Felix said on 17/Oct/06
Does anyone know how tall Al Silvani (The cut man in rocky) is? ...
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 17/Oct/06
dumbdude seems to be able to get under The True Anonymous's skin at will.
megatron said on 17/Oct/06
not sure whos been owned??!! yo dummy ur funny man id stick wit flippin burgers over a carear photoshopin tho.. and def layoff sniffin da glue
ralph said on 17/Oct/06
excuse me, dumbdude, but your pic is enough FALSE.
Anonymous said on 17/Oct/06
Yes Anonymous I think he is a lot smarter than he sounds. He has a mission: to downgrade celeb heights by 3 or 4 inches.I think that if the editor wants that this site will be a fairly guide to the celeb heights he should not let him to post here.
Zach said on 17/Oct/06
True Anonymous - you realise the more you write and the more wound up you get, the happier dumbdude gets?
Glenn said on 17/Oct/06
I think in boots or sneakers that cover myankles,I can look 5-11 in lifts.Sly never has high tops when I see him.
THE *TRUE* ANONYMOUS said on 17/Oct/06
Nice try "dumbwithphotoshopdude". Look, I really don't want to be mean and I really meant it when I said I really don't want to deal with you in any way, shape or form any more. But you're really going to great lengths to propogate your lie with that outlandish McDonald's fib, and you think using "reverse psychology" with the poorly photoshopped Claudia Schiffer pic helps (and the ironic thing is they did a BETTER job than you did, LOL)?! Whatever is motivating you propogate these fallacious lies about Stallone's height, you're fooling nobody and won't pull the wool over anyone's eyes here.
Your picture of Stallone at McDonald's is CLEARLY FAKE:
Click HereWhoever composited that image (probably you) clearly has no knowledge whatsoever of lighting, shading, photography and art in general. That "professional photographer friend" of yours who took the photo must be out of a job by now, LMAO!! Sorry, can't help myself this is SOOO freakin hilarious, HAHAHA!!! Here are a few pointers for you and your "professional photographer friend" next time you wish to con somebody with your lousy image manipulation skills:
i) Align your subject with the scene horizontal and vertical lines. The camera is clearly slightly tilted. You can tell by how the vertical lines of the windows are slightly rotated a litle clockwise away from the parallel vertical image border. All the figures in the background have their vertical axi aligned with the vertical window lines. Sly is standing perfectly vertical to the vertical image border, implying he's standing "a little tilted" which doesn't make sense with that very firm, straight military pose he has.
ii) Match lighting and shadow conditions. The figures are all clearly standing outdoors being lit by sunlight coming from the top-left. Their figures are clearly all roughly bright on the top and left sides, darker in shadow on the right and low sides (with the exception of the figures standing directly under the shadow of the building's overhanging roof). Stallone looks like he's being lit with an artificial light source from on top and out in front of him. IF he were being lit by the outdoor sun like the other figures, the top-left side of his face and arms should receive a bright highlights, the bottom-right areas should be in dark shadow. But they clearly aren't since you didn't do it right.
iii) Matching tonality and color saturation. The overall color saturation and tonality of stallone's complexion totally mismatches with the entire background image. If you have no idea what I just said, it sure shows it.
iv) Use better edge-feathering on your selection-masks. Look at how badly Stallone's ears blend into the background. You clearly didn't take your time in preparing a good mask to remove Stallone's original image surruondings very cleanly.
v) Last but not least matching focal-length and focus. Subjects in the foreground (Stallone) should always be substantially much clearer and less blurrier than the subjects in the background. Stallone here looks almost as blurry as the figures in the background.
HelloKitty, that was a cute comment. But seriously, if Stallone did go to McDonald's, would he have gone "hundreds, maybe even thousands of times"?! And actually EAT THERE?!! OJ and Kato at least used a drive-thru. Even if what "cockandbullstorydude" is saying is 0.000001% true, it simply suggests that he got miffed that Sly turned down an autograph signing from him and he's now being a big sulky crybaby about it.
And I keep my name anonymous so my friends in real life won't beat my ass for arguing with a compulsive liar with the IQ of a lima-bean and the drawing skills of a chimpanzee.
Zach said on 17/Oct/06
lol @ dumbdude. You're funny, I'll give you that much. Guys dont get too wound up I think we've all been going around in circles for months now regarding sly. This dumbdude provides some alternate entertainment at least!
Oh, and what a coincidentally similar pose
Click Here he must've just run up to the book cover to appear large hey dumbdude? ;)
the shredder said on 17/Oct/06
check out my myspace yall ...
Click Here
dmeyer said on 16/Oct/06
a friend of mine who is 5'10 met stallone 30 years ago and told me he was 5'10 also no shoeter and very big so stallone might realy be 5'10
Glenn said on 16/Oct/06
He doesnt eat fast food.he is on a strict diet down to a science and detests fast food,and blames it the cause of myriad illness from depression to sciatica.he experience all these ailments while eating junk during the filming of Copland.not to mention severe stomach cramps.
mike said on 16/Oct/06
ur welcome glenn, but seriously if sly was only 5'7 to 5'8 how can he look 6 even, he would have to have on 4 inch lifts, but i think his lift wearing GIVES the impression that since he wears lifts, he must be short, glenn whats the tallest u can look in public if u wore big boots or lifts? I doubt u can look 6 but hey u never know
HelloKitty said on 16/Oct/06
I'm not so sure that Stallone doesn't eat fast food or go to McDonalds. Look at Kato Kaylin who testified that he and O.J. drove to Burger King the night of the infamous you know what. Stallone even had Taco Bell food in that movie with Wesley Snipes and Sandra Bullock. I'm not believing that Dumbdude met Stallone at McDonalds, but hey lets face it, sometimes we all have that craving for Quarter Pounder with Cheese. Would you like fries with that?
Jordan said on 16/Oct/06
I honestly think the lowest Sly can be is 5'9. In my opinion he loohs 5'10 usually
THE *TRUE* ANONYMOUS said on 16/Oct/06
I don't think you guys get, read between the lines - the McDonald's story is "thinkhescleverdude's" lame attempt at being sarcastic. He thinks anyone who supports a tall Stallone height is playing a "game". I think he's trying to get smart and make a point by painting himself as some sort of "anti-autograph-seeker" that's motivated to shorten Stallone's height because he's miffed that he's been snubbed by Sly refusing to sign his autograph while (supposedly) eating at McDonald's. He's obviously (very poorly) attempting to make some subtle jabs and parody at some of us, but does it so badly most of us can't even tell. The clues are all there if you read closely so don't take that joker's story seriously.
Glenn is right, this clown has been wasting space so I'll just ignore him from now on and end on this quote from "Thee Greateest":
"A wise man can act like a fool, but a fool cannot act like a wise man." - Muhammed Ali
Glenn said on 16/Oct/06
I heard 5-3,5-4 years ago,a few times.even from Laura Prepon!(70s show).the smallest he can be is 5-8.but 75% chance he is 5-10.
Viper652 said on 16/Oct/06
I dont think Sly is any shorter than 5-9 1/2 now. 5-7-5-8 esitmates are pushing it a bit. The 5-5 estimates are far out there.
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 15/Oct/06
Sorry guys, I meant to say I was at Planet Hollywood and not the Hard Rock Cafe.
Felix said on 15/Oct/06
dumbdude - Do the only right thing, take a picture of you and Sly at McDonalds, then we belive you :) (take a photo so we can se his footwear too :))
derbi said on 15/Oct/06
dumbdude, how tall are you?
ralph said on 15/Oct/06
Stallone is a solid 5'9". When I saw the pic with James Caan without lifts, I decided that.
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 15/Oct/06
dumbdude, the mcdonalds story sounds a little over the top. Im not calling you a liar as i was not there, but it just seems hard to believe. Years ago I was in a Hard Rock Cafe with my wife that had just had it's grand opening months earlier. I asked our waiter if he had seen Stallone at the grand opening and he said that he had. I then asked him how tall he thought Stallone was and he said he was real short and about 5'5, he also mentioned that Sly had a large head. The waiter serving us was on the short side himself and I would estimae him being about 5'7. The 5'5 sightings are out there, I just find them real hard to believe. I still believe he is 5'8, if I ever meet him he will either surprise me that he is taller or shorter than I thought. Either way, Sly is the guy that inspired me to start working out when I was a kid.
Glenn said on 14/Oct/06
For starters,Sly hasnt had fast food since the 70s.unless of course we are talking Copland.why dont we all ignore dummie like Ive been saying all along.thats the best revenge.
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 14/Oct/06
leonari, most of the evidence points to him being less than 5'10. I believe he is 5'8 and could not be shorter than that to pull off some of the taller sightings. It is not out of the question that he ould be 5'9. Regardless of wether we think he is 5'7 or 5'10, the guy has had an amazing life.
THE *TRUE* ANONYMOUS said on 14/Oct/06
dumbdude, for a guy who really thinks Stallone is 5'5" and believes everyone else is an autograph dealer just for stating his true height makes you "ye dumbass". And don't try putting words into other's mouths to twist facts just to make your point - nobody said they *solely* rely on Glenn's evidence, his word has been weighed in with every other factor just as equally. Like you, I also believe Sly to be less than 5'10", more like 5'9" - so I guess that makes me "pig-headed" too, for SIDING with you?!
You're getting pretty personal dude, I never called you names directly, I pointed out ANYONE (me included) could be pig-headed if we claim Sly's height to the exact centimeter and be conclusive about it. This site is all about opinions so just because mine doesn't agree with yours, don't go on hating.
So if our motivation is to get rich off making Stallone out to be tall, what's yours for making him short? Are you jealous because this "short" guy is rich, famous, fit, has a hot wife and you don't? You're obviously not as dumb as you make yourself out to be, clearly revealed from your last post. I know deep down you KNOW Sly's not even close to the ridiculous heights you claim so there's obviously some other alterior motive here. Maybe go to college, hit the gym, get a real job and get your "virgindude" self a real girlfriend to alleviate your need to downgrade Stallone just to boost your own "loserdude" ego. I bet you're really one of those guys who needs to wear glasses just to take a pee, LOL!
leonari said on 13/Oct/06
lifts o not : He is in unbelievable shape for a 60 year old guy! Stallone isn't short. He is plain average but since people have this super hero movie star image and they have seen him in plenty of movies where he appears almost super human. When meeting the guy in person (without lifts) somebody who expects a 6'2" guy sees this barely 5'10" guy and thinks: man he is small...and say 5'8"...5'7" .Bulls*** I say. Nothing below 5'9" for SLY. 5'9" :not short.period. Plus: I really belive he is 5'10"!!!
Zach said on 13/Oct/06
Looks a good 2inches shorter than brother frank here:
Click Here
dumbdude said on 13/Oct/06
Yes..it's pigheaded and arrogant for us to believe that Sly is shorter than 5 foot 10 dispite what his freaking shoemaker, his friends, his freaking sister, and countless other individuals who have seen him first hand have stated.
