How tall is Sylvester Stallone - Page 17

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Average Guess (610 Votes)
Peak: 5ft 8.89in (175cm)
Current: 5ft 8.02in (172.8cm)
RisingForce said on 16/Apr/09
Snipes is also leaning Tellem. That's not a 4.5" difference. Snipes may be wearing lifts to look an inch taller than he is, but he doesn't look 5'9" there. And he may have had lifts in Passenger 57, but they'd need to be 3 inch lifts to pull off looking 5'11" in full shots next to Tom Sizemore if he was 5'9". I didn't see anything that looked like 3" footwear in the movie.

Think logically Don? That's something you're not doing. Glenn saw that Sly was wearing sandals in that picture. His footwear is known. Why would Glenn lie about that? To make himself look shorter. You're not making any sense. The beach picture with Nielsen was awful for height comparisons, in that picture you had to speculate how much the ground difference was and how much Brigitte Nielsen was losing by bending over. Those are 2 impossible things to accurately do. The Planet Hollywood pictures did make Sly look convincingly shorter in some of them, but in others he didn't look under 5-10.

Look at these pictures. 5'9" minimum Jason Statham is closer to the camera, and possibly on higher ground, but Stallone is still clearly taller. Click Here Stallone isn't standing straighter and Statham is closer to the camera, but Sly looks taller again. Click Here Once again Statham is closer to the camera and possibly on higher pavement, but Sly looks taller. Click Here

No advantages for Sly in those pictures and he looks taller than a guy who is 5'9" minimum and wearing some very large boots himself.
TELLEM said on 16/Apr/09
the pic is tilted. snipes looks 5'9 next to connery. he obviously packed lifts in "passenger 57" look at snipes next to 5'10 woody harrelson. hes shorter.
TELLEM said on 16/Apr/09
RisingForce says on 15/Apr/09
You see a 4.5" difference here Tellem? Click Here

The top of Wesley's head is about an inch above Connery's eye level. He looks 5'10" there. I'm unsure of Wesley's height. He could be either 5'9" or 5'10". Watch Passenger 57 he easily passed for 5'11" and he didn't seem to have 3" elevators. 5'10" is possible.

risingforce: look at the logo next to connery and snipes...its tilted. why don't you tilt that line of yours and you'll see 4.5 inches or more between them.
RisingForce said on 16/Apr/09
Steve, what do you mean believe anything? Glenn has photo proof of Sly dwarfing him in sandals with Glenn tip toeing by his own admission. That's what convinced me that Sly was a legit 5-10 in the first place. Just like his photo proof of Woody Harrelson towering him in sandals convinced me that Woody was 5-11.
George said on 16/Apr/09
Male actors are always boosting their heights by 1-2 inches.
Anonymous said on 16/Apr/09
Regarding Derek D's youtube clip. If I didn't know any better, I'd estimate Sly at 5-7, from that clip. He looked very small.
Mike said on 16/Apr/09
One more point Sly on the left pic has Glenn by 2-2.5 inches, Glenn says Willis in person has him by 4 inches, Sly has Willis by an inch (doubtfully barefoot) so would Willis only be 1-1.5 inches taller then Glenn? No way Sly does gain some huge height though, still think hes naturally taller then Glenn but not b much
Mike said on 16/Apr/09
1- I think Sly is taller then Glenn but not as much as the pictures show 2- We'll never prolly know Sly's true height, lets pretend Glenn saw Sly tomorrow at 5'8/5'9 does it really mean he is?? 3- If Sly is 5'10/5'10.5 why is he shorter then his wife sometimes, I saw some recent pics he was shorter then her by 1-2 inches and this leads to 4- If Sly is really short how has he been taller then Willis the past few years and close to Arnold 5- How on earth can Sly be only 1 inch taller then Deniro in 1997 for Copland (Deniro is between 5'8-5'9.5) and also 1 inch taller then Willis whose between 5'11 and 6 (Point being Willis would have Deniro by a good amount more then 1 inch
bam said on 16/Apr/09
i admit I do this myself all the time, but maybe we shouldn't guage stallone's height from a height that is very disputed.

willis looks anything from 5'10.75-6'1.25 and people are adamant about both sides of that range. (some even insisting 5'10 flat)
Brad said on 15/Apr/09
Sal: meet Glenn thinks he is just under 5' 11". I believe Sal. Sal is an Italian name and I'll guess he's SAG'd in NYC/NJ. I bet you've worked with Frankie Vincent. When you are tip-toeing to a 5' 8.5" man in sandals and get owned, people like Sal must just need a drink. He'd be close to 6' 2" in Copland customs. Snipes is a notorious boot guy.
George said on 15/Apr/09
No way is Stallone a legit 5'10. A legit 5'10 man would not need to wear huge musters since he could just stick a removable 2'' shoe lift inoto almost every normal shoe and be 6'0 on the spot. The only time Stallone looks 6'0 is when he's wearing his 3-4'' customs. 5'9 is the maximum I can believe for Sly, although I wouldn't be surprised if he was 5'8 or 5'8.5. This 5'10 nonsense seriously needs to stop.
glenn said on 15/Apr/09
not to be argumentive,snipes height is all over the place.i stated many times i saw snipes look 5-9 to 6ft.obviously he wore lifts.i have witnesses.he could very well be 5-10.but i saw him look 5-9 ,3 years ago,1am.5-10 morning,maybe.
glenn said on 15/Apr/09
excellent find risingforce.and that a full body shot that shows my black Reeboks.scan doesnt show it.maybe i was 5-8 all along and its the reverese.i shrunk a hair with my weight and heavy lifting.
glenn said on 15/Apr/09
no steve.i dont think i was 5-6 flat.i think then,i woke 5-7ish,lower end.then as i got older 5-7ish,higher end.
Steve said on 15/Apr/09
You'll believe anything to keep your boy stallone looking tall risingforce.
The picture on the right isn't great for comparison anyway. If you compare the pic on the left to the one of Glenn and Rob, there's hardly any difference at most half an inch.
RisingForce said on 15/Apr/09
Regardless of how tall Glenn is on the right Sly is still 4 inchesd taller in sandals than Glenn who admitted to tip toeing in the picture. That's pretty good evidence that Sly is a legit 5-10. I'm sure Glenn was atleast around 5-7 out of bed then. Look at the picture of Glenn when he was young dwarfing Brian Johnson who is listed here at 5'5". Click Here

I'd defintley believe Glenn was around 5'7" back then based on that picture.
Steve said on 15/Apr/09
Glenn didn't you always say you were an inch shorter on the right than your full height? Something about the pic being taken before you grew another inch? If so now that its been established that you're actually around 5'7, surely that means you were 5'6 on the right?
RisingForce said on 15/Apr/09
You see a 4.5" difference here Tellem? Click Here

The top of Wesley's head is about an inch above Connery's eye level. He looks 5'10" there. I'm unsure of Wesley's height. He could be either 5'9" or 5'10". Watch Passenger 57 he easily passed for 5'11" and he didn't seem to have 3" elevators. 5'10" is possible.
TELLEM said on 15/Apr/09
snipes height isn't all over the place. even you said hes 5'9 ish risingforce. he looks 5'9 here next to 6'1.5 sean connery: Click Here Click Here
miko said on 15/Apr/09
A 5"10 Snipes!!!!! Ha Ha Ha!
RisingForce said on 15/Apr/09
The problem is that Frank Stallone's height isn't comfirmed, he could be the 6 feet that he's often listed at. Snipes height is all over the place as well. In Passenger 57 he looked the same height as 5'11" Tom Sizemore throughout the movie, even in full body shots. Glenn has seen him look anywhere from 5-9 to 6 feet as well so I suspect that Snipes wears lifts or he could be 5-10 himself.
George said on 15/Apr/09
Rob, why isn't my last comment asking Glenn about Stallone's height showing up here?
leonari said on 15/Apr/09
derek d: he looks short there. I have to admit
DejaVu said on 15/Apr/09
Stallone's listing is bang on. He is a as legit 5'9 guy
Click Here same height 5'9 Wesley Snipes.
Click Here looks around 2 inches shorter than Frank Stallone.
derek d said on 15/Apr/09
Here is a rare video of stallone barefoot on a beach. He is barefoot starting at 1:50 and on. You be the judge of how tall he looks.

