dumbdude said on 13/Sep/06
Interesting that you bring up the Rock, I've heard rumors about him being only in the 5 10, 5 11 range as well from a buddy I used to work with. :)

Editor Rob
your buddy is living in cloud cuckoo land ;-), give him the red pill, its time that he came back out of the rabbit hole
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 13/Sep/06
The MUNSTERS have cast doubt on how short Sly is.When you where three and four inch lifts that are custom designed, you will always have people guess. He does not look 6'2, but he can look 5'11. He really is 5'8.
vaj said on 13/Sep/06
Burt 5'9" and Glenn 5'8"
Click HereBurt 5'9" with Carter in sure Burt is wearing lifts to appear 6'
Click HereCarter and Sly looking short what happend I guess you are right that Sly does not wear his Munster trainers all the time.
Click HereAnony,
You said Jay Leno is 6' well you are wrong he is 5'11" max in shoes that includes his big hair. So I guess Tom Cruise is 6' as well then oh wait a minute maybe he is closer to the camera?
Click HereHere is Chris Rock who is 5'9" barfooted and 5'10.5" in shoes with Jay Leno,
Click HereNow Sly with his black 3" Munster trainers with Jay Leno.
Click HereHere is Sly looking 5'11" with his Munster trainers next to 5'11" in shoes Aggassi.
Click HereAnony,
You are fool of excusses!
Brad said on 13/Sep/06
He goes through the trouble because he is short. Claudia was 5' 11" when I met her and her magician guy pal years ago. I'd love to see her in heels just make Stallone look like a little guy. Stallone trawled for years for tall models.
vaj said on 13/Sep/06
I do not want to compare the pic with Sly and Claudia Schiffer b/c I have also seen the same pic on this site which shows Sly the same height as Schiffer. I am not even sure if that pic was taken the same time or they merged them together maybe or maybe not. It is funny usually people taken pictures espesially of mega stars usually at the same moment try to take as many pictures with different posses but yet we only can find one of them together at the same moment.
I am the only one hear that knows someone who has lived with Sly 3 years and has seen him numerous times barefooted and even inspected his custom made shoes, Munsters, and cowboy boots and guess what? He said they all have lifts inside.
Don't be so naive! Think about it someone who goes to the trouble to have HUGE MUNSTER trainers custom made in so many different colors and you do not think he is going to have dress shoes made with at least 1" lifts inside?
I told Lee about this sight and I was wearing sandles which I took them off and asked him if Sly was my height which I am 5'9" barefooted and guess what he said Sly was alittle shorter. I told him people here are convinced that he is 5'9 barefooted.
Lee asked me how many have Sly barefooted?
dumbdude said on 13/Sep/06
Jimmy Carter ain't no 6 feet if Burt Reynolds is 5 9 and looking taller than him..

Editor Rob
ForensicNYC said on 13/Sep/06
Inside the ring: Stallone VS Arnold...
(Note: Rated PG..."Pathetically Gruesome, Pure Gore...")
The heights depicted here seems accurate though...
Click Here
Glenn said on 13/Sep/06
ROUND OF APPLAUSE FOR ANONY.he wins this round! Ive been complaining about the Musters repetition over and over again myself.true that Danimal and Leung!
Anony said on 13/Sep/06
Vaj, since you have so much faith in all those "munster" images of Sly for making your 5'8 claims, how would you do on this oldie but goodie barefoot Sly pic that's been mentioned on this thread several times before:
Click HereDo you see even a 2" difference between Sly and Claudia Schiffer (discounting hair) even when Sly's NOT standing fully straight? Claudia is a very legit 5'11+ who stands tall even among other tall supermodels like 5'10 Christy Turlington or 5'9.5 Cindy Crawford:
Click HereLemme guess - Sly must have been "Photoshopped" to make him appear taller than Schiffer, right? Then why not go all out and make himself 7'? On a picture by a world-renowed photographer "Richard Avedon", one who's full of artistic integrity who used this image in his book "Versace: The Naked And The Dressed"? I don't think so.
Click HereLet's see your "munsters" get you out of this one. Sly is 5'9+, just face the facts.
Danimal said on 13/Sep/06
Dumbdude, at least your honest about your mental capacity with the choice of your name. 5'5" for Stallone. What the HELL are you on?
Brad said on 13/Sep/06
Heels, munsters, lifts. The guy is making up for something. Gee, I wonder what? I give his gorgeous SoCal wife a lot of credit for putting on the heels and standing model up straight. 6' in heels staring down at guys. I love it.
Leung said on 12/Sep/06
dumbdude, 5-5??? I think you have the wrong page, if you are looking for short dudes I suggest you check out Ellijah Wood, Seth Green, Scott Caan, David Spade, these guys are probably who you have in mind.
Leung said on 12/Sep/06
A few have commented that Jennifer Flavin is tall and easily stands over 6
megatron said on 12/Sep/06
those pics prove nuttin dumbdude.. first one sly is way back in the distance you can argue hes 4' if you want see the 'lords of flatbush' poster below from the anony guy where stallone is a little further back and still like a head taller than da fonze... second pic standin by himself in goal wit no reference point how can that prove hes 5-5? do you seriously think he couldve been a big action star playin a heavyweihgt boxer at 5-5? get real!
Brad said on 12/Sep/06
His wife is a legit 5' 9" with 3" heels. 6' in every photo. Just gauge it.
vaj said on 12/Sep/06
Hello Kitty,
I agree with you when people differ with their miscalculations of height when they see a celeb, but when someone who is 5'9" say's they have witness Sly shorter than themselves like the man above has commented. That man should have a better estimante since they are suppose to be around the same height.
dumbdude said on 12/Sep/06
pic 1
Click Herepic 2
Click Here5.5 or 5 6 tops..believe me, it was a huuge joke in the 80's about how short Sly was. The guy wears like 4.5 inch lifts that make him look 5 10ish..
I wouldn't be surprised if Sly got some surgery or something to make himself a bit taller. That would explain why he can look over 6 nowadays..freaking rediculous..
mike said on 12/Sep/06
the pics with sly and is wife are interesting, but honestly comaparing males and females isn't good, b/c of footwear and it's sly were talkin bout here, he def can appear in a wide ranges of height, but his wives have claimed he's 5'9, so i dont know if he's 5'10, but i dont think he's as small as some people claim him to be, it would be funny if him and glenn went barefoot and they were the same height or sly just a spec taller, i mean he does make glenn look short in the second pic, let's just ask sharon stone how tall he sly is around, then maybe well know for sure
megatron said on 12/Sep/06
5-5 dumbdude? maybe ur really a smart guy but obviosly not with height...wheres dat 5-5 pic to backit up hmm? didnt think so...
dumbdude said on 12/Sep/06
I agree Vaj. I've seen pics of sly looking no more than 5 5. This is his true height I think. He can look about 5 9.5 to 5 10ish if he has monster trainers or lifts on.
vaj said on 12/Sep/06
Baldwin is 5'9" barfooted and 5'10'5" in shoes max! Farley is 5'8" and 5'9.5" in shoes max! If you want to try to convince yourself Chris looks closer to camera to justify Sly's height when compared to Luke Perry that's your right.
I do agree with in some pictures one may look taller like when Sly's wife head is leaning forward
Click HereHear is a better pic Sly in his Munster trainers and wife in heels
Click HereAnd now both are standing up instead Sly is standing in a military stands while his wife head is leaning forward again. If she straighten her head like Sly she is taller than he is and he is closer to the camera.
Click HereHere are some more pictures of Sly not looking 2-3" over his wife and Travolta
Click HereHere are some more pic's of Sly not looking 2-3" over his wife again. That's weird did he shrink or maybe he is wearing smaller lifts? Or is the picture taken in a weird angle or does she have a large head? No he is just obviously shorter.
Click HereClick HereClick HereSly
barefooted= 5'8"
regular 1'.25" heel shoes= 5'9.25"
elevator shoes 1" lift inside= 5'10.25"
3" Munster shoes= 5'11"
His own specialist commented "he made Sly 4.5" taller for 16 years"= 6'.5"
Here is Sly with this time different brown 3" Munster trainers and guess where again?
Click HereI guess you are right that Ali has a large head
Click HereSo since Ali has a larger head then I guess that makes Glenn 5'10"-5'11" as well
Click Here
Anony said on 12/Sep/06
BTW, did anyone else notice Sly has 2-3" over his 5'9 wife in heels in this pic??!!
Click HereFlavin must be standing 6' in those pumps, so Sly must be like 6'2 or 6'3!!!
Glenn said on 12/Sep/06
What about when he is near 6-2 Brad? over and over again.
Anon said on 12/Sep/06
The Agassi pics convince me that Stallone is 5'10".
HelloKitty said on 11/Sep/06
Vaj, I agree with you and you made your point that Stallone has special height enhancing shoes in several different colors and the design looks to be the same. The only thing I can think of about the short sightings is that people differ in their own calculations about height and they may not be accurate. For example, I met I was in las vegas last year with my girlfriends and we met one of Barry Manilow's band members who looked to be about 5'9 (in dress shoes) he was about an inch taller than me as I was almost eye level (I am 5'6 barefoot and was wearing two inch heels). One friend was about 5'3 and the other 5'4 (both wearing heels) but still looking up to this guy, one girlfriend said he was 5'6 and the other said he was 5'10. We all differed on his height, but I think my estimate was best among us because I was taller and didn't look up to him as much as my other girlfriends did. In a nut shell, people's estimations of their own height and height of other people varies.
megatron said on 11/Sep/06
thats right sly is shorter than ali like a 5-10 man shoud be
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 11/Sep/06
Hey Brad, can you please share the Kevin Costner thing.... Sly is 5'8 max
Brad said on 11/Sep/06
Those Munstahs sure are cool. Stealth 3". His wife has nuggets to wear heels with him.
vaj said on 11/Sep/06
Quit giving excusses, Chris does not appear taller than Steven or Luke and picture is taken in the center, he is not closer to the camera he is just alot fatter then the others and don't let his hat fool you. The reason that Steven and Luke do not look much taller than 5'8" Chris is that they are only 5'9" barefooted and 5'10" in shoes.
Click HereIn this picture Sly does not look 5'11" nor 6' more like 5'9.25" in shoes.
Click HereI do not care that Ali head is twice as big as Sly, Ali 6'1.5" is clearly alot taller than Sly in his boots. It is funny how when Sly is compared to people who are really 6'or taller he does not seem tall.Hmmmm...
