Roger said on 3/Jul/09
Yes, Doug, I made this point also - if Sly had a chance or has had one, to gain even half a centimeter, he would use it. Though, what must be added is that HGH only works if consumed during your natural growth phase.
But that he regularly receives stretches that might add at least half an inch is
imaginable. Still, taller than 5'9'' he is not. I gotta admit thought his megalift boots are badass. I mean, the thick sole plus the additional lift provided by the custom orthotics really can make Sly look like a strong 5'11'' guy, something Tom Cruise will never be able to achieve.
Frank2 said on 3/Jul/09
I saw Fielding work when he was toiling at Universal doing that ****ty TV series THE BIONIC WOMAN. Talk about a waste of talent. Fielding had written a very complex action cue that he needed to explain to the orchestra before the take. He did and they listened. Then they recorded it. One of the best action cues I ever heard. Later it was mixed in with loud sound effects drowning much of it out. That day Fielding even utilized the huge pipe organ Universal had on Stage 10, the scoring stage. It was custom built by Robert Morton of Van Nuys, California and installed in 1929. Sadly, in the 1990s it was sold and removed.
Lmeister said on 3/Jul/09
Frank2s estimates about the Beatles are accurate. MJ was listed 5ft8.5 in bios in the 80s. I think a lot of guys were upgraded by the publicists in the 90s same goes for Sly. I think Sly is around 5ft8.5 in shoes he would hit his claimed height of 5ft10.5.
the shredder said on 3/Jul/09
Rob , do you still think 5'9 is minimum ?
Hannah1 said on 3/Jul/09
My Aunt was on set when Stallone was shooting Over the Top... she would certainly agree that he was closer to 5'7"... he was stood on slightly raised platform to give him equal height to that of some of his competitors.
Frank2 said on 2/Jul/09
"Daniel says on 2/Jul/09
Thanks, Frank2. Very kind of you answering so soon. Have you met other classic rock musicians you remember?"
At one time I knew Eric Burdon of The Animals. But that's it for rock except I did meet Elvis when I worked at MGM. He and I were just about the same height. That is, when he wasn't wearing lifts.
Being more into film music, I tended to befriend film composers. I was good friends with David Raksin and at one time, Leonard Rosenman. I knew and worked with John Addison, Lalo Schifrin as well as several other composers working in the entertainment industry. Over the years I met many from the Golden Age including Hugo Friedhofer and Lionel Newman plus the transitional composers such as Elmer Bernstein and Jerry Goldsmith.
Frank2 said on 2/Jul/09
"Daniel says on 1/Jul/09
Interesting story, Frank. How old were you then?"
Thanks. I was roughly 19. I had reached my adult height by 18.
Daniel said on 2/Jul/09
Thanks, Frank2. Very kind of you answering so soon. Have you met other classic rock musicians you remember?
Frank2 said on 2/Jul/09
I's say Ringo was 5'6" to 5'7". George was about 5'9". John was 5'9" to 5'10" and Paul who seemed to be the tallest was a solid 5'10". None were as tall as me which surprised me. Ringo was a scream. I spent the most time talking with him since he was very entertaining and extremely funny. John was a cold fish. Paul seemed nice, but a bit shy and George seemed like a nice person. But it's Ringo I remember the most that night.
Daniel said on 2/Jul/09
adam, Frank2 was right about Michael Jackson. The fact that he's dead now doesn't make him a saint. We don't know if he was a good man or not. If you don't remember, the guy was in trial for child abuse, even though we are not sure if he was guilty or not.
Frank2, how tall do you estimate the Beatles were back in the day when you met them?
Doug said on 2/Jul/09
Interesting Frank. Strange thing is I read in a newspaper that Stallone was 5'7" and I believed that for over ten years. I'm sure you'll agree though that he seems to have "grown" and rather than getting shorter with age has seemingly grown noticeably taller. Given that Sly is very height concious and is as rich and vain as hell I definately think he would have considered surgery and also lets not forget he has been taking growth hormones for how many years? HGH is primarily responsible for height gain. I said a while back that I thought his natural height in his 20s was 5'7". See how he looks in 1975 etc he looks short. I think he was naturally 5'7" but grew several inches by whatever method +the lifts. Today he looks 5'8.5" or 5'9" legit. In regular lifts today he appears 5'11" so I think 5'7" is too low today anywhere. I am pretty certain that if Sly could have done anything possible to improve his height/physique he would have paid for it.
adam said on 2/Jul/09
Frank2 says on 1/Jul/09
"Frank2 what is the highest you think possible for Stallone, 5'8.5"?"
At most I'd give him 5'8". But seeing how in later years he's grown so much, it wouldn't surprise me if he went to the trouble as well as the pain of having his legs surgically lengthened. In fact, one guy I know who once worked for Sly swears that's the case, that he had as much as three inches added. Those operations are risky. I once spoke to an orthopedic surgeon I was going to over my bad lower disc and he told me the odds at success with such operations are about 50/50. This is why they're mostly done outside the US. The only exception in the US is with children who were born with deformed legs. Never underestimate the lengths these nitwit celebs will go as far as cosmetic surgery. Just look at pathetic Michael Jackson.
Come on, Frank. That was a low thing to say. The man has passed away. Michael Jackson was a good man.
Dural said on 1/Jul/09
Rising, I don't remember the pics you are referring to and
I don't have experiece with custom boots, but regardless if they have a platform or not I would be surprised if Stallone couldn't get 2extra inches out of them.
That's true Leonari, he walks like a penguin in his boots.
Antonio said on 1/Jul/09
I believe Frank2 has met all of those he claims he has, especially if he is in or around the business. My father was not in the business but knew many who were from mutual friends. I have worked in the business (news & showbiz), and have lived in SoCal for nearly my entire life. I have met my fair share of celebs through the biz, through my dad and even just bumping into them on the street. I would say half of them impressed me and half disappointed me. just about the same odds as everyone else I've ever met. That said, Frank may simply not have good judgment about height. That, however, would not be his fault. I believe he is telling us like he see's it, but not necessarily the way it is or the way we might see it.
As far as Sly goes, I am going to take the word of my 2 friends, (over Frank2) that I have know for more than 30yrs. They were both very perceptive & practical. Both told me Sly was very close to my height (5-8.6) to be exact. That was back in the early 80s. I would assume that time has taken it's toll on Sylvester too. He is most likely 5-8 now, at age 62.
Brad said on 1/Jul/09
Beatles were up at 356 St. Pierre in Bel Air in '64, 2850 Benedict Canyon in '65 & 1655 Carson Road in '66.
Daniel said on 1/Jul/09
Interesting story, Frank. How old were you then?
Mike said on 1/Jul/09
Sly since the early 2000's has seemed to grow, but the pics with his wife from 2000-current he can be seen shorter then the 90's Sly used to be even to 2-3 inches shorter then 5'11/6 Willis now hes always taller then him by an inch and he used to be 3-4.5 inches shorter then Arnold, now hes almost even to rare occasion 3 inches shorter, I dont know if its bigger lifts or surgery or what
Mike said on 1/Jul/09
Sly does get barefoot in some movies but only a few, the only people he goes side by side is Kurt Russell and Sharon Stone, but thats about it, I still cant believe we got one person saying Sly is 5'10/5'10.5 and another saying barely 5'8 max crazyy
Frank2 said on 1/Jul/09
"Brad says on 1/Jul/09
Hey Frank, where did you meet The Beatles? Mr. Livingston's reception in Brentwood? I should hope Caine towered over him."
Somewhere on this forum I posted a lengthy story how with a former girlfriend, we spent an evening driving around looking for where they were staying. At one point we drove up to the guard shack at Harold Lloyd's 'Green Acres" estate on Benedict Canyon. That was the only time I ever had a gun shoved into my face. The guard was a twit. Just before I was ready to give up, we went to the last address she had gotten from someone and walla! There were all the Beatles walking to their limo parked in front of a house. This was up in Bel-Air. We got out, walked up and spoke with all of them. I was never a fan of the Beatles having been raised on classical music so for me it was no big deal. For my girlfriend, you'd have thought she had died and gone to heaven!
Frank2 said on 1/Jul/09
"Frank2 what is the highest you think possible for Stallone, 5'8.5"?"
At most I'd give him 5'8". But seeing how in later years he's grown so much, it wouldn't surprise me if he went to the trouble as well as the pain of having his legs surgically lengthened. In fact, one guy I know who once worked for Sly swears that's the case, that he had as much as three inches added. Those operations are risky. I once spoke to an orthopedic surgeon I was going to over my bad lower disc and he told me the odds at success with such operations are about 50/50. This is why they're mostly done outside the US. The only exception in the US is with children who were born with deformed legs. Never underestimate the lengths these nitwit celebs will go as far as cosmetic surgery. Just look at pathetic Michael Jackson.
Doug said on 1/Jul/09
I have done Steve and he has confirmed he is who he says he is. In that case if Frank saw Stallone in his socks for real and said he 5'7" - 5'8.5" at most I believe that is what he thought. I can quite believe 5'8.5" but 170cm for Stallone I can't see at all. If Stallone was really 5'7" barefoot it means many other people here need a serious downgrade. Sharon Stone down to 5'5", Kurt Russell down to 5'7", Glenn 5'4" etc. We know that Rob measured Glenn at around 5'7" so how it can be possible they are the same height is definately not right. Myabe Frank in his shoes was standing a good 6' and underestimated Sly based on his own thoughts that he was standing 5'11". UIt is possible to misjudge an inch if so, especially if Sly was slouching etc too. Frank2 what is the highest you think possible for Stallone, 5'8.5"?
Frank2 said on 1/Jul/09
Last night I watched CAPONE (1975) starring Ben Gazzara. Stallone plays Frank Nitti. In the movie, it's easy to see that Sly is at least two inches shorter than 5'10" Gazzara. In some angles he looks three inches shorter. I couldn't tell if Stallone was wearing lifts or not, but my guess is he wasn't. Harry Guardino was also in the film and in his prime he was about 5'10" and he was also taller than Sly by about two inches. I worked with Guardino on a film and I know his height. In fact, by 1975 he had lost a tad and was probably down to 5'9.5" and he was still taller than Stallone.
