Ali said on 14/Jun/09
185-186cm is my guess. That would be
6'2 in Hollywood.
He is no full 6'2.
Big King said on 14/Jun/09
Nothing more than 6'2". He looked about 5 inches shorter than Kevin Durand in Volverine.
aaa said on 12/Jun/09
Hugh no, I
Hugh said on 12/Jun/09
aaa I never read something more than 183 cm about Ronaldo (Luis Nazario de Lima). 80% of the internet tells 183 cm, 20% 182 cm (no matter what he tells about himself). Perhaps you are confusing Ronaldo and Cristiano Ronaldo (which is normally listed at 184 cm, 185 cm sometimes).
Lenad said on 11/Jun/09
6'1 max...
aaa said on 11/Jun/09
Ronaldo is 183 at least, maybe 184 (he said it in one of his interviews) and Jackman is 187 cm tall at least. I doubt that he just add himself one inch.
Hugh said on 11/Jun/09
Anonymous says on 20/May/09
Both Reynolds and Jackman are 6'1 barefoot.
Go back through the comments on this page. Every site had Reynolds at 6'1 when he started off. Hollywood eventually added an inch. If its not too much hassle, you can even use the photo Mamum provided. I see 5 inches max.
Also check out Jackmans premi
Clay said on 7/Jun/09
Alexiel, ideal height for a girl depends on how tall she is, most tall girls 5'8 and up prefer their guys to be 6'2 and up. That way if they wear hells the guy won't look small.
Clay said on 7/Jun/09
I have never once heard any girl above 5'5 claim that a 6'2 guy is too tall for her, tall and muscular makes the girls feel protected which is why so many girls love Jared Padelecki whi is 6'4 and muscular. Taller girls who are 5'9 or 5'10 would be taller than a 6 or 6'1 guy if they wore 4 or 6 inch heels.
alexiel said on 7/Jun/09
to sum up,look at jackman words:"I'm 6-foot-2, so I'm too tall to sit comfortably in most chairs"
Clay said on 6/Jun/09
alexiel, for girls who are tall, 5'8 or more they prefer guys who are 6'2 and over. If girls didn't like guys over 6'2 then basketball players wouldn't get girls. Look at all the women who love guys like Jared Padalecki(6'4) or Ryan Reynolds(6'2) or Tom Welling(6'3). The list goes on and on.
Klem said on 6/Jun/09
Girls here finds ideal height for a guy between 180-190cm from what I heard from them, and most of them say around 185cm when you asked them for ideal height.
alexiel said on 5/Jun/09
Clay,i think that most of girls and men are agree with me that best height for a men is 180-186.188 cm is not too tall?So what you say about men with height 170-175?
Lenad said on 5/Jun/09
188-189cm. Hes the same height as Ryan Reynolds
Hugh 190cm said on 3/Jun/09
189cm. He was half an inch shorter than Liev Schrieber.
Clay said on 3/Jun/09
No I am a dude, I am going by what my female friends have told me and what I have read on the subject. I have never heard a girl over 5'5 claim that anything over 6'2 is too tall.
bobo said on 3/Jun/09
Clay: Wow. Thats amazing insight, man. Or are you a girl?
Clay said on 1/Jun/09
Alexiel, also i'd like to add that even smaller girls like Kristen Bell like guys who are 6'2 and don't consider them too tall. Taller girls who are 5'8 or 5'9 or even 5'10 prefer guys who are 6'2 and up. Otherwise if a 5'10 girl like Tricia Helfer wore 4 inch heels she would be taller than a 6 foot or 6'1 guy. Seems like you are just saying 6'2 and up is too tall purely because a 6'2 man would be taller than you. Girls find tall guys sexy, it makes them feel protected.
sebby said on 1/Jun/09
Ronaldo is 183cm Raul is 178-179cm at most. Does anyone have a good pic of Ronaldo and Hugh together in the vid its hard to tell but there doesnt seem to be much of a difference bw them.
Clay said on 1/Jun/09
Alexiel if you are 185 yourself then why would you want a guy smaller than you ? In a study almost all girls prefered guys at least 3 inches taller than them, that way if they wear heels the guy won't look too tiny. Most girls 5'7 and above prefer men who are at least 6'1. And if girls didn't like guys over 6'2 then basketball players wouldn't get so many girls.
alexiel said on 30/May/09
for the most girls.6ft 2 or above is too tall I am 185 cm tall and i towered most of girls so i think if man has height between 180-185 is very good
Clay said on 29/May/09
alexiel 188 is 6'2 on the dot, girls over 5'7 would prefer a man who is 6'2 and above. Short girls might find 188 to be too tall.
alexiel said on 28/May/09
no,188cm is too tall,the best height for a men 180-186
Kall said on 25/May/09
Very likely a 6'2". His wider frame makes him appear a little shorter than what a leaner aka 6'2" actor would look like. My guess is 188 cm, hell thats good enough for me, I'm 184cm and I wanna grow a little taller. Guess 6'2" or 6'3" for a guy is swell these days
Nick said on 21/May/09
I saw Hugh being interviewed by Oprah (5-6)to promote the film Australia. When he came on and greeted Oprah he did not look much taller than her. Even if Oprah was in heels I would have not have put Hugh at much more than 5-10, certainly 6-0 max. What was also interesting was that Nicole Kidman was already on set but did not get up to greet Hugh so I could not get another point of reference.
Conclusion: I am not disputing the 6-2 height given, just be careful in judging heights from tv! real life is better.
calvinator said on 18/May/09
6'2.5 on the money for him.
aaa said on 18/May/09
Ronaldo is at least 183cm tall maybe 184, Ra
gilipollas said on 17/May/09
Ronaldo is 1.82 at the most. he was a tado bit taller than Ra
anon said on 16/May/09
ye i agree, he does'nt look the tallest (but still quite tall) in photos of the whole cast, beacause he's the only one wearing flats whereas every1 else wearing formal/heeled shoes and boots.
