Anonymous said on 16/Jun/09
"Well, I believe I'm rather good at it. After all, I pegged Glenn at being around 5'6"."
But Rob has measured Glenn at 5-7 in the flesh:
Click HereFrank2, your estimates seem to all be 1" short. Not as good as you thought. :)
Frank2 said on 16/Jun/09
Stone could have been standing on a step.
5'10" James Woods and Sharon Stone:
Click HereClick HereAnd Woods is 5'10". I've met him. He was shorter by at least an inch than 5'11" Tom Skerritt in the film CONTACT. And I worked with on PICKET FENCES, saw him a lot on and off the set and he and I are the exact, same height.
Woods with 5'10.5" Ron Livingston:
Click HereWoods and 6' Gina Davis:
Click HereGina looks to have packed on a few extra pounds.
leone510ss said on 16/Jun/09
frank2 has said that sly is probably 5'7" and exaggerating maximum 5'8."..
frank2 that shoes you had the day when you were close to sly?, your heel shoes how much cm could be???
RisingForce said on 16/Jun/09
How old are you George? You've said "pwned" atleast 3 times. Tellem, Frank2 didn't guess Glenn's height correctly because he guessed that Glenn was 5'6". Glenn was measured 3 times in the evening and on average he was about 5'7". But that's irrelevant to Frank2's ability to estimate height in person because he's never met Glenn.
For the most part I think Frank2's estimates are plausible, although I think Stallone is 5'9.5".
leone510ss said on 16/Jun/09
frank2 that think of all that that has been written!!!I would be curious to know it...thanks;)
Dural said on 16/Jun/09
Rising, he didn't say they weren't as covered as the ones on that site as far as I remember. He said they were unlike the ones on that site, whatever that means. I don't even know if I showed him the same site, I just choose the first google result.
George said on 16/Jun/09
Frank2 is the man! RisingForce and ACG got pwned!
TELLEM said on 16/Jun/09
let's see... frank2 and mamun have seen sly in the flesh and so has Glenn. both frank2's and mamun's estimates are both similar (5'7,5'8), meanwhile glenn's estimate is 5'10. but glenn didn't know his actual height, and glenn is
Banned. frank2 guessed glenn's height correctly, even though glenn couldn't. hmmmm....i think i'll take frank2 and mamun's word over glenn's. sly at 5'8 does it for me.
RisingForce said on 16/Jun/09
Frank2, if Sharon Stone is only 5'6" then why is she visibly taller than Andy Garcia here?
Click Here You acknowledge that Garcia is 5'9" so he'd be atleast 5'10" in dress shoes, but Stone is standing behind him and still looks atleast an inch and a half, maybe two inches taller.
Wouldn't Stone need five and a half or six inch heels to look like that next to Garcia, if Garcia is 5'9" and she's 5'6"?
RisingForce said on 16/Jun/09
Yeah, I'm only about 110 at the moment Danimal, and trust me I am skin and bones. My natural weight is 135-140 and I'm 5'8".
RisingForce said on 16/Jun/09
Dural, if you remember Glenn saying Sly's sandals were a little covered then you should also remember that he said they weren't as covered as the ones on that site.
Danimal said on 16/Jun/09
RisingForce says on 16/Jun/09
Sly was 163 in Rocky 3. He got down to 155 by starving himself and put on muscle ounce by ounce. Sly claimed he was skin and bones at 155 pounds.
Don't you only weight 105-110 pounds Rising Force?
Frank2 said on 16/Jun/09
"The people who think Stallone is 5'7" still haven't explained how Stallone was clearly 2-3 inches taller than Glenn when wearing sandals, how he had height on 5'8" Sharon Stone barefoot"
Maybe Glenn's afternoon height is 5'4". And one more time. Sharon Stone is NOT 5'8". I stood right next to her. More like 5'6". And like a stick. Plus Stallone's feet are never shown next to Stone.
Frank2 said on 16/Jun/09
"ACG says on 15/Jun/09
with all due respect frank2, i'm sure you are a nice guy and everything, but it's pretty obvious that you can't tell height."
Well, I believe I'm rather good at it. After all, I pegged Glenn at being around 5'6".
I rest my case.
Frank2 said on 16/Jun/09
Stallone isn't 5'9". I know. I've stood right next to him.
RisingForce said on 16/Jun/09
Sly was 163 in Rocky 3. He got down to 155 by starving himself and put on muscle ounce by ounce. Sly claimed he was skin and bones at 155 pounds.
Metric said on 16/Jun/09
GREAT post, Anon2!!
Doug said on 16/Jun/09
The difference between 5-8 and 5-9 man is actually very little Anon, barely noticeable. Rather it is the build of a guy in relation to height which changes weight/proportions. But I agree with the principal of what you said.
Dural said on 16/Jun/09
Doug, I haven't seen the sandals, but they could still give him some height increase.
I even asked Glenn if Sly's sandals could be custom made and he admitted they covered a part of his feet.
which pair would sly favor
Click HereIt's even hard for me now to believe Sly could be 5'9", let alone anything taller than that. I don't care how tall he looks with his custom boots, when you see him without them, he's reality. 6'1" is nothing more than a Fata Morgana.
ACG, it seems you suffer from the same problem as your ex. Please tell me you don't really believe Sly could be around 5'11", that's crazy.
Parker said on 16/Jun/09
Sorry, don't care what pics people throw up or how many sightings, no way is that a 5'7 man running alongside Carl Weathers on the beach in Rocky 3. He's 5'9.
Brad said on 16/Jun/09
That's good ACG. Remembering birthdays must be arduous.
ACG said on 15/Jun/09
with all due respect frank2, i'm sure you are a nice guy and everything, but it's pretty obvious that you can't tell height.
nothing to be ashamed of, a lot of women are plagued with that problem. for instance, my 5'3 ex swore i was 5'9 when i was really 5'6.
sly is, without a shade of doubt, taller than his wife flavin.
derek d said on 15/Jun/09
Great post Anon2, that was always my theory of why Frank2 may of seen him as low as 5'7. Dural: Nice picture of Sly taking his shoes off in public, wow I thought I'd never see the day lol. Maybe its time he gets downgraded to 5'8.5, he clearly looks shorter than Flavin in ALL of Dural's pictures.
George said on 15/Jun/09
ACG is hilarious lol. 5'10.75 for Sly? hahahahaha. He probably doesn't know anyone in the industry. He probably worked as a janitor cleaning toilets on some indie film set. pwned!
Doug said on 15/Jun/09
The people who think Stallone is 5'7" still haven't explained how Stallone was clearly 2-3 inches taller than Glenn when wearing sandals, how he had height on 5'8" Sharon Stone barefoot and how he could ever pull off being taller than both 6'0.5" Nielsen and 6'0" Reagan. Even Hulk Hogan said Stallone was 5'8" barefoot.
Roger said on 15/Jun/09
I believe 5'7'' can safely be ruled out. 5'8.5'' is the lowest I have him at. 5'9'' - like he's been listed here since day one - is most likely.
T,J. said on 15/Jun/09
In Rocky Ballboa, when the computer simulates him fighting, it lists him at 5'11" and his opponent at 6'3"
leone510ss said on 15/Jun/09
we must remember that sly is in shoes....we must also remove those..!!! frank2 is right, sly is 5'7" and max exaggerating 5'8."..I know other people that have seen him and that have told me that is 5'7", and also other people that have seen sly to 5'9" / 5'10" max but with the elevators!!!I don't think that all are crazy!!!
Anon2 said on 15/Jun/09
Right Doug, makes most sense for me that explain everything from his tall 6-1 lift sightings to Frank's short 5-7 barefoot sighting.
I'll add one thing to Frank's sighting - during your encounter I'm guessing you still had shoes on while Sly was barefoot. So that also gave you an extra inch or so advantage. Now this might sound silly, but that extra inch over a shoeless person can be significant. The reason being, in addition to being shoeless and losing the shoe advantage, a barefoot person actually tends to have "hunched" body posture, especially if their feet hurt.
You can see this most in locker or shower rooms. Guys walking around in the buff stand kind of more relaxed and bent at the back and knees to relieve the pressure from their feet. Standing barefoot puts more more stress on certain parts of the soles of the feet, especially on a sharp cold tiled floor surface points.
Back in college when I worked out more, I often shot hoops with a few buddies. They were around my height, more or less. There was even a guy who was exactly my height. After the pickup, we'd hit the showers and what I notice, is at times, although I only had about 1.25-1.5" sneakers on, I got the impression that I was a LOT taller than the buddies who were still barefeet, like 3-4" even! Even the guys I knew were my exact same height! It sounds nuts, but you guys who work-out a lot probably know what I mean. Somehow it was the combination of the shoe advantage and the other guys' timid, relaxed stance while standing barefeet, that gives the illusion of me towering over him.
In Frank2's case. I bet Sly was standing 5-8.5/174cm that day. Since you're 5-11, you'd be 6-0 with shoes. Factor in Sly's sore feet and not standing straight from that, and I can totally see how he could have give you a 5-7 impression. Heck, when in the lockers, I felt like I even towered over the guys who were around my height even with just a sneaker advantage, so wouldn't be surprised how you could have perceived Sly like that, since you already legitimately have a couple inches over him to begin with.
RisingForce said on 15/Jun/09
It's obvious you're referring to me Steve and talking down to me like a d*ck by referring to me as "certain people". But I wouldn't expect any better from you considering you've come off as a d*ck in everyone one of your posts. Not to mention the fact that you have yet to contribute anything productive to the debate on this thread. All of your posts I remember were just insulting me or Glenn, usually not even discussing Sly's height.
Because you're obviously not a very intelligent man I'll explain it to you. Nobody has said he's taller than Flavin there. But one picture doesn't perfectly capture someone's height. There are plenty of pictures where he looks taller(even factoring in the lifts) than 5'9"/5'9.5" and shorter(including Dural's recent picture). But on average 5'9"/5'9.5" makes sense.
glipollas said on 15/Jun/09
Ace, with Sly is the opposite case...erm..
Ace said on 15/Jun/09
Is it possible that Sly has finally lost height? The man is 62 years old, and for him to have lost a half inch seems fairly normal.
Steve said on 15/Jun/09
Clear as daylight stallone is at least one inch shorter than his 5'9 and still certain people insist he is half an inch taller. It doesn't matter how tall he looks in his elevators when you have blatant clear pictures like durals its time to stop being deluded and accept reality.
Doug said on 15/Jun/09
Anon2. 174cm-176cm barefoot for Stallone. I agree completely.