Click Here
Sal said on 15/Apr/09
BTW Stallone wore platforms in Rocky III.
Sal said on 15/Apr/09
I worked on Copland and Stallone wore Boots with a thick 3-4 inch heel and insoles. How can you tell cause his stand-in wore the same ones and when he got out of them he shrunk. Besides Stallone and I were in scenes together for a few days and he was about 4 inches taller than me becuase of the boots. I wore a 1/2 inch heel. He's still amazing. Let me know where I can get a boot like that so I can be the next action hero. My career could use it. Everyone on the set says he was 5'7". I think he's 5'9".
Mickey said on 14/Apr/09
Sorry Rising but all this "low angles favour the taller guy" and whatnot seems to be used by you as an excuse all the time. Before i pointed out thats Bruce was slouched(and he clearly is) you never pointed out "higher angles make the taller guy look shorter". Um with Bruce slouched he MAY be the taller guy. The picture is not taken from the ground nor from the roof , so its effect would be minimal anyway.

Good experiment Miko, maybe it will help Rising see what military posture, camera angles and big shoes can do. Miko just gained 4 inches of height, im dam sure Sly can/has too.
miko said on 14/Apr/09
I attempted a "Stallone" last night actually, my father/uncle helped me as they also know about this site

I was 182.7cm (6"0) at 10pm, my father is 45 years old and is 0.5cm shorter than me. Although he was 6"0.5 at his tallest. My uncle is (194.5cm (6"4.75).

I built up a large boot with insoles, not knowing how much additional height I'd actually get from them, they looked horrible. I put them on, felt weird, but I could just about walk in them. I felt easily taller than my father at this point although he was not next to me, as I also had military posture.

I got the measuring tape back out and measured. I was 193.1cm (or bang on 6"4). I stood next to my father and could just see over his head, tilting my head back slightly. I then stood next to my uncle and was fractionally shorter, although my father said that I did look taller than him at times, when the angle favoured me.

From my experiment, I see no reason why Stallone can't get 4 inches from his boots. (Personally I think he wears up to 3.5" as anything over than would be near impossible to walk in and Downey Jr wears bigger at times). I got 4" from my boots, although I did end up tearing one of the boots from the pressure they were under, luckily they were old and unused. The footwear advantage I'd have over the average person is 3" inches (1" footwear for average person).

I went from the same height as my father, to looking down on him easily in huge lifted boots, I even stood eye to eye with my near 6"5 uncle, which I've never done before and will never do again.

When you factor that if I was Stallone I would have a camera advantage aswell to look even taller. 5"9 + 3.5" lifts and the "effect" can make him look over 6"0.
RisingForce said on 14/Apr/09
Willis may never stand military, but he's standing as straight or straighter than Sly in the picture with Piven. Stallone is clearly quite a bit back in the picture compared to Bruce. Considering there isn't a big difference between the two even with those advantages, I think it's obvious that Sly will be the same height as Bruce by moving closer to the camera.

I don't see Sly much closer to the camera than Piven, but what I do see his him surprisingly leaning a bit while Piven is standing perfectly straight. Piven is truly dwarfed by Stallone, he looks like a child next to him. I don't see Bruce as stretching out to 4 inches taller than Piven in the other picture though, because of that I think that Jeremy may be getting help to lift him above his 5-7ish height. He does look a lot shorter in the other picture you posted, but it looks like he's hunching so I'm not convinced he'd be 4" or 4.5" shorter. It's possible, but that picture doesn't convince me.

I wouldn't call Willis hunched at the basketball game either and regardless of if it's the hunch, Sly is ending up a bit taller. Sure he is standing satraighter, but don't forget that just like low angles favor the taller guy in the picture, higher angles make the taller guy look shorter. So the difference between the 2 likely would have been a bit greater than that in the picture.

I just don't think that it's likely that there's something throwing off all of 5 pictures that look like they're taken at good angles. And those pictures were all taken in the last 2 1/2 years. That's enough for me to think that Sly can be taller than Bruce in certain footwear. You may not agree, but it can't be said that I'm not basing that belief on anything.
Mickey said on 14/Apr/09
Im glad you pointed out the Piven comparison Rising. Here are my views:

With the picture where Willis and Sly are at what looks like a basketball game, Willis is clearly hunched as he is trying to tell Sly something. Sly standing straighter as usual.

Now for the Piven picture. You say you see 4.5 inches between Sly and Piven, but that is impossible as Sly's eyeline is not even close to the top of Piven's head. Sly slightly closer to the camera also.

Now in terms of the Willis and Sly comparision with Piven.

Click Here
There is about a 3-3.5" difference there and Willis is still slouching. That is the importance of posture that you can't seem to acknowledge. This is proof that 2 inches of height in posture can be lost, especially when standing next to a guy with military posture. In your picture the difference was much less, its all in posture. Willis rarely stands straight, let alone military.

Click Here

Further reinforcing my point, and easy 4 inches here, and Willis would be losing height by leaning too.

Saying Willis in dress shoes would be 6'1" is fair enough.... if he was standing military, but we know he does not. So i don't see why you keep going on about "Sly and Willis look the same height, Sly must be 6'1 in lifts". Willis never stands straight, he slouches heaps.
glenn said on 14/Apr/09
im 5-7 on the right.and on my tip toes.i said this many times before.
glenn said on 14/Apr/09
i appreciate that george.but i dont have a height obsession.people here obsess over my height.which i always stated was around 5-7 at night.and that was shown.i have an interest in celebs fluctuating heights.
Mickey said on 14/Apr/09
Yes Dural thanks for point out the obvious, as i said "A legit 5'10" man would not be called tiny". What i meant was Letterman was talking about Sly's non-lift height.

And for every picture Rising has come up with showing Sly looking 6'1"ish with The Rock, Hulk Hogan, Dolph, Mctarvish, Carl Weathers, Brigitte Nielsen and Seagal, myself and other have shown that Sly can look much shorter with those exact people, sometimes on the same night.
Danimal said on 13/Apr/09
It is said that men start losing .5" every decade after 40 years of age and 1" every decade after 70 years of age. How many 6'0" PLUS men do you see walking around in their 70's and 80's? NOt too many for that VERY reason.
RisingForce said on 13/Apr/09
That's very possible about the Brigitte picture Mickey, but don't forget that Sly is obviously leaning himself. I can't see more than a 2 inch difference at the most there. Back to the Bruce Willis comparison, I'd like to make this point.

