ice said on 10/Dec/06
I just can't see this girl at her listed height. When I think of 5'5, I see Nicole Scherzinger, Roselyn Sanchez, Neve Campbell, Denise Richards. Those ladies look 5'5, and possibly more. But Emma, never looks that way. I don't get it. She has short co-stars, so what's the problem? I say 5'4.
ice said on 2/Dec/06
Janice: You must be really tall. 5'6 is not little for a woman. That's 2 inches above average height. Just curious, are you from the Netherlands?
janice. said on 2/Dec/06
they're all so little... i think emma is around... 5'6"? that's just my opinion based on pictures though.
Liz said on 23/Nov/06
umm i highly doubt she's this tall. she looks like 5'3 maybe... maybe even shorter. take it from someone whose met her (although she might have grown since then, but i highly doubt it). she was shorter than i was and at the time i was 5'4
Antron said on 22/Nov/06
No offense john, but those angles are awful (I know you said that are not great). I just don't think they are very useful is all I mean. They are walking, are not even close to the same distance from the camera, the camera is higher than them...the pic I posted is a promo pic for OOTP, so it is recent and is at least clear and shot straight on.
Ann said on 19/Nov/06
One of them is and the other one is from GoF premiere...I dunno, maybe Dan's grown a little, it's hard to say cos he looks so small....maybe he is 5ft5 and emma's like 5'4.5"
Antron said on 18/Nov/06
The picture I just posted is more recent by the way;promotional shots for Movie 5...Ann's pics look like they are from movie 3 era based on the Knight Bus and the poster.
Antron said on 18/Nov/06
I see them together here....Dan looks a bit taller and does not appear to be wearing dodgy footwear. His legs are proportioned correctly. He is 5'5" maybe she is too or slightly under.
Click Here
Ez said on 6/Nov/06
Kerri- She would have been about 4 ft 6 max or so during the first film. I suppose this because she was 5 ft 3 during GoF, about 2 inches shorter in PoA, about 3 inches shorter in CoS and supposedly grew 3 inches by the end of the first film. Shorter than that during auditioning, I'd imagine.
I'd guess she's 5 ft 4 right about now, but that could go an inch either way. She looks 'bout the same height as Daniel, maybe a tad shorter, perhaps a tad taller. Doesn't really alter life in any way.
carl said on 24/Oct/06
since johnny link and kourt have concluded that emma is taller than dan,let,s close the discussion.rob,you can close this site now.i think everything is concluded.i,m tired of arguing.
johnny link said on 21/Oct/06
Okay this is the only thing I am going to say about the new pictures and most likely the only thing I will ever say about any of the HP cast. I think that the DA picture shows that Emma is indeed taller than Dan. They may look roughly the same height at a glance, but look closer...Emma is standing in back of him and is slouching quite a bit. I think if she stood up straight she would have a couple of inches on him. Then you can look at the picture of Emma and Dan by the fireplace. This basically seals the deal that Emma is taller than Dan. Again, Emma is standing in back of Dan and still looks taller than him. Therefore, if she stood in front of him, she would be even taller than Dan. I am a bit confused with Rupert's height, I think that we should just wait to see more pictures or until the movie comes out. And then we must keep in mind that sometimes in the movie business, if they have a short male lead, they will give him "heels" or lifts and the supporting actors and actresses "lower" footwear. But in retro spect, there is absolutely no way anyone can say Dan is taller than Emma, the new pictures clearly show she is taller than him, even though she is standing in back of him. Emma also looks like she has grown, she looks much thinner and, in my opinion, taller.
Kerri said on 20/Oct/06
Does anybody know how tall Emma Watson was when she auditioned for the Harry Potter movies? Or how tall she was in the first HP movie?
Serene said on 20/Oct/06
Hmm.. she is growing gradually but in a way we don't see any changes but some of us do.
She could be being humble saying that she is 5'5" or taller but it has been almost a year when she was asked in Elle Girl magazine about her height
Kourt said on 13/Oct/06
yeah i agree, alfred does look about that. man he sure has sprouted!!! he is about as tall as the twins maybe a little taller? hmmm i have suggested many times before to compare the heights of the trio to the heights of thier co-stars. but everyone ends up comparing katie to the trio and no one else. yes dan and emma are very similar in height about like what you carl said. but in recent pix dan is ever so slightly shorter than emma. so if dan is 5'5" (he claims to be 5'5.5") that means emma should be around 5'6" ish.
carl said on 13/Oct/06
ok,let me summerise this height thing.some believe dan is taller than emma while others believe emma is taller.i think it,s safe to say that they are similar like(5,5-5,6)for both of for rupert,we all agree that he is taller than both of them.(like 5,7-5,8).i dont know if anyone suggests otherwise but i think this is a fair summary.come on guys,lets deviate a little.harry potter revolves around the trio(rupert,dan and emma)but not completely.there are other characters in the tall do you guys think alfred enoch is.he looks 6,2 to me.what about matthew lewis,he seems about 5,11.
Kourt said on 12/Oct/06
Okay carl i'll stop this verbal war. it was getting kind of tiresome. sorry sianna you are entitled to your opinion same as me and we dont have to agree, humans werent made to agree on everything. but i strongly agree that emma is 5'6" no taller or shorter. she looks about that height. i mean i am 5'6" and its not too short not too tall for a girl. (carl, i am a girl :)) dan however is shorter than emma, you can just tell and rupert is clearly taller than the two. again, sorry sianna. forgive me? if not its okay.
carl said on 12/Oct/06
i think she is a weak 5,5,dan seems taller.sianna your height is just perfect,no one should make you believe otherwise.guys ,kourt has a right to express his opinion.i take all opinions in good faith,you guys should do the same including kourt and sianna.the verbal war between you two is getting out of hand.cheers
Charlotte said on 6/Oct/06
I agree wih Sianna and Evanna. You are in the minority wih your opinion, most of us believe Emma is less than 5'5", because it is apparant to us, but not to you. If you want to imagine she is a tall girl, by all means, go ahead, and dream, but don't ruin our reality.
Galib said on 6/Oct/06
I think she is better in 5 fit 5.5 .And she just look too gourgius and beautiful.
Evanna said on 5/Oct/06
Kourt, stop insulting Sianna, she is just expressing her opinion on Emma's height which is based upon some rather firm evidence (recent photos, screencaps etc.) There's plenty of us here who are pretty much convinced that Emma did exaggerate her height a bit. But even if she did, that's not the end of the world, and it's definitely not the reason to be rude.
rachel said on 1/Oct/06
i think katies' around 5'4 n emma 5'5.dan around 5'6 and rupert 5'7. evanna definetly isnt 5'2.she might be lyk 5'0 or 5'1.bonnie is 5'4 probably
Joviano said on 30/Sep/06
Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson...well all I know is that she's 5,5'(167 cm). God, she's so beautiful... I think that she's perfect at 5,5'... Don't you think so?
Erwin, M, 15 said on 30/Sep/06
anonymous are you a stalker(big fan) of Emma or a classmate of her coz you act like your too near form her. But I think she's 5"5 because her appearance from screens never change since her last episode of HP.
Kourt said on 29/Sep/06
im sick of arguing. yes the shoes 'look' the same but arent. think what you want but like i said this is getting us no where. ciao.
anonymous said on 29/Sep/06
Katie and Emmas shoes look the same, everyone is wearing school shoes which are similar so there is no footwear advantage etc.
Honestly, Bonnie, Katie and Emma are all about the same height(around 5'5 or maybe even less). I don't think Emma is bending her leg, she's just leaning in slightly towards Dan like always. However, Katie is tilting her head down compared to the way Bonnie is standing. So its not fair to say Katie has 2 inches of advantage over Emma.
Also Evanna comes up to about the tip of Emma's forehead. Unless you're born with a super pointy head, I really don't think there is 4 inches(that's 10cm!) between the top of your forhead to the tip of your head. I reasonable guess would be 3 inches. So being very generous to Evanna and say she is 5'2, Emma is still 5'5.
carl said on 28/Sep/06
in a picture,standing in front hardly gives extra advantage. it is actually a disadvantage.emma looks 5,4 while dan looks to have increased the gap btween him and emma,it,s like there is two inches between him and emma.there,s about 1.5 inches between him and rupert.
emma 5,4
dan 5,6
rupert 5,7.5
Charlotte said on 28/Sep/06
I'd agree with Sienna on this. Kourt- Evanna herself said she was 5'0", not so long ago. She may have grown at max an inch. Emma has a maximum of three inches on Evanna, making her about 5'3"- 5'4" Emma WAS exaggerating her height. The proof is in front of us.
sianna said on 28/Sep/06
kourt...ALL the girls have the SAME shoes on, and i think Bonnie is taller than Emma. Daniel is no more than 5'6, and rupert no more than 5'7.5...also in the pic of the cast, all the girls are leaning on their right leg slightly, Emma is clearly not the only one who has to lean in, it still makes her under 5'5...maybe 5'4, she is definately NOT taller than Daniel or even slightly close to being the same height as Rupert
Kourt said on 27/Sep/06
Charlotte, she didnt exgagerate her height. others must have grown or have not had thier hieghts updated. evanna is said to be around 5'0-5'2" and emma is a good 4 inches or more on her. you have to concider everyone elses height just not emma's she's not the only one growing.
RentGirl said on 27/Sep/06
Here's the new pic of everyone
Click Here
click on it to see a bigger picture. Evanna is 5 foot Emma is about 2 1/2 or 3 inches taller than her.
Charlotte said on 27/Sep/06
Thanks for the photo anonymous. Well, Evanna Lynch is about 5'0"/5'1", so is Emma 5'3" or so? Dan still looks at tad taller. Gee, only Evanna, one of the Patil twins and that kid on the right are shorter than Emma. Even Bonnie is taller than her! Seems she exaggerated late last year when she said she was "about five-foot-five"! She's clearly less than that, perhaps 5'3" to 5'4.5" at the most.
Kourt said on 26/Sep/06
Most of the girls have on similar shoes,(evanna's shoes are flat and so are emmas.) katies are a sure 2 inches but emma's ive seen them and they are totaly flat. so if katie is 5'4" and she is as tall as emma in 2 inch shoes, that makes emma around 5'6" and too, dont know if you've noticed, but emma's left leg is bent taking off an inch at the most. and rupert (alway's slouching) is about 2 inches taller than emma and he's estimated about 5'8" -5'9" again making emma around 5'6". and like rob said, dan is in the front giving him advantage over everyone else. and anonymous, your pix isnt working.
Anonymous said on 26/Sep/06
After I seen this pics I think emma is 5'4.
Jangstrom said on 26/Sep/06
Emma and Katie are about the same height in the picture anonymous sent.If Katie is 5'41/2 Emma is smaller then i thought,more like 5'5.
sianna said on 26/Sep/06
to anonymous, your photo doesnt work. to kourt, al the girls have the same shoes and have a 1-2 inch heel, if u look @ the other girls shoes who are facing side on...sorry 2 disapoint you :(
anonymous said on 25/Sep/06
Anyway, new picture everyone yea!!! I think we can settle the height once in for all:
Click HereDan is taller than Emma, or at least they're the same freakin height. And you can see Katie and Emma are also the same height!!!

Editor Rob
unsurprisingly...they moved radcliffe forward 6 inches in that shot
Kourt said on 25/Sep/06
Okay first picture eh second picture Dan is standing a little in front of Emma giving him height advantage. but it looks like he's a hair taller but then again he's infront of emma making her taller.
Kourt said on 25/Sep/06
Hey pictures from the movie.and they're new!!!
Click Here
Click Here
What do you think?
Kourt said on 25/Sep/06
That's what i thought too when i first saw it. but i just like the picture. sad thing with tech. these days, you can never tell if something is real or mushed together. it's a pretty tricky photo but i say photoshopped. maybe the photographer took pictures of them from the same distance and then cut them in to look like that. does that make any sense? probably not but oh well. oh evanna, the size of someone's head means nothing, some just have bigger heads than others. there is no right size of head just like there is no right size of height. geez
Evanna said on 25/Sep/06
Yep, definitely (badly) photoshopped. Even the light on their faces is different, not to mention the size of their heads, everything is wrong. Whoever did that didn't have a clue about that wonderful software.
anonymous said on 24/Sep/06
Uh, that's definitely a photoshopped picture, the perspective just doesn't feel right.
Charlotte said on 24/Sep/06
John, that photo is obviously photoshopped. Emma doesn't look like that. She's standing on higher floor, and look carefully, Dan's head is a fraction of an inch higher than hers. They are two seperate photo's, meshed together.
Kourt said on 24/Sep/06
good picture john, and at first i was like wow that doesnt even look like emma. she has lightend her hair and looks so much taller.
john link said on 23/Sep/06
Okay there is a new scan from the OoTp set and I am not positive, but it looks like Dan and Emma are standing in the same place, but you cannot be sure. However, if they are standing in the same place (not just photoshopped, etc.) then I think some of you who think Emma is shorter than Dan are pretty hardpressed to find information to support that. The pictures is here and even though Emma is in back of Dan, she is clearly taller than him.
Click Here
Kourt said on 21/Sep/06
hey, just surfin the web and found the height of evanna lynch who plays luna lovegood. she's 5' and when the movie or pictures come out with her and emma, we will be able to find out a fairly good estimate of emma's height. we just have to be patient.
Evanna said on 20/Sep/06
Been absent for a while, here I am back at the Uni. Some of the comments regarding my post from 9 Sept. really made me laugh. I mean come on guys, are you blind or what? Although Tamsin is in the 5'9" or 5'10" range, and wearing heels, she is still a full head taller than Emma, making our adorable little Hermione nothing more than 5'4" or so. Take a look at that picture again, observe their shoes, do the maths, and see for yourself. Kuddos.