Metric said on 15/Jun/09
ACG the self admitted guy with social anxiety problems is hobnobbing with industry people and making the streets of Hollywood unsafe for women, children and the elderly!!!
Lol, you little nitwit.
You are as full of it as your master and mentor, Glenn Cunningham!
See ya in Oz, Toto...
But you must know your doctor very well.
Time to go pick up that medication again!
Doug said on 15/Jun/09
Nah I've seen fairly recent pics of Stallone on the beach wearing sneakers and walking along side rich businessmen in shorts in the south of France and he was the tallest in the photo, he looks a lot taller than them. He has to be around 5'9" otherwise the short fat businessmen guys are 5'3". I think he is just about 5'9". Neither short nor tall.
Frank2 said on 15/Jun/09
Except he's not 5'9". Not today, not yesterday. No more than 5'8" and quite possibly 5'7".
Don said on 15/Jun/09
you may know people in the industry but frank2 has actually worked in the industry and saw sly barefeet. thus ur opinion is useless.
ACG said on 15/Jun/09
Brad says on 15/Jun/09
Hey ACG, are you really Glenn?
No, I'm afraid I don't have that privilege.
And Stallone really never looks short at all, even when barefoot. How could a guy under 5'10.75 look at least the same height as 6'1-6'2 Tom Arnold. Of course Sly has a footwear advantage, but a 5'8-5'9 man could never do that without literal stilts.
Roger said on 15/Jun/09
ACG, as you told us that Glenn can appear 5'11'', your best option would be to keep your entertaining comments focused on Glenn. Do you seriously think anyone believes your "I know people in the industry, and they say....." crap?
Everyone should know by now that 5'9'' makes perfect sense for Sly. He might be a notch above it or below it.
Dural said on 15/Jun/09
Anon2 says on 15/Jun/09
No guys, Dural's photos are inconclusive.
You guys are being fooled by perspective again.
In the first pic of them together, we don't know Sly's full posture because his kids are covering his legs.
The first pic is shot the same time as the second, just from another angle. Take a closer look please!
Dural said on 15/Jun/09
Anon2 says on 15/Jun/09
The other thing I forgot to mention, is why the hell would Sly appear in a public store with his kids and next to his wife wearing thin flip-flops without whipping out his handy-dandy lifts? Especially when he'd expect the Papparrazi to be on their arse?! I think he's definitely taller than he appears there. That said, I still don't think he's above or ever was above 5-9.5. 5-10+ is silly. Also, the pics with Jenn always seem to confuse people because of Flavin's extra small head due to her model build, which gives her relatively higher shoulders and eye-level compared to a man's build (bigger head and wider lower shoulders).
This should answer your question?
Click Here
Anon2 said on 15/Jun/09
The other thing I forgot to mention, is why the hell would Sly appear in a public store with his kids and next to his wife wearing thin flip-flops without whipping out his handy-dandy lifts? Especially when he'd expect the Papparrazi to be on their arse?! I think he's definitely taller than he appears there. That said, I still don't think he's above or ever was above 5-9.5. 5-10+ is silly. Also, the pics with Jenn always seem to confuse people because of Flavin's extra small head due to her model build, which gives her relatively higher shoulders and eye-level compared to a man's build (bigger head and wider lower shoulders).
Anon2 said on 15/Jun/09
No guys, Dural's photos are inconclusive.
You guys are being fooled by perspective again.
In the first pic of them together, we don't know Sly's full posture because his kids are covering his legs.
In the second, although Sly is standing in front and closer to the camera, he's taken at oblique angle "from above looking down". This makes the figure closer to the camera in the foreground appear much shorter by being more "in front".
Rob explains it here:
Click HereHe used to have a series of pics showing how markers of equal height can differ by being placed in front of one another.
Shame on you guys, the veterans on this height page should know better! :P
I still believe Sly is 174cm-176cm / 5-8.5-5-9.5 depending on morning or evening, which makes Rob's Sly height dead-nuts on, in my humble opinion...
Dural said on 15/Jun/09
Thanks everyone,
now the other vacation pics, like the ones on the yacht should also make sense. If the angle are bad or not, they are at least good enough to see he's not 5'10"+
Click HereClick HereClick HereClick HereClick HereACG it's only a movie, nothing else, look at him with Ray Liotta
Click HereDo you see a man about 5'11" next to a men between 5'11" and 6', seriously? The video is surely not altered to make Sly shorter or Ray taller!
Doug said on 15/Jun/09
Must admit Stallone looks 5'8" in those recent Rome pics.
Brad said on 15/Jun/09
Dural with heavy ordnance dropped. Great stuff, been saying 5' 8.5" since I hit this site. Jennifer is 5' 9". Hey ACG, are you really Glenn? Imagine Glenn right now running in place like Curly Howard of the The Three Stooges hitting his head: "no no no, I've seen him dozens of times, he's just under 5' 11"". Take your shoes for a walk hoss, this steak is well done.
Doug said on 15/Jun/09
Just remember that Stallone has appeared 6'1" in the past Danimal. If he was 5'8" he would find it extremely difficult to gain 5 inches. He has to be minimum 5'9" to pull that off as 5'8" guys do not exceed 6 foot in even the best lifts unless they are wearing platforms or absurd proportions
glipollas said on 15/Jun/09
if sly was 5/10 hed be 6/1 as brad pitt. sly is 5/8 flat. he was a short man in the 70s and he was an adult already. this forum is crazy. it seems like a political campaign. Arnold who is about 5/11 is taller than sly on his fav shoes. if sly was 5/10 there wouldnt be sucha difference standig beside arnie.
Doug said on 15/Jun/09
Good to see Rising now thinks 5'9.5" for Stallone same as myself. It makes sense in comparison to a lot of people. Must admit he does often give a 5'8" impression.
Doug said on 15/Jun/09
5'10.75 is silly. Stallone wears big lifts and regularly only looks a little taller than this wearing them. He looks a 5'11"er but only in boots. If he was a legit 5'11" or close enough he would certainly have not had all the flack about his height and being "short". In just 2 inch lifts he would be standing 6'1" (regularly) and in 3-3.5 inch munsters would reach 6'2" easily. He is a 5'9"er as I said between 5'9" and 5'10" barefoot like 176cm. Add the two inch boots and you have a 5'11.5" guy.
Mr T-Cakes said on 15/Jun/09
Those pics TELLEM and Roger put up of Stallone and Travolta are great:was it the Staying Alive collaboration? In which case, Stallone(like in Rocky3) probably has on those cuban heels. But I reckon he looks about 5ft8 with Travolta here:trouble is we can't see their footwear.
ACG said on 15/Jun/09
RisingForce- traitor!!!! lol, j/k
I personally still see 5'10.75 for Sly. I rented the Blu Ray of Rocky 3 and that shot of him and Carl Weathers really does tell all.
I've even asked the opinions of some of my friends who are digital image manipulation experts for a well-known major motion picture studio. They literally lol'd at the prospect of that scene being "enhanced" or "altered" in any way, shape or form.
I was even up front with the exact reason for my inquiries, and they told me that if Weathers was a true 6'1, then Sly must be "about 5'11".
And that's coming from people who work in the industry.
bam said on 15/Jun/09
i'm still agree however that 5'10 is a possibility, although 5'10.75 is crazy talk.
Danimal said on 14/Jun/09
bam says on 14/Jun/09
after seeing glenn was really 5'6.75, 5'7, I've begun to rethink sly being a legit 5'10. I think 5'9.5 is closer to the truth.
So Glenn is 1" shorter than you thought he was, yet you're only dropping Sly by .5"? How does that make sense?
Mickey said on 14/Jun/09
Rising did respond to the photo in a non-biased way which i admire. My hat goes off to him.
Roger said on 14/Jun/09
Let's give credit to RF: he's willing to soak up new information and say "O.K., my stubbornly defended point might've been wrong".
Do you now see, RF, how the Schiffer photo, the original, adds up?
leonari said on 14/Jun/09
I don't see how Sly could be 5'9.5" judging by durals pic. Flavin is surely 5'9" max. I think she is not a tad below tad mark though. Stallone looks really 5'8" in this pic and since we have seen the pic where he buys those shoes we can be quite sure there are no lifts in there. Either there is something very wrong with the angle and we don't see it or there is no way Sly is close to 5'10"
Frank2 said on 14/Jun/09
RisingForce needs to drop his estimate to 5'8" and he'll be much more accurate.
For what it's worth, a former security guy who worked Caesar's Palace and the Mirage told me Stallone is no more than 5'7". I mentioned that I felt this from when I saw him without his boots and this fellow told me he saw Stallone many times in his swim trunks by the pool and when he stood up, this guy who's 6'2" told me Sly came up to his chin. We both laughed discussing how so many people continue to be fooled.
Don said on 14/Jun/09
not trying to beat a dead horse here but ur measurement of sly at 5'9.5 is still questionable because he is clearly shorter than jennifer who is about 5'9.5 with sandals. i used to think sly was a 5'9 er myself, but we are really looking t 5'8 ish territory here.
GUK said on 14/Jun/09
Dural's pic tells me Sly is maximum the height Rob has him at. Those boots don't look like customs
Personally I think he's the same height as Michael Schumacher that is 5ft 8.5
The other claims of close to 5ft 11 are plus Munsters height
Danimal said on 14/Jun/09
5'8" Flat for Sly.
Metric said on 14/Jun/09
RisingForce dropping his estimate for Sly!!!!!?????????
NEVER thought this day would come!
Almost a BIGGER event on this site than Glenns expos
Ty said on 14/Jun/09
Sly needs a downgrade.
Assume for a moment that his was is 5'10. According to that pic that would put Sly at about 5'9 1/2 in the normal shoes he bought. Subtract .75 for the shoes and you have 5'8 3/4 barefoot Sly, and thats when overestimating his wife! Everyone here is saying she is no more than 5'9.
5'8 1/2 is looking very real.
bam said on 14/Jun/09
after seeing glenn was really 5'6.75, 5'7, I've begun to rethink sly being a legit 5'10. I think 5'9.5 is closer to the truth.
Ace said on 14/Jun/09
Although i rarely agree with Risingforce, i don't think it is necessary for us to put him down at this point. He accepted it like a gentleman, rather than attempting to claim it was a fake, or other random nonsense.
