How tall is Sylvester Stallone - Page 18

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Average Guess (610 Votes)
Peak: 5ft 8.89in (175cm)
Current: 5ft 8.02in (172.8cm)
Doug said on 20/Mar/09
I must admit I think Flavin is a beautiful woman I think she is gorgeous. She has a great face, lovely eyes. She reminds me something of an American Liz Hurley. I'd be very happy indeed with a woman like that even if I needed lifts to reach over 6 foot.
Doug said on 20/Mar/09
I mostly agree with Miko. Where i differ however is that I think Stallone is 5'9.5 + 3" lifts to reach 6'0.5" and 5'9.5"+3.5 max lifts to reach 6'1". Miko have you seen the photo of Stallone where he is taller than legit 6'0.5" Brigitte Nielsen? I think the man can reach 6'1" in his best lifts regardless of posture or camera angle. The photo with Nieslen which is taken pretty straight would seem to prove he can reach 6'1". In the Dolph Picture I think the man is actually around 6'1" max but Dolph is not standing his maximum height and the angle is slightly stacked in Stallones' favor. I'm glad though that most people here still see Stallone as a reasonable legit 5'9" and not lower as is often claimed.
RisingForce said on 20/Mar/09
I forgot to add that I think he's still the height that he was in the 70's.
RisingForce said on 20/Mar/09
bam, I'd be shocked if Stallone has lost any height. I agree with everyone else who says he seems taller. I don't think he got limb lengthening surgery though.

My opinion of Stallone's height is that in the 70's he woke at 5'10.5", 5'10.75" on a good day and he shrunk to 5'10" flat or a hair under by the end of the day.
bam said on 20/Mar/09
maybe he used to be 5'10.75 morning, and now he is 5'10 morning, 5'9.5 mid day?
Anonymousanus said on 20/Mar/09
Don't go by photos of Sly in Munsters or where you can't see his ankles as you'll never be sure of his height this way. The golf pics are the best proof on this entire site! In those pics Sly was around Jack Nicholson's height - some photos have him taller, others have him shorter. Considering Nicholson is 5'8.5 tops these days that puts Sly at 5'9 max taking into account a small boost from the golf shoes.
glenn said on 20/Mar/09
no antonio.ive been meeting these celebs for 20 years repeatedly.they are what they claim usually.stallone can look 6ft or more and he doesnt claim that.he claims an average 5-10.dolph himself told me he was 6-5.and lived near me.
RisingForce said on 20/Mar/09
SayHeyKid, not one of the Ernie Els pictures is even decent for comparing height. With that being said I could see him around 5-9ish there.

The opinion that Sly would have never been called short in the first place. Arnold Schwarzenegger was called short in the 80's and 90's and he was 6'2". Lately he gets called short even more than he did then and he's 5'11" or 6'0".

Good rare pictures Dural, but I don't see how someone can say he looks short when nobody else is in the picture to compare him to. I think that's mostly because of his unusually long torso for his height, short legs, long arms and muscular build.
Doug said on 20/Mar/09
Well I'm not going to cry over half an inch its nothing, I just think the man is not far off 5'10" thats all. 5'9.5" I think is accurate as in two inch boots (two inches is still a great lift) Stallone stands around 5'11.5". WHat confuses me about Antonios post below is uhhh... Surely your work collegaues had seen you stand before?? How on earth did you walk into the office with nobody ever seeing you before? Did you suddenly teleport to an office chair and suddenly ask people to guess your height when lounging down in it? LOL. And yes I think I am a good judge of height and Rob and Glenn also seem to be an excellent judge. I've lost count of how many pages I've visited on here and they have had the height bang on what I thought every time.
Doug said on 20/Mar/09
Thankyou Glenn. Its just people claiming that Dolph is 6'2" etc. Watch Jon Voight compared to DUstin Hoffman in 1969 walking. Voight had near a foot on Hoffman. He looked every inch 6'3" at peak. Its just people downgrading to ridiculous levels. It may be possible that Sly is a flat 5'9" bare mininum but it would seem to make sense he is a little taller.
Doug said on 20/Mar/09
Dolph at 6'2" is hilarious. It really is. Richard Madely was measured a littl over 6'2" on the show in the past barefoot and Dolph had 2.5 inches on him. If for instance we were to measure him next to Brad Pitt or somebody then it may be unfounded but the imagine that Dolph is only 6'2" really is seriously taking the biscuit.
miko said on 20/Mar/09
I agree Mickey.

5"9 + 3.5" lifts = 6"0.5 (max he can reach in lifts)

Then you have to add on whatever posture he's gaining and how much closer he usually is to the camera. When he does this he can look 6"1 or whatever.

Like with the Dolph pic, put him back a step next to Dolph, have Dolph attain Stallone posture and the gap would become a lot bigger.
glenn said on 19/Mar/09
doug-ive been saying that for 3 1/2 years.people here dont want to hear it.he averages at 5-10.possibly wakes at 5-10.75.or did in his youth.i applaud your posts.
glenn said on 19/Mar/09
dolph lived a block away from and told me himself he was 6-5.but this was 1994.
Mickey said on 19/Mar/09
Doug, you say Sly had an inch on Kurt barefoot, please show me this evidence. Rising and I had a debate on this and all he could show me was the mid-stride walking shots(where i also had shots of kurt looking taller and mid-stride shots have been deemed unreliable) and the shower scene, where Rising produced one or two shots where Kurt is slouching very heavily. I showed about 4 shots where Sly has camera advantage and Kurt was still taller.

And Doug, no it isn't "ridiculous" to think Sly can gain 5 inches from shoes and posture. Hell, i've shown pictures of Sly looking below 5'9" with Pele, theres been shots showing him looking same height as Schumaker, theres a shot where him and jennifer are most likely barefoot and she is taller. His shoes add 3 inches, while the people he poses are not standing like he does 99% of the time, which could mean an inch or two there. Sly also had a slight camera advantage to Dolph in the premier pic.

Sly at 5'9" with lifts = 6foot give or take,
Sly with the above and posture advantage can equal what looks to be(to some) 6'1", doesn't mean he would measure 6'1" in lifts. My opinion.
Dural said on 19/Mar/09
His chest out posture can make many pics useless. He tries everything to look as tall as possible in photos. He really looks taller these days than peak, that's true. I don't know if only his lifts got bigger, but a surgery is unlikely.
Click Here
Click Here

Yeah Brad, he looked really short at the santa monica hospital.
Click Here
SayHeyKid said on 19/Mar/09
Rising: Please find the time in your next essay to respond to my question. Thanks.
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 19/Mar/09
I don't recall seeing Sly's feet in that pic with Dolph. Lets not get to carried away with how tall he looks in that pic until we see if he was standing on a curb or higher ground.
Brad said on 19/Mar/09
Those things are 4". They are the biggest he ever wore. Correct Steve, I got 1.5" this morning alone. Sly is a pro at it. 1/4" gain is comical.
Christian said on 19/Mar/09
I must tell you guys that I have a pair of lifts that gives me 8 cm = 3 inches. I am 5'7.25 barefoot and almost 5'10
miko said on 19/Mar/09
If Stallone was a step backwards and Dolph stood up straight in the pic, the gap would probably be 3 inches bigger. Add that to the 2.5" gap there already is and it makes sense.
Clay said on 19/Mar/09
Im 5'9 and I could never look as tall as Sly does at times unless I was floating on 3.5 inch lifts.
Ejel Khan said on 19/Mar/09
Rob .... please leave Sly's height at 5'9" ..... he's controversial as it is!
RisingForce said on 19/Mar/09
Sorry that last comment by Anonymous was me, I forgot to type in my name.
Anonymous said on 19/Mar/09
I honestly don't see Sly's head cocked up unusually in the Lundgren picture Steve. I just see him standing with perfect military posture while Lundgren is standing casually. I think that makes about an inch difference max, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Steve said on 19/Mar/09
Just cocking your head up gives you an inch. Push your chest out and your whole body and head and you get at least 2 inches from posture alone.
Doug said on 19/Mar/09
If you consider how tall Dolph actually is, can any of the 5'9" guys here honestly think they could get anywhere near as tall as Stallone looks here? A near 5 inch gain on barefoot?
Doug said on 19/Mar/09
Rising, Dolph appeared on the Richard and Judy show recently and had a clear 2.5-3 inch height advantage compared to legit 6'2.25" Richard Madely. Madely usually towers above most of his guests but Dolph was a rare occasion when he had to look up to him. The man looked nearer 6'5" it has to be said. In footwear yes I believe he is a little over 6'5" in dress shoes. As I said he had a distinct 2.5-3 inches on Madely. Dolph is likely 6'4.5" barefoot no kidding. Stallone looks 6'1.5" in the picture with Dolph its insane how he managed to gain that much height. Dolph is not quite standing up with "effect" posture but I think we can safely assume he was still minimum 6'4" in that picture look how tall he looks to the big band guy in the background. A 5'8" man could not look that tall next to a guy who is pushing 6'5", I'm convinced the man has to be 5'9.5" minimum to reahc that height compared to Lundgren in lifts. Also anybody who doubts Lundgren is not above 6'4", check out recent photos of him next to Jon Voight. An old photo, Dolph has two inches on him. Today even though Dolp has lost a little height he has around 2.5 inches on Voight easily who I believe was a legit 6'3" peak, now around 6'2". That would seme to confirm to me Dolph was 6'5" peak barefoot, now around 6'4.5". If you consider that a 5'9" barefoot (which some people here think is still being generous) man can look as tall as that compared to a man who is legitimately at least 7 inches taller than his "actual" height it really is quite absurd.
RisingForce said on 19/Mar/09
Brad, these are Sly's shoes from that day.
Click Here
Click Here

They're big, but I'd be shocked if they gave more than 3 inches. Vin Diesel's boots look bigger than those. Stallone looks to be almost 6'2" in elevators next to Dolph in my opinion as Dolph at 6'4.25" would be 6'5.25"/6'5.5" in dress shoes.
Brad said on 19/Mar/09
I'd like to see Dolph in a pair of golf shoes by Sly, Jack, Dennis & James. These pictures are worthless without knowing what monster custom shoes Sly is wearing. An "effect" is way more than 1/4".
RisingForce said on 19/Mar/09
Mickey, I disagree, especially with Dolph in the picture.
Click Here

Dolph isn't standing that straight but even picturing him tilting his head up more there's no way I can see Sly only reaching Dolph's eye level. Dolph would be a minimum 6'5.25" in dress shoes and at worst I can see between 3-4 inches there. I honestly think that even with equal posture Sly wouldn't like much more than 3 inches shorter there. I'm trying to be open minded but I can't see his head less than an inch above Lundgren's eye level there. think someone has to be slouching horribly to lose 2 inches in posture. Even an inch makes a big difference. I could see Lundgrne losing an inch there to Stallone, but not any more. Rob I believe said that the Stallone effect only adds a quarter or a half an inch to someone with good posture.

If you see Lundgren losing more than an inch in posture then that's fine, but I just can't see Sly's head below his eyebrows there regardless. s far as Rob's example, I don't think it's quite fair as he's in thin half inch Converse in the first picture. Those are about as thin as shoes get and at the events that Sly will wear these elevators to, nobody will be in anything less than dress shoes. Since Rob is going from 1 inch taller to 5 inches taller and his footwear difference is roughly 2, maybe 2.5" between the 2 pictures I'd say it's possible to gain 1.5", 2" at the very most. But I almost never see Stallone standing as exaggerated as Rob is on the right. He usually has flawless posture, he's more subtle. Lundgren's posture doesn't looks a little better than Rob's in the other picture as well. Dolph isn't really slouching other than his head being tilted down a bit.

I defintley see 6'1"+ in footwear on a number of ocassions even considering posture. But I do agree that posture must be considered, I just think that even losing an inch in posture makes a huge difference.
Doug said on 19/Mar/09
Regardless of how Stallone stands in relation to other people or ridiculous shoes the man today looks nearer 5'10" than 5'8" just by his body proportions. The man looks noticeably taller than he did once to me. The picture with Dolph, Dolph isn't exactly bending down is he? Regardless of how Stallone stands or footwear he actually looked a little over 6'1" next to Dolph in his maximum 3.5's, 3 inch is more likely. 5'8" or 5'9" men would find it incredibly difficult to reach 6'1" as Stallone has on numerous occasions in munsters. I just think it ridiculous that people think he can gain 5 inches on barefoot height by shoes and posture. It is a huge difference and a silly claim. I am not in the same club as Rising who think Stallone is 5'10.75" barefoot because I think its pretty clear he isn't quite as tall as this as the man stands around 5'11.5" in his two inch boots, I think he is a little taller than 5'9", and it makes sense in relation to Sharon Stone and Kurt Russell where we have seen Sly BAREFOOT and walking/standing normally without the "effect". He was taller than Kurt Russell "naturally" and was years ago even before he seemed to "grow" as he was clearly inches taller than 5'8" Sharon Stone. He is "nearer" 5'10", 5'9.5" today I think is pretty accurate. I'll admit I used to think Stallone was a 5'8" guy, I read 5'7" in one newsaper on heights. But looking at photographs and film footage of him BAREFOOT properly it is clear he is taller than this, I seriously can't see how anybody can gain 4 inches in custom shoes unless they are platforms. Nobody has explained how Stallone managed to look near an inch taller than 5'9" Kurt RUssell barefoot. Don't tell me, he had inflatable lifts in his feet?
Anonymousanus said on 19/Mar/09
Another reason why he may look taller now than he did in his peak is all the HGH and supplements he takes becasue these things strengthen and make tenants and cartliges thicker, thus stretching his body and making him taller. He also probably does more height increase excercises these days than he did in his peak. I wuldn't be surprised if he did get limb lengthening. I know there's also clinics in Asia that lengthen the spine by a few centimeters.
glenn said on 19/Mar/09
i dont rule out that surgery either.
Mickey said on 19/Mar/09
To Doug and Rising and to all the 5'10" supporters, the reason i cannot see 5'10" in 99% of pictures is simply because the person that sly is posing in the picture with is never standing military style with "effect" like Sly. So showing me a picture with 6'1.5" Letterman, or 6'4.25" Dolph or whatever does not mean Sly looks 6'1" UNLESS the people he is posing with are standing exactly the same way as Sly.

