Alex2 said on 16/Mar/13
jimmy says on 14/Mar/13
Tyson is only 5'.9"(max.I have seen him in person,.I am 5'11" 1/4 and he was at least 2 inches shorter.)
Oh lord, how far will you go? Tyson was MEASURED many times throughout his career at a solid 5'10" if not better.
logan noll 1996 said on 16/Mar/13
Rob, is it possible Taker could've been 6'7.75" or 6'8" at one point?
jimmy said on 14/Mar/13
Tyson is only 5'.9"(max.I have seen him in person,.I am 5'11" 1/4 and he was at least 2 inches shorter.)
The Animal said on 14/Mar/13
Kane is 6'9 or 6'10
The Animal said on 14/Mar/13
Alex2, you're right. Undertaker is 6'8-6'9
Alex2 said on 13/Mar/13
Taker with Mike Tyson looking 6'7+ within the last year
Click Here
Alex2 said on 13/Mar/13
People are now even seriously saying Taker could be less than 6'6? Now I've seen everything. What's Khali then 6'9?
miko said on 13/Mar/13
He's still 6'7, if he's lost anything it's not noticeable, at most 0.25'.
Alex2 said on 12/Mar/13
jimmy says on 11/Mar/13
I may shock everyone.But i honestly beleive that he is around 6'4" these days.Maybe a bit more.Nowhere near 6'7.I am pretty sure that Ali Baba would agree with me
Please just go, so what is Khali? 6'9?
Josey Wales said on 12/Mar/13
Well Jimmy, no need to rally up people to suppourt your views, we all are entitled to our own. You as much as the next person. But i will respectfully disagree. I would put him at around 6'6" today, probably not less.
cdk said on 12/Mar/13
6'6.75 today
6.7.25 peak
Ali Baba said on 12/Mar/13
Jimmy, for now I'll stick with my 6'5" to 6'6" estimate. I don't feel he would be as low as 6'4" though.
logan noll 1996 said on 11/Mar/13
Undertaker and Sid look like there the same in eye level but given how Taker has the longer head, he edges Sid out by an inch.
Sid - 6'7 peak/6'6 now.
Taker - 6'8 peak/6'7ish now.
jimmy said on 11/Mar/13
I may shock everyone.But i honestly beleive that he is around 6'4" these days.Maybe a bit more.Nowhere near 6'7.I am pretty sure that Ali Baba would agree with me
The Ben said on 11/Mar/13
Just reading the latest wrestling observer and Meltzer says kane is a legit 6'6.5 and Undertaker 6'8.5. For a guy who's supposed know everything his height estimates do seem a bit off.
Alex2 said on 10/Mar/13
Zero chance he is below 6'7 today, look at him with Triple H, JBL, Khali, Kane, NEVER looks below 6'7 when his posture is correct.
Ali Baba said on 8/Mar/13
Josey Wales says on 6/Mar/13
One of the biggest Taker height downgraders on this site is selfadmittedly 6'6"... I m not into name calling so i will leave the nick out..
It's alright. You can throw my name out there. I will say that after seeing him in person, I'm pretty confident of my estimate.
Mr. E said on 7/Mar/13
I think a 6'8" peak is being generous. Taker is a tough one to pin down. He can look "tall" next to Nash, Show, Khali, but then doesn't look like a near 6'8" guy next to shorter wrestlers. He can very between looking 6'6ish to nearly 6'8ish depending on footwear, angle, posture, not to mention, someone recently pointed to Sid's bigger body and Taker's large head. I would say 6'7". I really don't think he was ever 6'8".
Alex2 said on 7/Mar/13
Sid could very well have been over 6'7 peak, show me fair evidence of him looking 6'7 or less because with Taker he looks 6'7.5 and there is enough evidence to say Taker was a legit 6'8 peak or at the very least 6'7.75.
Josey Wales said on 6/Mar/13
One of the biggest Taker height downgraders on this site is selfadmittedly 6'6"... I m not into name calling so i will leave the nick out..
Alex2 said on 2/Mar/13
Thanks KingNick, seems all the people putting Taker's height down likely are <5'8 and have a huge case of short man syndrome.
James said on 2/Mar/13
yeah 6'7.5 could be right for takers peak if sid had hair advantage. 6'8 is probably a stretch though.
KingNick said on 28/Feb/13
Sharpshooter7 says on 26/Feb/13
I'd consider Taker a prime 6'8", or at the very least, an inch taller than
Sid Eudy (I'm open to both being shorter than my 6'8"/6'7" asessments.)
Watch any match between
Sid Eudy and Taker and you'll see Sid constantly jockeying for height, while Taker is usually in a very comfortable stance. Even with Taker in a relaxed stance and Sid reaching for extra height, he comes out shorter.
If a relaxed Undertaker comes out .5"+ on a straight postured Sid, I don't think 1" is out of the question.
Agreed man! Tuga, Alex 2, agreed too!
I've said this a lot of times - 'Taker has an unusually long forehead. Sid all around is a bigger guy in terms of bone structure but 'Taker has the longer head. The staredown from 1989 isn't any different form any of their other staredowns other than Sid's hair is poofed out. The top of the mask goes deep into his poofy hair, you can see it at the top.
Ali Baba said on 28/Feb/13
I have seen pixels mentioned before as a useful way to measure things in pictures. Pixels are useless for that due to the huge mumber of things that affect how many pixels are in a picture, none of which includes the size of the object in the picture. Too many to even bother listing here.
Alex2 said on 28/Feb/13
Sid being 6'7.5 peak is also very possible...
Tuga said on 28/Feb/13
Sharpshooter7 says on 26/Feb/13
If a relaxed Undertaker comes out .5"+ on a straight postured Sid, I don't think 1" is out of the question.
I agree with you, some here still ignore the fact that sid would have had over an inch on 6'6 measured john tenta comparing both to hogan, now even if sid looks taller because of posture he was never under 6´7 peak, he had staredowns with nash and looked around 2 inches shorter, now nash was just about 6'10, 6'9 1/2 minimum.
Now some of the estimates I see here would put hogan easly under 6'5.
Remember just a few years back jbl was said to be almost as tall and then a staredown with taker standing tall killed that myth, or the one that in ministry of darkness he looked over 6'8 because of footware which again was proven wrong,then came along the "staredowngrading" with albert which also even with proof that albert could stand around akebono´s height (this regarding footware and posture of course)still continues till this day...
Sharpshooter7 said on 27/Feb/13
Click Here
The average male adult human head is 10". I'm willing to ignore the fact that Sid is 9" taller than the average adult male, and argue that his head size is only average.
The height difference there is 0.75", based on the 18 pixel differential/ the 235 pixel head length. That's not compensating for the fact that Sid has head cocked up in the air. While Taker's not in a weak stance, he's definitely not "Giving it his all" like Sid is.
Alex 2:
The purpose of a Staredown is generally to look your opponent in the eye. If you're 5-6" taller than your opponent, that usually involves hunching over.
I've found looking over staredowns that the taller wrestler almost always has a weaker posture than the shorter wrestler. Reason being they're making eye contact, not posing for celebrity heights.
Sharpshooter7 said on 27/Feb/13
Miko, are you looking at their eyes or at the top of their heads?
miko said on 27/Feb/13
Taker was giving it all he had in the first staredown between the two, and was lucky if he was taller at all.
Sid was 6'6.75/6'7 and Taker was maybe a hair over 6'7.
Alex2 said on 27/Feb/13
Couldn't agree more Sharpshooter7, people always fail to realize Taker's awful posture which can make him look considerably shorter than he is. He obviously doesn't really care that much.
Sharpshooter7 said on 26/Feb/13
I'd consider Taker a prime 6'8", or at the very least, an inch taller than
Sid Eudy (I'm open to both being shorter than my 6'8"/6'7" asessments.)
Watch any match between
Sid Eudy and Taker and you'll see Sid constantly jockeying for height, while Taker is usually in a very comfortable stance. Even with Taker in a relaxed stance and Sid reaching for extra height, he comes out shorter.
If a relaxed Undertaker comes out .5"+ on a straight postured Sid, I don't think 1" is out of the question.
Alex2 said on 25/Feb/13
ChrisH says on 23/Feb/13
I met Undertaker, I'm about 6'6'' and he was the same height as me, maybe a half inch taller. He's about 6'6'', Kane in real life is a solid 6'5''. Met them both.
They see me
trollin, they hatin.
Ali Baba said on 24/Feb/13
My name got cleared out for some reason so I reposted this with my name: Got to see Taker make his return last night. Unbelievably huge crowd response. I'll keep my assessment of his height to myself since I was in th 5th row and that would be a bit unfair, but he's definitely not in the best shape of his life. I hope he gets back in good shape so he can keep going.
Anonymous said on 24/Feb/13
Got to see Taker make his return last night. Unbelievably huge crowd response. I'll keep my assessment of his height to myself since I was in th 5th row and that would be a bit unfair, but he's definitely not in the best shape of his life. I hope he gets back in good shape so he can keep going.
ChrisH said on 23/Feb/13
I met Undertaker, I'm about 6'6'' and he was the same height as me, maybe a half inch taller. He's about 6'6'', Kane in real life is a solid 6'5''. Met them both.
James said on 23/Feb/13
He didn't look 1 inch taller than sid
HellBoundPower said on 23/Feb/13
It's a well known fact that Kane is shorter than Undertaker. He wore those big monster heels to be slightly taller than Taker. I believe 6'8" peak for Taker, probably 6'6.5" today. Kane peak was probably 6'7", and I don't think he's much shorter now.
dicko said on 23/Feb/13
Jack Swagger has been arrested and the pictures from the police on the net show him at least 6 foot 5 inches.Anyone got Taker v Swagger pics to compare?
Alex2 said on 22/Feb/13
Kane peak: 6'8.25
Taker peak: 6'7.75
Can't see how anyone can argue with this.
