Anna said on 7/Jul/07
Why would you do that? Dan 5'5", Emma 5'6", and Rupert 5'8" seem like perfectly accurate listings to me. Although Emma and Rupert may be slightly taller tahn 5'6" and 5'8".
hello said on 6/Jul/07
Just wondering, are we going to take her word and upgrade her Rob?

Editor Rob
I'll put grint at 5ft 8 flat more than upgrade her by 1 inch.
Anna said on 6/Jul/07
She needs to be upgraded to 5'6" at the least. I mean, think about it, why would she lie about her height? There would be absolutely no reason to, 5'6" is not short at all for a girl and she obviously doesn't want to be taller, if she did, she would be standing up absolutely straight like Dan. If anything, I would say she is a bit uncomfortable with her height, but maybe she just slouches naturally....anything from 5'6" to 5'7" seems like a good listing though. I don't know what Rob thinks.
Ariella said on 6/Jul/07
It still says the she's 5'6. yeah she's 5'5-5'6 but not 5'7 at all, and I doubt she will be because she's at the age where girls stop growing and she's only grown an inch since 2005 and it's 2007 so I don't think she'll grow anymore, but it's a nice height and 5'5 and 5'6 is not that different at all.
Anonymous said on 6/Jul/07
Her official site has her listed at 5'6". Not 5'6"-5'7". Maybe they changed it though, because I only just read it. Anyway, I'm sticking with 5'5.5" max. She also says on her website, that she think she'd have a hard time winning a fight with Keira Knightley, because she is taller (but would give her a good run for her money ;)), and she is 5'7", which leads to my very simple and modest conclusion: She is not 5'7", and applying the rule that people tend to round their height up, I still say she's 5'5.5" max.
Anna said on 5/Jul/07
I would agree that Katie is 5'5" not 5'4.5" (although a 1/2" is not that much of a matter), but I would say that Emma is 5'6"-5'7" (what her official website has her listed as ''). And I think that that height for Emma would make sense because Emma looked as tall, if not a little taller, than Kaite even when she had smaller heels. And even in Jill's photo, Emma is bending and slouching whereas Katie seems to be standing up straight, but Emma still looks easily as tall as Katie. Also, with the official site, I think that Emma actually runs it and gives the information and as the caption above says, the most recent quote previously was 5'5" from Emma and she doesn't seem like the type of person who would try and seem taller than she actually is because she constantly slouches and such. So, I think 5'6"-5'7" is accurate for her and Katie and Dan are both around 5'5", although Dan may have that extra 1/2", he's hard to judge though.
Ariella said on 5/Jul/07
Katie is actually a tad taller than Emma, but in this picture Emma isn't standing up straight, and I believe they have the same shoes on, just Emma's are blue and Katie's black, but if you look here:
Click Here Katie has flats on, and Emma is a tad taller because she still has the heels on, but if they were off, Emma would be a little shorter than Katie, Emma is definitely still 5'5 , but Katie could be 5'5 or 5'5.5?
jill said on 4/Jul/07
I think Emma is as tall as Katie. They are the same height at 5'5(165cm)
You can see this from
Click Here
You can see that Katie is taller than Emma a little bit, but I think Katie heels were halp higher than Emma(OR the same height heels), so they are the same height at 5'5.
Scarlett said on 4/Jul/07
Completely agree with you, Ariella! She's taller than him in heels, but not by much. Without them, she's a tad shorter. Not much shorter though!
Ariella said on 4/Jul/07
When they put the foot print in the cement they'll be bare foot, so they could wear whatever shoes they want, but in this picture Emma has 2 inch heels on and is just a tad taller than Dan, so she is shorter than him and Rupert's head is tilted so he would be taller if he stood up straight:
Click Here Emma is still 5'5 MAX no taller.
umad80 said on 2/Jul/07
Might want to wait until the footprint ceremony to check. Most likely the trio won't be wearing heeled shoes. Probably very comfortable shoes. That will probably be when we can get another accurate measurement. Possibly... depending on if we see them standing together and nothing is messing with their posture or if one is in front, etc.
Ariella said on 2/Jul/07
EMMA IS 5'5 and she's at that age where she won't grow anymore.
AND you obviously didn't read my last post about it, her hair was STYLED for the C.A. because her hair is not voluminous naturally, because in every other photo shoot besides that one, her hair is flat, they styled it because they were taking pictures, they even made Dan wear the glasses, and they wouldn't keep her hair natural but then make it flat on all the other films, plus in her personal pictures her hair is flat, it's not voluminous naturally at all, she said in an interview a couple weeks ago that her hair is naturally blonde:
Take her hair, which is blonde; she tried to get it back to its natural colour and today it's streaked.
"I don't know how much of it is natural any more but this is sort of naturally my colour," she says tugging at her long golden locks.
And the reason she says that she doesn't know how much is natural is because her natural colour is similar, she's a natural blonde and her hair is naturally straight I know this for a fact.
AND in 2002 and in 2006 she said her hair was naturally straight, and again no one straightens their hair just to put it up in a messy ponytail, they would leave it down, because they don't want to mess up their hair, Emma only does that when she makes her hair wavy or curly and the only reason she puts it up is because she knows that it's going back straight and doesn't care so she'll put it up otherwise it's down, EMMA'S HAIR IS NATURALLY BLONDE AND STRAIGHT I ACTUALLY KNOW THIS FOR A FACT. there's a picture of her from last week, her hair is straight and up in a messy ponytail, Her hair is naturally blonde and straight, I know this for a fact.
And I wouldn't think the premieres will settle this because Emma most likely wear heels so we wouldn't be able to tell again, but I know for a fact also that she is still 5'5, and about your cousin like you said she grew at 15, which is the age for girls to stop usually and it's uncommon if a girl continues to grow, Emma hasn't grown since she was 15 which isn't unusual, she's most likely done growing, she's 5'5 MAX no taller.
Anonymous said on 2/Jul/07
lol so we we're kind of trying to make the same point umad80 :) I was saying it because some people actually use the film stills to prove that Emma is taller than Dan, which I just don't think is true. She might have been for a while, but that is why I believe Dan did grow (whether he now finally is 5'5.5" or the 5'6" that's reported) My guess would be on 5'6" but I'm waiting for the premieres to be sure.
And Ariella, take a look at this picture:
Click Here Taken before HP, and yet, her hair is wavy! And voluminous! OMG! and this is the last thing I'm going to say about her hair.
Anonymous said on 2/Jul/07
well, one of my cousins is only 15 and yet she 's 5.6 already. some girls grow like rain upto the age of 15 and others grow after that age
umad80 said on 2/Jul/07
I think the difference between the photos is that Dan is standing very straight while Emma isn't. When they're relaxed on set they seem about the same height. Sometimes Dan looks a little taller. The point I was trying to make with the onset photos was that Emma definitely is not 5'7" nor grew that tall during filming. And Rupert is the tallest out of the three and more than just 2 or so inches. :)
Ariella said on 1/Jul/07
But Emma's hair is definitely not brown, and it doesn't look brown it looks blonde because she's a natural blonde and her hair is naturally straight.
AND EMMA IS 5'5 she is not taller and she is not taller than Dan.
Ariella said on 1/Jul/07
Well boys stop growing around 18, girls stop way earlier and she hasn't grown in a year so she is done growing most likely but she is 5'5 still she is not taller than 5'5, she's 5'5 MAX not 5'6.
And her hair was done for the Cast Announcements, because there was a photo shoot, Emma's hair is not that voluminous naturally her hair is flat, and she said in 2002 that her hair is naturally straight, but her hair was not straightened, and no one would straighten their hair to put it up in a messy ponytail they'd want to keep it down, because it looks nice, and Emma's hair is up a lot when straight but it's down when she makes it wavy/curly unless it's going back straight then she'll put it up because she knows that and doesn't care, but her hair is naturally straight here's a quote from a interview that was a couple weeks ago saying she's a natural blonde: Take her hair, which is blonde; she tried to get it back to its natural colour and today it's streaked.
"I don't know how much of it is natural any more but this is sort of naturally my colour," she says tugging at her long golden locks.
And the reason she says that she doesn't know how much is natural is because her natural colour is similar, she's a natural blonde and her hair is naturally straight I know this for a fact.
Anonymous said on 1/Jul/07
umad80, okay, maybe late January, but it takes 11 months to film and we have no idea when what scene was shot. Guys in puberty can grow 2 or 3" a year easily! I don't think Dan grew that much, but Dan does look smaller than Emma in a lot of the screencaps, or at the least they look the same height, and in the latest pics he looks taller than Emma, yet still small for a guy, and that's why I think Emma didn't really grow, maybe half an inch but not more.
umad80 said on 30/Jun/07
Anonymous, no... They were done later than that. Late January I think? I think sometime in January. But in any case, unless they had a growth spurt from the time of filming to the photocall - which proves the same thing - then it should still be fine.
Anon, I think the girls have a bit of a heel on their shoes. I'm not sure if it's the same as the guys, but it's there. Otherwise Dan could only be 5'4" to be the same height as in some of those behind-the-scenes stuff. And what does shoe size have to do anything? I'm only 5'5" but because I have wide feet I have to get like 9s or 10s in womens... But if they're cut wide enough I'd only wear like 5s or 6s...
Scarlett said on 30/Jun/07
Those heels Emma was wearing to the photocall give her three inches, not four. She's about the same height as Dan. Certainly not more than an inch taller. To even consider her ebing close to 5'8 is ludicrous. 5'6 MAX.
anon said on 30/Jun/07
look at the pictures of her in the school uniform with flat shoes on, easier to judge her height then. also what is her shoe size?
Anna said on 30/Jun/07
Those heels are so small though, especially compared to Katie's and nevertheless, Emma still looked as tall and most of the time about an inch taller than Katie when Emma actually stood up straight.
Anonymous said on 30/Jun/07
I don't think we should look at images from the films anymore. They finished shooting around november or something, right? That's 7 months! I agree Dan looks smaller during the filming, but in the latest pics, he simply looks like he has grown. Especially since it is kind of impossible for Emma to have shrunken.
Click Here just compare this pic from 2005 to now, if Emma and Katie would stand straight, they would be about an inch taller than Dan (if not more, and I think he was said to be 5'5" around these premieres), and in the new pictures, they're wearing high heels and are yet only one inch taller.
And Ariella, you don't know if she'll still grow. No one knows! I grew an inch when I was 18! And my friend stopped growing at 14. It's different for everybody. And her hair is naturally wavy. That new pic doesn't prove anything, ever heard of a straightener? And when your hair is wavy even just blowing it straight does the trick. Look at the pictures of her at the cast announcement, I think that is her natural hair. Her natural colour may has gotten a bit darker too, but I agree she's probably at most dark blonde.
Ariella said on 29/Jun/07
This is another picture where you can see better that Emma had heels on
Click Here she is still 5'5 she's not 5'5.5 she's 5'5 and she won't grown anymore then there's this picture from the girl that met her last week and she said she's still 5'5:
Click Here and Emma was never taller than Katie, but Emma is still 5'5 and she won't grow anymore.
anna said on 29/Jun/07
Also, umad80, I think that Rupert is about 2 or 3 inches taller than Daniel and about 1 to 2 inches taller than Emma, and some of your better photos prove that. However, I still don't understand how you drew your listings from those photos because I think the photos with Dan and Emma is actually quite convincing to prove she is 1 to 2 inches taller than him because she is actually bending her leg whereas Daniel is standing up straight and still is easily 1 inch taller than him, making her 2 inches taller than him with proper posture. And your Rupert and Emma one doesn't make sense, Emma is standing farther in back than Dan, how can you compare her to Rupert, who is in the foreground?
umad80 said on 29/Jun/07
I think the new behind-the-scenes footage shows that Rupert has quite a few inches on his castmates. This is a good guage because of the fact that there are no tricky camera angles to make anyone appear taller, no real difference in footware, etc. Rupert and Dan:
Click Here
Rupert and Emma:
Click Here
Emma and Dan:
Click Here
Rupert, Dan, Katie & Matt:
Click Here (And I think Rupert is further away from the camera.)
This one,
Click Here Emma isn't close to Rupert and Dan to measure height, but she's clearly pretty short next to the twins. (Are we sure they didn't grow any? She's further in front and still only comes up to their shoulders. Of course, I don't know the difference in footware.) And Rupert is behind Dan and still looks maybe two inches taller.
Ariella said on 29/Jun/07
Oh and you can see that Emma is a natural blonde and her hair is naturally straight by the recent pictures and this one:
Click Here her hair is naturally straight and she's a natural blonde.
Ariella said on 29/Jun/07
Anna I knew you would do that, that is a terrible picture of the trio one, EMMA HAS HEELS on so she's taller: here's a full body shot:
Click Here she has heels on she she is taller with heels on, Dan is about 5'6 and Emma is 5'5 not 5'5.5, she's 5'5, and 6'3"JK yeah there accurate but they haven't updated in about a year, even though Emma hasn't grown and she is still 5'5 and done growing it doesn't mean Dan or Rupert won't grow.
6'3'' JK said on 29/Jun/07
I say all of your Ridiculous listings are wrong!!!, Celebheights has the most accurate listings of the trio, I agree with Robs listing on that Emma and Dan are both 5'5'', and i almost 98% agree with The Rupert Listing too, I just think he is more 5'7'' than 5'7.75'' Rob, But its still pretty Accurate
umad80 said on 29/Jun/07
LOL Anna, I love your perserverance, but c'mon... She's wearing 2-2.5 inch heels and is only slightly taller than Dan. Truthfully it looks like Dan is definitely between the 5'5.5" to 5'6" range, Emma is only 5'5" with the 2 inch or so heels, and Rupert is most likely around 5'9". Counting his leaning head and the other two are more closer to the camera... that and Emma has her arm around him (having to stand up taller to do it) and is probably pushing him down a bit in the process.
Anonymous said on 29/Jun/07
she is smaller than Dan! MAYBE the same height, but honestly, not taller. Just look at the pictures. And I don't think Rupert ever stands straight, which I suppose means he wouldn't stand straight either if someone would ever get a chance to measure his height... but anyway...
Click Here (2" heels (if they're not 2.5") and she only looks about an inch taller) and
Click Here I agree Dan looks probably taller than he really is in the last one, but they're all standing about the same. (Dan leaning, Emma with a bent knee and Rupert his slouched self)
And Emma doesn't look taller than Katie in the london photo's! Katie has her head tilted in almost all the pictures and when she is standing straight, she is taller. 5'5.5" max for Emma, especially if you think Dan is only 5'6".
