How tall is Hulk Hogan - Page 21

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Average Guess (847 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 5.7in (197.4cm)
Current: 6ft 3.14in (190.9cm)
Big King said on 27/Mar/09
Hogan was a weak 6'6", maybe he got measured 6'7" with shoes.
Anonymous said on 27/Mar/09
Hogan was no less than 6'6 peak, late 70's early to mid 80's. He had a big falloff in the 90's and 00's to 6'4 today. Hogan was one of the only wrestlers from back then to break out of the wrestling bubble and do movies, TV, Commercials, with the stars, celeberties and other athlets. 99% of the other wrestlers could go with there 3 inch exzagerations and nobody would be the wiser, but Hulk left the ring and was seen and photographed with everybody and he was always able to least pass for his given 6'7-6'8. A criticle eye could detect that he was maybe just a little less than that, but not much. I saw alot of the action shows that he was on in the 80's and he would have to duck threw doorframes with his boots on which would give him at least 6'8.5. I would bet that he was as much as 6'6.25-6'6.5. He was a 6'6-6'7 guy. People have to stop discussing Hogan's peak height in terms of anything after 1989. If you look at all the old pictures and videos he was way taller than 6'3 type guys. Today that's not the case.
Big King said on 24/Mar/09
Well, Hogan's peak height was no more than 6'5.5" and today he could barely hit 6'4".
general93 said on 24/Mar/09
when u look at tommy lister who is listed 6'5.5" zeus billed 6'7" in wwe hogan was around the same height in no holds barred not sure of the footwear tough maybe zeus had .5" on hogan
Danimal said on 23/Mar/09
I can live with 6'0" for Macho Man, but not over that and NO, Davey Boy Smith did NOT have 3" on Mean Gene. Mean Gene was in actuality taller than BILLED 5'8" Dynamite Kid and Davey Boy had 1-2" MAX on Dynamite Kid when we saw their FEET. Those backstage interviews are NEVER accurate.
Big King said on 23/Mar/09
I would say Hogan was no more than 6'5.5" in his prime and 6'4" nowadays.
MK said on 23/Mar/09
TELLEM says on 22/Mar/09
5'11 is too low for savage

Agreed, 6'0'' seems a better estimate. Also looked 1.5'' shorter than Warrior(6'1.5'' as per Rob)
TELLEM said on 22/Mar/09
Danimal says on 21/Mar/09
Macho Man was around 5'11" next to 5'8" Mean Gene: Click Here

the man is not even standing straight in that vid. look at this vid of macho and gene @ 1:02..he stands straighter and looks 6'0 with mean gene.
TELLEM said on 22/Mar/09
macho man 5'11? does that mean hogan was 6'4 peak? Click Here

5'11 is too low for savage
Anonymous said on 22/Mar/09
Hogan was no less than 6'6 peak. I don't care what he is now, old people with health issues shrink up. He might have been a hair over 6'6, In 70's matches with a strapping Andre he was not that much shorter, the pictures with Hogan in the slippers and Andre with the boots on from 1979 shows a 6'6+ Hogan. Even if Andre was only 6'10 back then, and I think he was more, he was 7'0 in boots, if you size up well with a guy standing at 7'0 like Hogan did, your at least 6'6.
general93 said on 22/Mar/09
studd looked shorter in height in 89 also he aged a good bit by wm5 he also put on about 30lbs.danimal i know exactly wat im talking about at thats a fair statement.guys like studd and andre are legends of the wwe and they were and still are the the true big men of pro wrestling period!!!
MK said on 21/Mar/09
Danimal says on 21/Mar/09
Macho Man was around 5'11" next to 5'8" Mean Gene: Click Here

AT LEAST 5'11'' imo.
Anonymous said on 21/Mar/09
gene i doubt was full 5'8, british bulldog had him by an easy 3 inches Click Here
Danimal said on 21/Mar/09
Macho Man was around 5'11" next to 5'8" Mean Gene: Click Here
Danimal said on 20/Mar/09
Peak Height: A WEAK 6'6"
Today: A STRONG 6'3".
Anonymous said on 19/Mar/09
Hogan has lost alot of height, he towered over people in the 70's-80's he was literally one of the tallest wrestlers for 10-15 years. I truly beleive that Hogan was 6'6 if not 6'6.25 or 6'6.50 at his peak back in 1979. He is still 6'4 today even though he has lost alot of height.
Doug said on 19/Mar/09
Anybody have any idea how much Hogan weighs nowadays? In Hogan Knows Best he is still a huge guy, he has to be around 280-290 pounds?
Clay said on 19/Mar/09
I agree with still 6'4 today.
Big King said on 18/Mar/09
Well, Hogan was having at least 4 inches on Ali.
Anonymous said on 17/Mar/09
Hogan gets a bum rap on this site. He was a strong 6'6 320 when he was young. He was 2 inchs shorter than 6'8 Ben Davidson. and he is still 6'4 today, his medical issues make him schuffle along like the mummy and that gives the appearence of 6'3.
dicksock said on 17/Mar/09
That picture between Ali and Hogan CLEARLY shows a 6'2.5 Ali and a 6'6 Hogan. There was about 3.5" between them. I honestly don't even see why people debate Hogan's peak height anymore. There is too much evidence that says he was never below 6'5.5" in his peak and never above 6'6".
Chaz said on 17/Mar/09
Ali was def only 6'2.5''peak,and i think Hogan aways looks hever than he was,he had big arms and chest,but not very wide in the back with thin legs,you need big legs and ass to be over 300lbs with he's body fat.i very much dout he is 280lbs now with those legs,18st 252lbs more like.
duh said on 16/Mar/09
I think he's not more than 6 ft 3. I saw the picture about him and David Hasselhoff and Dave were a lot toller
Anonymous said on 15/Mar/09
I've come full circle on Hogan. When I was young and nieve in the 80's I beleived the 6'8+ 340+ hype. Which was wrong, and in the past several years I went the other way and thought he was like 6'4.5 290 peak which was wrong to. Hogan IS one of those people who had a great height loss. He was every bit of 6'6 at his peak and 320, although I think he went down to his usually stated 300-305 after he became champ and it was more important to look good rather to just see how much he could weigh. He just schrunk up like some peole do, I think he is 6'3.75 now and about 280.
miko said on 15/Mar/09
Hogan has 3 inches on Ali there. You'd have to be blind not to see that. Putting Hogan at over 6"5.
Anonymous said on 14/Mar/09
No one should even think about Hogan as being at peak height anything after about 1988. His peak would have been the late 70's, real early 80's. That is when he was young and had perfect posture. He was a tall guy. He was about 6'6. Everybody is different, some people can keep there height till they are 75 yr old and some people can lose a good 2 inches by the time there 50. Hogan is one of those guys. Hogan was alot taller in 1979 than 2009 6'5.75 then - 6'3.75 now
Anonymous said on 14/Mar/09
That 1979 poster says it all, It proves that Hogan was no better than a round up 6'6 at his peak. Which is proved by the fact that even zealous Andre supporters only put him at 7'1.5-7'2 at his peak, so obvoius hype was going on in the poster. This would have been a high profile match, Almost assuredly Hogan's first match with Andre so they would have never billed a over 6'6, over 310, Hogan at less than he really was. If anything, since it didn't bother them to put Andre at a "out there" 7'4, it screams a 6'5 295 Hogan and a 6'11ish 450 Andre. Andre was only billed at 424 in a 1975 match with Chuck Wepner.
Big Show said on 14/Mar/09
Click Here

Here's a pic of Hogan and Muhammed Ali side by side.
hs2009 said on 14/Mar/09
Really good find Big Show.

I've never seen Hogan billed that low at that point in his career. It was always 6'8" or thereabouts. If they billed Hogan at his legit height, they should've billed Andre at 7'0" because Hogan was no way near a foot shorter like tuga said.
tuga said on 14/Mar/09
Big Show says on 14/Mar/09
Click Here

Here's a wrestling poster from 1979 which features a match between Hogan & Andre. It bills Hogan at 6'6. I believe that's one of the rare times Hogan was billed at that height.

Great find, I would guess they gave hogan
Big Show said on 14/Mar/09
Click Here

Here's a wrestling poster from 1979 which features a match between Hogan & Andre. It bills Hogan at 6'6. I believe that's one of the rare times Hogan was billed at that height.
Da Man said on 14/Mar/09
Actually, there is quite a bit of circumstantial evidence to suggest that Conan is not quite a full 6'4".
Danimal said on 13/Mar/09
general93 says on 13/Mar/09
john studd lost height due to illness aswell in 1989 he was at least 2" taller than 6'5" jake roberts and was the same if not a shade taller than akeem at the rumble that year.he was 1.5" taller than hogan putting hogan around 6'6-7" and hogan today is about 6'3-4" i saw some gladiator 6'4" and he was taller than hogan but in 1990 my 6'4" uncle met hogan and said hogan had 2-3" on him.