You've offered your opinion as to why Sly looked taller in these pictures.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

I don't agree with them, but you did give your explanation and that's fair enough. But how about this one where Sly looks slightly taller?
Click Here Or how about this picture with Sly in the backround looking barely shorter than Willis despite the obvious camera disadvantage.
Click Here

Now what are the odds that Sly wouldn't be taller than Bruce there if he moved to where Bruce was? You'll also noticed that Stallone who is leaning slightly dwarfs Jeremy Piven who is standing straighter. It's fair to see a 4.5" difference between the two. Piven is listed here at 5'7.75"(I personally think he could be as short as 5'7"). But look at how much taller Piven looks in comparison to Bruce Willis. Click Here

That's enough to convince me that Sly can look taller than Bruce. Obviously he's shorter barefoot, but I'd bet anything that Sly can be taller than Bruce in his elevators. Bruce is listed here at 5'11.5", so I think it's atleast fair to suggest that the 5'11.75" figure he gets listed at across the internet would atleast be his morning height. That'd put him at 6'1" or close to it in normal dress shoes/sneakers.
derek d said on 13/Apr/09
Zach - Good post. Sly's shoes there give probably just about the same as those ridiculous looking platform shoes Downey was seen wearing. Sly actually cares about his shoes being hidden but Downey can apparently care less if he is laughed at, as he has already admitted he wears lifts.
Dural said on 13/Apr/09
I measured my 84year old grandfather recently and he lost 2cm from his prime. My father is 60 and I measured him 2years ago the same height he was at 24.
Dural said on 13/Apr/09
Roger, I agree.
Dural said on 13/Apr/09
Letterman knows Sly wears lifts, he's not stupid.
George said on 13/Apr/09
don't make fun of Glenn's height obsession. he is a nice guy and he has met many celebrities.
Zach said on 13/Apr/09
Mickey says on 12/Apr/09
The changes i've made to Downey's shoe in the picture make it look like just a bigish kind of shoe, 95% of people wouldn't even assume its a lift(due to not knowing about them). All i did was blur the part where the platform meets the shoe and filled in the wedge between the heel and platform.

Please tell me why Sly could not tell his shoe maker to do this Rising? Physically there is no reason why it cannot be done.

That's an excellent point and one I've touched on before. Sly's munster trainers are very cleverly designed and would actually resemble boots/platforms except that everything is filled in. In some pictures its pretty apparent: Click Here

And if anyone think's his munster trainers don't have a platform then they've got some serious visual problems: Click Here There's an inch thick platform from the back all the way along.
Mickey said on 13/Apr/09
But the video of Sly and Kurt walking is still mid-stride Rising. Im sure you have seen Sly walk, he even walks in military posture.

Regarding he Letterman thing, i have shown my view on it, i don't agree with yours. Even Letterman himself said Sly was "tiny", which i doubt he would say that about a legit 5'10(daytime as you think he is).

And yeah, that is Jennifer with Sly, a different hairstyle, less makeup, much younger and dare it say it, before the breast implants.

Regarding the Brigitte pic, well her legs could be crossed also, like you said about Sly in the Jennifer pic. Even with that, her shoulders are much higher then Sly's too, indicating(to me) that she is slouching her neck.

Regarding your beach picture. Well it is on the beach, can you see what the ground is like? No, last i checked the beach was not flat nor solid. Add the fact that Jennifer is bending her knees visibly. You cried murder when i showed you pictures of Bruce Willis having 2 inches on Sly in lifts and you said "sly was most likely bending his knees"(which was just your assumption), yet in this case its only a minor detail to you. Sly had his neck stretched up to Willis too but that didn't matter to you.
glenn said on 13/Apr/09
is this the same steve from the glenn page? if so,thats balls of the hell am i in the 5-6 range? to appease your estimate of sly and other celebs?.calling me in the 5-7ish range is fine.
J said on 12/Apr/09
There is so much conjecture here. I have met the guy. I shook his hand and looked him dead in the eye. I stand 5'9", and I had ~2 inches over him. Look at that picture of him with Schumacher. Shumy stands about 5'8" and although the posture isn't ideal, he appears to have about an inch on Sly.
leonari said on 12/Apr/09
Rising: You know I always said Stallone is 5'10". Assuming Glenn is a flat 5'7" here on the left pic. Assuming the pavement is even. Assuming they had similar footwear then SLY is Max 5'9.5. Thats what my eyes tell me.
Antonio said on 12/Apr/09
Rising, isn't Sly standing on a slope in those beach pics? It seems he had a clear 2" plus advantage. Of course his feet are hidden here, too! I would love to see what those feet are up to. No pun intended!

My 2 friends met Sly shortly after "Rocky". He had normal sneakers on as they did. No lifts that either could tell. Both of them met him on separate occasions ... both estimated him between 5'8" and 5'9". I believe them. I also think, like everyone else, he is a victim of shrinkage, too. The average person, loses 1 or 2 cm's every 10 yrs. after age 40. Even if he has fallen victim by the minimum ... he has then lost 2 cm's. That's about 3/4".

Remember, now that Glenn was about 5'7" (not 5'8") in his pics w/ Sly --- that put's Sly closer to 5'8", instead of 5'9". He may have been close to 5'9" at his peak. It's odd that no one mentions that, Sly at 62, must have lost some height. My last point ... we are not sure of anybody's true, accurate height, that we see Stallone standing with. Except for Glenn, of course. This makes all other comparisons useless.
Don said on 12/Apr/09
rising, that bridgitte picture is negligible

and you probably know what my reasoning is. same goes for that shower scene with sharon stone.

don't underestimate just how height conscious this guy is
Doug said on 12/Apr/09
Rising somebody said that rear shot of Stallone walking with Russell was his double and apparently his double is taller at 5'10". I personally think thats bull to be honest as you could tell it was Stallone surely?
Roger said on 12/Apr/09
Let's not forget, RisingF, that with Glenn being around 5'7'' in the left photo, and Sly not leaving the house unlifted, I cannot see a possible 5'10''. Also, Sly saying of himself that he's 5'10'' makes it very improbable.
RisingForce said on 12/Apr/09
And by the way, what about this picture with 6'0" minimum Brigitte Nielsen where each are almost surely barefoot? Click Here

He sure looks his claimed height of 5'10.75" there and his posture is nowhere near military posture.
RisingForce said on 12/Apr/09
It looks like there could be a bit of a platform there Mickey, but it's hard to tell as it blends in with the backround. The platform certainly is nothing like Downey's or Brando's 4 inch monsters. And Sly's elevators at the Rocky Balboa premiere, the picture with Tom Arnold, Letterman appearance ect. had no platform. Those are the times he's looked the tallest.

Letterman was not in the backround in my picture, Sly was just a little closer. Neither of them looked out of proportion in anyway. I didn't take a picture that favored Stallone, I waited for Letterman to straighten up after the hug. Your picture was taken as Letterman was walking away, I'm sorry but in no way is that as accurate as the picture taken when the two men stood straight after the hug.

There is no camera advantage in this picture in the beach and Sly is not standing like he is going to launch. Sure she's bending her knees a bit, but she's also stretching her neck a lot more than Sly is. Click Here It's not like they're that close in height in that picture anyway. Click Here

I'd bet anything that he's not a hair shorter than her based on that picture regardless and I'm pretty sure he's taller. Whether it be half an inch or more, he seems convincingly taller there in barefeet.

I'm not basing Stallone being taller than Kurt on stills. Watching the video Sly looks taller than Kurt while they're walking in the video despite Kurt's big hair advantage. Glenn and Doug saw that as well. Stills taken mid-stride aren't reliable as we both know, but you can watch of a video of them walking and see who looks taller.

In that last picture look at Sly's legs, they could easily be crossed like in that picture on the boat that vaj posted. And on a side note, is that really Jennifer? It doesn't look anything like her, I'm not doubting it's her, but she looks very different there.
leonari said on 12/Apr/09
Thats true! Sly knows how to position himself in pics to look taller. Same goes for movies. To me he is 5'9.5". Fits him perfectly.
Roger said on 12/Apr/09
What I do remember is the StallonZone having a fan reporting from the "Rocky Balboa" set, and he too wrote "Sly stands around 5'9''".