ONLY if at one of the next premieres, she wears flats and still looks taller than Dan, you can convince me :p
anna said on 29/Jun/07
Click Here That's a good photo to demonstrate what I am talking's a straight on photo and they all seem to be on approximately the same plane and Emma looks about .5"-.75" taller than Rupert (I know he is doing something odd with his head, so we can say that Emma would be about .25"-.5" taller normally) and Dan looks at least 3 inches shorter than them. I think that this is a pretty accurate photo and it would put Dan at about 5'5", Rupert at about 5'8.5"-5'9", and Emma at that 5'7"-slightly taller range. However, this is what I was talking about with the Dan height thing, I mean in this photo he looks quite a bit shorter than Rupert and Emma, but, like I said, in others he doesn't look nearly this short, especially compared to Evanna and Katie. So, I guess I'll stay with the 5'5"-5'6" for him, 5'7"/slightly taller for Emma, and 5'8.5"-5'9" for Rupert. Going by these, I'm only projecting that Emma is 1 to 2+ inches taller than Dan, so it's really not that "groundbreaking". And I watched some behind-the-scenes footage and some clips from the movie and Emma and Dan are both wearing converse and Emma is at least 2 inches taller than Dan. And, again fitting my projections, Rupert is about 1-2 inches taller than Emma making him 5'8.5"-5'9". Also, there are some photos with David Yates, David Heyman, and another man and Rupert and Emma really aren't that much shorter than David Heyman. I definitely do not think 5'7" for Emma and 5'8.5"-5'9" for Rupert are that crazy.
anna said on 28/Jun/07
And I forgot to say (by the way, sorry for the long post), but another indication that Emma has grown is her height compared to Katie Leung's. During the GoF era, Emma was about 1/2" or so taller than Katie, which would accurately put her at 5'5.5". However, in the OotP photocall, Katie was wearing heels with an inch+ advantage and Emma still looked about an 1" taller than Katie in the straight one/overall good photos (for everyone). So, if Katie is 5'5" barefoot she would be approximately 5'8" in her heels. If Emma is 5'7" barefoot she would be 5'9" in her heels thus explaining why the difference was ~ 1 inch at the photocall. And I read some of the comments on Dan's page and I have to say that I kind of agree that he may be more like 5'5.5" to 5'6", which is still very short for a guy of his age. I mean he does look pretty short compared to everyone, but he really doesn't look that much shorter than Rupert and such. I just don't really know. I just am almost positive that Emma is taller than Daniel by at least 1"-2" and that she is only about 2" or less inches shorter than Rupert and seeing as she is taller than him whilst standing up straight (both stand up straight), I think this would even fit the "Rupert is only 5'7.75"-5'8"" believers' ideas.
Ariella said on 26/Jun/07
That is wrong someone on a forum met her the other day and she has a picture that she took of her and she said Emma is still 5'5, and she is, she hasn't grown and she won't grow anymore, not growing for basically a year is kinda a sign anyway.
umad80 said on 26/Jun/07
I agree that she's definitely not getting 3 inches on those heels. Would you say 2-2.5 inches? Definitely at least two. Katie looks like she might actually be getting three though. And while Dan is wearing converse for a change, he does stand straight. He has excellent posture.
Dan definitely has me perplexed in his height now. In the press conference photos he looked quiet easily 5'6" in the same shoes. But now he looks maybe closer to 5'5.5". And Rupert's got better posture than he usually does. Not as good as Dan's so you can probably add a quater inch for posture on him. And he still is roughly about a quater inch taller than Emma standing behind.
In any case I think Emma is definitely still at 5'5", Dan is between 5'5.5" and 5'6" and Rupert... I don't know. He looks like he could definitely have more than two inches on Dan considering they're both in converse, slight lean for Rupert, and Dan in front... he's still taller. In fact he looks a good inch and a half taller while standing that far behind. I don't know how much you would add for the difference in how they're positioned, plus his slight slouch to Dan's good posture.
Anonymous said on 26/Jun/07
some girls have a growth spurt upto the age of 16 and then stop growing. for others, they might grow like rain after age of 17. however i dont think emma will grow anymore
Ariella said on 25/Jun/07
I could be different all over but in England its actually 14-15 when you stop growing but again someone met Emma the other day and she said Emma is 5'5, and it's obvious she is, she is shorter than Dan and he is 5'6, she is still 5'5, and she won't grow anymore.
Anon1 said on 25/Jun/07
Make of it what you will:
Click Here
Anonymous said on 25/Jun/07
well, in india boys grow awfully tall. my friend's brother is only 13 and he is already 5.6 thats dan's height. so i think dan may be a little short for his age and emma, rupert have norma
l growth
Anonymous said on 25/Jun/07
well, in india boys grow awfully tall. my friend's brother is only 13 and he is already 5.6 thats dan's height. so i think dan may be a little short for his age and emma, rupert have normakl growth
Anonymous said on 25/Jun/07
well girls from india do grow upto the age of 18. but i suppose its different in england.preity zintz is also 5.5 but as she wears long heels she looks taller. i don't think emma will grow anymore now she is 17
Ariella said on 24/Jun/07
There is picture too:
Click Here Emma is still 5'5, you can tell from the pictures and that girl who met her on Friday said she was still 5'5, she hasn't grown, and she won't anymore.
Ariella said on 24/Jun/07
Ok I am on an emma watson forum for private pictures(I know bad) and someone has a picture of Emma and them, they met Emma on friday around 7:30, She was out shopping and the girl's sister spotted Emma so they went to take a picture with her(there's more to the story but I am not going to go on about it) the girl said Emma was in lepord(sp) flats and someone actually did ask the girl some questions(an obsessed fan) and one was how tall Emma is because there is a thread on the forum that is over ten pages on how tall she is and the girl said she was probably 1 or 2 cm taller than her and the girl said she was 5'4, so Emma is 5'5, the girl said Emma is 5'5, and she met her in person and has a picture of them from friday, Emma has not grown and she is most likely done growing because she is at that age she hasn't grown at all, she is still 5'5, here are pictures of Emma Dan and Rupert from the press conference on Friday and you can see here that Dan has flat sneakers on and Emma has flat boots on and she is clearly shorter so here is more proof:
Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here but in some pictures Emma is leaning on one leg so she is shorter but not a lot, if she stood up straight which she kinda is she would still be shorter, she's only leaning in 2 pictures, but again the girl met her later that day and has a picture of her and Emma together and Emma was wearing flats so her shoes didn't make her taller, Emma is still 5'5.
umad80 said on 16/Jun/07
What I love about the pictures Ariella posted is the fact that Rupert looks at least 4 inches taller, *maybe* bordering on 5 inches taller than Dan and Emma. IF Dan is 5'6" like he claims (though apparently he just said he was going to call himself 5'6"), then Emma could be 5'5.5" but if Dan is really just 5'5.5" then Emma is obviously only 5'5".
6'3'' JK said on 15/Jun/07
Very good pics Ariella, just proves that Emma isn't above 5'5''
anna said on 14/Jun/07
Well, when you think about it, so does a 1/2 inch. If someone was 5'9.5" they'd be considered tall, but if someone was 5'10" or 5'10.5", they would be considered very tall. 5'10" sounds so much taller than 5'9.5" in my opinon. So, yeah, I definitely get your point and what you're saying is true, I was just trying to bring up the point that it really is not that big of a difference when you physically look at how much it is.
Ariella said on 14/Jun/07
I only say the pictures are bad because they are, you said my forest one was bad when I knew they were on flat ground and Emma was shorter, Dan is still a tad taller, by have an inch, even though you can't see there feet in this picture:
Click Here they are on flat ground because when they finally stopped backing up they were on flat even ground, and Emma is shorter than Dan, even in this picture:
Click Here but in that picture Dan kind of looks like he's leaning a little, so if he stood up straight he would be a bit more taller, but in the first picture is taller than her by quite a bit, Emma is not taller than Dan, and yes Emma is still 5'5, you can also see by this picture if Emma took those 2-3 inch heels off, she would be a lot shorter
Click Here and I've seen pictures of her in sneakers that aren't very thick soled, Emma is not 5'6 or 5'7 she is still 5'5, she hasn't grown.
Maya said on 14/Jun/07
anna, very often two inches make all the difference between short and average, or average and tall, or tall and very tall. You should have learned that much from this website.
anna said on 13/Jun/07
Yeah, I knew it wasn't perfect, it was just a try. However, seeing as I have seen the movie, I think they are both in trainers, at least as far as I can remember....and the ground looks pretty even to me, so I think it does prove that there is absolutely no way that Emma is shorter than Dan. I'm not saying that it proves that she is 2 inches taller, I think it just proves that she is in fact taller. And they do look quite small in that photo you posted, but that's just a weird angle and they are standing in back of everyone else, causing them to look even shorter thus I don't really think it proves anything? Or what were you trying to prove with that? jaja. But anyways, like Ariella does, we could of course classify every single picture that comes out as a "not good shot" therefore allowing us to get nowhere. Ah well though, I shall keep trying. And, I'm not saying I agree, but if Emma really was only 5'5" and Keira Knightely 5'7", that really is not a big difference. Two inches is really not that much. 5'7" sounds much taller, but if you look at a ruler, 2 inches is quite small. And if Kate Winslet is 5'6", as you all can figure (if Emma was only 5'5"), the difference would be a mere inch, which is in fact quite small. ??
Ariella said on 12/Jun/07
That is not a good shot, because their knees are bent a little bit and Dan is closer to the camera but Emma is NOT 5'7 there is no way that she is, she is not even close to Keira Knightley's height, Emma is 5'5 still.
anna said on 12/Jun/07
Click Here Alright, so I don't know if this can be classified as a straight on shot with Dan and Emma in equal footwear, but it seems to be pretty good in both of those areas. Dan and Emma seem to be slouching ~ equal amounts (Emma may be slouching a bit more?) and let me remind you that this is from GoF, which means that Emma may be taller now and Dan certainly could be too, but according to our consensi, we can agree that Dan probably has not grown in the past few years. At least I know some people agree about this and it really seems to be the case. So, I think that in this photo Emma looks at least 1 inch or maybe even 2 inches taller than Dan, which would seem to be evidence that she is taller than him and maybe even more "taller" than him now.
anna said on 12/Jun/07
Yes, exactly Maya. I mean we are never going to get a good photo, especially when they are always trying to hide Dan's shortness and Rupert's and Emma's "tallness" (5'7" and 5'9" really are not that tall, but compared to Dan's height, anything is). I'm still standing firm with my assumptions/consensi though. And secret, you could very well be telling the truth, I just find it very hard to believe unless you have visual evidence. And, just for the record, I am not the only one who thinks Emma is taller than Dan or even that Emma is 5'7". There are a few other people on this site who believe almost exactly what I do. :p so in your face! just kidding, you seem like a cool person maya.
secret said on 11/Jun/07
I am an extra and I've been standing beside her to figure out her height. I am 5'7" and we have had the same shoes on every day for shooting. Emma is about 5'5" and I even asked the other extras their opinion on this.
Emma - 5'5"
Dan - 5'5" maybe 5'6" on good days
Rupert - 5'9"
Tom - 5'9" maybe 5'10" on good days
Maya said on 11/Jun/07
You know anna, I am going to believe that Emma is two inches taller than Dan when you show me a picture of the two of them, full body shot (feet included), no suspicious footwear, no angles or tricks, no photoshop, just the two of them standing next to each other and Emma looking two inches taller. But I bet you won't find any pictures like that, because Emma isn't two inches taller. Face the facts, they are approximately the same height, I believe everyone here agrees with that, except you.
Ariella said on 11/Jun/07
That is a bad picture because you don't know what kind of shoes Emma is wearing, she could have heels on, to make her taller, Anna:"The problem, Charlotte, is that we cannot see their feet. Plus, I think Emma is slouching considerably. And I would just like to add, Rupert is standing in front of both Emma and Dan. And I'm not sure about the leg length, I just mentioned it because they looked quite long and she looked quite tall in the new photoshoot with Tatler. I find it quite ironic....Elijah Wood and Daniel Radcliffe look crazily similar and are almost the exact same height and Keira Knightley and Emma look strikingly similar and, like Dan and Elijah, are very close in height. What are the odds of that? jaja"
OMG r u serious Anna? Emma is not slouching at all in that picture, and we know what kind of shoes they have on, the kind they always wear with their uniform, no one is slouching in that picture, Dan is taller than Emma by a bit, Dan is 5'5.5 and Emma is 5'5 MAX, and I personally don't think she looks like Keira at all, and she is NO WHERE near Keira or Kate Winslet's height and Keira is 5'7 and Kate is 5'6, Emma hasn't grown, and the pictures your posting are not good at all.
Maya says on 10/Jun/07
anna, your proof ain't proof at all, because Emma looks only about 4 inches taller than 5 ft Evanna Lynch, although Evanna is standing behind her and leaning.
I think my forest photo and comment provide a much stronger evidence that Emma and Dan are approximately the same height, which is 5'5" MAX.
I agree with Maya on everything except I believe Dan is more like 5'5 1/2, But Emma is 5'5 MAX, she is definitely not 5'7 or 5'6, I think you can't admit to her probably still being 5'5, there's not proof that's she's 5'7, but there is proof that Dan is still taller than her, and if he's 5'5 1/2, then she's 5'5.
And Evanna is 5'1 and Emma is taller than her, but not by much she's only taller by 4 inches defintely not 6 and Dan is taller, Emma is still 5'5 MAX and I don't think she'll grow anymore.
anna said on 11/Jun/07
That shot is also taken from a while ago, so odds are Emma is even "more taller" than Dan now. I know that the above is not correct grammar, I just didn't know how to say it in other words.
anna said on 11/Jun/07
More proof that Emma is taller than Dan. Plus, keep in mind that the angle is slightly slanted in Dan's favour and Emma is not standing up as straight as possible.