I have very rarely seen a picture where Sly is equaled in posture. Unless theres one with Brad Pitt floating around.

We all agree that Sly's shoes give him about 3 inches, not too much more. But the posture advantage he has over someone who is standing casually can be upward of 2 inches. Don't believe me? Check out the "Stallone effect" pic Rob has up above. Those shoes give him about 3 inches(maybe less), the rest is all military posture and chest out. He goes from being only slightly taller, to about 5 inches taller.

What are your opinions on this Rising and Doug?
Danimal said on 18/Mar/09
Doug says on 18/Mar/09
More like 5'8"? Stallone actually looks taller these days than he did at "peak".

I FULLY agree with that statement. He seems to have grown considerably in the last few years. YES, he wears ridiculous shoes, but I also can't rule out him having undergone limb lengthening surgery on his legs (which DO appear to be longer). We know he could afford it after all and we know how VAIN he is.
SayHeyKid said on 18/Mar/09
RisingForce: Recognizing that the pictures, like any, aren't perfect and are subject to variables and interpretation, how tall would you say Stallone looks in the photos with Ernie Els?
Doug said on 18/Mar/09
Well said Rising, more photos put Stallone around 5'10" even taking into account dodgy footwear than 5'8". He looks around 5'10" max though next to Cain as his posture is immaculate.
Anonymousanus said on 18/Mar/09
Sly has worn shoes which give him over 3 inches of boost. Someone posted a photo of him at a basketball game a few days ago and the shoes he was wearing looked very wide along the lower leg. His foot is slanted and raised hgiher than it would if he stood on his tipi toes, thus giving him more height than a standard elevator shoe. During his peek, Stallone did not resort to such huge munsters and by peak I'm talking his 20's.
Roger said on 18/Mar/09
Good point by SayHeyKid. I read the lifts thing for the first time in the early 90s, and without a doubt he has some monsters in his wardrobe.
If Sly stands 5'9'', the 2.5 inches he might be lifted make him normal looking.
Being as vain as Sly is, it is imaginable that he actually never leaves the house unlifted. Just witness the more recent photos of him and family in Rome, where it was rather warm, but his shoes were big.
RisingForce said on 18/Mar/09
Why SayHeyKid? A lot of the pictures that show Sly looking shorter aren't full body shots. Plus I do stick by the fact that a 5'8" man can't look 6'1" in elevator shoes. They'd need platform shoes which Sly has never been photographed wearing, and I doubt he ever would. Everyone loves to use one or 2 golf course pictures where Sly looks shorter(and we can't see their footwear either), but when I posted one where he looks over 5'10" then it's a useless picture? That's a double standard SayHeyKid.

And no the majority of pictures don't show Stallone looking closer to 5'8". The majority show him looking over 5'10", the question is how much help is he getting in each picture. It's possible he changed his shoes before the picture with Peter Gallagher, but that's far from a fact. I personally see no reason to think he did. However if we're talking about Sly's appearances at events then there's no way he's going to just change his shoes at red carpet events so yes posting pictures of his footwear from the same day does show what was on his feet.

And I have posted full body shot pictures of Sly in golf shoes, even with a cast on one foot pretty much ruling out lifts, but it was pretty much ignored in favor of the other golf pictures. Why? I don't know.

Here it is in case you haven't seen it.
Click Here

Stallone looks atleast an inch taller and Caan is listed here at 5'9"-5'9.5"(depending on when he shrunk). This picture is from 2003 I believe. I personally think Caan isn't under 5'9.5". Regardless even a 5'9" James Caan would put Stallone at 5'10" there.

And no pictures where you can't see their feet aren't useless, especially when pictures of their feet from the same event are posted. The fact is that most(not all) agreed that Sly's elevators add about 3 inches so him looking 6'1" would suggest he's atleast around 5'10" and certainly not under 5'9". So no those pictures aren't useless.
Doug said on 18/Mar/09
More like 5'8"? Stallone actually looks taller these days than he did at "peak".
Anonymousanus said on 18/Mar/09
Steve, there's no need to apoligize. I never said Stallone was 5'10.75. I've always said he was 5'9 peak and more like 5'8 these days. In his customs he stood over six feet.
Brad said on 18/Mar/09
Jack hasn't been 5' 9" since Nixon. I've met Garcia, Jack is shorter.
SayHeyKid said on 18/Mar/09
RisingForce. Can you please stop posting pictures, like the Gallagher one, in which we can't see the footwear? Those type of pics are completely useless, particularly in Sly's case, as you yourself have admitted that he often, if not always, walks around with "help." In addition, the pics where we know he is getting "help" are similarly irrelevant, notwithstanding your persistent attempts to purport to be able to deduce how tall he is after presuming to know how much "help" he's getting. You don't know how much help he's getting with his varied footwear assistance, and so you can't plausibly say "well he must be 5'10.5ish because he could only possibly be getting three inches and/or because a 5'8' person couldn't 'look that tall'". The other habit of yours, while less annoying, is to post photos in which he can't see the footwear and then separately post different photos purportedly taken on the same occasion in which we see the footwear. Admittedly, when you do that, those photos appear to have been taken on the same occasion (i.e., same outfits being worn by the relevant parties), but there is still no way to confirm that.

Bottom line: if you want to make a convincing case for Stallone being over 5'10", you should only post those photos in which we can clearly see the footwear and where it is clear that Stallone is not getting help. Unfortunately, for you that is, when you limit the relevant reference pool, the overwhelming percentage of photos show a small Stallone, probably 5'8ish. Of course, this is almost assuredly why you rarely post photos consistent with the parameters I suggested above.
Steve said on 17/Mar/09
Sorry anonymousanus but to most people 5'7 is just as ridiculous as 5'10.75. I know Glenn met him many times for autographs and saw 5'10.75 but Frank2 actually worked with stallone and saw him barefeet at 5'7. Mamun and Mr R the two other 'professionals' working on this site saw Stallone at 5'8 and 5'9 respectively. But 5'7 and 5'10.75 sound just as ridiculous as each other for most especially with the real life sightings not being able to agree on anything.
Mickey said on 17/Mar/09
Rising, even if Peter is 5'9", Sly could very well be in lifts, as he is most of the time. Unless you have pics with both of them showing their shoes. I've shown you pics of Sly with shoes on and another set of shoes in hand, on a golf course, so he doesnt remain liftless for long.

By he way, thanks for the appreciation, i never really get personal as there is no need. you post pictures just like i do.
Christian said on 17/Mar/09
-RisingForce I am almost 100 procent sure that Sly wore lifts in that pic with Peter Gallager. If Gallager is 5'9'' so is Sly without lifts. If he was liftless then yes... 5'10
glenn said on 17/Mar/09
andy garcia is a little taller than 5-9.not by much.jack is 5-8.5 now.5-9,5 years ago.and was 5-10 in the lifts i imagine.
TELLEM said on 17/Mar/09
yes jack is 5'8-5'8.5 these days, look at him with a REAL 5'9er andy garcia...jack is clearly shorter
RisingForce said on 17/Mar/09
I don't buy that Nicholson is under 5'9". He looks 5'9" to me and Sly's shoes that day didn't look any thicker.
Anonymousanus said on 17/Mar/09
RisingForce, do you have a picture of the both of them together where Sly's shoes are visible. He probably changed shoes after leaving the green. Also in regards to his pictures with Nicholson, you have to take into account that Jack is more like 5'8-5'8.5 these days plus Sly's ankles looked a little high in those golf shoes so he most likely had at least a little bit of help.
Roger said on 17/Mar/09
I cannot imagine Sly to be less than 5'9'', certainly not with the pictures shown above. I do wonder though, why did William Goldman write this 67 inches thing quoted on top of this page? Did he have an axe to grind with Sly?

A 5'7'' Sly would mean Arnold is 5'9.5'' - highly unrealistic, I believe.
RisingForce said on 17/Mar/09
Thanks Glenn. I've always hated arguing over the internet because there's no real way to win. To be honest I don't know how you put it up with it for as long as you did.

But to try to change the subject back to height here's a shot of Sly at a golf tournament.

Stallone and Peter Gallagher who is listed at 5'9" here.
Click Here

It's hard to give an exact difference because Gallagher has more hair and he may be a bit closer to the camera. Regardless I don't think that Gallagher's head without the extra hair reaches Stallone's hairline and Gallagher's eye level is at the bottom of Sly's nose. I wouldn't put Stallone under 5'10.5" in that picture, certainly not under 5'10".

I admit though that I'm not familiar enough with Peter Gallagher to estimate his height. But if he is 5'9" as he's listed here then I see Stallone around 5'10.5" there.
Anonymousanus said on 17/Mar/09
RisingForce, you can't complain about others mistreating you and then start doing the same to others because then basically you're just sinking to their level and being a hypocrite. You have been here for a while so you know how some people are. Just be maore mature than they are and don't bother even responding to those who insult you because geting angry is exactly what they want you to do. Yes, these 5'7 claims are ridicolous and you of all people know Rob doesn't even take them seriously.
glenn said on 17/Mar/09
they did it to me too risingforce.lack of respect and i would explode.made myself look bad.not so much the posters here today that is.your human.we all are.we are allowed to get angry and vent.all of us on the site.once in awhile its ok.
the shredder said on 17/Mar/09
Yes Glenn , People believe what they what , I agree with you that Bruce Willis is 6'0 , if Rob wants to upgrade him , let him do it , it would be more realistic !
Richard E. said on 17/Mar/09
5'9 is about right
RisingForce said on 16/Mar/09
Yes Mickey, I never said that I don't want Sly upgraded. Someone else asked him first on that page and he stated that 5'9" was the minimum that he thought he could be. I'm not calling Rob's listing a shame though and it's ridiculous for anyone to suggest that I'm somehow fooling Rob.

Thank you for not ever personally attacking me though Mickey. I do appreciate it, you're a class act.

In response to my post being bannable and being told to keep it civil? Is that a joke? I'm sorry but I've been insulted far too much by people who I've never insulted to not respond like that once. How much should I be insulted? It's ok for me to be talked down to but not for me to respond? That's ridiculous. I'll show respect to anyone else as long as they show respect to me.

Brad, one of the pictures next to Nicholson on the golf course did show him 1.5"-2" taller. In one of them Nicholson's eye level was eye below Sly's nose. So while he looked shorter in some it's not insanity to think he's 5'10.75" based on that because he did look it in one of those pictures.
TELLEM said on 16/Mar/09
sly and hopper (liftless) Click Here
sly and hopper (in lifts) Click Here
glenn said on 16/Mar/09
now you see risingforce what i had to put up with on this site? its ok for their 5-7,5-8 obsessions.but if you fight your 5-10,they gang up on you.i dont see what your doing as any different as what they are doing.except that maybe your more daily at it.i just dont post as much and ignore some now.and dont explode.
Doug said on 16/Mar/09
If Stallone is 5'7" then Glenn is 5'3.5"? Yeah good one. A 5'7" guy who regularly wears 4-4.5 inch lifts to reach 5'11-5'11.5" as he looks most of the time these days and of course 6-6.5 inch lifts to outgrow Brigette Nielsen at 6'1. And you think Stallone at 5'9.5" is a joke??
Brad said on 16/Mar/09
Golf shoes next to Nicholson & Hopper are enough. It is insanity to think he is 1/4" under 5' 11" with Nicholson. You ought to see the You Tube of him in red hightops trying to get into the locked oxygen place. He's never looked shorter, and that's in trainers. Radio guys like Frank DeCaro are usually really short, bald, chubby and have a face for radio. Ignore his comments. Stallone probably was an inch taller than himself and much prettier.
Anonymous said on 16/Mar/09
In regards to Sayheykid's post.

I stopped reading after this:

Penn Jillette, of the Penn and Teller comedy team, "is a redwood," DeCaro said. "It's shocking how tall he is. He could call Shaq shorty, that's how tall he is."

(Truth disclaimer: Penn Jillette is 6 feet 6 inches tall, while Shaquille O'Neal is, conservatively, 7-feet-1.)

Whoops ... he was only wrong by more than a half a foot!
bam said on 16/Mar/09
sayheykid is absolutely right. Stallone is 5'7. Case closed.
Anonymousanus said on 16/Mar/09
RisingForce, please keep it civil. The golf pictures prove Stallone's real height plus it even looked like his ankles were a little high in those golf shoes. In his 4'' customs he can reach 6'1 but he's no taller than 5'9.
Mickey said on 16/Mar/09
RisingForce says on 14/Mar/09
If you think 5'9" is the minimum for Stallone and that 5'9.5" and 5'10" is very possible then why not upgrade him to 5'9.5" or 5'10"? That'd make more sense as it's hard to see someone like Shia LaBeouf listed taller than Stallone.

