michael said on 28/Aug/07
i agee with anonymous1,emma is probably 1 inch taller not more:)still thats like 5'6so she need get upgarded=?
anonymous1 said on 28/Aug/07
Come on there is less height difference between Dan and Emma than there is between the Phelps twins, or the Olsen twins for that matter who are about 1" apart. She isn't more than an inch taller.
Maya said on 28/Aug/07
Anna, Rob doesn't hate you, you didn't kill half of his family or something. He's probably quite amused and perhaps slightly annoyed with you insisting that Emma should be upgraded, while in reality she's lucky to be estimated at 5'5". The reason why he allows you to keep posting is because it keeps his website rolling and probably earns him some money. :)
Anna said on 27/Aug/07
And one last thing Maya, without trying to be rude, I would reckon your vision is a bit distorted because Emma Watosn is surely not petite or having small feet. I don't think I'm the only one who would say that either. Look at actors such as Rachel Bilson and Natalie Portman or if you could, me (although I'm not an actor). I would not feel wrong saying Emma would look quite large compared to any of these people. Not in a weight matter, just in height and such. She even looks quite, for lack of a better word, large compared to people such as Evanna Lynch, Bonnie Wright, and Katie Leung.
Anna said on 27/Aug/07
And I do think we could get Rob to upgrade her, I definitley don't think that's out of the question, however, i do tend to disagree with your note that he does not hate me. I am quite sure the contrary is true....and since when are 2 inch heels said "big"? That's rubbish, two inch heels are not big at all, what do you call 4 or 5 inch heels then? Or the heels Posh Beckham wears?
Anna said on 27/Aug/07
But, Maya, you're the one who insists that "5'6" is not tall and don't say it is....", so why would Emma need to give a tall impression if she were 5'6"ish? However, you know my opinion on this matter so I'm not going to say anything of it, but just think about what you said. And don't say that I'm the only one who thinks Emma has grown/is taller than 5'5" or that the MAJORITY think she has not grown. Honestly, do you read the other comments? We have Micahel here, who, like me, is insisting that the movies and photos prove Emma to be at least an inch taller than the legitimately 5'5" Dan Radcliffe (and in the ceremony photos Emma looks about 1/2"-1" taller whilst slouching terribly and Dan having military posture and crazy hair, thus converting to her having 1"-2" on him while standing straightly). I mean, come on, have you not seen the movie? It's quite obvious and another case in point, the user called 3. He was going on about Dan looking ridiculous because the only people he is taller than now are Bonine, Evanna, and Katie (although let it be known he forgot Devon). I would actually say most people agree she has grown at least a little since GoF and too believe she is at least 5'5.75" if not a full 5'6", although like I've said she looks 5'7" at times. I'd love for you to meet her, you thinking you're going to tower over her, and then she be almost as tall as you. And, just to prove that Dan and Emma are most likely not the same height....Dan said in an article that the cast are now all taller than him and he used to be the same height as them. Now, seeing as Emma is a major part of the cast, would you not think this is including her? And I am positive that, if they were still the same height, Dan would say he was taller than Emma and she most likely would not object because she deep down wants to be shorter than him as displayed by her posture. but, now, the difference must be significant enough to stop the lying. Unfortunate for Dan.
Maya said on 27/Aug/07
michael, I said that Dan and Emma are roughly the same height. And the difference between her and Rupert in the 5th movie is obviously more than one inch:
Click Here Click Here
Click Here etc.
michael said on 27/Aug/07
In fact in a lot of pics it is Dan who looks taller, thanks to his big hair and military posture. But it is safe to asume that they are around the same height. And they are listed here accordingly.=?u said that maya?so u want say than dan is taller than emma or that they are same height?no way,emma is higer for sure,evryting proves it,in 5th movie she look maybe 1 inch shorter than rupert at som times even same height,its inspobile that u think that she dosent grow?your 5'9=so im 5'10 and i know to how ppl are tall,and i dont look short yes. but i think emma is 5'6 atm,she did grow up at least 1 inch...
Maya said on 27/Aug/07
Also Anna, this is from 2006 Queen's birthday:
Click Here
Emma in big heels looks really small next to Matt Lewis, who is in the 6 ft.+ range. If they both stood up straight, and Emma didn't have 2 in. footwear advantage, she'd probably come up to his lower lip, which would make her closer to 5'4". Now, if she was that height in 2006, she couldn't have grown 2 in. in a year, especially considering her age. She hasn't grown, now deal with it.
Maya said on 27/Aug/07
Anna the majority of people here do NOT believe that Emma has grown. In none of the shoeless pictures from the hand/print/wand ceremony does Emma look an inch or more taller than Dan. In fact in a lot of pics it is Dan who looks taller, thanks to his big hair and military posture. But it is safe to asume that they are around the same height. And they are listed here accordingly.
Face it, Rob will never upgrade Emma, not because he hates her (or you, for that matter) but simply because she isn't taller than 5'5", in fact I wouldn't be surprised if she was just slightly under that mark. She has short legs, small feet, petite built, and simply does not give an impression of a tall girl. Being 5'9" myself I know what tall girls look like.
Anna said on 27/Aug/07
I see your points Hugo and I am neither going to argue or try to make you believe my opinions, but I just have to say Rupert does not have nearly 3 inches on Emma. At some recent events Emma looked barely an inch shorter than him whilst having a footwear advantage, how do you explain that? And I of course do know many people lie about their heigths, but I just find it hard to believe that this site would have celebrities below their real height because there are so many people here to scrutinise, do you know what I mean? And I guess I am just a bit confused with the agency thing - how do you know when it's the agency who put up the height? And why would Katie Leung's not just put 5'5" then? And as for Emma's site, have you any idea who put up that height because, as it seems sort of personal or whatever, would it not be the agency? I really truly believe she has not lied about her height in the upgrading aspect, like I've said, the only lying is in the downgrading direction. And with Dan, do you not think Rob would have him at 5'4" if that's what he truly is? And Rob, are you ever going to upgrade Emma at all? Most seem to believe she has grown since GoF thus making this listing inaccurate.
michael said on 26/Aug/07
emma is 5'6 ,if danniel is 5'5 emma if definitly 5'6. whot are talking about here?she looks taller than him in pictures,movies?whot else proves we need?dann is short and thats fact,and emma need get upgaraded to 5'6 comone rob man?she realy is that much now?
Hugo said on 26/Aug/07
Anna,what you may find reasonable, I don't. I do believe Emma is a little over 5'4" because she looks it. Dan doesn't look 5'5", either. He IS shorter than Emma, whom I believe is a little over 5'4". Now you telling me that you don't think that's reasonable isn't going to change my opinion of what I think their heights are. Now as for Katie being put at 5'4.5", that's what her agency is putting down for her height. They also added the .5" to make her height seem more believable than just writing 5'4". All actors' heights are rounded by their agencies. Given that 5'4.5" was written for Katie, that means her real height is at least 5'2". As for Evanna, she does look very petite. My guess would be 5'. On another note, it does seem Emma grew a little, but in my opinion, it wasn't from 5'5" to 5'6". I think Emma grew from 5'3" something to a little over 5'4". I have seem Emma's official website and it has 5'6" for the height, but just because it says 5'6" doesn't make it true. Emma's agencies could of came up with that height. It would support the two inch rule. For instance, a 6 foot man is really 5'10", and so forth. Almost everybody rounds their height. I don't know why, but they do. I wrote almost because I am one who doesn't. So, when I see 5'6" on the Emma site, that tells me 5'4". Now for Rupert, I would say he's at least 5'7". Tom isn't as tall as the agencies make him out to be.
Anna said on 26/Aug/07
Hugo, I really don't think that's reasonable, even for Dan. If Dan was 5'4"ish, then that would put Katie Leung at about 5'3", and she looks a genuine 5'4.5". Also, Evanna Lynch (5'2.25" here) would be at the most 5'1", maybe even 5' and for some reason Rob thinks she is over 5'2". Not to mention Bonnie Wright, who seems to be 5'4", would be about 5'3" and again, she doesn't seem that short. Also, with Emma, I once again ask why she would go from saying "about 5'5"" to 5'6" if she really didn't grow? What would her reasoning be? She was probably slightly over 5'4.5" during GoF, but honestly, she really looks to be a strong 5'6" now. She's not so random as to just upgrade her height by 1.5" without back-up. And I forgot to mention Rupert. If Dan were 5'4" and Emma just slightly over 5'4", then Rupert would be at the most 5'6" and it does not take a genius to figure that it's impossible for Rupert to be 5'6". As I've said, he was barely shorter than Tom with an inch footwear disadvantage.
Hugo said on 25/Aug/07
Like I've said, I think Emma appears to be around 5'5". What I mean by "around," is 5'4" something. I think a little above 5'4", with Dan being shorter. I know he wears lifts when he goes to premieres and has military posture, but he still comes out shorter than everyone.
Anna said on 25/Aug/07
Yeah, I watched the link with the video and Mischa says they won for Prisoner of Azkaban, so I am guessing that was right before they started filming GoF/whilst promotoing PoA. So, here is how I think the trio have grown since PoA. Emma was most likely around 5'3"/5'4" during PoA, 5'4.5"/a weak 5'5" during GoF, and then grew to be around 5'6"/5'7" for OotP. And, although she will most likely not grow much more, she could grow 1/4"-1/2" in my opinion. Maybe more, maybe not at all, we'll have to wait and see. As for Rupert, I am guessing he was about 5'6" during PoA, 5'7"/5'7.5" during GoF, and now 5'8"/5'8.5" during OotP. With his being 19, he will probably grow no more, but again stranger things have happened. Dan was most likely 5'4"ish in PoA, slightly under 5'5" in GoF, and then grew to most likely his full height of 5'5"/5'5.5" for OotP. It's still hard to tell if he really is 5'5.5", any opinions?
Anna said on 25/Aug/07
Wait, were the Baftas (that she attended with Mischa Barton) not after Prisoner of Azkaban? I'm pretty sure that's when tehy took place, so that kind of makes your assumption irrelevant. Please do correct me if I'm wrong though. Please Rob, upgrade EW! And michael, that would be good to compare. Has anyone an idea how tall he is, I was estimating? He should be in the show business. Anyway, Emma is quite obviously at least 5'6", at most 5'7". And I noticed that, after looking at the photos of her barefoot with Dan, she has kind of a pointy head in back. Like, her hair was flat and gave no illusion like Dan's did, but you can see that her head goes up. I dunno, it's hard to explain, does anyone know what I'm talking about? That probably gives her more height than one would think as well.
michael said on 25/Aug/07
hm there is nice picture with emma and her brother standing next to each others,that why i was asking his height so i can get conclusion how much she is shorter:) and ye emma is like 5'6 -5.6.5' max at the momment,and will see maybe new pictures go out or somthing,new clues...
anonymous no-name said on 25/Aug/07
Click Here for more comparison with
James McAvoy and Mischa Barton, and imagine Emma wearing flats (like she'd really be that height without heels).
Then even more:
Click Here David Haymen next to 5'8" Columbus. I'd say he's 5'10" tops.
Click Here I think this and the pic from the Bafta's confirm that Emma was closer to 5'4" just after GOF than 'about 5'5"', as here she looks to be at least 6" smaller than 5'10 David Haymen, and about 4.5" smaller at the Bafta's in 2" heels. Anyway, compared to David I'd say she grew 1.5", which would make her about 5'5.5" right now.
anonymous no-name said on 25/Aug/07
Click Here I think it's fair to say she's probably now the height she was in 2005 in 2" heels, don't you think?
Click Here maybe even a tad taller, seeing she comes up to just above David's eyes here, and in the recent LA pics would maybe just reach his eyes if she'd stand up straight
Click Here
In the first pic,
James McAvoy is on the far right. She is standing further back, but I think it's fair to say she looks about 2-3" smaller than him if taking the height of the lady in light brown standing next to James, who is the same height as Emma in another picture(barefoot would be slightly smaller, but the lady has taller heels). He is 5'7", probably 5'8" in dress shoes. That would make her 5'5"-5'6".
Compared to Mischa, who if taken 5'10" as her barefoot height is probably 6'1" in those shoes. She is really slouching though, so let's make that 6'. Her head seems rather small, so I'll take 8" top to bottom instead of 9". That would make Emma at least 6" smaller, as she comes up to Mischa's nose. That would make her 5'6" at the very most.
Anna said on 25/Aug/07
Maya - it's because she is standing in back of Dan and Rupert, do you not see that? And that's the reason Rupert looks taller: he is standing the farthest in front. And he isn't that much taller normally, it's only because he is closer to the camera because in other photos from the ceremony, he looks barely taller than Emma - there are no straight on shots in which he has that much on her. For example, look at the concrete photos. He barely looks taller than Emma even when he stands up straight and he has a slight footwear advantage with his Converse. I do agree that he has close to three inches on Dan, but I think at, at the most, he has two inches on Emma, more like 1"-1.5" in most photos. And I'm just curious Maya, have you never heard of people closer to the camera getting more height than those away from it if the shot is from straight on? I thought that was quite common knowledge amongst people on this site. And michael, I am guessing Alex is 5'8"-5'10" now, he looked quite tall in the photos I saw of him. It's a shame that he didn't take any photos with members of the trio. What would you guess for him?
michael said on 24/Aug/07
ye emma is probably 5'6-5.6.5'now,does any know emmas brother alex how tall he is?there is picture of them 2 somwhere i think:)
glenn said on 24/Aug/07
i dont waste my time with potter people.they dont pose or sign.not the main ones at least.
Anna said on 24/Aug/07
Yeah, she is most likely, like I've said, 169 centimetres. I think you're right michael, although I do still believe she is a weak 5'7" if she stands up straight. Whatever though, right? She should be upgraded somewhat surely. I think most people can agree with that.
Maya said on 24/Aug/07
Anna I printed out the last one of your photos, took the ruler and drew a line from Emma's eyes to Dan's and they are exactly the same level. And Rupert looks so much taller simply because he is so much taller. If that ain't at least 3 in. difference between him and Dan then I'm the dumbest.
michael said on 24/Aug/07
emma is 5'6 yes i agree with that,but puting here to 5'7 or more i dont think so, im 5'10 and i look much taller than rupert ,and emma looks kinda short comparing to him,shes like 168cm maybe 169?but puting here over 170cm? or 170+' i dont think so,i dont mind if shes taller to, i only dont think shes 5'7 or more even to thats possible:),and she maybe can reach like 5.6.5'maxbut thats max i think:) dont think she is over 170cm
Anna said on 24/Aug/07
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here I just looked at Getty and I finally found some photos of Emma standing up straight and, very unsurprisingly, she looks at least an inch taller than dan. I know the angles are weird in most of the concrete ones, but I think Dan is actually getting more height because look at how tall Rupert looks....I dunno. But anyway, the last one specifically is quite good because they are barefoot and the shot is straight on, dan is in front of Emma (therefore getting more height because it is not taken from above), and Emma looks definitely taller than Dan - just look at where their eyes are. I think the difference looks about 3/4"-1", so, if you take Emma's back position into consideration, she has got to be at least 1" to 1.5" taller than Dan whilst standing next to him (straight) barefoot. I mean, is this not the case? Really look at their eyes not the top of their hair (or try to find Dan's forehead) because Dan's hair gives him extra height whereas Emma's hair is quite flat.
Anna said on 23/Aug/07
And for those who think that saying 5'7" for Emma proves the said person to be "mental" or "crazy"...I said this on Rupert's page but I came across someone who believes Rupert is 5'10", Dan is 5'5", and Emma is 5'8". So, in my opinion saying she is a weak 5'7" does not seem crazy at all. Someone needs to meet her and ask her or, what would be even better is if Glenn got a photo with her, yeah? Would that ever happen?
Anna said on 22/Aug/07
Okay, I'll shut-up about the said "crazy 5'7"" (although it is most likely what she is closer to), but I really think she is a strong 5'6" and I am really not the only one who thinks this. And, I say yet again, the first photo you posted with Maria (no-name) is quite good and it shows Emma as about 2 inches shorter, but then look at the angle (slanted in Maria's advantage), look at Maria's feet (she is doing a calf-raise), and lastly look at Emma's posture (quite terrible/slouched compared to Emma's) and yet Emma looks barely two inches shorter seeing as she is mid-way through Maria's head. I mean, there is absolutely not more than a two inch difference there. Like I said, I'll quit the 5'6.5" (by the way, Chip thinks Emma is this tall as well)-5'7" because Rob would never upgrade her to that for some strange reason (maybe he just hates it when he puts on a younger actor and s/he grows so he has to upgrade them? i dunno....), but an upgrade to her claimed 5'6" is quite reaosnable. And that's a barefoot height without a doubt. Can you just give us a bit of feedback Rob? I mean, it's quite obvious Dan and Emma are no longer the same height. He even bloody admits it in an interview, he claims 5'5", she claims 5'6", and she looks a full inch or more taller than him in photos. What more do you need? It's just ridiculous. And plus, you have to admit, she wasn't that much shorter than Rupert in the Paris photo call photos.
Maya said on 22/Aug/07
Anna Daniel said something like: I measured myself THIS MORNING and realized I was still 5'5". Now if that's his morning height, then his evening height could well be under 5'5". I'll try to find the exact quote. As for Emma, she never looks more than half an inch taller than him, and he often looks taller than her too. She's 5'5" and she's been than height for almost two years now.
Ariella said on 21/Aug/07
Again Emma is 5'5 at the least and 5'6 MAX but I do think Emma is more towards 5'5. Anna please stop Emma does not tower over Dan I believe she is a tad under Dan, and Emma is definitely not close to 5'7, I'm sorry Anna but she's not, she's around 5'5, just get over it, no one else but you think she's over 5'6 and she's not, there's pictures that prove it and her site proves it. Anonymous, are you that one member on the Emma site with private pictures?
Anna said on 21/Aug/07
And as for pictures of adults and Emma - after looking at them it's pretty obvious that she's grown about 2 inches because of where she now stands with Regis, her dad, and her mum. By the way, does anyone know how tall her brother, Alex Watson, is? He's quite cute, although quite young as well I believe, so I probably should not say that.
Anna said on 21/Aug/07
No, I think that Dan is at least 5'5", maybe 5'5.5". I highly doubt he's under 5'5". And that's complete rubbish, Emma looks, okay not way, but noticeably taller in those barefoot photos I posted. You have to look at where their eyes are because Dan's hair is poofed, giving him about a 1/2" or maybe an inch, and even so the top of Emma's head is above his poof. Maybe that's why people are getting confused? And with Maria, she looked shorter whilst inside, but that's because she was standing in back of Maria in nearly every shot. That's why I think the sidewalk photos are better.
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Those are a few and, I know that the sidewalk is tilted up when it gets closer to the shop, I was simply saying Emma looks taller when she is on the slight incline, as demonstrated in some of the photos and in the others that are evenly planed, she looks a maximum 2 inches shorter and a minium 1 inch shorter. And let me just ask a question again....why would Emma lie about her height? Don't you think, if she were still only 5'5", she would list that as her height on her official site? I just don't see why she would lie in the upgrading way....and, more proof that some girls downgrade: even Rob thinks Kate Jackson downplayed her height by more than an inch "You know it is possible this was her measured height but she might not have been standing properly getting measured...or more likely she was downplaying her height from 175cm?" So, if Emma were really 5'6.5" and she said 5'6" on her site, it really wouldn't be that much of a downgrade. I think she deserves to be listed as 5'6" at least on this site though.
michael said on 21/Aug/07
i think emma is definitly 5'6 no shorter no higher:) probably she wont grow any more,but she is taller than dan,thats fact,and she realy looks taller than him,so i dont know?she must be at least 2cm higher than dan,i hope her height get upgraded to 5'6 if not well i cant do any about it acept say my opinion,best luck to all:) i go out
lila said on 21/Aug/07
anonymous non-name: brilliant post! Emma cannot be any taller than 5' 5.5" (and that's pushing). Now anna will look dumber than she already does by saying Emma is 5' 7"!!! Brilliant!!!
Scarlett said on 21/Aug/07
Okey dokey...Emma DOES NOT tower over Dan, Anna! Altho i certainly agree with you that she is taller, its not by much...at the VERY, VERY most shes an inch taller - but i think its closer to half an inch. I'd say she's about 5'5.75...a whisker under 5'6. I think Dan is a tinsy bit over 5'5.