I am starting to wish we had some sort of celebheights award for the best picture of the year, as i feel that Dural is in definite need of the honor. His photos were both devastating and irrefutable. Probably among the best ever posted.
derek d said on 14/Jun/09
I think Rising dropping his estimate to 5'9.5 was a very mature thing to do on his part. People should lay off of him, he's a great contributor to the site. That last Durual picture is really confusing as his shoes look to give him at least an 1.25 inch advantage and is closer to the camera, but to me it suggests 5'8 - 5'9 tops for Sly.
George said on 14/Jun/09
RisingForce just got pwned!
Roger said on 14/Jun/09
WOW! RisingForce drops his estimate. After tons of photos showing Sly below 5'10'', this suddenly did the trick. I believe 5'9.5'' in the morning, at Sly's very highest, is possible. Not a milimeter more though.
leone510ss said on 14/Jun/09
another thing: in those photos also jen is slounching!!! and sly is more next to the camera!!!
leone510ss said on 14/Jun/09
rf you still succeed in saying that sly could be 5'9.5" to 5'10.75" ....mah!!!in those photos doesn't even reach 5'9", but less (with the normal shoes!!!)
RisingForce said on 14/Jun/09
I'm not sure Mickey, just the 5'9.5" figure makes sense to me for some point of the day. Whether it's his midday height or morning height is another thing, but Tommy Morrison did tell Mamun that Sly was 5'9.5". Maybe that's his morning height? After seeing that picture I do think he could even be shorter than Jennifer, but considering how tall he's looked at times in elevators I still have a lot of doubts about him going under 5'9" at any time in the day.
I am very puzzled by that picture because the angle appears good.
leonari said on 14/Jun/09
WOW Dural! Wow! Sly is even closer to the camera! Has the heel advantage and I still see a 2 inch difference. Anybody sees the same thing???? Look at the eye levels
Mickey said on 14/Jun/09
Rising, so what do you see Sly as now as morning height and night time height?
RisingForce said on 14/Jun/09
By the way I'm dropping my estimate for Sly down to 5'9.5" after seeing that picture. I think anything from 5'8.5" to 5'10.75" is possible, I'm really confused by his height. But I think that factoring in the tall and short pictures, 5'9.5" makes the most sense to me at the moment.
Don said on 14/Jun/09
killer pics dural,
even with 1 inch heel advantage, sly still looks good 1, 2 inches shorter than flavin.
leone510ss said on 14/Jun/09
the photos posted by dural go up again ago to the vacation of sly to roma of a few months!!! had already posted those photos, but are not been published!!! I don't know why!!! however, great dural;)
ps:if jen is 5'9" more 0,5 in of sandals, sly to this point in this photo is to the max 5'8" with the shoes!!! frank2 is right sly is 5'7 and perhaps max max 5'8."..!!!
Ace said on 14/Jun/09
Those are some devastating pics Dural. I think that ends any chance of him being over 5`9.
RisingForce said on 14/Jun/09
Zach, do you think I'm too stupid to pick up on when you're talking down to me? You can try not being an a$$hole for once if that's not too difficult for you. Why not refer to me by name instead of "certain people" or a "certain individual"? I guess you just have something that just makes it necessary for you to be a d*ck.
And no, I'm not going to act like those pictures aren't good. That last one is an excellent photo for height comparison and shocking. Even though Sly's knee looks a little bent it defintley seems like he's shorter than her there, especially factoring in his normal shoes vs her flat shoes.
Zach said on 14/Jun/09
And if anything looking at Flavins completely flat shoes Sly will still have a slight heel advantage, the usual heel you get on men's shoes. Brilliant pics Dural.
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 14/Jun/09
Dural,that is a great find. If jennfer is legit 5'9 then that puts Sly in the 5'8-5'8.5. Great find.
Zach said on 14/Jun/09
Dural those pics have got to be some of the best finds in recent times. Clearly, clearly shorter than his wife I dont care what excuses certain people will try and make now those are brilliant pictures for comparison. And yes Glenn did say Jennifer Flavin was not her listed 5'9, that she was 5'7-9 or 'about his height'. Even if she is 5'9 Sly is no taller than 5'8 from those pics. As for 5'10.75, thats just becoming a bigger joke by the day.
Roger said on 14/Jun/09
Dural, the 5'10.75'' is a RisingForce special. By now, everyone is in disbelief about RF, maybe he sticks to it to gain some attention? I cannot see any other reason.
Mickey said on 14/Jun/09
Amazing pics as usual Dural. That last picture of Flavin in flats and Sly in black shoes(with Flavin standing further from the camera) is really good.
leone510ss said on 14/Jun/09
I knew the photo that has posted leonari!! I have been possessing this for years!!! beautiful photo ;)
RF is impossible to say if sly is taller than dog, the photos that I have posted it is true they don't help, therefore you cannot say that sly is surely taller than possible that they are similar in height, perhaps also equal!!! we don't know the shoes that sly puts on!!! ;)
derek d said on 14/Jun/09
WOW Dural, amazing find. I believe the shoes he was buying and is wearing are actually "normal" shoes. Usually custom made elevator shoes are not sold in stores like those for the public to buy. So is this a liftless Sly next to Flavin in flats? My god, he looks 2 inches shorter than her in that picture (not to mention he's closer to the camera)....
Dural said on 14/Jun/09
We've seen those pictures already:
Sly is posing with the shoes he's going to buy
Click HereFlavin in flat sandals
Click HereNow Sly & Flavin together (we've seen the first pic already, but the second is new - at least for me. I remember Brad thought Sly was barefoot as he saw the first picture, now take a look at the second)
Click HereClick HereSly is obviously shorter than his wife (I remember Glenn thought she's between 5'7" and 5'8"), so how is 5'10.75" possible?
Roger said on 14/Jun/09
You still believe 5'10.75'' for Sly as morning height???? This is impossible, RF. Please say you are kidding.
Roger said on 14/Jun/09
Great find, this barefoot pic. He looks much better there than today, also, this body is totally possible without any juice. I guess the date of the picture might be 1987. Where did you find it leonari? 5'9'' is spot on.
Brad said on 14/Jun/09
That photo of him by the table is amazing. I'd guess 5' 7.5" by looking at the chair & table if somebody asked me how tall that "guy was".
RisingForce said on 14/Jun/09
leone510ss, those pictures of Sly and Dog are bad for comparing height for so many reasons. One reason is that in the first Sly is closer, but he's also slouching quite a bit which is very unusual for him. In the second picture Sly is completely hunched over to pose with Duane's wife who is probably a short woman and he's farther from the camera in that picture. It's obvious that Sly is taller, but by how much is impossible to judge from those pictures. It's too bad that we don't have a better picture of the two of them.
Don, I'm not necessarily saying that he was honest(though I believe his 5'10.75" claim as a morning height"). My point was that even some men who go to great lengths to look taller sometimes are honest about their height(Burt Reynolds saying he's under 6 ft, Downey joking about being shorter than Gwyneth Paltrow). Basically what I'm saying is that we never know what someone is thinking. The best way to estimate someone's height is to look at all of the pictures/movies we have of Sly that are good for that purpose, listen to the opinions of those who met him and come to your own opinion based on that.
Obviously you don't feel he looks that tall based on those things, which is fine and that's what you've based your opinion on. So regardless since you don't think he's that tall he'd be lying in your opinion. But my point is to those who rule out the height using the reason that a height obsessed man automatically is shorter than he claims.
leonari said on 14/Jun/09
barefoot pic of Sly in great shape:
Click HereLooks like a 5'9" guy to me. 5'8" is a bit too short.
Danimal said on 13/Jun/09
Duane has said he is 5'7" and wears custom made cowboy boots making him 5'10". It was from his very own mouth on his own show.
Frank2 said on 13/Jun/09
Where did yo see me? Rob used to have a few photos up, but took them down at my request after my altercation with you know who. Those photos were taken of me a few years ago. But I think I do look at least ten years younger than my actual age of 62. Some have suggested I look like someone in their late 40's.
Roger said on 13/Jun/09
How can a man be called honest when it comes to his height, after the supposed 5'10.5'' look like this next to a 5'11'' woman?
Click Here
miko said on 13/Jun/09
Frank2, are you really over 60 years old?
I don't think you even look a day over 50. Seriously my friend, you look very well for your age.
Don said on 13/Jun/09
funny you mention sly's 'honesty' in giving out his height figure because in the excerpt alone above he gives out out 3 different heights that have a variance of 0.75 inches. and as height obsessed as he is who is probably aware of his height down to closest mm, those three different height meaurements that he gives cannot be just out of being mistaken.
leone510ss said on 13/Jun/09
do you look at this photo, thing you tell me? in the first photo sly seems taller than duane, but sly is more next to the television cameras!!! in the second photo duane seems taller than sly, but duane is more next to the television camera!!! I to this point think that if sly and duane had perfectly been near would have been equal of height or very similar!!! do you not think???
ps: sorry for my english :)
Click HereClick Here
RisingForce said on 13/Jun/09
That's a fair point about him admitting to wearing lifts, Sly would never do that. Or atleast I don't think he'd admit it. I just don't think it's necessarily about a certain height figure for these men. I think a lot of them just like to appear bigger and measure up better next to other men rather than fit a certain figure.
Another example is Burt Reynolds who always wore massive lifts, to the point where his ex-wife said they were damaging his legs from wearing them so often. Burt said in the early 70's "I think I'm the only actor under 6 feet tall who admits to it But I'm 6-foot-3 with my boots on". Or another quote from Burt "You know, when I take these boots off, I'm 5 feet 4 inches."
Another example is Robert Downey Jr. whose shoes are far more ridiculous than Sly's, but has joked about being shorter than Gwyneth Paltrow.
My point is that while I can see the logic behind thinking a height obsessed man like Sly wouldn't be honest about his height, I don't think you can say him wearing lifts rules out him giving an honest height figure.
Mickey said on 13/Jun/09
Opps i meant "two discrepancies" in my last post.
Mickey said on 13/Jun/09
I see what you mean about some people that wear lifts being honest about their height Rising but there is one discrepancy here:
Sly has never admitted to wearing lifts, Duane did
Duane mentioned his real height as well as his height in lifts, Sly has never done this.
Its obvious Duane is cares less about people knowing he is short(because he admitted to the above points) than Sly does. This is why i think the 5'10" or 5'10.75" claim is a lie(also the pictures that show him shorter than that claim). My thoughts.
Brad said on 13/Jun/09
Great photo Dural, he's toast. I saw "Dog" a few weeks ago standing by someone I've met 25 times. He is indeed 5' 7" with a massive heeled boot that Springsteen wears. Look at Glenn with Jenny owning him, now look at Alex with Jenny with Alex owning her. Picture Alex with Glenn or by the Sly-Glenn shot. Add scooter. That You Tube with Sly going into the medical place in Ronald McDonald red trainers showed me how shockingly short he really is.