Sorry Rising but what you posted on Rob's page certainly does sound hypocritical. Why no let Rob think for himself as you said before? He didn't say 5'9.5" or 5'10" is VERY possibly, he said it isn't harder to argue. Clearly you are hoping for him to raise the height on Sly, just like some people are hoping he keeps it. I know people are pointing the finger at you and they shouldn't, but double standards show bias, thats why i stayed out of the it. Rob does not need convincing.
miko said on 16/Mar/09
I could just about live with 5"9.5 but any higher than that is just crazy.

He probably is closer to 5"10 flat than 5"8 flat, but closer to 5"9 than anything else.
Mickey said on 16/Mar/09
Doug what about 5'9" Sly in 3 inch lifts WITH military posture and effect and the other person(Dolph, Carl, Jennifer Flavin etc) is just standing casually. No on stands like Sly, there it is wrong to say "he looks 6'1" next to Dolph or Carl" unless they are standing military with the "effect" going on also.
RisingForce said on 16/Mar/09
I just realized that some of my comments may have come off the wrong way.

I didn't mean it to sound like I thought you had no right to tell Rob that you feel an upgrade would be wrong. What I meant was that it's insulting to refer to me as a "certain individual" because that's obviously talking down to me. And I find it ridiculous that some of you don't think Rob can think for himself.

While most of these pictures have been around a long time these weren't the ones that were posted often here before I became an active poster. What usually happened was Glenn would state how tall he thought Sly was and someone would counter with a picture where he looked shorter than that. I'm not faulting anyone for that either, but there wasn't anyone who was saying Sly was 5'10"+ and posting pictures to back it up back then at the same rate that the people who thought he was shorter were. So the point that he sees these pictures where he looks tall more often as a reason for the upgrade shouldn't rule it out. The fact is that before that he probably saw the pictures where he looked shorter more often.

I don't think Rob is being fooled by anyone. The fact is that 5'9.5" is a common figure that you hear for Sly. Tommy Morrison told Mamun that Sly was 5'9.5", David Morell(author of First Blood) told me that he thought Sly was 5'9.5"(but looked taller than that because of his Rambo boots). Aside from that I've heard numerous people estimate him "between 5-9 and 5-10". The same guy who did the painting of Sly whose picture with Sly was posted here estimated him at "5-9.5, 5-10 no less".

So honestly even though I think Sly is taller than 5'9.5" it is a figure that does make sense. It also puts Sly right between his two most common listings these days 5'9" and 5'10".
RisingForce said on 16/Mar/09
Zach, where's this picture of him supposedly tip toeing? I've never seen it.
Steve said on 16/Mar/09
Rob I thought swearing on here is a bannable offence? RF I'll say what I want, read other comments I'm not the only one who thinks there's something a bit iffy with you your unhealthy obsession with getting stallone upgraded is disturbing to say the list. I don't post much but I've been reading for years and I really do wonder who you really are. The likes of Danimal Zach Real Anonymous have been here since the start and I've rarely seen them say things that are being said to you, and to be quite frank they're right.
the shredder said on 16/Mar/09
He is freaking 5'10 , his 5'10.75 claim is in normal footwear or a morning height , he is 5'9.75 or 5'10 !
SayHeyKid said on 16/Mar/09
Frank DeCaro (5/8"), host of a daily talk show on Sirius Satellite Radio, says Stallone is shorter than him. Check it out: Click Here
RisingForce said on 16/Mar/09
Steve, Rob can obviously think for himself. Yes the names you mentioned saw Sly shorter, but what about Leung who saw Sly at 6'1" in elevators(Leung is 6'1" in normal shoes himself). As a result Leung estimates him at 5'10". Gonzalo also saw him and thought he looked almost 5'11" and his shoes seemed normal. So there are an equal amount of 5'10" sightings.

And I'm really f*cking tired of getting blamed or being referred to as "a certain individual". Who the f*ck are you to talk down to me? It's really obnoxious. I don't throw insults around here, all I'm doing is posting pictures and explaining my views. I'd like to get along with everyone. Grow up Steve.

In case you haven't noticed I'm not the only person who thinks Sly should be upgraded. Rob is a grown man and can think for himself. I've never called it a shame that he has him at 5'9". If it were up to me he'd be listed 5'10.75", but I'm not complaining and neither should you. It's his site and he can list Sly at what he wants.
Anonymousanus said on 15/Mar/09
Doug, Stallone sometimes wears munsters which have the front pushed out very far, this is becasue his foot is raised and tilted inside his shoe more that it would if he stood on his tipitoes therefore 4'' is not out of the question.
Zach said on 15/Mar/09
Doug, you're probably right about Sly's shoes, its his posture that gives him the extra height, see Rob's stallone effect picture above. He's even been caught tip-toeing for pictures, someone posted a picture of him doing so a month or so ago.
Zach said on 15/Mar/09
Rob, I completely agree with Real Anonymous my fellow comrade who's been here since the start of the site. As always theres estimates (both eye witness and pictures) ranging from 5'7 to 5'10+ but as said below nothing new has come up in the last few months to change the listing except the reams and reams written by Risingforce on a daily basis, most of which I've given up on reading too. I read somewhere below you change your mind on a daily basis regarding Sly, in which case it makes no sense to change a listing thats been there for years.
glenn said on 15/Mar/09
im surprised people would get upset at robs possible upgrading.rob can think for himself.and there is plenty of eyes for one.but i learned long ago,to many here,my words mean not here to argue.believe what you want.
glenn said on 15/Mar/09
thanks ejel khan for the not a carl weathers expert.especially since i never saw him.
Doug said on 15/Mar/09
The only way Stallone could get four inches from shoes is by wearing Elton JOhn style platforms. He doesn't. He wears elevators which he will never be able to gain four inches from as there is a maximum to how elevated your foot can be on a tilt. All the "essays" on it by Rob indicate that anybody would be hard pushed to get anything over 3 inches even in munsters. 5'9 +3' does not equal 6'1" sorry which he has looked in comparison with Dolph, Carl Weathers, compared to his wife in some recent pictures. If however Stallone was 5'9.5" +3" at 6'0.5" now you would be talking more sense in his munsters.
Doug said on 15/Mar/09
What about getting into the 6'1" region then? He must need lifts not of this earth to reach 6'1" as he has done on a number of occasions.
Steve said on 15/Mar/09
I really think a lot of people will leave if sly is upgraded. Not because of stubbornness but because its been 5'9 for 3 years these pics have always been around there's no new evidence over last few months except a certain individual constantly promoting sly. In psychology repeating the same thing over and over again has been proven to influence people and risingforce's daily essays on stallone seem to have gotten to Rob. Real shame. Leave Stallone at 5'9 Rob. Like many others I actually think he's around 5'8 but he's such an enigma its impossible to tell and leaving him at 5'9 is the most diplomatic thing to do. Glenn saw him at 5'10 several times but Mr R, Mamun and Frank all saw stallone between 5'8-9.
REAL ANONYMOUS said on 15/Mar/09
Rob, you might as well put Sly at 5'10.75. Rising has been relentless with his full page paragraph posts that I have not bothered to read in six months. I don't think there is enough proof to put him at 5'9.5 just yet. 5'9 with the best lifts that money can buy will get you into the 5'11.5 and 6' region.
Doug said on 15/Mar/09
Here is a quote from Stallone. "I abused my body so much throughout my career that I am literally held together by glue. The stuff I took thickens the bones and reinforces the tendons." "The stuff I took thickens the bones and reinforces the tendons"!. Is it not impossible that Stallone has gained some height legitimately from HGH which he took? That sort of thing thickens the cartlidge in the back and the knee cartlidges and can allow you to grow even by an inch well into adulthood. The vertabrae are not fused this why people lose height throughout the day, there is scope for some growth in this area. If I think I know Stallone well enough then I'm sure he would do anything within reason to maximise the potential of his body. Yes he managed to look 6'1" even in the 80s in munsters but he does seem to be if anything taller than he used to appear on average.
Doug said on 15/Mar/09
If you look at pictures of Sly with Jennifer Flavin. Flavin is listed at 5'9". Yet I've sene many pictures of them, Flavin in high heels and Stallone still has 2-3 inches on her with the "effect" posture. How do you explain this? Even if she was 5'8" barefoot in 2-3 inch heels she will be nearly 5'11, yet Stallone in his munsters most likely appeared to have 2 inches on here. If he can pull off 6'1" like Pitt can at max then the man has to be taller than 5'9" sorry.
Doug said on 15/Mar/09
Stallone is likely 5'9.5" these days, add his normal two inches lifts and he will be in the 5'11" range as he normally appears. Something tells me that a lot of people don't want to think he anything taller as they like to think of him as "short". I'll admit he has on occasions looked as low as even 5'8" especially in the 70s and on the odd occasion in the 80s and 90s but equally in his munsters he has also appeared a strong 6'1" which even in 3.5 inch shoes the man can't be short barefoot. He is between 5'9" and 5'10". He as Glenn pointed out was taller than Kurt Russell barefoot by about an inch? If Kurt Russell is 5'9" (I had always thought the man was a bit taller than that) then the math figures that Stallone is more than a flat 5'9" maybe as much as 2cm more. Sharon Stone was a legit 5.8'5" Stallone was seen barefoot to have a minimum inch on here. Stallone was shorter than a 5'10.5" -5'11" peak Mr. T making him nearer 5'9.5". A lot of the evidence points to Stallone being 176-177cm.
bam said on 15/Mar/09
I think 5'9.5 would be great rob. That may very well be sly's height, and its obvious that he is that height absolute minimum next to Glenn, with no trickery. Its obvious you can make the argument for 5'10 based on his claim, and glenn's pics above alone. (as well as glenn saying he saw 5'10ish). 5'9.5 is a step in the right direction.
Doug said on 15/Mar/09
Wrong. Both Pitt and Stallone wear lifts and were of a similar height, Glenn has met both of them on numerous occasions. It is rubbish that he can miraculously grow 4 inches in shoes. He is nothing over 5'10" for certain but I think it very likely he is a little over 5'9". 176cm minimum. Sorry but 5'9.5" really isn't exactly tall is it? Its as if we think Stallone is 6 ft. And yes there are some people on here who are listed as 0.5 inches shorter than what they really are/were. Sean COnnery peak height was nearer 189 cm (6.2.5"), Julian Glover was nearer 6'2.5"-6'3" at peak. not just 6'2" (he had inches on 6'1.5" Roger Moore), Robert Davi was half an inch taller than Dalton peak height was 189 cm (6.2.5"). In a similar way the heights of some people on here are a little too high, Pitt is not a legit 5'11" we all know this etc. But it has to be said most of the time Rob is absolutely bang on the money and is an excellent judge of real height. Not sure about Mike Pratt ever being 6'1" though.
RisingForce said on 15/Mar/09
Steve, your post made no sense.

De Niro? Stallone is slouching and still an inch taller than 5'9" De Niro Click Here

Dickenson? The only picture posted was a mid-stride picture. It's common knowledge that those aren't reliable.

Mr. T? It's very possible that they made him look taller than he really was in the Rocky films. Look at him next to Carl weathers. Unless you believe Mr. T is really over 6 feet. Mr. T was listed as 6'1" back then when in reality he was really 5'11", but they made him look more like the former height.
Anonymousanus said on 15/Mar/09
Rob, you might as well add .5'' to every celebrity's height on this site then
RisingForce said on 15/Mar/09
A 5'9.5" upgrade would make a lot of sense. There seems to be a good amount of people who each say weak 5'9" or a bit under but also quite a few who say solid 5'10" or a bit over.
Christian said on 15/Mar/09
I have a pair that gives me 3 inches, with them I am a strong 5'10''. When I wear them my legs look much longer and with a good posture people think I look 5'11''-6 feet. Same goes with Sly but he is 5'9'' and is a lot of times 5'11''-6 with lifts that gives him 2-3 inches.
Steve said on 15/Mar/09
Rob all of risingforce's promotion seems to have gotten to you, real shame didn't expect you to take such obvious bait. 5'9 is what it should be as some pics show no way is he any taller, with dickenson deniro mr t. yes shoes only add so much but you of all people should know stallone's posture combined with others not so impeccable posture gives him at least another inch or so.
Parker said on 15/Mar/09
I don't think you'd even get 4 inches out of the shoes that Robert Downey is wearing, for the simple reason they look like a SHOE - any hidden lift over an inch and your foot is falling out of the back of the shoe - I really do think you'd have to go to a boot to get 4 inches. Something like this
Click Here

Rule of thumb for Elevators always take an inch off that claimed by the seller - so these may give you close to 4 inches.
Doug said on 15/Mar/09
I think you'd be more accurate with 5'9.5"-5'9.75" Rob. It is very difficult for a 5'9" guy to pull off 6'1" however big the shoes and he did manage to look taller than Nielsen who I believe was near 6'1" peak. He has often looked this. I would estimate 177cm for Stallone.
RisingForce said on 15/Mar/09
Hard to say Mickey, he'd have plenty of room for lifts in those. I'm not sure if he could get much more from 3 though because they still may not be thick enough in the front. It'd be interesting to see how tall he looked in those though as the tallest I've seen him look at a premiere is at the Rocky Balboa premiere.

These are the type of shoes that I think are necessary to get 4 inches from your barefoot height. Click Here

You notice how the front is very thick like the back, pretty much a platform shoe. That is necessary so that your foot isn't sitting an angle like you're standing on your toes like a woman's high heel shoe or a regular elevator shoe.

Here's a closer look.
Click Here

I have yet to see Sly wear anything like that, except for maybe Judge Dredd.