We should rely solely on Glenn's word which is not at all biased, even though he's a dealer who has made much money of of ye Sly one' autographed pictures on e-bay...*note sarcasm*
Yeah we're definitely all nutz. You and Glenn are the only peeps who got it together.
Glenn how much have you made off of Sly anyway? Come on now buddy..fess up...
Glenn said on 13/Oct/06
Thank you True anonymous and Mike.I have brought friends with me and they marvel at how tall Sly looks in person.6ft in casuals.low cut.so,5-10 minimum.
THE *TRUE* ANONYMOUS said on 13/Oct/06
When I read through this entire thread the first time around, I could clearly see a division between those who thought Stallone was short (5'8" or less) or tall (5'10" or so). That division is getting blurrier now with people like me, Mike or Brazilian Guy who support 5'9". We're getting to the point of literally arguing over half-inches and centimeters, which is getting pointless, as each and every one of us "height experts" would know that height can shift like 2cm in the day for anybody (it does for me, I've accurately measured myself in the morning and at night, almost an inch taller in the morning). And don't forget about "age".
So for any one of us who hasn't seen Sly in the flesh (including me), I don't care if you were Sly's brother's best friend or whatever, it'd be getting pretty pig-headed to claim Stallone to be 5'8", 5'9", 5'10" or whatever and be so rigid and adamant about it, having never seen the man yourself with your very own eyes. That's why to me, Glenn is the real deal-breaker to me. I'm not saying he's the end-all, be-all of Sly's height, but his observations lean my opinion away from the "short" side, although it doesn't necessarily mean Sly was tall. Glenn has seen Stallone live in the flesh not once, but DOZENS of times, has paid close attention to his footwear to accound for the lifts and reports Sly's NOWHERE NEAR the "short" side. I would trust that fella Frank as well, but sounds like many are saying his estimates weren't as reliable (and claiming Sly at 5'7" alone proves it), and sounds like he's only seen Stallone only once.
That's why I leave my estimate for Sly at 174-176cm. With age factored in, I'd even say 173-177cm.
mike said on 13/Oct/06
alright im half in the bag but seriously stallone is 5'9, hes not 5'10, because hed said he would be 5'11 or 6 even in public, but no way hes even/smaller then glenn, im sorry frank, i agree with u on some of more things then glenn (willis at 5'11 and m douglas at 5'10) but i agree with glenn stallone is close to 5'10 or was now hes 5'9, his lifts screw everyone up, seriously his footwear would have to be like 4 inches bigger then glenns in order for him to be 5'7 or barely 5'8
Zach said on 12/Oct/06
Hehe. Watch how long Sly takes to come down those steps wearing his elevators! Dont want to trip over now do we Sly ;)
Click HereAnd if you need further motivation to download the clip, theres some very pretty ladies in there ;)
Zach said on 12/Oct/06
And he was wearing those infamous black elevators at the miss italia show...
Click Here
Brad said on 12/Oct/06
"Da big guns" Munster trainers. I love it. Pathetic a guy around 60 has to wear those things. Pathetic anybody has to wear those big things. He still is 1" shorter than her in that photo. She's leaning her head
Nolifts81 said on 12/Oct/06
Bad Attitude- Miss Italia is 5'11" barefoot! That night she had at least 3 inches heels on.So miss Italia was about 6'2"with heels on and Sly(with 3 inches elevator trainers on) was only 1.5 shorter than her.The results are always that Sly can't be less than 5'9.5 (176cm)
Bad Attitude said on 12/Oct/06
Stallone isn't 5'10". Beside new "Miss Italia", which is 5'11", he looked definitely shorter. Two inches at least.
Zach said on 11/Oct/06
Chris - I think everyone on this page will agree those black trainer are 'munster trainers' or even if they dont agree with that exact term that they do add considerable height to Stallone. He's used those trainers to get to the same height as Arnold and relatively close to Hogan's height. A personal thought - I reckon they're a work of art since they're really not obvious elevators at first sight.
NoLifts81 - you could be right. I've not seen Escape to Victory and nor his shoes in there or cleats etc. I've seen almost all of Sly's other films, thats why I comment on him a lot as I reckon he's used elevators in the majority of them. Incidentally I'm a big fan of his, and Arnold for that matter as a kid growing up in the 80s they were my heroes. And he-man. And thunder cats. lol.
I've also seen most of Arnolds films. He didnt try and fool people though. In my opinion he was a solid 6'2 back then. And certainly no less than 6ft today. Probably 6'1.
Felix said on 11/Oct/06
I reallly reallly think he's 5'8 and to you others, the thing about Sly is to fool you all with his lifts, and he succedes :P
Chris said on 11/Oct/06
Black munster trainers? It dosen
vaj said on 11/Oct/06
Sly does not look 6'2 more like 5'11"-6'. Just the angle of the pic does make him look taller.
Click HereSly is wearing his black Munster trainers.
Click HereHere is another angle with Sly and Hogan next to 5'10" Mr.T leaning forward.
Click HereAnother pic with Mr.T and Hogan. This angle Hogan looks alot taller then both Sly and Mr.T which are both closer to the camera.
And Sly is wearing Huge Munster black trainers.
Click HereHere is Sly with beige Munster trainers with wife in heels.
Click HereDoes he look 6'2" next to his wife who is 6' in heels?
Click HereClick Here
Nolifts81 said on 11/Oct/06
Vaj- I've seen Sharon Stone 3 or 4 times in italian television programs next to famous italian anchormans like Corrado Mantoni or Alberto Castagna and I can assure you that with heels on she is more than 5'11", about 5'11.5, because Corrado Mantoni and Alberto Castagna are both 5'11" in shoes and she was almost 1 inch taller than them. Have you ever looked at Deniro's shoes in Casin
Height Tracker said on 11/Oct/06
dumbude's posts are worthless. Half his links don't even work anyway; great proofs buddy.
Danimal said on 11/Oct/06
Vaj, how do you then explain how Sly was looking 6'2" in shoes next to Hogan and Vince McMahon?
Brad said on 10/Oct/06
Look at those cowboy boots he's wearing. I've seen a lot of cowboys but I've never seen heels like that hoss. He must be packing 4" with ease and he's gaining on Travolta who I met and is 6' 1". If he were 5' 10" wearin' those Nudie's basics (ask any Hollywood tinsel cowboy who Nudie was) and he'd tower over JT.
Brad said on 10/Oct/06
5' 9.5 plus 3.5" Munster trainers equals 6' 1". No, his 6' wife in heels beats him by an inch or equals him in almost every photo I've seen with him wearing those things. If Sly wants cleats with height, I'm sure someone worth tens of millions can find a cobbler, maybe the one who got Burt Reynolds ready with the Mean Machine.
vaj said on 10/Oct/06
In the Specialist you say he was lift less. Many claim that Sharon Stone is 5'8" barefooted which I believe she is 5'6.5-5'7" barefooted. But if she was 5'8" she would have been 5'11"-6' in heels I believe she is 5'10" in heels. She would of made Sly look short like his wife makes he look when she is wearing heels, and in Casino shoe would of made Robert Denior look short as well.
vaj said on 10/Oct/06
THE *TRUE* ANONYMOUS says on 7/Oct/06
Vaj you keep on showing pics of Stallone being short (e.g. shorter than his wife, blahblahblah, etc...) and I'm not denying that he doesn't look short compared to his wife in heels when he doesn't have lifts, it's blatantly clear and yes, I'll agree there. Just as it's blatantly clear he can stand well over 6'+ in big lifts. It's just you choose not to accept our evidence for whatever the reason?
I can not make Sly look short he just is. Even with the aid of his large heel cowboy boots with build up inside he does not look over 6'next to John Travolta who is 6'-6'1".
Click HereSly does not look over 6' with his cowboy boots next to Ali who is 6'1.5"?
Click HereYes he can look 5'11"-6'with the aid of Munster trainers on.
Glenn said on 10/Oct/06
Thank you Zach.that was very mature of you and Im impressed.I wasnt trying to get personal,but understand why you thought that.days of fighting are behind me.at least on the Sly page.
Nolifts81 said on 10/Oct/06
Zach-Yes, in Rocky V Stallone had lifts(but is simple to put lifts inside those boots), but if you are saying that there were lifts in cleats you are wrong! I've seen a lot of time that movie, I've seen accurately the shoe: Is impossible to put lifts inside that kind of shoe(there is no room for accomodate them).I've seen also accurately his ankles and were absolutely in place!!! Zach I know that Sly wears very often lifts or elevator shoes,when you or the other member here post pics where Sly has on elevator or lifts inside the shoes I've always said that they are elevator shoes or if he has lifts inside.I am honest.But there are rare occasions where Sly is liftless and the movie "Victory" is an example.He was liftless also in "The Specialist" and in "Get Carter", but I've never had the impression that he was under 5'9.5
Zach said on 9/Oct/06
Fair enough Glenn, if you can restrain yourself from making personal comments on other individuals then I'm sure nobody will retaliate. I wont at least.
I'll try and get some screenshots of Sly wearing elevators whilst fighting on the streets in Rocky V, he'll wear lifts anywhere and everywhere.
Brad said on 9/Oct/06
Sly wears lifts in his pool
Glenn said on 9/Oct/06
Running with lifts in cleats? plus someone,I think Nolifts noticed his ankles were in place.
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 9/Oct/06
No lifts in cleats? Glenn, were talking about Sly in here!
Glenn said on 9/Oct/06
Funny Zach.I always end up sobbing.how much you wanna bet you will respond with something negative.I MADE ONE COMMENT,and you retorted extensively.couldnt keep it simple.Im not falling for your argument so you can turn it around to your favor that IM the nut.whos looking hostile now? not me.if you dont have anything positive or constructive to say,dont say it.same goes for me.to say I rip apart people cause they dont agree with me is your take on it.Frank was giving out bad height estimates.great true stories.better than mine.but not at heights.one day Ill be commended for sticking to my guns and being pretty accurate.Sly,as of at least 1990,is 5-10.go watch Victory.that was 1979 or so.5-9.5 at least in that movie.please.no lifts in cleats.
THE *TRUE* ANONYMOUS said on 7/Oct/06
"With those huge shoes he looks like 5'10-5'11" Mr.T height"
Click HereOf course when they're both crouched over in holding the trophy? Lame.
Sorry Brad, Zach and Vaj, I respect your opinions but you guys are all in serious denial here.
The man can easily appear well over 6', yes he needs munster lifts to do it, but there's no way any form of lifts can carry a 5'8" man to heights like 6'2" or even 6'1" without being called "stilts". Keep in mind too, that Hogan, even at 6'3" probably is wearing 1" heels for a gross yield height of 6'4". Stallone thus would be standing a gross yield height of 6'2".
