortunate the pic of Darden was a fake,i think even Rob would tell you you can't take Darden's height at face value.How do I know this giant Porter was 7'4"?
Gretz said on 15/May/18
tree thats the problem,these people aren`t going to go to the trouble to research his height,because they say he is 7'4 to them he is because why lie about it they think.I have even told friends and showed them pics of people of known height even the Wilt pic,and they just said well wilt is probably 7'5 at least he is a freak of nature and dismiss it.While I am on the opposite end of the spectrum measuring cinder blocks in the fire tower at work because we have 5-6 pics of Andre close to cinder blocks.And i hate to say it but going through parts of the building i kept getting all kinds of different measurements so forget about using that measurement.even guys close to his height is a problem that he posed with,Wilt Al Meltzer,Ray Didinger,and another news guy(I`m from Philly)measured wilt laying down with a tailors tape measure said he was 7'0.5",how accurate could that have been?he was measured at temple college with a new device that said he was 7'1+1/16".Both could be right providing the time of day,and when andre was probably at his tallest(i`m going to say 1970-75) i have read most people with acromegaly grow until around the age of 24 after that the bones stop growing but get thicker And the organs keep growing if not treated thus shortening the lifespan.all i can say with any certainty is Andre and Wilt look about the same height in the b/w pic with Arnold they both look 13+ inches taller than measured in 1968-69 barefoot at 6'1.5".Man i just don`t think he was ever that tall it skewes to many other peoples height,(i think he was 6'0.5)at most and is 5'11.5" maybe today.And I could go on all day I`ll say 6'11.5-7'0.50"for peak height Andre depending on what point of the day he was measured.
dicksock said on 15/May/18
Here is an interesting clip of Hillbilly Jim and Jake Roberts from 1987:
Click Here
Jake Roberts refers to King Kong Bundy as 6'2". He was billed as 6'6" at the time, I think. Not really Andre related, but I'm sure some on this page would find it interesting. Also cool to see Jake and Hillbilly together. They appear to be about the same height.
Oanh said on 14/May/18
@Gretz, Mills/Miles Darden’s size was well documented for those times(1800s). The Tennessee Historical Society has numerous newspaper articles from around the 1850s. In one, they mention Mills being “2” taller than the Kentucky giant, Porter”, who was 7’4. He was consistently reported at 7’6, and his weight ranged from 800-1,020 pounds. He was called “The largest man in history.” He’d make Andre look small. I had an old Guiness Book of Records from the early 1980’s, and they had him listed as being the overall largest human. I don’t think they have that category anymore.
Gretz said on 11/May/18
You know this Meltzer guy has done nothing but add to an already nearly impossible question,and I think he did it intentionally to stir the pot and any press is good press especially for a dirt sheet writer.He said he was measureed in Japan at 6'9".75 in 1970 and 1974 is another year i have heard thrown around.(there is a website that has recorded all of Andre`s matches ,but who knows if that is 100% accurate?anyway I have to check back but one of those years he did not even wrestle in France,so there would be no athletic commission to measure him.Also all medical info is subject to doctor patient confidentiality.(you just can`t ask some random doctor about medical history without orders from a judge)did he procure this info out of thin air I think not.And he was 13 at the time of one of these measurements.So all I can say is i did start watching his career in 1974 when he always had that brown vest on,now all i can do is say he looked around the 7'0" mark in a pic with 5'10-5'10.5" bobby Hull,his son brett is listed at 5'11' and his older father does look about an inch shorter so he is close to his listed height.In a pic with wahoo macdaniel who in the old afl then nfl is listed at 6'1".And no I don`t buy it unless he had a major injury knocking him down to 5'10" doubt that very much.i will post more but you get the idea,and like I said there is a chance he never even reached 7'0" would that make him less of a person really.one of the best pics I have ever seen of andre is when he is actually sitting down next to a woman bartender,he so completly dwarfs her I am in awe of this man.as far as all around size there are probably 10 or so guys close to him all around physically in human history.the one I can point to is Miles Darden 7`6" 800lbs. in his prime,later over 1000lbs.There was a fake pic circulating about him on the internet about 10 years ago,so for all I know he was 6'9" 5-700lbs. people where in general much smaller in the 1800`s.it was so easy to fake things even in the early 60`s,Eddie Carmel was at one point listed at 9'6" with his 4'8" -4'10" parents people really thought he was over 9'0"tall!
tree said on 11/May/18
I think anybody who is not a dumb little kid and does a little research can find out in 5 minutes he was nowhere near 7ft4
Gretz said on 10/May/18
Thanks dicksock i mean we may disagree his peak height over many mitogating factore`s.But we are in the same ballpark.When we have a giant,his height might change more than a normal man through out the day.And i might think he broke down physically more than you.i am willing to concede he could have peaked at 6'11" but i am old 50 and might have a slighty opposing viewpoint,he can look 7`0" in pics and he does tend to lower his head some and have thin souled boots so please consider that.let`s just say if he was 7'0.25' at his tallest the shortest he could have been was 6'11" or a tad ,either way he`s 7'0" in proper footware.Either way because of his look and presaence he will probably be 7'4" by the public even though we know this is way off.
dicksock said on 5/May/18
Gretz said on 3/May/18
Look whatever anyone`s opinion on Andre`s max height is fine with me,I can`t prove I`m right but neither can anyone else(unless andre`s GP kept a chart over the year`s he would be the only one,but have yet to see any proof of that and it would be disputed anyway)We as posters here try our best to get to the truth.But the truth is the general public don`t care if he was 6'10-7'1",now I think 97% of us fall in that range(although I think Andre was only 7'0" for maybe 10-12 years)maybe 1968-79.i have seen arguments that where actually good the way they rationalized it that he was 7'4",to me and 99% of the people who post here that is a joke.Rob and I`m going to give you credit here ,kiss ass whatever you want to call it,for letting people who are really trying to get as close as possible to his real height.you have the most accurate site by far.and us regular posters can`t help but laugh at the general public for blindingly thinking Andre was 7'4".Why,because it said so on his website.if it wasn`t for your site they would still think that guy posing with his 4'10" mother was 8'5".
Yeah man, you got it.
Gretz said on 3/May/18
Look whatever anyone`s opinion on Andre`s max height is fine with me,I can`t prove I`m right but neither can anyone else(unless andre`s GP kept a chart over the year`s he would be the only one,but have yet to see any proof of that and it would be disputed anyway)We as posters here try our best to get to the truth.But the truth is the general public don`t care if he was 6'10-7'1",now I think 97% of us fall in that range(although I think Andre was only 7'0" for maybe 10-12 years)maybe 1968-79.i have seen arguments that where actually good the way they rationalized it that he was 7'4",to me and 99% of the people who post here that is a joke.Rob and I`m going to give you credit here ,kiss ass whatever you want to call it,for letting people who are really trying to get as close as possible to his real height.you have the most accurate site by far.and us regular posters can`t help but laugh at the general public for blindingly thinking Andre was 7'4".Why,because it said so on his website.if it wasn`t for your site they would still think that guy posing with his 4'10" mother was 8'5".
JT said on 2/May/18
GST said on 28/Apr/18
...I think what is astonishing is how big Andre’s head & hand is compared to the officer. Huge is an understatement.
That’s b/c Andre’s standing closer to the camera and turned more sideways, which makes his already huge head and hand look even bigger. We don't know the officer's true height so you and others are just speculating. However, the officer could be really 6’7”-6’8” as he’s going to be fairly close to Andre’s height by moving closer to the camera and looks taller than how guys like John Studd probably would have standing behind Andre like that.
Click Here
Michael Voorhees said on 1/May/18
Andre in that pic with the security guard looks to be 7'0, but that guard looks about the same height next to Andre as Big John Studd did who was 6'6. But then again the top of the guard head also looks to be at Andre's eyebrow level, which is also where Hogan came up to on Andre. And Hogan was in the 6'4 or 6'5 range. There has been more then a enough pics on here of Andre with 6'5 0r 6'6 guys some wrestlers some just everyday guys like this security guard, to prove that if Andre was not 7'0, he was just a hair under it.
Texas Tom said on 30/Apr/18
Well, I think between the pic with Ron Fuller, and the shot with the 6-8 officer, Meltzer's 6-9 & 3/4 estimate can be put to bed once and for all.
All told I think most of the photographic evidence points to a 6-11 peak. I wouldn't completely rule out a weak 7 ft, but I wouldn't bet the mortgage on it either.
RP said on 29/Apr/18
I totally agree with GST!
y2flu said on 29/Apr/18
One thing people often fail to mention was that Andre's wild fro added quite a bit of "false" height and made him appear taller. Once he cut his hair he appeared to be shorter.
Gretz said on 29/Apr/18
The funny thing about the pic with the security guy,is that Andre could raise his head up more and make this guy look shorter.Can anyone really say he wasn`t 7'0" at one point.
Gretz said on 29/Apr/18
Wow if that security guard is 6'8,then Andre is 7`1" easy there this tells me it`s probably wrong.Andre I think was 7'0" up to 1978 this may be diceptive or the security guard is from circa that time so the angle i think could be off.If there is one thing I have learned here is don`t judge by one pic,there are people who make judgments based on not even full body pics all the time.
Gretz said on 29/Apr/18
This Samir guy is a joke,Andre at 6'8" what pills do you take?My last post didn`t get on here (I think I insulted Samir too much)there are 5-6 cinder block pics showing Andre at 7'0")I think one of the last ones with Backlund in 1978.All the cake pics and the one with Bobby Hull 5'10-10.5",you have to understand he is looking down in a lot of pics and when he raises that massive head he gains height.Like you would never think when he is looking down he could equal Wilt but when he does raise his head he looks the same height.Please don`t point out the height advantage from the footware already know but lets keep in mind Wilt has a mop on his head,and it is from 1984 I think Andre did drop to 6'11".5 by then.then this guy who probably wasn`t born when Andre passed is going to tell me the whole career I watched of him is like watching u.f.o documentaries well Andre did show up on a u.f.o in the 6 million dollar man so how do you like that?And as far as a giant`s height changing throughout the day and the beating and injuries from the ring he probably was down to 6'10.5" by wrestlemania with Hulk.I know in that pic with bam bam he can`t be more than 6'10".
GST said on 28/Apr/18
As a law enforcement officer I must advise you to take into consideration that the officer in the picture will have a distinct footwear advantage due to wearing his uniform boots. I doubt the son would lie about his deceased father’s height. The officer is probably 6’9 in his uniform boots. That puts Andre about 7’0 in his wrestling boots, give or take .5 of an inch. Someone should use a digital ruler to measure out the difference between the two.
I think what is astonishing is how big Andre’s head & hand is compared to the officer. Huge is an understatement.
I’ve seen evidence for and against Andre being a certain height, but in my opinion I think this is evidence for a 7 foot Andre. If he was a bit younger, straight out of bed Andre is 7 foot tall, or so this picture insinuates.
Capt. Nobody said on 26/Apr/18
star69 said on 24/Apr/18
JT said on 22/Apr/18
This police officer is supposedly 6’8” Click Here Andre’s closer to the camera and would obviously have the footwear disadvantage unless he’s on his tippy-toes. The first thing Andre and many other wrestlers must have been taught is to try to always stand closest to the camera.
The first thing they would have been taught? LOL
I don't think they were even taught that at all.
No way, everyone knows Andre was so worried about it that he became a master wizard in the Balducci method and learned how to manipulate camera angles at will.