You also say you do not think Sly is wearing Munster trainers with Agassi at the game. I do not think Sly would leave his custom shoes at home especially if he is going to the game with someone who is taller than him. Well it is pretty hard to find pictures of Sly not wearing his Munster trainers at games.
Here is Sly with grey 3" Munster trainers on at the game with wife.
Click HereHere is Sly with beige 3" Munster trainers at the game with wife different time
Click HereHe even has brown 3" Munster trainers on guess where AT THE GAME.
Here are 3" black Munster trainers at the game again.
Click HereAnd here
Click HereClick HereClick HereAnd do not be fooled even though it is at a different time on the Leno show same black Munster trainers. Jay Leno is not 6' in shoes he is 5'11" max in shoes.
Click HereExpain to me way we all hear about the short sightings?
dashiznit said on 11/Sep/06
in judge dredd sly is face to face with his brother. he appears taller but he clearly is standing on something. I'm not sure who played his brother in the move.
Brad said on 11/Sep/06
He is the king of other things behind Kevin Costner. Somebody out there is laughing. I won't comment.
ralph said on 11/Sep/06
Sly is The King of Lifts.
Height Tracker said on 11/Sep/06
dashiznit, the reason for that is Sly wears lifts.
dashiznit said on 11/Sep/06
in the sly and ali pic, slys knees, crotch and waist are higner than ali but he is still way shorter????
dmeyer said on 10/Sep/06
sly is anywere fron 173 to 178
dmeyer said on 10/Sep/06
i met a guy that did valet parking for stallone he is 5 feet6 and told me stallone was a short man at 5'8 max
TJ said on 10/Sep/06
I don't think the Lords of Flatbush poster tells us anything at all. It's impossible to tell the extend to which either is leaning. Check this pic from the film:
Click HereThat makes Winkler look a reasonable height, even though much closer to the camera. He clearly was smaller than the pic suggests, but it's a great pic for highlighting how misleading angles can be.
Glenn said on 10/Sep/06
Thanks Parker.
Glenn said on 10/Sep/06
Yes,of course Anony.you are one of my spokepersons.everything you say,takes the words out of my mouth.I never understood the whole Lords thing.to me Sly looks 5-9ish to 5-10.his true self.
ForensicNYC said on 10/Sep/06
Sly with Jennifer Flavin 5'9"...Kip Pardue 6'2"...and Rose McGowan 5'4"...
Hmmmmmmmm......those lines behind are a good height chart...
Click Here
Anony said on 10/Sep/06
Actually, I think Sly actually has MORE than half a head over Winkler, plus he's not standing up straight and further from the camera. I'd also like to add that this may be one of the truest appearances of Sly's real height, as it was pre Rocky/Rambo as he just launched his career as an unknown actor in 1974, may not have been so concerned about his height back then. In short, perhaps "pre-lifts"?
Anony said on 10/Sep/06
Sly is a good half-head taller than Henry Winkler when standing close to eachother in an old movie poster:
Click Here
Glenn said on 10/Sep/06
Well said Hellokitty.Im proud of you.your a height expert.I cant explain the Perry.could be Slys caught or it could be ground level,foot placement and footwear.again,your one track Vaj as to how do you explain when he is near 6-2 or 6-1,which can be common.
HelloKitty said on 9/Sep/06
Stallone looks about 5'11 to 6feet in this pic, but look at his left shoe,very obvious that it is a height enhancing shoe or lifts. In any case, 5'9 is the shortest that Stallone can be in order to wear these "special shoes" and hit the 6foot mark. If he was 5'6 or 5'7 his body (arms, legs, body) would look disproportionate like Tom Cruise does. Like others have said, there is only so much lift in shoes or size of height enhancing shoes to have the wearer walk normally and comfortably without tripping or slipping. Stallone is lucky that he is of 5'9-5'10 average height and he does not need to wear his lifts or special shoes, but when he does, he matches up to 6footers, and sometimes becomes funny because people know he is 5'9-5'10 barefoot and wears lifts. Whereas Tom Cruise or James Caan's son struggle to hit 5'8-5'9 with lifts, or vertically challenged celebrities like Gary Coleman where wearing huge lifts wouldn't even make a difference.
Click Here
Brad said on 9/Sep/06
That vintage photo with Winkler is hilarious. Now I saw Winkler at Paramount in '80. The guy is 5' 7" tops. I guess Sly grew some since then, laughter.
Anony said on 9/Sep/06
Sly with 6'5 Lennox Lewis:
Click Here
Zach said on 9/Sep/06
Interesting review of Lock Up where Stallone plays the character Leone..
"Third... Eclipse. Eclipse is a tall, black man. So tall, indeed, that he "blocks out the sun." Hence the name Eclipse. At one point, Leone (Sly) says to him, "What are you, about 6'7"?" Now, Frank McRae is definitely a big guy. But 6'7"? No way. The funny thing, though, is how transparent this all is. Eclipse is about 3-4 inches taller than Leone. So if Eclipse is 6'7", Leone is a good 6'2" or 6'3". Now, as we all know, Sly is really closer to 5'8"... when he's wearing his platform shoes and if you're willing to count his bouffant hairdo toward his height. So at some point in the filming process, either Sly or one of his flunkies must have interceded to add in that line. Vain egomaniac, thy name is Stallone."
Click Here
vaj said on 9/Sep/06
You say I have one track mind, well like I have said before I believe someone who has lived with him and even inspected his shoes and confirms that all his foot wear are custom made with build up inside even his boots, Lee says he is only 5'8" b/c he witness Sly barefooted many times.
Not like you who has obviously has been fooled.
Explain this one to me. Luke was a guest on Howard Stern show and a caller called and questioned Luke's height. Stern got a measuring tape and measured Luke on the spot and with shoes on Stern said he was around 5'10".
Here is the late Chris Farley who was 5'8" next to Luke Perry.
Click HereNow here is Sly and maybe he has low dress shoes like Glenn always talks about but funny thing is this time Sly does not look 5'11" or 6' what happend? Sly is looking more like 5'9.25" in shoes next to Luke who is 5'10" in shoes Hummmmm....
Click HereIn this pic of Aggassi who is around 5'10" barefooted and 5'11" in shoes and Serena Williams is 5'9" barefooted and 5'10" in shoes.
Click HereNow here is Aggassi 5'11" in shoes with Sly with his 3" Munster trainers on.
Click HereClick HereHere is Sly with his 3" black Munster trainers on with Jay Leno who is 5'11" in shoes
Click HereClick HereLook how far apart his shoe laces are and compare them to the beige trainers
Click HereHere is 6'1.5" Ali next to Sly. Thing is Sly is wearing cowboy boots and he does not look 6'nor 6'1" nor 6'1.5"?
Click HereSly is 5'8" barefooted and with the aid of his 3" Munster trainers he can appear 5'11".
Brad said on 9/Sep/06
A 6' 4" actor on a box to look more menacing to somebody about 8" shorter? Sounds like Sly trying to get some press height.
Glenn said on 9/Sep/06
megatron,you do know they had dolph stand on a box in some scenes to appear even more menacing,which I dont understand.he is tall enough.
ForensicNYC said on 9/Sep/06
Tim Trella recieves STUNTMAN award. He's about 5'11"...
Click Here
Glenn said on 9/Sep/06
Exactly Megatron.more power to you.keep up the good work.
Parker said on 9/Sep/06
I read and reread this Sly thread with interest. In my opinion it comes down to two things. The film 'Escape To Victory' and the line up photograh with Sly stood between 5'10 Mike Summerbee (Man City Official height) and 5'11 John Wark). No way does Sly look less than 5'10, and watching the film again recently confirmed it for me. The other, is Glenn's repeated sightings. He's seen him more times than anyone on this site. OK, at 60 he may be down to 5'9....but 5'7? Ridiculous.
Brad said on 8/Sep/06
Duh. Case closed.
Glenn said on 8/Sep/06
Vaj-your very one track mind in your approach.you always fix a situation to your advantage.whats to make of Sly when he looks 6-1.5? 5 inch lifts? please.when he looks short,its cause he is 5-9 liftless and aged.varying lifts boost him 5-11 to 6-1.5.not 5-7,5-8 on up.thats ridiculous,and thankfully alot here agree with me.
megatron said on 8/Sep/06
right glenn, i jus call em as i see em like you...ill only believe all the short crapola if those cats back it up like you do...but i prolly wont ever see the light of scuh evidence.. why? plain and simple cos da man jus aint no shortie
vaj said on 8/Sep/06
Ahmed told me that Sly was his height with those trainers on and like I said Ahmed was my height or 1/2" taller than me but no more. I stand 5'10.5" in shoes.
That is why many people are shocked when they see Sly in public b/c many know even if Sly looks 5'10"-5'11" he is wearing some type of lifts.
The man is only 5'8" barefooted that is why he has to wear 3" Munster trainers to look 5'11" in shoes especially if he is trying to advertise himself as 5'10" barefooted.
Brad said on 8/Sep/06
That photo on The Tonight Show says it all. 3" added. Same shoes as the Lakers game with the Dreamworks honcho.
HelloKitty said on 8/Sep/06
Stallone looks about 5'11 next to the boxer. You have a point Vaj, those black shoes look similar to his brown shoes at the laker game next to the bald guy, I never noticed that, I guess because since they are black, they are more stealthy looking. Come to think of it, was Stallone wearing these black trainers next to Hogan and McMahon?
vaj said on 8/Sep/06
The reason Sly is Tip Toeing, it is one of his tricks he uses to fool people when someone is about to take his picture to add ever inch he can.
Click HereHere is another example,
Arnold is clearly taller than Sly
Click HereSame moment this time Sly is ready to add inches b/c he knows they are about to take his picture Whalaaaa he magicaly grew in seconds
Click HereHere is Mora the winner who is a real 6'1" next to Sly who does not even look close to 6'-6'1" as many has claimed him looking.
Click Here
vaj said on 8/Sep/06
Ahmed is the guy behinde Sly to Sly's right.Ahmed is leaning his head forward not straight like Sly's.
Do not be fooled by his black Munster trainers they are same as the beige Munster trainers he wears at the Lakers game also black can look alot slimmer and he also has them in different other colors.
Click HereClick HereDo not be fooled they are the same but in different colors that adds him at least 3" making 5'8" +3"= 5'11" with help of Munster trainers.