Maya said on 21/Aug/07
Agree with anonymous no-name completely. Emma can't possibly be over 5'5".
By the way, do we need another proof that Dan wears lifts than the LA premiere pics? Here's one:
Click Here Emma in flat silver pumps looks really tiny, Dan looks 2 in. taller than her (which in reality he isn't), and Rupert in Converse is still taller than Dan by about 2 in. My honest guess is that Rupert isn't above 5'8", but that Dan and Emma are actually just under 5'5".
anonymous no-name said on 21/Aug/07
It's funny how in most of the pics anna posted she actually looks the same height or smaller than Dan (and Dan doesn't look that much smaller than Rupert!). There are at least a couple of pictures where she looks a tad taller, so it's funny you chose those pictures with the argument you're making. And in your post where you posted just one pic, they're actually sitting on their knees...
And then, according to anna she only looked 1/2-1" smaller than Maria Menounos. Seriously, I mean, I'm sorry but have you looked closely? In most of the pictures on even floor
Click Here she looks this much smaller, and in most pictures even more. There are only 3 or 4 pictures where she looks less than 2" smaller than Maria, and the one where she looks the same height? The pavement gets higher nearer to the store
Click Here in the other pictures outside, she still looks an inch smaller. And I think we can all agree an inside floor is more likely to be waterlevelled than the pavement/sidewalk outside!
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
What did you say? Emma 5'6.5"? Then she wouldn't look 2-3" smaller next to a 5'8.25" (including maria's shoes!)
And then finally, compare this:
Click Here Click Here to this
Click Here
and look at her and David Heyman. I think we can conclude from this, she didn't grow a lot since the beginning of 2006 when she said 'about 5'5"'. And then, her next to David Heyman in 2005:
Click Here
To me the most she could have grown since 2005 is about 1.5", considering both shoes in all pics and louch in the LA photo.
Now, I realise this is an effing long post, sorry for that. Dan is 5'5.5" at the very most. Why else would he first say 5'6", and later on 'I just got measured this morning and am still 5'5"'. Honestly, the half inch was important a year ago, if he really was 5'5.5", the half inch would still be important and he wouldn't have said 5'5".
Ariella said on 20/Aug/07
I highly doubt Emma is going to grow anymore she said she was 5'5 in 2005 and she only grew an inch in 2 years, yeah that's a sign that she won't grow anymore and Anna stop making Emma taller than she is Emma was barely taller than Dan at the OOTP photo call and she had 2 inch heels on so I think Dan is a tad taller, but just a bit not too much, but Anna Emma will not be 5'7 and she is not slightly taller than 5'6 so stop pushing it, she is 5'5 at the least and 5'6 MAX she is not taller than 5'6 and she won't be.
anna said on 20/Aug/07
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here As I've said, those who think she is still 5'5" are, without a doubt, kidding themselves. She's taller than Dan, so why is she still listed the same height as him?? And she's verging on towering over him now; look at the photos of them barefoot, even without considering Dan's bloody hair-poof! It's quite comical actually. She's looking down at him like a child in the photos, not that that matters in the least, just a tad funny.
anna said on 20/Aug/07
Click Here honestly, last post about this until Rob responds, but how does this not prove that Emma is no longer the same height as Dan? It's a straight-on shot, the two are in nearly the same position, both have somewhat equal posture, the ground is even, Emma has a 1/2" to 1" footwear disadvantage (if not more....her shoes were absolutely flat and Dan's were "more than Converse" tennis shoes), and Emma looks at least an inch taller than Dan, which would most likely translate to 1.5" if you take in footwear. And that is considering Dan 5'5", he could very well be the 5'5.5" he said he was. Ergo, Emma needs to be upgraded to her downgraded 5'6" at the least. She's 5'6.5" bang on, I'm positive. Whatevs though and does anyone here know when they are going to start filming the sixth movie?
Stephanie said on 20/Aug/07
Her official site says she is 5' 6" and I think she's done growing. She's 17 and she's been in the 5' 5"/5' 6" range for a while now.
Mischa Barton is at least 5' 9" maybe 5' 10" or taller. She seems to keep growing, although being as skinny as she is makes her look tall.
Maya said on 20/Aug/07
anna you DID claim 5'11" for Mischa not so long ago:
"Anna says on 1/Aug/07
[...] For example, in some scenes of The OC she can be wearing flats and Ben can be wearing his special shoes and when Mischa actually stands up straight she is easily 1/2"-1" taller than Ben, which would lead one to believe she would be more like 5'11".
But let's not argue about that. Here's why I think Rob will never upgrade Emma. Obviously I can't read his mind, but here are his words: "English Actress from harry potter movies has said she is 'about 5ft 5'. 2006 she doesn't look to have grown since saying it." Now, if he didn't think she grew up in 2006, it's even more unlikely he'd buy she's still growing in 2007, now that she's 17. Pure logic.
anna said on 20/Aug/07
Yes, I do. And Mischa's 5'10" in my opinion. 5'10.5" at the most.
Ariella said on 20/Aug/07
Yes Anna she is 5'6 but she is not pushing 5'7 Emma is 5'6 MAX.
Chip said on 19/Aug/07
Anna, Emma was about 13 during PoA, I think. I don't think she looked 12, and I don't think she looked 4 years younger than Dan, lol, but I do agree that she's been looking more mature lately. As for Emma growing more, it's not very unlikely, but I wouldn't count on it. This isn't always the case, but normally, a girl's growth doesn't last as long as a boy's. She could grow, but I would say no more than an inch.
I agree with you about Dan having looked mature. He seems to have started undergoing puberty before most of the other young cast. I mean, right before PS/SS was released, when Dan was doing interviews, his voice had gotten deeper. Rupert and many of the others still had high-pitched voices. Dan seemed to mature right after PS, and then he aged quite steadily, without growing very much. The other boys, like Tom, Matthew, Jamie, etc., seemed to go through age a bit later than Dan. Let's not forget that Tom, who was 13 in the first film, looked and sounded like a 10 year old. I think he was undergoing puberty and his growth spurt during CoS, because in some scenes he looks and sounds younger, while in others he looks taller and sounds older.
michael said on 19/Aug/07
ok i agree with u anna,but u all forget 1 inportant fact,maybe u dont but u dont say it,emma is youngest?didnt she?so of curse she will grow more?dan and rupert are in age where they reached they max height level probably,but i think emma can get 1-2 inches more why not.. or maybe she wont, i do also belive that shes 5'6- 5.6.5'' now,i really dont belive that shes 5'7 and about slouching hm ye probably she get less hegih in pictures with doing that.. and yes i liked part with dudley to in 5th movie:)and short guys are not always much cuter:)being 5'9- 6'2 best heights for boys:)
Maya said on 19/Aug/07
Oh dear, Anna. Don't you have a life aside from your 5'7" Emma and 5'11" Mischa?!
anna said on 19/Aug/07
Oh dear, there is another Anna on here and she is actually somewhat agreeing with me - this is not going to turn out well. I hope it doesn't confuse people. Just to let you know, I think there is another Anna on here because I didn't make that second comment on the 19th of August. Just a slight warning. Anyway, I think that Hugo has some good points with the vertabrae thing, but it all just confuses the entire picture even more, so I don't really know what to say of it. However, it does add another fact to the reason why the differences between the trio vary so much from event to event. And anonymous, you have some good points, but I disagree with you on how much Emma grew between GoF and OotP. I too belive that she was just a tad bit smaller than Dan definitely during filming GoF and he was probably just shy of 5'5" so she was most likely 5'4.5" thus she used the term 'about'. However, I believe she grew at least 2 to 3 inches in between GoF and OotP because she definitely looks to be a strong 5'6", although much closer to 5'6.5" or slightly more at most times. And the sidewalk photos of Maria and Emma are loads better to judge from because, and I have a good reason, one can actually see that the ground is even and in the other photos, one cannot even see the ground, which makes me feel like we should be looking at the sidewalk photos. So, let's say that Emma has a 1/4"-1/2" footwear advantage, but, in those photos, she honestly looks 1/2"-1" shorter than Maria. And, when she is on a slight incline, she is taller than Maria! (she's also standing up straight, contrary to how she is bending on even ground) It's quite crazy and again makes me think that she's losing more height to slouching then we think. So, I believe, like Chip, a 5'6.5" listing would be almost perfect because she consistently looks 1.5" taller than Dan and 1.5" shorter than Rupert, which, with Dan being 5'5" and Rupert 5'8", makes 5'6.5" quite perfect for Emma. Who would have predicted that Dan would be the shortest and there would be a perfect 1.5" difference between all of them? I know I was not thinking that in the earlier movies, I thought Emma would be short because she was absolutely tiny in the first movie. And, yeah, I saw that first photo call as well anonymous and I really don't know how they did it either, Dan looked to have grown, but ah well, let us forget about it because we have an entire movie, somewhat good photos of the trio barefoot (although Emma slouches in nearly all of them whilst barefoot - it doesn't take much to figure out why), and height listings from all three actors and they all essentially point to the listings I just gave. I'm guessing Emma will either stay at 5'6.5" or grow 1/2"-1" more and be just about 5'7" or slightly over, which is quite a good height for an actress, the same exact height as Keira Knightley. I think that is slightly funny because, as I've said before, Dan and Elijah look very similar and are around 5'5" and Keira and Emma look very similar and are both around 5'7". Both matches also play extremely similar roles in their movies. I just think it's quite uncanny and ironic. Furthermore, I feel Dan has better hair than Elijah, however, both have amazing eyes. And, for that one girl who keeps saying that Emma is "not tall", I really don't think that's true. I hate to keep trying to defend this because it makes me sound idiotic, but I must tell you my story (and I also find "heightist" people unbearably annoying). There is a girl on my football team who I thought to be at least 5'8" or so (I've just realised this is quite like the Michelle P. story, ah well) and then she said her height and I was genuinely surprised to hear that she was really more like 5'6" or 5'7" or, more precisely, 5'6.5" (like Emma). I know that I am on the shorter side at 5'3", but I would have thought she was much taller than this - she is easily one of the tallest on our team. It once again shows that 5'6"/5'7" is definitely not short for a girl, it is on the taller side. And as those who have visited other pages on this site know, Emma will most likely be on the taller side amongst the actors and actresses she will work with if she continues to work in show business, which I think she plans to do. And Chip, thanks for agreeing, I do think that 5'6.5" is a quite accurate listing for Emma, about as precise as one can get. Do you think she could grow anymore? I am not really one to judge because I stopped growing when I was 13, but I've heard that some girls continue to grow and Emma is 17, so I just don't really know. She seems like she could still reach 5'7" though if she hasn't already, maybe? And, am I the only one who has thought that Emma has always looked quite young and just recently she's beginning to look more mature? I just watched the third movie and she literally looked like a 12-year-old and she was around 14 or 15 during filming I believe. Moreover, she looked about 4 years younger than Dan, contrary to Emma, he has always looked quite mature in my opinion. Does anyone else agree with this? And, yes Chip, I did notice that Dan did such in that scene with Dudley, it was quite funny. And I have to say that I did not pay attention to height the whole movie, I just sat back and enjoyed it, but it was also quite funny when Emma gave the hug to Dan in Grimmuald Place. She literally had to bend down to hug him and whilst she was talking to him, she was like tilting her head down. It's sad that we're taking the piss out of Dan, but, it was quite funny and it makes me like him even more. Like I've said, short guys are just so much cuter. Doe anyone else agree with anything I've said? Have a good day!
anonymous no-name said on 19/Aug/07
I don't think they tried to make anyone look taller. If they'd tried to make anyone look taller, it would have been Dan. Why would they pay attention to the fact Ron is supposed to be tall, and not to the fact that Harry is supposed to be quite tall as well? That makes no sense.
Anyway, I'm sticking with what I've been saying for quite a while now: She grew about 1"-1.5 since GOF. Then, she was about 5'4"-5'4.5" (just a tad smaller than Dan). She hasn't grown more, just compare her to David Heyman and her dad, and even on Regis and Kelly where she looks taller than Regis when he stands back (which was almost the same 2 years ago) Then, she's 2-3" smaller than 5'8" Maria Menounos. When she's barefoot and Maria is in flat sandals (about 1/4"), she really looks 3" smaller, both in the pictures and in the video. Yes, later on when they are walking, there are pictures where she looks 1-2" smaller, but overall 80% of the time she really looks 2-3" smaller. There's more height difference between her and Rupert and Maria than between her and Dan, you can't deny that.
I'll admit that at first I thought Emma was 5'5", Dan 5'6" and Rupert 5'8". I concluded that from the first photocall pictures, and I don't know how they did it, but Dan really looked like he'd grown. But then the second photocall, Emma was wearing heels and Dan sneakers, she had about 2", 2.5" max on him. If Dan had been an inch taller, she wouldn't have been 2" taller in 2.5" heels.
Now, to prove she's not 5'6.5" if Dan is 5'5": if top-of-head to eye really is 4.5", wouldn't Dan reach to about her eyebrow with Emma in 2.5" heels and being 1.5" taller, according to some here? Instead, he reaches at least up to her mid-forehead (when she's standing straight! in most pictures she's not standing straight and he comes up to her hairline), which would make her about 2.5" taller in heels that give her what? 2-2.5"? Now you do the math. Let's not forget Dan has a 1/4" shoe advantage as well eh.
Anna said on 19/Aug/07
She says in her official website that she is 5"6 and i do believe she is telling the truth.
Chip said on 19/Aug/07
Anna, I completely agree with you. I do think that Emma is 5'6.5", but not 5'7". I also agree with you that they tried to make Rupert look taller. While I'm not worked up about the height like some people on this site are, I do think that they should've tried to make Dan look taller.
Anna, you know one thing that made me laugh? In OOTP, in the beginning scene, Dudley and his gang are making fun of Harry. It's clear that all of them are quite a bit taller than Dan. The thing that made me laugh was after Dudley (talking aout Harry's mum) was saying, "Is she dead?" Then Harry(Dan) gets up from the swing. Then he's walking over to Dudley and pulling out his wand, and when he reaches Dudley, he stops and stands up as straight as he can. If you know what I'm talking about, you've got to admit that it looks pretty funny. I guess Dan wanted to make himself look taller there, lol.
Hugo said on 18/Aug/07
Emma has been promoting OOTP nonstop last month, so I doubt there was time to rest adequately. When you lie down for many hours, the disks that seperate your vertebrae in the spinal column expand just a little. Because of this seperation, this can give you a little increase in height. But as the day goes by, you start to shrink. People who are younger can take advantage of this. What I'm saying is, concerning the OOTP promotion pictures, I have no idea if Emma just woke up or was up for five hours or was at a nighttime height in these pictures. Emma may be a different height in the pill dress photo than the one with the blue dress, depending on when Emma woke up. But if one didn't view a photo mathematically & scientifically and just viewed the photo(eliminating Emma's sleep schedule--disks, vertebrae aka advantage of increase height), I'd have to conclude that the photo of Emma wearing "the pill dress" appears to be around 5'5", with Dan being shorter.
Anna said on 17/Aug/07
I don't think they tried to make Dan look shorter in the movie, but I do think they tried to make Rueprt look slightly taller with his shoes and stuff. I think they cared less about Daniel and Emma's heights, I dunno why. I think they should have worked more on Dan's height though, but I think your conclusions on the printing ceremony are a little off nithya, it seems obvious that Emma is taller, I think most people can at least agree on that. And I htink that Emma is probably precisely 5'6.5", 5'7" may be a little too high, 5'6.5" is probably exactly what it is. Although, at tiems with Rupert she barely looks one inch shorter, which makes me think that 5'7" is not completely out.
nithya said on 17/Aug/07
actually anna in the hp 5 they have made emma and ripert look taller .see them in la when they were getting their wand imprits...emma is 2 cm shorter than daniel an d rupert is 3 cm taller than daniel ...hp 5 they just made daniel look shorter god knows why!!!!!!
Chip said on 16/Aug/07
michael, Anna wasn't talking about JK Rowling, she was talking about some guy called JK-something who posts on this site.
michael said on 16/Aug/07
hm ye i think emma is like 5'6 to max,btw on mugglenet.com when u go movie 5,cast special click on rupert they saying he is 5'11 haha no way... btw emma is like 5'6 i think ,puting here to 5'7 is litle to much i think,maybe she is like 168cm max i think,and anna on whot page jk rowling said that about rupert?can u give link or somthing plz
Ariella said on 16/Aug/07
No Anna I was saying a long time ago that if anything she would be 5'5 way before she would be 5'7 like you were Claiming, AGAIN Emma is 5'5 least 5'6 MAX. GET OVER IT!
Anna said on 15/Aug/07
And I would just like to say that I'm sorry JK, you were just being quite rude on Rupert's page and I just don't get why you would call people those ridiculous names. And, to be honest, you were sounding like a 5 year old. It just sort of made me lose respect for you and you have most likely already lost respect for me, so it doesn't really matter. I'm sorry though, but I do hope you realise that you were quite rude. You can say your opinions, just don't do it in that manner I would think. And Rob, honestly, either you must downgrade Rupert to 5'6"-5'7" (which he most obviously cannot be, he barely looked shorter than the 5'9" to 5'10" Tom Felton in those photos) or upgrade Emma to 5'6" or 5'7". I mean, this is getting risible; the film has been out for over a month and we still cannot get you to upgrade? I once again ask, have you seen the film?? If you haven't, I'll post a clip from youtube that you can look at that sums up the film quite nicely and the conclusion is quite simple - Emma is at the very least one inch taller than Dan and I think it quite plausible that Dan could be 5'5" or 5'5.5", so that would put Emma, not at 5'5", but at anything as low as 5'6" to anything as high as 5'7". I mean, I am not the only one who is thinking this anymore. I was once alone, but I really am not anymore. Those who have seen the film, read the interviews, and looked at the Printing ceremony photos have come to realise that Emma has most definitely grown since the 5'5" claim 2 or so years ago. I guess I'm just curious as to where you stand on this? Is it not pretty obvious that she has grown since making that claim? And I ask others (excluding 3, who seems to think that the fact that Hermione is taller than Harry is a great flaw in the movies) why it is fusses people if Emma is taller than Dan? He has even come to admit it, why do others not? I just don't see why it would matter so much. And I just have to say one more thing about average height because this surprised me a lot. I saw the movie Hairspray the other week and saw Michelle Pffiefer in it and was like "oh, wow, she is really tall" because she seemed to tower over everyone. So, I searched her height on Google and came across her page on trusty celebheights expecting to see a listing of, at the least 5'7", more like 5'8" actually, but then saw that she was listed as 5'6.5". This really surprised me and it just proves that 5'6"/5'7" (the range that Emma Watson is most likely in) is definitely not short for a female - this Michelle Pfeffier literally was taller than every other girl besides Queen Latifah. So, when crazy tall girls who are around 5'8" and 5'9" call Emma Watson a munchkin, it just really makes me laugh because 5'6"/5'7" is not even short for a girl. It is definitely on the taller side. And this person that I'm talking about (I've forgotten her name and the height she gave 5'8" I think though) the funny thing is if you were to meet Emma Watson you'd barely be taller than her - 1 to 2 inches I'd presume. So, I just find it funny that you think that she's a muchkin....haha sorry, but I think you understand what I am talking about. I think taht Emma Watson and Keira Knightley should meet. I want to see who is taller as of now. Or for Mischa and Emma to attend another event together; it seems like Emma never attends any events or never takes photos with other celebrities.
Anna said on 15/Aug/07
Click Here Look at how short Katie is compared to the twins? Does anyone else find this really surprising? Dan and Emma weren't this short compared to them, were they?