Big John Studd did NOT lose height due to ilness. You have NO proof of that. Besides, John was NO LONGER wrestling when he was ILL!!!!! John gave up wrestling BEFORE he became ill. In fact, Big John Studd was larger in 1989 than he was in 1985-1986. You have NO idea was you are talking about.
general93 said on 13/Mar/09
john studd lost height due to illness aswell in 1989 he was at least 2" taller than 6'5" jake roberts and was the same if not a shade taller than akeem at the rumble that year.he was 1.5" taller than hogan putting hogan around 6'6-7" and hogan today is about 6'3-4" i saw some gladiator 6'4" and he was taller than hogan but in 1990 my 6'4" uncle met hogan and said hogan had 2-3" on him.
anonymous said on 13/Mar/09
Hogan was 198cm 6
Red said on 11/Mar/09
Goldblum has also 6
Frank said on 11/Mar/09
Jeff Goldblum was on Conan and he is listed @ 6ft 4 and he was taller than Conan thats why i think he is about 6ft 3 in change
Danimal said on 10/Mar/09
Conan is at least 6'4".
Da Man said on 10/Mar/09
I agree, I see Conan at more 6'3.5"...
Red said on 10/Mar/09
Conan looked 6
Frank said on 10/Mar/09
Conan says he 6ft 4 but i believe he is 6ft 3 to 6ft 3.5
Anonymous said on 9/Mar/09
the ronster says on 9/Mar/09
Super Dave was 6'6", not 6'4". And if you look up Hogan on Connan's late show Hulk has him by about an inch last year, and Conan is a legit 6'5" tall. There should be enough proof. Look, I can accept that he has lost height as all tall people loose more on average once they are over 50. Today he is between 6'5-6'6". In his youth he was almost 6'8" period.

the ronster said on 9/Mar/09
Super Dave was 6'6", not 6'4". And if you look up Hogan on Connan's late show Hulk has him by about an inch last year, and Conan is a legit 6'5" tall. There should be enough proof. Look, I can accept that he has lost height as all tall people loose more on average once they are over 50. Today he is between 6'5-6'6". In his youth he was almost 6'8" period.
Red said on 9/Mar/09
Anonymous says on 9/Mar/09
if height loss was associated with steriod abuse then scott steiner would have lost 2 foot by now :)

Because of the oids, he
Anonymous said on 9/Mar/09
if height loss was associated with steriod abuse then scott steiner would have lost 2 foot by now :)
hs2009 said on 9/Mar/09
Good point Danimal, it's not like Hogan ever wrestled like a Ric Flair or a Shawn Michaels.

Has to be the steroid abuse primarily causing all these physical problems. Billy Graham is a another excellent example of the effects of long-term steroid abuse, he claims 4" of height loss from a collapsed spine, ankle fusion, hip replacements etc.
Danimal said on 8/Mar/09
Hogan also need ANOTHER hip replacement again apparently (he said so on Howard Stern). It's amazing, but he wasn't even a real physical wrestler to warrant all these back, hip, knee and neck surgeries... I believe it was the steroid abuse (much like Superstar Billy Graham has undergone in the last 22 years.
Gretz said on 8/Mar/09
Forget about what I said about compairing Hogan with Studd,I just watched a video on the Andre page where Hogan looked 5 to 5.5 inches taller than 6'1.5" Vince McMahon(no,I don`t think Hogan was 6'7").So something is not right in that video,and I know hogan has lost height over the years.But the fact that he can look only 1 or 2 inches taller than McMahon now is incredible.I give up trying to estimate anyone`s height using Hogan as a referance.
Gretz said on 8/Mar/09
I`m sorry,but its going to take more than one face off with Bill Fralic to convince me that John Studd was anything less than 6'6.75".Before this Studd was almost universally accepted to be 6'7",where are all the other pics showing Studd at only 6'5.5".Hillbilly jim was 6'5" and Hogan had an inch on him in the 80`s,and Studd always looked close to an inch taller than Hogan.
hs2009 said on 8/Mar/09
Red, I heard about that surgery as well. We'll have to see if it has affected his height at all. Hopefully not, if he shrinks much more there'll be none of him left :P
Red said on 8/Mar/09
Hogan had a recent backsurgery, maybe he lost height again?
Anonymous said on 7/Mar/09
Hogan even at his peak in the early 80's was shorter then Studd, there was separation in height and was acknowledged as such in that Hogan was always given 6'7-6'8 and Studd was given 6'10-6'11. Bill Fralic was 6'5 and was the slightest bit shorter than Studd. I don't see how one can give Hogan 6'6 when Studd was maybe just 6'6. A barefoot Hogan could not have been over 6'5.5 and more like 6'5
JujuJu said on 6/Mar/09
I saw him in florida at the mall in the 90's im a legit 6'5 230 , he dwarfed me in size and height
Danimal said on 6/Mar/09
Chris says on 6/Mar/09
Hogan was a legit 6'6-6'7 in his youth. It's more than evident when you see him in a lot of his early bouts, who much bigger he is than legit 6'3-6'3 inch opponents.

Hogan had multiple back surgerys, where they literally took lumps out, so he lost a few inches in height from that.

If you watch him in his last wrestling incarnation, in WWE, he's taller (by a good inch) than Triple H, The Rock, and guys that size. So I'd say he's an easy 6'4

He wasn't as tall as 6'7". 6'6" for SURE. He also didn't only have multiple back surgeries, but also multiple knee replacements, a neck surgery and an entire hip replacement and he's also 55 years old. He was 6'6" and is barely over 6'3" today. Proof of that is how he TOWERED Vince McMahon throughout the 80's by 4-5" minimum and in 2002-2005, he had 1-2" on him. Same goes for his comparison's to Hilbilly Jim and that legendary Japanese wrestler I can't remember the name of at the moment.
Chris said on 6/Mar/09
Hogan was a legit 6'6-6'7 in his youth. It's more than evident when you see him in a lot of his early bouts, who much bigger he is than legit 6'3-6'3 inch opponents.

Hogan had multiple back surgerys, where they literally took lumps out, so he lost a few inches in height from that.

If you watch him in his last wrestling incarnation, in WWE, he's taller (by a good inch) than Triple H, The Rock, and guys that size. So I'd say he's an easy 6'4
Red said on 6/Mar/09
HBJ is def. in Cowboyboots! He
Doug said on 6/Mar/09
Hogan was a likely 6.5.5" barefoot peak, never 6'7" although I wouldn't rule out 6'6", today looks around 6'4".
JT said on 5/Mar/09
Big Show says on 5/Mar/09
....Hillbilly indeed looks about an inch taller that Jake Roberts.

If you pause it at @ 1:28, it looks like HBJ has snakeskin cowboy boots on. Those are not his usual black wrestling boots. If he has standard wrestling boots on, HBJ measured up better next to Jake than Hogan did.
Danimal said on 5/Mar/09
Big Show says on 5/Mar/09
Danimal says on 5/Mar/09
Here we have Hilbilly Jim standing TALLER than 6'5" Jake Roberts in 1987: Click Here

Jake Roberts refers to King Kong Bundy as 6'2, 450 lbs. Hillbilly indeed looks about an inch taller that Jake Roberts.

AND Hogan was taller than Hilbilly Jim???? Can't figure that one out. Hogan was without a doubt in my mind a legit 6'6" man up until 1990.
Big Show said on 5/Mar/09
Danimal says on 5/Mar/09
Here we have Hilbilly Jim standing TALLER than 6'5" Jake Roberts in 1987: Click Here

Jake Roberts refers to King Kong Bundy as 6'2, 450 lbs. Hillbilly indeed looks about an inch taller that Jake Roberts.
TELLEM said on 5/Mar/09
heenan is doing better now...i've recently read news about him that hes talking now...hes been out of the hospital.
hs2009 said on 5/Mar/09
Danimal, that is very sad indeed. I heard about the jaw reconstruction, which was meant to help him talk better, awful news that it's done the exact opposite. I hope he pulls through.

Agree on Flair too, he's clearly shorter than Shawn Michaels these days so he's definitely no taller than 5'10".
Danimal said on 5/Mar/09
Here we have Hilbilly Jim standing TALLER than 6'5" Jake Roberts in 1987: Click Here
Danimal said on 5/Mar/09
hs2009 says on 4/Mar/09
Danimal, is that true about Heenan? Man, that really sucks if it is.

He was doing much better last time I heard. Poor guy has been through so much over the past few years.

Apparently they had to RE-CONSTRUCT his entire jaw and he developed an MAJOR infection in the area and his jaw collapsed on him and he no longer is able to talk at all and is in the hosiptal. VERY SAD.