RisingForce said on 13/Jun/09
derek d, there are defintley some things that suggested 5'10.75", hell even one picture you posted suggested that could be right.(The photo where he's most likely barefoot with Brigitte Nielsen). There is plenty that suggests he's shorter, but there's also a good amount of pictures that suggest he's 5'10.75".
Sometimes even guys who wear big lifts 24/7 are honest about their height. Duane Chapman(Dog The Bounty Hunter) admitted that he's only 5'7" but that he wears 3" boots to make him 5'10". I never see him without these boots.
Parker said on 13/Jun/09
Hi Mickey - I can see your Travolta/Stallone pics, the difference is a tad less than 3 inches (3 inches = eyeline to bottom lip), but of course we can't see footwear.
Midget said on 12/Jun/09
Good point Frank2. I dont think Arnie is under 182cm-183cm nowadys. It seems everyone loses height at different rates and ages or in your case not at all yet, for instance- my father was accurately measured by a doctor in his teens as 179.5cm barefoot yet I measured him 5years ago at age 56yrs old and he was 177cm and 3x months ago on an electronis height/weight scale machine he measured 175cm. I'am however a little suspect on the actual accuracy of the electronic device.
Frank2 said on 12/Jun/09
So dmeyer, why would Arnold be struggling to reach 6'? I mean, he's not that old. In fact, he and I are the same age and I haven't lost any height.
Roger said on 12/Jun/09
Click Here assuming 183 cm for Travolta, that makes 177 cm here for Sly at most. The problem? We don't know either's footwear.
derek d said on 12/Jun/09
If Travolta was 6'0.25 then Stallone was 5'9.25 peak there max (considering he's not in lifts which is hard to believe), and IF Travolta was 6'1 (which I highly doubt) than add 3/4's to 5'9.25 and then that would make Sly 5'10 highly unrealistic. The only thing that ever suggested 5'10.75 was SLY's quote himself LOL, why out of all the celebs to actually tell the truth about their height be someone who wears lifts 24/7 and is obsessed with his height? Think about it.
Brad said on 12/Jun/09
Hey ACG, he was in car for the day, the loaner wasn't for a 15 minute rest. He can't afford a hotel in NYC but a car works. Hey Frank, Glenn said the window is at his place, the flight is over the ape city at the zoo across the way. I've met Travolta, I agree with Rising, he might still be 6' 1", but its been 10 years since I met him. I shoulda asked the Kotter cast through the years at Courts' shows, come to think of it I've met the entire cast now.Lawrence Hilton Jacobs is tall. Those guys are wild together, even in '08. Like I said, I asked Fonz how tall Sly was and he said "he didn't know".
Dural said on 12/Jun/09
Great pic Mickey, here's another one:
Click Here
dmeyer said on 12/Jun/09
frank2 sees arnie at 6 ft 2 denzel at 6 ft 1.5 nicolas cage at 6 ft 1 to 6 ft 2 i think arnie was 6 ft 1.5 at his peak 6 ft 1 12 years ago and 6 ft 0.5 in 5 years ago and now strugling with 6 ft looking 182ish
Frank2 said on 12/Jun/09
That photo of Stallone with Travolta looks to me to show a near four inch difference in height.
Take out a measuring tape or a ruler and count off four inches. You'll see it's not that long. It's the distance across an average man's fist.
Frank2 said on 12/Jun/09
"I haven't posted in a while but I'm pretty disgusted to see "posters"(would use a different word if I could) such as Brad and Frank2 having a field day with their ridiculous claims of Glenn at 5'6.5 and Stallone at 5'8.
Glenn is no less than 5'8 in his morning hours and Stallone, without a doubt hits 5'10.75 sometime during the day. Any other claims for either are utter bull."
Disgusted? Bull? Sure you're not Glenn using another name?
Have you met Stallone? Have you seen him without shoes? Do you know people who've worked closely with him?
I've met him. I've seen him wearing just socks and I know several people who were in his employ, be they bodyguards or drivers or personal assistants.
Stallone is no more 5'10 1/2" than I'm Superman and can fly.
RisingForce said on 12/Jun/09
If Travolta is 6'0.25" then Sly does look 5'9" or a bit over at best there. But I wouldn't rule out 6'1" for Travolta just based on the fact that he said "a little over six". Robert Mitchum was obviously atleast 6'1" and he claimed to be 6 feet. Some men don't care about height when they're over 6 feet.
Now I'm not claiming Travolta is 6'1" either. I don't think I could make an accurate guess on Travolta other than he's a legit 6 footer. I have no clue how much over 6 feet he is. Could be a flat 6'0", no shorter than that though.
Mickey said on 12/Jun/09
My mistake:
Click HereLet me know if it doesnt work still.

Editor Rob
I can't see it but I think I know the photo, there's a few of travolta/sly early era, a few show 3 inches.
Mickey said on 12/Jun/09
Tellem's picture of Sly and Travolta is really a good one. Travolta has never been much over 6ft, even he says it:
US Actor from Pulp Fiction and Grease said on Larry King I'm six, a little over six, and I think she was, too."
If he was 6'1" im sure he would have said 6'1". He said he is 6ft, a little over, his height listed here is pretty spot on at 6'0.25".
Click HereSly's higher eye meets just above Travolta's lip, meaning about a 3.5 inch difference if im not mistaken. Travolta's eye meets Sly's hairline. So we can say there is about a 3-3.5 inch difference in height there.
Travolta at 6'0.25" peak
Minus 3-3.5inches seen here
Equals 5'8.75"-5'9.25 Sly
And this is assuming Sly is not wearing lifts.
Rob how much difference do you see in between them judging by eyeline? Please answer me on this one. I could be wrong about 3.5 inches, but Sly looks 5'9.25" there at best to me.

Editor Rob
the link didn't work.
Don said on 12/Jun/09
There is a big difference between being honest and being mistaken. i've never had issues with glenn myself and i believe he was a good guy (well the second time around anyway) but you could tell that he was often mistaken in estimating various celebs' heights. he would have been more credible if he was consistently in the ballpark with celebs' heights but he obviously wasn't.
how can you blame the guys for having a "field day" when we correctly use glenn's true verified height for comparison purposes? glenn's out of bed height is pretty much irrelevant for discussion purposes because 99% of his pictures with celebs were taken well after he woke up anyway. if you actually choose to believe the fairy tale that the man actually shrinks close to 4 cm throughout the day be my guest. but as i said, that is a useless figure that dosen't help any. as for sly's being 5'10.75, well we pretty much covered that and debunked that myth with some good ol hard evidence.
ACG said on 12/Jun/09
Brad: 5'6.75 at "peak"?!?! lololololol. That low measurement was taken at no earlier than 8pm, iirc, after glenn had done all the shrinking he was going to do for the day. And carrying around a huge bag for hours on end.
I'm mystified at why Rob wasn't able to measure glenn fresh out of bed. Probably time constraints, but still.....

Editor Rob
it was to be precise 5.46pm the time I took the photo of glenn at near 169.4cm. If he shrank anymore that day I doubt it'd be more than 2mm.
maybe glenn could have stayed 1 night in a manhattan hotel if he wanted an out of bed measurement.
Zach said on 12/Jun/09
ACG says on 12/Jun/09
Glenn is no less than 5'8 in his morning hours and Stallone, without a doubt hits 5'10.75 sometime during the day. Any other claims for either are utter bull.
So stallone grows as the day goes on? I'm won over. Sly is 5'10.75. Maybe even 6ft by the time he hits the sack.
Metric said on 12/Jun/09
Danimal: Just making an objective observation.
But I could ask you the same? Only replace the word referring to Arnold with Metric (=me) instead!?? Smirk.
You have been sniffed OUT, DannyBOY!
Don't adress me anymore.
RisingForce said on 12/Jun/09
I see your point Mickey, something doesn't add up, that's for sure. Glenn said he was slightly tip toeing though so I don't think he'd be up 2 inches on his toes.
I do believe that Glenn is an honest guy. Whether he was mistaken is another thing, but I have to wonder what kind of shoes he could think were sandals if they weren't?
Brad said on 12/Jun/09
Hey Mickey, you hit a home run. Join ACG's list homes, you rock bro. Imagine Sly in sandals on a NYC street with the paps blasting away. Misleading measurements? The dude didn't want to see anybody except Rob, like duuuuh, gee (Baby Huey voice) uhhh can it be an Alex or anybody else would go "What the (fill in the swear word) is this in front of me saying he is 5' 8"". He had a freaking car on the block and it wasn't for a "short" rest, try all day with a "Huff puff, man I lugged all night n day trying to find signatures" as the line attached. Uh, ACG, he measured under 5' 6 3/4" at "peak", I think 5' 6.5" is ummm, generous after at regular romp for Glenn up at 4 P.M. and 6 hours later a photo. That sandals story is like the mocassins with who was it? Farrell? Abe Vigoda: "Uh, I'd rather not".
ACG said on 12/Jun/09
I haven't posted in a while but I'm pretty disgusted to see "posters"(would use a different word if I could) such as Brad and Frank2 having a field day with their ridiculous claims of Glenn at 5'6.5 and Stallone at 5'8.
Glenn is no less than 5'8 in his morning hours and Stallone, without a doubt hits 5'10.75 sometime during the day. Any other claims for either are utter bull.
Glenn has been wrong a handful of times about several celebs. Take Pitt and Dicaprio, for example. For the longest time, glenn adamantly insisted they were 6'0 min and 6'2 respectively. But when he found he was wrong, he fully copped to it, like the man he is.
Rob's misleading measurements were taken at glenn's lowest point of the day, possibly even the lowest points(height wise) of his fully grown life.
Yet he still managed to clear 5'7. If that's not irrefutable proof that he wakes at no less than a full 5'8, I don't know what is.
TELLEM says on 11/Jun/09
sly doesn't even look 5'10 here next to 6'0ish john travolta an i bet sly is in lifts: Click Here
Travolta was well over 6'0 tall in his peak and that pic was obviously taken during it.
Frank2 says on 11/Jun/09
Except that no way is Stallone 5'9".
You are right for once....because Stallone is 5'10.75

Editor Rob
the measurements were fair and accurate.
well the first day they were.
The second day I still don't know how long he lay down in a car - to regain some height!