Amanda said on 20/Sep/06
If Emma is 5' 5" at age 16 then the growth curve estimates her full height to be... 5' 5.4". So, at 16 girls are pretty close to being done growing. Let's see. Dan is 5' 5.25" and 17 so he'll be about 5' 6". Rupert is 18 and looks about 5' 6.5" to just under 5' 7", so he will be about 5' 7".
Kourt said on 17/Sep/06
i found my info in my AP health book. its just an average estimate. im not saying that all girls stop growing at that age. Okay with the guy thing, i know guys who have gone away to college for a few years and have come back a few inches taller. they start thier growth spurt at around 18 to early 20's. this is once again average estimates. and girls that is also an estimate between the ages of 17-18. nothing is compleatly accurate.
carl said on 17/Sep/06
johnny link,girl dont grow till 18.the grow till 17.i dont know where you got the idea that they grow till 20.give me the name of the medical book where you got that information cos i,ve read a lot of them and none gives an age above 17 for girls
anonymous said on 17/Sep/06
Of course Tamsin was wearing heels, just go to Getty Images and find them yourself. They're the same size heels as she wore to Driving lesson's premiere, if not even taller. Rob, do you mean she look 5'9 with heels or without?

Editor Rob
without, she could be 5ft 9.
Kourt said on 17/Sep/06
Tasmin is a taller girl you just can tell
Jason said on 16/Sep/06
Kourt, I can find medical stuff that says guys grow in height until they're well past 20. It doesn't mean it's completely accurate - or even near accurate - there's a lot of crap out there. Most guys grow until about 18, most girls no way.
johnny link said on 16/Sep/06
I am still not sure about Tasmin's height. With the picture, the first thing is that Tasmin is standing in back of Rowan so it is hard to judge either of their heights. The second thing I would like to point out is the height of the guy she is standing next to...does anyone know his height? If we knew his height it would help us determine Tasmin's and from what I can see Tasmin is taller than him. And then I would like to ask how we know she was wearing heels in these pictures? And then I would just like to point out that Atkinson is listed at 5'11.5" on this site, not 5'11". And JK, why do you think she is 5'4". Rob is most likely not going to change it if you just say "because she is 5'4"."

Editor Rob
in most of those tamsin pictures she's not really standing properly, she looks like she's 5ft 9 range
sianna said on 16/Sep/06
geezzz u ppl r rude, and harsh...
JK said on 16/Sep/06
Rob i think you need to downgrade Emma by an inch because she is 5'4''
johnny link said on 15/Sep/06
Okay can we just stop talking about the age people stop growing at? I understand that most girls stop anywhere from 14-20 years of age, but it depends on who the person is and because we do not know Emma, we do not know how tall she will grow to be. The only thing anyone can do is wait. I am just not going to mention anything about how tall people will grow to be and I will not say anytyhing about the limb thing. Sorry. And I don't want Emma to be 5'7"-5'8" because I am obsessed with her being tall or because that is my ideal height for a girl. I don't care how tall a girl is and I am not obsessed with her height, I just honestly think she is taller than people are giving her credit for. I know that some actors and actresses exaggerate their heights, but I do not think Emma is one of those. I think, as you know, she underestimate her height a little last year and has grown since then. She is 5'7"-5'8" now and she could grow more or she could stay that height. Cheers and have a great weekend!
Kourt said on 15/Sep/06
aho, who is obsessing about emma's height sianna "omg, she is like 5'4" or shorter and cant possibly be 5'5"" you are such a hypocrite!!! and you are the one too who brought up the limb thing or sort of inthe range of that. Jangstrom, i agree with you. i think 5'6" is an ok height but i dont like it much myself cuz im that height but im getting over it. but im not saying she is 5'7" or taller though. and i was just saying what my ap health book said about the growth of girls (this is in all areas too, not just highth if you were wondering
i stopped at around emma's age so it could be possible that she is done growing or she could still grow. there are even girls who have 2 major growth spurts, and thank heavens im not one of them. and i also agree with carl. but lets not say that we know all about emmas genetics cuz we dont. I think that emma is 5'6" and no taller but not 5'5". dan is probably just a hopeless case, cuz he doesnt look like he's gonna get any taller, and rupert looks like he has the potential to grow more.
Emma 5'6"
Rupert 5'9" or taller
Dan 5'5"
carl said on 15/Sep/06
truely the epiphyses starts closing at the age of 14-16 in girls but that doesn,t mean that they stop growing during the process.medically the accepted age in which girls stop growing is 161/2-17 while for boys is 19-21.emma is 16 right now and looks 5,6,she,ill grow till she,s 17 but not much probably 1/2 an for dan,he still has approximately 3 years to grow but i dont know how much taller he will for rupert,i think he,ill grow more
Jangstrom said on 15/Sep/06
Most girls stop grow at the age of 16,there are very few who grow until they're 18 and i don't think Emma is one of those girls since she already has had her growspurt.My teacher told us that 90% of the girls are finish growing when they're 16.And there is only one girl in my class who are still growing at the age of 16 and a half and it's also some who hasn't grown since they were 14 but that doesn't make them dwarfs.There's nothing wrong with being tall but to me she just doesn't look to be over 5'6 and why is that so bad?,5'6 is a good height for a girl.But tell me:why exactly do you want her to be taller?Is it because she'll fit in to your ideal height about girls?
I guess we'll have to wait until she say's her new height but i'm sure she isn't taller than 5'7.
sianna said on 15/Sep/06
omg let me point our something to you all, 1) not all girls stop growing at 18! every girl i no has stopped growing and are sixteen, only about 2 or 3 of them still are 2) john, its not that we dont want emma 2 be taller, its just that she plainly is not over 5'5...and kourt, dont critisize me, if u wood notice u and john are the only people who are obesessing over emma height, and the fact that you want her to be tall when she isnt. she is a thin girl, so she does appear taller than what she really is, and dont give me crap about it not being true because it is...also john, was it necessary for you 2 bring up the WHOLE LIMB THING AGAIN!! x0x
johnny link said on 14/Sep/06
Yeah that is possible Jane, but it depends heavily on who that girl is. Since Emma is now 16 and has grown in the past year, she will probably continue to grow taller (even though it may be slowly) for the next couple of years. You know what I mean? Also, like Kourt was wondering, why do people not want Emma to be tall/taller? I mean I know she said she was 5'5", but that was almost if not a year ago. She is only 16 years old so therefore she has most likely grown taller since she had that interview and it looks like she has in pictures. I do not understand what is bad with her being tall/taller? Am I missing something? Is there some reason why it is bad for her to be tall?
Jane said on 14/Sep/06
Many girls stop growing at 13-14years.
Kourt said on 13/Sep/06
Jane, your picture isnt working. and kristen dunst isnt that tall, she is 5'7" and you can tell but film makers have the ability to make thier actors or actresses seem smaller or taller depending on what they want.
johnny link said on 13/Sep/06
Jane: Nice picture, but there is one problem, Tasmin is leaning a lot. If she stood up straight she would easily be taller than that guy. I am assurming she is the on on the far right? As for the picture anonymous, you can just go to any HP or Emma Watson fansite and look at them. There are these two ladies she is with in most of the pictures. I think the picture with her mom is much too hard to determine anything with and I am just wondering how you know that is her mom? She does look tall though in that picture and to me her limbs look long? As for your post Kourt, thanks for agreeing with me. I think that is one reason why she looks so much taller than Emma. And when you acutally measure them, as I have said, they are actually not too far apart in height. And yes, Emma has to have grown. She said she was 5'5" more than a year ago! She is only 16 and she defintley looks to have grown. And yes, she does have at least 2 more years of growing to do. You're awesome.
sianna said on 13/Sep/06 anonymous, that pic u posted is ridiculous coz emma standing lyk 5m infront of her mum! also, just coz she COULD be taller than her mum with heels doesnt make her 5'6! im taller than my mum even wen she is in heels and im no more than 5'3!
anonymous said on 12/Sep/06
The thing is, kirsten dunst always seemed to be pretty tall in movies and stuff, yet she is listed only as 5'5''5 on this site. So Watson is probably shorter than we think.
hilz said on 12/Sep/06
I looked at her height about a year ago and they had it listed at teh agency...could they have taken it down?
Kourt said on 12/Sep/06
Thank YOu anonymous for agreeing with me thinking that she is somewhere around 5'6". i mean if you really think about it, an inch isnt that much in pictures cuz you really cant tell but in real life, you can tell. am i making any sense? and john link, (i know im no better but it would be a lot of help to show the pictures you are refuring to. it's pretty easy to post them. if i find any good pictures, i'll post them k?
anonymous said on 12/Sep/06
I'm starting to think she's 5'6 after looking at pictures,but I dont think she's taller than that and she's probably done growning since most girls do stop grow when they're 16,that a fact,either you belive it or not.
It's hard to tell but she seems atlest taller than her mom who's in high heels on the right side of Emma ,but as I said,it's really hard to tell:/
Click Here
anonymous said on 12/Sep/06
Well post the picture then...
johnny link said on 11/Sep/06
I was going by what Kourt said. And so this Tasmin girl is a model? Then she is mos likely taller than 5'8", that is simply not tall enough to be a model in my opinion?...Anyways, Emma does look 5'7.5" next to Tasmin when you do that measuring thing. And there are new set pictures of Emma walking and she is basically as tall as the men she is walking with. And she is taller than both of the women. hmm??
Kourt said on 11/Sep/06
Okay with the thing johnlink said about tasmin's dress making her appear taller is totaly true. In one of my many fashion magazines, clothes/bodytype experts say that if you want to create the illusion that you are taller than you actually are, you wear mini skirts which adds length to your legs which in turn makes you look tons taller. and hilz, models run about 5'10" on up, it is just unatural for a model to be that short. i too have combed the web on tasmins height and nothing. so its a mystery to all of us. Too, sianna, the thing you said about girls who are 5’6” and taller wanting to be taller, well I'm gonna have to disagree big time with that. I am 5’6” and I hate it. You feel like you are towering everyone. So that’s why I downgrade my self to 5’5”. See. And if tamsin is taller than rupert who is now posted as 5’81/2” (but others think otherwise (taller)) so that means she has to be IN my words really tall, making emma look shorter. Okay if you guys say tamsin is like 5’9” plus, and she is wearing 3 inch shoes that makes her over 6’ tall!!! Making emma the right size to be 5’6”. (I have already explained this) and if its been that long as charlotte says, then there is a huge chance that she has grown since then. and yes!!! she still has around 2 years of growing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sianna said on 11/Sep/06
john since u rnt a girl, id advise u not to speak on behalf of us
jill said on 11/Sep/06
hey!everyone.From the photos of Evanna given, Emma seem a shorter person, as you can compare with the other people who is next to her, Emma look like only 5'3 or 5'4, but I belive Emma is 5'5(165cm), THis information was what she said, I didn't belive that a girl who is a stars and create a heigt which is shorter than her real height, so that Emma is around 5'5(165cm) or below a little bit(163-164cm)
Charlotte said on 11/Sep/06
It's been 10 or so months since she said she was 'about '5"' and she still looks the same height as she was then...5'4".
Anonymous said on 10/Sep/06
Tasmin do look like a 5'9 girl to me,in driving lessons she was slightly taller than 5'7 Rupert Grint and i know that because i've seen the movie:).She's nowhere near 6'0,belive me,and even if she was that would still put Emma closer to 5'6.Also i think it's pretty funny you say her very short dress makes her appear taller since it isn't much shorter than Emmas.But I have to agree with you that the angle isn't the best,but still you can see that she's much taller than Emma even if she wasn't in heels.
johnny link said on 10/Sep/06
Nobody knows how Emma feels about her height, and it is common for girls to say that they are shorter than they actually are. So, when Emma said she was "about 5'5"" she could have been under it or over it, no one knows unless they actually measure her themselves. And with the Tasmin picture, where did you find out her height? How do you know she is not 6 feet or something? I have looked all over the internet and I have not found her height anywhere. Also, the picture is just an extremeley weird angle, if you find one with a better angle, I will consider you, but that one is just so weird. And I also did the little "measuring" thing and Emma is the same height as Tasmin. I know Tasmin looks way taller in this picture, but just try it, Emma is actually the same height as Tasmin with that method. Also, Tasmin is giving the illusion that she is really tall becasue she is wearing heels and a very short dress. I think that may contribute to her looking taller. But just try that measuring thing and you will see that they are close in height when you do that. Cheers! Also, sorry for being rude sianna, it was just so weird how you put everything in caps.
evanna said on 10/Sep/06
Thank you anonymous. I mean, now only blind or deluded persons can still believe that Emma is anywhere near 5'7". Actually, when she stated she was about 5'5" she probably meant she was ALMOST 5'5"! (although I believe she is 5'4" at most). I also agree with sianna, everyone wants to be taller. I am a strong 5'8" (173 cm) but I always say I am 5'9", because it sounds more cool. :))
sianna said on 10/Sep/06
john u r such a rude so called 'story' has logic to it....maybe ur not as smart as u think u r??!! as for kourt, every girl i no wants to be taller...apart from those who are 5'11..even girls who are 5'6-5'7 want to be not everyone feels the same way!
johnny link said on 9/Sep/06
I don't believe I ever said I was 5'9" because I am 18 and have not really been growing, so I have been 6'0" for quite some time, evanna. As for your comment Wicked Kid, we have gone over the possibilities of why Emma may have said she is shorter than she really is. Do you not remember this? And that was completley random sianna, do you really need to tell us useless stories about random people? It doesn't prove anything. I, and I believe we, understand that it is hard to judge someone's height, but there was no use to tell us that story. Sorry, but it doesn't do anything. And yes Kourt I was thinking the exact same thing, Serene said that Emma looked "5'6" or something". haha awesome, somebody is sane. And with the limbs thing, I understand that you can't judge someone's height with their limbs. Let's just stop talking about that okay? But yeah Kourt, I agree that Emma's limbs look anything but short. And I do agree that some people are insecure about their height so they try and make Emma out to be shorter than she really is. I am not positive, but I just have that feeling.
