How tall is Ingrid Nilsen

Ingrid Nilsen's Height

5ft 3 ½ (161.3 cm)

American Social Media star, who has over 4 million subscribers to her youtube chanel and over 1 million followers on Twitter, where she has mentioned her height: "i'm 5'4" (:", "just a smidge taller than 5'3" but not quite 5'4" (:" and also said at age 21, "no way!! i could never model...not photogenic AT ALL! plus, i'm super short...just under 5'4" lol"

How tall is Ingrid Nilsen
Photo © / F. Sadou/AdMedia

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Average Guess (21 Votes)
5ft 3.54in (161.4cm)
Tunman said on 16/Oct/20
That's perhaps lower average not really short,the male equivalent could be like 5'8.5-8.75.Yeah,she's definitely beautiful,but nowhere near the favourite standards for catwalk(between 172 and 182 with 175-80cm range as the best).Once over 6'you have great chances to be listed under your height and once under 5'8 you'll get upgraded.Of course it could have been much better to focus on beauty rather than height (and weight as they're all super skinny)
Nik said on 8/Feb/20
She is super average!!
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 9/Aug/19
If 5'3.5" for a woman is super short, what does that make 5'3" then, a dwarf?
Nik said on 7/Aug/19
@ Sandy Cowell - It is a shame, Ingrid looks positively glowing too! The modelling industry has missed out, make no mistake!
cmillzz said on 7/Aug/19
It’s like saying a woman who is 5’4.5” is super tall.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/Aug/19
@ Nik - She would be on the catwalk! Ingrid has a lovely slim figure and wouldn't half carry her clothes off to perfection, so it's a bit of a shame really....

5ft3.5. 👩💐
Nik Ashton said on 6/Aug/19
She is not super short.
5ft10.25 said on 24/Jun/16
She once said in one of her youtube videos she was 5'3'' and a half.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.