6'3'' JK said on 15/Aug/07
''but I do hope I am not being so rude......haha.'' - you definetley are NOW
Anna said on 14/Aug/07
I know that people have morning and evening heights, but can it really vary by an inch? I'm not saying this is untrue, but it just seems like quite a difference. That would be quite cool though and, like you said, it would make a difference when people meet someone. And, I just want to thank you michael, at least I know there is one sane person here. Thank you very much for the support. You are totally making sense and in the photos that I posted, I did notice that Rupert looked shorter, but I think it was because of his posture and lack of footwear compared to Dan's. And I just found it really funny that you basically summed up the whole book in your last comment. hahaha, hopefully eveyone has read it. haha. It was absolutely incredible and I think that JK killed off Tonks and Lupin so that their son Teddy would be growing up as Harry did, an orphan. yeah? That's what I've concluded. Emma needs to be upgraded though. This is just getting ridiculous. Rob, are you ever going to upgrade her? I mean, she definitley looks to have grown since the GoF era: she was barely up to Rupert's eyes then, now she barely looks an inch shorter at times. Is this not correct? And I just want to thank people on this forum, there is a crazy man by the name of JK rambling on pointlessly on Rupert's page, which, some may say I am doing, but I do hope I am not being so rude......haha.
cherie said on 14/Aug/07
Hey Hugo, where'd you find out that people have 3 heights? That's probably the coolest piece of information i've heard so far. thanks!
hayley said on 14/Aug/07
i didnt make up that story and i do agree that the only way to know how tall she really is is to meet her and she honestly wasnt much taller than 5'1, perhaps 5'4 at the most maybe less. I havent met her, im just goin by what ive heard
Hugo said on 14/Aug/07
It's hard to know anybody's height because when you wake up, you are at your tallest. By midday, you've shrunken a little because of gravity and the disks in your vertebrea shift and by night you've shrunken from your midday height. So, in reality everybody has 3 heights: Morning, noon and night. If someone were to ask you what height you are, it would depend on what time of day it is. So someone might see Emma in the morning and have an opinion of what her height is--compared to someone who saw Emma at night. Then these two people will be disagreeing about her height. Perhaps, Emma is able to get an inch out of bed or maybe less. People will see Emma at different times in the day and have different opinions of what her height is.
michael said on 14/Aug/07
ye hi anna,missed u lol,nobody speaks any more on forums,and ye ppl need acept fact that sheet grows and that she did grow and i like it,im good while shes 5'6-5'7 because im 5'10 and im not still worried but maybe i shuld be hehe,joking only,oh ye and anna your crazy and cool to heh,and about that ginny-harry thing im suprised and disapointed by that choice,i woud rather see harry-hermione but oh well im not the one who can make choices here,book 7 was realy incredble,i live in croatia,but i bought book on english and readed it in 2 days, i must say im supried snape was good guy, he was in love with lily potter,and i feel terible about deaths of tonks and lupin-they had son-teddy thats just mad, i dont know why J.K did it but she has resons i guess.Best part is when hermione kiss ron and i like end best,when harry almost died,speaks with dumbledore.,and at end molly weasley kills belatrix,nevile kills nagini,and than harry kills voldemort with elder wand,he was real owner of master wand,before him was dumbledore,i liked fight for hogwarts chaptare,well movie 6 and 7 will have to be 3haurs+ long,if not 6th one than 7th at least,if 7 movie will be less than 3haurs it will sox totaly,so many things must be done in it,and i only hope that u ppl will acept fact that emma is not longer 5'5 no hard feelings to,i got nothing against any of u,i dont want push u to acept that fact,u got your own opinions,and i think time will prove whot me and anna and few more ppl are trying to push out,i think thats only the truth,and i hope that she will put her real height on her page.I peronaly have nothing agenst taller girls,i mean i dont like that girl is bigger than me,but 5'7 -5'9 is ok,and emma is probably like 170cm-5'7 i belive that to,but anna im kinda confused,those are very good pictures,do u see how dann looks much closer to rupert?who is like 5'9?and dann looks like 2inches shorter to me, i think, not sure about that to wish u all best luck cya
Anna said on 13/Aug/07
Here are just a few photos to demonstrate my opinions. And, before anyone can say this, the shots are taken straight on and you can see this by looking at the poster. Plus, we know they are standing on the cement and although one of Emma's feet is margianally in front of Dan's, her other one is farther back than Dan's, so that cannot be argued.
Click Here Click Here Click Here Remember during the GoF era Emma was barely up to Rupert's eyebrows when she wore flats? Now she is halfway up his forehead! Jesús!
Anna said on 13/Aug/07
hahha, Michael, what a crazy cool guy you are, lol, you're amazing! haha, but yeah, I'm sorry, my internet has been messed up for the past few days, so I couldn't log on to this forum, but yeah, I basically agree with you. I think pictures and footage prove that Emma is at the very least 5'6", but there is also a very good possibility that she is closer to 5'7" now. I believe that if she is not 5'7" already, she will most likely grow to be that tall someday, however, I'm not really sure. And although I try to steer away from this subject, she does seem to have quite a tall family and her 14 year old brother seems to be quite tall for his age - he looks to be close to 5'10", but I guess we don't really know. And, furthermore, I suspect that you didn't make up that story Hayley, but wow, that's just crazy. I know Rob can make mistakes, but it doesn't seem like he would be off by more than 4 inches. lol, that would be insane and that would mean Dan would be around 5'0", hahahaha, how funny would that be? haha and then Rupert would be about 5'3". Wow, they'd be very successful actors if that were the case. Lol, I guess I'm going to have to disregard that encounter, I'm sorry. But yeah, I think that the only genuine way to know Emma's exact height is if a person meets her, tells her to take off her shoes, and casually pull out a tape measurer and measure her exact height. I think that even if you do meet or see her in person (or any celebrity for that matter), you can't really get a good realisation of how tall they are unless you stand face to face with them, which, I am guessing, no one on this forum has done. So, we're all judging by films and photos and, to be honest, Emma looks like she could be verging on 5'7". And I think michael brings up a good point, do people not want Emma to be "tall" (and I use quotes because that seems like a sensitive subject to you lot). I mean, she used to be on the shorter side, but honestly, now she has grown and she is not short at all. She is nearly as tall as Rupert. I know that it's a bit disappointing that she is taller than Dan and almost as tall as Rupert, seeing as those aspects don't really follow the book, but she seems like she could be a great actress and I believe the trio work together really well because they have a special bond. And she's taller than Dan and, like he has stated, he will probably not being growing much in height, so people are going to have to accept it. I just don't get what the fuss is. I mean, although you can tell it's a bit embarrassing for Dan, he still accepts it. Remember that Entertainment Weekly article I posted? He said "they're all taller than me now, which is annoying." I am guessing if Emma were the same height as Dan, he would pounce on that. The gap must be pretty significant if he isn't willing to lie about it. He's 5'5" and Emma's 5'6"-5'7", yeah? Sorry, but Ariella, I find it funny that you now think that Emma could be 5'6", were you not the one who was saying people were crazy to think of her anything over a weak 5'5"? lol, I do remember getting yelled at quite a few times by you.....And the reason why the gap looks smaller sometimes is because of camera angles, footwear, and posture. These three things can make a huge different, but when you find good photos and good footage, it's quite easy to tell that Emma is at least an inch taller than Dan. And, I just have a confession. I just found this site one day and thought it would be a laugh to say that Emma was actually more like 5'7" or so, but I didn't really have any picture evidence or anything nor did I really believe that this was true, but now after seeing the movie and promotional images, it's qutie funny because she could very well be 5'7". hahahaha. And, although I find neither attractive because I am a girl, I have just always hated Bonnie for some reason. Furthermore, Ginny. She just has always seemed way too young for Harry. Harry and Hermione - we all know that Albus Severus was no son of Ginny's, right? ;) haha. What was JK Rowling smoking when she thought to put Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter together?? That's what I would like to know.
michael said on 12/Aug/07
i think emma is more than 5'5 and i dont know about your aunt,but emma is 5'6 at the moment maybe even more,or maybe if shes not than rupert and dann are even more less shorter than they already are -.- hm where is anna she dosent tippe any?oh ye in 7th film emma will have to kiss rupert,i readed book she will kiss him in book, i hope they put it in movie because i remember she said in 1 interview that shes afraid of kissing in front of cameras thats gona be funny, and harry kissing scenes will be funny to , i dont like to much actor whos playing ginny,that bonny girl, i woud rather kiss emma than her...
Hayley said on 11/Aug/07
my aunt worked with Emma and she was only slightly taller than she was and she is 5'1. Emma wears heels a lot so maybe that is why she appears to be 5'5, 5'6 but from when my aunt saw her, she was petite
michael said on 11/Aug/07
yeah,but why she dosent put her real hegiht on her website?i mean we never know real true,only ppl who meet here or seen here can actualy realy say how big she is...but i wont push that shes 5.7 because shes not 170cm i think more like 168 but definitly 5'6...i think her height needs be upgraded because fact is she realy grown up?didnt she?and yes ariella i agree with u shes 5.6 probably not more than that,after i view som of her photos with rupert and dan i think she realy is 5'6.HMHM i think ruperts height is not correct that why we get conufsed a lot,i think hes more like 5'8-172-173cm well anyways this is nice forum and im glad i find it,i dont say im in rite when i claim this but i do think thats true:)
Ariella said on 10/Aug/07
OMG you guys, just stop Emma is 5'5-5'6 5'5 at the least and 5'6 at the most, not any taller.
Anna said on 10/Aug/07
Well, yeah, I am totally sorry if I've come across rude because I know I haven't been the most open-minded or anything and I have been extremely persistent and, some may say, annoyingly so. haha and they can totally back up their claim and I will henceforth attempt to be a little more willing to look at others photos and such, but I just have to say that I have honestly been looking at other peoples' photos and I would say that at the very least Emma always looks between 3/4"-1" taller than Dan at a first glance and then when you consider footwear, hair, et cetera, she could very well be more like 1.25"-2" taller than him. I am honestly not joking, I really think this, I wouldn't be saying it if I was just making up rubbish just to fit my point. I really think that she looks a legitimate 5'6" to 5'7" and Dan looks a legitimate 5'5". And I know this photo is huge and taken at a weird angle, but look at it:
Click Here she is definitely taller. And, one can see that emma's shoes have at the most like 1/4" if even of height on them whereas Dan's have nearly an inch. Am I right? Plus, like I said, I feel like when Emma stands up straight, she looks at least 1 inch taller than Dan when you find his hair and this is even disregarding the footwear disadvantage, which would give Emma like 1/2" or more height on Dan. And regarding hair, somebody said that you must think about Emma's hair because it's poofy in the back, however, I ask how is it poofy? It looks quite flat to me. The only member of the trio who seems to have poofy hair is Dan, Emma's and Rupert's hairs look quite flat. But yeah, the movie is stange, but seeing as she looks a good inch to 1.5" taller than Dan when they are wearing their Converse, I am sticking with the 5'5"-5'5.5" Dan and 5'6"-5'7" for Emma. Plus, there are all of those photos with Maria where she barely looks more than an inch shorter, ergo the 5'7" for Emma. And the fact that she's barely shorter than Rupert when she stands up. Which brings up an important point....slouching makes a HUGE difference. i saw two photos of the London after party where in the first eMma was slouching and around Dan's height and in the second standing up straight and being able to see over Dan's head. haha rambling, sorry, but Bertha, erm, I'm not sure how to take that - is it sarcasm or sincerity? One will never know....:) But I do feel quite good because a few people are actually starting to agree with me. And V, yeah, she is very pretty, actually, she does not seem like Hermione at all in the latest film, which has me wondering why 3 isn't complaining about her "prettiness" as yet "another flaw in the movies".....haha I think the movies are actually quite good though....Us corrupted fans are brainwashed to think so though, at least according to 3. :P
Bertha said on 10/Aug/07
Anna-- you should be a lawyer.. or onthe debate team =P. i think around 5.5 is right though.
V said on 10/Aug/07
OMG!!! Just seen Anna's pics of Ron, Harry (whatever their real names are) and Emma, and I can't believe how pretty Emma is!!! And Anna, Michael i agree she looks about 5'6
Anonymous no-name said on 10/Aug/07
First of all, I'm sorry if I came across as rude. It's just that, you are very persistent, you know that, right? And you dismiss any evidence that doesn't support you're 'over 5'6"' claim.
When you say things like 1.5" taller, there isn't one recent pic that even comes close to that. Even in the picture that you posted she looks .5" to 1" taller and no more, and that shot is, like you said, angled in her advantage. She is taller than Dan, I agree with that, but not by more than 0.5". In the films she even looks quite a bit taller in a lot of shots (although it does go back and forth, one shot in the forest for example, Emma looks nearly 2" taller, but then the camera angle shifts and suddenly she's the same height again) But anyway, they finished filming in what? January? And Emma even finished in October 2006! I don't know what happened, maybe Dan wasn't the 5'5" he claimed last year, Emma shrunk whatever I don't know, but if Dan is really 5'5", Emma can't be taller than 5'5.5", purely based on all the recent pictures. If Dan would be 5'6", yes Emma would probably be 5'6.5", but as he actually said: 'I just got measured this morning and I'm still 5'5", why would he say that if he was actually 5'6"? And I really don't think Mischa's case compares to either Emma or Dan up or downgrading their height. It is a nice example of a celeb downgrading his or her height, but it's much more to be expected from a 5'9.5" girl to downgrade than from a (according to you) 5'7" girl.
Anyway what I think happened over the years? Emma was just under 5'3" around POA. Dan was only slightly taller, probably 5'3.5"-5'4". After GOF, Emma and Dan were about the same height, Emma maybe being about .25" smaller or so. As in my opinion he can't have been that 5'5" he claimed, because I do think he grew at least a little, he must have been around 5'4.5". Emma, about the same height as Dan, stated her height at 'around 5'5", because Dam said he was 5'5" or 5'5.5". She was actually 5'4.5", like Dan. Now, Dan is finally the 5'5" he said he was 2 years ago, Emma grew a bit more and is now 5'5.5".
hello said on 10/Aug/07
Oh my god, Emma is the same height as Dan!!! They're both 5'5, and 5'5 and a half in the morning hence they round it up to 5'6!!! And why wouldn't they want to round up their height!!! She probably said 5'6 on her site since they're the same height and Dan has convinced the media he's 5'6 when really he said that's just a rounded height. And in all the pictures on this site, they look equally tall:
Click Here
Keep in mind Emmas hair is poofed up at the back, it could give extra height.
TJ said on 9/Aug/07
Anna, once again you said " I still believe Emma is a good inch taller than him, it is so obvious in all of the printing ceremony photos". I haven't seen the latest film, so can't comment on that. Maybe she really does look an inch taller in that film. She sure doesn't in those pics though and I don't know what you're seeing that I'm not. Please point to even one pic where she appears to be taller.
michael said on 9/Aug/07
anna i agree with u,i dont want push up any height if thats not real height,but guys,u must admit,if u saw harry potter and the order of the pheonix,other pictures,emma is alot taller than she was in 2005year... she is 167-170,maybe not 170 but definitly 167 or 168cm...i am 5'10atm and i got frends 5'6-5'7 height and they look much taller than dan,at least tall as emma,peronaly i think that u ppl need look truth in face,she is taller than dan,and we all see it,but u wont admit it,.and i dont think that any of u is wrong but i do think anna has good opinion about emma,and yes anna i agree i was shocked to when i saw how emma and rupert look simular heights i was like wow...and im not sure that rupert is 5'9 im 5'10 and i think she looks kinda short for height they claim he is,..and yes i dont see reason why emma couldent grow any more?because shes 17? i repeat i was 16years and i was only 5.6'shortest in class, i mean shortest of boys,now im 19 and im 5'10, i think its not same with evryone,som ppl grow up fast som of us later,but i think u scared to admit that emma has grow up,to be honest i think shes nice girl and its even better that she grow up isnt it?we are not folt that dann is short.(5'5 or 5'55 for boy is under som limit for man, thats very short,most of girls are taller than him so im confused. And i think emma will grow maybe even more,probably wont, but we cant know that,we here discutating her height,i think she realy need put her real height on her site,i dont know why she dont do it,just messure and put it,so we stop arguing or gessing the true,fact is she is over 167cm im sure in that. Sry for my spelling its terible
dave said on 9/Aug/07
either way, what's important is that you shouldn't disregard what someone else says without actually thinking about what they've said or what they're trying to say. just because it doesn't coincide with what you think doesn't make it wrong. like at the start, before i came on here, i strongly thought that emma was 5 foot 5 and that she and dan were the same height. but then after reading what some of you guys have said and looking at some fotos that some of you guys posted up, i reckon emma's more in the 5 feet 6 range (give or take a cm) and that she's taller than dan.
dave said on 9/Aug/07
haha woah, BIG comment anna. nah, don't worry about it. don't apologise. that's the point of forums like this. it allows us to argue/converse with one another over the same bits of evidence. the only difference being our personal opinions and takes on it. it's bound to happen. no matter what evidence/proof you show, someone will always try to find a flaw in it. so we're pretty much going in circles, ay? in a way, i see it like having a religion really. you can be faithful/devoted to a particular religion. and if a person comes along and starts talking about his religion which is different to yours, the least you can do is accept what he says and why he's chosen that particular religion. you don't have to agree or anything, but the last thing you would want him to do is to impress his religion on you, so you shouldn't do that to him. to me, the same thing goes for personal opinions, tastes, anything like that. btw, i'm not religious lol.
anyway, i'm rambling. getting back on topic, what you've said is fair enough anna. before you mentioned it, i always thought dan was somewhere between 5'5" and 5'5.5". coz in one recent interview he did (
Click Here), he said he was 5 foot 5, but in another interview somewhere, he said he was 5 foot 5 and a half and that "that half an inch was important" or something. so yeh, these were the two sources i was going on in relation to dan's height. i had no idea he said he was 5 foot 6 in that jonathan ross interview until you brought it up. but yeh, if he's 5 foot 6, it's possible that emma could be verging on 5 feet 7 then.
at the start i thought emma and dan were very close in height. like, in the best photo i have of dan and emma standing next to each other wearing flat shoes, it's awfully hard to see a difference in height at first glance. the only reason why i ventured as to emma being a cm to half an inch taller was because i was guessing at where the exact top of dan's head was. like you fellas mentioned, his hair's just really messy. i won't deny the possibility of emma being 5 foot 7. i don't think i've ever said it was impossible. although, to me, she's still 5 foot 6 (give or take a half a cm).
michael said on 7/Aug/07
i do think emma is like 168-169cm heigh.If u watched harry potter and the order of the pheonix,she looks same height as rupert,and like 1.5 inches higher than dan.So im not really sure,but she is 5'6 definitly,sry for my spelling im from difrent country,croatia if any knows where that is:)
dave said on 7/Aug/07
also, i have to agree with lila. why would anyone downgrade their height? it doesn't make sense. i mean, deep down, i bet a lot of people would like to be a little bit taller. i'm 5'9", but i wouldn't mind being a bit taller. for her age, emma is quite tall. although, that might seem quite short to you lila, majority of girls i know range from 5'2" to 5'6". hell, i bet three-quarters of the girls at my uni are 5'5" or less. i can't remember how tall you are. was it 5'9"? 5'10"? if it was something like that, than i have to say you're quite tall for a girl.
dave said on 7/Aug/07
haha ok. i didn't wanna offend so i addressed you as mr or mrs anonymous. anyway, anna, in the picture anonymous uploaded, i don't think dan's shoes give him much height advantage to be honest. when you look at the larger version of that photo, the soles don't really seem to be that thick. in fact, they look awfully flat.
also, in that photo you uploaded, where emma is slouching, you should also note where she is standing in respect to where daniel is and where the camera is. she is closer to the camera than he is. even though she is slouching, the fact that she's closer to the camera gives her an advantage in height, doesn't it? also, in my opinion, the ground doesn't seem to be angled at all so it's not really a disadvantage to her. but yeh, as you said, there really aren't that many good photos to use as references. not to brag or anything, but i haven't seen a better pic of the trio standing shoulder to shoulder, standing fully erect, the same distance from the camera. etc. than the pics that anonymous and i posted up (no offence to those of you who have posted up similar pics :S)
lila said on 7/Aug/07
I'm going to say this again because Anna seems to block out statements that make sense in order to argue that Emma is 5' 7" or something ridiculous like that. Anyways, tell me Anna, why would a girl who is not that tall to begin with (saying she was taller than 5' 6") bring her height down? It really doesn't make any sense. Second of all, why wouldn't she be exagerating her height? 5' 5" isn't that tall. Just think of that Anna, and if you try to say "5'7" is tall yadda yadda yadda," I say "only if you're a munchkin like Emma Watson and this weird girl Anna who keeps trying to argue that short people are taller than they really are."