Click HereClick Here
Glenn said on 8/Sep/06
I like you megatron.you speak from the heart.
ForensicNYC said on 8/Sep/06
Why is Sly on Tip Toes?
Click Here
ralph said on 8/Sep/06
sly is always wearing lifts. But I think his barefeet is about 177 cms...
ForensicNYC said on 8/Sep/06
Sugar Ray was in flat shoes here, like Prada...
Sly's shoes? Looked like Bally in shape, not sure...
Click Here
Viper652 said on 7/Sep/06
For these 5-7 estimates Im surprised Sly would leave his lifts behind. When is Sly never in lifts?
megatron said on 7/Sep/06
5-9/10 mike tyson wit 6-6 kevin mcbride
Click Hererocky doesnt look nearly that much shorter than 6-5 drago
Click HereClick Hererocky seems more 5-11 or 6.... you gotta be jokin sf.. sly REALLY did fight drago and drago REALLY did kill carl weathers!! (and santa claus REALLY does exist while were at it! ;) REALLY!!
Brad said on 7/Sep/06
Now I've met Sugar Ray, I'm now convinced 100% Sly is 5' 8".
vaj said on 7/Sep/06
Nice pic ForensicNy,
Click HereThe guy standing behind Sly on the left is Ahmed who listed himself as 6'1". But, when I ran into Ahmed at the mall he was my height at 5'10.5" in shoes maybe even 5'11" but no more. That would make him 5'9"-5'9.5" barefooted.
I asked Ahmed if Sly was short he told me that Sly was the same height as himeself, but he also told me while he was laughing that Sly wore larger than normal trainers(3" Munster shoes 5'8"+3"shoes=5'11").
The guy standing on the left of Ahmed is Sergio Mora who was the winner of the show who is also listed as 6'1". I think you can tell the difference.
Someone who is 5'9" barefooted is 5'10.5" in shoes and someone 5'10" barefooted is 5'11.5" in shoes that is not short. Sly is never barefooted in public so why so many people so surprised on Sly's height come on as short as 5'7"?
Chris said on 7/Sep/06
ForensicNYC-That is a very good picture and look at Sly
Anonymous said on 7/Sep/06
Viper, did a google search with Sylvester Stallone + Height.
Read several articles and in one it stated an estimation of his height as 5'6!
ForensicNYC said on 7/Sep/06
Sugar Ray Leonard is a true 5'10" dude.
He is slouching and bent here...
Click Here
sf said on 6/Sep/06
Megatron - Sly didn't REALLY fight Drago - it's a movie.
Glenn said on 6/Sep/06
But alot of people here are convinced that he is that small megatron.
megatron said on 6/Sep/06
right glenn... 5-7,5-8 guy would need stilts to land a shot on dragos head.....
Brad said on 6/Sep/06
5'6", 5' 7"? That's too short.
Viper652 said on 6/Sep/06
Who is this journalist who said Sly was 5-6? And Jaffe you absolutely swear he was around 5-7?
Anonymous said on 5/Sep/06
it means with good lifts and good posture you can play 2 inches thats a lot
Brad said on 5/Sep/06
Try 7". He looks like Floyd Patterson with springs under his shoes. Most of the shots were Sly height friendly.....sorta like Robbie Knievel jumping the "canyon" on the Northern Arizona Reservation which revealed later was a small ravine.
Anonymous said on 5/Sep/06
Sly gave an interview to a journalist who described Sly as being 'laughably short'! He estimate was 5'6!
Nolifts81 said on 5/Sep/06
I've seen again that movie yesterday. I have the vhs. Sly was 4 inches taller than the 5'6" Henry Winkler.
Glenn said on 5/Sep/06
Brad,in low cut shoes you cant fit nowhere as near a lift as you could in boots.your feet would fall out.so,thats makes him 5-10.cause he can appear as high as 6-1.5.a 5-7,5-8 guy cant do that in any lifts.lifts can only get you so tall.usually 3 inches max.common to only get 1.5.of course there are cases of 4.5.but in low cuts I see him 6ft.so that equals 5-10.
Glenn said on 5/Sep/06
Megatron-imagine a 5-7,5-8 guy,which is what some people think here.
Glenn said on 5/Sep/06
Megatron-imagine 5-7,5-8 guy,which is what some people think here.
Brad said on 5/Sep/06
What's inside the shoes?
megatron said on 5/Sep/06
lets see... a 5-10 guy fightin 6-2 creed, 6-5 drago, 6-2 tommy gun, 6-7 hulk hogan jumpin up and down? you dont say? when i playfight with my bro whos jus 2 inches taller than me i need to lunge just to get past his jab reach and these guys have 4in+ on sly.......
Viper652 said on 5/Sep/06
Sly isnt standing next to Henry Winkler. But he physically doesnt look very tall either. Ive come to the conclusion the guy is not human, and has a switch that makes him any height he wants.
Glenn said on 5/Sep/06
Brad,your being redundant.I ALWAYS saw him in low cut shoes,casual and dress looking 5-11,6ft.now IM very redundant getting it across to everyone.
Brad said on 4/Sep/06
100% true. Watch the master shots in the Rocky films with the much taller actors, er I mean fighters in the ring battles. It is like The Riddler on the Batman TV show boxing jump up and down to hit. Look, he's 5' 8" without lifts, cowboy boots, those big things he wears at basketball games.
Glenn said on 4/Sep/06
Sharon said 5-9 in a interveiw for Sly.
JAFFE said on 4/Sep/06
Can't swear by the 5' 7" estimate, but I was shocked when he went by our table.
ForensicNYC said on 4/Sep/06
Henry Winkler is about 5'6".
What about his friend there on the right?
Click Here
dmeyer said on 4/Sep/06
hey rob i am like 180-2cm range and one of my collegge at work is about 2 inches taller than me he is near 6 feet2 aleast 6 ft1.5 187 and i tryd 1.25 inches lifts in my 1.25 inches sneakers and with good posture i looked almost his height i looked 6 feet1 or pushing 186 so monster lifts can add you some height but they are awful to wear maybe because i am 280 maybe elevator shoes are more comfies

Editor Rob
off the shelf lifts and elevator shoes aren't designed great. Folk with a lot of money will get exact tweaks/foot moulds etc to ensure they are as comfy as possible...If Ziggy can get used to his world-record breaking lifts, any celeb might manage.
they force posture better.
sf said on 4/Sep/06
uh-oh - looks like jaffe caught Sly in one of his rare non-lift moments..
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 4/Sep/06
HELLOKITTY, Sly towers over James Caan when he is wearing lifts. When Sly was on Caan's Vegas TV show, they looked about the same height. Rocky had a cast on his foot and could not where his munsters. No munsters, means no towering over 5'7-5'8 people.
Brad said on 4/Sep/06
I need to view "The Lords Of Flatbush" and see where he stands by Winkler.
mike said on 4/Sep/06
why don't we ask sharon stone how tall sly since, b/c shes seen him barefoot and since his 2 wives have seen him barefoot and say 5'9, let's ask sharon and see what she says, she says herself is 5'8, i'd imagine sly is alil taller (1.5 inches maybe??) i'm guessing????
Viper652 said on 4/Sep/06
Jaffe, are you postive? If hes 5-7 how in the fraking hell can he look over 6-1?
jaffe said on 3/Sep/06
had dinner at Jean Georges , Sylvester and Sugar Ray Leonard were dining. He scooted past our table on the way to the rest room. DEFINATELY shorter than 5' 8" and more likely 5" 7", maybe shorter?
Brad said on 3/Sep/06
Yes, 5'8" to 5'10" with shoes. Caan couldn't get membership, heck even Lansky got turned down. Those crazy Zips from Sicily got membership. My-lone!!! as the goombahs said.
Viper652 said on 3/Sep/06
Caan doesnt look very tall in the Las Vegas show.
Glenn said on 3/Sep/06
Caan is Jewish.I believe you Ziggy.but Sly always has dress shoes and casuals when I see him.so he is 5-10.
ziggy said on 3/Sep/06
Okay, call Guiness. I broke another record on my boots. I'm now at 4.25" net height increase. I never thought it was possible to combine such an increase and balance that with a good look that appears normal. Yes, I can walk normal and yes, the boots look great, you can't tell anything's up with them. Just more proof that if I can do it, so can the stars whose spending knows no bounds. Someday, I might market 3 different height increasing styles - moderate (2.5"), extra (3.25"), and ultra (4.25") and have an option to go with semi-custom ($500) or fully custom footwear ($1000 on up). I will blow away any of the competition. Of course, I will be twice as expensive, but you get what you pay for.
Brad said on 2/Sep/06
He was taller in that film he did with The Duke. He was looking really short at Caesars Palace not long ago. He hung out with too many goombahs who are all sparkplug 5' 6" guys. Maybe his ex wives took rolling pins to him, I've heard of that cutting height and bank in Cali.
HelloKitty said on 2/Sep/06
Until coming to this celebheight website, I thought that James Caan was at least 5'11 to 6'0 as he towered almost every actor in the Godfather. While watching the Sopranos they mentioned in one of the episodes that James Caan is not Italian which also surprised me. It's astonishing that "Sonny" Corleone is of (5'8) average height and is dwarfed by "Rocky/Rambo".
Pete said on 2/Sep/06
Theres a pic with sly in plaster on one foot n sandals on with Caan,they're exactly the same height.
It was posted a while back.
Rob - any progress on getting the old pages uploaded?
[Editor Rob: I'd totally forgotten...about doing this, I need to of course, hopefully I have a day free to do it]
Glenn said on 2/Sep/06
Could be Nolifts.I did read years ago him described as tall,dark and handsome.I was confused.I see the dark part a bit.not the rest.either way,I wouldnt f*** with him.my friend saw him beat down Tupac.yup.a matter of Tupac bumping into him and not saying sorry or excuse me and then cursing Caan.one thing lead to another.suppossedly this same friend saw a draw match with Mr.T and Ray Liotta.not sure how it started.
ralph said on 2/Sep/06
Sly has two clear inches over caan, I repeat that
Nolifts81 said on 2/Sep/06
I though that James Caan was 5'9" nowadays. However at his peak he was for sure 5'10".
Glenn said on 2/Sep/06
True about Caan.never met him.my tall friends make fun of his height.