Even these boots that Vin Diesel is getting have a better chance at getting 4" IMO because of how thick the front is. Click Here

So I'll have a very hard time believing more than 3"-3.25" even with those. But regardless even that is a huge gain over your barefoot height. As far as a hidden platform, it'd be very tough to get one that big the way the boots that Sly wears are designed. I wouldn't think he'd be able to get one big enough in there to get more than the 3" that I think he's already getting.
Mickey said on 15/Mar/09
Rob how much gain from barefoot do you think Sly would get out of these, i think these are the biggest i've seen him wear.

Click Here

I would say 3.5inches from barefoot absolute minimum, quite possibly 4. The visible heel along is probably 1.5 inches minimum. Rising, what do you think?

Editor Rob
it's hard to tell. 4 inches is really hard to get.

I think there is a chance I will put sly at 5ft 9.5 as his height.
Mickey said on 15/Mar/09
Rising i wouldn't look too much into the beach scene in Rocky III because as you said "they are RUNNING on the BEACH". Those two factors certainly aren't solid as we have seen before.

Also in regards to Sly having platforms, i think he could pay someone very handsomely to make a shoe with a hidden platform(ie not obvious). I mean, we have seen him and Pitt in shoes with what looks to be fake fronts, maybe that would be the platform and the base of the foot(front) sits behind and above that.
Anonymousanus said on 14/Mar/09
Supposedly, there are clinics in Asia that lengthen a persons spine through some magnetic therapy, thus making one taller by like an inch. Mabey Stallone went there.
Ejel Khan said on 14/Mar/09
Lifts are Sly's best friends, but he's still not that short 5'8-9" is average height for American males.
Anonymousanus said on 14/Mar/09
4'' munsters are not impossible. They'd have to be custom made in order to look discret and for someone to be able to walk somewhat normal in them.
RisingForce said on 14/Mar/09
Elton John wore platform shoes sometimes. Stallone doesn't, he wears elevators. Those big shoes at the Rocky Balboa premiere were 3 inch elevator shoes. In them he looked like a legit 6 footer.
Brad said on 14/Mar/09
Elton got the 4" for years.
RisingForce said on 14/Mar/09
I don't think he had his legs lengthened if that would require more than 6 months to recover.
Danimal said on 14/Mar/09
Mickey says on 14/Mar/09
I have to say Sly does look tall in that picture with Carl. 6"-6'1" there. Now that doesn't mean i believe he would measure 6'1" in lifts, but he does give the illusion of that in the picture. I see about an inch, maybe slightly more between them, so it depends really on how straight Weathers is standing. I believe Sly is hitting 6foot there factoring everything but 6'1" would depend on Weather's posture, looks a little looser then Sly's.

Thing is i can't see how there could be a 5 inch difference between them in my photo when Sly is in normal dress shoes and has camara advantage in a full body shot to a bit more then an inch difference when Sly is in lifts. I think posture is the culprit but thats my view.

or MAYBE just MAYBE his legs HAVE been LENGTHENED in the last few years.
Doug said on 14/Mar/09
Thanks for that explanation Rising that makes it clearer thanks. I still think it ridiculous though that anybody thinks anybody can gain 4 inches in lifts. The thought that I could make myself 6'6" in 4 inch lift shoes is rubbish surely? The most I've ever reached is 6'3.5" in a pair of good boots which give 1.5 inches boost. In the same way a 6 foot flat guy reaching 6'4"? Have you actually seen how much 4 inches is?? Thats rubbish. Even 3 inches is a massive gain in shoes.
Ejel Khan said on 14/Mar/09
Glenn ..... Carl was 6'2" in his peak .... football days, he was measured at 6'2" ..... more recently, has lost some height, as all atheletes do. Even Arnie has! Carl is now 61 years old, and 6'1" in height.
RisingForce said on 14/Mar/09
Thanks Glenn, and Weathers at 6'2" is possible. That's his NFL listing, but I always thought he was more 6'1.5". He looked a hair shorter than Arnie in Predator, although maybe Arnie had a footwear advantage. I think the fact that Mr. T looked so close to Carl Weathers height in Rocky 3, promo pictures and the press conference backs up our belief that they made Mr. T bigger in Rocky 3. Interestingly Mr. T, was listed at 6'1" around that time.

Posture is a possible explanation Mickey, but I picked the picture on purpose that they were both leaning for the picture a bit. Here's one from the same night where Carl's back may not be as straight, but he does seem to be tilting his head up more.
Click Here

I see a tiny difference from the top of their heads. Sly could be getting an advantage from being closer to the camera, but I don't think it'd be a huge advantage as he doesn't seem to be that much closer.
Here's another shot of them from the movie Rocky where they look close. Sly is standing straighter, but Carl is a bit closer to the camera.
Click Here

If you ask me the difference between them looks more like 1.5", maybe 2" there. To me the best evidence between them is still the Rocky 3 picture where Sly is in slippers or the scene when they're running on the beach. In the latter scene Sly is wearing these shoes Click Here and seems very doubtful he'd have lifts in them.

So all of that is why I don't think the barefoot difference could really be more than 3 inches between them. The difference does look like it'd be more in your picture, but part of that is assuming Sly is getting a significant advantage, which is possible, but not a sure thing.
Mickey said on 14/Mar/09
I have to say Sly does look tall in that picture with Carl. 6"-6'1" there. Now that doesn't mean i believe he would measure 6'1" in lifts, but he does give the illusion of that in the picture. I see about an inch, maybe slightly more between them, so it depends really on how straight Weathers is standing. I believe Sly is hitting 6foot there factoring everything but 6'1" would depend on Weather's posture, looks a little looser then Sly's.

Thing is i can't see how there could be a 5 inch difference between them in my photo when Sly is in normal dress shoes and has camara advantage in a full body shot to a bit more then an inch difference when Sly is in lifts. I think posture is the culprit but thats my view.
glenn said on 13/Mar/09
great post mid.
glenn said on 13/Mar/09
is it me,or is carl weathers possibly 6-2? why does everyone say 6-1? he lost height? my friends who met him say 6-2.
glenn said on 13/Mar/09
well said risingforce.i made points like that long ago.not as articulate as you.
Danimal said on 13/Mar/09
Anonymousanus says on 13/Mar/09
Tom Cruise is 5'7.5 and Stallone is 5'9

5'7" for Cruise and 5'9" for Stallone.
Anonymousanus said on 13/Mar/09
Tom Cruise is 5'7.5 and Stallone is 5'9
miko said on 13/Mar/09
I can see Sly's largest munsters giving him 3.5". Add the posture advantage you get close to 4" advantage over another guy/woman.

He only brings the 3.5" out on occasion when required. For example the Rocky/Rambo promos when he's got Schwarzenegger/Willis to contend with. All other occasions he's in the 2.75/3".

And when you consider 95% of the time he has a camera advantage aswell. This guy is a trained expert at looking tall - you've got to give him credit for the effort.

If I did what he did I could go from 6"0 barefoot to looking like a 6"4 guy.
RisingForce said on 13/Mar/09
Doug, even Rob points out on the top that 4.5" is an exaggeration. The shoemaker did have a reason to lie too. Actually 2 reasons. One being that he claims Stallone owed him 2,900 dollars for a pair of shoes and didn't pay him. The other being that most elevator shoes are advertized as giving more than they actually do. For example some shoes that say they give 3.5" really give more like 2.5" and some that are said to give 5" really give 3".

It takes time. But after a while, di Fabrizio is chatting about Sylvester Stallone -- specifically how the droopy-eyed lug allegedly stiffed him for $2,900 for a pair of navy blue dress shoes -- when he finally spills.

"I made him 4 1/2 inches taller for 16 years!" di Fabrizio blurts out.

Click Here

Considering he claims Stallone owed him a good chunk on money, he would have a reason to lie.

As far as why he'd wear lifts? Well it could be because he's an action hero and many people expect action heroes to be 6'2" like Arnold or 6'4" Clint Eastwood. In fact I recall reading on a Stallone message board that someone was surprised to meet him and find out that he was average in height/weight and not some 6'2", 200+ pound action star. That's also why many people are surprised when they see Arnold these days. Even though he's in the 5'11"-6'0" range which is above average height for a man, many people are surprised at how "short" he is. In fact he's constantly referred to as short these days. So Sly may wear lifts to match his action movie image.

Another reason Sly could wear lifts is because of his tall wives/girlfriends. Brigitte Nielsen is atleast 6 ft, Jennifer Flavin is atleast 5'9" in my opinion, Janice Dickenson is 5'9.5" and Angie Everheart is 5'10". All of them will be over 6'0" in heels. In fact the article states that Sly asked the shoemaker to make his shoes thicker when he started dating Brigitte Nielsen. This could have been the time he started wearing lifts which is why he appeared taller around this time and he has appeared taller for years.

So in short I feel he wears lifts to maintain his image of a big action star and because Jennifer Flavin and past girlfriends/wives have all been well above average height for women(except for maybe his first wife).
Doug said on 13/Mar/09
Rising how do you explain the shoe makers comments "I've been making sly 4.5 inches taller for 16 years"?? Surely he can't gain anything more than 3 inches from lifts as the shoes are low at the front. The thing is why would an action man like Stallone feel the need to wear 3 inch shoes? Surely its not good for image either wearing lifts?
RisingForce said on 13/Mar/09
The picture is pretty good, but I'm not sure if Sly is getting any advantage despite being closer to the camera. His head looks in proportion and still smaller than Weather's. If he's not getting any advantage then the 3", 3.5" difference you and I both see would put him at 5-10ish. Of course he could still be getting an advantage. It may have been shot from a low angle too, hard to tell. That is the shortest I've seen him look with Carl though.

I honestly don't think the difference between them could be any more than 3 though.
Click Here

Here he looks an inch shorter max, but more like a half inch in my opinion. If we assume that Sly is in 3 inch elevators and Carl is in 1 inch shoes then that'd still put the barefoot difference somewhere in the 2.5" to 3" range. Carl would be atleast 6'2" in shoes which means that was another night where it seems Sly is reaching atleast 6'1" in footwear.

What do you think Mickey? Do you see him reaching 6'1" in footwear that night.

Interestingly enough that was also one of the rare nights where Sly was taller than his brother Frank.
Mickey said on 13/Mar/09
This picture has been posted before but it is baffling to me:

Click Here

Sly in what looks to be normal dress shoes is shorter then 6'1ish Carl Weathers by at least 3 inches, probably 3.5 inches, and Sly is standing a fair bit closer to the camera also, probably making a 5 inch difference all up. Even if Carl was 6'2 that would only make Sly 5'9" absolute max here. What you reckon RF, is it not a good picture?
RisingForce said on 13/Mar/09
Thanks Mickey,

Yeah, we can't be sure they're 3 inch elevators, but then again we can't be sure Sly's are. Tom usually isn't in elevators that big, but that picture is from 1999 or 2000 which is around the time he made Mission: Impossible 2. That was a huge movie and Tom was being promoted as a big action star around that time. Not surprisingly I've seen more pictures of that era of Tom in big elevators. He didn't wear shoes like that before and he hasn't since as far as I've seen though. Sure Kidman could very well be 5'11", but I've heard 6'1" a lot for Brigitte as well as 184 cm(6'0.5"). So they both could be a little over, that's why i thought going with each of their listed heights here.

You're right he did give a shorter impression in that picture, but looking at this picture where they're probably barefoot(or in sandals) the difference seems like about an inch and a half. Click Here

I also don't think proportions are a good way to judge Sly's height. He has very odd proportions which I think make him look shorter. He has a very long torso and very short legs compared to his height(look at how much higher Brigitte's waist is in that picture). His long arms also can make his legs seem shorter in comparison. Plus Sly's muscular frame can make him seem shorter.

Obviously it's not a conclusive picture for the reasons you stated, but it is more evidence that he can reach 6'1" and that he likely hasn't gotten limb lengthening surgery as many have suggested.

The other guy in the picture I believe is Danny Thomas who I think was listed at 6 foot. If that's true he'd be around 6-1ish in dress shoes.

Here are 2 more shots from that night by the way.
Click Here
Click Here

The second shot is interesting as she's quite a bit closer to the camera but she still doesn't seem any taller. In fact she's closer to the camera in all 3 pictures.
RisingForce said on 13/Mar/09
Brad you're wrong, period. Look at this from Rob's section of elevator shoes.

"The size of the platform portion of the boot would determine just how much. There is a physical limit with your feet of near 3 inches in how much you stand when on your tiptoes - duplicating what the lifts are doing - so getting gains above this means trying to add more height in the section of the shoe where the base of the toes sit, so partially concealing that your foot is already sitting pretty high at the base of your toes."

Sly's biggest elevators aren't platform shoes. They aren't very thick in the front.

Click Here

He won't get more than 3 inches out of those. In fact those Rocky Balboa premiere elevators are no bigger than Cruise's elevators in the picture next to Kidman.

The fact is that Sly is much taller than Tom Cruise Brad. It's proven by the pictures I posted. You're delusional if you think there's only an inch difference between those 2.
Mickey said on 13/Mar/09
Rising, i see some valid point in your posts, here are some of my views on it.

We can't be 100% certain Tom is in 3 inch lifts, the heels look big, but without a real side on shot its hard to tell. Not saying they are normal shoes, but i've rarely if ever seen Tom wearing something resembling Sly's munsters. Kidman also might be 5'11" which she stated she might be.