The 5'7'' idea is complete nonsense.
Doug said on 12/Apr/09
So Stallone is either 5'9" or 5'10". It is really worth spending hours every day debating it? WHo cares about an inch? The man is obviously insecure about his height as he wears boots with lifts on a daily basis. That doesn't make him a short man, just an average height man in the states who is vain enough to wnat to appear a lot taller than he naturally is. I like Stallone personally i think hes a great guy and an action film legend but he is still very vain.
Mickey said on 12/Apr/09
Click Here

Quite a big platform don't you think Rising? He could get an easy 3.5 inches in these shoes in my opinion, curious to see what you think. Im sure he could get a better design than Brando's ones also.

Also i don't get what you mean when you say "Your clip was taken with Letterman walking away and pulling Sly a bit". They both have both their feet planted on the ground, and yet Lettermen is 3 inches min taller. If anything Lettermen is at a disadvantage due to not standing as straight. In your picture Lettermen is "in the background" as you so said when i pointed out that Arnie was 4 inches taller than Sly in lifts.

And please, post the picture of Sly looking taller then Jennifer at the beach. Im sure there no camera advantages, or Sly standing like he is going to launch. And surely on the beach the surface would be totally 100% flat. (Sarcasm)

Also please show me the shot of Sly looking taller then Kurt? Since you rule out mid-stride shots now, you cannot use that scene where they are walking to the showers.

Click Here

Sly looking shorter than 5'9" max Jennifer Flavin. Now if Sly is in lifts he is in big trouble. Chances are he is barefoot, and yet, still shorter despite Flavin having her back arched. No trickery in this photo, no sand, no bent knees, no 3 inch lifts.
Brad said on 12/Apr/09
Correct Miko, Glenn is weak 5' 7" on the left and Stallone in his customs gets the advantage. 4" is an easy possibility with custom Doc's. I've pulled store sold low cut Doc Martins at 2" off the racks. Anybody can get a 4" hightop done, especially Stallone who has never seen 5' 9" in his life outside of his "effect".
RisingForce said on 12/Apr/09
I've never heard of hidden platforms, and the shoe ends up looking like a Frankenstein boot. The shoe would have still have to be very thick in the front to gain 4 inches, I've never seen Sly with a shoe like that. Your shoe ends up looking like these that Brando is wearing. Click Here

Those are so obviously thick in the front that it's obvious that a 4 inch gain is possible. Show me a picture of Sly wearing shoes like those.

Sly does not have a clear camera advantage. He may be slightly closer to the camera, but the camera angle is also a little low. I didn't mention that because I feel it'd be nit picking which is what mentioning a barely visible camera advantage there seems like to me. When my picture was taken they had just hugged and straightened up. Letterman was not standing as straight as Stallone, but he was standing pretty tall. Their eye level was almost indentical. IMO the difference was no more than an inch with the Stallone effect. A lot of people mistook them for the same height in that clip. Your clip was taken with Letterman walking away and pulling Sly a bit. I don't see how that's as accurate.

Yes Don, I see why you think he's 5'9". I have no problem with someone saying he's 5'9". I personally don't buy that he's less than 5'10" myself. In fact most of the barefoot/liftless evidence points to 5-10ish IMO. He was taller than his 5'9" wife on the beach, 4" taller in sandals than a tip toeing Glenn in 1991, 3" shorter than 6'1", 6'2" Carl Weathers in slippers, taller than 5'9" minimum Kurt Russell barefoot, visibly taller than Sharon Stone barefoot. And then I can point to many pictures were he looks 6-1ish in elevators. Aside from the pictures with Letterman, Bruce Willis Lundgren and Tom Arnold I also have pictures of him looking 6-1 with The Rock, Hulk Hogan, Carl Weathers, Brigitte Nielsen, Jackie Chan and possibly Seagal off the top of my head.

Don't get me wrong Don, I understand why you think he's 5'9". I respect your opinion as well as Zach and Mickey's. He just doesn't look that short to me.
Mickey said on 12/Apr/09
And Rising look at the right sided Lettermen pic, both of his feet are clearly and firmly planted on the ground, so he is not "mid-stride" as of yet. Your picture is not perfect either with Sly's clear camera and posture advantage.
Mickey said on 12/Apr/09
Leonari with all due respect, its easy to tell me its no that simple for 4 inches, but you say it like it is fact but yet you don not tell me why. You seem to know why but you tell me to talk to a shoemaker.

So please if you can elaborate, do so. I'm still waiting on the reason why it is physically impossible.

Rising showed us Downey's shoes which he believes(and i also) can get 4 inches. And i simply said/showed that just because the isn't a visible platform and the wedge is not discreet, does not exclude Sly's shoes from possibly giving him 4 inches.

4 inch lifts do not have to look like strippers heels.
leonari said on 12/Apr/09
Mickey:It ain't that simple for 4 inches. talk to a shoemaker he will explain it to you.
Mickey said on 12/Apr/09
What Rising doesn't get/does not want to believe is that Sly or anyone that would pay good money, could get 4 inch shoes with a hidden platform and would not look very obvious like Downey's shoes. Take a look at this:

Click Here

Rising thinks that to have 4 inch shoes the front platform HAS to be sectioned and shown and the wedge between the heel and platform HAS to be exposed. The changes i've made to Downey's shoe in the picture make it look like just a bigish kind of shoe, 95% of people wouldn't even assume its a lift(due to not knowing about them). All i did was blur the part where the platform meets the shoe and filled in the wedge between the heel and platform.

Please tell me why Sly could not tell his shoe maker to do this Rising? Physically there is no reason why it cannot be done.
Antonio said on 11/Apr/09
Thanks, Miko. I would venture to say, he knows exactly where to stand in order to get the better angle, in order to use it as an advantage.

I was in the media, and have interviewed many people. I know that it doesn't take much to gain that advantage. If the camera is low, only a few inches closer to the camera will give you at least a couple of inches in height.
RisingForce said on 11/Apr/09
Mickey, those pictures were taken as Letterman was walking away, that's not as accurate as both of them standing and Letterman isn't standing like Stallone, but he isn't slouching in my picture.
leonari said on 11/Apr/09
Doug: in the pic to the left thats never 3 full inches man. Puffy hair is not height.
Don said on 11/Apr/09
speaking of which, could someone post the picture of janice and sly walking again?

rising, nobody said sly's 5'8. i would think that sly's around the 5'9 area who with elevators and posture gets to 6'1 easily.

and you probably already know by now why i believe (and have strong evidence to support it) he's shorter than 5'10.

a strong 5'10 guy with elevators and posture should hold his own against all 6'1-2 guys CONSISTENTLY but obviously, that's not the case for sly. the letterman clip that mickey posted proves it, pictures with arnold during the rocky premiere proves it. the shot when he gets owned by bruce willis and arnold (one with sly wearing a black shirt) is a prime example of a man who falls way below strong 5'10.

nobody's arguing with you that he CAN look 6'1. but the strong evidence against him looking that height CONSISTENTLY, PLUS several strong evidence of him looking fairly small BAREFOOT are make ur reasoning very flawed.
miko said on 11/Apr/09
Antonio, the Stallone effect is a combination of many factors, to do this all you need is:

3.5" Elevator Shoes
Forced Posture
A good camera angle or alternatively stand closer to the camera.
Antonio said on 11/Apr/09
Can someone explain what the "Stallone Effect" is?
RisingForce said on 11/Apr/09
Mid-stride pictures throw things way off. Sly wasn't 2 inches shorter either. I don't use the mid-stride picture of Arnold and Sly anymore. That was a mistake of me. I use this one of them standing side by side. Click Here

Yes I do have a good idea of how much those elevators give. Look at the type of shoes Robert Downey Jr. wears. Those may be 4 inche shoes, but Sly has never worn anything like those platform heels. Click Here Click Here Click Here Click Here

That's how obvious 4 inch shoes will be. There is a physical limit to the type of elevators Sly wears that don't have a platform. I'd be shocked if he was getting over 3 inches considering the difference between his shoes and Downey's embarrasingly obvious heels.