Brad said on 1/Sep/06
Oh please, Caan is getting towered over by Colombo family members at a wedding reception with Frankie Avalone just under his height in the F.B.I. RICO trial photos I saw years ago. 5' 8". What a nice guy Avalone was doing at the wedding of the chief killer for the Colombos I'll never know. Sly wears lifts: it ADDS to the figure.
anonymous2 said on 1/Sep/06
Actually, Caan is 5'8, as even Glenn says in Caan's thread.
Domibucks said on 1/Sep/06
Brad, no way in hell is Caan only 5'8. He is atleast 5'10.
Viper652 said on 1/Sep/06
Im pretty much convinced that Sly is 5-10 or 5-9 1/2.
Brad said on 31/Aug/06
Yeah, 5' 10 after lifts. He's 5' 8". Vaj is correct. James Caan is 5' 8". Those pictures tell the tale.
Domibucks said on 31/Aug/06
Sly is definetely 5'10. He is not short at all.... always looked average height to me.
Emil said on 31/Aug/06
dmeyer: "the pics beside glenn are beter he looks 5 10 + near glenn"
Consider possible lifts and a difference in their postures.
ForensicNYC said on 31/Aug/06
"Oh Nooo!...I'm home alone and someone stole all my lifts!"...
Click Here"Never mind, this will give me a few inches anyway..."
Click Here
dmeyer said on 31/Aug/06
i do think sly is 175 to 178 range but the pics with denzel dosnt mean anything since he is grabing him that can make him look 5 to 7 cm taller than he is the pics beside glenn are beter he looks 5 10 + near glenn
Anonymous said on 30/Aug/06
About time to give him his 5' 10". Rather than pointlessly averaging 5' 7" - 5' 11"...
Glenn said on 30/Aug/06
No question the man wears lifts.never MUNSTERS when I see him.a subtle lift to make him 5-11,6ft.when he is next to 6-2 guys,the Munsters come out.
Anonymous said on 30/Aug/06
I disagree with Sly being 0.5 inch smaller than Denzel in the pic. It's Denzel's cap that gives him the edge, take it off and to about 0.1 inch accuracy they're as good as the same height.
That means Sly is 5' 10", in my opinion, along with the 2 pics posted above.
sf said on 30/Aug/06
Didn't have to "touch, feel, and smell them." The picture says it all. If you can see the difference, well...and you're proving the point regarding lifts or how do you explain Stallone's MANY variances in height as you, yourself, have detailed? You know who YOU are...
Glenn said on 30/Aug/06
Yes,indeed Anony and Nolifts.
Nolifts81 said on 30/Aug/06
Great work Anony!
ForensicNYC said on 30/Aug/06
Stallone with flat shoes...(lifts would be asking for a fracture)...
Click Here"OK, Pele, I can see you...stop that Tip Toe right Now!"
Click Here"I am trying hard to be level with 6'2" Michael Caine...Uuumphhh...deep breath...tummy tuck...Ummphff!"
Click Here"Michael, remember "Escape to Victory"? Well, err... I grew 3" since then..."
Click Here
Glenn said on 30/Aug/06
How and why? cause he is 5-10.
Anony said on 30/Aug/06
Vaj, I appreciate the way you take a scientific approach to back your claims, but you must do it right.
Please take a look at these two photos of the same man, both taken at different camera heights and tilts:
Click HereCan you see how his height varies relative to the back-corner of the room (where back-wall meets floor)?
So can you see how it's wrong to just draw a "horizontal" line in order to compare two different points in a picture and assume that they are the same vertical height from the ground the way you did?
Click HereThis is the way you correctly compare things of the same height in a perspective photo or drawing - you draw a straight line through the "vanishing point" at the points of common height: e.g.
Click HereClick HereSo this is the correct way of doing it for comparing Sly's feet to the water-bottle:
Click HereAll parallel lines in a perspective line converge to the vanishing-point according to the laws of perspective. Lucky for us, this photo has a good reference line, being the boundary line where the court floor ends and meets the concrete area where Sly and Katzenburg are sitting. I've drawn a small red line skimming the boundary to show the direction of this line. I then drew another red line above, passing through the same spot Vaj's white line points to on Sly's shoe (where hypothetically, Sly's foot meets the lifts), and this line would meet the vanishing point too, as well as passing through the Aquafina bottle at the proper "common horizontal height", properly projected in 3D-space.
It meets the Aquafina bottle just under the "Pure Water ..." words, which is only 3" off the ground according to your photo of the bottle:
Click HereThis means Sly's feet are only 3" off the ground, making him 5'9.5 in order to stand 6'0.5 next to Denzel who's 6'1 in shoes:
Click HereBTW, if his munsters lift him up to 3.5" like your original estimate, that'd make him 5'9 barefeet relative to Denzel. 3.75" would make him 5'8.75.
I'll agree with you on one thing, and that is there's no way Sly is over 5'10 as some believe. He may have been 5'10 tops in his prime on a good day in the morning, but I believe 5'9.5 is more realistic. If he was a solid 5'10 he'd probably publicaly claim to be 5'11 or 6'. Sly's nothing under 5'9 though.
Sly stands a barefoot height of a solid 5'9 (and some change) in my books.
HelloKitty said on 30/Aug/06
Vaj, that's so funny, I can only wonder what James Caan must be thinking, in the first pic they are about the same height and the second pic Stallone looks about 4 to 5 inches taller than James and also looks like the tallest person in the crowd! It's just as funny as the post you had of Stallone shorter then his brother Frank & then the next pic Stallone is looking down on Frank, probably thinking "Hey, who's the shorty now?" LOL. Seems like one person on this sight has a one dimensional mind, while EXAMINING UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL Stallone's footwear, did you happen to also touch, feel, and smell them? You know who you are. And don't put words in my mouth, I have always agreed Stallone wears height enhancing shoes, but with all the pics out there I have to agree with Glenn that he is at least 5'9, 5'9.5, as wearing his special shoes puts him at the 6footer mark.
Glenn said on 29/Aug/06
No way is Owen 5-9.5-10 minimum.no one could ever be wrong on this page.
DMeyer said on 29/Aug/06
i his monster trainer he has only 1 to 1.5 inches lifts so he plays 1.5'
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 29/Aug/06
sf, there are quite a few of us in here that are not fooled. Glenn, you look 5'8 in the first pic. Sly does look 5'10-5'11 in the same pic. Sly wears huge lifts, we all know that. Maybe i missed it, but if you are standing on the tips of your toes, how could Sly tower over you like that if you are 5'8? How does a 5'10 assisted with lifts Sly tower over a 5'8 Glenn on his tiptoes? How and why?
Glenn said on 29/Aug/06
Speak clearly then Sf,you mean dont REPLY.how can I NOT reply.it appeared you were replying to my Luke statement.and you have been posting on my other pics which I truly appreciate greatly.so please keep posting,but dont mention something I mentioned.thats common sense.again,I DO appreciate you input,especially on names I thought no one would care for.
sf said on 29/Aug/06
so many people fooled...
vaj said on 29/Aug/06
James Caan is 5'8" and in shoes is 5'9.25"
James and Sly same height
Click HereJames and Sly with large lifts(It is amazing how grows so tall)
Click Here
vaj said on 29/Aug/06
I know for a fact Owen Wilson is 5'9" barefooted and 5'10.5" in shoes b/c we were the same exact height when I met him.
How do you explain Sly being so short in some of those crummy pictures and I do not want to talk about how tall he is especially someone that wears larger than normal elevator shoes.
Here are his Munster trainers lifts him up to 3.5"-3.75"
Click HereI measured from the same size and make bottle from the letters 3.5"-3.75"
Click HereAnd those that think he wears normal low cut shoes you are also fooled b/c he does have build up inside the shoes.
Yes you are right that I only have stories from my friend Lee. But he is the only one on here that knows and lived with Sly and has even examined his low cut shoes and told me they all had some sort of build up inside and even his cowboy boots.
I am sorry but if Sly was 5'10" he would easily be 5'11.5" with normal shoes on, which than you would not hear the sightens as short as 5'7".
I never suggested Glenn is a lier, he could of thought he looked 5'11" to him the same way he thought Owen Wilson was 5'11".
And you are right I am intitled to my own opinion that he is 5'8" barefooted. If that comes out arrogant than I am sorry but it is my opinion.
I tend to believe the people who know Sly barefooted and those who have even examined his footwear. NOT those who have been fooled by footwear.
me said on 29/Aug/06
i think sly really is about 5'10. But becuse this guy is so height obsessed he is just wearing elevator shoes everywhere too make people believe he's about 6 feet...
ForensicNYC said on 29/Aug/06
"Anybody trying to downgrade me...will taste my gloves for dinner!!!"
Click Here"Oh!...Pliiis!...Pliiiis!...Nooo!...I only downgrade you 2" because me eyes they different you see...me, special people, you know...Pliiis!!..."
Click Here
Anony said on 29/Aug/06
I must say, 5'9-5'10 must be like the trickiest height to measure or something - just think of who are in this special list who nobody's been really able to nail with complete certainty:
Sly, Luke Perry, Mike Tyson, Eddie Murphy, Bobby DeNiro, Jack Nicholson,
Mel Gibson, etc...
Anony said on 29/Aug/06
I would like to phrase the Sly, Katzenburg and Denzel photos in another way. Clearly, Sly is standing 6'0.5 next to Denzel who's 6'1 in shoes (and please don't tell me Denzel is going to a Lakers game barefoot):
Click HereIf you're telling me Sly's only say, 5'8, his shoes would need to boost him a total height of 4.5" to stand 6'0.5. Look at the munsters again:
Click HereThe *ENTIRE MUNSTER SHOE* looks 4'5" high, 5" at most! So unless Sly's been amputated at the ankles and has cyborg feet (which could explain quite a lot actually!), then those munsters have roughly 2" lifts + 1" heel net gain which puts him roughly at 5'9.5 barefoot + 3" munsters = 6'0.5 standing next to Denzel.
Glenn said on 28/Aug/06
If anyone was trying to hint I was 5-4,go f*** yourself.thanks for defending me.
Leung said on 28/Aug/06
Vaj, you are understating the height of a few people. Eddie Murphy is not small, he
sf said on 28/Aug/06
Now, Glenn - I told you NOT to read my posts!