Sly does look surprisingly tall here for sure. But there are some pics showing a bit more difference between him and Brigette. The beach picture, while not the best pic, did show Sly looking very short(proportionally). Again it wasn't the best pic, but the general "scale" is telling, to me anyway.

If your shot of Sly n Brigette was a full body picture with a flat ground etc, then it would've been an awesome shot showing Sly could hit 6'1 without any posture advantage or ground advantage. I'm sceptical but thats just from my view. Who is the guy next to Stallone?
Brad said on 13/Mar/09
Rising ought to go to a shoe store and pick up some Doc Marten low cuts then think about Sly with his customs. He can easily get 4" made. Correct about the golf shoes shots. Put Jack/Dennis/Sly by Ms. Nielsen and watch the fun at the golf course. Hey Doug, Sly wears things other people don't, he's Sly, king of the customs.
Anonymousanus said on 13/Mar/09
Please, the media would have never made such a big deal of his height if he was a legit 5'10 or 5'11. Without his customs, Sly was shorter than 5'10.5 Mr. T and even 5'9.5 Jack Nicholson. In his 4 inch customs he can look 6'1 but without them he's 5'9 tops. 5'9 is average height and that's what Stallone is.
Doug said on 13/Mar/09
Yeah Rising thats the tallest I've ever seen Sly look I think, he actually looks around 6'1.5" there. I agree he looks a strong 6'1" in that photo.He must have been wearing huge shoes to pull that off as he is clearly in thr 5'9-5'10" range barefoot.
RisingForce said on 13/Mar/09
This should show that there's no way Tom Cruise is only 1.25" shorter than Stallone.

Cruise in big 3 inch elevator shoes is shorter than Nicole Kidman is in flats
Click Here

That pretty much confirms that Cruise in his biggest elevator shoes has no chance of looking as tall as Kidman, even when she's almost barefoot.

But Sly could look about an inch taller than Brigitte Nielsen who is listed here at 1.5" taller than Kidman

Click Here

Now lets assume that Sly was also in huge 3 inch elevator shoes and Nielsen was wearing flats as I think that's most likely. But still Sly looks atleast 6'1" there.

Now how is that Sly can look an inch taller than someone 1 1/2 inches taller than someone who Cruise can at best look a half inch shorter than when Cruise is supposedly only 1.25" shorter than Stallone? Going by that it seems that Sly is about 3 inches taller than Cruise.

And somehow Brad thinks Sly is just half an inch taller than Cruise! By the way for those of you that doubt Stallone can reach 6'1", look at that picture with Brigitte Nielsen who is certainly a legit 6 footer.
glenn said on 13/Mar/09
yes,doug stallone was an inch taller.i know what you mean about these 5-7,5-8 claims.
Anonymousanus said on 12/Mar/09
Stallone in golf shoes looks no taller than 5'9 (if that) and those are the best pics to judge by cause you know for certain he's not packing huge lifts. This 5'10, 5'11 nonsense for Sly is ridiculous.
glenn said on 12/Mar/09
thats what i mean risingforce.that one moment when they walk side by side.
Clay said on 12/Mar/09
Anonymousanus says on 10/Mar/09
Glenn, Cruise was same height as 5'11 Jay Leno when he last appeared on his show therefore to answer your question: yes, we do see Cruise looking taller than 5'10.

Leno is just 5'10 today.
Doug said on 12/Mar/09
Was Stallone in his Munsters that night? Hang on, (I'm tired). If Stallone was 5'10" barefoot and was wearing 2-3 inch lifts wouldn't that place him at 6' -6'1"? Yet in that photo he looks a little over 5'11 only and still 1-1.5 inches shorter than Willis. One thing is certain. Stallone is NEVER as high as 5'10.75" barefoot Rising. A near 5'11" barefoot man in lifts would EASILY pass the 6' mark. I think hes between 5'9" and 5'10" barefoot, never under 5'9" but I can't see him out of this range barefoot. A lot of the time he looks nearer 5'10" to even accounting for "the effect". If he is an inch taller than Russell legitamtely then nearer 5'10" is more accurate as RUssell is certainly no lower than 5'9" in my book..
Doug said on 12/Mar/09
One of the most important guys we have in estimating Arnie's and Stallone's real heights is Bruce Willis. Often Willis only looks 5'11" yet on film and occasionally in public he actually looks nearer 6'1". I had always pegged Bruce at 6'" dead legit. If so then Stallone is certianly no lower than 5'10" even accounting for lifts.
Christian said on 12/Mar/09
I have to agree with Brad on that one. Sly wore his 3" customs and the others in normal shoes.
Doug said on 12/Mar/09
Stallone had 4 inches on Russell? Sorry camera angle or not you're way off. An inch at that angle, 2 inches max.
Doug said on 12/Mar/09
Stallone looks around 5'11.5 in that photo in the 80s I think. Some will say oh he was wearing 4 inch munsters?
Doug said on 12/Mar/09
Ohh cmon you can see that Stallone is in the 5'10 range. He is close to Bruce Willis in height even then. I think Willis was a legit 6' flat peak, 6'1" in shoes. Stallone looks nearer the 6 foot mark in that pictures with Kurt RUssell below. And some people still believe Stallone is only really 5'7" or 5'8". C'mon.
Doug said on 12/Mar/09
Was Stallone an inch taller? If so the guy is obviously 5'10", I used to even think Russell was 5'10" until one day I learned about "Hollywood inches".
RisingForce said on 12/Mar/09
Brad, how the hell is Arnold 3 inches taller than Willis that night when Arnold doesn't even have 3" on Bruce even with that huge camera advantage?
Brad said on 12/Mar/09
That premiere photo is a Stallone at 5' 9" in "effect", in his 3" customs, Kurt at usual height, Bruce at 5' 11" and Arnold at 6' 2". Nobody wore bigger ones than Sly that night.
RisingForce said on 12/Mar/09
I'm not sure if the shower scene was great for judging height as there's only 3 or 4 seconds when the camera angle is good. In those 3 to 4 seconds Kurt is moving his head a lot putting him at a disadvantage, but Kurt is also standing a little closer to the camera.

However when they're walking barefoot the angle is good and Sly does seem an inch taller to me. That in my opinion is the best evidence for Sly being atleast 5'10" as Kurt is no less than 5'9" in my opinion.
glenn said on 12/Mar/09
stallone was an inch taller than kurt in the shower scene.kurt was 2 inches taller than mel gibson at a movie premiere.all 3 men are supposedly 5-10.
Ejel Khan said on 12/Mar/09
Risingforce .... that's a good pic from the 80's, with Bruce, Arnie and Kurt. Yes, Sly does appear 5'11" in that pic.
RisingForce said on 12/Mar/09
Mickey, Sly was no closer to the camera in my picture than Milo was in yours. And Milo and Sly both had great posture in my picture so that isn't much of a factor. Sheen had a bigger advantage in your picture because his head looked abnormally large in your picture, Sly's didn't in mine.

I can't explain how Sly looks shorter than Bruce in that picture despite the big footwear advantage. That's one of the times when he does truly look 5-9ish and I don't dispute that. All I can say is that a single picture can be deceptive.
Yaspaa said on 12/Mar/09
It's obvious he's wearing lifts in both pictures they looked very similar in Tango and Cash. This is beyond a joke.
Mickey said on 12/Mar/09
Sly has camera advantage and is standing military :)You made a big deal about the slight camera advantage Sheen had in my picture, so i can do the same to yours. Untilt my picture with Milo and see if there is that much of a difference between them.

Explain how a slouched Bruce Willis in sandals was at least 2 inches taller then Sly in thick shoes?

Click Here
Click Here
RisingForce said on 12/Mar/09
Mickey, that picture is defintley tilted.

Here is one from the same night where Milo is looking up at Sly.
Click Here

Draw a line from the top of Milo's head, it's not much above Sly's eyebrows. That is no less than a 2 inch difference and I'd bet the difference is more like 3 inches.

Explain that?
RisingForce said on 12/Mar/09
Here's a rare premiere picture probably from the late 80's/early 90's.

Click Here

Oddly Kurt Russell has a huge camera advantage over Sly but looks 1"/1.5" shorter despite that. Obviously the difference would be greater without the camera advantage. Despite Arnold also having a camera advantage on Sly, Sly appears no more than 3 inches shorter.

Even more odd is that we know Sly was appearing as at the very least a legit 5'11" man that night(almost surely more) and Bruce seems like he'd be a solid inch taller than Sly if not for the Stallone effect and Sly's slight camera advantage.

I personally think that if not for Sly's camera disadvantage he'd be no more than 2 inches shorter than Arnold max there and possibly 3 inches taller than Russell. So with Bruce obviously being taller than Sly I get the impression that he'd have as much as 4 inches on Russell and be an inch max shorter than Arnold that night.

What do you most likely think this points to? Bruce also wearing lifts like Sly? Kurt Russell being shorter than 5'9"? Or Bruce actually being 6'1"?

This is also relevant because a lot of the comparisons we use for Sly's height are Arnold, Kurt and Bruce.
bam said on 11/Mar/09
sheen is taller than the 5'9 guy on 2 and a half men. I think he could be close to 5'10.
Mickey said on 11/Mar/09
I didn't know Milo was 6'2"

Click Here

Now i predict Rising to tell me that Milo is in lifts, which may be true, it may not be, but they certainly wouldn't be the 3 inch monsters Sly would be wearing. Certainly Sly does not look lose to 6'1 here.
TELLEM said on 11/Mar/09
sly looking the same height as his wife: Click Here can't ignore this
Danimal said on 11/Mar/09
Clay says on 10/Mar/09
Hulk Hogan is a 6'4 mountain of a man, so a 5'10 guy will come accross as a shrimp to him its not like he can tell 5'8 from 5'10 really.

Hogan was not only 6'4" in 1981 (filming of Rocky 3)/
Doug said on 11/Mar/09
Mmm Stallone did look about the same height barefoot as Kurt Russell. Are you certain RUssell is only 5'9"? To me both Stallone and Russell look nearer 5'10". I think Stallone has to be a little over 5'9" barefoot anyway. On Jonathan Ross he looked around 5'10.5" I thought a good 3 inches shorter than Ross.
Christian said on 11/Mar/09
That photo of Sly and Luke Perry is very interesting I saw a while back ago. Since I worked with Luke Perry I can say that he is 5'10'', could be 5.9.75. He had normal sneakers on and looked close to 5.11. That means Sly was 5'11'' or just under when he had those white shoes on. They looked normal but could have given him 1.5 inch. If that is correct Sly can be 5.9.25 or 5.9.5. If they were liftless he is 5'10'' but I doubt it.
TELLEM said on 11/Mar/09
don johnson, kevin costner and sly Click Here
glenn said on 11/Mar/09
thanks for believing me doug that stallone is over 5-9.
Brad said on 11/Mar/09
Great photo with Sheen. Stallone had custom boxing shoes, big wedge. You ought to see the You Tube of him in the bright read trainers walking into the medical place....he's never looked shorter.
Doug said on 11/Mar/09
Rising have a look at the Jonathan Ross clip JTRoN provided. Clive Owen is 6'2" and appeared to have at least an inch on Jonathan Ross who claims 6'1.5" and often looks shorter than this. Now look at Stallone compared to Jonathan Ross, Stallone is nowhere near his height, a good 3 inches shorter. If you stood Stallone next to Clive Owen sorry, Owen would be WAY taller than Stallone even in his lifts.
Doug said on 11/Mar/09
IN my view Stallone is 5'9.75" barefoot. Add 3 inch munsters and he can reach around 6'1" or 6'0.75"/.Sorry Rising I've never seen Stallone look 6'2" it must have been the camera angle because there is no way SLy has been close to 2 inches shorter than Dolph. He has never looked over 6'1" to me even in munsters. The 6'2" is an illusion I'm sure.
Zach said on 11/Mar/09
Zach, thats what I meant about regional variations. The guys up in London seem to be on average a lot taller than in Cardiff probably 5'10" on average. 5'8" is very common height where I live anyway.
TELLEM said on 11/Mar/09
i'll post this vid again: heres sly looking the same height as flavin...don't ignore it...their both wearing the same shoes Click Here
leonari said on 11/Mar/09
Anonymous: Cruise was not as tall as Leno. He was close but still an inch shorter. And he wore dress boots. So no he never looks above 5'10" and i would argue that he ever looks a full 5'10". He has excellent posture and wears lifts. He can look a solid 5'9"-5'9.5 on good days. 5'11" with monsters back in the Nicole Kidman era
RisingForce said on 11/Mar/09
Fair enough, I just still don't see how the Sheen picture somehow rules out the Tom Arnold picture when you don't have the posture or camera angle issue in the Tom Arnold picture. In my opinion it makes more sense to trust the picture with less known problems in it(not even bringing up unknown footwear).
Mickey said on 11/Mar/09
Fair enough, so basically all you have is the notion that Sheen might be wearing lifts. Thats your opinion and thats fine, i just think its wishful thinking on your part, but thats my opinion. I very very much doubt he is wearing lifts. And the camera advantage he has is not huge, you have shown pictures where Sly has a much greater camera advantage(the picture of him and his wife standing behind him at the beach), and you never made a great fuss about that.

Even if Sheen was wearing lifts, which i high doubt. He would not be wearing 3 inch absolute monsters like Sly's. To me, Sly looking barely taller then a slouched 5'9ish Charlie Sheen, who would not be wearing musters like Sly, or lifts at all, pretty much shows to me that Sly could'nt have been 6'1ish that night. Thats my opinion, i don't expect you to believe it, but everyone else can make up their own mind.
RisingForce said on 11/Mar/09
Mickey, I didn't say nothing could be throwing off the Tom Arnold picture. I just said that there's nothing that we can see in the picture that is throwing it off. For example we can see Sheen's slouching and we can see Sheen's camera advantage.