And to further illustrate limitations in what one can gain from footwear and posture. Look at a real 5'8" midday guy(Downey) in platform shoes Click Here with ridiculous posture struggling vs a slouching 6'1" Keanu Reeves. Oh yeah, and Downey is closer to the camera. A slouching 6'1" Keanu Reeves is still 3 inches taller than Downey in platforms who is reaching for the stars. Click Here

Compare that to Stallone in elevators that didn't have a platform looking eye to eye or a hair taller than 6'1" Tom Arnold who was wearing sneakers. And Stallone didn't have a visible posture advantage either! A 5'8" guy has no chance of looking even 6'0", much less 6'1" with ridiculous posture and platforms. Downey proves that. Stallone is a legit 5'10" while Downey is a legit 5'8", you can see the difference.
Mickey said on 11/Apr/09
Once again Rising pics the exact frame where Lettermen is not standing his tallest AND SLy has a clear camera advantage. This is what is perplexing about you Rising, you scream blue murder when i show a shot where the other guy has a bit of camera advantage(which i 95% of the time factor in) but you choose pics and still with Sly having a very good camera advantage(Sly with Jenn in the background at the beach, the latest Bruce Willis pic you posted, the Rambo II pic) and you don't even mention or factor it in.

Here are 2 shots with Lettermen that show a 3 inch difference. The yellow lines are eye level, but we all know height is measured at the top of the head(the red lines).

Click Here

No one has camera advantage here and i bet that Lettermen is not even standing his tallest. I mean, how can you say "Lettermen is about 6'1.5" so must be 6'2.5" in shoes here" when Lettermen is not standing military like he is under a height chart? No one(except maybe Brad Pitt) stands like Sly, Sly even walks like he has a broom up his butt.

I have shoes that have a very similar looking heel to the ones Willis is wearing, and they are not 2 inch heels/shoes, but your free to believe that.
Don said on 11/Apr/09

for the sake of consistency, stick to one height.

on the letterman shot, you state "I'd bet that Stallone is reaching about 6'1.5" in those elevators, which would make him atleast 5'10.5" IMO"

however you call sly a "more like 5'10" flat throughout the day" when sly got owned by liotta in copland, cuz u know for darn sure that even the hypothetical number crunching wouldn't result in sly being 5'10.5 in that clip.

you are losing a lot credibility by upgrading his height when he's got boosters on and the opposite when he has sandals. you are free to fantasize about his height all you want but at least stick to one number. (i.e. 5'10.5 wakes up 5'10 nighttime)
Don said on 11/Apr/09
What about that picture when sly and janice dickinson are walking in normal running shoes? if sly is taller than her by an inch, he shouldn't ever look 2 inches shorter during any part of the stride. you don't see a 5'10 person being 2 inches shorter than a 5'9 person during the stride. that's common sense.

so rising, aren't you being totally contradictory when you always bring out that picture of sly (with lifts on) and arnold walking and say that sly is only shorter by an inch, etc then you totally disregard sly and janice picture?

once again, that letterman shot is futile as you have no idea just how much height those elevators give. plus sly has your "favorite words" camera advantage by standing closer. a 5'9 sly can easily look 6'1 in elevators and that's why sly can only look an "inch" shorter than letterman (which is questionable in itself)
Doug said on 11/Apr/09
I see a three inch minimum difference between Stallone and Glenn.
RisingForce said on 11/Apr/09
Yes, those look like 2 inch heels to me. I'll take a picture of my 2 inch cowboy boots with a tape measure next to them when I get time and show how similar they look. And Sly is not much closer to the camera with Bruce, maybe a little, but not much. Bruce wasn't barefoot so he'd be in the 6'0.5", 6'1" range in shoes even if they aren't that big, and Sly was taller.

I'd like to bring up the shot with Letterman again. Click Here
Sly looks very close to David's height in a full body shot with no tip toes. I drew a line at their eye level because we may not agree where his head ends. Click Here There's not even an inch between them before factoring in the Stallone effect.

Stallone and Letterman only straightened up for about a second or 2 in the clip after they hugged which was the only really good time to compare height in the clip. If Letterman is 6'1.5"(some say 6'2" and some say 6'1") then he'd be about 6'2.5" in shoes. I see no way that Stallone is only 6'0" in elevators there and 2.5" shorter. He seems an inch shorter. I'd bet that Stallone is reaching about 6'1.5" in those elevators, which would make him atleast 5'10.5" IMO. This also suggests that he doesn't have to tip toe to look like he's reaching 6'1"+ in pictures as some have suggested.
Doug said on 11/Apr/09
I still think Stallone is 176-177cm.
Mickey said on 10/Apr/09
Click Here

You see 2 inch heels here Rising? Bruce's shoes look like they give 1.25" max, while Arnie's probably 1.5" max.

I don't buy "the lower angle favoring the taller person" certainly not by as much as you make it out to be.

Also Rising in your most recent picture of Bruce and Sly, Sly is standing much closer to the camera and in lifts, while Willis is in very thin shoes as we discussed many months ago.
RisingForce said on 10/Apr/09
There is a picture of Sly's shoes from the same day with Bruce which show they were similar to the shoes he wore at the Rambo premiere. There's no platform on them so more than a 3 inch gain seems very unlikely to me.
RisingForce said on 10/Apr/09
I don't see anything that suspicious with his slippers. He does have shorts and his ankles look in place to me. Think about it, if Sly was looking to gain more height in that scene, why would he wear slippers? He could have just as easily not had them film his feet and he could have worn boots in that scene or he could have stood on a box. It doesn't make sense to me that he'd wear slippers of any kind if he was trying to look taller because slippers weren't essential to the scene.

I don't agree that Carl is losing 2 inches in his stance. I think he's 2 inches taller there and losing somewhere around an inch with his loose stance, but then again he also has the low angle advantage.

Of course nobody knows how tall he is and you're entitled to your opinion. But I never said that Stallone is 5'10.75" throughout the day, I think he's that height when he wakes and more like 5'10" flat throughout the day.
Don said on 10/Apr/09

again, that bruce willis pic with sly looking taller is negligible.

you can't see their footwear but you KNOW that by looking at their differential, sly's wearing his normal frankenstein shoes, which none of us has any idea just how much height they give.

you just can't judge sly's height being 5'10.75 based on those very weak evidence and punching in hypothetical numbers.
Don said on 10/Apr/09

As I have seen Rocky III a lot times, I know that scene. I actually have the movie on my computer, so I looked at it very closely.

Here are some things I noticed:

1. Sly's sandals are thicker than what you would call normal sandals. They look to give him an inch. I am not trying to be a hater, I call it as I see it. And I know those nikes carl is wearing give him less than an inch.