Kourt said on 9/Sep/06
What i mean, wicked kid is girls who are on the taller side, tend to downgrade thier height. thats just what girls do, just like what they do whith thier weight, they say they weigh less than they really do. its a girl thing so unless you are a girl then you'd understand.
evanna said on 9/Sep/06
And this picture should silence everyone who thinks that Emma is tall: there she is with Tamsin Egerton posing for photos at the DL premiere, both seen from behind. So, Emma has 0.5" soles, Tamsin has 3" heels, but Tamsin is a whole head taller than Emma! So, take the 2.5" footwear advantage off, and the height difference between them barefoot would be like 6 inches or so. I mean, if Emma was 5'7" Tamsin would have to be 6'1" (which she is not)! I'd say that Emma is 5'4" and Tamsin 5'10".
Click Here
evanna said on 9/Sep/06
This is a bit off topic, but as far as I remember not so long ago john link claimed to be 5'9". If so, john, since when have you been 6'0"? Are you still growing?
Wicked Kid said on 9/Sep/06
Kourt, why would Emma want to make herself shorter by saying she's 5'5"??
Kourt said on 8/Sep/06
okay with this limb issue(which is getting to be such a drag)has nothing to do with height. i know people who have really long limbs and are as short as can be. while others have shorter limbs and are pretty tall. my heck did i just read that serene said emma looks like she is 5'6"???????!!!! yes john link, i have tried your little thing with the pictures and its not the most accurate but it works. okay with emma saying she is just 5'5" she could be lying. i wonder how many people who comment on this actually tell the truth about theier height to make thier opinions go their way. Emma is definatly 5'6" but no taller..
Serene said on 8/Sep/06
Emma attend the Driving Lesson's Premier.. she look as if she is 5'6" or something.. no more 5'5 image..
Anonymous said on 8/Sep/06
I would understand that you want emma to be taller Jhonny Link if you were 6'3 and above,but since you're "only" 6'0 why do you care if she's 2 inch shorter than you imagined?To me and lots of other people she does look 5'5,just accept it,btw she's 5'5 until she says something else.
Wicked Kid said on 8/Sep/06
Actually your limbs don't really determine how tall you are. You can have long limbs but still be like 5'3"-5'4". It depends on your proportion. Like Avril Lavigne? She's 5'1", but ppl think she's 5'3". Emma being 5'6" & above is preposterous.
sianna said on 8/Sep/06
OMG JOHNN!!!!! guess wat, my friends look around 170cm...but the other day we measured ourselves in our health class and guess wat...they are 165cm!! OMG INST IT AMAZING THAT PEOPLE HAVE THIS POWER TO MAKE THEMSELVES LOOK TALLER THAN THEY REALLY R???.....oh but then again, im sure my friends wear lyk lifts or something,,,thats wat ud say john, am i right??
Kourt said on 7/Sep/06
the pictures that john link posted are good but the thing is with those people who think she is shorter, the camera is further away thus making the people look smaller (shorter) and dan is not taller than emma!!!!!!! and bonnie is said to be 5'5" so that makes emma taller. duh. and i think the reason why so many people are saying she is shorter than listed is because those people are short themselves and want her to be short too. and where the heck do people get the idea that she has short limbs? look at her!!!
johhny link said on 7/Sep/06
I'm not sure who that girl in the dress is. And I do have a life and I don't have height issues. haha I'm 6'0" and I never have thought of myself as short or having height issues...And thank you anonymous, at least someone on this site has a little heart. I do agree that she looks taller than 5'5". Did anyone do that thing that I told you to do with the pictures? Because no one has commented about that.
JK said on 7/Sep/06
What the heck in those pics that john link posted Emma looks 5'2'' - 5'3'', but I still think she is about 5'5'' MAX.
Amanda said on 7/Sep/06
Emma looks 5' 5". She said she's 5' 5". Therefore, 5' 5" is correct. Rupert is 5' 6", maybe 5' 7" on a good day. Daniel is just over 5' 5" (he is slightly taller than Emma, but not much... probably by 1/2" or less) and Bonnie Wright is 5' 4".
Anonymous said on 7/Sep/06
john link,those are nice photos.i think she is like 5,6
Denise said on 7/Sep/06
She's look like 5'5. And Who's that women in white dress in third johny link?
DudeX said on 7/Sep/06
john link, get a life buddy. I'm 100% sure if Rob would list emma at 5'7'', you'd still have problems with your height.
johnny link said on 6/Sep/06
Yeah, like you said evanna there are new pictures from the Driving Lessons premiere and they are exactly the evidence that I need! hah for all of those who have doubted me! Emma really does look a lot taller. I don't know how tall the Tasmin girl is, but she look realitively tall and she is wearing heels. I have found an effective way to compare the three actors heights since they have taken none together. First, find some pictures where they look to be about the same distance away and then enlarge them. Then line them up so there feet are even and see who is taller. When you so this with Emma and Bonnie, you can conclude that Emma is about an inch taller than Bonnie. Then you look at the footwear, Bonnie is wearing heels and Emma is wearing extremeley flat flats whereas Bonnie is wearing heels with about 2 inches? of heel. So, Bonnie, I believe, is 5'4"-5'5" so Emma is 3 inches taller than her barefoot making Emma 5'7"-5'8". Next you compare Emma and Rupert and Emma is taller than Rupert! Do it yourself you can definteley see that they are close in height and Emma being slightly taller putting her in that 5'7"-5'8" range again. And then has posted some pictures with Emma in a crowd and you can see she looks tall and lanky. The lady with her looks realitevely tall and is wearing heels, but Emma is still around her height. If she were only 5'4" or 5'5" this would not be the case at all. And then you can see from the pictures that Emma looks considerbley more thin. This is because she has had a growth spurt. Her limbs look longer too.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
evanna said on 6/Sep/06
There's a bunch of new photos of Emma, Bonnie Wright and Tamsin Egerton from Rupert's London DL premiere. Please compare Emma and Bonnie to a truly tall and lanky girl like Tamsin: both of them look rather small, with limbs much shorter than Tamsin's.
Click HereI'd say both Emma and Bonnie are about 5'4". Still, it's so cool that they were there at the premiere to give their pal Rupert their support, don't you think?!
jill said on 6/Sep/06
Emma is 5'5(165cm), this is what she say, I don't think the other information(emma is 169 or above) is true as you can see many website had been changed the information after seeing her.
JK said on 5/Sep/06
She is 5'5'' MAX, maybe even 5'4''MAX, Get over your Crush on Emma John Link, In reality she is 5'5'' and NOT 5'7'' LMAO.
sianna said on 5/Sep/06
u r ridiculous john...firstly you were saying that Emma was taller than also said that Rupert was no more than 5'6...yet now you are saying he is 5'8 AND EMMA IS 5'8!! thats RUBBISH! are now only saying or agreeing that Rupert is 5'8 so it is more belivable on your behalf that Emma is tall...WHICH SHE ISNT....SHE IS AVERAGE HEIGHT SO GET OVER IT...x0x
anonymous said on 5/Sep/06
Okay John Link from that picture you provided, if I apply whatever technique you're using then Bonnie Wright is 5'8 as well and hey, she might might as well grow to 5'9 , she's only just fifteen. No, Mischa is not 5'11, if you've ever seen and episode of OC Mischa is at least 5cm shorter than Adam Brody who is 5'11.
Anonymous said on 5/Sep/06
To Johnny Link and anna,since you seem to be the same person why not name you Johanna?It' only seem to be you and anna who thinks emma is 5'7,all others seem to think emma is 5'5 or smaller.
anna said on 4/Sep/06
Yeah, I have just been reading comments and I agree with you Kourt, anyone does look short compared to Mischa Barton. I mean she makes David Heyman look short and he is 5'10" right? I think that Mischa is taller than she is listed her too. Looking at pictures she looks more like 5'10" or 5'11". Also, Emma has obviously grown since those pictures. Those were taken in 2005, I think they were even before the filming of GoF?? Anyways, Emma is taller now.
johhny link said on 4/Sep/06
anonymous: how can you tell how big the girls are in the front row? It's impossible because they are laying and kneeling down. Also, I know that Emma grew a lot from PS to PoA, but it wasn't all at once. It was gradual. Meaning she can still grow more. And there are also some pictures on Vertiaserum where you can kind of see Emma and Rupert standing. It's a difficult angle, but it looks like they are roughly the same height and Ruprt has said he is 5'8". Very interesting.
Click Here
anonymous said on 4/Sep/06
Of course Watson has had a major growth spurt, she used to be up to Daniel's shoulders and after filming POA they're seeing eye to eye. And concerning the hockey picture, the girls who were in the front were not small girls, it's not a formal picture for the year book so they probably didn't even cared who was in the back row. And might I remind you, Emma was the shortest in the back row, if she was supposedly 5'8 the rest of her team must be freakish giants.
johnny link said on 3/Sep/06
Also, I have another reason for Emma to grow more. She has not had a major growth spurt. I know she grew a lot between CoS and PoA, but it was probably 3 or 4 inches over 2 or 3 years, which is substantial, but not a major growth spurt. This tells us that she is probably still growing and in my opinion she will grow another year or two. She has to be 5'7" plus now.
Amanda said on 2/Sep/06
As someone who's been through high school, most girls stop growing by 16. Some even by 12 or 13! And very few grow past age 18. :)
Emma is probably done growing, and 5' 5" is a good height for a girl/woman.
johnny link said on 2/Sep/06
With the hockey picture, somebody said that she look liked one of the shorter girls, but I beg to differ. There were two rows of people and Emma was in the back row. Usually, the taller people go in the back row and the shorter in the front, so Emma is obviously taller than quite a few people on her team to be in the back. You know what I mean? At least this is how it has always worked for my sports teams. And I guess we will not know her exact height until she says something, but I am pretty sure she is 5'7"-5'8" according to the pictures. And she is still growing. Most likely another year or two. Have a wonderful day and a wonderful school year.
Anonymous said on 2/Sep/06
Most girls i know so stop grow when they're 15-16.
Kourt said on 1/Sep/06
ive said it before and i'll say it again, teenage girls dont stop growing until the ages of 17 and 18. she is not done growing yet. and note to mandy, she is 16 as of april.
mandy said on 1/Sep/06
i don't think she would have grown, because she's 15-16, so she's finished puberty. I think she's 5'4-5
Kourt said on 31/Aug/06
anyone looks short next to mischa. plus usually she wears heels which makes you taller. but then again that thing with emma and her was a year ago and people grow in a year.
Anonymous said on 31/Aug/06
why is it so important Johnny link that she's 5'7? it doesn's make her less beautiful.Anyway,the latest height she's stated is 5'5 so until she claims that she's 5'7,she's 5'5.In my opinion she looks to be 5'5,I know some girls where i live and they're 5'5 and they have the same bodystature as Emma.
But I can agree that sometimes she can look 5'6ish but maybe that because her costars are rather short,when she stood to Mischa barton she did look 5'5.
Denise said on 29/Aug/06
Yeh, I agree with anonymous she is on of shorter gilrd on her hockey team. She look like 5'4.
anonymous said on 28/Aug/06
Well, I've seen a picture of Emma with her hockey team, she was like one of shorter girls in the team so she must be average height. I'd post the pic if people request to see it.
jess said on 26/Aug/06
sorry i wasnt paying attention when i wrote my comment or wasnt noticing that it didnt make sense. based on the length of her legs she looks short. if she had a long torso then she could be 5'6" plus but it doesnt look like she does. maybe she is tall but i would think she is on the shorter side. i think in my last comment i was trying to say that i was thinking she is short because her legs are short however i could be wrong because tall people can have short legs.
JK said on 26/Aug/06
Come on John Link stop pretending to be other people, be yourself and then comment man.

Editor Rob
yeah, come out of the closet...stop hiding!
anna said on 25/Aug/06
hahaha sorry jess but that was quite funny. You say that Emma is not over 5'6" because it looks like she has short legs and then you say leg lengths have nothing do with height. Then you go on talking about you and your family, but it does not really support your theory of Emma being under 5'6" it actually supports my theory of Emma being over 5'7". So are you agreeing that Emma is 5'6" plus?
jess said on 25/Aug/06
john link their is no way that emma is over 5'6" pictures of her show that she has short legs though that may not have nothing to do with how tall she is. my aunt is 5'9" and has short legs and i am 5"10' and have long legs. my mom is 6'0 and has longer legs than her brother who is 6'6" i also think that emma is not going to grow anymore. i say she is 5'5"
Kourt said on 15/Aug/06
honey he doesnt look like a giant compared to emma. actually that's about how tall i look compared to my dad who is a 1/2 inch taller than this guy and im not 5'5". taller actually. i would guess that emma is oh around 5'5.5" to 5'6".
Kourt said on 14/Aug/06
ive been thinking, this is lame arguing about someone's height. it's just pointless like arguing about the color of the sky. some of you are probably thinking yes she's leaving but im not. it's fun never the less.
Kourt said on 14/Aug/06
sianna, i did apologize and you did say you can take what people say to you. so once again sorry. and im not rude just irritated.
honey said on 14/Aug/06
No, Wicked Kid, the man in the picture is a TV host Jonathan Ross who is actually "only" 6'1.5" (at least that's Rob's estimation on him, check his page out!) I already posted that picture on June 24, and we discussed it, as I wasn't the only one to notice that Ross looked like a giant beside Emma. Which made me realize that Emma was shorter than her self-proclaimed 5'5".