Vaj you keep on showing pics of Stallone being short (e.g. shorter than his wife, blahblahblah, etc...) and I'm not denying that he doesn't look short compared to his wife in heels when he doesn't have lifts, it's blatantly clear and yes, I'll agree there. Just as it's blatantly clear he can stand well over 6'+ in big lifts. It's just you choose not to accept our evidence for whatever the reason?
Zach said on 6/Oct/06
Yeah well Glenn maybe I happen to believe that Sly's sister has also seen Sly, and Hogan and Goldberg and Frank - who incidentally you and YOUR arrogance drove away. Just because these guys arent posting here day and night doesnt make their view of Sly's height any less valid.
Infact all of their views on Sly's height are a million times more credible than yours. Sly's sister has obviously seen Sly barefooted, Hogan has obviously trained with him for Rocky III, sister says he's below her 5'9 and Hogan says he's max 5'8. Thats good enough for me. Add to that those who you dont believe such as Goldberg and Frank who also say he's in the 5'7 region.
Thats 4 people who've seen Sly barefoot Vs Glenn who has seen sly in shoes. Doesnt take a genius to work out who's in the right. Anyone who doesnt agree with you Glenn becomes 'narrow minded', 'arrogant','ignorant' on these boards, I think its pretty obvious who these are really applicable to.
Vaj always posts politely, he's even posted pictures of himself and people close to him and great credit to him for handling himself with humility in the face of true arrogance.
Glenn said on 6/Oct/06
I agree that he wears munsters next to people like hogan.no question.but he is still around 5-10 barefoot .6-2 in munsters.
Brad said on 6/Oct/06
Hey Vaj: Yer right: "because he wears huge munster lifts". They just don't get it. How many times does one have to say: 5' 8" plus the added height needed.
vaj said on 6/Oct/06
Let's not call each other names. You have met the guy yes. You also have been fooled by him too. He has you thinking he is 5'11" in sandles.I am good friends with someone who knows him better than you do and he still tells me Sly is only 5'8".
So I tend to believe my friend.
How do you explain the quote above He is short!! I'm 5'9', he's definitely shorter than me."
Viper652 said on 6/Oct/06
I think Hogan is Max 6-3 these days, but that group picture still puts Sly at 6-1.
Brad said on 6/Oct/06
"He looks 6' 2". This is ridiculous. The guy is 5' 8" plus 3-4 inches added tops. How many photos do you want with his 6' in heels wife? They are literally the same height. Just add: 5' 8" plus Munster/heels/lifts/etc. Hogan has dropped a few inches. Joe Namath is a perfect example. He's down a few inches plus he hunches now. Kinda shocking meeting these ex football players after they've had all that surgery on their knees. Hulk looks shorter nowadays.
Zach said on 6/Oct/06
Erm, dont get personal again Glenn, no-one can say anything to you yet you can launch at anyone and its always you who ends up sobbing.
Regarding those pics anyhow Mr T is 5'10, next to him Sly is no more than 5'11. Hogan's height is very debatable these days due to multiple surgeries. And I think its been pointed out a million times on this site that a picture of people walking proves nothing.
Regardless, it is possible with 4.5inches as his shoemaker has said above he could get to the 6ft mark. Still doesnt take away from the fact he's short.
Glenn said on 6/Oct/06
Exactly Leung.him and Zach have one track minds.sure near 5 inch lifts in low cut casuals,dress shoes,and sneakers.sure,he wears munsters.never in the 16 years I saw him.when he does,thats when he looks 6-1,6-2.
sam said on 6/Oct/06
if glenn is 5'8 doesn't this guy look like 5'11 in these photos!
megatron said on 5/Oct/06
brad stallone diggin da hole standin IN da hole! and he aint wearin lifts here
Click Here
Zach said on 5/Oct/06
Agreed Brad, theres no way Stallone has simply 2inches on his shoes, I mean normal shoes are like 1.5inches. As Rob mentions above a shoemaker years ago claimed to have made him 4.5inches taller.
I reckon those monster trainers that he has sported in recent times give him at least 4 inches. They are very well designed but we've all seen the pics where they've shot him up.
Also I think in all honesty Stallone has never - with elevators - stood at over 5'11. Posture can easily give you an inch to two inches especially for example at Sly's birthday where Arnold was hunching down.
In the denzel pic above he's literally clinging onto denzel hoisting himself up. Think of someone who's got good posture - e.g. Agassi, who himself has admitted to being in the 5'10 region. Now even when stallone had his elevators on he stood shorter than Agassi.
Leung said on 5/Oct/06
Viper652, the thing is that vaj can't explain Sly looking 6'2", he'll just deny it and say that Sly is 5'11" in his munster shoes and rehash some of his carefully selected photos.
dmeyer said on 5/Oct/06
bruce alwais look 2.5 inches smaller than arnie so 5'11 and look 184 in good shoes
Glenn said on 5/Oct/06
Brad,Sly could use 3 or 4 of your inches.then he wouldnt needs lifts.then you would be 6-1,6-2.donate it to him.
Lmeister said on 5/Oct/06
brazilian guy U are right...2 inches is only like 5 cm that is a really small difference and can be equalled out with shoes, slopes in the ground, angles...I used to think that Sly is 5'8'' and I still think he could be 5'8''...but I also agree that he can be anything in the 5'8''- 5'10'' range...5'9'' seems right...
ER. said on 5/Oct/06
Yeah. It's amazing how Sly again and again pulls of looking 6-0 or taller next to legit six-footers. Crazy.
Viper652 said on 4/Oct/06
Vaj, how do you explain Sly looking 6-2 or close to it with Hulk Hogan?
Brad said on 4/Oct/06
Reality says Sly has 3-4 inches packed on his custom made shoes/sneakers/boots. 5' 10" is laughable. He'd be 6' 1" digging that hole. Look at him. He's 5' 8". I'm not an expert on lifts. I'm 6' 5" plus another 2" today. I hate it. Sly stuffs 3-4 inches on every public appearance.
brazilian guy said on 4/Oct/06
VAJ what is you guess about sly
vaj said on 4/Oct/06
Do not be fooled, Sly obviously has more than an 1" in those white sneakers. There are more like his custom made Munster trainers to make him look 5'11". If he took off his shoes he would look alot shorter.
Click HereClick HereClick HereClick HereClick HereClick HereIn the last pick please do not tell me that Sly digged himself into a hole.
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 4/Oct/06
T T A, I have never seen that angle of the pic with Franco, Sly and Arnold. Sly looks a foot taller than franco in that pic. The angle really exagerates the height differince. Franco is short, but he is not as short as that pic makes him out to be. I believe Sly is 5'8, but he could be 5'9 It really doesn't change my world either way. I am a huge fan and always will be.
Nolifts81 said on 4/Oct/06
Sly has lifts in those white sneakers!He has at least 1 inch in those trainers, is obvious. They are bigger than the other normal trainers, this for accomodate lifts inside. However with 1 inch inside those white trainers he looks 6'0" in shoes, so about 5'10" barefoot.
Viper652 said on 4/Oct/06
Sly looks tall there, and so does Arnold. Im confused
THE *TRUE* ANONYMOUS said on 4/Oct/06
Ok guys and gals, a real gem here for y'all here so brace yerselves! Here we have Arnold (in 0.25" slips), Franco Columbo (short body-builder in magenta tank-top) and none other than good 'ol Sly in white "apparently normal" sneakers
Click HereAll men look to be in their primes, and it should be noted that Franco Columbo is about 5'4". Discuss.
Glenn said on 4/Oct/06
Thank you Jordan.and Brad,your an expert on lifts now? casuals usually have an inch inside,unless the shoe goes up the ankle a bit.believe me,I study Sly in amazement when I see him.and yes,he doesnt have the body of a short man,but of a 5-9.5 to 5-11 man.no,I dont think he is 5-11,though he can look it.
THE *TRUE* ANONYMOUS said on 4/Oct/06
Stallone with Arnold, Nicole Kidman, Clint Eastwood, Whoopi Goldberg, Gerard Depardieu
Click Here
brazilian guy said on 3/Oct/06
sly has at least 8 cms above glenn
Jordan said on 3/Oct/06
I see your opinion but you should stop coming off as sarcastic. Glenn is responsible for so many pics and if you disagree with him you should at least come off less sarcastic in your posts.
Brad said on 3/Oct/06
A 5' 8" guy can add 3.5+" and walk next to his 6' wife in heels. His casuals are stuffed with 2" lifts with a 1" heel.
vaj said on 3/Oct/06
Well Sly does not look 6'1" or 6'2" in his Munster trainers next to his wife who is 6'in heels.
Click HereClick Here
Brad said on 3/Oct/06
Vaj aces it. Right on the nose.
mike said on 3/Oct/06
It's funny how both sly and wis wife are listed at 5'9 or 5'10 but their either the same height in pictures or both are taller then one another by 1-3 inches, i agree with anonymous and brad in that if sly was a legit 5'10, his agent would put down 5'11 or 6 even, like i said earlier bumping up one inch but glenn i'm not siding with vaj or others that say sly's 5'7 to 5'8.5, i'll buy 5'9, the ONLY way to see sly's true height is a barefoot pic with him and glenn, that would settle whether he's 5'7, 5'8, 5'9, 5'10 or even 5'11 which only a couple people say he is, i actually read some people think he's 5'11 or close to it, in one article it says sly's actual height's is 5'7 to 5'11 depending on the source
Viper652 said on 3/Oct/06
It looks like his ankles are popping out.
Glenn said on 3/Oct/06
No,he is wearing casuals on the left.not much of a lift,if any at all.you still ignore when he looks 6-1,6-2.a 5-8 guy cant do that.
vaj said on 3/Oct/06
In order for Sly to look 5'11" he needs the aid of his Munster shoes.
Click HereClick Here
Brad said on 3/Oct/06
His wife at 6' in heels is taller than Sly in his 3" dress shoes. Hulk is right.
vaj said on 3/Oct/06
If Sly is wearing sandles on the right then I guess he is barefooted on the left picture.
Sly on the right looks around 5'11". Think about it, if he was that tall in sandles he would not look so short next to his wife 5'9" and 6' in her heels.
Click HereClick HereClick HereClick HereSly barefooted is 5'8"-5'8.5" max!
Glenn said on 3/Oct/06
Mike,I hate to brake it to you,but he is wearing sandles on the right.
Brad said on 2/Oct/06
Good point about his agent putting 6' down if he were a legit 5' 10".
Anonymous said on 2/Oct/06
The 5'8 max quote by Hulk Hogan was probably in shoes, in the US height is usually given in shoes and not given as a barefoot height. That would mean Stallone is 5'6.5 to 5'7 barefoot, which i think is closer to the truth.