(the guy who plays gambit is wearing massive elevator boots in those photos, so i reckon hes probably like 5'9.5 - 5'10 range barefoot
Clay said on 16/May/09
Liev is a legit 6'2, maybe even more.
anon said on 15/May/09
honestly, i always kinda knew ryan reynolds would be tallest out of all the cast in wolverine. he looks an actual 6'2" and mayb more, whereas hugh could scrape 6'2" in dress shoes, im not sure about liev, because there arnt as many pics with him and ryan,
Click Herejackman - 6'1.25" - 5"
liev - 6'1.75" - 6.2"
ryan - 6'2"- 6'2.75"
looking at the photos (especially where ryan stands up straight) he does look a good 1.25 - 2 inches taller thab jackman. im not sayin jackman aint tall, (6 foot 1 and is half a very good height), but rob i reckon u should knock him down half an inch maybe, or upgrade ryan.
oh ye an the deadpool movie is gunna f*@#^$g kick a**!!
Sebby said on 10/May/09
Although i have never met Fat Ronny he has always been my fav footballer. He stated in an interview in Brazil that he was 184cm tall a while back. But Ronny is a legit 183cm i have always taken notice of his height.
Original said on 10/May/09
Ronaldo Listed 184cm in new club.
183 is correct
k mart said on 7/May/09
after seeing x men i think he looks a solid 6ft 3in he is tall suave and sophisticated and is one good actor
bikbanban said on 7/May/09
yeah Ronaldo's been listed from 181 to 183cm and never above that range. I'm just considering the fact that, well, ye' know they (almost) always put an extra cm or two. remember Rivaldo? his so-to-speak official height is 187, but in an interview in Japan (when he was playing for barcelona) he said that he was 185cm. even though I could be wrong about Ronaldo natch.
Leung said on 7/May/09
Ronaldo has got the double chin and big gut happening there, man he looks in terrible shape for a pro athlete. I hate to imagine how big he will get after he retires.
Syf said on 6/May/09
@ bickbanban: Ronaldo is 6'0(1,83m) tall. You can clearly see Hugh Jackman is taller than him, I would say he's 1,85- 1,86m tall (6'1 1/2).
I'm from Rio, Brazil, I've seen him, didn't get too close, I'm 5'11 (1,80m), the guy looked around 6'1, not 6'2. I would say 1,87m max.
Anonymous said on 6/May/09
Looks more like 6'1" next to Ronaldo, although maybe Jackman is wearing flats while Ronaldo is wearing cleats.
steve said on 6/May/09
wolverine is supposed to be short.(-: but i honestly dont think any other actor could have portrayed the raging ANIMAL that wolverine is, at least without making us all laugh our asses off. can u imagin any actor screaming like him? haha nope.
bikbanban said on 5/May/09
I dunno, just saw a report yesterday (05/05/09) showing Jackman in Brazil with soccer player Ronaldo at a soccer field. Ronaldo is 181-182cm and, well, just check yourself.
Click Here
dire said on 5/May/09
he is 188...not smaller and not bigger...
this height is right for him...
bobo said on 5/May/09
Anon: easy with the hate, Guy.
Whats wrong with you?
People can be so sensitive on here. calm it down a bit.
linebacker40 said on 5/May/09
After seeing Wolverine, I'd say 189-190cm for Jackman. Just a tad smaller than Liev.
Leung said on 3/May/09
I will clarify that my comments were regarding two separate conversations with two different colleagues.
My comments on 20/Jan/09 were regarding a conversation with my colleague Deb who has never met Jackman and is bad with height estimates. Her conversation amused me because she was very inaccurate in guessing that Jackman was only 5
Lenad said on 2/May/09
After seeing him next to Ryan Reynolds I now think 187cm min.
Daniel said on 1/May/09
I'm sure all the listed and claimed heights would be more accurate if it wasn't for that imperial system (inches, feet). The metrical system is far better and more precise
MHouillon said on 30/Apr/09
You see, Rob ? Even the critical ones see a legit 189cm (6'2.5) for Jackman.
Don't tell why you downgraded him, just give him the 189cm again he is.
Sam said on 30/Apr/09
It looks like Schreiber is slouching unlike Reynolds & Jackman.
OutBenchThis said on 29/Apr/09
Recent photos with Ryan Reynolds, who I suspect is a full 6'2"-6'2.5", Jackman looked a little smaller. I think he may well be 6'2" flat but it's pretty hard to tell as he's never been one to play up his height (always wearing flats, downgrades etc). Why the downgrade now Rob?
Ace said on 29/Apr/09
This is an interesting photo. Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman look very close in height (taking Reynold's posture into account), but one thing odd is that Liev Schreiber looks shorter than both Reynolds and Jackman. Whats up with that:
Click Here
Daniel said on 29/Apr/09
Steve, this is celebheights, so 1/8 inch DOES matter. If you don't like it, just go away and discuss fashion, make up, hairdressing or something like that
yoyo said on 29/Apr/09
why is jackman height been downgraded in this web? he should be 6ft2.5 tall. he looks alot taller than 5ft10.5 nicole kidman.
MHouillon said on 26/Apr/09
Never saw that so many people agree on the 189cm for him, so 6'2.5" (as Rob had him for quite some time) is really accurate. You know... He confessed, that he wants to look shorter by waring flat shoes, so what do you expect to hear from a 6'2.5 guy, when asked about his height ? 6'2".
Jackman is a little over 6'2.
buuret said on 26/Apr/09
im 6'3 and when i saw him for an autograph we were practically eye to eye
Steve said on 26/Apr/09
Amazing to me how everyone bickers about an inch or two. Does it really matter?
James Carter said on 22/Apr/09
6ft 2.5" he's in the same range as
Ben Affleck, Ashton Kutcher, Brandon Routh and Josh Hartnett.
Josh.J said on 22/Apr/09
looked an inch taller then jonathan ross, who is 187 according to this site. i reckon he's in the 189, 190cm range.
Clay said on 20/Apr/09
David, Eastwood is not like any of the characters he plays. People who have met him say he's a very nice, chill guy.
Jeremiah said on 19/Apr/09
6'2" dang he's way to tall to play wolverine. Wolverine was suppost to be short and stalky.
Doug said on 17/Apr/09
He just appeared on Jonatahn Ross and certainly didn't look 6'3". I was expecting him to be look easily 6'2.5-6'3" but I think he was 6'2" flat he wasn't much taller than Ross. I think 6'2" flat, I had always thought 6'2.5" but he definately looked nearer 6'2" than 6'3".