James said on 21/Feb/13
Kane at 6'8 I can buy but I don't think Taker ever was that tall.
miko said on 16/Feb/13
Taker at 6'8 prime would put Triple H at near 6'3, he aint that tall.
Sid Eudy killed anything over 6'7.5 for Taker.
Alex2 said on 14/Feb/13
I still think he was a weak 6'7.75 peak and 6'7.25 today, 0.5" height loss and he isn't even that old.
nick said on 14/Feb/13
and jbl was alway 3 to 1 inch shorter than taker
Sharpshooter7 said on 14/Feb/13
There was a circulating story on wrestling websites in 1999 that Kane had, over the course of a year and a half, lost 60 lbs. I would put his largest just shy of 350, and his lightest at about 285. I'd put his average at about 315.
Undertaker said in an interview that the fattest he's ever been was 350 lbs when he was injured, and unable to exercise, but in terms of tv weight, I don't think he's ever broken 330, and has mostly stayed below 310 lbs.
James said on 14/Feb/13
I think Kane looks 6'6 at times/as well
Nick said on 14/Feb/13
I know where takers range is and it definetly isnt toward the upper end of it. 6'6 to 6'8. ITwould make my day if the undertaker was measured and it read 6'7. I think that he is a tad over 6'7 in the morning today. The undertaker looked great compared to khali and there is some footage of him looking tall against the rock but i think what we are seeing is 6'7. THe Undertaker can still be a legit 6'7
Tuga said on 13/Feb/13
I think its pretty obvious that taker is not standing straight with both batista and hhh, or else both are as tall as legit minimum 6'5 jbl...
If you want comparions with good posture for all 3 men just watch their staredowns with khali, now there taker had to stand straight obviously being shorter.
n1st said on 12/Feb/13
Taker looking no more than about 6'6 next to HHH
Click Here
Nick said on 12/Feb/13
I feel as though i have been biased long enough for takers height for too long. Undertaker is was collectivly my favorite wrestler ever and so he was for many other people. Regarding his height, which i have been obsessed about in question for ten years. I have come to the conclusion that the undertakers current height mid day 1.5 centimeters below his morning height is now 6'6'75. I am very certain of this. In his peak mid day he was 6'7.5. Near 6'9 in some generous boots. This is was all started the illusion of the huge heights hes been given. Especially comparing himself to many 6 footers who claim 6'2 and the 6'4 3/8 guys who claim 6'6. 75 percent of all interactions with the undertaker and triple h and the undertaker and batista scream 6'6. I know batistas footwear and posture is in the cards but he still isnt towering like a "6'8" should. Best case scenario which is that triple h may be 6'2.5 and may be wearing 1.5 plus inch boots (i think this is a 50 percent chance) hed be 6'4-6'4.5 in footwear consistantly undertaker being 4 inches taller with 1 inch heel would make him 6'7 -6'7.5. Barefoot. With batista its tougher to explain the small 3.5 inch difference but possible. Picture with billy gunn says it all 6'4 billy gunn good posture undertaker 1 inch taller with very loose posture standing tall almost 3 inches
Josey Wales said on 9/Feb/13
Taker isnt exactly "reaching" in the pic with The Ben either. Head tilted down.
He aint 6'9 but not 6'5 either.
James said on 9/Feb/13
Scott hall is NOT 6'5 but more like 6'4 since he was not much taller than 6'3 led luger.
RoelC said on 9/Feb/13
miko says on 8/Feb/13
RoelC, how tall would you put Albert at then?
Albert was listed 6'6" while playing football. There use to be a picture of his football listing floating around on the internet, but I can't find it anymore.
Albert was also listed 198cm (6'6") in AJPW, so it's safe to say he ain't taller than that!
I think Albert had a slight footwear advantage on Taker (but not much) and Taker only edged him out by 0.5". Taker doesn't look more than 6'7" next to Albert.
Ali Baba said on 8/Feb/13
Alex2 says on 7/Feb/13
What height would you have estimated when you met Taker The Ben? He looks 6'9 in that pic taking into account his footwear advantage you say he had.
Given Ben's stance and Taker's boots he looks nowhere near 6'9" in that picture. At 6'6" a 6' person comes up to the tip of my nose. He doesn't even look 6'7" in the picture with Ben.
miko said on 8/Feb/13
RoelC, how tall would you put Albert at then?
I'll go for a flat 6'6 (198-199cm)
Clay said on 7/Feb/13
Kane is 295-310 in that range.
RoelC said on 7/Feb/13
miko says on 5/Feb/13
Matt Bloom (Tensai/Albert) was pretty much eye to eye with Taker back in 03', he was also within 2' of 6'9 Matt Morgan at the time.
Yet on RAW of late, he's looking the same height as 6'5 Brodus Clay and was struggling next to 6'4 Titus O'Neil. He must have worn some huge boots back in the day.
Albert didn't look much taller than 6'5" Test back in '00 either. He was eye to eye with both Taker and Kane back in '01, but neither of those two was wearing small footwear either. In Japan, Albert wore some thick boots and yet was still shorter than 6'8" Akebono, who was wrestling in thin-soled wrestling boots.
Albert in those thick-soled boots didn't look more than 3.5" taller than a barefoot Bob Sapp either.
Here's a recent pic of Tensai and Gene Snitsky. They look the same height, though Tensai might edge him out slightly thanks to his large head.
Click Here
Some old pics:
With Akebono:
Click Here
Albert's boots in Japan:
Click Here
With Kane:
Click Here
With Undertaker:
Click Here
Albert's boots in 2001:
Click Here
Alex2 said on 7/Feb/13
What height would you have estimated when you met Taker The Ben? He looks 6'9 in that pic taking into account his footwear advantage you say he had.
Vegas said on 6/Feb/13
Babun says on 5/Feb/13
What's Kane real weight? Is he really weigh 328 pounds? What is the heaviest weight of Undertaker and Kane?
in this clip off wwe tv from a few years ago he gets weighed at ~161kg (~355lb) this was the same time wwe were billing khali at 420lb
Click Here
The Ben said on 6/Feb/13
Taker and I back in 94, I was 6'1 but hunched over and taker had big heeled cowboy boots on, He was a very cool guy as long as you where polite to him (which I was)
Click Here
The Ben said on 6/Feb/13
Babun says on 5/Feb/13
What's Kane real weight? Is he really weigh 328 pounds? What is the heaviest weight of Undertaker and Kane?
Not sure about Kane but taker said he got up to 350 in the ministry of darkness days. He said he became concerned and tried to lose weight, not a good 350, carrying a lot of fat hidden beneath his full body outfit at the time. I personally believe him regarding his weight, he's a huge man in person with a big frame.
miko said on 5/Feb/13
Matt Bloom (Tensai/Albert) was pretty much eye to eye with Taker back in 03', he was also within 2' of 6'9 Matt Morgan at the time.
Yet on RAW of late, he's looking the same height as 6'5 Brodus Clay and was struggling next to 6'4 Titus O'Neil. He must have worn some huge boots back in the day.
Babun said on 5/Feb/13
What's Kane real weight? Is he really weigh 328 pounds? What is the heaviest weight of Undertaker and Kane?
KingNick said on 4/Feb/13
Alex2 says on 29/Jan/13
There is no evidence to prove that Undertaker has lost any height, if anything there is move evidence towards him not loosing any.
Sure? Really?
Taker is so much beaten up that he can´t wrestle more than one match in a whole year.
He has hip-replacement and some people around him claim he fights cancer too - and that´s the real reason for his hairloss.
I've heard the cancer rumor too but I don't buy it. 'Taker's hair has been receding since the beginning of his time with the WWF. When he was on Raw 1000 he shaved the sides, not the top. He would have lost his hair on the top. I know he's been thinner but he's been thinner and more muscular the past coupla years.
ray ray says on 3/Feb/13
undertaker is 7'0 (213cm) he is the same height as big show and kane
Oh boy here we go...
ray ray said on 3/Feb/13
undertaker is 7'0 (213cm) he is the same height as big show and kane
Alex2 said on 1/Feb/13
Red 183 says on 31/Jan/13
Sure? Really?
Taker is so much beaten up that he can´t wrestle more than one match in a whole year.
He has hip-replacement and some people around him claim he fights cancer too - and that´s the real reason for his hairloss.
Chances for no heightloss are zero period
How much is debatable, maybe he was 6´7.75" peak and is 6´7" flat today and if you read at the top he mentioned already heightloss years ago.
Lol, Cancer? Really? Never heard that before. Show me one piece of evidence from his peak to current height showing any signs of height loss, because if anything he looks just as tall as he did years ago when he stand full straight. Look at him with Khali, JBL, Michaels, Triple H within the past 3 years he still looked around 6'8.
I'm not saying he hasn't lost height, I actually think he most likely has, but nowhere near as much as some fools on here like Danimal think; I think he was 6'8 peak and around 6'7.5 today, but again there is NO evidence for this.
Alex2 said on 29/Jan/13
There is no evidence to prove that Undertaker has lost any height, if anything there is move evidence towards him not loosing any.
Vegas said on 28/Jan/13
bulldog and vince side by side on prime time circa 1991
Click Here
Frank said on 23/Jan/13
Miko i did not measure Bulldog but he was Shorter than me and just under 6ft
Conti said on 22/Jan/13
I heard when they interview him on 20/20 that he wears 3" boots that makes him 6'9,maybe when he way younger he was 6'8.I would say around 6'6.He's 47 years old now,so he shrunk a little bit.
Alex2 said on 22/Jan/13
I'm starting to think Taker was 6'7.5" peak and is still around this today. There is no evidence of him loosing any height whatsoever.
miko said on 22/Jan/13
I would loved to have seen a Kane/Sid staredown, I wonder how they would have stacked up to each other. Pretty sure Kane would have edged him out, but Eudy's eyeline might have been a little higher.
The Ben said on 19/Jan/13
I'm not someone to big wrestlers up for no reason.
My Favorite wrestler of all time the warrior I'd put at just over 6ft.