As far as Sheen not wearing lifts because he slouches. Look at George Clooney. Most agree that he wears them but he has really poor posture. And so what if nobody has posted a picture of Sheen in elevator shoes. Not many pictures of Sheen are posted. However there were some suspicious pictures where Sheen was as tall or taller than Brooke Shields and we know he isn't taller barefoot. Plus if he didn't care about his height at all then why would he say he's 5'10" when most agree he's 5'9"? I'm not saying he is in lifts, but I wouldn't be surprised.

As far as Tom and Cuba Gooding Jr. well first of all he's listed here at 5'10". So that'd put him very close to my estimate of Sly. So there's no reason why Cuba Gooding Jr. couldn't appear an inch or 2 shorter than a slouching Tom Arnold. Especially if Gooding Jr. was wearing lifts.

As far as the factors in the Sheen/Stallone picture well Sheen's slouching is one of the factors. That doesn't favor Sheen, but it does make it hard to account for how much Sheen is losing in posture vs how much he's gaining in the camera advantage.

Simply put the Tom Arnold picture is better for judging height as far as we can tell. I don't see any argument against that.
Mickey said on 11/Mar/09
Sheen wearing lifts? Yeah the guy slouches like no tomorow and has never been seen wearing lifts, sorry but i don't buy it.

3 Factors?? the only valid point you had was that Sheen had camera advantage. Please elaborate on the other 2 factors. If one of them was Sheen wearing lifts, then don't bother about that one, thats wishful thinking to me. Please elaborate on the other factor. You said "Sly's posture advantage", yes Sly does have a massive posture advantage in the Sheen picture, how is that a disadvantage to Sly in the picture?

Also i've shown pictures of Tom Arnold looking very close to 5'9" Cuba Gooding jnr and you said something like "Tom is slouching". Rising, Tom would have to be slouching to the pavement to lose 4-5 inches.

Nothing could be throwing the Tom Arnold picture? How about unknown ground, Tom bending his knees(you used this excuse before), Sly in massive lifts with military posture while Tom is slouching/knees bent and/or bad ground. Far from a flawless picture.
RisingForce said on 11/Mar/09
Mickey, there are less factors in the Tom Arnold picture so obviously that's a more accurate picture to go by than the Sheen picture. And how do we know that Sheen isn't in elevator shoes himself? So assuming he should just tower over him isn't right.

Common sense tells us that with there being nothing we can see in the Tom Arnold picture throwing it off, that's the better picture from that night to go by. We have 2 factors to consider in the Sheen picture(3 if you count unknown footwear for Sheen). In the Tom Arnold picture they're both standing straight with no noticeable camera advantage and we know that Tom is wearing sneakers(and most likely not in lifts).

Now honestly tell me that the Sheen picture somehow rules out Sly being 6'1"+ that night in lifts? That makes no sense considering the Tom Arnold picture was the better picture for judging height.
Mickey said on 11/Mar/09
Sigh, i predicted you would give those exact responses. Sheen's camera advantage? Wow that would give him an automatic 4 inches right there(big sarcasm). A lower angle in the boxing picture? Um no they are the same angle pretty much, its not like they had the camera on the ground, it is a level picture.

Im sorry if this comes off as brutal or anything but when you say "clearly the Tom Arnold picture would be a more accurate representation" it just makes you look more biased. I'am showing you a picture of Charlie Sheen who is 5'9ish and SLOUCHING, and Sly is only just taller(standing military), even with Sheen's camera advantage Sly should be towering him if he was 5'10,75" in lifts. Like the time when you said Sly is most likely bending his knees with Bruce Willis or when you said Jack Nicholson was wearing lifts(which would've had to have been 3inch lifts) to look taller then Sly(who had camera advantage) on a event night. I just get the feeling that you don't acknowledge alot(not all) of shots that show Sly might not be the 5'10ish you think.
RisingForce said on 11/Mar/09
Mickey, your logic of using the picture with Sheen from the same night is flawed. There are two things throwing off that picture, one being Sheen's camera advantage and the other being Sly's posture advantage. There's nothing that we can see in the Tom Arnold picture that's throwing it off. So clearly the Tom Arnold picture would be a more accurate representation of Sly's height that night.

As far as the Dolph picture, well here's another where Lundgren has 6 inches max on Sly.
Click Here

You don't notice advantage Sly has in that picture over yours in posture and he doesn't appear closer to the camera. I think that what caused him to look shorter in the other picture was that it was taken from a lower angle which favors the taller person(obviously Lundgren). They were in flat boxing footwear too. Click Here

In fact the then and now Lundgren comparison is one of the most convincing things to me for a 5'10.75" Sly. 6" shorter than 6'4.75" Dolph in flat boxing shoes. And now 3"(maybe 3.5" max considering posture shorter than a slightly shrunken 6'4.25" Lundgren. Sly being in 3" elevators and Dolph in 1" dress shoes in the latter. I'm not trying to force any of this on anyone either. I'm just explaining what I base my opinion on.
RisingForce said on 11/Mar/09
Roger says on 10/Mar/09
6'1.5'', he never looked that tall. Never.

Look at these pictures Roger.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Antonio said on 11/Mar/09
I know people that met Sly back in the 80s, and they all estimated his height at 5-8 to 5-9. In fact, one friend told me that he was my height. I was 5'8.6" in my prime & at that time.

At the age of 62, common sense tells us he should be a bit shorter than back then. I am 51, but with back problems and 2 open-heart surgeries in the last 19 years, my height is now 5'8" (on a good day) in the AM. So even in good health Sly should have lost a little too. The truth is, at least to me, he does look taller than he used to.

Is it possible that he may have had limb lengthening surgery? Is it possible that he may have been able to benefit from some other method? --- Is there any other method? --- We do know a couple of things about him. He is vain, and he is very strong willed & determined! If there's a will, there's a way! Maybe he did what was necessary for him to do, to attain his goal.

Just a thought.
Mickey said on 11/Mar/09
Rising, you say there was "at least 2 inches difference" between sly and Kurt whilst walking to the showers, but have you seen Sly walking before? He even walks in military posture. There videos on youtube showing Sly walking around with his brother(who looks much taller then him in the videos) and Sly is walking around like he is about to launch.

Click Here
Why does Sly not look close to 6'2" here in this picture Rising? It was taking the same night as the picture with Tom Arnold. He is only a little taller then 5'9ish Charlie Sheen who is slouching. Sheen is standing slightly closer to the camera, but still, i dont see anywhere near even 6foot for Sly here.

Click Here
Its about 4.5 inches from top of the head to the eye level and a further 3 inches from eye level to mouth. These might be more for Dolph as he would have bigger proportions. Going by this Dolph has 7.25-7.5(Slys head might meet just above Dolph's lip, possibly) inches on Sly. Even if Dolph was the 6'4.75" you might think he is that would make Sly a flat 5'9 here.

I already showed you stills with Letterman with Sly looking 3 inches shorter but you dismissed it and proceeded to show me pics where Sly is standing military and Letterman is slouched.
Kev said on 10/Mar/09

just how much difference in height does a "stride" make? while it is logical that a person fluctuates in height while walking, does it vary that much so that a person who's supposedly 1.5 inches shorter can look 2 inches taller?

ok let's say you have a 5'9 guy and a 5'111 guy walking together and you watch them walk from the back. do you ever see the 5'9 guy being guy being taller than the 5'11 in any phase of the stride by 2 inches? i sure don't think so. i just can't see how a supposedly 5'11 guy could look good two inchs shorter than a 5'9 ish female when they are both in mid stride in a level ground. especially considering sly's robot style walking where he barely loses any height walking let alone 2-3 inches.
Zach said on 10/Mar/09
Doug, in my opinion I'd actually say 5'8 is just on the short side for males in UK, definitely in my age group anyway (twenties). But I've lived in a few different places and you're right it definitely does vary. In London where I've lived most of my life I've found people on average defnitely taller than elsewhere. I'm 5'11 (maybe bit less in evening) and within my age group/peers its average or just slightly above average, quite a few of my friends are easily in 6'0-6'4 region and not out of proportion at all. Certainly when its just women around I feel tall, but generally in London at least I'd say 5'10 is average height, although the most commonly quoted figure is 5'9 for UK. Read somewhere its 6'1 in Holland though you'd never guess by looking at their football team.
Brad said on 10/Mar/09
Look at Sly with Arnie when Arnie is getting called out about weed and Tommy Chong. Arnie has him by a bunch and we all know what Sly has on his feet.
JTRoN said on 10/Mar/09
looks 5'9 here walking with Arnold who is what 6ft nowadays, some argue in the 5'11 range.

Click Here

looking 5'9ish with brother Frank (5'10.5) and surprisingly in what looks like normal shoes

Click Here Click Here

quite a bit shorter than 6'1ish Jonathon Ross

Click Here

now compare it to 5'10 Colin Farrell on the show

Click Here

Yaspaa says on 10/Mar/09
It's impossible not to lose height during the day.

Of course there's a way, sleep all day.
Anonymousanus said on 10/Mar/09
Glenn, Cruise was same height as 5'11 Jay Leno when he last appeared on his show therefore to answer your question: yes, we do see Cruise looking taller than 5'10.
Clay said on 10/Mar/09
Hulk Hogan is a 6'4 mountain of a man, so a 5'10 guy will come accross as a shrimp to him its not like he can tell 5'8 from 5'10 really.
Doug said on 10/Mar/09
I must admit I had written off Stallone as having "grown two inches" by whatever method since the 80s but on looking about he could still look 6 foot even in the 80s. I was amazed how tall he looked in some pictures in the 80s alongside Reagan etc I had expected him to be looking small alongside. Even if Reagan was 6' even in office max, Stallone was near this range, he was even the same height as Nielsen in some pictures in lifts obviously when she had flat footwear but still pulled off 6'-6'1" at times in the 80s. Nielsen I believe is a 6'0.5" (184cm). Again a 5'8 man could NEVER look on the above side of 6 foot. Anybody who knows a 5'7.5-9'" man. Ask them how easy it would be for them to reach 6 foot even let alone 6'1". I think 5'9.5" bare minimum makes more sense. Glenn if Stallone and yourself both took off your shoes in the left photo would Stallone be the same height or taller? Now I can't see what shoes he is wearing but just judging by his proportions next to Glenn this guy is never under 5'9". No way, you can tell. Even if you both removed shoes Stallone would still be fall to little below the 5'10" mark I'm certain. Stallone walked BAREFOOT with Kurt Russell and he looked a similar height, half an inch shorter max. Now we could go into an argument over Russell's legit height but Stallone WITHOUT MUNSTERS was, you can them walking barefoot and he is never under 5'9". Image of Stallone with legit 5.8.5" Sharon Stone barefoot, Stallone had a good inch-1.5 inches on her, I therefore estimate Stallone's miniumum barefoot height to be a likely 5'9.75".
Roger said on 10/Mar/09
6'1.5'', he never looked that tall. Never.
Doug said on 10/Mar/09
Yeah exactly. Cruise is clearly NOT in the same range as Stallone. You can see this from pictures in terms of body size and propotions regardless of footwear. Cruise is 5'10" max in some serious lifts, 5'11" only by distorted camera angle on film. Stallone looks this height normally let alone in munsters. The notion that a 5'7-5'8" man can pull off a good 6'1" on some occasions is absurd, the shoes required to pull that off would be unwalkable and laughable, literally circus shoes. I trust your judgement enough anyway Glenn that you've stood inches away from the guy and can clearly see he not a short man and is taller than 5'8" or 5'9" as is claimed. I would have estimated a 5'9.5 MINIMUM barefoot to make reaching over 6 foot even possible. Nobody gains over 3 inches in shoes even munster lifts except in platforms I'm certain. But do the simple math say Stallone even at 6'1" in his largest custom mothers as Rising Force says even a tad taller in some pictures in comparison with Lundgren etc (who on a recent TV show Richard and Judy still had a strong 2.5-3 inches over even legit 6'2.25" Richard Madely) then even with 3 inch munsters the guy must be around the 5'10" mark give or take.
Yes Americans did seem a little taller than people over here on average although there is some variation in different parts of the country. Tallest guys I;ve seen on average are undoubtedly in Amsterdam, Holland. In Amsterdam my 188cm is extremely common when walking down the main streets, a high proportion are 6 foot and over I was smaller than a LOT of men over there. A considerable amount of men, I mean a LOT of men were in the 190-198 range in Amsterdam, a number even taller than this. Unbelievable. I also hear that Split, Croatia and the Dalmatian region of the Adriatic also have a ridiculously high average height i've read average is 6'1" there, higher than anywhere even Holland. Of course you do see a lot of Croatian sportsmen in the 6'4"-6'5" range.
Ejel Khan said on 10/Mar/09
I'll give Sly 5'9" (normal) with lifts .... who knows. Depends on the lifts he chooses to wear! Check out Youtube for an eighties home video of Sly standing beside a pool with friends, he has slippers on. An old lady approaches him, and appears the same height!
glenn said on 10/Mar/09
doug-i hear ya.i didnt realise american men might be taller than uk men.i would say we are not the tallest overall for lifts and 5-8 celebs,do we ever see cruise looking more than 5-10? of course not.its common sense.cause stallone is more than 5-9.
Brad said on 10/Mar/09
Of course Willis is a few inches taller, he is.
leonari said on 10/Mar/09
Doug: I see. Sorry for the misunderstanding
RisingForce said on 10/Mar/09
I think you make a lot of sense Doug, but I wouldn't put too much into the Janice Dickenson picture. After all it was taken mid-stride and mid-stride pictures aren't reliable. They can vary as much as 2-3 inches depending on where the people are in their stride. For example when the video was posted of Sly and Kurt Russell walking barefoot I took a still that showed Sly atleast 2 inches taller while Mickey took a still that showed Kurt the same height/maybe a little taller. And that was just because they were in different parts of their stride.