Brad said on 1/Jul/09
Hey Frank, where did you meet The Beatles? Mr. Livingston's reception in Brentwood? I should hope Caine towered over him.
RisingForce said on 1/Jul/09
Dural, there were no platforms on his cowboy boots in the pictures I'm referring to so I don't think 2 inch lifts plus the 2 inch heels. That would put his foot at an absurd angle. He'd surely need a platform for a 4 inch gain.
177cmmm said on 1/Jul/09
Stallone's shoes always make me laugh.
Mr T-Cakes said on 1/Jul/09
great pics of Stallone and Micheal Jackson, Rising Force.
adam said on 1/Jul/09
Michael Caine said that when he first met Sly, he towered over him.
Steve said on 1/Jul/09
Doug why don't you ask Rob if Frank is a fake. read the faq page mate
Gonzalo said on 1/Jul/09
Well said, Antonio.
adam said on 1/Jul/09
Gonzalo, Stallone is 5-8 max.
bam said on 30/Jun/09
antonio, that is exactly why I underestimate my friends. So I compensate for my posture advantage and end up overestimating my friends heights.
Doug said on 30/Jun/09
I sincerely doubt Frank is telling the truth, he refuses to post any picture he has yet he has met practically anybody notable in the entertainment industry. He has met anybody notable in Hollywood from Clint Eastwood and John Wayne to even John Lennon??? So he sticks around because he is height obsessed? It is easy for anybody to pretend they;ve met all of these people and stay with their persona for a prelonged period. The claim that you met the Beatles in 1964 and John Wayne and anybody else sorry I just find that fake. I don't believe a thing Frank has to say I find it very hard to believe he has met all of these people, it seems too good to be true. Why would a man who must be, what in his seventies by now? be on the Internet posting about heights every day and not down the bowling club or eating Werther's Originals. I'm kidding but I think this guy is a phony, when it seems too good to be true that somebody has met and spent a long time working with all of these celebs it is almost always not.. Stallone has been barefoot with Sharon Stone and Kurt Russell etc so either Sharon Stone is a 5'5"er and Kurt Ruseell also 5'7" then he is talking bull.
Doug said on 30/Jun/09
Frank met the Beatles? Sorry this guy is a fake.
Mr T-Cakes said on 30/Jun/09
was Stallone taller than DeNiro and Keitel in Copland?
Antonio said on 30/Jun/09
Something else, I'd like to add Frank2. When we see a celeb and try to judge his true height, we try to stand erect, in order to be as accurate as possible. Usually during this time though, the average celeb will be in a usual or relaxed posture. This may give us a slight advantage.
I'm not saying this was the case when you saw Sly in socks. It's just a thought.
Frank2 said on 30/Jun/09
Hard as they are to believe, they are 100% true. I worked next door to Stallone. This went on for at least two weeks. I saw him almost every day. He was considerably shorter than me when he didn't have the advantage of his special footwear. I saw it as did all those who were around me.
And with Lennon as well as the rest of the Beatles, I did meet them back in 1964 when they came to LA. The heights I listed was based on my memory.
I guess when anything is said where a celeb height is questioned, immediately suspect is the person doing the questioning.
You know these aren't exactly saints. They're entertainers. Some are extraordinarily talented and have brought much joy into the world. But I tend to think people place them on pedestals that should really be reserved for people like Mother Teresa.
Brad said on 30/Jun/09
Looking at him in lifts with Michael Jackson, a strong 5' 9" 1 foot from me in a court, how anybody can say he is over 5' 9" I'll never know. He never had surgery for height. At 20 million a picture and a few hundred million banked, he wouldn't. He does spike hormones for the body and pumps his face with botox. Glenn's just under 5' 11" was support for his 5' 8" claim.
Gonzalo said on 30/Jun/09
Frank2 is a smart guy and his comments are worth reading. But some of his stories, like the one of Stallone and the one of John Lennon, are very hard to believe.
bam said on 30/Jun/09
doug, I'm fairly certain that frank2 is legit. He's been on the site for a while.
frank2, when you saw sly, did you see any 5'9 guys looking taller than him? I think he was 5'9 but appeared 5'7. I think its very possible for an intelligent person to be mistaken by 2 inches.
Gonzalo said on 30/Jun/09
When I say he looked a bit under 1`80 I am not counting the heels of the shoes. I was wearing dress shoes and I guess I was 1`77 and Stallone was 4-5 cms taller than me. In shoes, monsters or whatever you call it he was 1`81 or 1`82. If he was 1`70 then he was wearing 11-12 cm shoes which is mad as Rob can point out. The least I can go for Stallone is 1`74-75. Below that is a joke
Metric said on 30/Jun/09
Why do estimates for Sly go from one extreme to the other??
From Glenns (and supporters) laughable 5-10.75 claim (LOL LOL LOL) to an equally ridiculous 5-7 claim???
I guess it's just a common psychological reaction to the Glenn crowds height facism that ruled this board for years??
Maybe in time the dust will settle and a more reasonable estimate for Sly will emerge amongst posters here.
Personally I think 5-8.5 barefoot is his height.
No more, no less.
derek d said on 30/Jun/09
As I think posting pictures were Sly looks his shortest here is most effective in determining his real height, I also believe pictures where he is his tallest are also important. I mean he looks shorter than Flavin by an inch in a picture which makes him 5'8 flat. Yet in some pictures he appears way too tall in lifts to be only 5'8 (We all know Tom cruise never appears as tall as Sly in lifts).
Click HereHere he has an inch on Brigitte or possibly half an inch due to her slight bending. But still, Brigitte at the very least is an inch taller than Nicole Kidman. Have we ever seen Tom Cruise this close to her in lifts? Pictures like these suggest 5'9 for Sly but other sources do suggest lower.
Frank2 said on 30/Jun/09
OK. I may have the answer. When I measure my height, it's standing erect, but relaxed. I do not try to stretch myself upward. Doing that, the goodie on the doctor's scale that goes onto one's head hits exactly 5'11" on the scale, give or take a tenth of an inch. But if I try to stretch myself standing abnormally erect, I can hit 5'11.5". Perhaps even 5'11.6" in the morning right out of bed. Perhaps many of these celebs measure themselves stretching themselves upward. Then for publicity purposes to enhance their image, they add an inch or to to their true height. So perhaps Stallone is 5' 8.5" when he stretches himself. But still I saw a difference of about four inches and I was just standing there not trying to look taller so maybe my logic is flawed.
Vibram said on 29/Jun/09
I think he might have had limb lengthening surgery sometime around '99, just a subtle 1" or so. He was busted with an illegal haul of muscle-building Human Growth Hormone (HGH; thought by some to be a 'fountain of youth' drug)) at some Australian airport 3 yrs back, so that shows the mentality of the man - he would go to extremes for his body image goals.
leonari said on 29/Jun/09
Dural that one pic with Arnie and bruce sitting is quite amazing. His tibia looks totally unnatural! Like really weird actually.It looks too long and the ankle is obviously way out of place. At least 2 inches. I think this is one of the best pics proving that he wears very serious lifts
Dural said on 29/Jun/09
Thanks derek d, that's exactly what I see.
Dural said on 29/Jun/09
Rising, Sly has forced posture, Flavin is leaning and she isn't really in heels.
The difference is, Sly has custom cowboy boots, Arnie and Willis normal cowboy boots. If Sly is around Bruce Willis height in cowboy boots means nothing but extra wedge inside. Let's assume Sly is 5'8" - Willis is 6'1" in ordinary 2in cowboy boots and Sly in 2inch cowboy boots +2in extra lifts, he's 6' add his military posture and it seems both are the same height.
Doug said on 29/Jun/09
Frank2 how do we know you are telling the truth about these celebs? If you provide some evidence of your claimed identity I would certianly start believing you. You seem to have seen an awful amount of actors, some of them legendary Hollywood stars of old. How do we know you are not just a regular guy? I or anybody else could come here and claim to be some Hollywood agent and claim Stallone is 5'7" and Connery 6'0 and rake thin etc
Roger said on 29/Jun/09
The confusing part is right, Rising (we know Sly is an enigma), but one thing is for sure - Sly NEVER leaves his private four walls without lifts, especially not if he knows the press awaits him!
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 29/Jun/09
Dural, once agin you have posted some excellent pics. The boxing shoes in that last pic are very revealing. I really must commend Sly for even being able to walk in those things, but to have him actually try boxing in them is amazing. Look at the lacing on those boxing shoes, there is a huge gap on either side of the shoe tongue. I believe the reason for this is that his foot is as elevated at the highest point possible in those boots. You will never ever see a boxing boot laced up like. Thanks for the pics Dural. 5'8-5'8.5, not more or less.
RisingForce said on 29/Jun/09
Dural, honestly that last picture doesn't do much for proving Sly is 5'8" by being slightly shorter than his wife because if you look at her shoes she has heels.
I'm not very good at pointing out when someone has lifts in their shoes so I won't dispute your claim that Sly is in lifts in those pictures with Arnie and Bruce, but if he is then it makes the other Planet Hollywood pictures more confusing. Remember the pictures where Sly managed to look around Bruce's height and about 2, maybe 3 inches shorter than Arnie when they were all in cowboy boots? With Arnie and Bruce already in cowboy boots themselves, the height Sly could gain over them in lifts would be minimal. I think he'd have to be atleast 5'9" to pull that off even with his posture.
Roger said on 29/Jun/09
5'7'', I still find 100% unimaginable. 5'8.5'' is possible, though. Would make him a weak 5'11'' lifted.
derek d said on 29/Jun/09
Dural - great post. Sly probably only reached around 5'11 in those customs while Willis probably hit around the 6 ft mark in those sandals.
peteyork said on 29/Jun/09
RisingForce well Sly at least an inch taller in the photos. Based on the video with charles and di, 5'8 to 5'9 for michael. Sly 5'10 before we get on the topic of shoes. I still think copland is the best movie to judge him. i get a flat 5'9, same height as de niro in the movie, who has one inch lifts.
miko said on 29/Jun/09
I had always thought that Sly was about 5"9, but I'm going to lower my estimate to 5"8.5 now, it just makes sense.
As Brad says - 5"9 in effect.