If he was a genuine 5'10 barefoot, His agent (most likely Stallone as well) would give him a 6' height listing.
mike said on 2/Oct/06
i agree true anonymous, u and me arent pro/anti sly height, i do make an honest effort in seeking the truth, one other reason i feel he's 5'9 is because in the glenn pics, if sly is only glenn's height at 5'8 for example, his shoewear has to be about 3 inches bigger then glenn's shoewear, now i know sly's footwear is guaranteed bigger then glenn's, no question there but by how much bigger is the question?? Also the 2 height experts glenn and frank one says 5'10, the other says barely 5'8, i'll go inbetween the 2 of them, and frank said he had nothing against sly and even said hes funnier and smart in person then on tv
Glenn said on 2/Oct/06
Thanks True Anonymous.but 5-10 can look short.I know plenty of 5-11 friends that look 5-9 due to posture.surgery is possible too.
Zach said on 2/Oct/06
"5'8 max" was quoted by Hulk Hogan no less in his autobiography.
p.s. what all these *true*/*real*/*fake* anonymous business? Fair enough the real anonymous has been around a while, but the rest of you...come on! Its confusing enough as it is on Sly's height!
THE *TRUE* ANONYMOUS said on 2/Oct/06
Other pics with Burt Young in Rocky
Click HereClick HereI dunno Felix, I'm not gonna trust your photo nor even mine unless I can fully see their body posture and footwear. Guess we both need to watch Rocky again. And just for fun
Click Here
THE *TRUE* ANONYMOUS said on 2/Oct/06
Right on Mike, it just shows how those who make an honest effort in seeking the truth like us (and not being blinded by anti or pro Sly tendencies) arrive at the same conclusions. True Glenn, anything IS possible but it's just I find it hard to believe he can be a solid 5'10" when so many people have claimed to have seen him 5'8" or less (albeit exaggerated), not just one or two people but a whole slew of them. I don't think he would have had this problem as a solid 5'10". That said I trust your expertise and totally open to the possibility that he could 5'10" afterall. Someone did mention leg-lengthening surgery which isn't too far out there as some say, just do a google search on it and you'll see it's very commonly done on short women in China these days, it's not uncommon as you'd think. Felix, I'll apologise if I'm starting to come off a little arrogant myself, you also sound just as level-headed as Vaj in supporting Sly being 5'8". It's just some of those other "not so smart" jokers who are totally full of it, to the point one must question their motives. I should also be clearer - I meant short-Stallone supporters (not you) often say "Sly is 5'8" MAX, BUT I THINK HE'S SHORTER"! You and Vaj just state your 5'8" estimates and just leave it at that, no more and no less. It's not like our estimates differ by all that much either - you're saying he's 5'8"/172.5cm, I'm saying at his lowest point Stallone's probably 174cm/5'8.6", I'm NOT pipe dreaming anything like 7'1" or even 6'. But I still must caution you and everyone else that the world isn't black and white and nothing is to the perfect inch. I'm sticking with the 174cm-176cm range for Sly, which borders around the 5'9"/175cm mark like Editor Rob (who knows what he's talking about) has it, as I feel it best explains how Stallone height estimates ranging from 5'8" to 5'10" could all be accounted for.
Felix said on 2/Oct/06
THE *TRUE* ANONYMOUS - haha, not very good photos there, and I don't think he's more behind Burt or in front of him in that pic, and in Rocky 1 was a really cheap movie so some super extra tall Sylvester Stallone shots wasn't to talk about, and I don't like Sly? I love Sylvester stallone, he's great! But do I have to hate him because I belive he's 5'8 max? I've posted 4 great pictures of him looking this and I can arguee because why I think he is that height, but if you don't think he's 5'8 it's fine for me. Dream on he's maybe 7'1 some day.
Glenn said on 2/Oct/06
That makes sense True anonymous.anything is possible.but based my in person observations,which none of you can say the same, I still say 5-10.and the one guy long ago that did, besides Frank,said 5-10.5.actually as absurd as it sounds,I believe some might police celeb photos.
Viper652 said on 2/Oct/06
Im a lot more open minded that Sly could be 5-9-5-10 because of Glenn's pics, and especially the picture with Hulk Hogan where the man appears 6-1-6-2, which is nuts.
anonymous2 said on 1/Oct/06
Agree with Zach, Brad and THE REAL ANONYMOUS that he is 5'7-5'8
Anonymous said on 1/Oct/06
I have never accepted that Sly as appeared as 6'1 or 6'2 in public! the most he has appeared is as 5'10.5 to 5'11
mike said on 1/Oct/06
i really believe sly is 5'9 for several reasons 1) both of his wives claim he's that height, so i doubt he's 5'10 2) i was reading about sly and his workouts for his rocky movies and his lowest weight he claimed was 160 something i'll buy that, but for rocky 2 or 3 he said he was 200 pounds, compared to his usual 170 something, if sly was 5'7 and weighed 200 he'd look real stocky/weird/out of proportion, not many people are 5'7 200, even though the man is in incredible shape for every movie excpet copland 3) Most movie stars just add 1 inch to their heights 4) I forgot Stallone has done alot of training at alot of gyms so many people have seen him workout in his non munster/big shoes granted they didnt see him barefoot but his workout shoes should just be regular 5) i think his lift wearing makes him smaller case in point when frank saw him take off his shoes, right before he said sly was 5'11 or 6, when sly took off his shoes frank was prolly shocked that sly was smaller then he expected and maybe he shortchaged him an inch or 2, if sly just looked 5'9 to 5'10.5 in public i dont think he'd have these 5'7 claims
THE *TRUE* ANONYMOUS said on 1/Oct/06
I've just sifted through and got caught up with this entire thread and there's been lots of very interesting things said. I agree with what some said that the 5'7"/5'8" camp seem a lot more arrogant and close-minded about keeping Stallone's height low. I always see commecnts from them that go along the lines of "Sly is 5-8 MAX"! This equates to saying "I know Sly is 5'8" but I need you to see he's EVEN SHORTER"! That proves what I've said before that those people are more interested in WANTING Sly to be perceived short rather than being interested in what he REALLY is. The only level-headed guy I've seen in the short camp is probably Vaj, I trust his word and evidence from his pal Lee. After reading everything said, viewing all the pics and info, I'd say Stallone in his prime probably must have been a very legit strong 5'9", more like 176cm and quite passable for 5'10" though not quite. Although quite "average", I can see how he might have felt that height was inadequate for a big action-star celeb and felt the need to resort to elevators. Nowadays I believe he's more a strong 5'8", more like 174cm - close to but not quite 5'9" and people who'd like to see him short round down and say he's only 5'8" with those who exaggerate saying 5'7". He's NO TALLER but NO SHORTER than those two heights (see, it IS possible to swing BOTH ways - height-wise that is)! 8^P
Brad said on 30/Sep/06
Looking at that cell phone photo, I'd say 5' 7" now. I picture myself walking up to that wall and really looking down at him. Look at those pants. You could trip on the baggy bottom.
THE *TRUE* ANONYMOUS said on 30/Sep/06
Right dumbdude.. Stallone has a publicist going around the web removing pics and movies that make him look short - GET REAL! Felix, anyone can look small standing a few feet back, see how tall 5'6 Winkler looks and how small Sly looks in this pic
Click HereBut Sly's a lot taller when they're standing much closer apart
Click HereYou guys wanting to make Sly short use the lamest images
Click HereI gotta ask - do you guys who think Sly's short even LIKE Stallone? What's truly motivating your height downgrades to ridiculour levels? The man clearly ain't tall, doesn't mean he can't just be average height.
Zach said on 30/Sep/06
I'm with Real Anonymous here, Sly's in the 5'7-5'8 range. Averages out between the two extremes of 5'10 and 5'5 people are quoting too.
Glenn said on 30/Sep/06
The best way to handle dumbdude is to ignore.one or 2 of you feed into his nonsense.
Nolifts81 said on 29/Sep/06
Anonymous- Sharon Stone is 5'8+ and Sly, in that scene was exactly 1.25 taller than her. So be realistic, Stallone can't be under 5.9.5(176cm).Hey dumbdude don't influence people with your absurde estimations.And remember, elevator shoes or lifts don't do miracles!!! If Stallone appears(in certain occasions) 6'1" or 6'2" with his trainers, this means that he should be for sure close to 5'10". The maximum height increase from barefoot is 4 inches if you don't wear women zeppa.And even with 4 inches elevator custom made shoes is difficult to walk. I know too much about this things.Believe me. Stallone can't be under 5.9.5
Anonymous said on 29/Sep/06
One thing is certain, Sly is short and does wear lifts, built up shoes, high heeled boots etc on and off the screen. The shower scene with Stone makes me come to the conclusion that Stallone is a max 5'6 barefoot, the same height as Stone.
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 29/Sep/06
Welcome to the site The *True Anonymous*. I like your handle! Zac, did you notice that Sly's legs appear way shorter in that pic where he is using his cell phone in Milan. dumbdude, 5'5 is to short for Sly, I think 5'8 max and know shorter than 5'7.
Brad said on 29/Sep/06
Just look at Sly next to the tiny Kattan. It says it all. 5' 4", I'd buy it for Kattan, as well as 5' 5". Looking up to Stallone. That's short.
Viper652 said on 29/Sep/06
Even William Goldman said Sly was a minimum of 5-7 in his barefeet. So the 5-5 claims are really, really far out there.
Felix said on 29/Sep/06
THE *TRUE* ANONYMOUS - You can't look smaller than you are. and specially not Sly, that's why thoose pictures are intresting.
Anonymous said on 29/Sep/06
I do accept, that Kattan is short, he does look short on screen ... i would say around 5'4" - 5'5" barefoot max.
THE *TRUE* ANONYMOUS said on 29/Sep/06
"dumbdude, keep it coming bro."
Ya keep on piling up all that crock O' crap ... see, when you say stuff like that all you're really showing is that you WANT Sly to be perceived short rather being interested in how short/tall he REALLY is. Anyone who buys into even 1% of the crap dumbdude has spewn out must be his trusty boot-lickin' side-kick "dumberdude".
dumbdude said on 28/Sep/06
Nah Zach, I don't have it yet..I think Sly's PR reps have currently confiscated all clips..to hide ye truth from the like of ye and me :)
And sorry fellas, Katan is not even a strong 5 5 in that pic I posted of him near the height chart. He has dress shoes on and he he seems to have stolen some of Sly's notes on military posture. He's definitely closer to 5 4.
Zach said on 28/Sep/06
Thanks Real Anonymous. Dumbdude any luck with that vid clip? You seem to have a lot of screenshots!
Brad said on 28/Sep/06
Costner got caught over & over.Go to the Pitkin County records dept. and look up things under Costner. Sly is stealth. I'm sure Sly loved working by Kattan.