Flair 5'9
Piper 5'8- 5'9
The mountie 6'2
Ted Dibiase 6'3.
All guys I've met and been photo's with, Some are taller than you'd think, some shorter.
The Ben said on 19/Jan/13
Yeah 5'10 5'11.
I was pity in the photo I had with him he slouched so much, My friend who was in the shot with me was 5'8 and a hunched over Davey Boy was an inch taller than him.
He was HUGE at the time.
Alex said on 19/Jan/13
Why is it that billed wrestler heights are always exaggerated? I mean...I can understand that for basket players but wrestlers? And why one earth would a 6'8'' guy add inches to his height anyway!? lol
Josey Wales said on 19/Jan/13
As a reference for Mcmahon, he and Arnold Schwarzenegger was basicly identical in height when Arnie was on RAW back in '99. Arnies height is also a matter of debate but i'd give him in '99 6'1/2" -6'1" So Mcmahon was probably the same or near. What im getting at is my estimate for Bulldog was 5"10 ish
Frank said on 17/Jan/13
Miko i met Bulldog in street clothes 5ft 9
miko said on 17/Jan/13
6'7 prime, 6'7 today. No evidence whatsoever of him losing any height.
And Bulldog was close to 5'11, met the guy.
Tuga said on 16/Jan/13
Vegas says on 15/Jan/13
thats 1991, whats your opinion on british bulldogs height
To be honest Vegas, I´ve never given much tought about bulldogs height, but I´ll say between 5'10 minimum and max 5'11 maybe.
Clay said on 15/Jan/13
And whenever he stood as tall as he could in front of khali he looked 6'8''.
Vegas said on 15/Jan/13
Tuga says on 9/Jan/13
Red, I don´t think hogan had lost height at all by 1992, posters like jt have put many comparisons, for me the tag match with piper sealed the deal, he just towered piper there if anything even more than ever before, and we know piper was still around 6'1 since he was taller than 6' bret hart even in smaller footware.
thats 1991, whats your opinion on british bulldogs height
Click Here
Tuga said on 14/Jan/13
Yes KingNick, posture is essencial when debating heights, taker posture is normally horrible, in his case the comparisons with jbl are a very good example of what you say.
logan noll 1996 said on 11/Jan/13
6'8 peak for Taker, 6'7 now.
KingNick said on 11/Jan/13
Tuga, totally agree with your estimates give your take a .5" here and there :>)
Credit to JT for this:
Click Here
That pic shows how someone can lose 2" of posture. Undertaker particularly is like that. I think Kane can be at times too and even the Rock. Here's an example:
Click Here
Tuga said on 9/Jan/13
Red, I don´t think hogan had lost height at all by 1992, posters like jt have put many comparisons, for me the tag match with piper sealed the deal, he just towered piper there if anything even more than ever before, and we know piper was still around 6'1 since he was taller than 6' bret hart even in smaller footware.
Also compare hogan and tenta next to boss man and typhon, tenta was barely taller than hogan IMO, also hogan was taller than 6'5 rangejake roberts and hillbilly jim.
So I see a 6'5 1/2 hogan there comparing to sid and taker, taker taller 2 1/2 inches and sid 2 inches.
However I don´t rule out 6'7 for sid for the simple reason that he´s the "master" of staredowns, streches himself beyond humam abilities and problaby tip toes also ;)...maybe only bill fralic can beat him at that.
Tuga said on 8/Jan/13
Red 183 says on 8/Jan/13
Sry reading it again it sounds to harsh, I just meant related to your comment I could call you or someone a liar and don´t state a fact.
Its ok, words sometimes come up more agressive than we want them to be.
You´ve problaby seen this but what do you think:?
Click Here
Kudos for JT´s work there.
Tuga said on 8/Jan/13
Red says on 7/Jan/13
You should be a bit more specific there or I call you straight out a LIAR!
First off you have nothing on me to call me a liar, second this comment is NOT directed at you, and yes, most pages I visit we normally see people downgrading heights, even some that Rob has met (ex: bret hart, billy gunn), I think you know this is very well true.
Now focusing again in heights, sid and taker have been pretty much discussed here, they are very close in height with taker coming a bit taller, now in estimates I try to use someone of well know height to go from there, as for peak of both man I go with 6'6 legit john tenta, in short:
6'7 1/2 sid
6'8 taker
6'5 1/2 hogan (I don´t think he had lost height by the time he faced tenta)
6'6 measured tenta
From there I get my 6'9 1/2 estimate for nash also, altough 6'10 is still not out of the question.
About jbl I think I´ve posted this before but here it goes again:
Click Here
Tuga said on 7/Jan/13
Red says on 6/Jan/13
With that and after seeing the master of pain Lord Humongous staredown it´s clear to me that Rob is right with Taker´s listing.
Clear? There are better staredowns, but you choose the one where you think taker´s shorter??
Instead of trying to lower taker´s height with this kind of dubious videos ( that richard strange video is awesome to estimate height...) why don´t you try to downgrade jbl, yes he´s an at least legit 6'5 man with whom an "old" taker has had a full body same camera angle STANDING TALL staredown, yes the same man who has looked nearly as tall as taker, so lets pick those ones with bad angles etc etc because taker looks shorter...I won´t even bother picking other examples as I´ve posted plenty here.
Why but why we see this in most pages here, always picking some instance to lower people´s height...
Josey Wales said on 7/Jan/13
I would say 6'7" - 6'8" peak. Today hoverring around 6'6". I dont think he is less than 6'6 though.
RoelC said on 4/Jan/13
Tuga says on 4/Jan/13
Maybe this will help:
Click Here
In that pic Strange looks 6-7 inches taller than Nicholson.
However in this pic he barely looks taller than Kevin Costner
Click Here
6'3" might be a little low for him, but I don't think he's anything over 6'4" either.
Tuga said on 4/Jan/13
Maybe this will help:
Click Here
Maybe this will help:
RoelC said on 2/Jan/13
Red says on 2/Jan/13
Richard Strange has 191cm listings, don´t think he´s that low, because peak Taker would end up being max 6´6"
Nice find Red. Strange doesn't look much taller than Thomas Gottschalk
Click Here
Click Here
Gottschalk claims 192cm (6'3.5") for himself. He looked a little shorter than David Hasselhoff, who appeared numerous times on Gottschalk's show "Wetten Dass", so 6'3.5" might be accurate for him. That would make Strange around 6'4" or a little over.
Alex2 said on 28/Dec/12
Danimal you are by far the worst poster and biggest
troll on this site, trying to put genuinely tall me down to make up for your short man complex, lol.
Rikashiku said on 27/Dec/12
Wes Sims has been billed between 6'10" and 6'8". Looks like there might be an inch between them. Hard to tell because of Sims hat.
With JBL, he looks a clean inch taller than Titus in that video. Titus is 6'4" and we know JBL is between 6'5" and 6'6". A clean 6'5" maybe? He is a really tall guy. Its pretty funny watching Michael Cole trying to jump up and talk to them. He looks like a kid compared to them.
KingNick said on 27/Dec/12
Vegas says on 27/Dec/12
johnny says on 26/Dec/12
who is this guy Click Here with undertaker & how tall he is, can anyone find it
big guy is mma star wes sims, smaller chap is mark wodika (who claims 5'9 btw)
I checked it out and Wes Sims has 6'10", 6'9" and 6'8" listings. The dude's not much taller than a very slouched 'Taker there and is reaching for the stars. Doubt he's 6'10" tho, probably 6'8".
Vegas said on 27/Dec/12
johnny says on 26/Dec/12
who is this guy Click Here with undertaker & how tall he is, can anyone find it
big guy is mma star wes sims, smaller chap is mark wodika (who claims 5'9 btw)
johnny said on 26/Dec/12
who is this guy
Click Here with undertaker & how tall he is, can anyone find it
Micheal raja said on 26/Dec/12
merry christmas brothers
taker = 6 8
kane = 6 9
show = 7
Melissa said on 1/Sep/12
Undertaker 6' 8" peak
Kane 6' 8" peak
megaadeeel said on 1/Sep/12
Danimal, are you serious. I cannot see 2 inches between taker and tony cummings. They look the same height. Get a life brother. You are losing credibility.
Alex said on 31/Aug/12
That guy is listed at 6'8 but prob more 6'7 and they look the exact same height.
Alex2 said on 31/Aug/12
Danimal you are the best
troll on here, congratulations.
Danimal said on 30/Aug/12
Taker looking 6'6" range next to that 6'8" basketball player. Look at the top of their heads. Taker has lost height since the 1990's. His upper back his hunched over.
Danimal said on 30/Aug/12
Nick says on 29/Aug/12
Click Here with 6'0ft mark henry
Mark Henry??? Minimum 6'1" and some say taller.
Nishanth Hegde said on 30/Aug/12
Guys,Tony CUmmings looks shorter than Taker to me... because Taker has turned a bit and TC is a bit closer to the camera.Leaving that too,they look the same height.SO Taker is 6ft8 for sure.
Michael Raja said on 30/Aug/12
Wrestlers and Barefoot Heights(I can't assure following heights,but they are only my suggestions.)