Click Here
anna said on 11/Jun/07
Oh yes, it has, essentially made my life. However, how can you say it is only 1/4 of an inch? She is standing well in back of him and still looks taller than him, especially her shoulders, they are ~ 1 to 2 inches above Dan's and Dan is definitely standing up straight. So, according to this photo, Emma is at the very least 2 inches taller than Dan whilst standing on the same level as him. And I am just so sick of those foerst photos to be totally honest. Like I have said, we cannot see their feet in the one people repetatively keep posting and, if you have seen any of the other forest photos, the ground varies so much that it makes it very likely that one of the trio is standing on a higher or lower elevation. And, by the way, I know we cannot see their feet in the photo I posted, but there are people in back, such as Katie and Evanna, to prove that the ground is even. Plus, they are inside a building, whereas forests are always varying. And I would also like to add that there is one photo in the forest where we can see their whole bodies and Rupert looks about 5 inches taller than Dan and Emma looks about 2 inches taller than Dan, is standing on a lower level than him, and is slouching more than him, which would prove that she is really 5'7" or 5'8", Rupert is 5'9"" or 5'10", and Dan is 5'5". I think you guys know which photo I am speaking of and in my opinion, it is a good photo to judge heights from and it proves what I have been advocating. And your conclusions don't make sense umad80. I agree with you about Rupert, but there Dan is at the most 5'5" and Emma has got to be taller than 5'5.5" you remeber the train photo? She was standing in back of him and wearing Converse (he was wearing dress-esque shoes) and she still looked at the very most 2.5" shorter than him (I really didn't think she even looked this much shorter...more like 1 or 2 inches...). How could you even say that was close to a 4 or 5 inch difference? There is absolutely no way.
Maya said on 10/Jun/07
OK, anna, I agree that Emma is taller than Dan, but no more than 0.25". But yeah, she is taller. I'm a believer now. Hope this makes you happy.
anna said on 10/Jun/07
Then, according to you Maya, Dan would be about 5'2" seeing as he looks only 2 inches taller than Evanna. And I don't think we can put a height on Evanna seeing as she hasn't said anything (?) and she is a fair deal younger, 13 or 14, right? Plus, I think the 5' originated a while ago, so she could have been a lot taller than that whilst filming OotP. Nevertheless, the photo still proves that Emma is taller than Dan.
umad80 said on 10/Jun/07
Oh God, Anna... We've been through this. I love your convinction, but Emma is NOT slouching in that trio pic. Look at Rupert who is slouching, and then look at Emma. Not even close to "considerably" slouching. LOL
I think Emma and Dan are (almost?) exactly the same height. Like I said, I always think it's possible that Emma is 5'5.5" by now, but I don't think she would've grown two inches in less than a year (going by the OotP pics). That's a lot to ask of a girl, a major growth spurt.
As for not seeing the shoes, I think that's kind of dumb imo. Considering that they all wear the same type of shoes. Rupert and Dan probably have the same shoe advantage. Emma's shoes might be a half inch shorter because it's hard to tell. But those shoes definitely at least have an inch whereas Rupert and Dan's *might* have an inch and a half. I can't really say. But with Rupert slouching so bad, he really knocks off a lot of his height. LOL Plus he is behind them... Whereas Emma is more forward...
Like I said, this is what I've been thinking for awhile...
Rupert: 5'9" - 5'10"
Dan: 5'5.5" (maybe a tad taller)
Emma: 5'5"-5'5.5"
Maya said on 10/Jun/07
As for the Tatler pics, well, skillful photographers can make even minuscule women look very tall in photos, provided that they are thin and well proportioned. Examples? Christina Aguilera, Nelly Furtado, Kylie Minogue, Eva Longoria...
Maya said on 10/Jun/07
anna, your proof ain't proof at all, because Emma looks only about 4 inches taller than 5 ft Evanna Lynch, although Evanna is standing behind her and leaning.
I think my forest photo and comment provide a much stronger evidence that Emma and Dan are approximately the same height, which is 5'5" MAX.
anna said on 9/Jun/07
Click Here Proof that Emma is taller than Dan? She seems to be looking down at him as well....Also, I believe those in back are looking shorter seeing as the shot is straight on and those in back (e.g. Luna) look quite short compared to what they normally look like. So, I think this pretty much proves that Emma is taller than Dan and quite considerably seeing as she looks taller when she is that far in back of him?
anna said on 9/Jun/07
I wasn't trying to start any problems with the Keira comparison, I just simply feel like they look quite similar and are roughly the same height, that's all. It's just my opinion. And I also mentioned it because I think it's kind of cool that Dan looks and is approximately the same height as Elijah Wood. It's strange that two members of the trio have other actors who are so similar to them. That's all I was getting at. And with the uniform shoes, I really don't think the females' shoes look larger than the males. How do you figure that? They seem quite flat to me....?
Maya said on 9/Jun/07
But anna, when I posted a pic of Dan vs. Katie (the two of them looking the same) everybody yelled at me "The girls' shoes are bigger!" Assuming that they all wear the same shoes with uniforms (which they do), then Emma's got some footwear advantage here. Besides, she doesn't look like Keira Knightley at all! Emma is more beautiful, but shorter and not so skinny. You know, I could start going around convincing everyone that I look exactly like Cameron Diaz, but no one would believe me, because I don't. The moral of the story: leave Keira out of these comparisons, unless you've got a pic of the two of them together.
anna said on 9/Jun/07
The problem, Charlotte, is that we cannot see their feet. Plus, I think Emma is slouching considerably. And I would just like to add, Rupert is standing in front of both Emma and Dan. And I'm not sure about the leg length, I just mentioned it because they looked quite long and she looked quite tall in the new photoshoot with Tatler. I find it quite ironic....Elijah Wood and Daniel Radcliffe look crazily similar and are almost the exact same height and Keira Knightley and Emma look strikingly similar and, like Dan and Elijah, are very close in height. What are the odds of that? jaja
Charlotte said on 9/Jun/07
Look at this picture...Dan looks a teeny bit taller...
Click Here
umad80 said on 9/Jun/07
It was that event. lol I don't know why because they never do any other time, but that event they did to me.
But heels, depending on size, would most likely give a woman 2 inches. It's stated on this site very clearly. And the longer the heel, the taller a woman becomes. Emma's heels look to give a legitiment 2 inches to her.
For your reading enjoyment, Anna...
Click Here As you can see, the one heel looks strikingly similiar to what Emma has on in that event, giving her 2.3 inches extra in height. :)
anna said on 8/Jun/07
Yes, when one thinks of it, this website is really quite pointless because it could be the angle or the photographer, or the heels, etc. The list goes on and on. But at the Raisa event, I don't think she looked short at all. That guy who escorted her looked fairly tall and she really didn't look much shorter than him (I know she was in heels, but as Glenn has said, you would be surprised at how little heels give a person). And how did her legs looks stumpy? Post a picture? I didn't think they looked stumpy at all. And keep saying that to yourself Ariella because no one is going to believe you unless you have very conclusive evidence and your only "evidence" is simply your opinion and your said "sightings," which, unless you have photos, seemes very made up to me. However, seeing as you have seen her a few times, it should be quite easy for you to get a photo, correct?
Ariella said on 8/Jun/07
Like I said before Don't post picture like that, the photographer used an angle to make her appear taller and her hair was dyed brown then and this photo shoot was taken a couple months before the Raisa event, and her arms don't look longer to me, but they definitely used a camera angle so she would look taller, but again she is not the height of Keira Knightley which is 5'7, Emma hasn't grown, it's kinda obvious from personal pictures of her and even at the Raisa even even though she's wearing 2-3 inch heels, and they even used camera angles at the event to make her appear taller, she hasn't really grown, she's still 5'5.
umad80 said on 8/Jun/07
I thought that was weird, Anna. It must be the photographer. Because the recent pics of her at that thing she was at with JKR and Ralph Fieness, her legs did look really short and "stumpy" as I had put it. But here, it does not look it!
I couldn't even comment on the 'tallness' because we don't even know what type of shoes she's wearing. Heck, for all we know, she's in stillettos! (sp?) LOL
anna said on 8/Jun/07
By no means am I saying that this proves anything, but she's a feature on her in this month's issue of 'Tatler' magazine and there are a few new images of her. Okay, so look at this photo
Click Here She is most likely wearing heels, but even so, she looks way taller than she did when she said she was 5'5", I mean honestly. Her arms and legs look quite long, not stumpy in the least. I know that this doesn't prove that she is 5'7" or anything about her actual height, I'm just putting it out there because it really seems like she has gotten noticeably taller since the GoF era. ?
umad80 said on 7/Jun/07
I think Ariella is saying 5'5", no shorter. I'm saying that it is all possible for a half inch or so because it wouldn't be the easiest thing in the world to tell by just staring at someone. Emma appears to have short, dumpy type legs, but that doesn't mean her upper body wouldn't make up for it.
That pic of her, she's got at least 2-3 inch heels probably giving her about 2 inches. You can tell they make her look incrediably tall with the way she looks off balanced on them. lol
Ariella said on 7/Jun/07
First I never said she was 5'3-5'4 I was saying its stupid that Dan is only 5'5 because he's taller than Emma so that would make her 5'4 which isn't true, and that picture is a bad example because she is in 3-4 inch heels, and every fansite says something different, I know sites that say she's been 5'6 since 2003 and that is so not true some sites don't update, she is still 5'5 and don't show me any magazine pictures because they definitely used camera angles to make her appear taller, they even did it in the picture you showed because when she is next to all those kids she's not as tall as she is in that picture, but again she's in 4 inch heels so if she's 5'7 then your saying she's 5'11 in that picture and that is so not true, Emma is still 5'5 and in those 3-4 inch heels she's 5'8, but her height is still 5'5.
Stephanie said on 7/Jun/07
The Entertainment magazine special on Harry Potter lists Daniel at 5' 6" but I'm finding that hard to believe. He looks more 5' 4"-5' 5" and it looks like Emma is slightly taller than he is now, from watching the trailers of HP5, and the most recent photos. I think Dan is 5' 5" and Emma is 5' 5.5", or more likely, Dan is 5' 4.5" and Emma is 5' 5"...
JayAvalanche2007 said on 6/Jun/07
just to tell you look at this picture I don't see anywhere in her height that she is shorter than she already is.
Click Here
JayAvalanche2007 said on 6/Jun/07
Uh I looked on a site and it just said 5'7"(1.70m)I ain't lying me and Anna are the only ones agreeing on this so far but as far as I know that's how tall she is right now. She defenitely not shorter than 5'5",5'5" would be her most reasonable height now. Ariella I dunno were your getting 5'3"-5'4" because that's totally inacurate!!!!!!!
Ariella said on 6/Jun/07
Well I have met Emma a lot I live in Oxford and I'm positive that she's still 5'5, and she's not all legs so that's why her's appear shorter, but she is still 5'5.
umad80 said on 6/Jun/07
Ariella, some people are all legs. I'm not saying my legs are like the longest thing you've ever seen, I just mean that I have long legs for someone who is 5'5". If I were taller, I could be a rockette since they're so long! LOL
I also want to point out that unless you go up and measure Emma you can't say "I've seen her, she's only 5'5"" because it is impossible to tell. Especially if she would be around 5'5.5" - there would be no way to tell a half inch on someone just by looking at them. I'm 5'5" and my mom is 5'5.5" but you can't tell a difference really. A half inch is short you'd have to really measure someone to find something like that. At least imo, what do you say Rob?
Ariella said on 5/Jun/07
You legs can't be long if your 5'5, that doesn't make any sense, but your legs can't be short and you being 5'7, Emma is definitely not 5'7, I mean look at Keira Knightley she's 5'7, Emma is no where near that height, and Emma isn't close to Kate Winslet either and she's 5'6, Emma's still 5'5, she hasn't grown.
umad80 said on 4/Jun/07
Legs definitely will not determine height. Like I said, I'm 5'5" and my legs are long!
But I do think her height with those kids (even though she's slouching a bit - of course since she's wearing heels that won't matter much because she'd just be losing the height advantage with those) shows she's definitely not 5'7". As I said, I can see anywhere between 5'5" and 5'6", but no more or no less. And I would lean more towards 5'5" or 5'5.5" before I would say 5'6".
Ariella said on 4/Jun/07
And look at the two pictures below that I posted, she's not much taller, and she has heels on, she's still 5'5.
Ariella said on 4/Jun/07
Well actually it does help and the angle doesn't matter because there is no real difference anyway, but if she was 5'7 her legs would be a lot longer than they are, and it helps because you get an idea of how tall she'd be if she stood up, and she isn't very tall compared to the kids in the other pictures, and there not that tall, she's still 5'5.
Ariella said on 4/Jun/07
Look at her legs on this picture,
Click Here there too short for her to be 5'6-5'7, she's still 5'5.
anna said on 3/Jun/07
I find this very funny. Some freak at me for joking about how long her legs look and then Ariella's evidence that Emma is still 5'5" is a comparison of the length of Emma's legs in two magazine photos that are not even close to the same angle. Anyways, I do not think looking at the length of one's legs is going to help determine one's height. Muy comico, no? Sorry, I'm going slightly mad I think. I've not gotten much sleep in days.....
Ariella said on 3/Jun/07
Ya look at this picture Emma isn't that much taller than these kids:
Click Here Click Here and she has heels on, so just imagine if she didn't have them on, these kids are not 5'4,5'5, 5'6, well maybe 2 kids are at least 5'3-5'4, but that just shows that Emma is still 5'5, and she has about 3-4 inch heels on, she's still 5'5.
Ariella said on 3/Jun/07
Emma is still 5'5. And about her hair, she dyed it brown about 2 months ago, just for fun, and she is a natural blonde and she wants to go back to blonde, and if your a natural blonde like Emma, you can't just go back all at once, you have to first add blonde highlights, like Emma did, that's why there's blonde and brown in her hair, she just put blonde highlights on top of the dye, and to go back to blonde, you have to slowly just keep adding blonde highlights, but thats why her hair has brown in it, its brown dye, but Emma is a natural blonde, even though her eyebrows are brown that doesn't mean her hair is brown now, it will be when she's older but not now, she's a blonde, but she's trying to go back to her natural blonde so she added blonde highlights and she'll slowly add more to go back, its hard to dye your hair brown when your a blonde like Emma then go back blonde it takes some time, but yes she's a natural blonde, and her hair is naturally straight, its not wavy, and yes the heels added about 3-4 inches but she still appeared rather short, Emma is still 5'5.
Charlotte said on 3/Jun/07
There are new pics from yesterday on i would link but it doesnt work. Anyway, she's wearing 4 invh heels and still doesnt look that tall...bear in mind that she'd be around 5'10 in those heels if she's in fact 5' i think 5'5 is still right. Have a look! Oh and her hair is blonde in these pics but it is dyed...i dont think she's a natural blonde as she claims...there's so many pics where you can see brown roots coming through, and you just need to look at her eyebrows. I think she's naturally a light brown, but she looks okay as a blonde too.