Flair is MAX 5'10" today. Was 5'11"-6'0" in his prime.
iClarke-93 said on 4/Mar/09
Heenan was more than a flat 5'10 at peak defintely he was between 5'10.5 - 5'11
hs2009 said on 4/Mar/09
Danimal, is that true about Heenan? Man, that really sucks if it is.

He was doing much better last time I heard. Poor guy has been through so much over the past few years.
KingNick said on 3/Mar/09
Flair mentioned in his book that he was 6'.

I think at peak he was somewhere between 5'11" and 6'. Now more like 5'10"

Click Here
Click Here

Jesse I agree on --- he's almost impossible to tell.
Danimal said on 3/Mar/09
TELLEM says on 3/Mar/09
heenan was 5'11 peak, he said it in his own book

And I believe it. Poor guy recovered from throat cancer and is back in the hospital with a MAJOR relapse today.
Anonymous said on 3/Mar/09
Super dave was 6'4. Dave has tennis shoes on and Hogan has mega boots on(check out when he is doing the hand to ear thing)Hogan only has about a inch+ on Dave even though he has at least a 2 inch shoe advantage. Hogan was about 6'3.5 at this point and about 6'5.5 with the boots. He would have been at best the same height as Dave with equal footware and maybe a shade shorter.
Anonymous said on 3/Mar/09
Ronster - Hulk 6'6 today! Nash a legit 7'0! Hogan was not much taller than tyra Banks with his boots on! Nash was only listed at 6'10 at Tennesee.
TELLEM said on 3/Mar/09
heenan was 5'11 peak, he said it in his own book
Danimal said on 3/Mar/09
JT says on 2/Mar/09
Another video of a peak height Ventura looking no more than 6
Red said on 3/Mar/09
Sting is nothing under 6
Vegas said on 3/Mar/09
Ronster; nash's basketball stats say 6-10 for the most part Click Here

JT; ventura doesn't look more than 6-2 in that video with vince, orton and piper i am even more confused on this guy now
hs2009 said on 3/Mar/09
Also, look at the picture of Sting with Ted DiBiase. Looks 6'2" there as well.
hs2009 said on 3/Mar/09
Ola, watch this video of Sting & Flair.

It's 3" between them, look around 0.36s especially. If Sting is 6'1" then Flair was only ever 5'10" which is rubbish.
Click Here
JT said on 2/Mar/09
Another video of a peak height Ventura looking no more than 6
Ronster said on 2/Mar/09
You all are definitely on something. Yes we all know that sometimes wrestlers heights get exaggerated, especially in the case of Giants like Andre. Andre was however no less than 7'2" at any time in his career, and Hogan had to be at least 6'7" in his younger days. See, I stood next to both of them and saw how they towered over 6'2" people next to them. Hulk still is at least 6'5-6'6". As for exaggerating, they used to list him at 6'9", and Andre at 7'5". As for Nash and Show they are both legit 7' tall, just look up Nash's basketball stats. So please people, stop trying to tear down people out of jealousy or whatever it is that motivates you all to post these ridiculous lies. As for photos etc, people of any height can appear up to 6" shorter just by bending their knees or leaning to one side. Did any of you so called "height experts" ever realize that? Peace brothers.
TELLEM said on 2/Mar/09
ola, you really don't know the difference between 2 and 3's 6'2 sting having an easy 3 inches on 5'11 flair @ :33 Click Here and here @ 2:00 Click Here
Da Man said on 2/Mar/09
Hogan sure likes to exaggerate, Andre at 700 lbs., Nash at 7'2", etc.
Danimal said on 2/Mar/09
iClarke-93 says on 28/Feb/09
Danimal , Gorilla Monsoon always looked slightly taller than Jesse , he was a legit 6'5" Jesse was 6'4.

I kind of agree with that.
Vegas said on 2/Mar/09
why didn't you post these danimal instead of one where he had just gone through major weight loss making his neck look longer, barely any neck here Click Here or Click Here

when did hogan go through neck surgery?? that would be at least a year out injured for a younger wrestler like it was for edge and austin.

JT, ventura is a strange one alright

iClarke-93, monsoon never had 7 inches on 5'10 bobby heenan if he was a legit 6'5, i posted a video of monsoon standing next to vince in 1976 and again in 1997 and it was the exact same difference monsoon looks ~6'4 next to vince in both
end of this 1976 Click Here
1997 Click Here
hs2009 said on 1/Mar/09
Here's Ted DiBiase & Sting side by side in suits:
Click Here
Danimal said on 1/Mar/09
NOW, compare Hogan's NECK LENGTH PRE-NECK SURGERY: Click Here

Danimal said on 1/Mar/09
For all those who know Super Dave Osbourne, he is at least 6'4". Here we have an shrunken Hogan on Jimmy Kimmel, who stands next to Super Dave: Click Here
iClarke-93 said on 28/Feb/09
Danimal , Gorilla Monsoon always looked slightly taller than Jesse , he was a legit 6'5" Jesse was 6'4.
hs2009 said on 28/Feb/09
Sting had 3" on Ric Flair in 1989, no way was Flair under 5'11" back then.

Sting is 6'2" IMO.
Danimal said on 27/Feb/09
For all those who want to DESTROY OLA, just ask him how tall he think The Ultimate Warrior was. He claims 6'2", YET, Sting was TALLER than Ultimate Warrior when they were tag team partners, but Ola knows very little about that, as he does about PURE LOGIC and FACTS.
TELLEM said on 27/Feb/09
sting IS 6'2 OLA.
Vegas said on 27/Feb/09
ventura is listed at 6'2 on Click Here
JT said on 26/Feb/09
Danimal says on 26/Feb/09
....That's B.S. He's wearing FLAT black shoes.....

Hey whiner, why don't you then cap a few screen images to back up your claim? Jesse routinely wore cowboy boots, which BTW come in black, so the odds are pretty good that he's wearing them with Sting, especially when he's sporting a snakeskin vest.
Big Show said on 26/Feb/09
Click Here

Here's a 6-man tag team match from 1994 including Hogan and John Tenta.
Danimal said on 26/Feb/09
JT says on 26/Feb/09
Danimal says on 25/Feb/09
OLAAAAAAAA, I'm calling you out. Here is PROOF that Jesse Ventura was taller than 6'2". Here he is next to 6'2" Sting: Click Here

Ventura looks like he has cowboy boots on, so the comparison is not fair. IMO, though, Sting is 6'2" with a peak Ventura at least his height.

That's B.S. He's wearing FLAT black shoes. Jesse was the same height as Gorilla Monsoon who was MINIMUM 6'4"-6'5". Jesse had at least 2-3" on a PRIME Vince McMahon and the list goes on. People who want to make Jesse shorter (like JT and Ola) have an agenda, because if they make HIM shorter, than they make Hogan shorter and then that makes Andre shorter.

Jesse - PEAK 6'4"
daniel_Sweden said on 26/Feb/09
check this fhoto out with Hogan,Nick and lou Ferrigno...This image shows that Hogan is taller..neither of them has a footwear advantage. both is standing next to each other so no camera tricks her:) watch the foto her Click Here think hogan is today 6'3.75 or 6'4..
Vegas said on 26/Feb/09
Red says on 24/Feb/09
Danimal says on 23/Feb/09
Hogan was SHORTER than David Hasselhoff.

It looks so, but I still think Hogan had a footwear disadvantage

yeah hasselhoff was wearing cowboy boots in that photo with hogan so he had about a 0.5" footwear advantage over hogan, taken same night Click Here
JT said on 26/Feb/09
Danimal says on 25/Feb/09
OLAAAAAAAA, I'm calling you out. Here is PROOF that Jesse Ventura was taller than 6'2". Here he is next to 6'2" Sting: Click Here

Ventura looks like he has cowboy boots on, so the comparison is not fair. IMO, though, Sting is 6'2" with a peak Ventura at least his height.
tuga said on 26/Feb/09
Ola says on 25/Feb/09
Danimal please not here to! ;) sting was in the 6'1 range.

Ola, I discussed this with you before and posted evidence of sting taller than 6'1 1/2 warrior:
Click Here
Click Here
Sting at 6'2 seens more than fair.

6'3 1/2 for Hogan??? I could agree If it was his current height altough I still believe he
Red said on 25/Feb/09
miko, your heights are not bad man.
but I think Roddy Piper was over 6
Danimal said on 25/Feb/09
OLAAAAAAAA, I'm calling you out. Here is PROOF that Jesse Ventura was taller than 6'2". Here he is next to 6'2" Sting: Click Here
Danimal said on 25/Feb/09
Yes Hugh, Hogan was really only 6'3.5" tall in his prime. The fact that he was 5-6" taller than 6'1" Richard Beltzer, 2" shorter than 6'7"-6'8" Ben Davidson, 2" taller than 6'4" King Kong Bundy, 2" taller than 6'4" Jesse Ventura, 1" taller than 6'5" Hilbily Jim and taller than 6'5" Jake The Snake Roberts, as well as having had about 4-5" on a PEAK Vince McMahon should NOT be looked at. It's all one big trick HUGH...ANYWAYS.......................................