Wicked Kid said on 14/Aug/06
Well, I guess the man in the second latest picture Kourt provided, must be pretty darn tall then. 6'4" to say the least.
sianna said on 11/Aug/06
my god u r rude....u should be sorry...who do u think u are??
Kourt said on 9/Aug/06
sorry for my last post. it makes me mad. okay john link, you said you wanted more recent pictures, well here are a few taken back in june at some london thing. I cant remember the specific event.
Click Here Click HereHere is a picture of rupert and emma. i dont know when it was taken but it shows them standing next to each other and rupert is standing pretty straight even though he's got greem slime falling on him and emma is slouching. other than that its a pretty funny picture.
Click Here in my opinion, emma is taller than dan but not as tall as rupert. sorry once again if i offended anyone in my last post. it's just frustrating trying to get one's point across with out actually talking.
Kourt said on 9/Aug/06
Sianna, i mean if you were gonna meet someone famous or just visiting yes you would be carring a camera around. or for those who have phones, duh have you heard of camera phones? most people dont even go to the bathroom with out their phones these days and you can download the pictures onto the computer and send them so dont give me crap about that no one runs around with cameras. and another thing. most people dont have the convinence of living in the same town as her. think outside of your little box you live in. i guess to some people, they can take compleate strangers words for it but some like some visual evidence. so sianna, im not taking your word that she is 5'4" or shorter so go take a dang picture of her if you've met her so many times and maybe i'll stop "abusing" you about the whole thing. sorry if i sound snooty but you just dont get it.
JK said on 9/Aug/06
she is 5'5'' maximum. 5'6'' is a bit too much, and anything over that, you just got to be kidding me!!
sianna said on 9/Aug/06
omg john link is back...why????????? well....firstly as i read through the posts i ahve to say one all those people who have met emma and have said she is no more than 5'4 or wateva and then Kourt u abuse them for not taking a pic...since when do we all go around our normal daily lives with cameras in our hands?????? and to john....ohhhh...sometimes i think i shoudl not bother...but i will GOF emma was only half and inch to and inch taller than dan IN HEELS when they were @ that ball u can go on abusing and being nasty to me i really dont care coz ur not convincing me or anyone else!
Kourt said on 8/Aug/06
in the second picture, Rupert isnt really slouching all that much. that is actually the straigtest ive seen him stand.
john link said on 8/Aug/06
Whatever, this is actually kind of funny. I am not even going to say anything more about it though because I know I would never ask "does anyone think it is adorable how short Dan is?" Never in my life... but whatever, moving forward. Your pictures are good Kourt. Rupert was wearing converse at the premiere, so I would say that he and Emma had pretty even footwear. And even though Rupert slouches sometimes, so does Emma. And clearly in that picture he is not slouching a huge huge amount. I think you really need to upgrade Emma to at the very least 5'6" or 5'6.5" because she is taller than Rupert now. You can clearly see it in the Queens' party pictures. If she is not taller or the same height as Rupert in that picture, then I must be blind and if I ever meet her and she is under 5'7", I will be extremley surprised.
anonymous said on 8/Aug/06
Rupert is a serious sloucher, that's why Emma is gaining height on him.
Kourt said on 7/Aug/06
yes it is the NY premiere, but those shoes would give her about an ½ inch at the most. Heres a picture and it shoes her shoes but the shot is terrible so im just talking about the shoes in this picture.
Click Here
Here is a different picture from the same event. Notice how emma is gaining on rupert in height?
Click Here
So emma has to be taller than what rob has her at because most people agree that rupert is taller than what he’s listed making emma taller but unfortunately in the group picture, we cant see ruperts foot wear but like usual, he’s probably in coverse.
anna (really John Link said on 7/Aug/06
Denise: That is a very nice picture, but the problem is that was a very, very long time ago. It was during the GoF filming, which is in fact a long time ago. I think they may have started filming in 2004, so Emma was only 14 at that time. So, what I am saying is that that picture is unfair to judge heights because Emma may have grown since then, and from pictures, it seems like she has grown a couple of inches since then, make her now more like 171cm. Now that picture I would like to show you. I have noticed that my link does not work if you are not a friend of that person. Does anyone know how to make the pictures accessible for everyone? I think it is really good proof that Emma has indeed grown and is now more in the 5'7"-5'8" height range. I would really like you guys to see it. :)

Editor Rob
"I am not John Link! I do not even know who that is!"
this is quite remarkable, because 2 minutes after John Link submits a comment, 'anna' submits a comment from the same computer!
I suggest anna you contact your local constabulary, because johnlink is hiding in your closet and god knows when he might jump out!
Denise said on 5/Aug/06
Emma is about 30cm smaller than Phelps twins Who are 6'3.
Click Here
Kourt said on 4/Aug/06
Mandi I have do disagree with you. Emma is the one who most always wears flats not katie. Katie, in most all of the pictures I have seen of her she is in like 2-3 inch heels (5-7 cm) as emma is most commonly found wearing flats which hardly give any height at all. Another one of my observations from the extras in the GoF, is emma was standing next to rupert and they were with in an inch of each other maybe less given that everyone thinks that rupert is taller than what rob has him at. But there is a picture of emma, dan and katie at the GoF London premiere (I know its sort of out dated) but it shows a close up of the three and emma is a considerable amount taller than dan I would say at least an inch and katie, well more than two inches taller. In this picture, the girls are wearing flats and emma’s head is tilted inward and I would bet my hat, she has one of her knees bent (taking off an inch) like she always does in pictures. (rob how can we post the pictures on this page like everyone else does?)

Editor Rob
just include the url on a separate line and it converts the url into a clickable link...i.e.
hilz said on 4/Aug/06
I'm 5'3" and people always guess me as 5'5"...i have no clue why.
anna said on 4/Aug/06
This is just ridiculous. People think that just because two people agree on something then they are automatically the same people. I am not John Link! I do not even know who that is! Okay, now for what Kourt posted. You say this "But Emma looks to me like a taller more slender girl." Who are you talking about? Are you saying Emma looks taller and more slender than Clemence Poesy? To me Emma does now look taller than her. And then I have a picture that I found on an "Emma Watson" myspace, but I am not sure if I can post it. Can anyone tell me if I can? It is a picture of Emma and three other girls. Well, I will post it anyways....
Click Here I am not sure if it will work for people who are not her friend, but if you can see it, doesn't it look like Emma is 5'7"+? To me it does.
mandi said on 4/Aug/06
Well,professional photographers can usually upgrade your height for about 2-3 inches .She always SEEMS like she's 5'6" to 5'7" in the fotos.So u really can't guess what's her real height from these pic.Besides,girls always wear heels and u juz cant sure do others get taller from their shoes coz even a converse also has height for around 3-4 cm!then,when compare her height with others u should be careful.
In my opinion,Katie Leung wear flats and emma wear converse in HP4 Tokyo Press Conference.You can go to see from either of their gallery.Katie Leung is 164cm and she got 1 cm from her flats.some of the pic ,they both stand guite straight and their height are almost the same.suppose Emma is taller than Katie for 2 cm(It's the most)in those pic that's mean she is 167cm while wearing converse.(164+1+2) and takes 3 or 4 cm away.I guess her real height is around 163-164cm.that's mean 5'4"-5'4.5"
JK said on 3/Aug/06
John Link you make me laugh, how come you keep on changing identities LMAO
Kourt said on 3/Aug/06
Er anna do you by chance know John link???!!!! yeah rob i agree with you on rupert and dans page about the mentioned above. :)
Kourt said on 3/Aug/06
Anonymous, I tried your link and (on my computer at least) it didn't show up. Could you tell me where you found the picture? Anna, I only half agree with you, I however think she is neither shorter 5’5” or taller than 5’6” but then again this is my opinion. But with the ‘Emma is taller than Rupert’ issue, I totally disagree. If Emma really were taller than Rupert, that would make her taller than 5’8” at the present time. If you are wonder how, well in the GoF movie (this is just my observations) Clemence Poesy (fleur) who stands at 5’7” is shorter than Rupert who then must be at least 5'8” or taller so there is no way that Emma is taller than Rupert. My apologies if this is confusing. But Emma looks to me like a taller more slender girl.
anonymous said on 3/Aug/06
Don't know if I'm allowed to post this, I surfed the net and found it
Click Here
Anyway, this picture is recent from the looks of it, she's standing with a bunch of girls her own age (half of them aren't even standing straight) and she looks average height. I'm guessing the girls down the back are the ones who are 5'7+
anonymous said on 3/Aug/06
omg, another john link
anna said on 2/Aug/06
From looking at pictures and reading various websites, I am guessing that Emma is 5'7"+. I know that some pictures are hard to compare, but from what I can tell she is easily taller than Dan even when she wears flats and he wears elevator shoes, which leads me to believe she is taller than she stated in the fall of 2005. I read what you said Kourt and I agree. Some girls are very touch about height, maybe Emma wasn't comfortable with her height so she downgraded it or maybe she simply had not measured herself. So, even though she said she was that height, it is not necessarily true. The only way to absolutley know how tall a person is, is to a) measure them yourself or b) stand back to back with them when you are in even footwear. Because both of these are very unlikely to happen with Emma given that she is Emma Watson, I think the best hope is to see her in person. Anonymous said that s/he stood close to her in an Oxford mall and said that she seemed 5'6"-5'7". Given that this is the best proof that any of us have (if you have a picture please post Anonymous, I understand if you don't however) I think that we should go be this. Personally,I think she is now taller than Rupert making her 5'7"+. The 5'3"-5'5" projections are pretty ridiculous. She is on the tall side for a girl and could very well grow to be 5'8"+. :)
Kourt said on 31/Jul/06
it seems like you stop growing just before you are going to have your major growth spurt. i had mine when i was around 14 in a half to 15. so Ariel, you could be getting your growth spurt in the near future. and the same time i had my spurt is the same age as when emma had hers.(maybe a little earlier giving the circamstances that i am a year older than she is right now) in growth spurts, a person can grow as little as possible or as much as a few inches (which was me and now i am a quarter of an inch shy of being 5'6")
Q said on 31/Jul/06
theres one site that states she is 5'3. she looks like a 5'4 girl but can pull off a 5'5 appearence. ariel, you could probably still grow a couple inches. your only 14 anyways. some ppl grow like an inch or 2 in college.
Ariel said on 30/Jul/06
I was wondering how tall Emma was when she was 13. Because I am now 14 and I am 5'2" and haven't grown since I was 13. I have never really had a big growth spurt, and I was wondering If i am still going to have one. My mom is 5'2" and my dad is 5'10 1/2". Genectics always help, but eating, sleeping , and excercising right can always give you an extra 2 inch boost.
evanna said on 30/Jul/06
Quite. Personally I think Emma is closer to 5'4" than to 5'6", but that's just me.
Kourt said on 28/Jul/06
i was just searching her height and about 3 out of the 5 sights i went to said she was approx 5'6" none of the other sights said she was below 5'5.5". so that is saying something.
Stephanie said on 28/Jul/06
I know a 10-year-old girl (my cousin) who wears a size 8 (womens') shoe. She has the same size foot as her mother and I, and we are 5' 8"-ish. My friend is 5' 4"-5' 5" range and she wears a size 9 shoe, so I agree with the statement that the size of feet has nothing to do with height.
Emma is in the 5' 4"-5' 5" range, from 2006 pictures of her. She is 16 now, so she may or may not grow anymore. We'll see. :)
Kourt said on 19/Jul/06
we have already come to the conclusion that the size of feet have nothing to do with height. and what youve been posting has nothing to do with emma's height.
Cooky said on 18/Jul/06
My feet are HUGE for a 15-year old girl. I wear shoes size 10 or 10.5 (using this chart:
Click Here because I'm from Europe) and I'm only 5'6.25'' (or 168.5 cm). My feet are almost as big as my dad's, who is 5'8''. I hope I'll grow some more, because my feet really seem weird and too big compared to my height. My classmates are taller than me (like 5'9'' or 5'10'') and they wear smaller shoes than me and at least it looks normalfor tal girls to have bigger feet.
mm said on 16/Jul/06
according to my doctor, you stop growing seven years after your puberty age. for girls, it is after they start their menstral period.. i don't know for boys... sarah01, i hope this helps... take suppliments, i heard it helps..
sarah01 said on 14/Jul/06
Many older health books say that girls stop growing between the ages of 17 to 18 but recent research has shown that a small amount of girls will grow up to this age. 17 to 18 is said to be the cut off age for growing in other words you wouldnt grow after this age. Modern doctors say most girls reach their adult height at age 14 to 15. I am 13 and have stopped growing and this was proven by x-rays. I began my major growth spurt when i was 10 years old. It really depends on your physical maturity. The age doctors think we stop growing varies from country to country as well. My mum was 170cm at my age up until age 16 when she grew 2 inches (5cms). Is 168cm tall for a 13 year old girl???? I wish i could be taller as i play competitive sport.
Kourt said on 12/Jul/06
In health books and even my doctor I went to go see recently said that teenage girls finish growing between the ages of 17 to 18. I however had my major growth spurt between the ages of 14 ½ to around when I was almost 16. But it differs from each girl. So I wouldn’t say that she is absolutely done growing but she still has a year or two to grow.
Kourt said on 11/Jul/06
But most girls who are taller dont like to say they are tall. Height is a touchy subject for girls. i was watching the conversations with the cast on the 4th movie extra DVD and there is a part at the end where emma stands up and stretches and so does dan. well the camera angle wasnt great but it looked like to me she was taller than dan and to me it looks as if dan has grown a little bit. Like many people have said before since there arent really no more recent pictures of her then we really have nothing to talk about. I’ll go look for fairly recent pix.