Diego said on 26/Apr/18
I think 6ft 10
JT said on 25/Apr/18
tree said on 23/Apr/18
....How do you know if he is really 6ft8?maybe he is 6ft6 or 6ft7 and claims more like many others
Or 6ft8 is a shoe height and he claims that.
that was from an Instagram posting by the son of the police officer, who claimed that his dad was 6’8”.
Click Here The original pic has a camera tilt in Andre’s favor, which I straightened out. If the officer lined up equidistant to the camera like Andre, I could see him getting within a few inches of Andre so he could be at least 6’7” factoring in his footwear advantage. He looks taller next to Andre than 6'6" John Studd would have. Andre would sometimes stand on his tippy toes in pics so we don't know if that was done here or not. It’s still strange to see someone that close in height to Andre.
Eric C. said on 24/Apr/18
Personally, I think Andre The Giant was an honest individual and when he claimed 7'1 in the Andre HBO documentary, I actually believed it was possible. Because firstly, he claimed that right around his prime. Secondly, he weighed less so gravity wouldn't be affecting his back as much. Thirdly, that would enable him to have a completely straight measurement. And, in addition, I think its kind of fair because even if Andre was 7'0.25 or 7'0.5 prime and he claimed 7'1, it's still incredibly close and standing completely straight not slouching in the morning with a little bit of hair and shoes, he could absolutely claim that. So I definitely think he very well might've legitimately at one point in his life would've been a little bit above 7'0 and maybe 7'1 on some of his all-time best youthful days.
mrtguy said on 24/Apr/18
Rob, you think Pustina might be the rare case of which has a larger head than Andre?? I mean it looks 13 inches if not very close
Click Here

Editor Rob
He seemed to have a bigger eye-chin size, but still has very average eye-top of head. If it's longer than Andre, I'm not sure it is that much.
star69 said on 24/Apr/18
JT said on 22/Apr/18
This police officer is supposedly 6’8” Click Here Andre’s closer to the camera and would obviously have the footwear disadvantage unless he’s on his tippy-toes. The first thing Andre and many other wrestlers must have been taught is to try to always stand closest to the camera.
The first thing they would have been taught? LOL
I don't think they were even taught that at all.
Chaz said on 24/Apr/18
RoelC said on 22/Apr/18
JT said on 20/Apr/18
Click Here Don’t know who the guy is with Don Lane but he’s definitely taller than Andre. Maybe an Australian b-ball player?? It looks like he’d have around a full head size on Lane if he straightened up so maybe 7'1" or 7'2"?
That looks like a young Christopher Greener, who was 7'5 1/4" at the time. He should have at least a full head on Don Lane.
that is not Greener he's nose is much too small,and the guy is too short,looks more 7'2' .there is a photo on another site Of a young Greener next to 6'6'' Singer Don Fardon and he's got much more height over him. I am having a job posting anything with my comp at the moment,but Greener had a huge Acromegalic nose from a young age.I don't know who that is but it's not Greener.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 23/Apr/18
JT said on 22/Apr/18
This police officer is supposedly 6’8” Click Here Andre’s closer to the camera and would obviously have the footwear disadvantage unless he’s on his tippy-toes. The first thing Andre and many other wrestlers must have been taught is to try to always stand closest to the camera.
Nice find, looks the same gap as Stan Frazier had to Andre
tree said on 23/Apr/18
JT said on 22/Apr/18
This police officer is supposedly 6’8” Click Here Andre’s closer to the camera and would obviously have the footwear disadvantage unless he’s on his tippy-toes. The first thing Andre and many other wrestlers must have been taught is to try to always stand closest to the camera.
How do you know if he is really 6ft8?maybe he is 6ft6 or 6ft7 and claims more like many others
Or 6ft8 is a shoe height and he claims that.
RP said on 23/Apr/18
JT, that female with the officer must be close to a 6'0" then? If he's 6 8"? If he's a legit barefoot 6'8"? Andre Looks 6'11" there IMO. What year was this photo & what state?
Oanh said on 23/Apr/18
Andre looks at minimum 7” taller than Don.
JT said on 22/Apr/18
This police officer is supposedly 6’8”
Click Here Andre’s closer to the camera and would obviously have the footwear disadvantage unless he’s on his tippy-toes. The first thing Andre and many other wrestlers must have been taught is to try to always stand closest to the camera.
Undertaker Frank said on 22/Apr/18
Andre looks about 5 inches @ best taller than Lane !!
Halb said on 22/Apr/18
Measuring in metric in the UK could have happened. Both metric and imperial (the UK system) have been used for decades.
Samir Yusuf said on 22/Apr/18
star69 said on 20/Apr/18
Samir Yusuf said on 19/Apr/18
niceguy82 said on 18/Apr/18
Forget the 7+ feet myths, at least on this timeframe: Click Here
with 6'4 Don Lane Look @ 10:32 or 9:25 Both have similar footwear too
Andre doesn't look over 6'8 here.
It's a poor angle, dude. Look at 49 seconds for a much better angle. Andre looks at least 7" taller.
Sorry bro but 49 seconds is a distorted comparison. Look dud I know finding out Andre was only 6'9 at most is like finding out Junior High School girlfriend was not virgin first time you belly to belly suplex her. That's life and you need to realize other things aren't real like hope, goals, and publishers clearing house sweepstakes.
Kunoichi said on 22/Apr/18
To the extent I know, I think that there is no rumor in Japan that André had diagnosed pituitary tumors in Japan in 1970.
I never heard of Andre 's height measured at 214 cm until I knew it on the net.
I am Japanese, I am sorry that my English is so bad.
RoelC said on 22/Apr/18
JT said on 20/Apr/18
Click Here Don’t know who the guy is with Don Lane but he’s definitely taller than Andre. Maybe an Australian b-ball player?? It looks like he’d have around a full head size on Lane if he straightened up so maybe 7'1" or 7'2"?
That looks like a young Christopher Greener, who was 7'5 1/4" at the time. He should have at least a full head on Don Lane.
niceguy82 said on 22/Apr/18
"It's a poor angle, dude. Look at 49 seconds for a much better angle. Andre looks at least 7" taller."
How can that be a better angle when he's closer to camera and Don is behind him? There's no 7" there cmon.
Alfred said on 21/Apr/18
In the HBO Andre the Giant documentary, former weightlifter Dr.Terry Todd said he chronicled Andre the giant during Andre's prime years.
He compared Andre's enormous hands with his; of course there was no comparison.
Dr.Todd says he has the preserved hands of a Lowland Gorilla in hos collection at the University of Texas and the hands are approximately the same thickness as Andre's.
Depending on the subspecies; a very large gorilla's hand would be far larger and much thicker than even Andre's.
John Dyer said on 21/Apr/18
I went to one of the big WWF wrestling events in Oakland CA, in 1988. I'm 6'6 and worked in a big & tall store for many years so I was really good at determining height/weight/waist size. Interested to see how big Andre The Giant and Hulk Hogan is, I left my seat and stood next to the tunnel and waited for them to come out. Andre came out first and was shocked to see that I nearly looked him eye to eye. My best estimate he was 6'8 and that's with his wrestling boots that gave him an extra inch. As far as his weight was concerned, he looked every bit of 500 pounds. Hulk Hogan came out a few moments later and I was looking down at the top of his head. His height was about 6'3 and his weight was about 270 at most. It was disappointing but I'm sure others have had this same revelation.
star69 said on 20/Apr/18
Samir Yusuf said on 19/Apr/18
niceguy82 said on 18/Apr/18
Forget the 7+ feet myths, at least on this timeframe: Click Here
with 6'4 Don Lane Look @ 10:32 or 9:25 Both have similar footwear too
Andre doesn't look over 6'8 here.
It's a poor angle, dude. Look at 49 seconds for a much better angle. Andre looks at least 7" taller.
JT said on 20/Apr/18
Click Here Don’t know who the guy is with Don Lane but he’s definitely taller than Andre. Maybe an Australian b-ball player?? It looks like he’d have around a full head size on Lane if he straightened up so maybe 7'1" or 7'2"?
Click Here This guy A. J. Fickessen was apparently a bodybuilder in Texas back in the 50s. Andre’s not in cowboy boots so it’s probably mid-70s at the latest.
From what I have come across, the term "MRI" was not even used yet as of 1981 and MRIs of the head were not performed on actual patients until the 1990s so that medical record of Andre is really suspect. I suppose the doctor may have had his assessment typed up from memory for the documentary and that Andre really underwent a CT scan of the head. While the documentary makers could not find any evidence of Andre being diagnosed with a pituitary tumor in 1970, that was nearly 50 years ago so finding "evidence" was always going to prove problematic.
SteveIvy said on 20/Apr/18
niceguy82, Don Lane was 6'4, Andre actually had footwear advantage with his big cowboy boots and had his big afro, so he had a hair advantage. Remember the larger the shoe, the larger the heel (naturally) as they have to be in proportion. So the host, Don may have worn size 12 shoes which logically could not have the same sized heels as Andre's size 22 or so.
Andre looks at most 6'10 - 6'11, this is in his prime as well. I can imagine those who want Andre at 7ft and over will always argue he was not in his prime in that video.
I find the 'Andre in his prime' arguments funny on here. It appears his prime was so short according to some and then he suddenly shrunk a lot for no apparent reason. That video in Australia was in 1978. There is no reason or evidence Andre would lost any height by 1978! If anything, he was in his prime in the mid to late 1970's.
Samir Yusuf said on 19/Apr/18
niceguy82 said on 18/Apr/18
Forget the 7+ feet myths, at least on this timeframe: Click Here
with 6'4 Don Lane Look @ 10:32 or 9:25 Both have similar footwear too
Andre doesn't look over 6'8 here.
RoelC said on 19/Apr/18
KenC said on 18/Apr/18
Studd used massive lifts. There are some pictures of him and Andre out of the ring and you can see how much taller Andre is over him.
The rumour that Studd wore lifts, were debunked at Wrestlemania 2, when he stood face-2-face with a 6ft5 NFL-player and barely looked taller.
Click Here
Click Here
If there was one night he should've worn lifts, it would've been that night, as he was in the ring full of football players whose heights weren't exaggerated by inches. He was clearly exposed that night for not being anywhere near the 6ft10 he was billed at.
He also didn't wear lifts next to Ladd as they both wore the same type of boots. And when they were a tag-team, they billed Studd at 6ft9 and Ladd at 7ft. So it makes no sense that Studd was the one who wore lifts.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
It makes even less sense that he wore lifts in matches with Andre. Who were they billing as "The Giant" in the WWF again???
Where were those lifts at Wrestlemania 1
Click Here
Look like standard wrestling boots to me.
Jordan87 said on 19/Apr/18
@ DIcksock,
Andre while suffering from his disease, was still strong as a bull. One of those guys that is so naturally big , they do not need to work out or lift weights and they can knock your lights out with a half of a punch.
Jordan87 said on 19/Apr/18
In the newest Andre Documentary you see the 6'9 and 6'10 Listings. They are even spoke about and a board is shown with a 6'10" listing for promoting on of his early events ( Very early in Andre's Career).
Poor guy lived a pretty crappy Life. Traveling 300 days a year when you cannot fit comfortably in planes and Cars? Nope
star69 said on 18/Apr/18
niceguy82 said on 18/Apr/18
Forget the 7+ feet myths, at least on this timeframe: Click Here
with 6'4 Don Lane Look @ 10:32 or 9:25 Both have similar footwear too.
At 49 seconds looks to have at least 8" over Don. He does have a slight advantage with his cowboy boots. I think
he was 6'11-6'11.5 in that video. Rob, what do you think?