HelloKitty - are you serious? People have examined some of his shoes with intensity on this site! Haven't you seen the MUNSTER shoes we have all examined that he was wearing next to Jeffrey Katzenberg? It has been shown many times on this site and then you will know what we mean by Munster shoes. Sly's shoes are enormous compared to the guy next to him. Check them out before you say he doesn't wear elevator shoes.
vaj said on 28/Aug/06
Stephen Baldwin head is slightly tilted forward he is 5'9" so is Luke Perry and Chris Farlley is 5'8"
Click HereHere is Sly not looking 6' but more like 5'8" next to Luke Perry 5'9"
Click Here
vaj said on 28/Aug/06
Owen Wilson also appeared 5'11" to you, but we know that he is 5'9er and does not seem to wear lifts.
Sly is 5'9.25" in shoes with no lifts, I am telling you that I am 5'9" barefooted and 5'10.5" in shoes and I weigh 185 and I have never been accused of being as short as 5'7". Many people think I am 5'11" in shoes. Sly's own shoe maker confessed making Sly taller with 3"-4" custom made shoes.
It makes sense his wife is always taller than him even with his 3"+ Munster trainers on.
Glenn said on 28/Aug/06
Thats right Vaj,Im making the whole sandles thing up.he appeared 5-10ish to me that night,near 5-11,maybe.as opposed to his usual 6ft.
mike said on 28/Aug/06
Let's compare Sly to others on how he looks "good" for his height or his 5'10 claim of height ...Hogan (now of days), Vince Mcmahon, Arnold (Now of days, not back in the day), Eddie Murphy, Glenn and a few others but their are some people where sly "DOES NOT look his height" such as Travolta (Sly never looks tall or a decent height next to him for some reason, Travolta seems to gte the best of Sly), Sly's own wife, she usually is taller then him, Jack Nicholson, they look round the same height in most of their pics, Frank2, Deniro and a few others, the wild card person where he looks shorter/the same or taller then is Bruce Willis, so sly has us all confused and pondering the 5'7 to 5'10.5 height, but its funny that his 2 wives say he's 5'9 his height on this website, hum the debate will continue..
megatron said on 28/Aug/06
.....then how coud eddie be towering over 5-9.5 mike tyson?
Click Hereluke perry is taller than 5-9.5 stephen baldwin... dude mus be 5-10
Click Here
vaj said on 28/Aug/06
You thought Eddie Murphy was the same height as Sly. Well, Eddie is also on the short side, and if he sliped on a pair of Sly's lifts Whalaa... same height as Sly. I think people are forgetting that Sly is lift wear and has been for years.
Click HereHere's Eddie next to 5'9" Wilson
Click HereEddie next to 5'8" Ice Cube
Click Here
vaj said on 28/Aug/06
You keep contradicting yourself b/c previous post you stated that Sly looked 5'9"-5'10" in sandles, and now you say he is 5'11"-6' in sandles?
I am sorry but I just do not buy it that Sly is in sandles on the right picture. Use your common sense, if he really was that tall then he would not have to wear huge lifts espesially if he is only claim to everyone that he is only 5'10", so all he would have to appear in public is 5'11" which he does with the help of his 3" lifts.
I know you are going to say that he does not wear lifts all the time but in order to appear 5'11" trust me he does.
Let compare his wife that is 5'9" and with 3" will lift her 6' Sly does not look 6' next to his wife or does he?
Click HereClick HereClick HereI will give Sly 5'10" with shoe with 1" build up in his shoes.
Here is a good comparison with Sly in Munster trainers next to his wife.
Click HereSly is 5'11" in his Munster trainers and if his wife straightens her head she is still taller than him.
Click Here
Anonymous said on 28/Aug/06
I still don't understand why he's at 5' 9" if me, Glenn and many others who trust Glenn also, believe him as a fair 5' 10".
About time to up his height?
Glenn said on 28/Aug/06
Thats right Sf.footwear is conclusive.ever met any celebs Sf? some of the people on this page have.Brad-how does he have MUNSTER lifts in sandles and casual shoes?
Glenn said on 28/Aug/06
Im sure he has lifts in his slippers.Im in favor of him at 5-10.
ForensicNYC said on 28/Aug/06
Hey! I thought Sly and Eddie Murphy were the same height!...Hmmmm....?
Click HereThats Patrick Swayze with Sly, who seem to be a bit taller than Patrick...
Click Here"Err... Ahem...Michael, are you really 6'2"?....well I'm 5'11" then!..."
Click Here"For the last time...I'm telling you...Argh!...I...am...5'11"!!!...you shrimp..."
Click Here
DMeyer said on 28/Aug/06
in the left sly looks 2.5 in taller in the right 3 to 3.5 taller sly is clearly not 5 feet 8 more like 5'10 can look up to 6 with lifts
HelloKitty said on 27/Aug/06
G, that's funny and your'e probably right,stallone might sleep w/ his lifts on.LOL. I was one of those 5'7 Stallone height myth believers, but now agree that his height page listing him 5'9 (barefoot) is about right. But since Stallone is seen taller than 5'9 (nobody has ever seen the lifts in his shoes or examined his footwear) I'm in favor of having Stallone re-listed at 5'11 or 6'0 as he is often seen as tall nowadays.
Anonymous said on 27/Aug/06
Glenn, why is Sly at 5' 9" then given the real evidence you've put up and what you've seen, why not give him his 5' 10" that you feel he deserves (at least infact, he looks 5' 11" ...).
Or I think Editor Rob edits the heights - So Rob, why is he at 5' 9"? It seems this height is more of a pointless average between 5' 8" and 5' 10" or 5' 7" and 5' 11" more than anything else.
Just give him his 5' 10".
Brad said on 27/Aug/06
Sly is like Casey Stengel said '64: "Amazing amazing amazing". 5' 8" has to be it, plus expensive height lifts, heels, Munster boots, etc.. He couldn't get the plastic surgery to work, he looming to look like Reynolds or Frankie Valli.
Leung said on 27/Aug/06
I can imagine Banderas seeing Stallone at the basketball game and thinking to himself
Leung said on 27/Aug/06
You guys like to talk about Stallone's "munster shoes". Well check out that pic that has Banderas and Stallone gripping hands. Banderas is wearing huge chunky soled shoes and the rest of his shoes look big so I'm thinking that he has lifts hidden inside too.
Banderas has gone beyond "munster" shoes and is on the verge of "goth boots" with his footwear. Even with his
sf said on 27/Aug/06
Yes, Stallone is 5'10" even though he looks shorter than 5'9" Luke Perry.
Glenn said on 27/Aug/06
Correct,Luke is 5-9.interesting question Viper.I think he always looked 5-11,6ft to me.similiar in both pics.Brad,I explained the Shania pic.whats amazing is everyone is scrathing their heads,but alot of head scrathing can be eliminated by accepting that he really is 5-10.in fact,he looks taller.he is the victim of the most infamous height myth in hollywood.
Anonymous said on 27/Aug/06
No chance in hell Glenn is 5'4". He's been measured against dozens or hundreds of celebs! You'd be sayin DeNiro is 5'5", Curt Cobain is 5'6", etc...
G said on 27/Aug/06
He is abbout5.8 or 5.9 barefoot,but in public he always wears huge elevator shoes that put him close to 6.1 range...he is trying so hard to fool the world abbout his height and I think that you should put him at 6.1 .He wears lifts all his life(i think that he even sleeps with one pair...) and you actualy can't see him at his normal height.
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 27/Aug/06
Sly is simply amazing. He has us all chasing our tails trying to figure out what his real height is. I still think 5'8 but he could be 5'9. What the hell...
ForensicNYC said on 27/Aug/06
Sly's right eyebrow is taller than his left, giving him 1" advantage as shown on the picture above...here is a similar higher right eyebrow...
Click Here
Brad said on 27/Aug/06
5' 8". The Glenn-Sly photo on the left is as wild as the even height with Shania 5' 2" Twain one. How can a 5' 8" person get topped by Sly & head to head with Twain? That's 5' 4" stuff.
TJ said on 27/Aug/06
Anony, you are dreaming if you think Sly and Travolta are the same height in that pic, even taking into account that Sly has his head forward a little.
Viper652 said on 26/Aug/06
Luke Perry is no taller than 5-9, If that. That is some staggering evidence that Sly could be 5-9 at the absolute max when that was taken. This is all baffling to me, because Glenn has met the man over 20 times and can look about 6-0 in sandles. Can anyone explain that? Because I sure cant. Im not even sure Sly is human at this point.
Anonymous said on 26/Aug/06
Sly is 5' 10". End of. If he looks taller, he's wearing lifts or at least lifts bigger than the guy(s) next to him. If he looks shorter, he's wearing no lifts/smaller lifts than the guy(s) wearing lifts next to him. Stallone doesn't look like a short-ass. Simple.
Glenn said on 26/Aug/06
Real anonymous-I look that short cause he really is 5-10. and SF,I apoligise for the name calling,but its not cause you dont agree or challenge me,but cause you ASSume and put words in my mouth,and stated me possibly lying.it would get anyone upset,especially someone that presents real proof,not speculation,and or hot air.
Viper652 said on 26/Aug/06
Glenn, did Sly really appear taller in the 1991 pic compared to the 1997 one in person? Its baffling how he appears taller in just sandles.
Glenn said on 26/Aug/06
I wasnt offended until you put words into my mouth sf.
Glenn said on 26/Aug/06
First of all,Bobby D and Jack were both and maybe still are 5-9.maybe,maybe,even 5-10 in their youth.and yes,Vaj I agree with you to a point on people like Owen.but Im 5-8 as of 1994 or so,and can tell height pretty good,though yes,I could be wrong.I dont think Im wrong on Sly and Colin.
HelloKitty said on 26/Aug/06
Here again is Stallone with 6'6 Hogan (maybe shrunk to 6'4) and 6'1-6'2 McMahon.
Click Here
HelloKitty said on 26/Aug/06
Good pic guys but most of those pics show only the upper bodies and no full body pics, except for the Stallone & Travolta pic, which is a good comparison pic as we can see their footwear. And we don't know what kind of footwear the other celebrities are wearing next to Stallone or if they are also wearing lifts themselves. Another good example is that pic with Stallone and Banderas where it looks like Banderas is also wearing thick heeled boots. We can't only suspect that only Stallone is wearing lifts, special height enhancing shoes, or thick heeled boots, the other celebrities might also be wearing them. Also I have to agree that Stallone is not always wearing lifts 24hrs a day, 7 days a week, and in some of those pics he might not be wearing lifts & the other celebrity might be. Luke Perry 5'9? I thought this 90210 Hunk was 5'10?