Anonymous said on 7/Aug/07
Thanks dave, and I'm a girl :)
Anyway, what? Pushing 5'7" again? 168cm is closer to 5'6" though, you seemed to know that before? And Dan at 5'5.5"-5'6"? WHAT? I believe you were one of the people who said he wouldn't say 5'5" if he wasn't really 5'5". but I suppose you're finally realising she's not that full inch taller, and if you still want her at 5'6" or over, well than lets just add an inch to Dan, right?
Picture-wise...Mine is better because the angle is really nearly straight-on, while in yours you can actually see the side of the cement on the side Emma stands, which means it's not taken straight on, AND tilted in her favour. Then, the last picture you posted is just, hilarious. You didn't talk about where they were both barefoot, you dismissed, ignored the ones where Dan looked taller or where they looked the same height and are actually level. You swore by the picture you've just admitted is off. Anyway, this is one of the worst bare-foot pictures. They are not level, they are not standing remotely straight and the angle is just off.
Chip said on 6/Aug/07
It's definitely possible that Emma is taller than Dan, but I say half an inch at the most.
michael said on 6/Aug/07
i think emma is like 170cm-5'7 because in pictures that anna posted she looks even close to rupert,compere head of them,and posters behing their heads.But i dont agree that people dont grow after 17years, when i was 16years old i was 5.6 now im 5.10 and im still gowing,19years atm*?i think its difrent to evryone...thanks
Luke99 said on 6/Aug/07
Anna you are really obsessed with Watson's height and proving that she is taller by about 2cm then Daniel.
Anna said on 6/Aug/07
There are honestly not many good photos to compare Dan and Emma when they are barefoot, but look at this one.
Click Here Emma is slouching and she seems to have an angle disadvantage because if you look at the floor, it's angled in her disadvantage. Even so, she still looks AT LEAST an inch taller than Dan. Those are the type I'm talking about; the ones where both are barefoot. You will be hard fetched to find one where Emma stands up straight, but even when she slouches she's taller than Dan, which leads me to believe if he is 5'5.5"/5'6", she is at the very least 168 centimetres, maybe even closing in on 5'7". Like I've said. She definitley needs to be upgraded, I mean, in that photo she is even slouching her shoulders, so it's easy for one to tell she would be prone to downgrade her height.
Anna said on 6/Aug/07
Yeah, what I'm saying Ava is that they will most likely up Emma's height once they put her on the official modelling site. They most likely neither care about nor have influence on what she puts on her official site. And I really think she has grown a relatively significant amount since the GoF era because in a recent article in EW, that says this, 'When he first got cast as Harry Potter seven years ago, at age 11, Daniel Radcliffe was about the same height as his costars. Not any more. ''They're all taller than me now, which is annoying,'' he says with a grin on the set of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix — the fifth film in the series. So does he have to stand on boxes or something? ''Well, I could. But I'm going to have a very complex series of trenches dug. That way all my castmates can walk in them when they're doing a scene with me.''' (go to Dan's page if you want to see the link to the article). I'm not sure exactly who he is speaking of, but I am pretty sure he would be talking of at least Rupert and Emma and if he really was taller than Emma, he would have definitley said something. Remember around GoF when he was saying he was 5'5.5" because he was a 1/2" taller than Emma? So, he's obviously not afraid to do that, but now she's a good deal taller than him and he can't play that anymore. As for the photos, yours would be good anonymous, but if you look closely at the floor, you can see it's tilted in Rupert's and Dan's advantage. I know the photo I was using is slightly like that in Emma's favour, but I would suppose it's a little less angled? And she looks a good inch taller than him even disregarding his hair poof. Plus, she is wearing flat flats and he is wearing tennis shoes, which would give him a footwear advantage. So, I am guessing 5'5.5"-5'6" for Dan and 168cm-5'7" for Emma.
dave said on 6/Aug/07
i'm so with you on that one mr or mrs anonymous. that first photo you posted up is the pretty much the same one i posted up a couple of weeks ago (
Click Here). i think yours is better though coz as you said, it's more level with them. that said, i reckon both our photos are good references. still, i think that between emma and daniel, if one of them is taller, it's emma but not by much. maybe a cm, half an inch. i don't think there's more than an inch difference between the two of them.
anonymous said on 6/Aug/07
I missed this photo the last couple of times I checked the hand/foot/wand printing ceremony pics, but this one is taken even more from the front. They're all leaning slightly to their left, considering that and their hair, I really don't see how you can possibly insist she's over half an inch taller. But anyway, Anna, what was wrong with that picture you kept posting? Well you tell me what's wrong with this picture:
Click Here and please keep in mind that if you dismiss this picture, the picture you have been relying on is also not suitable. If she really was an inch taller, she would look taller in all the hand/foot/wand printing ceremonie pictures, but in fact there are only a couple where she looks significantly n(over that .5") taller and in most she doesn't at all and looks the same height or smaller.
Anyway, Rob if you have the time, could you look at this picture
Click Here as well, the one that Anna kept posting, and judge which one would be the better one to go by? I'd say mine, because it's taken more straight-on as you can tell by the ground. I do think she could be upgraded to 5'5.5" though.
Btw did anyone notice how they wrote her height on her website? According to her website she's not 5'6", but 5"6. Lol :p just thought it was funny.
Ava said on 5/Aug/07
I've seen a couple articles stating she "quitely signed with Storm Model Management". Google Emma Watson and Storm Model Management and you'll find some. I also checked my friends imd b subscription account and you can see what agencies represent which actors and she is listed with one agency for acting as well as storm model management with Simon Chambers as her agent in the uk and her being represented by this modeling agency is a new thing because it wasn't listed there before OOTP came out. I checked about a week ago and Storm did not have her on their official website as of yet. Kate Moss is also represented under Storm under their speical bookings section(with models but also some actors like Ed Speleers). so it wouldn't be a big deal for them to up Emma's height a little too if they need to. Anyway I am 5'2.5" on a good day probably but I'd love to have been a little taller.
Anna said on 5/Aug/07
Does anyone know hot tall Tom Ducker, rugby and "boyfriend" of Emma, is? Here is a very recent photo of them
Click Here She doesn't look much shorter than him and I believe she is in flats. ??
Anna said on 5/Aug/07
Thank you Astrid, that's what we've been saying. In the movie she looks a good deal taller than him and at the Printing Ceremony she looks a good inch maybe 1.5" taller than him and those are the ultimate photos for Celebheights: the actors are barefoot. Plus, even in the cement photos she is wearing insanely flat flats and Dan is wearing tennis shoes that probably give him a little extra height, yet Emma is clearly 3/4"-1.25" taller than him. It's quite obvious. And the only reason I keep going on is because it's absolute craziness. haha. Like I've said, people were saying "Oh we'll get this figured out when the premiere photos come out", but now it's nearly a month later and people still cannot agree on something. However, I may add that quite a few people are agreeing that she is taller than Dan now. And I am still a bit confused with this Model Management thing. Where have you heard this? And wouldnt' they put the "fake" height on the agency's site, not Emma's official site? They probably really do not care about that site, they probably don't even know it exists. And I'm not trying to say that they don't lie about heights for modelling agencies, I just think that Emma's site would put her real height and the fake height would be on the modelling agency's site because Kate Moss isn't even 5'7", she's listed as 5'5.75" on this site. She's actually shorter than Emma: Glenn said she seemed closer to 5'4" than 5'6". So, unless Emma has always been lying about her height and really is only 5'1" or 5'2", my guess is the model agency will list her at the least 5'8", maybe even 5'9" if they get off listing Kate Moss at 5'8". Bottom line, there is too much evidence to prove that Emma is a strong 5'6" and a good inch taller than Dan to prove that she lied for the "sake of modelling" on her official site. Even the HP people are trying to make her look shorter by putting her in flat footwear and making her slouch, not that she doesn't slouch already.
anonymous said on 5/Aug/07
in which photo's she looks that much taller Anna? The only pictures where she looks taller are the hand/foot/wand ceremony, and that ain't an inch.
BTW there isn't that much height difference between your morning and evening height (and Dan was obviously measured in the morning/ early afternoon because he said he got measured the day of the photocall) I always learned that it's about 1cm, which isn't even half an inch.
I agree with Ava though, that was probably when she got measured, and if they listed her at 5'6", there's absolutely no way she's over that by even 1/4", because then they would have put 5'7" without a doubt. Come one, that agency has Kate Moss listed at 5'8"! And she barely reaches 5'7"!
And Anna, it seems to be a very big deal, as this particular discussion has been going on for over a month.
Astrid said on 4/Aug/07
She's taller than Daniel Radcliffe, that is clear. Check out the new Harry Potter Movie (HP and the Order of the Phoenix) if you haven't already... she's constantly in flat-soled shoes/sneakers and stands behind Daniel or slouches to minimize her height next to him.
Anna said on 4/Aug/07
She signed with Storm Model Management? When was this? I've not heard about it. Anyways, like I've been saying on other pages, I believe she's 5'6"-5'6.25" in the evening and 5'6.5"-5'6.75" in the morning. Following suit, Dan must be 5'5" in the evening and 5'5.5" in the morning. That seems to make sense and the only reason I think Emma is slightly more than an inch taller than Dan is because she really looks that much taller in some photos. It's not a big deal though, just what I've concluded. And how tall are you Ava? I'm 5'3" and I think it's a quite good height to be. I wouldn't want to be taller and definitely not shorter, it seems like a good height. I'd feel if I was "taller" like Emma, it would be weird to be taller than guys such as Dan. You know what I mean?
Ava said on 4/Aug/07
The one reason why I think she's now saying 5'6" is because she just signed with Storm Model Management. She may have been told to up her height a little by the agency because thats exactly what happened to my friend. But you could be right Anna, since I've never seen her in person I could be wrong. I guess its not really a big deal anyway. 5'6" is a good height. I know I wish I was 5'6"! :)
Anna said on 3/Aug/07
Well, yes, one would assume that about Regis, but there are two things that make me think differently. Firstly, if you look at the interviews of Dan by Regis in 2005 and then this recent one in 2007, Dan looks almost exactly the same height compared to Regis in both interviews. And, secondly, Rob still has Regis listed at 5'6", so if there is one person to believe, it is Rob and he still hasn't downgraded Regis. Plus, even if Regis were only 5'5" barefoot, he would most likely be at least 5'6" in his dress shoes, like I said, more like 5'6.5". And then in Emma's interview, she wore absolutely flat sandals, which gave her a height disadvantage yet she still looked as tall if not taller than Regis. And I again recognise that it is not strange for an actor or actress to exaggerate their height, but the thing is, if Emma really was only 5'5" still, she would say that because, think about it, in 2005 she was not afraid to say she was 5'5", why would she be afraid to say that now? So, in conclusion, I'm guessing Regis is about 5'5.5" to 5'6.5" because that would seem to follow suit: Daniel-5'5"-maybe5'5.5" in the morning, Emma-5'6"-maybe 5'6.5" in the morning.
Ava said on 2/Aug/07
Anna, I'm sure the reason the Emma seems taller than Regis now is b/c of course due to his age he has most likely lost some height. I've worked in many nursing homes and its amazing to see how much older people can lose in height as they age. I really do think Emma is around 5ft 5inches. Also, I have friend who works out in Hollywood trying to be an actress and she lies about her height by 3 inches and no one ever questions her because people there do it all the time. So its really not a big deal for Emma to be adding 1 inch on to her height.
Anna said on 2/Aug/07
I guess I disagree with most of your points, but whatever. I agree that both Katie and Emma slouch a bit, but the thing is, Emma wears smaller heels than Katie, which is why they look roughly the same height, although I believe Emma always looks at the least 1/2" taller than Katie, which would lead one to believe she's easily 1.5" taller than Katie because Katie has nearly an inch advantage. Honestly, Katie's heels are quite large when you look at them, which is most likely why she slouches so much. Also, you can see photos of the UK after party, where Emma is wearing her same heels and Katie some black dress shoes (not sure how much heel they have, essentially flat but I do reckon they have a bit of height on them and sorry if I've already mentioned these photos before) and Emma literally bends down to be at the same level with Katie and when she stands up completely straight, she literally towers over Katie (the gap looks like 4"-4.5" or maybe even more seeing as Katie barely reaches Emma's eyes) and if Emma's heels were 2.5", she would therefore be 5'6"-5'6.5" and that's not even considering Katie's footwear situation. Take a look at the photos. And the photos with Maria: The reason I've been posting those ones is because they are the only ones where you can actually see their feet and where the shot is not crooked. They are also standing on the same level whereas in the other ones tables and such are in the way and the angles are quite awkward. That's the reason I've been posting them and it makes complete sense why one would use those ones. They are much better than they other ones, at least in my opinion. And I just have a question, are those not normal Converse? Which would, therefore, give her .5" or so? Which would be within centimetres of what Maria gets from her shoes, which should therefore be classified as "similar footwear"? And how would you know if they are new trainers? And I think the Regis and Kelly comparisons prove my point even more. In 2005, Emma was about 1.5"-2" shorter than the 5'6" Regis (who is at least that in his shoes, maybe more), which would put her at 5'4"-5'4.5" (by the way, I think that Dan was 5'5" back in 2005, he's been 5'5" for quite a while now), but then when you look at the 2007 interview, Emma is actually taller than Regis. Not even the same height, she is literally taller (and there is actually a point in the video where they are standing on the same level, so this is where I drew this conclusion), which would put her at about 5'6.25"-5'6.5", but I'm not even advocating that. I'll just say a strong 5'6". She grew 1.5"-2.5" since 2005, it's not like we're saying she grew loads and loads. And I'm not the only one who believes she's 5'6". Stephanie says "and she's about 5'6"." Although I don't see how you can say the average is 5'4.6" and say Emma is average and then go on to say she's about 5'6", I won't ask. And I think that the numbers vary for average height, as one would guess. I think the 5'4.6" figure is for people from 16-24 and the 5'3.5" was for 16+. Either way, Emma's at least 1.5", maybe even two inches above the average. Which wouldn't make her tall, but I would say medium tall.
Anonymous said on 2/Aug/07
gosh Anna. You completely ignore the fact that in the vast majority of pictures, Emma looks smaller than Dan. There's only so much you can slouch without curving/bending back, hip and knee and a tilted head, which is what for example Katie does in a lot of pictures. And as according to you Emma is over an inch taller than Katie, it obviously doesn't take that much from your height as they still look close in height in spite of that. Emma doesn't slouch that bad. Not standing up completely straight (as in slouched back and bent knee without dropping your hip) doesn't take over an 1" from your height unless you bend in really strange ways.
Maria is 5'8", probably not more nor less. They are not wearing similar footwear. Maria is wearing nearly flat sandals and Emma is wearing new trainers. Again, you disregard the fact that throughout the video AND the pictures, Emma looks about 3" smaller, and you only point out the final pictures where they are walking, which are, again, the only pictures where she seems taller. Get over it, you are stuck with the same old pictures trying to prove your point.
GOF she was a bit smaller than Dan who was then probably around 5'4.5". Looking at her compared to her dad, compared to David Heyman and even compared to Regis and Kelly! According to you she must have grown quite a bit, not true. She got broader in her shoulders, but when you compare her with Regis and Kelly, she looks to have grown about an 1". Even in 2005 she looked taller than Regis when she turned to say hello to Kelly.
Stephanie said on 2/Aug/07
No, it's not. The averages are 5' 4.6" for both the UK and the US. Emma is average height, and she's about 5' 6". Rupert is only 5' 7" or 5' 8" and he is short. The average male height is 5' 10". Dan is also short!
Anna said on 1/Aug/07
Is 5'3.5" not the average height for a female living in the UK? The average height for a female in the US is 5'3.7". haha. Ergo, a 5'6" female who is only 17 years old should not be considered short or even average. I just don't get people's logic....everyone on her most be absolutely gigantic to think a 5'6" girl is short. Even Rupert, who is 5'8"/5'9" isn't terribly short for a male. That's about average I think. Let me check WK....okay, the average is 5'9", so he is approximately average. Definitley not tall, but not extremely short. That's what D-Rad is and it makes him 100 times sexier. haha, sorry, I'll stop rambling.
Anna said on 1/Aug/07
lila: 5'6" is small coming from you if you are 5'8" or 5'9" or whatever you said a while ago, but, in reality, it's 2.5 inches over the average in the UK, which, as I am sure you can figure, 5'3.5". So, it all depends upon what you consider average, but I just got that from the "average height" article on, so if you were wondering, that's where I got it from. And I would suppose that a collective height article/survey such as that is more reliable than your word, correct? And I started thinking that Emma could actually be taller than her listed height by, not looking at individual photos, but by looking at photos of her with others and by watching the HP movies. Like I've said, I've learnt to never attempt to conclude a person's height from an individual photo because it varies so much. And, even though I still believe she looks more like 5'6.5" sometimes, I think that an upgrade to 5'6" is sufficient. And the reason why I think she may have downgraded is because her posture in photos and such. A person who wants to appear taller would have posture such as Dan's, that is to say never slouching or bending, constantly trying to look as tall as possible. A perosn who doesn't really care about height or feels slightly uncomfortable with their height slouches and bends or has a very relaxed posture. This is clearly what Emma does and, again, I think that's why people think she's only 1/2" taller or the same height as Dan, but when she actually stands up straight (ceremony and movie), she appears an inch or more taller than him. And I guess we'll never really know if either Dan or Emma are being truthful, but from the photos I've seen of them with each other and other celebs, 5'5" for Dan and 5'6" for Emma seem quite accurate. I will once again bring up the Maria photos. If Emma really is only 5'5", then Maria is at the most 5'7", which, if you look at her page, seems quite unlikely. She seems to be a strong 5'8", which would make Emma a strong 5'6" because in some photos Emma barely looks shorter than Maria and they are in very even footwear. Emma was wearing Converse, by the way, and Maria sandals. I just don't see how you can say 5'6" is a stretch judging by those photos. ??
anonymous said on 31/Jul/07
I simply don't see how she could be 1" taller than Dan. Yes she's very likely over 5'5", unless Dan is actually smaller, but over 5'6" seems a real stretch.
And Anna, you say because Rachel looks taller than she really is because of her body shape, but that kind of ruins your whole point with Emma, doesn't it? If I remember correctly you only started to push Emma's height up because she appeared taller than the 5'5" she was listed at (when she was actually smaller than Dan and probably more like 5'4").
And you know what Anna, from thos pictures you just posted, I have to agree with TJ. Dan actually looks slightly taller in most. She looks smaller throughout, except when they are making the prints.
Just grab the fact that they are within .5" of each other.
TJ said on 31/Jul/07
Anna, I'm not seeing how you see Emma as taller than Dan in that series of photos. They look a very similar height and, if anything, Dan is just a little taller. Pic 13 is a good one as they are all stood up straight. In that Dan looks may 0.5 inches taller.
lila said on 30/Jul/07
Anna,how do you know Daniel Radcliffe isn't exagerating his height, and even 5' 6" is short, what makes you think that Emma would be downgrading hers?
Anna said on 30/Jul/07
And yeah, I agree that you can have your own opinion Scarlett, but look at these photos
Click Here There are some really good ones from a variety of angles and when the trio are not posing for photos and are just relaxing, one can see that even with Emma bending her head, she is taller than Dan, which leads me again to believe she is 5'6" or slightly over. Ergo, the strong 5'6". Do you get my reasoning? Plus, it seems quite unlikely for Rupert to be anything under 5'8" (going by a 5'5" for Dan) and the gap between Rupert and Emma is actually quite small, again proving that Emma could be closer to 168 cm rather than 165 cm.
Leith said on 30/Jul/07
Anna, how tall are you? You must be 5' 2" and everybody must lok tall to you, because you keep thinking these people are waayyyyy taller than they are. Emma has no upper body, she has no legs, she's just a really stumpy person. Here's a pictur of 5' 6" Irina Lazareanu,
Click Here Here's 5' 5" Kate Moss
Click Here Here is stumpy Emma Watson,
Click Here She's either shorter than the two or kinda fat; your pick.
Anna said on 30/Jul/07
No hard feelings Scarlett, I mean at least we are thinking withine like 1/4"-1/2" of each other. The people that I don't understand are the ones who think she is still 5'5" or some even 5'4"-5'4.5". That's completely unrelatistic and unplausible. She should be upgraded to at least 5'5.75" although I still conclude she is a strong 5'6", maybe even 5'6.25". But anyway, did you get a hold of her on 'myspace' Scarlett?