Anonymous said on 16/Apr/09
I think the ultra thin trainers part is true. I saw pictures of jackman and daniel henney, who's 6'2, in seoul. And henney was slightly taller. But then today I saw a video on youtube they did to promote seoul, and jackman was half an inch, maybe even an inch taller than henney. So in my opinion at least 6'2.
Jenny said on 10/Apr/09
actually...i don't like him being wolverine! i just his acting and face bc, It's pretty similar to wolverine. But in the comics wolverine height is only 5'3" that's why i can't accept him as wolvie even though he's a great actor. I'm pretty sure that Jean Claude Vandamme is more suitable for that role^_^
That's just my opinion...^_^
Lenad said on 9/Apr/09
Actually I think 186cm is lowest and 187-188cm is bang on. He has got long legs which make him look taller.
Lenad said on 8/Apr/09
If Jackman is 188cm then Bale is 182cm.
Hugh 190cm said on 8/Apr/09
But personally I think Jackman is 189cm which would put Bale at 183cm.
Lenad said on 7/Apr/09
189cm isnt too high for this guy but 188 does look closer
Hugh 190cm said on 6/Apr/09
James, 189cm is not unrealistic at all. It's the ideal height for him. 6ft2.5 is spot on. I don't know why Rob downgraded him. Rob has been downgrading everyone, no disrespect rob. Have you ever read any of my opinions on who shouold be upgraded and downgraded?
Hugh 190cm said on 4/Apr/09
Rupert Everett is 6ft4, built like a brickhouse and is gay.
Clay said on 3/Apr/09
Doug, height has nothing to do with being manly. Plenty of gays are tall.
BW said on 27/Mar/09
does not look a hair over 6'2
Hugh 190cm said on 27/Mar/09
Looks slightly taller than 6ft2. 6ft2.5 c'mon Rob.
Mr. R said on 26/Mar/09
People Mag says 6-2.
Jake said on 24/Mar/09
I always had the impression of Jackman being 6'3. Thought he looked HUGE in the first X-Men.
Alex said on 24/Mar/09
He is honestly a very tall guy from what I know. I have seen him from a distance of about 10 feet and I would say he is around 6'2...
Doug said on 23/Mar/09
I'm talking about the sort of guy who looks like he could chop trees down and chop wood by himself and is not afraid of physical labor, not the sort of actor who wears elevator shoes and would pay somebody to do it while he looks in the mirror and fiddles with his hair. You know what I mean!
Doug said on 23/Mar/09
Looks 189 cm to me I agree Hugh. It is me or is Hugh Jackman one of the few "classic looking" masucline film stars we have around today. I mean the days when movie stars like Eastwood and Stewart etc were all well over six foot and didn't rely on lifts to look tall. Even 6' legit is very tall in Hollywood today the way things have gone. Jackman seems one of the few actors who seem real or particularly manly, he even resembles Eastwood a bit in stature and presence. I thought the beard looked cool on him and testament to the sort of rugged look that Clint exhibited in the past. In my view we need more actors like this as they are a dying breed.
Hugh2 said on 20/Mar/09
Easily 6ft2.5.
Ali said on 19/Mar/09
I think this guy is 186-187 cm. 6'2 is a bit too
much. Still a tall guy
Arman said on 16/Mar/09
I don't know why his height wasn't modified when he portrays Wolverine. Originally, wolverine is only 5'3". The film makers disregarded that.
grace said on 14/Mar/09
Met him once in Sydney last Year on February.He was the same height as me 6ft1.5inch.It was around 9am.Very handsome and sympathic guy.
\_-_-_-Hugh-_-_-_/ said on 6/Mar/09
Anything below 6ft2 is ridiculous for this guy. He's 188-189cm on the dot. I do not know why Rob downgraded him.
Lenad said on 6/Mar/09
I would say min is a solid 187cm. He looks more 188 than 189 next to people nowadays. Still 189cm is possible.
\_-_-_-Hugh-_-_-_/ said on 5/Mar/09
A very strong 6ft2 guy. Rob when was the last time you upgraded a celeb. You downgraded Matthew Lewis, Michael Caine, Josh Hartnett and now Hugh Jackman? what is the world coming to with you. No disrespect or anything.
linebacker40 said on 5/Mar/09
a 6'3" flat for Jackman
Lenad said on 5/Mar/09
He looked 6'2 max next to Beyonce Knowles.
Anonymous said on 4/Mar/09
i don't care whatever his height is. he is definitely not under 6 feet. i see some people came up with crazy heights that they themselves know not true.
_-_-_-Hugh-_-_-_/ said on 4/Mar/09
Definitely nothing less than 6ft2. 188cm-190cm range.
Lenad said on 4/Mar/09
Lately this guy is having lows of looking 6'2 max.
Sam said on 25/Feb/09
Jeff, jackman is .5" shorter than Screiber, he is def not taller.
Rusty said on 25/Feb/09
I dont think he is 6'2". At the oscars when he danced with Beyonce, who is 5'6", he had 4 inches on her max. She appeared to be wearing 4" heels and him 1" dress shoes, so 6'1" for him in my opinion.
Upol said on 23/Feb/09
hmm definetly 6ft 2
-Jeff- said on 20/Feb/09
he looks taller than Liev Schreiber or pretty much the same size in alot of pictures. Sabretooth is supposed to be considerbly taller than Wolverine.
Lenad said on 20/Feb/09
I think he is closer to 6'2
5'11" said on 16/Feb/09
i think he is closer to 6'3"
Lenad said on 15/Feb/09
Hes listed at 6'3 on a few sites.
Lenad said on 14/Feb/09
I'm starting to think this guy could be a little under 6ft2. But 187cm strong has to be the minimum. He still looks pretty tall, thats an undeniable fact.
Lenad said on 13/Feb/09
You know 188 does look closer when he stands next to Nicole Kidman. The funny thing is, I once thought he was 189/190!
Sybil said on 12/Feb/09
Let`s google "pennywilliamsmgt", his agent.You will see there it`s written down in black and white 6`2(188cm). That`s the best hight for a normally lean man and shows the best propotions in physique.
cb said on 10/Feb/09
thanks for the downgrade
Sam said on 9/Feb/09
Jackman is also a Full inch shorter than Lieve Screiber in their new X-men Movie. Screiber is listed here at 6'3 but could be shorter. Jackman doesnt seem taller than 6'2 to me, especially since Screiber is not over 6'3.
mike said on 7/Feb/09
Met him last year on january in perth.He was the same height as me 6ft1.5inch.Was surprised that he wasn`t taller than me.
cb said on 4/Feb/09
Brian,take a look on BW's pics, Jackman was noticably shorter than Gottschalk, and Gottschalk is listed as 6'4".