Dural said on 29/Jun/09
5'10" is more ridiculous than 5'7" could ever be. I don't think he's only 5'7" but 5'8". Jackson didn't care how tall he was, Sly does. Glenn admits being shorter in the pre '94 pics. Sly wears his lifts to bed and I bet also in the pics with Glenn.
Arnold in converse, Sly in customs still a tad shorter than 5'11" Bruce Willis in sandals.
Click HereClick HereClick HereAnd before someone says he isn't in customs with Bruce and Arnie, take a look at his ankle and tell me that's normal
Click HereClick Hereyou have to catch him without his lifts
Click HereI tend to trust Mamun & Frank2 more than Glenn
Frank2 said on 29/Jun/09
5'7" claims are not ridiculous. I saw him without the aid of lifts. He was in his socks and I towered over him.
Doug said on 29/Jun/09
Will people stop the 5'7" claims its ridiculous. Remember the Glenn photos. Glenn was around 5'7" or a tad under 5'6.75 in the lowest part of the day. In the Stallone photos he had not long got up and Stallone who gets up in the morning like normal people would have been at his lowest in the evening yet was still considerably taller than Glenn. If Stallone is 5'7", Glenn is 5'4.5". Stop being silly.
Doug said on 29/Jun/09
Must agree with Frank, in the pictures I've seen Jackson is looking 5'8". The one with Alan Light is good proof of that as Dolph dwarfed this guy yet Jackson was inches shorter still! Stallone looked about an inch taller to me. Don't know about footwear advantage but that still puts him around 5'9"
the shredder said on 29/Jun/09
He could be 5'8.5 even if he measured 5'10.75 in Rocky heels , 5'8.5 is the shortest he could be , but I still think he could 5'10 , I think 5'10.75 is some kind of measurement , how though ? I don't think he pulled that measurement out of his ass , lol , I fine it funny he started claiming that , then 5'10 , then 5'10 1/2 , lol !
I think he looked 5'9 or 5'9.5 with Glenn !
Romero said on 29/Jun/09
I always thought stallone was nearer 6ft than 5ft 8! 5ft 10 is probably right, maybe half inch or so taller...
Frank2 said on 28/Jun/09
I met Jackson. He was 5'8".
Misha said on 28/Jun/09
leone510ss: I just now saw your questions and have edited them a little for clarity's sake: "Misha, if Sly were 5'7" or 5'8" max with the tennis shoes that means he should be around 5'7" without those shoes! Correct?" Actually he'd be even shorter than that, but I did not say 5'7" or 5'8" max WITH the shoes, I said 5'8" max WITHOUT them.
"Were you really next to him a lot - did you talk much?" Not much, really, a moment in the parking lot and a moment on the range. We just exchanged the usual amenities.
"Which shoes did you put on that day? how much cm did the shoes give you? How much shorter was sly than you?"" I think they were Etonics, and they gave me a solid inch but no more - it looked like I had about three inches on him.
So what about his footwear? Because this was a private setting where he wasn't striving to perpetuate a bogus image of his height, plus the fact that you can't execute a proper golf swing in lifts (see my longer explanation of this on the Jack Nicklaus page if you're interested) my guess is that he was also not getting more than an inch from his shoes. So we have me at 5'11" (early evening height) plus an inch for shoes equals six feet, with Stallone three inches shorter also with an inch of heels.
So once again we are back at 5'8". And this is what it always comes down to with Stallone: those of you who insist that he is 5'10" are put in the position where you have to explain away compelling evidence to the contrary. Do you really think that William Goldman standing in his bare feet next to a barefoot Stallone couldn't tell the difference between three inches shorter than himself and six inches shorter? Even if Goldman had deliberately knocked an inch off Stallone's height because he couldn't stand the guy (and this is a distinct possibility), that still puts us right back at 5'8" again.
leonari said on 28/Jun/09
Michael was wearing very flat footwear most of his career Rising. Stallone is known for the exact opposite. Sly could be 5'8.5". It's remotely possible.
RisingForce said on 28/Jun/09
Some pictures of Stallone and Michael Jackson
Click HereClick HereClick HereOn average it seems like they're pretty close in height with Sly looking a bit taller, but that could be due to footwear. I wouldn't guess there would be a big height difference between them either way. Jackson is said to be either 5'9" or 5'10". Sly at 5'9" or 5'9.5" would make sense then. In the back to back picture I could see Sly being more than an inch taller if he wasn't leaning back so much, but that could be the picture where he had the biggest footwear advantage.
Mike said on 28/Jun/09
Wow havent been here in awhile what happened to Glenn??? Im glad maybe we can put the above 5-10 talk for Sly gone. but I do see a hard time for him being 5'7 or 5'8, I'd "guess" him 5'9ish but NO WAY over 5'10, I mean hes been photographed taller then Willis (5'11/maybe close to 6 no way gods green earth 6'1) but shorter then his 5'9 wife ...very strange, and he can get close to Arnold (5'11 to 6'1 current)..the thing that got me with Glenn ...5'11 Arnold...6'1 Willis 6'1, Willis has never even been within an inch of Arnold but I do enjoy Glenn and Frank 2's stories and comments
Doug said on 28/Jun/09
There was roughly a 4.5 height difference between Stallone and Arnie at peak judging by some training photos I've seen. Arnie was definately 6'1.5" legit so deduct 4.5 inches and we have the flat 5'9". Yeah I'm sticking with 5'9" for some time I thought 5'9.5"-5'10" but seeing those Flavin pics I've changed my mind.
Mickey said on 28/Jun/09
I agree that the 5'7" range is not likely at all for Sly. The shortest i can see him being after a long day is around the mid 5'8" range. Morning he could be something like 5'9.25".
Rob G said on 28/Jun/09
the shredder says on 28/Jun/09
5'10.75 in boots = 5'9
5'10.75 in Rocky heels = 5'8.5
Sounds about right
the shredder said on 28/Jun/09
Ok guys , Ive always thought atleast 5'10 barefoot for him , and have always thought he is what he claims 5'10.5 or 5'10 3/4 , after watching Rocky I must say that even if he was measured 5'10.75 in those heels , he still would be 5'8.5 minimum and just by looking at his body he is atleast that height ! He really does not look that short next to Carl Weathers and he was about 2 1/2 inches taller then Burt Young , Im going drop my estimate , there no way he is 5'10.75 barefoot , Im going to go with 5'8.5 to 5'10 !
5'10.75 morning = 5'10
5'10.75 in shoes = 5'9.5
5'10.75 in boots = 5'9
5'10.75 in Rocky heels = 5'8.5
I still think 5'10 is possible but unlikely , 5'8.5 is possible ! 5'8 tops is just talk , 5'7 is insane !
Doug said on 28/Jun/09
I don't know how he sometimes looks shorter than Flavin though, maybe he is 5'8.5" who knows.
Doug said on 28/Jun/09
No, Stallone reaches the 5'11-5'11.5" range in regular lifts, in his munsters he is taller and can reach 6' or 6'.0.5", I'm certain the rare 6'1" closeness is an illusion due to posture and camera angle and the other person in the photo slouching. So 6' or 6'0.5" in munsters which are a likely 3 inch gain so without them yeah a good 5'9", 5'9" is what makes the most sense here.
Doug said on 28/Jun/09
Agree, vast majority of the time he doesn't exceed 6' but he has done on several occasions. Ther eis also a family picture where Stallone manages to somehow look 4 inches taller than his wife. Those are the munster occasions. In his regularl liftts (which are still BIG!) Stallone looks in the 5'11-5'11.5" range, a strong 5'11. Without them, around the 5'9" mark, maybe 5'8.5" at lowest. I'm going by Brigette Nielsen (who is an excellent judge of height who correctly assessed Eddie Murphy's height) and who spent some years as close to Stallone as anybody can get and she says he is 5'9". WHy would she lie?
Doug said on 28/Jun/09
Roger look at the pictures of him next to Reagan and Nielsen and also at the Rocky Balboa premiere. He was over 5'11" at both them otherwise Reagan is 5'10" and Dolph is a weak 6'3".
Roger said on 27/Jun/09
Stallone can reach a strong 5'11'' in his munsters, true, but 184 cm I sincerrely believe is out of question - he would begin to stumble if lifted that strongly.
I think he receives up to a max of 6 cm from his monsterlifts, and depending on the angle, can appear 6' .
Doug said on 27/Jun/09
Rubbish Langcaster. Check out images of Stallone wth Reagan and Nieslen. 5'10" in lifts? Rubbish. Stallone reaches 5'11" in lifts and in his munsters exceed 6 ft. If you think Stallone is only 5'10 in the Reagan pic then Reagan is 5'9" and Nielsen 5'9.5". Stallone is 174-176cm, in 2 inch normal lifts he is around 181cm and in munsters the 3 inch lifts he is about 184cm. Doesn't get more than 10cm from shoes. Again look at Stallone and Sharon Stone and Stlalone and Kurt barefoot and he is clearly in the 5'9" range whether slightly below or slightly above. 5'7" is silly. Stallone is the trickiest to evaluate but I would bet he is not under 172cm barefoot. Look at those Glenn pictures. That's an easy 5'9"-5'9.5" and I don't think Glenn would lie about Stallone's footwear wearing sandals.
Barry Langcaster said on 26/Jun/09
I also noticed the falling over and stumbling foward in the Rocky films , he does indeed seem a lift wearer , I think around 5'9.5 normal footware for Sly, with the ol liftarooneys he is up to 5'10.25 or 5'10.5, it is also possible he was a centimeter taller back in the 80's.
Brad said on 25/Jun/09
What about 5' 10.75" out of bed like some nice man from New York City, The Big Apple, USA says? He was in sandals and literally had the guy by 4". Head up n down.
Frank2 said on 25/Jun/09
Sly couldn't hit 5'10" out of bed if that bed was the rack and he'd been stretched for the entire evening.
Brad said on 24/Jun/09
Hey Don, you see his boxing shoes in EVERY Rocky movie? They are loaded with wedge insole lifts, he's almost falling forward. You've got people thinking they are regular shoes. My fave Stallone picture is him outside on that podium in the monster heels. They were as wild as Downey Jr.'s 2009ers.