Click Here
Glenn said on 26/Aug/06
Vaj-what are you talking about? Sly is wearing sandles on the right and casual shoes on the left.no more than an inch lifts on both,if any at all.face it,you might be wrong about his height.you even have the facts wrong and still obsess over imaginary 3,4 inch lifts he only wears near 6-2 guys.
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 26/Aug/06
Glenn, the crazy angle in that pic makes you look about 5'4. I am more shocked at how short you look beside Sly in that pic than anything else. Just my honest opinion.
vaj said on 26/Aug/06
I think you are estimating actors heights with shoes on. And no disrespect but since you said yourself that you can get as short as 5'7 or 5'7.25", you look up to taller stars and they may appear taller to you.
For example,
You saind on Owen Wilson site that he looked 5'11" to you. Well, I also met him in dallas and we were the same height at 5'10.5" in shoes so that would make him 5'9" barefooted.
Woody Harlson also get's listed as 5'10"-5'11" but he is also 5'9" barefooted.
Click HereClick HereHere is Owen Wilson and Woody Harlson standing the same height
Click HereAnother actor that is labeled taller than he really is, Eric Roberts he also gets 5'10-5'11" this mugshot is a good example that 5'9" guy can look close to 5'11". Take away the big hair and a inch for shoes a Bin Go 5'9" barefooted.
Click HereI spoke to Lee and he told me he is considering bring Sly down to Houston for guest appearance to promote his gym. If Sly does come down I will take pictures with him and then we can realy compare someone who is 5'9" barefooted and 5'10.5" in shoes.
vaj said on 26/Aug/06
Come on guys do not let the picture above with Glenn & Sly on the right fool you. Sly is obviously in lifts on the picture. Let's refresh our memory.
Here is Glenn and 5'8.5" Jack
Click HereHere is Sly and 5'8.5" Jack
Click HereHere is Glenn and 5'8.5" Deniro
Click HereHere is Sly and 5'8.5" Deniro
Click HereClick HereClick HereHere is some pic's of Sly and 5'8.5" Antonio Banderas.
Click HereSly does not seem to be towering over Bandras.
Click HereSly with his Munster trainers lifts him up to 5'11" next to Banderas.
Click HereHere is Sly with his Munster trainers again making him appear 5'11" next to Agassi 5'11.5" in shoes.
Click HereClick HereDoes anyone know how tall the actor on the left is?
Click HereSomeone please tell me how he keeps matching up to people that are 5'8". I already know how he grows.
sf said on 26/Aug/06
Vaj - good examples. I especially like the picture next to 5'9" Luke Perry where Sly actually looks a little shorter than Perry. MMMMM...now, how do we explain this one?
Well, maybe Luke Perry had on lifts that day and Sly didn't. Or, maybe both had on lifts but Perry's were a little higher.
Or, maybe Sly is shorter than 5'9".
Anony said on 26/Aug/06
Brad, with those 4" high boots like you said (aka "munsters") next to Katzenburg, he was standing 6'1 next to 6' Denzel Washington in the same Lakers game (with presumed 1" typical shoe heel, and compare their identical eye-levels):
Click HereThat would still put Sly at 5'9 barefeet.
Anony said on 26/Aug/06
Megatron is referring to this photo:
Click HereNot sure about the strange angles, pic looks normal to me. But I agree Travolta and Sly are standing the same height in that. Shoulder-height appears identical, Travolta's eye-level and top-of-head are about an inch higher than Sly because Sly's head is grossly bent forward and down at the neck (try this yourself in the mirror - you can easily lose an inch by moving your head forward and lower like Sly in the photo).
This site lists Travolta at just a little over 6' in his prime. With the dancing shoes heel, he's standing at a total height of 6'1. That means Sly is also standing that same height in that pic. Now it's tough to see what the total size of Sly's boot-heel is, since his jeans are partially covering them, but they appear around 2.5", perhaps 3" but no more, based on the angle of where the shoe base would meet the heel under the covered jeans. Even at 3" heels that would implicate Sly standing at 5'10 barefeet (6'1 minus 3").
Now the question, as always, becomes "are there lifts in Sly's footwear, if so how much"? I'm going have to side with Megatron here and say there must be none, or very little, 1" at most. Why? The reasoning is in the size of the base of the toe-part of Sly's boots - they're thin as hell! Compare them to the toe thickness of Sly's munsters sitting next to Katzenburg:
Click HereMunsters acheive their illusion through a "proportional" increase in size of the entire shoe/boot. You just can't heighten ONLY the back but leave the rest the same size, that would be a dead-givaway! That'd make them be more like woman's pumps and would most likely be tough to walk in and not to mention really uncomfortable too.
So my personal conclusion from the Travolta pic, is Sly being 5'9 - 5'10 which I've always believed (and which is also consistent with my guesstimate from the Denzel photo as well). But that's of course IMHO.
leonari said on 26/Aug/06
Megatron: what are you talkin about? the picture you mention is below.No strange angles.Travolta in boots with tiny heel.Sly in boots with huge heel. Stop creating your own reality man!
Brad said on 26/Aug/06
He's 5' 8". The guy wears huge lifts in all his footwear. Just look at the fight scenes from the master shots in the Rocky films. You can almost see him jumping up to punch. SF is 100% correct. The courtside photo with Katzenberg shows him in 4" high boots. He must train to walk in those things.
Glenn said on 25/Aug/06
SF-didnt realise you were the mayor of the site to be saying I put people off.any forum or celeb is gonna get haters,so thats life.like I said,more people should revolt against me.Im waiting.
Fooh Qing Gye said on 25/Aug/06
I saw Sly in Assassins the other night and he dwarfed Antonoinio Banderas, Sly looks a solid 5'11 or 6'0 in that movie but he had on brown munster shoes.
megatron said on 25/Aug/06
in the travolta pic, i recall seeing only an inch diff maybe slightly less, sly's head and shoulders were stooped a bit too. there was some kind of weird illusion with it like the camera was looking from above towards the ground with a twist to skew the angle which was in travolta's favor and fooled most people unless you looked closely .. people assume the lift thing but i say with boots with good 3inch heels like that he might have opted to go liftless in them, feeling big heels were 'enough'. i remember those boots were really small looked nothin like 'munsters' but did have big heels. given travolta was in his prime too and anywhere from 6-0 to 6-1, sly could have passed for 5-10. anyone have that pic lying around somewhere?
vaj said on 25/Aug/06
I am not shocked, on left picture of Glenn & Sy I believe he may be in sandles with build up to make 5'8" barefooted Sly with sandles with 1.25" heel snd 1" build up= 5'10.25" similar to these:
Click HereIn the second picture to the right also Glenn & Sly he is obvious wearing large lifts to look 5'11-5'11.5" and he is closer to the camera making him appear larger.
It is not a fair comparison to Glenn who said himself that he can be as short as 5'7.25" to someone who wears huge lifts to appear 5'11". I know Glenn will say that Sly is not wearing any lifts, come on this is Sly we are talking about. The reason Sly can fool people is that his custom made shoes are very well porportioned and his pants droop over them making them difficult to notice.
Now let's use our heads, if Sly on interviews and Biographys and even on myspace.com, states that he himself claims to be only 5'10" then all he would have to appear in public is 5'11" in shoes which he does with his huge lifts.
Now let's compare Sly to Luke Perry who is 5'9" barefooted and 5'10.5" in shoes:(looks like Sly forgot his lifts b/c does not appear 5'11")
Click HereDon't forget this pic of Sly with 2-3" cowboy boots and 6'-6'1" travolta. Sly doesn't look like a 6' to me with boots.
Click HereHere is Sly 5'11" with his Munster trainers with 5'11.5" Aggassi in shoes. I met Aggassi he was an 1" taller than me which I am 5'10.5" in shoes. I bet if I met Sly he would not tower over me.
What happend here with Sly and Arnold?
Click HereAnd here?
Click HereNow with his lifts to appear 5'11"
Click HereDon't be fooled by Sly's tricks like stretching into military posture to appear even taller:
Click HereOf course people who are shorter when they see stars taller than themselves and with lifts can look taller than they realy are.
Nobody still can explain all those short sightings of Sly. We all know he is famous for being short.
Felix said on 25/Aug/06
Anony - Well, I got like 3 pictures of Sly looking 5'7, not 5'9+, and this is pictures where he wears golfshoes and he doesn't look to have lifts in them (remember the pic of sly and jack at the golfcourse, both standing 5'8!) And I have the oldschool Rocky picture where Sly wears Converse shoes, and he is SHORT. Look at Rocky 1 and 2 at the gym and he is 2-3 inches taller than Burgess Meredith (5'5?) and Burgess has a VERY bad posture and Stallone not. The only answer to Glenn's pictures is leg-surgery or that Glenn is lying about sylvesters footwear (I don't think you do Glenn). Peace!
Danimal said on 25/Aug/06
He has to have had surgery to lengthen certain bodyparts. He wasn't looking this tall in the 80's. It seems like the older he gets (he's over 60 now), the taller he becomes. I'm sticking by that. If Hogan hadn't lost 3", then we could have disputed Sly's surgery, but seeing Hogan has lost 3" according to his own admission, then it's difficult to say that Sly has indeed had the lengthening surgery. One thing is, we'll never know.
Nolifts81 said on 25/Aug/06
I've always said that he was 5'9.5. After this pic I say that Sly claims to be 5'10" because he is really 5'10"!!! a 5'7" or 5'8" or also a 5'9" man can't be that tall and, in that pic, he is not wearing 4 inches elevator boots, as Glenn says. He is 5'10" as he claims!!!
TJ said on 25/Aug/06
The Sly pics are mysterious, as he really does look a legitimate 5'10 to 5'11. The thing that confuses me is the full shot of him with Travolta on the set of Staying Alive that appeared on this site some months ago. Travolta is in dancing shoes with no heel and Stallone has shoes with a considerable heel, yet Travolta is still considerably taller than Stallone. Travolta is a little over 6'ft by his own admission, but would have to be a good 6'2 in that pic for Stallone to be 5'10. I just don't get it.
Anony said on 25/Aug/06
SF, with all due respect where did that bold assumption that Sly was wearing lifts in "First Blood" come from? As I vaguely remember from that movie, didn't he do lots of running, fighting and didn't he even get chased by a helicopter?