Anonymous said on 28/Sep/06
Kattan is no more than 5-5 barefoot, with shoes around 5-6.
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 28/Sep/06
Zach, that is a great pic of Sly you posted on his cell phone in Milan. I am guessing that window ledge behind Sly is prolly 5 feet high. You brought up a good point of his pants being baggy/long around the foot area. Im guessing the majority of his pants are taylored around 3 plus inch lifts. It is interesting that he would wear a pair of his trainers(MUNSTERS) on a popular Italian T.V. show and then wear the dress shoes some where else. I am guessing he does this to give his lower back,knees and feet a break from the rigors of wearing his lifts. Real good pics Zach. Brad, what was the inside joke about Costner and Sly? dumbdude, keep it coming bro.
George H said on 28/Sep/06
Zach, great pictures. Man, those are the most conspicuous "inconspicuous" lifts out there! rofl
Brad said on 26/Sep/06
That Jack/Sly shot is hilarious. It looks like Sly might have a phone book beneath him out of the picture. The leg length difference is wild. Eric Roberts is at the Burbank Hilton on October 14th. Just have look there.
ForensicNYC said on 26/Sep/06
"Honey,...please don't you EVER wear those high heels again..."
Click Here"All right guys, this is it!...you're ALL FIRED!"
Click Here"Oh Man!...we're in BIG TROUBLE if Sly knew we stole his shoes..."
Click Here"That's allright boys...I've got the THIRD PAIR with me...I'll lend him..."
Click Here
Anonymous said on 26/Sep/06
he does look tall in one of those pics
Zach said on 25/Sep/06
Stallone and Nicholson on a golf course (presumably wearing golf shoes)
Click Here If anyones wearing lifts its Stallone, just look at the leg length difference
Click Here Stallone has been to Italy recently...
Wearing elevator trainers even when out shopping...
Click Here Thinks he's out of sight for a quick fonecall and appears to have put on normalish shoes (notice how baggy his jeans have gotten now)
Click Here Hey italian posters, go to that hotel in Milan and measure the wall behind him ;)
Sly showing how tall his shoemaker will make him by 2020
Click Here Sly demonstrating how he was taught his 'broom up backside' military posture =S
Click Here
dumbdude said on 25/Sep/06
Did you all even look at the Roxbury picture of him next to Chris Kattan and watch that Roxbury clip that I posted?
People have stated on many occassions that he's looked shorter than 5 foot 7. We've had people on this site who have claimed to have seen Sly in person and testified to him being close to 5 foot 4!! We even have a famous shoemakers testimony, who claimed to have made Sly look 4.5 inches taller!!
Seriously do the math fellas. 5 foot 5 plus 4.5 inch lifts = 5 foot 9.5.
Factor the lifts in with Sly's extremely good posture, his naturally bulky buffed up upper body, and the convenient angles he seems to always put himself in during photo shoots and you have a guy who can look 5 10 to 5 10.5ish in pictures.
Leung said on 25/Sep/06
hey vaj, even though I don
Nolifts81 said on 25/Sep/06
Vaj- I've met in 2004 Eric Roberts in Capri(Italy). Was on Agoust and he was in sandals, mee too. We were about the same height,maybe he was 0.5 inch shorter than me. I am 5'10.25 (178cm)barefoot. So he is a weak 5'10" (177cm). That summer, in Capri, I've met also other celebrities: Armand Assante that was a good inch shorter than me so he is 5'9" and
Jean Claude Van Damme that was about the same height of Assante , maybe 0.5 taller(but he had
Nike Shox at his feet, so maybe he is no more than 5'9" barefoot).P.S. Vaj- Are you sure that James Caan is 5'8" nowadays? I've seen a lot of pics"from the Godfather"where he was a good inch, maybe 1.5inchs taller than(5'10")Marlon Brando.He has lost about 3 inches with age? Is too much! Maybe he is 5'9" in these days.
MM said on 25/Sep/06
sorry I meant there is a photo with Sly and Nicolson from the same shoot as photo 1 where Sly is much bigger.
MM said on 25/Sep/06
who says James isn't wearing lifts in the first photo? Also notice that they don't appear to be standing on a level surface in the first photo. There is another photo from the same shoot as no 2 and Sly's got a couple of inches on lift wearing Jack Nicolson...
vaj said on 25/Sep/06
Here is Mark who is 5'8", River who is also 5'8"
Click HereHere is Mark 5'8", River 5'8", and James 5'8"
Click HereHere is James 5'8" and Sly matches up evenly at 5'8"
Click HereHere is James 5'8" and Sly with obviously larger lifts to appear 5'11-6'
Click Here
vaj said on 25/Sep/06
Glenn says on 22/Sep/06
Vaj-Im not 100%,but I beleieve my friends have told me that Eric Roberts is 5-11.I know they said he isnt short.
I can understand why your friends may think Eric Roberts is 5'11". Like I have stated many times that someone who is 5'9" barefooted can appear 5'11" in shoes. Below is a good example of Eric Roberts mug shot.
Click HereNow, take away the big hair and 1.25" for shoes and he is 5'9" barefooted.
Roberts also wears cowboy boots alot so he can appear 5'11-6'
Click Here Many of my friends think I am 5'10.5"-5'11" but I am only 5'9" barefooted.
dmeyer said on 25/Sep/06
i am 182 in the morning and 180 at night but i took a 3 hours nap and i woke up at 182 cm at night but if i dont lay down i am about 180 at night

Editor Rob
that could be a 'Sly' trick...take a wee lie down every 3 hours to maintain close to optimum stature.
Anonymous said on 24/Sep/06
I'm sorry, but there is no logical way that Sly is 5' 5"-ish. If he really was that height, he wouldn't have looked as tall as he does in his pictures with glenn even WITH massive lifts. That considered, I don't see any way he can be under 5' 7".
dumbdude said on 24/Sep/06
I'm looking for one..I might see if I can download one from Direct Connect and post it on youtube for ye.
Cantstop25 said on 24/Sep/06
Wy is this guy listed at 5'9"? He does wear lifts there is no denying that however when he does he can look 6'+
Id say he is a legit 5'10"
Zach said on 24/Sep/06
Dumbdude do you have access to that Night of the Roxbury Stallone clip? I've also seen it on youtube before but wasnt aware of the heights of the two guys with stallone.
If you have the link to the video please post the link up.
dumbdude said on 24/Sep/06
Notsodumb and HelloKitty..ye truth hurts my friends.
So Mr Kattan..ye are 5 6 eh? Then how come ye look about 3-4 inches smaller than 5 6 to 5 7ish Jennifer Garner?
Click Hereand ye only look about 1.5 inches taller than 5 foot 3 Sarah Michelle Gellar..
Click HereCould it be because ye are really only about 5 4 yeself Chris? Me thinks that's the case my friend...
So what have ye to say for yerself Sly? Do ye thinks if ye increased ye posture in that picture with ye 5 foot 4 brether Chris Kattan, would ye look much taller than him?
Click HereMe thinks not Sly. Ye are indeed only around 5 foot 5ish in height. If ye were really 5 10 me friend, then we'd have to upgrade ye brether will Ferrel to be a solid 7 footer based on the pic above. However, the pictures I have provided show us that ye are definitely not 5 10, but I must admit..ye are a "Sly" one indeed with those lifts my friend.
And me brother Glenn..ye have failed Sly by letting his secret get out..Sly's PR department has been contacted..and because of ye actions, ye have been permenantely excommunicated from appearing in the presence of ye Sly one, and shall receive no more signed pictures from ye Sly one to sell on e-bay for the rest of yer days on this earth.
sf said on 24/Sep/06
These posts about Sly get funnier and funnier. Even I won't go as low as 5'4". Maayybbeee 5'4" and 1/2, though.
Just kidding.
NotSoDumbDude said on 23/Sep/06
Your royal dumbness, here's a better pic with Kattan, Sly and Ferrell all standing equal distance from camera:
Click HereSly towers over Kattan.
I believe I've seen the full "Night At The Roxbury" clip with Sly in it somewhere on
Click Here check it out and and you'll clearly see Sly way taller than Kattan in most of the shots, not like in some obscure frame where Kattan's way closer to the camera and Sly is bent at the legs!
Sly at 5'6 or shorter is pure idiocy. The only thing that needs a downgrade is dumbdude's IQ and credibility in knowing celeb heights, which he clearly knows nothing about.
HelloKitty said on 23/Sep/06
Dumbdude, Chris Kattan is 5'6-5'7 and what you didnt account for is that he maybe wearing lifts making him 5'9-5'10. In that pic Stallone may not be wearing lifts (as someone else pointed out he doesn't always wear them) so he is 5'9-5'10, standing next to Chris who is 5'9-5'10 with lifts and thick heeled shoes.
Daniel said on 23/Sep/06
I saw Stallone in Philadelphia filming one of the Rocky movies. He was in Rittenhouse Square. I was shocked to see how short he was. He was wearing boots with what looked to be about 3" heels. And was talking to two women who seemed to be about 5' 6". He was standing at a 45 angle to them and leaned his head foreward a slightly then turned his head sideways to look up at them. He looked about half a head shorter.
It reminded me of a move many short people make to lay the excuse for looking up at someone on the fact that they are leaning foreward. Check out Bob Dylan on the Traveling Willburys album. Same thing.
Stalonne is probably about 5' 4".
Glenn said on 23/Sep/06
Thanks Nolifts.how ya been? I only speak the truth Jordan.that joker is wasting space.
Cobra said on 23/Sep/06
Something went wrong... the fan is 174 cm. Not Sly. Sly is more like 5ft9,5 to 5ft10
dumbdude said on 23/Sep/06
And ye can call me dumb for the double post and forgetting to delete text at the bottom of it..but ye cannot call me dumb when it comes to knowing celeb heights..I ask ye all..who is the real dummy? Me..or ye who have been deceived? Rob me friend..it is time for a downgrade...
dumbdude said on 23/Sep/06
Now do ye believe Zach?
And this be another killer friend Zach..Kattan is probably really only about 5 foot 4..as you can see in this pic, he's about an 1 inch shorter than the 5 foot 6ish Ellen Degeneres..
Click HereAnd he looks to be about 3 inches shorter than the 5 7ish Gwenneth Paltrow
Click HereAnd well..Selma Hayek has never be known to have a physically imposing stature has she?
Click HereSo where does this put Sly at my friends, well if Kattan is really closer to 5 4..then based on this pic..
Click HereSly really cannot be anymore than 5 5..which is what ye brether dumbdude had originally posted him as being many posts ago..
What say ye Sly? I think it's time for ye to dance and get closer to the camera during the Roxbury skit so ye looks taller..
Click HereThe End
5 5..and what did ye brother dumbdu
MM said on 23/Sep/06
look at Kattan compared to Ferrell - Does Kattan honestly look almost 12 inches shorter than Ferrell?!? - NO - I think that Kattan's footwear and the postures and the angles are all very suspect.