Midget said on 24/Jun/09
The video posted by anonymous shows to me that Sly wasn't in lifts for that footage but was a solid 4" under Carl Weathers. Carl slouched through most of the clip but still always had 3"-4" on Sly.185cm peak for Carl then 174cm-175cm peak for Sly. Along came Sly's penchant for lifts then Sly magically becomes 180cm.
Big King said on 24/Jun/09
Well Sly could hit 5'10" out of bed and nothing more than 5'9.5" during the day. There was exactly 8" difference between him and Dolph Lundgren in Rocky IV.
Anonymous said on 24/Jun/09
Just an aside unrelated to height, let's be reminded by this video:
Click HereThe reason why we all talk of Stallone in the first place no matter what his height. Give respects.
Frank2 said on 24/Jun/09
"adam says on 24/Jun/09
Frank2, go to Obama`s page and tell you statement."
What statement?
Roger said on 24/Jun/09
Yes, Doug, exactly my thought. 5'11'' with those monsterlifts, and with good angles, can even appear 6'. 5'9'' is really most likely for him.
I think those trainers he wears have a thick sole, and give him another inch thanks to what's inside of them.
He is not as short as some make him, though.
Don said on 24/Jun/09
it's not just about the size of the heels. you can also put in some padded insoles INSIDE the shoes, which can give u additional 1-2 inches, depending on how many. 1 sole can give you roughly 2 cm.
i know this because i have seen various asian tv shows where asian celebrities revealed that they put in these padded insoles to look taller. some even took off the shoes to show them. the trick is, you can never tell that they are getting added height by looking at the shoes alone, which look completely like normal sneakers/dress shoes.
my point is that sly can very well be putting in padded insoles inside his boots as well, giving him an extra inch or two. judging his height from looking at the outside appearance of his shoes alone may not come close to telling the entire story.
that's why i CAN buy frank2's 5'7 claim of sly barefoot because it is possible physically for a 5'7 guy to look like a six footer without looking like an absolute clown. 5'7+3 inch boots+ 2 inch insoles = 6 foot.
adam said on 24/Jun/09
Frank2, go to Obama`s page and tell you statement.
Doug said on 24/Jun/09
Gonzalo thats what I've been saying all along. He looks about 180cm/5'11" in shoes. Even a real 2 inches is hard to gain in boots but I think he somehow achieves this. He must in the 175cm range to pull it off.
Anonymous said on 24/Jun/09
Why am I not surprised that an upgrading TROLL like Clay says Willis is 6-0.
Zach said on 24/Jun/09
Gonzalo I think this has been pointed out before, but the footwear he had at the Bernabeau were his infamous 'munster' trainers which by most accounts probably add 3 inches. They have an inch thick sole and god knows what else inside
Click Here very cleverly designed as trainers despite having the dimensions of a boot.
p.s. I really think you're overdoing it with the Galacticos.
Gonzalo said on 24/Jun/09
This day Stallone was wearing these shoes and he was 4-5 cms taller than me and I am at least 1`74. I was very close to him. He was taller than former Real Madrid President Ram
adam said on 24/Jun/09
Frank2. You are 5-11 and weigh 185lbs. What kind of propotions do you have? Do you have broad shoulders? Do you exercise a lot? Do you lift weights?
Clay said on 23/Jun/09
Willis is 6'0''.
Antonio said on 23/Jun/09
Two observations about Frank2's Sly/Arnie photo. Sly is wearing lifts. Take a look at how high his ankles are(if I'm seeing this correctly), while Arnie is in "Top-Siders." Secondly, it does look like Arnold is standing on higher ground, however he is bent-over.
Bottom line ... Sly is still 5-8 in my book.
Thanks for the pics, Frank.
leone510ss said on 23/Jun/09
misha, if sly were 5'7" or 5'8" max with the tennis shoes means that should be 5'7" around without those shoes!!! correct? were you really a lot of next to him?? which shoes did you put on that day? how much cm did give you the shoes???than was sly shorter than you??? have you talked to him? excuse for all these questions but I am very curious...I hope that you can respond to all the questions..thanks....leone510ss;)
Brad said on 23/Jun/09
"Hi Glenn here, I've met him 23 times in all types of footwear, who have you met, yer postman? he's just under 5' 11", I'm 5' 8", can't you see, Brad you piss me off, I'm sick of you saying I'll measure under 5' 7" and Sly is 5' 8.5"". Discard the cut card, shuffle, deal. It is a new deck. That card is gone scooter. Ruler Of Khan is correct. Low end Doug.
RisingForce said on 23/Jun/09
And as far as lifts in that picture with Arnie, Frank2? How can you see if he has lifts? If anything that looks like one of the few times that Sly is liftless.
RisingForce said on 23/Jun/09
Frank, yes Arnold's leg is bent too, but with two people bending we can't assume they just come out even. And you can't ignore Arnold's visible ground advantage?. The picture doesn't tell us much either way.
I do believe that Arnold is 4.5" taller than Sly barefoot with Arnold at a flat 6'2" and Sly at 5'9.5", but that picture with Arnold is pretty much worthless for comparing height.
Doug said on 23/Jun/09
Arnie does not tower above Stallone. He's wearing a hat silly! I see a 4-5 inch height difference bwteen Stallone and Arnie. As I said Arnie was 6'1.5" so work it out. The man is between 5'8.5" and 5'9.5".
Ejel Khan said on 23/Jun/09
Sly's actual height (without lifts) should be downgraded to 5'8.5".
adam said on 23/Jun/09
In that Frank`s photo Arnold seems to tower over Sly by about six inches.
Roger said on 23/Jun/09
It is already understood by most here, including RF, that Sly is not 5'10''.
There always will be a few non-believers, you can show them every photo imaginable, that will insist on 5'10.5'', as some believe Arnold is still 6'1'' when he was shorter than 6'.5'' max Tiger Woods. That's life.
Frank2 said on 23/Jun/09
I do. Arnie is just as bent as Sly and he towers over him by at least four inches. And those are lifts in Sly's shoes.
Why is it so hard to comprehend the fact that Sly is not 5'10"?
RisingForce said on 23/Jun/09
Frank2, look at the ground level in that first picture with Arnie and their knees which are clearly bent. Do you really think that's a good picture to estimate height from?
Roger said on 23/Jun/09
Frank2, great, great finds. Funny how skinny Sly's legs look in the first picture. I think with RisingForce now having realized that 5'10.5'' is out of question, we can all agree on 5'8.5 - 5'9.5'' for Sly. 5'9.5'' is really the absolute highest, right after bedtime, for Sly I can imagine.
Frank2 said on 23/Jun/09
Never met
Vin Diesel. I have no idea how tall he is since I really cannot stand his movies.
Gonzalo said on 23/Jun/09
I saw Stallone in the flesh and he looked a bit under 1`80
Midget said on 23/Jun/09
Frank2- What are your thoughts on
Vin Diesel? Just curious if you had met him or had a clue as to his true, no lifted, height.I feel now that he is between 179cm and 181cm barefoot but he can be hard to pin with those silly boots he wears around the place.
Frank2 said on 23/Jun/09
I think Sly forgot his munsters in this shot with Arnie:
Click HereEven with lifts, Sly is still shorter than 5'11" Bruce Willis:
Click HereLike me, Willis is 6' with regular shoes. I see a two and a half inch difference.
Sly with 5'9" Wesley Snipes:
Click HereI've met Snipes and he's definitely 5'9".
Misha said on 22/Jun/09
To answer a few posts: bam, thanks for the info on Norton, that's about what I thought - no more than a half inch either side of six feet. leone510ss, the
estimate of Stallone was barefoot, as he was wearing running shoes of a brand I recognized as having substantial heels. I would never say Stallone is only 5'7" or 5'8" in athletic shoes. It would please me if all these celebs who want to be tall were indeed their stated heights, but it just seems like so often they are not. Neither is there anything wrong with using various methods to boost your height. But when the methods of deception become ludicrous, then a site like this can provide a healthy counterbalance, as well as give us a few laughs.
Steve: I am 5'11.5" (barefoot). Stallone and I were both hitting balls on the driving range at a course out in Westlake Village (so George's story of running into him there is true, it's just that he's a miserably poor judge of heights).
Brad said on 22/Jun/09
007 does have stooped walk, I noticed that and how he turns his body with his neck instead of neck alone, that was kinda weird. He'd still be a better 007 at age 79, with ease.
ACG said on 22/Jun/09
then he was less than 200 lbs. 200 lbs will never look thin on a 6'1 frame.
Frank2 said on 22/Jun/09
Connery looked thin, especially in the face. Almost a haggard look. His arms were thin, but what surprised me was how thin his legs were. After all, at one time he was a body builder. You'd never know it from the way he looked that day. But he did have very broad shoulders. He walked in a stooped manner. At one point he stopped and that's when I walked up to him. At that point he seemed to be standing erect and looked to be perhaps at the very most an inch and a half taller than me, but more like an inch.
bam said on 22/Jun/09
misha norton is a hair over 6ft, like rob has him.
Brad said on 22/Jun/09
200 pounds thin? He was huge in Zardoz and still was pretty big when I saw him at The Bellagio. He's an ex Scottish competing bodybuilding guy, well ex bodybuilding guy, he's Scot fer life. In new Versace bag print ads he's big.
Doug said on 22/Jun/09
Since when has a 200 pound guy been described as "very thin"? Connery has never been very thin, he has always been toned and muscular built there is a small difference.
adam said on 22/Jun/09
In Dr. No Sean was around 6-2 and supposedly weighed 178lbs. He didnt look THIN really. Yes, he is broad and very well-proportioned but come on... If you are under 6-2 and weigh say 200lbs how can you be THIN?
leone510ss said on 22/Jun/09
misha, according to you sly was 5'7.5" ??? with shoes???
Frank2 said on 22/Jun/09
No question that when I saw him, Sean was thin. I saw it as did my assisted who also shook his hand. That doesn't mean he still didn't weigh say 200 lbs. He's a big boned man.
Frank2 said on 22/Jun/09
"Frank2, if you say that Sly was at the very least five inches shorter than your 5'11 3/4 (in shoes)then that would make him 5'6 3/4? How do you figure 5'8?"
