How tall is Arnold Schwarzenegger - Page 12

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Average Guess (1321 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 1.04in (185.5cm)
Current: 5ft 11.07in (180.5cm)
Mariosix-four said on 30/Aug/18
Arnold was, I believe, at his peak 187 cm (6'1 3/4) and he is 182 cm (5'11 3/4)
Rising - 174 cm said on 30/Aug/18
@Pierre: Kirk Douglas was one of the most notorious lift wearers in Hollywood back then. He was basically the Stallone of his day. And there are plenty of examples of Arnold looking 6'1" range with Carl Weathers, Tom Arnold, Roger Moore, Evander Holyfield, Jeff Bridges etc. I'm not sure of the exact difference between Arnie and Lou Ferrigno.

@viper: I doubt Arnold was 3%, but then I wouldn't have guessed Brown 3% either. I think a bodybuilder like Frank Zane with less mass had lower bf than Arnold back in the 70's.
houss said on 30/Aug/18
Jordan87 lol how tall are you man?
loganheighty said on 29/Aug/18
I always said he was 6'0.5. He always looked that height. In Pumping Iron (his first movie) you can see he was tall yes taller than mayority but you clearly see he was beteween 6 and 6'1 barefoot. He inflated his height or rounded up up. I see a 184 man no more. This year a friend met him at Golds Venice and told me he was about 5'10.5 my friend is 5'11 on the nose and he said he was clearly taller than Arnold
viper said on 27/Aug/18
I just saw on TMZ that Antonio Brown has 3 percent body fat.

Did Arnold ever get that low?
Jordan87 said on 27/Aug/18
@ Rampage,

Arnold himself claimed 6'1.5". This means 6'2 or anything over 6'1.5" is 100 percent impossible. Also 6'1.5" is very unlikely as well. Fact is most men inflate their height. You think Arnold was downgrading himself when he said 6'1.5"?

Do I think Arnold was tall? Yep.

Is he taller than Me? Yep

Could he kick my Arse? Yep

Was he over 6'1? Nope.
Sandy Cowell said on 27/Aug/18
Hey! Wasn't he considerably taller than Robert Patrick in T2?

Wasn't that a far-out scene?

I feel I might have to watch it! 😊
Arch Stanton said on 27/Aug/18
Don't take it too personally Rampage LOL. He could look near it in his films agreed.
MJKoP said on 26/Aug/18
Juby said on 25/Aug/18

I've just watched "Killing Ghunter" - movie with Arnold, and there is a joke during the intro about this ongoing argue about his height. Some people describe him as 6'2, other as 5'8". Great easter egg. XD

They should've had a Scottish Gordon Freeman doppelganger named 'Paul Roberts' chiming in with, "Who cares how tall he is? Take this this fight to an internet chat room!" 🤪🤭
Pierre said on 26/Aug/18
@Rising=Yes maybe he had not finished his growth;next to Spyros Bournazos,Bob Lee Minor(Commando),Arnold finished his growth even probably next to Lou Ferrigno in old pictures,which can make me think Arnold's peak of height is maybe not 6"1.5' or 6"1',or just after a very good sleep(8 hours)
jaki smith said on 25/Aug/18
He was around 183'5 peak. With good posture, his hair and shoes could always pass for a lot as a 6'1 and over. On the other hand people usually believe a wrong idea on height adding a but 2 cm always. If somone is 176 cm he says he is 5'10 etc.. Arnie was barefoot 183 range 184 at best barefoot. Today 180 max
Pierre said on 25/Aug/18
Watch too in web old pictures(1979)"Arnold Schwarzennegger/Kirk Douglas" The Villain (1979).Kirk is listed 5"9'.When they're standing in the same posture i see around 3 inches between them.
Bradley said on 25/Aug/18
He's all over the place peak and now. Would somebody ice both on a beach shot or something dead on.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Aug/18
I'm so sick of people referring to 6ft2 as a joke for Arnold when in truth he probably was that mark at least getting up if not for some of the morning.

Anything below 186cm strong is what's really a joke for Arnold's peak.
Rising - 174 cm said on 25/Aug/18
Low angle is exaggerating the difference with Caviezel in the first pic and ground looks to be in his favor. Arnie might be slightly shorter now, but that was 5 years ago. It does show how much Arnold has shrunk, though.
houss said on 25/Aug/18
Hi Rob , I hope you don't ignore my comment this time
I think all the famous bodybuilders inflat their height , I have a friend who lives lives in London now he so Mike o'hearn and he told me he was noticably shorter than him ,my friend is 192cm , I think Arnold did the same , he was maybe 185cm
Juby said on 25/Aug/18

I've just watched "Killing Ghunter" - movie with Arnold, and there is a joke during the intro about this ongoing argue about his height. Some people describe him as 6'2, other as 5'8". Great easter egg. XD
cade said on 25/Aug/18
I stood next to Arnold, when he was here for the opening for planet hollywood. He only had 3 inches on me. So he was 6'1 peak, This was back in the 90s. So I don't know whats he's height now.
Rising - 174 cm said on 24/Aug/18
@Pierre: If you're trying to convince me Arnold wasn't a solid 6'1" then you'll have to show me the picture in particular that shows this. I've seen varying heights for Yorton, though 5'11" sounds about right, but Arnold was only 19 when Yorton beat him so possibly not at his full height
Jim hoppa said on 24/Aug/18
Heres a little thing you should try regarding be measured on your height. Im 6-2,5. I stood straight up back straight bare feet and my height is almost spot on 6-2.5 at 10.00am. Then I did the same but took a breath in arched my back and maxed out as much as I could without looking strange. My friend said I was 6-3.25 when I was maxing out. You might depending on the person gain more height? My point is I think arnie did exactly this. He is perhaps just over 5-10 today but was close to 6-2 in prime???? Hmmmmm. 4 inch loss is perhaps too much to believe. Imo he was around 6-0.5 prime height.
Jordan87 said on 24/Aug/18

Combo of both. He def lost some height, over an inch? Likely not. He also inflates his height as 90 percent of men do.

I think he was over 6'0 in his prime. 6'2"? Not even close.
Sotiris Gravas said on 24/Aug/18
@Rob Here's Arnie in cowboy boots next to 6'1.25" Jim Caviezel... Assuming Caviezel is in dress shoes w/ 1.25" heels, Arnie has about a 0.5" footwear advantage on him... putting Arnie at 5'10.75" barefoot. Time for a downgrade... Click Here , Click Here

Gotta say, the first pic looks more like a 3" difference. Maybe Caviezel isn't standing perfectly straight in the second. Either way, time for downgrade.
Editor Rob
There are photos Arnie falls shy of 5ft 11, but I think there are still those in which he can look about that height range.
Agsis Dft said on 23/Aug/18
Carlos G
It's obvious he always lied about his height. People know this. you just have to see all his old photos and pics and vids from his competitions. He was tall yes and taller than most of those bodybuilders. Most of them were 5'8 to 5'10 Arnold was over 6. His real height was 6'0.25 range. 183-184 guy too many pics and videos and easy to guess his height.
Carlos G said on 22/Aug/18
WTF?? How a person can lose too much centimetres... is he has problems with his back or something similar??

Or that or he said a little lie about his height.
Pierre said on 21/Aug/18
look at old picture (page number five 13/sep/17)=Arnold standing very close to Spyros Bournazos listed 6"1.5'.Imo Arnold has a better posture than Spyros.
berta said on 20/Aug/18
6 foot 1 3/8 could be what he was on a very good day
berta said on 20/Aug/18
it would be interesting so see if arnold is one of those guys that measure taller than he look. today he can look 180 cm flat alot. But who knows if he could shock with a 182 measurement still? I think 181 is a safe bet for current. Peak i still dont se more than 186-186,5 max
Pierre said on 18/Aug/18
Rising =Watch in web old pictures "Arnold Schwarzennegger/Chet Yorton"(Chet is listed 5"11' in all the sites i have read)...
Rising - 174 cm said on 16/Aug/18
@Pierre: You can believe whatever you want, but I already explained why I don't think Basille is lying. The fact Arnold looks a solid enough 6'1" to me makes it easier for me to believe, but I said there could have been a small error in Arnold's favor because he could look more 186 to me in Raw Deal or campaigning with George H.W. Bush.
Barry Fl said on 16/Aug/18
(Myself said on 14/Aug/18.....)

Agree with all this. 'Busting a gut' is nothing more than standing up straight - it's not going on tiptoes or wearing lifts or anything. I've also known cases of people doing this and it actually doesn't change their measured height. Quite funny. Arnold's posture has always been fairly relaxed, so maybe it helped him. But whatever... it was still his height.
Myself said on 14/Aug/18
Rob, you actually proved that Busting a Gut doesn't add height, at least in your case. I think if it does add a fraction then it's because of the fact that the person generally has worse posture and by Busting a Gut just gets back their "lost height"...I don't think Arnold would have really had any posture problems when he was measured, considering how all that muscle mass would make it easier to mantain perfect posture.
Jordan87 said on 14/Aug/18

The angles in that photo are insane, cannot see who is taller there. C'mon now.
Pierre said on 14/Aug/18
@Rising= a measure written on a paper is only a measure written on a paper
Rising - 174 cm said on 11/Aug/18
@Rob: That's true, but at least any measurement is better than we have for most. I'd also bet Arnold did measure 6'1.75" earlier in the day at one point. Perhaps a late morning measurement or a slightly favorable one. @Juby: Luna is noticeably closer to the camera in all of those photos.
Barry Fl said on 10/Aug/18
I'm the first person to say that Arnold has obviously lost height, but I can't accept he's 5'10 (or less). I've seen him close-up in person, most recently last September, and if he isn't still 5'11 then he's near enough for comfort.
Juby said on 10/Aug/18
Arnold and Gabriel Luna are listed the same here (5'11.25"), but as we all can see now, Arnold is shorter than new Terminator:
Click Here

So Gabriel is at least 6 feet as he claim, or Arnold is around 5'10" today.
Rising - 174 cm said on 9/Aug/18
@Rob: That's true and Arnold even mentioned standing as tall as he could when his daughter measured him more recently, but I was thinking more of a possible error the other direction since even your stadiometer added around 1/8", iirc.
Editor Rob
It is unfortunately one of those unknowns. If the stadiometer was really accurate, then Arnie probably Bust a Gut to 6ft 1.5, if it wasn't accurate, then possibly a fraction less.
Canson said on 9/Aug/18
@Danimal: 3.5” would mean he’s only 5’10 today or less. That’s a lot to have lost. I would still say he’s 5’11” today
Rising - 174 cm said on 9/Aug/18
As we all know, Vince Basille claimed to measure Arnold at 6'1.5" in the evening back in 1969. And the fact he clearly doesn't like Arnold one bit and hasn't hesitated to portray Arnold in a negative light makes it improbable he'd make up a story of Arnold measuring so close to his claim. He'd likely say Arnold was shorter if he were making it up. So the only real question to me is accuracy, but I'd be surprised if he was more than a small fraction off and there's quite a bit of evidence to at least place Arnold solidly 6'1" peak so I wouldn't argue less than 186 cm personally. But I think he's "only" shrunk 2", maybe 2.5" max, which is still a lot for a 70 year old. If he's not at least 5'11" then his son Patrick, Leonardo DiCaprio, Emmanuel Macron and Til Schweiger all need significant downgrades. Just look at my post on 24/Jul/18. Either that or Arnold must have began wearing lifts and I haven't seen evidence of that.
Editor Rob
There definitely is some room for error with measurement, but imagine Arnie getting measured in his prime...I doubt he stood loose, he probably breathed in and was maxing out.
Danimal 5'9 3/4" said on 9/Aug/18
viper said on 6/Aug/18
I have personally witnessed a guy around Arnie's age who has shrunk 2 inches from 6-2 to 6-0 the last 4 years or so. It's crazy to see.