Mickey said on 11/Jun/09
I always thought the sandal picture was very strange, lets add it up:
Glenn said Sly was in sandals and Glenn was in Reeboks
Theres about a 4 inch difference in height between them
Glenn was on his tip toes adding 2 inches of height
So sly at 5'10.75(Glenn's claim)
minus 4 inches of visible difference
minus 2 inches that Glenn is getting from tip toes
minus the half inch that Glenn is getting from Reeboks and you have
Glenn standing 5'4"(which we know he is not)
With all that i can safely disregard that picture. Glenn is not 5'4" but looks it in the picture so something is very wrong with it. My opinion is Sly is never seen in sandals. Do you see what i mean Rising?
Danimal said on 11/Jun/09
Metric says on 11/Jun/09
Arnold is worse than Canseco. He is like a 90 yr old healthwise.
Your hatred for him grows by the day, doesn't it?
ricealpha said on 11/Jun/09
MIGHTY says his friend was able to stech his back 1.8 inches, hey MIGHTY was this after he had stopped growing and at what age.I earnestly await your reply
Brad said on 11/Jun/09
Travolta owning Sly. Don needs a Burger King crown, he's throwing up reality. Dude abides. Word up. Like Frank2 is going to throw up a whopper that he is 5' 10.5" beside him, he speaks reality. He came, he saw, he conquered across from Lew Wasserman's big black tower.
Zach said on 11/Jun/09
I dont think any of Glenn's estimates/pictures can be seen as credible any more. He was insisting Rob was 5'9 'or more' as someone quoted him even after all of Robs zillions of measurement pictures. I find it a bit hard to believe Stallone was out in public in sandals too as allegedly he was in one of Glenn's pictures.
Zach said on 11/Jun/09
Mighty says on 7/Jun/09
My friend was able to stretch his back 1.8 inches thru regular stretching but had to be maitained from time to time.
MIGHTY - please do enlighten us on this stretching regime.
Roger said on 11/Jun/09
Yes, Don is right. Glenn has had some credibility issues, not only with Willis, but also McDowell. I give him credit for being willing to meet with Rob, but strange is that he, e.g., still insists on McDowell being 5'9''.
We don't know what Glenn wore on the photos, and if was tiptoing. Same with many other stories of him, like the bench press thing. We do have numerous reports on Sly being 5'9'' max naturally and the photo with Claudia Schiffer.
leone510ss said on 11/Jun/09
hey guys ,what do you think of my photo??? of my photo that I have posted before??? seem me very interesting!!!
I would to know what thinks frank2.
Don said on 11/Jun/09
sorry to break it to you but glenn hasn't exactly built up credibility during his time on this site. the man thought he was at least an inch taller than his real height for the longest time and used to get into profanity filled rants when anyone dared to question his height. the man orignially claimed being 5'8 in his photos, then lowered it to 5'7.5 ish range when he was pretty much cornered by logical posters. before he met rob to get measured, i recall glenn confidently stating that there wouldn't be much height difference between him and rob. then the 5'6.5 photos came out with rob clearly being taller. even then, his obsession with 5'8 continued as he claimed that it was his out of bed height and that he somehow rapidly shrank 1.5 inches throughout the day, when shorter men typically shrink 2 cm max.
what can you possibly expect from his observations when the guy didn't exactly know how tall he was?
all the tip toeing and sandals claims aside on the 1991 picture, the picture in the left pretty much shows that sly has about 3 inches max on glenn with realistic footwear advantage.
miko said on 11/Jun/09
Cool find Tellem, Travolta is destroying him there.
TELLEM said on 11/Jun/09
that is true risingforce , but he also admitted that it WAS possible for sly to have an extra lift in his sandles aswell.
TELLEM said on 11/Jun/09
sly doesn't even look 5'10 here next to 6'0ish john travolta an i bet sly is in lifts:
Click Here
Don said on 11/Jun/09
good point dural,
very realistic that sly had footwear advantage on glenn. hell, i would be highly surprised if he didn't. so even if we give a generous 3 inch advantage to sly over glenn in the picture (the one in the left before it got taken down), sly probably had at least half an inch footwear advantage. doing the math and assuming glenn is around 5'6.5 (which is verified), we arrive at 5'9 MAX. furthermore, we can't discount the fact that glenn probably estimated celebs' heights from the point of view that he was 5'8 (though he obviously falls far short of that). so seeing that sly was roughly 2 inches taller than him, glenn probably thought sly was 5'10. sly isn't the only celeb that glenn overestimated. he thought bruce willis was 6'1, which is pretty laughable. willis probably doesn't even hit 6 ft on a good day.
it all adds up now somewhat. though i was always pretty sure sly was no more than 5'9 to begin with when i saw the copland clip with liotta and that infamous beach picture with nielson. 5'8 range is even more possible after frank2's story with sly.
RisingForce said on 11/Jun/09
I just find it odd that Sly had atleast 4 inches on Glenn in the 1991 picture. Glenn admitted to tip toeing and claimed that Sly was wearing sandals. I don't see why Glenn would lie about those things because it'd only bring his height into question even more if anything. They were standing very close together so I'd guess that the pavement difference wouldn't be a huge factor.
leone510ss said on 11/Jun/09
hey guys ,what do you think of this photo??? I think that this photo has not been posted here never!!!
I would to know what thinks frank2 of this photo...!!! thanks;)
Click Here
Dural said on 11/Jun/09
bbfan2009 says on 11/Jun/09
I remember the day where I was on here and used Glenn's 5' 8" claim to conclude that Stallone was 5' 10" - 5' 10 1/2". Now Glenn's true height suddenly makes the 5' 9" for Sly, totally correct! The 2-2.5" difference from 5' 6.5" - 5 6.75" gives about 5' 9" for Sly.
How do we know Sly wasn't wearing customs with Glenn?
TELLEM said on 11/Jun/09
i too agree on de niro at 5'8-5'8.5 PEAK. look at him next to 6'0.5-6'1 peak christopher walken in the wedding scene in "the deer hunter" thats 4.5 inches of being towered by him
Frank2 said on 11/Jun/09
Except that no way is Stallone 5'9".
Metric said on 11/Jun/09
Arnold is worse than Canseco. He is like a 90 yr old healthwise.
Brad said on 11/Jun/09
Glenn said he met him many many times and knew his height. I see you met Jenny Glenn, looks the same height difference. Mahahaha pineapple in a Celtic shirt.
bbfan2009 said on 11/Jun/09
I remember the day where I was on here and used Glenn's 5' 8" claim to conclude that Stallone was 5' 10" - 5' 10 1/2". Now Glenn's true height suddenly makes the 5' 9" for Sly, totally correct! The 2-2.5" difference from 5' 6.5" - 5 6.75" gives about 5' 9" for Sly.
Brad said on 11/Jun/09
I wonder if Sly will be like Canseco & McGwire, in constant battle with their bodies imploding due to spiking roids? I hear McGwire is like a 75 year old man now, in for check-up's weekly.
mofo said on 11/Jun/09
rob in the pic link above where you are wearing elevator shoes are you 6ft1 with them on (a gain of 4 inchs)? if so the guy stating he made stallone 4.5 inches taller might not be exaggerating!

Editor Rob
the shoes give 2.5 inches. It's an effect, I'm dropping 1.5 inches in posture on the left pic.
Mickey said on 10/Jun/09
Thanks for your answer Rising.
While i did say you do have some good points about whether the photo shoot took place, i did not see Roger's post. It seems pretty possible that Sly and Claudia actually did do the photo together to me. Roger does bring up some good points.
RisingForce said on 10/Jun/09
Frank2, Sly's face looks better than it has in years in these pictures which were each taken this year.
Click Here Click HereHis face was bloated for a while, but not anymore.
derek d said on 10/Jun/09
In regards to the Sly and Schriffer picture, just look at the difference between Sly's legs and hers. Hers are much longer, at least 2 inches longer. Also, I'm not sure if this even makes sense but notice how much higher her belly button is on her stomach. Both seem to have theirs in the same area and her appears 2.5 inches higher. By the way, is she even standing straight? Her knee seems to be blocking the view of her other leg...
Brad said on 10/Jun/09
Lower than that for RD, he looked the same height as Glenn but Glenn wears boots. They never showed their faces in the butt scene, that says everything, it wasn't them.
Frank2 said on 10/Jun/09
De Niro was never more than 5'8". He was obviously shorter than 5'10" Dana Andrews in THE LAST TYCOON and Andrews was 67 and by then could have possibly lost some height.
When I saw her, Sharon Stone looked to be no taller than 5'7" and was probably more like 5'6". I was half a head taller.
Ty said on 10/Jun/09
After watching Rocky Balboa again last night, Sly looked a solid 5'11 - 5'11 1/2 throughout the movie. The only question is, was he getting 1, 2, 2 1/2, or 3 inch lift?
bam said on 10/Jun/09
i did see a 5'10.75 listing for claudia schiffer on the web....
RisingForce said on 10/Jun/09
De Niro today though looks to have lost height an I'd bet he's a flat 5'8" now at 65 years old.
RisingForce said on 10/Jun/09
Steve, I've never said 5'9" for Sharon Stone. I've always said 5'8.5" as she claimed. De Niro I've never been sure of, somewhere between 5'9" and 5'10", same with Russell although I've been leaning more towards 5'9" for Russell lately.
Roger, obviously it doesn't make little sense because Don and Mickey agree with what I said about the Schiffer/Sly picture.
I wouldn't be surprised if that was Kurt and Sly in Tango and Cash, Mickey. Kurt did say he was naked from behind several times on camera in a mid 90's interview I saw. But, I'll agree that it's possible that it wasn't them. But as far as a height sensitive man like Sly being barefoot next to Kurt. Mickey, I doubt that'd be a problem, even if they're the same height as you think. I don't think it'd bother him that much to look the same as Kurt. It'd be different if he was barefoot next Arnold. I think that if that wasn't Sly then the more likely reason would be because neither wanted to do such a pointless scene when it wasn't necessary.
TELLEM said on 10/Jun/09
i agree on frank2's estimate, sly never was 5'10 3/4 barefoot. He can claim that height all he wants. hell, i can claim 7 FOOT 6 and 7/8s all i want, doesn't mean i am.
Brad said on 10/Jun/09
I give most cred to Frank2. Glenn saying a hair under 5' 11" was a joke, like Bruce at 6' 1". I bet there was a Bruce-Glenn photo but Bruce at him by 4.5".
Roger said on 10/Jun/09
It should also be added that a fan reporter of "thestallonezone" had the chance to meet Sly on the set of the newest Rocky part, when it was filmed 3 years ago.