Brian said on 4/Feb/09
He looks a little similar to Abraham Lincoln by the way :) Seemed almost as tall as the host from TV show "Wetten dass...?" named "Gottschalk" who is 6ft4.5, so I doubt he`s "only" 6ft2.5. Solid 6ft3.
Lenad said on 31/Jan/09
Doesnt look a hair over 6ft2 when he stands next to Nicole Kidman
Kim said on 30/Jan/09
My friend met him last february in Sydney.Hugh was the same height like my friend 6ft1.5inch.
Trace said on 29/Jan/09
No offense BW but we're not as exact as you might think.My former classmate got 6ft3 writen in his I.D.He isn't even 6ft.In shoes.So please don't generalize.
BW said on 29/Jan/09
hi guys, well I think i just found some good pics to eventually downgrade Jackman to 6'2". He was with Nicole Kidman on a German TV show. The Germnan Shomaster is supposed to be 6'4". Germans are very serious living up to rules and pretty exact when it comes to height.
Now take a look at those pics and tell me what you think, but ther is clearly a noticable difference.
Click HereClick HereIf want to see for yourself type in the names JACKMAN and GOTTSCHALK (that's the German guy's name)
leonari said on 20/Jan/09
Leung: goes to show how bad women are when judging height. Incredible. Hugh Jackman is a big guy. His upper body is like a rock. not manly enough...hahaha. Maybe because these guys are too good looking and not ugly fellas...
chicks...gotta love em.
Leung said on 20/Jan/09
I had the following conversation today with a female colleague,
Me: who do you find more attractive Hugh Jackman or Eric Bana?
Colleague: neither they are both too short and wimpy looking
Me: how tall do they look to you?
Colleague: about 5
Hugh said on 9/Jan/09
6ft2.5 it is.
leonari said on 8/Jan/09
Avergae76:Cause Mcgregor is not 5'7" or 5'8"!!! Where do you get these ridiculous heights from? He is a 5'10 guy or really close to it. 5'7"...incredible.
glenn said on 8/Jan/09
mcgregor? ewan? he is 5-10.5 when he wakes.thats why.5-9.5 with bad posture or late at night.
average76 said on 8/Jan/09
A 6 ' 2.25'' Jackman was supposed to tower a 5'7"/ 5'8" McGregor. Could anyone explain why he doesn't? I guess he's 185 (barely taller than Travolta
, Bale could be only 180). Jackman has very long legs , that's way he looks taller.
Anonymous said on 7/Jan/09
They shot with different angles and only from the waist up in scenes he was right next to other actors to make him look Wolverine's height. His height was a huge problem when the first film came out for comic book fans.
linebacker40 said on 7/Jan/09
A guy whose height ranges about, similar to Pierce Brosnan. He can look as low as 6'1.5" to as high as 6'3.5". I approximate him at the 6'3" flat mark.
Hugh said on 5/Jan/09
Mister Lennon, Jim Carrey is not the same height as Hugh Jackman. He's about 6ft1.5.
Hugh said on 5/Jan/09
I can relate to this guy. We're similiar in height and have the same.
Nicole said on 5/Jan/09
Very good actor, looking very intersting and seem a nice guy.Looks a strong 188cm.
Marty said on 3/Jan/09
The comic book character Wolvering is supposed to be 5'3", so Hugh is about a foot taller than the character he plays. They could have at least got someone in the 5'6" range.
Mister Lennon said on 1/Jan/09
6'2 and a half for Jackman. he is about the same than Jim Carrey.
anonymous said on 1/Jan/09
6 foot 2 and will smith is 6 foot 2.
king kong bundy said on 1/Jan/09
wow for camera angles. in x men they go a wonderful job of making him look 5-9 to 5-10.
cb said on 26/Dec/08
I just saw Australia yesterday and I got to say that Hugh Jackman looked very tall in this movie when he was standing alone. (very long legs. But when you compared him him with Nicole Kidman standing next to him (1,78-179cm) he had 10cm max on her. Jackman is 6"2' most.
Hugh said on 22/Dec/08
No, he's definately every bit of 189cm. But I find it strange that 6ft2-3 guys round down. Hugh Jackman does it, Hugh Laurie does it, Jerry O'Connell does it, Jeff Stults does it. Craziness.
anonymous said on 21/Dec/08
He's a solid 6 foot 2. He never looks shorter.
Maxwell said on 17/Dec/08
This guy should change his name to HUGE jackman. He's TALL and BROAD!
cb said on 17/Dec/08
There is a good scene in password swordfish when you see Hugh and Halle Berry in the lift going straight to the night club. Halle Berry wears heels that give her 10cm advantage. On this site she's listed at 166cm. But she's more likely 165cm max. Well, with heels, she's 5"9'. But there is still a difference of at least 15cm between her and hugh.Now you give Hugh Jackman 2cm advantage due to his thin shoes and you come to 6"2'.
Coal cracker said on 13/Dec/08
We met Hugh at Regis and Kelly in November, I am 5'11", and he was a few inches taller then me, so I would say 6'2" is pretty accurate! :)
tube said on 11/Dec/08
wow, for once I am actually suprised at a celebs height, I figures Hugh was much closer to 5' 9- 5' 10 for some reason.
cb said on 10/Dec/08
This guy looks very tall due to his long legs and lean body. But really; I don't see this guy over 6'2". Compare him to David Wenham 5'11" in Van Helsing. Consider this one slouching the whole movie. Or to Michael Caine and Christian Bale on the Premier photos of the prestige. CB and MC are both very likely 1-2 cm shorter than listed on this page. Hugh doesn't seem to tower them more than 2". In Password swordfish he is 6-7 cm taller than John Travolta. But Travolta has never been taller than 6"peak. Now he's 181cm at the very best.
anonymous said on 4/Dec/08
In x men 2, he's only a few inches taller than 5 foot 10 james marsden and 5 foot 10 famke janssen. I would say 6 foot 2.