Then factor in the bodybuilding for Arnie, it's not a surprise he has shrunk 3, maybe 3.5 inches

He's also had hip replacement, which you do lose height from (look it up online). They literally cut the femur bone. In Arnold's case, his upper torso (spinal column) has also compressed to an unbelievable state. He's 1" shorter than what he's being listed on this site. Imo, he's lost 3.5" since his tallest height.
Hijoputamus said on 8/Aug/18
Met him 2 years ago. I was 182cm (measured in the evening) that same day and Arnold was taller than myself. I’ve no idea if he was wearing lifts or not but regular shoes. I know someone that stands 180cm and was way shorter. This was at the Arnold Classic. If Arnold is really 180 (5ft11) and was taller than myself without wearing tricky shoes then I can understand when people say Sly Stallone reaches the 5ft10 mark or Brad Pitt stands “shoes” blink blink 😉
Pierre said on 8/Aug/18
In old pictures in web "Reg Park/Arnold Schwarzennegger" Arnold did not look taller than Reg Park(listed 6"1')who was 19 years older than him and maybe lost a fraction of height in this pics.Sometimes Reg look a little bit taller imo.
Barry Fl said on 8/Aug/18
People keep bringing up bodybuilding as the reason Arnold has lost height. I know two men of about the same age as Arnold who've never lifted a weight in their lives and both have lost 2 or 3 inches since their young adulthood. It does happen.
Vegas' said on 6/Aug/18
Robinson said on 6/Aug/18
Peak height was legit 186.5-186cm.No way he is under 186cm

82 Guinness book of records had him at 185cm..
viper said on 6/Aug/18
I have personally witnessed a guy around Arnie's age who has shrunk 2 inches from 6-2 to 6-0 the last 4 years or so. It's crazy to see.

Then factor in the bodybuilding for Arnie, it's not a surprise he has shrunk 3, maybe 3.5 inches
viper said on 6/Aug/18
With his age plus bodybuilding, I can easily believe he was 6-1.5 and now 5-10.5 at best.
Matt99 said on 6/Aug/18
186 peak rob? 187 to possibly 180 now is a lot of shrinkage even for a former bodybuilder.
Robinson said on 6/Aug/18
Peak height was legit 186.5-186cm.No way he is under 186cm in his peak height.
Well today yeah,he lost some height deffinetly.
But hes still standing at 5"11 legitly.His daughter said she had insoles,and he slightly bended over her.He still would edge 5"11 in measurement with breath and standing straight.
Honbel said on 5/Aug/18
Arnold sometimes look 5'10 but I agree he is 5'10 3/4 (1'80) but not over for sure. Being 5'10 3/4 there's is zero chance he ever hit 6'2 not even 1.5 He was 6 and 1/2 From 184 to 180 is a reasonable shrink loss in his case
HvK said on 5/Aug/18
Arnold is 1.80 nowadays. Full stretched he would be as tall as her daughter in that pic. Current height 5'10-3/4. Peak height 1.88 or 6'2"
Honbel said on 4/Aug/18
90 % of people are height liers. Learn how to measure and I guess you are not 6'2 to judge honest 6'2 guys who were taller than him with out doubt. He was 6'0.5
@christinaschwarzenegger repond her height as being 5'10.75 on the pic Arnold upload with her for his birthday and Arnold is shorter nowdays than her 5'10.75 daughter. Arn old is 5'10 1/4 today impossible he ever was over 6'0.5.
Click Here
ManKo a legit 5'11 he was slighty taller gave us evidences today Arnold is 178-179.
Pierre said on 4/Aug/18
In the movie "Les Titans"(or"Arrivano i Titani"1962) Serge Nubret is standing face to face with Giuliano Gemma (listed 181 in web)just before their gladiatoral combat .Imo Giuliano is taller than him by more than one inch.
Pierre said on 4/Aug/18
In "Commando"(Airplane scene) Robert lee Minor listed 6"2' is taller than Arnold by at least 2 inches imo.(watch just before they sit down on the seats of the airplane ,when Robert take off his hat...)
Alex Italy said on 3/Aug/18
Nubret was 180cm. Arnold looks 186 187 with him here: Click Here
Mister lennon said on 3/Aug/18
Peak : 186-187
Now: 180-181
JayT said on 3/Aug/18
Arnold was easily 6ft 1 and 3 quarter inches in his prime, musclemag measured him at that but rounded up to make it easier in print, vince basile measured him about the same and has no reason to lie. Judging heights by pictures is crazy, i can stand in a way that i lose a couple of inches, perspective, floor level, posture all factor in. The latest I read from arnold himself regarding his height he said joe manganiello was 5 inches taller, he's 6'5". So that's an admittance of nearly 2 inches height loss from his peak. I think many people think arnold is going to be 7ft or something so are surprised when he's much shorter in person.
Honbel said on 2/Aug/18
Nowdays fake reality: peak 187 nowdays 181
TRUTH :Peak 183 Nowdays 178'5
viper said on 2/Aug/18
You can argue 6-3 there
viper said on 2/Aug/18
He really does look 6-2 there
Honbel said on 1/Aug/18
@christinaschwarzenegger repond her height as being 5'10.75 on the pic Arnold upload with her for his birthday and Arnold is shorter noedays than her 5'10.75 daughter. Click Here
HvK said on 1/Aug/18
It's pretty obvious by now that his peak height was 1.87 at the very least. Current height is much lower, though. About 5'11" or even a tad less. Pics with Sir Roger are a game changer, tbh.
arun kc said on 1/Aug/18
Arnold's son Patrick is 5-11.not 6-1 as he is claiming.his daughter Cristine is 5-8 max .I don't know how she is claiming 5-11 lol which is Nicole Kidman height! To wit
her mother Maria who is 5-6 as listed by Rob also claimed 5-11!
Which is truly astounding- height inflation of 5 inches!
I think Patrick's modelling agency also listed him as 5-11
Truly very rarely do you find celebes giving their real heights.not more than 10% to 20% in my opinion.even lay persons exaggerate their heights.
arun kc said on 1/Aug/18
Arnold peak height 6ft. Current height 5-10. Looking at their photos to estimate actual heights by relative comparison, I find most of the body buiders current and past are listed 1to 2 inches more than their actual heights.
Height inflation seems to prevalent in all sports, in nfl,nba soccer tennis boxing make their already considerable height even more impressive
Truth even for such trivial thing as height is rarely valued in the today's world.
HvK said on 1/Aug/18
A solid 6'2" peak height according to this 1988 pic with Sir Roger Moore, who was by then a 6'0" in his 60's.

Click Here

Click Here:
andersonforheights said on 31/Jul/18
He is over 5'10. I would say a very strong 5'10. ManKo give us evidences too as a legit 5'11 he was slighty taller. Peak strong 6 footer maybe closer to 6'1 than 6'
Click Here
orel abergel said on 31/Jul/18
arnold looked huge when he was competing
Honbel said on 29/Jul/18
Rob the 6'1.5 has gone to far. Is time for downgrade him come on. Let's be rational and realistic. He was a weak 6'1 guy at best. He always add 1 inch to his height at least. In movies too as a main character it was necesarry he was thr big and tall guy. In all his young pics and with other people you see he was more 6'0.5 and thi days near 5'11.
Juby said on 27/Jul/18
Some photos of Arnold and Reg Park from 60s and 70s (Arnold's peak). Reg Park was for sure 6'1" and Arnold looks the very same height in almost every photo, if not a little bit shorter.

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

There's much more of it in google (both are barefoot). Even Arnold himself claimed to be 6'1" i late 60s. 6'1" peak guys, not more, move along.
Clikster said on 26/Jul/18
ManKo said on 24/Jul/18
Ey ManKo you are the guy who met him and spend time with him. Some said Arnold was taller tha you on the photo but in my opininion you look taller than him. You said you are 180 cm in the evening right? If it's true then Arnold is 179 cm nowdays at 70
Pierre said on 25/Jul/18
@Heighty=In my opinion,in the picture you posted Arnold/Wilt,the camera is very low , and the floor is maybe not perfectly horizontal.In others pictures in web Arnold /Wilt,the camera is higher then the angle is more neutral for them,both are in shoes and the floor looks regular= the difference of height between Arnold and Wilt seems more important than in the pic you posted even if Wilt is standing generally in a more relaxed posture than Arnold
Glisten173cm said on 25/Jul/18
He was never over 185 cm and 185 cm is just below 6'1
T1 said on 24/Jul/18
@warren it's pretty normal for someone to lose that much by that age, he's in his 70s
Zimi said on 24/Jul/18
In a photo posted to Instagram he didn’t look any taller than his daughter and she said she was ‘5’11 or 5’10.75 to be exact’ in the comments of the photo
santgr said on 24/Jul/18
Rob do you believe he might have been 186cm during the day in his prime? 187cm sounds too tall for him sometimes looking at some photos. Maybe he was somewhere in the middle like 186.5cm?
Editor Rob
Many would estimate him as 186cm peak, I think far fewer would give him 188cm.
Rising - 174 cm said on 24/Jul/18
He's still easily taller than 178. Here's Arnold this year with 5'11" Leonardo DiCaprio: Click Here
Looks about 181 cm in late 2017 if his son Patrick is 184 cm: Click Here
Rob lists clearly Til Schweiger 177 cm and Arnold is much more than 1 cm taller: Click Here Click Here
Rob lists Emmanuel Macron 5'8" and you can see a short video of Arnold with him last year: Click Here You can see them posing side by side at the 50 second mark and Arnold looks about 3" taller. I'm not sure if Macron is 5'8", but he's wearing elevator shoes there: Click Here There are a few more examples I could post from 2017 or 2018, but this should suffice for now. Arnold doesn't look to have lost much more height since his return to movies.
ManKo said on 24/Jul/18
Arnold just posted in his Instagram this pic with his daughter, how tall is she Rob?