Khali 7 ft 1
The Bigshow 7 ft 0 (7 ft 1 = Peak)
The Undertaker 6 ft 8 - 6 ft 9
Kane 6 ft 9 (slightly taller than Taker, I think Kane has/had a closer look to Andre than The Bigshow (has/had))
Kevin Nash 6 ft 10
Giant Gonzales 7 ft 7 (Tallest Ever Wrestler)
André The Giant 7 ft 4 (Peak), 6 ft 10.5 (Death)
Loch Ness 6 ft 8 - 6 ft 9 (Loch Ness and "The Giant" (Bigshow) had the same "Height-Difference" that The Undertaker and Bigshow have/had (in 1999))
Big John Studd 6 ft 9 (Taller than Hogan by 1 or 2 inches)
Hulk Hogan 6 ft 7 (Peak), 6 ft 5 (Now) (He have mentioned this in an interview)
Sid (Justice) 6 ft 8 (He was taller than hogan slightly, as tall as The Undertaker, 6 ft 7 may have been a mistake, even though he has been billed at that height)
Akeem 6 ft 7
Viscera / King Mabel 6 ft 7
Scott Hall 6 ft 6 (nearly 4 inches shorter than 6 10 Nash as he stood slightly over Nash's eyebrow)
Crush 6 ft 6 (nearly 4 inches shorter than 6 10 Nash as he stood upto Nash's eyebrow)
Brian Lee 6 ft 6 (1 or 2 inches shorter than Taker)
Tugboat (Fredd Ottman) (6 ft 5 -) 6 ft 6
Earthquake 6 ft 7
Jake Roberts (6 ft 5 -) 6 ft 6 (Used thick boots to look more taller)
Kamala 6 ft 7 (Nothing under 6 ft 7 because, he was taller than (6 5 / 6 6) Jake Roberts in a match even if he was with barefoot While Jake
had worn boots (or any footwear)
Kama/Papa Shango 6 ft 6 (nearly 4 inches shorter than 6 10 Nash as he stood upto Nash's eyebrow)
Abyss 6 ft 7 (2 iches taller than hogan who is 6 ft 5 (now))
Big Boss Man 6 ft 5
Goldust 6 ft 5
Edge 6 ft 5 (Taller than Randy Orton and Batista)
Snitsky 6 ft 5
Heidenreich 6 ft 6
A-Train 6 ft 6
Lex Luger 6 ft 4 (was 4 inches shorter than 6 9 mean mark)
Batista 6 ft 4 (- ~6'.5")
Triple-H 6 ft 3
The Rock 6 ft 3 -6 ft 4
Randy Orton 6 ft 4 (- ~6'.5")
J.B.L. 6 ft 6
Goldberg 6 ft 4
Rikishi 6 ft 1 (He looked like he was 6 ft 4 ,because of his thick boots)
Vader 6 ft 5
Yokozuna 6 ft 4 (I don't think WWF/WWE has overbilled the heights of the wrestlers who have wrestled with Barefoot)
Gorilla Monsoon 6 ft 2
"Mene" Gene 5 ft 10
Ted DiBiase 6 ft 3
Brodus Clay 6 ft 6
Hacksaw Jimm Duggan 6 ft 3
King Kong Bundy 6 ft 3- 6 ft 4
Umaga 6 ft 4
Brock Lesnar 6 ft 2
Alberto Del Rio 6 ft 3
Rick Rude 6 ft 7
Mankind 6 ft 2 (Nothing less)
Bam Bam Bigelow 6 ft 3- 6 ft 4
Rey Mysterio 5 ft 4
Eddie Guerrero 5 ft 8 ((must be)4 inches taller than Rey Mysterio as Rey's top of the head was obviously under Eddie's eyebrows after a match
,when he was hugging Rey
Sgt.Slaughter 6 ft 3
Sandman 6 ft 4
Kevin Thorn 6 ft 3
Haku 6 ft 0
Coach 6 ft 3
Vince McMahon 6 ft 2 (2 or 3 inches taller than 6 ft -Brett Hart)
Shane McMahon 6 ft 1
Ric Falir 5 ft 11 (Surely Shorter than Cena)
C.M.Punk 6 ft 0
M.V.P. 6 ft 0
Chris Benoit 5 ft 9
Chris Jericho 5 ft 9
Test 6 ft 5
Sheamus 6 ft 5
Tatanka 6 ft 0
Muhammad Hassan 6 ft 2
Kurt Angle 6 ft 10
Hurricane 5 ft 11
Santino Marella 5 ft 10
Sabu 5 ft 10
Sting 6 ft 2
Chris Masters 6 ft 3
Brett Hart 6 ft 0 (He has mentioned this in his Autobiography -"Hitman: My Real Life in the Cartoon World of Wrestling")
Sin Cara 5 ft 7
Jim Ross 5 ft 11 (4 inches taller than Sin Cara)
Jerry Lawler 5 ft 10
Randy Savage 6 ft 1
The Ultimate Warrior 6 ft 2
Stone Cold Steve Austin 6 ft 1
Matt Hardy 6 ft 2
Shawn Michaels 6 ft 0
Iron Shiek 5 ft 11
X-Pac 5 ft 11 - 6 ft 0
Scott Steiner 6 ft 1
John Cena 6 ft 0.5(He has claimed this himself)
Booker-T 6 ft 2
Mark Henry 6 ft 2 - 6 ft 3
Rob Van Dam 5 ft 11 - 6 ft 0
(I have read some sites, and watched some/many of their matches (more than once) before I added this comment.)
Nick said on 29/Aug/12
Click Here Unseen pics with Tker
Nick said on 29/Aug/12
Click Here with 6'0ft mark henry
logan noll 1996 said on 29/Aug/12
Isn't Tony closer to the camera?
KingNick said on 29/Aug/12
Nick says on 28/Aug/12
His name is Tony cummings He went to the university of hawaii. He is listed at 6'8 in a source i saw, i emailed him to get verification of his true height.
RoelC says on 28/Aug/12
That Tony Cummings guy was listed as 6'8" at Hawaii University
Click Here
(Just search for Tony Cummings in the article).
Nice guys!! Tony may be a bit closer to a camera but even if he is taller, it's certainly not more than .5". If only we could see footwear! I can't say for certain that this "proves" 'Taker is no shorter than 6'7.5" and quite possibly 6'8" but it's GREAT evidence! - maybe we can find out what year they took the photo too!
Rob, What do you think?
Nick said on 28/Aug/12
Click Here Near 6'2 guy with wrestlers
Danimal said on 28/Aug/12
Alex2 says on 26/Aug/12
Taker always looked around 2" taller than 6'6.5" Viscera
Viscera was MAX 6'6".
Paul said on 28/Aug/12
That looks a photo from about 2007 maybe, UT looks about 6'7 1/2 202cm at this time if that other guy is at it would seem 6'8 203-4cm.
Nick said on 28/Aug/12
His name is Tony cummings He went to the university of hawaii. He is listed at 6'8 in a source i saw, i emailed him to get verification of his true height.
RoelC said on 28/Aug/12
That Tony Cummings guy was listed as 6'8" at Hawaii University
Click Here
(Just search for Tony Cummings in the article).
KingNick said on 28/Aug/12
Nick says on 28/Aug/12
Click Here guy is about the same height as the undertaker, taker is maximum half in taller
Nice find, we gotta find out how tall that guy is!
RoelC said on 28/Aug/12
Nick says on 28/Aug/12
Click Here guy is about the same height as the undertaker, taker is maximum half in taller
To me it looks like the other guy is taller.
Click Here
His name is Tony Cummings, but no idea how tall he is. Seeing as Undertaker still has his Sarah tattoo, this pic was taken before 2008.
Nick said on 28/Aug/12
Click Here guy is about the same height as the undertaker, taker is maximum half in taller
Nick said on 28/Aug/12
hey thanks red,
Click Here . a 6'3 looking triple h, i do think triple h is 6'2.5 6'2.75
Alex2 said on 26/Aug/12
Taker always looked around 2" taller than 6'6.5" Viscera
Nishanth Hegde said on 26/Aug/12
Danimal,you say chaske is 6ft2-6ft3 so that makes Brock 6ft5,which makes Taker 6ft10. And then you say Taker is 6ft6.So you mean to say Taker and Brock are the same height?
Nishanth Hegde said on 26/Aug/12
Cornbread says on 25/Aug/12
I would list Undertaker's exact height at 6'6 ½, 6'7 at the most. Psycho Sid, Dan Spivey and Kane (Glen Jacobs) are slighty taller than the undertaker.
Kane 6'7½
Dan Spivey 6'7
Psycho Sid 6'8
All the three men you have mentioned are shorter than Taker.Just reverse your estimations.
Nishanth Hegde said on 26/Aug/12
Cornbread says on 25/Aug/12
I would list Undertaker's exact height at 6’6 ½, 6'7 at the most. Psycho Sid, Dan Spivey and Kane (Glen Jacobs) are slighty taller than the undertaker.
Kane 6'7½
Dan Spivey 6'7
Psycho Sid 6'8
All the three men you have mentioned are shorter than Taker.Just reverse your estimations.
dicksock said on 25/Aug/12
logan noll 1996 says on 23/Aug/12
@Paul and dicksock
Sid had bigger footwear than Taker at WrestleMania 13 and Taker looked to probally edge Sid out.
Sid didn't have any footware advantage over Taker. Sid and Taker were the same height; period.
Alex2 said on 25/Aug/12
Lol @ some people on here. Taker was within 4" of Khali a few years back and was clearly around 2.5-3" taller than JBL. 6'8" peak 6'7.5"-6'75" now.
Cornbread said on 25/Aug/12
I would list Undertaker's exact height at 6'6 ½, 6'7 at the most. Psycho Sid, Dan Spivey and Kane (Glen Jacobs) are slighty taller than the undertaker.
Kane 6'7½
Dan Spivey 6'7
Psycho Sid 6'8
Tuga said on 25/Aug/12
Paul says on 23/Aug/12
Dan Spivey wore lifts.
Correct, this as been posted here before, still was clearly shorter than taker, nash had 4 inches on spivey without the cowboy style boots while at the same time had less than 2 inches on taker, all in all taker should be easly 2 inches taller than spivey.
Danimal said on 23/Aug/12
Paul says on 23/Aug/12
Dan Spivey wore lifts. Hogan, a legit 6'6 20 years ago was around 2.5, 2.75in shorter than UT.
It's debatable that when Hogan fought Taker in the early 90's that he was still at his peak height. Either way, it was 2.5". At most 2".
Danimal said on 23/Aug/12
Riley says on 18/Aug/12
Danimal, you're wrong, Lesnar is easily 6' 2", 6' 2.5" is his actual height. Triple H 6 '2", also I would say
Mark Henry is 6' 1.5".
I met the man. I am not wrong.