Hugh said on 2/Dec/08
Actually he could be close to 6ft3 in the morning. I'm bang on 6ft3 when I get out of bed. I really do wish that I could be over 6ft3.
anonymous said on 27/Nov/08
The rock is 6 foot 4 and hugh jackman is 6 foot 3.
the cone observer said on 26/Nov/08
More on the conan thing, Hugh looked like he was in upper 6.2, like 6.2 and 3/4 he was really close to Hugh and he even said that on the show, adjust the height celeb height
MD said on 25/Nov/08
He did not look the same height as Conan, though, he did look closer to 6'3". The problem is that they never stood up very straight beside each other doing the entire interview.
Viper said on 25/Nov/08
Me, look at the show again just after their push-ups, Conan is taller
wedge said on 25/Nov/08
wow nicole kidman is tall.
Click Here
Viper said on 25/Nov/08
Other 6-2 guys have looked the same height as Conan, such as the Rock and Ted Danson.
Me said on 25/Nov/08
On Conan O Brian just now, he looked like the same height as Conan who's 6'4''
OutBenchThis said on 22/Nov/08
He was on Leno the other night and was wearing thin loafers without a heel. Looked to have only 2.5" on Jay but not surprising given his footwear. Definately a strong 6'2.5" guy.
Jan said on 21/Nov/08
He is in fact 6'1".
In his latest film, "Deception". There is scene 46 minuttes in to the movie, where the wictim searches for him. He discribes him as beeing 6'1". I don't think Jackman's manager would allow that to happen if he was 6'2".
1234 said on 21/Nov/08
This is so weird. When Jackman was on leno last night promoting the film Australia he only appeared to be about an inch taller than leno at the end of the show when they stood side by side on the stage after tenacious D's performance. I missed the beginning when jackman 1st came out so I don't know what the difference was then, but I mean while they were on the stage the camera was directly on them giving no angle advantage to either. So I mean whats going on here lol...
Hugh said on 20/Nov/08
Definitely a tall guy. Very solid aswell. I'm quite similiar in build to him. I'm between 210lbs and 220lbs myself. I'd say Jackman could easily be that weight aswell. We're also quite similiar in height. Him 6ft2.25, Me 6ft2.75.
Leung said on 17/Nov/08
James says on 17/Nov/08
Does he really look 210 pounds?
That seems accurate to me. Jackman is a tall guy and he has got solid amount of lean body muscle. My colleague works out at the same Fitness First gym that Jackman goes.
caligirl said on 17/Nov/08
he is pretty tall. took a pic with him and what he says is right 6'2''
jay89 said on 15/Nov/08
lol 195cm is insane for him. 190 seems more like it. 189cm flat
Lenad said on 7/Nov/08
He has the body type of a 6'2-6'3 person
OutBenchThis said on 23/Oct/08
Hey Glenn, heard Jackman's relocating to NYC soon so hopefully you spot him for another pic. I have no doubt he's 189cm but I recall you saying the last photo you had with him was of poor quality for judging height.
anonymous said on 21/Oct/08
he looks taller in x men than swordfish. 6 foot 3 is accurate.
Lenad said on 17/Oct/08
Looks a solid 189cm or a weak 190cm.
anonymous said on 14/Oct/08
In swordfish they said his height was 6 foot 4 inches which is a lie. I would say he's 190cm max no taller because he's only a few inches taller than john travolta in sword fish who's about 6 foot.
Hugh said on 10/Oct/08
He looks 6ft2-6ft2.5 most of the time. He's never looked under 6ft2.
sam said on 6/Oct/08
i think he's 6'3
Ed(1) said on 6/Oct/08
Jackman absolutely dwarfed Ewan McGregor(5ft9.5) in Deception by a good 5 inches, all while they both wore flat soled tennis shoes. The guy is 6ft2.25 at a minimum!
Hugh said on 5/Oct/08
Lol 6ft1. Hugh Jackman is probably 6ft2.5.
miyase said on 1/Oct/08
to James:Look closer to the pic and you can see Kate's platform shoes.If Kate is 170 cm tall,plus 10-12 cm heels she becomes at least 180 cm in this pic.(God!She always wears such shoes that would give her at least 10 cm,even when she is shopping,walking in the street ect.)
Blackray said on 30/Sep/08
Jackman looks no more than 186 cm tall to me. I saw him on UK chat show host Johnathan Ross's show. He only had 1-2cm on Ross who is 184 cm tall to be exact.
miyase said on 26/Sep/08
I'm confused now,is he that short?I would give him 195 cm at least.Check this pic out where he is with 170 cm Kate Beckinsale.
Click Here
Hugh said on 21/Sep/08
Mike, GLenn has been unfairly
Banned from the site for using 'bad language'. I think Jackman is 6ft2.5.
Mike said on 12/Sep/08
its been months since ive been to this site, what the hell happend to Glen?
mj said on 9/Sep/08
Does anyone know how tall his wife is, Deborra-Lee Furness? Her height doesn't seem to be listed anywhere online.
dits said on 4/Aug/08
he looked about 6'3 in the prestige,but if there's one thing i've realised by watching jackman,its that your build really determines how tall you look,especially on screen. stocky guys who're 6'2 end up looking like they're 6'0,and lean guys who're 6'2 end up looking like they're 6'4.
Anonymous said on 15/Jul/08
I say 6'2 exactly. Doesn't look more that 2 inches taller that 6'0' Bale
Click Here
guy said on 19/May/08
Site will never die like the sun. No, rob we wont pester those who contribute so much here. The pic itself speaks a million words.
glenn said on 19/May/08
i have plenty of time for that.let me get started right away.
guy said on 18/May/08
I GUESS mg gregor is shorter, rob can u request a pic frm glen & mamun, where he/they measures themselves like u did after getting up. If they have a pic like ya, no one will pester them abt their height etc. I doubt a little but dnt want to hurt glen & mamun. I understand they dnt work here, but it wud help fans like us. tnx

Editor Rob
I think I'm happy going on word. You might still get pestering though or questioning as there will be neverending arguments about morning/evening height until the day the site dies!
guy said on 2/May/08
One more thing, just incase jackman tries to hide his height, which i belive is true, Taking the fact mc gregor is 5.9and a half , there was scene where both walk alongside wearing normal tennis shoes and there 5 inch difference. In suit/tuxedo/blazer, there is the same 5 to 6 inch difference. It makes me think if he 6.2 and a half and he is bringin it down to 6.2
guy said on 30/Apr/08
Truth is out, i have seen the latest movie deception, Ewan mc gregor says hugh jackman is 6 feet 1 inch, hugh jACKMAN IS THE PRODUCER of the movie, so i m sure it must be true, comoN he didnt try to edit back to 6.2 or 6.3. if he said 6.2 in interviews he meant his height with shoes. Now when if we compared hugh with will smith and saw 1 inch difference, will is 6.1, chritian bale is 5.11 and routh 6.2 to 62.5,etc. I dont want to hurt anyone, but we measure the height of the celebrity with great interest seeing photos but not the person with whom he is taking photo with. In short it would be great to have height proof of glen, rob and mamum, I am sorry if i hurt u. But dont u think if u guys put up a photo guranteeing u r height, no one will ever ask u r height or try to hurt u, or question u r integrity.