Anonymous said on 11/Jul/06
I've met Emma in a mall in Oxsford. We were standing right next to eachother - we were definitely both the same height & both wearing flats. I'm around 5'6 - 5'7, I'm guessing shes around there too, this wasn't very long ago either.
But if she said she was 5'5 than she would know best right?
john link said on 9/Jul/06
I am sorry for posting comments that are too long, I understand that they are boring to read. And I am sorry if I am being annoying. So, so sorry. However, I do think that Emma is now 170 or more centimeters. The party at the palace pictures explain this so I don't need to write anything. And Emma, of course, was not wearing heels, but flats that gave her little height. Even given these circumstances, Emma looked taller than Rupert and only half a head shorter than Matt. And for you sianna, all I can say is that you need to read my comments more closely because I now said that I think Rupert is 5'7". Either know what you are talking about or don't talk about it. I understand, though, that my last comments were hard to read. But, this is just getting ridiculous. bye! and cheers! I might come back in a little while if more pictures of Emma are posted somewhere online. Have fun without me, I daresay that most of you are happy to see me leave. hahahahaha
Charlotte said on 7/Jul/06
Emma: 164
Dan: 165
Rupert: 168
sianna said on 7/Jul/06
hey john..just 2 point out a few things...coz ur fairly annoying here...if dan WAS to wear elevator shoes...then they would make him 5'7 to 5'8..not 5'5!! i mean if they can make 5'7 tom cruise look 5'11 than they could do a,lot more for the photo of the 3 at those empire awards..emma SEEMS to be the same height as rupert..yet u say he is 5'6 so how can emma b 5'7 wen thats how tall rupert is? another thing is that dan id standing BEHIND the two and is also the same height as them..which would mean that dan would be 5'7 as lets face it..that photo works WAYY WAYY WAYY more in favour to emma and makes her appear about 3 inches taller than what she really is..and we all no that dan is no more than 5' no offense john but i rekon u should just GIVE IT A REST COZ U RNT CONVINCING ANYONE!
honey said on 6/Jul/06
I forgot to type my name above my latest a)b)c)d) post, sorry. I was using my boyfriend's PC. Anyway, most of you have already guessed it was the same good old me. :)) And yeah, our posts do seem to get longer and longer... hope that doesn't bother you lol
Emma(Dan's girl) said on 6/Jul/06
Oh, gosh! John Link and Honey. Your messages are as big as the whole world. By the time we read the whole thing, we'll be exhausted. Sorry to say this. I am not being rude or anything, but try to summarize whatever you write and try to keep in shorter. Please. I am very interested in reading your messages, but the sizes scare me.
john link said on 5/Jul/06
I know I said that I was going to try and post less, but I had to share this interesting information with you guys, so here it goes. I read somewhere that JK Rowling said that Emma was taller than her, so the possibility of a 5'4" Watson is quite slim. Anyways, she was taller than Rowling at the PoA premiere and Emma has definetly grown since then so I think 170cm-172cm sounds like a reasonble height for Emma. She is taller than Rupert in that queen picture, and she does not look that much shorter than the 6'0" (or more?) Matt Lewis. And from what I heard Emma was not wearing heels, but we will not truly know until more pictures come out (anybody know what the delay is? It has been more than a week since the event?) Anyways, I was reading some comments and I noticed that honey mentioned that Matt was almost a head taller than Dan in GoF and has "obviously grown since then." So, let's say that Matt was 5'10" in GoF. At 5'10" he was a head taller than Dan. Now, we look at this picture of Emma and Matt and we see that Emma is less than a half of a head shorter than the 6'0" Lewis! This puts the "Dan and Emma are the same height" argument to the wayside. If Emma was the same height as Dan, she would barely, if even, come up to Matt's shoulder. As we can see, this is not the case. Dan is 161cm-162cm and Emma is 170cm-172cm. :)
john link said on 5/Jul/06
Although I did get a few laughs from your last post, honey, I am still going to have to stick with my theory because it seems to make more sense than yours. And I have absolutely no idea how you can say that I have avoided answering your questions when I have been answering them all along! I think you may just not be reading my posts or something. But no matter, I will repeat myself again for, most likely, the last time. I am getting kind of sick of posting on here, people have no good arguments or information to support that Emma is anything less than 169cm, but honestly, I do not blame you guys for not having good back-ups because, let's be truthful, Emma is 5'7"+. Now for Honey's list: For the ill-kid photo, I have told you that it is not loading on my computer. I have looked around at some HP sites and it says that it has been taken down my Dan's representatives. Sorry, I am not able to rebuttle that. As for the picture with Jonathan Ross, that is a horrible picture to compare heights. Both people are leaning forward and Emma is basically in a sitting position. It is simply impossible to determine either person's height from that picture. Your next argument. Emma did not look small next to either Jason Isaacs or David Heyman. To me she looks a legit 5'7". Now you go on to talk about Emma'"abrupt" growth spurt. haha I wouldn't exactly say that growing two inches in that amount of time is abrupt, it is actually quite possible. And then you say that "oh it is impossible for a 16 year old girl to grow 2 inches in that amount of time!" Well, Emma turned 16 in APRIL. So, she was only 15 years old. And it is not like I am saying Emma grew 6 inches or anything, I am saying she grew 2 inches. And you seem to think you know a lot about biology. Well, you say that Emma had her growth spurt between CoS and PoA, but don't you know that teens keep growing after their major growth spurt? A person has a large growth spurt and then they keep growing, just at a slower pace. Basically, Emma growing 2 inches between the premieres and the Empires is quite realistic, and true. Now, let's talk about Rupert's height. He is a little bit more difficult. I admit that I keep changing what I think his height is, but I am guessing that he is 5'7". I have not seem him next to Pattinson, but have seen the pictures with Moseley and Rupert looks 5'7" so I am just going to put him at that height for now. I have talked enough about teenage growth and I am just going to say that it is not impossible for girls to grow after the age of 16. That is simply ridiculous. I know a lot of girls who have grown after the age of 16. I know girls tend to stop growing before boys, but they stop at around 18, definitely not 16.
honey said on 1/Jul/06
john why don't you watch the queen handbag skit once again, but this time carefully? Near the end of it there's a scene where Matt and Emma stand next to each other and he is more than a head taller than her, even though he's slouching a bit (and she's not miles behind him, but they are leveled).
Besides, these people who participate in HP forums are by no means more reliable sources than these "eye witnesses" here. I.e. everything is doubtfull unless proven otherwise. I've seen forums where people claim to have met Daniel and that he is everything between 5'2" and 5'9"! :))
No further comments...
john link said on 30/Jun/06
Yeah I agree Kourt, people aren't going to believe people who say they have met a celebirty unless they have a picture. It is just too easy to lie. And I have actually been looking at some Emma Watson forums where people have said they have met her. They have mentioned how tall she looks. One said that they thought she was between 170cm and 172cm. These people could just be saying that they met her and actually have not, but there are serioulsy about 5 people saying that they have met her and say she looks quite tall. Back to the Queen's birthday, why aren't there more pictures? But I just have a question, if Matt is 6'0", doesn't Emma look 5'7" next to him? She does to me. Maybe even 171cm.
Kourt said on 29/Jun/06
for all those people who say they have met emma, well where is your proof? i mean if i met emma i would want a picture with her and all the previous people who say they've met her well post a picture because we just cant take your word for it. we need proof people!!!! i mean i could say ive met her and she was way taller than me and im almost 5'6"! see it just doesnt work.
Naomi24 said on 29/Jun/06
From the pictures I've seen, Emma doesn't look tall standing next to others. She is probably 5'4-5'5.
ginny said on 28/Jun/06
hey u guyz..just lyk to say that i met emma a few weeks ago..shez not 5' 5'5 and she was about an inch shorter..and so to john there is no way she is 5'7 coz my friend who i was with is 5'6 and was considrbaly taller than emma...and i doubt she magically grew 2 inches in 3 weeks lol
honey said on 28/Jun/06
OK john, no more fighting till some new pictures arrive. :))
About the trio's definitive heights, very hard to predict. I mean, none of us could predict our own heights, right? For example I have an identical twin sister, but I am 1.5" taller than her (she's 5'7", I'm 5'8.5" and we're both done growing). Sure, that is not a huge difference, but considering the fact that we have identical genetic material (and we are pretty much the same in everything else) then it is notable (and I'm always recognized as "the taller sister").
Still, I must say that the boys (D & R) have better chances of adding an inch or two to their total ammount than Emma, although they are both older than her, because most girls are done growing approximately at the age of 15-16, while boys usually continue growing until they're 19-20 (some of them even in the mid-twenties). I'm not saying that there are no exceptions - anyone mentioned Maria Sharapova?! The girl keeps growing and growing (but she's a tennis pro and who knows what sort of hormones they fill her with!)
Again, Dan's parents are very short, obviously he is not going to grow much more. I don't know about Rupert's parents, but I remember seeing a picture of his younger brother, who is way taller than him. But that doesn't necessarily mean anything. I guess we'll just have to wait for a couple more years and see where they end up.
As for Matt, he is about 6'0". Even in GoF he was almost a head taller than Dan, and he's obviously grown since then.
Kourt said on 27/Jun/06
John, your last picture wont load. Im starting to agree with others that emma just cant grow 2 inches in that short of time. but i still stand by what i have said before, that emma is around 5'6". Honey--your picture was great but notice that emma is just a bit taller than dan. it doesnt look like much in the pix but in real live it could be about and inch or more. and the answer to the mysterious converse height is.... one inch!!!! i measuered mine and they are an inch so enough with the 1/2 - 3/4 of an inch thing. also i looked up some of the heights of some of the harry potter co stars and miranda richardson aka rita skeeter who is estimated at 5'5" and in the 4th hp movie she is a little taller than dan with heels on but she's not taller by much making dan a little taller than 5'5" and if this is true, emma would be taller than 5'5" because she is obvously taller than dan. Rupert in honey's picture looks as if he has grown. this is true because he and dan are reaching the age where they just shoot up. this is my opinion on how tall the trio is.
Rupert-his heightt is questionable now but i say he's taller than 5'7"
Dan- 5'5"ish
Also the micha barton picture is a year old so it wont be any help to our argument. Also that picture of that guy who says he is 6'1" and everyone is saying that emma looks so short compared to him, well my dad is that same height and i dont even come up to his shoulders and i am almost 5'6". we need more pictures with other co stars or other actors standing with emma other than the usual trio which we are still arguing thier questionable heights.
Livy said on 27/Jun/06
Well, I don't think it matters, personally, becaust it says in the books that Harry is short, but I think that Emma is shorter as she is a girl. Perhaps what the books are trying to say is that Harry is short for a BOY. That's what I think, anyway.
john link said on 27/Jun/06
Sorry, in my last comment I forgot to mention that the photo was not working (yours isn't working either anonymous). I have been looking at some hp sites and they say that it has been taken down by Dan's representives. As for the queen pictures, I just really want them to get more up. That is the only picture of the three not sitting down. I guess we will not know what kind of footwear they were wearing until more pictures are posted. However, my educated guess is that Rupert wore converse (he fails to dress up even at the most formal events) and Emma wore flats. I mean, when you think about it the premieres are much more formal than this and Emma always wears flats to the premieres. I would be extremeley surprised if Emma wore heels to this event. I won't mention anything about this picture until more pictures of the event come out. But I would just like to say one thing, if Emma was wearing flats at the queen's birthday, I think those of you who think Emma is only 5'5" and Rupert 5'7" are going to be very hard pressed to find a defense because to me, Emma looks as tall or taller than Rupert with all of the disadvantages. She also looks at least 5'7" compared to Matt, if he is in the 5'10"-6'0" range, which I think he is. On this subject, how tall do you guys think Matt is? And then haha my obsessive idea of Emma's sudden growth. I am not obsessed with convincing people that Emma is 5'7", I just honestly think she is that tall. And what better site to express this than a site devoted to celeb heights? All of the pictures support this. I could care less if you guys don't agree with me, I just think it is hilarious that people think that Emma is only 5'4" or 5'5". But whatever, who cares. If you want to think Emma is only that height then whatever floats your boat. Emma is a gorgeous and talented actresss, I think she is 5'7" some people agree, some disagree. I am just going to stop talking about their current heights because when somebody looks at the pictures, they can see that Emma truly is 5'7" now. Let's talk about another topic, how tall you think the three will grow to be? I think Rupert will stay in the 5'6"-5'7" range because he is 17 years old. I don't think Dan will grow anymore either because he is basically 17 years old and doesn't loosk to have grown in the past 2-3 years. I think Emma has a couple of inches left and will grow to be at least 5'8". She is only 16 and seems to be in the growing process. And after I post this a lot of people, most likely those who think Emma is only 5'4"-5'5", will say that I am favoring Emma, but I am not just saying this because I want Emma to be tall. I am just using my common sense. Let's not fight or debate, let's just have a nice conversation okay? Oh, and I would also like to ask you a question Rob...could you add Ronaldinho to this site? Thanks and...Go Brazil!!!
anonymous said on 27/Jun/06
okay, i have the ultimate proof to end this debate once and for all!!!