Click Here
Editor Rob
She could be over 5ft 10, I know her sister Katherine claimed 5ft 8, but not sure what she said.
Glisten173cm said on 23/Jul/18
Well 6'1 is the max I'd go Rob. 6'0.5 lowest 6'1 max
abcde said on 22/Jul/18
needs downgrade maybe 178 cm now
Warren said on 22/Jul/18
If this true, 2 inches are huge lost!
Glisten173cm said on 21/Jul/18
Rob what's the lowest peak you guess and what height you think he hit before bed in his peak
Editor Rob
6ft 1 peak would be lowest I'd go.
Tristan3D said on 19/Jul/18
Hm, I am 6'4 (a bit more out of bed, but I might shrink down to that during the day) and I stood right next to him in 2012 at the Frankfurt Books Fair (in Germany) during his presentation of his "Total Recall" Bio (at which he was preseting it in almost perfect high german - without his usual austrian accent. I wonderered back then: "Is there anything this guy wouldn't want to improve on?", because I knew he must have practiced high german all evening prior to the event). I wasn't exactly towering over him, but I was considerably taller than he was (I wore sneakers and he wore business shoes with somewhat large heels). So, I don't know about his peak (It's said to be 6ft 1.5in), but nowadays I assume him in the lower 5'11 range - if not a 5ft 10.75in over the course of the day.
Glisten173cm said on 18/Jul/18
To Goran Pavlovic said on 13/Jul/18

Except in North of Europ beteween 5'9 5'10 you are considereded average and below 5'9 a little short.
In the north of Europe below 5'11 you are below average. In general you start considered being tall when you are 178 cm barefoot 178 and over this mark is tallish. But if you go to the north of Europe you need to be 182 barefoot and over to start being considered tallish
Glisten173cm said on 18/Jul/18
Barry Fl said on 16/Jul/18
You start to be tallish when you are barefoot a legit 5'10.25 man. I guess over 5'10.25 starts to be tallish
Beteween 5'9 5'10 you are considereded average below 5'9 a little short. Of course in north Europe 5'9 is short and 5'10 a little too.
Barry Fl said on 16/Jul/18
Goran Pavlovic said on 13/Jul/18
Can someone tell me wht height is considered as "tall"? Could it be 185cm too?

That depends who you're talking to! A 5'10 guy will consider 5'10 tall. A 6'1 guy will consider 5'10 short! I guess there's no official line in the sand, so I'd just say anything clearly above the average height could be classed as 'tall'.
santgr said on 16/Jul/18
@Goran Pavlovic

As a 6ft0.5 guy myself I can assure you that my height is not considered tall nowadays. Just above average. Legit tall begins at 6ft2 maybe even 6ft2.5 If we were talking about 30 years ago 6ft would be legit tall.
Kurtz said on 14/Jul/18
Well we are discussing even if the Rock is only 6 1 or if 6 2 and here people still blatering on 6 2 peak for Arnold? Lol.
At his peak Arnie was 5 11 max out 6 0.
Canson said on 14/Jul/18
I could buy the full 6’1” peak but 6’2” seems too high
Goran Pavlovic said on 13/Jul/18
Can someone tell me wht height is considered as "tall"? Could it be 185cm too?
Barry Fl said on 12/Jul/18
Recently I was watching some interviews/chat show appearances with Arnold from around 1991. I know it's been mentioned here before but it really struck me how his proportions have changed over the years. Back then his torso, and especially his legs, looked so much longer - and his head comparatively smaller. Compare that with recent years where his body looks much more squat, his legs shorter, and his head larger. He definitely seems more compressed these days. Inches have been lost. I know he's had numerous injuries and operations - broken legs, and wasn't there an hip or knee replacement (or both?).
gorenbal said on 11/Jul/18
The 6'2 claim on the video is hilarious. Obviously he is adding nearly 2 inches to his height. He was nearly 6'1 at most. You can see his proportions do not belong to a 6'2 guy. Btw he never looked over 185 to me which is not even 6'1 . 6'1 = 185,47 cm. Lucky if he can hit 185 in the 70's
Jim hoppa said on 11/Jul/18
@heighty In that picture with W, Chamberlain arnie looks no more than 6-1" in shoes!!! Look closer!
Pierre said on 11/Jul/18
@Heighty= compare Arnold to Wilt Chamberlain isn't a good proof because he's 7"1',and the comparisons cannot be very precise.Compare Arnold to Lou Ferrigno=good old pictures in web.Eventually compare Lou to guys like Dick Durock or Ralf Moeller listed 6"5.5 or 6"6'...And do the maths
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Jul/18
Rob, at 0:44 Arnold says he's 6ft2 when Carson asks him how tall he is
Click Here
Editor Rob
He's consistent enough with the claim.
Juby said on 9/Jul/18

Pictures can't be "a solid evidence", they just can't! Unless picture shows us person standing straight next to the wall with the straight horizontal lines, or person next to the measuring tape. Even if You met Arnold You CAN'T be sure how tall he is. For an example, I am 177cm (177.3-177.5cm standing very straight next to the wall) and my younger brother is 179 cm, and once I measured him at 180 cm (exactly 5'11") and You know what - You can't tell that. I have better posture, I never hunch while I'am walking, so most of the time we look equal or maybe even I look taller than him - with almost 1 inch difference between us! Arnold is 71 years old, he has terrible posture and he can't stand fully straight most of the time. He can be +5'11" and look less than 5'10" on every photo.
roterrman said on 9/Jul/18
Rob: Met him this year at Gold's gym. A friend invited me to train there.. what was my luck? To my surprise I met Arnold but I couln't take a pic with him. He was so busy but I was face to face. To Danimal 5'9 3/4": he is not 5'10 trust me. I understand he can look 5'10 at times because he slouches and when he is training more. He is over 5'10 but not sure if he is 5'11. I'm 5'9.5 and he was taller than me by an inch I guess. I think if he stands correctly he hit nearly 5'11. Rob he is not 5'11.25 I'm sure. He is 5'11 max and I vote for 5'10.75. In his peak was 6'0.75 a tall guy sure
Rising - 174 cm said on 8/Jul/18
@Danimal: I know you have nothing against Arnold and he has lost a lot of height for his age, but he still looks taller to me.

2018 Jay Leno's Garage video: Click Here (Go to 56 seconds and you can see their entire bodies from what looks like a pretty straight angle)
Still taken from that video: Click Here I don't know if Leno has a footwear advantage, but taking that aside for a moment and assuming Leno is now more 5'10" flat rather than the 5'10.5" Rob lists him, I'd still guess Arnold more 5'11" range than 5'10" there
Danimal 5'9 3/4" said on 8/Jul/18
Arnold next to then 5'10.5" Tim Allen in the 1990's:
Click Here
Tim Allen (now 5'10") next to Jay Leno in 2014:
Click Here
Arnold and Jay in the 1990's:
Click Here
Arnold and Jay in 2003:
Click Here
Click Here
Arnold next to Jay a few years later:
Click Here
Arnold next to Jay a few more years later:
Click Here
Arnold next to Jay in 2018:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

So yeah, that's how much height Arnold has lost. I keep saying he's around 5'10" today. Proof is there and NO, I don't dislike Arnold. I am UNBIASED.
jmnedelski said on 5/Jul/18
1) Hi Juby, well, I have met Najib Razak, shake hand with him and he is the same height as I am which is 1.78 meter. Look at Picture 3, they all standing straight together. Look at how straight Arnold and Najib are standing. Almost the same height as Najib Razak. Picture 1 is just to compare how 1.78 meter against 1.88 meter tall. Anyway, just like Alexalexan whom comment before you said, he is 70, respect him no matter how tall he is. Thank you.

2)Hi Rob, what do you think about my "solid evidence"?

Picture 3 (Click Here)
Juby said on 5/Jul/18
"A solid evidence" - ha ha, good one :D The picture of someone who might be some tall next to Arnold who is not standing straight on the picture 2. XD
Alexalexan said on 5/Jul/18
Arnold is a tall guy and still today at 70. Respect him. Long time arguing his height. He is 70 respect the Man. We know he is about 180 today. 180 range or 79 range doesnt matter he is tall and he was tall. He was about 185. End of Story
jmnedelski said on 3/Jul/18
I have found a solid evidence of Arnold is just around 1.8 meter only. Have a look at Picture 1 where Najib Razak meeting with Justin Treudou. Justin is 1.88 meter. Najib Razak is 1.78 meter. Now, let's have a look at Picture 2 where Arnold meeting with Najib Razak. The same height, maybe 2cm or 3cm taller, if Arnold not wearing any lifts, if he does, maybe less than 1.8 meter... maybe....

So, Arnold is not above 1.8 meter. Maybe....

*if the links not working, you can just search for "arnold schwarzenegger najib razak" and "justin truedou najib razak"

Picture 1 (Click Here)
Picture 2 (Click Here)
jmnedelski said on 3/Jul/18
I have found a solid evidence of Arnold is around 1.8 meter only. Have a look at Picture 1 where Najib Razak meeting with Justin Treudou. Justin is 1.88 meter. Najib Razak is 1.78 meter. Now, let's have a look at Picture 2 where Arnold meeting with Najib Razak. The same height, maybe 2cm or 4cm taller, maybe.

So, Arnold is not above 1.8 meter. Maybe....