My impression was he was that short. To be fair I'll give him 5'8". I mean the whole time he could have slumped, but I doubt it. He seemed erect when he stood there shoeless.
leonari said on 22/Jun/09
George get lost. Poor fool
Steve said on 22/Jun/09
MISHA - brilliant logic there. How tall are you misha? And where did you get to meet stallone? You thought he was 5'7.5?
ACG said on 22/Jun/09
RisingForce says on 20/Jun/09
Ejel, vanity often doesn't go away. Burt Reynolds is now in his 70's and Willie Nelson claimed on the Howard Stern show that Burt still wears lifts in his shoes.
That sounds more like vanity on Willie's part, him being only 5'6 without the help of his cowboy boots!! lol
Frank2: Are you seriously describing Sir Sean Connery as "very thin" in 1999?!?! That's an EXTREMELY hard pill to swallow even taking into account the fact that the camera adds 10 lbs and such... Did you really just mean to say he was very thin *compared* to what you expected?? Because, although never having met him, I don't think I'd ever apply the adjective "thin" to the real James Bond. Especially only 10 years ago, in 1999. Maybe 1969....
Don't mean to sound so inquisitive, it's just that celebrity weights/builds have always fascinated me practically as much as their heights did.
adam said on 22/Jun/09
Wow! Connery was "very thin"! He has always appeared to be a big man in pretty much every way. I have no doubts that Sean was at least 6-1
Parker said on 22/Jun/09
Its not just Russia Frank2. The do it in the USA, Germany,France and a stack of other countries.
Click Here
Cortney said on 21/Jun/09
I just watched Rocky Balboa. It's not as bad as people said it was. Sylvester Stallone looks quite tall and buff for his age. I would say at least 5'11. He should make another Rocky movie where he enters the UFC.
derek d said on 21/Jun/09
Frank2, if you say that Sly was at the very least five inches shorter than your 5'11 3/4 (in shoes)then that would make him 5'6 3/4? How do you figure 5'8?
Doug said on 21/Jun/09
Rising Force. Out of curiosity is your user name based on Yngwie Malmsteens 1984 album. I love it! I watch Malmsteen and the Japanese orchesrta on YouTube everyday!
George said on 21/Jun/09
Frank2, do you think Sly could be 5'8.5? I knowm Sly has admitted to taking joint suppplements, these things can also add height but it would be very little. There are also some magnetic therapies in Asia that suposedly use magnetic force to stretch the spine, thus making one taller by a couple centimeters. risingforce...pwned!
Brad said on 21/Jun/09
Hey Frank2, maybe he should have worn those NYC sandals he had on with Glenn. Imagine Frank2 in that shot next to Glenn....and to think when I got to this site it said "5' 8" Glenn" under it. People, Glenn's height estimate on Stallone was a farce, a stone joke to enhance himself.
Don said on 21/Jun/09
i believe you frank2. i wouldn't rule out 5'8 for sly either. i would be quite surprised if he was in the 5'7 territory but i wouldn't say it's absolutely impossible.
there is a good chance that he may had a limb lengthening surgery of some sort, given that he had a two year hiatus from 2003-2005. actually i would be surprised if he didn't choose to partake in any operations. even then, i would probably give the guy 5'9 max because he was CLEARLY shorter than his wife in the italy shoe shopping pics that dural posted.
Jay said on 21/Jun/09
Frank2, yes I think Connery kept good height through the years because he has always been fairly genetically rugged and only lost an inch in the last decade. I don't believe he was ever 6ft 2 to 6ft 3. At his best he was 6ft 1 as attested to in the photos with Ian Fleming and also Robert Shaw in lifts almost equalled Connery.
RisingForce said on 21/Jun/09
I agree with your post Don. I think Sly likes being about the same height as whoever he's standing with, atleast within an inch or two. For example you can see that next to Denzel he needs his posture forced to accomplish this.
Click Here but next to Eddie Murphy, Sly probably in lifts is comfortably taller so he doesn't need the forced posture.
Click Here You'll notice how next to Arnold or Bruce Willis Stallone is reaching for the stars because he's shorter, but with Robert Downey Jr., Stallone stands casually because he's taller. Actually the pictures with Robert Downey Jr. are funny because you can see that Downey is using the Stallone effect vs Stallone!
Almost no man likes another man looking down at him, I know I don't, but I feel like more of a short man if I force out my chest while next to a taller man. Sometimes Stallone's posture is almost as ridiculous as the shoes, especially when he's standing next to someone who is standing casually like Denzel.
Interesting stuff about Connery's hair, Frank2. I'll look for that next time I watch Dr. No.
Frank2 said on 21/Jun/09
Stallone cannot be 5'9". I mean I was several inches taller when he was shoeless. My shoes added about three-quarters of an inch so I was still under six feet and I could just about look over the top of his head. I'd say that day shoeless, I was at the very least five inches taller. So he could be 5'8". But that's about it. Only if he's had an operation to add height to his legs could he end up being 5'10". But knowing how crazy celebs are, perhaps he's done just that. There is successful limb lengthening surgery being performed in Russia. Do a Google search and you can read all about it. This controversial surgery procedure can add 2 to 4 inches in height.
Frank2 said on 21/Jun/09
Well, back in 1999, Connery walked out of the Fox commissary and I walked up and said hello. At most he appeared to be about an inch taller than me or 6'. Now in his defense, he didn't have the greatest posture and was somewhat bent over. He was also very thin.
Don said on 21/Jun/09
props for being objective. after looking at some of the more recent pictures, i would say sly hovers around 174-175 cm ish throughout the day making him a weak 5'9 type guy.
as for his image as an "action hero," i think it goes far beyond that for sly. he's the most height conscious celeb around and he probably wears lifts because he loses a lot of confidence when he's not looking eye to eye or down at other men. his lifts make him close to a six footer or even higher, which allows him to be taller or at least measure up to above average/tall males.
Brad said on 21/Jun/09
Connery was 6' 1" right in front of me in Vegas a few years ago. 6' 2" or a slight bit more peak. This peak 6' 1" height is a farce.
Frank2 said on 21/Jun/09
"Jay says on 21/Jun/09
Frank2, Connery was 6ft 1 when he starred in Dr No. There are photos of him with Ian Fleming (6ft at his peak).
A. Bear in mind Fleming is old and Connery is closer to the camera and has a large hair piece."
DR. NO was the last film Connery didn't wear a hairpiece in. In some scenes you can see they darkened his bald spot.
RisingForce said on 21/Jun/09
Thanks Roger and Mickey.
derek, while I no longer believe that Sly is 5'10" or taller I could see him looking that height in some photos where he seems liftless, but in each one of them posture makes everything very tricky.
I agree that he wears lifts because of his image as an action hero.
Mel Gibson who I believe is similar in height to Sly seems to have taken the short comments in the press well though. He doesn't seem nearly as height conscious and has actually joked about his height, mentioned lifts and taken off his shoes on Letterman's show. So I guess it depends on the person.
Roger said on 21/Jun/09
RisingForce has shown he has the most important quality in height observers: objectivity. He sincerely believed 5'10.5'' for Stallone is possible, and now has correctly realized he was wrong. This is how everyone should go about heights.
Ejel Khan said on 21/Jun/09
Derek your right, those short jibes in the 80's really got to Sly. And risingforce, your right about Reynolds .... so I hold no hope for Sly going Au-natural in the future.
adam said on 21/Jun/09
Frank2 says on 20/Jun/09
"1. Your favourite actors?"
Spencer Tracy and Jimmy Stewart
"2. Your favourite films?"
Great choices. Those films are all great, no doubts.
CITIZEN KANE is of course piece of art, even though I myself prefer THE THIRD
MAN. I`ve always been a big fan of westerns. All kinds of. Traditional John Ford&Howard Hawks -westerns are great but so are Leone&Peckinpah -style films as well. My favourite westerns are THE SEARCHERS, RIO BRAVO, THE GOOD THE BAD AND THE UGLY, WILD BUNCH and UNFORGIVEN.
CASABLANCA is one cult classic I`ve never seen so I dont give my opinion about that.
SUNSET BOULEVARD! Billy Wilder was a great director. One of the all time greats along with Welles, Kubrick and a couple of others. The film is awesome but I myself prefer DOUBLE INDEMNITY over SUNSET BOULEVARD.
Now about the actors you mentioned... Both Tracy and Stewart were great stars and great actors. They had charisma, they could easily make you feel comfortable. But as far as pure acting talent goes.... Brando and Olivier, hey Frank?
Please come to Marlon Brando`s page here, we can discuss more about these things there.
And Sly is probably around 5-8. Tracy was 5-9 to 5-10. Stewart was a solid 6-3.
Jay said on 21/Jun/09
Frank2, Connery was 6ft 1 when he starred in Dr No. There are photos of him with Ian Fleming (6ft at his peak).
A. Bear in mind Fleming is old and Connery is closer to the camera and has a large hair piece.
Click HereB. This time they are more equal distance from the camera during the same shoot
Click HereC. And again they are almost equal in height
Click HereIn the old days they used to add even more inches to an actor's height than they do today
derek d said on 21/Jun/09
Well, since ACG couldn't answer my question asking him to post a picture showing Sly looking 5'10.75 WITHOUT lifts, can anyone else who believes he is that height do so?
derek d said on 21/Jun/09
Sly is self conscious about his height because he is Rocky and Rambo and people expect him to be at least 6ft. So probably after a few "wow your short" encounters he probably didn't want to disappoint any fans.
Mickey said on 21/Jun/09
Rising, i wouldn't take what some of these posters are saying to heart. Dropping your estimate was a brave thing to do and shows alot of balls. I would've been hesitant doing what you did knowing the backlash that i would receive.
Rising posts pics to back up his claims. The same can't be said about some of the people on here.
Roger said on 21/Jun/09
The funny thing is that basically the whole world knows Sly gets big help from big lifts, still he refuses to give them up even in the hottest of summer days.
the shredder said on 21/Jun/09
Frank2 , who do you think are better at height estimates , liberals conservatives ? lol !
177cmmm said on 21/Jun/09
The roles he took on made him look larger than he really is.
George said on 20/Jun/09
Stallone is not short by any means. 5'8-5'9 is still pretty much average these days. pwned!