Editor Rob
logan noll 1996 said on 23/Aug/12
Rob: You going to change Undetaker's current height to 6'7.5" and give him a peak of 6'8"? Taker has seem to have lost height according to a couple of people on this site and a peak height Taker most likely has an inch on a peak height Sid if both were barefoot. Isn't Nash going to be given a peak height of 6'10"?
logan noll 1996 said on 23/Aug/12
@Paul and dicksock
Sid had bigger footwear than Taker at WrestleMania 13 and Taker looked to probally edge Sid out. Without footwear, I think Taker is an inch taller than 6'7 Sid. I'm pretty sure Taker's original black and gray attire had shoes that were flats. And Taker wore this attire at WrestleMania 13.
Undertaker - 6'8"
Sid - 6'7"
Hogan - 6'6" peak/6'4" now
Paul said on 23/Aug/12
Dan Spivey wore lifts. Hogan, a legit 6'6 20 years ago was around 2.5, 2.75in shorter than UT.
dicksock said on 22/Aug/12
Undertaker was barely taller than 6'6" Dan Spivey in his prime and was about the same height as 6'7" Sid. He was only a couple inches taller than Hogan and Jake Roberts in his prime. The Undertaker was ~6'7". No way was he 6'8".
Red said on 22/Aug/12
Michael Raja says on 22/Aug/12
"Here are the Heights of Some Tall Wrestlers which have changed according to their "Ring Names" (from time to time), Brothers!."
(This ~mark means it is not sure.)
Nice, Undertaker was also billed 6´8" as the Master of Pain in USWA 1989 Pre-Punisher and during a feud with Kurt Angle in WWE around 2002 I think.
Michael Raja said on 22/Aug/12
"Here are the Heights of Some Tall Wrestlers which have changed according to their "Ring Names" (from time to time), Brothers!."
(This ~mark means it is not sure.)
Mark William Calaway (~6'.8"-6'.9")
as The Undertaker = 6 ft 10.5 in (WWF 1990-)
as Mean Mark Callous = 6 ft 9 in (WCW -1989 / USWA - 1990)
as Punisher = 6 ft 8 (USWA -1989)
as Texas Red = 6 ft 8 in (WCCW - 1984)
Glenn Thomas Jacobs (~6'.9")
as Dr.Isaac Yankem DDT= 6 ft 9 in (WWF 1992 - 1995)
as Kane = 7 ft 0 in (WWF - 1997-)
Paul Donald Wight, Jr. (~7'.0"-7'.1")
as The Giant = 7 ft 4 in (WCW - 1995 - 1999)
as The Bigshow = 7 ft 2 in (WWF - 1999 - 2004), 7 ft 0 in (WWE - 2005-)
Terry Gene Bollea (6'.7",6'.5")
as Immortal Hulk Hogan = 6 ft 8 in (WWF - 1983 - 1993)
as Hollywood (Hulk) Hogan = 6 ft 7 in (WCW - 1994 - 2002)
Kevin Scott Nash (6'.10")
as "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel = 7 ft 0 in,6 ft 11 in (WWF - 1993 - 1996)
as Kevin Nash = 7 ft 1 in (WCW - 1996 - 2002)
Michael Raja said on 22/Aug/12
Hera are the tallest wwf/wwe wrestlers
Undertaker 6 ft 10.5
Mean mark callous 6 ft 9
Punisher 6 ft 8
texas red 6 ft 8
Dr.Isaac Yankem 6 ft 9
Kane 7 ft
the Giant 7 ft 4
Bigshow 7 ft 2,7 ft
Giant Singh 7 ft 7
Khali 7 ft 3, 7 ft 1
Immortal Hulk Hogan 6 ft 8
Hollywood Hulk Hogan 6 ft 7
ADH89 said on 21/Aug/12
3:06 he says he's about 6ft8-6ft9 for anyone who hasn't seen.
Click Here
Red said on 20/Aug/12
Paul says on 19/Aug/12
KingNick...Actually Undertaker said '6ft 8, 6'9' in a shoot interview many years ago...
He didn´t say barefoot, he was billed 6´8" many times, so he was betwen 6´8"and 6´9" in wrestlingboots.
At legit 6´9"(6´10"-6´10.5"in wrestlingboots) his billed heights would vary between 6´10" and 7´1", not 6´8", not so many times.
Taker was 6´7.25"peak and is 6´6.5"-6´6.75" today - evening height.
Paul said on 19/Aug/12
KingNick...Actually Undertaker said '6ft 8, 6'9' in a shoot interview many years ago and I think as the original Deadman he was. Maybe 6'9 out of bed back then and 6'8 or a tad over late at night, depending on daytime activities. He wasn't much shorter than Nash in the 90's who I suspect really was 6'10.5 back then as Shawn Michaels replied when asked.
By 2003 he was 6'8 flat and this is consistent with what I said on 6th August and the related time period. He is less than that today though.
Michael Raja said on 19/Aug/12
Some people say taker is 6 5.But,if taker is no more than 6 5 than khali can never be even 6 ft 11.I Couldn't see a 8 inch-Height difference between taker and khali.As khali is 7 ft 1 taker must be 6 ft 8 or 6 ft 9 (or something like that).(I am lack of english as i am sri lankan,sorry)
KingNick said on 18/Aug/12
Ronster says on 17/Aug/12
Nick; i am not sure if i am more amused by the fact you think you can judge someone's height within 1/4-1/2 of an inch merely from photos, or saddened by the fact you have spent years studying takers height in pictures LOL! Get a life, and he was at least 6'9", mighty be down around 6'8" now, and until any of you get a tape and measure his height in person and have video or other unrefutable evidence to support it don't make any more B.S. claims going against the Taker's own words.
You know it's funny I saw that post and thought it was aimed towards me and then realized there was another Nick, lol.
Actually, Mr. Extremely nice person, 'Taker also referred to himself as 6'8" consistently in a WWE Magazine in 2003 the cover is here about 1/2 down, it's the black and white photo:
Click Here
I think his 6'9" references were in character because his billings bounced between 6'9" and 6'10" in his early WWE days
If you're a big Undertaker fan it's worth a read, goes through his pre-WWE days
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Aug/12
"The Undertaker height is 6 ft 7 in (207cm)"
Never looked taller really.
Mike said on 18/Aug/12
Hmmm 6ft 3/ 6.4. Screams at me for this guy! Yeah you might think am being ridiculous but I saw him in person and that's what I thorght!
Riley said on 18/Aug/12
Danimal, you're wrong, Lesnar is easily 6' 2", 6' 2.5" is his actual height. Triple H 6 '2", also I would say
Mark Henry is 6' 1.5".
Red said on 17/Aug/12
Nick says on 16/Aug/12
In my years of analyzing the undertakers height i would say that he is 6'7.5 in the morning. Also i think triple H is 6'2.75.
Pretty good so far, maybe 6´2.75" for HHH´s peak, barely over 6´2" today
Red said on 17/Aug/12
Ronster says on 17/Aug/12
...Get a life, and he was at least 6'9", mighty be down around 6'8" now...
...don't make any more B.S. claims...
LMAO, than please follow your example.
Taker was never 6´8" or 6´9" without boots. Look at Tyler Mane and you see how a legit 6´8" looks next to Nash, peak Taker was clear shorter than Mane.
Ronster said on 17/Aug/12
Nick; i am not sure if i am more amused by the fact you think you can judge someone's height within 1/4-1/2 of an inch merely from photos, or saddened by the fact you have spent years studying takers height in pictures LOL! Get a life, and he was at least 6'9", mighty be down around 6'8" now, and until any of you get a tape and measure his height in person and have video or other unrefutable evidence to support it don't make any more B.S. claims going against the Taker's own words.
Nick said on 16/Aug/12
Nice pic JT, I have an educated estimation using Photoshop and visual experience for measurements and a 6'1 (6'2' 6'2.25 in boots) stone cold would make taker 6'7(6'8.25) in boots. Taker does have the footwear advantage by .5 inches. With the lean he is still 6 inches taller but that slight lean evens out with the footwear, its possible fully erect he is 6.5 inches taller than stone cold but more likely 6.25 inches.
In my years of analyzing the undertakers height i would say that he is 6'7.5 in the morning. Also i think triple H is 6'2.75. its an unpopular estimation but all evidence points to that face except only a few photos.
Red said on 13/Aug/12
Peak evening heights
Big Show - 7'0"
Kane - 6'7.5"
UT - 6'7.25"
HHH - 6'2.25"
The Rock - 6'2.75"
Jericho - 5'9"
HBK - 5'11.5"
Bret Hart - 6'0"
Hill Billy Jim - 6´4"
Barry Windham - 6´4.5"
John Tenta - 6´5.75"
Sid - 6'7"
Andre The Giant - 6´11"
Big John Studd - 6'6.25"
Hogan - 6'5.25"
Piper - 6'0.5"
Lesnar - 6'2"
Stone Cold - 6'1"
Vince McMahon - 6'0.5"
Danimal said on 12/Aug/12
Big Show 7'1" peak - 6'11" now
Kane 6'7"
UT 6'7.5" peak - 6'6"-6'6.5" now
HHH 6'1.25"
Rock 6'2.5"
Jericho 5'8"
HBK 5'11" peak
Bret Hart 5'11" peak
Mysterio 5'2"-5'3"
Sid - 6'7" peak - 6'6" today
Andre The Giant - 6'11.5"-7'0.5" peak - 6'9.5"-6'10.5" death
Big John Studd - 6'7"
Benoit - 5'8"
Hogan - 6'6" peak - 6'3" today
Piper - 6'1"-6'1.5" peak - 5'9" today
Lesnar - 6'1"
Stone Cold - 6'0"
Vince McMahon - 6'2" peak - 6'0" today.