2. Carl's stance makes him about 2 inches shorter than his usual height. yet he still has at least 2 inches on sly, if you take into account sly's puffed up hair. to get a more close up view, keep watching that scene to the close up to their faces. carl, even with his head down, has easily 2 inches on sly. i want to say there is a 3 inch difference if carl straightened up his head.

3. Look VERY closely and sly's right foot on the picture. You can't really tell from that clip you've uploaded but if you own the dvd pause it and look very closely. you will see that his edge of his foot is higher than the upper portion of it. either he's tip toeing or his sandals are designed to give him added height.

I don't want to play the hypothetical game and try to spit out some height by randomly adding and subtracting numbers as i please. That just doesn't make any sense. You could arrive at anywhere from 5'8.5 to 5'10 depending on how you look at it.

What i DO know is that in the copland clip, liotta consistently has more than 2 inches on sly. the height differential is consistent throughout the whole clip.

Let's be clar, nobody really knows just how tall this man is. But what I do know is that he doesn't come close to 5'10 let alone 5'10.75. Going by your logic, sly is only an inch shorter than liotta throughout the day. but that's just not the case in the copland clip even if you take into account their shoes differences.
miko said on 10/Apr/09
With Glenn now being confirmed at 5"7. It rules out 5"10 completely on the left photo above. Stallone is 2" taller and likely to have some footwear advantage too.
RisingForce said on 10/Apr/09
Mickey, I'm not convinced those are lifts. He certainly has thicker footwear than Arnie or Bruce, but his shoes don't look ridiculously big. Now I don't rule out him having lifts in those, but there's really no way to know what's inside of his shoes. When he wears shoes like he had on at the Rocky Balboa premiere it's obvious he's hiding something inside otherwise he'd have no need for shoes that big. Once again, I'm not saying he doesn't have lifts in those shoes, but I don't think it's correct to just assume he does.

If there was really a 3 inch difference between Bruce and Sly then Stallone wouldn't be able to look convincingly taller than Bruce in so many recent pictures. For example this picture is a really good angle side by side picture. Click Here Looking at their eye level it's pretty obvious that Sly was taller that night even if Bruce straightened up a bit.
RisingForce said on 10/Apr/09
Don, I'm not sure if you've seen this picture but I've posted it a lot. Click Here It's a shot of Stallone in slippers next to Carl Weathers from Rocky 3. The difference isn't huge.

Nothing is irrefutable, but that defintley seems better than the Liotta clip to me. Carl is slouching a bit, but while Sly's posture is good he doesn't have his chest out or his head up at all, in fact his head is down a bit. The low angle also favors Weathers a bit. I think Weathers was atleast 6'1.5" out of bed at his peak. I can't see him having more than 3 inches on Sly there. Stallone certainly isn't 5'8" there and he's in slippers.

I couldn't find a clearer video on youtube to take a shot from, but next time you watch Rocky 3 look for the scene. It's right before the second fight with Mr. T. Stallone looks atleast 5'10" in slippers with Weathers.
RisingForce said on 10/Apr/09
First of all Arnold at his peak was not a flat 6'1", not even in the evening. In fact he was measured 6'1.5" in the evening, and Rob says that eye level to the top of the head is 4.5" not 5"

In the black and white picture Arnie and Sly are standing really closely. Their heads look to be in proportion with Arnie's still being visibly larger. And about Bruce's head, you're right that not everyone has the same size head, but Bruce's head looks about 2 inches bigger than Sly's if you place it side by side. Now I don't buy for a second that his head is near 2 inches bigger than Stallone's because neither of them have abnormally large or small heads. With the low angle, it's true that Sly is slightly closer to the camera but the low angle advantage seems more obvious to be and it seems to affect the picture more IMO. I think that with equal posture and a good angle Arnie would have 2.5" on Sly that day. That's not unreasonable because Sly's eye level reaches above Arnie's nose in the black and white picture.

I think that Sly and Bruce's camera advantage/posture advantage evens out basically. I see them as the same height there. Their footwear also is known there. Arnie's boots certainly look like 2 inch heeled boots to me(they seem like the same boots he wore in The Last Action Hero). Bruce's seem like that too. I wear 2 inch heeled boots myself and Bruce and Arnie's heels don't look any smaller.

I really don't see how he'd hold his own with Bruce who I think is 6 ft or just under and Arnie at 6'2"(morning height) if he wasn't atleast 5'10". It'd be one thing if Arnie and Bruce weren't wearing boots. But considering Sly's eye level is above Arnie's nose in the black and white picture, I don't see a big difference.
Steve said on 10/Apr/09
So with Glenn now confirmed in the 5'6 range the pictures above finally make sense. Considering he thought he was 5'8 his estimate of Sly being 5'10 now also makes sense. Nothing against Glenn I'm sure a lot of people don't know their exact heights.
Brad said on 10/Apr/09
Correct Steve add in his effect.
Mickey said on 10/Apr/09
Yes Rising in your picture Sly does look taller then my picture shows. He isn't standing military but neither is Bruce and yet Bruce is still taller in sandals. But have a look at what Sly is wearing on his feet:

Click Here

Now i already now Rising is most likely going to doubt that they are lifts, but everyone else look at the picture and make up your own mind. The steep gradient, thick heel, the general bigness of the shoe and the high ankle point shows that they are lifts. If Sly was 5'10-5'10.75" barefoot he would be at least the same height as Willis(in sandels) with even 1.5" sneakers, yet he can't even match up to that in lifts.

Here is also another picture where a slouched Willis looks at least 2(maybe 2.5") inches taller, while Arnie is a whooping 4.5" taller and he is not even standing straight. There are other pics from the same night when they are wearing the same footwear, that show a similar difference.

Click Here
Steve said on 9/Apr/09
As Mickey's picture shows the top of sly's head comes to arnold's eye level which according to Robs article is 5 inches. 6'1-5 = 5'8.
Mickey said on 9/Apr/09
Well Rising in the low angle picture Sly is standing closer to the camera then Arnie :) In the black and white picture Sly is also standing closer to the camera then Arnie and is standing about the same distance as Bruce, so i don't buy the whole "Bruce and Sly would end up same height. I don't care how big Bruce's head is compared to Sly's, not everyone has the same size head. The top of Bruce's head is higher then Sly's(not by much) and Bruce is slouching while Sly is standing military. All my opinion.

With my picture below there are less unknown factors than yours like camera advantage(Sly is standing closer giving him more advantage), footwear(bruce is in exposed sandals, Arnie in sneakers, no one but Sly is in boots), and yet Sly does not look close to 5'10".

You seem to forget/ignore some big factors when its used against Sly but you happily point them out when its to Sly's advantage.
Anonymous said on 9/Apr/09
He was a 5'10-5'11 guy. 5'10.75 when he was young.
Brad said on 9/Apr/09
Great photos Mickey. Sly getting owned big. Willis in sandals!
Don said on 9/Apr/09
maybe 2 inches on sly where we can't see his feet, ground level is unknown, and his lifts are no way hell measureable. plus arnold's tilting his head and sly is at his effect at the fullest. I love how you bring out the entire kitchen sink regarding ground levels, closer to the camera bs whenever it is clear that sly is getting owned by someone else yet you fail to take any of these points into consideration when sly is somehow "standing" tall next to legit six footers.

as i said, you can't just assume that his footwear gives him so or so inches. you have never worn them, you don't know who makes them, and you don't consider how loaded sly is to pay someone to manipulate his height. he's no ordinary height depressed dude who only has limited resources to buy lifts (no offense intended to anyone) so stop with the foolish assumptions and bring something tangible to the table.