Editor Rob
He could look a weak 7ft range
dicksock said on 18/Apr/18
niceguy82 said on 18/Apr/18
Forget the 7+ feet myths, at least on this timeframe: Click Here
with 6'4 Don Lane Look @ 10:32 or 9:25 Both have similar footwear too.
Both of those times are worthless in comparing height. How can you not tell Don Lane is standing way in front of Andre? Look at 9:17-9:18 where they are actually lined up. Andre was a good 8" taller, but he did have a footwear advantage.
star69 said on 18/Apr/18
Duhon said on 17/Apr/18
Any concrete measurements of Andre's weight throughout his career? He was quite obese for the later part of his life and did look over 500 lbs.
Did you see Andre being interviewed by David Letterman in 1984? Andre tells Dave that when he was drinking beer, he had weighed 560lbs. That's the most I've heard Andre say he weighed.
niceguy82 said on 18/Apr/18
Forget the 7+ feet myths, at least on this timeframe:
Click Here
with 6'4 Don Lane Look @ 10:32 or 9:25 Both have similar footwear too.
tree said on 18/Apr/18
When Andre was 40 the top of 6ft6 Hogans head was till his eyes,so what was Andres eyelevel,the average is 4.5inch so Andres 5.5 inch at most
Click Here
depressed schizophrenic said on 18/Apr/18
I think he didnt lie when he claimed 214 cm
KenC said on 18/Apr/18
This seems to be the most likely scenario.
I'd say he was 6'9" the last few years of his life
RP said on 3/Feb/18
Most people in the know, who knew & worked with him personally ...when they shoot interview & tell the truth, usually say that Andre in his prime was a hair over 7'0" to 7'1" & about 6'11" at the end of his in-ring career (1988-1992) time frame. And that from (1975-1990) his weight went from 420 lbs to 520+ lbs....with briefly peaking around 550 lbs.
KenC said on 18/Apr/18
Studd used massive lifts. There are some pictures of him and Andre out of the ring and you can see how much taller Andre is over him.
Gretz said on 11/Apr/18
I had pointed out a long post that didn't show up where they said Ladd was at times listed at 6'9"-6'9.5 with the chargers.Who can really prove that height isn't true,in a non-kayfabe interview Ladd admitted Andre was clearly taller than him and he didn't have to scrunch down to make Andre look taller.Another interesting thing I seen is an interview with Studd and Ladd and he is 2+ inches taller than Studd.Than later on I seen them together And Studd actually looked slightly taller than Ladd,is there some lift action going on with Studd.He always talked about being the next giant when Andre left.Look Mr.Sock I know you will always rationalize a way for Andre to be 6'11".And your entitled to that opinion,i just have I.M.O think he may have been an inch or so taller.Watched him wrestle at the spectrum 15+ years on prism and at the Wildwood convention center and spectrum live about 40 times so I think I have a good handle on his height.I also have a tape collection with over 300 of his matches and have been posting here for 12 years so I didn't form my opinion overnight.
Duhon said on 17/Apr/18
Any concrete measurements of Andre's weight throughout his career? He was quite obese for the later part of his life and did look over 500 lbs.
dicksock said on 17/Apr/18
Here is another fantastic gem:
Click Here
This is the best Andre interview I've seen by far. It's the only one where he really speaks candidly about his family life. The interview doesn't just focus on his size. It's him in his prime.
The interviewer, Don Lane, is listed as 6'4". The best part to compare height is 9:17-9:18. Andre looks about 8" taller, but he has a footwear advantage. He does a pretty impressive feat of strength at the end of the interview as well.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 17/Apr/18
RoelC said on 16/Apr/18
Seeing as the document was shown in the middle of the ankle surgeon's story, my guess is this document came from him. Hence, why I believe the age 24 was simply a typo and should read age 34.
JT has a good point with the MRI,makes the "typo" more believable... Maybe the Doc created the document out of his memory...
It´s just too much WWE influence to be as acurate as they claimed...
maybe someone can reach out to Jackie McAuley and ask???
dicksock said on 16/Apr/18
JT said on 16/Apr/18
MRIs weren't in use yet back in 1970 so that medical record has a typo (it should have said age 34) or is fake. Cranial MRIs may not have even been available to patients back in 1981 as this article seems to suggest Click Here
Nice catch. I didn't even think about that. MRI technology was invented in 1977. No way could he have been 24 for that diagnosis. Also, that document is in English, so I would guess if it's real, it was probably typed at an American hospital. They did feature the doctor from 1981 in the documentary. He personally claimed to have diagnosed Andre in 1981. That much we know to be true. It would make a lot more sense that he was diagnosed with diabetes in 1981 as well. He did get in pretty good shape in 1981. That could have been a way to combat the diabetes.
RoelC said on 16/Apr/18
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 14/Apr/18
Meltzer just claimed again on twitter that Andre was measured 6´9 3/4" in 1970 age 24...
He also claims the measurement took place in England, yet used to claim it was in France.
He's also now claiming a metric measurement of 208 cm, yet in England they don't measure in cm's.
In one of his recent newsletters he talks a bit about Andre's height. Apparently the documentary makers, did try to find out his real height, but apparently no one gave them a true answer and they could find no official document that lists his real height.
Click Here
Considering Meltzer is being interviewed by the documentary makers, this pretty much confirms he has no back-up proof of said measurement. Otherwise he would've probably shown it to them.
Pat Laprade, who's in the documentary aswell and is currently writing a biography on Andre, claims both Andre's brothers independently claimed Andre's height was 218cm. Apparently Andre's old passport also lists him at that height. That seems to confirm the story of Andre's nephew claiming Andre told his friends & family that he was 218cm. I always thought that was a myth, seeing as many of his friends still stick to the 7ft4 listed height.
Take those claims for what they are, but I don't think any serious poster here believes Andre was really 7ft2 (even in his prime).
RoelC said on 16/Apr/18
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 14/Apr/18
I´dont feel it´s a typo, but what I meant is maybe one of the storytellers mixed something up with the checkup age 24 and thought it was in japan...
I just think it's strange that the documentary makers were making it seem that Andre didn't know about his condition until 1981. And that Jason Hehir, the director of the documentary, even confirms this story. Yet here we have a document that says Andre was diagnosed at age 24. I find it a bit hard to swallow that none of the documentary makers noticed this, and tried to dig any deeper. Especially since they pride themselves of making a factual documentary.
Seeing as the document was shown in the middle of the ankle surgeon's story, my guess is this document came from him. Hence, why I believe the age 24 was simply a typo and should read age 34.
Chaz said on 16/Apr/18
icksock said on 16/Apr/18
JT and Heightcrazyred: Yes, I know Fuller was about 6'6". I said that in my initial post about him. I probably should have phrased things differently. He was about 6'6" barefoot and 6'8" in cowboy boots, which he was likely wearing in that pic with Andre. That would make Andre about 6'11.5" in the daytime, which he probably was. I can see Andre being 7' out of bed, 6'11.5" in the afternoon, and 6'11" at night in his prime. I would be utterly shocked if I'm wrong by more than half an inch. In other words these are the options in my mind:
A: Morning-7'0.5", Afternoon-7'0", Evening-6'11.5"
B: Morning-7'0", Afternoon-6'11.5", Evening 6'11"
C: Morning-6'11.5", Afternoon-6'11", Evening 6'10.5"
Keep in mind that the average man loses about half an inch from morning until night. Andre wouldn't have lost over double that when he was in his prime. Remember, he was in good shape in the early 70s. By the way, that documentary was amazing.
C ,but I would cut 1/2'' off them all.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 16/Apr/18
dicksock said on 15/Apr/18
Andre said he stopped growing at age 24. Click Here
Thx, my bad. So it´s pretty obvious that a measurement took place in 1970 when he was 24.
The diag document says Andre was 24... Question why didn´t they show the whole document, if they are really sooooo up for evidence...?
Andre in 1971 claimed 2,14m...
Why should he be willing to have a second diag, if he already had one in japan...?
Meltzer claimed French Athletic Comission document from 1970 said 208cm... never provided evidence.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 16/Apr/18
tree said on 15/Apr/18
Rob if in shoes Hogan is 6ft4 Triple H 6ft3 and Stephanie 5ft7.5 how tall is his statue?Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here
I´ve read it is based on the 7´4" billed height wich it looks having a full giant head on Hogan
JT said on 16/Apr/18
MRIs weren't in use yet back in 1970 so that medical record has a typo (it should have said age 34) or is fake. Cranial MRIs may not have even been available to patients back in 1981 as this article seems to suggest
Click Here
dicksock said on 16/Apr/18
JT and Heightcrazyred: Yes, I know Fuller was about 6'6". I said that in my initial post about him. I probably should have phrased things differently. He was about 6'6" barefoot and 6'8" in cowboy boots, which he was likely wearing in that pic with Andre. That would make Andre about 6'11.5" in the daytime, which he probably was. I can see Andre being 7' out of bed, 6'11.5" in the afternoon, and 6'11" at night in his prime. I would be utterly shocked if I'm wrong by more than half an inch. In other words these are the options in my mind:
A: Morning-7'0.5", Afternoon-7'0", Evening-6'11.5"
B: Morning-7'0", Afternoon-6'11.5", Evening 6'11"
C: Morning-6'11.5", Afternoon-6'11", Evening 6'10.5"
Keep in mind that the average man loses about half an inch from morning until night. Andre wouldn't have lost over double that when he was in his prime. Remember, he was in good shape in the early 70s. By the way, that documentary was amazing.
dicksock said on 15/Apr/18
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 14/Apr/18
Meltzer just claimed again on twitter that Andre was measured 6´9 3/4" in 1970 age 24...
This could fit with the document stating he was 24 during the checkup...
Andre said he stopped growing in height age 25....
Andre said he stopped growing at age 24.
Click Here
star69 said on 14/Apr/18
Juggernaut said on 12/Apr/18
Rob,Dave Meltzer argued recently on twitter that Andre was never a 7 footer..But was 6'10' at best..What's your take??
Meltzer also claimed Andre was 6'11.5 in a photo with Wilt Chamberlain, and Schwarzenegger. That photo was posted on this site many times over the years.
RoelC said on 14/Apr/18
JT said on 13/Apr/18
Click Here
Click Here probably a 7 foot door
RoelC, the pic with Schwarzenegger must have been when he went to one of Andre’s matches in Mexico during the Conan filming Click Here as the outfits look the same. He also got into the ring that night Click Here reportedly at the insistence of Andre, who claimed that he spoke Spanish and the fans were demanding that Arnold pose (they weren’t).
This article Click Here says that Andre was diagnosed with acromegaly at Duke University in the early 1980s when he was treated for pericardial effusion but told the doctors that he had known about the condition for “years.” The article also says that he told Frenchy Bernard’s wife that he had been diagnosed with acromegaly in Japan in the early 1970s (maybe it was a passing comment by a doctor, as his acromegaly/gigantism was pretty obvious visually).
I have not seen the HBO documentary yet but from what I’ve read, it seems like there’s not too much we did not already know about Andre. A&E did a nice job on its documentary on Andre many years ago although there were some exaggerated tales (like his tipping over a car with people in it). It seems like there still were some exaggerations in the HBO documentary like Andre drinking 106 beers in one sitting. 12 fluid ounces of regular beer is the equivalent of about 12.6 ounces by weight, so 106 beers is around 83.5 pounds, or approaching 1/5 of Andre’s body weight back then. I don’t doubt his ability to drink incredible amounts of alcohol but that does not seem possible unless he had the unique ability to continually relieve himself as he was drinking.