Deuce Bigalow said on 11/Aug/12
Great Khali: 7'2 (he's billed for 7'4)
Big Show 7'
Kane 6'8
Undertaker 6'8
Orton 6'4
Triple H 6'4
Batista 6'4
The Rock 6'4 (he was also listed as 6'4 on The Rundown)
John Cena 6'1 (I met him, I'm 6' and he was a bit taller than me)
Stone Cold 6'2
Alex said on 11/Aug/12
I'd say
Khali 7'1
Big Show 6'11.5
Kane 6'7.5
UT 6'6.5
Sheamous 6'4
Orton 6'4
HHH 6'1.5
Rock 6'2.5
Cena 6'0.25
CM punk 5'11
Jericho 5'9
HBK 5'10.5
Mysterio 5'4
trotter said on 11/Aug/12
i think the undertaker is 6 foot 7 and kane is 6 foot 10 and big show is a little under 7 foot khali 7 foot 1 hhh 6 foot 2 because dave batista mma stats is that hes 6 foot 3
Mr.T said on 9/Aug/12
Khali: 7.1
Big Show: 7.0
Kane: 6.9
Undertaker: 6.7
Sheamus: 6.5
Orton: 6.4
HHH: 6.3
Rock: 6.3
Cena: 6.1
C.M. Punk: 6.0
Jericho: 5.11
HBK: 5.10-5.ll
Sin Cara: 5.7
Mysterio: 5.5
Paul said on 9/Aug/12
I think HHH was 6'2.5 at one time... his career started 20 years ago.
Peyman said on 9/Aug/12
Under taker : 6ft 7in - peak 6ft 7.5in
HHH : 6ft 1.5in in all the time
shawn michaels weak 5ft 11in nowadays - strong 5ft 11in at peak
John cena : 6ft 0.5in absolutely no less
Rock : 6ft 2.5in absolutely no more
Jericho: 5ft 9.5in
CM Punk: 5ft 11.5in
kane : 6ft 7in
orton : 6ft 3.5in
Paul said on 8/Aug/12
Undertaker looks 6'7ish there maybe hard to say.
Tuga said on 8/Aug/12
Here´s a pic of taker with mike tyson backstage at this year´s wrestlemania:
Click Here
Alex said on 7/Aug/12
UT at 6'6.5 today I can def see today which puts Kane 6'7 and change range
Paul said on 7/Aug/12
Of course he lost height, you'd have to be mad not to see that.
Red said on 7/Aug/12
logan noll 1996 says on 7/Aug/12
He's 6'8 peak. I don't think he lost height. Jones is 6'10.
Both in boots yeah, Taker was never a legit 6´8", just over 6´7" peak, a shade under today.
logan noll 1996 said on 7/Aug/12
He's 6'8 peak. I don't think he lost height. Jones is 6'10.
Red said on 7/Aug/12
Maybe it was no joke when Taker said he´s 6´6.6" in a radio interview, I think of the amazing
Sid Eudy mugshot.
Paul said on 6/Aug/12
My take....
Original Dead Man 2.05m (about 6'8 3/4) He said 6'8, 6'9 in his own words in a shoot interview way back.
Late 1990's Corporate Ministry period 2.04m or 6'8 1/3
Early 2000's - Nathan Jones period 2.03m 6'8 flat, measured up well to Jones who was easily 6'9 1/2 or more.
Around 2006/7 - Great Khali period 2.02m 6'7 1/2 or so, makes sense comparing the two.
Today 2.00m-2.01m 6'6 1/2 - 6'7....6'7 is probable.
Although there were career breaks along the way the number of matches involving Undertaker in some years was well into 3 figures, thats a lot of wear and tear along the way coupled with injuries. Kane has also lost height but less so. Peak maybe 6'8 1/4, now about 6'7 1/2. Hogan on the other hand more so going from around 6'6 or 6'6 1/4 to I would guess at most 6'3 1/2.
Alex said on 4/Aug/12
They would always vary what they said about UT and Kanes billed height. Sometimes would be 6'10 or 6'11 or even 7'0(usually that was said for Kane)
drummer777 said on 1/Aug/12
More like 6'5 1/2 to 6'6ish for taker and sid
Paul said on 31/Jul/12
Undertaker is now about 6'7. He would need elevators and a hair weave to bring back the good old days.
Slightly ironic really because that is what Kane seems to be doing.
logan noll 1996 said on 31/Jul/12
Kane/ undertaker video. 6 minutes,22 seconds in. Look at the camera angle and then look at both men. As for footware, I always thought Kane had thicker boots than Taker.
logan noll 1996 said on 31/Jul/12
Both Undertaker and Kane are 6'8" according to the list of tallest professional wrestlers. Taker is 6'8 1/2" if a peak height Nash(who was 6'10" at his peak)has an inch and a half over him.
Red said on 30/Jul/12
ogan noll 1996 says on 29/Jul/12
Taker is 6'8 in reality but is billed up to 6'10 1/2.
Taker is real 6´8" in his wrestling boots
logan noll 1996 said on 29/Jul/12
Taker is 6'8 in reality but is billed up to 6'10 1/2.
KingNick said on 29/Jul/12
Paul says on 28/Jul/12
Hi KingNick good to hear from you on here. I have looked at this. Kane looks to be about an inch taller doesn't he. I think Kane is 6'7 1/2 and Undertaker 1/4-1/2 inches shorter in reality because Kane probably has thicker boots. Why is Kane wearing that bad wig ? They should have left it as two mean balding dudes.
hey Paul good to hear from you again too! haha yeah if they were both bald we could tell their heights better :>)
Paul said on 28/Jul/12
Hi KingNick good to hear from you on here. I have looked at this. Kane looks to be about an inch taller doesn't he. I think Kane is 6'7 1/2 and Undertaker 1/4-1/2 inches shorter in reality because Kane probably has thicker boots. Why is Kane wearing that bad wig ? They should have left it as two mean balding dudes.
KingNick said on 25/Jul/12
Great to be back Rob! Here's a link to the Undertaker/Kane staredown on Raw:
Click Here
The staredown is at the 6:15 mark.
You can see Kane's boots at 5:28 and 'Taker's slightly before that but it's hard to tell how much of a boost each give
George Fergadiotis said on 25/Jul/12
201 cm is what Undertaker really is, i 've heard that in real life he is more 6ft 8 but that's with shoes on and people always add an inch in their height. Rob's site is the only (more) accurate site in the web for heights i believe.
witchdoctor said on 24/Jul/12
Taker and kane 2.01-2m peak and current (in similar footwear they always looked around same height)
Triple h 1.88-6'2 peak and current
Shane macmahon 1.85-6 '0.75 peak and current
Vince macmahon 1.84m-6'0.5 peak 1,83m now (wore lifts ocassionally!)
Stone cold 1.84m-6'05 peak and current
The rock 1.91m 6'3
Randy orton 1.93m-6'4 (will sometimes adopt the straightest posture you could ever see on a human being)
Sheamus 1.90m solid 6'2 (3cm shorter than 193cm tall guys like Orton,Conan and Mahal)
drew mcintyre 1.93m although he could be 1.94m
Jack swagger 1.95-6m he could be a weak 6'5
Wade barret 1.96-7m he's a solid 6'5
Mason Ryan 1.94m-6'4.5 aroud an inch below Swagger
Jinder mahal 1.93m 6'4
Titus oneal 1.93m 6'4 (that annoying Dogman gimick)
John cena 1.845m 6'05 he is a solid 184cm
George Fergadiotis said on 24/Jul/12
Rob how do you explain that Kane always looks taller than Undertaker in their staredowns by an inch, even yesterday he looked obviously taller and you have them at the same height?
Michael raja said on 24/Jul/12
Undertaker 6 ft 10
Mean mark callous 6 Ft 9
Texas red 6 Ft 8
Brand said on 24/Jul/12
Undertaker realistically after all these back and neck injuries of late he's probably around 6'6" maybe 6'7" to me anything taller is out of the question
Paul said on 17/Jun/12
Hi, yes good to be back. I think JBL is very close to Takers height these days.
Tuga said on 15/Jun/12
Nice to be able to post again, but Rob certainly deserved his "vacation" as I´m sure this requires a lot of work.
Now back to business, does anyone still think jbl is close to taker´s height?
Red said on 5/Jun/12
johnny, you can take your 6´9" turn it sideways and st........ ;)
Undertaker was billed at 6´8" as Punisher, Master of Pain and in 2003 against Kurt Angle so he was never taller than that.
johnny said on 5/Jun/12
real undertaker Height ::: undertaker , could be around 6foot 9 inches around as a proof it see the video "Undertaker trains Nathan Jones" on youtube
Click Here at 0:21 to 0:50 you could see that both are of same height may undertaker is one inch shorter than nathan. nathan is around 6' 10 1/2 so that makes undertaker 6'9 also he is in his american badass look so they are no lifts used in his shoes.
Tuga said on 14/Feb/12
Nice post kingNick, taker IMO is 3 inches taller than jbl, footware or bad camera angles may be deceiving, but both in the middle of the ring standing tall makes it all clear.
Here´s another pic of them:
Click Here
KingNick said on 13/Feb/12
Paul says on 13/Feb/12
I have seen a couple. One was where UT was standing in a line with Ron Simmons, JBL and others. Ut looked at most 6 inches taller than Simmons who is about 6'1, making UT about 6'7. JBL appeared nearer 6'8 in the photo due to his rather large boots.
Here's the pic you're referring to:
Click Here Both Simmons and JBL have on boots with heels
Here's 'Taker and JBL in the ring
Click Here and in this video you can see both of their footwear from that match
Click Here
Paul said on 13/Feb/12
I have seen a couple. One was where UT was standing in a line with Ron Simmons, JBL and others. Ut looked at most 6 inches taller than Simmons who is about 6'1, making UT about 6'7. JBL appeared nearer 6'8 in the photo due to his rather large boots.
George Fergadiotis said on 12/Feb/12
Undertaker was never taller than 6ft 7.5 maybe that's his peak height. Back in the 90's he looks exactly that height with Teddy Long but 6ft 10 he claims or 6ft 9 is out of the question for him, Kevin Nash is closer to 6ft 9 and he is obviously taller than Undertaker. Money and fame sometimes can make you want to reach the sky but no matter how tall you are you can never do that.