Editor Rob
indeed, as mentioned before, kattan is closer, and they are in god knows what part of their 'routine', sly looks as if he's doing the hokey kokey...not a good pic to 'prove' anything
Zach said on 23/Sep/06
Crikey dumbdude I take back what I said...thats some good stuff there. Given Sly's slight bend in the knee, think it again shows Sly in the 5'7/8 range i.e. his true height.
MM said on 23/Sep/06
Have a look at the position of Kattan's feet compared to Sly...also what shoes is Kattan wearing? You can't see either of their feet in what is already a very deceiving shot.
dumbdude said on 23/Sep/06
This be the killer my friends...
Here's a bio taken from Chris Kattan's Website at
Click Here , it gives the following stats on Katan:
Chris Kattan General Physical and family info:
Birth weight... "38 pounds"
Eye color... blue
Mother... Hajni - Hungarian and a former model
Father... Kip King (Jerome) - voice of Tailor Smurf and an original Groundling
Stepfather... psychotherapist and marriage counselor
Siblings... half brother, Andrew
Height... 5'6
Now once again, here's the 5 6 Katan next to Sly.
Click HereWhy the hell does a 5 6 Kattan, look like he has a few centimeters on the 5 10 Sly? Because Sly ain't 5 10 ya f*ckwits!! He's about 5 6, maybe shorter..as I've stated before!!
Ye all have been deceived by lies. I'm glad that I have had a chance to reveal the truth to ye. I will pray 4 the blinders to be taken from your eyes, and I will also pray that Glenn will no longer be able to deceive ye so he can receive kickbacks from Sly's PR Department, or get another signed picture from Sly that he can sell on e-bay.
Take care my brothers.
nick said on 23/Sep/06
Also i have seen miss italia...and i'm italian...realy carlo conti is at least 173-4 cm....and with normal shoes 177 cm....sylvester was i'm sure...almost 6 or 7 cm more than carlo conti...so he appeared 184 cm with elevator shoes....i can't belive how he can walk with 7-8 cm shoes....and of course i have seen sly also 15 yeras ago when he was in venice,i met him in a restaurant..i am 6ft....1.80cm...he had normal shoes maybe without nothing and he was almost 5 cm shorter than me....so he is of course not more...not less than 175cm
Cobra said on 23/Sep/06
No way Weathers is just 5ft9 or 5ft10. Carl was clearly over 6ft.
Here is a pic from a fan, its from Rocky Balboa, the guy said to me he is 174 cm, a weak 5ft9.
Click Here
Mr. E said on 23/Sep/06
The fact that Stallone claims 5'9" is suspect. Stallone paired himself in Rocky movies with muscular "short" actors. The Raiders claimed Carl Weathers was 5'10" probably 5'9", it's the NFL) and Mr. T probably 5'9" at best....Sly most likely is 5'8", and I'm being generous......
Glenn said on 22/Sep/06
Vaj-Im not 100%,but I beleieve my friends have told me that Eric Roberts is 5-11.I know they said he isnt short.
Nolifts81 said on 22/Sep/06
I've just seen in TV "Miss Italia 2006" and Sly Stallone was the "giury president". The anchorman is Carlo Conti who is for sure 5'10". Conti had classic dress shoes with 1 inch of heel, so he was 5'11" with shoes on. Sly was 2 inches taller than him! So Sly was 6'1" with his trainers on. I've seen in a very accurate way his shoes and I think that they can accomodate 2 inches of lifts inside max. So 1.25 inch of exterior heel +2 inches inside=3.25 of total height increase. So, Stallone should be, for sure, close to 5'10"! I've seen also his walk and seemed good not as the walk he has when he wears 4 inches elevator shoes(I am referring at the shoes he had on at his 60
Jordan said on 22/Sep/06
Thanx man--you craked me up with your last comment. Thanx again lol
Zach said on 22/Sep/06
Dumbdude - I have to agree with the others, you're going a little ott.
I think he's having a laugh to be honest. I mean no-one can realistically expect to be taken seriously if they call themselves dumbdude!
Glenn said on 22/Sep/06
Jordan-you have the mental capacity of a 30 year old male probably.the other an infantile 3 year old.
Jordan said on 21/Sep/06
I understand at 17 i'm young compared to most people on this site. I hate to say it BUT TO SAY STALLONE IS 5'6 CLEARLY PUTS YOU AT A LEVEL OF INSANITY.
anonymous2 said on 21/Sep/06
can't see footwear but here's one
Click Here
Brad said on 20/Sep/06
Low cut Converse in the 70's (or now) has no place to hide much lift. Throw up some Converse shots.
megatron said on 20/Sep/06
dumbdude ur on crack!
Glenn said on 20/Sep/06
Good point about the converse.
Anonymous said on 20/Sep/06
in a lot of scene in rocky he wears converse
Glenn said on 20/Sep/06
2 people this week posted meeting Owen Wilson at near 5-11.
ForensicNYC said on 20/Sep/06
"How many times will I tell you...I am 5'9"!!!...I AM 5'9"!!!"
Click Here"I don't buy it Sly...you must be taller than that!!!..."
Click Here"But if I wear my lifts too...you're in big (or small) trouble, baby..."
Click Here
HelloKitty said on 20/Sep/06
Only those who met Stallone in person can judge his true height and/or suspect if he wears lifts/height enhancing shoes? Does anyone know if Stallone has ever been asked if he wears lifts (on a talk show or interview)? Or has he ever denied wearing lifts when asked? Last question for the day, who is this dumbdude?
Chris said on 19/Sep/06
You must be so tired of this Glenn. Most of us in here go by your experiences, you would know. Keep it up.
Glenn said on 19/Sep/06
Burt is 5-8 cause I MET HIM.unlike the rest of you.like you, I thought he was smaller too.nope.and if this shoemaker was paid millions,then why is bragging? thats not too hush,hush for Slys paranoia.
Zach said on 19/Sep/06
There's one guy - who might be reading this - and is someone who could potentially be VERY wealthy. And thats Sly's current shoemaker.
In all honesty, I dont think anyone would suspect at first or even second glance those black trainers of his to be elevators. Nothing like those massive lady like heels he used to wear back in the 80s. Even the likes of Tom Cruise havent come up with as subtle footwear as Sly's.
Maybe Sly has patented this shoemaker, reserved him only for himself. Or given Sly's obvious paranoia regarding his short stature I wouldnt be surprised if this guy wasnt being paid millions already ;)
Glenn said on 19/Sep/06
Amen to that Nameless.after meeting DMX and Kurt Cobain,I think certain inividuals heights are hard to pin down.we will never know the truth.but my hunch is 5-10.and these other guys are arrogant without ever meeting the guy!
dumbdude said on 19/Sep/06
How the hell does Burt Young now get a 5 8 rating Glenn?!!! Even if he is upgraded to 5 8, that would Still put Sly at 5 7 at best. 3 inches under your initial claim of him being 5 10ish!! Come on Glenn, I know how much you like Sly and all, and I'm sure he's a nice guy who signs a bunch of autographs that can be sold on e-bay, but the dude ain't no more than 5 7 tops..and even that's pushing it. 5 6 is probably closer to his real height range. And Rob please post this. I'll got yo back man!! Glenn ain't gonna hurt ya..:)
Nameless said on 19/Sep/06
Glenn is right - the 5'7/5'8 camp are pretty close-minded people. Although the Megatron guy can't spell if his life depends on it, he said something very intelligent - that height isn't always black or white or to the EXACT inch. Infact, most the time it probably isn't. Is it so hard to believe Sly can perhaps be 0.5" or so over or under 5'8 or 5'9? Especially with so many variables like age, time of day when heights are measured, is the person Sly's compared with to the exact inch, their footwear, what they're standing on, posture, camera angle, etc...? The 5'9/5'10 camp have been open to 5'8.5 but the 5'7/5'8 guys treat it like an exact science and also have some sort of obsessive fascination in preserving their precious low height numbers, as if they're trying to keep some sort of secret myth or legend about Sly's height alive or something. The truth of the matter is, NOBODY here REALLY knows for sure what Sly's true height is or was and probably never will, so don't go off being high and mighty, like you know FOR SURE what his height is to the exact millimeter and make it out to be the end all, be all ...
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 18/Sep/06
Zach, that snake must have swallowed one of those low cut shoes that Glenn keeps talking about.
Glenn said on 18/Sep/06
Again Burt young is 5-8.and I clearly remember Sly being taller watching the movie.not studying stills.
Zach said on 18/Sep/06
Vaj - thats a great pic you got of Sly's black munster trainers below, one of the clearest.
Click Here More interesting still - and peculiar - is when you zoom in...his ankle appears to be so high, almost like his foot is going in vertically into his shoes lol Have a look, I've circled it in red...
Click Here A snake after it trapped and swallowed one of Stallone's shoes
Click Here
Brad said on 18/Sep/06
Tell that to the Hulk. At 5' 10" plus those Munster things he'd be 6' 1". That's just a laugher. At 5' 10" he'd be taller than Burt Young by a few inches in every shot. He'd be taller than 6' in heels Flavin in every shot. He's a 5' 8" guy piling it on with lifts/boots/heels.
Brad said on 18/Sep/06
Yeah, Forensic gets off a good one with King. Yes, King was 6' 1" at MGM Vegas when I saw him 10 years ago. Hansen has Sly burned by 4 inches and is shorter than "Only In America" King.
Glenn said on 18/Sep/06
Frank also swore Colin Farrel was 5-8.when he looks 5-11 to me.so no smaller than 5-10.I dont undestand you guys sometimes.I WAS JUST DONE EXPLAINING that I met Katie many times in high heels and that she is 5-10 in them.yet,you want to assume and as always look at things your way only.the people that think Sly is 5-9,5-10 are open to the possibility of him being short.you 5-7,5-8 crowd are never open and are surprisingly stubborn and blind.
ForensicNYC said on 18/Sep/06
Click HereAbout as tall as DON KING who is 6'1" these days
Click Here
Brad said on 17/Sep/06
Inside lifts. At Starcon in Denver promoting Vampire he was wearing these black shoes that had him on a weird walk like he was tip-toeing. He never needed to be there at a Holiday Inn talking to a few hundred people so I give him A+ for being a good guy. What he does in Hemet California at the Scientology area 51 is what legends are made of. Did Katie convert?