Scarlett said on 30/Jul/07
I think Emma is def taller than Katie, altho I'm still not convinced she's a streong 5'6 - sorry Anna! I do agree with you that she's taller than Katie and Dan (altho not quite by a full inch) and that she's over 5'5. Altho i dont think she's quite 5'6 I'd say she's def closer to 5'6 than 5'5.
Maybe se should be upgraded by 0.5 or 0.75?
She is clearly over 5'5...
Anna said on 29/Jul/07
And I forgot to add that Emma's and Katie's shoes were not the same at the OotP London premiere; they looked the same, but when you look at shots taken from the side, you can see that Katie's are close to an inch taller than Emma's. Also, look at some of the afterparty photos from that premiere: Emma was wearing the same heels while Dan was wearing his dress shoes, Katie some flatter looking shoes that may have had about 1.5" heel and Rupert his Converse. Emma is slouching majorly in the majority of them just to look around the same height as the others, but you can see that in her 2.5" (I'd say, seeing as Katie's are an inch more and 3.5" heel is pretty standard) heel, she is easily taller than Rupert by .5"-1" and taller than Dan by, when she stands up staight, 3.5"-4" and I would say Dan's footwear is a bit suspicious seeing as how much taller he looks than Katie. That batch of photos is actually quite interesting, check them out. 'Order of the Phoenix after party' in getty images should probably work. but yeah. And then I found this photo of Dan and Emma:
Click Here I cannot see what could be deemed wrong in this photo, the only thing being that we cannot see their feet, but we again know that it's in the cement and we can tell this photo is taken almost directly straight on by the background things. Emma looks more than 1.5" taller than Dan and is standing a wee bit in front of him (and seriously a very tiny bit, if you look at where their feet are, I would reckon they are almost exactly at the same spot, but I'll just try to ward off arguments against my case) so let us just say that aspect will cause Emma to gain 1/4", which would put her at about 5'6.25", so I would say 5'6" is quite fair. And I mean, this is just getting ridiculous. Like I've said numerous times, people were just saying "oh, wait for the films, wait for the premiere photos, we'll be able to figure out then, et cetera, et cetera" but now we've been able to critique the photos and see the film and Emma and Dan have even stated their heights and I have even, most likely, messaged with the real Emma Watson and she has said "5'6" is spot on", but we are still not able to draw a conclusion. And like I have been hinting at, I am not the only one who is thinking Emma's claimed 5'6" is reasonable; look at Rian's comment: "Emma makes Dan look tiny. I believe now Emma is 5'6" and Dan is 5'5"." Plus there have been others, such as Dave, who feel the 5'6" listing is more accurate. Plus, you cannot forget about the photos with Maria, where Emma looks close to 5'7" in Converse, which would make 5'6" or 5'6.5" her barefoot height. I just don't understand what more you need to get an upgrade? It's mental it is. And I once again mention, you believed her last time when she was even more approximate with her height: "about 5'5"." How can you not believe a "spot on 5'6""?
Anna said on 29/Jul/07
I disagree katey. They may be wearing the same shoes, but they have totally different postures (Katie standing extremely straight and Emma bending and slouching) and Emma is standing in back of Katie and Dan, which leads one to believe that these positions and postures may have been deliberate....Emma looks about 1"-1.5" taller than Katie consistantly and, think about it, Emma looked as tall if not taller than Katie at the London photo call, at which Emma wore small 2" heels whereas Katie wore obviously larger heels, probably 3" or even 3.5". Ergo, Emma must be 1" to 1.5" taller than Katie. I would say, after seeing the movie and photos, Katie is either 5'4.5" or 5'4.75" because she looked slightly shorter than the 5'5" Dan. Thank God he is taller than Katie. Katie: 5'4.5"; Dan: 5'5"; Emma: 5'6"-5'6.5", Rupert: 5'8".
katey said on 28/Jul/07
Look at this picture
Click Here Emma and Katie are wearing the same shoes. They are the same height, Katie might even be taller.
Anna said on 27/Jul/07
Rian, where did you come from? You are completely awesome! haha, I totally agree with you, about everything! I mean Emma really does look at least an inch taller than Dan obviously making her the strong 5'6" and him the 5'5", like I have been saying and they have personally been saying as well. So, I just don't see how people can resist this theory much longer, namely Editor Rob. He will eventually give in and give Emma the necessary upgrade. And, yes, they would be an absolutely adorable couple, although Ron and Hermion are understandably cute in teh books (especially the seventh), Dan and Emma are an utterly adorable and plausible couple in reality. You can totally tell they fancy the hell out of each other too. It's a bit sad how they sort of ignore Rupert, but he must understand.
Rian said on 27/Jul/07
Emma makes Dan look tiny. I believe now Emma is 5"6 and Dan is 5"5. But I would have to admit that they make a cute couple since she appears to be secretly crushing on hi in the Harry Potter film instead of Rupert.
Anna said on 26/Jul/07
And katey, like you insinuated, that request would be impossible to fufill because in all recent photos Katie is wearing larger heels than Emma yet, curiously, Emma still looks to be as tall or slightly taller than Katie, even with her sometimes nearly 2 inch disadvantage. *(5'6"-5'6.5")* Emma Watson is around the same height as Kate Winslet, I'd be very interested to see a photo of them together. I reckon Emma would be almost exactly Kate's height. Yeah? Emma Watson is to Kate Winslet as Daniel Radcliffe is to Elijah Wood. HP, HP, HP. Only Dan is more attractive than Elijah.
Anna said on 26/Jul/07
I'm glad some people are starting to agree that Emma is taller than Dan, maybe not agreeing with what I believe: A full inch, but at least some are agreeing that she is indeed taller than him. And with the myspace, like I have said numerous times, we will never know for sure. I, somewhat stupidly, asked if it was really her and she replyed, "Yes, this is genuinely me - but to be honest I would say that even if I was a faker, wouldn't I??
Em x" So, yeah, it's impossible to tell. I really do believe her or the faker when they say she is a legitimate 5'6", which is why I continue to wonder why Rob has not even updated her to 5'5.75" when it is pretty clear she is at the very least that, like I said, more likely a strong 5'6"?? And I sort of agree with your listings Scarlett, however, I am curious as to how you can figure Dan to be 5'5.25" when photo evidence, footage, and his own word contradict this? I mean, in that interview I posted he said, "No, I haven't grown at all...I'm still 5'5", it's so depressing...." If he really were 5'5.25" I think he would say that to the interviewer, even if it would be in a joking way...and I am just thinking aloud here, but I reckon Dan would have, if he is indeed taller than Emma, said something like, "but I'm still taller than her" or something along those lines, but, he obviously did not. He just said he's 5'5" and looked depressed, while Rupert and Emma laughed. I also think that if Emma were still shorter than him she would have said, "oh no, Dan, you're still taller than me" or something like that to comfort him, because you could tell when Dan said I haven't grown she was trying to make him feel better, but she obviously didn't want to lie so she just avoided the awkward moment by laughing. haha, this is making no sense at all, but some may get it and see my point, so yeah, I stand by what I have been saying recently, Emma is her stated "spot on"/strong 5'6" and Dan is his stated 5'5".
dave said on 26/Jul/07
i agree with you scarlett, on that one. not on the measurements, but on the general notion. unless of course they are the same height which is suggested in some photos, i think emma is slightly taller than dan and not the other way around. i don't believe emma to be a full inch taller than dan. maybe a cm, but not a whole inch.
Scarlett said on 26/Jul/07
Anna, i meant that i think this myspace site was set up after Emma made that comment about not having one. I think she is under 5'6, but not by much - maybe 5'5.5, or 5'5.75. Taller than 5'5 certainly, but not quite 5'6. I think she IS taller than Dan, but not quite by an inch. I would say:
Emma: 5'5.75
Dan: 5'5.25
Rupert: 5'8
Anna said on 25/Jul/07
Yeah, I agree with you Scarlett. Like you said, we will never be able to prove that it really is her responding to our messages, but it does seem very real and they do seem like genuine responses. Furthermore, I think the answer of "5'6" is spot on" is quite believable and photos and footage back this up. However, I am certain that you know of my views on this matter, but I have to say I am a bit uncertain of yours? I do know that you are interested in this said site, but do you believe Emma when she says she is a legitimate 5'6"? I'm simply curious.....Anyway, I just do not understand how people can dispute this; it seems to fit perfectly if Emma were a legitimate 5'6" and Dan 5'5". Can someone clarify the reason for the reluctance of believing Emma's word: That she has grown 1"-2" since GoF? And what do you mean Scarlett, "I think the site spurung up after she said that though, didn't it?" After she said what? And 'potterfreak', firstly, I commend your name, I am glad to know at least one other person on the trio's pages shows at least some interest in the Potter series, but I have to say, your attempt at clarifying things seems to do the exact opposite. Dan has said himself that he's 5'5", a full inch shorter than your presumption, so that seems sort of unlikely and Emma is taller than Dan, has said she is 5'6", and most definitley does not looks 3.5"-4" shorter than Rupert, thus making your last two listings equally if not more confusing and "non-clarifying".
katey said on 25/Jul/07
Emma is the same height as Katie Leung who is listed at 5' 4.5", if anybody can find me a recent picture where she looks taller than Katie I would be very impressed.
potterfreak94 said on 25/Jul/07
okay, first of all, this discussion is pointless. who really cares? even if, someday, one of you did meet the trio, would you care all that much about their height? so, now, in hopes of ending this pointless argument i'm going to clarify some things.
Dan- 5' 6''
Emma- 5' 5.5''
Rupert- 5' 9-10''
Scarlett said on 25/Jul/07
Well I guess we'll never know for certain. I think the site sprung up after she said that though, didnt it? maybe she changed her mind!
I suppose we should take it with a pinch of salt, but its by far and away the most real site i've seen...*shrugs*
Anna said on 23/Jul/07
Well, yeah, we obviously will never know for sure, but it really does seem to be her and if it isn't her, the person responding to me seems to be quite knowing when it comes to Emma's height. "Yes, I'm right between 167 and 168 centimetres, so 5'6" is spot on." It seems a bit odd for a faker to know this, but I guess they could. It would seem like they would just round though, no? But if you want to check it out Ariella, the address is 'myspace.com/emmaofficial' I don't really know how you would be able to tell better than any of us though. I really hope it is her though. It would be quite depressing to have been talking to her for this long and then find out it's just a bloody faker. How horrible would that be? I still think the height Emma/it gave me is true, 5'6" precisely.
Ariella said on 23/Jul/07
If she did have an official myspace, it would be all over the fansites that she does, like they did with her official website and I have seen a few "official myspaces" of hers and there fake, but give me the link to the one your talking about and I'll tell you if I've seen it or not and if it's fake or not.
Anna said on 23/Jul/07
Honestly, I am not lying about this. Emma does not have a personal myspace like some of the other Potter girls, but she did genuinely open an official myspace just recently. There is no way to prove that it actually is her, but all signs seem to be pointing toward it being her and I really think it is her replying because she says she is on a break now and has time to reply to her messages, whereas when she starts filming she most likely will not be able to. All I can say is keep trying Scarlett.
Jason said on 23/Jul/07
Scarlett says on 22/Jul/07
''Anna, I added her on myspace but she hasnt replied to me yet :( lol.''
Ariella says on 22/Jul/07
''Emma does not have a myspace, bebo, etc.''
Sounds like you got pwned by a faker, Scarlett lol. Even if it was her official MySpace, she'd likely just have people running it for her anyway...
Anna said on 23/Jul/07
haha, I suppose I could try to ask her again (I do hate to brag, but she has replied to every one of my messages on a nearly daily basis), but I just don't think it's worth it nor do I really want to mention height again, quite embarrassing in my opinion. haha, I know I'll probably never meet her, but I do live in London, so it's not like I live on the other side of the world, but I guess I will think about it. But, like I said, do you think it would even make a difference? I don't know if I made it really clear, but she did tell me her exact height. This is roughly how it went; I started by asking her something like, "this is a really embarrassing and awkward question, but how tall are you and are you taller than Dan? i just wanted to know because a lot of your fans seem to be fighting about it and i thought that i could settle it if i asked you" and she replied back with "oh, no, it's okay...dan's 5'5" and i'm about 5'6"" and then i said "so essentially 5'6"? what do you mean by 'about'?" and she went on "yeah, almost exactly. i'm inbetween 167 and 168 centimetres, so, yeah, 5'6" is spot on." So, that's what she said, so I again think that 5'6" is what she ought to be listed at. I haven't asked her anything about Rupert's height nor do I really want to because we've started talking about other things and I told her when I asked "essentially 5'6"?" that would be the last height related question. Maybe you could try asking that Scarlett? haha, if she replies. lol, sorry, i really need to cut it with the cockiness. But yeah, so, I guess I hoped to settle this when she told me she's exactly 5'6" and even explained herself, but I guess I haven't? Have Emma and I (oh yes, we are a team now) at least persuaded a few people? Upgrade to 5'6" on the way? haha, hopefully. But anyways, has anyone gotten and read Deathly Hallows and if so what are your thoughts?!?!??!?! And I know this is an incredibly long post, but I totally agree with you Scarlett, I really do not understand why they wouldn't use the absolute biggest lifts possible or why they would put Dan in converse for some scenes, it just toatally defeats the purpose. As I read deathly hallows i was like, wow, Dan really needs to grow a lot to fit the image of Harry. But I really do think his school shoes have at least a little bit of extra height. I guess we'll never really know though, but we could ask Emma, but there is no way I am. haha, how odd would that be, "um, yes, Emma I have a question for you, do Dan's school shoes have lifts in them?" quite funny actually, quite a laugh, but I'm not going to make a fool of myself. haha. But I feel pretty good about getting her to tell me that "5'6" is spot on." No disputing that evidence.
Ariella said on 22/Jul/07
Emma does not have a myspace, bebo, etc. and Emma is roughly 5'5-5'6 but definitely not 5'7 and but it's still a little hard to believe that she is 5'6 because Dan is taller than her but her said he hasn't grown and I doubt he is 5'7.
Scarlett said on 22/Jul/07
Anna, I added her on myspace but she hasnt replied to me yet :( lol. Do you think you could just ask her again (she seesm to lke you!) , like EXACTLY how tall she is?? Tell her about this site or something and how important it is! lol
And also, if they give Dan lifts, why wouldnt they give him proper big ones - ones that give him 3 to 4 inches, rather than only one, which doesnt make much dif? Also, you can put them in converse!
Anna said on 21/Jul/07
Dayum, don't address all of the comments to me. I'm not the only one who believes her when she says she is 5'6" not 5'5". And jill, if you were to listen to me, I've said that I've given up on the 5'7", I think she's 5'6", 5'6.5" at the most, but 5'6" seems like a fair listing for now seeing as she has looked it recently and she has said this. Honestly, what more proof do you need? And Maya, I am honestly quite happy that you chose to post that photo because it proves exactly what I'm saying: Emma is taller than Dan. That photo is a great example of it. Even with an angle disadvantage, standing in front (shot taken above, which makes person in front look shorter), and a floor "slant", Emma still looks slightly taller than Dan. And this is not even accounting Dan's hair poof, that gives him an inch of extra height, so I think we're being generous to him in saying that Emma is only an inch taller than him honestly. I mean, that's great proof; like I said, Emma has everything at her disadvantage and still looks taller than Dan. Proving and concrete photo Maya, thank-you very much indeed. And with the movie, I really don't think Emma has a platform in her shoes, those look like regular converse-type shoes to me, which would put her on an even playing field with Dan and, yes indeed, she looks at least an inch taller than him, like she is saying she is. Rob, if you believed her when she said she's "about 5'5"", why do you not believe her when she says exactly 5'6" when there is visual evidence as well? To be honest, after seeing those photos with Maria I think that either Emma is slightly downgrading/underestimating herself or Maria has overjudged her height. You must admit though, they do prove that Emma is the 5'6" or more that she is claiming now.
anonymous said on 21/Jul/07
Well Anna, good luck to you. I suppose you can keep on posting more and more of the same pictures, as still in the majority of the pictures, she looks the same height as Dan, and in the majority of pictures and videos, she looks quite a bit smaller than Maria.
And the myspace, maybe it is her, maybe it isn't. I have to admit I added her out of curiousity, but until it's announced on her official site that she has one, I'm not going to trust that it's her.
Anyway, I suppose you'd better keep posting for an upgrade, maybe when the next film comes out, she'll be that strong 5'6" you want her at so badly and then you can tell us all "I told you so". But by then you'll probably be advocating 5'7" again.
jill said on 21/Jul/07
Emma is 5'5(165cm), must not over then 5'6 as she is as tall as Dan, this is what the photos(they did not wear shoes comparing) posted that they are same height, (only 5'5),maybe Emma is just a bit taller at 5'5'5, but no more. ANNA I think you are trying to create a height to fit your image of Emma, if people agree your height, then you will create that Emma is tall at 170cm (5'7) and then and then, then you will say one inch did not have many problem, but Can you see that you are trying to create the height higher and higher. Don¡¦t be silly, all people know that she is not tall and this is avenge height for a girl.
... said on 21/Jul/07
I think that in the movie, Emma has shoes with a little platform. That's why she is 1 cm taller than Dan. I would say they are the same height, Emma and Dan. And she looks 5'5" !!
Maya said on 20/Jul/07
Anna, this is one of the best photos for judging heights - all three of them are in socks and we can see their full bodies
Click Here
Sadly for you, but Emma and Dan are EXACTLY the same height, which is 5'5". Rupert is considerably taller, probably around 5'8-9".
Anna said on 20/Jul/07
Sorry about that Rob, I guess I didn't scroll down enough....a lot of new comments seem to be coming with this one. Anyways, I know what you mean Dave. In some photos like lila posted, Emma looks a fair deal shorter than Maria, but in the photos that you posted, she looks barely 2 inches shorter. But when you think about it, it's pretty obvious that in the photos lila posted, the shot is taken from above, thus making Maria look taller than she really is. You can even see this how the ground is tilted. Plus, Emma isn't even standing up straight whereas Maria is. And I think those last two that you posted are nearly perfect dave. Especially the second one. We can see the ground is even, they are on the same plane, the shot is straight on, and Emma is even slouching a bit more than Maria, yet looks barely two inches shorter, which would put her at the 5'6" that she has been claiming. And Scarlett, the reason I am saying that she could be more than 167 cm is because she went on to say in another message that she is 5'6" and that the conversion thing put it down to 167 cm, but she is closer to an exact 5'6" than 167 cm. Ergo, 5'6" is what she should be listed at. Even though in some photos and the movie she looks more like 5'6.5", I think 5'6" is a perfect listing and seeing as she has told me this and it seems to fit most photos, et cetera....I think an upgrade of an inch is needed. I'll quit it with the over 5'6", but I really think she is a strong 5'6". I won't quit advocating that until she is upgraded. Those photos with Maria prove it.
dave said on 20/Jul/07
yeh i see what you mean lila. in some photos, such as this one (
Click Here), emma appears to be like 5 or so inches shorter than maria which i guess is a considerable difference. however, there are some pics like these two, (
Click Here) (
Click Here), where emma appears to be almost the same height as maria
dave said on 20/Jul/07
haha, that's so weird, lila. some of my friends are only 2-3 inches taller than me, but they don't have to bend down to look at me when we're just talking to each other. its nice of them to not make me feel bad of being the shortest in our group. however one of my mates is 6'3-6'4 and yeh, he looks like he could step on me. btw, on daniel radcliffe's page on celebheights, it says that daniel admits to being 5'5.5 and like that half inch is important or something (whatever that means). if that's so, then it's possible that emma can be classed as 5'6 if she's a cm or so taller.
lila said on 19/Jul/07
If you really think that Emma is 5' 6", then why is she the same height as Katie Leung
Click Here who is stated as being 5' 4.5" on celebheights, and unitl very recently was stated as being 5' 3" on most websites. Now I doubt she is that short, but the girl is 19, I don't think she really grew any, and she definitely isn't 5'5". I say Emma is really 5' 4.5".
Click Here See Katie and Emma are earing pretty much the exact same shoes, and Katie even has to tilt her head to be Emma's height.
Anna said on 19/Jul/07
Yeah, exactly dave. But what's with this Rob? Why didn't you post my last comment? Argh, I didn't even do anything wrong this time....??
umad80 said on 19/Jul/07
Yeah, if Emma is 5'4", so is Dan. And if he's willing to admit that he isn't 5'6" like he thought, I doubt he's less than that. (Though who knows). Emma and Dan are both 5'5".
lila said on 19/Jul/07
You have part of that right Dave. They're the same height
Click Here but how do we know Daniel Radclife is really 5' 5" (he stated that in a recent interview, but he's so short, he must have been adding some to his real height). And about Maria Menounos, I really believe that she is 5' 8", but look at this
Click Here ,
Click Here Again, the way Maria has to bend down to talk to Emma is completely uncharactersitic for someone who is 5' 8" who would be talking to someone who is 5' 6". Trust me. I am 5' 9" (between Mischa and Maria's height), and I never have to bend down like that to talk to my friends who are 5' 6", I have to do that to talk to my friends who are 5' 3" and 5' 4". I believe that Emma is taller than 5' 4", but not any taller than 5' 5".
Anna said on 19/Jul/07
Well, 168 cm is 66.141732 and 167 cm is 65.748031, so they are actually both quite close to 5'6", 5'6" is basically in the middle of the two and it's not as if she's going to say "I'm precisely 167.64 cm", so I am guessing she just rounded down instead of up even though she is probably almost exactly 5'6", like she said (honestly, if you have a myspace, send her a message, I really do believe it is her)....And I'm sorry if I came across that way Chip, but I really am not trying to advocate 5'7" for her anymore. I'm perfectly content with 5'6" and it seems as if mina and dave agree. Mina: That is totally what I thought when I saw the movie. I think that when they were in school uniform Emma looked only slightly taller than Dan, but when Dan and Emma were in Converse, you could totally see that Emma was noticeably taller than Dan and the filmmakers were trying to conceal this. Even though they did try to hide it, there were still a few scenes where you could judge heights - notably the "hug scene" and the train scene. I mean, she really does look taller, it doesn't take much to figure that they put some lifts in Dan's school shoes, but this was kind of backfired by the Converse scenes, you can see that Emma is clearly an inch taller, maybe even 1.5" taller like mina said. And I think dave is thinking right as well, if she says 5'6" she is either 167cm, exactly 5'6", or 168 cm, and, once again like mina said, she could be 5'6.5" because at times she looks that much taller than Dan. I think it's pretty clear she's closer to 5'6" than 5'5" though, I mean people are claiming she is 5'4", how can you even do that? And you're using photos from the PoA era, which was maybe even 3 years ago, I think (2004)? In my opinion, she was about 5'4" back in the photos with Mischa and has grown 2 or 2.5 inches since then and is now 5'6"-5'6.5". 5'6" seems like a perfect listing as of now. And I just have to say, this is really quite funny because I remember people saying a few months ago "Oh, just wait until the movie comes out, then we'll be able to tell their exact heights...." and now the movie has come out and there are some extremely good scenes like mina said and Emma looks taller than Dan and 5'6"ish like she has been saying, yet people still cannot agree and some people are even advocating an inch lower than she is on celebheights. Let's just make a decision....have you seen the movie Rob? Isn't my question and answer session good enough to prove that she is 5'6" take or give a centimetre? I'd just like to hear your response.
Scarlett said on 19/Jul/07
Anna, if she says "5'6, slightly under" , why are you still pushing for over 5'6?
dave said on 19/Jul/07
yeh, i don't think emma is 5'7' either. she's awfully similar in height to daniel. you can sort of see it from that pic hello posted (the one chip is referring to) and the one i posted earlier (
Click Here). if there's a height difference, it's really hard to see between the two, ay? even an inch difference in height seems a bit much
dave said on 19/Jul/07
you really think 5'4', lila? if that's so, why is it in all the pictures i see of daniel and emma nowadays, that they are pretty much the same height or emma is about 1cm to an inch taller than daniel? daniel has confessed in an interview recently that he is 5'5' still. i have a rarely seen a photo of him being taller than emma, and if so, it's coz of a weird camera angle, or the fact that she's not standing erect, or she's standing closer to the camera or something. have you seen pictures of her shopping with maria menounos while she was in LA? when they were standing next to each other in some shots, emma could only have been about two inches or so shorter than maria and maria is 5'8' apparently
Chip said on 19/Jul/07
Anna, please don't go back to saying that Emma is 5'7". she definitely not. I don't even think she's 5'6". That pic that hello posted proves that she isn't taller than Daniel, and she's not really slouching on the picture. Honestly, I'm sure we would all LOVE it if Emma was 5'7" or more, but she's not.
mina said on 19/Jul/07
have you seen the new hp movie? emma looks waaaay taller than daniel! if daniel is 5´5in i think she must be 5´6.5, they even make her stand few steps back from him at some scenes trying to hide the fact that she is taller. just see the scene where she hugs daniel. no doubt that her height is more than 5´5 in.
lila said on 19/Jul/07
Don't try an argue Dave. Speaking from a very tall GIRL, who had to do a good amount of growing, AND who is about the same age as Emma Watson, the majority of girls don't grow at the rate of an inch per year. The people I know who have kept on growing were either guys, or girls bound to be +6'. Emma is not that tall, she's not going to be that tall. She has VERY short legs (again, we don't need to try and calculate how long her legs are, you can just clearly see that they're not very long at all), and to have the upperbody to really make up for it and put her at 5' 6", she'd just look slightly freakish. The way most of you talk about growth spurts (to grow at a rate of an inch per year after your sixteen birthday is a bit rare) and calculating all these crazy heights, it's like you've never seen a teenage girl (or any woman for that fact) before. Here again is the photo of Emma Watson at the Baftas
Click Here and here she is at a premiere a couple of weeks ago
Click Here and
Click Here She's still considerbaly shorter than David Heyman, even shorter this time because her shoes are probably and inch shorter (MAX!), and she still has the same proportions, and when girls do grow, their body doesn't grow all at the same time, therefore, she'd look to have longer legs or a longer upper body in that picture and she doesn't. Emma just looks to ridiculously short next to any averaged sized adult to REALLY be 5' 6". I say she's 5' 4".
dave said on 19/Jul/07
yeh i guess we can't argue with that anna. if she says she's 5 foot 6, she must be 5 foot 6, give or take a cm. that said, 5 feet 6 is actually closer to 168 cm. you can see for yourself, just go find a tape measure. etc. but yeh, it's her word.
oh and in the second pic you posted up lila, it's true. emma does look considerably shorter than the 5'9'ish mischa. it looks like mischa has a good 5 or so inches on her. although, in some other pics of the two at the same event, you can see that mischa is wearing heels with more lift (like you pointed out). they might give her an additional 1-2 inches. if you take this into account, along with the fact that the photo was taken in 2005 and that emma may have a grown an inch or so since then, then yeh, that probably adds to the list of reasons why she was a fair bit shorter than mischa back then. also, when that photo was taken, emma must have been like only 15 or something then, and mischa is a couple of years older. emma was at an age where she was still growing whereas mischa was probably at her full height if you know what i mean. if you took another photo of emma and mischa standing next to each other today, emma might be as tall as mischa's eyes and thus, would not be that much shorter really. a height difference of 3-4 inches isn't really much, is it?
6'3'' JK said on 19/Jul/07
I agree with Lila that Emma is 5'4''
lila said on 19/Jul/07
If 5' 6" isn't short for a girl, then why does Emma look so short Anna?! (
Click Here) Honestly! Look at Mischa in that photo, no matter what kind of heels she's wearing, for somebody to say that 5' 9.5" Mischa would have to slouch that much to reach somebody who is 5' 6" is ridiculous!
Click Here
Again, next to 5' 9.5" Mischa! Her heels can only be 2" taller than Emma's (at the MOST!), but she towers abover her. No matter what kind of heel Emma s wearing (lets say for example 2 inch heels, they can't be taller than 3 or shorter than 1), 5' 10" David Heyman is still considerably taller than her. Also, just look at her proportions next to 5' 9.5" Mischa. This girl is a munchkin. You don't need to do the math or try to find the EXACT difference between the height of Mischa's and Emma's heels or Devid Heyman's dress shoes; it's just obvious that Emma can't be that tall. To say she's any taller than 5' 5" would be crazy. I say 5' 4"!
Anna said on 18/Jul/07
Proof that Emma is 5'6" now and this is her own word and if you don't believe me or her for that matter, I guess don't read the following. "Yes, 5'6". However, that gets converted to 167 cm because 5'6" is closer to 167 cm than 168 cm, but, essentially 5'6" is the answer. Yes, I've been to that area of France before, it's very beautiful. Lucky you! No, Dan hasn't got a myspace or anything like that, neither does Rupert. Some of the girls have myspace pages though, for their fans. They also have personal ones, however, which I don't.
Have a great summer!
Emma x " I am honestly not making this up.
Anna said on 18/Jul/07
Rob, are you ever going to upgrade her? When you think about it, 5'5.75"/5'6" actually fits in quite well with the printing ceremony photos. You even admitted that she looked 1/2" at times and when you regard Dan's hair poof, that would make Emma more like 3/4" to 1.25" taller, making her 5'6"ish. And there is no way that Rupert is nearly 3 inches taller than Emma, 2 at the Most in my opinion.
umad80 said on 18/Jul/07
Emma and Dan are the same height. It's hard to tell at times who has the advantage, but they never looked like either had much of anything on the other. I think they might be a little over 5'5", but it would be really insane to say "5'5" and 3 centimeters" or something. lol They're both a strong 5'5" imo.
Anna said on 18/Jul/07
Well, yeah, 5'6" isn't extremely tall for a girl, but it's definitley not short either seeing as the average is 5'4". It doesn't take a genius to figure it's 2 inches above average. And I think the reason she slouches is because she feels uncomfortable being taller than Dan, but I guess we'll never know why she slouches and I'm not going to ask her that, that would be extremely weird and uncalled for. 5'6" for Emma, 5'5" for Dan. But Ariella, I love how you say that "1 inch really isn't that much", yet you say that "if she were barefoot she would be a lot shorter" "I don't think she is 5'6" not even close 5'5" MAX and Dan is probably 5'5.5"" I'm just a bit confused I guess. How do you constitute 1/2" as a lot shorter if 1 inch "really isn't that much"? I just don't get why people are denying Emma's word. She really looks about 3/4"-1.25" taller than Dan and it's not that big of a deal, can someone fill me in? Am I completely missing something? And with OotP, Dan and Emma looked ~ the same height while they were in school uniform (dodgy shoes and Dan's part) and Emma looked clearly around an inch taller when they were wearing those converse shoes. I mean, come on, did you see the scene at the train? If she's not taller than him by at least 3/4"-1.25", I am completely misjudging things.
dave said on 18/Jul/07
i think dan and emma are both 5'5ish. emma may be taller by about a cm but it really is hard to tell. in this online video that some other people have posted up on celebheights (
Click Here), daniel admits to being 5'5 still and this is a pretty recent video. ignore the fact that emma is taller than him in this video because she is wearing high heels. you can see this in the pics at this link (
Click Here). her heels look like they give her a lift of about 2 inches. You can see the online video was done at this London photocall because of the clothes they are wearing and the location. now, if you go and look at pictures of the trio at the hand, foot and wand ceremony at grauman's chinese theatre, you can see dan and emma are pretty much the same height. here is a good pic of the trio at this event standing shoulder to shoulder (
Click Here). to some of you, emma may appear to be slightly taller than dan but it may only be by a cm or so; definitely not an inch. to be fair, i guess you could say that both dan and emma are between 5'5 and 5'6'
Ariella said on 18/Jul/07
Emma does not have a myspace,bebo etc. But I don't think Emma is a little over 5'6. I believe again that she just rounded to 5'6 even though she's only 5'5 or again she could just not really know how tall she is and she could of just assumed she was that tall, I doubt she gets measured all the time, but I do strongly believe that she is 5'5 MAX. And I've seen OotP as well and Dan appeared taller than her in a lot of scenes and I believe her "mary jane" shoes are thicker than Dan's shoes so she may appear taller but really isn't, and she wore 2 inch heels at the photo call but she was only a tad taller than Dan who had flat soles so if she was barefoot she would be a lot shorter, again I don't think she is 5'6 not even close 5'5 MAX and Dan is probably 5'5.5.
umad80 said on 17/Jul/07
I've seen them when they're both slouching, and they're pretty much the same height. Dan definitely was not doing his stand straight up like he always does, so they had very similiar posture. I did think for sometime that Emma was taller, and I think during GoF she was because she had reached 5'5" and Dan hadn't even though he convinced everyone he had. But now they're both caught up.
lila said on 17/Jul/07
Even if Emma is 5'6" she does not have a reason to slouch as her height is not that tall. In fact, the slouching deal might actually be to give here the image that she is "lanky-er" than she really is (as many models and taller celebs do). Emma is not a tall person, not even tall enough to be 5' 6", (which isn't tall to begin with!). I say 5' 5" at the most.
Anna said on 17/Jul/07
haha, alright, so this should settle it. I went to that myspace page that you posted and I actually sent her a message and asked her how tall she is and if she's taller than Dan (I know, bad, right?)....I didn't really expect a reply, but she made a lovely one and informed me that she's "about 5'6", slightly under" (167cm) and that she's taller than Dan because he's 5'5". And I really think it was her, it genuinely sounded like her (not that I really know what she sounds like), but I think it was her. Isn't that crazy that she actually responded? That makes me respect her a lot, most celebrities wouldn't do that or if someone were to ask such a weird question would not reply....but yeah, 167 cm or 5'6" seems like what she should be upgraded to.
Anna said on 17/Jul/07
So, 167cm is 5'5.75", which would almost fit perfectly with Rupert being listed at 5'7.75" seeing as the difference is 2 inches or less. I still believe that Emma is a strong 5'7" and Rupert is 5'8", but 5'5.75" and 5'7.75" are relatively close, I guess. It's hard to know though because she's now been listed as 167 cm and 5'6"....
Scarlett said on 17/Jul/07
The height thing changed! She had details listed (ie. hometown, occupation, height...etc) but now its all gone...! Weird. Anyway, it did say that.

Editor Rob
yeah it had 167cm. Europhiles enter cm in myspace.
Anna said on 17/Jul/07
Oh and sorry, but I forgot to add that I looked at that Emma myspace and didn't see where she listed her height, although I am guessing if her official site lists her as that, that is probably what she says on there. Common sense.
Anna said on 17/Jul/07
Alright, here's my idea on things (if anyone really cares at this point)....so, when Emma said she was 'about 5'5"', she was really more like 5'4.5", possibly 5'.75" and Dan was, like he still is today, 5'5". That would explain why she looked slightly shorter than him during the GoF era. However, Emma grew about 1.5" (give or take) before and during OotP filming and is now around 5'6", like I have said possibly a little bit more, which would explain why she looks like a giant compared to Dan while wearing heels and why she is an inch or more taller than him while wearing flats
Click Here And the reason why she sometimes looks around Dan's height is because (like I've said many times) Dan stands up absolutely straight whereas she has a much more relaxed posture, sometimes a deliberate slouch to make her look exactly what people think she is, the same height as Dan. I mean, come on, it's pretty obvious and it's something that "taller" girls do all the time. You can even see in that barefoot photo that she's deliberately bending her knee, just look closely. And, of course, Daniel is standing up as straight as a pole. Plus, I am pretty positive that Emma is about an inch taller and has indeed grown since GoF because in all of the barefoot photos in which she is standing up straight, she is about an inch to 1.5" taller than Dan and 1.5" to 2" shorter than Rupert. Do the math.
umad80 said on 17/Jul/07
Emma and Dan are both 5'5". It may sometimes look like Dan has the advantage, but it's just pics of angles. They are pretty much the same height.
I think what hello posted proves that. There is no real height difference between them. And they both come up to around Rupert's eyebrows, and when he is standing straight, very tall, you can clearly see that. Most of the time he leans his head down or the way he's standing gives the other two some advantage.
Scarlett said on 17/Jul/07
I dont know if it's real or not, cuz i know she said she doesnt have a myspace, but this has just sprung up...
Click Here
It looks pretty legit...but anyway, my point is that on her height it says 167cm...i think thats 5'6 ish, or a cm under - is that right? Seems pretty plausible. Check it out maybe...
Ariella said on 16/Jul/07
Anna, I'm not the only one who has talked to the girl that met her, Anonymous has talked to her too and she has met her, she even has a picture, were David, does not, but Dan is not 5'7 at all and he is taller than her by about an inch, so she's roughly 5'5-5'6.
hello said on 16/Jul/07
Click Here
The last photo on this page shows them in bare feet.
umad80 said on 16/Jul/07
Dan and Emma are definitely the same height. There might be a few centimeters between them, but Dan has the advantage there. And Emma's never been taller than Rupert in heels. She might be an inch shorter, but he's always been taller. It's just harder to tell with him because he will bend his knees or lean into the other people to take a picture. But you can always tell he's still taller due to Emma struggling to put her arm around his shoulders for photos.
Chip said on 16/Jul/07
Emma is 5'6" at the MOST, not at the least. And I do not think she is 1 inch taller than Daniel. I don't think there's that big of a difference in their height. If Emma is taller than Dan at all, then it is only half an inch. And what kind of difference does 2 centimeters make, lol?
jill said on 16/Jul/07
I don't think my photos taking any problems, they all are new photos from Emma appearance and also all of them are whole photos including the feet of Emma and the others people next to her. All of my photos from before are truth, not create. For my last two post are also including Dan and Emma whose did not wear any shoes, they are just at the same height, Dan is 5¡¦5(165cm), this is what people agree, and Emma is 5'5(165cm) too or may be just a bit taller about 5'5'5, but no more. ANNA, you always create the height from Emma and don't see others posts patiently. If you want others to respect you, you've to respect others too.
Scarlett said on 16/Jul/07
She doesnt seem to be an inch taller than Dan...like Rob said, some pics they look the same, some pics she looks hals an inch taller. I agree, Anna, that the pic you gave is very good...however she doesnt look a clear inch taller than him...more like half an inch. I think Daniel may have grown a cm or 2 since the movie. If he says he's 5'5 (or 5'5 and a half as he said earlier) then i think she's half an inch taller...5'5.5 or 5'6. She's not an inch taller, they look a similar height, with Emma seeming a tad taller. She's not over 5'6.
anonymous said on 16/Jul/07
Eh don't get cocky because I said it was a good argument haha.
Anyway, 5'5.5" seems plausible. But the thing is, she isn't 1" taller than Dan. With Emma in 2" - 2.5" heels, she was 1"-2" taller than Dan who was in sneakers, which probably gave him about 1" too. If she'd been at least 1" taller to start with, she'd towered over him. If he's 5'5" (and I doubt he'd say he's smaller than he really is) He'd be 5'6" in those shoes (and I'm being positive here for you, if he isn't wearing lifts they probably give him around 1/2 to 3/4th inch) Emma in heels around 5'7". Looks alright compared to Rupert, considering his leaning and slouching and Emma dragging him down.
Anna said on 16/Jul/07
Dan: 5'5" Rupert: 5'8" Emma: 5'6" at the least....you have already got 2 out of 3 essentially correct, all you need to do is upgrade Emma that one inch and she will be listed essentially correctly as well. However, if you are content on upgrading her slowly, that's fine as well. 5'5" leads to 5'5.25" leads to 5'5.5" leads to 5'5.75" eventually leads to the correct 5'6", even though she is most likely a 5'6.25" or 5'6.5". No matter though, 5'6" is good enough for me, as long as you recognise that she is at least an inch taller than Dan now.
bswan said on 15/Jul/07
Anna, Emma's website lists her as 5' 6", which for a woman isn't really tall, or tall to the point where she would want to downgrade it (the way Mischa Barton who is 5' 9.5" does), AND most actors and actresses tend to exagerate their height. Therefore, it just makes sense that Emma would not be any taller than 5' 6". 5' 5" sounds ok, and then it's still a stretch for her (maybe in the morning she's that tall), so I think 5' 4.5" is more accurate (plus she was probably exagerrating in the interview in 2006 that's quoted on this page).