Editor Rob
I've mentioned many times in comments over nearly 4 years of running the site that I just scrape 5ft 8. This was
my old pic from a few years ago now. That was near 1 hour from waking, showing as best I could me clearing 5ft 8 and standing about 5ft 8.4. Of course I'm only 5ft 8 for any pics really because I shrink from 5ft 8.6 out of bed to 5ft 8 in afternoon/evening.
Mamun said his last measurement was 5ft 8.1 at 4pm I think, and I believe that, so that should be good enough for others.
Hugh said on 18/Apr/08
This guy always underestimates his height. 6ft2.75 is probably more accurate.
RB said on 8/Mar/08
I agree with you sf. Usually castings for comic books movies are messed up. I also love Raimi's Spiderman (part 3 was a bit messy though). After watching Planet Terror I think that Freddy Rodriguez could be a wonderful Wolverine, if he wasn't Mexican ;)
glenn said on 2/Mar/08
oh.i see sf.i thought facially he looked like the thing.i see your point though.
sf said on 1/Mar/08
Glenn - I just mean size-wize. I mean, The Thing is 6 feet, very massive, etc. Chiklis is what? 5'7"? That's all I'm saying. If Chiklis would have been taller/bigger, great choice.
Anonymous said on 29/Feb/08
Jackman is surprisingly tall, he fill up his 189 very well. Most guys start to look slender when getting that tall.
glenn said on 29/Feb/08
i read alot these heights too growing up.though i never watched fantastic four,i thought chiklis was a good choice.maybe your right.
sf said on 28/Feb/08
Oh, I don't know - so many things change, comic to comic, depending on the writer or editor at the time. Spider-man was always listed as a little guy, no more than 5'8" to 5'9", then he gets listed as 5'10", etc. by the next writer, etc. That was part of Spidey's appeal - a small, bookwormish guy who became a super-hero, but they always have to make super-heroes, bigger and bigger. A dumb point to discuss, I know, but I always get tired of movie companies hiring actors who look like models to play the characters: AKA, the whole X-men team in the movies. Or, hiring actors who don't fit the role at all - Jackman, Michael Chiklis as The Thing, etc. Spidey was about the only movie that stayed true to a shorter, not so great looking guy - just like the real Spidey was, originally.
glenn said on 28/Feb/08
sf would know best on any comic character height.
RB said on 26/Feb/08
I have read 160cm for Wolverine long time ago, when I was into comic books. I remeber 5'10" for Spiderman and 6'1" for Punisher. But I guess sf is right.
sf said on 26/Feb/08
I've read Wolverins is 5'7" and I've read smaller. All depends on whatever writer/editor is doing the comic at the time...
mr know it all said on 25/Feb/08
Lee, Wolverine is more like 5'2 - 5'4. NOT 5'7
Anonymous said on 18/Feb/08
Jakob, Bale is no where near 6'2, he's around 5'11-6'0.
Jakob said on 14/Feb/08
OMG ---Have you seen The Prestige??-Christian Bale is 6.2 and Hugh seems much taller than Ch in that movie som it could be 6.3-6.4
Bobo said on 20/Jan/08
You realise the Wolverine-height issue was debated 4 or 5 years ago?
dmeyer said on 8/Jan/08
i think he s more 188 flat near travolta
dmeyer said on 8/Jan/08
travolta look 184 cm by him
clark said on 6/Jan/08
Brandon Routh (Superman) did appear taller than Jackman...
lee said on 16/Dec/07
Jackman's six-two? Holy crap!
I mean, he was a good choice acting-ability-wise to play Wolverine, but it totally goes against the character. Wolvie is supposed to be a 'tough little guy', like maybe 5' 5" to 5' 7", at most.
I call mis-cast!
glenn said on 4/Nov/07
he used to be a dick.was a phony kind of nice at his play in new york 4 years ago.but eventually seemed to be a sincere nice,as of late.
RobertJ said on 2/Nov/07
Did he seem like a nice guy Glenn?
glenn said on 24/Oct/07
crappy not looking in,he is,but he is walking away from me,and behind me several feet.
OutBenchThis said on 23/Oct/07
Valeri says on 3/Oct/07
looked a strong 2 inches taller thna seems right.maybe Glenn can catch him one day.
Im quite certain Glenn has met Jackman and had a photo with him but has said the photo doesn't provide much to indicate or gauge his height.
Valeri said on 3/Oct/07
looked a strong 2 inches taller thna seems right.maybe Glenn can catch him one day.
Max said on 10/Sep/07
Yeah, I think as much as anything my brothers did it as a novelty to see if anybody would notice.
AAAA said on 10/Sep/07
Oh okay...that just sounded like the guy who hired you, especially in that line of work, was playing with fire with a 12 year old bouncer. But i got you now
Max said on 9/Sep/07
Although my birth certicate said 12 I was already bigger than most adult men, so people naturally assumed I was much older than I was. The job was of course unoffical and my 2 older brothers who were also boucers at the same club got me the job on an occasional basis when someone called in sick. They were both over 21 and the size I am now so it was a very well behaved club.
