Richardspain said on 20/Sep/17
185/186 cm peak
182/183cm now
Here is his real height. Not more not less.
Young Arnold in the morning out the bed was 186cm
Arnold in his fifty years old 184/185 cm
Arnold in his sixty years old 183/184cm
Arnold in his seventy years old 182/183cm
The case about arnold's height- Roger Moore's height.. well they had a little difference so they looked very similar.
Roger was around 186/187cm in his younger days. And 184/185cm when he was an old man.
Bye guys!
Rising - 174 cm said on 19/Sep/17
@Pierre: I never said pictures are absolute proof. Quite the contrary. I don't think the example you pic for Perry is the best, but if your point is that Perry can look shorter than he is so he may have been looking shorter with Arnold, I get that and it's a valid to an extent as Perry does slouch and can look only about 5'8.5" at times because of that. But that photo of Luke and Green isn't great, nor do we know what footwear they had while my pic of Arnold and Luke is a straighter angle, plus we do know what footwear they had and if anything, Luke's footwear looked thicker than Arnold's. But even if we say Luke would look more 5'8.5" with Arnold due to his slouch, Arnold looks at least 4.5" taller so he is not looking less than 6'1" there.
But the best evidence to me is Arnold with similar height men in that 6'1" range. Arnold usually looked taller or at least as tall as 6'1" men back in his prime. It's not one comparison or one photo to me, but quite a few comparisons that when combined is too compelling for me to believe Arnold was not at least 6'1".
jervis said on 19/Sep/17
If you Google images of Roger Moore with Sean Connery you will notice a similar height difference between Arnold and Moore, and Connery and Moore, but know one is questioning. Connery's. height.
Pierre said on 19/Sep/17
6"1.5' is 6.5 inches over 5"7'=then a good 2/3 of a 9 inches head and a weak 2/3 of a 10 inches head =Robby Robinson(the guy next to Arnold) is listed 5"7' and is very probably barefoot like the others bodybuilders and Arnold is probably in shoes =then barefoot he look max 1/2 head over Robby no 2/3 head=
Click Here .
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 19/Sep/17
santgr said on 13/Sep/17
Here is Arnold with famous Greek bodybuilder Spyros Bournazos who was a true 6ft 1.5 (187 cm). Click Here
He was 6ft 0.5 (184 cm).
Arnie claimed 1,85m before he got famous and started using the standard system, if Spyros is 1,87m then Arnie is 1,85m max evening peak.
That also fits with Arnie looking 1,84-85m next to 1,88m George H. W. Bush
Barry Fl said on 19/Sep/17
Matt179 said on 17/Sep/17
He didnt look like a 6foot2 guy. But more of a 6foot1,6foot1.5 guy. 6foot2 was too tall, When you reach 6foot2 you become to look too lanky.
Not quite that simple, Matt. You find short lanky people and you also find very tall stocky people. It's a huge and misleading generalisation to say that all tall people look lanky, or you can tell their height from their proportions or build.
jervis said on 19/Sep/17
In the pic with Moore from 88,I have know doubt believing he was 6ft1.5,infact he looks more 6ft3 range,but that's probably down to camara Angeles.
Mightyman said on 19/Sep/17
Has Arnold shrunk? Yes he has. It's obvious he was tall and above 6 foot in his prime. But you are all forgetting a few things. He's 70 now so his spine most definately has shrunk and compressed. He has also had hip replacements, and it quite common to lose a few inches in some cases. This happened to Lou Feriggno also, he shrunk a couple of inches after surgery.
newman said on 18/Sep/17
Danimal said on 17/Sep/17
Have you been that night in 1969? Have you seen the measuremnt with your eyes? No matter what peopel say. Are you just a sheep in this society where everyone just say or believe what they're told? Wake up and learn what is marketing or what benefits or real height can be. You can't believe aanythinh 100% exceot you were there to see it! Wake up sheep
Pierre said on 18/Sep/17
In my memory the picture i posted Roger Moore/James Garner was dated 1983 and the picture Roger Moore/Arnold(Leo 07/Sept) 1986.Another picture Roger Moore/James Garner listed 6"1.5' probably dated 1983 James slouching and further to the camera
Click Here .By some recent comments in James Garner page,James Garner would have lost height since 1978 because health problems in his back and knees.
@HeightcrazyRed6ft said on 18/Sep/17
Danimal said on 17/Sep/17
newman said on 14/Sep/17
I think he was 6'1.25 with sneakers 6'0.5 barefoot in his peak 184-184.5 cm bareffot
You can think whatever you want, but the fact is that he was measured 6'1.5" barefoot at night in 1969.
That´s for sure no fact, it´s a claim from a storyteller.
Danimal said on 17/Sep/17
newman said on 14/Sep/17
I think he was 6'1.25 with sneakers 6'0.5 barefoot in his peak 184-184.5 cm bareffot
You can think whatever you want, but the fact is that he was measured 6'1.5" barefoot at night in 1969.
Pierre said on 17/Sep/17
@Rising=for you all the pictures which could give Arnold under 6"1.5' are bad proofs.Only your pictures are the good proofs in your opinion=this is not a good argument(and a picture is only a picture).If you claim your pictures are absolute proofs then lot's of pictures(posted by others internauts and myself) can be absolute proofs Arnold is under this height....
Click Here =the picture Arnold/Lou is a good picture,in a good angle,both in the same straight posture,at the same distance to the the camera,and barefeet!(and lots of other pictures show us the same difference of height!) i'm sure some pictures you posted are not as good as this picture!You talk about Jason Priestley,Charlie Sheen....Why divert the conversation(and i have never measured them,even barefoot:))=there is a fact=if Luke Perry can look shorter than Rob in a picture next to Brian Austin Green then Arnold next to Luke in a picture isn't an absolute proof arnold is 6"1.5'.this is not my fault,just the logic.
Matt179 said on 17/Sep/17
Lol at guy saying Arnold was below 6 foot in his prime.
Arnold was a tall guy. I 100% fully agree that he was 6foot1.5 In his peak.I read an article where some trainer measure arnold when he was young and he was 6foot1.5 barefeet.
He didnt look like a 6foot2 guy. But more of a 6foot1,6foot1.5 guy. 6foot2 was too tall, When you reach 6foot2 you become to look too lanky.
6foot barefoot was too short for arnold in his peak. He was around 6foot1. He tower shorter bodybuilders
He bacame famous also because of his height, Mix this with being 250 pounds 7% bodyfat in 1974 and you got a monster.
Was he 6foot1 Barefeet or 6foot1.5 Barefeet? About that im not sure, But im leaning more toward 6foot1.5.
He was nowhere 6foot Barefeet, he look too tall to be a 6foot on the dot guy.
santgr said on 17/Sep/17
@Leo if that's the case then he was still no taller than 185-186 cm in his prime
Rising - 174 cm said on 15/Sep/17
Moore was 67-68 with Brosnan, but barely shorter despite slouching. The photo with Arnold was probably nearly a decade earlier yet Arnold is still slightly taller. Of course, we can't see their feet and don't know their shoes, but there's more evidence Arnold was over 6'1" as with Holyfield, Weathers and Tom Arnold. Of course, if we take all photos literally then Arnold comes out of this 1988 photo with Moore pretty well:
Click Here
You could argue all 3 men were 186 cm, but I think Arnold has the best chance of 6'1.5" out of the with Brosnan the least likely to be 6'1.5".
@Jim Hopper: And I'm sure you'll downgrade everyone else necessary to fit that as well. What was Pierce Brosnan then? A solid six feet?
Of course, Arnie had 5'11" Jim Belushi by a couple of inches in Red Heat as well.
MJKoP said on 15/Sep/17
Jim Hopper said on 13/Sep/17
Rising - 174 cm Nope. Moore was 6-05" peak just like Arine was. None were ever over 6-1".
newman said on 15/Sep/17
Hollywood and marketing just as bodybuilding usually inflated heights 1 inch and over. Arnie fits in a perfect 6'0.5 barefoot which is pretty tall and makes him 6'1.25-6'1.5 with shoes in his prime
Pierre said on 15/Sep/17
@santgr=by this picture 6"0.5' would be the max i could see=Arnold's head is looking upward while Spuros head is looking downward,Arnold has an advantageous posture imo
Rising - 174 cm said on 14/Sep/17
@Blake: That was a silly post. You say mine is just my point of view and wrong, yet what do you think you're posting? Your point of view! And you're wrong. See how easy that was? What a waste of time.
CDS: Vince has repeated the story multiple times and sometimes he includes details that aren't in others. For instance, he said he specifically measured Arnold in the evening one time, though he doesn't specifically mention time in his email to Rob. I'm almost positive he's said it was barefoot, but I'm sure if you contact him and ask he'll clear it up for us.
@Pierre: Get the two of them standing up straight with a straight angle. Otherwise, I'm not interested in comparing their height. A similar pose does not mean they're losing the same amount of height. Perry is not 5'8". He consistently looks at least as tall or often taller than 5'9" Charlie Sheen. He also has more like 3" on 5'6"-5'6.5" Jason Priestly than 1.5"-2". Most of your arguments are predicated on EVERYONE being an inch or more shorter than Rob lists them and only considering the pictures where someone looks shorter. You can't argue with someone objectively if you can't agree on any references. If there's some overwhelming evidence Perry is 5'8" then if you show it to Rob I'm sure he won't list him as high as 5'9.5". But until then, I'm not saying Perry is anything less than 5'9".
newman said on 14/Sep/17
I think he was 6'1.25 with sneakers 6'0.5 barefoot in his peak 184-184.5 cm bareffot
santgr said on 14/Sep/17
Spyros Mpournazos with 6ft1 Reg Park and more photos of him next to Arnold and Franco Columbu
Click Here
robot77 said on 14/Sep/17
its real clear arnold is not as tall as 6ft2 -his posture and hip surgery have reduced his height vastly over the years-the weight lifting will compress his body over the decades -even in big lift boots he is barley over 6ft -hes not 6ft2 hes barley 6ft and in his prime was just over 6ft-he looks real small compared to other big strongmen -and seriously his frame is not that of towering tall build guy hes barley taller than stalone or van dam who are not tall guys at all espicaly van dam who is about 5ft8
CDS said on 14/Sep/17
Wow if Spyros Bournazos truly is 6'1.5", than Arnold has gotta be 6'0.5"?? Rob, as far as that email you received from Vince Basille, I noticed how in passing he claimed Arnie was measured in barefeet. How reliable to you think that is? If Arnie was a true 6'1.5" in barefeet at his peak during the film "Stay Hungry", then Bridges was atleast 6'2" barefeet at HIS peak, and I just can't see that...
Leo said on 14/Sep/17
@santgr Arnold dont look 3cm shorter to me.
More like 2cm-1cm.
newman said on 14/Sep/17
moore in the pic looks 182 cm or 6 foot max Arnold same more or less. Dont try to see what it's not truth
Jim Hopper said on 13/Sep/17
Rising - 174 cm Nope. Moore was 6-05" peak just like Arine was. None were ever over 6-1".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Sep/17
Brosnan actually looks a little taller next to Roger than Arnold does.