RisingForce said on 20/Jun/09
Ejel, vanity often doesn't go away. Burt Reynolds is now in his 70's and Willie Nelson claimed on the Howard Stern show that Burt still wears lifts in his shoes.
Doug said on 20/Jun/09
The occasions where he has looked 6'1 or even over 6' granted are pretty rare and compared to Ray Liotta etc this looks like a joke. In his standard lift boots he stands 5'11" ish given that he regularly looks 2 inches taller in his lifts than FLavin when she wears flat shoes. I doubt he lives in 3 inches lifts evry day of his life so I'm sticking with 5'9" ish.
Doug said on 20/Jun/09
Brigette Nieslen remember who has slept with the guy, (the rare instance he took off his lifts or do we think here that Sly wears them in bed too? LOL) claims that Stallone is 5'9". Why would she lie? The evidence pointing to Stallone being between 5'8.5" and 5'9.5" is far greater than the 5'7"/flat 5'8" claims. the difficult thing with Sly is that he wears huge but differing height lifts on many occasions. Throw into the equation posture, possible tip toe tricks and the fact that he is known to have taken vast qualities of HGH means that his height has undoubvtedly fluctuated greatly throughout his career. 5'9" is in the range, whether he is half an inch below or half an inch above anyway may depend on the time of day. He may be any of these heights at various points in the day. Could wake at 5'9.25 -5'9.5, be 5'9" throughout much of the day and be 5'8.5" by evening. Could be 5'9" out of bed, 5'8.5" throughout much of the day and 5'8" by evening. Anything under 172cm for Stallone is really impossible. There is a small chance he is a flat 5'8" but "around" 5'9" seems plausible. In regular 2 inch lifts he will be 5'11"ish which he looks next to Jonathan Ross, Flavin, Joe Calzaghe and many others. In 3 inch lifts (which he was very fond of in the late 1980s era when he was dating Brigitte Nielsen) he was about 6 ft and only in his biggest lifts which he wore occasionally with Nielsen and at the ROcky Balboa premiere at events where it seems there is a great amount of pressure on him does he don the munsters to look near 6'1". A 5'7"-5'8" man could not pull off 6'1" EVER I don't care how big his lifts are or how good his posutre is. It is not possible to gain 5-6 inches in footwear and good posture.
Doug said on 20/Jun/09
There appeared to be a 4 inch height difference between Arnie and Stallone in the 80s. I've seen pictures of them together in flat trainers and it is roughly 4 inches. Do the math. Arnie at 6'1.5", take away 4 inches makes Stallone 5'9.5". I know it is tempting to say Stallone is a 5'7" -5'8" guy but REALLY examine photographs of the guy when he is in flatter footwear and he has the propotions of a 5'9"-5'10" guy not a 5'7" guy. I thought for many years that Stallone was 5'7" after I read it in a newspaper but having seen him without big lifts I think he is still in the 5'9" range. Maybe a bit abouve maybe a bit below but as I said I think it probably within reason he is between 174 and 176. The Glenn photos show he is minimum 5'9" as do the Kurt Russell comparisons. Yes you can tell the sneakers that have lifts they look unatural. PLus give Rising Force a break guys, everybody should be pleased he is now in the ball park.
Frank2 said on 20/Jun/09
"1. Your favourite actors?"
Spencer Tracy and Jimmy Stewart
"2. Your favourite films?"
"3. Your opinion about these estimates?
Joseph Cotten was 6-1." Correct
"Orson Welles was 6-1
Ejel Khan said on 20/Jun/09
Vladimir sent in a pic with Sly and family. Check out his trainers, they're definitely built up trainers. They look so unatural, he should give it up now. He's in his 60's, he shouldn't be so self conscious.
RisingForce said on 20/Jun/09
Steve, if that were the case then why wouldn't I show hostility towards Dural? I have no problem with Dural or Mickey, in fact they both seem like good guys. I don't have a problem with Brad either. The reality is that I don't like you and maybe one or two others on the page because a select few of you act like a$$holes. It has nothing to do with anyone's opinion on Stallone's height. And I pretty much only have a problem with you.
I have no problem with changing my estimate. If I cared about Stallone's height the way you act like I do then I wouldn't have done that, much less so quickly. The fact is that while I may have been wrong about Sly's height you were wrong in several of your assumptions about me. And your posts here are worthless since you haven't brought anything to this discussion.
Steve said on 20/Jun/09
Leave the farce be he's just bitter at comprehensively being proven wrong by dural and now resorting to swearing and getting round the filters. risingfarce = reincarnation of Glenn the first! Haha! As george says...pawwned!
adam said on 20/Jun/09
Frank2, I hope you answer to my question and then go to Marlon Brando`s page.
leone510ss said on 20/Jun/09
Rambooooooh says on 20/Jun/09
I saw him in a bar in Westlake, CA a few years back. I'm guessing that he's 5' 4" or perhaps as much as 5' 5".
huahuahuhuahuahua this is a great lie!!!! you have not seen anybody!!!
Brad said on 20/Jun/09
Rambo would be in a bar in Florence California taking on Florencias n 13's with a big one. That's the next Rambo. "Rambo L.A." against gangstahs.
Vladimir said on 20/Jun/09
"So funny how even during high temperature days, Sly refuses to let go of his mega lifts." ha ha ha, what can i say, he is a realy "die-hard" man!
Rambooooooh said on 20/Jun/09
I saw him in a bar in Westlake, CA a few years back. I'm guessing that he's 5' 4" or perhaps as much as 5' 5".
Metric said on 20/Jun/09
Roger - lol. They are probably ventilated. Using a small engine driven fan.
George said on 20/Jun/09
Stallone is 5'9 tops. In his customs and military stance he can look up to 6'1. He's an average height man. pwned!
Roger said on 20/Jun/09
Yes, Vladim, those photos were known already. So funny how even during high temperature days, Sly refuses to let go of his mega lifts.
Metric said on 20/Jun/09
Why are everyone having a go at RisingForce???
Sure his 5-10.75 belief for Sly was bloody INSANE!!
But that's in the past now.
He has admitted to being wrong.
The kind of backlash he is now receving is exactly the kind of "debate" that this site DOES NOT need!! In the future anyone who over- or underestimates a celebs height will be afraid to change their opinion out of fear of ridicule.
The result is a stiff debate and a train going NOWHERE!!
Rising was a fool and a farce in the past but at least he is making more sense these days.
Live with it and now let's talk some Stallone HEIGHT! :)
He is no more than 5-8.5 BTW.
Brad said on 20/Jun/09
Man, them red jobs he wore into the medical building would be just fine on a Chicago afternoon on Ronald McDonald opening a new restaurant. Diesel has tread on his boot that came off an 18 wheeler on I-80 12 miles outside Omaha. Why can't these guys just wear normal stuff? Imagine Steve lighting a fuse in Glenn's a$$. Risingfarce, now that's pretty funny! At 5' 10.75" that is a farce. Glenn can you comment? Bronx accent: "I've met him 23 times, who have you met, yer postman?, he's just under 5' 11"". Here's cookie Glenn, the Bronx Zoo is just over there, you can stare at the chimps like Dustin Hoffman did in "The Graduate".
Ace said on 20/Jun/09
Risingforce, you do not need to resort to using harsh language. None of the others have cursed you out, so refering to Steve as a pile of **** is unnecessary. You always struck me as a well mannered man. Don't blow it over an inane dispute with another poster.
Frank2 said on 20/Jun/09
The story about Mr T standing on a box is in the trivia section of ROCKY on the Internet Movie Data Base website.
Don said on 19/Jun/09
Mr. T at 5'8/5'9? interesting...i always thought he was a legit 5'10 during his prime.
derek d said on 19/Jun/09
Question for Rob or anyone else, can someone draw lines on the Sly/Claudia picture assuming shes 5'11? I'm curious to see how they both measure up in that picture...
Brad said on 19/Jun/09
Rising using Glenn '06 rippers. I hate that pwned word. Sly got Conti'd. I think I'll use that in my words.
Midget said on 19/Jun/09
Frank2- I noticed your name hasn't popped up on the recent
Vin Diesel pages thus my asking you questions here on the Slydog page, have you met him by any chance? Or what are your estimates for his height? (without the phone book sized elevator boots).Thanks for your time.
Ty said on 19/Jun/09
Good pics Valdimir. Even in his munsters he only has 2" max on his 5'9 wife.
PDA said on 19/Jun/09
My brother in law at 5'8" stood next to him and shook his hand a couple of years ago. He said he was shorter than him. My in law was speaking to a security guard who frequently watches the neighborhood where he lives says that he was his same height at 5'7".
burby said on 19/Jun/09
5ft 9.25 MIGHT have been his peak height if he was not wearing lifts and stood up straight next to Bill Conti, looks in the mid to lower 5ft 8 range now.
adam said on 19/Jun/09
Frank, I have some more questions for you:
1. Your favourite actors?
2. Your favourite films?
3. Your opinion about these estimates?
Joseph Cotten was 6-1.
Orson Welles was 6-1
George said on 19/Jun/09
Haze says on 18/Jun/09
hey george wats wrong with rising changing his estimate. thats why were here. to debate it. ive changed my estimates many times.
and also arent u the same george that is 5'7 but has 5 inch elavators and claims 6'5....... PWNED!
Haze, I'm 182 cm! pwned!
George said on 19/Jun/09
RisingForce says on 18/Jun/09
George, I'm not embarrassed or humiliated about dropping my estimate for Sly by about an inch. haha, are you serious? Why should I be embarrassed about possibly be wrong about an actor's height? Much less an actor who goes through great lengths to fool people.
Exactly, you should be embarassed for being fooled. pwned!
Vladimir said on 19/Jun/09
Stallone is MAX 5'8"
Look at that giant shoes!!!!
Click Here
Brad said on 19/Jun/09
He looks every inch of 5' 8.5" with Conti.
RisingForce said on 19/Jun/09
Interetsing about Mr. T standing on a box in Rocky 3, Frank2. But Mr. T was defintley taller than 5'8" or 5'9", he was probably more like 5'11" when he was young and 5'10" today.
RisingForce said on 19/Jun/09
Which is also why I've been accused of upgrading Sharon Stone and Mariah Carey, Steve? Yeah, that makes sense. You're showing how intelligent you are. How about a$$hole? That describes you pretty well too. How about pile of sh*t? Hmmm that works as well.