And he wrote that Sly is 5'9''. There is no doubt though that he can appear taller, as even on beaches - when being photographed - he wears those boots that are now his most loyal companion.
Roger said on 10/Jun/09
Avedon AND Versace are dead, of course. Versace was shot, I wrote, he was shot to death in Miami. It was I believe in 1998.
Rob, why don't you add the photo I've linked above? Having Sly barefoot is immensely valuable, it is probably the only photo of him we'll ever see this way!
Steve said on 10/Jun/09
Bam it was risingforce last time who said Claudia is 5'11.5. Sharon stone at 5'9 DeNiro at 5'10, Kurt Russell too. Anything to make his boy stallone look taller than he really is. With Glenn's pictures and sightings now holding no validity the case for anything above 5'9 stallone is a joke. As Frank and Mamun both say the guy is 5'8. Add huge shoes to 5'11. Posture and camera angles give odd occasional appearance around 6ft.
Brad said on 10/Jun/09
Somebody ask Claudia, Avedon is dead and Sly saying he is 5' 10 3/4" says a lot about his estimate.
Roger said on 10/Jun/09
RisingForce, don't you realize how little sense it makes what you write? First, it was detailed in the article that described how the photo was taken how Versace spontaneously had this idea of having Sly and Schiffer shot as Adam and Eve together. Schiffer was doing some work for him already and Sly visited him, he was a friend. Versace got shot btw, more than 10 years ago.
And again, this is the way the photo was shot and the ads are and were to be seen. Had Sly been taller, do you think he would have said "O.K., make me shorter for the photo"? This is his natural height, without lifts.
Check out the rest of the campaing photos. You seriously believe the models were photographed seperately and montaged together on the photos?
Frank2 said on 10/Jun/09
"frank2 : do u remember the physic of sly??? the arms, legs etc"
Like I said earlier, he has a somewhat small head when compared to the size of his large chest. His legs looked normal. He was wearing expensive designer jeans. He had big, pumped up arms. I could tell he worked out.
By the way, anyone seen how awful his face looks these days? I mean he's had far too much plastic surgery. He's less than a year older than me. I've had none and I think I look 100% better simply because I've not let anyone fool with my face.
A well known Hollywood plastic surgeon once said, "I can make you look different. But I cannot make you look younger."
Mickey said on 10/Jun/09
While Rising does bring up some good points about whether the photo shoot took place or not i specifically remember trying to point out to Rising that the scene in Tango and Cash as they are walking to the showers might not have been Sly and Kurt Russel. We do not see their faces, and would a height sensitive man like Sly really go barefoot on camera with a average height man(that being Kurt)? Would the producers get both Kurt and Sly to strip down just to walk down a corridor for 15 seconds? Im curious to see if you have changed your mind on that Rising, given you seem set on the photoshoot being edited.
Brad said on 10/Jun/09
Yep, 5' 9" in the effect. Hey Glenn, eat a peach. That's not 1/4" shy of 5' 11". He needs his sandals.
RisingForce said on 10/Jun/09
If you want to base your estimate of Sly's height off that photo, then be my guest, that's your right. But don't say things like it crushes any chance of Sly being 5'10" when there is certainly reasonable doubt that they actually stood next to eachother barefoot.
RisingForce said on 10/Jun/09
5'11.5" for Claudia is a mistake on my part. I could've sworn I remember seeing her being listed at that. My fault for not checking, but is a half inch mistake THAT big of a deal?
And no the photo doesn't crush anything. There's a good chance they weren't even in the room at the same time for the photo. Don agrees with that and he doesn't agree with my estimate of Sly's height. The photo had clearly already been edited(unless you honestly think they have pictures and plates attatched to them in reality). What are the chances that both of them nude shoot a picture at the same time? Much less with a height obsessed man like Sly barefoot next to a taller woman?
bam said on 10/Jun/09
i heard 5'11.5 for schiffer somewhere, risingforce didn't pull it out of thin air thats for sure. It was posted on the sly page the last time people posted the shiffer pic.
JLC said on 9/Jun/09
the Antonio picture of Sly chinning Chuck Norris is actually Bruce Willis, check the jacket and posture of the two and cross reference it with the Bruce/Sly/Arnold pics. Not to mention the background is horribly photo shopped.
Midget said on 9/Jun/09
Sly-Dog looks about 174cm next to 5'11" Schiffer in the (un-altered) version where he is shorter than her.Combine this pic with the Liotta clip and Sly's ego could be looking considerably deflated with released proff of him being under 5'9" barefoot.
The Seth said on 9/Jun/09
so Sylvester Stallone is no more than 5'9", Big deal! so what, I'm 5'9" myself and no more, and as Rocky Balboa Stallone was the man, what he lacked in height he made up for it with a superb body, and in other movies he was an action hero. He has a lot of heart and discipline which many average people lack. It's not the size of the dog in the fight it's the size of the fight in the dog.
Go Sly, you are living proof that you don't have to be at least six feet tall to be a real man.
Roger said on 9/Jun/09
RisingForce, not for the first time I feel you have an agenda here - why is Claudia Schiffer 5'11.5'' now? Will she be 6' next? She's 5'11'', that's what was written back then in and is to be found right now. I think there isn't more to add, this is how supposed 5'10.25'' Sly looks next to a 5'11'' woman. Look at the waistline. Here's the photo larger,
Click HereThis is the original ad, this photo was pictured back in 1995 in numerous magazines and is found in the book, and this is how it was photographed.
As I said, Sly's natural height is 5'9'', maybe 5'9.5'' in the morning. Not a hair more for sure. What is entirely imaginable though is that he got some help by a strech bank or some other weird method we might not even aware of.
Back in 1995, he had his natural height for sure, and it was NOT 5'10'' or 5'10.5''. The photo once and for all crushes this nonsense.
Anonymous said on 9/Jun/09
Weak 5-9 or 174cm describes it best, evidence is all there.
RisingForce said on 9/Jun/09
Roger, if the photo was going to be released then Sly wouldn't have posed next to a 5'11.5" woman barefoot anyway. Don is right on this one. Neither the Stone comparison or the Schiffer comparison are reliable. And at one point in the Stone video Sly looks 2" taller, but to be fair there are legit reasons why neither are reliable.
leone510ss said on 9/Jun/09
frank2 : do u remember the physic of sly??? the arms, legs etc....... you have said that sly could easily be 5'7 and max max 5'8 (exaggerating!!!) do you think that sly has the proportions of a 5'7 or 5'8 man, or he is a man of 5'7 / 5'8 with proportions of a greater and taller man?
i repeat: my friend that met sly 3 time say that sly is 5'6 / max 5'7" ,my friend is 5'10.5 tall and he say that sly was 4 inch shorter than him.
could you clearly answer me to everything if it is possible to you? thank you.............;)
Jay said on 9/Jun/09
I stood next to Sharon Stone once. She was thin as a rake which makes her look tall. She appeared 5ft 11 in very high heels so could not have been taller than 5ft 7.
Brad said on 9/Jun/09
Roger has this thing iced. Sly would not have allowed his image to be shown shorter. Correctamundo.
RisingForce said on 9/Jun/09
Fair post Don and I agree the more I think about it. For arguments sake even if Sly and Stone were both 5'8"(which I personally doubt), Sly would have defintley stood on a box to look taller than Stone. So even if Sly is 2 inches taller as I believe, it's impossible to know based on that clip.
Roger said on 9/Jun/09
RisingForce, the picture with Schiffer and Stallone was taken by legendary photographer Richard Avedon for Versace. Check out this site, scroll down a little, it's a collection of Versace ads.
Click HereThis is the way the photo appears in Avedon's book "The naked and the dressed".
It was described how in the german weekly I mentioned how it got shot almost coincidentally as both Stallone and Schiffer know Versace and were in NYC, and Versace suddenly had this idea.
There are no doubts about it, the way I presented it is the original shot. Do you really think Sly would have allowed himself to be shown SHORTER than he is???
Don said on 9/Jun/09
neither the schiffer pic nor the specialist shower pic is credible in gauging stallone's height.
there is no way stallone and schiffer would have agreed to pose together naked for the camera. schiffer who legitimately pushes 5'11 is clearly taller than stallone in the first place so do you guys actually think stallone would have agreed to pose together barefeet? no way in hell.
in the specialist shower pic, stallone being a height crazed man he is would have MADE ABSOLUTELY SURE that every camera trick in the book be used to make him look taller. for one, we can't see their feet so comparing their heights on some random still upperbody shot is pointless.
gilipollas said on 9/Jun/09
Sly is clearly 5-8 max on his best day. That pic with Schiffer shows it. Funny how they modifed it after...but we all saw the original one. Sly is a short man and looks short even on his lifts.
177cmmmm said on 9/Jun/09
probably 174 cms
Brad said on 9/Jun/09
Anything is possible with magazine covers. Remember the Clooney photo session where they showed him on the box inside the same issue as him on the cover with the tall lady? Esquire? GQ? The Christina Aquilera Rolling Stone cover with Timberlake is a classic box job; she was just under his height.
Mr T-Cakes said on 9/Jun/09
great pics of Stallone and Schiffer barefoot.How on earth did those shots come about? Anyway, I'd say those pics, especially derek d's one, show Stallone is 5ft8.5/5ft9, tops: if Schiffer is 5ft11.
derek d said on 9/Jun/09
I just realized the picture I posted with Sly and Claudia doesn't show their feet, this one is the full shot.
Click Here
Parker said on 9/Jun/09
Here is a magazine front the printed a Stallone/Schiffer pic
Click HereSo derek d - Which pic do you think Rob should put up? In my opinion, both are fake.
derek d said on 8/Jun/09
Parker says on 8/Jun/09
The reason Rob does not want to put the Schiffer/Stallone pic up is because of pics like this.
Click Here
Parker - This is true but everyone knows that the real version is the picture where he is shorter. No fan picture/Glenn picture would be more suitable for on top of this page if you ask me.
Roger - Yeah I hear ya, its great evidence and its plain and simple, both barefoot.
Brad said on 8/Jun/09
Parker! My man! (Don King impersonation). It is Miller time!
Frank2 said on 8/Jun/09
"frank2 :his proportions...could be those of a 5'7 man?"
Hard to say. In person I noticed Stallone has a somewhat small head for his overall build. On the other hand I have a huge one. I think my hat size is nearly size 8. That tends to make me look shorter than I am in pictures. A smaller head on a well proportioned body does the opposite.