Frank said on 12/Feb/12
I never seen a Picture of JBL taller than Taker maybe a picture where there close in height.. Both of them in ring gear Taker has atleast 2 or more inches on JBL
Nishanth Hegde said on 11/Feb/12
Click Here Taker looks 9 inches taller than 5t11-6ft Shelton Benjamin
Paul said on 11/Feb/12
I think Undertaker is 6'7-6'7.5. Absolute lowest 6'6.5. The boots JBL used to wear gave him about 2.5in in my estimation and he was then taller than Undertaker in normal shoes, so UT won't have been 6'8 then or now. Still a big guy but didn't tower opponents like he used to. He never seemed bothered about it and slouched a lot with it.
logan noll 1996 said on 10/Feb/12
6'8 - 6'9.
KingNick said on 10/Feb/12
Paul says on 10/Feb/12
Hi KingNick...I have been reading these forums but only just started posting again. What made you change your name ?
By the way Khali is 7'0 at least probably nearer 7'1, but no more. On JBL I have seen a photo of him at least as tall or slightly taller than Undertaker in cowboy boots, although shorter otherwise. I think JBL is 6'6.
I stopped for a while myself and just wanted to try something new. A few weeks ago I sort of instinctively put KingNick and didn't realize until I posted so I thought I'd stick with it! haha
I think JBL is 6'6" too and I think Khali is 7'1". I've always said this - I think Undertaker is 6'8" still, but I think it's very possible he could be 6'7". He only stands up straight to guys either taller or within an inch of his height and he's got a long forehead so it's very deceiving.
Paul said on 10/Feb/12
Hi KingNick...I have been reading these forums but only just started posting again. What made you change your name ?
By the way Khali is 7'0 at least probably nearer 7'1, but no more. On JBL I have seen a photo of him at least as tall or slightly taller than Undertaker in cowboy boots, although shorter otherwise. I think JBL is 6'6.
Nishanth Hegde said on 10/Feb/12
Click Here
here,Kane has 3.5 inches on Goldust. So taker HAS to have 4 inches on GD because Taker's taller.
sid said on 9/Feb/12
Nishanth Hegde I see 3inches between undertaker and goldust
KingNick said on 9/Feb/12
JT says on 8/Feb/12
T says on 6/Feb/12
Taker looked pretty tall next to Khali in that first staredown, but we cannot see the stances.
Here ya go, both more or less perfectly straight: Click Here
Taker is roughly at Khali's eye level there (probably a 4.5-5" difference). Plus, the high camera angle favors Taker, since he is a little farther from the camera. Does that translate to another inch of difference? Maybe.
I think so - I think there's a 5" difference between 'Taker and Khali
Alex2 said on 9/Feb/12
I remember he had a staredown with legit 6'5+ JBL and was easily 3" taller. Anyone have the pics?
JT said on 8/Feb/12
T says on 6/Feb/12
Taker looked pretty tall next to Khali in that first staredown, but we cannot see the stances.
Here ya go, both more or less perfectly straight: Click Here
Taker is roughly at Khali's eye level there (probably a 4.5-5" difference). Plus, the high camera angle favors Taker, since he is a little farther from the camera. Does that translate to another inch of difference? Maybe.
drummer777 said on 8/Feb/12
He is more likley 6'6....
miko said on 8/Feb/12
Taker has always had about 5' on Trips.
I can't see Taker ever being over 6'7. He was barely taller, I'm talking 0.25' taller than 6'6.5/6'7 Sid, and that was 20 years ago. Never close to 6'8 IMO.
Trips is around 6'2, he might be a shade under, or even a little over.
Nishanth Hegde said on 8/Feb/12
Guys,I have a staredown between Undertaker and Goldust
Click Here Taker looks to be 4 inches taller than 6ft4.5 Goldust :)
Vegas said on 8/Feb/12
Matthiew_- says on 7/Feb/12
Taker has lost some serious height .
He used to tower Triple H by a good 5-6 inches ( 1st match with his phantom of the opera mask at Survivor Series 1995 if I recall correctly )
taker never had triple h by 6 inches, thats 1999 and there are two points where they stare down, 5mins 40secs and again around the 7 minute mark
Click Here
KingNick said on 7/Feb/12
Paul says on 2/Feb/12
KingNick..I remember you, where have you been all this time ? Good to see you back.
Hey, Paul! Thanks! How are ya? I was posting as NCL, decided to go back to the old name.
JT says on 6/Feb/12
Taker looked pretty tall next to Khali in that first staredown, but we cannot see the stances.
Here ya go, both more or less perfectly straight:
Click Here
Bigman said on 7/Feb/12
My uncle is 6'7" and I'm about 6'5.5" and we saw kevin Nash on an airplane a few years back. He was easily 2.5 to 3 inches taller than my uncle, so I'd say he's a legit 6'10". U can further reference takers height from there.
Matthiew_- said on 7/Feb/12
Taker has lost some serious height .
He used to tower Triple H by a good 5-6 inches ( 1st match with his phantom of the opera mask at Survivor Series 1995 if I recall correctly )
Now he barely looked taller when he faced Hunter in the last episode of Raw.
Granted HHH was in dress shoes and UT's posture was horrible but he is happy if he is 6'7.5 nowadays.
My guess prime height 205cm (6'8"0.75) nowadays 200-201 (6'7)
Paul said on 7/Feb/12
Witchdoctor says on 6/Feb/12
Undertaker was never ever 328 lbs NEVER!
He probably did reach that weight....maybe 340lbs at one point. I recalled something he said in an interview. Most recent matches around 275, perhaps 280lbs, early 90's circa 300lbs.
valdor said on 7/Feb/12
I think wen he was overweight in 2000-2001 he might have been close.
Witchdoctor said on 6/Feb/12
Undertaker was never ever 328 lbs NEVER!
JT said on 6/Feb/12
Click Here Supposedly a 6'11" guy. Big Show ends up taller only b/c of his 12" melon head.
Taker looked pretty tall next to Khali in that first staredown, but we cannot see the stances. Kane in his big boots was taller than Taker at that time, and Kane looked at least 5 inches shorter than Khali in full body staredowns.
Click Here
Click Here
This is probably closer to reality
Click Here
Click Here
Paul said on 6/Feb/12
Bic says on 5/Feb/12
Back in the 90s Taker was 6 ft 11 in and weighed 328 lbs how could he lose so much weight now?
Probably quite easily cousin lost over nine stone 343lbs - went down to about 215lbs...all done in six months or so, and he was only 5'9.
Red said on 6/Feb/12
Bic says on 5/Feb/12
Back in the 90s Taker was 6 ft 11 in and weighed 328 lbs how could he lose so much weight now?
It´s more like back in the nineties Taker was close to 6´8".
Around 6´7" today
Bic said on 5/Feb/12
Back in the 90s Taker was 6 ft 11 in and weighed 328 lbs how could he lose so much weight now?
Paul said on 2/Feb/12
I have just looked at Triple H's page and Rob has him down at 6'2 which seems fair enough. Looking at KingNick's shots, he looks about 4.5in taller at best which would make him 6'6.5. Having said that I think Triple H has the footwear advantage so a solid 6'7 for Taker is probable. I know some here will disagree but I think he has lost height...more than an inch in fact (more than average) and was a strong 6'8/weak 6'9 in the early 90's. Feel free to diagree folks. Thats what makes a good forum at the end of the day.
logan noll 1996 said on 2/Feb/12
Look at Khali's info on his bio. His billed height is listed as 7 foot 3 and his real height is listed as 7 foot 1. If this is true, wouldn't Undertaker be 6 foot 9 if their 4 inches apart. He looks 6'8 in that picture with 6 foot Frank(who is most likely 6'0.5 - 6'1 in the kind of shoes he's probally wearing).
George Fergadiotis said on 2/Feb/12
Undertaker is maybe 12 cm taller than 6ft 2 triple h although i think hhh is shorter than 188cm, he is exactly 200cm some claim 6ft 8 or taller there is absolutely no chance he is that tall because he is 2 meters it does't mean we have to make him a giant it is possible he has lost height after injuries. Rob is doing a good job here in this site to put them down to earth, they do not say their real height they add 3 inches in their height if they are 200cm they can't do that if they are 180cm but again they add 1 inch.
Paul said on 2/Feb/12
KingNick..I remember you, where have you been all this time ? Good to see you back.
michael raja said on 31/Jan/12
he is atleast 6'.8"
sid said on 28/Jan/12
brandon your lying you have no proof
logan noll 1996 said on 23/Jan/12
Kane is 6 foot 8, but he's as tall as Taker when in his booster boots, so wouldn't that make Taker 6 foot 9? And who's this Brandon and does he have proof Taker is his uncle?
KingNick said on 23/Jan/12
Undertaker Khali staredown close up:
Click Here
Medium Shot:
Click Here
Khali's boots at 2:07
Click Here
Undertaker's boots at the time:
Click Here
Khali and HHH:
Click Here
Khali and Kane:
Click Here
Undertaker and HHH:
Click Here and
Click Here and
Click Here and
Click Here
Footwear for Undertaker and HHH / full body shot:
Click Here
Undertaker and Kane 2010 (most recent one I could find, 2010, footwear of Kane and 'Taker are below):
Click Here
Here's a video of the Kane and 'Taker from 2010 (prob within a week or so from the pic above):
Click Here you can see Kane's boots at 5:09 pretty well there and throughout that point. Same w/ 'Taker and particularly at 6:29.
Here's another shot of Kane and Khali's footwear from that time period:
Click Here
Alex2 said on 21/Jan/12
6'8 peak 6'8 now, was within 4" of Khali a few years back, explain that.
brandon said on 19/Jan/12
Mark is my uncle. I know he is 6'9 6'10. I'm 6'7 on paper and he is 2.5 to 3 inches taller than me easily!