The point is NOT whether sly can look six foot with lifts on..we all know he can. a 5'9 guy can easily look 6'1 with lifts on and straight posture. It is the pictures where sly forgot to pack his lifts one day and gets devoured by six footers. (such as on copland, his beach picture- notice how we can CLEARLY see his feet). Plus myriad of rumors about him being short...what you think these people have nothing better to do than hating on sly?

To be fair, I won't bring out the jack nicholson golf picture as i cannot see the ground level, heel sizes. you gotta take these into consideration in both sides of the argument.

find me a barefoot picture of sly looking 5'11 next to 6'2 (or so you claim) barefoot arnold. otherwise save your time.
TELLEM said on 9/Apr/09
heres arnie, sly and willis from planet hollywood...we've seen the pic where the camera is at a different angle, this ones better: Click Here
RisingForce said on 9/Apr/09
In the black and white picture Arnold only has about 2 inches on Sly. In the low angle picture he has about 3 inches on him, but the low angle favors the taller guy(Arnold) so likely less than 3 inches. 4 inches? No chance in those pictures.
Steve said on 9/Apr/09
Don makes some good points there. 2inches between arnold and sly in that picture? that's laughable. Arnold has two inches on Bruce and 4 on sly, minimum 3. Add to that sly is almost certainly wearing elevators and his chest looks like its about to burst. Mickey's picture shows the height difference more accurately even though stallone still has big footwear there.
bam said on 8/Apr/09
stallone has probably came across this site and laughed. I bet you if you scrutinize any 5'10 celeb on this site, you can make a convincing argument that they're 5'8.5, 5'9 based off pictures with bad angles, and wanting the celeb to be shorter. I myself did this often when I first started coming to the site.
Don said on 8/Apr/09

As I said, provide a irrefutable tangible barefoot picture of sly looking 5'10.75 then i will believe you.

You could go on and on and on with adding and subtracting heights based on bunch of assumptions. i already proved that 5'11.75 liotta owns sly. now bring a tangible irrefutable evidence that sly is 5'10+ then we will talk ok?

so save ur time and ur daily novels.
RisingForce said on 8/Apr/09
Look at this picture from the same day Mickey taken from a better angle. Click Here

Sly and Bruce look the same height or if anything Sly is a hair shorter and Sly doesn't have a posture advantage, he actually seems to be slouching a bit. Arnie is closer to the camera and just about 2 inches taller in this picture.
derek d said on 8/Apr/09
Wow Mickey, never saw that shot from that angle before.... Sly looks well, barely 5'8 there considering he's in thick shoes with a small heel next to a basically barefoot Willis....

And Rising, the picture you examined with them 3, Sly must of been in elevators (notice his legs are as long as Arnie's yet appears 3 inches shorter). Sly is way shorter in Mickey's picture, and remember someone can't appear shorter than they really are, just taller.
Mickey said on 8/Apr/09
Click Here

And their footwear:

Click Here

Willis in sandels has about 3inches on Sly in shoes. While Arnie has an easy 4.5-5 inches on Sly and Arnie has his head down.

Sly's shoes do look thick too.
RisingForce said on 8/Apr/09
Don, how am I inflating Arnie's height? He was measured barefoot by a man who admits to not liking him? A man who is 6'1.5" in the evening is almost surely 6'2" in the morning. And I already said that Arnie was 3 inches taller in the second picture, but low camera angles do give an advantage to the taller person(Arnold). That's a fact and that would mean the difference is probably less than 3 inches. Irrefutable evidence? Give me a break. Nobody has provided irrefutable evidence, much less a clip of both Stallone and Liotta slouching heavily. Find a spot in that clip where they're both standing straight. Not to mention the fact that Liotta very well could be a legit 6 footer.

And not this tip toeing excuse and again. That's the worst excuse and it's your only excuse for Sly looking two inches shorter than Arnold who was in boots himself. One blurry picture taken from a distance doesn't proven he tip toes, much less a lot like you said. Here's a much more clear picture that appears to show Bruce Willis tip toeing. Click Here Does it mean that he's doing that intentionally to gain height, or does it mean that he does that a lot? No, before you can accurately say he tip toes a lot then you'll have to find clearer pictures of him doing it and more of them. Here's a picture where Al Pacino appears to be tip toeing. Click Here Does it mean he was doing that to look taller? No, it's a one time picture. He could have been tip toeing to get a better look at something. We don't know what was going on in it. I surely can't say that because of that one picture that he tip toes a lot. That is also a much clearer picture than the one posted of Sly.
RisingForce said on 8/Apr/09
That's true about Bruce's slouch Mickey, but he's also standing closer to the camera. Look at the size of his head compared to Arnold and Sly. Plus look at Sly's eye level, it's clearly higher than Bruce's. Click Here I think it's fair to say that they're the same height considering the top of their heads are about equal and they both have advantages. The reason why I say that Arnold and Bruce's boots look like 2 inch boots is because they seem to be cowboy boots or similar style boots. I bought a new pair of cowboy boots last November and every pair had about a 2 inch heel. It all depends on the angle as well when viewing how big the heel is. In many pictures of Brad Pitt for example, you'll see his heels look not very big and then in pictures from the same day you can visibly see that the heels are atleast 2 inches.

As far as the last picture, well Sly is clearly in the backround a bit. Even in the low angle shot(which favors Arnold) he looked only 3 inches shorter. In the first picture with the Stallone effect he looked no more than an inch a half shorter. Because of that I can't see him more than 2.5" shorter that day.
Doug said on 8/Apr/09
I must admit its often difficult to see Bruce near 6'1" against Arnie in the 80s. Arnie seemed to have minimum two inches on Bruce. I think at peak he was 6 foot barefoot, can't see 6'1". Otherwise that would put Arnie way too high. A lot of the time Willis looks 5'11ish. If Willis was say 5'11.5" barefoot in boots he would be 6'1". Arnie is loo9king pretty tall in comparison it has to be said.
Don said on 8/Apr/09
i don't think so rising

in that second pic, arnold eats sly up alive. at least three inches right there. and please stop inflating arnold's height to make ur boy look good. your hypothetical height math is hilarious, btw. adding and subtracting inches with no validity whatsoever and basing everything on hypotheticals. all that while trying to twist the heights around to inflate sly's. comedy...

first picture is negligible. he could be tip toeing for all we know. (which he does a lot btw)

u have yet to provide any clear irrefutable picture that shows that sly's 5'10.75. i have clearly shown that 182 cm ray liotta in regular casual shoes eats sly up in sandals.
Mickey said on 7/Apr/09
Some points to make about those pictures Rising:

Click Here

Willis is slightly taller than Sly(not by much), but Sly is in full effect(notice his sucked in stomach) while Willis is slouching very visibly. So Willis would not be hitting his full height here, rendering Sly at 6'1" impossible(my opinion).

Also Willis's shoes only show a 1-1.25 inch heel, i don't believe his ones give 2 inches.

Arnie's shoes do look thick but at that angle its hard to say how much inches they give, doesn't look like they would give 2 inches looking at the heel though.

Look at Sly compared to Arnie in your 3rd picture:
Click Here

Arnie is not much closer to the camera. Sly does not look 6'1" there to me. There looks like a 4 inch difference there. So even if Arnie was wearing 2inch(which i doubt) boots making him 6'4", Sly would be 6ft here max.

These are my viewings anyway.
RisingForce said on 7/Apr/09
By the way I found something interesting. Remember this picture? Click Here

It shows Stallone looking about 2 inches shorter than Schwarzenegger, and the same height as Willis when you consider posture. Arnold was measured at 6'1.5" in the evening meaning he was atleast 6'2" in the morning. This picture from the same day shows Arnie looking 3 inches taller Click Here but that's with the low angle camera advantage so probably 2.5" max. And that picture shows both Stallone and Arnold standing tall so I don't see the Stallone effect coming into play like the previous picture.