If anyone wants to see his TRUE height loss, go onto Hilbilly Jim's website and look at his 2 pics with him and Hilbilly Jim from 1985 and 1989 where he was taller than Hilbilly and then look at the one from 2005 where Hogan is 2" SHORTER than Hilbilly. It's RIGHT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
miko said on 25/Feb/09
This is what I think the peak/currents heights are of a few wrestlers (some still the same height)

Khali: Today (7"1)

Big Show: Peak (7"0.5) - Today (6"11.75)

Kevin Nash: Peak (6"10) - Today (6"9.25)

Physco Sid: Today (6"7)

Undertaker: Peak (6"7.5) - Today (6"7)

Hulk Hogan: Peak (6"5.5) - Today (6"3.5)

Hillbilly Jim: Peak (6"5) - Today (6"4.5)

Vince McMahon: Peak (6"1) - Today (6"0)

Roddy Piper: Peak (6"0.5) - Today (5"10.5)

Ric Flair: Peak (5"11.75) - Today (5"10.75)
Hugh said on 25/Feb/09
(Click Here) and look at 5:44. Here is really clear a 7-8 inches difference. Both of them are touching the ground with their feet and Hogan is really straight while big show is still sloching over him (look at his legs please) and there are about 6 in difference (remember the size of big show head!).
Big Show said on 25/Feb/09
daniel_Sweden says on 24/Feb/09
Please check this out.I Belive Paul Wight (WCW Giant/Big Show) is around 7 feet tall ( 212cm) but he was promoted and build as a 7'4 and 540 pounder:)
please look at the clip at youtube when Hulk Hogan fights the Giant at Superbrawl. when paul Wight gives Hogan a standing bear hug he just looks at most 3 inches taller and that gives Hogan a legit 6'6 if paul Wight is a real 7 footer.. search for superbrawl VI hulk hogan vs Giant Part 2 ( the time is 4:50...i think Hogan was at least 6'5 at his peak and maybe 6'55

7 foot minus 3 inches would be 6'9, not 6'6.
daniel_Sweden said on 24/Feb/09
Please check this out.I Belive Paul Wight (WCW Giant/Big Show) is around 7 feet tall ( 212cm) but he was promoted and build as a 7'4 and 540 pounder:)
please look at the clip at youtube when Hulk Hogan fights the Giant at Superbrawl. when paul Wight gives Hogan a standing bear hug he just looks at most 3 inches taller and that gives Hogan a legit 6'6 if paul Wight is a real 7 footer.. search for superbrawl VI hulk hogan vs Giant Part 2 ( the time is 4:50...i think Hogan was at least 6'5 at his peak and maybe 6'55
Danimal said on 24/Feb/09
Hugh says on 24/Feb/09
I think hogan was always been 6'3.5 (Click Here)...

Probably the most ignorant and foolish thing anyone on here has ever written, seeing it's been confirmed that he was taller than several LEGIT 6'5" men in the 80's. You're basing ALWAYS on that ONE pic from the NWO in the mid-late 90's as PROOF he was ALWAYS 6'3.5". PRETTY intelligent of you ;).
Danimal said on 24/Feb/09
Red says on 24/Feb/09
Danimal says on 23/Feb/09
Hogan was SHORTER than David Hasselhoff.

It looks so, but I still think Hogan had a footwear disadvantage

Hugh said on 24/Feb/09
I think hogan was always been 6'3.5 (Click Here)...
Red said on 24/Feb/09
Danimal says on 23/Feb/09
Hogan was SHORTER than David Hasselhoff.

It looks so, but I still think Hogan had a footwear disadvantage
Red said on 24/Feb/09
Ola he was slouching down to me with arelaxed leg and hip-posture, when he was standing straight he was close to an inch taller than the wall behind us.
Vegas said on 23/Feb/09
stop being childish Danimal, people differ with your opinion, learn to live with it :) i happen to agree with ghost on this one
Danimal said on 23/Feb/09
And Vegas, if you don't see Hogan being taller than Jake the Snake in the video I posted, you truly are the most biased person on here (more so than Ola).
Danimal said on 23/Feb/09
Hogan was SHORTER than David Hasselhoff.
Danimal said on 23/Feb/09
Hogan BARELY shorter than Tiny Lister in platform boots in 1989 (PRE Hogan height loss). Tiny Lister has had both 6'5" and 6'6" barefoot listings. Anyways, here's the video: Click Here
Red said on 23/Feb/09
Click Here
Greg looks 5
Big King said on 23/Feb/09
Hogan has almost an inch on the rock who stated his height as 6'4". So Hogan could be 6'4 1/2" nowadays.
Red said on 23/Feb/09
Here is my pic with Jake the Snake from 1993, both in comparable trainers
Click Here

Rob If you ever want to make a Jake Roberts page, you can use my pic!

I was 5
Ghost said on 23/Feb/09
Danimal says on 22/Feb/09
I could live with 6'5.5" as a minimum for Hogan at his peak, but I will not rule out a full 6'6". Goes to show just how much height the man has lost over the years, seeing he looks to be MAX 6'3"-6'3.5" today.

Hogan can still look 6'4 these days, he was beasicly the same height as Conan O'Brien and David Hasselhoff.

I think he has lost MAX 2 inches. Especially since he always had the same height advantage over Mean Gene.
Danimal said on 22/Feb/09
I could live with 6'5.5" as a minimum for Hogan at his peak, but I will not rule out a full 6'6". Goes to show just how much height the man has lost over the years, seeing he looks to be MAX 6'3"-6'3.5" today.
Anonymous said on 21/Feb/09
I love the Fralic pictures because they expose what I call the Big exazageration 80's in wrestling. Fralic was a legit 6'5 NFL guy and when he was able to stand by some of these guys it just exposed them. Hogan 6'8(6'5) HBJ 6'7(6'5)Studd 6'11(6'6)Sid 6'9(6'6+)Andre 7'5!(6'10+)Tiny Lister was 6'6 in NBA camps and he went to wrestling and they gave him 6'11, Ben Davidson was 6'7+ and he had a good 2+ inches on Hogan.
Vegas said on 21/Feb/09
i agree with ghost, roberts and hogan look the roughly same height there alrite, roberts shoulders are higher but hogans head is bigger, we have to take account that hogan has wrestling boots on too while roberts is in sneakers in that segment (that you can see at the end)
hs2009 said on 21/Feb/09
I think Hogan had about 0.5" on Jake Roberts. Probably 6'5" for Jake, which he still looks when he stands up straight. I was shocked how much taller he is than Scott Hall. I think Hogan was about 6'5.5" at his tallest.
Red said on 21/Feb/09
daniel_Sweden says on 20/Feb/09
Ghost said on 21/Feb/09
Danimal says on 20/Feb/09
This is what Hogan used to look like next to a LEGIT 6'5" Jake Robert (who was billed at 6'6" and 6'7" at times as well) in 1986: Click Here

Hogan was taller than a LEGIT 6'5" Jake Roberts.

Yes, but Roberts is hanging his head down and slouching all the way through.

Hogan may be taller than Roberts, but certainly not a full inch.
Danimal said on 20/Feb/09
This is what Hogan used to look like next to a LEGIT 6'5" Jake Robert (who was billed at 6'6" and 6'7" at times as well) in 1986: Click Here

Hogan was taller than a LEGIT 6'5" Jake Roberts.
daniel_Sweden said on 20/Feb/09
Hogan was back in the 80's at his prime 6'5 less than his prime before all his surgeries and before he shrunk he was no less than legit 6'5 (197cm) and 300 poundS (136kg) if you compare Hogans fights back in the WWF days (1985-1990) with the undertaker or Sid Justice he looks no more than two or one and a half inches shorter than them.this is my true list of wrestling stars real heights.. Hulk Hogan 6'5, the Undertaker 6'7, Sid Justice(Vicious) 6'7, Hillbilly jim 6'55.Andre the Giant back in the 70's or early 80's at his prime 7'0. Diamond Dallas Page was 6'5 and Hogan looks taller than him back in the nWo days..the Colour is red and yellow:)
Anonymous said on 20/Feb/09
Hogan was for sure at least 6'5 before his surgerys back in the 80's...6'5 (197cm)..hogan 6'5, undertaker 6'7, Sid justice(Vicious) 6'7, Andre the Giant prime 7'0..end of discussion..
Red said on 20/Feb/09
Da Man says on 20/Feb/09 And what you have provided hardly proves your claim.

You see that
Red said on 20/Feb/09
Da Man says on 19/Feb/09

as I said, I have evidence for being right and you not. As long as you
Da Man said on 19/Feb/09
Red says
"Why? - Because you lost your "great" ability to judge height from a pic?