The picture with Schwarzenegger is from January 1984. Andre had a short tour in Mexico at the time. Abdullah Tamba is also in the pic (a Mexican version of Abdullah the Butcher) and he was Andre’s tag-team partner during a few of those matches.
JT, I’ve heard about the story of Andre having to visit the hospital, because of build up fluid around his heart. But that was in the mid-80’s, not early 80’s.
Frenchy Bernard’s ex-wife Jackie McAuley is in the documentary and she says that Andre never went to the doctor until he broke his ankle. As you can see in my post from April 13, the documentary makers did try to find proof of Andre visiting a doctor in Japan, but they couldn't find any. They've interviewed Jackie McAuley, so I'm sure they asked her about it.
If you have followed Andre’s life and career, the HBO documentary won’t tell you many new things. The documentary is obviously made for a large audience and not specifically for Andre-fans. Many people probably don’t know the things that are said in the documentary even though there are many people in the documentary that have told the same Andre story over and over again.
Oanh said on 14/Apr/18
Juggernaut said on 12/Apr/18
Rob,Dave Meltzer argued recently on twitter that Andre was never a 7 footer..But was 6'10' at best..What's your take??
Meltzer also stated Andre was 6’11.5 when standing next to Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Wilt Chamberlain. So, I take his comments with a grain of salt. Personally, I see Andre at 6’11.5-7’0 peak.
dicksock said on 14/Apr/18
JT: I don't know. I still think Col. Parker was 6'3-6'4". He is listed as 6'5". I haven't seen all the footage you are referring to, but keep in mind he was a manager so they may have wanted him to look as short as possible in pictures and interviews with him and other wrestlers. I've seen him with 6'3"-6'4" Jesse Ventura and he looked similar in height.
Here he is with Mean Gene:
Click Here
Now tell me he doesn't look 6'3-6'4" in that clip.
Regarding Andre's drinking, Rob Reiner said that Andre drank 20 bottles of wine in front of him in the morning before filming a scene in The Princess Bride. Why would Rob Reiner lie about something like that? If he could drink 20 bottles of wine, I'm sure he would drink a heck of a lot of beer. I can drink a six pack and not have to pee until I'm done with the six pack. Then again, the most beer I ever drank in a night is 24 cans (I was 19). Perhaps Andre could drink 12 beers, then go pee a lot of it out. Then he'd go back and drink another 12 and repeat. Let's say he started drinking at 8:00 and finished at 3:00. At 12 beers an hour, that's 84 beers. Seems crazy I know, but some people are capable of things that seem impossible to us.
RP said on 14/Apr/18
Dave has lost his mind! Andre was 1" taller than Butch when Andre stood straight! Good posture Andre has 1" taller than Butch & looked 2.5" to 3" taller than Tyler.
Tyler was s true barefoot 6'8"...IMO, Butch was 6'10" barefoot & 6'11"-ish in shoes.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 14/Apr/18
Click Here
Big Booted peak Big Show and Old Andre.
No doubt they would be barefoot the same height peak and early 40´s....
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 14/Apr/18
JT said on 13/Apr/18
Dicksock, Ron Fuller looks around 2 inches taller than Windham when standing tall Click Here I bet he was around Sid’s height.
Click Here
Agreed, seeing Windham has his thickheeled cowboystyle wrestlingboots, he also has a footwear advantage.
I don´t think peak Barry was taller than 6´4" as he was shorter than his 6´5"-6´5.5" Dad.
Fuller compared with Sid I agree, very very close in height. So 6´7" for Fuller isn´t unrealistic.
Fuller is to 99.99% in bigger footwear so the barefoot gap would be about 4".
In bigger footwear Fuller looks about 6´8" Fraziers height regarding Frazier has a big advantage being closer to the camera.
Click Here
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 14/Apr/18
Meltzer just claimed again on twitter that Andre was measured 6´9 3/4" in 1970 age 24...
This could fit with the document stating he was 24 during the checkup...
Andre said he stopped growing in height age 25....
If Andre was really measured at his very low 208cm (He never ever looked shorter than this at his peak), but was still growing he could´ve gained 2-3cm.
Standing straight peak I think we can nail his low somewhere between 6´10.5" and 6´11"
1.25-1.75" heightloss over the day most likely.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 14/Apr/18
RoelC said on 13/Apr/18
If that document is proof of Andre visiting a Japanese doctor, wouldn't the document itself be in Japanese?
I´dont feel it´s a typo, but what I meant is maybe one of the storytellers mixed something up with the checkup age 24 and thought it was in japan...
dicksock said on 14/Apr/18
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 13/Apr/18
Click Here
Andre was diagnosed age 24 so 1970 with acromegaly and diabetes according to this, used in the HBO documentary....
So Andre had diabetes in 1970? How was he able to eat and drink the way he did with that disease??? Then again, he did always say that he would usually eat many small meals throughout the day. That is common for people with type II diabetes. I wonder if he ever received treatment for it. Crazy stuff.
Kunoihi said on 14/Apr/18
1980 June 18 Honolulu, Hawaii, Neal Blaisdell Center
Click Here
RoelC said on 13/Apr/18
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 13/Apr/18
Yeah but wasn´t the broken ankle thing ~1981 and the document says Andre was 24, so 1970...wich was the time of the japan story? Maybe someone mixed that up?
Well in the documentary they do show the ankle surgeon who operated Andre's ankle in 1981. He told the story that Andre had acromegaly, but didn't want any treatment at the time.
The document could be a typo. Andre was hospitalized in April 1981, so he was 34 at the time.
If that document is proof of Andre visiting a Japanese doctor, wouldn't the document itself be in Japanese?
Here the documentary maker Jason Hehir (who directed the documentary) talks about the story of Andre visiting a Japanese doctor in 1970. Listen at 5:35 and onwards. He states they could find no proof to verify that story. He also states that the ankle surgeon claimed he was the first one to tell Andre that he had Acromegaly.
Click Here
JT said on 13/Apr/18
Click Here
Click Here probably a 7 foot door
RoelC, the pic with Schwarzenegger must have been when he went to one of Andre’s matches in Mexico during the Conan filming
Click Here as the outfits look the same. He also got into the ring that night
Click Here reportedly at the insistence of Andre, who claimed that he spoke Spanish and the fans were demanding that Arnold pose (they weren’t).
This article
Click Here says that Andre was diagnosed with acromegaly at Duke University in the early 1980s when he was treated for pericardial effusion but told the doctors that he had known about the condition for “years.” The article also says that he told Frenchy Bernard’s wife that he had been diagnosed with acromegaly in Japan in the early 1970s (maybe it was a passing comment by a doctor, as his acromegaly/gigantism was pretty obvious visually).
I have not seen the HBO documentary yet but from what I’ve read, it seems like there’s not too much we did not already know about Andre. A&E did a nice job on its documentary on Andre many years ago although there were some exaggerated tales (like his tipping over a car with people in it). It seems like there still were some exaggerations in the HBO documentary like Andre drinking 106 beers in one sitting. 12 fluid ounces of regular beer is the equivalent of about 12.6 ounces by weight, so 106 beers is around 83.5 pounds, or approaching 1/5 of Andre’s body weight back then. I don’t doubt his ability to drink incredible amounts of alcohol but that does not seem possible unless he had the unique ability to continually relieve himself as he was drinking.
Dicksock, Ron Fuller looks around 2 inches taller than Windham when standing tall
Click Here I bet he was around Sid’s height. Col Rob Parker was definitely shorter than 6’4’. Look at videos of him in WCW with Sid, Vader, Mean Gene, etc.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 13/Apr/18
JT said on 2/Apr/18
Andre and Giant Warrior are standing about the same distance from the camera here.
Click Here They'd be pretty close in height.
Here´s what your 6´9 3/4" Meltzer said about this topic ;)
Click Here
RP said on 13/Apr/18
Andre's peak barefoot height fell somewhere within a 1.5" window ... somewhere between 6 10.75" to 7'0.25"
In your opinion & research...could a 450-500 + lbs man shrink 1.25" to 1.5" during the coarse of a day?
Could Andre have been Morning: 7'0" to 7'0.25" ...
And Night: 6'10.75" to 6'11" ???
Dehydration throughout the day can also cause the spine to compress even more. And with Andre's size and his alcoholic drinking habits, chances are Andre was somewhat dehydrated the majority of the time by the end of the day throughout his adult life.

Editor Rob
Shrinking 1.5 inches at almost 7ft is quite likely.
dicksock said on 13/Apr/18
Juggernaut said on 12/Apr/18
Rob,Dave Meltzer argued recently on twitter that Andre was never a 7 footer..But was 6'10' at best..What's your take??
Well, what is Andre's listing on this site? Obviously, that's his take on Andre's peak height. Personally, I think he was around 6'11" barefoot and 7'1" in his cowboy boots. Of course, someone of his size could have shrunk easily an inch from morning until night. He very well could have woken up at 7'0" and went to bed at 6'10.75". Then again he could have woken up at 6'11.25" and went to bed at 6'10.5" or something. I just stick to an average daily height of about 6'11".
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 13/Apr/18
RoelC said on 11/Apr/18
Vince McMahon broke kayfabe a bit by saying they billed him at 7'4", but acted like he didn't know how tall he really was. But over 7ft he said.
Yeah the way he said "I think he was over seven", mmmh... I can´t imagine he doesn´t know how tall he was...
RoelC said on 11/Apr/18
The documentary also shoots down the story of Andre seeing a doctor in Japan and being told he had acromegaly. He didn't like doctors and only went to see one if strictly necessary. When he broke his ankle he had to see one, and that's when they told him he had acromegaly.
Yeah but wasn´t the broken ankle thing ~1981 and the document says Andre was 24, so 1970...wich was the time of the japan story? Maybe someone mixed that up?
Samir Yusuf said on 13/Apr/18
Samir Yusuf said on 7/Apr/18
This site has some interesting people on it.
(H)ogan: 6'2
(E)rnie Ladd: 6'7
(I)van Putski: 5'4
(G)iant Gonzales: 7'5
(H)HH: 6'1
(T)atanka: 5'10
(N)eidhart: 5'9
(R)oad Dogg: 6'2
(D)aniel Bryan: 5'7.5
(S)antana, Tito: 6'½
Samir Yusuf said on 13/Apr/18
Gretz said on 11/Apr/18
I had pointed out a long post that didn't show up where they said Ladd was at times listed at 6'9"-6'9.5 with the chargers.Who can really prove that height isn't true,in a non-kayfabe interview Ladd admitted Andre was clearly taller than him and he didn't have to scrunch down to make Andre look taller.Another interesting thing I seen is an interview with Studd and Ladd and he is 2+ inches taller than Studd.Than later on I seen them together And Studd actually looked slightly taller than Ladd,is there some lift action going on with Studd.He always talked about being the next giant when Andre left.Look Mr.Sock I know you will always rationalize a way for Andre to be 6'11".And your entitled to that opinion,i just have I.M.O think he may have been an inch or so taller.Watched him wrestle at the spectrum 15+ years on prism and at the Wildwood convention center and spectrum live about 40 times so I think I have a good handle on his height.I also have a tape collection with over 300 of his matches and have been posting here for 12 years so I didn't form my opinion overnight.