Steve said on 19/Jun/09
Yes yes risingfarce. I noticed you downgraded what happened sly not paying you enough? not even for a decent meal it seems lol. what a shame after months and months of you drooling over 5'10.75 sly. You seem to have an obsession with the word d*ck maybe that'd explain why you want to upgrade so many male celebrities!
Frank2 said on 19/Jun/09
Stallone and film composer Bill Conti:
Click HereI've met Conti and he's no more than 5'8".
And I found this:
Making of ROCKY III:
Though Mr. T. seems to have a menacing presence on film, in reality he is not a very large man. It is said that he stands only around 5'8" or 5'9" which is about the same height (if not a bit shorter) as Sylvester Stallone. It has also been said that during the toe to toe face off scenes between Rocky and Clubber, Mr. T. had to stand on a box or platform to appear much larger than Stallone.
Frank2 said on 19/Jun/09
Here's some trivia I discovered:
"The wax figure portraying Stallone as Rocky Balboa at the now defunct Movieland Wax Museum (Buena Park, California) was 5' 7" tall."
I now remember going there and noticing they had Stallone looking quite short.
Frank2 said on 19/Jun/09
"How tall were these people:
Sterling Hayden?
Marilyn Monroe?
Chuck Connors?
Orson Welles?
Donald Sutherland?"
Sterling Haydon was 6'5"
Marilyn Monroe was about 5'4" (according to people who knew her that I spoke with)
Chuck Conners was at least 6'5" (I saw him one day and he towered over me)
Orson Welles was 6'1" peak, but due to all the weight he ended up at 5'11" (I met Orson when he was my height or 5'11" which was in 1977)
Donald Sutherland was 6'4" and is now about 6'2"
Ahleks said on 19/Jun/09
To be perfectly accurate. On my 14th birthday I was 4'11 and 100 lbs. I've never been fat and always underweight compared to fellows my age.
I've been unable to add weight to my frame for years.
RisingForce said on 19/Jun/09
You're right Doug, it was the liftless picture that Dural posted that made me change my mind.
Dural, you're right in one scene that Keitel is only about an inch shorter than Stallone. That's the scene at the funeral. But in another scene Stallone is atleast 2, possibly 3 inches taller. That second scene I'm referring to is after Stallone goes to talk to Keitel's wife in the movie played by Cathy Moriarty. Then in another scene in the movie Stallone's character is looking through pictures and he comes across with him and Keitel, and Stallone has atleast 2 inches on Keitel in the picture.
Mickey said on 19/Jun/09
Rob in that modified picture of Sly and Glenn, and Jenny and Glen, one factor in it is that Jenny was barefoot(to my knowledge)and Sly was in shoes. I guess its a moot point anyway as we don't know for sure what kind of shoes Sly was wearing that night.
Doug said on 19/Jun/09
Ahleks says on 17/Jun/09
Doug, some people are just like that.
I've been 110 lbs since age 14 even thought I've grown around eight inches since.
I've been 110 lbs since age 14 even thought I've grown around eight inches since.
How is it possible to still weigh the same as you did when you were 4 ft 11? A 4 ft 11 guy which you were at 14 if my math is correct is never going to weigh the same as a 5 ft 7 guy of the same build. I don't believe you, every inch of height naturally adds 5 pounds whether or not you are skinny or fat. If you gained 8 inches in height you would naturally gain 30-40 pounds because of the weight of your longer bones. Rob does it make sense to you that somebody at 5'7" could still be the same weight as they were when 8 inches shorter still having the same amount of body fat?

Editor Rob
must have gone from fat to skinny is the only explanation apart from the obvious one.
Ahleks said on 19/Jun/09
Ahleks says on 17/Jun/09
Doug, some people are just like that.
I've been 110 lbs since age 14 even thought I've grown around eight inches since.
I've been 110 lbs since age 14 even thought I've grown around eight inches since.
How is it possible to still weigh the same as you did when you were 4 ft 11? A 4 ft 11 guy which you were at 14 if my math is correct is never going to weigh the same as a 5 ft 7 guy of the same build. I don't believe you, every inch of height naturally adds 5 pounds whether or not you are skinny or fat. If you gained 8 inches in height you would naturally gain 30-40 pounds because of the weight of your longer bones. Rob does it make sense to you that somebody at 5'7" could still be the same weight as they were when 8 inches shorter still having the same amount of body fat?
Doug said on 19/Jun/09
Stallone looks a good 176 centimetres in the Glenn photo and that is even in comparison to Glenn's lowest height. I'm sticking with 5'9.5". Lowest is 174cm. He can even look a flat 5'8" on occasions but no lower. SO I basically agree now completely with Rising. Rising, given that you;v ebeen studying Stallone photos for ages on here and stuck with 5'10.75" why have you changed your mind? Because of the photos where he looks barely as tall as Flavin without lifts?
adam said on 19/Jun/09
Im 6-2 and currently weigh a shade under 190 lbs. My mom keeps telling me that I should eat more and that Im too thin!
Ahleks said on 18/Jun/09
I'm 5-foot-7.
I guess I've got smaller bones. Someone once thought I was around 120 lbs.
Haze said on 18/Jun/09
hey george wats wrong with rising changing his estimate. thats why were here. to debate it. ive changed my estimates many times.
and also arent u the same george that is 5'7 but has 5 inch elavators and claims 6'5....... PWNED!
Dural said on 18/Jun/09
Wasn't he about the same height as Harvey Keitel in Copland, who's listed on this site as 5'7.5", at best Sly was an inch taller.
RisingForce said on 18/Jun/09
Who says I'm trying to get Sly upgraded Steve. I think he's 5'9", 5'9.5" now. Possibly as short as 5'8.5", so no I don't think he should be upgraded at the moment. Me irritable? Hahah, is that a joke? You sound like the most irritable person on this site. Not once have you come off a nice guy in one of your posts. You sound like you're constantly irritated which is why you feel the need to act like a d*ck here.
adam said on 18/Jun/09
Frank2: Glad to have you back. And Rob, thank you too.
Now I have a couple of questions to Frank2:
How tall were these people:
Sterling Hayden?
Marilyn Monroe?
Chuck Connors?
Orson Welles?
Donald Sutherland?
And I believe you about Sly. 5-9 is too much.
Roger said on 18/Jun/09
RisingForce actually deserves respect for his willingness to face facts and reality.
Steve said on 18/Jun/09
Realanonymous I think sly's munsters probably weigh more. No wonder you're so irritable RF and pretty much the only guy left on here who still swears. That weight is just pure unhealthy. Go and eat some food instead of spending so much time trying to get sly upgraded.
Parker said on 18/Jun/09
Doug says on 18/Jun/09
I can't see how any guy can weigh 110 unless they are very short and slight like 5'2" and small built.
Spot on Doug - you obviously know body sizes
Click Here
Frank2 said on 18/Jun/09
Stallone has had far too much plastic surgery. So have quite a few actor. My God! Just look at Mickey Roark! He no longer looks human.
Stallone was not a 'dick' to me when he was next door working on NIGHTHAWKS. In fact, just the opposite was the case. He was very friendly. He had a pretty good sense of humor. So I'm not savaging him to get even for some past transgression.
If you cannot see any difference in attitude between me and Glenn, I feel sorry for you. Unlike Glenn, I don't call people names using foul language. I don't belittle people who post. I question them sometimes when they make claims they cannot back up. I sometime become frustrated. But I act like Glenn? Please!
RisingForce said on 18/Jun/09
George, I'm not embarrassed or humiliated about dropping my estimate for Sly by about an inch. haha, are you serious? Why should I be embarrassed about possibly be wrong about an actor's height? Much less an actor who goes through great lengths to fool people.
Doug said on 18/Jun/09
I can't imagine standing on the scales and not even seeing the 8 stone mark. That's crazy. I'm a big guy but I'm no 6'6" man mountain but it would be literally half my size. I was 8 stone when I was a small boy of 12 or 13 seriously and around 5'3. Guys tend to weigh more than women because of greater muscle mass but lots of 5'2" skinny chicks weigh 110. I can't see how any guy can weigh 110 unless they are very short and slight like 5'2" and small built.
Midget said on 18/Jun/09
Sly Dog's head looks savage in Frank2's pic. He looks like he has been hammered on by someone pretty hard.
Odin said on 18/Jun/09
I'm pretty sure he is 5'8''
Sidney Crosby said on 18/Jun/09
Frank2, I'm disappointed and really starting to question your authenticity. I bought what you've said so far about Sly's height to a point. But if you're beginning to belittle the man on his face and appearance, it's obvious you hold some sort of personal agenda against the man. Was Sly being a dick to you on the set of Nighthawks?
I don't know about this Glenn and his history, but from the way everyone talks of him, he sounded like he had to be a pretty big douchebag for Rob to kick him off the site.
To be quite frank with pun intended, Frank2 and Brad don't seem all that far off from Glenn. Frank and Brad sound like bitter old men who get a rise out of putting down successful celebs the dislike.
Brad said on 18/Jun/09
Thank you George. I guess he's a "guppy". I heard that one in East L.A. once. Ummm Ahleks, G knew his height, I think one at 5' 6.5" can discern that one is 5' 6.5" over 5' 8". I think he knew heights, however; he wanted his 5' 8" image stamped on everything. Eeech, botox Sly. Nice photo hit Frank2. I can picture one of Sly's daughters lugging his Munsters around like heavy luggage.
Frank2 said on 18/Jun/09
"RisingForce says on 10/Jun/09
Frank2, Sly's face looks better than it has in years"
I rest my case:
Click Here
Ahleks said on 17/Jun/09
Glenn said that Stallone is 5'10.75.
So say he was 5'6.5 while he met him, thinking he was 5'8 himself. That would mean Stallone can't be under 5'9.25, but he probably is.
So Glenn isn't very good at gauging heights.
Ahleks said on 17/Jun/09
Doug, some people are just like that.
I've been 110 lbs since age 14 even thought I've grown around eight inches since.
I look slim, but not sick or anything.