As far, I
Red said on 18/Feb/09
Jake, If she would be less than 5
Red said on 18/Feb/09
Jake, she was measured with nearly the same headposition at 5
Jake said on 17/Feb/09
Lol that height comparison picture I saw is a bit odd. The girl is less than 5'7" as her head is tilted up, so a 5'7" to 6'0" comparison is deceptive. Nice camera trick though.
JD said on 17/Feb/09
hall peak was probably somewhere between 6-5 and 6-6, likely 6-5.5. with bad posture in nwo days, was still taller than hogan, if only by an inch or so. Nwo days hogan was looking 6-4 to 6-4.5 max
Red said on 16/Feb/09
JD says on 16/Feb/09
Halls no less than 6-5

I think Hall was a max 6
Red said on 16/Feb/09
Da Man says on 11/Feb/09
I would put my ability to judge camera angles and perspectives up against yours any day.

Da Man says on 15/Feb/09
This tells me nothing...

Why? - Because you lost your "great" ability to judge height from a pic?

As far, I
JD said on 16/Feb/09
him and scott hall always looked real close in the NWO days (96 all the way to 2001) Halls no less than 6-5, so id still probably lean to a 6-4 hogan today. 6-6 maybe even a tad over peak
Da Man said on 15/Feb/09
Red says
Click Here
I measured me and my wife just before that pic, my height 184,1cm/ 6
Clay said on 15/Feb/09
I see 6'4 next to Cena. And they gave him 6'8 because he was an inch at most away from that in his boots.
Red said on 14/Feb/09
Da Man says on 13/Feb/09
Red, I am so confident in your inability to accurately measure your own head-size, I will eat my shoe if your head is a legit 10.4".


Click Here

I measured me and my wife just before that pic, my height 184,1cm/ 6
Red said on 14/Feb/09
Nice pic miko, the biggest and the next big WWE cartoon character together
Red said on 14/Feb/09
Da Man says on 13/Feb/09
... I am so confident in your inability to accurately measure your own head-size, I will eat my shoe if your head is a legit 10.4".

As I said before, if you whould be selfconfident you wouldn
miko said on 14/Feb/09
Hogan and 6"0.5 Cena - Click Here

Looks 6"3 or so here.
Anonymous said on 14/Feb/09
Hogan was no less than 6'5 peak but no more than 6'5.75. He was tall but at 6'5.75 he would be 6'8.25 in his boots and ducking through doorways and he just was not any taller than that. It's amazing they gave him 6'8 because he would be 6'10.5 in boots then and no way was he almost a 7 footer. He was 2+ inches shorter than an old 6'7-6'8 Ben Davidson! and 5+ inches shorter than a old 6'10ish Andre the giant. Legit 6'5.25-75 310 peak.
Danimal said on 13/Feb/09
Anonymous says on 12/Feb/09
Hogan 6'5.75 310-315 peak 6'3.75 270 now. I think he was a natural 285 guy peak but he took all his vitamins and got about 315. Just like his younger twin Tony Manderich.

I think he was at least 6'5.5"-6'6" at his peak and weighed 305-330 pounds on the juice and at a taller height. Today, he is 6'3"-6'3.5" and probably weighs 260-265 pounds on the juice. When OFF the juice the man is 230 pounds (early-mid 1990's).
Da Man said on 13/Feb/09
Red says,
"just another fault from you. the lines in the pic show the true height but my mouth was slightly open, rest is headposition, if I took my chin down my head is 11", if I look straight forward my head is 10.3-10.4 inches."

Red, I am so confident in your inability to accurately measure your own head-size, I will eat my shoe if your head is a legit 10.4".
Clay said on 13/Feb/09
I was in grade 6 when it was shocking that he died the way he died, and really sad. :) RIP.
Vegas said on 13/Feb/09
yeah she i would say around 5'6-5'7 but the heels could have been fooling me and i couldn't get a good view of how big they were, james no clue, never met her, wwe list her at 5'4 but she nearly always wears wedged footwear to give her extra height, in normal enough footwear like ugg boots she looks tiny
sidewalk said on 13/Feb/09
Vegas, How tall would you say Victoria was? 5'6 -7? I wonder how tall Mickie James is? I think wwe says she is 5'3 but she looks 5'- 5'1.
Anonymous said on 12/Feb/09
Hogan 6'5.75 310-315 peak 6'3.75 270 now. I think he was a natural 285 guy peak but he took all his vitamins and got about 315. Just like his younger twin Tony Manderich.
Richard said on 12/Feb/09
here's on with Hulk and the tall guy behind him is Joe Bevilacqua (a.k.a. Broadway Joe)They're probably the same height if Hulk raised his head and stood up straight. Click Here
Richard said on 12/Feb/09
Hulk doesn't look very tall here: Click Here

this one is more favorable for him:Click Here
the girl's name is Maria Menounos
Doug said on 12/Feb/09
Mmmm Hogan was barefoot on Hogan Knows Best and he looked nowhere near 6'5" in all honesty. He was nowhere near the height of the door. He honestly looked about 6'2"-6'3" max. I know he has lost inches because of his operations and trouble from lifting weights all those years and hard training and wrestling but he didn't even look 6'4" it has to be said.
sidewalk said on 12/Feb/09
Wow, Victoria looks way shorter than I thought. She looks 5'5 but if she's the same as Jesse with heels I guess that makes her 5'6.5 - 5'7? Now I wonder how tall the other divas are like Mickie James. I think wwe says she's 5'3 but I always thought she looked 5'-5'1. What do think Vegas?
Red said on 12/Feb/09
Da Man says on 11/Feb/09
... doesn't understand how camera perspective can distort the inches on a ruler.

just another fault from you. the lines in the pic show the true height but my mouth was slightly open, rest is headposition, if I took my chin down my head is 11", if I look straight forward my head is 10.3-10.4 inches.

but I you would understand that with ease, you wouldn
Alex said on 11/Feb/09
James, yea just about 10 years. I was in 9th grade when that happened. It really doesn't feel 10 years ago. More like 5-7 years ago. Time flies.
sidewalk said on 11/Feb/09
Vegas put up the photo of Festus,Jesse and Victoria. Victoria was one of my favorite women wrestlers.
Hogan still confuses me. I would say he's 6'5 peak but he's taller then Hillbilly Jim in old pics and I think Jim is 6'5. Hogan 6'5.5 peak 6'3.5-6'4 now.
Da Man said on 11/Feb/09
Red says,
"Red says on 10/Feb/09
Da Man it
Red said on 11/Feb/09
RIP Owen

Rob, pleeeeeeeaaaase add a page for him
iClarke-93 said on 10/Feb/09
Festus 6'6
Jesse 5'9?
Vegas said on 10/Feb/09
i met festus twice in person, last time in november at a fast food joint in the uk, seemed a solid 6'5 in person in sneakers, he totally dwarfed his tag partner jesse who isn't his 5'10 billing btw and victoria who isn't her 5'8-5'9 billing, i got a photo with them and it was about 1am at night
Big Show said on 10/Feb/09
mike says on 9/Feb/09
festus 6'6",taker 6'7".imo maybe 6'7.5" tops.

From what I remember there was a lot more than just 1-1.5 inch between these two in their match-up. It was Festus' match with Undertaker that I realised that Festus wasn't as tall as I imagined he would be. His tag-team partner is just really short, which makes Festus look like a giant.
mike said on 9/Feb/09
festus 6'6",taker 6'7".imo maybe 6'7.5" tops.
MikeD said on 8/Feb/09
how can HHH be closer to the cam if he is behind vince??
Clay said on 8/Feb/09
HHH looks .5 to 1 inch taller than Shane in both pics. Vince shocklingly looking only 6 feet.
Red said on 8/Feb/09
HHH is closer to the cam and the cam is not level with their heads. HHH looks about the same height as shane in the second pic, maybe a hair taller.
Da Man said on 8/Feb/09
Red says
"NOT with experience about camera angles, look at 00:38 and imagine the cam would go leel with the top of their heads."

Instead of imagining the camera panning to the top of their heads, the objective here should be imagining the camera panning out to a full body shot including standing area. Impossible to do. We don't even know if the ground was level, much less stance, etc. What I also found interesting is that Grisham looked taller than Foley, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

I have a hard time seeing Snoop taller than Festus when he was only around 2" taller than Todd Grisham in that clip. Randy Orton usually looks close to 4" taller than Todd Grisham, does that mean Orton is 2" taller than Snoop and 2+" taller than Festus? Nope. Did Grisham forget to take off his shoes during the Snoop/Festus clip? Maybe, but we don't know.