AAAA said on 9/Sep/07
How could you have possibly been a bouncer at 12. The legalities must have been ridiculous. Not that I don't believe you, but that is really strange. BTW I am from america, so if you are from europe, then I know nothing about the leagalities over there
I'm what I am said on 12/Aug/07
Well, Viper! My favourite commentor! I have to sit most of time for my job.6'8 is good for playing basketball and isn't too bad for living at home or in a own hotel.I'm not especially interested in basketball, I'm soccer's fan, but sometimes when I have rest, I watch basketball, too...Hmm! My favourite player is Steve Nash! Is Nash's height similar to my height? Yeah, maybe if Sarah J. Parker's 5'3 - 5'4. I just met Dirk Nowitzki&..just seen Nash on TV.My idol footballers're Diego Maradonna, Mane Garrincha, and now...Javier Saviola. But being tall has to suck if I'm an average Joe is not my definition, the most positive thing is that you're big,but you're good at "work of the little" and the contrast. I'm skillful, even at my height...Hugh Jackman's moving is also better than I can think...
andrew said on 11/Aug/07
He is a proper 6'2"+ but has a decent posture and because of this looks much taller than his surrounders. IMO
AAAA said on 7/Aug/07
Here he is with 5'3 Sarah Jessica Parker
Click Here
P.S. I find this picture hilarious
AAAA said on 7/Aug/07
I've got a few people I know over 6'4 and they all say it is a hiderance now that they no longer play sports and such. 6'3 is the mark of going from tall to almost too tall for your own good. I'm 6'2 and I have some problems with my height from time to tiime
Viper said on 6/Aug/07
6-8 isnt too bad If you play basketball for a living. Shaq can get away with 7-0 and live a happy life because hes Shaq. But If you are just an averahe joe than being that tall has to suck.
I'm what I am said on 5/Aug/07
I'm "just" 6'4 is a speech for 6'8 people. Sorry! It was a magnify of me; not all americans, just some of them ( It's also the magnifies of some others(the people who know their height but they think I'm taller than I am, too) to me because in their eyes, I'm too tall and too big) and not only Americans, the rest of the world seem to like guessing their height more than measuring; in Latin America, if you're 6', people here will say that you're 6'3 ( I can easily understand why do I always read that Ricky Martin and Benicio Del Toro 're 6'4), I think you know by yourself what they say about people at my height. Believe me! 6'4 is already too tall and bad for living. Even I live in northern Europe, when I still went to school, I was always the tallest in my class and the second tallest in my grade. I used to try to stop my height at 6'1 when I was 14 but I couldn't...Love being tactful and clever. I don't thing the movie-stars like Hugh Jackman are favourable or pleasant that you ("the Jackmanlovers") upgrade their height.
lolzzz said on 5/Aug/07
nono hes 5'3 look here =D lol
Click Here
I'm what I am said on 29/Jul/07
He's as he says: 6'2. He's one of a few Hollywood stars, who know exactly how tall they are. Everybody in America when they see me, they've always said that I'm at least 6'8 because they think, they're taller. It nerves me much because I'm just 6'4...
anonymous said on 27/Jul/07
i always thought hugh jackman was around 6ft 4. he just looks so tall. he looks nice with long hair. i loved how it looked in van helsing.
17,181 said on 4/Jul/07
Clint is actually a soft guy as well david.So I have no idea what you menat by that.
anonymous said on 3/Jul/07
he is right. i am 6`2 3/4, and i definetely can't sit comfortably in most chairs. i can't even lie down in my bed straight. my height can be hindering.
Anonymous said on 24/Jun/07
yea he seems big in most movies haha my cousin is 6-4 and he cant sit either haha
david . said on 20/Jun/07
i was surprised he came off so soft in that Punked episode.His personality is closer to the Boy from OZ than to Wolverine/Clint Eastwood in real life
Jason said on 17/Jun/07
6'2 1/4''. I 101% agree with this listing.
Anonymous said on 7/Jun/07
a GENUINE 6ft 2in actor, maybe 6'2.5
Abigail said on 6/Jun/07
i met him because my dad works on cameras and reparing them, so i get to come with him because i'm homeschooled. anyway he's really really really tall and i'm 6'1, plus he's also unbelievably nice.
Anonymous said on 15/Apr/07
I like 6'2.5 for Jackman, and 6'.5 for bale. Came across this pic of them together searching for their respective supehero workouts. Looks to be about 2 in. Jackman is perpendicular and bale is doing some weird head tilt, but a decent shot nontheless
Click Here
Max said on 9/Apr/07
I saw Hugh Jackman in Vancouver when he was filming X-Men 3. I was about 3 feet away and was able to greet him. I'm 6'5" and had 3" on him. I was wearing sandals and his shoes looked flat also.
preen said on 4/Apr/07
i want to say that hugh jackmans is 6'3 not 6 sorry fix your information!!!

Editor Rob
what you jibbering about, he's been stuck on 6ft 2.5 since near enough the beginning of the site
Jay said on 31/Mar/07
I agree with Viper, Jackman seems like 6'2 to me, nothing more. Routh seems taller then him in pictures, and was roughly about 2" taller then Travolta in Swordfish. I rented the Prestige today so I'll see how tall he looks beside Cristian Bale.
AAAA said on 2/Mar/07
He can look taller or shorter than Fammake Jennsen, depending on the award. Hard to pin down precise, but a strong 6'2
Viper said on 2/Mar/07
Looks nothing more than a flat 6-2 to me.
Dave said on 1/Mar/07
I am a legit barefoot 188cm (6'2)I met Hugh at X-men last stand's UK premier and he seems a very solid 6'2, same height as me (maybe a cm more) and not many people that claim 6'2 are the same height as me.
supes78 said on 9/Feb/07
Hugh's one of the few celebrities that actually downplays his height quite a lot. When he was first cast as Wolverine, he was listed as only 6 foot tall. Since then, I've heard him refer to himself as 6'2", then 6'3". The more I see of him the more I'm convinced that he oould very well be 6'3" flat.
me said on 31/Jan/07
bernar - the jeans are Paper Denim and Cloth.
brother_h said on 23/Jan/07
my brother met hugh jackman and my brother is 6'5 and a half and my bro says hugh comes up to his eye. i come upto my brothers nose so that must make me 6'1 right?
my bro is on a movie with him, i didnt get the name tho but its in australia
bernar said on 6/Jan/07
anyone know what type of jeans is Mr. Hugh Jackman wearing on shemp's link?? i will be very grateful for an answer.