Ariella said on 2/Jun/07
Look Emma's hair went back blonde, I guess the magazine shoot is from a month ago, because the photo shoots are not always close to the day they hit the stands. Here's a picture: [img
Click Here[/img]And she is still 5'5, she was wearing sneakers and they added about an inch or 1/2 to her height, but she is still 5'5, here's another picture: [img]
Click Here[/img]she is still 5'5.
umad80 said on 2/Jun/07
Maya, actually Rupert said he didn't know. In fact, within a months time he changed his height comment. His agency - a brand new one he got in the past year - stated he is 5'10". The twins are 6'3", so anyone under 6' would look short next to them! But all the new pictures released for OotP prove that Dan and Emma are around the same height (maybe giving Dan a half inch), but Rupert is several inches taller. I've posted pictures on Rupert's page here to prove that he is several inches taller than Dan. Usually about 4-5 depending on the angle and where he is standing. I also proved that Dan wears elevator shoes. At premieres he is about 5'7.5" because when Emma wears flat shoes, he's even taller.
Click Here And according to this site, a regular male dress shoe would give you 1.25" of height, but with an elevator shoe, you get an extra 1.25" which means that Dan was 5'5" in 2005 and his elevator shoes gave him 2.5". Like I said, in GoF it looked like Dan and Emma were both 5'5" because they looked the same, but during promotion - photocall, premieres, etc., Dan always looked much taller.
Ariella said on 2/Jun/07
Look at this picture [img]
Click Here[/img] the heels add about 2-3 inches and without them she would be 5'5, also her legs are as long as they were in the ES magazine when she was sitting in the chair look [img]
Click Here[/img] She hasn't grown, she's still 5'5.
And just in case you guys didn't know Emma dyed her hair brown earlier this year, the brown dye is still in obviously you can tell from the first picture, but it faded a lot you can see blonde coming through, Emma's hair is naturally dirty blonde, and no dirty blonde does not look brown, it looks blonde, and her hair is naturally straight, I like how they curled her hair a little in the first picture, that is a really recent picture.
Bertha said on 2/Jun/07
look at this picture. she look reeaally small even though she's standing with different people.
Click Here
Ariella said on 2/Jun/07
Dan is at least 5'5 1/2 because he is 1/2 inch taller than Emma, so if he was 5'4 then Emma would be 5'3 1/2, and Emma's 5'5, so he's 5'5 1/2.
Maya said on 2/Jun/07
umad80, Rupert isn't taller than 5'8" - first of all, he stated that height himself, second, he never looks taller than that compared to the Phelps brothers. It is true that he can look full 4 or 5 inches taller than Dan, but that only leads me to believe that Dan isn't even 5'5".
Ariella said on 2/Jun/07
Because at the Premieres she wore heels and every other time she wore flats, and that's because she isn't taller than them, Emma is still 5'5, and I actually know that for a fact.
umad80 said on 1/Jun/07
Dan wears them in any public apperance with Emma and Rupert. The only time he doesn't wear them is when he's around other people sans those two, or as you said, in the movies. But he never looks that much taller than Emma in any of the photos released. A half inch maybe, but not a full inch.
I also said "a possibility" for Emma to be around 5'6". Please make sure you read. :) I'm not saying she is, I just said there could be the possibility because you just never know unless you have a tape measure handy everytime you see her. To me, Rupert looks between 5'9" and 5'10", but that doesn't mean I'm right. I couldn't possibly know without measuring him. lol
And they've never made Emma look taller. I've never wondered if she was taller than either of the boys. The only time she even remotely appeared to be the same height or taller than Dan was during GoF. But promotion after that and in OotP, she has never appeared taller than either of them.
Ariella said on 1/Jun/07
He doesn't wear elevator shoes all the time, and he doesn't wear them in the films, and Emma isn't taller than 5'5, she hasn't grown, she's still 5'5. and Pictures won't help because they make Emma appear taller, but like I said before, Emma isn't even close to Kate Winslet's height and she's 5'6 and she is no where near Keira Knightley and she's 5'7, not even close to 5'7, and she's not close to 5'6, she's still 5'5.
umad80 said on 1/Jun/07
I think 5'5.5" is possible now because he seems to be just a touch taller than Emma in the movies. It'll be hard to tell his height though because he wears elevator shoes. That is obvious. Like I said, I think it is possible that Emma is taller than the 5'5", but I doubt anything higher than 5'6". And even then I think it is stretching it a bit. But we only have about six weeks before we finally know whois right in Emma's height.
Ariella said on 1/Jun/07
Well Dan is about half an inch taller than Emma, I wasn't sure about Dan's height whether he was 5'5 1/2 or 5'6, but I'm absolutely positive that Emma is still 5'5, because she's no where near Kate Winslet height and Kate is 5'6 and she isn't even close to Keira Knightley and she's 5'7, Emma is still 5'5.
Maya said on 1/Jun/07
OK Ariella, we do believe you, but Radcliffe can't be 5'6", because he himself said "I’m 5ft 5 1/2in, but I’m going to start calling myself 5ft 6in". Nice that he's honest about it, although even 5ft 5 1/2in might be a stretch.
Ariella said on 31/May/07
And Kate Winslet is 5'6 and Emma isn't even near that height, she's 5'5.
Ariella said on 31/May/07
Also Keira Knightley is 5'7 and Emma is definitely not that tall, Emma is still 5'5.
Ariella said on 31/May/07
Emma had kitten heels on, so they didn't make her much taller, but Emma is still 5'5, and Dan is about an inch taller so he's 5'6, their not taller than that, but they could be shorter.
umad80 said on 31/May/07
I never trust Dan's height because he does wear elevator shoes. I had a feeling that Emma would be between 5'5" and 5'6". As I said, OotP was filmed in 8 to 9 - maybe 10 - months time, and would be asking an awful lot for a girl to grow that quickly in such a short amount of time. Obviously it is possible, but usually doesn't happen.
Normally when Emma wears heels she can be taller than Dan - depending on what he wears. GoF NY premiere she was maybe an inch shorter.
Click Here - But her heels weren't regular heels. Maybe giving her an inch... inch and a half and Dan had maybe a half inch on her. I remember she wore heels but she never seemed much taller than me. Adding my shoes making me about 5'6", she seemed about the same height, just a touch taller maybe. :)
Ariella said on 30/May/07
I actually have met Emma thats how I know all this, and I have met her friends a few times, some are actually older than her buy a couple months and some are taller, I have the same birthday as Emma too, but anyway thats how I know that Emma is 5'5, I've seen her a lot in person and met her a lot too because I live in Oxford, she's nice, but she hasn't grown, Dan on the other hand I haven't met but he looks like he's 5'6 to me. Emma is still 5'5.
anna said on 30/May/07
Oh, have you met or seen her Ariella? She is from Oxford, correct? And I totally agree Charlotte, we should stop bantering back and forth pointlessly as of now. Pictures, interviews, et cetera will come out soon because of the movie.
Maya said on 30/May/07
Anna, I am 19 and I haven't grown at all for the past five, maybe even six years. But I had a very early and abrupt growth spurt (I'm 5'9") and as a consequence of that my skin looks pretty bad - I have stretches all over my back and hips. Quick growth spurts suck.
Ariella, since you live in Oxford and are the same age as Emma, is there a chance that you might meet her soon? If I understood correctly from your previous posts, you did meet some of her friends, right?
Ariella said on 30/May/07
WHEN EMMA WEARS HEELS THEY ARE THE SAME HEIGHT, but when she doesn't she's an inch shorter than Dan, like at the GOF NY premiere she was the same height because she wore heels, but at the London premiere she wore flats, and she was an inch shorter, and Emma isn't told to wear flats, she does it on her own, Emma is 5'5 and Dan is 5'6, you can see he is an inch taller in HP pictures and he may be short for a guy but he's always been taller than Emma.
Charlotte said on 30/May/07
Like Maya said, one of them may have a couple of cms over the other, but we cant be sure yet until we see some more photos...there will be lots soon when HP mania starts! I dont think they'd make Emma wear flats to premieres if she didnt want to...maybe she's just more comfortable in them?!
My guess is that Emma and Dan are between 5'5 and 5'6...Dan is quite short for a boy so he does wear sometimes wear shoes with chunky heels (like the GoF photocall), but they're not elevator shoes...elevator shoes, or lifts, have inbuilt cushions inside that give you up to 4 inches! So if Dan is suddenly taller than Rupert at the premieres than we'll know why!
Ariella said on 30/May/07
Well in the second picture Dan's head isn't straight up like Emma's, he's leaning a little, so if he stood up straight he would be taller. I heard that Katie is 5'4 and there is no recent picture of Katie and Emma besides HP and then they aren't even right next to each other, so its difficult to say from them, but Emma is still 5'5, and I don't think she was 5'5 while filming GOF, but after wards she was, and I don't know who you were asking about were they live and how old they are but I live in Oxford and I'm 17. Anyway Emma is 5'5, and I believe that Dan is 5'6.
anna said on 30/May/07
Also, in the second photo that Ariella posted, look at where Emma's eyes, nose, etc. are compared to Dan's...they are noticeably higher, which would mean she would be taller if they stood at the same level. At least so it seems.
anna said on 30/May/07
In those photos umad80 posted, I think that Emma looks at least as tall as Dan, maybe a little taller. Then you must consider that she is standing in back of him, which would mean she would be about an inch or more taller than him. I think this is really demonstrated in the second photo. I don't know though, I may be totally mental or looking at the photos completely wrongly. I am sorry if I am. And Maya, I'm almost 17 years old, so I am done growing. And I understand the thing with girls stopping growing earilier, but Emma really does seem to have grown since Goblet of Fire. I mean, she's quite a bit taller than Katie Leung now and they used to be ~ the same height. And in the promotial images, she is nearly as tall as Rupert. I agree that Emma and Dan were about the same height in GoF and Rupert was considerably taller, but I really do think Emma has grown a bit and Rupert slightly. This we all be solved when they do interviews and such. And just keep in mind that Emma almost always wears flats... And I live in England, namely London. Where are you from and how old are you?
Ariella said on 29/May/07
Emma was if anything the same height or taller than Dan with the heels on, I've said that I am sure that Emma did stop growing when she was 15, because she hasn't grown since then, and Dan is actually an inch taller than Emma, but that is still not a lot, but Emma is 5'5, and I thought someone would point out the first one, they are basically next to each other though but in the second one when there in casual clothes, Emma is still shorter, and if you look at her shoes in the first picture that definitely adds two inches, and Dan's shoes don't have any height to them, so he is basically wearing flat shoes, Emma is still 5'5 and I think she'll stay that way, but again it is a good height for girls, not guys and Emma's parents are rather short themselves so that's also a reason she'll stay that height.
Maya said on 29/May/07
I actually agree with umad80, I think that Emma and Dan are approximately the same height, maybe one of them has got like a quarter of inch over another, but I'm not sure. But the point is that 5'5" is good height for a girl, but definitely not a good height for the hero of the franchise, and that's why they do all sorts of tricks to make Dan look taller.
Anna, it is rather unlikely that Emma has grown at all for the past couple of years. She's 17, and most girls finish growing by the age of 14, or at best 15. I'm not saying that there aren't any exceptions, but these are extremely rare. How old are you, where are you from, and are you still growing?
umad80 said on 29/May/07
Dan and Emma are definitely around the same height. The first one is not good Ariella because Dan is closer to the camera, therefore he'd be taller. Rupert looks to be almost two inches taller standing behind both of them, and he probably would look even taller if they were all standing together.
Just so you know, Emma did wear a bit of a heel at the GoF premiere in NY. She was exactly the same height as Dan at that point, at least giving her two inches. Rupert was still taller by an inch or so however. I keep trying to find really good pics from then, but Rupert seems to always be standing behind the two of them or leaning. But I do have that great picture of them at the photocall, and Rupert is standing straight and is practically four inches taller than Emma, and Dan is wearing elevator shoes and around 5'7" and Rupert is still taller. Plus Emma is just a bit in front. Probably not giving awhole lot of height difference, maybe a few centimeters or so.
I still believe Emma could fall anywhere between 5'5" and 5'6", but any taller than that is asking a lot when she was just 5'5" a year and a half ago. And a lot of these scenes in the movie were done about a year ago or less. Two inches is an awful lot to ask of a girl in that short amount of time.
Ariella said on 29/May/07
Look at these pictures, she is about an inch shorter than Dan: [img]
Click Here[/img][img]
Click Here[/img] And in the second picture Dan's head is tilted a little, so he would still be taller if his head was straight up, Dan is taller by about an inch, Dan is 5'6 and Emma is 5'5. Also if she did grow, this site might of changed, but she is still 5'5.
Ariella said on 29/May/07
And again Emma's parents are rather short, so Emma could stopped growing when she said last year that she was still 5'5, because she said it again this year, her mum is if anything 5'3-5'4 and these days daugthers are only about an inch taller than there mums and boys take after the dads and her dad looks about 5'7 and just because Emma's older doesn't mean she'd be up with her dad, she's only about an inch taller than her mum.