What this all adds up to is that barring additional evidence, it is impossible to tell much if anything from that video.
MikeD said on 8/Feb/09
there is nothing wrong with the angles here Click Here or here Click Here

batista and hhh were in dress shoes center of ring 2005 and batista was barely half an inch taller, in fact both men were the same height for most of the video, its on youtube
Red said on 7/Feb/09
Da Man says on 6/Feb/09
Ben says on 5/Feb/09
"there is about an inch in this staredown Click Here"

Because of 2 reasons, Kane's posture and Festus insanely large wig.

Red says
"Snoop is slightly taller than Festus in that vid, the cam angle favours Festus."

It's impossible to tell anything from that video.

NOT with experience about camera angles, look at 00:38 and imagine the cam would go leel with the top of their heads.
Red said on 7/Feb/09
Sorry Clay, but it was slightly misleading for the fast reader;)

but the shot
Alex said on 7/Feb/09
I dont think Hogan is as low as 6'2 today. He still looks 6'3.
Anonymous said on 7/Feb/09
Hogan was a weak 6'6 peak, and a weak 6'4 now. 6'5.5-6'5.75 310-315 peak, 6'3.5-6'3.75 275-280 now. I think he dipped under 270 when the big trial was going on.
KingNick said on 6/Feb/09
Both Kane and Festus had large footwear when Festus was the fake Kane. So in other words: whatever their height difference was in their wrestling gear at the time I think is the same when they're barefoot.

Festus, my guess, is 6'4" - 6'5"
Clay said on 6/Feb/09
Revealing shots of HHH looking tall:

-2, 2.5 inches over both Shane and Vince Mcmahon on the red carpet
-Level with Vlad Kozlov
-Registering taller next to Khali than the likes of Batista do.

Red, did you even read what I said there? Im still with 6'2 for HHH, but under is just laughable.
Da Man said on 6/Feb/09
Ben says on 5/Feb/09
"there is about an inch in this staredown Click Here"

Because of 2 reasons, Kane's posture and Festus insanely large wig.

Red says
"Snoop is slightly taller than Festus in that vid, the cam angle favours Festus."

It's impossible to tell anything from that video.
miko said on 6/Feb/09
Big Show + Hogan face to face 2007.

Hogan holds his own here. Certainly doesn't look 6"3. If Big Show is still 7"0 he's a solid 6"4 there with good posture. I still believe he's 6"4 if he stands up tall.

Click Here
Red said on 6/Feb/09
Snoop is slightly taller than Festus in that vid, the cam angle favours Festus.
Festus was about the same height as Hill Billy Jim, so a weak 6
Red said on 6/Feb/09
Clay Who is EVERYONE?

HHH at 6
Ghost said on 6/Feb/09
Festus is probably just under 6'6.
Ben said on 5/Feb/09
if HHH is not even 6ft 2 then goldberg is barely over 6ft 1, hhh is a solid 6ft 2 Click Here

festus is clearly taller than snoop there, i see 2 inches

there is about an inch in this staredown Click Here

todd grisham is a legit 6ft 1
Clay said on 5/Feb/09
How is Triple H under 6'2 when he measures up next to basically EVERYONE like a 6'3-6'4 guy would. Not saying HHH is 6'3, but under 6'2 is absurd. Viper is gone, we dont need you riding his coat tails Danimal.
Da Man said on 5/Feb/09
Oddly enough, Snoop only looks around 2" taller than Todd Grisham. Hard to tell anything between Snoop and Festus though, the angle is just too bad.

I would imagine Festus as around 2" on Snoop.
Big Show said on 5/Feb/09
Ben says on 3/Feb/09
"festus was listed at 6ft 6 in football and he was taller than snoop dog, he was also barely shorter than real kane when playing fake kane"

Click Here
Festus doesn't look taller to me. He's closer to the camera, which makes it appear he's taller. However when Festus first appears in the clip you can see that Snoop Dog's shoulder level is much higher than Festus'. Not that means he's taller, but I think he is.
Da Man said on 4/Feb/09
Ben says on 3/Feb/09
"festus was listed at 6ft 6 in football and he was taller than snoop dog, he was also barely shorter than real kane when playing fake kane"

No, Festus was quite a bit shorter than Kane actually.
Click Here
Click Here
Danimal said on 4/Feb/09
dicksock says on 3/Feb/09
Also those pics of HHH and Koslov are VERY misleading. Type this in to watch the actual interiew on youtube: Vladimir Kozlov vs Triple H en Survivor Series 2008

Koslov looks straight down at the 6'3 Triple H. Anyone who can watch this video and thinks their the same height is foolish.

6'3" HHH????? WHAT???? He's not even 6'2".
Doug said on 4/Feb/09
Have to admit I am very conufused how a father at peak 6'5.5" has a son who is only around 5'10". If his mother is quite a tall woman too, you expect him to tower above six feet. Wonder what happened there, has to be said can anybody say that Nick even remotely resembles his father?? He looks absolutely nothing like him!!! Most sons are bigger than their fathers or a similar height this one is 6 inches shorter!!
Doug said on 4/Feb/09
And there was me puzzled at how he could be 6'5". I thought hang on he just doesn't look it!!! I was watching Hogan KNows Best earlier and the guy just does not look THAT tall!! He could buy 6'4" maximum, difficult to judge because he is so huge, guys that broad tend to look shorter. I think you have him spot on here barefoot, 6'4.5" in shoes maybe. Must admit though looks a good 6'5" in the pic above perhaps he was that tall peak I don't know, never 6'7" c'mon thats silly.
Ben said on 4/Feb/09
there is nothing wrong with koslovs shoes, his heels are smaller than hurricane helms, plenty of good photos there, if someone claims a wrestler wears big shoes it spreads like wildfire even if it is not true Click Here
Big Show said on 4/Feb/09
dicksock says on 3/Feb/09
You've got to be kidding me. Koslov was AT LEAST 2-3" taller than Triple H in a staredown I saw on Smackdown. Anything under 6'5 for Koslov is just upsurd...6'1 is beyond upsurd, it's just a joke.

Well whatever Smackdown episode you saw, it certainly wasn't anywere near 2-3 inches between those two in the video you mentioned.

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

The only time Kozlov had 2 inches on HHH in that staredown was when HHH was bending his head to his left. When HHH assumed a decent posture those 2 inches somehow disappear.
And how are those pics I've posted misleading. They're staredowns in the middle of the ring, nose to nose, eye to eye (including close-up pics). No camera advantage for either man. The only thing that can be argued about is how much height Kozlov is losing with his wider stance.

Guys like Edge, The Rock, Randy Orton had more height on Triple H than Kozlov does. He looks to be the same height as Batista.
Red said on 4/Feb/09
HHH isn
dicksock said on 3/Feb/09
Also those pics of HHH and Koslov are VERY misleading. Type this in to watch the actual interiew on youtube: Vladimir Kozlov vs Triple H en Survivor Series 2008

Koslov looks straight down at the 6'3 Triple H. Anyone who can watch this video and thinks their the same height is foolish.
dicksock said on 3/Feb/09
Big Show says on 3/Feb/09
Ghost says on 2/Feb/09
Billing a 6'1 guy 6'8 would be too crazy even for WWE.
Kozlov is a strange one. I wouldn't go under 6'3 for him though.

I agree that it's beyond ridiculous to bill a 6'1 guy as 6'8. It's not like no one is going to notice this.
Kozlov looks the same height as Triple H in the several staredowns I've seen of them, but as hs2009 he does have a wider stance (although not that much).
I'm not sure how tall Festus is, but IIRC he was shorter than Snoop Dogg at last year's Wrestlemania.

You've got to be kidding me. Koslov was AT LEAST 2-3" taller than Triple H in a staredown I saw on Smackdown. Anything under 6'5 for Koslov is just upsurd...6'1 is beyond upsurd, it's just a joke.
Danimal said on 3/Feb/09
Ben says on 3/Feb/09
koslov at 6ft 1 is laughable, look at his staredown with khali on friday night, if he is 6ft 1 then khali is 6ft 10 max

Look at Koslov's shoes!!!!! they are HUGE.
Ben said on 3/Feb/09
koslov at 6ft 1 is laughable, look at his staredown with khali on friday night, if he is 6ft 1 then khali is 6ft 10 max
Ben said on 3/Feb/09
festus was listed at 6ft 6 in football and he was taller than snoop dog, he was also barely shorter than real kane when playing fake kane
Big Show said on 3/Feb/09
Ghost says on 2/Feb/09
Billing a 6'1 guy 6'8 would be too crazy even for WWE.
Kozlov is a strange one. I wouldn't go under 6'3 for him though.