This reminds me of someone who says he's positive that UFO's exist because he's seen mysterious blinking lights in the sky from the balcony of his apartment next to LaGuardia Airport and watched over 4000 UFO documentaries.
tree said on 13/Apr/18
Juggernaut said on 12/Apr/18
Rob,Dave Meltzer argued recently on twitter that Andre was never a 7 footer..But was 6'10' at best..What's your take??
Thats BS,take a look at the pic with him and Bret Hart,the lowest for Andre is 6ft10, not under.
He is not close to 7ft like it says in the pic but 6ft10-6ft10.5 range
Click Here
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 13/Apr/18
Click Here
Andre was diagnosed age 24 so 1970 with acromegaly and diabetes according to this, used in the HBO documentary....
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 12/Apr/18
Click Here
Ron Fuller and David von Erich
Click Here
Andre and 6´5"-6´6" David von Erich (billed 6´8")
Click Here
Imo Ron Fuller was 6´6" and had massive footwearadvantage over Andre
Juggernaut said on 12/Apr/18
Rob,Dave Meltzer argued recently on twitter that Andre was never a 7 footer..But was 6'10' at best..What's your take??
Gretz said on 11/Apr/18
I had pointed out a long post that didn't show up where they said Ladd was at times listed at 6'9"-6'9.5 with the chargers.Who can really prove that height isn't true,in a non-kayfabe interview Ladd admitted Andre was clearly taller than him and he didn't have to scrunch down to make Andre look taller.Another interesting thing I seen is an interview with Studd and Ladd and he is 2+ inches taller than Studd.Than later on I seen them together And Studd actually looked slightly taller than Ladd,is there some lift action going on with Studd.He always talked about being the next giant when Andre left.Look Mr.Sock I know you will always rationalize a way for Andre to be 6'11".And your entitled to that opinion,i just have I.M.O think he may have been an inch or so taller.Watched him wrestle at the spectrum 15+ years on prism and at the Wildwood convention center and spectrum live about 40 times so I think I have a good handle on his height.I also have a tape collection with over 300 of his matches and have been posting here for 12 years so I didn't form my opinion overnight.
RoelC said on 11/Apr/18
Anyone seen the HBO documentary yet. It's a good piece of Andre's career. Concerning his life, it covers about the same grounds as the older documentary from the late 90's.
Both his brothers Antoine & Maurice claim that Andre really starting to get big at age 15-16. So the stories of him being 6'3" are clearly kayfabed.
They didn't discuss his real height & weight. One of the documentary makers claimed he was 6'9-6'10" when he started wrestling at age 19 or 20.
Vince McMahon broke kayfabe a bit by saying they billed him at 7'4", but acted like he didn't know how tall he really was. But over 7ft he said.
The documentary also shoots down the story of Andre seeing a doctor in Japan and being told he had acromegaly. He didn't like doctors and only went to see one if strictly necessary. When he broke his ankle he had to see one, and that's when they told him he had acromegaly.
Some pics from the documentary
A picture of a very young Andre (probably 16 or 17 years old here)
Click Here
Comparison of Andre's hand with Terry Todd's
Click Here
Andre in Mexico (around the time he filmed Conan the Destroyer)
Click Here
No Wilt in this pic, but Arnold is standing in front of Andre and next to Andre is standing British wrestler turned actor Pat Roach.
Undertaker Frank said on 11/Apr/18
I would say a solid 2 inches Andre has on Fuller if you take away the Afro
dicksock said on 11/Apr/18
singer5 said on 11/Apr/18
Hey fellas i just found an interesting photo for Andre's height. I googled "Andre the giant and Ron fuller" There seemed to be a about a 3 inch difference. Pro wrestler Ron Fuller was known as the Tennessee Stud in wrestling. He can also be found on the University of Miami hurricane basketball team's webpage. His real name is Ron Welch and they say his height is 6'8".
That's a good find. That is the brother of Col. Rob Parker, who is tall himself at 6'4". Andre is even more than 3" taller when you factor in Fuller's probable footwear advantage. With the outfit he has on, he is almost surely in cowboy boots, whereas Andre was in his ultra thin heeled wrestling boots.
Click Here
Here is Fuller teaming with 6'4.5"/6'5" Barry Windham:
Click Here
He appears to be around the same height as Windham. Maybe a little taller. But he barely looks taller than 6'4" Bruiser Brody. I would guess Fuller was more like 6'6", but about 6'8" in cowboy boots. I don't see how he could have above 6'6" considering how he looked next to guys that were 6'4"-6'5". Andre would have been about 5" taller if they had equal footwear and the picture wasn't tilted. That is my guess.
tree said on 11/Apr/18
Nowhere near 7ft with 6ft Honkey Tonk Man
Click Here
singer5 said on 11/Apr/18
Hey fellas i just found an interesting photo for Andre's height. I googled "Andre the giant and Ron fuller" There seemed to be a about a 3 inch difference. Pro wrestler Ron Fuller was known as the Tennessee Stud in wrestling. He can also be found on the University of Miami hurricane basketball team's webpage. His real name is Ron Welch and they say his height is 6'8".
dicksock said on 10/Apr/18
Here is Ernie Ladd wrestling against Gorilla Monsoon from 1976:
Click Here
Monsoon was probably a solid 6'4" in his prime. Ladd looks maybe 6'8" there. I think Ladd was a legit 6'8" in his prime. He had a very tall looking frame. There used to be a match with him against Giant Baba, and the two looked about the same height. Baba was definitely about 6'8". Ladd was definitely taller next to Baba than Giant Haystacks based on the footage I've seen. It's a shame neither of those clips are online anymore. Ladd about 1" taller than John Studd to me if he stood to his full height. Studd was around 6'7" in his prime, and who knows what his footwear situation was.
If you pause at 1:54, Ladd was about 1" taller than Studd if he stood straight:
Click Here
JT said on 10/Apr/18
Click Here Not sure who the other guy is. Andre looks around 18-19 here.
Click Here Ron Fuller (Ron Welch) played basketball at University of Miami, where he was listed as 6’8” Too many unknowns in the picture though (Andre’s closer to the camera, Fuller’s footwear, is Andre on his tippy toes, etc.). Fuller looks a little taller than Barry Windham here but not by much
Click Here
RoelC said on 29/Mar/18
….Which Japanese site is saying Quasimodo is 160cm?
It was from a Japanese forum.
This site also lists him at 5’3’
Click Here If that’s really his height, Andre doesn’t look very tall with him
Click Here
Undertaker Frank said on 8/Apr/18
In all sports they inflate heights sometimes I do believe Ernie Ladd could have been 6ft 7 He looked alittle Taller than Studd who @ most he was 6ft 6 Andre did have about 2.5 to 3 inches on lADD
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 8/Apr/18
Gretz said on 6/Apr/18
If Ladd is anywhere close to ,6'9"(and I don't see why the AFL/NFL would lie about his height)the match posted it's obvious Andre has 3+ inches on Ladd.
Ladd was 6´7" 7.5" range, 6´9" no chance, only in big footwear
Samir Yusuf said on 7/Apr/18
This site has some interesting people on it.
Hogan: 6'2
Ernie Ladd: 6'7
Ivan Putski: 5'4
Giant Gonzales: 7'5
HHH: 6'1
Tatanka: 5'10
Neidhart: 5'9
Road Dogg: 6'2
Daniel Bryan: 5'7.5
Santana, Tito: 6'½
dicksock said on 7/Apr/18
Gretz said on 6/Apr/18
If Ladd is anywhere close to ,6'9"(and I don't see why the AFL/NFL would lie about his height)the match posted it's obvious Andre has 3+ inches on Ladd.
At what point in their matches did you see Andre having 3+ inches on Ladd? I've watched the one from 76 and the one from 82, and at no point have I been able to see that. They looked very similar in height in both matches.
Gretz said on 6/Apr/18
If Ladd is anywhere close to ,6'9"(and I don't see why the AFL/NFL would lie about his height)the match posted it's obvious Andre has 3+ inches on Ladd.
Gretz said on 6/Apr/18
That pic with Giant warrior shows an old Andre with rounded shoulders and an arched back.If he could possibly stand straight at that point he would be 2-3 inches taller than that guy so he is not 7'0".In fact it proves to me Andre was probably 7'0"-7'0.75 at his peak probably 1969-74.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 4/Apr/18
dicksock said on 27/Mar/18
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 27/Mar/18
Click Here
Andre looks spot on 6´11" in 1970, his shoulderheight clearly increased with his whole upperbody getting bigger till peak ~1985-1987
His headlength was already about 12.5" in 1970.
The scaling may be a bit off. The other guy's head is coming out to 11" (5'3.5"-6'2.5"), which is abnormally large even for a very big guy. I think I remembering seeing years ago that the average length of a man's head is 9.25" or something close to that. He is a little closer to the camera, so that may have something to do with it.
My head is 10.25" at 6´ and it doesn´t look odd and in comparison to Nador it looks smaller.
Click Here
Samir Yusuf said on 3/Apr/18
I ruminate on the size of Andre's trunks. Does anyone know the approximate size, especially in the front region?
Boss said on 2/Apr/18
dicksock said on 1/Apr/18
Boss said on 31/Mar/18
Giant Warrior who wrested Andre late in Andrés career said in interview Andre was 7'1 when he stood straight. Giant Warrior was in 7' range himself.
Yet, Giant Warrior was only an inch, at best, taller than 6'8" Tyler Mane. If you think Andre was 7'1" in 1990, then I think you've lost the plot. Andre was about 2-2.5" taller than Tyler Mane and about the same next to 6'8" Giant Baba. He was clearly in the 6'10" range toward the end of his career.
I never said anything about what I thought. This guy interviewed Giant Warrior and that's what he said and I thought I'd share it here considering Giant Warrior was about 6'10" himself and billed at 7'.
JT said on 2/Apr/18
Andre and Giant Warrior are standing about the same distance from the camera here.
Click Here They'd be pretty close in height.
Gracian said on 2/Apr/18
Rob, who would you personally give the biggest chance of 214 cm height (7'0.25") to Andre The Giant, Peter Mayhew or Big Show?

Editor Rob
I think mayhew is probably the most arguable who could look over 7ft, but both those guys at their prime would have measured 7ft 1/4...it just depends the time of day.
You might say they also could fall a fraction under 7ft too by evening.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 1/Apr/18
dicksock said on 27/Mar/18
The scaling may be a bit off. The other guy's head is coming out to 11" (5'3.5"-6'2.5"), which is abnormally large even for a very big guy
Scaling myself up to the pic, my head doesn´t come out any taller than it was measured (10.25"),
so Nardo had a very big head at 10.75-11" and Andres head clearly wasn´tunder 12.5"
Click Here
dicksock said on 1/Apr/18
Boss said on 31/Mar/18
Giant Warrior who wrested Andre late in Andrés career said in interview Andre was 7'1 when he stood straight. Giant Warrior was in 7' range himself.
Yet, Giant Warrior was only an inch, at best, taller than 6'8" Tyler Mane. If you think Andre was 7'1" in 1990, then I think you've lost the plot. Andre was about 2-2.5" taller than Tyler Mane and about the same next to 6'8" Giant Baba. He was clearly in the 6'10" range toward the end of his career.
Logic said on 1/Apr/18
Someone could probably use the Cary Elwes and Hogan photo to compare the Big Show's current height to the height of a 1986-1987 Andre the Giant.
Cary Elwes standing beside of Hogan. Rob has Elwes listed at 5'11"
Click Here
Cary Elwes standing in front of Andre the Giant.