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 17/Sep/06
Zach, the Tom/Katie article was excellent. Sly could probably fill us in on how Cruise made it to 6'. Sly is 5'8.
mike said on 17/Sep/06
hey can someone tell me when goldberg supposedly saw sly barefoot?? and sly can look 6 feet theres no question but anything past that i doubt, and the frank story hum.... frank said sly was his height or 6 even with his big boots then when he took them off he was way shorter, and frank swears hes nowhere near 5'10, maybe sly's def not 5'10, but maybe he is in fact 5'9, maybe frank exaggerated a bit, because he saw a big drop in height and the photos with glenn, maybe sly has "bigger, higher" footwear to look 5'11
Felix said on 17/Sep/06
MM - Well he could have lifts, but I think if they make Rocky like 2 inches taller than Burt in all other scenes it's impossible for him to wear lifts in that scene.
Stallone HAS to wear those Converse shoes. Sylvester is 172cm.
the shredder said on 17/Sep/06
i know im a little , but happy birthday rob !!! ... buy the way HOW THE HELL HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN ? ... sorry to hear about mr larry .
Glenn said on 17/Sep/06
Katie is 5-10 in heels.just cause someone has heels on,excuse me, a woman,it doest mean they are the extra full 4 inches equavilant of the heel.someone on the site explained it perfecty the other day.not in my laymans terms.
Zach said on 16/Sep/06
And for all those who reckon that a 5'7/8 guy cant get to six feet...
Click Here "But on the red carpet at the L.A. premiere of "M:i:III" the other night, Tom and Katie were
Brad said on 16/Sep/06
Burt is a little Italian New Yorker. Burt has never been 5' 10" in anything except stepping on a NYC phone book in his duplex. There is hardly 2" heels on those Flavin shoes in most of those shots, it is 3" always. Viper gets off a ripper. Shecky Greene in his prime.
MM said on 16/Sep/06
who says Burt has never worn lifts?
Brad said on 15/Sep/06
He's not 5' 10". He'd be 2-3" taller than Burt Young and always taller than his 5' 9" plus 3" heel wife in every photo. He's always 1" shorter than her.
MM said on 15/Sep/06
People keep comparing Sly to other celebs including his wife - however in 90% of the photos the extent of her heels aren't shown - in the rest of the photos the angle is usually strange or they are walking (meaning you can't compare them) - furthermore when looking at him with other celebs it is likely these others are wearing lifts. Everyone in Hollywood wears lifts to some extent and this makes it almost impossible to pin down an exact height. About 5 years ago Sly was at the gym I go to here in London - and I was there for about an hour at the same time as him (his wife was there too) - he's about 5'10" certainly no less than 5'9.5" -he was even wearing the same trainers as me and his ancle was in the right place!
vaj said on 15/Sep/06
Thanks megatron,
You do not need to apologies you seem pretty cool guy yourself.
Viper652 said on 15/Sep/06
Megatron, stay in school man!!!
dmeyer said on 15/Sep/06
dot forget his wifr is 5 9 and with 3 to 4 inches looke 5 11 6 0
megatron said on 15/Sep/06
stallones sis never said he wuz shorter then 5-9 she jus laughed at question.hulk hogan was too tall to judge sly accurate.goldman is a tabloid reporter guy after dirt..and frank downgrades everyone by 2inches...you forgot to mention both his wives said 5-9....
megatron said on 15/Sep/06
yo vaj i admit i wuz da guy few months ago who asaid u were prolly jealous of sly need to hit da gym and get a hott girl... i didnt know u so well back then and thoguht you were maybe soundin like a goof like the dumbdude guy..but u seem to keep it real man total respects. sincere apologys.. i too agree wit all the guys who say sly is 5-9 min tho.. i wont disregard what yer bud sez that ur more taller then stallone but diff may not be much like only .5inch.sly could be smaller then 5-9 but not by mush.. guessin U at 5-9.25 wit sly at 5-8.75......
Zach said on 15/Sep/06
And so you should be Real Anonymous.
When Stallone's own sister, Hulk Hogan, Goldman and Frank all see barefeet Stallone at the 5'7/8 mark thats what he is folks.
We've all seen his footwear, this man can never be trusted with anything on his feet.
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 15/Sep/06
Vaj, as usual good work. I am more convinced now than ever that Stallone is 5'8.
Felix said on 15/Sep/06
Check this out guys,
Click HereSly has Converse shoes, and Burt has regular shoes...I dunno, Burt maybe get 0,5-1 cm on Sly no more!.
vaj said on 15/Sep/06
With all due respect I believe Woody Harlodson would know if he was 5'11" but yet on his driver license he has 5'9".
In the Movie (I SPY) Owen Wilson asked Eddie Murphy to describe him and Eddie said "white man blond hair and 5'9" rent it and you will hear yourself.
I bet if you met Eric Roberts he would also appear 5'11" to you.
Click HereTake away the big hair and an 1.25" for shoes and he is around 5'9"
trust me I get that alot myself.
HelloKitty said on 15/Sep/06
Vaj, wow those pics just threw me into a tail spin and more confused than ever! The pic below shows Stallone shorter than Hogan versus the pic where they are raising Hogan's arms in the air. I think Vince once said he's 6'2 and his height page speculates that he might wear lifts. If that's the case, in this pic Hogan is 6'4-6'5 (wearing flat dress shoes), McMahon at 6'3, and Stallone at 6'0 to 6'2. It's so confusing, maybe one day (if we're lucky) we can all meet Stallone in person and judge for ourselves how tall he is, lifts or no lifts.
Click Here
Brad said on 14/Sep/06
Burt is 1" taller than Stallone? Oh my gawd. Yeah, close in height with Hulk and the Hulkster says he's 5' 8". That doesn't make sense. I'm trying to figure out how Glenn 5' 8" is shorter than Stallone who is the same height as Burt 5' 7" Young in '75. It just doesn't make sense. Woody is 5' 9". I saw a taping of "Cheers". I always thought he was taller. Danson had a bad hairpiece on the back of his head & Shelly looked like everybody hated her. Where is a Woody/Stallone side by sider?
Glenn said on 14/Sep/06
Burt is 5-8.
Glenn said on 14/Sep/06
Every time I saw Woody he was 5-11.lifts or not.
vaj said on 14/Sep/06
The reason Sly looks tall next to Glenn is he is obvioulsy wearing large lifts to look 5'11". Hulk Hogan is wearing a black bandana which gives the illusion he is even shorter and Sly is wearing his black 3" Munster trainers that can lifts him up to 5'11" with military poster can look 6'. I am even more shocked on how Hogan looks closer to 6'1" Macmahn the wrestler.
Click HereClick HereClick HereCheck out how far up from the ground his shoes are!
Click HereWith the help from the shoes Sly looks the same height as Mr.T
Click HereThen I guess his wife is 6'3"-6'4"
Click HereClick HereAnd I guess 6'1.5" Ali is 6'5" then.
Click Here
Brad said on 14/Sep/06
If Deniro is 5' 9" and Sly has about an extra 1" of heel/lifts etc. in that photo, I'd say 5' 8" is accurate for Sylvester Stallone. Anybody have any downloads of Chuck Zito and Sly? He shoulda have been a ring enemy for Rocky. Vincent Pastore & Frankie Vincent included in the cast.
Felix said on 14/Sep/06
Brad - I got pictures where we se Burt Young and Sylvester Stallone is standing and you'll se their footwear and Burt is like 1 inch taller than Sylvester.
Viper652 said on 14/Sep/06
Actually, isnt Burt Young closer to 5-6? Vaj I do agree that Owen is closer to 5-9.
vaj said on 14/Sep/06
If Owen is 5'11" why is the same height as 5'9" Woody Haroldson?
Click HereClick HereClick HereAnd why was Owen and I the same height?
Brad said on 14/Sep/06
You look at that Burt Young photo, you read what Hulk says, etc. and then you see a post "he can look 6' 2" and you want to laugh. It is so ridiculous. Burt freaking 5' 7" Young head to head with Rocky.
Viper652 said on 14/Sep/06
Maybe Sly got the surgery Brad.
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 14/Sep/06
Heightdetective, that was a great pic of Sly and Deniro. The full shot is revealing in that it exposes the heel on Sly's shoe being thicker than Deniro's. That shoe as alot of room to add a serious lift in it, as it reaches Sly's ankle. We all know what goes on in Sly's shoes when he has that much room in them to work with. How tall is Chuck Wepner as he is seen dwarfing my Italian brothers SLy and Deniro?
Glenn said on 14/Sep/06
Misspellings and typos are fine here.Im the king of that here.especially when you type fast and your tired.I still say Owen is close to 5-11.Chris Rock and Burt might be 5-10 if standing straight,but appear 5-9 at times.height is a very intrigueing thing.people have funny spine tricks,ala DMX.

Editor Rob
the DMX EFFECT, it is a real and worrying problem. Maybe Romero does suffer from it too...I know for a fact brian blessed has it
Nolifts81 said on 14/Sep/06
Anony you are correct on all! Sly is 5.9.5(176cm) as I've always said. One thing I have to say: Burt Reynolds is 5'10" barefeet but , in public he wears costantly 3/4 inches elevator shoes. This explain that pic with the almost 6'1" Jimmy Carter. Is obvious that Reynolds had lifts in his shoes in that pic and Sly was liftless next to Jimmy Carter.Vaj- I respect you but I remember that Sly's sister laughed when someone told her that his brother was 5'9", but she never said that his brother is shorter than her.There are multiple interpretations of that laugh, I think. dumbdude- Do you remember Frank2? He used to downgrade heights for almost 2 inches, but he was a very respectable person.I think that you downgrade heights for 4 or 5 inches. Jimmy Carter 5'9"? He is almost 6'1";Sly Stallone 5'5"? He is at least 5'9"(I am sure he is 5'9.5)Robin Williams isn't 5'5 but is 5'7" nowadays, and I am sure he was close to 5'8" at his peak(in that pic with Jimmy Carter,0,0); Sharon Stone is at least 5'8", she says that she is 5'8.5 and I believe her!!! she looks that height.In the shower scene Stallone is about 1.25 taller than her. You have big problems with heights estimations or you are just kidding, maybe... and we are loosing our time reading your posts and giving you attention. I am totally agree with Anony, not agree about Vaj's point of wiew but I respect him!
Brad said on 14/Sep/06
The Sly/Burt Young photo is another killer. If Sly is looking 6' 1" these days, he sure got some height in the 80's. Better ask his sister again.
vaj said on 14/Sep/06
Anony says on 14/Sep/06
Glenn and Danimal are both right, Sly has time and time again stood 6'2 to 6'3 in lifts, here's a great example:
Click HereWhy don't you use your angle camera theory on that pic?
Sly does look 6'2"-6'3" with wife here?
Click HereClick HereNot even in cowboy boots Sly looks 6'2"-6'3"
Click HereClick HereHere is Sly with wife not looking 6'2-6'3" what happend? And take alook at his shoes on the back they go up higher than normal shoes indicating lifts inside so his heels does not slip out. That how he fools many people thinking he has low cut shoes.
Here is another example of his famous low cut shoes. Again look at the side and back are higher than normal shoes.