Click Here
this was taken onset OOTP so it is very recent this year. All actors are in costume hence will be wearing around the same footwear(sneakers) Clearly, Emma and Dan the same height, Dan's even like one cm taller. Rupert is hunching over, looks clearly taller than Emma and Dan. alright, this settles it. Emma/Dan are 5'5
Rupert is 5'7
honey said on 26/Jun/06
Yep, John, but what if Em did wear heels? (That was a very high-class gathering, with Queen and other blue-bloods, hence the perfect occasion to dress up and wear high heels!) You said yourself you were just guessing... and you didn't explain the ill-kid photo... and we've all seen the skit, but you choose to see only what you want to see... Anyway I'm getting really tired of all this pointless arguing, I mean we have already agreed to disagree, and you failed to convince any of us (Rob included) in your theories. Still, there's one thing I don't get: why are you so obsessed with this idea of Emma's sudden growth? I mean, we've already agreed that she is a pretty girl, and she is not a shorty, but an average 16-year old (5'4" to 5'5" being the average height for adult women in most European countries). So, why does she have to be 5'7" to fit in your agenda?!?! I'm just curious...
john link said on 26/Jun/06
Well, I watched the skit and Emma certainly does look quite a bit taller than Dan and about the same height as Rupert, but there are no parts where you can really see them standing perfectly. Unfortunateley Dan did not attend the Queen's birthday party, but Matt, Rupert, and Emma did. There are a few pictures, but only one so far of the three standing. Here it is...
Click Here We cannot see their footwear, but I am just guessing that Rupert wore converse and Emma wore flats because she seems to like to wear flats and it would fit the event well because I cannot see her wearing heels, there was a lot of walking and stuff. Matt probably wore some sort of normal dress shoes. Rupert is closer to the camera, but Emma still looks as tall as him! If you look at their shoulders, Emma's are actually higher than Rupert's. If Rupert were to back up Emma and Matt's 'area' I am pretty sure Emma would be taller than Rupert. We can also compare Emma to Matt. She does not look that short compared to him! I think he is around 6'0" after I saw those pictures of him and Jamie Waylett, he looks about 6'0" compared to Jamie. Let's just put him in the 5'10" to 6'0" plus range. If Emma were 5'7" then she would be 3 to 5 inches shorter than him which seems to be the case. haha I am not using wishful thinking, I am using common sense and to me Emma looks a strong 5'7".
honey said on 26/Jun/06
Another thing, John and everybody else, a video of the Queen's birthday event (a brief filmed sketch, where john's screencap is from) can be downloaded or seen at most HP fan sites. It proves what we've always known: Dan and Emma are about the same height (she might be a half an inch taller), Rupert is 2-3" taller than both of them, and Matt is another 2-3" taller than him. That brings us back to Rob's estimations, which are quite correct, perhaps even a bit generous for both Emma and Dan. I mean, if Emma really was 5'7" (as john link wishes her to be), she wouldn't look so minuscule next to J. Ross (bending or not bending). I'm not saying that Emma's done growing (no one can tell that), but even if she is still growing, it's at a much slower pace than two-inches-in-four-months-after-a-period-of-non-growing! I mean, honestly...
honey said on 26/Jun/06
John, mate, it was a joke! Because you do change your opinion on converse quite a lot, depending on who wears them...
Here's another pic for your collection - the trio with some ill kid who visited the OotP set in March. I've linked the photo, as well as the article about the kid's visit, because of the date mentioned:
Click HereClick HereHow about this bending of Rupert's? Unfortunately, we don't see their shoes, but still, why would he have to be the only one to bend?! Unless, of course, Rupert's got his magical Converse again, not to mention Daniel's elevators... and Emma is probably standing in a hole... I mean, let's get serious.
checkthisout said on 26/Jun/06
emma can't be that tall. look at this picture, where she is shorter than dan and rupert.
Click Here
Emma(Dan's girl) said on 26/Jun/06
Emma might be around 5'5 to 5'6. That's what I feel. Because Dan is about 3 inches shorter than Emma. He looks 1 inch shorter than her with elevator shoes. Which makes him very short, really. I think so. My predictions:
Emma: 5'6
Dan: 5'3.5
Rupert: 5'6 to 5'7
Charlotte said on 25/Jun/06
John Link -Unlike you, I'm not blindedby my own opinions. I state fairly solid fact, and I don't let wishful thinking get in the way of it. I hope you understand this. Solid fact in my vocabulary = What Emma said and not what a foreign magazine from a country that doesn't even use the metric system says or what a deluded fan says.
At the 2005 BAFTA's, Emma was 5'3" next to 5'8" Mischa. She doesn't look to have grown anymore than half an inch to an inch. That is truly how I see it.
john link said on 24/Jun/06
Okay, I see that this Ross guy is bending, but you forget to mention that Emma's leg. It is completley bent! haha that takes a huge amount of height from a person. And if Ross is listed here at 6'1.5" then how do you conclude that Rob thinks he is only 6'1". Wouldn't he just change it to 6'1" if that is what he thought? So, because both of them are sluching I don't think this is a great picture to compare heights. I also notice that Emma is wearing boots with very little height. I am not saying that she wears shoes with little height because she feels uncomfortable being tall, but it is just a suggestion. Maybe she just likes no extra height, but I'm not sure. And then I don't know what you are talking about honey?! "super-elevator-Converse that Rupert often wears" I think that converse give someone between 3/4"-1" of height. That is what most tennis shoes give you. And then there is one picture from the queen's 80th celebration. It isn't a great picture to compare heights, especially Matt and Rupert.
Click Here Let's just look at Dan and Emma and exclude Rupert and Matt. Both are kind of bending, Emma more than Dan because she has her head tilted down. Emma is also in back of Dan, but she still looks taller than Dan. If Emma would tilt her head up and stand on the same plane as Dan, I think she would easily be taller than Dan. Again making me think she has grown and Dan is still in the 5'3.5"-5'4" range. Poor guy. I am not saying that this is a great picture to compare heights, but it is just a beginning. The even is tomorrow, so hopefully we will have some more pictures soon.
honey said on 24/Jun/06
Here's a brand new picture of Emma with Jonathan Ross (i think it's him). Wow, what can I say, pay attention to the height difference!
Click Here
Ross is listed 6'1.5" here but Rob actually believes him to be 6'1". He is bending here and he's still a head taller than Emma. No way she can be taller than 5'5", actually I'm starting to think she might be below that. Unless, of course, Jonathan wears some sort of "super-elevator-Converse", just like Rupert often does! ;))
john link said on 23/Jun/06
Anonymous, I don't know if you are a "newcomer", not trying to offend you, but if you have looked at some comments we have discussed the Mischa Barton photos. In a glimpse, those pictures are from more than a year ago. Emma may have been 5'4" then, but she has grown since then because she is looking a strong 5'7" now. Rob, I really think it is time to up Emma to at the very least 5'6" and downgrade Dan to 5'4". Most people can agree that Dan is shorter than Emma. I think Emma is a strong 5'7" however.
Kourt said on 22/Jun/06
Also magazines can get info from the actors or actresses themselves so it could be true. this isnt the first article ive seen that has her listed as this height.
john link said on 22/Jun/06
Yeah 66.53" is approx. 5'6.5". I totally agree that the magazine could have just pulled off the height from a webstie, I understand. But I mean some of you are just getting stupid. Charlotte, not everyone is obsessed with being tall. Emma may have just said 5'5" because she didn't want to sound tall, who knows. Also, as I have said, Emma looked about 5'5"-5'5.5" during the fall of 2005 (during the interview) and looks to have certainly grown 2 inches and is now 5'7". I also think it is just funny that you tell RentGirl the information is incorrect from that magazine just because you don't agree with it. I guess thousands of websites are wrong according to you. And how can you say Emma looks to be 5'4"? She looks as tall or at least almost as tall as Rupert who is listed at 5'7.25" here. I mean there is absolutely no way that Emma looks 2-3 inches shorter than Rupert. In all of the pictures I have seen they look roughly the same height, Emma being a bit taller.
honey said on 22/Jun/06
These articles from magazines usually aren't very reliable.
Anyway, there are some new screecaps of the Trio + Matthew from the Queen's birthday show available now online, but they are totally psychodelic and blurred, not to mention unclear camera angles, so I wouldn't reccomend them as a reliable source either.
Charlotte said on 22/Jun/06
She said herself she was 5'5" (165 cm) well AFTER GoF (and continues to looks at least an inch shorter thanher own approximation) so RentGirl - that information is incorrect
Kourt said on 21/Jun/06
The magazine says what rentgirl says and 1.69m is 6'6 1/2".

Editor Rob
sometimes a magazine will actually go to a website and use a height. For instance, watson had 5ft 6.5 on mdbi for a number of months, hence why its in the this case, I would bet its what the journalist done!
heck, sometimes magazines will use this site for heights...
john link said on 21/Jun/06
Yeah, nice one RentGirl. I think awhile ago I posted that link, but it was just the "Her Height" page from I think people kept saying that they didn't see this part, which I didn't really get, but it is good that you posted the article. 1.69m=66.53 inches. I think she is close to 5'7" now so this would make sense. I wonder if she actually told the magazine if she was 169cm??
RentGirl said on 21/Jun/06
I found a magazine article that says her height. This is for the Goblet of Fire promotion. It says she's 1.69 m. its in a different language, but you can kinda get the picture.
Click Here
john link said on 18/Jun/06
Okay I will admit I was getting a bit emotional honey, haha, I liked your comment. But I still disagree with you...I guess we will have we are just going to have to agree to disagree. Dan looks to be in the 5'3.5"-5'4" range (no not as short as 5'3" sianna, I just said that so nobody would yell at me, but I guess that did not work). Rupert looks shorter or the same height as Emma in the "good" pictures so I am guessing he is around 5'6.5". Emma looks as tall or taller than Rupert so I am almost positvie that she is 5'7". We will have to disagree with the shoe thing to because to me they look nothing over 3/4". Whatever though, right? And I just want you to know that I totally believe you with the not a crazy fan of Dan's thing. And you are completley right Anonymous, we do need some new pictures! The empire ones are getting old and they do have very odd camera angles. However, when you look at the "good" ones, Emma is about the same height as Rupert and Dan is about an inch or two shorter, even with his "shoes." haha yeah. Does anyone know when the next event the trio plans to attend is? I hope they are going to one soon because we need some new pictures.
Anonymous said on 17/Jun/06
My opinion is:
Dan: 5'4.5''
Emma: 5'5.5''
Rupert: 5'6.5''- 5'7''
honey said on 16/Jun/06
John link, Emma's boots do add at least 1.5" - take a better look at the picture that I posted (especially her right foot). These boots have heels (not big ones, but still...). I mean, how can you say they add only half an inch, but Converse All Star add an entire inch?! Honestly... (as Hermione would say!)
And, let's not get too emotional: none of us is jealous of anybody. I'm not a big fan of either of the trio, I do think that Emma is beautiful, and I'm a 5'8.5" girl. So, no emotions involved, I'm just trying to be realistic.
As for my opinion on trio's heights, I mostly agree with editor Rob's estimations. I do think that Dan is a bit shorter than listed here (I believe he is in the 5'4" - 5'4.5
john link said on 16/Jun/06
Her boots gave her, at the most, 3/4" of height, more like 1/2"! haha ridiculous to say that she gained 1-2 inches. And I don't know what you guys are talking about, I never said Emma grew 2 inches in one month, I said in the course of about 6-7 months which is the time period between the premieres and the Empire Awards. If you look at pictures from getty they tell you the day the photos were taken. There is no way anybody could grow that much in a month. But it is very likely for someone to grow that much in about half a year. As for your questions sianna. First of all I would like to say that Mischa is not a good person to compare heights with because nobody is sure about her height. Some people think she is close to 6'0" and others think she is only 5'8". Those pictures were taken last year! If you read my comments you would have known that I think Emma has grown about 2 inches since the fall of 2005. So, if Emma were about 5'4" in the Mischa pictures, she has grown about 3 inches since then making her now 5'7". Sorry for changing my mind on the converse thing, I now think that they give you close to an inch of height. As for the actors exaggerating their heights. Okay, Dan is almost 17 and only 5'3"-5'4", why would you not lie about your height and wear elevator shoes? He certainly has many reasons to lie and wear special shoes. I think those of you who think Dan does not wear elevator shoes and think Emma is under 5'5" are in some sort of denial and I would like to point out you are all, or mostly all, girls. I won't say anything else about that, but I think you get my point. And the elevator shoes, it's not like it is a sin to wear them, especially if you are only 5'3"-5'4". And then I have a question for you sianna, what is wrong with my story? Why doesn't it make sense? Sorry for being so rude and angry it just gets annoying because people disagree with me and say I am crazy, but don't say why it is wrong. Maybe you are just sad that Dan is so short and jealous of Emma for being so tall and pretty, but I don't know. I mean it is not bad if you think this, it just gets a bit annoying when you just state your opinions and no facts. Have a great day!
sianna said on 14/Jun/06
jonh just explain to me y emma looked 5 to 6 inches shorter than mischa barton! and there is no way she has grown since then...and can u answer the previous questions iv asked....thanks!!
Anonymous said on 13/Jun/06
O yeah? And what if he DOESN'T wear elevators? They look somehow about 0.5- 1'' apart then.
And, john link, for God's sake, stop exaggarating! At first, you though Dan was at about 5'4.5'', then 5'4'' and now even 5'3.5''. Does this mean you'll sayhe's under 5'3'' in your further comments. Please, clear these thing up in your head, before you say anything. Or you don't even know what you've said before. It's stupid if you say he looks 5'4'', then you change your mind, because you've just seen another pic, where he looks shorter and it's probably just because of the camera angles.
