How tall is Nathan Kress

Nathan Kress Height

5ft 6 (167.6 cm)

American actor best known for playing Freddie Benson on the TV series iCarly. In film he has appeared in Into the Storm. On Twitter at age 19, he mentioned his height, saying "I'm pretty sure I'm 5'7, but I haven't measured in a while :)" and also that he was "5'7 I think. If I stretch a little."

How tall is Nathan Kress
Nathan Kress, Sarah Wayne Callies, Richard Armitage & Max Deacon
Photo by Debby Wong/

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Average Guess (50 Votes)
5ft 6.64in (169.3cm)
Classic 5'10er said on 5/Jul/22
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Looking at this photo and knowing that Miranda Cosgrove is listed at 5'4 1/4, i'm going with 5'5 1/2 or 5'6 on a good day. Miranda might have a very slight footwear advantage but there really isn't much between them compared to Jerry Trainor and Noah Munck.
heyyyyyyyy said on 19/Mar/21
he looks only a little taller than carly id say 5'6" maybe 5'6" 1/4 but 5'6" is more likely
Adam kamal said on 25/Feb/21
He was 4’10 and a half at 14 he’s grown 8 inches within 4-5 years
Nik Ashton said on 12/Apr/20
He does look under 5’7” in the above photograph!
Lakheswar Saikia said on 10/Apr/20
He is 5'6.5 or 5'7 😁
Mason Noel Ledbetter said on 28/Jun/18
Nathan Kress is mostly like 5'6.5'' to 5'7'' I think.
9361721 said on 27/Jun/18
People that say he is shorter than the listing because they saw earlier episodes where he was shorter than Miranda and Victoria are stupid. People grow! He was like 14 or 15! Boys grow like 2-6 inches from that age. And girls grow like 0-3 inches.
Nik said on 10/Jun/18
Decent listing! No less than 5'6.25"!
khaled taban said on 8/Jun/18
5'6.5" or 5'7" but 5'6.5" seems good !
Smiles03 said on 30/Mar/18
Strong 5'7
ALEXANDREBR said on 3/Jan/18
I think it's built ... but it seems shorter than that ...
Peter175 said on 15/Apr/17
Rob, isn't he like just an inch taller than Miranda and Victoria?

He doesn't look quite as tall as a Big G to me. If he were 169 he'd be able to pull off near average at times. Never seen him appear near average
Bobby said on 24/Mar/17
I remember thinking he must have been 5'7, seeing as Rob hasn't downgraded Nathan Kress, then I'm guessing he pulls off 5'6.5 very well.
Desmond said on 26/Dec/16
He's 5'5 my cousin took a picture with him earlier this year, and my cousin is about 5'4.5
dingo said on 6/Feb/16
how tall do you think jerry trainor is?
Zettas said on 18/Nov/15
I do think he's 5'5. In several episodes with Victoria Justice he semmed shorter than her,
ashley said on 20/Sep/15
he's the same height as his current fiancee, who posted a driver's license pic which says she's 5'5"
OneNamePlease said on 9/May/15
167 max. He is similar to Miranda Cosgrove (163cm).
Phil said on 7/May/15
@Tymmo: It's short, but I agree, let's stop the heightism.
MaryAnne said on 7/May/15
@Tymmo,I am 5 ft 8 girl and for me he is shortie.I don't prefer guys shorter than me. Please don't poke your nose into everything! Thanks.
Tymmo said on 7/May/15
@MaryAnne he's not even short... stop heightism
whats with all the hate? said on 6/May/15
another awesome listing of another 5'6.5 er
MaryAnne said on 6/May/15
I don't like short guys but when it comes to Nathan... Maybe I should think about that! :P

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.