*if the link not working, you can just search for "arnold schwarzenegger najib razak" and "justin truedou najib razak"

Picture 1 (Click Here)
Picture 2 (Click Here)
Mister lennon said on 30/Jun/18
I cant buy anything under 186 peak.
Dukecrund said on 28/Jun/18
for all I've seen and read and listened people who met him is fair to say he is 5'11 today and peak 6'0.5. He is my favorite actor and I'm his fan number 1 too. Basing my guess and I think I'm good on heights I guess him as a 6'0.5 in his youth. What happened when a man is legit 6'0.5? Answer: He can pass as a 6'1 minimum because people always lie on heights and Arnold always had a good posture. In movies he looked very straight like a militar look. Maybe he wore advantage in some movies and some people thought he was over 6'1, but when you see movies when he is clearly relax or with other legit 6'1 people you can see he was a strong 6 footer, beteween 6' and 6'1. Today 100% he is 5'11 max. Some few say he is 5'10 but just because sometimes he is relax on his body and he is 70! Nowdays for a measurement he hit 5'11. or 180'0 cm (5'10.8)
777 said on 28/Jun/18
Does not anyone see that the image in Manko's photo is tilted towards Arnold, so Arnold looks lower than it really is?
Click Here

Here is the correct alignment of the photo. Arnold is above Manco.
Click Here

Arnold's today height 5ft 11 ½ (182cm)-6ft (183cm).
Juby said on 28/Jun/18
In the pix of mankoo Arnold looks slightly taller, not only due to the shoulder's level, but also look at the black background which is the straight line just behind them. Of course, we can't see they footwear and it is weird angle, but in my opinion if the guy on the picture is 180-181 cm, than Arnold is at least the same height.
houss said on 26/Jun/18
In the pic of mankoo arnold seems to be taller , just look at the shoulder's level
Juby said on 26/Jun/18
@Christian 6'5 3/8"

We're all (well, almost all) basing on pictures/videos of him. :P And this is the main reason of this ongoing argue about his height. In fact, You can find the photos of Arnold looking like 6 foot 1.75 inch guy (official height) as well as max. 6 foot in his prime! Today he appears in 5 foot 10 - 6 foot range. It's hard to say which version is closer to the true, because we're basing just on pictures, which can lie to us.

My opinion right now:

> Peak = 6 foot 1 inch max. (as he claimed in 1969, his height from Guinness Record List from 1969, and from competition in 1969, later he was overestimated)

> Now = 5 foot 11 inches (in movies and at the red carpets he appears even shorter, sometimes barely 5'10", but when he's standing real straight - it's hard for him being 70 years old - he looks solid 5'11", maybe even a little more), so Rob's guess if fine, I can agree with 5'11.25".
alexander5'11.25 said on 24/Jun/18
alexander5'11.25 said on 23/Jun/18
Arnols is 5'10.5 nowdays peak 6.0-5 max
ManKo said on 25/Mar/18
Click Here
I can also say that I am about in the morning and 179.5cm at night(give or take a few mm) and on the picture he seems to be slightly shorter.
I think that at this point Arnold is 180.5cm in the morning and 178.5 at night. And at his peak he was probably around 184-185cm.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 23/Jun/18

A 2018 Arnold is under 5'11". You must be basing his estimate off pics that were like 10-15 years ago.
Rising - 174 cm said on 23/Jun/18
The photo of Arnie and Sly is 5 or 6 years old and Arnold was still at least 5'11.5" back in 2012, imo while Sly was at or very near his peak height of a weak 5'9" or 174.5 to 175 cm. There are many full pics and videos of the two during the Expendables films, but here's a more recent comparison of the two from the Terminator Genisys premiere in 2015 and Sly looked his current by then. Arnold may have also been his current height unless someone can show evidence he's lost more height in the 3 years since.

Full photos: Click Here Click Here Click Here
Video: Click Here

I think the first photo shows the difference between the two most accurately along with the video while the second photo favors Sly a bit and the third favors Arnie a bit, but there being a near 3" difference or maybe 7 to 7.5 cm difference looks about right. Their shoes look pretty close as far as heels, but Arnold actually has a thicker sole overall as you can see comparing the front of their shoes. I never thought I'd live to see Arnie with a possible footwear advantage over Sly! Sly is still 5'8" minimum, but 5'8.5" max these days, which is probably why Rob lists him at a logical 5'8.25". I think he still looks much more 174 cm without lifts, but you always have to consider he might looking a bit taller than he is.

With J.K. Simmons at the Germany premiere: Click Here
Full photos: Click Here Click Here

Those 2 full photos show Arnold's cowboy-type boots give him perhaps 1 cm footwear advantage, but you can see Simmons going up on one foot slightly and he does it much more blatantly here: Click Here That's why we should take the first pic where Arnie looks only an inch or so taller than Simmons with a grain of salt. Other than that, he looks anywhere from 1.5" to 2" taller and it's possible Simmons gains around half an inch or 1 cm going up on one foot, in which case he'd cancel out Arnold's footwear advantage. Simmons is probably a weak 5'10" nowadays or 177-178 cm and if all things are equal in the full pics then Arnold would be 4-5 cm taller, but if Simmons isn't on his toes in the other pic then Arnie is looking 3 cm taller max, which would be 2 cm when his cowboy boots are factored in.

In Arnie's case, these comparisons still make me think he's 5'11" minimum and 5'11.5" max. As I said, I understand even the weaker 180 cm guesses, but I personally think he'd look shorter than he does with bad posture if that were the case. Generally still looks a solid 5'11" to me. And it's to be expected that Arnold would be shorter than legit 6'2" men like James Cameron because he even admitted he was a fraction under 6'2", but he was also consistently taller than flat 6'1" guys like Carl Weathers, Tom Arnold and others so I'd still guess 186 cm for him, maybe 187 range.
alexander5'11.25 said on 23/Jun/18
Arnols is 5'10.5 nowdays peak 6.0-5 max
ManKo said on 25/Mar/18
Click Here
I can also say that I am about in the morning and 179.5cm at night(give or take a few mm) and on the picture he seems to be slightly shorter.
I think that at this point Arnold is 180.5cm in the morning and 178.5 at night. And at his peak he was probably around 184-185cm.
Pierre said on 23/Jun/18
Darkpower72= but take in consideration that in the 70s, even a solid 6"0' guy was very tall in America,and bodybuilders are generally not very tall(and sometimes a little bit shorter in reality than her official height).
Darkpower72 said on 22/Jun/18
Lol why’s Arnold’s picture here showing him to be so small haha. In his bodybuilding days, he definitely cleared 6’1”. He was a very tall guy and would be taller than almost anyone around. I noticed how he’d always stoop his head down and slightly forward and was always very relaxed about his posture. Judging by how confident he was and how he looked, he wasn’t concerned about his height and knew he was tall.

However, since acting until today he’s been standing up very straight and trying to be as tall as possible lol. He probably was an actual 6’1.5” (maybe 6’1 5/8th” in the morning) in his younger years but he’s certainly nowhere near that mark now. He was never the 6’2” he claimed though later on. Even though he’s lost a lot of height and isn’t as imposing, I personally think he still looks like a tallish guy so I wouldn’t put him under 5’11.5” today.
Ferry5foot8 said on 22/Jun/18
Dingus said on 20/Jun/18
I see you dont have idea to guess height. Big lol at your 5'11.5 guess for Arnold in 2018 lol. He is 5'10.5 today standing tall and a strong 5'10 in his relax posture. So many evidences. Arnold is closer to the Camera next to Ronald Reagan and next to Stallone is also standing taller than him. Arnold has 2 inches on him no more. He was 6'0.5 prime
mister_lennon said on 22/Jun/18
ferryfoot, arnold was a true 6´1 and a half at peak. cameron was a solid 6'2 guy at peak. arnold was only 1 inch shorter tan cameron. never 1'5 inches or more.
Ferry5foot8 said on 20/Jun/18
Mister lennon said on 19/Jun/18 you are funny. If were that tall you would not see the difference.
In the 90's you can see Arnold is about 1.5 inch shorter than him or more. He was 6-0.5 peak and in the 90's he was 6'0.25
Mister lennon said on 19/Jun/18
He was shorter than cameron because cameron was 6'2 and arnold 6'1 and a half.
Minimum 6'1 and a half at peak. 186-187.
Ferry5foot8 said on 18/Jun/18
And shorter than James Cameron and some other legit 6'2 guys. Is funny how a minority still say he was 6'2. 6-0.5 never over.
Rising - 174 cm said on 17/Jun/18
@Danimal: It looks a little less than 2" in the photo, but in the video I see roughly 2" between them when they're posing for photos, but as I said, I'd need to see Mario's footwear. Here's the video with Fallon: Click Here Do you honestly see much of a difference throughout the video? Depending on how they stand, Jimmy can look taller, but at other times they look close. I thought Arnie looked about 5'10.75" with St. Pierre or weak 5'11" range, but I don't think Arnold stands at his full height as much the last 5-10 years. If Arnold is that compressed and shrunken, wouldn't it be doubtful he'd stand with good posture? If Arnold were really 5'10"-5'10.5", I'd expect him to look 5'9" range at times when he's not standing straight. His co-stars in Terminator Genisys were Jai Courtney and Jason Clarke, whom Rob lists 6'0.75" and 6'1", respectively. Arnold could still look close to their heights with a little extra cowboy-type heel and this was less than 3 years ago.

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

At the same, Arnold was still noticeably taller than 5'10" J.K. Simmons. Simmons could be 177 cm these days or your height, but in that case Arnold still looked roughly 5'11" give or take. Unless Arnold has taken to wearing lifts with those boots, I just don't see how he'd look that close in height to men apparently around 6'1" or just under if he were only 5'10"-5'10.5". I believe he's been measuring himself in shoes such as when he mentioned measuring 6'1" in '08 and 6'0.5" in '13 so I believe his barefoot height is an inch to 3 cm less than that at each time. In 2014, Arnold also reached around 6'4.75" Joe Manganiello's eye level. I agree with you that it's incredible to see Arnold today with 6'1"-6'2" range men, but I don't think he'd measure less than 5'11" yet. 2" is a significant loss for his age. As you know, if he's lost 2.25" as Rob estimates then that's already an inch more than the average for a 70 year old.
Kyuss101 said on 17/Jun/18
He looks 1-2" shorter than Bush Snr who is 6-2. Arnie 6-0.5 prime height
Ferry5foot8 said on 16/Jun/18
Arnold with luck would hit the 5'10.75 mark standing tall and stretching for a measurement.
Ferry5foot8 said on 16/Jun/18
He is not 6 foot today please. ManKo met him and was slightly taller than him. ManKo is 180 cm tall and said Arnold is about 179 5'10.5. He has pics with him posted in this site. I'm sure the 6'4 guy is maybe 6'3 or 6'2.5? Who is honest on heights here??
Ferry5foot8 said on 15/Jun/18
777 said on 15/Jun/18

Stop saying he is 182 have you ever meet him in 2018? you are kidding if you think he is 6 foot. He was 6 foot in the 90's. Today struggles to hit 180 cm or 5'11
187.5 cm said on 15/Jun/18
Out of bed : 182.5 - 183 cm
Before bed : 181 - 181.5 cm

Out of bed : 187 - 187.5 cm
Before bed : 185.5 - 186 cm
Arnoldfan said on 15/Jun/18
Check this , thus guy is 6'4 , i asked him how tall he think Arnie is he replied ( i'm 6'4 and he's noticeably shorter , i'd say abt 6f )
Click Here
Click Here
777 said on 15/Jun/18
Arnold's today height 5ft 11 ½ (182cm)-6ft (183cm).