I'm really looking forward too seeing more pics of the trio, then we'll see who really is tall and who isn't.
anonymous said on 13/Jun/06
Grown two inches, that's five centimetres!? That's a miraculous growth spurt for a girl who is sixteen and seemed to have had a growth spurt already two years ago while filming POA. Emma is sixteen and frankly she doesn't look like a twelve year old so I don't think she's a late grower.
sianna said on 13/Jun/06
i see john that u think im right coz u havnet sed anything against my comments
john link said on 12/Jun/06
Just thought I'd let you guys know the GoF UK premiere was on November 6, 2005. So, I think Emma has grown about 2 inches since then and is now 5'7". It seems to make sense. A 15 year old can easily grow that much in (apprx.) 1/2 year.
john link said on 12/Jun/06
The Elle Girl interview was done in the fall of 2005. And honey, the pictures I have been posting are from March of 2006 at the Empire Awards, not the US premiere. The GoF premieres were in the summer or early fall of 2005. Sorry for the misunderstanding. And from the Empire Award pictures we can see that Emma is as tall or maybe 1/4" shorter than Rupert (in the picture, footwear would mean she is actually taller). Hopefully this helps a little and makes my theory a little bit more understandable. I am quite positive that Emma is in the 5'6"-5'7" range.
Yo said on 12/Jun/06
Well said jill, sianna, honey, i am with you guys, Emma is nothing more than 5'4'', because i just met her last week with my 5'8'' freind and i am 6ft, if she was 5'7'' JOHN, then why was my friend 4 inches taller than her?!
honey said on 12/Jun/06
Hey John link, now you do admit that Emma was shorter than Rupert several months ago, at the UK premiere of GOF. But, your picture which is supposed to prove your little theory that Emma is now taller than him (the one linked to your post from 31 May) was actually taken at the US premiere of GOF, only couple of days after the UK premiere! How could Emma mirraculously grow two or more inches overnight? Another thing: if Rupert was at least 5'7.5" at the UK premiere (take another look at my links, compare him to 5'7" Timothy Spall etc.), how could a 17-year old boy mirraculously shrink an inch or so, to fit in your estimation of 5"6.5"?! My advice to you is either to:
a) try to find a very recent photo of the trio which could prove your "Emma-is-tall" theory, or
b) buy yourself glasses and stop posting your crap comments.
sianna said on 12/Jun/06
i dont think ur stiry makes any sense at all john...first of all you cant keep ur story straight...lyk i sed b4, u commented that when emma wore those converese shoes they gave her no height advantage...and u sed that wen u wear urz they giv u about 1/4 of an inch height no ur saying that on the guys it gives them a whole inch? if dan was to wear elevaort shoes (which is totally ridiculous) he would be nearly 5'8...hes about 5'6 n black ur saying that he is really 5'2?? y wood her lie about his height by 3 inches..and emma downgrade herself?? it makes no sense..i suprised she isnt listed as 5'4..since one she looks it. and 2 ppl lie about there height all the time....even looking at her u can see that she is under 5'5....y did everyone ignore the pic of her and mischa barton (5'8.5-5'9)..both had 2-3 inch heels on and mischa had to bend down lower...and she was still a whole head taller! that wood put emma at 5'3-5'4
jill said on 11/Jun/06
Hey, John, when was the Elle girl magazine produced? This is very clear that Emma is only 5'5, don't be silly, John!! You're creating a heigh to fit your image as this is what she said she is only 5'5.
john link said on 11/Jun/06
I think everyone is taking the country thing too far. I mean, Asian people are known to be short, but look at Yao Ming, he is 7'5" or more! And with the elevator shoes, it is extremely easy to hide 3 or 4 inches. They just put on a normal dress shoe heel and then hide the rest of the height inside. Look at the elevator shoe article on this site. Most elevator shoes give you between 3-4 inches of height. So, if Dan is 5'3.5" barefoot and was wearing 3 inch elevator shoes, he would look to be 5'6.5". Emma looked about 1" taller than Dan in the good pictures where both were standing up straight, there were no weird camera angles, and they were on the same plane. Emma had shoes with a 1/2" heel on them, so if she looked about 1" taller than Dan that would mean she looked 5'7.5". Subtract 1/2" for her heel and you get her barefoot height to be 5'7". Rupert looked about the same height as Emma. Rupert's converse had about 1" on them which would mean he would be about 1/2" shorter than Emma barefoot. This all makes sense. I don't think I am exaggarating but if it feels good to say that go ahead. Honey- nice pictures. I agree that Rupert was taller than Emma back in the fall of 2005 or whenever the premieres were, but I think Emma has grown since then. Let's say that Emma was 5'5" then, but has grown a couple of inches to 5'7". That would explain the interview thing too. And then Rupert has quite a bit of footwear advantage over Emma because Emma is basically barefoot. Her flats give her absolutely no height. So, go ahead and call me crazy and ridiculous, but I think my story makes quite a bit of sense. And I just want to thank you Kourt for agreeing with me. Emma is a tall girl, I am most positive about that.
Anonymous said on 11/Jun/06
John link, stop exaggarating. First, you said Dan wears elevator shoes. Then you said 3 inches of elevators, later 3.5 inches and now 4. You're riddiculous. I think everyone would notice 4 inches or even anything more than 3 inches of elevators. And, so what if he wears classical dress shoes, even my brother, who is 22 and wears mostly sportwear, wears classy shoes very often. And, if he really had 4 inches of elevators and if we presume Rupert Grint is 5'7.5'' (he never stands at his full height, because of slouching in the photos) and Dan looks aout 2 inches shorter than him, that would put Dan at about 5'2''. That's nonsense, because we know (even you probably won't admit it) he's way more than that. And Emma would never look shorter than him if she really was 5'7'', but she DOES look shorter in a lot of pics.
heya said on 10/Jun/06
If emma herself said she was 5'5, then she's 5'5, I think she would know best wouldn't you? And usually celebs exaggerate their height instead of downgrading it unless you're like six foot. And jacob said "almost no other student of their, age, is taller than the trio "-its probably because all the other extras are like around 13 or 14 for GOF since it is the fourth book, and the trio are all about 15 to 16, so they would be taller.
sianna said on 10/Jun/06
wow thats funny john coz a while ago u sed that converese shoes onl gave u a quarter (1/4) of an inch height advantage..and now ur saying tey gave u a whole inch? now hopefull sumone will answer my quetion on what part of europe emma is from...look up on wikepedia or sumthing and it will show you the average height of females and males from almost every country and you'll se that european females are not tall...i thought it was known that they` are short!
Charlotte said on 10/Jun/06
Emma is in converse quite often you you stated 1 inch heel. Her flats, are either completely flat, or have a 1.5 in heel.
Kourt said on 10/Jun/06
I have seen Dan in pictures wearing converse which like John Link said add an inch. And dress shoes do add a few inches. i would say if its anyone who is hiding their heights, its Dan not Emma. John link, now that you mention it, she would be way taller than Dan if they were barefoot. and it is true that they are like some of the taller actors besides the phelp twins who are like 6 feet tall. I mean emma does look like a tall girl. i was watching an interview with my grandma and it was with the trio and the first thing she said was "wow she is bigger than dan, she must be tall." But i still think that rupert is taller than emma by just a little. but like i said a while back, just because of the heights of your parents doesnt mean you'll have one of their heights, some genes you can get from generations back and they just suddenly start to show, its just not your race that's a factor in determining your height.
john link said on 10/Jun/06
I think the only guy in the movie who is shorter than Dan is Devon Murray, and he is not that much shorter... And then let's consider footwear for a minute. Everyone has agreed that Emma rarely wears heels and almost always wears flats or shoes with extremely small heels. Rupert seems to wear converse a lot, which I would say have about an inch sole. Dan's footwear, at least to me, seem very dodgy. He always wears dress shoes (I have never seen him wear anything else) and these shoes look suspicously like elevator shoes, which can give him up to 4 inches of height. Even if Dan does not wearing elevator shoes, dress shoes still have a considerable advantage over converse and flats. However, I am pretty positive that Dan wears elevator shoes. Okay, so people are saying that Emma looked about an inch taller than Dan and slightly shorter than Rupert. If you consider footwear, it would mean Emma would be much taller than Dan if barefoot and as tall or taller than Rupert. This is where I am beginning to think Emma is now in the 5'7" range, not the 5'5".
Jacob said on 9/Jun/06
oh wow..thanks for that insight..hmm..never reali knew that.. and as for the stats i took it from my school book lol.. i'm gona burn it.. but 5'5" as her height and 5'4" - 5'6" as the guys heights.. its a bit.. TOO short if you ask me..and wow.. 159?.. you're 20 cm shorter than me?!.. hey..who knows..with their height..we'll maybe see them in a hobit or lord of the rings movie some where.. i still say that all three of them fall under the 5'6" - 5'8" range.. and.. if ya take another look at the movies.. almost no other student of their, age, is taller than the trio..
Kourt said on 9/Jun/06
I did a web search on the average height of European girls and it ranges from 160 to 175 depending on what country you live in. But it all comes down to genetics. Anonymous—I am German English and French and I am around 167 if I stand tall and stretch my neck I am 17 and done growing which is normal for a girl. Jacob—someone ‘has’ mentioned to compare heights of her CO-stars. And just in asking, how tall do you think she is? But think about this, if Dan is 5’5” and Emma is taller than he is, how can she be 5’5” or shorter? It just doesn’t work. On this web sight, editor rob has Rupert as 5’71/2” and in the majority of the pix ive seen, Emma is just a little shorter than Rupert is (lets say about an inch) and a little taller than Dan (lets say about an inch). So going along with this, Emma should be around 5’6”. I do believe however, that Emma is taller than Dan but not taller than Rupert is.
john link said on 9/Jun/06
Yeah, Jacob, I have noticed that in the movies Emma is taller than Dan and as tall as Rupert, but I think we should stick to comaparing the heights in the photos because I have heard that Rupert wears elevator shoes in the films. I am not saying this is true, but I have just heard this. Also, GoF was filmed in 2004/2205 and I think Emma has grown quite a bit since then, explaining why she is now quite a bit taller than Dan even when he does wear elevator shoes. I am not going to get into the "average height" discussion, but I will add that just because someone is one race that doesn't automatically mean you will be tall or short. Height depends more on your parent's and realitives' heights than your race's average height.
Anonymous said on 9/Jun/06
Jacob, just because Emma is european does not make it impossible for her to be 5'5" or less. And classifying european girls average heights as between 165-176 is complete trash. The AVERAGE height in european countries is usually between 163-166cm. That means that HALF of the girls are below and HALF are above. If the average height is 165, the same amout of girls who are 160 is equal to 170, Jacob. There is no "average" height for races. There are plenty of tall Asians and short Europeans and vice versa. (And also, the average height in Asian countries tends to be between 152-160 for girls, so please, look up the statistics.) And for the record, I am a girl of entirely English, Scottish, and German descent and I top it off at 159 cm, yet my dad is 189cm and my mom is 158 cm. I'm 17 and done growing!
Jacob said on 9/Jun/06
oh right..i also didnt realise that another jacob had posted b4.. so yeh..the last 3 or 4 posts were by me..i'll call myself Jay from now.. anyho.. most certainly..NOT 5'5" and the other two boys are NOT 5'6" and below.. they are tall.. get serious dudes... i'm like 179 or so.. and i'm only 14.. and nither of my parents are fantastically tall either..havent taken my height in a while..but the last i checked i was 176+ and that was about.. 8 months ago..
Jacob said on 9/Jun/06
no way she's 5'5" ... my mom is 5'5" and i'm like 6 inches taller than her.. i think my mom shrunk tho..she used to be 5'7"... and LOL?... how the world can Dan and Rupert be THAT short?.. i mean..did you guys ever think of comparing them to the other members of the cast in the movie itself.. they are definetly not in the 5'4" and 5'6" range..and i'm an asian.. no way a european girl like emma could ever be shorter than me.. is that possible?!.. and yeah.. if ya take a look at the movie abit rarely ever see emma standing at her full height..shes always crouched under weight of her books..or hiding..or sumthing like that.. one scene in the prisoner of azkaban however did show her and the other two standing up right..clearly she was indeed atleast the same height .. or even slightly taller than the two boys..
sianna said on 9/Jun/06
can anyone tell me what nationality emma is...jacb u sed she was britsich and european..wat part of europe is it? that would tell us alot about her future height...example croatian girls seem to be VERY tall..a friend of myn is ova 6' and a female..whereas some european countries have petite girls...yer i agree with serene...i highly doubt that emma is even over 5'5
Kourt said on 8/Jun/06
I totaly agree with Jacob on the growth issue. Girls on the other hand, they stop growing in height wise at around the age of 16-18 (i learned this in AP Biology which is a college course and i doubt that they teach garbage) but not all girls stop growing at the same age and they dont grow at the same height either. guys stop growing around 18-19 just like Jacob said. so emma still has a year or two left of growing to do. with her parents heights, it all depends on which genes she has inherited or some genes that neither of her parents have can start to show. and as to the picture that i think it was serene, Katie is around 5'5" and if you said emma looked 2 inches taller than her well then that would make emma 5'7". and she doesnt look 5 inches shorter than Matt. you guys are exagerating height differences. and if she is less than 5'5" that makes her shorter than dan which she isnt!!! How about emma is 5'5 1/2" to make everyone happy.
john link said on 8/Jun/06
How tall do you think Emma is Serene? I don't really understand your comment...sorry.
john link said on 8/Jun/06
Thank you Kourt, I was thinking of saying something like that, but I was afraid someone would go mental. I would also like to add that Emma has smaller heels on then Katie. And Emma(Dan/'s girl), in your commetn you forget one thing, Matt's shoes. People often forget that men's dress shoes have heels on them too. As for Jacob's comment, I think it is hard to look at the average things. Yes, girls on average stop growing at 16, but I know many who have grown into their late late teens. There is a lady on here who said she grew like 2 or 3 inches in college! (or some large amount like that...) I think it is just hard to predict future heights, so I am not going to do it anymore. So, one last time, I will say what I beleive the trio's future heights to be, one last time. Emma: 5'8"+...she is close to 5'7" at age 16 and looks like she will grow at least an inch more. She also has tall parents. Her mom looks at least 5'8" maybe 5'9" and her dad looks close to 6'0". If you want to see my picture of her and her parents I can post it again. Rupert: 5'7" tops...I really don't think he will grow much more because he is 17 years old and it does not look like he has grown much in the past year. Dan: 5'4"...He looks extremeley mature for his age and does not look to have grown in the past two years. That is the last thing I am going to say about future heights. I understand that flats may be more comfortable, but it seems like the only thing Emma wears. However, I do not think this subject matters much. The only thing to remeber is that because Emma does not wear heels, she may look shorter in picutres because Dan wears "dress" shoes (elevator shoes more likely) and Rupert wears converse a lot. Both give considerably more height. Okay, Serene, your comment. "If everyone keeps saying Emma is taller than Rupert, wouldn't that look stupid in the movies?" Well, first of all, there are many things that the directors can do to correct this. They can use camera angles, books, elevator shoes, etc. It is not that difficult to fix. Emma being taller than Dan is not that big of an issue becuase I think Harry is suppose to be short, but not quite as short as Dan... Hermione, I think, is suppose to be average height, but I don't think the directors will fire Emma becasue she is tall.
