How tall was Rosemary La Planche

Rosemary La Planche's Height

5ft 5 (165.1 cm)

American actress, remembered for films such as Devil Bat's Daughter, Strangler of the Swamp and An Old-Fashioned Girl. In 1941 she was crowned 'Miss America'. In May 1951 she mentioned in an article that "I'm five feet five and I still measure 36-24-34."

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Average Guess (6 Votes)
5ft 5.17in (165.5cm)
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/Nov/20
Imagine misunderstanding the name 'La Planche' or letting the old autocorrect get to work on it? πŸ˜ƒ

It could come out 'La Plunge', 'La Plunger' or 'La Launder'! Or worse still 'La Plump' or 'La Plumper' 😣

With the new lockdown underway, I'm taking that as a warning and will have another workout session on my machine. Oh yes, and fruit for breakfast....!🍊

5ft5 for Rosie. 🌹
Nik said on 21/Nov/17
@ Sandy Cowell - Hi!

Yes, I know, he is a daft apeworth, isn't he? Who else would continually make daft "simples ton" mistakes, get told off, and then continually do the same thing wrong time and time again! He has been sacked from that many jobs and all because he doesn't learn! He has a sense of humour though, I will give him that!

Your point about the labour saving devices and shortcuts is a good one, it is not a good thing because people need to get out of their chairs fairly regularly and housework is an opportunity to do this, plus housework in itself is physical activity! The old fashioned ways were the best. Unfortunately children are not as active due to computer games and adults spend too much time behind desks sitting down for too long without standing up.

Sandy Cowell said on 20/Nov/17
@ Nik - Yes I know! It was that Simples-ton of an autocorrect!
Thanks for making me feel better! πŸ‘
Nik said on 20/Nov/17
@ Sandy Cowell

It's not your fault Sandy, simples, It's you know who!
Sandy Cowell said on 19/Nov/17
😠 Correction Time! 😠

Please ignore the 'am' situated bang in the middle of the second sentence. It shouldn't be there. Simples!
Sandy Cowell said on 19/Nov/17
Oh, I just read my comment again, only this time I am took in what is said up top that bit more thoroughly!
So she was an early Miss America! I very much doubt this girl was doing much housework in her year as top American beauty queen, and there I was in my first comment going on about keeping trim by busying herself around the house! Not much chance of that!
Sandy Cowell said on 19/Nov/17
In the thumbnail picture, Rosemary could easily pass for July Garland's taller sister!

I noticed she congratulates herself on keeping her trim measurements - back in 1951! Those days, there were no short cuts to keeping the house tidy and people were far more active anyway, so their figures were easier to keep! Now there are short cuts and labour saving device for everything!

Rosemary gets 5ft5.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.