Arnold, Van Damme and James P. Bennett. James P. Bennett height 5' 9¼" (1,76 m).

Click Here

James P. Bennett and Mike Tyson

Click Here
Ferry5foot8 said on 15/Jun/18
I totally agree. Peak 184 range today 180 cm no more. His posture makes him look at 5'10 sometimes. Those 187 guesses are out of argument and of course they don't know to judge a real 187 cm man.
Tallagaton said on 12/Jun/18
This is simple. Easier than you all think. Arnold is 71 years old nowdays and you guys are guessing his height at 186 or 187 cm knowing in 2018 he is 180 cm tops, because there are so many evidences and proofs he is 179 range or weak 180. Safe to say he is not over 180 cm.. Ok look at him he looks so good, you are saying 7 cm just disappeared? lol . So there were 7 cm cut in his spine? lol If he really lost 7 cm he wouldn't look as he looks today. His back his posture is still good but yes you can see he lost some height but not 7 cm please! He can be on a good posture sometimes. In his case being 180 cm is the proof he never ever was 186, don't even argue 187, because is a joke. He never looked that tall. Over 184'5 cm is just a lie I can't go ver this mark and 4'5 cm height loss is a signiticate lost. Just get a metric stadidometer and watch how much really is 4'5 cm. 184'5 cm or 6'0.5 to 6'0.75 peak is more reasonable to guess please. Some of you saying he was 190 cm with shoes what a big joke. Yes he was 187 but with good shoes in his prime.
777 said on 14/Jun/18
Arnold's peak height was 6ft 1 ½ (187cm)

Arnold, Reg Park (6ft 1), Dave Draper(6ft). NABBA Universe Pro 1970.
Click Here

Arnold and Serge Nubret. Serge height 5ft 11 ½

NABBA Universe Pro 1969
Click Here
Mr. Olympia 1973
Click Here

Arnold and Evander Holyfield 1997.
Click Here
In this photo they look the same height. Evander's peak height 6ft 2 (official height - 6ft 2 ½)

Here's another photo 1995
Click Here
Danimal 5'9 3/4" said on 13/Jun/18
Rising - 174 cm said on 6/Jun/18
@jacksonbalby: You're right that Mario is more like 5'8.5", maybe 5'9" at the absolute most, but Arnold definitely looks around 2" taller in the video. And 5'10.75" would be more like the absolute lowest Arnold could be nowadays since that's about as short as I've seen him look, but he's going to look shorter than he is at times due to posture. Surprisingly, Arnold in the recent video didn't look any taller than Ice-T did with Mario Lopez. But Mario can go from looking as short as 5'8" to as tall as 5'10" so he's not the best reference point. Look at the video I posted of Mario and Edward James Olmos where they look close in height and now look at this photo: Click Here How does Mario go from looking similar in height to 2" taller?

I'm surprised you give him that high of a height Rising. He doesn't have 2" or more on Mario Lopez. He just doesn't. I realize Rob is very slow as lowering heights of celebs, even in the face of ample evidence to support a lowering of said height, but I truly believe that he is barely over 5'10" today. Maybe 5'10.5" at best and that's being generous. His body has completely collapsed on itself ever since he became the Governor 15 years ago. 5'11" barefoot Dennis Wolf was the same height as Arnold in dress shoes. We know how much height Jimmy Fallon had on him a few years ago and how Arnold stacked up to George St. Pierre (looking even under 5'11" back then). He looks even more compressed today. You know, Arnold's IDOL was Reg Park, who was at his own peak a 6'1"-6'2" guy and by the time he died, Arnold TOWERED over him by several inches at an awards show. The irony is that Arnold now is the one being towered over by guys who are the height Arnold once was.
Tallagaton said on 12/Jun/18
This is simple. Easier than you all think. Arnold is 71 years old nowdays and you guys are guessing his height at 186 or 187 cm knowing in 2018 he is 180 cm tops, because there are so many evidences and proofs he is 179 range or weak 180. Safe to say he is not over 180 cm.. Ok look at him he looks so good, you are saying 7 cm just disappeared? lol . So there were 7 cm cut in his spine? lol If he really lost 7 cm he wouldn't look as he looks today. His back his posture is still good but yes you can see he lost some height but not 7 cm please! He can be on a good posture sometimes. In his case being 180 cm is the proof he never ever was 186, don't even argue 187, because is a joke. He never looked that tall. Over 184'5 cm is just a lie I can't go ver this mark and 4'5 cm height loss is a signiticate lost. Just get a metric stadidometer and watch how much really is 4'5 cm. 184'5 cm or 6'0.5 to 6'0.75 peak is more reasonable to guess please. Some of you saying he was 190 cm with shoes what a big joke. Yes he was 187 but with good shoes in his prime.
Vladimir said on 12/Jun/18
Arnold with 196cm Michel Jordan in 1996.
Click Here
Goran Pavlovic said on 11/Jun/18
His height has really been discussed many times and from all the researches that i've gathered the only logical measurement for him would be 186cm or 187cm top but it's still questionable. There are pics woth him and Serge Nubret who is listed as a 183cm guy, andyou can clearly see that Arnold is taller for like 4cm top.
Ian555 said on 8/Jun/18
Arnie was probably 6’2 back in the day but I believe he probably shrunk to 6’0 because he is shorter than 6’5 JJ watt significantly and slightly shorter than Trump who is probably 6’2.
karenmer said on 8/Jun/18
guys T guess you don't know how really tall is a legit 187 cm random guy. Arnold was around 184 in his days and today 180 at most. If he really was 187 he would pass in all movies as a 6'3 guy and more with his hairstyle and boots in Terminator. Other reason add how producer and directors want him to look taller with angles. 6'0.5 is enough for Arnold today 5'10.5/75
Kyuss101 said on 7/Jun/18
Watch him in Commando. Looks way shorter than bill Dukes. Not over 6-1 prime.
777 said on 7/Jun/18
Rob, Taran Killam height 6ft 1/2 (1.84 m).

Arnold and Taran Killam, at the film premiere "Killing Gunther" 2017.

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Arnold's today height 5ft 11 ½ (182cm)-6ft (183cm).
Editor Rob
I'm not sure if Cobie's heels are that big, but he's certainly got a bit more than 2 inches on her there.
Robinson said on 7/Jun/18
Strong 187 cm in his peak for sure.But dude lost his height hard...180-181cm top now...this shrinking is serious with some people.Unbeliveble.Still,long arms are still there.Legit 187 at conan barbarin movies.
Great actor tho.
karenmer said on 7/Jun/18
Mario Lopez is just 5'8.75. Rob has listed too many actors here and you can search him with Mario Lopez. Mike Tyson today at 5'9.25 or 176 cm peak 5'10 (177-178 cm) has a full inch on Mario Lopez. I could name more than 30 actors with him that proofs Mario Lopez is not even 5'9 more a strong 5'8.75
Rising - 174 cm said on 6/Jun/18
@jacksonbalby: You're right that Mario is more like 5'8.5", maybe 5'9" at the absolute most, but Arnold definitely looks around 2" taller in the video. And 5'10.75" would be more like the absolute lowest Arnold could be nowadays since that's about as short as I've seen him look, but he's going to look shorter than he is at times due to posture. Surprisingly, Arnold in the recent video didn't look any taller than Ice-T did with Mario Lopez. But Mario can go from looking as short as 5'8" to as tall as 5'10" so he's not the best reference point. Look at the video I posted of Mario and Edward James Olmos where they look close in height and now look at this photo: Click Here How does Mario go from looking similar in height to 2" taller?
Canson said on 5/Jun/18
@Rising: yea I have a hard time putting Lopez 5’10”. He doesn’t always stand straight I’ll give him that. However, I couldn’t see him edging Jamie Foxx either. Lopez looked shorter than Elizabeth Berkeley to be honest and not sure if she was really 5’10 flat. Maybe weak. 5’9.5-.75. Lopez was taller than Dustin Diamond as was M-PG earlier in but now Diamond appears taller in later episodes of Saved By the Bell than Lopez
jacksonbalby said on 4/Jun/18
to 777:
There are not 2 inches beteween them. You could say 1'75 at most. Arnold is a bit closer to the camera too. You are blind yes. Saying Mario Lopez is 5'10 is absurd he is in the 5'8 range closer to 5'9. ManKo the guy who met him is a legit 5'11 and said he was a bit taller than Arnold guessing him at 5'10.5. You coulod argue 5'10.75 nowdays for Arnold. Over this mark guess is just blind and dont have idea
Rising - 174 cm said on 4/Jun/18
Mario is not over 5'9" or even a full 5'9" for that matter. Look at Mario next to a real 5'9" man Emmitt Smith: Click Here
If you're going to conclude from comparisons where we can't see their shoes, then I guess Mario must be less than 172 cm because he's shorter than Robert Downey Jr.: Click Here
Of course, we know why Downey looks taller, but that's exactly why you can't draw conclusions without seeing shoes, much less from still photos with bad posture. Notice Mario is barely taller than 5'8" Bill Maher: Click Here He's barely taller than Edward James Olmos, who is only about 5'8" these days himself: Click Here He's no more than an inch taller than Jeremy Piven, who isn't taller than the 172 cm he's listed here: Click Here There are full photos of the two as well from a triathalon they ran together and Mario is barely taller there as well: Click Here Certainly not over 5'9" next to 5'7.5" William Shatner: Click Here Here's another photo with Seacrest from the same day as the full photo: Click Here

Can we put to rest this stuff about Mario being 5'10"? The real question is whether he's the full 5'9" Rob lists him or more like 5'8.5". If you mean to prove he can look taller than 5'9" at times, then that's true and relevant for a comparison to Arnold and I agree the difference in the video is more like 2", but there would have to be some sort of new technology of reverse lifts for Mario to be 5'10".
Kyuss101 said on 2/Jun/18
Not over 6-1" peak. 6-0.5 more likely. Now 5-10.5
777 said on 1/Jun/18
"jacksonbalby said on 29/May/18
To 777:
Yours guess is the most unreal I've ever seen. You should not say nothing because you don't have idea.
Mario Lopez 5'10? Are you blind right? The guy is a weak 175 man or 5'8.75. Arnold is not 2 inches on him more 1'5. Arnold is 5'10.5 today.
Be serious in this site because people like youy make this site less realistic"

These are your statements are fantastic and unrealistic when you state that Arnold's height is 5'10.5 today.
That you are blind when you claim that the photo between Arnold and Lopez is only 1.5 inches. The photo shows that between Arnold and Lopez, the difference in height is at least 2 inches.
Click Here

The height of Tom Hardy 5'9 ", in the photo shows that Lopez will be at least 1/2 inch taller than Tom, at most 1 inch, if Mario stands straight.
Click Here

Former world boxing champion in middleweight Roman Karmazin has a height of 5ft 11 ½. The difference in height between Roman and Mario is about 2 inches.
Click Here

Look again at the photo of Arnold and Mario. Arnold is above Mario by about 2 inches.