Even with Glenn at 5'7 Sly looks at least 5'10 in the 1991 photo.
We've seen Sly in barefeet almost nude pictures and know he has a pretty athletic body with decent "heroic" proportions. Anyone who is suggesting that Sly is only 5'7 are insinuating that he has real "chunky" stature, big head, really wide trunk built like a tank and real short legs, in order to pull off looking "normal" with the munsters that put him over 6'. Sly has none of those extremes.
I have yet to see even ONE picture that CLEARLY show Sly being 5'7, a few that suggest he's over 6' (probably with lifts), but most photos I've seen suggest he hovers around 5'9-5'10. If anyone can prove otherwise, I'd love to see those pics.
Glenn said on 25/Aug/06
Look,this is how it is.the man is 5-10.a magical height.cause sans lifts,age and posture,he can appear 5-9,or even shorter.its a no brainer,that shouldve been figured out from the get go.Ive been sending in real proos,not DVD stills or hot air.at 5-10,the man,when bold,can look 6-1 or 6-2,which we can see at times,with mop bucket up his ass,and silly lifts.I have broomsticks up my ass in photos too.in this case,I was on my tip toes,so that 5-7,became 5-8,or more.I still think its a 10 percent chance Frank was right.10 percent he had the surgery too.
DudeX said on 25/Aug/06
But seriously, Sly looks to be WAY nearer the camera
Danimal said on 25/Aug/06
Glenn, how come he appears so much taller than you when he was wearing sandals in 1991, than he did when he was wearing normal shoes in 1997??
When I saw that pic of him next to Hogan, I knew something was wrong. How is he only claiming 5'10", when he looks so much taller than that? All this time we thought he was exagerating his height, but it looks like he's downplaying it, BUT, how do we explain the pics where he DID appear shorter??
dmeyer said on 25/Aug/06
i am 180-2 range and look 188 in photo with good posture
dmeyer said on 25/Aug/06
nice pic glenn
dmeyer said on 25/Aug/06
almost 6 feet in that pic
dmeyer said on 25/Aug/06
sly can look 180
Anno Domini Nomus said on 24/Aug/06
These sandals give 3 inches of EXTRA height...front toes are NORMAL...
Click Here
Leung said on 24/Aug/06
In Glenn's second pic it's quite possible that Sly had just gotten out of bed and at his tallest point during the day and therefore looking 5'11". For myself, I'm 5'11.5" but straight out of bed in the morning I stand 6'0.5", an inch taller.
Most reasonable people will come to the conclusion that Sly is 5'10". If you want to see a 5'7"-5'8" guy check out the Tom Cruise page.
Earl said on 24/Aug/06
I agree with you Glenn. Even if you are shorter than 5'8" I would say Stallone is a minimum of 5'9"
sf said on 24/Aug/06
Glenn - I completely understand what you're saying, but how do you account for the fact he looks only about 5'9" in First Blood? David Caruso was easily 2 or 3 inches taller. I'm serious. How do you account for that? No where NEAR 6 ft or 5'11", etc. And, with lifts, that makes him only 5'7" or 5'8". That's what I'm talking about. Usually, in movies, I expect the guy to look as tall as possible but he really does only look about 5'9". And, he's wearing boots. Seriously. that's the argument I keep proposing. In a major motion picture, he only looks 5'9" - 5'11" if you can't the big hair. He looks taller sometimes, shorter sometimes. I really do think he has some of the best lifts in the business and you can get 2 inch lifts in heels...
Glenn said on 24/Aug/06
I know Im repeating myself,but it was sightings like this that made me think,5-10? is that all? I THOUGHT THE GUY WAS 6FT! so how on earth can he be 5-7,5-8? near impossible.he is the 5-10 he claims he is.I wouldve guessed at least 5-11.
Glenn said on 24/Aug/06
Well,no one believed me.this was 1991.I told you Frank was wrong.this was the 3rd timeor so I saw him.but the first time a foot away,and first photo with.I remember thinking geez,I thought this guy was short,and then look down at his feet to see sandles.I think it was those sandles that covers up a bit.nonetheless,one inch lifts if lucky.more details,I mightve been 5-7 then,at the age of 19.but I did this strange reflex of sort of tiptoe cause he was so tall.a move I tried never to do again.and,plus I hated the pic.so it was till 1997,I got him to pose again.(even worse in uglyness with me)all the years in between,it was in crowds or events,talk shows etc.you gotta catch him one on one to get photo OP.there is a couple more scraps to throw in the future.and not to mention,he should be here in December.
sf said on 24/Aug/06
Glenn is leaning a little bit - add a little extra height to Glenn. Stallone is slightly in front of Glenn - subract some of Stallones' height. It's a photograph. A minute change can make something look much larger or shorter. Take away 3 inch lifts and he is the same height as Glenn.
Viper652 said on 24/Aug/06
At this point I really wouldnt be surprised If Sly had some kind of leg lenthening procedure. Nobody can explain how he can look about 6-0 in sandles. The idea isnt that crazy really.
JDrozen said on 24/Aug/06
Stallone looks 6' in this picture. This is not normal! There is something wrong here, terribly wrong!
mike said on 24/Aug/06
nice pic glenn, when was the new/2nd pic taken and yes sly would need HUGE ASS lifts in his sandles to tower over u like that, i wonder what frank thinks of that picture
Anonymous said on 24/Aug/06
Sly looks 6' there, given all the details - Sandles vs glenns footwear, Glenn on tiptoes, Sly's posture, etc.
Infact, I'm shocked. :-|
oc said on 24/Aug/06
how should stallone only be 5'9 beside 5'8 glenn in the second pic?
sly really looks 5'11-6' !!!!!!!
Chris said on 24/Aug/06
Amazing! Sly in sandels, he is definitely 5'10'' I would say more though, I
sf said on 24/Aug/06
Jesus, Glenn. What the hell are you doing - stalking him!??
Just kidding...
Brad said on 23/Aug/06
Now it is Sly 5' 11".
15and5'7'' said on 23/Aug/06
dang, sly looks 3-4 inches taller than u glenn in that second pic. making sly 5'11''-6'0''!!
Anonymous said on 23/Aug/06
Wow, you're in trainers/shoes *and* on your tiptoes whilst he's in sandles?! He looks 6' then, givin that information!
the shredder said on 23/Aug/06
ok , iam back from my break ... only for this comment though !!! GUYS glenn is on his f*cking tiptoes and sly is in f#cking sandles ! i personally REALLY can't see him anything under an even 5'10 ! i would actually go as far as 5'10 .5 pushing 5'11 now !!! rob , no if's , and's , or but's about it ! sly should be upgraded to nothing under his 5'10 clame !!! ok , iam going back to my break from this site ... ill post back whenever !!!
ziggy said on 23/Aug/06
This is insane. I'm going to brag because I did the impossible again. I broke my record. I now have developed a custom men's dress boot that will give a net increase of 4 1/8" without sacrificing the look or comfort. Think what I can do with cowboy boots (maybe 4.5"). The total height from the bottom of the heel to the top of my insert is 5.5"! That mean if I advertised, I could say, "5.5 inches taller"! Now if I can do it, Sly sure can. But no way in trainers. Only in boots.
Glenn said on 23/Aug/06
Yes.you all have to believe me.he was in sandles,though I cant remember if the back was covered or not.even if he had a lift,it can only be one inch.and Im practically on my tiptoes.
stan said on 23/Aug/06
I would say about 5'11 next to glenn
slysystem said on 23/Aug/06
To Viper652 : it's stupid !!!!
leg extension surgery means at least 6 month completly OUT of everyday Life...
Stallone never disappeared of Public Eyes !
This Idea is completely ridiculous
derbi said on 23/Aug/06
in the new pic sly looks about 6 feet!
Viper652 said on 23/Aug/06
Well, stallone looks shorter than 5-10 in older pictures. I wouldnt be surprised If he did get leg lengthening surgery.
Viper652 said on 18/Aug/06
Ive always thought Denzel Washington looked 6-0 in movies for the most part. And you know how skeptical I am.
Viper652 said on 18/Aug/06
maybe Sly knows a guy who can make better custom made lifts than Tom Cruise
sf said on 18/Aug/06
I still say watch "First Blood" and you will see Stallone is 2 to 3 inches shorter than David Caruso who is generally listed about 6 feet. So, no 6 feet sighting there. Only a man, who, with 2 or 3 inch lifts, can look close to 5'9" or 5'10"...
Anonymous said on 18/Aug/06
**THE REAL ANONYMOUS**Anony, great information. I was with you until you said Sly is 5'9-5'9.5. The munsters give Sly a minimum of a 3.5 lift increase. The white part of the munsters looks to be closer to 1.5 inches . Vaj i am in total agreement with you that Sly is 5'8. Glen, you have got to post more pics of you and Sly.Next time he is in Newyork track him down, check out the shoes and lets see some pics.
Glenn said on 18/Aug/06
Leung says it even better. Chris-the weather has been really nice here lately.Doris sadly dissapeared for now.I hope its not cause her mother took a turn for the worse.
Glenn said on 18/Aug/06
Vaj-you seem to be forgetting one thing over and over again.he is wearing low cut shoes in my pic that I studied well.the most he can fit is a one inch lift.if I did the same I would be slightly under.making Sly at least 5-9.Anony says it best.
vaj said on 18/Aug/06
The only reason I am so adamant about Sly being 5'8" is that Lee who I have mentioned quite a bit on here is that he lived with Sly and seen him many times barefooted and even seen his low cut dress shoes with lifts and even cowboy boots tells me so. Now I know many have met Sly and looks taller than 5'8" because he WEARS LIFTS!
Now I know Glenn thinks Sly is not wearing any lifts in the picture above with him but I think he has you fooled b/c it is pretty obvious he does. Now if you think he doesn't why would he be so famous being short b/c he does not look short in that picture next to Glenn. And if Glenn would slip on the same pair of Sly's lifts, Whalaaa! he would be Sly's height in that pic.
Denzel who seems to me to be 5'10"-5'11" barefooted and in shoes 6' and that proves that pic with Sly and the bald guy is the same Lakers game with Sly and Denzel pic, proving that in 3" Munster trainers he is 5'11" and notice his military poster.
Do not forget Sly tricks when taking pictures how he stretches like the pictures of Arnold and shorter Sly and the same moment picture time on second picture he is the same height as Arnold.