Serene said on 8/Jun/06
If everyone keep saying Emma is taller than Rupert, wouldn't that look stupid in the movies?
Yes, Emma seems to love to wear flats most of the time. The only time I saw her wearing high heels is POA London Premier and BAFTA awards besides that, not at all.
Though I am quite sure that Emma is not 5'5".. I am sorry to dissapoint you guys.
Jacob said on 8/Jun/06
right..i'm new to ya guys get ya facts right?..i study biology..and i KNOW that MOST girls stop growing/puberty at 16..they start 2 years earlier than boys as well..Boys on the other hand.. stop their height growth (puberty) at about.. 18 - 19 ..also.. they experience bursts at the ages of 11 - 13 and towards the end of their growth (roughly 16 - 17) Dan and all the other younger guys you peeps have been comparing to.. have ALOT of time to grow.. Emma on the other hand is not gona have that much time in the 'height' area..unless she's super lucky and continues growing till she's 17+.. as for camera angles.. this one has to be seriously considered while comparing.. unless its a prison photo line up or sumthing, almost no other kind of picture can give you a clear comparison of heights.. a small change will give huge changes in inches ( physics..lights reflections ect..).. another fact to consider is her parents' heights.. if both parents are VERY tall.. you can only expect the same thing from her.. if one of them is short.. then she'll be of average height (kinda like sharing the short and tall gene kinda thing) and if both parents are of average heights.. then she'll have a high possibility of having an average height of any other european girl.. as for being 165cm.. i dunno wut to say about that.. i met her for an autograph towards the end of 2004.. i was about 156 then..she was definetly taller than me that much i can say... one last thing.. she's a european.. and.. that pretty much means she'll have a height of about hm.. 165 - 176 (average) .. asian girls have a shorter average (156 - 170)..well thats the biological facts about height growths.. i dunno where you guys got the fact about girls stoping at 17 - 18 .. but i suggest you burn that source.. lol.. so..wut is she?.. well.. when she comes to town.. or.. when she goes to her school at oxford... get her to stand beside you and take a proper photo.. i'm sure ya know ya own height.. or..ya can just go ta her and ask.. but..thats only if you're desperate enough to go to oxford lol..
Emma(Dan's girl) said on 8/Jun/06
Hey Serene. I think by your pic, Matthew looks 5'10 and that makes Emma about 5'4. She surely looks 5 inches shorter than him. But Matt is standing farther than Emma and so Emma would be 5'4.5 at least. Katie would be 5'3. But it's really confusing about Dan's height now. He must be half an inch shorter than Katie. But he cannot be 5'2.5. CAN HE??? I's my estimation but I don't seem so sure about it....let's see....hmmmmm..........
cool said on 8/Jun/06
emma and dan seem(BIG emphasis on "seem")like they have the same height, although I have to disagree with the "emma-is-taller-than-rupert" theory, actually the trio looks like they have the same height in that empire awards pic, but rupert is standing at the back (like always), making him look shorter. The green-pen-pic someone posted a while ago explains for the height miscalculations, and the only way to know really what their heights are to measure them with a tape or ruler, up close and personal. We just have to wait for someone daring enough to do that, say, in the upcoming premieres, maybe?
sianna said on 8/Jun/06
riight okay wateva u and actually every girl i no wears flats...even petite girls like me..its got nuthing to do with hight just comfort...they are sooo much better than heels!! lol :)
anonymous said on 7/Jun/06
Yea, sorry John, I just thought you're picture was funny choice, "Don't 16 year olds want to try new things? I thought it was old ladies who thought about comfort first, but maybe I am wrong."--well, Emma has worn heels since she was like 9 or 10 so I guess she must be sick of them by now.
Kourt said on 7/Jun/06
Okay if Katie is estimated around 5'5" and she looks 2 inches shorter than emma that means emma is roughly around 5'7"ish. and i think ive mentioned it before but emma is actually wearing flats in this picture. i have a full body shot of her from the same event.
jill said on 7/Jun/06
What! What wrong with you, Emma (Dan¡¦s girl)? You are a totally liar!!! How come!! You cough provide the information that was fake and unrealized and then you stranded at the fake side, and now you say that is totally fake information? You don¡¦t have common senses before doing things! I only can say that you aren¡¦t having brain!
Luckily, not all of you are liars, I had seen that John and Serene also said that there really had a interview on Elle girl magazine that Emma said She was only 5¡¦5, I think this is very clear that Emma is 5'5, Emma no need to create a height which is shorter then herself, well everyone please do not to be idiots who create a height to fit your image.
john link said on 7/Jun/06
Oh, nice find Serene, but I don't know, it is hard to tell. And...I am afraid to guess because someone will probably go crazy on me. Do you guys know how big Matthew's shoes are? Or how tall the other guy is? Emma doesn't look that much smaller than him.
Kourt said on 7/Jun/06
In the picture emma is actually wearing flats I have a full body shot of her at the same event. And she looks like she is about 5’6” but that is my opinion
Kourt said on 7/Jun/06
Sianna- im sorry that i accused you of the phony interview. i just read it when someone else was mentioning it and i didnt know who it was at the time. My personal opinion is i think that emma is around 5'6". but you have to consider that tv and pictures make you look different. i have seen photos that make people look taller and shorter than they really are so comparing photos with others photos isnt a very accurate way. i have to agree with john link on she just looks like a tall girl or a little taller than average height. and john, when emma said she is "determined to be taller" was on behind the senes on the first film back when she was the shortest of the trio. now she is possibly? the tallest? and i totaly agree with you John Link about emma just being a tall girl! but for one thing, she is taller than dan and dan is once again estimated at round 5'5" so she has to be taller than that to be taller than dan or else if she was 5'5" that would make dan like 5'4" or 5'3" which is rediculous!!! for all those others besides john link, how tall do you think dan is?
john link said on 7/Jun/06
Okay, sorry for posting that picture of Emma and Amanda guys, I knew you probably wouldn't like it, but please don't call it ridiulous. I understand that it is not a good one to compare heights. And with the flat thing, I know she may just wear flats because she thinks they are comfortable and trendy, but she wears them a lot more than other celeberties. In fact, the only time I have seen her wear heels is at the PoA premiere. anonymous: you say "Plus, she is like 16, she'd probably want comfortable footwear than killer stiletos." Well, I don't really get that. Don't 16 year olds want to try new things? I thought it was old ladies who thought about comfort first, but maybe I am wrong. And sianna, the thing about Emma wanting to be taller than Dan was in the first movie, not the third or fourth.
Serene said on 7/Jun/06
Great discussion here. Okay.. I want you all to see the picture here
Click HereKatie seems to be 2 inches shorter than Emma [ she is standing really straight, no signs of hunching though] and the tall guy[Matthew Lewis]in the picture is somewat looking like 5 feet 10..
So, if Matthew is 5 feet 10,estimate how tall is emma in that picture wearing an inch high shoes....
sianna said on 7/Jun/06
to was either in the 3rd or 4th movie..i have NEVER posted a fake interview that was someone else so dont jump to conclsions and put me down...all im saying is that it doesnt matter how much u or other people think emma is some tall girl...RIGHT NOW i belive that she is 5'5 and under with all the images i have seen...and i never said it was bad either that she is tring to look or be taller than dan..i do that myself lol
anonymous said on 7/Jun/06
John Link, that is a ridiculous photo to use (and I think you know that too), if you did take it seriously, then you would also think Nicole Richie is the same height as Beyonce. I'd also like to add that may be Emma wears flats because she likes them, they are trendy at the moment. Also, if someone like Amanda Bynes(who is actually) would still wear heels, it shows Emma must be choosing to wear flat shoes for their style rather than what it does for her height(e.g.if you believe she wears flats because she doesn't want to be incredibly tall). Plus, she is like 16, she'd probably want comfortable footwear than killer stiletos.
john link said on 6/Jun/06
No, actually I did not see your pictures on Dan's page. Sorry, I will have to look Sianna. There is no way that I believe Emma is 5'5", no offense but I think that is a bit crazy. And did you try refreshing or reentering my links? If you haven't you should. I am sorry if it does not work. You can see a lot of the pictures on getty images and other Dan or Emma websites. As for the average height I was going by the world's average height. Which is 5'4" for women and 5'8" for men. So, Emma is above average in height by world standards and Rupert and Dan are below average in height. Sorry about the pictures once again, I will try and post them again, but I am not sure what is wrong with them. As for your comments Kourt. First of all, I would like to thank you so much for agreeing with me! I agree that she almost never wears heels, and I have never seen her wear heels at an event with Rupert and Dan. I also don't know what Sianna is talking about with the "I am determined to be taller than you...." claim. I think I remember seeing something like this in the special disc on the FIRST MOVIE, but I have not seen anything like it sense then, and as we know, things have changed. Emma is now quite a bit taller than Dan. And I think that Emma is 5'7" because she honestly looks that tall. I mean when you consider all of the factors, this is not a crazy claim. And I just want you to know that I am not some obsessed Emma Watson fan, I just think she looks this tall. I then I noticed that you say dan is estimated at around 5'5" to 5'6" and that Emma and Rupert are 1 plus inch taller making them, "well you do the math." 5'5"+1"=5'6" and 5'6"+1"=5'7"...You said you disagree with me on Emma being 5'7", but...???? Sorry, but I am a bit confused. But thanks for the support and thanks for making good comments!
Charlotte said on 6/Jun/06
John Link- she also looks the same height as Nicole Richie. Does that make her 5 ft 1 in? The photos aren't at the same scale.
I think it was a user named 'Emma (dan's girl)' or something to the like that made a phony interview. I don't think it was Sianna. There is a real clip of that, but it was back at CoS era.
Dan is about 5'4 btw.
Kourt said on 6/Jun/06
Sianna, “about” is an estimation word. For all we know she could be taller or shorter than 5’5”. In which DVD did Emma say she wants to be taller and Dan said she is trying to look taller than he is? The way you word it makes it sound like it’s another one of your phony interviews. In the recent pictures of the Trio, Emma is clearly taller than Dan and in past arguments, you guys said your self that Dan is the shorter of the two. So what is this ‘she is trying to be taller than Dan?” She is!! So what is the point? And it looks like to me that Dan isn’t too short but Emma and Rupert are definitely taller than he is. Dan is estimated at around 5’5” to 5’6” and that being so, Emma and Rupert are 1 plus inch taller making them, well you do the math.
Kourt said on 6/Jun/06
I also agree with John Link. I was looking at all the pictures I have of Emma (which are tons) and what john link said about Emma wearing flat footwear is true. All of the full body shots show that Emma is wearing flat shoes. They may add at least an inch with the converse shoes and those with thicker soles but she really isn
john link said on 5/Jun/06
Okay I am just finding some websites where people say what thye think about Emma's height. This site is talking about her fashion, but if you scroll down you will see that someone says, "and she is pretty tall too, about 5'7"" or something along that line. I am not the only person people! Emma really is 5'7". I just know it, she is tall and probably still growing.
john link said on 5/Jun/06
Q: Will Emma still grow taller at 15? 5'6"1/2?
A: Well I'm not certain, but I do think that Emma will grow a bit taller.
Just another person who agrees with me. This is just on some Emma Watson website, it is not Emma herself. Just the website manager person saying what she thinks. And I also think that the questioner thinks Emma is 5'6.5", but I am not positive. It is just another person who agrees with me. :)
john link said on 5/Jun/06
I don't know if this is reliable at all, but I just found this and thought I would share it with you guys.
Click HereEmma looks as tall as Amanda Bynes (who is wearing heels). Amanda is listed at 5'7" or 5'8" on here, so could this support my claim that Emma is at least 5'7"? Both Emma and Amanda seem to be standing about the same distance away from the camera, but I could be totally wrong. This could not be good to compare heights, but I just thought I'd see what you guys think. What do you think Rob?
john link said on 5/Jun/06
Then why does she look taller than Rupert JK? If she is nothing more than 5'4" then Rupert is nothing more than 5'3.5", which I highly doubt is possible. I mean some sights have him listed at 6'0". I definitely agree that he is not 6'0" (I think he is about 5'6.5") and that his height has been exagerated, but it could not be that exagertated.
JK said on 5/Jun/06
As if she is, she is nothing more than 5'4''.
Serene said on 5/Jun/06
Yes Sianna.. I agree. Ellegirl interviewed her and she did say her height was 5 feet 5...
Emma(Dan's girl) said on 5/Jun/06
Oh, Please Jill!! Don't start off about that interview again. I just wanted all of you to be enthusiastic again. I didn't expect any of you to believe it and everyone here knows it was a fake interview. Don't be that sarcastic, please!! for god's sake.