Click Here

The height of Dennis Wolf is 5ft 11 - 5ft 11 ¼. The height of Arnold in the photo is not lower than Denis Wolf
Click Here

Arnold to his 70 years lost about 2-2,5 inches in height. Today Arnold's height is about 5 feet 11 ½
Rising - 174 cm said on 30/May/18
@Canson: agreed. He was probably a solid 6'1" guy and would likely measure about 2" shorter today, but as I said, I've also seen him look a weak 5'11" or around 5'10.75", which I assume is due to posture. I do think Arnold was still at least 5'11.5" when he returned to movies and 6'0" for most of the time he was Governor.

@777: Mario is NOT 5'10" or even close. There are plenty of comparisons of Mario with men closer to his height where we can see their shoes and ground. Mario is shorter than 174-175 cm Jean-Claude Van Damme: Click Here You can see Van Damme has normal shoes when he kicks and there are photos the same day showing their shoes. Here's a video to show him looking shorter than Jason Statham, who Rob lists 5'8.75": Click Here You can also see him shorter than Van Damme again later in that same video around 3:11 and earlier in the video at 1:27, he's noticeably shorter than a 72 year old Chuck Norris, who Rob lists 5'8.5" peak, but Chuck was wearing elevator boots to the premiere. Still, Chuck certainly couldn't pass for taller than 5'10" himself at that stage and probably appeared like more of a 5'9.5" guy. Now look at Mario barely taller than Ryan Seacrest, who Rob lists at 5'7.5": Click Here
jacksonbalby said on 29/May/18
To 777:
Yours guess is the most unreal I've ever seen. You should not say nothing because you don't have idea.
Mario Lopez 5'10? Are you blind right? The guy is a weak 175 man or 5'8.75. Arnold is not 2 inches on him more 1'5. Arnold is 5'10.5 today.
Be serious in this site because people like youy make this site less realistic
777 said on 27/May/18
Mario Lopez really 5ft 10 (178 сm).

Barack Obama height - 6ft 1 (186 cm). Mario is 3 inches below him.

Click Here

Arnold and Mario. Arnold is above Mario by about 2 inches.

Click Here

Arnold's today height 5ft 11 ½ (182cm) - 6ft (183cm).

Arnold's peak height was 6ft 1 ½ (187cm)
Canson said on 26/May/18
@Rising: poor posture probably has a lot to do with it. Arnold looks like he’s lost a lot of height over the years. I would’ve said he was around 6’1 peak and probably 5’11 today but he even looks shorter on some occasions like with Lopez
Rising - 174 cm said on 23/May/18
Arnold looks shorter than I'd expect with Mario Lopez in the photo, but more than just 1" taller and look at the video from that day, Arnie does look about 2" taller: Click Here You can clearly see Mario's eyes around the bottom of Arnold's nose. A still photo might be taken when someone dropped height for a moment so seeing the video of that very moment generally gives you a better idea. The shortest I could possibly see Arnie even today is a weak 5'11" or 5'10.75", but I think a strong 5'11" or 181 cm range is probably about right when he stands at his full height. His prime height is still a bit baffling to me. There are times when he looks the 6'1.5", but then more 6'1" at other times like Raw Deal. I'd still think taller than a flat 6'1" and I think Vince Basille is credible, but a slight margin of error should never be ruled out.

Btw, I seriously doubt Mario is even 5'9" or anything over 5'8.5" for that matter. He's been shorter than probably a dozen 5-9ish guys I've seen him with, including Jean-Claude Van Damme on more than one occasion circa 2011 when JCVD was probably not a full 5'9" himself. He was always visibly shorter than Emmitt Smith, who was listed at 5'9" himself during part of his playing career. Mario really isn't that much taller a number of 5'7" and change guys like Jeremy Piven, Ryan Seacrest and Tom Cruise. In fact, I've seen Cruise look as tall or taller on at least one occasion. He is taller than 5'8", though and he oddly looks at least 5'9.5"-5'10" sometimes so I think we have to see his footwear with Arnold because the man insists he's 5'11"! Anyone who adds a minimum 2" to their height is at least a candidate for lifts, especially in Hollywood.
dannyliver said on 23/May/18
Rob. Interesting what he said: What do you think big Rob! I think he is honest and pictures do not lie!
ManKo said on 25/Mar/18
To be honest I met him briefly and I did not play any attention to his footwear, so I can't say who had the footwear advantage. I can also say that I am about in the morning and 179.5cm at night(give or take a few mm) and on the picture he seems to be slightly shorter.

I think that at this point Arnold is 180.5cm in the morning and 178.5 at night. And at his peak he was probably around 184-185cm.

On the other hand, I met some strongmen and I have pictures with some such as Zydrunas and Brian Shaw and they are definitely huge and I would say that they are as tall as they claim to be, or even taller (I thought that Zydrunas was taller than 191cm)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/May/18
I can’t see less than 186cm peak
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 21/May/18
6'1 peak to be truth and 5'11 now.
777 said on 20/May/18
Arnold and Johnny Knoxville, at the film premiere "The Last Stand" 2013.

Johnny Knoxville height 185 cm.

In 2013 they had an equal growth

Click Here

Click Here

Arnold peak height was 6ft 1 ½ (187 cm)
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 17/May/18
Dmeyer said on 13/May/18
Considering how he looked barefeet at Peak there is no evidence he was und 185cm Peak maybe even 185,5cm6'1 wish will make him 6'2 morning 6'1,5 10am 6'1 night wich is tall enaugh to look near 6'2 at Times and short enaugh to look 6ft at Times


Right out of bed 6´2"flat, 6´1.75" early morning and 6´1-1.25" at night.
Makytaki said on 15/May/18
To Dmeyer:

Not agree. He wasn't 6'2 at morning maybe 6'1.25. Just never looked that tall! If you watch his movies he looked a strong 6 footer and possible near the 6'1 mark in his golden days. You can see he never looked that tall next to Frank Zane and Mike Mentzer. These 2 were In the 5,8 zone Frank Zane was 175 max Arnold just looked over 2 inches on him not even 3. To be honest even in his prime looked a strong 183 man. When you are muscular sometimes you look taller and at that time Arnold had a great posture. I think he was 6'0.5 6'1 at morning ok.. But I think is still a lot . A legit 6'1 is very tall.
Dmeyer said on 13/May/18
Considering how he looked barefeet at Peak there is no evidence he was und 185cm Peak maybe even 185,5cm6'1 wish will make him 6'2 morning 6'1,5 10am 6'1 night wich is tall enaugh to look near 6'2 at Times and short enaugh to look 6ft at Times
Heighliker said on 12/May/18
Arnold was never over 184'5 cm or 6'0.5-75. If he ever was a legit 6'1.25 or 6'1.5 he would had look 6'3 in movies in Terminator with his boots and never looked that tall. The most he looked with boots is 6'2. Other reason is today 179 cm or close to 180 if you want. I can't go over a strong 184 man that was his real height. A medical measurement and correct would be 184 range in his prime.
Myself said on 10/May/18
I think this is how Arnold has pretty much shrunk with age Click Here (if they do have same footwear)
Although maybe Eddie is more of a 6'1.5 than Arnold was.
Mister lennon said on 10/May/18
I think:
186-187 peak
180-181 today
Heighliker said on 9/May/18
Danimal 177 said on 8/May/18
stop posting garbage. Noone here believes he went 187 to 178 wake up and study. He is not 90. He is not Clint Eatwood. Arnje lost 5 cm max not more 4 cm in my opinion.
Does not make sense what you said. He was a 184-5 man 185 even hard to see
Danimal 177 said on 8/May/18
Bazza said on 7/May/18
186-187 peak, 180-181 today.

187 peak
178 today
Danimal 177 said on 8/May/18
Goran Pavlovic said on 7/May/18
So Arnold was max 185cm, could that be correct guys? Still nobody knows his true prime height lol :D

No, he was measured at night barefoot in 1969 at 6'1.5", so he was minimum that height in his youth. He's lost A LOT of height over the years.
Danimal 177 said on 8/May/18
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 8/May/18
181cm is a bit too high for him today.

Of course it's too high. Look at the new pics I just uploaded of him and 5'9" (175cm) Mario Lopez. Arnold is lucky if he's 5'10" (178cm) today.
Heighliker said on 8/May/18
Goran Pavlovic said on 7/May/18

Yes we know he was 184 range 185 more an early peak measurement today is a strong 179
777 said on 8/May/18
"Danimal 177 said on 4/May/18
Arnold with listed (on this site) 5'9" Mario Lopez".

Mario Lopez is not 5'9"! Mario Lopez height 5'10"(178 cm).

Arnold today 6ft (183 cm).