I think all 3 in their prime were 6ft1½
santgr said on 13/Sep/17
Here is Arnold with famous Greek bodybuilder Spyros Bournazos who was a true 6ft 1.5 (187 cm).
Click Here
He was 6ft 0.5 (184 cm).
Unsub 5'10 said on 13/Sep/17
CDS, that,s what a lot of people think: 6'0.5 barefoot and 6'1.5 in sneakers, 1.84m-85 might also be possible, which could've placed him at 6'1.75 in sneakers.
newman said on 13/Sep/17
CDS I do believe it. 6'1.5 in sneakers is the only possibility he hit that mark someday. Max peak for Arnold 6'0.5"
Pierre said on 13/Sep/17
Click Here =The actor you talk about is maybe Robert(Bob) Lee Minor,the guy with the red shirt in the picture i posted.He's listed 6"2' in web
jervis said on 12/Sep/17
Both Arnold and Moore were both 6ft1 peak,at the time of that pic Moore being 20 years older than Arnold,has lost a bit of height,and Arnold still at peak looks the taller of the two.
Leo said on 12/Sep/17
Moore(68)in 1995 with Brosnan(6ft1.25-75).
Click Here
That picture with Arnold was in late 80s(i think,Moore was not under 185cm in that time.
Click Here
CDS said on 12/Sep/17
Is it possible that his peak height was 6'0.5", which would've been 6'1.5" in sneakers, hence he would've been over the 6' barefoot mark to compete in the bodybuilding "tall man" competition, and the verification of other bodybuilders of the 6'1.5" measurement. When I had been involved in sports, the measuring devices in the locker room, no one EVER took their shoes off to be measured. This would also explain him looking shorter than 6'1" Jeff Bridges in the movie, "Stay Hungry". FTR, I would say his obvious height loss has taken him down to just under 5'11" today...
Blake6 said on 12/Sep/17
Moore being 6'1 peak does not make Arnold taller. in The photo with Arnold Moore is maybe 6 foot being older. Another reason Arnold never was over 6'0.25- 0.5
Pierre said on 11/Sep/17
@Rising=Lou and Arnold are both in the same straight posture in a good angle and both barefoot.In the picture i posted Luke Perry is looking shorter than 5"8' Rob next to Brian Austin Green(this is not my fault...)then Arnold can look 4.5 inches taller than Luke in a picture and so?= not a good proof Arnold is 6"1.5'...Roger Moore next to listed 6"1.5' James Garner slouching and further to the camera=
Click Here =i can doubt Roger Moore is 6"1'range,he look 6"0' here if James was 6"1.5'
Blake6 said on 11/Sep/17
In Commando at the Airport scene when he is walking with Sally and the black guy he perfectly looks a classic 6 footer guy. The black guy is 190 cm or 6'3 lets say 6'4 max and you can see this black guy towered him he is minimum 3 inches on Arnold or 8-10 cm- Arnold is not over 6'0.25 in the movie. Max 183 cm. I also say a lot blind guys around here..
Blake6 said on 11/Sep/17
Rising - 174 cm said on 10/Sep/17
You just want to see Arnold was no less than 6'1 but that's your point of view which is wrong. Open your mind. He was just over 6' with luck 6'0.5 Any mark over is just ridiculous
jervis said on 11/Sep/17
Moore was 6ft1.
Rising - 174 cm said on 10/Sep/17
@Dawersin5'10: What the hell? I said no more than 2" and then you say Arnold is 2" shorter. So why would you ask if I'm blind? I saw about 2", but not more. Quite an obnoxious comment considering we see a similar height difference. I'm not arguing the difference is less than 2" either.
@Pierre: Arnold and Lou are posing. They're not standing straight. As for Perry, I said he could just be 5'9", but take it up with Rob. If Perry is the 5'8" guy you're predictably implying he is then show the proof on Perry's page and if there is proof, Rob should have no problem downgrading him. Until then, I'm going to say Perry is at least 5'9".
@Jim Hopper: Try again. Roger Moore could still look around 185 cm range as late as Golden Eye and The Quest in 1995-1996 when he was pushing 70. He was only the slightest bit shorter than Pierce Brosnan at the time.
Rock has shrunk since the late 90s. He use to look noticeably taller. Don't believe me? Look at him in sandals with Arnold Vosloo in pretty thick footwear:
Click Here Click Here Rock is still taller even with lousy posture and Rob lists Vosloo at solid 187 cm/weak 6'2" range. It'd be conservative to say Rock stands 2 cm taller with 2 cm less footwear and that's not even accounting for posture completely. You can argue(as Pierre ALWAYS does) that Vosloo is listed too high, but even so, it's difficult to see Rock far from 6'3" there and there's no way Rock looks as tall these days as he did back then. Rock was very similar in height to Hulk Hogan around this time as well.
I'll have to look at both of their footwear later, but either way, Arnold is looking taller than a flat 6'0" by the late 90s. As I said, anything from 6'1" minimum to below 6'2" I believe is possible for Arnold and I won't call guesses possible
trolling unless it's below 184 cm peak.
Blake6 said on 9/Sep/17
182-183 cm today 179 cm. Fan world 186-187 today 182
Jim Hopper said on 9/Sep/17
@Leo Moore was not 186cm. More 183 in truth
Blake6 said on 9/Sep/17
He was a bit over 6'his absolute peak
Dawersin5'10 said on 9/Sep/17
Clearly he was never over 184 cm (6'0.5)
Leo said on 7/Sep/17
With Roger Moore(185-186cm)
Click Here
Dawersin5'10 said on 7/Sep/17
Rising - 174 cm said on 6/Sep/17
Man you blind? The rock is about 5 cm taller or 2 inches on him. The Rock was over 6'2 not a full 6'3 6'2.5 vs 6'0.5 Arnie. Easy height solve...
Vegas said on 7/Sep/17
Arnold had a major footwear advantage with the rock in that video. When he attacks HHH you can see his big combat boots probably 1.5-75 inches over barefoot.
Pierre said on 7/Sep/17
Click Here Click Here =The Rock and Barack Obama listed 6"1'=Barack is looking taller than Arnold next to The Rock imo
Barry Fl said on 7/Sep/17
Click Here
Towards the bottom of this page someone's posted a pic with Arnold saying "I'm 5'7, he has wedged boots on". Arnold is twice the size of the guy. Not sure what he means by wedged boots, but let's say Arnold had his regular cowboy boots on. They'd add a couple of inches. But the other guy has shoes on too, which will add at least an inch. Arnold is still a hell of a lot bigger. But then again this fellow may not be 5'7 (though why would he exaggerate his own height if he's trying to downplay Arnold's?). Anyway, just a comparison shot.
Pierre said on 7/Sep/17
Pictures Leo on 05/Sept/2017 Evander isn't straight in the first picture,his head is tilting imo;he has no hairs and imo at the peak of their heads he's a little taller than Arnold in this picture even with his relax posture =only Arnold's hairs seem to be taller than Evander;In the second picture imo Evander is looking clearly taller than Arnold which confirms the first picture=he seem to be in a better posture than Arnold but imo Arnold is easily closer to the camera so a good advantage for him .This is a good comparison imo because Evander is in picture with Rob like Lou Ferrigno.
Barry Fl said on 7/Sep/17
Rising - 174 cm said on 6/Sep/17
He may have been shorter than 6'2", but doesn't that also lend credence to Arnold clearing 6'1" in his prime?
Myself, I've always believed Arnold's early claims of 6'1 or so in magazines and interviews. I think even then he was being a little vague, and when others measured him at a little over that height or guessed him at over it, he just started rounding up to 6'2. I don't see any sinister of wilful deception going on.
Pierre said on 6/Sep/17
Click Here = sorry this picture isn't in a bad angle imo and we can see around the same height difference.
Click Here Click Here Luke Perry can look shorter than Rob next to Brian then Arnold is looking 6"1.5' next to Luke can be only a supposition.
Rising - 174 cm said on 6/Sep/17
Arnie looks taller than 186 cm Holyfield in the first pic and the same height in the full pic. So there's Arnold once again looking as tall or taller than 6'1"-6'1.25" guys with the others being Carl Weathers and Tom Arnold. He may have been shorter than 6'2", but doesn't that also lend credence to Arnold clearing 6'1" in his prime? It's always best to compare those closest in height.
Arnold no more than 2" shorter than 6'3" Rock in 1999
Click Here
Full pic:
Click Here
Dawersin5'10 said on 6/Sep/17
Leo said on 5/Sep/17
Arnold and Holyfield
Please watch those pic you posted. Holyfield looks 1 inch on Arnold, but angles makes him same or Arnold taller. Watch propotions and try to compare them together in a same flat floor. The black guy is for sure 1 inch taller. Arnold was for sure max 6 foot
Dawersin5'10 said on 6/Sep/17
Yes I always though Arnold was max 6 foot. Over that height is just with his sneakers or marketing. He was somewhere beteween 5'11.75-6.0,25. Levin Sorbo just said he was 5'11. Today is in the 5'10 zone a lot of evidence out there. However is enough to me all this pictures and testimonies Arnold looks about 5'10 today and 6' in his youth
Ronald said on 5/Sep/17
Arnold peak 6'1.5? or 186 cm? lol
He was 183 cm max just over 6'
More proof he wasn't even 6'1 or 185 cm:
Arnold with Eddie Murphy a legit 5'9 guy 175-176 range. Arnold is no more than 7 cm on him! Please wake up Arnold was big yes and tall but not that tall! 6'1 and over is marketing. What else you guys need to see he has neveer look over 184 cm or 6'0.5
Click Here:
Click Here:
Click Here:
Click Here:
Grant said on 5/Sep/17
Arnold was measured at 187cm or around 6'1 3/4" barefoot. He is now 70 years old so he may well be may well be down to 5'11" now.
It happens to us all as we age we loose height. My dad was a genuine 6'2" 188cm in his prime. Now he is not that much taller than me, I am 178cm 5'10" age 49.
Again everyone is different and some people shrink more than others as they get older.
My grandfather on my mothers side was 5'10" in his prime but dropped to just under 5'7" by the time he was 78.
Rising - 174 cm said on 5/Sep/17
@Pierre: That photo with Eddie Murphy shows less of their bodies and Eddie Murphy's height varies a lot. Murphy could look taller than 5'9" listed Michael Jackson in cowboy boots in full pics and video and even edge out 5'10" Mike Tyson, yet other times, could look as short as 5'8.5", such as with Nick Nolte. So Murphy's height varies too much to read much into one pic that doesn't show much of their bodies. As for Robert Englund, no he was slouching more than Rob for that pose. This is obvious because Rob had no doubt Englund was taller than him back then and says Englund is STILL taller than him. This is what I'm talking about when I say you make erroneous assumptions sometimes. You guess things to try to fill in the blanks with a picture when in reality, Rob was there so he could fill in some of the blanks himself. Carl looks 6'0.5" in the recent pic with Rob so that actually fits in perfectly with the range of 6'0.5"-6'1" Rob gives him. Carl could hardly be shorter or taller than that range today. As for Ferrigno, the low angle makes the difference look bigger than it is. Low angles typically favor the taller person. It's a common trick used in movies.