Ariella said on 29/May/07
I wasn't talking about the boots, I was talking about when she wears sneakers, but the boots still add to her height a bit, and Emma doesn't always wear flats, just for the GOF premieres she did, she wears heals too, and they never say "OH we do camera angles on everyone just to make Dan appear taller" NO, Emma is shorter than Dan, and Dan is rather short for a guy, doesn't mean he's shorter than Emma, and the picture I posted you can see their standing up straight and they are on flat ground, they just don't show their feet, and Emma is a lot shorter than Rupert and just a little shorter than Dan, They do Camera angles for everyone if they are short, Emma is shorter than Dan and I know she hasn't grown, because you guys have only seen pictures of her from OoTP which was filmed last year where I have seen a picture from a month ago, and the people who got the picture said FOR A FACT she is still 5'5, and I'm not stubborn I just think your upset because she's not taller, like making up that lie that she said it in teen vogue when in fact she didn't, and the teen vogue picture is rubbish, he it leaning a lot, and since his feet are at an angle and Emma is pushing down on him, makes him appear shorter as well, FOR A FACT EMMA IS STILL 5'5, BUT UNTIL SHE SAYS ANY DIFFERENT YOU BELIEVE WHAT YOU WANT, but Emma is shorter than Dan so they will make her seem taller not to go over Dan, just because she is rather short, but she is not taller than Dan, they don't say lets have him lean and show she is taller, no they just made them pose that way. Dan is taller than Emma, guys are just naturally taller than girls, and for six years now he's always been taller, I don't think that would change in a couple months, guys keep growing till late teens and girls keep growing to about Emma age and younger sometimes and I think Emma stopped growing a long time ago, because she hasn't grown she is still 5'5. Maya Emma doesn't always wear flats, and just because he's the star doesn't mean he can't be small, Dan was taller than Emma even at the GOF premieres, and they don't tell Emma to wear flats so he can appear taller, he just is, Emma is rather short herself too.
anna said on 29/May/07
Exactly Maya, I believe that to be the case, however, some people are just too stubborn to think this to be true. I mean, when you think about it, why would "the man" want to make Emma look taller than Dan? Like you said, Dan is the star, Dan is older, and Dan is the man. There job would be to make him taller, especially because he is shorter than the average male. Also, because Emma is taller, they would try to do everything possible for her to look shorter than she actually is, ergo putting her in flats constantly. Which gets me to Ariella's comment. The boots she is wearing do not give her one to two inches more than her sneakers, that's completely mental. If you look at the sneaker/heel height pages, you can see that even Doc Martin's give you at the most 1.5" and since Emma's do not look nearly that large, we can assume that they give her much less than that. And I do know about camera angles, but that one of Rupert and Emma is pretty much straight on. And yes umad80, I was joking around with the leg length to see how irritated I could get people, but I noticed that you said Rupert is so much bigger than Emma that there is no possible way that Emma could only be an inch shorter than him. I hope that you no realise that that comment makes little sense. Think of models and actresses such as Mischa Barton, they're taller than Rupert (they're about 5'10"+) and I am pretty sure Rupert is quite a bit larger than them. I think that you were talking about "bulkiness", but now I realise that if you weren't I look like a fool. Ah well. In my opinion it's a really good photo to judge and yes it does appear that he is bending down/leaning, but I really don't think he loses that much height on it. Even if he was, it would still mean that Emma would be at the very most 2 inches shorter than him. And I think we are talking about the wrong forest photo. I'm talking about the one where you can see their entire bodies, not the one Ariella posted. That one is rubbish.
Maya said on 29/May/07
I think that the whole point of the premiere photos is to make Dan Radcliffe look taller than he is. He always wears dress shoes, with rather big heels, while Emma always wears flats, and I've never seen Rupert wear anything but Converse. Also, they adjust the cammera angles to make Dan appear taller than Emma and almost as tall as Rupert. I mean, let's face it, Dan is the star of the franchise, they can't let him look tiny.
Ariella said on 29/May/07
And those pictures are not good either.
Ariella said on 29/May/07
Ok Anna, CAMERA ANGLES MAKE PEOPLE APPEAR TALLER, and apparently you don't seem to get that, and I'VE SEEN A PICTURE OF EMMA THAT WAS TAKEN IN APRIL, AND I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT SHE IS STILL 5'5, SHE'S NOT 5'7 OR TALLER, and she's not wearing flat boots, she has an inch or two added from her sneakers, but I do know for a fact that she is still 5'5, and the Ootp premieres wont' help because they will make her appear taller with camera angles as well, so lets just keep our opinions till she actually says it in an interview, but I do know for a FACT she is still 5'5 anna.
umad80 said on 28/May/07
I knew you'd go for the latest pictures. The one of Ron and Hermione is terrible! Rupert is bending down. He is leaning on something! It's just so terrible of a picture... I mean, you can clearly see how much bigger he is. There is no way he's that big and only be an inch or so taller than her. And the other pictures, no way. The forest picture, everyone is sitting, leaning, crouching down... whatever, but it is not a good one. The one of Hermione in the doorway won't work because of how far away she is.
As for the forest pic we feel is really good indicator... Yes, Rupert is leaning. As a huge fan of his, I can tell when he stands straight up. He is leaning in! (This is what he looks like when standing straight!
Click Here) Emma is slouching just a tad, but Dan is definitely standing straight up. As for feet, I'm sorry, but what? You think that they put Rupert on a box or something? Grant you his shoes might give him a bit of a height advantage, but seriously not two freaking inches. (The normal dress shoe on a man, per this site, gives one and one quater inch!) And I'm not entirely convinced the ground is much different, but for sake of argument, I'll say that standing in the right place might give someone a half inch of extra height over someone standing elsewhere. But clearly Rupert is towering over the both of them.
As for long legs... you are kidding, right? I have long legs and only 5'5". I've seen Emma in person at the GoF NY premiere, she is very small. The only thing I'd say is bordering on 5'6" but any taller than that just seems out of the question. Heck, even Empire doesn't mention anything on Emma growing, only Rupert. He seems to be the only one of the trio still growing. He seems to be still going through changes. His voice is the only one that has gotten deeper, and deeper since CoS, and he always seems taller. Emma seems to have only grown from PoA to GoF. I think that was probably her biggest growth spurt. Like I said, I can see her being close to 5'6", though that is stretching it, but 5'7" seems way out of the question. Though this is 2007, some of those pictures might only be from 2006... She would have to grow two inches in less than two years. (November 2005 to November 2007 would be two years, and since this is only May and some of those pictures would have to be long before then... you see where I'm going with this, right?) But that seems highly unlikely for a girl. And, just for reference, we know that the forest scenes were definitely filmed around November/December of 2006 per David Heyman at the Empire Awards. You're asking Emma to have grown two inches in one year. That would be a lot for a girl. Not impossible, yes, but highly improbable.
anna said on 28/May/07
In the forest photo, you must admit that Rupert is standing up the straightest out of the three, seeing as Dan is crouching and Emma is crouching down the most. Rupert is actually standing up almost completely straight in that photo; just because he slouches quite a bit at times doesn't mean he slouches all of the time. And okay, let us ignore that photo and the Teen Vogue photos because it is impossible to compensate for slouching amounts, but let me just say this about your said "good" forest image Ariella, it's not a good picture to judge heights. Like I've said, we cannot see how people are standing, we cannot see anyone's feet, and we cannot see what the ground is like. And to just prove how inconsistent the forest floor is, I will post these images. Unless we can see the ground, feet, and "slouching" on the forest photos, I think it is safe to deem them not "good." And some new images from an Italian sticker book came out, proving that Emma has most certainly grown. To me they prove that she is 5'7" or more, but I am essentially trying to convice you guys that she has at the least grown since GoF. Okay, so first let's look at this image. So in GoF Emma and Dan were about the same height, Emma may being slightly taller or shorter than Dan and Rupert being noticeably taller than both. However, if we view this image from OotP, it can easily be seen that the gap between Emma and Rupert is not nearly as large as it was in GoF, seeing as there is not much of a gap at all. Then we must consider that Emma is standing a fair deal behind Rupert and since the camera angle is straight on, means she loses a few inches to Rupert, yes? So, essentially, this photo means that Emma is the same height or taller than Rupert and at the least she has grown since GoF. Now this photo is more for Dan. Gary Oldman is only 5'8" yet he looks more than 3 inches taller than, look at Emma in the doorway, her arms and legs look very long. Now I do know that one is not supposed to judge height according to that, but I mean her legs look very very long, something they did not look in GoF. Plus, she is wearing flats. To me, the Ron/Hermione photo proves that she is at the very least 5'7" if Rupert is 5'8" or 5'9". Even if he really is only 5'7.75" (which I find very hard to believe), she could still be as tall as 5'7" seeing as she looks nearly the same height as him. And I think this angle/slouchiness is going to be as good as it gets as for comparing heights. We also know that she is wearing flat footwear because in the other photo, she is wearing flat boots and this was most likely taken at the same place/in the same clothes.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Ariella said on 25/May/07
We've said thats not a good picture because He is slouching and his feet are at an angle, he's not just leaning, so he'll appear shorter, but he's still taller than Emma, but we all have our opinions on their height, so until Emma says how tall she is I'm still going to say that she's 5'5, even though that forest picture showed she was.
umad80 said on 25/May/07
Well, a better picture of the actual photoshoot that ended up the Teen Vogue cover.
Click Here - it's obvious that Dan is leaning so much he looks shorter to Emma. I wonder if Dan rounds up an inch? Because here he looks taller than Emma when you figure if he stood straight up and she did too, he'd be taller. But a lot of shots with GoF Emma was taller. So maybe he was really only 5'4.5", round up an inch, and now he's 5'5" to 5'5.5"? Hmm.
umad80 said on 24/May/07
I have no problems with being open minded, really. If Emma is 5'7" that's fine. I do think she might be a touch taller than 5'5" these days, because she can be taller than Dan. However there are too many pictures of her during OotP filming where Rupert - without the shoes in the forest pic (which I disagree that they give him that much advantage because for one he is slouching, but for two, they're not regular dress shoes & they never gave him that much advantage before) - where Rupert is clearly taller than her by a lot. The trio in the great hall, in the Room of Requirement, behind-the-scenes photos... it's not just the forest pic, it's a lot of them.
Ariella said on 24/May/07
Well I feel the same about you Anna, no offense, but there are about 2 other forest pictures where you can see their feet and they are on flat ground,but their slouching, where as my picture their in the same spot, but their standing up straight, and its just obvious that she is still 5'5, I actually do have an open mind, but what your saying and the pictures your posting aren't good evidence, where as mine, where their standing up straight shoulder to shoulder, and Dan is about an inch taller than Emma and Rupert is a lot taller than Emma and she never said she was 5'7, but until I hear Emma say how tall she is, I believe she is still about 5'5, and you can believe what you want, but not everyone keeps growing, and to me Emma is one of those people, I can just tell.
Charlotte said on 24/May/07
I think she might be a bet taller than 5'5, but no more than 5'6.5. I think rupert is a good few inches taller than her, and her and are a pretty similar height, give or take a few cms either way - im still not sure who's taller!
Lets all chill out a bit and wait for al the new premier pics...not long to go now! :)
Ariella said on 23/May/07
Its obvious that Emma is still 5'5, she also hasn't said that she is 5'7, from the forest picture that I posted(that is a good picture) you can tell she's still 5'5.
anna said on 23/May/07
Argh, you are so stubborn Ariella, it annoys me so much. No offence. And the same with umad80, you get into one opinion and then you don't have an open mind about anything else that may actually prove against it. I am not saying that I never do this as well, but I feel like I sometimes have an open mind about other things, such as how I now believe that Rupert is about 2 inches taller than Emma. And there is absolutely no way you can prove that in the new forest photo they are on even ground, where do you get this information Ariella? We cannot see their feet, so it is therefore not legitimate to compare heights using that photo. And in the train picture, I am obviously not talking about Dan, I'm talking about Rupert and Emma. Firstly, I have no idea how you can say that Rupert is slouching, but just to prove my point, I'll say that he is losing about 1/2" for his said slouching. However, this is cancelled out by the fact that he has about a 1/2 to 1 inch footwear advantage over Emma. Then, we know that Emma is standing in back of Rupert and we can tell that she loses height for this because if you look at the train, the slant is downwards the farther you look back and if you look at the ground, her feet are on a lower level than Rupert's. So, at first glance it looks like Emma is about two inches shorter than Rupert, but this can be degraded to 1 inch when you look consider she is standing in back and having a footwear disadvantage. And even though it proves that she could be less than an inch shorter than Rupert, I'm not even saying that she is that tall. I am saying the difference is about 2 inches, she being 5'7" and he being 5'9". It's not crazy and it is proven by this train photo. It really is a good photo to compare heights and it is clear that Emma really is no where near as short as 5'5" if Rupert is 5'9", the difference is 2 inches, not 4. Sorry, that is the last thing I will say, but this clearly proves that Emma is really, at the most, 2 inches shorter than Rupert. What do you think Rob, am I going mad, or does this photo really prove this?
umad80 said on 23/May/07
The train picture is really bad because of how far apart they are. They are no where near each other so their heights tend to be askewed, I believe. The latest forest picture that came out is pretty good considering they are all standing shoulder to shoulder. Rupert is actually slouching down a bit, so I think any shoe advantage he had to give him height pretty much is nilch.
I always like behind-the-scenes stuff though because you can't argue anything. Well, not much at least, because there is no trick photography going on or anything like that.
Ariella said on 23/May/07
The train picture and that forest picture are bad ones, because someone is always closer to the camera than the other two, the picture I showed they are on flat ground and there standing up straight, not slouching and their right next to each other were in the two you posted their not, and you can't really use the slouching one because their slouching so its not a good picture to use, Emma is still 5'5, and the train picture she isn't right next to Rupert and he isn't standing up straight all the way, and my picture isn't at an angle to wear it would affect their height, and their on flat ground, so my picture is good, but Emma is 5'5 and Dan is 5'6.
JayAvalanche2007 said on 23/May/07
so what your saying is maybe they have'nt grown so much.
anna said on 23/May/07
At the least a little bit. In my opinion, the only good forest picture is the one where you can see all three's feet because you can see what kind of footwear they are wearing, the angle (which is actually straight on, opposed to the awkward angle of the photo Ariella posted), if they are inclines/declines, and who is leaning/slouching. As has been said, Emma is on a lower ground then the two guys, is slouching the most (Dan is also slouching, but it doesn't look to be as much) and is wearing Converse like Dan, but unlike Rupert, who is wearing some "dress" (don't know how to describe them) shoes with heel on them, which would clearly give him an advantage. Even though Emma has these things agasint him, she still looks taller than Dan.
Click Here And then you cannot forget that train picture
Click Here which proves that the difference between Emma and Rupert is clearly not 4 to 5 inches, it is more like 2 inches, although Emma really doesn't look 2 inches shorter than Rupert there, is standing in back, and is wearing Converse.... I can see the difference between Rupert and Dan to be 4-5 inches, but not the difference between Rupert and Emma. That's 2 inches at the most.
JayAvalanche2007 said on 22/May/07
I don't know we shall see what happens. But I"m sure Emma Watson herself at 17 has grown a little bit.
anna said on 22/May/07
In the outtake photo and the cover photo, if you look at their facial features, you can see that Emma's are way higher up than Daniel's. I agree that her hair is a mess, but if you really look at eyes, mouth, hairline, can see that Emma's are higher up than Daniel's. And in both photos, it Daniel is slouching, but not that much. If you look at his legs, they are not bent that much and he is probably only losing 1/2"-1". Plus, on the cover photo the shot is straight on and Emma is even in back of Dan, but still looks about 1-1.5 inches taller, which would mean she is easily 2 inches taller than him. It's ridiculous to say that Dan would be as tall or taller than her, the difference would be easily 2 inches in Emma's favour. Look at the cover photo and she most likely has a footwear disadvantage. And on a more abstract note, I'm just curious as to why they would position Dan and Emma like that...any ideas? And I am really not lying about her quote, nor am I saying that I would get a special magazine. Honestly, look right here.