Arnold peak height was 6ft 1 ½ (187 cm)!
MJKoP said on 8/May/18
Danimal 177 said on 4/May/18
Arnold with listed (on this site) 5'9" Mario Lopez. Arnold is lucky if he's a full 5'10" today. Sorry guys, but he does not have over 2" on Mario. He barely has 1" on him:

You've always maintained that he was at least 6'1.5" peak(which I 100% agree with)....but you really think that he's shrunk basically FOUR inches at the age of seventy?!?!?! Sans a spinal degenerative disease, that's pretty much impossible.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 8/May/18
181cm is a bit too high for him today.
Goran Pavlovic said on 7/May/18
So Arnold was max 185cm, could that be correct guys? Still nobody knows his true prime height lol :D
Jim Hopper said on 7/May/18
Come on Rob those pics with Mario Lopez!!!! Arnie is not 5-11!! 5-10 1/2 Max!!!!!!!!!!!
Bazza said on 7/May/18
186-187 peak, 180-181 today.
Heighliker said on 6/May/18
ARNOLD IS NOT over 179 today because ManKo is 180 cm and sai he was taller than him about 1 cm. He has pics with him and met him. Arnold 179 todao peak 184 tops. 5 cm loss is a lot for Arnold over 184 of course is a lie and fake
Heighliker said on 5/May/18
Let's be objective here:
You think as I do Arnold lost his first cm around 1991 maybe 1992-1993. He still was very young those years 44 years old more or less. Arnold at 44 was at worst lost 1 cm impossible more. You can see how good he looked. Since 1993 to 2000 maybe lost 1 cm more. And from 2000 to 2018 I would say he lost 2 more cm. So I can't really imagine more than 4 cm shrunk for Arnie. Ok lets say 5! And I think is a lot. He is today 179 range 180 at best. Arnold never ever could be 186! I go with 184 cm and 185 cm hard to see, Maybe a morning or good day measurement. From 184'5 to 179,5 cm . END
Danimal 177 said on 4/May/18
Arnold with listed (on this site) 5'9" Mario Lopez. Arnold is lucky if he's a full 5'10" today. Sorry guys, but he does not have over 2" on Mario. He barely has 1" on him:
Click Here
Click Here
lmao said on 4/May/18
"there is absolutely no way a person can lose 2 inches of height without suffering a severe accident. "

Of course there is. It's called aging.
The spinal disks actually get thinner as you age and that makes you lose height.
My father actually lost 3 inches between his younger days and now (he's 80+).
Canson said on 3/May/18
@Berta: I could buy 6’1” peak for him but it would be hard to see him much taller.
EltonAs said on 3/May/18
Totally agree! Good guesses by time. I agree you peak 6'0.5 to .75.

Dmeyer said on 2/May/18
Was near Peak height in Batman and looks nous less than 184-85 with 179-80 Clooney could look 185 with Cameron and Patrick as well so 6'0,75-1in bodybuilding days and 6'0,5-0,75 by 90s is believable then 6ft by 2000 now about 5'11
Mister lennon said on 3/May/18
I think that he was more a strong 186.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 2/May/18

Yeah 185-ish for him is right.
EltonAs said on 2/May/18
yES I always agree ManKo the guy who met him also guess a peak 184-185 for Arnold max
Dmeyer said on 2/May/18
Was near Peak height in Batman and looks nous less than 184-85 with 179-80 Clooney could look 185 with Cameron and Patrick as well so 6'0,75-1in bodybuilding days and 6'0,5-0,75 by 90s is believable then 6ft by 2000 now about 5'11
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 2/May/18
I don't think Arnold lost 5.7cm. 6'1 peak maybe closer and 181cm now.
Berta said on 2/May/18
Christian i can believe that for arnold peak. I thingk legit 185 is better listing but could have Been weak 185 Guy to
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 1/May/18
6'0.75" peak
santgr said on 30/Apr/18
@EltonAs Everyone is entitled to their opinion so please respect it whether you agree or disagree. As for Arnold's peak height I can assure you as a 184cm guy myself (I wake up as 185cm after a good night's sleep and sleep as 183cm)looking through many videos, photos and other footage of him he always looked a bit taller around 186cm. I agree he wasn't 187cm. But that's my opinion again anyway :)
EltonAs said on 29/Apr/18
In my opinion the most he could shrunk is 4 to 5 cm and minimum 3 cm. So 183-184 to 179 makes more sense. 185 just could hit at morning or in his best peak day, but I say 184 maxx
EltonAs said on 29/Apr/18
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 27/Apr/18
Sounds nonsense. Nobody believe those guesses. You should try a new one. Nobody believes a guy like Arnold went from 186 to 178-179 even all those injuries. He went from a strong 184 guy to 179 5 cm. A better and more realistic stimation, but please I cant go with those few "186 guesses stop please...
Leno said on 28/Apr/18
In the 1980 edition of Mr.olympia, along side Mentzer and Zane, he didn't look over 181-182, so o guess he is 182-3 peak and 181-180 now if he really shrank
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 27/Apr/18
peak 185-186cm
today 178-179cm
EltonAs said on 25/Apr/18
I'm with ManKo who has pics with him and said he probably was 184-185 cm no more. Today he is 1 cm shorter than ManKo who is 180(the guy eho met him and has pics with him). Arnold is 179 range today not 181! peak 185 in his best day! I say 184.
Gornald said on 25/Apr/18
@EltonAs i am referrring to his own height statement...

@JimHopper yes that's it pretty much... i wish that i could have stood next to young Arnold 😀
Dmeyer said on 25/Apr/18
he nzver looked a 6 ft 1.5-2in guy at most 6'1-1.25 , maybe in 20s and 30s 185-186cm by 90s 184-5cm now 180-1cm
EltonAs said on 24/Apr/18
To Gornald:
No one here say he was 188cm which is almost 6'2.25. Don't say something nobody believe. We already know he was not even 186 cm and you try with 188 .. He was max 185 cm which is 6'0.75. He never looked 6'2 with shoes more 6'1.5
Jim Hopper said on 24/Apr/18
@Gornald That is what I posted also. I legit 6-2 guy in biker boots will look 6-3 or possible 6-4 almost. He never ever ever looked that tall. Looked 6-2 in the boots indeed. Without 6-0,5 peak
Gornald said on 23/Apr/18
The thing is, if Arnie was really 188cm tall and so having his shoes on would make him 190cm+ and that would be pretty tall which to me he never appeared like that on screen or next to someone up until his 50s... do you guys agree?
AdyEli said on 23/Apr/18
I think we are talking and talking the same story. This story is over. The average guess is closer to the truth than his listed height for sure is far. Today he is a weak 180 man the guy who met him is 180 cm and says he is 1 cm on him and he even said he maybe had more advantage shoe. So Arnold at 179'5 more or less today and 183 in Terminator 2 when he was 43 years old is impossible he ever hit 6'1. If he was 183 at 43 he was max 184'5 cm . End of story
Juby5'9 3/4 said on 23/Apr/18
@Ian C.
If I remember correctly, there are couple of shots in "End of Days" when we clearly can see, that Arnold wears cowboy boots which added him at least 1,5 inches. Same situation as it was with T2 and even more in the first Terminator (boots gave him solid +2 inches).
gipsonishere said on 23/Apr/18
I agree the guy who met Arnold. He probably was 184 range and today he is 179-180 cm tall
gipsonishere said on 23/Apr/18
Robert Patrick was 180 cm peak and today is 5'10.5 He said Arnold was about his size and 1 inch on him. So Arnold was a strong 6 foot in Terminator2 but wearing his boots anybody would guess him at 6'1 minimum. I think Arnold was 6'0.5 peak I agree this guys He was not even 6'1. I go with 6'0.75 at very very most
Caroline Pinto Torres said on 22/Apr/18
Today are 181cm barefoot on morning, and night 1,79. And He was 1.85 in minimum!
Houss said on 21/Apr/18
If Robert Patrick was realy 181 cm I think Arnie was more than 185
Click Here
Houss said on 21/Apr/18
In my opinion Arnold looks taller than sergi in that pic
ManKo said on 21/Apr/18
@I met Sergi too at the Arnold Classic, I would say that he was 182-183cm max, he is only 185cm or 6´1 with shoes on. It is not uncommon for celebrities, and specially bodybuilders, athletes, etc to add one inch to their real height.
hoverrover said on 20/Apr/18
Nice pic I now Sergi Constance he is from Valencia Spain and studieed in the same college as me. He is a great fitness model listed 6'1 he says he is 185 cm but he is really 182-183 barefoot. weak 6 footer I know him and he is the exact height as me
Nils2 said on 20/Apr/18
You can clearly tell on his body that he lost quite abit height. I think he lost height earlier then most people. I'm still sceptic to 6'1.5 peak but for sure he was over 6ft. In his prime he probably got away with 6'2 to most people.
Jim Hopper said on 20/Apr/18
Never over 6-1 peak. Google Bush Snr with him. Bush was 6-2 peak height. Arnie was 1 or 2" shorter.
Goran Pavlovic said on 19/Apr/18
Rob, Arnold looking the same height as Sergi here Click Here
Sergi is listed as 185cm, could it be that his height listing is incorrect ? This is strange.
Editor Rob
I think Sergi looks taller much is debatable though, but I've not seen much of the guy to comment on his true height.
hoverrover said on 19/Apr/18
Ian555 said on 18/Apr/18
Yes right he was 6'2 or 6'3 . That's absurd and hilarious we know he was 6'1 max
Ian555 said on 18/Apr/18
He probably shrunk a lot lately. I would say he was 6'2 when he was younger.
Caesar said on 17/Apr/18
6'1-6'1.5 peak. Looked taller than Reg Parks, who definitely wasn't anything below 6'05.
Houss said on 17/Apr/18
Click Here
Rob, how tall do u think weider wearing this shoes ,he is listed 178cm on google , I think there is 2 inches if difference between him and Arnie
Editor Rob
Possibly a bit more than 2 inches, plus an inch shoe...
Houss said on 17/Apr/18
Hiltilikonheight said on 16/Apr/18
Dave 180cm

Read well. Stephano just said Arnold was never over 6'1 so Reg claimed to be 6'1 and Arnold never ever looked taller but shorter or same height as Reg with luck. Don't say 6'1 range because there's a difference to be a weak 6'1 guy or .75 than a 6'1 range guy and Arnold in my opinion was a strong 6 footer closer to 6'1
Click Here
Click Here -_-
Ian C. said on 17/Apr/18
Check out Arnold in End of Days, which he made when he was 51. He walks like a very old man. He shuffles his feet, barely lifting them off the ground, and he lurches from side to side. This fascinates and appalls me because Arnold has presented himself as a physical superman and an expert on building strength and health, and yet it is obvious that bodybuilding has prematurely aged his body. At fifty it was if he didn't have a healthy tendon anywhere in his body from the waist down.

And of course he has had heart problems.
Hiltilikonheight said on 16/Apr/18
Dave 180cm

Read well. Stephano just said Arnold was never over 6'1 so Reg claimed to be 6'1 and Arnold never ever looked taller but shorter or same height as Reg with luck. Don't say 6'1 range because there's a difference to be a weak 6'1 guy or .75 than a 6'1 range guy and Arnold in my opinion was a strong 6 footer closer to 6'1
Dave 180cm said on 14/Apr/18
He looked a similar height too Reg Park and Jeff Bridges,that's 6ft1 range,and is around 5dt11 today.
Stephano187cm said on 12/Apr/18
Reg park claimed himself 6'1. This is the highest he possible was. So Arnold need a downgrade It's not fair Arnold's listed height. Arnold never was over 6'1 he gives me strong 6'0 impression in his peak
jk1409 said on 12/Apr/18
@Tomm said on 10/Apr/18
there is absolutely no way a person can lose 2 inches of height without suffering a severe accident.