George said on 17/Jun/09
5'10.75???? no chance! 5'8-5'9 tops! pwned!
dman said on 17/Jun/09
hes 5'9" maybe 5'9.5" when he was in his 40's most people add a extar inch to there height
TELLEM said on 17/Jun/09
5'10.75 for sly is a ridiculous over the top estimate. add misha to that list of sly sightings under 5'9 along with frank2, and mamun's and my 5'9 friend aswell.
Brad said on 17/Jun/09
Hey Frank2, Glenn would say he met him more times than you and you are incorrect. Glenn is all 5' 6.5" on the left and a flat 5' 6" on the right. Look at him with that Scottish actress Jenny, now with Sly, do the math.
RisingForce said on 17/Jun/09
I haven't tried in years, Metric.
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 17/Jun/09
Metric, do you think Rising is capable of benching Sly's MUNSTERS?
George said on 17/Jun/09
Brad, pwned is the same as "owned". It's a saying used when someone gets defeated or humiliated. For example, RisingForce got pwned because he's claimed 5'10.75 for Sly since the beginning of time and now he got humiliated and changed his mind.
Frank2 said on 17/Jun/09
AGC, how can he be over 5'10" when he was obviously that much shorter than me? I mean the guy I was working at the time commented to me that Sly was a shrimp without his lifts. He said I towered over him and no way am I 6' tall.
derek d said on 17/Jun/09
ACG says on 17/Jun/09
Stallone at 6' tall???
glenn never said that!! glenn never even claimed a full 5'11 for sly!
but i do believe 5'10.75 to be the most accurate and realistic estimate for sly. not a hair over, though.
As all posters should do here, I respect everyone's opinions and theory's. But AGC, can you honestly post a picture where he looks 5'10.75 with out lifts? I sure can't, on average he looks 5'8 - 5'9 with out lifts. Just because Sly quoted this as his height doesn't mean it is...
Metric said on 17/Jun/09
How much can you bench, RisingForce??
Frank2 said on 17/Jun/09
"Also saying Glenn is "maybe 5'4" in the afternoon" is pretty ignorant given that Rob measured him barefoot in the evening at his lowest height and even then he was 5'7"."
My God!! That was a joke! Lighten up.
Mr T-Cakes said on 17/Jun/09
I'd go with Doug.5ft8.5 seems right for Sly.
RisingForce said on 17/Jun/09
No Danimal, I don't have an eating disorder. I've lost 25-30 pounds over the last 2-3 years for other reasons. I did have to work to get up to 135-140 a few years ago in the first place, but that was pretty much ideal for me. I'm a very thin guy naturally. 135-140 sounds low, but I was in very good shape at that weight.
Vladimir said on 17/Jun/09
Back in the 80' Stallone spend Vacation in Montenegro, I remember people desribed him as a short, muscular man when they saw him at the beach. He always walked so straihgt-upright, but with height no more than 170-172cm.
Dural said on 17/Jun/09
What's the difference between 5'11" and 5'10.75" for Sly? Isn't both insane?
Zach said on 17/Jun/09
Misha been a long, long time since you last posted here. Good to see you back. Completely agree with every word you said.
ACG said on 17/Jun/09
Stallone at 6' tall???
glenn never said that!! glenn never even claimed a full 5'11 for sly!
but i do believe 5'10.75 to be the most accurate and realistic estimate for sly. not a hair over, though.
Doug said on 17/Jun/09
Must admit that looking around I agree with most of Frank2's estimates Clint at 6'4" peak, Robbins at least 6'5" etc. Stallone's height varies more than anybody in the history of the universe though. He has appeared anything from 5'7" -6'1.5". In some pictures he is an obvious inch lower than Flavin, yet in others he appears 2 inches taller even when she is wearing heels! How can it be humanly possible for him to gain THAT much height in shoes? Was his shoemaker not kidding when he said he had been making Sly 4.5 inches taller? I know they had a fall out so he has every reason to laugh at Sly and exaggerate but 5 ft 7 or 5 ft 8 men not not come anywhere near 6' even in big shoes. The difference between 5'8" and 6'1" is really HUGE! I've seen Stallone barefoot in pictures and he looks near enough 5'9" in comparison to others. I could buy 5'8.5" but 170cm for Sly is too low. One thing is clear he is certainly NOT 5'10.5 -5'10.75 barefoot as he has claimed.
Doug said on 17/Jun/09
Rising Force you weigh 110? Seriously you need to put on some weight. I weigh nearly double what you do. You must be tiny to weigh just 110. 7 st 12 pounds? That's the weight of a 5'3" skinny boxer from Thailand. If you are a weak 5'8" you should weigh 140 minimum. Frank2's estimates from what I've seen are occasionally plausible but I often get the impression he is a an inch too low in his estimates. Also saying Glenn is "maybe 5'4" in the afternoon" is pretty ignorant given that Rob measured him barefoot in the evening at his lowest height and even then he was 5'7".
Brad said on 17/Jun/09
Well ACG if you look at Glenn with the 5' 9" drummer for Iron Maiden, you may want to consider your estimate of Glenn wrong....he's getting destroyed. Misha is correct. George is correct. What is pwned? Uh Sidney, after 6 hours getting hit with under 5' 6.75" running around, Frank2 is quite near correct, he's freaking short in his photos, especially with Stallone. 5' 9" and 120 is Michael Jackson right now and tour insured brass are very very worried...cancels are coming, his rehearsals are cut short. 5' 8" and 110 is serious issues.
the shredder said on 17/Jun/09
Rob , where do you think he really got his 5'10.75 claim from ?

Editor Rob
maybe he measured himself in his boots at that height?
Misha said on 17/Jun/09
Tellem, I have also seen Stallone in the flesh and Frank2 is correct in saying that the most he could be is 5'8". We should believe the William Goldman anecdote - at 6'1" Goldman has no axe to grind regarding stature.
For what it is worth, I have very rarely seen an estimate from Frank2 that I did not precisely agree with, often based on my own personal sightings. He has an excellent eye for height and has met many screen luminaries. He also has the good instincts to both expose the sham and pretense of vastly overstated heights and yet confirm other heights that are wrongly questioned as being overstated. Frankly, I think his insights should get a little more deference and respect than they often do - his store of knowledge is something that no one else on the site can even feebly approximate.
I always liked Glenn, but his consistently seeing Stallone as six feet tall and Bruce Willis as 6'1" created the first cracks in what eventually widened into a major fissure in my mind relative to his ability to judge heights.
Frank2 said on 17/Jun/09
I'd buy Stone being 5'10" in very high heels. Starting out at 5'6" or maybe 5'6.5", adding say four inch heels would get her there.
Mikew said on 16/Jun/09
Rising: Did I read your last post correctly? You now believe Stallone's height to be 5'9.5", as opposed to the 5'10.75 you've been pushing for the last I don't know how long? Good for you. While I believe he's shorter, your current estimate is at least plausible.
Sidney Crosby said on 16/Jun/09
Frank2, with all due respect I think you're being a bit stubborn and almighty to say your height estimates are infallible. You say you were right about Glenn at 5'6" even though Rob measured Glenn barefoot at 5'7". Pls see the Glenn page. Your guesstimates seem to all be off by a lowered inch.
Danimal said on 16/Jun/09
RisingForce says on 16/Jun/09
Yeah, I'm only about 110 at the moment Danimal, and trust me I am skin and bones. My natural weight is 135-140 and I'm 5'8".
Do you have anorexia nervosa or bulimia, or any other addictions that is making you so severely underweight?
George said on 16/Jun/09
Stallone is 5'8-5'9. In his customs and military stance he can look as tall as 6'1. Some of the shoes this guy wears are such obvious height enchancing shoes. Does Sly not realize that people can tell he's packing major lifts in them? In regards to RisingForce and ACG, all I gotta say is pwned!
Parker said on 16/Jun/09
Here's Sharon Stone next to 5'10 (in shoes) Michael Douglas
Click HereLooks 2 inches taller to me - can't see her getting 2ins+ on Douglas from 5'6
And no.....she is not standing on a step
Click Here
JeffC said on 16/Jun/09
Frank2 is great that you're back! Always enjoy reading your comments. Been out for a while. Do you know how tall is french actor Alain Delon, he is not very popular here , but big in europe. Thank You.
TELLEM said on 16/Jun/09
5'6 estimation is more accurate than 5'8 estimation.glenn went under 5'6.75, meaning he HITS 5'6 where frank 2 pegged him at. 5'8? naw don't think so. frank2 is more accurate.
RisingForce said on 16/Jun/09
Steve, I didn't say anything insulting to Frank2. I called you out for being a d*ck like you always are. I said nothing to Frank2 that could be perceived as an insult.
Frank2, those pictures are not good for comparing height for various reasons, I'm surprised you didn't notice that. Did you notice in that first picture with Woods that she's in the backround? That's the case with that guy and they're also walking which can throw things off.
And standing on a step next to Garcia? That seems unlikely.
ACG said on 16/Jun/09
Frank2 says on 16/Jun/09
Maybe Glenn's afternoon height is 5'4"
Immediately, the image of a cuckoo clock pops right into my head, complete with sound effects.
I'd venture as far as to say that Brad would find a 5'4 afternoon height for glenn even more ridiculous than anything I've ever said.
dmeyer said on 16/Jun/09
even thaugh i trust frank2 , i am not one of this guy who believes sly is 5 ft 10 to 5 ft 10.75 bareffet but i do believe he is near enaugh 5 ft 9 barefeet at his lowest 5 ft 8.5 and max 5 ft 9.25 with bad posture and slippers he can give 5 ft 7.5 to 5 ft 8 near liotta but itdosnt mean he is that small as far as frank2 saw him with shoes off franks was about 6 ft with shoes on sly was 5 ft 9 maybe floor disadvantage and posure made him look 5 ft 7 but i did meet people who claimed he was 5 ft 8.5 but i steel believe 5 ft 9
Jay said on 16/Jun/09
Garcia is 5ft 9 in shoes. Stone is close to 5ft 10 in quite high heels.
the shredder said on 16/Jun/09
NO , Rob is the man ! He does not buy the insane 5'7 estimates !
Frank2 said on 16/Jun/09
Here's Stone with her latest 'boy toy':
Click HereHe's either 7 feet tall or she's walking in a pit. But seriously, I doubt neither is the case.