Click Here
umad80 said on 22/May/07
I have to say that the forest pic is the best picture. I know a lot of people like to argue about how uneven the ground is, but I'm pretty sure that is a studio and they put stuff on the floor to make the ground appear that way. The same way they do in Lost. And I think because Rupert is leaning in his shoes don't have any height advantage. Dan is also slightly in the front, because I don't think he's that much taller than Emma. But it's clear that Dan is 5'5.5", Emma 5'5" and Rupert in the vacinity of 5'9" to 5'10". These heights are especially true when you look at behind-the-scenes stuff.
Ariella said on 22/May/07
And Emma is pushing him down to lean on him.
Ariella said on 22/May/07
I highly doubt you would get a magazine that is completely different from the rest, she didn't say it, as for the photo, I was just thinking, I hope no one uses that picture, because Dan is slouching and he isn't just leaning on the wall his feet are at an angle too, so if he would stand up straight, he would be taller than Emma and Emma's tilting her head a little which will make her appear taller, also Emma's hair is HUGE so that will add 2 inches so these pictures aren't a good example because he is slouching and because of her hair, but if he stood up straight he would still be taller, so I still think she is about 5'5, and the picture I showed is closer [img]
Click Here[/img]she is about an inch shorter than Dan and she's way shorter than Rupert, so I think she is still about 5'5, and show me the article where she says she's 5'7, because she definitely doesn't say it in Teen Vogue, they don't even ask her a question like that, so in my opinion I think you lied to support what you think.
anna said on 21/May/07
I'm not lying, in the magazine I saw she said "about 5'7"", I don't know if I have a different magazine, but it truly did say that. No lies. And I know that I have been kind of annoying and persistant about the Emma being taller than Dan and being 5'7" thing, but I just thought I would show you guys a photo that absolutely astounded me.
Click Here I know that the angle is a bit odd, but I still think it proves that Emma is taller than Daniel by more than 1/2" to 1". So, let's examine the picture. And I'm just going to ignore Rupert because he is standing a distance away and slouching and the camera angle is just odd. Firstly, I do know that Dan is leaning against the wall, which probably makes him lose 1/2" (if you look closely, the slouch really isn't that large) and then the camera angle is just sort of weird, so that may give him another 1/2" (maybe less), but even so, Emma looks much more than an inch taller than him. To me, she looks at least 3-4 inches taller than Dan, her lips are at his eyebrows. So, that would mean that she would be ~2-3 inches taller than Dan if they stood up straight. And to me that would make since because if you look at the photo very closely, you can see that she is wearing black flats. Also, we know that they are not the small heels she was wearing in the other photos because they do not have the strap around the ankle and plus, they genuinely look like flats. Plus, she realy isn't standing that much in back of Dan. Now, if you think back to the cover picture, Emma is wearing the same dress as she is in this behind-the-scenes image, which means she was most likely wearing the same flat shoes. As can be easily seen, Emma looks about an inch taller than Dan in that photo, is slouching more, and is standing behind him, which would again prove that she really is 2+ inches taller than him. I may be interpreting everything wrongly, but I really do think these photos prove that Emma is about 5'7" or at the least a few inches taller than Dan. 5'4"/5'5" for Dan and 5'7"/slightly taller for Emma makes sense. I really do not know how one could say that Emma is still shorter than Dan if you judge by these photos (which were taken a day after the conclusion of OotP filming), but we shall see. I think this is pretty conclusive evidence though.
Ariella said on 20/May/07
You can see in pictures that she hasn't, and she wasn't 5'5 while filming GOF, and what you guys can't seem to consider is that Emma might have stopped growing a long time ago, I can't post the picture of her with her friend, but her friend is 5'4 and she is an inch taller than her friend, so she's 5'5, and Anna if Dan is 5'5 and Emma is 5'7, then why is she an inch smaller in the picture I posted? I think Dan is 5'6 and Emma is 5'5, and Emma didn't say she was 5'7, I looked through the magazine many times and she never said it.
JayAvalanche2007 said on 20/May/07
whatever you guys say not including anna,but the rest of you-it's hardly weird that emma would not have grown since GOF.
Ariella said on 19/May/07
It does not say that at all, your talking about the page were it shows the cover of her on the 2005 teen vogue right, because thats when she starts getting interviewed, It doesn't say it at all, they don't even ask her, so I'm still saying that Emma is 5'5, look at this:
Click Here Emma is slightly shorter than Dan but way shorter than Rupert and their standing on flat ground, I know this because of the other forest picture where their slouching it shows their feet and their on flat ground, and if Emma's 5'7 than Rupert is over 6'0, which they aren't, Dan is 5'5 1/2 and Emma is 5'5, I've seen them on fansites, and at premieres. Emma's parents aren't very tall.
anna said on 19/May/07
lol, we agree on one thing Ariella, Emma's hair looks outrageous in the Teen Vogue photo shoot! It honestly does look like it was blown up! haha I don't think I like it.....ah well though. Dan looks very cute and I really don't see how you can't see where she says she is 5'7", it's the second question they ask her. They basically ask her, how tall are you, and she says about 5'7". Which, to me, proves it. And maelle royal, I am glad to see that you agree that she really is 5'7", but I don't think Dan is 5'6", 5'5" at best. If he was 5'6", that would mean Emma is 5'8" because she really is at least 2 inches taller than him and we don't know what kind of footwear and such he wears for the films and premieres....And Ariella, just deal with it, Dan is shorter than Emma. Don't fuss, it's not a big deal. And if you look at the cover picture of Teen Vogue, it looks as if Dan and Emma are standing up. Dan seems to be standing up quite straight and Emma is obviously bending over a lot, yet is still taller than him. That would mean she would be a good 2 inches taller than him when she stands up straight.....
Dan: 5'5"
Emma: 5'7"/slightly over
Rupert: 5'8"/5'9"
I have to agree that Rupert is taller than Emma in some photos, but I still can't understand why she looks taller than him in some photos. I think the above listings are quite accurate though. And Ariella, where have you seen Emma's parents? I've not seen any pictures of them....
Ariella said on 19/May/07
I actually wouldn't really be that odd if she hasn't since her parents aren't very tall, she could of been done growing a while ago, she could of stopped early, and it is a possibility that it could happen, since her parents are rather short.
Ariella said on 19/May/07
I read the whole interview, and she doesn't say it, and I wasn't saying whatever came to my mind, and I said the girl who met Emma said she was still 5'5, and she didn't say she was 5'7 in the interview I read the whole thing, and Dan is still taller than her by an inch and he's 5'6, Emma's 5'5.
JayAvalanche2007 said on 18/May/07
Anna I"m sorry but I don't see where it states her height in the interview,I'm not saying that your lying i've never said that,but where is it?
Ariella said on 17/May/07
Dan is not shorter than Emma he's taller, so if he's 5'6, she's still 5'5, she's not taller than him.
maelle royal said on 17/May/07
I am pretty sure that she is 5ft.7 because Dan is 5ft.6 and she is about an inch taller than him...
Ariella said on 17/May/07
Ok I saw the Teen Vogue magazine, where it looks like her hair blew up, but I like it, but no where in the interview did she day she was 5'7, she is still 5'5, which is average and kinda tall, so I don't know why you guys think its weird that she could still be that height which she is, and that's Emma's natural hair colour, well not that blonde, but she is a blonde.
anna said on 16/May/07
And Ariella, I am most definitely speaking the truth when I say she said ~5'7" in the Teen Vogue interview. Go to the following link if you do not believe me.
Click Here

Editor Rob
you're making that up...
anna said on 16/May/07
You are confusing me extremely Ariella. Firstly, you are all over the place and just saying whatever comes to your mind and secondly, your actual content makes little sense either. You said that someone at the DL premiere said that it looked as if she had grown and then some random person said, "not really she's still 5'5", camera angles, blah, etc...." Is that not like anyone of us going to an HP premiere and just estimating the height of one of these actors? Either one of the people could be right. lol, it's not as if just because this random person said Emma's hasn't grown means she hasn't, it would be extremely odd if she hasn't.
Ariella said on 15/May/07
And shorter dresses/skirts make you look taller, and at the GOF premieres she wore long dresses. But she still is 5'5.
Ariella said on 14/May/07
She wasn't 5'5 while filming GOF, because if she was, then she didn't grow in 2005, and If you've ever seen the Driving Lessons premiere videos theres a girl who talks to Emma and she's apart of and when she told the people in the forum that she met her someone said it looks like she's grown, has she and the girl said not really she's still 5'5 the camera angles make her look taller, they always do that for premieres. Emma is still 5'5 though, she could of stop growing a long time ago, but I don't think she'll get any taller, her parents aren't very tall.
JayAvalanche2007 said on 13/May/07
well even if she has'nt grown it'll still be a little strange if she has'nt grown since,but we don't know.
Ariella said on 12/May/07
I just looked at the site and she is not on the cover or in the magazine, Emma Roberts is, so you just tried to back up her being 5'7 with that, there is no magazine, plus it would be all over fansites, she is still 5'5, she is not in teen vogue right now, so you lied, she is still 5'5 though.
Ariella said on 12/May/07
Teen Vogue for this year? she wouldn't do the interview till around the movie if she did do it and for the one last year that was before Elle Girl and in Elle girl she said she was 5'5, well I read and I know my info, but there is no teen vogue out right now, they wouldn't do it till june or july if they are, but from the other one, she said she is 5'5. Until you show us this magazine, i can't believe, but I'll check the site out, but she is still 5'5. but for now i think you just made that up to try to back it up.
anna said on 11/May/07
She said (in an interview done for Teen Vogue) that she is now about 5'7". Go to their website or pick up the magazine in a shop. And to me, she is definitley not lying. And yeah, JayAvalanche, she has to have grown since GoF, I mean if she didn't, that's pretty strange. Plus, she has never really looked older than her age, like Dan has. She and Rupert have always looked quite a bit younger than Dan, in my opinion. And once again Ariella, I question where you find your information. I just read in a recent issue of Teen Vogue that she is "about 5'7"". How much more clear can one get?
Ariella said on 9/May/07
Its possible, but you have to keep in mind that they will do camera angles to make her look taller than she really is, they always do that at premieres, and she said like a week ago that she is still 5'5, and she said it last year, and I doubt she'll grow though, because its two months away, and she could be done growing and I think she is, but she is 5'5 and I'm positive because of her age, she'll stay 5'5, but its a good height.
JayAvalanche2007 said on 9/May/07
i would have to say by now Emma has grown yes she still might be 5'5" but when we see her in July during the Premiere's in all of that,she will probably have grown an inch or two Ariella,it's 75% true in my opinion.
Stephanie said on 8/May/07
Katie is 5' 4.5" and Emma is 5' 5".
Evanna said on 7/May/07
Come on anna/link, those posters are photoshopped - Emma, Katie, Evanna (my namesake) and the lot have been photographed separately and then merged into a single poster; hence the difference in light & shadows on their faces, colour of the uniforms etc. Each of these photos will soon appear as separate posters/portraits of the protagonists.
In the real world, Emma is the same height as Katie and A. Azad, which is around 5'4.5".
Ariella said on 6/May/07
In the DL interview the girl talking to Emma didn't say aloud that she's 5'5, the girl told everyone in the forums and on the post for the day, but Emma has said it in an interview this year that she is still 5'5, and it actually is her friends bebos, but they made them private recently, and Emma doesn't have one, but her brother does, and I know about the posers, but the people on this Emma site checked their profiles before they made them private and said it was them, but I don't think they really care but when I asked, they told me and your picture is a very bad one to go by since some of them are closer and some farther, they didn't all stand and take the picture like that, plus you can't see their feet, and those shoes definitely add about 2 inches to Emma, and you can't say that she is taller than them, because they are not right next to each other, but she said it last year and this year she is still 5'5, she hasn't really grown, Emma herself has said she is still 5'5, but you keep saying she's not when clearly she is, she is not easily 5'7, she is easily 5'5, because thats what she is.
anna said on 6/May/07
Okay, I still believe that she is 5'7" at the least, but you obviously don't, so let's not continue this pointless banter, alright? But I just have to say I feel your "evidence" is quite unhelpful because I watched that interview and I did not hear her say 5'5" at all (watching that was definitely a huge waste of time, no offence) and, honestly, do you really think those people you are talking to on Bebo are really Emma's friends? I highly doubt it and I'm sure Emma doesn't have a Bebo and there are so many people who pretend to be her friends so simply you can't believe them. And why would they even know or care how tall Emma is even if they were her friends? But I have an actual picture that proves that Emma is taller than Katie, Bonnie, and nearly as tall as Rupert (plus Rupert is easily up to the twins' eyes, which would mean he is 5'8"/5'9" easily). Here it is
Click Here
Ariella said on 5/May/07
Emma is definitely not a younger version of Keira, and SHE SAID IT HERSELF THIS YEAR AND LAST THAT SHE IS STILL 5'5, so stop saying she is easily 5'7, no she's 5'5, and her friend is an inch shorter and her friend is 5'4, plus her friend said she is still 5'5, EMMA IS STILL 5'5, she's not 5'7.
anna said on 4/May/07
That's a very interest thought,carl - Tom could be 5'10", yet Jamie (6'2.5"? on this site) and Matt are just over 6'. I would say that Tom could be 5'10", but then that would mean Matt is 6'-6'1" and Jamie is 6'3"-6'4" easily. And with the new DA photo, I think somethings make it a bit hard to judge Emma's height. Firstly, Emma is blatantly slouching and bending her knees and such, wheas all of the others are standing completely straight. Despite this, Emma still looks to be as tall as Dan and easily taller than Katie/all of the other girls, who look to be 5'4"-5'5". Secondly, the people on the angle is clearly in the advantage of those on the right side because look, Dean Thomas looks much taller than the Weasley twins, whereas in the old DA photo the Weasley twins were taller. Thirdly, the angle gives the people farther from the camera (presumably because it is from above) an advantage because if you look at the floor, you can most definitely see a slant. That is why Rupert looks a little bit taller than Emma, which is why I think Emma is only an inch or so shorter than Rupert and about 2 to 3 inches taller than Dan. Bonnie looks to be a little bit taller than the other girls and about an inch shorter than Emma when you consider that she is standing on the right side, which gives her a huge advantage. Emma's easily 5'7". She is literally a younger version of Keira Knightely.