Arnold has indeed been in a few accidents throughout his career, including motorcycle accidents and incidents on film sets.

Regardless, there can also be other reasons for losing so much height. My grandfather, 6'0" at his peak, is no more than 5'8" now in his old age. He hasn't been in an accident, he just got old and frail.
Gornald said on 11/Apr/18
@Alex italy

Did you check photos with Reg Park? Reg is listed as 185cm and on photos he usually edges Arnold just slightly...hmm?
dmeyer said on 11/Apr/18
arnold is starting to look 180cm
Stephano187cm said on 11/Apr/18
To Tomm:
That's right. Well said. Tosay you see the truth Arnold is 179 maybe 180 standing tall. About 6'0.5-.75 peak
Stephano187cm said on 11/Apr/18
Alex Italy
I juat say to you: lol you are funny guy. 6'1 and that's very generous
Alex Italy said on 10/Apr/18
Arnold was clearly 186-187 in his prime. He was tall, clearly taller than average, but still shorter of 190 and 190+ people. Infact just about 1 out of 10 people was taller than him. That is the classic "being towered ratio" of a 6'1.5 tall person.
If he was 6'1 or worst 6, he would have looked much more average throughout his career.

Plus you can see he was same height of other almost 6'2 celebrities like Bridges, Rapaport or president Clinton
Tomm said on 10/Apr/18
there is absolutely no way a person can lose 2 inches of height without suffering a severe accident. Arnold has alway been healthy posture-wise and always had great posture. He quit lifting heavy early. The reason you list him 5'11 today and 6ft2 peak is because today you see the truth. In the 70's the average height in America was 5'7, so of course Arnold would be a giant. You seriously can't peak a person over 2cm of height in comparison to their old self. Arnold peaked at 6ft and that is a generous estimative
santgr said on 10/Apr/18
Same height as Reg Park during his peak. 6ft1 or 6ft1.25. Never was 6ft1.5 in his life.
777 said on 9/Apr/18
Rob, this famous fitness athlete called @zacperna on instagram (check his page) has a picture with Arnold..zac is 170cm, how tall is Arnold there?

francfitness_ @zacperna how tall are u?
zacperna @francfitness_ 172 I believe

Zacperna height 172 cm.

Arnold height today - 183 cm.
vegetassaiyan said on 8/Apr/18
There is no chance he lost 6 to 7 cm even about those injuries. The man looks great at 70 but to me he maybe was 185 on a good day. Definetely no less than 184 and not over 185 cm. Give him 4 mm and you have 185'47 6'1. But never over this absolutely
Kevoz said on 6/Apr/18
Rob, this famous fitness athlete called @zacperna on instagram (check his page) has a picture with Arnold..zac is 170cm, how tall is Arnold there?
Editor Rob
This guy, if 170cm, I'd say about 180 for Arnold.
vegetassaiyan said on 5/Apr/18
ManKo is the man of the pic claiming he is 181cm/5'11.25 at morning and 179/5'10.5 at night. Arnold next to him.
Click Here
ManKo said on 25/Mar/18
To be honest I met him briefly and I did not play any attention to his footwear, so I can't say who had the footwear advantage. I can also say that I am about in the morning and 179.5cm at night(give or take a few mm) and on the picture he seems to be slightly shorter.

I think that at this point Arnold is 180.5cm in the morning and 178.5 at night. And at his peak he was probably around 184-185cm.
vegetassaiyan said on 5/Apr/18
I can buy 185 cm for his peak If an early measurement but more 184 to me
Gornald said on 5/Apr/18
Hi Rob, take a look at this pic

Click Here

Why are Lou and Arnold looking to be the exact same height on this photo, who knows?
Editor Rob
A low angle and maybe Arnold a bit closer.
Mister lennon said on 4/Apr/18
186-187 peak. Strong 6'1.
Now he is about 179-180. Strong 5'10 or weak 5'11.
Dmeyer said on 3/Apr/18
Looks max 1,5-2cm over st pierre , à Guy 70s with heavyweight lifting will loose not less than 4-5cm so 180-181 today Peak 185ish i agréé 186-7 seems high but 183-4 IS too low
samuelgoup said on 2/Apr/18
Rob ManKo said Arnold is 179 today. He is the guy of the pic who met him. He just said:
ManKo said on 25/Mar/18

Hi Andy,

To be honest I met him briefly and I did not play any attention to his footwear, so I can't say who had the footwear advantage. I can also say that I am about in the morning and 179.5cm at night(give or take a few mm) and on the picture he seems to be slightly shorter.

I think that at this point Arnold is 180.5cm in the morning and 178.5 at night. And at his peak he was probably around 184-185cm.

On the other hand, I met some strongmen and I have pictures with some such as Zydrunas and Brian Shaw and they are definitely huge and I would say that they are as tall as they claim to be, or even taller (I thought that Zydrunas was taller than 191cm)
santgr said on 2/Apr/18
I really think the average guess here is the truth for his peak height. Rob would you consider downgrading him to 6ft1.25 at least?
samuelgoup said on 1/Apr/18
Well even If he can hit 180,5 to 181 cm today knowing all those injuries I think 185 cm or 6'0.75 is fair acceptable and fair to his peak not a mm over. Maybe he woke up at 186-186,5 in his best prime day
samuelgoup said on 1/Apr/18
Rob I always used too believed he was 183 to 184 or 6 to 6'0.25 but I knew some days ago he had a heart surgery and I'm happy he is recovering.. Well reading more information I also knew he had multiple injuries: Broken ribs IN 2001, a hip replaced and rotator cuff surgery in 2003. He broke his right femur in a sking accident in 2006.
Also knowing he lifted heavy weights during a lot of years now I think he could shrunk almost 2 inches or 5 cm at most.
So Arnold could hit 185 cm but I think is the most he was because today is not over 5'10.75 trust me he is not 5'11 barefoot. So Is fair saying he went from 185 to 180 today
samuelgoup said on 1/Apr/18
MEK said on 28/Oct/05
Arnold's Golden days height was = 6'0" similar to (184cm)
He then lost few cms and now he is = 5'11" similar to (181cm)

Would you believe the truth?
samuelgoup said on 1/Apr/18
To Gleb
Is not correct sorry. Arnold was 185 cm in his best day. I say a strong 184. 187 cm is still very upgrade
Zim said on 31/Mar/18
Looks an inch taller than GSP who’s 5’10 making Arnold 5’11 currently, do you think it’s worth changing him to just 5’11 Rob? - Click Here
Gleb said on 31/Mar/18
He was 187sm a morning height as I see,185 sm in evenings at his prime.So,this listing is about correct.
samuelgoup said on 30/Mar/18
Guys call me crazy but usually dreams give you the answer and the truth. Sometime ago I dreamt I was measuring Arnold height lol yes.. He was in his 20's when he was competing and was very big and muscular. The stadiometer give 184'6 or 184'8 not sure (it was a dream). haha however before this dream he always gave me the impression of a 184 solid man nearly 185 or 185 after 1-2 hours wake up
samuelgoup said on 30/Mar/18
ManKo you rock man! I always knew it! We finally know the man's height! Arnold is about 180 today (5'10.75 at 70) (5'11- 5'11.25 at 60) peak 184-185 as Manko said. I also knew he was 6'0.5 .75 weak 6'1 at best
ManKo said on 25/Mar/18

Hi Andy,

To be honest I met him briefly and I did not play any attention to his footwear, so I can't say who had the footwear advantage. I can also say that I am about in the morning and 179.5cm at night(give or take a few mm) and on the picture he seems to be slightly shorter.

I think that at this point Arnold is 180.5cm in the morning and 178.5 at night. And at his peak he was probably around 184-185cm.

On the other hand, I met some strongmen and I have pictures with some such as Zydrunas and Brian Shaw and they are definitely huge and I would say that they are as tall as they claim to be, or even taller (I thought that Zydrunas was taller than 191cm)
5ft7Accountant said on 30/Mar/18
Rob, as a 5ft7.5 in standard 1" dress shoe, where do you think my head would be if I stand next to Arnold?
Editor Rob
Your hair might be around his eyebrow range, well, if you were going with about 5ft 11 today.
Jim Hopper said on 30/Mar/18
Lucy is 5-6" tall. Arnie is struggling to look over 6-0 here. Look 30 seconds in to video. Both have no advantage footwear on. Proof absolute. Click Here
Jim Hopper said on 30/Mar/18
@Danimal That picture!!! Its not right??? Looks like each one is superimposed on to a line up!! Not legit dude.
samuelgoup said on 29/Mar/18
To Barry Fl and Jim Hopper
You both could not say it better. Totally agree we know he is around 5'10.75 5'11 now and peak was probably 6'0.5 .75 being a bit generous.

say something man! You are the guy of the picture tell us your guess for his peak
samuelgoup said on 29/Mar/18
Barry Fl
You coul not say it better. Totally agree we know he is around 5'10.75 5'11 now and peak was probably 6'0.5 .75 being a bit generous.

say something man! You are the guy of the picture tell us your guess for his peak
Danimal said on 29/Mar/18
Cole said on 24/Mar/18
Click Here-/ Watch to the end video of him and Dennis wolff standing right up close Dennis looks like he’s got an inch and I bit on him at the end of the vid Dennis is listed has 5,11

Rob won't change his height. Arnold is barely over 5'10" today and has been for a while. 5'11"-5'11.5" Jimmy Fallon had well over 1" on Arnold already a few years ago.
HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 29/Mar/18
I put his peak eveningheight in the range 6´0.75"-6´1.25" and his today eveningheight in the range 5´10.25"-5´10.75"
Tunman said on 29/Mar/18
the part about stretching the neck is interesting,it could indeed be an indicator of why he could look only 6'1 so often.I think it can definitely give 0.5 if Busting a Gut.But I doubt he would go on tip toes,I mean Basille wasn't the biggest fan of Arnie to let him cheat on everything.Anyways from looking to pics here are the impressions he left me:
4"taller than 5'9 Sly
3"shorter than 6'4 Ferrigno
definitely the same as both Weathers and Tom Arnold 2 6'1ers (the latter actually thought Schwarzennegger was taller than him though I feel they were similar).
In the end it's more than likely that he got his 6'1.5 measurement by doing everything possible to optimise his height but I doubt he's under 6'1

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.