@lak 183: I'm making allowances for a possible advantage for Arnold, but the fact he looks so easily above 6'1" there suggests even with advantages, it's unlikely he'd be below it.
As for Arnold, he had 7" on Robin Williams back in 1998:
Click Here Keep in mind, some people incredibly see Robin as having been near 5'8". Personally, I think he's lucky if he was a full 5'7". Either way, it's yet another example of Arnold looking a solid 6'1" even into his early 50s. He started shrinking noticeably around the 6th day. Around the same time, Arnie is much taller than a solid 5'10"(I'd say 5'10.5") George Clooney who has worse posture, but has motorcycle boots:
Click Here Click Here
MJKoP said on 5/Sep/17
ranton said on 3/Sep/17
hardguy If you say he was 6'2.25 just think you'be been blind your whole life nothin more to say
....says the guy who thinks Arnold was always under 6'1". LOL
jervis said on 5/Sep/17
Sorbo said Arnold was about 5ft11,so what height would that make Luke Perry 5ft6?I think we can now disregard that comment from Sorbo for the lie it was.Perry was 5ft9 to 5ft10 tall probably 5ft9.5.Arnold looks an easy 6ft1.5 in that pic,infact he look more 6ft2.
Ronald said on 5/Sep/17
Jack 184cm 5 cm shrunk? haha I'm tired to listen all this "height loss" of thi actors to excuse his 6'2 or 6'3 peak..All is just hoax. He never was over 6 foot highest he was 183'5 cm today 179'5 3-4 loss no more please
Barry Fl said on 5/Sep/17
MJKoP said on 1/Sep/17
Barry Fl: Take your own advice. If anything, Rising's estimates are a bit low. I fail to see anything below Rob's 6'1.5" listed height, and honestly believe he was probably taller. But I guess I'm just a deluded, brainwashed, sheep of fanboy - right? ;)
I'm not going to accuse you of being an Arnold-hater because I see your guesses are being laughably low, so why do the same thing(in reverse, of course) to me???
Whoa there, MJ, what's with the unwarranted attack? I'd have thought I was one of the more reasoned visitors to this page. Perhaps you've got me mixed up with someone else? For what it's worth, I'm a longtime fan of Arnold. And my guesses are being laughably low? I've always said that my opinion is at least 6'1 in his younger days and no less than 5'11 now. I've never slung the words 'sheep' or 'fanboy' around here and get very weary of the ones who do.
Danimal said on 4/Sep/17
Rising - 174 cm said on 1/Sep/17
Arnie back in the 90s basically towering over a solid 5'9" Luke Perry by a good 4.5": Click Here
If Perry's height becomes the issue I'll add that I'm being pretty conservative by giving him 5'9"-5'9.25" since Perry was able to take off his shoes, stand next to a tape measure and convince Howard Stern's crew he was 5'10".
Imo, Arnold today would have Perry by maybe 1"
Ronald said on 4/Sep/17
Peak over 6' Arnold was 6'0'5 tops
Jack 184cm said on 3/Sep/17
PEAK 185cm boots made him look 188cm in T1. Current 180cm.
ranton said on 3/Sep/17
hardguy If you say he was 6'2.25 just think you'be been blind your whole life nothin more to say
lak 183 said on 3/Sep/17
Rising - 174 cm
i think there's more than 10 cm of difference in this pic if luke perry is 176cm arnold would be 188cm but with the footwear
Original said on 3/Sep/17
Peak about 183/4
Now about 179
Pierre said on 3/Sep/17
@Rising=comparison=Arnold/Luke Perry
Click Here =at the same event Arnold and listed 5"9.25' Eddy Murphy who is looking downward and Arnold looking upward.
Click Here =Luke Perry and Brian Austin Green (listed 5"11' in picture with Rob,i give him a very weak 5"11'imo).Ian Ziering listed here 5"11' and Brian Austin Green=
Click Here .Now 5"11'Ian Ziering/Luke Perry =
Click Here
Rising - 174 cm said on 3/Sep/17
@Pierre: Remember, you're the one who is insisting pictures are more accurate than Rob's own in person estimates. In Robert Englund's case, you can clearly see he's slouching to do a Freddy Kruger pose with Rob.
ranton said on 3/Sep/17
183'5cm peak today 179-179'5 cm
Pierre said on 3/Sep/17
Click Here =Rob too is slouching next to Robert Englund you can see he isn't straight in the first picture.The 5"10" guy next to Carl is slouching a lot with his back and head imo and lose lots of height,probably easily more than Carl who just tilt a little on the side =
Click Here =you can see the 5"10' guy is in a better posture in the others pictures.I don't understand the problem with shoes.Elevator shoes have the particularity to be sometimes very discreet and give you a good gain of height and so this is a parameter to take in consideration when we try to guess a height.Imo the only fact you can be 100% sure is = Rob don't wear lifts in the pictures.We know that lots of time some celebrities are wearing lifts.Imo Robert inglund if 5"9' in his peak with 0.5 flat sneakers would put Arnold to 6"0.5'max by the video(by considering shoes and postures).This could explain the significant difference of height between Arnold and Lou in pictures=
Click Here Click Here right guy Robby Robinson is listed 5"7')
Click Here Click Here
ranton said on 2/Sep/17
I think he was not a full 6'1. I think he was 6'05 that's my opinion and what he always looked in movies
PPPeter said on 2/Sep/17
Peak: 6ft 1in (max)
Now: 5ft 11in (max)
hardguy said on 2/Sep/17
His peak was 6'2'25 imo
MJKoP said on 1/Sep/17
Barry Fl: Take your own advice. If anything, Rising's estimates are a bit low. I fail to see anything below Rob's 6'1.5" listed height, and honestly believe he was probably taller. But I guess I'm just a deluded, brainwashed, sheep of fanboy - right? ;)
I'm not going to accuse you of being an Arnold-hater because I see your guesses are being laughably low, so why do the same thing(in reverse, of course) to me???
Rising - 174 cm said on 1/Sep/17
Arnie back in the 90s basically towering over a solid 5'9" Luke Perry by a good 4.5":
Click Here
If Perry's height becomes the issue I'll add that I'm being pretty conservative by giving him 5'9"-5'9.25" since Perry was able to take off his shoes, stand next to a tape measure and convince Howard Stern's crew he was 5'10".
Pierre said on 1/Sep/17
I laugh when i read comments inwhich guys are writing "Arnold or X or Y next to a legit 6"1' celebrity "or "next to a legit 6"2' celebrity " =and then they proclaim =people who write Arnold peak was under 6"1' are the ****=LOL "LEGIT" LOL=They're claim a height as if they have measured this celebrities or Arnold with a height gauge !=6"1.5' isn't the **** and 6"0.5' is the ****! LOL!One day i will read=Arnold 6"1.5' isn't the **** Arnold 6"1.25' is the ****.Lol what a precision only with pictures!
Afka9 said on 1/Sep/17
Jeff bridge's peak height is 186-187 cm. His video with arnold he weared shoes but arnold was barefoot. Nevertheless there is their difference maximum 2-3 cm. According to this arnold's peak height is solid 6'1 or 185-186 cm. 6 ft is a little low for him
Rising - 174 cm said on 1/Sep/17
@Pierre: Yes, we can all make mistakes, but my point is the "real" height isn't always shown in photos. My issue with you(and it's not personal at all as you seem like a nice guy) is that you seem a height variation in photos and then you jump right to footwear. You did this with Carl, but Rob confirmed Carl's footwear didn't change much and his height didn't change much. Rob has met Carl 3 times since 2010 and has said he lookjed 6'0.5"-6'1" every time. You may think he's wrong in estimating the height, but he can definitely tell us if Carl's height varied and it didn't. As for Englund, he's not standing well for either pic with Rob since he's doing a Freddy Kruger pose. Maybe he was only 5'8.75", but Rob told us that even more recently at 68, he was still definitely not shorter than Rob and Rob thought taller. So can you see why I don't think 5'8" peak is a reasonable estimate?
And maybe Bridges is shorter. I don't claim he was 6'1.5" beyond any doubt, but I do think saying he was 184 cm max is just not reasonable UNTIL some proof is posted to substantiate this.
@Wilson: Others say Arnold was 6'1"-6'2" or even 6'3" in the case of William Wisher who worked on the first 2 Terminators. Why are they less credible than Sorbo? Sorbo didn't even know what Arnold claimed. Robert Patrick, Vince Basille and Carl Weathers put Arnie in the 6'1"-6'2" range and there are certainly others who agree.
And nobody thinks Arnold is still 6'0" barefoot except probably Arnold. But he is a clear 5'11.25"-5'11.5" guy or 5'11
flat at the absolute worst. You can easily argue Arnie peaked at only 6'1"-6'1.25" range, but in that case, he still hadn't lost anything or anything noticeable as late as 1999. He was always noticeably taller than strong 5'11" Bruce Willis.
Wilson said on 1/Sep/17
Pierre agree. I think Rob is a bit generous and I think is good so 100% is impossible to know Arnold's height so is natural Rob is a bit generous and usually he list a bit high to be more safe. Jeff Bridges always looked 6'1 max to me in his peak Arnold a little less. Maybe in the morning hours Arnold was 184'6- 185 cm so if you add 2 cm with his sneakers makes him 187 cm. This is the conclusion the only chance he hit 187 cm someday in his peak is at morning with his sneakers. At evening barefoot I'm convinced he was no more than 183'5 cm or 6'0.25
Wilson said on 1/Sep/17
Pierre agree. I think Rob is a little generous and Ithin is good so 100% is impossible to know Arnold's height so is natural Rob is a bit generous and usually he list a bit high to be more safe. Jeff Bridges always looked 6'1 max to me in his peak Arnold a little less. Maybe in the morning hours Arnold was 184'6- 185 cm so if you add 2 cm with his sneakers makes him 187 cm. This is the conclusion the inly chance he hit someday 187 cm is at morning with his sneakers. At evening barefoot I'm convinced he was no more than 183'5 cm or 6'0.25
Barry Fl said on 1/Sep/17
Rising - 174 cm said on 31/Aug/17
Personally, I believe Arnold had to have been at least 6'1" in his prime, but anything below at least 184 cm is really where I struggle to see it as anything other than
trolling since estimates below that usually comes complete with the name-calling that characterizes
Give up, Rising! The voice of reason is ignored here, and shouted down by the illiterati in their rants that sometimes contain a few words of English. And sometimes one or two are even spelt correctly. By accident. As they would say - 'end of story'. Maybe in capitals. With exclamation points.