I agree that it's beyond ridiculous to bill a 6'1 guy as 6'8. It's not like no one is going to notice this.
Kozlov looks the same height as Triple H in the several staredowns I've seen of them, but as hs2009 he does have a wider stance (although not that much).
I'm not sure how tall Festus is, but IIRC he was shorter than Snoop Dogg at last year's Wrestlemania.
Kiat said on 3/Feb/09
Who is taller today - Hulk Hogan or Randy Orton? Seems that they are very close in height from the match between them some time ago.
hs2009 said on 3/Feb/09
Kozlov has a very wide stance & pretty bad posture in those pictures with Triple H. Don't forget he was about the same height as Festus, who's not under 6'4".
Click Here
The Ben said on 2/Feb/09
you honestly believe hhh is 6'2 max? just curious have you met any wrestlers or ufc fighters?
if so what where your opinions on their heights?
Ghost said on 2/Feb/09
Danimal says on 1/Feb/09
WOW, I'm starting to think that Kozlov is really closer to 6'1" based on those comparisons between him and MAX 6'2" HHH. It's obvious that HHH edges Kozlov out AND Kozlov's boots are DEFINITELY much chunkier than HHH's.

Billing a 6'1 guy 6'8 would be too crazy even for WWE.

Kozlov is a strange one. I wouldn't go under 6'3 for him though.
Danimal said on 2/Feb/09
Tony says on 2/Feb/09
Hogan is only 1/2 inch taller than "The Rock" Duwayne Johnson. I met them both in person and Duwayne is a legit 6 ft 3 in. FACT.

Unless you measured him, it is NOT a FACT. It is YOUR OPINION.
Tony said on 2/Feb/09
Hogan is only 1/2 inch taller than "The Rock" Duwayne Johnson. I met them both in person and Duwayne is a legit 6 ft 3 in. FACT.
Danimal said on 1/Feb/09
WOW, I'm starting to think that Kozlov is really closer to 6'1" based on those comparisons between him and MAX 6'2" HHH. It's obvious that HHH edges Kozlov out AND Kozlov's boots are DEFINITELY much chunkier than HHH's.
Big Show said on 1/Feb/09
Ghost says on 31/Jan/09
Kozlov must be around 6'4, he looks easily taller next to Khali than HHH and Batista did.
Somehow they made HHH look almost as tall as Kozlov, but I think there is about 2 inches between them.

Yeah he may look taller next to Khali than HHH does, but he sure didn't look that much taller than HHH when he had a direct face-off with him.
I don't think they tried to make HHH taller there. I know it's the WWE we're talking about, who did some weird things in the past. But if they truly tried to make HHH taller than he really was, I suggest that instead of releasing wrestlers the WWE should do better in releasing it's entire creative team for making such a blooper.
HHH is a well established wrestler who doesn't need to try and win the support of the audience anymore. Kozlov on the other hand is new in the WWE and really isn't over with the crowd (yet). He's character is basically an indestructable bully and his size is an important asset to that character (the reason why he's billed at 6'8 and over 300 lbs). By making HHH taller it adds nothing to his character, yet could completely destroy Kozlov's character as he needs to look intimidating.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

In my personal opinion I would say it was Kozlov who had a footwear advantage in their staredowns. He does were some chunky boots:
Click Here
Click Here

Unless his feet are incredibly thick, I'd say he's a lift wearer. Just compare them to Big Show's boots:
Click Here

Big Show has huge soles, but the inside of the boot is normally shaped. I don't think Oleg's feet are thicker than those of Big Show.
Halb said on 1/Feb/09
Yes it was a typo Dan. I meant isn't, and that isn't the pic Vegas, that difference is quite a lot, I would guess Hogan has a footwear advantage. And yeh Ben, the new pic makes me think Hogan is 6'2...which can't be right, but he is leaning a bit more than Flair so he may straighten out to 6'3.
The Ben said on 1/Feb/09
Danimal says on 31/Jan/09
Halb says on 31/Jan/09
Anyone got latest issue of Powerslam? Pic of Hogan and Flair on back inside cover, the difference is very much

IS or ISN'T???

I have the issue, ive got a pic with me and flair (ive sent it to rob) and the difference is pretty much the same as hogan and flair in that pic, looks like 4 inches.
Its confused me because im 6'1 and if i were to go by that pic it would suggest hogan is 6'2 (which sounds ridiculous to me)
i met beefcake last year and he was 6'2 and hogans got height on him.
I think this site and all the pics and sightings only prove one thing... its very hard, nearly imposible to guage someones height without getting a tape measure out, getting their shoes off and measuring them yourself (even then there would be arguments about the tape measure being accurate)
Ghost said on 31/Jan/09
Kozlov must be around 6'4, he looks easily taller next to Khali than HHH and Batista did.

Somehow they made HHH look almost as tall as Kozlov, but I think there is about 2 inches between them.
KingNick said on 31/Jan/09

Austin had a serious neck injury in real life so the story line to give him an excuse to be out of wrestling for a year was the vehicular homicide. When he came back around a year later, the storyline continued with him looking for the driver with him promising not to press charges but just wanting to fight the guy. It turned out the driver was Rikishi, but Austin later found out that HHH I think hired Rikishi to do it. So he fueded with these two guys. Later on he and HHH became a tag team and even won the belts I think together. Something about Austin wanting someone as sadistic as HHH on his side. After this the WCW/ECW invasion storyline began and no one mentioned the vehicular homicide thing since like they were pretending it didn't happen.
Big Show said on 31/Jan/09
Vegas says on 30/Jan/09
Big Show says on 30/Jan/09
That would make MVP 5ft11-6ft. What does that make Mr. Kennedy as MVP had about 2 inches on him in a staredown on Smackdown a few weeks ago. Kennedy would therefore be 5ft9-5ft10
i would want to see that mvp/kennedy segment again but i don't remember 2 inches in it, barely one inch if memory serves me correct, its the one with kennedy in the vip lounge
MVP walked past me in april, didn't look more than 6ft but he did look much much heavier in person than on tv, very bulky guy

Click Here

Here it is. You might be right about that inch difference. From memory I thought it was more like a 2 inch difference. But after seeing this again it looks more like an inch difference. MVP indeed is a big guy, which becomes noticable when he removed his shirt.
Big Show said on 31/Jan/09
Red says on 30/Jan/09
Click Here Orton looks at least 6
Danimal said on 31/Jan/09
Halb says on 31/Jan/09
Anyone got latest issue of Powerslam? Pic of Hogan and Flair on back inside cover, the difference is very much

IS or ISN'T???
Vegas said on 31/Jan/09
this the photo halb Click Here
Halb said on 31/Jan/09
Anyone got latest issue of Powerslam? Pic of Hogan and Flair on back inside cover, the difference is very much.
Clay said on 30/Jan/09
No James, no...
Red said on 30/Jan/09
Click Here Orton looks at least 6
Vegas said on 30/Jan/09
Big Show says on 30/Jan/09
That would make MVP 5ft11-6ft. What does that make Mr. Kennedy as MVP had about 2 inches on him in a staredown on Smackdown a few weeks ago. Kennedy would therefore be 5ft9-5ft10

i would want to see that mvp/kennedy segment again but i don't remember 2 inches in it, barely one inch if memory serves me correct, its the one with kennedy in the vip lounge

MVP walked past me in april, didn't look more than 6ft but he did look much much heavier in person than on tv, very bulky guy
Vegas said on 30/Jan/09
austin had extensive neck surgery which kept him out for 10 months in late 1999, they used that rikishi car angle to cover up the fact that austin was hurting and hurting badly, they didn't want to make his character look weak so they had rikishi run over him with a car

that segment was pre-taped with a stuntman playing the part of austin i would assume
Danimal said on 30/Jan/09
James says on 30/Jan/09
To be fair John Cena in terms of height can hold his own against some of those big wrestlers in the WWE ring.

Do you guys remember when the Undertaker I think in 1999 was joke slammed through the ring by the Big Show and didn't come back untill like what 2001 with a new look?

Also I am just curious I was only 10 when this event occured in the WWE and at that age I believed it was real what happend, but back in 1999/2000 did Stone Cold Steve Austin really get injured when he was hit down by a car and was out of wrestling for a quite a while?

hahahaha. NO.
Big Show said on 30/Jan/09
Vegas says on 29/Jan/09
i met orton, seemed legit 6ft3.5-6ft 4 to me, he is billed at 6ft 4 but mvp is billed at 6ft 3 and orton towered him by 4-5 inches in a staredown.

That would make MVP 5ft11-6ft. What does that make Mr. Kennedy as MVP had about 2 inches on him in a staredown on Smackdown a few weeks ago. Kennedy would therefore be 5ft9-5ft10.