Jake T. said on 17/Jan/12
A peak height for Undertaker I believe was around 6'7.5 or 6'8 tops, I think he has lost only a little bit of height so I would not go under the 200 cm mark for him but maybe even today he still reaches a flat 6'7.
Ben Bigelow said on 15/Jan/12
I, willing to bet that sid was 6'7'' in his boots. If Paul Bearer is 5'10'' or even taller, taker would have more height over him. Look back at some of the old school stuff. taker really does only look to be in the 6'6''-6'7'' range. and thats with boots. if hes 6'8'' or even 6'7'' he would look much taller next to a person whos slightly under 6 ft. the fudge em all. bet khali is right at 7. gotta see his and shaqs footwear to believe anything.
miko said on 14/Jan/12
Tilting your head back doesn't make you taller, if anything it makes you shorter. It raises your eyeline, making you 'feel' taller.
Both Sid and Taker are 6'7. Kane is a little taller than both IMO.
logan noll 1996 said on 13/Jan/12
Taker is taller than Sid by an inch or two. In those photos, Sid tilted his head back while Taker is facing straight forward. I'd say Taker is 6'8 or 6'9 if Sid is 6'7.
Johhny said on 13/Jan/12
all fake Truth is here: wwe lies about the wrestlers height as for example Sean O'Haire is listed at 6" 6 inches but his mugshot shows him around 6" 2 inches only take a look at his mugshot link is here" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Click Here
fellas , wwe is all fake everything is kayfabe i m sorry to say that but wwe always shows the heights of his wreslters billed more than the original height
drummer777 said on 8/Jan/12
Undertaker isn't 6'10, Sid was billed 6'7 back in the 80's so no way either man is above 6'7. I think either man is at most 6'6 barefoot and 6'7 in shoes.
only way you get taker and sid up to 6'10 is with lifts, platform shoes or a big imagination.
I know someone who is 5'7 and he put 5'10 on his license so don't always go by that info, Spivey's ifo says 6'6 but he was billed as much as 6'8. after seeing him with 6'5 Bill Fralic, Spivey may be 6'5. At the most 6'6. according to that info.
Joey said on 7/Jan/12
logan noll 1996 - Either you're just a
troll or you really know nothing about facts. Whether or not we are Kevin Nash or Undertaker fans is irrelevant! Just because im a big undertaker fan that doesnt automatically mean Undertaker is taller does it. The fact is that undertaker is between 6'7-6'8 and nash is about 6'9. Kevin nash does not wear lifts, and you haven't shown any evidence to show that he does.
dg said on 6/Jan/12
logan noll 1996 says on 30/Dec/11
There not the same height, joey. Nash wears lifts on his boots to make look like he is closer to his 6 foot 11 billing. Undertaker is 6 foot 10 and nothing less. Undertaker has no lifts on his boots and Nash has 2 inch(maybe 3 inch) lifts on his boots. I know Undertaker is taller than Kevin Nash. Anything below 6 foot 10 for Undertaker is rubbish and anything above 6 foot 8 for Kevin Nash is rubbish.
logan noll 1996 said on 6/Jan/12
Taker said he used to be 6 foot 10. Nash's boots are slightly larger than Taker's boots. I KNOW NASH IS NOT TALLER, HE IS THE SAME HEIGHT OR SHORTER THAN TAKER. Joey and Tuga, you tell me about researching before I post, obviously you need to look harder at the two of them. There both 6 foot 10. And Nash's ring boots give him a 2 inch boost and Taker's boots maybe give him a 1/2 inch boost. THE CONVERSATION ENDS HERE. The two of you must be Kevin Nash fans, no doubt. Why can't you admit Taker's taller?
miko said on 6/Jan/12
A Kane/Sid staredown would have been brilliant.
Unlike with Taker, I don't think Sid's eyeline would have been above Kane's. Taker's eyeline is quite low due to his large forehead.
beefyz said on 5/Jan/12
Click Here
Im gonna have to go with 6'7'' for Sid, and 6'7'' for taker. I dont know these guys it seems like just with taker and kane, its very difficult to figure out who the tallest is amoung all of em. sid, taker, and kane are all around the same height idc wheather people think kanes the tallest or not bc I dont believe he is. Lifts are a huge issue. also it is possible sid is taller than taker and its possible they fudged takers height as 6'8'' when back in the 80s there werent too many wrestlers that would even reach 6'5''. btw I believe nash to have just as much height over kane than he did taker. ive seen taker look taller, shorter, and the same height as kane. I would also love to see sid and kane in the same footwear with sid tilting his head back. hahaha
db said on 4/Jan/12
check out punisher dice morgan and scott hall on youtube. Good height comparison
Vegas said on 4/Jan/12
Silent d says on 3/Jan/12
202 cm is a little short for him. he always looked at least 205cm.
sid was billed 6'7
Click Here and look at him and taker next to each other in the same boots back in the 80s, 2min 30secs
Click Here
Silent d said on 3/Jan/12
202 cm is a little short for him. he always looked at least 205cm.
valdor said on 3/Jan/12
Just came off WWE site, saw some bios. They "downrated" Nash to Takers old 6'10" 328lbs billing while Kane is kept at 7'0" 323lbs. Show is listed 7'0 485 and Taker 6'10 299.
Now if it was me id bill 'em (for show buzz purpouses) as:
Show 7'0 450
Nash 6'10 320
Kane 6'9 300
Taker 6'9 285
Valdor said on 1/Jan/12
To logan noll 1996,
I am, admittidly, very pro Undertaker, but to be honest with you, he is clearly - to me - shorter than Nash, who has longer limbs. He is a slightly bigger man, mebe 1-2" taller maximum. That does not make Undertaker an any less impressive performer. Physically he is/was a superior athlete than any of the comparrible big men wrestlers. Truely hope he recovers well from his lengthy injuries.
Nishanth Hegde said on 1/Jan/12
Nash is probably only an inch taller than Taker. Undertaker= 6ft8. Nash-6ft9.25 :)
WelcomE said on 30/Dec/11
I agree with Joey, in fact all of you should. He really isn't standing straight in that picture with the 6ft guy. If he stands up perfectly, I'd say he'll cover 6'8 with ease. But it doesn't matter if he's 203, 204 or 205cm, because if you see him in person, he'll probably be one of the biggest men you've ever seen :)
logan noll 1996 said on 30/Dec/11
If your not happy with Undertaker being taller than Nash, then we'll just leave them both at 6 foot 10 and end the conversation there. Google lists Undertaker at 6 foot 10 1/2 and Nash at 6 foot 9 3/4.
logan noll 1996 said on 30/Dec/11
There not the same height, joey. Nash wears lifts on his boots to make look like he is closer to his 6 foot 11 billing. Undertaker is 6 foot 10 and nothing less. Undertaker has no lifts on his boots and Nash has 2 inch(maybe 3 inch) lifts on his boots. I know Undertaker is taller than Kevin Nash. Anything below 6 foot 10 for Undertaker is rubbish and anything above 6 foot 8 for Kevin Nash is rubbish.
Tuga said on 30/Dec/11
Joey says on 30/Dec/11
@ logan noll 1996
Look at all the evidence before you start posting here. Undertaker is not taller than Kevin Nash. Nash has 1.5' on Undertaker. I put undertaker at 6'8 and nash at 6'9.5. The reason undertaker unly looks 6'6.5 / 6'7.5 is because he doesnt bother to stand up straight and proper with smaller guys. But when he does stand tall, with Khali for example. you can tell he is atleast 6'8.
I totally agree with you, taker´s posture is usually horrible, nash is clearly taller than taker, IMO taker 6'8 nash at least 6'9 1/2 maybe 6'10 peak, even today at least 6'9.
Red said on 30/Dec/11
logan noll 1996 says on 29/Dec/11
Undertaker is 6'10" barefoot, Kevin Nash is 6'8" barefoot(he claimed he was 6'10"), Sid is 6'7" barefoot(he often wears 2 inch lifts when wrestling guys as big as Undertaker)
Lolli, peak Undertaker wasn´t taller than 6´8", he was billed at 6´8" as Punisher, early Undertaker and as Biker(against Kurt Angle).
He also said he´s 6´8"-6´9" in the documentary "This is my yard".
Regarding all evidence we brought up here over the last years, it´s impossible for Taker to be a legit 6´10".
Rob is spot on with 6´7.5" barefoot, Undertakers height in wrestlingboots is and was always in the 6´8"range
Click Here 8:45-9:00 Taker needs to be barefoot here and Sid needs 3 inch hight heels if this is a staedown between a 6´10" and a 6´7" man.
You know how a 2 inch lift in wrestlingboots would look like?
Danimal told it already to you, so be aware becoming one of the youngest
trolls on this site.
Joey said on 30/Dec/11
@ logan noll 1996
Look at all the evidence before you start posting here. Undertaker is not taller than Kevin Nash. Nash has 1.5' on Undertaker. I put undertaker at 6'8 and nash at 6'9.5. The reason undertaker unly looks 6'6.5 / 6'7.5 is because he doesnt bother to stand up straight and proper with smaller guys. But when he does stand tall, with Khali for example. you can tell he is atleast 6'8.
Sean said on 30/Dec/11
Taker doesnt look any taller than 6-6 with that 6-0 dude. Hes also closer to the camera.
logan noll 1996 said on 29/Dec/11
Undertaker is 6'10" barefoot, Kevin Nash is 6'8" barefoot(he claimed he was 6'10"), Sid is 6'7" barefoot(he often wears 2 inch lifts when wrestling guys as big as Undertaker), Tyler Mane is 6'8" barefoot.
logan noll 1996 said on 29/Dec/11
Rob, it needs to be changed to 6 foot 10. I just figured out hisheight and it IS 6 foot 10. He's as tall as 6 foot 8 inch Kane in 2 inch lifts(Kane has 2 inch padded lifts on his boots).
The Ben said on 29/Dec/11
I'd say taker looks 6'6 min and he is bending slightly while the other guy is stood tall.