Pierre said on 31/Aug/17
@Rising=If you want,they are your opinions.With Carl =I can see the 5"10' guy is slouching a lot and lost probably more height than Carl.Rob's estimation is only an estimation even if he can be good for this ,the real height is with height gauge (and barefoot of course) not only with the eyes.And i think Rob can be sometimes a little generous,like sometimes i can make mistakes to gauge height of people...and you too.I think lots of flat sneakers(like Robert's sneakers) are more 0.5 inch than 1 inch.By the picture Robert Englund /Rob i see the same range height imo and he was only around 60 years in the picture and seem to have a very good shape.I can doubt he lost lots of height by the years.Jeff bridges peak 187?Maybe...Maybe he was around 187 just after a very good night and then more 6"1' range,by the pics i see of him i don't see him as tall as 187(but this is only my opinion...).
Wilson said on 31/Aug/17
lol poeple is blind how can they say Arnold is today 6'0? nothin more to say... you dont have to meet him to guess his height at 6 in his peak he has the bone frame and large proportions of a 6 foot guy
Wilson said on 31/Aug/17
Arnold towers most of bodybuilders because they were 5'8 range and 5'7 usually short guys. A 6 footer guy tower all them.. In movies they also trid to make him taller and the big guy. A 6.0 barefeet man is tall. He can look close to a 6'1 guy, but is unfair to say he was over 6'0.5 inflated height for sure. He was taler than 6 foot guys liste because those 6 foot guys listed as you say are maybe close to a plain 5'11, people always try tu add height I dont know the reason. Arnold was a legit and barefoot 6.0 guy in his peak. What happens here? Kevin Sorbo lie? Politicans on his circle lie? A lot people who met him in the 90's lie? Most claim he was 5'11 range in the 90's today 100% is in the 5'10 range very close to 5'11, but safe to say he was a strong 6 footer max in his peak 183'5 cm max
Barry Fl said on 31/Aug/17
Sean5 said on 30/Aug/17
Would 2" loss at 70 be common for a bodybuilder?
I've known it happen to people of a similar age. One swears he was a 6 footer in his youth (and though I don't take this as en exact measurement, enough people remember him being tall to believe he was near enough) but is now just over 5'9. Another was 5'11.5 in his younger days and on a recent medical check-up a few years back measured in at 5'8.5. Neither are bodybuilders, though the latter gent does a fair amount of jogging/tennis. I know bodybuilding can affect bone growth in adolescents, but never heard of it having a detrimental effect on fully grown people.
Rising - 174 cm said on 31/Aug/17
Remember, Arnold stood up to compare height to weak 6'0" Phil Bronstein in 2008 and was still taller. Arnold even admitted having lost height by that point. Personally, I believe Arnold had to have been at least 6'1" in his prime, but anything below at least 184 cm is really where I struggle to see it as anything other than
trolling since estimates below that usually comes complete with the name-calling that characterizes
trolling. I fail to see compelling evidence for anything below 181 cm today since the shortest Arnold looks is 180 cm range with loose posture. One can't possibly believe Arnold always stands how he would for a measurement. So the 179 stuff today is also just making Arnold as short as possible.
Rising - 174 cm said on 31/Aug/17
@Pierre: Carl is slouching too. Carl is still 6'0.5"-6'1" as Rob has confirmed. The reason for the variation is photos can do that depending on the lense and position. That was the whole point of Rob posting that. I don't know you're so stubborn on this simple concept. Rob said Loken seemed right around 5'11" to him and he couldn't imagine her measuring far from it. That's a lot more compelling than a picture. I don't know why you continually insist these pictures can tell you more than Rob can despite Rob being there when they were taken. As for the Englund clip, go to his page and look at Rob's reply to me. He said Englund was a minimum weak 5'9", but he guessed him around 5'9" a decade ago. I'd agree he wasn't taller than that, but Rob has confirmed he's still around 174 cm as he says Robert seems taller than himself even now. But Arnold is barefoot, so on average you'd add an inch for footwear without knowing the actual brand and model of sneaker Englund is wearing. The downgrading of Englund to fit Arnold at a ridiculous 6'0" even in his prime is predictable as is the downgrading of Jeff Bridges. If a 69-70 year old Englund is still taller than Rob, then it's a pretty safe bet he was 5'9" or at worst, 5'8.75".
Arnold is still close enough to 6'0" that he can look at least that tall with a little extra heel. I've shown this with Jai Courtney and Jason Clarke only a couple years ago. And it's obvious Arnold is nowhere near as tall as he was 20 years ago. All I hear to the contrary is childish name-calling("fanboys") and the shaving an inch off everyone else like Robert Englund and Bridges. If you feel Bridges was far from 6'1.5" in the 70s then go to his page and show this to Rob so he can downgrade him. Otherwise, we're not just going to take your word Bridges was closer to 6'0" just to fit Arnold at that height.
Sean5 said on 30/Aug/17
Would 2" loss at 70 be common for a bodybuilder?
Richard183inthemorning said on 30/Aug/17
Hi Broly only 6 foot to Arnold in his prime is low very low.Because he was a bit taller than people listed or measuread in 183 cm and very similar than people was 185/186 range so a solid 6 foot to Arnold as you said is impossible brother. People here think Arnold was somewhere between 185-187cm barefoot when he was young. And Rob think it too
Wilson said on 30/Aug/17
Broly I agree. I always believed Arnold was 6.0 in his youth and today just over 5'10. Over the 6' mark is for movies and the bodybuilding marketing. Always trying to make him bigger and taller. Arnold was a big man for sure and tall but his height was always inflated. Kevin Sorbo said the truth in the 90's . There's no reason he would lie. Arnold was 5'11 range in the 90's
Jim Hopper said on 30/Aug/17
@Broly Yeah Have to say the video here is 100% proof with him being barefooted. 6-0" total max prime height. Might explain why now hes 5-11" or under. No way he could of lost 3" off his prime height so quick. Proof imo here is absolute.
Johan said on 30/Aug/17
Robert Englund was a decent 5'9" guy he was close to it in 2006 when Rob met him so I don't know where you are getting 5'8" from.
So yes Arnie was at least 6' next to him there more 6'0.5" and he was barefoot while Englund had shoes. Shoe could have been up to 0.75 inch thats typical.
My guess from that was 6'1" to max 6'1.25" its a clip that surfaces every year here and its one of the reasons I disagree with his current listing of 6'1.5" peak.
Afka9 said on 30/Aug/17
Jeff bridge is tall man and his youth was over 6 ft 1 inches. And in this video arnold is free-shoes and jeff has shoes. But jeff don't look too tall than arnold.
Broly said on 29/Aug/17
Sorry fanboys but Arnold was never over 6 foot. I'm also a big fan of this great man but I gotta be honest. He was a legit 6 foot. Any claim over this height is just ridiculous.
You can see him at his peak close to Robert Englund (Freddy Kriger)listed 176 cm ( 5'9.5 with Rob and also Robert Englund at the end of the video with Jeff Briges theres no more than 6-7 cm beteween them :
This makes Arnold real height 6 foot( he is barefoot video) and Jeff Briges 6'0.25 183-183'5 over 7 cm on Robert Englund. Is unbelieble how people still claim he was 187 cm or 6'2. He just never looked than height please! He can look 6'1 with his boots no more! Biggest fun here claiming the truth in this world where everything is over exaggeratte unreal and hoax marketing
Click Here
Barry Fl said on 29/Aug/17
Jim Hopper said on 25/Aug/17
@Barry FI Im thinking maybe more today he might be using lift help in his shoes perhaps like Sly,
Vin Diesel
Do you think? I'm not so sure. Maybe in films if it's called for, but out and about in real life he isn't giving off an especially tall vibe anymore. Most reports give him between 5'10-11 (and he looked 5'11 to me). I can't believe he's actually much shorter than this and needs lifts. A 5'9 Arnold is not something I could personally believe.
Pierre said on 28/Aug/17
@Jim Hopper=for me he look around 3 inches taller than Robert, i don't see more(Robert's eyes are around the same height as Arnold's mouth and Arnold seem to look a little more upward with his head).Then Robert in 0.5 inch flat sneakers=5"8.5' + 3 inches= 5"11.5'.A little more if Robert lost height by the years(In the pictures next to Rob he was around 10 years younger than now so around 60).
Jim Hopper said on 28/Aug/17
@Pierre Wow Arnie next to Robert {5-8) looks 6-0" max
Kiko said on 27/Aug/17
loka you can see theres no more than 8 cm beteween Rob and Carl Weathers. Rob always list a bit high to be safe and not be down wrong but Carl today is max 182 cm. Arnold is 180
Pierre said on 27/Aug/17
Click Here = make stop at 0:51 when the guy with the white tee shirt(Freddy Krueger) and Arnold are looking Jeff Bridges=Freddy and Arnold have about the same posture;Freddy Krueger is in a picture with Rob in this site and he's the same height as Rob=5"8' range(maybe a little taller when younger...).In the movie he had flat sneakers(i think around 0.5 inch),so he was around 5"8.5' or a little more if he lost height by the years.
Maddo said on 26/Aug/17
I stood right next to him. He is under 5' 11'
loka said on 26/Aug/17
KIko : According to Rob, carl Weathers is still 185 cm.
Nice try but try again.
Pierre said on 26/Aug/17
Click Here =and the 5"10' guy seem to be slouching a lot next to Carl Weathers!
Pierre said on 26/Aug/17
@Rising=Carl weathers looking 6"1' next to a 5"10' guy.
there is maybe a reason why he look 6"0' next to Rob and 6"1' next to the 5"10' guy and seem to have exactly the same posture=when you standing a little on the point of one foot and place all your weight on the other foot your pelvis turn upward and you can gain around 2cm.
Pierre said on 26/Aug/17
@Rising =By the scale Kristanna Loken is a very weak 5"11' next to Rob,she's slouching but Rob is slouching a lot!
Pierre said on 26/Aug/17
@Barry Fl=where the floor is inclined please?
Vexacus said on 25/Aug/17
He was 6'0.75 in his prime , the difference between him and 6'2 James Cameron was noticeably . Now he's 5'11.25 . Pretty decent height for the Terminator.
Kiko said on 25/Aug/17
Richardspain however Rob list him at 185 cm I dont know why. You can see Carl Weathers is about 8 cm than Rob. Rob 173'5 cm and Carl 182cm max. Arnold 180 with luck today! Also my friend is a legit 180 cm and met him at the Arnold Classic toldme Aernold was he same height max
Here a pic with Carl Weather who is 182 cm today with 179-180 Arnold:
Click Here:
Kiko said on 25/Aug/17
Richardspain I see you all the time say Arnold is minimun 5'11 or 181 cm but you should listen. Today Carl Weathers is barely 6 foot (181-2 cm max) listed with Rob (celebheight) and recently met Arnold. Carl was 1 clear inch taller than Arnold. Arnold is 179 cm today!
Click Here:
He was 184 cm in the past in his peak! Never over
Jim Hopper said on 25/Aug/17
@Barry FI Im thinking maybe more today he might be using lift help in his shoes perhaps like Sly,
Vin Diesel
Kiko said on 25/Aug/17
Alucard yes Kevin Sorbo is right, but a bit exaggerate. Stading tall Arnold is 5'11 today but in his peak no ways was 6'2 lol not even 6'1, over 6 foot strong 6 footer 184 cm max
Barry Fl said on 25/Aug/17
Jim Hopper said on 24/Aug/17
I read a piece of lifts in shoes and it had cowboy boots that give you 3" more height? Maybe he has some? Did say famous people had bought these quite often in the past.