This looks like a picture from the same day which shows Arnie and Bruce in cowboy boots and Stallone in footwear that likely adds between 2 and 3 inches. Click Here

So wouldn't it be very unlikely for Sly to have more than a 1 inch footwear advantage there considering typical cowboy boots like the ones Bruce and Arnold are wearing generally add 2" already? Arnold at 6'2" would be 6'4" in those boots(going by morning height). If we go by Bruce's 5'11.5" listing here or his common 5'11.75" listing then he'd be 6'1.5"/6'1.75" in those boots. Which is what I say Sly can reach tops in elevators and I can't see Sly any shorter than Bruce in that first picture. Bruce's height isn't confirmed like Arnold's though. Glenn says Bruce is 6'1" and Mamun and Frank2 say 5'11" flat while I and many others think Bruce is 6 ft flat or a bit over.

To me it seems like a stretch for Stallone at under 5'10" to look that tall with Willis and Arnold when he has an inch max footwear advantage over them, and I'm not even convinced he's getting 3" from his footwear. If you don't go by morning height then that'd make Arnie 6'1.5" and Stallone more like 5'10" flat, but out of bed I'd think that Sly would atleast reach 5'10.5" based on that picture. I'm curious to hear other people's views on this series of pictures.
RisingForce said on 7/Apr/09
Yeah, you're probably right Mickey, but I was only joking as I'd be shocked if he visited the Liev Schreiber page.

Yeah, that makes sense JTRoN. It wouldn't surprise me if Sly grew a ZZ Top beard hoping to get upgraded to 5'10".
JTRoN said on 7/Apr/09
well that's a goatee so that only gets him a 1/4"
Mickey said on 6/Apr/09
Rising i'm 100% sure Sly has checked out this site before. He has been on "ain't it cool" answering fans questions and such a height conscious guy would no doubt google himself in regards to height. Thats what i think anyway.
RisingForce said on 6/Apr/09
What's a pretty funny coincidence is that in January on the Liev Schreiber page, Rob said that he'd upgrade Sly to 5'9.5" if he grew a beard.

Oddly enough look at pictures of Sly taken shortly after that. Click Here Click Here Click Here

Maybe he reads the site and took Rob seriously? Obviously I'm joking, but that would be pretty funny.
RisingForce said on 5/Apr/09
Oddly enough Real Anonymous there are a handful of tall Italian women in my family, but not many tall men on my Italian side of the family. There are atleast 4 women on that side of my family 5'9" minimum(although one shrunk). Even my grandmother who was born in Italy was 5'6" or 5'7" when she was younger. Now at 97/98 years old she looks about 5-2ish. Most of my Italian heritage is from northern Italy though. I'm not sure if that makes much of a difference as far as height.

I've never been to Italy so I can't say how tall they are now, I just noticed that a lot of Italians are short, even in my family. Of course the youngest 100% Italian relative in my family that I see on a somewhat regular basis is in his mid 40's(but he looks 5'4" max). It seems though that most younger generations in general are taller than older generations, especially in the last 30 years.
Doug said on 5/Apr/09
Yes anonymous I was generalising of course. Of couse there are many taller Italians, especially in northern Italy, where there are more lighter haired and blue/green haired people who are taller on average. I am generalising from southern Italy. All I am saying is that on average the men are shortish and stocky rather than tall and thin and I've witnessed this first hand many times. If you visit any town south of Rome for instance it is not the norm to see 6'2" locals walking about thats what I'm saying, or that many who are over 5'10". There will be a few but it is very few and far between. You clearly come from a tall Italian family, taller than average, clearly.
sr said on 4/Apr/09
but then maybe I only looked at the models..I always thought people are normal if they are over 173 cm..average..but this site I see people are not that tall. Im not that tall I guess but the fashion industry has made me believe 182cm and over is normal for a man and 173cm and over, normal for a woman.
Sorry if I offended you.
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 4/Apr/09
I am of Italian heritage as well. I was actually conceived in Calabria and then my parents immigrated to Canada when my mother was six months pregnant. The Italians that immigrated from Southern Italy were know to be short and stalky, but during the last twenty five years the new generation has really shot up. Lets be careful not to generalize to much. The stereo type for Italians is that they are short,dark, stalky and hairy. They are out there, but there are many slim,tall,light hairless Italians as well. I am 6'2. Mom is 5'7 and dad about and 1.5 inches taller than Stallone. Dad is 5'10.5.
Doug said on 4/Apr/09
Yeah and Rising 5'4"-5'5" may seem very short to us Americans and English but it is undeniably a completely normal height when walking down streets in Italy especially amongst old men. There are undoubtedly far more men in Italy who are this height than above 5'8". Frankie Detterori the Italian jockey who I believe is only 5'3 or 5'4" and there are lot of men who look like he does in Italy and we all know these guys have no shortage of female attention. Italians are a pretty good looking bunch in general even if short on average, some of the women really are amazing to look at. I know a few guys who I was in school with of Italian descent and only 5'5" ish and the girls, especially blond girls always considered them studs, you know "Italian Stallions". They were actually always the guys who pulled the most women so it just goes to show that looks, personality and confidence is often more luring than whether someone is tall or not. Everybody has their insecurities. Yes I'm tall at 6'2" and have a good body but I always wished I had dark hair and darker skin!
Doug said on 4/Apr/09
Yeah exactly, it depends what perspective you look at it from. Although Italian footballers and models do seem a lot taller than average but if you walk down any street in any town in Italy, particularly southern Italy (they seem a little taller on average in Milan for instance), you;ll see thousands of people, the majority of Italian people are undeniably very short by American standards, especially compared to a Scandinavian looking guy like myself. 5'5ish is a very accurate average height Rising for sure, 5'6" or 5'7" is being generous for a lot of guys in Italy and yes some guys don't even reach 5'4". There are a lot of shorter guys in the Greek islands of the Med too, particularly the older men who like in Italy like to congregrate on the streets and chat. My barber is a 65 year old Greek and he always claimed he was 5'6" which he clearly isn't!! I have 10 inches on the guy when I stand up straight, he is around 5'4" which is common for an elderly Mediteranean guy. For Sly's age and generation even 5'7" is a fair height for an Italian, well it is in Italy anyway. Even if he is not above 5'9" barefoot if he walked down any street in Italy, in his munsters or not the man would be on the taller side and considered tall no doubts. Now there are the occasional Italian who is around my height like Paolo Maldini and the English football manager who is 6'1-6'2" but they stand out in Italy and are literally "looked up to" but every time I visit Italy it seriously puts the height thing in perspective and what the reality is. Seriously anybody here on google maps search for Amalfi for example and zoom in and explore the streets at street level. You will think, wow everybody's dinky!
RisingForce said on 4/Apr/09
That is interesting Doug, I never even thought about that. And his brother Frank would be considered quite tall then for an Italian. I am part Italian myself and the Italian side of my family is very short. Almost all of the 100% Italian men are/were 5'4"-5'5" and under in my family.
Zach said on 3/Apr/09
Good point Doug, particularly considering Sly was an Italian born in the 1940s. Meterazzi is also in the 6'5 range I believe, I mean Zidane (a solid 6'1/6'2 himself) could only headbutt him in the chest cos of his height! Interesting point you bring up there, didnt realise Italians were so (relatively) short. