How tall is Arnold Schwarzenegger - Page 15

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Average Guess (1339 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 1.04in (185.5cm)
Current: 5ft 11.06in (180.5cm)
Cole said on 6/Nov/17
Houss the guy got back to me today he said arnold is 5,10
Cole said on 6/Nov/17
Pierre's yea your right for me he's shorter then 5,11 he's 5,10 now or lower easy
Houss said on 6/Nov/17
In this pic the other guy is closer to the camera than Arnie this's so easy to see , and Arnie is slouching a little bit , in the pic with Gerard butler he look around 183/182 if butler is really 6'2"
Pierre said on 6/Nov/17
@Cole=Around 2.5 maybe 3 inches difference is that i see in the pic you posted with the 6"0' guy.The guy is closer to the camera but slouch a little,he has a long head(see the peak of their heads).Maybe advantageous shoes like Air max or Shox(around 1.25 inch),Arnold wear flat shoes like 0.6/0.7 inches imo.
Nice picture.
Cole said on 6/Nov/17
Grizz yea don't get me wrong I think he's in great shape for he's age just saying I don't think he was ever 6,2 I'm going 6 foot tops in he's prime
Kurtz said on 6/Nov/17
So at time of Conan He was 210 pounds.
Almost natty!!!
Grizz, in my opinion it is not a problem of age, but it is at all how long a human can maintain an unaturally mass of muscle.
On about 6'1" 240 pounds are not good and not healthy and not attainable without something.

Now the same do lot of nfl players that decreas their weight at beginning of their end carreer(see Ray Lewis for sample).
grizz said on 6/Nov/17
@Cole, regardless of his claims on the show,he gave a sound advice there: with age, you should slowly decrease your body weight, no matter how muscular/athletic you are. And he listened to his advice - he's now far leaner than during his prime days. I think he isn't over 190-200 lbs nowadays.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 6/Nov/17
Rob, do you agree that he looks 5´10.75" at his low today?
Editor Rob
sometimes Arnie might look barely 5ft 11, it will become more apparent in the next 3 years, we will be having 5ft 10 estimates regularly.
Cole said on 5/Nov/17
Click Here new picture the guy is 6,0 I asked him on Instagram he looks 2 inches taller then arnold new picture
Jim Hopper said on 5/Nov/17
If his true peak was over 6-1 how can he look over 1.5" shorter than George Bush Snr???? {6-2]
Cole said on 5/Nov/17
Click Here He says he's 6,2 here and 210
Scoobydoo said on 4/Nov/17
Between 185 /186 cm was his peak. Nowadays he seems still a strong 182 cm.
Barry Fl said on 4/Nov/17

And on 29th October you stated "He looks nothing below 6ft1.5 (187 cm) which was his true peak height".
Pierre said on 4/Nov/17
Click Here = Rick Wayne(listed 5"8') a little slouching imo next to Dave Draper(listed 6"0')
Barry Fl said on 4/Nov/17

Insult you? There was no insult in my words. That's not my style. If you found one then I can only - respectfully - suggest you were being a little overly sensitive, as well as taking this whole thing much too seriously. Let's not lose sight of the fact that we're all adults here arguing over the matter of a complete stranger's height. It's really not worth raising our blood pressure over.

But in your previous two posts you have talked yourself into knots. On 31st October you said "Rob I really think it's a time for a downgrade for his peak height to 184-185 cm" and then on 3 November "185.5 or 186 cm was his real height".
Pierre said on 4/Nov/17
Click Here = Dave Draper listed 6"0'(blond guy) and Frank Zane(the guy next to Arnold) listed 5"9'.I ask me if really 3 inches between them.Another pic of them = Click Here .
Click Here = Arnold behind Rick Wayne listed 5"8' ,Dave Draper listed 6"0'(blond guy),Frank Zane listed 5"9'(the right guy in the pic)
Another pic with a little difference of postures = Click Here
Edimar1.84 said on 3/Nov/17
My guess He's about 6ft1.5 at morning in 70s,probaly he is 6ft0.75/6ft1 at evening, now he is a 5ft11 flat guy.
Cole said on 3/Nov/17
Click Here talking about he's height
Cole said on 3/Nov/17
Jim hooper think about it to arnolds always got them cowboy boots on callum wears flat trainers a lot so yea 5,10 with no footwear for sure
santgr said on 3/Nov/17
@Barry Fl - Where exactly did I say that Arnold was shorter than Reg Park or Dave Draper? Learn to read more carefully next time you decide you want to insult me. What I did say was that Arnold needs a downgrade to the full 6ft1 (6ft 0.5 is rather too short for him and out of question) 185.5 or 186 cm was his real height.
Barry Fl said on 3/Nov/17
santgr said on 31/Oct/17
Here are some more photos from the 1980 Mr Olympia (all three of them 100% straight lined up this time) and a rare photo next to 6ft1 Reg Park and 6ft Dave Draper. Rob I really think it's a time for a downgrade for his peak height to 184-185 cm.

Presumably the point you're trying to make is that Park and Draper were taller than Arnold. A simple Google search will bring up dozens of pictures where Arnold looks clearly taller than the 6ft Dave Draper. Any one of us can find a single picture to prove our point, but it does well to look around at the evidence before making up your own mind, rather than vice versa.
Johan said on 3/Nov/17
Cole said on 2/Nov/17
Callum Von moger is 6,2 a little slouched here Click Here


He does need his current height to be brought down to 5'11" (180cm) maybe Rob will give it to him as a christmas gift.
Its funny to read the comments on that post, many don't realise that Arnie is 70 years old, he could be Callum's grandfather not father haha.
Jim Hopper said on 2/Nov/17
@Cole that picture is 100% proof arnie is around 5-10.5 today. Great pic
Cole said on 2/Nov/17
Callum Von moger is 6,2 a little slouched here Click Here
Pierre said on 1/Nov/17
Click Here = Chris Dickerson listed 5"6' next to Robby Robinson listed 5"7'....
Cole said on 1/Nov/17
Click Here this guy is 6,1
James B said on 31/Oct/17
6ft2 for a peak Arnie does seem extreme and 6ft1 flat seems too low
santgr said on 31/Oct/17
Here are some more photos from the 1980 Mr Olympia (all three of them 100% straight lined up this time) and a rare photo next to 6ft1 Reg Park and 6ft Dave Draper. Rob I really think it's a time for a downgrade for his peak height to 184-185 cm.

Click Here
santgr said on 31/Oct/17
@Rob If he was 6ft1 during that night (assuming Mr Olympia event was performed during night time) wouldn't that make him 6ft1.5 or 6ft1.25 during midday hours?
Editor Rob
he might have been 6ft 2 morning, maybe when Arnie got measured it was Busting a Gut...on another day he might have measured 6ft 1 and a little
Kurtz said on 31/Oct/17
thank you
Kurtz said on 31/Oct/17
yeah @ Pierre
at that time of lou Arnie &c. and then actors and models in 80's
all boosting their height and now with internet they have to come back to reality and they shouldn't boosting anything 😁
Cole said on 31/Oct/17
Just saw a bodybuilder just post a picture today stood head to head with arnold Jeremy Cullen's on Instagram he's bio on there says he's 6,1 Jeremy he's slouching arnolds stood up straight he's still got over an inch on arnold
Pierre said on 31/Oct/17
Are Chris Dickerson and Frank Zane really 5"6' and 5"9' barefoot ?
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 31/Oct/17
kurtz said on 30/Oct/17
@ @HeightcrazyRed6ft
I don't see clearly the numbers on measuring bar.
what's the height of Arnold?


Arnie looks between 6´0.5"-6´0.75",

extremely forcing his posture and Busting a Gut I could see him passing 6´1"peak by a little.

Peak normal straight measurement max 185cm evening, 184cm possible

Today, can´t see him still avoiding to shrink under 5´11" evening
Slim 6' said on 31/Oct/17
The full 6’1”/185 Cm.
jervis said on 31/Oct/17
I taught Ferdinand was 6ft3?
kurtz said on 30/Oct/17
@ @HeightcrazyRed6ft
I don't see clearly the numbers on measuring bar.
what's the height of Arnold?
Jim Hopper said on 30/Oct/17
Approx 6-0" prime. Now looking 5-10.5
santgr said on 30/Oct/17
Maybe I'm blind then. I would love to hear Rob's opinion on that photo.
Editor Rob
with Dickerson he seems maximum 6ft 1
Pierre said on 30/Oct/17
OffICIAL height are 5"6' Chris Dickerson ,5"9' Franck Zane ,6"5' for Lou Ferrigno but
Cole said on 30/Oct/17
Yea I see that with Hamilton u look at rio Ferdinand with Lewis Ferdinand is 6,2 he towers Hamilton arnie don't look tall next to him one bit sorry I think arnold is 5,9 now bare foot 5,11 to 6 in he's prime pushing it and I'm a massive arnie fan just go on callum Von mogers Instagram scroll down he's pictures and standing head to head with arnold bent done to still looks 4 inches taller
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 30/Oct/17
santgr said on 29/Oct/17
Arnold at 1980 Mr Olympia with 5ft6 (168 cm) Chris Dickerson and 5ft9 (175 cm) Frank Zane. He looks nothing below 6ft1.5 (187 cm) which was his true peak height.


Click Here
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 30/Oct/17
Danimal said on 30/Oct/17
Arnold and 5'8" Lewis Hamilton (who states that he thought Arnold was taller):
Click Here

The man was measured on tv at 171, why do you come up with 5´8"???
John said on 30/Oct/17
He seems to have lost a ton of height. It's hard for me to see him at even 5'11 now.
Danimal said on 30/Oct/17
Arnold and 5'8" Lewis Hamilton (who states that he thought Arnold was taller):
Click Here
Danimal said on 30/Oct/17
Arnold and 6'0" John Cena. Sorry Rob, but Arnold is not 5'11.5". Look at the top of their 2 heads. That's bare minimum 1.5", if not a full 2".
Click Here

Arnold and 5'11"-5'11.5" Jimmy Fallon: Click Here

Arnold and 6'3" Zydrunas Savickas (who was listed as 6'2" in one of his WSM competitions): Click Here
Anonymous said on 29/Oct/17
I wouldn't say that Arnold is 5 Foot 11 but I would personally say that he is about 6 Foot 0/6 Foot 1 on good days.
Although in his younger days in the 1980s I would of probably said that he was about 6 Foot 3 maybe even 6 Foot 4. Just a little that came to my mind.
Jim Hopper said on 29/Oct/17
@santgr All are in line!! No one is closer!!
Kurtz said on 29/Oct/17
Chris Dickerson is obviously "only" 15 cm. shorter than Arnie.
Frank Zane is not obviously closer to the camera, see the ground.
In that pic there is nothing that suggest anything above 185 cm for Schwarzy.
That pic suggest only how the quality of bodybuilding in these days became obscene. They were truly lengends.
santgr said on 29/Oct/17
@Kurtz In that photo Frank is obviously closer to the camera than Arnold and Chris
Kurtz said on 29/Oct/17
@Jim Hopper
This! Agree.

that pic you posted is the very good proof that Arnie was 184 cm. in his peak!!
Houss said on 29/Oct/17
Arnold was the same height as David letterman maybe a little bit taller than him
santgr said on 29/Oct/17
Arnold at 1980 Mr Olympia with 5ft6 (168 cm) Chris Dickerson and 5ft9 (175 cm) Frank Zane. He looks nothing below 6ft1.5 (187 cm) which was his true peak height.

Click Here
Jim Hopper said on 28/Oct/17
@Cobra The Rock is 6-2.5" max imo.
kurtz said on 27/Oct/17
full agree with you cobra
berta said on 27/Oct/17
rob what is Busting a Gut mean?
Editor Rob
simply means breathing in and forcing your posture to absolute max. Some people might only get 2mm more, others could possibly get 1cm or so.
cobra said on 27/Oct/17
There's no way a middle aged arnold would measure up to dwayne johnson as well as he does here if he was as short as some are claiming, and for all we know Johnson is wearing thick wrestling boots:

Jim Hopper said on 26/Oct/17
@Barry FI. So you think Arnie by 52 had lost 1.5" inches???? The picture shows him at least that much shorter than Crews. So by your logic he must of lost that if he was REALLY 6.1,5" tall. {face palm}
Tim said on 26/Oct/17
Conclusion. Easier than you think and in my opinion close to the truth. It makes more sense:

Past: strong 6 footer walking with a great athletic posture who could pass as a 6'1 man
Nowdays:A 70 year old weak 5'11 Arnie walking with a bad posture that can look a strong 5'10 (but he is a weak 5'11)
houss said on 26/Oct/17
Bodybuilding really affecte on height , usually I wake-up at 185/184 and I go to bad at 183/182 but in the training days my evening heigh drop to 181/180,5
I think Arnold was where between 186/187
houss said on 26/Oct/17
Danimal said on 25/Oct/17
Houss said on 23/Oct/17
Arnie with jay Leno (180cm)
Click Here
Click Here

Click Here

Jay Leno is MAX 5'10
leno is listed 180 peak on this site you better check out and arnold look about 2 in taller than him
Click Here:
Click Here
Tim said on 26/Oct/17
Click Here
hunbert5'11tall said on 22/Jun/17
he was a strong 6'3 today is 6'2.5 no more. Arnold in his peak days hit 6 foot and quarter inch nothin over. 6'1 mornin if that! This is the truth. 2 inches on both is on movies get it guys?
Full agree man!
Tim said on 26/Oct/17
Barry Fl I guarantee 1.5 inch loss is more than you think. Is a lot of loss man, talking about height. Arnold has always been athletic with a fitness life style,stretcing, with his protein shakes.etcc 1'5 inch is about 4 cm. Just visual how how much is 1'5 inch with your fingers . At 70 is an average loss, of course there's people like Stallone who lost less height, others 4 inches because they have osteoarthritis. My grandma had osteoarthritis and loss 4 inches also she never been in a healthy life in her life never stretched. So Arnold no way lost more than 1'5 inch. I think he lost 1 inch at most. What people makes he lost more, is because you are looking to a 70 year Arnold walking rela in reality not in a movie in his youth. This is a big difference guys. Movies= beautiful, marketing. You can not compare an Arnold in the 90's being about 5'11.5 and maybe having some advantage for height in the movie. And now maybe you get surprised to see Arnold looking 5'10, but the truth he is a weak 5'11 today which is pretty tall for a 70 year old man. People understimate how much can be 1 inch. more than you think! Arnold being young at 6' wih a perfect posture can look much taller than a weak 5'11 Arnold looking 5'10 with a worse posture nowdays. Dont be afraid guys is life he is 70 and looking amazing. Arnold forever!
Johan said on 26/Oct/17
@Barry Fl

He was still 6'0 as late as 2010 next to Chris Eubank who Rob has met and confirmed as 5'10". So basically you are arguing with a guy who believes that Arnold lost nothing up until 2010+
Barry Fl said on 26/Oct/17
Tim said on 25/Oct/17
his proportions clearly always been from a 6 footer guy. He was a strong 6 footer 6'0.5 max in his peak for sure(184 cm) 187 cm coulb be a morning measurement with sneakers. also adding his hair and being muscular maybe he can pass for a string 6'1 in his peak but I'm sure and for all I've seen then he was in the 183-184 zone this is 6'0.25 to 6'0.5

But do you honestly think he could have lost so little height after all these decades, injuries, operations, wear & tear? To have lost 1 inch maximum by age 70?
Tim said on 25/Oct/17
his proportions clearly always been from a 6 footer guy. He was a strong 6 footer 6'0.5 max in his peak for sure(184 cm) 187 cm coulb be a morning measurement with sneakers. also adding his hair and being muscular maybe he can pass for a string 6'1 in his peak but I'm sure and for all I've seen then he was in the 183-184 zone this is 6'0.25 to 6'0.5
kurtz said on 25/Oct/17
Click Here
Barry Fl said on 25/Oct/17
Tim said on 23/Oct/17
This is easy. He can look in the 5'10 zone when he walks just because he is relax but the truth nowdays is 5'11 is he stands tall stretching for measurement. He was over 6' lets say 6'0.5 . Very symple..

For what it's worth Tim, and you've only got my word for it but he certainly wasn't stretching tall for measurement when I was standing near him. This was last month, at an event he did in England, and I was standing a couple of feet away from him for a good few minutes. He was taller than me, though I mentioned the illusion that he did look shorter from a distance because of his build. He's really not a small man, even at 70 years old.
Pierre said on 25/Oct/17
Click Here = 1988 Arnold and Yuri Vlasov listed 6"1' in web
Barry Fl said on 25/Oct/17
James B said on 24/Oct/17
Barry-he might even look on the short side with his posture.

Arnold is not exactly careful with his posture - seated or standing. I think he robs himself (visually) of a couple of inches at times.
Barry Fl said on 25/Oct/17
Jim Hopper said on 24/Oct/17
@Kurtz. If Crews is 6-2" Arnie is just over 6-0" prime. Great picture

Prime? That was late 2000, promotion for the release of 'The Sixth Day'. Arnold was well into his mid 50s there. Hardly 'prime'.
Danimal said on 25/Oct/17
Rob, he seriously needs a downgrade. He's slightly over 5'10" today barefoot imo, but at least knock off a 1/2" and list at 5'11" for his current height.
Editor Rob
5ft 11 flat isn't far away, he's looking it more often, he can only hold on so long!
Danimal said on 25/Oct/17
Houss said on 23/Oct/17
Arnie with jay Leno (180cm)
Click Here
Click Here

Click Here

Jay Leno is MAX 5'10"
Jim Hopper said on 24/Oct/17
@Kurtz. If Crews is 6-2" Arnie is just over 6-0" prime. Great picture
James B said on 24/Oct/17
Barry-he might even look on the short side with his posture.
Slim 6' said on 24/Oct/17
The flat 6'1"/185 CM is a better listing for peak height tbh.
Kurtz said on 23/Oct/17
Click Here
Edimar1.84 said on 23/Oct/17
6ft1.5 at max in 1970s. Today is no more than 5ft11 flat. So big down with muscles off.
Tim said on 23/Oct/17
This is easy. He can look in the 5'10 zone when he walks just because he is relax but the truth nowdays is 5'11 is he stands tall stretching for measurement. He was over 6' lets say 6'0.5 . Very symple..
Barry Fl said on 23/Oct/17
James B said on 22/Oct/17
Rob i bet today if you saw this guy in public in real life he would look very average height especially with his compressed build and posture.

Having seen Arnold close up, I agree. I put him at 5'11, but his very sturdy build does give him a "shorter" appearance than if he were slim.
Cole said on 23/Oct/17
Massive arnold fan just saw a picture of him and terry crews on Instagram it was the time the end of days was made like 18years ago rob has terry listed just a touch over 6,2 he's slouched down arnold is standing up pure straight terry has 3 inches on him easy arnold was under 6ft then easy
Houss said on 23/Oct/17
Arnie with jay Leno (180cm)
Click Here
Click Here

Click Here
James B said on 22/Oct/17
Rob i bet today if you saw this guy in public in real life he would look very average height especially with his compressed build and posture.

Unless he wore his lifts of course👠☺
Editor Rob
one question is what height will be the lowest for Arnie. Say he lives till age 90, could the unthinkable happen...a 5ft 8 Arnie?
QLDer said on 22/Oct/17
Rob any idea for bodybuilder Calum Von Moger? Was at a fitness convention and in person he looked to be 6'1 maybe 6'1.5 (ironically Arnie's peak height!)
Editor Rob
compared to Arnie he looked a couple of inches taller.
grizz said on 22/Oct/17
If it doesn't show up (it seems to be the case when I open the link now), just google Arnold Schwarzenegger Steven Seagal Planet Hollywood
Slim 6' said on 22/Oct/17
@RichardSpain, Arnold isn't 182+ anymore. He's more 180-181 today.
Tim said on 21/Oct/17
Thanks for answer Rob.
However I think the 6'1.5 is over exagerate to high for Arnold. He never looked that tall to me. I'm with Jim Hopper. Full agree. I believe he was in the range of 6-0.5 to 6-0.75 top peak height. Now no more than 5-11" 184 to 185 morning makes more sense to me and more his looking in his 20's 6'1.5 with shoes possible
santgr said on 21/Oct/17
@ kurtz - yeah I made the first conversion wrong what I meant was 6ft 1.6
Canson said on 21/Oct/17
@Jim Hopper: matt may be estimating him at a Morning height like he does for himself. Matt is 5’10.75 out of bed which is 179. He’s more 177-178 if he dips to 5’10 flat. Morning height isn’t your real height
grizz said on 21/Oct/17
and this: Click Here Arnold next to Kidman, Stallone, Seagal, Jim Carrey, Chris O'Donnell and Clint Eastwood. You can see their footwear so it's easier to judge his height
grizz said on 21/Oct/17
This is golden. I don't know how come nobody posted this yet: Click Here Nearly-peak height (48y.o.) Arnold next to Nicole Kidman, Steven Seagal and Sylvester Stallone
Richardspain said on 21/Oct/17
185 peak
182 now
Slim 6' said on 21/Oct/17
Matt177 said on 19/Oct/17
@Slim 6'

I wear nike sneakers that give 1.4 inch of height, I jam 1 inch foam lift inside, this give 2.4 inches of total height.

Im exactly 5foot10.60 inches. So i reach 6foot1.
Why do you wear lifts? Lol.
Pierre said on 20/Oct/17
Click Here Click Here Clint Eastwwod and Lou ferrigno in the 1980s = imo Clint is a little shorter than Lou by this pics
Jim Hopper said on 20/Oct/17
An aging George Bush snr {6-1.75"} here. Hes approx 1,5" taller than arnie. So was Arnie really over 6-1" prime answer - never. Click Here
Jim Hopper said on 20/Oct/17
I see nothing at all to suggest Arnie was 6-2" prime period. Bet imo he was in the range of 6-0.5 to 6-0.75 top peak height. Now no more than 5-11"
THE REAL ANNONYMOUS said on 20/Oct/17
I truly believe Vince Basile's measurement of Arnold at 6'1.5
lm not a member at the Bodybuilding site Getbig but check in there once in a while to see whats going and Arnold's height
was a topic again there as well which Basile chimed in on once again. He claims he measured Arnold at 6'1.5. Basile really has no kind words for Arnold and could have easily down graded him over the years.
Arnold has shrunk for a variety of reasons.... I believe his peak height was 6'1.5 and Rob has him about right at 5'11.5 now
Tim said on 20/Oct/17
Rob do you still think 100% he was that tall?
Editor Rob
I can't ignore the measurement...the question might be, was it totally accurate, could it have been a fraction off? Was Arnie Busting a Gut?
Tim said on 20/Oct/17
jervis 80% agree. Clint 6'3 peak morning Arnold 6'1 peak morning
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Oct/17
He may very well have measured 6ft1¾ earlier in the day and cleared 6ft2 first thing. I'm sorry but a flat 6ft1 for Arnie is an injustice.

Watch Pumping Iron. He edged out Mike Katz (claimed 6ft2 but was really 6ft1) and easily over 1in taller than 6ft Ken Waller.
kurtz said on 20/Oct/17
@ Barry FL
Imagine to see Arnie and the Rock at birth in sane pic...

@ Sangr
So you have a margin of error of 3 mm.

Please guys the pics and footages speak for theirself: Arnie 181-183 cm. @ peak
The Rock is a clear 186-188 cm. and never lost a mm. till now.
Clint was 186-187 max and now barely 180 cm. the only who really shrunck for the age.
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 19/Oct/17
Tim said on 18/Oct/17
People like Celebheights are lost. Wake up heights are boosted. Regular people also lie about their own heights. 80% will say and think they are 1 inch taller than they are. Of cours I said Clint Easwtood was 6'2.5- 0'75 morning in his prime, and Arnold 6'0.25. Lots of pics and testimonies are showing is true what I say. You should also learn what's a real height. A medical measurement. Arnold in 1970 was described as a strong 5'11 weak 6 footer, I can not give more than 6'0.25-0.5 to Arnold. I've watched all his movies same as Clint Eastwood , big fan of both and height guesser and for what I seen and listen from people and pictures that's my opinion. There are still some who think like me. Awake, smart people that think by themselves and not believe everything in this fake world. Legits 6'4 tower Clint by at least 1 inch and legits 6'2 even weak 6'2 tower also Arnold. Lou Ferrigo was a stroong 6'3 no 6'5. You can search info and listed in celebheights with Rob. Today Lou is 6'2.No way was 6'5 exaggerate marketing lol. He was stromg 6'3 and he tower Arnold by 3 inches. In Comando he looks 182 cm or 5'11.75.-weak 6'. He is 1'5 inch on Vernon a strong 5'10 close to 5'10.75 in his prime

No, you said that Clint Eastwood was 6'2 1/2" in his prime (you never specified morning, LOL!). Now you're implying that you think that he was 187 CM in the evening in his prime (which is even more of a joke)? Arnold Schwarzenegger was a legit 187 CM in his prime, and he was always a towering tall guy on screen (and in photos). He didn't even appear shorter than Jim Carrey did back in 90s.
jervis said on 19/Oct/17
Tim, tower somebody by 1 inch?I would still give Clint 6ft3 peak,Arnold 6ft1 max.
Matt179 said on 19/Oct/17
@Slim 6'

I wear nike sneakers that give 1.4 inch of height, I jam 1 inch foam lift inside, this give 2.4 inches of total height.

Im exactly 5foot10.60 inches. So i reach 6foot1.
santgr said on 18/Oct/17
As a strong 6 footer guy (184 cm) myself there's nothing more in the world I would wish for than Arnold my idol and hero being the same height as me but after comparing thousands of photos and video footage I have come to the conclusion that Rob's listing is perfect. Peak height for Arnold was 6ft 1.75 (187 cm). Lowest I could possibly believe is 6ft 1.5 (186.7cm)
Tim said on 18/Oct/17
I'm tired people always say the excuse of shrinking 3-4 inches on Clint or Arnold. Healthy and strong guys please. They just have a worse posture but stop saying they shrank 3 and 4 inches that's ridiculous. Arnold was maybe a strong 6' and today 5'10.75 this is reality.
Tim said on 18/Oct/17
People like Celebheights are lost. Wake up heights are boosted. Regular people also lie about their own heights. 80% will say and think they are 1 inch taller than they are. Of cours I said Clint Easwtood was 6'2.5- 0'75 morning in his prime, and Arnold 6'0.25. Lots of pics and testimonies are showing is true what I say. You should also learn what's a real height. A medical measurement. Arnold in 1970 was described as a strong 5'11 weak 6 footer, I can not give more than 6'0.25-0.5 to Arnold. I've watched all his movies same as Clint Eastwood , big fan of both and height guesser and for what I seen and listen from people and pictures that's my opinion. There are still some who think like me. Awake, smart people that think by themselves and not believe everything in this fake world. Legits 6'4 tower Clint by at least 1 inch and legits 6'2 even weak 6'2 tower also Arnold. Lou Ferrigo was a stroong 6'3 no 6'5. You can search info and listed in celebheights with Rob. Today Lou is 6'2.No way was 6'5 exaggerate marketing lol. He was stromg 6'3 and he tower Arnold by 3 inches. In Comando he looks 182 cm or 5'11.75.-weak 6'. He is 1'5 inch on Vernon a strong 5'10 close to 5'10.75 in his prime
Barry FL said on 18/Oct/17
Kurtz said on 18/Oct/17
I wander why the difference in height btwn Arnie and the Rock is always the same in the years.
Has Arnie really shrunk?

They have only been pictured together since Arnold was already into his 50s. He'd certainly lost some height by then, and seemingly a little more since then. I imagine if you'd seen The Rock next to a 20 or 30 year old Arnold, it would show a little more.
Kurtz said on 18/Oct/17
I wander why the difference in height btwn Arnie and the Rock is always the same in the years.
Has Arnie really shrunk?
Slim 6' said on 18/Oct/17
Matt177 said on 6/Oct/17
Thats good if he was 6foot1 barefoot at his peak. I thought he was like 6foot1.5.

Its near my height, With good shoes with shoe lift im 6foot1.

Putting me near his peak height, my idol.
Lmao, you're gonna have to wear vin diesel's stripper heels to pass of as a 6'1" range guy.
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 18/Oct/17
@Tim People who are 16 can easily still grow 2.5"-3" inches. 5'11.75" for his peak is completely ridiculous, and the same goes for 6'0 1/4". I've noticed that you also believe that Clint Eastwood was only 6'2 1/2" in his peak (and 6'3" out of bed???)? Lol...
Pierre said on 17/Oct/17
Rob has see Evander and there is a picture with him=6"1' range in 2013 in his 51 years,in good shape.look at my comments/ pictures on 08/Oct/17 =there is a probability Arnold is a little under 5"11' in 2015 and was not 6"1' range in the 1990s.In the 1970s Lou edge Arnold of about 2.5/ 3 inches And Lou was under 6"5' imo,old pictures Lou next to listed 6"5'/6"6' range guy like Dick Durock or Ralph Moeller show us this guys edge Lou.
Lou and Arnold= Click Here Click Here Lou and listed 6"5.5' /6"6' guys= Click Here Click Here Lou next to listed 6"2' Manny Perry = Click Here .Arnold in 1984 commando =the left guy with red shirt is listed 6"2' in web(Robert"Bob" Lee Minor) = Click Here .Always commando with Vernon Wells who look now 5"10' range next to Rob and was maybe 5"11' peak = Click Here
Jez said on 17/Oct/17
Talked to him at World Gym and he was about 6 ft 2 maybe a tad shorter..
Tim said on 17/Oct/17
an inch shrunk is more than what you think he just has a bad posture not like in Termiantor or in his prime he shrank a bout 1 inch. Just an excuse of 3 to say he was 6'2
Tim said on 17/Oct/17
At 16 he was 5'10.75,(180 cm) At 18 years old he was described to be 185 cm this is 6'0.75. You are dreaming if you think he kept growing and also knowing he had a mature development growing and gaining muscle. So let's say 6'0.75 is the absolute peak he hit in his best day. In my opinion his average measurement was 183 cm 184 maxx
Hijopotamus said on 17/Oct/17
Tim, that Spanish article also says Arnold was 185 when he was 18.
Barry Fl said on 17/Oct/17
Tim said on 16/Oct/17
Why Kevin Sorbo said he was 5'11?
Politicans in his Governor years also lied? They say Arnold is 5'11 yes. With luck he was 6 foot in 1970 guys. Reality is one thing . Marketing is different is Hollywood!

I don't think many here would argue about Arnold being 5'11 these days. But to say 'with luck he was 6 foot in 1970' is to suggest that he has not lost any height (or at best a fraction of an inch) since then. That's fairly hard to swallow.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Oct/17
You're delusional Tim. It's very common for guys to keep growing well after 16
jervis said on 17/Oct/17
You can see Uma Thurman's height in Pulp Fiction in the scene with John Travolta ,when they are dancing together in Stocking feet.Travolta who was about 6ft looks to be about 2 inches taller.
Al Borland said on 17/Oct/17
I don't think so, Tim.
Tim said on 16/Oct/17
Today is 179 cm standing tall and stretching with luck 180cm (5'10.8) at morning not 181 and 182 please..184cm with luck in his best height prime day (6'0.5)
houss said on 16/Oct/17
Brett said on 15/Oct/17
Arnold is clearly notably under 6ft ... I've met Jai Courtney ( whom hes pictured here with) and hes probably 184-185cm... and hes standing in a somewhat relaxed fashion, with his head forward and he still has a couple inches on Arnold... Then look at those whopping 2 inch cowboy boots Arnold is sporting...

He's clearly never been taller than 5'11" in his life... you can even see it in his leg length... hes just not a tall guy.

Click Here
come on guy !! 2ich !!!!!!!!!!!!
there are many other pics of arnold with jai courtney where they look the same height
and they both wear thick shoes
Click Here:
Click Here:
Click Here:
grizz said on 16/Oct/17
Thank you, Tim! Finally, you preach the truth about his height! I remember they measured 185 when he was in Austrian military age 18.
Barry Fl said on 16/Oct/17
Tim said on 16/Oct/17
Also in the bodybuilding years about 1970 he was stimated to be 5'11 to 6 .

Nope. Arnold was always listed as 6'1 or 6'2. Don't just make up 'facts', Tim.
Tim said on 16/Oct/17
Click Here Arnold was 5'10.75 at 16. Spanish article
Also in the bodybuilding years about 1970 he was stimated to be 5'11 to 6 .
Why Kevin Sorbo said he was 5'11?
Politicans in his Governor years also lied? They say Arnold is 5'11 yes. With luck he was 6 foot in 1970 guys. Reality is one thing . Marketing is different is Hollywood!
To Brett:
Full agree man! Good pic. A clear one you can see Arnold propotrions and lengh are not from a 6'1 guy 5'11 ok
Click Here
Tim said on 16/Oct/17
At 16 he was 180 cm theres and article describing young bodybuilder Arnold. There's no chance a guy like Arnold and bodybuilder grew to 6'1.5 lol. With luck at that age (16 TO 17) he grew 3 cm or 1'5 inch more max. This confirms he was 182-184 range (5'11.75-6'0.5) never over ( 1 inch more in Hollywood )
Tim said on 16/Oct/17
he was 182 to 184 cm that range for sure not under not over
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 16/Oct/17
Normal straigth measuring at peak 185cm evening, stretching out to the max with all his muscles 186cm.
today looks weak 181cm evening, wouldn´t go under 179cm today
Brett said on 15/Oct/17
Arnold is clearly notably under 6ft ... I've met Jai Courtney ( whom hes pictured here with) and hes probably 184-185cm... and hes standing in a somewhat relaxed fashion, with his head forward and he still has a couple inches on Arnold... Then look at those whopping 2 inch cowboy boots Arnold is sporting...

He's clearly never been taller than 5'11" in his life... you can even see it in his leg length... hes just not a tall guy.

Click Here
Zampa180 said on 15/Oct/17
Peak was really close to 6'2 for sure

Current probably 5'11.25
Tim said on 15/Oct/17
for your curiosity...
You are visiting
Deep inside I dont mind he was and is tall for a 70 year old and of course he is a legend. We are here to guess height it's what is about...
Jay said on 15/Oct/17
I don't understand why people bicker over his height. Regardless of whether he's 5'11 or 6'2, he is still very tall for a man living in Los Angeles
Nintendo Wie said on 15/Oct/17
6'0.5" at best. Uma probably exaggerates her height too and If Arnie was out in public with stars he put on his lifts.
Tim said on 15/Oct/17
I've been giving him 184 185 mornign hours, but for more I seen I have to downgrade him near an inch! He was 183 cm Over 6 foot no more
Tim said on 14/Oct/17
sure he is I hope he'll live forever since I was a kid I watched all his movies and also a reason I'm here as a good fan and good height guesser 'cause I like honesty in heights. I've been here a while saying Arnie was in the 184 cm range in his 20's (6'0.75)
houss said on 14/Oct/17
arnold is still taller than uma thurman ( 5'11,5" listed on this site ) and she was wearing hight heels
Click Here:
Click Here:
Click Here:
Alan fry said on 13/Oct/17
What ever his height, the mans a living legend
Jim Hopper said on 13/Oct/17
@Matt179. You must know a different Arnie if you think he was "very tall". George is pretty old here,so 6-2" is unlikely more like 6-1,5. Arnie is how tall Matt179??? LOL Click Here
Kurtz said on 13/Oct/17
indeed a 182-183 cm. in his prime not more
Bego said on 13/Oct/17
Looks as tall as his 5'8'' daughter. I dont why he or anyone claim that he's any taller. He's max 5'9'', he's old now so he lost some height.
Tim said on 12/Oct/17
I dont know if people here read.. Legit 6'2 guys like James Cameron were more than 1 inch on Arnold. Cameron claim he is 6'2 so imagine he is a real 6'1.75 he still got at least 1 inch on Arnold in 1990-1991. No chance he was never ever in his life over 6'1. In his 20's was very close. So there's no discusion safe to say he was at most 6'0.75 right after bed 6'1 in his prime ok..
Tim said on 12/Oct/17
I dont know if people here read.. Legit 6'2 guys like James Cameron were more than 1 inch on Arnold. Cameron claim he is 6'2 so imagine he is a real 6'1.75 he still got at least 1 inch on Arnold in 1990-1991. No chance he was never ever in his life over 6'1. In his 20's was very close. So there's no discusion safe to say he was at most 6'0.75
anon said on 12/Oct/17
I saw Ahnold at many Republican fund raisers and parties in Sacramento for a Republican Governor. I'm 5' 9.5" on a good day, and I was suprised to see the he was shorter than me. I guess I'm 6' 2", but my father was 6' 4" and I was never close to his height. I'd say he is 5'9" Certainly not over 6' 0".
Matt179 said on 11/Oct/17
@Jim Hopper

Your crazy, 6foot at his peak is way too short, He always looked taller very taller than guys.

My guess he was around 6foot1 on the dot barefoot, Give 0.5 inch in either direction.

6foot0.5 was too short also. He stand his own againts 6foot2 guys. Which for 6foot barefoot would look noticeably shorter.

Im sure that during the day on his peak, he was 6foot1 during the day. He may have been 6foot1.5 out of bed and 6foot1 during the day, and 6foot0.75 at night.

6foot is ridiculous, he was way taller than 6foot. Above 6foot1.5 is impossible for him.

6foot1 is very precise, and its tall, when your 6foot1 barefoot you make average height man looking short.
Tim said on 11/Oct/17
lol Kurtz. the old man look 5'9 Arnold again no more than strong 6 footer. 184 max in his 20's
cobra said on 11/Oct/17
Arnold with Stone Cold Steve Austin in 1999:

Harris said on 11/Oct/17
Rob, is it possible he's a flat 5'11" now?
Editor Rob
he can look it at times
Dmeyer said on 10/Oct/17
peak 6'2 morning 188cm night 185.5cm solid 6'1 186cm 1pm
Kurtz said on 10/Oct/17
Click Here
with Joachim Fuchsberger
Johan said on 10/Oct/17
Did look relatively similar to Evander there and we all know he is 2 inches shorter than him today. So about the same as a 6'1" guy in 96'. The angle isn't great there when he passes Dolph but it does seem to be 3 inches. Dolph was still 6'4" at the time so again I can't see Arnie being over 6'1" after seeing that.
Richardspain said on 10/Oct/17
179 cm is very low to Arnold he is at least 181 cm barefoot today, 182 cm is very credible.
Richardspain said on 10/Oct/17

He was 185 in his 20's (6'1) not more but not less.He is a full 182 nowadays.(5'11.50). Is old! People who have seen him here in my country say he is 182 people tought he was taller.

Around 20 years ago in an interview of a famouse spanish magazine journalist said he is 184 I remember it I have good memory.

He has lost exactly exactly 3 cm, guys..

Arnold in his peak 185 cm evening and 186 in the morning
Arnold during all time 184 evening and 185 morning
Arnold nowadays 182 cm evening and 183 in the morning
Jim Hopper said on 9/Oct/17
Lewis Hamilton stated on meeting him for the first time said he wasnt very tall. But hey Vince Basille said hes 6-1,5........... LOL Arnie was a 6 footer peak or just over imo. Now hes lucky to stand 5-11". Click Here Click Here Click Here
Tim said on 9/Oct/17
so many things are proving Arnold was just over 6' beteween 6,'0.5/ 0.75 tops in his peak, what else you need? pics and testimonies are proving he wan't even 6'1. In 1996 looks 182 cm.183 cm With luck he was 184 cm in his 20's
Tim said on 9/Oct/17
hahah people trying to justificed Arnold height at 6'2 lol. Dolph Lundgren a legit 6'4 then, (today close to 6'3) was in 1996 3 inches on Arnold. Arnold was over 6 foot in his peak he was not even 6'1. 6'0.5 in 1996 with luck
Jim Hopper said on 8/Oct/17
Dolph looks 3 or 4 inches taller than arnie imo here.
Pierre said on 8/Oct/17
@cobra @ Rob =
Because Arnold is closer to the camera and the angle is a little bad imo,later in your video = Evander closer to the camera (since 6:20 to 6:50) ,Arnold don't edge him it's even the contary
At the same event= Click Here =here Arnold must look upward to look at Evander
Click Here =1996 Promo Eraser = Evander and Arnold = Evander more distant to the camera seem to edge Arnold
Later in 2015 = Arnold has lost probably a little height he's in his 68 and Evander in his 53 .Evander is a little closer(not a lot) to the camera but slouch = Click Here
Pierre said on 8/Oct/17
@cobra =Because Arnold is closer to the camera and the angle is a little bad imo,later in your video = Evander closer to the camera (since 6:20 to 6:50) ,Arnold don't edge him it's even the contary
At the same event= Click Here =here Arnold must look upward to look at Evander
Click Here =1996 Promo Eraser = Evander and Arnold = Evander more distant to the camera seem to edge Arnold
Later in 2015 = Arnold has lost probably a little height he's in his 68 and Evander in his 53 .Evander is a little closer(not a lot) to the camera but slouch = Click Here
Criss said on 8/Oct/17
@cobra, depends what shoes they where wearing. I still think Arnold was 186 in his youth and today, about 180.
I cannot see Arnold at 187-188 because of the 2-3 cm difference with some estimated 188 guys.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 8/Oct/17
cobra said on 7/Oct/17
I've got a holy grail here. Planet Hollywood opening in 1996. Go to the 6 minute mark to see Arnold with Holyfield. Arnold edges him. Go to the 6:55 mark to see him walk past Dolph Lundgren. Now we can't see footwear so take that into consideration:

Click Here
Nice find, the 1994 Disney Planet Hollywood has also nice comparisons.
Arnie looked to be in white cowboyboots
He also wore brown shoes wit thick sole at the front and solid heel
Barry Fl said on 8/Oct/17
Canson said on 7/Oct/17
@BarryFL: Arnold was at least 6’0” peak. He was likely a full 6’1” at his peak

I've never doubted it. I firmly believe Arnold was at least 6'1 in his younger days and is at least 5'11 now.
cobra said on 7/Oct/17
I've got a holy grail here. Planet Hollywood opening in 1996. Go to the 6 minute mark to see Arnold with Holyfield. Arnold edges him. Go to the 6:55 mark to see him walk past Dolph Lundgren. Now we can't see footwear so take that into consideration:

Click Here

Also here is Arnold with Patrick Swayze:

Editor Rob
but, but, but I read in Washington Post Arnie was 5 feet 10 😡 😱

I think he was still 6ft 1 at that point.
Rising - 174 cm said on 7/Oct/17
Eastwood was probably still a minimum 6'2.5", maybe 190 cm in 1994, but I think his posture was already loose compared to Arnold. But Arnold measured up well nonetheless.
Tim said on 7/Oct/17
Arnold looked like Rafa Nadal same height . I dont understand why u say he was a ful 6'1 even over 6'1. Nadal is a flat 6'0 and Arnold looked same. Maybe taller because his hair. Never ever over 184-184'5 please ths is a 6'0.75 max Arnold
Peter181cm said on 7/Oct/17
Peak height:
Min. 6'
Max 6'1.5

Today is:
Min. 5'10.75
Max. 5'11.5
Canson said on 7/Oct/17
@BarryFL: Arnold was at least 6’0” peak. He was likely a full 6’1” at his peak
Tim said on 7/Oct/17
To Anonymous:
nobody said sub 6'0 you need contact lenses. Sub 6'1 yes 6'1 morning hours
cobra said on 7/Oct/17
Arnold with reputed 6-1 JFK Jr. in 1995:

Click Here

Arnold with Clint Eastwood in 1994:

Click Here
Jim Hopper said on 7/Oct/17
Just google Bush Senior and him you will see. Was never close to 6-2" Bush ever.
Anonymous said on 6/Oct/17
Around 6'1.5" peak and 5'11" today. Just LOL at sub 6'0" prime estimates, what salty people you are.
Tim said on 6/Oct/17
Sorry I meant almost 6'1 he hit 6'1 after bed 185'5 cm in his absolute peak
Tim said on 6/Oct/17
I'm happy people start believing he was not 6'1.5 but close to 6'1.5 :D
Barry Fl said on 6/Oct/17
Matt179 said on 6/Oct/17
Putting me near his peak height, my idol.

Ah, but what about his peak physique? :-)
Pierre said on 6/Oct/17
@Cobra=this angle isn't the best but this picture can show another difference of heights between them=you can see Arnold must clearly look at upward to talk to Chistopher who must clearly look at downward(and probably slouch a little) to talk to Arnold.
Tim said on 6/Oct/17
With Vernon Wells looks like a strong 6 foot with James Cameron in 1991 on Terminator filming he also looked 6 foot next to 6'2 James Cameron see guys? Arnold was 6'0.75 in his 20's max. So in tne 80-90's was 182'5-184 cm peak max was 184'5 (6'0.75) what do you need more? I'm so good guessing height and this is amking sense he maybe hit 6'1 first hours morning in his peak days. Also He always look to me strong 6 footer maybe weak 6'1 in his 20's in all pics proofs this, and also testimonies from so much people. Finally I'm 100% sure he was on the 184 range in his peak (6'0.75)
Matt179 said on 6/Oct/17
Thats good if he was 6foot1 barefoot at his peak. I thought he was like 6foot1.5.

Its near my height, With good shoes with shoe lift im 6foot1.

Putting me near his peak height, my idol.
Pierre said on 6/Oct/17
Click Here = Vernon Wells(listed 5"11' peak) slouching and Arnold=don't know the floor and shoes.Arnold isn't looking 6"1.5' here imo.
Rising - 174 cm said on 5/Oct/17
Christopher Reeve was not over 6'3.5", imo as he certainly wasn't taller than 6'3.5" Chevy Chase, but it doesn't look like he'd be more than 2" taller than Arnie even if he stood straight. Remember, Reeve was taller than 6'2" Morgan Freeman by a clear amount 30 years ago so Arnie certainly doesn't look less than 6'1" with him.
cobra said on 5/Oct/17
"Pierre said on 5/Oct/17
Another with Chritopher Reeve = Click Here"

Really bad angle on that pic.
Tim said on 5/Oct/17
To Barry Fl:

Sure. I'm talking about those bodybuilding days around 1973-1975 when Arnold was in his peak in his 20's. He looked max a 6'1 to me. A weak 6'1- 184-185. With his shoes near 6'2. In his movie carrer look around same strong 6 footer. In Terminator 2 he was measured 182 cm he looked a 6 footer . Because he nver was a strong a 6'1 he was 6'0.75
Pierre said on 5/Oct/17
Another with Chritopher Reeve = Click Here
lak said on 5/Oct/17
cobra said on 5/Oct/17
Young Arnold with Christopher Reeve:

Click Here

If anyone's wondering the man on the left is 7-7 Manute Bol.
how much do you think the difference is between arnie a reeve ?
Vibram said on 5/Oct/17
Cobra. Arnold Looks 2.5 inches shorter than 6ft3.25 Christopher Reeve there. Peak for Arnold was 6ft0.75/184cm (maybe 185cm at a push) for sure. 5'11.1 (180cm) today.

Reeve was never the 6'4 he said he was. On his page on here most claim a hair over 6'3 for him.
Barry Fl said on 5/Oct/17
Rising - 174 cm said on 4/Oct/17
The one thing that bugs me is Basille said he measured Arnie in the evening at 6'1.5" and then in 2008, Arnie says he WAS 6'1.75". That made me think it's possible Arnold measured that perhaps around noon or late morning. But he does look more 186 cm than 187 at times. But why make up the 6'1.75"?

Vince himself has stated that he believes Arnold could well have been 6'2" in the morning.
Barry Fl said on 5/Oct/17
Tim said on 4/Oct/17
Today He is 5'11 for sure. 7 cm shrunk? come on guys... 6'0.75 makes sense and is the max height he always looked which is still very tall

Believe me Tim, I've known men shorter than Arnold who've lost 2 inches by their mid to late 60s. It definitely can happen. Plus Arnold's had loads of ops that we know about and don't - knee surgery, hip replacements (I think?), broken legs. I'm not totally convinced by the argument that bodybuilding causes extra height loss, but that's a theory too. Keep in mind that people think of 'early Arnold' as being in his 80s and 90s movies. By then he was in his 40s and looked to have lost at least an inch by that time already. If we talk of his peak height we have to think of him in his 20s, before he became a big star.
cobra said on 5/Oct/17
Young Arnold with Christopher Reeve:

Click Here

If anyone's wondering the man on the left is 7-7 Manute Bol.
Rising - 174 cm said on 4/Oct/17
The one thing that bugs me is Basille said he measured Arnie in the evening at 6'1.5" and then in 2008, Arnie says he WAS 6'1.75". That made me think it's possible Arnold measured that perhaps around noon or late morning. But he does look more 186 cm than 187 at times. But why make up the 6'1.75"?
Tim said on 4/Oct/17
However as Barry Fl say I agree:
6'1.5 for his public image and heroic imagen in movies so people always expecting a giant. It woul be more realistic he was less than that and for me It was. I've always been a big fan and he always looked to me 184-185 tops. This is not a full 6'1 but a 6'0.75 which is 6'1.5 with sneakers. I think this mark is more realistic and fair for Arnold. Today He is 5'11 for sure. 7 cm shrunk? come on guys... 6'0.75 makes sense and is the max height he always looked which is still very tall
Barry Fl said on 4/Oct/17
Tim said on 2/Oct/17
Vince Basille said that ok. I don't care. It's not ebough for me. He was his friend, maybe he raised his height for marketing or whatever.

Vince Basille was no friend of Arnold's. I think he was pleased with himself to even be able to knock a fraction of an inch off Arnold's purported 6'2".
Editor Rob
I doubt Vince was limp wristed when positioning the stadiometer bar on Arnie's head.
Barry Fl said on 4/Oct/17
Personally, I'm inclined to believe the Vince Basille measurement - but I also believe it's the tallest Arnold ever was. His public image - due to his muscularity and heroic image in movies - was larger than life, which led to people always expecting a giant. He never was, and his (at times) rather lax posture does him no favours (nor his habit of hanging around incredibly large friends like Ralf Moeller!). I'm dead-on 5'10 and have been close enough to see he's an inch taller than me (discounting his hair). But he's very thick, solid-built, and this stocky look perhaps creates an illusion that he's shorter than he is. Please don't believe the extreme claims that he was less than 6 foot in his youth, (I just can't see that as feasible given the size he is now) or is 5'9 now.
Editor Rob
maybe we could say the Basille measurement was one in which Arnie really busted a gut.
Tim said on 4/Oct/17
TO Barry Fl: over 6'1 start's to being unreal . His top I believe was a weak 6'1 more a legit 6'0.75
John said on 4/Oct/17
Passed within a few feet of him in a hotel lobby 20 years ago. Same height as me (1.82 m) give or take a centimetre.
Barry Fl said on 4/Oct/17
Tim said on 3/Oct/17
6'1 is maybe possible but noway over 6'1. Some poeple here still saying over 6'1 even 6'1.5 that's hilarous

So up to 6'1 is possible, but over that is hilarious?
Rising - 174 cm said on 3/Oct/17
I doubt Englund's sneakers were less than Converse(0.6"), but I agree he was 5'9" in his prime so Arnold looked about a solid 6'1" there to me.

@loka: I'm pretty sure I remember Carl saying he and Arnold were about the same height. I remember thinking Arnold was slightly taller when he said that, but I'll have to search to make sure my memory is accurate, though. Maybe someone else remembers this?
Tim said on 3/Oct/17
6'1 is maybe possible but noway over 6'1. Some poeple here still saying over 6'1 even 6'1.5 that's hilarous
Pierre said on 3/Oct/17
if Robert Englund was 5"9' peak(so around 5"9.5' in his flat sneakers) Arnold could look up to 6"0.5'(see the video/comments i posted 27 and 28 August 17).
Barry Fl said on 3/Oct/17
This is turning into 'he was never over 6 foot' / 'yes he was' back and forth. Most people here have never even seen Arnold in real life, far less measured him. Some people need to remember this, and that your point of view is only that - and should hopefully be based on reason, not just the unscientific words of others who you agree with. I have seen Arnold in real-life, close-up, in recent years. He's easily 5'11 now. I have no problem believing he was 6'1 once upon a time. Do I know for certain? No. But if we're going to say something, let's say more than just 'he was never such-a-height, end of story'. Especially silly when you're doing it to the nearest quarter inch. Come on, guys. Better to say nothing.
Jim Hopper said on 2/Oct/17
He never over 6-1" peak. 6-0.5" peak max
Tim said on 2/Oct/17
Loka said on 2/Oct/17
Have you been there to see it with your own eyes?Vince Basille said that ok. I don't care. It's not ebough for me. He was his friend, maybe he raised his height for marketing or whatever. You can see he doen't look that tall. Moos of people here say not over 6'1. 187 cm is very tall. If he was that tall. I'm sure everyone would say he was 190 cm or 6'3.. It's obvioss he was 183,5-185 range
Loka said on 2/Oct/17
To Tim : ask Vince Basille and Rob. Arnold was 187 cm at peak.
Tim said on 1/Oct/17
Clearly he was never over 6'0.75 in his best day in his peak
Tim said on 1/Oct/17
Loka please change this story about saying he was 187 cm or 6'1.5. I don't know if we are talking about the same Arnold or what movies you have seen..
loka said on 1/Oct/17
to Rising : did Carl weathers talk about Arnold's height ? What did he say ? Where ?
Loka said on 30/Sep/17
I'm talking about arnold's peak height. He was 6ft 1.5. So 187 cm.
But the ultimate warrior was taller in a pic where we see them together. So the warrior was probably a real and strong 6ft2 in the 80's.
Rising - 174 cm said on 30/Sep/17
@Jim Hopper: By that logic, why would Robert Patrick, Vince Basille and Carl Weathers lie? All have said Arnold is 6'1" or 6'2". William Wisher even described Arnold as 6'3"! It's not about lying. They're guesses, except apparently in the case of Basille, who it's still possible made an error. An estimate in itself can't be argued as proof since there'd be enormous contradictions. Ultimately, there has to be something to support it.
Jim Hopper said on 30/Sep/17
@loka Its strange how you see arnie being that height but people who met him R E Grant for example said hes very much under 6-0. Why would he lie???? He wouldnt lie in truth.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 30/Sep/17
Loka said on 29/Sep/17
Thomas gottschalk is well known for being 192cm. Some even say 193 cm.