Click Here
Current day Hogan standing with the Big Show
Click Here
Chaz said on 1/Apr/18
Boss said on 31/Mar/18
Giant Warrior who wrested Andre late in Andrés career said in interview Andre was 7'1 when he stood straight. Giant Warrior was in 7' range himself.
Give us a break 7'! lol he was about the same height as 6'8'' Tyler Mane,look up in the WCW Giant Warrior v Skywalker.
Danimal said on 31/Mar/18
How are most people ignoring the 4 videos I posted of Andre wrestling from 1966 to 1970? Rob? He is being billed at 214cm and 215cm in those EARLY matches of his. Why are they not being talked about more?
Boss said on 31/Mar/18
Giant Warrior who wrested Andre late in Andrés career said in interview Andre was 7'1 when he stood straight. Giant Warrior was in 7' range himself.
NCL said on 31/Mar/18
Haven’t seen a posting in a while about André and Ernie Ladd. See this from 1:34-2:03
Thoughts on Ladd’s legit height? I know they’re not standing straight but it’s an interesting comparison.
Happy Easter!
Click Here
tree said on 31/Mar/18
Maybe he got wider but not taller he looked shorter and shorter year by year
dicksock said on 31/Mar/18
Interesting interview with one of makers of the new Andre doc coming out April 10:
Click Here
He says Andre's shoes were significantly bigger in 1992 then in the 70s. He claims Andre went through multiple growth spurts.
dicksock said on 30/Mar/18
I just noticed that the average guess for Andre says 6ft 12in. That's a first.

Editor Rob
I will add a fix for catching edge cases like that, I'm sure it occurs if the average ends up something like 6ft 11.995 or higher...
even said on 29/Mar/18
7 feet exactly
RoelC said on 29/Mar/18
JT said on 28/Mar/18
A few more pics with Nador. Click Here
Click Here The Japanese website says this wrestler Quasimodo is 160 cm. (5’3”) but he’ll probably end up being around 5’5”-5’6”.
In the 1st pic the difference between Andre & Nador looks about the same as it does in the earlier pic I've posted.
In the 2nd pic the difference is less, but that's probably because Nador is standing on something.
Which Japanese site is saying Quasimodo is 160cm?
ReturnofG said on 28/Mar/18
I really would have loved to meet Andre, his massive size of 500 pounds and height of over 7 feet would have been impressive.
JT said on 28/Mar/18
A few more pics with Nador.
Click Here
Click Here The Japanese website says this wrestler Quasimodo is 160 cm. (5’3”) but he’ll probably end up being around 5’5”-5’6”.
tree said on 28/Mar/18
The womans head is like 9 inch Andres not more than 12 inch
Click Here
tree said on 28/Mar/18
Andres head was not bigger than 12 inch imo,12.5inch is too much
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 28/Mar/18
dicksock said on 27/Mar/18
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 27/Mar/18
Click Here
Andre looks spot on 6´11" in 1970, his shoulderheight clearly increased with his whole upperbody getting bigger till peak ~1985-1987
His headlength was already about 12.5" in 1970.
The scaling may be a bit off. The other guy's head is coming out to 11" (5'3.5"-6'2.5"), which is abnormally large even for a very big guy. I think I remembering seeing years ago that the average length of a man's head is 9.25" or something close to that. He is a little closer to the camera, so that may have something to do with it.
My head is 10.25" at 6´ and it doesn´t look odd and in comparison to Nador it looks smaller. Why use average data for a 1,90m Heavyweight wrestler?
I´ts a photo, Robs head usually comes out 10" but measures 9.5", so 6´2.5" Nadors head is somewhere between 10.5" and 10.75".
I mean how much could the scale be off? 0.5"in total 7ft would mean his head goes from 11" to 10.95"....
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 28/Mar/18
RoelC said on 27/Mar/18
...But I've never heard of any heavyweight wrestler that gets listed below his actual height.
Billy Gunn listed at 6´3" but 6´4" legit...
John Tenta had 6´4" listings but was close to 6´6"...
Every Andre listing at 6´10" after 1968...
dicksock said on 27/Mar/18
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 27/Mar/18
Click Here
Andre looks spot on 6´11" in 1970, his shoulderheight clearly increased with his whole upperbody getting bigger till peak ~1985-1987
His headlength was already about 12.5" in 1970.
The scaling may be a bit off. The other guy's head is coming out to 11" (5'3.5"-6'2.5"), which is abnormally large even for a very big guy. I think I remembering seeing years ago that the average length of a man's head is 9.25" or something close to that. He is a little closer to the camera, so that may have something to do with it.
dicksock said on 27/Mar/18
Yes, Boss because there is such a huge difference between "just over 7'1"" and 7'1.5". Give me a break.
RoelC said on 27/Mar/18
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 27/Mar/18
Agree with about 8inch gap, but your listing is also showing Otto Wanz at 188cm - He was never close to such a height.
Mihalyi Kuti (Micha Nador) is usually listed 6´3" and looks it with Andre, if he was 6´2"flat, Andres eyeline would be about 6´4"... way to low.
Peak Andre´s eyeline was not under 6´5.5" Click Here
The distance from the top of Nador's head to Andre's eyelevel is roughly 1/3 of Nador's head.
Click Here
If Nador has a 9-inch head, that would put Andre's eyelevel at about 6'5", which seems to be correct.
The heights & weights of heavyweight wrestlers are nearly always exaggerated. Otto Wanz has always been listed at 6'2" and yes, I agree he doesn't look that tall. But I've never heard of any heavyweight wrestler that gets listed below his actual height. If Nador was 6'3" he would not have been listed as 188cm (6'2") there.
Nador measures up slightly taller next to Andre than Andre's 5'11" aunt (who's maybe slightly over 6'1" in those heels).
Click Here
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 27/Mar/18
Danimal said on 27/Mar/18
Yet again ANOTHER brand new video from 1968 (full match) of Andre the Giant: Click Here
2,11m 144kg they call him in 1968....
2,14m 171kg 1971 when he didn´t grew in height anymore... I think he measured it, wether it was early morning or in shoes is the question.
He wasn´t more than 6´11.25" peak eveningheight.
Danimal said on 27/Mar/18
Yet again ANOTHER brand new video from 1968 (full match) of Andre the Giant:
Click Here
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 27/Mar/18
Click Here
Andre looks spot on 6´11" in 1970, his shoulderheight clearly increased with his whole upperbody getting bigger till peak ~1985-1987
His headlength was already about 12.5" in 1970.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 27/Mar/18
RoelC said on 26/Mar/18
Click Here
This is a picture of Andre from 1970 with his then tag-team partner, Hungarian wrestler Michel Nador. I never knew how tall Nador really was, but have recently found a billing from 1971 that bills him at 188cm (6'2").
Click Here
Andre isn't looking 7ft there. More like 6'10" (about 8 inch difference there). And that's Andre in his physical prime, with zero posture issues.
Agree with about 8inch gap, but your listing is also showing Otto Wanz at 188cm - He was never close to such a height.
Mihalyi Kuti (Micha Nador) is usually listed 6´3" and looks it with Andre, if he was 6´2"flat, Andres eyeline would be about 6´4"... way to low.
Peak Andre´s eyeline was not under 6´5.5"
Click Here
Nador looks about the same height 6´3-3.5" KKB looked with Andre
Click Here
Click Here
Chaz said on 27/Mar/18
RoelC said on 26/Mar/18
dicksock said on 25/Mar/18
He's facing 6'1/6'2" Frank Valois. No way in the world was he over 7' or even 7' at all. I remember arguing with some "expert" on this site who told me Andre was "measured" at 7'1.5" in 1968. What a joke. If he was above 7', I will show you a green dog.
Click Here
This is a picture of Andre from 1970 with his then tag-team partner, Hungarian wrestler Michel Nador. I never knew how tall Nador really was, but have recently found a billing from 1971 that bills him at 188cm (6'2").
Click Here
Andre isn't looking 7ft there. More like 6'10" (about 8 inch difference there). And that's Andre in his physical prime, with zero posture issues.
Excelent find,both in the same boots,Nador is closer to the camara,so gaining 1/2'' but unless he's 6'4'' Andre is not over 6'10'' there.
berta said on 27/Mar/18
i never thought andre looked over 210 cm. but maybe it was the proportions. any way if he was this height then hogan was atleast 6 foot 6 and thats hard to imagine
dicksock said on 26/Mar/18
aaronious said on 25/Mar/18
dicksock, growth plates on a Giant seal MUCH later than the average person. more than likely, Andre didnt stop growing in height till he was close to 30, because he didnt have his Acromegaly/Giantism treated.
What are you talking about? Andre said himself that he stopped growing at age 24, which was March 1970. The Acromegaly seemed to affect his proportions more than his height. He never looked taller to me than he did in that match from 1968, but I will admit that could be because he was so much leaner and his head (jaw) wasn't nearly as big as it would become. A good example of someone who had Andre's disease is Great Khali. He didn't have his disease treated until around 40, yet he didn't just keep growing in height. Even Big Show said that he wouldn't have gotten any taller if he didn't have his tumor removed and that was in his early 20s, I think. Usually people with giantism finish growing in height in their early to mid 20s, which is much later than the average person. The average person stops growing in height at around 16-18. Growing past 20 is highly unusual. I am no doctor, but I am pretty sure there is a difference between Acromegaly and Giantism. People can have Acromegaly and not be tall (The French Angel). The people with Giantism are the ones like
Robert Wadlow that are really tall for their age. Either way, Andre looked 6'11" max 99% of the time, so that is what my estimate is for him.
tree said on 26/Mar/18
aaronious said on 25/Mar/18
dicksock, growth plates on a Giant seal MUCH later than the average person. more than likely, Andre didnt stop growing in height till he was close to 30, because he didnt have his Acromegaly/Giantism treated.
Fools,he stopped growing in height only his internal organs grew C:
176cm guy said on 26/Mar/18
Hey Rob, i found a rare piece of gem for you, an old video of Andre back in March 2, 1971 (he was 23, but turning 24 that year). It's in french, but in the comment section, thankfully there is someone who can translate in French. In the first sentence before the song starts, Andre has claimed his height and weight to be "With 2,14 m (7ft 1/4") and 171 kg (377.1lbs) (26st 13lbs) of muscles". Mind adding that claim, also would you reconsider that his peak height could be 2,14m as he claimed back in 1971.
Click Here

Editor Rob
I'll mention this claim at the top as it's believable enough at one time he did get near 214cm.
RoelC said on 26/Mar/18
dicksock said on 25/Mar/18
He's facing 6'1/6'2" Frank Valois. No way in the world was he over 7' or even 7' at all. I remember arguing with some "expert" on this site who told me Andre was "measured" at 7'1.5" in 1968. What a joke. If he was above 7', I will show you a green dog.
Click Here
This is a picture of Andre from 1970 with his then tag-team partner, Hungarian wrestler Michel Nador. I never knew how tall Nador really was, but have recently found a billing from 1971 that bills him at 188cm (6'2").
Click Here
Andre isn't looking 7ft there. More like 6'10" (about 8 inch difference there). And that's Andre in his physical prime, with zero posture issues.
Boss said on 26/Mar/18
dicksock said on 25/Mar/18
Here is a match of Andre from 1970 (when he "stopped growing"). Click Here
He's facing 6'1/6'2" Frank Valois. No way in the world was he over 7' or even 7' at all. I remember arguing with some "expert" on this site who told me Andre was "measured" at 7'1.5" in 1968. What a joke. If he was above 7', I will show you a green dog.
Here is the Andre measurement story which is by far the most detailed account out there of Andre ever being measured. It says just over 7'1" not 7'1.5" like you claim.