6'3'' JK said on 15/Jul/07
You are right about the 1cm story Rob lol, a classic e.g. is People arguing over on the John Cena page whether he is 184cm or 185cm when it is basically the same thing Lol
Anna said on 15/Jul/07
And I'm not judging by photos of Emma in heels (which, by the way, she looks clearly taller than Rupert in)....I'm judging by the photos from the ceremony, in which all are barefoot and Emma barely looks 2 inches shorter than Rupert and 1 inch taller than Dan.
umad80 said on 15/Jul/07
It's better when you post pictures of them in their bare feet. It's basically the only way you can tell. I think Emma was wearing those shoes with a bit of a faux heel. You don't really realize it's a heel until you really pay attention. You want to pay attention to a pic like this:
Click Here - trust me, they are in their socks at this point. Dan and Emma are both definitely 5'5" or within a few centimeters of each other.
Anna said on 15/Jul/07
And I hate to brag, but my video, that was pretty good, eh? haha. Sorry.
Anna said on 15/Jul/07
Ah, Celebheights, let's be honest, we all know it's the best creation known to man. But come on, what's wrong with the photo I've been posting, she looks easily 5'6" compared to Dan? I would just like to hear your opinions on that photo. I see nothing wrong with it. And have you seen the movie? Again, she's easily 1 inch or so taller than Dan. And in the footage of the printing ceremony she is easily taller than Dan, no joke. And, anyways, why would she lie about her height, I mean when you think about it, she would have absolutely no reason to....she doesn't seem at all concerned about her height in photos and such, do you know what I mean? I know you are going to upgrade her to 5'5.5" soon and 5'6" will soon follow....haha. I just know it. You can't deny the ****ing truth.
Anna said on 15/Jul/07
Jill, why would you even post a photo like that? That doesn't prove anything seeing as we don't know how tall that lady is and they aren't even standing next to each other. And, it's not like we're asking for a 4 inch upgrade here, we're asking for a mere 1 inch upgrade. And I'm just curious Rob, do you think you will ever upgrade her? The evidence is pretty conclusive.....

Editor Rob
ok, you are down to arguing 5ft 6, that's a bit better than the 5ft 7. Even with all the footage, pics, there are times when they look similar, some angles she looks possibly 1/2 inch taller. By and large I'm yet to be convinced 5ft 6. 1 inch in the world of celebheights is a huge deal. Sh*t, 1cm is a big enough deal in some cases ;)
Anna said on 15/Jul/07
Okay, I'll give up on the 5'7" for Emma (although in that yahoo9 interview she does look as tall as Rupert and the interviewer says something about "going to Emma's hotel" or something like that and in the photos with her mum, Emma is in her hotel, so I think it's almost a 99% chance that she wore those same flats, but I guess there is always that 1% chance), but I think that it's almost impossible to dispute the fact that Emma's not anything under 5'6". Okay, so I guess I will call the gap between Maria and Emma 1.5-2 inches and the gap between Dan and Emma 1"-1.5" when we judge by the photos from the ceremony and the likes of watching a 2 hour movie and Emma being a little over an inch taller than Dan when both are wearing Converse-type shoes. And I agree anonymous, there are plenty of odd angled photos of the printing ceremony, but there are also a few very good ones, such as this one, that are taken nearly directly straight on.
Click Here As I have said before, even with Daniel's poof he still looks 3/4" or so shorter than Emma and when you find the top of his head, he comes up about midway on Emma's forehead, which would yield about a 1"-1.5" difference. And that photo is taken almost directly straight on and Emma and Dan are standing in the same position, this can be seen when you enlarge the photo. And, think about it, Dan was wearing tennis shoes, whereas Emma was wearing extremely flat, nearly no height flats, which would mean that, like the footage and photos of the three barefoot prove, the gap could be more than an inch. And I have to again say that the only reason Rupert looks shorter in that photo is because he is leaning back and bending a bit, whereas it is prefectly legitimate to judge Emma's and Dan's heights because they are standing in the same posture - striaght (note that this is a nearly once in a lifetime occurance for Emma). Okay, so I guess if you don't find that photo decicive, we're not going to convince you that Dan's 5'5" and Emma's 5'6", so whatever. But I'm glad that I am actually making some helpful and productive comments on here, haha, finally, hopefully I can continue this streak. And I am glad some people are coming over to the dark side. haha. And Ariella, I find your comments very useless and I don't know if I'm the only person who finds them so. I mean you just keep repeating about this girl who saw Emma and said she was barely 5'5", but look, this David saw Emma a few days ago in flats and said she was 5'6" at the least. And in that photo of Emma with her friends, the only way I would consider her legs stocky is if you were thinking Emma is the one on the far right. And anyways, you cannot judge a person's height on their legs, at least so I've been told.
jill said on 15/Jul/07
Emma is not tall, she is about 165cm (5'5) otherwise the woman next to her is a super big human.(about 6'3) (those are new photos at 12 July)
Click Here
and I don't think Emma is around 170cm, she is around Dan¡¦s height at 5'5(165cm).
anonymous said on 15/Jul/07
That is strange, that she looks the same height in the interview. However, we don't see their feet in the interview, so we'll never know what shoes she wears, or what shoes the lady wears, and it doesn't fit with any other video/interview/pictures we've seen. Although it is a good argument, I have to say ;)
Anyway, if Dan is 5'5", then Emma is 5'5.5" max, if not 5'5". It's really 50/50 on who looks taller when, and if there really is 1" difference, it would be easier to tell who's taller. AND only pictures taken (even though slightly) from the right side at the ceremony show Emma is taller (and really not more than 1" difference) and pictures from taken just as slightly from the left side show them the same height or Dan taller. .5" difference tops, so if Dan is 5'5", Emma is in the 5'5"-5'5.5" range.
I have to say, it is kind of funny that you say Emma is 1-2" taller than Dan, but also 1-2" smaller than Maria Menounos, Anna. The difference between Maria and Emma is way more obvious, and obvious in all pictures, while the difference between Dan and Emma is anything but obvious in most pictures.
Scarlett said on 15/Jul/07
I would say Emma is at least 5 ft 5.5, possibly 5'6. I really dont think she's any taller, but i think she's AT LEAST 5'5 - there's no way she's any shorter. I would say 5'6 is very plausible, altho i think she may be just v slightly under...5'5.75 ish. She doesnt look more than an inch taller than Dan, so if he's 5'5 she's 5'5.5/5'6.
umad80 said on 15/Jul/07
Actually Rob, wouldn't being drepressed not being over 5'5" insinuate that he DOES care about his height? And then saying "that half inch is important" and "I'm now 5'6" which is an inch less than he is? I think he just convinced himself for awhile that he was 5'6" that he didn't care. But he's gone back to wearing dress shoes and regular tennis shoes since this interview.
But if Dan is 5'5", then Emma is barely 5'5", but not by much. She looked less than a half inch shorter than Dan at the hand/foot/wand ceremony.
Ariella said on 15/Jul/07
Anna I've shown evidence in the past, and your just showing rubbish pictures, your just trying to prove that Emma is 5'7 WHICH SHE IS NOT AT ALL, Emma is 5'5 MAX, people who have met her say she barely reaches 5'5. And your not showing proof either Anna.
Anna said on 15/Jul/07
And I forgot to say that in the yahoo9 interviews I meant to say that Rupert was in Converse and Emma was in flats. Now there are not photos from the actual interview, but there are photos of Emma and her mum (?)
Click Here and Emma is wearing the exact same outfit, so I am guessing those are the shoes she wore for the interview as well.
bswan said on 14/Jul/07
I think 5' 5" is stretching it for Emma Watson. She just appears to have such short legs (I might even want to say stocky) See here
Click Here Here proportions don't look like they belong to anybody over 5'4"
6'3'' JK said on 14/Jul/07
Rupert only looks to have 2 inches on the other two, thats only if he stands straight
Anna said on 14/Jul/07
Click Here Interview in which Daniel says, in response to the interviewer saying to the trio, "I feel like I say, 'my have you grown' every time I see you...." (or something like that), "Oh, but I haven't, no I haven't....I just got measured today, it's quite depressing, I'm still only 5'5"." Emma and Rupert don't respond, but I think that's clear evidence that Daniel is 5'5" - no more, no less, yeah? And JK, I was just giving an approximate guess, it's not like I'm going to count every page on this website. Some may think I would, but no, I wouldn't. haha. And I was just trying to say that you, for some reason, like to think that the celebrities are always smaller than what they are listed as. And I think your 5'4" for Dan is not debateable anymore after that interview because, I am guessing, he got measured at the doctor's office or some other place that's relatively reliable and then told this height to the interviewer. If he's going to mention how short he is and how he hasn't grown, he would most likely say the real height, not lie even more. Sorry, that's a bit confusing, but I think you get my point. And then, JK, if you said that Dan is 5'4" and Emma is 5'4"-5'5", this would translate to Dan is 5'5" and Emma is 5'5"-5'6", right? And umad80, I guess it's always better to have an "up close and personal" encounter, but wouldn't you say that the photos could be slightly more reliable because some are at perfect angles and, presumably, much more close to the actors than what you would have seen? I mean, when you look at those photos, it's clear to see that Emma is about 5'6"-5'6.5" next to the 5'5" Dan, she's definitley taller than him. Now, I am willing to change a bit with Rupert's height, but I really do think 5'5" for Dan and 5'6"/5'6.5" for Emma are perfect listings.

Editor Rob
there you go, you post something good, a clip of the radcliffe being depressed about 5ft 5.
but he wears converse, so maybe he's not caring much about height as some think.
David said on 14/Jul/07
I saw Emma shopping at LA's kitson, she looked to be at least 5 6 with flat heels
Anna said on 14/Jul/07
So sorry, but I really tried to read your comment jill, and I couldn't quite understand it. Something about Emma being 3 inches shorter than Maria and my photo being not accurate or something of that sort, but I really do not see what's wrong with that photo and Emma is even slouching and Maria is standing up straight, yet Emma looks midway up Maria's forehead. Honestly, what more proof do you need? That would put Emma at 5'6"-5'6.5", so I think an upgrade to 5'6" would be perfect. And I mean, go to 'youtube' and, if you would like to, watch the ~2005 interview of Emma with Regis and Kelly and then watch the most recent one that was done a few days ago; to put it simply, Emma looks taller compared to Regis and Kelly now than she did in the 2005ish interview. And when you think about it, Emma could still be 5'7" because, like this
Click Here photo demonstrates, Emma could very well be 2 inches taller than Dan, again why I am still thinking she could be anywhere from 5'6"-5'7". And with Emma and Rupert, I would say, again, there is only about a 1 to 2 inch difference. And I just thought about something. 5'8.5" actor Gary Oldman was in OotP briefly and throughout the movie, Dan looked to come up to about Gary's eyebrows or a little under, which is exactly where he seems to come up to on Rupert. So, maybe Rupert is taller than we expected, maybe he really is 5'8.5". And even though Emma really can look close to 5'7" and even 5'7.5" at times when she is not slouching, I will agree to 5'6", but that's the absolute minium that I think she can be. I mean, come on, she looks so much taller in OotP compared to GoF. In GoF she looked the same height or maybe even slightly shorter than Dan, but now look how things have changed,
Click Here Click Here Click Here I mean come on, she's taller than him now. Those absolutely prove it. Daniel is 5'5", Emma is 5'6"-5'6.5", Rupert is 5'8"-5'8.5". Rupert and Emma need to be upgraded. Rupert to at least 5'8" (although that's really not much different than he is listed now) and Emma to at least 5'6", like I just stated. And at least there is one other reasonable person on this site (zaphyrai)....
umad80 said on 14/Jul/07
Emma is around the height of Dan. Between 5'5" and 5'5.5" because they don't have much height difference. I've seen them up close and personal. And Rupert has quite a few inches on both. But they are definitely around 5'5".
zaphyrai said on 14/Jul/07
hmm...well I dunno. I always considered myself to be 5'6" since I was like, 14, and now I'm pretty sure I'm 5'7", and even though I have no idea, Emma looks to be around my height, maybe a little shorter. 5'6" seems a fairly good estimate. and yeah I heard on some show that Dan's 5'4" and doesn't look like he'll be growing much more. I forget which tho, I apologize.
anonymous said on 14/Jul/07
I'm gonna be a nag again...look at the video I posted a link of when she's shopping with Maria. Most of the time she looks more than 2" smaller, and Maria herself doesn't exactly stand straight either.
btw I watched the interview with Rupert and Emma at the link you posted, and I was wondering how you know what footwear they are wearing? I didn't see anything in the interview, and I haven't seen pap pics or anything of them wearing those outfits.
Anyway, .5" upgrade of Emma would do fine for me. She is defenitely not under 5'5", but I do really doubt the 5'6". You said you watched material of the hand/wand/foot print thing on iesb.com, but did you watch the second video? betwwen 2:30 and 3:30 you get a clear shot of all of them standing on stage, and whether she's slouching all she wants, or stands up as straight as she can, she's still a fair deal shorter than Rupert.
6'3'' JK said on 14/Jul/07
You just made that up didn't you? ''80%'' lol..... anyway I think we all now know Emma is 5'4'' - 5'5'' nothing more
jill said on 14/Jul/07
Anna, For those photos you posted which was including Emma and Maria Menounos, the taking photos diction are taking for the under to the head take so this can not prove anything also they were walking not stand at a state, this can not mean anything, Moreover, Have you seen anonymous video's? (this is the same day and same photos from you photos) You can diffenlly see that Emma is short than Maria around 3-4 inch, this is fact!!! ! She is only 5'5 (165cm), maybe 5¡¦5¡¦5 not way to be higher.
Anna said on 14/Jul/07
haha, yes, I am quite sure seeing as I do have a boyfriend and feel 100% right about it, so, no need to worry, but thank-you for the concern. haha, wow, sorry. But I would really stop nagging if people would tell me why these photos don't prove Emma is taller than Dan and why one shouldn't believe her official website. Plus, look at this photo with Maria
Click Here The shot is straight on and they both look to be on the same plane (Emma's slouching/tilting a bit more), but Emma still looks to be midway up Maria's forehead. Now if that doesn't prove that Emma's 5'6", I give up, which will come to a relief to some I do not doubt. haha, just tell me why it wouldn't though. haha, and no worries, I get out my fair share, maybe out a bit too much if you know what I mean. I have by no means devoted my life to prove that Emma Watson is 5'6". It may seem it, but, no, I most definitley have not. haha, lmao.
Anna said on 14/Jul/07
I'm pretty sure that you were just ignoring it or maybe you genuinely did not receive it, but I ask you again Rob, what did you have Emma listed as when you first added her to 'celebheights'? I'm just curious....and I just have to say JK, although I am slightly crazy when it comes to 'celebheights', I would say you are slightly more bothersome. At least I only harp on one or two actors, I've glanced at some other pages and I honestly believe you have requested a downgrade on nearly 80% (possibly more) of the actors on this site. haha, why? I don't understand why you think every actor or actress is shorter than they say they are? And I watched the shopping video and looked at some of the photos and Emma really looks to be halfway or more up Maria's forehead, which would be approximately a 1.5"-2" difference therefore putting Emma at 5'6"-5'6.5", certainly not the 5'5" or even 5'4" like JK is claiming. I think the thing, like I have said, that deceives people is that Emma constantly slouches, whereas Daniel always stands up straight. It leads people to the false conclusion that Emma is as short as Daniel. However, as can be proven when she is with other people and when she actually satnds up straight and it is a perfect shot (ceremony photo), Emma really is at least 1 inch taller than Daniel. And in the movie, she actually stands up straight and looks at least 1 inch taller again, maybe even 2 inches at times. And throughout the movie, Emma comes up to about the middle of Rupert's forehead (interestingly about the same spot that she came up to on Maria), which again leads me to believe that Rupert's 5'8" and Emma is 5'6"+. What more evidence do you need? Emma is taller than Dan. In fact, one of my friends, immediately after watching OotP, said, "Wow, it's sad, Dan is so short....Emma's taller than him now." Have you seen the movie Rob? Please say you have, it's absolutely amazing. haha.

Editor Rob
I've not seen it. I don't have a database snapshot within 3 months of them added, but I think they might been 1 inch taller to start. At least dan anyway.
Chip said on 13/Jul/07
Rupert is definitely not 5'5", and he is probably no more than 5'9". I'd put him at about 5'8"-5'8.5". Anna, I've respected your opinion in the past, but now please CHILL! Are you going to devote your whole life into trying to prove whether or not Emma is 5'7"? Are you sure you're not a lesbian (I'm not trying to sound rude at all, I'm just saying). You seem really obsessed with making Emma sound taller than what she is. You keep making up some wild excuse for Emma appearing shorter than 5'7". At the most, Emma is 5'5.5". There's no way Emma is 2 inches taller than Dan. Honestly, it's really obvious now that Emma is not taller than Dan.
6'3'' JK said on 13/Jul/07
Yeah Anna thats what i think, or actually thats what i know because Glenn saw Radcliffe and said he looked 5'4'' tops, So Rupert is 5'7'' To his absolute MAXIMUM! but rupert to me looks 5'5'' most of the time because he slouches
6'3'' JK said on 13/Jul/07
Maria Menounos had about 4 iches on Emma so i think we can now all rest that story, Rupert looks 5'5'' most of the time when he is slouching and about 5'7'' when he stands straight, anyone else agree????
Anna said on 13/Jul/07
I'm not trying to play the devil's advocate/be unbearably annoying, umad80, but I really have no idea how you can say that Emma is 1/2" shorter than Daniel and explain this photo.
Click Here (last time I will post that photo) Honestly, what's wrong with this photo? You cannot say that Emma is standing in front of Daniel because if you look at their feet they are in nearly exactly the same position and they both seem to be using approximately the same posture. How can you say that Emma is 1/2" or even by some beliefs, 1" shorter than Daniel? I just have absolutely no idea how you could say that and how you could say anything is wrong with this photo as far as for judging heights. And even in the barefoot photos, when she actually stands up straight, she is easily 1" taller than Dan. And somebody even said it on Dan's page; in the Order of the Phoenix, Emma consistently looks taller than Dan, Dan is actually one of the shortest of the "main" characters, I think the only one he is taller than is Devon Murray. Also, I think it should be pointed out once again that Rupert and Emma (although Rupert seems to be getting better about it) slouch excessively. I mean, I watched one of the ceremony clips on IESB.net and when they took the photo with the group, Emma literally bent her legs so that Daniel could put his arm around her. I don't know, I guess I'm just kind of curious how people can still say that Daniel is taller than Emma when throughout a two hour movie she consistently looks taller by about an inch, she was about an inch taller than him while both were barefoot, and she has even said herself that she is 5'6" (/her official website has). I mean, what more proof do you need than these things? What would be so devestating if Emma were upgraded an inch (wawawiwa)? And what's so horrible if she is really taller than D-Rad? It's not going to affect anything. Anyway, I think that those things prove that he's 5'5" and Emma is 5'6" or slightly more, specifically that nearly perfect photo. I just don't see how you can dispute it, but maybe people have some fantastic reason and if so, I would definitely like to hear/read it...Dan is to Emma as Emma is to Rupert. And I would just also like to add, she appeared on Regis and Kelly today and looked slightly taller than him despite the fact that she was in flat sandals and he was in dress shoes/boots (?). Interestingly, Daniel was on the show the day before and looked shorter than Regis. Just go to 'harrypottertrio.com' and scroll down if you would like to see the interviews. Also, that shopping deal with the Access Hollywood lady is on there (who is apparently a strong 5'8") and Emma looks only 1"-2" shorter than her throughout and they were in relatively equal footwear with Emma in Converse and the other lady in sandals. haha, however, I was a bit thrown off when Emma said "I actually kind of fancy him" while regarding the photos of Daniel Radcliffe. Oh god, they would make such a cute couple. We all know they fancy each other madly. :)
Ariella said on 12/Jul/07
Dan is about 5'5.5 I believe, so Emma is 5'5, well I know Emma is 5'5, and Dan is either 1/2 inch taller or an inch taller, but Emma definitely is 5'5.
umad80 said on 12/Jul/07
Dan is a half inch taller than Emma so if he is 5'6", then she is 5'5.5", but I to me it looked like she was a strong 5'5" and he was a weak 5'5.5" while Rupert was at least 5'9".