Ariella said on 4/May/07
And in that picture she is shorter than Dan, but Emma did say this year in a very recent interview that she is still 5'5, and even her friends say she is, and then the picture with her friends were she's an inch taller than her friend and her friend is 5'4,Emma is 5'5, but if Evanna says she's under 5'5. if anything shes 5'4.5,and people don't have to grow every year,she could of been done a long time ago, not everyone grows each year and some stop growing at a much earlier age than everyone else, But Emma has said this year she is 5'5 still.
carl said on 4/May/07
i,m sorry i was rude,didn,t mean it.
JayAvalanche2007 said on 3/May/07
Hey I think Emma would probably would have grown an inch or so like i've been saying by now,because in 05' that's when she stated her last height. I think she has 100% definetely grown.
Ariella said on 3/May/07
In a very very recent picture of Emma, shes with friends, and a friend of hers is an inch shorter than Emma and her friend is 5'4, so again Emma is 5'5.
irshgrl500 said on 3/May/07
OOOOPPPPsssssss, Sorry. It was Carl that left the RUDE reply and Chip who left the helpful one! Thanks, Chip! Sorry about the name confusion!
irshgrl500 said on 3/May/07
Actually girls grow earlier than boys, but their growth doesn't last as long.
Boys tend to grow later and at a slower pace (when they have their growth spurt, though, they tend to grow faster than girls).
Thanks Carl! You took the words right out of my mouth. I am sorry I was not as articulate as I should have been.
BTW-CHIP-You're RUDE! I happen to LOVE Glen and Rob's website, and expect to be treated with respect. My reply to you did not DESERVE you're nasty, nasty, reply to me. Please try to be respectful of others. I didn't try to be malicious towards you and I am sorry if you took it that way.
Ariella said on 3/May/07
Actually Anna this is a very bad picture to go by, and in that picture they are wearing shoes, but barefoot she is 5'5, and there are some recent photos of Emma, but I can't post them, but like I said before, I've asked her friends on bebo, her friends and brother have one, and they said she was still 5'5, I asked about a week ago, and she says she is still 5'5, she said it in a really recent interview which means THIS YEAR, so if she says she is 5'5 why do you keep saying she's 5'7, when she isn't?
carl said on 3/May/07
hey chip
i was just estimating.tom could be 5,9.but he looks to have grown a little to 5,10.i may be wrong but it seems that way to for matt and jamie,they are about the same height.jamie,s not taller and even though he is,it,s not by much,maybe an inch.there both over 6 feet but not up to 6,1.jamie could be 6,1 though.
Chip said on 2/May/07
carl, there's no way that Tom is 5'10", he's more like 5'9". Matt and Jamie are more than 2 inches taller than him. Jamie is about 6'3", while Matt is about 6'0-6'1".
Chip said on 2/May/07
Actually girls grow earlier than boys, but their growth doesn't last as long. Boys tend to grow later and at a slower pace (when they have their growth spurt, though, they tend to grow faster than girls).
Ariella said on 2/May/07
Carl those are some pretty good estimates, and something Anna keeps forgetting is that shoes add about two inches to your height, so yes in shoes Emma is 5'7, but when she's barefoot she's 5'5, which is her height, and she's said it herself, she's still 5'5, so please stop saying she's 5'7 when she said this year and last year she's still 5'5, and she's at the age where shes finished growing, and 5'5 is a good height anyway.
carl said on 2/May/07
i dont know which medical books you read but boy oh boy you are the first person with the theory that girls grow faster.maybe you will win a nobel price soon for this wonderfull new discovery.all medical books read put it this way.
girls grow faster at an early age.prcisely from the ages between 10 and that age they are taller on the average but the boys catch up and overtake the girls between the age of 14 to 18.
anna you asked if we have seen her recent photos i have seen the recent one of her with matt,tom and jammie and she sure does not look 5,7 in that photo unless you are trying to tell us that matt and jamie are both 6,2.matt,s about 6 feet and even tom who is 5,9 towers over are my height estimates
matt 6feet
tom 5,10
dan 5,6
emma 5,5
rupert 5,8
katie 5,5
bonnie 5,4
jamie 6 feet
irshgrl500 said on 2/May/07
girls dont grow as fast as boys do. You have got it BACKWARDS. Girls grow FASTER than Boys.
Ariella said on 1/May/07
OMG Emma said it herself THIS YEAR that she is still 5'5, girls don't always grow each year and she is pretty much done growing, and Dan is TALLER than Emma not shorter, Dan is 5'5 1/2 not 5'6, and Rupert is about 3 inches taller than her, and like I've said before shoes add about an inch or two, and Emma's shoes could be thicker than the boys thats why she seems like she's grown, but I am 100% positive she is 5'5 and also this site says she is, and Emma's friends say she is 5'5, they all have a bebo account or at least her two close friends do, so I went to ask after posting on here a few times and they say she is still 5'5, she hasn't grown, which isn't bad, and girls usually stop growing around 17, and like brother_h said girls don't grow as fast as boys and some boys don't grow fast either, but she's finished growing, SHE'S 5'5.
brother_h said on 1/May/07
how can she be 5'7 now wen last year she sed she was 5'5. girls dont grow as fast as boys do. tht rupert guy is prolly 5'7-5'8, cant be to tall. haha dan is 5'5 =D
woops, 4got to add the "half inch" in there coz thts so important
wow im a *beep*.
Émilie Failleres said on 1/May/07
Yes, I agree with anna, she is about 5 ft. 7. She has grown a lot since 2005 where she said she was 5 ft. 5; she looks a bit taller than Dan nd he is 5 ft. 6; so it looks about right if I say she is 5 ft. 7!
anna said on 30/Apr/07
Have you looked at some of the recent photos people have posted Amy? If Emma is only 5'4"/5'5", that would mean Rupert is around that height and Dan is, like, 5'2" or shorter. Which, however short Dan may be, I do not think is reasonable. I am almost positive she is around 5'7" and Rupert is around 5'8", plus or minus some for either.
Amy said on 30/Apr/07
She looks about 5 ft 4, from what I can tell (I'm not so bad at estimates...but, hey, you can't ever really tell), but I'll take her word that she's 5 ft 5 (even though shorter people tend to exaggerate a bit) because she'd know better than I would, obviously. However, I think she's finished growing, as I haven't seen any indications of her being any taller since, I dunno, GoF?
JayAvalanche2007 said on 27/Apr/07
I really think these past couple of years since GOF i really don't think their's a doubt that Emma has probably grown a inch or two,even though she is still 5'5",most likely she might have grown an inch or so? 17 at the end of April 2007,yeah she is not still 5'5 now or shorter-know what I mean.
Ariella said on 25/Apr/07
Not everyone grows an inch every year and in 2004 she didn't say she was 5'5, in 2005, she said she was 5'5, and she hasn't grown since though, but 5'5 is a good height, she said in a recent interview that she is still 5'5.
And the pen thing doesn't quite go with people since people are larger, but people who take pictures of the HP cast do it at an angle to make them look taller, not shorter, they wouldn't make them look shorter, But they do make Emma look taller, because in real life, she's not that tall, she has said it numerous times, and its in every fansite, Emma is 5'5.
Ariella said on 25/Apr/07
And If your far away from the camera it makes you look taller, not shorter.
Ariella said on 25/Apr/07
Also JK is about an inch shorter then Emma and JK is 5'4, So again Emma is 5'5, JK has said to be around 5'5, and that can mean shorter, and she isn't quite 5'5 yet, she's 5'4, Emma is 5'5.
Ariella said on 25/Apr/07
Actually Katie is 5'5 and Dan is taller than Katie by a little bit, also Anna shoes add like two inches, so yes in shoes Emma is 5'7, but bare foot which is her height, she's 5'5, and Rupert is about 3 inches taller than Emma, and you could be right about the forest but I highly doubt they are on a hill or in a hole, so I think they would be one flat and Emma is that far away the camera is basically leveled, she is just shorter than Rupert, she's not the same height and that camera angle wouldn't make her look shorter. Then theres the picture of Emma Dan and rupert at the train, Emma is at the same level as rupert and Dan is walking in front of them, Emma is about 1 1/2-2 inches shorter than Rupert, but rupert is slouching a little bit, so if he stood up straight he would be about 2 inches taller, plus there shoes, Emma's add 2 inches to her height, which is why she looks almost the same height, and Rupert's add an inch, so if they were barefoot she would be 3 inches shorter, Emma is 5'5 she's said it herself and you still keep saying she's not, but she is she's said it a lot of times, then the girl at the DL premiere also said she was, Emma is 5'5.
Ariella said on 24/Apr/07
Hello, thats the picture I was talking about you can see that Emma is not 5'7, and Anna maybe Dan did grow to 5'6, because he is taller than Emma in that photo Hello put up, I don't know for sure how tall Dan and Rupert are, but I am positive that Emma is 5'5, and Chip, Dan is taller than Emma, not the other way around, and the Driving Lessons premiere the girl talking to Emma who is also apart of said she was 5'5, and Emma was wearing flats, girls usually stop growing at her age anyway, so she shouldn't really grow anymore, but she is 5'5.
Chip said on 23/Apr/07
I think it's like this:
Dan: 5'5"
Emma: 5'5.5"
Rupert: 5'7"
Ariella said on 23/Apr/07
Then theres this picture from the forest where they are all standing up straight and Rupert is a whole lot taller than Emma, and Dan is taller than her too, she is 5'5, Dan is 5'5 1/2, and Rupert is 5'7, they've said it themselves, and it would be silly to still argue when she has said this herself.
Ariella said on 23/Apr/07
My friend actually go to go to a premiere, that sadly I could go to, and she said that she was shorter, and Emma isn't taller than Rupert or Dan, and for six years they have been taller than Emma, and the media's down on the site where the videos from, but once its up again, I'll give you the link. And Emma said herself that she's 5'5, but you keep arguing that she's not. OK I found a link from youtube:
Click Here , its a little blurry, you can watch the whole video if you want obviously but if you just want to see the conversation its 1:50 into it, and the girl Emma is talking to is from, who at the time Jo was the host of the site, but now I think the girl who is talking to Emma is incharge. But again, why would you still say she's taller than she claims to be, and Emma is definitely not taller than Rupert, and Dan is taller than her.
Ariella said on 21/Apr/07
And every fansite says she's 5'5, and a staff member of, talked to Emma during the Driving Lessons premiere, if you ever saw that video, she was the one Emma was talking to, and she said Emma was 5'5, and Emma was wearing flats, Emma's 5'5.
Ariella said on 21/Apr/07
Anna Emma has said herself that she's 5'5, and you still say she's 5'7, and the Tom, Matt photo, like i said below camera angles make people look taller, plus shoes add an inch or two, so you can't really tell from photos, and there won't be a superb photo because they will try to make her look taller like they do with Dan, People are also suprised how short she is in person. And the bloody photo, if you look at their feet, they are pretty much at the same level, and Rupert Dan and Emma have all said how tall they are, Emma is 5'5, she said it herself, I highly doubt she would not tell the truth about that, plus I saw Emma a week ago, shopping and I'm 5'4, and Emma was pretty close to me, and I could tell she was only an inch taller than me, so she's 5'5, and my mum said it too, and my mum is pretty good at estimating how tall people are from a far and she does actually get the height exactly right, but Emma is 5'5, and Matt is 5'10, he may appear taller in a picture but in reality he is 5'10 and Emma is 5'5.
6'3'' JK said on 20/Apr/07
I thought u said you were going to quit irritating people with the stupid 5'7'' (lol) claims for emma, that picture just showed everyone the truth about Emmas REAL height which is 5'4'' in the reality world called earth
Ariella said on 18/Apr/07
please people Camera angles make people look taller not shorter, she is 5'5.
6'3'' JK said on 18/Apr/07
Anna you are really really starting to irritate me now, and i mean REALLY! How in the Heck can you say Jamie waylett is 6'5'', thats like him being taller than Randy Orton or being the same height as Vince Vaughn lol, you have taken this a bit too far now and really sounding stupid, 5'9'' Felton towers over her in that picture, i say she is even lucky to be called 5'5''
Ariella said on 17/Apr/07
Actually Anna, she wasn't 5'5 when filming GOF which was in 2004, she said she was 5'5, in a recent interview, and in late 2005 early 2006, and in the forest picture, their all crouching, not standing up straight, but in the picture when their bloody, Emma and Rupert are standing at the same level, but not next to eachother and their standing up straight, and Emma is a lot shorter than Rupert. Then theres the picture of Matt and Tom and Jamie and her, and Matthew is 5'10 and he is extremely taller than Emma in the photo. Then theres Luna who is 5'0, and the picture with the DA, and there standing up straight, the two of them and Emma is definitely not 7 inches taller than Luna, Emma is 5 inches taller than her, so that would make her 5'5. And I say she most likely won't grow anymore is because girls usually stop growing at her age, plus like I said before, camera angles can make people look taller than they really are, like Dan, he is actually not tall in person, so they make him look taller with camera angles, and Dan is slightly taller than Emma.
Chip said on 17/Apr/07
I am starting to not think Emma is taller than 5'5". On the pic that hello posted, Jamie and Matthew are WAY taller than her, and although it doesn't show their feet, I'm sure they're standing on the same level. If Emma was 5'7", then Jamie and Matthew would be about 6'5" to 6'6". Take off two inches from 5'7", and you get 5'5" for Emma and 6'3" for Jamie and Matthew. anna, that forest pic isn't that good of a pic to compare heights with come to think of it, since they're all crouching, and they aren't even in the same position.
hello said on 16/Apr/07
Click Here
matthew lewis is like 5'10? you can do the comparison between him and emma and you won't get 5'7
Evanna said on 16/Apr/07
Here's a new promo picture from the upcoming movie
Click Here
Well, next to the boys (Felton 5'10", Waylett 6'2.5", Lewis over 6') Emma looks like a pygmy. No way is she taller than 5'5", probably shorter than that.
Jay said on 16/Apr/07
The question really remains is now at Emma Watson 17 years old,has she grown or not recently???
Ariella said on 16/Apr/07
In GOF she was like 5'3, that was 3 years ago, she is 5'5 now. She even said it herself, and people don't grow an inch each year, some may, but Emma doesn't, But like i said earlier, her parents aren't very tall, so Emma won't be either, she isn't going to really grow anymore, 5'5 is a good height anyway.