Ventess said on 27/Dec/06
Thanks a lot shemp, that's really helpful - finally found a place to get thin trainers. The picture you provided basically confirms that Jackman is 6ft 2-2.5 max.
dmeyer, i'm slightly confused about your comment, especially the bit about "0.4 to 0.45 in 1.1cm" trainers. What's the first (0.4cm) part and the second (1-1.1cm) thing?
dmeyer said on 25/Dec/06
rob you are right my girlfriend just gave me sneakers ultra thin from reebock and the heels is only 0.4 to 0.45 in 1 to 1.1 cm so when somebody waers 1.25 sneakers he has 2 cm advantage and converses have a bit more like 0.55 to 0.65 1.3 to 1.65 cm but some trainers have only 1 cm 0.4 in less than 1 cm is pretty rare

Editor Rob
I've got a special pair actually from a football club, they are similar to converse but actually give under 0.5...I don't wear converse for ages anyway, not so good for my feet
Glenn said on 24/Dec/06
I read 6-4,and couldve sworn he looked it when I saw him 4 years ago.but then my 5-8 friend recently posed with him and he looked 6ft! so yeah,I think he is 6-2 tops.
shemp said on 23/Dec/06
On this site there are some pics of Jackman with those shoes (the third and fith picture down)
Click Here
Those shoes are called "Converse All-Stars", and they're pretty easy to find. So depending on where you live, just google "Converse All-Stars" and it'll come up with lots of sites where you can get them from.
Anyway, I've noticed Hugh nearly always wears these type of shoes to award shows and stuff. That's why he always looks shorter than other 189 cm actors, because they usually wear normal dress shoes, giving them 1-2 cm heal advanage.
Ventess said on 22/Dec/06
Does anyone have a picture of Jackman in his 1cm ultra-low trainers? And does anyone one know where to buy these or equivalents?
For my part i think Jackman the estimation of his height is correct at 6'2.5". Just take a look at Van Helsing and Swordfish. No way 6'4" or above.
dmeyer said on 14/Dec/06
a friend of mine that is 6 feet when he wear 0.5 puma and i wear 1.25 dress shoes i look as tall even a hair taller
Bob H. said on 20/Oct/06
Just returned from seeing "The Prestige". Jackman is a tad taller than Caine.
6'2" for Jackman looks right. In many ways he very much resembles a young Clint Eastwood.
Alex said on 29/Sep/06
MHouillon: Most cowboy boots have a 2 inch heel as standard, its not difficult to sneak in another inch in there.
Jackman said on 12/Aug/06
I just saw the trailer for 'The Prestige,' and Jackman looks 3 inches
taller than Michael Caine.
janeway said on 9/Aug/06
The September issue of Premiere magazine says he is six three.
Jake said on 15/Jul/06
He and Eric Bana are both just over 6'2", but sometimes billed at 6'3". Notice both admit to being shorter than 6'3".
kenji toyokawa said on 1/Jul/06
Hi mof.. wat i tink is becoz we can't see wats hugh shoes wore.. might be a flat 1 or 2cm thick tat makes routh looks even taller with his posture and might be shoe lift.. but wat i give routh height was 1.9m(6ft3)to be..
Jordan said on 28/Jun/06
Brandon looks bigger becasue it seems that Jakman is leening or some s***, Look at his leg bent
MHouillon said on 13/Jun/06
2-3 inch heels ? Do you know, how high 3 inches heels are ??? that's 7.5 centimeters! Show me a male boot with a 7.5 cm heel.
A 2-inch heel is barely possible, since Cowboy, Biker or CaterPillar Boots have 3,5cm - 4,5cm heel. It's difficult with those "big parameters" like inches, isn't it ? I know, it's easier to say "a couple of inches" than 1 3/8" (3.5cm) - 1 3/4" (ca. 4,5cm) but you should obey, that 1 inch is 2.5 times a centimeter (2,54 actually). Describing heels or height-losses with inches (or some/ or a couple of inches) is like describing weight with tons. Not only in this case the metric system is better.
Shorty said on 3/Jun/06
I just saw Jackman on Leno, and he was about 4 inches taller than in boots that looked like they had 2-3 inch heels.
Jason said on 2/Jun/06
It's sometimes like that. Dolph Lundgren's played the Punisher and the Punisher in the comics is only 6'0''. Arnold played Conan and Conan in the comics and books is practically a giant in height who rarely comes across a man taller than himself according to one description I remember.
sf said on 1/Jun/06
J-Dog - I'm not saying Jackman doesn't do a good job, but physically, he was the wrong choice. just like Michael Chiklis was a bad choice to play the Thing. the Thing is huge, Chiklis is, what, 5'8"? It would be nice if these producers picked people based more closely on their actual match to the character's characteristics, the way they did Toby Maguire and Spiderman. That's part of what makes Wolverine, Wolverine - a litte, super tough guy like a REAL wolverine. It's a small animal that is enormously viscious and tough, thus the reason why Wolverine in the comics was also protrayed as small. It loses those connotatioins with a 6'3" guy. Hmmm...maybe I read too many comics when I was younger?
Viper652 said on 1/Jun/06
Yeah, it was a camera trick I think. More then likely Marsden was wearing built up shoes.
anonymous said on 31/May/06
Jackman looked about the same height as Marsden in X3 in their scene together. I guess they did use a camera trick for that scene
Viper652 said on 31/May/06
Yeah Jason, Grammar just doesnt look 6-1 to me.
Jason said on 31/May/06
Kelsey Grammar *might* have been 6'1'' a long time ago. I would say Jackman is most likely a hair over the 6'2'' mark.
Mario said on 31/May/06
I believe that he doesn't even know how tall he is.
But yeah I think that he could be easy 6 ft 3, time for an upgrade?
Viper652 said on 31/May/06
But has Jackman ever said he was 6-3?? Hes said 6-2, a little over 6-2 a couple of times, but never 6-3.
J-Dog said on 30/May/06
190cm seems a bit more fitting. SF I have to disagree I think Jackman plays an incredible Wolverine, his acting and charisma carry through.
Click Here
supes78 said on 30/May/06
It's weird how Hollywood gets tall actors to play shorter characters (i.e. Jackman as Wolverine, Eric Bana as Bruce Banner) but then gets short actors for the big guy roles (i.e. Michael Keaton as Batman).
sf said on 30/May/06
Well, in the old X-men comics I read, it said about 5'7". Even so, he was a bad choice to play Wolverine.