Krum said on 12/Jul/07
On Emma's website they have pics of her in bare feet standing next to Rupe and Dan...she's shorter than both. 5' 5" looks about right.
Chip said on 12/Jul/07
On my last comment, I meant "Anna" to be my first word, not "Emma," lol.
Ariella said on 12/Jul/07
I strongly think that Emma is 5'5, not even 5'5.5 and Dan is either 5'5.5 or 5'6, but Emma is definitely not 5'7, Emma is 5'5 MAX.
Rayhan117 said on 12/Jul/07
Emma Watsons pretty and I am 5'5 1/2 so me and her are about the same height
anonymous said on 12/Jul/07
on youtube, watch both Alexis Bledel and Emma Watson on David Letterman. They're both wearing pretty high heels, and lets say alexis is between 5'6" and 5'7" (she's listed here as 5'6" btw). When they come out from backstage, you can really see Emma is at least 1" smaller (look at the wall) and also when they greet Letterman.
Click Here for Emma and
Click Here for Alexis
6'3'' JK said on 11/Jul/07
Of course anonymous and hello Rupert ISN'T even near 5'8''!! Rupert is 5'7'' but he is a very weak looking 5'7'', in pictures to me when he slouches most of the time looks 5'5''
Scarlett said on 11/Jul/07
Emma and Dan are about the same height...5'5 minimum, 5'6 maximum. It's a fine height for a girl, there's no need to try and push it up. Emma is a prtty girl so she's got nothing to worry about height wise...Dan is a different story! 5'6 is short for a guy, but i guess he wont suffer that mvuh...he's a little hottie with a great career and lotsa money! I dont really think he's that bothred about it...which makes me wonder why we seem to be! lol
Anonymous said on 11/Jul/07
thanks, hello!
And in this pic:
Click Here you can see that they are both wearing flat shoes. She looks 2-3" smaller to me, which STILL makes me put her at 5'5.5" max. And I agree Rupert is probably smaller, 5'7.75" might even be a stretch...seems more like 5'7.25" to me now.
Anna, of course we read your posts. Reading back on comments, the rest of us all agree on her height (5'5"-5'5.5" range) and you're the only one that keeps insisting she's taller. Rob hasn't upgraded her height, everyone but you says around 5'5", so we're just trying to convince you. Don't even know why I bother though.
hello said on 10/Jul/07
Okay, a genuine 5'8 girl next to emma here:
Click Here
Emma looks tiny, this makes me think Rupert isn't really 5'8, but then again he does slouch alot.
Anna said on 10/Jul/07
hahaha, my god, I know Rob, I honestly do....it's been a well good laugh though, honestly, my friends and I have been getting some laughs out of how people react. Anyway, I'm really surprised that you didn't know that I was a girl, can't you just tell by how girls talk versus how guys talk? haha, but Ariella, you say that my photos are rubbish because "you can't see thier feet" then you go on to say "Jill those are good pictures"....how does that make any sense at all? You cannot see their feet in any of them but the first one and in that photo the angle is such that the farther right you are the taller you look....see I'm getting the hang of this. Also, the angle is such that the closer to the camera you are the shorter you appear, at least I am assuming so because of the floor tilt. And even with all of the disadvantages, Emma still looks the same height or taller than Dan. I think that what you want is Dan to be taller than Emma and you will deny everything that proves the contrary. Just what I think though....and I'm absolutely mental, so my opinion obviously does not count.

Editor Rob
I think you should post a picture of yourselve with a bit of paper saying 'I love celebheights'...then I'll let you post again...
Chip said on 10/Jul/07
Emma, those pictures that Jill posted should put an end to your "Emma is 5'7" thing, unless you're willing to say that Dan is 5'8" and Rupert is 6'0". It would be great if Emma was 5'7", but she's good enough as she is. I respect you for sticking to your opinion for so long, though.
6'3'' JK said on 10/Jul/07
ANNA GET OVER IT!!! everybody is saying it man, even Rob lol, You're claims about Emma being 5'7''(lol) is making everybody laugh
Ariella said on 10/Jul/07
ANNA GET OVER IT EMMA IS NOT 5'7 AND SHE NEVER WILL BE, Emma has not grown much at all since 2005 and that picture you posted, is rubbish, you can't see their feet, but I know their wearing their shoes and stepping on the cement.
Jill those are good pictures, but you can see that Emma's hair is poofing up because of how her hair is styled in the pictures where she's wearing black, and Dan's hair looks a little poofed, so if you pressed your hands on their head to flatten their hair(lol)Dan is a tiny bit taller, but not much I'm sticking with Emma is 5'5 and Dan 5'5.5 I believe Emma did what Dan did in the past on her website she just assumed she's 5'6 without even really knowing or she just said she's an inch taller than she really is, I strongly believe that Emma is 5'5 and Dan is 5'5.5
That girl who met Emma said Emma was 5'5, and the girl met Emma a couple of weeks ago, she said Emma was a little bit taller than her and the girl said she was 5'4 and Emma had her leopard flats on, Emma wouldn't grow 2 inches or even one in a few weeks, Emma is 5'5 and Dan is 5'5.5
jill said on 10/Jul/07
I need to say something again, Look at this new photos Dan and Emma(they are not wear any shoes) are the same height!!!!they are 5'5 (165cm) both at the same height.
jill said on 10/Jul/07
?aDan is really taller than Emma and Emma is not tall ,she is 5'5 (165cm)
You can see this new photos in Los Angeles.
Although Emma wear heels, she is still shorter than Dan.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Anonymous said on 10/Jul/07
LOL I'll keep that in mind Rob :)
Anyway, I know I seem obsessed, I suppose I am, but hey what else to do when all your friends are away on holiday?
Look at this:
2004 Manhatten with her father:
Click Here
OotP London premier with father:
Click Here and
Click Here
Yes she's not standing straight in the last ones, but she is wearing heels. Just proof she really hasn't grown much, even since 2004.
anonymous said on 10/Jul/07
Take a look at this video:
Click Here and we know their footwear. It's about 50/50 between Emma and Dan on who looks taller.
Anonymous said on 10/Jul/07
my god anna, she's not 1 to 2" taller! Why do you so desperately try to push Emma to that 5'7"? Are you 5'7"? I mean you even lied about the teen vogue interview! Thanks to Ariella for reminding us haha. I posted that pic of them because I thought it was hilarious and you know there is absolutely no way it's accurate, Dan and Emma, yes, but them compared to Rupert? No way. Dan looks only 1" smaller than Rupert, which compared to all the other premier pics where he actually wears the heeled shoes can simply not be accurate, because, as you so kindly said, on a tall day he reaches up to Ruperts eye brows. Or, oh wait: 'barely reaches up to his eyes'. And if Dan's height doesn't look accurate in those pics how can Emma's and Rupert's?
In my opinion it's still majority rules, and as in the majority of pictures (also when she's with other people, not Dan and Rupert) she does not look 5'7", I'm sticking with my 5'5.5" max.
I do have to admit Dan is not taller, but I still think they're more or less the same height, give or take .5". Not 1 or 2", my gosh. Look at this picture where they're all barefoot (ok, Dan and Rup with socks) and not on the cement:
Click Here Can't judge Emma's height here as she has one foot raised which can make you look taller, but look at this: Dan looks a good 3" smaller than Rupert! Now I'm at a complete loss haha. Rupert 5'8", Emma 5'5.5" and Dan 5'5"?

Editor Rob
remember also Anna is just a huge Emma Watson fan with a big crushI guess...not a lesbian crush, because Anna, as long timers remember is a guy.
Anna said on 10/Jul/07
Look at the photos of the hand print ceremony, if Dan is taller than Emma, I definitely am touched in the head.
Chris said on 9/Jul/07
This may be the most telling picture (LA Chinese Theater). All three of them horizontally aligned, right next to each other in flat shoes.
Click Here
Anna said on 9/Jul/07
Okay, I hate to sound like such a snob, but I must say, I told you so....As I commented on Rupert's site last night, the LA premiere turned out to be rubbish because of the fact that Emma stood up straight in not one photo and also the fact that Dan was wearing very, very, very dodgy footwear. However, photos of the hand, foot, and wand print ceremony surfaced today and they are very, very good, probably the best this site will ever get because they are straight on shots, no one is slouching terribly much, and all are in relatively equal footwear, although Emma may be at a slight disadvantage to Rupert and Daniel. Anyway, I think they prove that there is no possible way that anyone can say that Emma is shorter than Daniel, just absolutely no way. I would say that she is about 1 to 2 inches taller than him, which would again put her in that 5'6"-5'7" range like I've been reckoning for a while now. Because the people keep adding images at the fansite, it's hard to give a link to one specific one, so I'll just give you a link to the general page and if you want to you can check them out....it's pretty concrete evidence though, I don't see how you can dispute that Emma's not taller than Daniel. And interestingly, I noticed that Rupert really didn't look that much taller than Emma in these photos. Maybe he is more the 5'8" Rob has him listed at....And Ariella I now feel terrible about what I said in that previous comment. I guess I was just getting a bit annoyed and suspicious, once again, I'm sorry. But really, what of these photos
Click Here You really cannot continue to say that she is shorter than Daniel, can you? I would say 5'5" for Daniel, 5'6"-5'7" for Emma, and 5'7.5"-5'8" for Rupert. And with the rounding up thing, I once again don't think Emma would do that. If a celebrity lied about his or her height or even remotely cared, you could tell by their posture. A perfect example is Daniel, he is always standing stick straight, I've not seen one photo in which he slouches. However, Emma is constantly slouching and if she cared about how tall she was, she would stand up straight like Daniel, also proving that she may feel a bit uncomfortable being taller than Dan....
Anonymous said on 9/Jul/07
Click Here I have to admit I'm shocked :p but how is it that they all wear flat shoes and suddenly Dan is nearly the same height as Rupert? While when he was wearing his special shoes, he looked even smaller, while Rupert was wearing the same shoes? And he must have been wearing at least 3" shoes to be that much taller than Emma at the LA premier, even with her slouching haha. My gosh this is funny, like Dan and Emma both grew 2" overnight.
rip said on 9/Jul/07
In recent pictures on getty, Emma is wearing flats and Dan is wearing shoes. Now looking at the size of shoe I think Dan's shoe must have 1.5" atleast, so he has the shoe advantage. In these pics Dan is about 1"_1.5" taller than Emma, but she is slouching(knee bend). If she would have stood straight, she would be the same height. So in my opinion Emma is a bit taller than Dan.
Ariella said on 9/Jul/07
Emma would definitely round up, so if she's 5'5 she'd say 5'6 because she wants to probably be taller, like Dan did, she would not say she is shorter than she really is Emma is 5'5-5'6, I think she's more 5'5 though, because again I think she might say she's an inch taller than she really is, like Dan has, but she is DEFINITELY NOT 5'7, NO WAY she is, 5'6 MAX, but again she doesn't quite seem 5'5 I doubt Dan is 5'7 already and he's about an inch taller than Emma, I think he's 5'6 and Emma 5'5 even though it says 5'6, she probably just rounded or estimated how tall she is.
Ariella said on 9/Jul/07
omg Anna, I never said I took that picture of Emma, I said that a girl, did and I won't mention her name, but I did not take the picture and I never said I did and you say I make up stories where you said you met her and she was 5'7 and how she said in the Teen Vogue magazine that she was 5'7 when she clearly did not Emma is NOT 5'7 at all and I believe she is done growing because to supposedly grow an inch in like a 1 1/2 is not a lot, so I believe she is done growing, but Emma is roughly between 5'5-5'6, even though Emma claims to be 5'6 I actually think Emma said she was an inch taller than she is like Dan did, because he is not shorter than her, he is a lot taller than Emma, so Emma could say 5'6 just to be an inch taller than she really is again like Dan has, but 5'5 and 5'6 are not different at all really.
Scarlett said on 9/Jul/07
Those new pics from the LA premiere PROVE that EMMA IS NOT TALLER THAN DAN! She is wearing flats (with a tiny heel) and he is wearing shoes...the heel is not big but granted, he prob does have an advantage re: shoes. This means that there is no way...i repeat, NO WAY, that Emma is ANY taller than 5'6. I think Dan is a little taller than her, altho not as much as it looks in those pictures. She's about 5'5/5'5.5 and he's about 5'6.
Look at the pics!
Anonymous said on 9/Jul/07
Click Here final post today lol. Imelda Staunton is 5' and isn't wearing high heels, I'd say 2" max, 1.5" even more likely, as they seem even smaller than Emma's heels at the photocall, which everyone said were 2".
Click Here (I chose the one with the biggest difference, in some Emma is really slouching, but in this one she's pretty straight) how much difference do you think Rob? I find this one hard to estimate.

Editor Rob
tricky with the amount of hair melda has, 2-2.5, but this is the new ones with
these flats she's wearing.
Anonymous said on 9/Jul/07
Do you go to any Emma Watson forums? emmawatson.ca. It wasn't Ariella who met her and took a picture. It was a girl who I do trust (although I also trust Ariella, kinda anyway, although I don't always agree with her)
OH! Now I get it ;) to Ruperts converse haha. I still don't think she's over 5'6" though. I think we've all been fooled by Ruperts height over the years, his build makes him look a lot taller than he is.
Rupert hasn't been that much taller than Dan and Emma over the years, I'd say 3" max over the years.
compare this picture (don't have time to make tiny urls, so look at the Tokyo premier of GOF, and the LA premier of OotP and compare Emma to the producer guy...can't believe I forgot his name and I'm in hurry so can't look it up lol) That's why I don't think she's grown a lot since then.
I'm trying to remember when they said their heights, and I though both Emma and Dan stated that they were 5'5" mid 2006? Which is a year later than the GOF premier! In the GOF press pics(taken mid 2005) you can say that they weren't that much smaller than Rupert. I thought Rupert was 5'7" and both Emma and Dan were 5'4" back then.
That's why I don't think she is over 5'5.5". I agree both pictures could have been taken at better angles, but I'll look for better ones when I have the time.

Editor Rob
see the latest ones. This time she really does have ultra thin ones on and Radcliffe is standing tall:
Here and all those
Anna said on 8/Jul/07
I'm sorry, but I don't really believe Ariella. She seems like she would make up a story like such to make people believe her opinion, but I mean if she has the evidence (e.g. what this fan who has met Emma has written) I guess I'm willing to look at it. But with the footwear stuff I was talking about how Emma, in her flats at the Paris photo call, had a slight disadvantage to Rupert with his Converse, which are said to be around 1/2". And then Dan had about 1"-1.5" or more in his dress shoes, so I was saying when you compare the photos of Emma and Rupert to those of Dan and Rupert, Emma definitely has to be taller than Dan, even though she could have more than a 1.25" disadvantage in footwear compared to Dan. And Emma did wear heels to the London premiere, but they were not 3 inches, I would say more like 2 or 2.5 inches, definitely not 3. I would say Katie Leung's were 3 inches and when you look at photos of Emma and Katie together, Katie's heels look nearly an inch bigger than Emma's. And then when you look at photos of Emma and Rupert at the GoF premieres and then at the photos from the Paris photo call, the gap is definitely smaller at the photo call. I think it's impossible to say that Emma hasn't grown at least an inch since GoF, she really looks quite a bit taller. I'm sticking with what I've said, 5'6"-5'7" for her and ~5'8" for Rupert. She really could be nearly as tall as him if she stood up straight and she doesn't even look that much shorter than him when she's slouching and he's standing up straight....and I once again just have to question 5'5" because she would have absolutely no reason to round up her height.
Anonymous said on 8/Jul/07
Barely up to his eyes..he reaches to Ruperts eyes, period. In the other picture he reaches at least up to his eyebrow. I'm really not sure how much faith I'm going to put into pictures anymore, though, as every picture seems to make them look a different height compared to each other! And Emma had about 3" heels on at the London premier. BTW I don't get why you call Dan's a footwear advantage and Emma's shoes a disadvantage? Isn't it both an advantage in height, but a disadvantage for us because we have to figure out how much extra height it gives them? Well, have to :p want to haha. Anyway, sorry English isn't my first language so I might not get it because of that! Anyway, in Paris she's wearing the flats with 1/4th inch heel, not in London. It does convince me that Dan hasn't grown that much and is indeed still around 5'5", but I don't believe he's smaller than Emma. The same height at the least, or +0.5". Emma seems to have grown, but only because she has started to wear heels IMO. Before this she wore flats 90% of the time, or just kitten heels.
I guess I am going to stick with Ariella on this one. A girl met her about a week ago and said she was just a tad taller than her (and she's 5'4"). So to be honest, I trust that more than the pictures, as we don't seem to be sure about any of the trio's heights.
Anna said on 7/Jul/07
Just some unseen photos from the London premiere of OotP (note....the Los Angeles premiere is tomorrow).
Click Here Click Here The second one is obviously more for Dan and Rupert and interestingly, when you look at that gap, Dan is barely up to Rupert's eyes with a 1/2" to 1" or more footwear advantage whereas Emma was nearly as tall as Rupert with a 1/4" footwear disadvantage. And in the first photo Emma is actually standing up straight and, as can be easily presumed, she looks about 1/2" to 1" taller than Rupert and Dan isn't even up to Emma's eyes. So, I think it is safe to say that Dan is shorter than Emma without a doubt.
Anonymous said on 7/Jul/07
I still think, looking at all pictures from the past days, not just the Paris photocall where the angles are kind of strange (in one picture Emma is in front and still looks a lot smaller) that she's about 2-3" smaller than Rupert.
But I guess you're right Anna and we'll have to wait until July 9th to get the best pictures height-wise haha :)
Evanna said on 7/Jul/07
"Anna" you've changed your opinion on Converse and everything else so many times, noone here takes you seriously. Your persistance is admirable, but unfortunately in 90% of the photos from Paris Grint looks around 3 inches taller than Emma, and she doesn't have the footwear disadvantage, and the angles in your pics actually favour her, because she is closer to the camera. The pics that Rob has posted on Grint's page are better for height comparisons. Besides in the photos from a couple of weeks ago Emma in flat boots looks shorter than Radcliffe in sneakers. She's five-five, deal with it.
Anna said on 7/Jul/07
Go to the Rupert page on this site and you will see some photos of Emma and Rupert at a Paris photo call where Emma wore 1/4" flats and Rupert wore 1/2" Converse. These two photos pretty much sum it up in my opinion
Click Here Click Here .... even when Emma isn't standing up straight while Rupert is, when the angle is at her disadvantage, and when she has a slight footwear disadvantage....she looks to be only 1-2 inches shorter than Rupert, which leads me to believe that if she actually stood up straight she may not be much shorter at all. Even if Rupert were only 5'7.5", Emma could still very be 5'6.75" plus because she really doesn't look more than an inch shorter than him while standing up striaght. I think the handprint, footprint, and wand ceremony on July 9th will give us concrete evidence and people will see that Emma really isn't much shorter than Rupert. When you look at those photos he's satnding up straight and she's slouching and she still doesn't look much shorter, does she?
Anna said on 7/Jul/07
What? Oh, alright, I think I know what you are talking about and I see how you could have drawn that conclusion, I suppose. When I said "The celebrities are always smaller than Rob thinks and if there is a quote from the celebrity, we must always downgrade them 1 or more inches from that height." I was taking it from JK's point of view. I was just getting at the point that for some strange reason JK never believes that a celebrity is not lying about his or her height. I do know that some celebrities obviously stretch things a bit, but I also believe that not all of them lie and some really give their honest height, such as Emma and Rupert or, at some times, are a bit modest in their estimations.
Anonymous said on 7/Jul/07
Anna, according to your logic, Emma claims 5'6" on her website, minus an inch, = 5'5" lol
Anna said on 7/Jul/07
I don't think there has been one celebrity on this site that "6'3" JK" has ever thought to have been listed at too short of a height or, even more oddly, at the right height period. The celebrities are always smaller than Rob thinks and if there is a quote from the celebrity, we must always think to downgrade them 1 or more inches from that height. Has anyone else noticed this? Not all celebrities lie about their height some, like Rupert and seemingly Emma, could honestly not care less.
6'3'' JK said on 7/Jul/07
Rob i hope you were being sarcastic when you said you were upgrading Rupert lol