Click HereClick HereClick HereNope still does not look 6'2"-6'3"
Click HereThis is funny he's wife even bens alittle to while Sly straights himself to try to get ever inch he can.
Click HereWell I have tried every angle even Sly closer to the camera and he is still shorter than wife with his lifts on.
Click Here
HelloKitty said on 14/Sep/06
Anony, Tom Cruise has never come close to looking 6feet, with his boots (again I don't know if it has ever been verified that he wears lifts) he struggles to hit 5'8 and all pictures with him (wearing dress boots) and Katie, he still comes up a couple of inches short. I'm sure Tom Cruise is shorter without his boots. Tom is the only A-List celebrity that I met in person and can say he never will hit the 6foot mark in real life, but maybe only on the silver screen or (the plasma). With special height enhancing shoes he may reach 5'9-5'10.
That pic with Stallone, Katan, and Farrell on Saturday Night Live is a tv still and we can't see past their thighs.
Viper652 said on 14/Sep/06
Dumbdude is really dumb.
Zach said on 14/Sep/06
Vaj does have a point. I think some people are forgetting what heights people very close to Stallone have said he is.
Sure Glenn says he's seen Sly at whatever height in shoes. But as someone else pointed out below there are more credible sources:
Slys 5'9 sister has said he's shorter than her. And obviously she'd know better and would have seen him barefeet.
Hulk Hogan's Autobiography - "STALLONE IS MAXIMUM 5'8". Hulk Hogan would've spent much time with Sly training and practising with him for Rocky 3 and generally over the years. He's also been a great friend of Stallone for those who might throw 'shortening propaganda' accusations at Hogan too.
As Rob mentions above, Goldberg says he saw Stallone at 5'7, as did Frank although some may not believe these two for whatever reason.
Infact NO ONE who's seen Sly barefeet thinks he's 5'10 - not even his two wives who apparently have quoted him as being 5'9.
Going by what Stallones own sister (below 5'9) and Hogan (max 5'8) says which also correlates to a certain extent with what Goldberg and Frank saw its very likely Stallone hovers around the 5'8 mark.
vaj said on 14/Sep/06
I am the one name calling? All I typed was that you are full of excuses which I misspelled fool and I do apologize.
You said that I stepped out of kindergarten class and that I am a fool. That is fine if you want to try to insult me just b/c I believe Sly is 5'8" barefooted.
You do not know me, someone tried that here before saying I was probably jealous of Sly and that I might be short myself and that I should hit the gym and try to get a hot girlfriend.
That was the only reason I posted a pic of myself and my beautiful girlfriend to prove I do not bulls***!
You even stated that I may not be sure of my own height? Now do you understand why I say you are full of excuses. Well, that is funny b/c I do know my own height I am 5'9" barefooted and weigh 180lbs. and muscular. In shoes I stand around 5'10.5" and even look 5'11" with my hair.
You even said that Lee needs glass that he probly cannot tell if Sly is 5'8". Well what about Sly's own sister who is 5'9" and claims that Sly is shorter than her? Do you think she knows her own brother, or what is your excuse this time?
I posted this pic before which is a good example of a 5'9"er looking 5'11".
Click HereHere is Woody and Owen Wilson who are also 5'9"ers and get listed as 5'10"-5'11" in shoes. I met Wilson in Dallas and we were the same height.
Click HereThis mugshot and lisences of Woody proves he is 5'9"
Click Here Click Here Even Glenn as said Burt Reynolds looked 5'9" to him and Chris Rock as well, ask him. Sure Burt and Chris can appear 5'10-5'11" in shoes.
When I met Agassi I stood the same height as Sly next Agassi but I did not wear 3" Munster trainers.
Click HereYou only use height close to the cameras and different angles when Sly is short. Why don't you use the same when he looks taller?
I think Sly is 5'8" barefooted and it is your right to also believe he is 5'9+.
I think it is best if we stay away from each other.
Glenn said on 14/Sep/06
Thats the only thing you said that makes sense dummie.body types and posture.very true.it applies to Sly to a point.when he wants to be 6-1.
Glenn said on 14/Sep/06
Why does Rob even let dumbdude post? sure 4.5 lifts in constant 16 years seeing him in low cut casuals,dress shoes,sneakers and sandles.you cant fit that kind of a lift inside footwear like that.if thats even true,when he does where lifts like that,thats when he looks 6-2.
dumbdude said on 14/Sep/06
Excellent pics Zach. Sly looks about an inch smaller than the alleged 5 7 Sharon Stone and the 5 7 Burt Young in those pics. I think this site is full of socks who are really just PR people for Sly. :)
dumbdude said on 14/Sep/06
Okay..okay. I'll be generous and give Sly an extra inch and let him be 5 6 and that's my final answer. No bigger than that. When he puts on the 4.5 inch lifts, he can look about 6 feet sometimes because of his extremely good posture, and because of the angles that he usually positions himself in. Now anyone want to explain to me why a "5 9" Sly looks no larger than the 5 6 Kris Katan..
Click Here
Lmeister said on 14/Sep/06
the 5'5'' to 5'7'' comments are utter crap. Ok Sly could be 5'8'', but I think that he is more like 5'9''. Don't remember who, but someone pointed out that guys who are 5'7'' for instance Tom Cruise never look tall. Sly can look tallish so he really cannot be 5'7''...5'9'' is really accurate in his 20's he could have been 5'10''...Usually guys state their peak height...
leonari said on 14/Sep/06
dumbdude: yeah one question: what are you smoking??
Anony said on 14/Sep/06
So Vaj, I'm a "fool of excuses" am I?
Typical - can't win an argument so resort to the name-calling are we? Did you just step out of kindergarten class where they taught you 5+9 = 5.8?
This coming from a man who just said:
"Sly and Robin are short and I do not care what angle you look at it from."
Well after you're done sucking your thumb, ponder these famous quotes:
"The fool who knows he is a fool is already wise; the fool who thinks he is wise is definitely a fool." - Dhammapada: 63
"Only a fool knows for sure, a wise man keeps on guessing." - African proverb
"Never argue with a fool. Someone watching may not be able to tell who the fool is." -Anonymous
And on that note I'll step aside to let the *REAL* FOOL continue on with his Sly shortening propaganda before others might start mistakening ME for a fool.
Glenn said on 14/Sep/06
The short sightings are when Sly is liftlessand 5-9+,people see that and exaggerate.
Anony said on 14/Sep/06
Glenn and Danimal are both right, Sly has time and time again stood 6'2 to 6'3 in lifts, here's a great example:
Click Here
Anony said on 14/Sep/06
No Vaj, of course you don't want to compare the pic with Sly and Claudia Schiffer, the truth is just too hard for you to swallow. Yes, I've seen those doctored versions where Sly was blown up to appear bigger but that was done by some cheap amateurs on the we for whatever the hell the reason (you could just tell by how poorly done they were): e.g.
Click HerePlus they were clever in hiding the feet as they knew full well it
Height Detective said on 13/Sep/06
Full shot of Sly and DeNiro
Click Here
Brad said on 13/Sep/06
6' 3" in shoes next to the hulkster?. This is just getting to be hilarious. The guy is literally the same height as Robin Williams next to that interview guy. Can you imagine the hulkster next to Robin Williams? Hulk could put his freaking head under his armpit. That Carter/Sly & Williams/Carter comparison is the best judge of Sly's height.
leonari said on 13/Sep/06
dumbdude: the name fits you... So everybody is 5'5" right? SLY, TOM;ROBIN...man you are insane
Zach said on 13/Sep/06
The old question begs itself again and again...how are the short sightings explained? Only one answer - the guy is short. Not 5'10, not even 5'9.
Sly towering a good 3inches over 5'7 Sharon Stone
Click Here ...not.
Sly towering over 5'7 Burt Young
Click Here oops, not again.
Sly towering over 5'8 DeNiro
Click Here Oh dear.
The guy is 5'8 max.
Glenn said on 13/Sep/06
Did you know dumdude I saw this Sly maybe 30 times in front of my face looking 6ft in low cut shoes?since 1990.
Brad said on 13/Sep/06
Just killer that photo of Williams and Carter. Williams is 5' 7" tops. Sly is 5' 8". What a great compare set of photos.
dumbdude said on 13/Sep/06
More proof of a 5 5 - 5 6 Sly..
The dude in the pic is actor Al Banderio next to a 5 4ish Billy Joel, he's about 5 6 on a good day.(probably closer to 5 5)
Click HereHere is Banderio next to Sly
Click HereAny questions?
dumbdude said on 13/Sep/06
I think Glen is on Sly's PR department payroll!! Bwahahaha.... He probably gets a couple grand each time he references the 5 5(5 6 tops!!) Sly being 5 9...
Danimal said on 13/Sep/06
The REAL ANONYMOUS, he CAN look 6'2". Today Hulk Hogan is down to about 6'3"-6'3.5" and Sly was MAX 2" shorter than him. Take into account that Hogan was wearing MAX 1" heels that day, which would have brought him up to 6'4"-6'5" (MAX), Sly would have been 6'2"-6'3" in his shoes, which is INSANE, but that's what it was!!
vaj said on 13/Sep/06
Great pic dumbdude!
That is a great comparison with 5'7" Robin Williams and 5'8" Sly comparing to Jimmy Carter.
Glenn what do you think happened with Sly? In low cuts shoes or barefooted b/c he does not look any where 5'10-6'?
Forget the excusses those pictures obviously can tell both Sly and Robin are short and I do not care what angle you look at it from.
dumbdude said on 13/Sep/06
Good point about the perspective bit. Both Sly and Williams are posing in front of Carter..to make themselves look taller. Both look about the same height up against Carter. So I'm guessing they are about the same height.
dumbdude said on 13/Sep/06
Glen I'm 5 8 same height as you and I've got a lanky body type. I've seen pictures of myself up against 6 ft dudes. In many pics I don't look more than 2 to 3 inches smaller. In some pics I've even looked the same height. A 5 8 guy can look 6 feet very easily in pictures. Depending on what type of body type he has, and how good his posture is.
dumbdude said on 13/Sep/06
I'm thinking this Jimmy Carter guy must be the master of lifts as well..here he is next to 5 5.5 5 6ish Robin Williams. He looks only about 2 inches taller.
Click HereDoes anyone think that Sly and Robin are the same height?
Click HereI do too...:)

Editor Rob
in a lot of photos the perspective has to be considered, which can magnify or reduce real height differences...
here, this pic hasn't been shown for a while:
the two pens in this series of photos below are identical heights:
dumbdude said on 13/Sep/06
I'm thinking this Jimmy Carter guy must be the master of lifts as well..here he is next to 5 5.5 5 6ish Robin Williams. He looks only about 2 inches taller.
Click HereDoes anyone think that Tom and Robin are the same height?
Click HereI do too...:)