Click Here
Here Andre being measured barefoot at 7'0.5"
Click Here
Andre comes out taller than 7'1" Wilt Chamberlain with a 1" footwear on Wilt.
Click Here
Click Here
Here is a collection of Andre photos from over his career. He was every bit of 7' at his peak and probably 2.14m or so from the information we have.
Click Here
RoelC said on 26/Mar/18
star69 said on 24/Mar/18
RoelC, and you know that for a fact?
It's mentioned in the Andre biography "A Legendary Life".
Chaz said on 26/Mar/18
dicksock said on 25/Mar/18
Here is a match of Andre from 1970 (when he "stopped growing"). Click Here
He's facing 6'1/6'2" Frank Valois. No way in the world was he over 7' or even 7' at all. I remember arguing with some "expert" on this site who told me Andre was "measured" at 7'1.5" in 1968. What a joke. If he was above 7', I will show you a green dog.
Yes no way is he any 7' there,he was 6'10''or 6'11'' peak anything else is hogwash.no way was he ever 7'1.5'' that is Kiel's peak height.anyone thinks he was he's height needs medical help.
tree said on 26/Mar/18
Here they made him look over 7ft4,with 6ft1.5 Vince like 7ft8
Click Here a 6ft6 guy would barely reach his shoulders
Shaq whos just over 7ft with 5ft11 Bush
Click Here
Rob and folks you think he would be able to wrestle and move like he did if was that big?
At 7ft8 Vince would build him the The 8ft tall eight wonder of the world.
aaronious said on 25/Mar/18
lol, JT, you even underrate Andre's Hand.. hilarious.
aaronious said on 25/Mar/18
dicksock, growth plates on a Giant seal MUCH later than the average person. more than likely, Andre didnt stop growing in height till he was close to 30, because he didnt have his Acromegaly/Giantism treated.
dicksock said on 25/Mar/18
Here is a match of Andre from 1970 (when he "stopped growing").
Click Here
He's facing 6'1/6'2" Frank Valois. No way in the world was he over 7' or even 7' at all. I remember arguing with some "expert" on this site who told me Andre was "measured" at 7'1.5" in 1968. What a joke. If he was above 7', I will show you a green dog.
Danimal said on 24/Mar/18
Another brand new video from 1970 of Andre wrestling. This is around the time when he supposedly stopped growing:
Click Here
star69 said on 24/Mar/18
RoelC said on 23/Mar/18
RP said on 21/Mar/18
There used to be a rampid rumor going around all over the internet & wrestling sites that Andre's corpse during his autopsy was measured @ 6'10.75" & weighed 537 lbs.
this was never confirmed or debunked.
Let me debunk it for you then. There was never an autopsy performed on Andre's body. So every report you saw on the internet is obviously fake.
RoelC, and you know that for a fact?
dicksock said on 24/Mar/18
Danimal said on 24/Mar/18
Another BRAND NEW video of a wrestling match with Andre the Giant from 1968!!!
Click Here
Holy crap. I never thought I would see a full match of his from back then. It lived up to my expectations. He was quite the specimen back then. He was looking pretty lean and muscular. His bone structure looked ridiculous as well. I wonder if the guy posting these clips has anything to do with the new documentary coming out soon? It's hard for me to imagine he was ever taller than he was in that match though. It's hard to tell because his body changed so much in the 70s. I'd be surprised if he wasn't 6'10/6'11" in that match.
mrtguy said on 24/Mar/18
JT said on 23/Mar/18
Click Here I believe the other hand is Terry Todd’s, who wrote the Sports Illustrated article on Andre. We know from multiple sources (Andre’s arm + hand cast, his holding the Japanese magazine, his putting his hand next to Mean Gene’s head, etc.) that Andre’s hand was probably at most 9.75” long (1st wrist crease to tip of middle finger) but still impressive.
This is Big Show's hand next to German Host and his hands shorter and more stubbier than Andre's
Click Here
Danimal said on 24/Mar/18
Another BRAND NEW video of a wrestling match with Andre the Giant from 1968!!!
Click Here
RP said on 23/Mar/18
@ Damimal...yup, March 21 was home with a sick day & bored AF! Had lots of idle time on my hands, LOL!
However, kind of a pot/kettle statement coming from an individual who has had the time to make thousands of post on This Site over the years 😉😉 LOL!
RP said on 23/Mar/18
I agree it's likely internet FanBoy Hogwash!
However, without an autopsy?...how do you confirm his exact cause of death?? ( congestive heart failure due to massive fluid build up"??
RoelC said on 23/Mar/18
dicksock said on 23/Mar/18
Here's a real rare clip of Andre from early 1966 that was just posted: Click Here
Andre was looking really tall and really skinny in that clip. I would guess he was around 6'10 based on his frame, and he looked maybe 260 lbs or so.
Yeah, that's a real find there. Andre's in-ring introduction!
If I heard correctly they announced him at deux metres quinze (2m15) and cent cinquante kilo's (150 kg). Not sure how tall Andre really was there. His common billing at the time was 2m10 and 140kg. He doesn't look that tall, the wrestler Cheri-Bibi who stands next to him was pretty short himself. Probably around 5'7-5'8".
RoelC said on 23/Mar/18
RP said on 21/Mar/18
There used to be a rampid rumor going around all over the internet & wrestling sites that Andre's corpse during his autopsy was measured @ 6'10.75" & weighed 537 lbs.
this was never confirmed or debunked.
Let me debunk it for you then. There was never an autopsy performed on Andre's body. So every report you saw on the internet is obviously fake.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 23/Mar/18
Danimal said on 22/Mar/18
Brand new RARE video from 1966 of Andre in the ring!!
Click Here
Nice find, they announce him as 2,15m and 150kg ( 7´0 2/3" and 330lbs)
JT said on 23/Mar/18
Another great video courtesy of Chris from 1966.
Click Here I believe the announcer refers to Andre as 215 cm. IIRC he was officially billed anywhere from 208 cm. to 211 cm that year.
Andre was around 5 inches taller than ~6’4” Big Bossman in 1991.
Click Here (beginning at 13:40) and didn’t look 4 inches taller than John Studd at WM V in 1989. Remember that the WM 2 ring announcer, who claims 6’6”, said Andre was around 3 inches taller than him. Wilt and Chuck Wepner supposedly pegged Andre at 6'9" although I've never seen a direct quote from either.
Click Here I believe the other hand is Terry Todd’s, who wrote the Sports Illustrated article on Andre. We know from multiple sources (Andre’s arm + hand cast, his holding the Japanese magazine, his putting his hand next to Mean Gene’s head, etc.) that Andre’s hand was probably at most 9.75” long (1st wrist crease to tip of middle finger) but still impressive.
dicksock said on 23/Mar/18
By the way, in this new clip from Feb 1966, he's billed as 215 cm or 7'0.5".
Click Here
dicksock said on 23/Mar/18
Here's a real rare clip of Andre from early 1966 that was just posted:
Click Here
Andre was looking really tall and really skinny in that clip. I would guess he was around 6'10 based on his frame, and he looked maybe 260 lbs or so.
Danimal said on 22/Mar/18
Brand new RARE video from 1966 of Andre in the ring!!
Click Here
Danimal said on 22/Mar/18
RP said on 21/Mar/18
1987-1989 he still looked 6'11" (anywhere from 6'10.5" at worst to 6'11.25" ) IMO. Just look at all his matches or face to face encounters with Hulk Hogan, Big John Studd, Earthquake aka John Tenta, Jake Roberts, Jim Dugan, One Man Gang, King Kong Bundy & The Million Dollar Man..from 1987-1989. Looks 6'11" to me.
IMO & research:
Andre 1974-1986: 7'0" to 7'0.25" (with good posture, his posture suffered from 1983-1986 due to his failing back)
Andre 1987-1990: 6'11" (with good posture)
Andre 1991: 6'10.5"
Andre: 1992: 6'10"
Andre: 1993/time of death...a weak 6'10" to 6'9.75" (6'9.5") at the absolute lowest.
There used to be a rampid rumor going around all over the internet & wrestling sites that Andre's corpse during his autopsy was measured @ 6'10.75" & weighed 537 lbs.
this was never confirmed or debunked.
You have way too much time on your hands.
RP said on 21/Mar/18
1987-1989 he still looked 6'11" (anywhere from 6'10.5" at worst to 6'11.25" ) IMO. Just look at all his matches or face to face encounters with Hulk Hogan, Big John Studd, Earthquake aka John Tenta, Jake Roberts, Jim Dugan, One Man Gang, King Kong Bundy & The Million Dollar Man..from 1987-1989. Looks 6'11" to me.
IMO & research:
Andre 1974-1986: 7'0" to 7'0.25" (with good posture, his posture suffered from 1983-1986 due to his failing back)
Andre 1987-1990: 6'11" (with good posture)
Andre 1991: 6'10.5"
Andre: 1992: 6'10"
Andre: 1993/time of death...a weak 6'10" to 6'9.75" (6'9.5") at the absolute lowest.
There used to be a rampid rumor going around all over the internet & wrestling sites that Andre's corpse during his autopsy was measured @ 6'10.75" & weighed 537 lbs.
this was never confirmed or debunked.
Iconjj said on 20/Mar/18
ImAlexandros said on 16/Mar/18
Rob Andre He Was 6ft 9¾in tall look
Click Here
Dave Meltzer says 6'9 3/4 in his book Tributes II when André was 24 and I think it's highly unlikely that he would have grown another almost four inches after that. --Darren Jowalsen 20:39, 20 November 2005 (UTC)
He had giantism a disease where you can't stop growing so it's likely that he did grow four inches after that --Trick man01 10:01, 11 January 2006 (UTC)
Meltzer is an idiot who doesn't back that claim up with solid facts. I'm sick of ppl taking Ol Daves word as if its fact. I'll take Bruce Prichards word over Dave anyday....
Oanh said on 20/Mar/18
Dave Meltzer also stated André looked 6’11.5 next to Wilt Chamberlain.
dicksock said on 19/Mar/18
tree said on 18/Mar/18
Unfortunately it can't be viewed in the UK.
Maybe on this site is available from 17:50 till 18:30 is good for comparing Click Here
The best comparison I found in that clip occurs at 18:23. Andre looks maybe 8" taller. He was probably around 6'11" in the daytime even in 1990.
tree said on 18/Mar/18
Unfortunately it can't be viewed in the UK.
Maybe on this site is available from 17:50 till 18:30 is good for comparing
Click Here

Editor Rob
I'm not sure there seemed much more than 6-7 inches, although it is tricky to tell exactly.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 18/Mar/18
Click Here
Andre looked easy 6´10-10.5" if Regehr was 6´3-3.5" in 1991.
tree said on 17/Mar/18
Rob any idea how tall he looked with 6ft3.5 Duncan Regeher he is a guy you met,they are together for a couple of minutes in the clip but i think here they stand better for comparison
Click Here

Editor Rob
Unfortunately it can't be viewed in the UK.
dicksock said on 17/Mar/18
Samir Yusuf said on 15/Mar/18
tree said on 9/Mar/18
Why would anybdy think Andre was over 7ft1,if anybody shows a pic where andre looks 7ft1 without having footwear advantage i swear write 100 time on a paper i suck at guessing height and eat it..
I will flat out blow anyone on here who proves Andre was under 7'.