I personally doubt it Jim. Arnold with 3" lifts would have been very tall. Nobody would have ever questioned his height, or would have noticed huge variations. Arnold often appears shorter than general perception, and loads of 'insider' stories saying he's shorter etc. I think he's happy to go without lifts (cowboy boots aside, which mostly give 1" - 2" at the very most). If we say he was at best, 6 foot - 6 foot 1" then those 3 inches would have made him 6'3 or 4. I don't think anyone ever noticed that (despite people and press sometimes calling him a giant or even the very very occasional 6'3 mention - all of that was more due to image and public perception).
Barry Fl said on 25/Aug/17
Pierre said on 24/Aug/17
Arnold next to Lou Click Here Click Here Click Here
Got to say, somebody's slanted those pictures. Look at the dumbell rack, the floor. Whether intentionally or not somebody is trying to make Arnold look smaller. Which is funny when you think that these people would then also try and downplay Lou's height anyway. I've always said, people will believe what they want to believe - they'll see what they want to see. But then they try and alter the facts to fit their case? A bit of a worry. I'm no Arnold fanboy, but I think it's ludicrous to say he's 5'9.
Richardspain said on 25/Aug/17
Arnold could be 183cm nowadays and range 185cm/186cm when he was young.
But many people said here he is 180/181 /182 cm max nowadays I'm confused now.
To me he is a strong 182 cm barely maybe 183cm in the morning. 182cm is still a great height to a man of 70 years old!!
182 cm nowadays
185'5cm in peak
Alucard said on 24/Aug/17
5'11 peak, easy to tell, wich is tall for a bodybuilder, that's why he always dwarfed anyone, Kevin Sorbo is right... Today he looks shorter, lost inches since his younger days, 5'10 at best, can look even 5'9 at times...
Jim Hopper said on 24/Aug/17
I read a piece of lifts in shoes and it had cowboy boots that give you 3" more height? Maybe he has some? Did say famous people had bought these quite often in the past.
Kiko said on 24/Aug/17
Afka9 said on 23/Aug/17
@ RichardSpain
I agree with you, arnold was solid 185 cm but not taller than 186 or 187 cm.. Probably his height was 185-186 cm range.. Nowadays he is probably 180-181 cm maybe 179.5 cm
I say 1 cm less in his peak 184 cm not over, a chance at morning 185
Kiko said on 24/Aug/17
185 cm is the best height peak he could ever had.How ever I go with 184 most of his peak days, but today he is 180 max trust me. I have a friend who is a legit 180 cm and told me he was his same height at the Arnold expo in Madrid
Slim183 said on 24/Aug/17
G'day big rob,
how tall would peak arnold be out of bed? He did have very long legs, so maybe even 0.25 shrinkage from out of bed to early evening.
Johnson said on 24/Aug/17
Arnold 183-184 nowadays no less, after seeing him with Barcelona players
Afka9 said on 23/Aug/17
@ RichardSpain
I agree with you, arnold was solid 185 cm but not taller than 186 or 187 cm.. Probably his height was 185-186 cm range.. Nowadays he is probably 180-181 cm maybe 179.5 cm
Afka9 said on 23/Aug/17
I think best peak height for arnold is 185-186 cm range. Nowadays 180-181 cm.
RichardSpain said on 23/Aug/17
Hello @Kiko,
First all ! Thanks for sharing those pics
Yea our friend Arnold seems a strong 184 or 185 cm in his younger days. But you must know that sometimes bodybuilders people have a bad posture.
Anyway Arnold could be a perfect 185 cm, in my opinion he wasn't less than that.
185 cm in peak but solid!
180/181 nowadays.
My last guesses!
Barry Fl said on 23/Aug/17
Some people seem to think cowboy boots are super high heels. Truth is, they're not, and back in the 70s when Arnold moved to America they were quite common - he's said before that he loves them because they are a symbol of America. Any I've seen have heels only a little higher than a good sturdy dress shoe, and certainly no more than these truck-tyre style trainers that are everywhere now. But Arnold gained his initial fame as a man wearing only posing trunks, don't forget - and when he was 'dressed' he usually wore very flat boat shoes outside the gym. I really don't think so many people would have believed he was 6'2 if he was significantly lower. The cowboy boots later on helped him appear taller, no doubt, but I don't think he was only ever 6'2" (or close) in them. And I don't think he slipped lifts inside them. That would have boosted him to an unnecessary height.
Pierre said on 22/Aug/17
@Rising=5"11' why not,the question is how many inches Arnold gain with this famous cowboy shoes...
Rising - 174 cm said on 22/Aug/17
Arnie actually has been guessed 6'3". When talking about the original concept of the Terminator being someone who would blend in, Arnold was mentioned as the opposite and described as standing out at 6'3". Of course, he's nowhere near that tall, but he has been guessed it.
@Pierre: Rob has 2 pictures with Kristanna and is convinced she's very close to 5'11". That's good enough for me
Jim Hopper said on 22/Aug/17
@Barry FI Yeah true but the smoking gun here as with Sly/
Vin Diesel also is the footwear they use. Imo its the key to the real height claims.
Kiko said on 22/Aug/17
Rob will you downgrade him? I think the listing is to high same as Clint Eastwood 190 peak is enough for him..
Kiko said on 22/Aug/17
Click Here:
A legit 188 cm Lou Ferrigno some years ago 7 cm shorter than him. Arnold today is 180 cm max
Kiko said on 22/Aug/17
I say Lou Ferrigno is the best proof to confirm that Arnold was never 187 cm in his life not even 185 cm just this fake industry say it. This proofs shows Arnold was 183 to 184 in his peak
Click Here
Lou was 191 cm max lol 187 cm Arnold! 183 184 max!
Click Here:
Kiko said on 22/Aug/17
RichardSpain his bodybuilding mate Lou Ferrigno was a strong 6'3 maybe close to 6'4 at his absolute peak max ( Never over 191cm). Rob has pic with him celebheight and today he is close to 6'3 so that's impossible he never was 6'5. This makes Arnold over 6 foot in his peak or 183-184, because Lou was 7 to 8 cm taller. this makes Arnold at 184 at his absolute max but I say 183.5 cm
RichardSpain said on 21/Aug/17
Rob, I think our friend Arnold was shorter 1 cm than you said in peak;
5ft 11.5in (181.6 cm) today. I agree with you. Arnold could be that nowadays.
But the Peak I think 185'7 it's more credible in my opinion than 186'7 cm you said.
Barry Fl said on 21/Aug/17
Jim Hopper said on 18/Aug/17
@Barry FI The actors above who met him said the same. They actually met him unlike me and you. None said hes the described height and was shorter. Maybe an collective groups of big name actors are all lying???? I doubt it do you? Lewis Hamilton also stated he was a lot shorter in person???? Liar too?
I have actually seen Arnold in person, and quite close up, and thought he was a 6 footer (but definitely no more than that). This was late 2014. I've stated my own opinion enough times on here that I think he was 6'1 in his younger days and 5'11 now. I'm not calling anyone a liar, it's all about perception. People expect Arnold to be a giant, and when they see a reasonably tall man with fairly poor posture they think 'Blimey, Arnold's a lot smaller than we expected'. That's my opinion. I haven't measured him.
Peterson188cm said on 21/Aug/17
I believe Arnold in his youth was 6ft 1.25 (186cm).
Pierre said on 20/Aug/17
@Dmeyer=yes if she's really 5"11' barefoot
Claude Ouimet said on 20/Aug/17
Forest Whitaker is. 6'2".
Arnold Schwarzenegger is shorter than Forest. At leat 3 ' shirter
Dmeyer said on 20/Aug/17
Looking at All pics they look similar so both 186cm shoes so she is near 5'11 and him near 6'0
Dmeyer said on 20/Aug/17
T3 première arnie looks 1in taller than 5'10,75 loken who has heels 6cm type while arnie solid 4cm so arnie was near 4cm taller probably Steel 6'0,25 by then
Kiko said on 19/Aug/17
If Arnold were someday a real 187 cm guy I'm convince everybody would guess his height at 190 cm or 6'3, because ususally people add 2 cm to a real height considering hair or sneakers on or whatever. For example I'm 178 cm barefoot or a legit 5'10 and every friend say I'm 5'11 in my family parents uncles say I'm tall so they say I'm 180 cm, but I'm that height not barefoot. My real height is 178 cm and even in some ocassions they have say I look close to 6 foot so I'm slim and pretty proportional. If Arnold were 187 cm I know 100% people would say he was 190 cm . The truth is Arnold was just over 6 foot maybe 6'0.5 in his best peak day and before lunch.
Rising - 174 cm said on 18/Aug/17
@Pierre: There's no evidence of that. Rob never mentioned Carl's shoes being much different than his on any of the occasions. Rob also didn't say Carl looked any taller the most recent time than he did the first time or the time inbetween that for that matter. As I've said before, people don't always look their height in every photo they take. Here's Carl with a 5'10" man the day of the first pic with Rob:
Click Here If the link doesn't work, you can find it in Rob's reply to Dmeyer on 22/May/14 on Carl Weathers' page. The height difference between Carl and a man Rob confirms as about 5'10" isn't much smaller than it was with Rob on the same day, so again, it's not shoes. Carl's shoes don't vary much. He just looked shorter than he was in that first photo due to a combination of posture and camera position. Rob would have mentioned any noticeable footwear advantage. We can safely say Carl is somewhere from 6'0.5"-6'1" the last 7 years. And every time I've seen his footwear in recent years, it's always been normal range. I've never heard anything to the contrary either.
777 said on 18/Aug/17
Terminator 3. Kristanna Loken height - 5'11 plus high heels. Arnold Schwarzenegger height - 6'1.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Jim Hopper said on 18/Aug/17
@Barry FI The actors above who met him said the same. They actually met him unlike me and you. None said hes the described height and was shorter. Maybe an collective groups of big name actors are all lying???? I doubt it do you? Lewis Hamilton also stated he was a lot shorter in person???? Liar too?
Kiko said on 18/Aug/17
To Loka.
loka as I said you are just another sheep from this society.. Just because somemone said that does not mean it is really true. I dont care if Vince Basille measured him. Were you there to see it? It's just an opinion. Nonsense. I could also have a friend and in public claims I was measure 1 inch taller than I am. He coul also cheat. Bodybuilding is marketing but the funny thing is that this marketing industry like hollywood or bodybuilding always cheats and make people believe all this. The thing is you believe all and not think by your self and watch it. He never even looked as a legit 6'1 barefoot. This is just aamazing! Every body booting his height to 187 cm! He was max 184 in his best day of his life. He was a strong 6 footer.
Pierre said on 18/Aug/17
By considering the pictures Carl Weathers/Rob,Carl would be not always in the same shoes.In the first pic next to Rob he never look 6"1' imo
loka said on 17/Aug/17
To Kiko : Vince Basille personally measured Arnie in 1969 at 6ft 1.5 so 187 cm. It's a FACT. Rob don't discuss this and he's right. There is no debate about his peak height being or not under 185 cm. No debate. The debate is more "was it a strong 187 cm or not"... and the debate is about his current height.