Orton looks his billed height and mostly makes other wrestlers look ridiculous with their exaggerated heights. It will be funny if Orton has a staredown with Kozlov (billed at 6ft8 but closer to 6ft2). Orton also had Vince by about 4 inches last week on RAW.
Vegas said on 29/Jan/09
James says on 29/Jan/09
6ft4 isn't really that tall in the WWE? Its more average for a wrestler right?

legit 6ft 4 barefoot is tall for wwe, looking at the roster only kane, taker, show, khali, jbl, mike knox, shad, dh smith, festus and Jack Swagger are at least 6ft4, thats 10 out of 65 male wrestlers on raw/smackdown/ecw. the average height of wwe stars these days is probably between 5'11 and 6'1
Vegas said on 29/Jan/09
James says on 28/Jan/09
Frank do you think Randy Orton is a true 6ft4? Becasue thats what he is billed in the WWE

i met orton, seemed legit 6ft3.5-6ft 4 to me, he is billed at 6ft 4 but mvp is billed at 6ft 3 and orton towered him by 4-5 inches in a staredown
TELLEM said on 29/Jan/09
i think randy orton is a strong 6'4 and edge is a weak 6'4
Morg said on 29/Jan/09
Edge is definately 6'4 same with orton.
Frank said on 28/Jan/09
I never met him James but he possibly could be 6ft 4
Frank said on 27/Jan/09
They were not cowboy boots they were Sketcher like boots with a Big Heel
Danimal said on 27/Jan/09
ernie arfenfarker says on 26/Jan/09
If I recall correctly, Luger had cowboy boots on for this face-off!

Which makes it even more impressive for Hogan. So, as of 1995, the man was still at least 6'5".
Red said on 27/Jan/09
Tellem I think Hogan is slouching in that moment, look at 6:07 Hogan is 2-2.5" taller than Sting
ernie arfenfarker said on 26/Jan/09
If I recall correctly, Luger had cowboy boots on for this face-off!
Danimal said on 26/Jan/09
At the 12:50 mark and onwards, Hogan has 3" on 6'3" Lex Luger. This is obvious. This is a 1995 Hogan. This is before his MAJOR shrinkage which occurred between 2001-2005. Hogan looking MINIMUM 6'5" here, if not a full 6'6" next to a LEGIT 6'3" Lex Luger. Again, you need to forward it to 12:50: Click Here
TELLEM said on 26/Jan/09
check this vid out @ 6:00 mark...its from 1999 - hogan in regular street clothes next to 6'2 sting in wrestling boots...hogan looks barely an inch taller than wrestling boots give 2 inches? Click Here
Red said on 26/Jan/09
Hogan was NOT 2 inches shorter than Studd, it was around 1 inch!
Anonymous said on 25/Jan/09
I can see Hogan being as low as 6'4 peak. He was always shorter than Studd by at least 2 inches, they even billed that as such with their respective heights. Studd's height has recently been exposed as being much more 6'6 than anything else. Even if you buy a 6'6.75 Studd you might be looking at a 6'4.75 peak Hogan.
Anonymous said on 25/Jan/09
No way Hogan was anything less tha 6'5 at his peak back in the late 70's-early 80's. From about 1977-1989 he was one of the tallest wrestlers, only in the 90's when some tall timber started to come along did he drop out of the upper echelon of tall wrestlers. Only a handfull of guys were any taller than him when he was real young, Mainly Studd & Andre and Studd was put at 6'10-6'11 so no way was he under 6'5+ maybe as much as 6'5.5-6'5.75. Don't think he quite a legit barefoot 6'6 though.
Frank said on 25/Jan/09
Sid had Hogan more than 1.5 inches on Hogan More like 2
miko said on 24/Jan/09
Apart from when he faced Andre and Sid Justice, Hogan has never stood up tall, but when he did against them he looked very tall.

Andre 6"10 - 5" = Hogan 6"5 (Andre may have been taller)

Sid 6"7 - 1.5" = Hogan 6"5.5

Even in 2007 he stood tall when he faced Khali he was hardly dwarfed. He was about 8" shorter than 7"1 Khali which equals 6"5!!!

Its not out of the realms of possibility than a fully stretched out Hogan could be 6"4 or so today. We just never see it due to posture.

Stand up tall Hulk!!
KingNick said on 24/Jan/09
Vegas says on 23/Jan/09
6'3 american gladiator listed tao and hogan Click Here

reeds only resume says 6'3 too Click Here

I remember with American Gladiators even the conetestant's heights were exaggerated. Leila Ali was one of the hosts at 5'10" and a lot of the guy contestents who were billed 5'10" were shorter than her. She could have worn heels but I don't recall that. But I think everyone on the show was exaggerated at around 1".
JT said on 23/Jan/09
We can't see Jake's footwear in the pic with Hall (or their postures). He often wears cowboy boots. However, he looked a solid 6'4", if not a bit more, with Randy Orton. He's taller next to Mean Gene in that WM III clip than Hogan was, though Jake sometimes wore Kane-style footwear. IIRC, that former WWF official who used to post here (JimmyV) had Jake at around 6'4 or 6'4.5".
Ghost said on 23/Jan/09
Danimal says on 22/Jan/09
Ghost says on 22/Jan/09
Hogan doesn't really look that much taller than Roberts especially when you take into consideration Robert's loose posture.

Roberts was a legit 6'5" man. Do you know he used to get 6'6" and 6'7" billings in his Georgia days... I met Jake with my then 6'2" step dad in the summer of 1990. I got his signature. My step dad definitely had to look up to him. He was minimum 6'4" and quite possibly 6'5".

Sure, Jake could have easily been 6'5 and I don't think he's lost much.

Danimal says on 23/Jan/09
TELLEM says on 22/Jan/09
i'm thinkin roberts is still a good 6'4-6'5 even today...look at him with scott hall: Click Here

WOW, Hall was 6'4.5"-6'5" peak and here we have an aged Jake The Snake looking to have 2" on Hall in this pic. I don't think Hall is less than 6'3.5"-6'4" today, which means that Jake is at least 6'5" today. That's kind of amazing actually.

Let's not not get too carried over one picture with too guys with very loose postures. They could easily be the same height.

Let's not get carried away because of one pic with two guys having very loos postures. They could still be around the same height.
Vegas said on 23/Jan/09
6'3 american gladiator listed tao and hogan Click Here

reeds only resume says 6'3 too Click Here
Vegas said on 23/Jan/09
couple more roberts photos from august 2008, he looks 6'4-6'5 with sandman and al snow there, sandman looked 6'1.5-6'2 in person but his posture is awful Click Here
Danimal said on 23/Jan/09
TELLEM says on 22/Jan/09
i'm thinkin roberts is still a good 6'4-6'5 even today...look at him with scott hall: Click Here

WOW, Hall was 6'4.5"-6'5" peak and here we have an aged Jake The Snake looking to have 2" on Hall in this pic. I don't think Hall is less than 6'3.5"-6'4" today, which means that Jake is at least 6'5" today. That's kind of amazing actually.
TELLEM said on 22/Jan/09
i'm thinkin roberts is still a good 6'4-6'5 even today...look at him with scott hall: Click Here
Danimal said on 22/Jan/09
Ghost says on 22/Jan/09
Hogan doesn't really look that much taller than Roberts especially when you take into consideration Robert's loose posture.

Roberts was a legit 6'5" man. Do you know he used to get 6'6" and 6'7" billings in his Georgia days... I met Jake with my then 6'2" step dad in the summer of 1990. I got his signature. My step dad definitely had to look up to him. He was minimum 6'4" and quite possibly 6'5".
Big King said on 22/Jan/09
How tall is Hogan nowadays? Are there any exact height results for him?
Ghost said on 22/Jan/09
Hogan doesn't really look that much taller than Roberts especially when you take into consideration Robert's loose posture.
KingNick said on 22/Jan/09
Red says on 21/Jan/09
Nice Vid King Nick, Hogan looks close to 6
Red said on 21/Jan/09
Nice Vid King Nick, Hogan looks close to 6
Shock of Electric said on 21/Jan/09
Hogan to this day is still billed as high as 6'7" although a 6'5" wrestling bill for him would be reasonable. I'm sure they will forever avoid mentioning his height as he's shrunk at least 2" since he stopped doing roids, and all the surgeries.
KingNick said on 20/Jan/09
Actually scratch that I found it on Dailymotion. They're close, Hogan may actually have been a full inch taller, but it's hard to tell because Jake isn't standing up completely straight. Also can't see footwear. Look particularly at the 43 second mark.

Killer Kahn is in the video too. I had no idea how big he is. He's barefoot in the video and stacks up real well to both Jake and Hogan. Look at the 2min mark. He's got to be AT LEAST 6'5". Interestingly enough, I think he may have been billed 6'5".

Click Here

Killer Kahn's billed stats Click Here
KingNick said on 20/Jan/09
Does anyone have the Jake the Snake Roberts DVD? If so, on the extras Jake does an interview with Hogan on the Snake pit. They look ruffly the same height with Hogan maybe being tops .5" taller. I don't know how to load it on the comp but if anyone has it feel free to load it so we can all see.
Danimal said on 19/Jan/09
He claims 5'10", but even that is him upgrading his height from 5'9.5" which I heard was his REAL height for MANY years from sports broadcasters.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.