Well, proof, much like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. There has been an endless amount of proof that has shown he was no more than 6'11". The thing is, if you're a delusional fanboy, you will stubbornly refute said proof. Heightcrazyred did a fantastic job of analyzing Andre and 6'5" Chris Taylor. This picture was from Andre's prime. Also, look at Andre in his prime next to 6'1" Frank Valois. He was no more than 10" taller, and that is factoring in any potential footwear advantage. The only picture I have ever seen where Andre looks 7' is the one with 6'1" prime Bob Backlund. But, unlike some on this site, I don't base my opinion on the 1/1000 picture/video.
Samir Yusuf said on 15/Mar/18
tree said on 9/Mar/18
Why would anybdy think Andre was over 7ft1,if anybody shows a pic where andre looks 7ft1 without having footwear advantage i swear write 100 time on a paper i suck at guessing height and eat it..
I will flat out blow anyone on here who proves Andre was under 7'.
star69 said on 13/Mar/18
Little j said on 10/Mar/18
Hulk Hogan is almost as tall and hulk Hogan's 6 foot 3 Andre the giant is Max 6 foot 8
LOL. Hogan is 6'3 now, but was 6'5 1/2-6'6" peak.
dicksock said on 13/Mar/18
62B said on 13/Mar/18
I am pretty sure I said that Andre was at least 6'11 but no more than 7'0.
Yes, I know. That is why I included that part in the parentheses in my comment. And yes, Andre was around 6'11" and definitely no more than 7'. I'm wondering what new info may be revealed in the upcoming documentary. I know the researcher of the documentary referred to Andre as 6'10 or 6'11" during his recent interview with Dave Meltzer. Hopefully his true height will be discussed on the program.
tree said on 13/Mar/18
Danimal said on 12/Mar/18
tree said on 11/Mar/18
6ft8 Tyler Mane with Andre and Giant Baba,i think Andre looks 6ft11 and Baba no more than 6ft8 Click Here
Dude, you realize that was at the very end of his life, right? He was morbidly obese, had undergone at least 2 major back surgeries, knee replacements, ankle injuries and his upper back/neck was all hunches over, with buckled legs and you're claiming he was 6'11" at that point, yet it was impossible that he was taller in his healthier days? Are you kidding me? Most people will claim (myself included) that he was MAX 6'10.5" at that point of his life and probably 6'10" at best. 15-20 years earlier he could have easily stood around the 7'0" mark.
I never sad 7ft is imposible for Andre, i sad he was never 7ft1.You should be more carefull when you read.
He never looked 7 feet1
Halb said on 13/Mar/18
Melzter estimated Andre's height at 6'11½ himself, but got the 6'9¾ from elsewhere. I emailed him over the athletic commission years ago, it was posted on this pages long ago. So the shorter height is just a height DM got from somewhere and the higher one his own estimate off the pic.
JohnHolmes said on 13/Mar/18
You really have a awesome site. Why do you think Andre looks so much taller in the picture with Morley Safer? Could Andre's sneakers be like Shaq's? Thanks!

Editor Rob
I'd expect an average height guy to be a few inches under Andre's chin. Certainly Andre doesn't look 6ft 10 there with Morley.
62B said on 13/Mar/18
dicksock said on 11/Mar/18
62B, you are wrong. There are no posture issues in that video. Look at the opening seconds of the clip. They have basically the same posture. Andre could be standing a bit straighter, but it's not like Valois is standing perfectly straight either.
Here's another video of them: Click Here
Andre was about 9" taller than Valois and definitely no more than 10" taller. For Andre to have been 7'1" or more (I'm not saying you think that he was), he would need to have a full head on Valois. He clearly doesn't, so I just don't see how anyone can argue over 7' for Andre.
I am pretty sure I said that Andre was at least 6'11 but no more than 7'0.
Danimal said on 12/Mar/18
tree said on 11/Mar/18
6ft8 Tyler Mane with Andre and Giant Baba,i think Andre looks 6ft11 and Baba no more than 6ft8 Click Here
Dude, you realize that was at the very end of his life, right? He was morbidly obese, had undergone at least 2 major back surgeries, knee replacements, ankle injuries and his upper back/neck was all hunches over, with buckled legs and you're claiming he was 6'11" at that point, yet it was impossible that he was taller in his healthier days? Are you kidding me? Most people will claim (myself included) that he was MAX 6'10.5" at that point of his life and probably 6'10" at best. 15-20 years earlier he could have easily stood around the 7'0" mark.
Danimal said on 12/Mar/18
Texas Tom said on 6/Mar/18
I think if I'm in any particular camp it's a strong 6-10 or a weak 6-11. Have always had trouble swallowing the 6-9 & 3/4 number often bandied about.
The 6'9 3/4" height estimate is not valid. It was coined by the sensationalist writer, Dave Meltzer, who never provided any proof of that claim and even went on to state Andre was 6'11.5" in late '83/early '84 standing next to Wilt Chamberlain on the set of Conan the Destroyer.
tree said on 12/Mar/18
Come on guys show a pic where Andre looks 7ft1 i double dare you
dicksock said on 11/Mar/18
62B, you are wrong. There are no posture issues in that video. Look at the opening seconds of the clip. They have basically the same posture. Andre could be standing a bit straighter, but it's not like Valois is standing perfectly straight either.
Here's another video of them:
Click Here
Andre was about 9" taller than Valois and definitely no more than 10" taller. For Andre to have been 7'1" or more (I'm not saying you think that he was), he would need to have a full head on Valois. He clearly doesn't, so I just don't see how anyone can argue over 7' for Andre.
tree said on 11/Mar/18
Seagal said on 11/Mar/18
@ tree, no you wouldnt, you would Find 100s of reasons why The picture is innacurate
Man,show me a pic where he looks 7ft1.
U can't cuz it does not exist.
tree said on 11/Mar/18
6ft8 Tyler Mane with Andre and Giant Baba,i think Andre looks 6ft11 and Baba no more than 6ft8
Click Here
Seagal said on 11/Mar/18
@ tree, no you wouldnt, you would Find 100s of reasons why The picture is innacurate
62B said on 11/Mar/18
dicksock said on 10/Mar/18
ReturnofG said on 8/Mar/18
Oanh said on 7/Mar/18
Sorry, but Andre was never 7’3. He just wasn’t quite that tall. You could argue 7’1 st the absolute most, but I think 7’0 peak is realistic.
I would even go as far as 7'1.5 for a peak.
Based on what? Here is Andre in his prime next to his 6'1-6'2" billed manager Frank Valois in 1974: Click Here
He is no more than 9" taller, and that is a fact. Heightcrazyred, you should make a comparison based on that footage. That should end the debate right there. By the way Frank was in his late 50s in 1974, so he was likely 6'1" tops.
Andre never stood tall or even had the same posture as his billed manager anywhere in that video. peak Andre was at least 6'11" but no more than 7'0"
Little j said on 10/Mar/18
Hulk Hogan is almost as tall and hulk Hogan's 6 foot 3 Andre the giant is Max 6 foot 8
dicksock said on 10/Mar/18
ReturnofG said on 8/Mar/18
Oanh said on 7/Mar/18
Sorry, but Andre was never 7’3. He just wasn’t quite that tall. You could argue 7’1 st the absolute most, but I think 7’0 peak is realistic.
I would even go as far as 7'1.5 for a peak.
Based on what? Here is Andre in his prime next to his 6'1-6'2" billed manager Frank Valois in 1974:
Click Here
He is no more than 9" taller, and that is a fact. Heightcrazyred, you should make a comparison based on that footage. That should end the debate right there. By the way Frank was in his late 50s in 1974, so he was likely 6'1" tops.
tree said on 9/Mar/18
Why would anybdy think Andre was over 7ft1,if anybody shows a pic where andre looks 7ft1 without having footwear advantage i swear write 100 time on a paper i suck at guessing height and eat it..
ReturnofG said on 8/Mar/18
Oanh said on 7/Mar/18
Sorry, but Andre was never 7’3. He just wasn’t quite that tall. You could argue 7’1 st the absolute most, but I think 7’0 peak is realistic.
I would even go as far as 7'1.5 for a peak.
Logic said on 8/Mar/18
FWIW. Here is a photo that some of you may have not seen. It's a black and white photo of Wilt Chamberlain standing with Kareem.
They are standing so close their bodies are actually touching. And their posture appears to be pretty good. This photo was taken in 1984.
Kareem was wearing his basketball shoes and Wilt was wearing his dress shoes.
Click Here
Oanh said on 7/Mar/18
Sorry, but Andre was never 7’3. He just wasn’t quite that tall. You could argue 7’1 st the absolute most, but I think 7’0 peak is realistic.
star69 said on 7/Mar/18
Texas Tom said on 4/Mar/18
Interesting and rare pic I ran across...Andre with a 6-2 dude...in my opinion looking around 6-10
I've seen that photo over the years. Andre is not standing totally straight, and the other man is on the tip of his toes.
Andre was no less than 6'11...no more than 7'0
Chaz said on 7/Mar/18
JT said on 4/Mar/18
Click Here
Andre and soccer star Pele Click Here Not the best for comparison but here’s Pele and Kareem Click Here
Funny how Kiel and Kareem measure up were you would expect them to be within 1/2" of eachother,yet the so called 7'.5'' Andre seems to be 2-3" too short.
RP said on 6/Mar/18
Andre looks 16" taller than Pele, who's even closer to the camera.
Texas Tom said on 6/Mar/18
Hi Gretz, thanks it's nice to be remembered! Anyway I think we can agree that Andre's posture and head height are huge variables...so much of his height is in his head as opposed to legs like most tall people. The slightest shift can add or shave a couple of perceived inches off.
I think if I'm in any particular camp it's a strong 6-10 or a weak 6-11. Have always had trouble swallowing the 6-9 & 3/4 number often bandied about.
A truly unique man. There is literally no one I can think of with dimensions so tricky, including big show.
aaronious said on 6/Mar/18
cool pick texas Tom, but Andre's head is tilted down, which as proven by the conan the destroyer pics, Andre gains a solid two inches when his head is upright vs tilted down.
Gretz said on 5/Mar/18
Texas Tom welcome back!I thought your usual estimate of Andre was 6'11"? Anyway that's a tough pic to pin down an exact height,Andre is leaning towards his right side and if lifted his head higher he would gain a good bit of height as in the Wilt pics.I would not even make a guess with this pic.
Samir Yusuf said on 5/Mar/18
If we just knew how tall Kevin Owens is we could probably get a better grasp on Andre's height.
Texas Tom said on 4/Mar/18
Interesting and rare pic I ran across...Andre with a 6-2 dude...in my opinion looking around 6-10
Click Here
Chaz said on 4/Mar/18
danR22 said on 2/Mar/18
That 12" claim depends entirely on the camera distance.
The appearance of the camera being significantly toward Andrés side is the subjective illusion of his enormous bulk. He MUST be closer, I mean look... he looks HUGE.
Sure, because he WAS huge.
Andrés forearm length, inside and outside measures, is comparable to Chamberlain's, and a tad. That's curious as the African-American phenotype consistently favors relatively greater limb-length.
There is no significant foreshortening of either of their respective forearms: they appear to have the long axis orthogonal to the camera direction.
I'm not going to play around with fractions of inches nonsense, especially at these heights.
I'd say he was 7' 3" getting up in the morning.
7' 1" after a hard day of wrassling and drinking.
yes and I have a mermaid living in my garden pond,looks just like Halle Berry,in the 007 film,when I get lonely at night comes and keeps me company, 7'3''! lol fantasy land.if he was more than 6'11''anytime of day I will eat my own feet.