Brad, you are correct. Andy is about 5'9". I saw him a couple of times at the local BMW dealer's service center. Spoke with him. He was two inches shorter than me.
This is funny!
Click HereThe way they made this action figure, you'd think Stallone was 6'4"! Notice no lifts!
RisingForce said on 8/Jun/09
Parker is right, they likely photographed them seperately and edited them into the same picture for that picture. This is done all the time in magazines. And as I showed Sly could look as much as 2 inches taller than Stone in the shower scene, sometimes less, but I believe that when both standing straight, Sly is 2 inches taller.
I agree with Brad about Sharon Stone's height. Stone in heels was atleast an inch and a half taller than Andy Garcia and she wasn't that much shorter than Justin Timberlake or Samuel L. Jackson.
Roger said on 8/Jun/09
Lol @ Parker. Parker, this also was discussed already - you photo is simply an enlarged Sly next to Claudia. The photo was originally shot the way Derek D has linked it. I remember it quite well, it must have been around the Cliffhanger / Specialist period, I guess it's 15 years old by now. It was pictured in a german weekly, amongst others, named "Bunte".
The photo cleary shows Sly cannot be 5'10.25'', but is 5'9.5'' max. It is imaginable though that he is slightly taller by now as Sly is vein enough to visit stretch banks etc.
But he was never 5'10'' naturally.
Brad said on 8/Jun/09
Claudia owns him. Stone owns Garcia in heels and I know Andy is 5' 9" cause I stood right next to him.
Daniel said on 8/Jun/09
I agree with Anon2 -and therefore with Rob's listing- 5'9" (1.75m) for Stallone seems the most reasonable.
Parker said on 8/Jun/09
The reason Rob does not want to put the Schiffer/Stallone pic up is because of pics like this.
Click Here
Mr T-Cakes said on 8/Jun/09
I agree with Frank2 and Mickey on the Sharon Stone thing. For Stallone he looked the same height as Burt Young in the Rocky4 scene where they go to the ring for the bout with Drago.And check out Stallone's barely visible height advantage due to the big hair!I would say Young was 5ft7ish.
Roger said on 8/Jun/09
derek d, I've posted the Schiffer / Stallone photo numerous times, also suggested it gets posted permanently at the page's top. Maybe Rob does not want it as it might make discussing Sly a bit more boring. He cannot be 5'10.25'', as RisingForce suggests again and again.
Brad said on 8/Jun/09
Stone is 5' 8.5" tall. Don't believe anything unless you can see what is on Sly's feet.
leone510ss said on 8/Jun/09
frank2 :his proportions...could be those of a 5'7 man?
you could answer to my 2 post...thanks ;)
leone510ss said on 8/Jun/09
his proportions...could be those of a 5'7 man?
you could answer to my 2 post...thanks ;)
Mickey said on 8/Jun/09
Frank2 may very well be correct in saying Stone is shorter then her 5'8" listing on this site. Check this pic out:
Looks slightly shorter then 5'8"ish Christian Slater and Stone is in big(3inch) heels. Slater's shoes probably give him an inch. Even 5'8" for Stone seems a bit far fetched to me.
Frank2 said on 8/Jun/09
The clip from THE SPECIALIST doesn't show both their feet. Unless we can see a full shot where Sly is standing barefoot next to an actor or actress of proven height, it's meaningless.
I once met Sharon Stone at my car dealer's service dept. She was wearing flat shoes and to me didn't look over 5'7", probably closer to 5'6". She was also a terror! Screaming at the service writer about how the electric window on her Aston Martin wouldn't go up or down. At one point she screamed, "I can be a real bitch!" The service writer smiled saying, "That I can believe."
derek d said on 8/Jun/09
Click HereI don't see why this picture shouldn't be on the top of the page. It is the only clear barefoot photo of Sly standing next to someone, and if Claudia Schiffer is 5'11 then Sly is no more than 5'9, if even that.
Anon2 said on 8/Jun/09
Wow, I haven't been on the Sly thread for a while and how things have changed! I was a quasi-Glenn supporter in the past, believing Sly was about 5-9.5 in his prime, but never could fully accept the 5-10 or 5-10.5. I am the biggest fan of the truth though, so glad to have Mr. Frank2's insights, cos to be "frank", you seem to be quite "frank" (puns totally intended lol).
I always dismissed that Frank probably just misjudged a 5-9 man in being 5-7 due to the huge disparity from seeing him your 5-11 height just minutes before he took off his lifts. I now trust your judgement a lot more...
But at the same time, I believe for a 5-7 man to achieve heights comparible to 6-0 or 6-1 is still breaking the laws of physics.
I think the 174cm to 176cm is the most accurate for Stallone, 175cm or 5-9 being the fairest, which Rob pegs Stallone at. I think Frank may have caught Sly at the end of the day on a long exhausting day (you did mention it was in the evening and he was tired, right)? At the lowest at the end of the day, he was probably at 174cm or 5-8.5, with bad tired posture and all, could probably slump to 5-7-ish impression.
So that all adds up to 5-9 for me.
Btw, I did remember Glenn was supposed to get measured by Rob? Did that go wrong somehow? Is it true from what I'm reading just recently below that Glenn's really 5-7 barefeet?
derek d said on 8/Jun/09
Forget the still pictures of the shower scene from the Specialist.
Click HereGo to around 4:20 and on, there are a few clips of Sly and Stone in the shower and he honestly looks about a inch taller than her, at worst maybe only half a inch. Whats the verdict on her height?
leonari said on 8/Jun/09
Mighty: Carl Weathers 5'11"? Really? You don't believe the nonsense you just posted. Please tell me you are joking. Anything below 6 feet is a joke for carl and at least 6'1" is reality.
RisingForce said on 7/Jun/09
A-Bomb, to answer your question I have Sly at 5'10.5", 5'10.75" first thing in the morning and between 5'9.5" and 5'10" at his lowest. Norris I think is 5'9" or a bit over in the morning and Wahlberg doesn't seem like he'd reach higher than 5'7.5", 5'8" to me, even in the morning. Out of all of them, I think there's the best chance that Sly is shorter than my estimate, followed by Wahlberg.
Mighty, Weathers wasn't losing 3 inches in posture. There's simply no way and 5'11" for Weathers? You've gotta be kidding me, his football listings were 6'2" and 6'3" and he's consistently looked 6'1"+. Rob agreed that Sly looked about 5'10" in the picture where he was in slippers.
Brad said on 7/Jun/09
You think Jenny would look like that with Carl in slippers? Maybe in Sly's NYC sandals. He was a legit 6' 1" as a Raider. I met lots of that team back then and he fits what I can remember standing by Blanda, Wells, Lamonica, etc..(afro time made it hard!) We don't know what these guys lose after operations etc. Namath is nowhere near his '66 height.
derek d said on 7/Jun/09
Mr T-Cakes says on 7/Jun/09
wasn't Stallone the same height as Tom Sizemore in Lock Up? If I remember right there is also a scene in that film where Stallone is barefoot, before he goes into the de-lousing chamber,and standing next to a couple of actors I don't know so well. Could be wrong: was a while since I saw Lock Up.
He was, or a fraction of a inch shorter than Sizemore but he was obviously in lifts... And his barefoot scenes are impossible to judge his height in that movie cause he is constantly moving around.
Mighty said on 7/Jun/09
"brad, if you say it's impossible for a 5-8.5 guy to look like sly did in slippers next to Carl Weathers then you might want to rethink your estimate. ;) movie magic?"
Actually if you look at that scene in rocky 3 it was quite easy to see how they did it. For one they are both standing in a door way. second Carl weather is slouching alot. My girlfriend is 5'9 and can make herself look 5'6 by pushing out her hip while standing.
Finally the sandals were actually quite thick and his hair very high up. Cut his hair flat and you would see more of a difference.
I think Weathers knocked off about 2-3 inches in his height by slouching and the camera angle may have helped also. Carl weathers is probably about 5'11 judging from the movie predator, where he is next to Arnold. Very easy to do actually.
Mighty said on 7/Jun/09
If he was 5'7 its quite easy to look 5'10 in shoes. Even more if you are well built.
My father is a touch over 5'8 and everyone always say he is 5.11. he is quite broad and has his hair combed up and back.
I am 5'7 with cowboy style dess shoes/boots I am 5'9 and the heel doesn't look big. In fact the sole looks kinda thin from the front. Now add a 1.5 inch insole and I am 5.10 and a half. Quite easy to add 2 inches inside with out anyone noticing. The shoes just have to be a bit longer from the front for it to look proportionate.
Now he could have had leg lengthening surgery to get anothe 2.5 inches in 7 months only costs 20,000 dollars. He could have done it at home with his money.
My friend was able to stretch his back 1.8 inches thru regular stretching but had to be maitained from time to time.
The other thing about stallone is that his upper body and long arms are of a 5'10 person. Its just his legs that are short. Thats why he can pull off looking tall with lifts as he does look proportionate.
On the other hand a most guys would seem like they have short arms with large lifts.
One last thing if I am 5'7 and wear 2 inch heels I am 5'9. Thats only good if everyone else if barefoot, but they wear shoes too. So to look a legit 5'9 I would have to add a 1 inch insole. Do you agree?
As for those boots he should wear boot cut jeans to disguise them alittle.
Mr T-Cakes said on 7/Jun/09
wasn't Stallone the same height as Tom Sizemore in Lock Up? If I remember right there is also a scene in that film where Stallone is barefoot, before he goes into the de-lousing chamber,and standing next to a couple of actors I don't know so well. Could be wrong: was a while since I saw Lock Up.
Steve said on 7/Jun/09
Glenn's photos or estimates can not be used as reliable evidence anymore so it does not matter how much taller sly looked which wasn't more than 2 inches anyway.
A-Bomb said on 7/Jun/09
I respect you on these boards because you back up your claims with as many photo's as possible and concede points when due. However, I know you personally take your first thing in the morning height as your own actual height. However, does that also translate into how you estimate celebs? Sly at 5'10", Chuck Noris at 5'9" and Wahlberg at 5'7 1/2" - are these estimates based upon calculations in your own head on their likely morning height?
Please don't take this as subtle diss or anything - it's really not. Just clears up better for me what your fairly good estimates are taking into consideration :)
Brad said on 7/Jun/09
rldabomb needs Gomez on the detonation switch on the train set though a 3" wedge is correct.
rldabomb said on 6/Jun/09
he is 5'8" max..... look at all the rocky movies.. his always wearing the 3 inch heel shoes.. also manny pacquiao knows him and he said there the same height manny is only 5'6 1/2"
RisingForce said on 6/Jun/09
Portland, Sly's in big boots most likely with lifts in them there, but I don't know how posters here continue to pretend they can tell exactly how high up the lifts go. The fact is that you can't, that's the point of lifts.
Jay said on 6/Jun/09
wow Portland amazing! Can you do that for more celeb photos?
Antonio that was shopped. I am sure I have seen the photo of Stallone chinning someone else not Chuck!
Doug said on 6/Jun/09
OK guys even if you want to be stingy and say Glenn is 5'7" in the later picture Stallone was atill three inches taller wearing sandals. The evidence points to Stallone being minimum 5'9", 5'10" is not THAT absurd but I bet Stallone is around 176 cm barefoot.
Doug said on 6/Jun/09
To me Stallone looks like he reaches the 5'11" range most of the time in the boots he wears evne in hot weather. Even 2 inch boots are huge to if we say his boots give him 2 inches then he is roughly 5'9" barefoot. Only in his biggest munsters can he reach 6' or 6'1". He always comes across as around 5'11" in boots to me these days.
Antonio said on 6/Jun/09
Now that I look at the photo again, it does look like a phony. I guess you just can't believe everything you see on the net.:)
the shredder said on 6/Jun/09
Frank2 , how tall do you think Will Smith is ?
leonari said on 6/Jun/09
Ceasar: Stalone didn't look full 3 inches taller
Frank2 said on 6/Jun/09
That made me laugh! Good one!
Ali said on 6/Jun/09
HAHAHA Antonio. That looks like photoshopping.
Brad said on 6/Jun/09
Great illustration Portland, that's how he does it with customs. Maybe he needs the sandals. Chuck taller than Sly, that's sick stuff. Chuck must have had on massive cowboy boots.
Portland said on 6/Jun/09
New illustration:
Click Here possible 3-4 inches. Could be the same boots he wore when meeting arnold
Antonio said on 5/Jun/09
Here's one that shows Norris above Stallone. There's no telling what their legs are doing, but this certainly doesn't show a 5-10+ guy standing below Chuck.
Click Here
Caesar said on 5/Jun/09
Thing is, Stallone looked three inches taller in the one Glenn picture, and four inches taller in the other, the latter in sandals. A 5'9-5'9.5 listing makes a ton of sense if Glenn is in the 5'6.5-5'6.75 range (a bit shorter when younger, possibly). Stallone is nowhere near 5'10.75, even out of bed, but 5'10 out of bed is certainly believable. Look at the video with Liotta. Stallone looks a maximum of three inches shorter than Liotta, and Stallone had footwear disadvantage. Stallone is at least 5'9.
Midget said on 5/Jun/09
Fantastic story about Sly and Arnie Frank2! This site seems to finally be rejuvenated since your return. You have injected a breath of fresh air into the forums which is greatly appreciated. With the constant Glenn bashing and squabbling over his real height etc. the site was feeling flat and lifeless to me.Personally I couldn't give a rat's scrotum if Glenn is 5'6.5" or 5'8" as he claimed, I just appreciated his stories about his celeb encounters as I won't ever have such chances to meet them myself. Thank you Frank2 and Thank you Rob for letting Frank2 know about the changed Glenn situation here which thus led to his return to the site to share his opinions, stories and views on celebs heights and lives.
derek d said on 5/Jun/09
Those red bozo sneakers he wore going into the medical building are my fave customs. Bright green! Geez, I think I saw Bernie Taupin in a pair like that, nobody else. Editors always get the crappy rooms. My aunt edited out there for years. Fox had old old rooms, Irwin Allen's screaming probably was still heard. CBS Radford was a step better. Universal across the street is priceless. Michael Mann at least had editing on the lot, he brought home major cheese for Lew.
I'm pretty sure those red sneakers he was wearing that day were actually legit shoes. He did look rather short in them but I'm almost positive he slipped some kind of lift into them. Never seen Sly wear actual customs with shorts.
Christian said on 5/Jun/09
Speaking of boots. I have a pair that gives me 3 inches, it feels like it is not possible to gain any more. I am 5'8'', morning height. When I showed them to my friends they said: Oh my God! Your legs look so much longer and thoose shoes doesn
Metric said on 5/Jun/09
Frank2 - How tall are you?
Brad said on 5/Jun/09
Those red bozo sneakers he wore going into the medical building are my fave customs. Bright green! Geez, I think I saw Bernie Taupin in a pair like that, nobody else. Editors always get the crappy rooms. My aunt edited out there for years. Fox had old old rooms, Irwin Allen's screaming probably was still heard. CBS Radford was a step better. Universal across the street is priceless. Michael Mann at least had editing on the lot, he brought home major cheese for Lew.
leone510ss said on 5/Jun/09
his proportions...could be those of a 5'7 man?
you could answer to my 2 post...thanks ;)
RisingForce said on 5/Jun/09
Thanks for the detailed answer Frank2.
You're right Don, it shouldn't be underestimated but I personally hold the belief that you won't gain more than 3 inches over your barefoot height without a platform because of the angle your foot will be at. Rob seems to share that belief.
leone510ss said on 5/Jun/09
rank2 , there is my friend that met sly 3 time and he say that sly is 5'6 / max 5'7" my friend is 5'10.5 tall and he say that sly was 4 inch shorter than him.
maybe sly is 5'7" ,is possible ...not? maybe my friend is right. he is sure of this to 99%.
Frank2 said on 5/Jun/09
"That's a good story Frank, but I thought you said that Sly took off his boots after he said that they were killing him. Maybe I'm remembering wrong. Did Sly's cowboy boots have a platform? "
You are correct. He did mention that his feet were bothering him. I guess if you walk around in what are ostensibly high heels all day long, your feet would be killing you too!
His boots looked like what regular cowboy boots have which is a two inch heel and a regular sole. I don't remember them having a thick platform sole, but it's been nearly thirty years. Two things I do recall. First was they looked to have cost a small fortune. I think one of his assistants told me he spent more on footwear than most people spend on a car! I think these custom made cowboy boots must have set him back at least a couple of thousand. The other thin was they were black shiny crocodile. Really spiffy looking! He never wore the same shoes to work. I saw him mostly wearing boots. One set he wore were bright green!
Don said on 5/Jun/09
never underestimate a multi-millionaire's resources to manipulate his height. btw, great story frank. i always thought sly is in the high 5'8 range at least, but 5'7 does come as a real surprise.
Zach said on 5/Jun/09
Its interesting that from the three major contributers to celebheights - Glenn, Frank2 and Mamun both the latter two maintained Sly was no more than 5'8 when they met them whilst Glenn's "5'8" picture with Sly at two inches taller glared down at us for years. Accepting Glenn's story that he was 5'8 and that Sly was wearing sandals, some of us really had no answer to his pictures. And on top of that he accused Frank and Mamun's estimates to be 'beyond reality'. Rather ironic how subsequent events in New York this year have shown the exact opposite to be true.
Zach said on 5/Jun/09
Finally a sense of realism is restored here after months of 5'10+ rubbish.
Lynn said on 5/Jun/09
when and where did you meet Arnold?
Can you tell us about that experience? What kind of shoes did you and Arnold wear?
the shredder said on 5/Jun/09
Frank2 , how tall do you think Robert Downey Jr is ? 5'7.5 ?
James said on 5/Jun/09
Supposedly Arnold measured 6'1.5 during the Mr. Univerese competition but perhaps the contestants were measured earlier in the day? Arnold does look like he has lost some height but I doubt he's only 5'11 nowdays, probably closer to 6'. Throughout his career, he's always looked pretty tall. In regards to his political career, I don't think it's been a disaster like Frank2 mentioned. Arnie basically inherited a bankrupt state which relies on borrowing money every year from other states just to keep its economy going. I personally think he makes a great governor because he's really down to earth and he doesn't fit the profile of your average politician.
RisingForce said on 5/Jun/09
gilipollas, you should read Rob's articles about elevator shoes.
gilipollas said on 5/Jun/09
Frank2, that makes sense. Sly 5-7 and with some "help" he reaches 5-11. We all have seen the add above which states "grow 4 inches taller".
RisingForce said on 5/Jun/09
That's a good story Frank, but I thought you said that Sly took off his boots after he said that they were killing him. Maybe I'm remembering wrong. Did Sly's cowboy boots have a platform? Most cowboy boots don't, but this would be the only way I could imagine him going from 5'8" barefoot to 6'0" in shoes because of the physical limits of shoes without a platform. You can only get about 3 inches from shoes without a platform. I say 6'0" in shoes because you say that's your height in shoes and you said that Sly was about the same in cowboy boots.
Frank2 said on 5/Jun/09
"Frank2; Can you tell us about your meeting with Sly? What year and what was he doing? would be great fun :D
My other question, If I recall you met Johnny Depp also, can you give some info about his height if that's the case? :)"
Back in 1981 I was working at Universal Studios in editorial and my editing room was right next door to where they were editing NIGHTHAWKS. We were off the main lot in what had been a motel across the street from the studio. The original director, Gary Nelson had been fired so Sly had unofficially taken over directing with a 'front guy' acting as director. I believe he was Bruce Malmuth who really didn't direct that much. Anyway, filming had completed so Sly was in the editing room each day supervising the assembly with editor Chris Holmes. I'd see him almost every day and he was always nice and would say "hello." I noticed that he was wearing what appeared to be very expensive custom made cowboy boots. I think one day his boots were made of crocodile. Then on another day I saw him walk out into the hallway without his boots and was shocked to see how short he actually was. With his boots, he was about my height. But with them off he was several inches shorter. My first impression was he was no more than 5'7".
I've seen Johnny Depp at least couple of times over the years. On one occasion he looked 5'9" and the other he was darn near my height, but on that occasion he appeared to be wearing lifts. Depp tends to slouch so he could very well be 5'10".
RisingForce said on 4/Jun/09
Frank2, if you don't mind could you go into a bit more detail about meeting Charles Bronson on Bronson's page here? I'm a big fan of his, but his height is a mystery to me.
Brad said on 4/Jun/09
Maybe Sly needed those NYC sandals meeting Frank2, they appear to be made by a wizard. He sure looks 5' 10.75" with The Fonz in "The Lords Of Flatbush", laughter.
leone510ss said on 4/Jun/09
frank2 , there is my friend that met sly 3 time and he say that sly is 5'6 / max 5'7" my friend is 5'10.5 tall and he say that sly was 4 inch shorter than him.
maybe sly is 5'7" ,is possible ...not? maybe my friend is right. he is sure of this to 99%.