Rising - 174 cm said on 17/Aug/17
@Kiko: Wrong, Rob has met Carl a few times in the last half dozen years or so and Carl is STILL about 6'1" in his late 60s or at worst, 6'0.5". So it's very likely Carl was a strong 6'1" like 186 cm or so. Arnold's height is debatable, but 183 cm peak and 179 cm current are both nonsense. The lowest I could see some arguing peak would be 184 and really, anything below 185 is too low, imo and today, the lowest I can see an argument for is 180 cm. If you give Arnold a bit extra heel, he can still look similar to 184-185 cm guys like Jason Clarke and Jai Courtney.
Barry Fl said on 17/Aug/17
Amazing how many outraged "contributors" here have signed off their rants with the words 'end of story' and yet this site is still going. And they're still returning. And saying 'end of story'. Anyone would think their word is not the word of God after all.
Barry Fl said on 17/Aug/17
Just a recent personal anecdote to illustrate how tricky it is to judge people's heights from pictures. I was at dinner with a bunch of old friends recently. I've known these guys for many many years and been around them plenty in different situations, so I can judge my own height alongside theirs. One of them I'm a good few inches taller than, one roughly the same height, and one is about 6'6 so I know he towers over me (at 5'10). Took a few pictures that night, some posed, some not. On the posed ones I look the shortest of the group. What was it? Stance? Angle of us compared to the camera? Angle of the picture itself? Wonky floor? Who knows. In some of the unposed ones you can get a better idea of our relative heights, but even on those it seems to vary wildly, one to the other. Photographs, even when people are standing next to each other, are not always as concrete as you'd expect.
Pierre said on 17/Aug/17
If Dennis Wolf is really 5"11' barefoot
Barry Fl said on 17/Aug/17
Jim Hopper said on 15/Aug/17
@Barry Fl The Vince Basille measurement is less than a full legit source. One mans word??? Pictures tell me that he was not much over 6-0". Around 60-05" in truth.
Pictures tell you? As opposed to actual measurements? Ok. fair enough. As I keep saying, we're all entitled to our own opinions. Until one of us here gets to scientifically measure Arnold's height, we're all of us guessing. I just had a bit of an issue with you telling everyone to remember that Arnold had only ever been 6'2" in his Terminator boots.
Kiko said on 16/Aug/17
the pic you are talking from Predator wa not even flat. Carl anND Arnold were just strong 6 footers. Open your eyes. He was never even 6'1 just over 6 foot and very close to 6'1 at morning. Stop adding heights to all this actors . 186 cm is unreal. Barefoot and a medical height would make you all surprise how tall he was I'm sure he was 183 cm and close to 184 being lucky, Conclusion trong 6 footer . In the 90"s very similar close to 6 foot who can believe Arnold shrunk 1 inch for decade? lol lol unreal and non sense. He just shrunk 1- 1'5 in inch in all his life an average and moderate height loss for men f. You all judge his bad posture . It's easy. He was from 183 cm to 179 cm End of the story I cant believe still people say he was 186-187 Amazing!
Rising - 174 cm said on 16/Aug/17
@Danimal: Arnold in shoes looks about an inch taller than Wolf barefoot, sometimes more, sometimes a bit less. So how is it clear he'd be shorter? Dress shoes add about an inch give or take a fraction. All that shows is Arnold is close in height with a 5'11" man. How they'd look exactly both barefoot or both in shoes would tell us better what the exact difference is there, but I don't see Arnold shorter.
loka said on 15/Aug/17
i've seen several other stills from Predator where the team is in the jungle... Arnold appears to be taller than Carl Weathers by 1 or even 2 cm, it seems. I don't know if it's legit or not but it's what the pics show. So it's very unlikely that Arnold was under 186 or 187 cm tall. Very unlikely.
Jim Hopper said on 15/Aug/17
@Barry Fl The Vince Basille measurement is less than a full legit source. One mans word??? Pictures tell me that he was not much over 6-0". Around 60-05" in truth.
Barry Fl said on 15/Aug/17
arnold looked much taller than dennis i think more than 1 inch even if he was barefeet he will be taller
A lot of people - folk who've met him/fellow competitors/bodybuilding fans etc - say Dennis Wolf seems even taller than 5'11. I don't know about that, but it seems that he's a pretty solid 5'11 at least. So there's a good chance Arnold is still at least that height (out of shoes).
Dingus said on 14/Aug/17
I believe he started losing height pretty early. By 1990 he seemed to have lost some height and was down to 6'1.00" even or perhaps as low as 6'00.50".
MJKoP said on 14/Aug/17
Kiko said on 12/Aug/17
MJKoP you should also go to sleep. Nothin more to say just another sheep of this society
LOL, I'll just let your words speak for themselves, while you binge watch Alex Jones marathons.
Barry Fl said on 14/Aug/17
Kiko said on 12/Aug/17
MJKoP you should also go to sleep. Nothin more to say just another sheep of this society
Leave it out Kiko, this is a discussion site, not a playground. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion on the subject here (Arnold's height), and people's opinions don't have to be the same as yours. That's life. Let's not resort to juvenile insults when people think differently to you.
Barry Fl said on 14/Aug/17
Jim Hopper said on 13/Aug/17
Lou F was 6-3". Arnie was a shade over 6-0". Now 5-10 to a max 5-11". In his boots like in Terminator etc he was a 6-2" guy,in boots remember.
Trouble is Jim, his bodybuilding stats and early measurements - and the oft-quoted Vince Basille measurement - were not taken in his Terminator boots.
777 said on 14/Aug/17
Terminator 3. Kristanna Loken height - 5'11 plus high heels. Arnold Schwarzenegger height - 6'1.
lak said on 13/Aug/17
Danimal said on 12/Aug/17
5'11" barefoot Dennis Wolf standing next to Arnold who is in dress shoes. CLEARLY Dennis would be taller than Arnold if Arnold were barefoot like him and this is from 2014! Arnold comes in at 4:10:
arnold looked much taller than dennis i think more than 1 inch even if he was barefeet he will be taller
Jim Hopper said on 13/Aug/17
Lou F was 6-3". Arnie was a shade over 6-0". Now 5-10 to a max 5-11". In his boots like in Terminator etc he was a 6-2" guy,in boots remember.
Kiko said on 12/Aug/17
MJKoP you should also go to sleep. Nothin more to say just another sheep of this society
lak said on 12/Aug/17
if the rock is really above 190cm mark then arnold was 187cm for sure
Danimal said on 12/Aug/17
5'11" barefoot Dennis Wolf standing next to Arnold who is in dress shoes. CLEARLY Dennis would be taller than Arnold if Arnold were barefoot like him and this is from 2014! Arnold comes in at 4:10:
Click Here
MJKoP said on 11/Aug/17
Kiko said on 9/Aug/17
tallish89 you are just a blind and not very smart guy. We said several times and is obviues he never was even 6'1 a full 6'1 but closee and you just said 6'2. You should go to sleep
I've never seen a ruder hypocrite on this site(even before 2010!) Calling tallish98 blind and unintelligent when you can't even spell "obvious" or punctuate properly? And that all goes without even mentioning your claim of Arnie obvieusly(sic) never hitting 6'1". I guess since "we" said that several times, it must be true, right?? I'll just let anyone with an above-marginal level of functioning neuron-activity judge for themselves who the smart guys are.
Lmeister said on 11/Aug/17
As far as I can remember Arnold was listed 186cm in official bodybuilding records. Conversion from metric to imperial 186cm rounds up to 6ft2. Nowadays 180cm.
Slim 182 cm said on 11/Aug/17
His listing is good, guys.
I do think Arnold was 186/187 in his glory days,
It's just how he looked in his films and his classic documentary.
Kiko said on 9/Aug/17
tallish89 you are just a blind and not very smart guy. We said several times and is obviues he never was even 6'1 a full 6'1 but closee and you just said 6'2. You should go to sleep
Pierre said on 9/Aug/17
@ Barry Fl =you prefer this? The height of the right guy(Paul Dillet) next to Lou is giving to 6"1' in web =
Click Here
Tallish89 said on 9/Aug/17
Arnold 6'2 peak
and 5'11.5 nowadays
Never looked under 6'1 in earlier days
Barry Fl said on 9/Aug/17
Pierre said on 8/Aug/17
Click Here =Lou next to listed 6"5.5' /6"6' Dick Durock
Sorry Pierre, but that's got to be the worst height comparison picture ever!
Barry Fl said on 9/Aug/17
MJKoP said on 8/Aug/17
Peculiar, how Stallone's lack of height is far over-exaggerated, while the exact same can be said of Arnold's abundance of height. I was watching two random YouTube videos the other day. One was a Nostalgia Critic(6 foot guy) review, where he described Arnold as an "EIGHT foot Austrian"....the other was Bill Burr's infamous rant about Philadelphia(my home town), where he referred to Sly a "THREE foot Italian". LOL
Ha ha ha, yeah that's exactly the trouble. These guys are just a little either side of average height range. No extremes involved. I think in younger days Arnold probably cleared 6'1 and is now 5'11 at best. Sly? Maybe 5'10 if he stood up straight and over 5'8 now.
Pierre said on 8/Aug/17
Click Here =Lou next to listed 6"5.5' /6"6' Dick Durock
Click Here Click Here= Arnold next to Lou.In the second pic the right guy is listed 5"7'(Robby Robinson)
MJKoP said on 8/Aug/17
Rising - 174 cm said on 6/Aug/17
MJKoP said on 5/Aug/17
Barry Fl said on 31/Jul/17
Click Here
I think this journalist hits the nail on the head:"Because Schwarzenegger is always photographed in his movies from a low angle, standing tall against a pale blue sky (or an exploding fireball), you expect him to be far bigger than he really is--6 foot 2, 215 pounds. In person, he looks almost normal, a bit larger and more muscular than average, but otherwise a regular guy"
This needs to be added to the top of the page, because it's 100% spot-on, IMO. 6'2" is tall, but still a very regular height; one where you won't stand out or be stared at in public. Studios shot Arnold to appear as an seven foot giant and when fans see a guy who is tall, but not shockingly enormous IRL, they automatically think he's only an average-ish height, or 5'10" to 6'0" max in the 80s and 90s.
This is a good point. I posted similar articles on the Stallone page as well where numerous newspapers were surprised to learn Sly was "only" 5'10" instead of the six-footer they thought he looked onscreen. Of course, Sly was maybe 5'9" and certainly not 5'10" and Arnold was not a full 6'2" except in the morning, but shorter than expected is all relative. I remember talking about the film twins with someone years ago and this person mentioned the contrast between Devito(I don't remember if they estimated his height) but they then mentioned Arnold at 6'6"! I told him Arnold was nowhere near 6'6", but that had been his impression from films like the first Terminator and in fairness, Arnold looked enormous in the club scene. His physique alone made people think of him as nowhere near normal human size.
Peculiar, how Stallone's lack of height is far over-exaggerated, while the exact same can be said of Arnold's abundance of height. I was watching two random YouTube videos the other day. One was a Nostalgia Critic(6 foot guy) review, where he described Arnold as an "EIGHT foot Austrian"....the other was Bill Burr's infamous rant about Philadelphia(my home town), where he referred to Sly a "THREE foot Italian". LOL
Kiko said on 7/Aug/17
Canson you are full right. Totally agree. Ferrrino was almost 3 inches taller than Arnold and he was 6'3 not 6'5(well in the fake marketing insdustry) today 6'2.5 just look at him with Rob it's the proof he was 6'3. So Arnold clearly was a strong 6 footer 6'0.5- 0'75 maxx
Canson said on 7/Aug/17
Likely 184-185 peak could've been a full 6'1" but not more
Was never over a full 6'1" max
Barry Fl said on 7/Aug/17
Rising - 174 cm said on 6/Aug/17
This is a good point. I posted similar articles on the Stallone page as well where numerous newspapers were surprised to learn Sly was "only" 5'10" instead of the six-footer they thought he looked onscreen
I think that's why people are sometimes surprised that Sly isn't as small as they expect him to be - he's got this huge reputation for being 'short' when actually he isn't, never was. Just not as big as his image!
Slim 182 cm said on 7/Aug/17
Okay m, but I've ruled out 185 and 188 impossible.
I'd recommend arguing 186 or 187 for those who are interested.
Kiko said on 7/Aug/17
you just have to take down 2 cm on this celebheight listed to know the real height . Fake or marketing or hollywood heights is always 2 cm more at least. The reality is he was 2 cm less than this height listed: 183'5 cm peak or (6'0.5) 179 today or (5'10.5)
Canson said on 7/Aug/17
@Slim: sorry disregard I thought you meant Arnold. My bad!
Canson said on 7/Aug/17
@Slim: must disagree there I think a peak 6'1" is in fact about what he would measure maybe even more like 6'0 and some change 6'0.5/.75. He was never almost 6'2" or much over 6'1". Ferrigno had him by a good 2.5-3 and wasn't but 6'3" range himself
Kiko said on 6/Aug/17
What is truth is Arnold was a legit 6 footer 6'1 at morning peak days. Do not say he was 187 cm because is a big joke
Rising - 174 cm said on 6/Aug/17
MJKoP said on 5/Aug/17
Barry Fl said on 31/Jul/17
Click Here
I think this journalist hits the nail on the head:"Because Schwarzenegger is always photographed in his movies from a low angle, standing tall against a pale blue sky (or an exploding fireball), you expect him to be far bigger than he really is--6 foot 2, 215 pounds. In person, he looks almost normal, a bit larger and more muscular than average, but otherwise a regular guy"
This needs to be added to the top of the page, because it's 100% spot-on, IMO. 6'2" is tall, but still a very regular height; one where you won't stand out or be stared at in public. Studios shot Arnold to appear as an seven foot giant and when fans see a guy who is tall, but not shockingly enormous IRL, they automatically think he's only an average-ish height, or 5'10" to 6'0" max in the 80s and 90s.
This is a good point. I posted similar articles on the Stallone page as well where numerous newspapers were surprised to learn Sly was "only" 5'10" instead of the six-footer they thought he looked onscreen. Of course, Sly was maybe 5'9" and certainly not 5'10" and Arnold was not a full 6'2" except in the morning, but shorter than expected is all relative. I remember talking about the film twins with someone years ago and this person mentioned the contrast between Devito(I don't remember if they estimated his height) but they then mentioned Arnold at 6'6"! I told him Arnold was nowhere near 6'6", but that had been his impression from films like the first Terminator and in fairness, Arnold looked enormous in the club scene. His physique alone made people think of him as nowhere near normal human size.
Johan said on 6/Aug/17
Melyst said on 4/Aug/17
why do you always have to add height? I don't get what's the point? Calum Von Morger has never claimed 6'3 stop desinformation please. Where did you see that. Stop inventing. He always claim he is 6'2 but the truth is that he is a real 6'1. Today looks 2 inches taller than Arnold
Thats actually false, Rampage is known for upgrading guys over 6 foot and downgrading guys who are under 6 foot. Check out some 5'10" guys who Rob has met for proof.
Anyway I agree Calum has always claimed 6'2" and he is billed as 6'2" but many bodybuilders who have met him say 6'1" and he does look a 6'1" range guy. Taking early morning measurements and rounding off is common in sports.
Slim 182 cm said on 6/Aug/17
You guys are hilarious, there is a higher chance of peak Arnold measuring flat 6'2 rather than flat 6'1.
I stick to my estimation of 186.5-187 though. Judging of his classic documentary "pumping iron", he holds his own against Lou Ferringo.
Overall I'd believe a case as low as 186 but no less just as 188 does sound excessively optimistic but it's reasonable imo.
anyonmious said on 5/Aug/17
i say 5'10" now a days.
Canson said on 5/Aug/17
@Melyst: in fairness to Rampage he merely suggests that they "could have been" a certain height. But nobody here is perfect. And There are far more egregious offenders like people adding an inch to every celeb they comment on even going as far as saying they received first hand knowledge from a source like a soccer club etc and then turning around and inflating someone else comparatively if the first person doesn't add up with them. some even add two full inches on people that this person "claims" to have met in person
MJKoP said on 5/Aug/17
Barry Fl said on 31/Jul/17
Click Here
I think this journalist hits the nail on the head:"Because Schwarzenegger is always photographed in his movies from a low angle, standing tall against a pale blue sky (or an exploding fireball), you expect him to be far bigger than he really is--6 foot 2, 215 pounds. In person, he looks almost normal, a bit larger and more muscular than average, but otherwise a regular guy"
This needs to be added to the top of the page, because it's 100% spot-on, IMO. 6'2" is tall, but still a very regular height; one where you won't stand out or be stared at in public. Studios shot Arnold to appear as an seven foot giant and when fans see a guy who is tall, but not shockingly enormous IRL, they automatically think he's only an average-ish height, or 5'10" to 6'0" max in the 80s and 90s.
Canson said on 5/Aug/17
@Melyst: maybe he did claim 6'3" before tho at one point
Jim Hopper said on 5/Aug/17
In a 90s English si fi magazine Robert Patrick said he was around 5-11" and Arnie was an inch or so taller,but a lot wider than himself.
Truth said on 5/Aug/17
181cm tall
Melyst said on 4/Aug/17
why do you always have to add height? I don't get what's the point? Calum Von Morger has never claimed 6'3 stop desinformation please. Where did you see that. Stop inventing. He always claim he is 6'2 but the truth is that he is a real 6'1. Today looks 2 inches taller than Arnold
Rising - 174 cm said on 4/Aug/17
Carl simply isn't 6'0" max. Carl is 6'0.5" absolute bare minimum and looks it in the more recent pic and Rob said he still looks near 6'1". Rob has met Carl at least 3 times I know of. Why do people continually ignore Rob's in person sightings in favor of pictures? Look at Rob's reply on 22/May/14 on Carl's page regarding photos and photographers position. Carl certainly looks about 6'1" with that 5'10" man. Carl isn't standing straight in either photo as well. If you watched Carl's show this year Chicago Justice, you'd see Carl was not shorter than Philip Winchester who Rob lists 6'1" as well. Here's a few of photos of the 2 at events this year:
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here
Carl is definitely still as tall as Winchester, so either Rob has Winchester at least an inch too tall, or he's still the 6'1" guy or 184 cm absolute minimum Rob saw 3 times in person. The fact Carl looks much taller in the more recent picture should have been enough to say pictures don't always present an accurate picture.
Rising - 174 cm said on 3/Aug/17
As best as I can tell, Arnold looks over 5'11" with Calum. The second pic is the best and Arnold looks only 2", maybe 2.5" shorter. Arnold hasn't seemed to lose any more height in a few years now. Just like when he first started losing noticeable height around the 6th day, he wound up not much above 6 feet a few years later, but seemed to hold onto about that height through at least his first term as Governor, but then seemed to drop into the 182 cm range around his Expendables cameo and the end of his second term, but still seems about 5'11.5", just as he was when he did The Last Stand. You'd have thought a man who shrunk 2 inches by age 65 would have lost more than 1 cm by age 50, but Arnold still looked at or near his peak height until '98 or '99.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Aug/17
Calum Von Moger looks near 6ft2. I think he's claimed 6ft3
chris said on 2/Aug/17
Next to 6'3 Hogan, he looks at least 3 inches shorter. Arnold is 5'11 - 5'11.75
Pierre said on 1/Aug/17
Comparison Carl/Arnold=I think Carl Weathers next to Rob in the first pic is looking 6"0' big max by considering Rob is slouching too.
Johan said on 1/Aug/17
Loka said on 30/Jul/17
I strongly disagree. Arnold is not taller in predator. He installer on one promotional pic of the crew in the jungle. But when they do the biceps scène, they are same height. I woild even give Carl the advantage.
Arnie has the edge but he also had boots in that scene compared to Carl with dress shoes. A 1/2 inch footwear advantage maybe, I think barefoot you would have had trouble telling the difference.
opus said on 1/Aug/17
I'm still convinced Weathers was the taller of the two. in the Predator handshake scene, Arnold was in caterpillar/combat boots compared to Weathers being in dress shoes. The jungle marketing photo is not a good one to judge height, with the ground being uneven and they are all strategically placed. I believe that the 3cm height advantage that Weathers has on Arnold now is the same as what he had back in the 80s. I think the difference in footwear and camera angles made up the difference.
Barry Fl said on 1/Aug/17
Johan said on 31/Jul/17
He says that Arnie was possibly filming Last Action Hero , he wore cowboyboots in that film.
I don't think he was actually filming it as the picture was being taken, Johan. The poster was probably just saying it was around that time. But even so, it suggests that Arnold in his mid 40s was taller than the 5'10 a lot of people are trying to say he only ever was, even in his youth.
Romy said on 31/Jul/17
Even in a hill Arnold having an advantage on Carl if you watch it you can see Arnold was not taller. Bill Duke the other black guy was 6'4 and you can see others ones. Arnold looks like a 6 footer. If they were flat on same hill they were more or less about the same height id that
Click Here:
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strong 6 footers for sure not a full 6'1. Arnold' hair helped him to look a 6'1 in the past. Maybe he was close to be a legit 6'1 but I know he wasn't
Romy said on 31/Jul/17
Arnold in predator was the "movie star" so if the director wanted Arnold to look taller he made it for sure. Got a pic Arnold and Carl Weathers today
Click Here
Arnold was maybe close to a legit 6'1 in his good days but I say he was 6'0.5 today he is near the 5'11 marck
Danimal said on 31/Jul/17
Arnold has been training a new up and coming young guy who is being called Arnold 2.0. His real name is Calum Von Moger. He lists his height as 6'2" (Arnold's old bodybuilding height listing).