Oh and about her hair, Both her parents hair and her brothers is naturally straight, thats how I know, and at events when she makes it wavy, in the beginning its really wavy or curly, but by the end, its flattening and going back straight, and her hair is naturally dirty/golden blonde, once again I am 100% positive on this.
Ariella said on 16/Apr/07
I am 100% positive that Emma is 5'4-5'5, she said it recently that she is and girls usually stop growing at her age, Dan is 5'5 1/2, and he is only 1/2 inch. taller than her, Rupert is 5'7, he's 2 inches taller than Emma. she is definitely not 5'6-5'7. 5'5 is a good height, she's at a fair height, but she won't grow anymore, and theres nothing wrong with that, but she is 5'5.
And her hair is naturally dirty/golden blonde and straight, and I am definitely 100% positive on that too.
Lily said on 15/Apr/07
The photograph Antron posted is rather accurate. She's a fair bit shorter than Daniel, still. I'd say she is almost, or slightly less than, 5'5".
Ariella said on 13/Apr/07
Camera angles and Picture angles can make people look a lot taller than they really are, but Emma hasn't grown, and she won't grow anymore, girls stop growing around her age, and her parents aren't really tall either, so I'm 100% positive she's done growing, Emma is 5'5, Dan is 5'5 1/2, and Rupert is like 5'7, because he's two inches taller, but she's not going to grow anymore really.
antron said on 11/Apr/07
that picture is promo for Order of the Phoenix btw, I doubt she could have grown 2 inches since it was taken.
antron said on 11/Apr/07
emma watson is not 5'7." She just isn't. I've posted this before, maybe you haven't seen it. Dan has a height advantage over Emma because he's a little closer to the camera, they are about the same height. Emma is closer than Rupert. Rupert is slouching and is still taller. He is at least 2 in. taller than Emma.
Click Here
Chip said on 8/Apr/07
anna, I posted a comment about that picture on a comment about Rupert's height I think. Yeah, Emma looks taller than Dan, and Rupert looks WAY taller than Dan. It seems to me like Emma and Rupert have grown. But I kind of need to see a picture where they're not crouching to be sure.
JayAvalanche2007 said on 6/Apr/07
Hey i'm back ya know if you take a look at this picture you can kind of tell that they've sorta grown from Goblet of Fire,now since Emma's not standing up all the way,you cannot tell if she's taller than dan but she looks quite bit tall next to Rupert-who is about 5'10-6'0" by now I'm guaranteed by now. Rupert's always has been the tallest out of the trio. But just take a look:
Click Here
hello said on 3/Apr/07
hey anna, yea I had a look at your picture, the green and orange girl aren't standing straight in your pic, and emma has a huge hat so it's hard to tell where her head really ends, anyway, new pics are bound to come out soon.
hello said on 1/Apr/07
Click Here
Just thought this is a pretty a good picture since all the girls are barefoot. Emma is the third tallest of the five girls, so she's average height. 5'5 is correct then...
hello said on 30/Mar/07
Okay ive looked at the ground in your pic, but its not like they're standing on a hill, its just a bad picture to compare heights, way too complicated. Anyway, how can you say that Dan is shorter in the DA picture, he is in front of Emma and taller, if he was a lot shorter they'd be the same height even when he stood in front of her. They're practically the same height, maybe like 1cm difference.
liz said on 30/Mar/07
Did Dan mention he is 5.5 1/2 and Emma is 5.5. That 1/2 is important to indicate he is slightly taller than Emma. HeHeHe.. But the comment was made 2-3 years ago, I think...
hello said on 30/Mar/07
Just regarding anna's picture, okay Emma is alot further in front than the two boys, , there's an angle to the shot and they're all crouching to various degrees, so it's hard to compare heights. I still think the best picture to compare heights is the promotional DA one where all the cast stood in a line together
Click Here , that photo was probably even more recent than this one since this one's a screen cap from the movie. Also, Rupert looks considerably taller, he has three inches over Emma easily, not a tiny one inch.
Laura said on 30/Mar/07
Ok, on Emma Watson net, have a look at the most recent post regarding New Pictures, and take a look at the third one.
I dunno, have a look at her compared to Bonnie (who is, I think, 5'3") and Evanna who is supposedly 5', but I think a few more than that, really) seems to be in the lower end of the average range- she looks 5'3" at the most, but I'll give her 5'4" in case of footwear and such.
Definitely not an inch taller than 5'5", and very probably, an inch shorter than that.
Brian said on 25/Mar/07
Um, not really Anna.
Click Here
That hat is giving her a ridiculous advantage, yet she still isn't the tallest there- without the hat, she'd look her height -5'4"-5'5".
Anyway, something fairly recent;
Click Here
Average height for females is about 5'4". Em's at the front (and her hair looks lovely, btw- the colour really suits her), so that's about a 2 inch advantage, so subtract that and she's the same height as the shortest girl there (on the left), 5'7". In large heels, perhaps.
Niamh said on 23/Mar/07
Dan being about half an inch taller than her, at 5'5", it's safe to say she is about 5'4", definitely no taller than 5'5", and she probably won't be. She's a good height, I dunno why people want her to be taller?
traladada said on 21/Mar/07
In the rock challenge videos she looks like she's one of the taller girls, so who knows, maybe she is 5'7", maybe the other girls are just small. I do think she's grown since last year, but I guess we won't have any 'real' proof until the press stuff for HP5 starts. For now I would say about 5'6", because she is definitely taller than Dan.
Ciara said on 17/Mar/07
guys, may i ask u something? is it bad to be small? i mean do u prefer tall girls than girls who are about 5.4/5.5? is being "small" as a girl bad? is it sexier to be tall? whats the perfect height for u? id love to read ur answers. thanks
Tomasz said on 14/Mar/07
I think when the new photo's come out to promote the new film, we will find she is 5ft7.5 , i saw some clips from the film and she does look taller then dan and taller then she was in Goblet of fire
jill said on 8/Mar/07
Emma is still 5'5.The interview was taken in 2006, she was 16 years old and this is not two years ago, just a year ago... she will become 17 in this April, is't she?
David said on 4/Mar/07
i'm 5'11", and when i met her she looked about 5'7" max or 5'6" minimum
Jess said on 23/Feb/07
She's still 5'5", hasn't grown a bit. I mean, neither of her parents are over 5'8' at the most, so how far could she grow, really?
carl said on 21/Feb/07
now you,re talking about matthew lewis he looks like 5,11 to 6 feet tall.alfred enoch is like 6,21/2.actually i,m only being modest with alfred enoch,he could be 6,3 cos he looks to be the same height as the phelp twins.
evanna lynch is 5 feet tall but she, only 14.
of all this,the actor that most baffles me is not a harry potter actor,he,s a chroniches of narnia actor(skandar keynes).i heard he,s grown seven inches.that will make him 6,1 now.rob have you seen him recently
carl said on 19/Feb/07
i,ll beleive she,s grown past 5,5 when she says so.for now she,s 5,5 to me.
Anonymous said on 17/Feb/07
When I think of 5'7 I see Beyonce, Keira knightley, Rosari Dawson, Anne hathaway etc, I just don't see Emma. I'll give her 5'6 max.
jill said on 15/Feb/07
Emma is still 5'5, Anna,The photo didn't support your point as this is not a whole body photo, how can you said she is much taller?
carl said on 8/Feb/07
it,s funny that people are trying to restate what she stated herself.if she said she,s 5,5 then she,s 5,5 fullstop.and she hasn,t grown since she said that mind you.
AvalancheStorm2007 said on 5/Feb/07
I think Emma is around like 5'6-5'7" pretty much I think. By now she is definetely not shorter than 5'5".
Jane said on 1/Feb/07
Most girls stop growing when they're 17/18, but have a final growth spurt when they're 20. Who cares how tall she is, I haven't measured myself since I was nine... I just tell people I'm average.. about 5'5
heidi said on 22/Jan/07
hm....anna is it like u luv emma or something...she' 5'5 ...she's stated it when she was 16...gurls are done growing by 16...unless they are late bloomers...and emma doesnt luk like one...she's either dan's height or half an inch shorter...(sorrie :D ) 5'6 and my dad's 5'6.5....when we stand ppl think im taller than him...but actually he IS taller......maybe its just the posture...but admit it emma is 5'5 :...she said it on her own :|
RobX said on 20/Jan/07
Si where does the actess who plays Ginny stand in all this
Nicole said on 15/Jan/07
I saw Emma in fall of '05 when she was at the Marks and Spencer thing. She was about 2 or 3 inches taller than me AT THE MOST and I'm 5'2. Of course, by now she could be taller and probably is.
hilz said on 12/Jan/07
w/e. we won't know anything unless any of us ever snaps a picture of ourselves with her or until she just comes out and gives us a number again so we can debate that. Until then, it's pretty obvious that she's between 5'4"-5'5". A perfectly average girl.
carl said on 11/Jan/07
in the second picture,she is not loads behind him.she,s at most 2 inches behind.anybody who looks at that pic can tell and yes in the second picture he looks at least 2 inches taller.the first picture is not so clear,i kind of strain my eyes to see them,so other people may not be able to view the picture but as for the second,it,s very clear and obvious.when she was 15 she was 5,5 and now she still looks the those who say she is 5,6.5,i say,KEEP ON DREAMING
hilz said on 9/Jan/07
@Miley: Emma did happen to say in early 2006 that she was "about 5'5". At that time, she was only a few months away from 16. Now, in early 2007, heading towards 17, she still looks "about 5'5". It's not that people want to make her shorter, because her height is on the dot, average. It's simply that so much evidence proves that she is this height. But, you're right to say that there is always the possibility that she may still grow. Roughly, she has another year.
carl said on 9/Jan/07
christ,dan looks 2 inches taller than emma in the first picture and a even more taller than emma by 2.5 inches in the second picture,the third and fourth pics are the same and have an extra the first photo dan is standing behind emma but his soulders are above her own shoulder level.yes,she is past his shoulder but not up to his the second photo,it,s reversed,this time dan is in front but the difference seems to be more than 2 inches. more like 2.5 inches.and his shoulder level is even more above her own shoulder,s more glareing in the second,s very plain in both photos that dan is taller.although dan is not a tall person,he,s taller than if emma is 5,6 then dan is 5,8 at least from anna,s photos.well anna i kind of agree with you that emma could be 5,6,it,s possible but i think she is no more than that,just as you too say.
Miley said on 4/Jan/07
Okay guys, can you stop making up stuff?
Emma used to be 5'5 back in 2005, that's two years ago... okay not exactley, but she said that in september 05, it's january 07.
Now I happen to know this and I also happen to be 95% sure!
Emma IS 5'6, she's even 5'6 and a half!
Stop making her shorter than she really is, it's getting annoying cause I know the truth!
carl said on 24/Dec/06
i agree,i think emma is 5,4.katie looks to be the same height with her.check out the pics.dan looks 2 inches taller than emma in that pic but he is standing
a smidge in front of her so he had a very small advantage.alfred enoch is 6,2 and matthew lewis is 5,11
bonnie wright=5,3.5
rupert grint=5,6.5
Bright said on 24/Dec/06
5"5 makes sense. I'm 5"5 and I'm her age. It's average height. :)
Probably average size as well. AUSTRALIAN SIZING: she's probably be a 10-12. remember AUSTRALIAN SIZING. It's different to American or UK.
Natalie said on 21/Dec/06
She looks like she's a very average height; to met that's about 5'5. I highly doubt that she's 5'7 or 5'8. She's rather skinny so that always plays an an illusion. Does anyone know how much she weighs or what size she is? If I were to havoc a guess then I'd say she's weighs around 47-48 kg. 52, tops.
jill said on 20/Dec/06
Emma is 5'4-5'5 and she is just 1cm taller than katie or maybe the same height, you can see this from many photos.
ice said on 17/Dec/06
I just wanted to add in something. It is possible her and dan are the same height. But, I highly doubt she's taller. I can give her the same height at most. In the pic he looks 3 centimeters (1.25 inch) taller, but he has that very small advantage, so 1 centimeter (1/2 inch).
ice said on 17/Dec/06
Back row? The Phelps twins are in the back row. Emma's standing right next to Dan. Any closer, and she'll be in his lap. She is in the same row as everybody else. Dan is a smidge in front of her, because they wanted him to be front and center, since he is Harry Potter. I already took that into account. At most it would make her his height. How do I know? I have pics like that with people. It doesn't do much when they are that close together. An inch at the most. As for Bonnie, I'll give you that. I went, and looked at some more photos. In your pics her legs are not straight, and the pics are shot from above. Now that does do a lot to height comparisons. Take a look at Mila Kunis and Macauly Culkin's photo together. In the pics you provided, Katie looked like she had her by an inch, but other pictures show only 1/2 inch. My guesses
Bonnie Wright: 5'3.5"
Emma Watson: 5'4"
Katie Leung: 5'4" (Yes she is the same height as Emma. Movies can be deceptive. They make actors look the way the want. i.e.Short actor looking taller than tall actress. Premieres are better.)
Rupert Grint: 5'6.5"-5'7"
Daniel Radcliff: 5'4.5"
Notice this, even with the phelps far behind Emma, they still have her by a full head. Their heads are long, too. But, I'm not going to even try to add more height in. Rob says the average head is 9.5 inches. Some say mor like 8.5. Let's give them an even 9. Nine inches shorter than 6'3 is 5'6. However, they are FAR behind her. Conclusion: 5'4"
ice said on 16/Dec/06
It's okay you have your own opinion. We'll just have to agree to disagree, especially since I just looked at Antron's picture. That said a lot.
Editor Rob: Looking at Antron's pic, it appears that Bonnie Wright is the tallest female out of the line up. My guess is, Bonnie is 5'5-5'5.5", Dan at 5'4.5" Emma at 5'4". If Dan grew since Glenn saw him, then bump everyone up 1/2 inch. Though I think my guesses are accurate. Also, everybody keeps talking about how there is still time for major growth from Emma, guess what? The average girl only grows 2.5 inches after age 13. I know some people may grow a bit more, but I doubt too much more than that; standard deviation and such.
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ice said on 13/Dec/06
I've seen the newer pictures of her. She doesn't look to have done any major growing to me. I see at most a half inch. 5'7? We're talking the Ciara and Vivica Fox range. NO WAY!