I agree with you that he doesn't look like a little man. But as far as Sly looking like he's reaching 6'2" in elevators, he has looked it in some pictures. For example next to Tom Arnold, Dolph Lundgren and then other times he looked like he was reaching 6'1.5" such as when he was next to David Letterman and Carl Weathers(2003 pictures). So it's not like he never looks like he could reach taller than 6'1" flat in elevators. Now I don't know if those were illusions but I do believe that he can reach near 6'2" in his biggest elevators meaning he can pass for a weak 6'1" man at times in pictures.
Doug said on 10/Mar/09
I can't quite see 5"10.75 barefoot though as the guy mostly looks around 5'11-6 in regular two inch lifts? Most of the time he looks 5'11" in shoes so I think he is lower than this Rising force. I could however see him at 5'10" max barefoot, I think 5'9.5" to be a good estimate. The reason being why I don't think Stallone is as tall as 5'10.75" barefoot aside from the shoes thing? In 3 inch munster a legit 5'10.75 Stallone could pull off 6'2" in 3 inch munsters. The photo of Stallone in sneakers next to Janice Dickinson. He was a lot shorter than her in one of the photos I've seen and she is listed as 5'9". In that photo he looked way off 5'11" as he has done on many other occasions. Stallone was also shorter than Mr.T who was around 5'10.5-5'11" max at peak. I'll admit that Stallone's height is all over the place but I certainly don't think he was quite as low as 5'7-5'8". Hogan claimed Stallone was 5'8", I wonder why as there is no way a 5'8" guy could look 6'1".
Doug said on 10/Mar/09
For the record I "know" that Bruce Willis is legit taller by a few inches than Stallone but Stallone has "appeared" a little taller in some photos.
Doug said on 10/Mar/09
I have to agree somewhat with Rising Force and Glenn that Stallone consistently looks around 5'11" to me, he certainly "appears" to look a lot taller than the little man he is sometimes portrayed to be. In the right picture above Stallone looks completely relaxed in terms of posture to me and still looks in the 5'11" range. I've seen countless pics of him with guys who I had once also considered "short" and Stallone looks quite tall compared to them. To me he seems to have the build of a solid 5'10 guy. What was Letterman's joke about Stallone saying he was "tiny"?? I've seen pictures of Stallone standing next to legit 5'11" Welsh boxer Joe Calzaghe and he was marginally shorter, really around the same sort of height, 5'10.5" would have been a good estimate. Then you see pictures of Stallone looking almost as tall as Reagan, as tall as Bruce Willis if not a shade taller, looking in the tall range even next to 6'4.5" Dolph Lundgren these days. Now there isn't a doubt that he is wearing munsters to reach as high as 6'1" on occasions which he can gain 3 inches from maximum but to reach over 6 foot for a guy who is only 5'8" or 5'9" in shoes really would be incredibly difficult to achieve, Stallone could not gain a full 4 inches in lifts I'm certain unless he is wearing platform shoes. To pull off 6'0.5-6'1" as Stallone has at his full maximum the guy is CLEARLY no shorter than 5'9" barefoot. Even if Stallone was 5'10" barefoot reaching near 6'1" would require some serious lifts, Brad Pitt style. People I think need to reconsider what lifts are on here. I'm certain they don't perform miracles and magically make a guy who some regard as low as 5'7.5" into the 6 footer range. Check out the difference on the height chart it is just a ridiculous claim for someone to be wearing shoes that fat. We all know that Stallone wears elevator shoes, the evidence is substantial but Stallone is certainly NOT short man without them.
Doug said on 10/Mar/09
In Wales where I live Glenn 5'11" of course is very common but would actually be considered on the tall side over here, a legit 5'10" would too. In Cardiff the guys seem to be shorter than the national average, average must be 5'8" where I live, guys 5'5"-5'7" are VERY common. I was very surpised to learn that the average height for an American is 5'9". When I've gone to the US I've always thought the men looked big. Perhaps it was because I was in my early teens at the time but to me I seemed to see ALOT of guys in the 6'3" range walking about in the states, certainly a lot 6 foot or over. I would have guessed 5'11" too for white guys as average height in the states, perhaps it is because it is so ethnically diverse that some groups like Latinos etc who are known to be shorter on average bring the average down. I remember standing at an airport in Florida and watching people walking by and thinking how much taller than the Brits the Americans seemed to be on average. So near 5'11" Glenn for white males in the US I'm sure you are not wrong, this is possibly why you often feel shorter. In the UK a 5'8" would not be considered short on average, anything under though would start to be considered towards the short side.
Doug said on 10/Mar/09
I never said 5'10" guys would feel short Leonari!!! I said 5'10" guys if they were reduced to just 5'4" or even 5'6" would likely feel that that height would be quite small, certainly not average.
RisingForce said on 10/Mar/09
I defintley think that Sly is 5'10" flat in the evening and no taller, but I can't agree that he doesn't lose any height. I think he loses half an inch to 3/4 of an inch like most people.

Thanks for posting that Leung. I never bought that his elevators gave him more than 3 inches. Look at his shoes at the Rocky Balboa premiere in comparison to yours. Click Here They're big, but 3 inches is a big gain and since the shoe isn't thick in the front and doesn't have a platform there's a limit to how much he gain. In them however Dolph Lundgren only had about 3 inches on him.

Does anyone know what brand of elevator shoe that is at the Rocky Balboa premiere or what shoemaker made those?
Yaspaa said on 10/Mar/09
It's impossible not to lose height during the day.
glenn said on 10/Mar/09
thanks leung for paraphrasing my theory on stallones height.
bud earl said on 10/Mar/09
I met Stallone years ago and he was the same height as my co worker who says he is 5.11 and a half , I do not know if my co worker really is that height but they were about the same size .I do not have a clue about Stallone shoes he had on but I think Stallone is atleast 5'9 in his feet .
JTRoN said on 9/Mar/09
Click Here
leonari said on 9/Mar/09
he looks better than most 20 year olds in that pic I would say. the man is a machine.
George said on 9/Mar/09
Stallone may have been 5'9.75 straight out of bed in his prime. This guy is 5'9 tops during the day.
Leung said on 9/Mar/09
This is my pair of munsters Click Here
I ordered them from the same Italian store that Sly gets his munsters. Wearing them they are 3 inches over barefoot height. The cork lift is on the inside of the shoe at the back however the pivot (forefoot) is normal which means realistically the most you can get and still be capable of walking is 3
Clay said on 9/Mar/09
LMFAO@5'4-5'8 being ''average'' male height. What is this site becoming? Stop this influx of tools please Rob.
glenn said on 9/Mar/09
no problem risingforce.sly looks better than some 20 year olds in that pic.
glenn said on 9/Mar/09
steve-much appreciation for your words and you are in no way being disrespectful.yes,i would imagine that i dont say anything to risingforce,cause of his beliefs being similar to mine.and forgive me for being slightly biased towards risings veiws.however,i did include him in my short tirade down below if you read it.stating that he has not met him too.thanks for bringing these things to my attention.i will be more aware of things now.but some here also downgrade alot on this site.whats to make of them? but isnt that what everyone does? back up someones theories?
leonari said on 9/Mar/09
Doug speaks the truth except for the part where he says 5'10 guys will feel short (??? thats ridiculous) Depending on the country a real 5'8" is a very common height. A huge majority of men are btw. 5'7" and 6'0".
glenn said on 9/Mar/09
dougs right.but to me,average for white males is more 5-11. 5-10 also.
Doug said on 9/Mar/09
Faramir. 5'4"-5'8" a reasonable range for male average height? In Asia or Latin America maybe. I'm 6'2" midday height barefoot and if I was 5'4" even 5'6" I would feel very small, I'm sure even 5'10 guys would feel the same. 5'7" is not too bad but still a little on the short side for a man. 5'8"-5'10" is considered average where I come from which Stallone is completely in. Glenn at 5 ft 8 is at one of the most common heights for a guy. I'm sure Glenn will agree with me that a larger proportion of men are around the 5 ft 8 range (5'9" in shoes) whenever you go out or between 5'8 and 5'11. Then there are a quite lot of men just under 6 foot or a shade over, a few around 6'2" and then the rare occurence of a guy 6'4" and over around town who always stand out. I used to work in a department store and have seen thousands of people walking about every week. Tallest men I've seen, Derwyn Jones the Welsh rugby player 6'10", and another guy who must have been around 6'9" and actually looked a little like Michael Crichton who was also this height. Over 6'4" sightings are quite rare. although you will always see one lanky guy or two in the 6'6"-6'7" range every day or two. By far the most common height for a man was around 5 ft 8. Over 70% of the men I've ever met I'd say would fall between 5'7" and 6'0", the vast majority of men I've served were in this range. Stallone would look a very resepctable height, even on the tall side to a lot of guys no doubts. Have no idea what he is barefoot but I do find the "short" difficulties he gets in the media unfounded. I guess as an action star he feels compelled to look over 6 foot.
Zach said on 9/Mar/09
RisingForce - the fact that you've been posting repeatedly on at least three different websites (2 of which are non-height related) of 'Sly is 5'10.75' is a fact that will perturb anyone about your real motives and is no fabrication since you've admitted they're all you under different names.

But you've stated your reasons and fair enough lets leave it at that. Like the others here I have my doubts similar to what RealAnonymous says below, but thats just my opinion nothing more.
Yaspaa said on 9/Mar/09
So it's true if a guy wears lifts for long enough people do start to believe that height,come on guys,Stallone has been around a long time and the only movies worth judging his height are his early flicks where he always looked 5'9. In his 3" lifts he looks 6'0 but close to 5'11's a joke. I wonder how many insoles he wears in his normal trainers?
Steve said on 9/Mar/09
Glenn firstly I'd like to say your posts and pictures have always been great to read and I know you estimate him in 5'10 region. But one thing you say you'v always disliked is people being stubborn and stating heights as if they were facts, but risingforce does it every single day and he's never met stallone maybe that's what people are a bit annoyed about. He actually sounds like a promoter/spokesman for sly repeatedly stating 5'10.75 as if it were fact. But I don't think I've ever read you tell risingforce to not be so stubborn, is it because his estimate is similar to yours? I don't mean any disrespect and your a legend here but I do think it should be same rules for everyone.
Roger said on 9/Mar/09
Glenn, no a new one I didn't see. This photo is now I believe 2 years old, however he wasn't fat back then, but ripped. But he had this horribly bloated face.

I'd love to see him with a normal facial structure again.
glenn said on 9/Mar/09
interesting pics roger.he is a man of mystery in other ways too.not just height.that new pic is actually old.did you see that new one where the bloat was gone and he was ripped?
glenn said on 9/Mar/09
so if its listed above it must be people who never saw the guy.even rob was thinking of upgrading him to convinced at a possible 5-10 pitt,open to a 5-8 nas,but some here will always be set in their ways.but if its over 5-9,me and rising are nuts.never mind the posters,the regular posters,not newbies,that saw sly in 5-10 in person too.
glenn said on 9/Mar/09
ejel-didnt realise that was you.i wasnt being harsh.your exagerrating on that,but whatever.i have no real problems with you.peace.your name does sound familiar from the past.but i think you slowed down posting at one time,no?
Roger said on 9/Mar/09
Sly cannot be more than 5'10'', that's simply out of question. He's known for being on the short side, but he's not 5'8'' either. 5'9'' is most likely, 5'9.5'' possible. Not more.

RisingForce is a little strange in that he has Arnold right, but insists on making Sly taller than he is. But to each his own.

What I'd like to ask (again): Does anyone has a conclusive explanation for what happened to Sly's face? Botox is not so convincing, others who are known for having taken it have not have their faces balloned like Sly. Here's the old Sly:
Click Here

and shockingly, the new one: Click Here
Brad said on 9/Mar/09
I have something against his 5' 10.75" height: it is crazy. I see it is 5' 9" above. Hey Rising, this site has him at 5' 9" which is him in full "effect". Hey Danimal, your figure is listed above.
Faramir said on 8/Mar/09
Dani: thanks, great link.

I'm 5'7", so it makes me very happy being one inch over average, not one inch below!

According to this information, 5'4"-5'8" would be a reasonable range for average male height, right? This makes Sylvester Stallone "slightly tall" at 5'9".
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 8/Mar/09
Zach, sometimes I think RisingForce is Frank Stallone or somebody from Sly's camp, I know it sounds crazy. The continuous 5'10.75 claim by RF is only 1.75 to 2.25 inches off. I think Rob might have him right at 5'9.
Ejel Khan said on 8/Mar/09
Glenn .... I'm an old timer on this site, I'll have you know. I have many pics with celebs also. The only one I have posted on here is Carl Weathers .... check out his page ... I'm next to him! I'm a media freelancer, working in TV/film/journalism & have met many celebs like you .... and respect your integrity in the field. I did'nt mean to stir up any anamosity .... and would encourage positive feedback. Please try to be less malicious in the future, Glenn .... it doesn't suit you. Peace to you too, my brother. Let the discourse continue!
RisingForce said on 8/Mar/09
Tommy, are you saying that I viciously attacked Danimal? All I said was that I didn't have to agree with him.
RisingForce said on 8/Mar/09
Stop exaggerating Zach. I already explained that on the youtube page. I spotted Brad on several youtube pages about 6 months ago going to random Sly videos and saying things randomly like "5-8, he's short in every motion picture. wears big customs ect". Brad's name was "Knugabug".