Here are some very recent photos of the 2 of them. Judge for yourself and remember, do NOT be biased or see what you want to see. See was IS and remember, Calum may be inflating his own height as well. In the 2nd pic, Calum is NOT standing straight. In the 3rd and 4th he is. You can tell that there is over 3" in height different. Arnold is struggling with 5'11". A prime Arnold would have probably stood as tall as Calum, or a fraction shorter if he Calum is a full 6'2".
ROB, what do you make of these photos?
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
he still looks 5ft 11 range there...he may be heading to 5ft 11 flat soon.
Barry Fl said on 31/Jul/17
Click Here
I think this journalist hits the nail on the head:"Because Schwarzenegger is always photographed in his movies from a low angle, standing tall against a pale blue sky (or an exploding fireball), you expect him to be far bigger than he really is--6 foot 2, 215 pounds. In person, he looks almost normal, a bit larger and more muscular than average, but otherwise a regular guy"
Loka said on 30/Jul/17
Rising. I just checked. In fact they have the same height in the biceps scène. During the jungle, one pic is Strange : arnold has 8 cm on him. LOL But You are right when you say That arnold was That big. Maybe a strong 186 cm like Carl weathers. Recent pic of arnie meeting weathers show that weathers has, at least, 3 cm on Arnold now.
Loka said on 30/Jul/17
I strongly disagree. Arnold is not taller in predator. He installer on one promotional pic of the crew in the jungle. But when they do the biceps scène, they are same height. I woild even give Carl the advantage.
Slimeball said on 30/Jul/17
I got the impression Carl weathers was 187 cm when i met him in 2009 and quite buff. I shook his hand and talked to him and he had a black leatherjacket and sunglasses.
I am 6.3´5 192 cm and 195 pounds and he was almost as tall as me and he was more massive then me.
Romy said on 30/Jul/17
He was 6'0.5 in his peak today barely 5'11. Solve the whole thing.. is funny how still there are few who say he was 6'2 when he was not even 6'1. So funny
Rising - 174 cm said on 29/Jul/17
@opus: Yes, Rob has said on a number of occasions he thought Arnie edged out Carl 30 years ago. Obviously Carl is over an inch taller than Arnie now.
opus said on 28/Jul/17
MJKoP - He disagrees with me that Weathers was and is the taller of the two?
lak said on 28/Jul/17
show me one pic where carl is taller than arnie in his youth
Rising - 174 cm said on 28/Jul/17
@loka: Watch Predator. Arnold is taller in the film. Same thing with the promo pics. Not much taller, but a bit taller. Rob came to the same conclusion and at one point went as far as to say he was certain Arnie was taller.
@MJKoP: Actually, I believe Rob has seen Carl 3 times. If I'm not mistaken, the 2 photos are from 2010 and 2016, respectively and Rob said in the comments he saw Carl in 2012 as well, but apparently didn't get a photo that time.
Rob has confirmed Carl is still 184-185 cm range in his late 60s and this year, Carl was clearly as tall as Philip Winchester who Rob also lists 6'1" so with Carl still 6'1" today or at worst just under it if Winchester is slightly shorter then there's no doubt he was 6'1" peak.
Johan said on 28/Jul/17
186 cm tops peak, Carl Weathers was 6'1" peak and Arnie wasn't taller than him at all. He also claimed he was 6'2" at the time. People refer to Predator, Carl's character had on dress shoes of max 1 inch and Arnie was in big boots, he had 0.3-0.5 inch footwear advantage thats why he looked to edge him.
Just look at him barefoot next to peak Lou Ferringo, he was around 3 inches shorter barefoot and Lou was 6'4" tops. He looked an inch shorter than James Cameron who claimed 6'2" and also Bush senior. Not one of those guys had more footwear so he was an inch or very close to an inch 0.75" shorter than legit 6'2" guys.
Peterson188cm said on 28/Jul/17
Arnold Schwarzenegger peak:
lunch: 6'1.5 (186.7cm)
after lunch: 6'1.25 (186cm)
Slim 182 cm said on 28/Jul/17
186.5-187 peak
181.5-182 now.
His listing is fine.
I wouldent argue below 186 btw.
MJKoP said on 27/Jul/17
opus said on 27/Jul/17
Arnold was never taller than Carl Weathers. In fact, I'll go as far as to say he was never even as tall as him.
Rob met Weathers - at least twice - and he disagrees with you.
Jim Hopper said on 27/Jul/17
6-0.75" max peak. Now 5-11" max.
even said on 27/Jul/17
he was never 6 foot 2 even when he was 25 . to be real his peak height was a legit 6 foot 1 and his current height is a legit 5 foot 11 .
opus said on 27/Jul/17
Arnold was never taller than Carl Weathers. In fact, I'll go as far as to say he was never even as tall as him.
loka said on 26/Jul/17
To Rising : why are you saying that Carl Weathers was shorter than Arnold ? Is there a Pic that shows that ?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Jul/17
He edged out Carl Weathers and Tom Arnold. Also, didn't look much shorter than Jesse Ventura.
Rising - 174 cm said on 26/Jul/17
187 cm will look shorter than 188 and some of those are an aged Arnold after he had lost noticeable height. Arnold maintained his height well until early 50s and then started losing height noticeably from the Sixth Day until Terminator 3 and then again towards the end of his Governor's term until his movie comeback.
We do know Arnold was shorter than full 6'2" men, but we also know Arnold was taller than 6'1" men like Carl Weathers, who is still around 6'1" at age 69 and was listed at 6'2" in his NFL career so it's pretty likely Weathers was 186 cm. And he was also taller than 6'1" Tom Arnold as late as 1994 when Arnold may or may not have been at his peak height. I still think either 6'1.5" or 6'1.75" depending on how much Arnold lost from noon to evening since Vince Basille seems certain he measured Arnold accurately at 6'1.5" evening back in 1969. Perhaps even in between the two, which would be 187, but I understand 186 cm guesses as well. Nowadays, Arnold still seems 5'11.5" to me. He doesn't look like he's lost any more height since returning to movies. Bang on 181 cm like the average current height guess is also very possible.
Either way, he's definitely lost about 2" from his peak, imo.
RichardSpain said on 25/Jul/17
Arnold wasn't a strong 187 cm because he was shorter than people 188 cm
Here next to ex president George Bush ( was 188cm or 6'2 younger )
Click Here
Click Here
And next to Director James Cameron ( 188 cm)
Click Here
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Click Here
Anold max 186cm barefoot, and 185 cm ( 6'1) during long time. 5'11 nowadays is right I think.
Lak said on 24/Jul/17
If tom Arnold is a real 6'1 then Arnie was 187 for sure
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Jul/17
Stay Hungry was one instance where he looked 6ft2
Jervis said on 23/Jul/17
Heston was not 6ft1.25 he was 6ft2.5,what about Kennedy and Marvin?
Dukenukem said on 22/Jul/17
Andy Murray looks pretty similar as Charlton Heston not only his face. He looks around the same height and Murray said he is 187 cm (6'1.75) You are trying to tell me Charlton Heston was taller than him? Murray look very tall and he say he is 6'1.75
Dukenukem said on 22/Jul/17
Charlton Heston was never 6'2.25 He was 6'1.25. He always looked 186 cm 187. Clint looked 6'2 a classic 6'2
Dukenukem said on 22/Jul/17
End of 6ft Morning peak days: 6'1 He was 6 to 6'1. This is the truth
ArniesLifts said on 22/Jul/17
Arnie was barely taller than Lewis Hamilton standing next to him. And Hamilton had on flat racing shoes while Arnie had his boots on. There is no way in hell he was ever 6'2.
Jervis said on 22/Jul/17
Clint was taller than 6ft2.5 Charlton Heston and slightly shorter than 6ft4 George Kennedy and Greg Walcott,had a least 2, more like 3 inches on Lee Marvin,6ft2 peak height for Clint I dont think so.Strong 6ft3 close or maybe bang on 6ft4 morning height.
Slim 182 cm said on 22/Jul/17
Richard is wrong, a 6 cm height loss is possible.
robson said on 22/Jul/17
He is about 6'0 now.I had this privilege to met him 1 year ago and he looked to be just like me though I got quite higher sport shoes while he had flat shoes 0'5+ max and I'm 5'11 maybe 5'11.5 max bare.I think 6'0 is accurate then.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Jul/17
Comfortably over 6ft1 peak
Danieltiger said on 20/Jul/17
You are right Richard! I say the samething! Marketing! Clint was never 192 cm. He was 188 and Arnold 185 being lucky. I say he was strong 184 cm and Clint Eastwood was of course never over 189cm! 187-188. Slim guy who lloks even 2 inches taller!
Slim 182 cm said on 20/Jul/17
186 prime isn't impossible.
even said on 20/Jul/17
Arnold Schwarzenegger's height at age 70 : 5'11"
Arnold Schwarzenegger's height at age 25 : 6'1"
Joe said on 20/Jul/17
Rob, what height was he in films such as Terminator and Predator?

Editor Rob
I don't think any less than 6ft 1 then.
Rising - 174 cm said on 19/Jul/17
Shortest I've seen him look is a weak 5'11", but standing well for a measurement, I'd say he's still taller than a flat 5'11".
Richardspain said on 19/Jul/17
The Arnold's height is the same history than Clint Eastwood's height.And others actors.
If Arnold was 187 or 6'2 feet in peak and now 5'11 if Clint was 192 cm and nowadays 183 cm how do you explain that?
To be honest is impossible they were 187 and 192cm in their peaks it is marketing! To promotion an actor.
You can lose 1 cm you can lose 2 or 3 cm also I can believe you lose 5 cm but 9cm like Clint???
Jonathanor said on 17/Jul/17
6 ft to 6'1 in his youth. Today 5'11. 7 CM LOSS? hahahah. If he get measure he can hit 5'11 how ever he can look 5'10 sometimes about his bad walking posture
Jonathanor said on 17/Jul/17
Slim 181 cm Yes right. Then you wake up and the dream is over... Ive been watching his movies my whole life front of tall guys and legit 6'2 guys and I can guarantee he was never a legit 6'1 in movies but a string 6 footer. He was to a legit 6'1 in his youth today is 5'11 if that. Any stimation oever 185 cm is disrespect for legit 6'1 guys and over..
Slim 181 cm said on 16/Jul/17
Arnold= The ideal male height and body, any bigger and you look like a monster, but any smaller and you can't dominate. 187 cm is a great height of a man of his generation, 187 for old man is like 189 for middle aged or 191 for young. Rob, once again, please don't succumb to the bandwagon effect and downgrade just because 90% of visitors think so, his peak height of course!
Rising - 174 cm said on 16/Jul/17
Seeing Sly and 5'9" Kurt Russell in Tango and Cash and the various promo appearances, he didn't seem shorter, even accounting for footwear as with bigger footwear, he could look at least 1.5" taller than Kurt, but proportionately, he never looked smaller either. He was near enough 5'9". Anywhere from 174-175 is arguable and nowadays anywhere from 173 to 174. Sly did look pretty close to Arnold in Escape Plan as well and a number of appearances for that and Expendables 3, but must have been wearing lifts.