He looked max. 6´3" in big footwear next to both Klitschkos
lak said on 30/Sep/17
if hulk hogan is really 190.5cm then arnold is 180 if he's lucky
Click Here:
Click Here:
and he's at the same height as dolph ziggler
Click Here:
Rising - 174 cm said on 29/Sep/17
Danimal said on 26/Sep/17

There's empirically scientific evidence backing up man's average height loss post 30 years old. It's highly unlikely that us as human's are impervious to gravity and the toll it takes on our vertebrae over time. Rising, you of all people having been on here almost as long as I've been know that.

Danimal, there's no evidence to say EVERYONE MUST lose x amount of height by a certain age. That't not what an average is. Again, Rob will confirm his father was still about the 5'10" he always was at age 64 or around there. I'm also pretty certain Rob's father had only shrunk from 5'10" to 5'8.5" by age 79-80 as opposed to the average of 2" in that survey you're always mentioning. Rob can correct me if I was slightly off on one of these details, but the main point being that Rob's own father lost less than the average and didn't start shrinking until into his 60's. Some do shrink much earlier, but I posted a link in response to you that used the same data as the other survey and made a point of emphasizing wide variability by stating some only shrink after 60 or 70 and rare cases don't shrink at all. I don't know about the latter as I'd think it'd depend on how long you live, but I can see the wide variation in height loss. You know Arnold is a prime example. The average at his age is 1.2" as you know and for arguments sake, let's say Arnold has lost 2" as Rob lists him as losing. That means if the sample size were 2, there'd have to be someone who only lost 0.4" to arrive at an average of only 1.2" with Arnold losing 2". The fact you think Arnold has lost 3" only supports my point further. Now if you took the numbers the way you're using them as a minimum then with Arnold as one of the sample size of two then that would mean the average would be 1.6" as you'd have to add 1.2" to Arnold's 2" loss and then divide the 3.2" total by two to arrive at the average. As you can see to have those who lose much more than average (e.g., Arnold, Hogan, Dolph, Rock, Clint etc.), you must have those who lose much less than average(Weathers, Sly, Kurt Russell, Shatner, Chuck Norris)

It's no different from the fact that with the average American man being approximately 5'9"(rounded down for simplicity), the fact you have 6'0" men means there must also be 5'6" men. Same thing with the fact that with life expectancy for American men at 76 it means that because there are men who die around age 58, there must also be men who die at 94 years old.

There is no empirical evidence that says ALL men must have shrunk by 64, much less ALL men must have shrunk an inch. The average isn't particularly relevant to President Bush, who Rob agrees hadn't lost much, if anything by that point.
Loka said on 29/Sep/17
Thomas gottschalk is well known for being 192cm. Some even say 193 cm.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 28/Sep/17
Click Here
1:29 Warrior is 2" shorter than 6´3" Thomas Gottschalk
loka said on 27/Sep/17
About "ultimate warrior peak height". We talk about it beacause we have a Pic of him with Arnold where he is taller(maybe 2 cm). Sting said that warrior was taller than him and he is. I have several pics from their beginning.

See here : Click Here Warrior has 1 cm on Sting.

About Texas Tornado, there are other Pics of him and The Warrior which show no difference or 1 cm for The Tornado over The Warrior. See there : Click Here or there : Click Here

What is the real height of Texas Tornado ? Some say 188 cm, other say 190 cm. Very hard to say.
At the end of the day, if you give only a weak 187 cm (peak) to the Warrior, you have to explain the fact that he's taller than Arnold with 2 cm. You have to explain why he is only 7 cm shorter than Hogan in Wrestlemania 6 (1990).

I don't buy the heels explanation. Unless you have some proof that he did wear these in some occasions.

My theory is that Warrior was a strong 188 cm at peak. He lost about 4 cm at the end of his Life like many wrestlers or Bodybuilders. He had difficulty to walk during his hall of fame introduction in 2014. Damaged were done to his Body.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 27/Sep/17
loka said on 25/Sep/17
To Jim Hopper : The ultimate warrior was a strong 6ft2 billed 6ft3 at the wwf.

Warrior at his peak was 6´1.5", always a bit shorter than 6´2" Sting.
Warrior often wore inside lifts during his first WWF Run.
In 1992 he came back without lifts and was about an inch taller than maybe 6` Macho Man Click Here
Danimal said on 26/Sep/17
Rising - 174 cm said on 25/Sep/17
It's an assumption Bush would have lost height by age 63-64. I don't think Bush had lost any height by that time or even until several years later. Bush measured up well to tall men like 6'3.5" Christopher Reeve and 6'2" gene Hackman.

There's empirically scientific evidence backing up man's average height loss post 30 years old. It's highly unlikely that us as human's are impervious to gravity and the toll it takes on our vertebrae over time. Rising, you of all people having been on here almost as long as I've been know that.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 26/Sep/17
lowest peak evening i could believe is 184cm/6´0.5", but imo 185cm or just under 6´1" is the real height.

I highly doubt a 182cm/5´11.75" measurement during T2, not impossible but I see a 184 guy during this time.

today 179-180cm
Rising - 174 cm said on 26/Sep/17
@santgr: Rob can attest to the fact that his father was still at his peak height of 5'10" at 64 years old. But Arnold did always look a bit shorter than presumed 6'2" men, though he also seemed at least as tall, possibly a bit taller than men believed to be 6'1" such as Weathers, Tom Arnold and Roger Moore.

@Canson: You're right that they both could be lying, but we know more about Basille and who he is, plus, even you're own estimate of near 6'1" peak is closer to Basille's claim than this other guy. I think we can at least conclude a few things. Even if Basille was being truthful, there's always a possibility the height scale wasn't completely accurate as Rob's own stadiometer measures 1/8" taller. We can also conclude that if Basille lied, his only motive would be to get attention since it's safe to say he really doesn't like Arnold and would have no reason to support his height claim, otherwise, Basille wouldn't put a story out there that suggests Arnold is basically a rapist. But if Basille is lying, why would he come up with 6'1.5"? A figure farther from Arnold's claim would make a better story and would obviously be less favorable to Arnold -- a man Basille dislikes.

Btw, is it just me or did Robert Davi look taller than Arnold in Raw Deal? It's been years since I've seen the film -- I think the last time was a VHS copy -- so maybe I'm misremembering, but I could sware Arnie look a bit shorter.
Pierre said on 26/Sep/17
Picture Loka on 23/Sept/17=i don't know with Ultimate Warrior,the angle is special.Arnold seem to be a lot closer to the camera and a lot back to the camera,his head seem to look upward and Ultimate to look downward, which can make me think Ultimate is taller.I think Ultimate Warrior is logically taller than him by considering the position of their heads when they talk
Jim Hopper said on 26/Sep/17
@loka. Texas tornado was legit 6-2". You think warrior is also?? Nope. Try again 6-1" in truth Click Here
Canson said on 26/Sep/17
@Editor Rob: that's where the complexity comes in because in 1978 I could actually still believe Clint to be a legit 6'3 (not sure how I feel about 6'3.5 at least then. But don't know how I really feel about 5'11.75 for Arnold in 1991. That seems low for him then. But if he's only 5'11 today that is possible. He beat his body up badly so that's possible consistent with body builders So maybe he was already on a down slide by that point who knows. The only one who I cannot see having lost significant height as a bodybuilder st his current age is Ralph Moeller who still looks a legit 196 possibly 196-197 guy and for sure was that height in the peak
Canson said on 25/Sep/17
@Rising: for peak height I don't believe he was only 182 but as far as credibility goes I don't know which to believe
Canson said on 25/Sep/17
@MJKOP: I don't know what to make of that article. I only mentioned it because I came across it so to say it is or isn't credible is very tough and really can go either way. Maybe he had lost some height by that point. But I have a relative who met Arnold in the 70s or 80s and they were the same height according to him. He said he too was 6'1" peak now don't know if that's a true 6'1" or if he was just strong 6'0". I pegged Arnold at 184-185 peak before. As for more credible than basile that remains to be seen. They could both be lying and neither measured him

@grizz: he may have been 184-185 peak or maybe a full 6'1". I wouldn't go any higher tho.
loka said on 25/Sep/17
To Jim Hopper : The ultimate warrior was a strong 6ft2 billed 6ft3 at the wwf.
With all of his opponents during the 87-92 run, he was at least 6ft2. A tall Bodybuilder and Wrestler.
He's only 7 or 8 cm less than Hulk Goan for example.
He shrunk during the 2000's like all the wrestlers or bodybuilders.
Pierre said on 25/Sep/17
@Danimal=Robby Robinson is listed 5"7' in all the web sites i visited
santgr said on 25/Sep/17
@Rising - 174 cm Well I haven't met any person who hasn't lost a fraction from his peak height at that age but even still if he didn't lose any at all you can see that there is at least 1 inch difference between them
Rising - 174 cm said on 25/Sep/17
It's an assumption Bush would have lost height by age 63-64. I don't think Bush had lost any height by that time or even until several years later. Bush measured up well to tall men like 6'3.5" Christopher Reeve and 6'2" gene Hackman.
Melyst said on 25/Sep/17
Matt179 your argument is good however legit 6'2 guys like James Cameron Bush and others looked more than an inch on Arnold that's the reason I also say he was 6'0.5 barefoot 6'1 maybe after bed peak days for sure. I could not buy more tan that even 6.0'75 I think is a bit high in my opinión lets say beteween 6'0.5 and 6'0.75
Melyst said on 25/Sep/17
Matt179 your argument is good however legit 6'2 guys like James Cameron looked more than an inch on Arnold that's the reason I also say he was 6'0.5 barefoot 6'1 maybe after bed peak days for sure. I could not buy more tan that even 6.0'75 I think is a bit high in my opinión lets say beteween 6'0.5 and 6'0.75
santgr said on 24/Sep/17
Arnold looks shorter than 6ft2 George H. W. Bush in 1988 and by that time Bush should have lost 1-2 cm already Click Here
Rising - 174 cm said on 24/Sep/17
I don't believe that guy for a second that Arnie was 182 cm in 1991. That reminds me of this commercial: Click Here

It's fair to question Basille as well -- though he's more credible than an anonymous poster on a forum -- but keep in mind, Basille spoke of how he felt vindicated when Arnold's affair became public as he had claimed previously that Arnold pretty much raped a girl back in the 70s. Let's not get into Arnold's personal life, I only mention this to ask, is this a guy who would lie to make Arnold taller? It would do much less harm to Arnold to say he was 6'0" for example rather than saying he's a sexual predator!
Jim Hopper said on 24/Sep/17
@Loka The warrior was around 6-1 to 6-1.5". He was billed at 6-3 6-4 likee all the bull crap in WWF/WWE.
Matt179 said on 24/Sep/17
I think Arnold peak height may have been 6foot1 on the dot Barefoot.

One thing for sure hes was between 6'0.5 too 6'1.5 at his peak. Not under this and Not over that. Its a 1inch to play with.

I see as 6'0.5 too short and 6'1.5 Too tall, So he may have been 6foot1.

Anyway i still think he was 6'1. Very good height, Taller than average man(5foot9) He tower 5foot9 guys on old pictures.

If you look at all his bodybuilding pictures he was barefoot in those most of the time.
MJKoP said on 24/Sep/17
Canson said on 21/Sep/17
Says here he was measured in his barefeet for T2 at 5'11.75. The movie was made in 1991

battleship25 said on 15/Apr/12
Look up Arnold Schwartzeneggar ...his whole career in bodybuilding he was listed at 6-2 ( we measured for him Terminator 2 in his bare feet and he was 5-11 3/4 ).

What a clown! Who exactly does he mean by "we"??? 5'11.75 in 1991 goes nicely with that spelling of Arnold's last name. I'm sure some of the posters here will still somehow try to argue that this guy is more credible than Vince Basille. LOL
Danimal said on 24/Sep/17
Pierre said on 19/Sep/17
6"1.5' is 6.5 inches over 5"7'=then a good 2/3 of a 9 inches head and a weak 2/3 of a 10 inches head =Robby Robinson(the guy next to Arnold) is listed 5"7' and is very probably barefoot like the others bodybuilders and Arnold is probably in shoes =then barefoot he look max 1/2 head over Robby no 2/3 head= Click Here .

Robby has also been listed as 5'9" throughout his career, as well as 5'8".
jervis said on 23/Sep/17
Connery looked to me about 1 to 1.5 inches taller than Moore, I don't know where your getting 2 to 3 inches from Ali.There you go again downgrading a strong 6ft2 Guy like Connery just to suit your argument, by the way that hulk Guy as you call him was 6ft4.
Loka said on 23/Sep/17
This is Arnold with the ultimate warrior. It could be 1985 or 1986. I dont know.
Click Here
I give a strong 188 cm to the ultimate warrior.
Juby 5'9 3/4 said on 23/Sep/17
Rob - Nonetheless, Arnold was more than 2 inches shorter than Elliott Gould in that scene, and he is standing straight! He wasn't taller than 6'1 IMHO.

Thanks a lot for this link. 5'11.75 seems right (they started filming T2 in 1990). Here's another link - Arnold was shorter than 6'1 in 1990:
Click Here

Also, check out this:
Click Here
grizz said on 23/Sep/17
@Canson,that's interesting. That backs up the argument he was never really taller than 6'-6'0.5 at his prime and makes more sense that his current height is 5'11.
Johan said on 22/Sep/17
I disagree Red, I only see 3cm max between Arnie and Bush snr there. So lowest he could have been was 185 cm.

He for sure cleared 6'2" in shoes, he has a massive collection of cowboyboots, would have been almost 6'3" in those.
santgr said on 22/Sep/17
Rob there seems to be quite a few amount of people who think Arnold's peak height was 6ft0.5 (184 cm). I have posted some photos that lead me to the same conclusion. Do you really think there's no chance of him being anything close to that in his younger days?
Editor Rob
I haven't seen enough evidence to go with a flat 6ft 1 arnold, let alone a 6ft 0.5 peak Arnold...but I can certainly appreciate how some estimate him 6ft - 6ft 1 range, because on some occasions he could look it!
Jake said on 22/Sep/17
I'm 5'11.5" measured barefoot at the doctor's office. I met Arnold in 2006 when I was 25 years old at the Arnold Classic in Columbus, Ohio. I got to stand face to face with him and shake his hand. I was wearing thick heeled Harley Davidson motorcycle boots and Arnold was wearing his cowboy boots so it's hard to say if there was a height advantage either way. I felt that he was at least an inch to an inch and a half taller than me. I really can't see him being anything less than 6'1" at his peak and would say he probably was at least 6'1.25" peak.
Ali said on 22/Sep/17
5'10 to 5'11 max. Same height as Rolando Dantes, Has always worn lifts to appear taller.

Roger Moore at 6'1 is a joke. Moore was 2-3 inches shorter than 6'1.5 Sean Connery. Moore
himself also wore lifts.

Arnold was about 4-5 inches shorter than the 6-3 Hulk guy.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Sep/17
He probably was over 6ft2 in shoes
Tim said on 21/Sep/17
Also you can compare Arnold's height with a legit 187 cm or weak 6'2 James Cameron, looking 1.5 inch on Arnold
Tim said on 21/Sep/17
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 20/Sep/17
See? Another smart guy with a good perception. hIs proportions always been of a strong 6 footer real height 6'0.5- 184 cm abolsute peak youth
Jim Hopper said on 21/Sep/17
Bush was just under 6-2" at that time due to his age. Arnie looks 1-5"- 2" shorter. Fanboys please. He was just over 6-0" approx prime height.
Canson said on 21/Sep/17
Says here he was measured in his barefeet for T2 at 5'11.75. The movie was made in 1991

Click Here
Editor Rob
also that person claimed Eastwood was measured 6ft 3.5 during Every Which Way.
Juby 5'9 3/4 said on 20/Sep/17
Arnold next to Elliott Gould in "The Long Goodbay". The movie was shot in June 1972. Gould was 6 foot 3 (6'2" barefeet according to him). Arnold certainly wasn't anywhere close to 6'2", or 6'1,5", even in his youth.
Click Here

I would say 6,05" in his prime and about 5 foot 10 in. today. In 1986 he didn't look taller than Carl Weathers in "Predator".
Editor Rob
Arnold takes off his shoes in that scene.
MisterManletMick said on 20/Sep/17
he claimed to have been 6 ft 2 whereas so called "insiders" claim he is only 5 ft 10 or "noticeably under 6 feet" which I seriously doubt, in any case I think he could easily pass as taller than he is because of his "sizeable frame" which short or average people usually do not have.
Tim said on 20/Sep/17
If Arnold was a real 6'1.5 barefoot without including his hair means he looked over 6'2 in movies. You trying to say that? I think is a good joke, because it means he was almost 6'2.5 wih sneakers. He was 6'1.25 with his sneakers talking about a real medical measurement please..
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 20/Sep/17
Click Here 184cm max there, next to 188cm/6´2" Bush

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.