Click HereClick HereClick HereNotice Sly's tricks when taking pictures, thats how ladies and gentlemen he confuses people. Sly is slick I would put him as the 9th wonder of the world.
Nolifts81 said on 18/Aug/06
Vaj- I know well the TOTO and the elevator shoes in general. I am sure that in tha occasion in Italy Sly had very normal dress shoes.However all is possible.
Anonymous said on 18/Aug/06
Denzel has been sighted as low as 5'10!....(which he does look like on screen!)so with lifts Sly can be as tall as a 5'11 (with shoes) Denzel!
Denzel as never looked as big as a towering 6 footer on screen!...And is some movies he has used lifts to appear taller! sly is short! he is famous for being short! anything around 5'6 to 5'7!(pictures with stone in shower scene, barefoot show that!)
If Sly was a genuine 5'9 or 5'9.5, I am sure (as would another million people) he would claim that he was 5'11 or even 6 foot! I read he said in an interview in 'Muscle and Fitness' magazine in the 1980's (training for Rambo 3) that he was 5 foot tall at 13 years old. I find it difficult to accept that he grew another 9 or even 10 inches by the time he was 21!
All actors add additional inches to their height in Hollywood!...its the norm there!
HelloKitty said on 18/Aug/06
Vaj, I didnt know those "special shoes" are so expensive for non-name brand, I'd rather buy name brand babyphat. So funny, when you say "2.5 being packed under his feet in the munsters", you make it sound like he's packing an ice pack in there, (btw can you squeeze in a Bud light?)LOL. You're breakdown makes sense I would agree with Stallone 2" lifts=5'9.5. I have to agree with your estimations about jackie chan, he's 5'7 barefoot, with thick heel shoes he's 5'8. For arguments sake, lets say both barefoot Stallone is 5'10 and Jackie is 5'10, then if both wear Stallone's special shoes, they both would hit the 6footer mark. Jackie looks so short in the pics next to Stallone. That "bald guy" the co-owner of a movie company, who would have thought? My guess was he was Stallone's agent/publicist.
Anony said on 18/Aug/06
Has anyone ever made this connection - in Vaj's pic with the big "munsters" Sly wears next to the "bald man" (who BTW is Jeffrey Katzenburg, co-owner of DreamWorks along with Spielberg):
Click Hereis most likely the SAME Lakers game with Denzel Washington above:
Click Herebecause Sly is wearing the same yellow shirt with the sleeves rolled up the same way and not to mention also has the same haircut?
Since Denzel is an even 6'0, Sly looks to be 5'11.5. Let's say Denzel is wearing the standard 1" heel on a typical shoe. So in that pic, Denzel is standing 6'1 with shoes. So, with those munster trainers Sly is standing 6'0.5. Lets forget about the 1" heel and assume him and Denzel are both wearing the same sized typical shoe heel of about 1" (which looks it on the munsters). So the question becomes "how big are the lifts INSIDE the munsters"?
Here's a breakdown of what they could possibly be and what the implications are:
i) 1" lifts -> Sly is 5'10.5 (NO WAY!)
ii) 2" lifts -> Sly is 5'9.5
iii) 3" lifts -> Sly is 5'8.5
iv) 4" lifts -> Sly is 5'7.5
v) 5" lifts -> Sly is 5'6.5 (NO WAY!)
Looking at those munsters again:
Click Hereand taking into consideration there needs to be room in the shoe to fit his feet, I can honestly see no more than 2.5" being packed under his feet in the munsters, mostly likely around 2"-2.5".
2.5" lifts would put him at 5'9 to stand next to Denzel Washington at 6'0.5 = 5'9 + 1" heel + 2.5" lifts.
I might even go with 2" lifts -> 5'9.5 Sly, but he's in "military posture" which might cancel that out (but there's no reason to believe Denzel is slouching all that much either). My reasoning for such a low heel size is, use the "white trim heel" of his munsters as reference for a unit of measurement of about 1" (as it is with most shoes of ANY size). 2" above the heel almost reaches the top of the shoe near his ankle. So where is the space left for his feet to fit in the munsters?!
In short, taken together both those pics show Sly to be about 5'9 to 5'9.5 to me.
Leung said on 17/Aug/06
Similar to HelloKitty I once read an article that claimed Stallone was 5
Brad said on 17/Aug/06
Wow, yer not kidding about those "Munster trainers". He must have 4" in those things. No wonder he looks taller.
Glenn said on 17/Aug/06
I know that already about dress shoes.do you ever think you can be wrong about Sly? Im mr bad guy,but you and Frank are never wrong.Sly is a short 5-10.now possibly 5-9.big difference to a 6-2 Arnie.
Chris said on 17/Aug/06
Hey Glenn. I
Glenn said on 17/Aug/06
Im 5-8 Earl and shrink sometimes during the course of a day,like most people.again,it seems sometimes.a low of 5-7.25.
Glenn said on 17/Aug/06
Hugs and kisses to you honey.thanks Chris.how you been? the one thing people seem to forget is that I met Sly many times.not veiwing pics or dvds.I had a real long conversation about height with someone that met Sly more than me.and has been doing this longer.he experienced the shape shifters too.he pegs Sly no smaller than 5-9.and saw the same weird,I was too embarresed to mention, heights I saw.except mine an inch smaller on these two-a 5-10 Elton John,a 6ft Mick Jagger.here is other estimations by him.of course some of these are the barefoot ests,some shift s. Colin Farrel 5-10,Johnny Depp consistantly 5-9,5-9.5 to him.never shapeshifting like I see Depp do.Sean Penn shifting from 5-9,5-10.Leo Dicaprio 6-1 barefoot.in his defense,he can look it.Chris Tucker 6-1.Jackie Chan 5-9.Tom Cruise shifting from 5-6 to 5-10!?.Paul Mccartney 5-l0 to 6ft.Harrison Ford 5-11 to 6-1.Wesley Snipes 5-9 to 5-11.Gary Olman 5-9.Eddie Murphy 5-10 to 5-11 and thinks anything less is a myth.David Bowie 5-9.hopefully Ill get more.
vaj said on 17/Aug/06
With all due respect do not be so naive to say it is impossible to put any kind of lift in side a low dress shoes.
This site below shows their Deluxe Series of TOTO which advertises as Ultra High Quality & Extra Cushioned elevator shoes. They also say it is Totally invisible and yes you can fit a 1" lift inside a well porpotioned low cut dress shoe with 1.5" heel they even have sandles with 1" build up.
Click HereLook what Sly did with his 3"-4" Munster trainers, if it wasn't for the bald mans normal shoe to compare you would not be able to notice since they are very well designed and porpotioned.
Click HereListen a man that is 5'9-5'9.5" barefooted first of all is average height. Now Sly is never out barefooted so if he was that tall he would easily be in shoes with no lifts at least 5'10.5-5'11" without lifts and yes that is not tall but that is not short either. And if he did want to look 6' all he would need to wear are 1" lifts and not huge trainers. I know he does not wear the huge trainers all the time even though most of the pictures I have seen Sly in seems he can not live without them. But when he is not wearing the huge lifts and seems to wears normal low cut dress shoes (trust me he has some type of lifts inside it was verified by his friend Lee) he only looks around 5'10". Hmmmmmm....
I know what many are going to say that he is famous action star and is very muscular but still he would not be seen as short as 5'7". Arnold is a lot more muscular and heavier than Sly and he has never been mistaken as 5'8"-5'9" but yet Sly has been seen as short as 5'7".
Glenn said on 17/Aug/06
Pete,your are clearly mistaken and shouldnt be spewing diarrea out your mouth if you dont have the facts straight.OTHERS,thought Vaj was a chick too.it wasnt an insult,oh and thanks Vaj,I appeciate your words and the intelligent words of Real Anonymous,who is making sense to me.correct,its about being passionate at giving all of you the best accuracy ever.not arrogance,though it comes accross like that.I like intelligent complaints on me.not idiocy like Pete or Frank2.I sincerly apoligise for my troubles on the site and I love you all,haters and debaters included.Im hard to figure out.I sometimes think I can be an a**hole to my friends due to my anxiety,but one friend shocked me by saying that Im actually too sweet and trusting.I have too many facets and layers.to my supporters,big hugs to you all and thanks for your helpful words.Im more concered for Larry.Larry,thanks for your backing me.your such a strong soul.Glennfan100,are you the same person from before? is the 100 part added? either way,thanks!
Nolifts81 said on 17/Aug/06
I've seen Sly(on italian tv)wearing his dress shoes(very low cut where is IMPOSSIBLE to put any kind of lift!!!)with an exterior heel of about 1.25 inch appearing the same height of the most famous italian anchorman "Corrado"(5'10" barefoot)so, is impossible that Sly is 5'8" or also 5'9". He has to be at least 5'9.5
Felix said on 17/Aug/06
vaj - You make me feel so gooooood! :D Glenn, seriously, 5'8 MAX!
vaj said on 17/Aug/06
Sure everyone is a little taller when they wake up but at the end of the day when gravity has taken it's toll that is your real height. I never been 5'7.25 in the afternoon, at night nor midnight.
Sure Sly can look close to 6' because he wears huge lifts and then when he looks 5'10" wears smaller lifts. Come on people wake up!
Sly barefooted= 5'8"
Sly with normal shoes and heel 1.5" (no lifts)= 5'9.5"
Sly with 1.5" heel and hidden 1" lift (low cut shoes)= 5'10.5"
Sly with Munster shoes 1.5" heel and 1.5" lift inside or boots= 5'11"
Here is an example of Sly 5'11" next to Arnold
Click HereThis is a good example of the same moment as above pic but this time Sly knows he is about to have his picture taken and has tricks to appearing 6' by stretching himself and even leaning back to give the illusion that he is 6', but we all know by the first pic that he is shorter. Thats why so many people are so confused.
Click HereLike I have said and frankly it is getting old that we all know how he is growing but nobody talks on how someone who looks close to 6' can also look as short as 5'7"?
Nolifts81 said on 17/Aug/06
Right Leonari!!! He is 5'9.5(176cm) has a perfect posture and the best elevator shoes! I have compared a lot of time his height to Arnold's Height. Arnold is really 187 cm and wiewing the few pics when they are together and Sly has on normal dress shoes(no lifts inside), Sly is 4+ inchs shorter than Arnold, about 11 cm. So I am almost sure that Sly is 176 cm.
JK said on 17/Aug/06
Larry how tall is your son?