In fact I said here that I was arguing with Brad about this on these videos before Tellem even spotted this. I used this as a reason why Brad clearly had something against Sly.

Regarding my posts on that forum. I've posted in 4 threads max that mentioned his height. That subject comes up a lot, and I don't think I started the debate once. Some guy just started a thread on it not long ago. I only really debated it once with that patmuscled guy who apparently is a known troll there anyway. Read most of my posts they have NOTHING to do with height there.
glenn said on 8/Mar/09
i see the point now clearer cause of you zach.i was just getting miffed that people didnt think risingforce was his own man and couldnt think for himself.and it kinda seemed he was picked guys have the right to your own opinion on that you,zach,not anyone else,made that more evident,now i wont i guess your saying he is more gung ho than the 5-7,5-8 believers to the point of annoyance? i dont really see it offhand,but i can see why that would annoy some,now that you explained it more.thank you zach.your a great guy.
Ejel Khan said on 8/Mar/09
Sly is 5'9" in dress shoes .... ok!
Zach said on 8/Mar/09
Glenn you've been a class act and no-ones accusing you of being a jerkoff, but I dont think Danimal was saying anything about you. You are right though, there have been posts by Danimal, Tellem, myself and others on the Arnold page with regards to Risingforce which could be perceived as 'subtle insults', but I think we've been very straightforward and not subtle - something doesnt sit right with Risingforce. Tellem spotted a 'newbie' going all over youtube by the name of 'Matt' plastering Sly is 5'10.75, which RF admitted to being him. I've seen another newbie on a long term Stallone forum bothering everyone (people who have no interest in height) about how Sly is 5'10.75, and I'm 99% sure it is RF, same pictures, same text copied and pasted in. Most of the pics he posts here give no basis for his repeated posts of Sly 'cleary being 5'10.75'. Furthermore if you read half his posts, they're just copy and pastes from previous ones.

You've met Sly a dozen and half times Glenn, no-one can argue with your estimate or the fact you met him so many times. But with RF, either the rest of us are all losing our minds or there's something very sinister regarding him going all round the internet (not just celebheights) plastering Sly is 5'10.75 with such passion when he's never even met him once.
glenn said on 8/Mar/09
nobody said you attacked me either danimal.i,again,didnt like what you said.then,you tried correcting risingforce on another page concerning me,and was wrong about it.i was getting annoyed.i cant state my opinions with being an jerkoff.but its ok for you guys to get away with it? gotta another thing coming.for that,ill leave the site again.ive been doing great,or least a major improvement with my relations towards posters,and this is what i get? cheap shot should be smarter than that.and thats not an insult.cause you are smarter.vicious attack? the old days for sure.never again.
glenn said on 8/Mar/09
whats your problem danimal? i wasnt attacking you.i didnt like your post and i spoke up.thats all.youve been irritating people you want to bring up the past? was i cursing and or insulting you? off and lets not bother with each other again.i dont like how you make risingforce like he's my kiss ass.vicious attack? huh? read some of your own angry post lately on the wrestling pages.i wouldnt call those attacks either though.and i defended you too recently,not too mention,i was attacked for sticking up for you and saying you were a cool dude.i wont being doing that again.wait for vipers return so you both can team up and get rid of me.that was totally uncalled for and exagerrated to say what you did.i knew i shouldve stayed silent.and i usually do lately.but why is it ok for you guys including you danimal to state strong opinions laced with subtle insults? like others on the site said in the last month danimal,you need to relax.when i state something strong,im the bad guys turn a blind eye towards your actions.
Frockmonster said on 8/Mar/09
Sly is 5-10
Tommy said on 8/Mar/09
RisingForce, just a question for you? are you including sly's lifts in your sly's height estimate. He can't be 5"10.75 You are just being stubborn by sticking to it. Sly's gotta be 5'9 or 5'8.50 like rob has him. Who knows what's he's put in those shoes. He's a legendary shoe lifter so i guess any estimate is difficult, isn't? You keep defending your viewpoint so much that you look insecure.I don't understand the vicious attack to Danimal's opinion either. I agree more with Danimal regarding sly's height than with the way, where is Danimal?
Brad said on 7/Mar/09
5' 10.75" is lunacy. He'd be 6' 1 and 3/4" in everything in his heel & wedge customs. He's 5' 8.5", 5' 9" with the military effect. Look above, he's listed at 5' 9" Rising. Rise n salute that height.
Danimal said on 7/Mar/09
Ejel Khan says on 7/Mar/09
Glenn .... are you the same Glenn in the above pics, and regular contributor? I respect your showbiz connections .... I too have met man celebs, but not just to compare heights ... why the vicious attack on Danimal and others who also contribute to this site, there's no need for it. Rob the editor welcomes comments from all, as long as they are not offensive .... lets keep discourse open, and not resort to personal comments. PS- Sly always wears lifts, nowadays, and can appear 5'11" & above.

Thank you Ejel. I guess I'm not entitled to my own opinions. Glenn, ease up man. Isn't this why you were asked to leave the site originally. I've been here for over 4 years. Why do you take everything so personally bro? I didn't attack you just because I have my own opinion. NOT COOL man. NOT COOL.
George said on 7/Mar/09
Glenn, just because you saw him in what "appeared" to be normal dress shoes doesn't mean they were normal dress shoes. He could have easily been getting an extra 2 inch hidden lift. At 5'9 that would put him at over 6'0 in dress shoes.
glenn said on 7/Mar/09
i dont meet celebs to compare heights ejel.proves you dont know me.that would be silly.i contribute cause i have a similar interest.those photos are work and personal.
glenn said on 7/Mar/09
ejel-its better to mind your business.there was no vicious attack.its new guys like you that stir up trouble.sometimes without meaning to.danimal is a great guy thats been getting on peoples nerves a bit lately.including mine.we go back a bit.he knows me better than you.peace ejel.
glenn said on 7/Mar/09
my friends say carl weathers was 6-2.
glenn said on 7/Mar/09
good point risingforce.
RisingForce said on 7/Mar/09
Mickey, if anything I think I drew the line too low from Sly's head in the Lords Of Flatbush picture.

There's something weird about that Rocky 3 promo picture. How is that Mr. T in boxing gear appears just 2 inches shorter than Weathers in almost surely dress shoes? Weathers dress shoes would add atleast an inch while Rob claimed that boxing shoes would have a 1/4 inch or half inch. According ot that picture Mr. T barefoot would be what? 1.5" shorter than Wetahers. That'd make him around 6 ft and we know he's not. I think they made Mr. T taller for the promo picture just like I think they made him taller in the movie.

Sly looking 4", 4.5" shorter than Weathers is nothing odd. Carl was 6'1.5" in my opinion and he'd have atleast a half inch advantage over Sly's flat boxing shoes and that's assuming Carl didn't have shoes with good sized heels. The slippers picture is the best picture to judge the difference between the two considering it's a full body shot and their footwear is visible. I maintain Carl is no more than 3" taller and considering the likely footwear advantage Carl has then a 4", 4.5" difference in that picture doesn't contradict that. More evidence that the difference was never more than 3" were the 2003 pictures were Sly was just a half inch shorter than Carl.

And for anyone that thinks I'm saying Sly is 5'10.75" to suck up to Glenn. You should remember that I claimed Sly was 5'10.75" in the months that Glenn was gone.
dani said on 7/Mar/09
"Faramir says on 6/Mar/09
Average height for adult males is 5'8", according to Click Here

So, I guess, an adequate range for male average height is 5'6"-5'10".

Sly is definitely an average height guy. He's neither tall, nor short."

5"8 can't be the worldwide average. if you include every country in the whole world the average is just 5"6(167.1cm)Click Here 5'8 is for just for developed countries.
TELLEM said on 7/Mar/09
the guy is around 5'8...put him next to perry king or on the golf course liftless and his true height is exposed. look at him with mr. t, thats a 5'10 do i know? because he looks it next to roddy piper in the 80s.
Mickey said on 7/Mar/09
Anonymous Mr T is standing behind Sly also, and Weathers is not standing as tall as Sly.
Ejel Khan said on 7/Mar/09
Glenn .... are you the same Glenn in the above pics, and regular contributor? I respect your showbiz connections .... I too have met man celebs, but not just to compare heights ... why the vicious attack on Danimal and others who also contribute to this site, there's no need for it. Rob the editor welcomes comments from all, as long as they are not offensive .... lets keep discourse open, and not resort to personal comments. PS- Sly always wears lifts, nowadays, and can appear 5'11" & above.
anonymous said on 7/Mar/09
To Mickey : Sly is less than 2 inch (less than 5cm) shorter than Mr T here...if Mr T was 5.11 so Sly was 5.9 at least.

Car Weathers was in shoes while Sly and Mister T was in Boxing shoes...that means almost Barefoot ! Boxing shoes are very very flat....believe me !
glenn said on 7/Mar/09
congrats that you met stallone once stallone liftless.but your laughable,not the 5-10 believers.i meet celebs once all the time and make mistakes.when i meet them more than once,im on point with my gauging.i have plenty of 5-10,5-11 friends i swear are 5-9 cause of their weight and or posture.i see 5-10 men or celebs,10 feet away from me,and i think and they are 5-8,until i get happens to me too.your mistaken.
glenn said on 7/Mar/09
you can believe what you want danimal.but the difference between me,you,risingforce and 90 percent of the people on this site is,i examined him for 20 years in the what appears to be normal dress shoes,he can achieve 6ft.he is 5-10 at some point of the morning,day or night.if stallone says himself he is 5-10.75 and i see something like that,then it is.i pegged at 5-11 in the early 90s.anything under 5-9 is pure wanna pop off on risingforce supposedly kissing my ass,but what does that say about me? that i dont know what im talking about? that i keep my small fanbase dangling with celeb meet and greet favors? you need to calm down a bit,cause if you noticed,this month people have been getting upset with your tone.ive made that mistake many times before.and might again in the future.however,all can agree,that i made a huge improvement.not to mention,your comment on the arnold page had me baffled also.keep the peace danimal.
Ejel Khan said on 7/Mar/09
Rising force how do you explain Mickey's pics(6/3)?
Mickey said on 7/Mar/09
Rising in the picture with Perry the tilt is still there, look at the bottom bar of the fence, also Perry is standing with his legs apart further shortening him. I think you drew the line on Sly's head a bit too high too. These are what i see anyway. You have posted pictures before with Sly standing even closer to the camera then Perry is to Sly and you never had a problem with that.
Mickey said on 6/Mar/09
Perfect picture:

Click Here

Sly looking about 2 inches(maybe 2.5) shorter then 5'10-5'11" Mr T AND 4 inches shorter ten Carl Weathers who was most likely 6'1"(in my opinion), i highly doubt he was ever 6'2", Carl isn't standing as straight as Sly. Carl's eye level matches over Sly's head, whiel Mr.T's head lines up to where Sly's boofy hair reaches. Sly is also standing closer to the camera then both of these men.
Faramir said on 6/Mar/09
Average height for adult males is 5'8", according to Click Here

So, I guess, an adequate range for male average height is 5'6"-5'10".

Sly is definitely an average height guy. He's neither tall, nor short.
George said on 6/Mar/09
People who claim Sly is 5'6 or 5'7 are out of their mind. I can believe Sly was a legit 5'9 in his prime but nothing over that.
RisingForce said on 6/Mar/09
No it doesn't Ejel, especially since the camera angle favors Weathers!
Click Here

I took out the tilt that initially favored Stallone. The low shot angle actually favors the taller guy(Weathers) and neither are closer to the camera. Stallone is 3 inches max shorter.

Mickey, I didn't say it'd defeat both, but look how much closer to the camera he is. I'll draw a line where both of their front and back feet and take as much of the tilt out as I can. Perry's head is only down a little.
Click Here

Now look at the line from the top of Sly's head. 2.5" max shorter initially. The red lines showing where Sly's feet are compared to King's show King is quite a bit closer to the camera. In my opinion that gives him a much bigger advantage than King tilting his head down slightly. All things equal I maintain that King is max 2 inches taller, maybe 1.5". There's no tilt favoring Sly anymore, King is likely favored in the picture, but he's still not even 3 inches shorter.
derek d said on 6/Mar/09
anonymous says on 5/Mar/09
Sly and Mister T posing in boxing shoes...
Click Here

If Mister T was 5.10 (1 M 79) Sly was 176 cm (a good 5.9)

WOW! Best picture to judge Sly's height with the Rocky cast.... No camera tricks there. Sly is in between Mr. T and Carl Weathers while standing closer to the camera and looks 5'9.
Brad said on 6/Mar/09
Perry owns him clear. Tellum tellum. He forgot his NYC sandals in Costa Rica. Correct Ejel, he's barely taller than Dennis Hopper and Hopper looks 6" shorter than Peter Fonda in the Spring of 1968 in Easy Rider. He'd never be that in slippers there with Weathers.
Ejel Khan said on 6/Mar/09
Risingforce .... ever heard of camera tricks? Explains the slipper scenerio!

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.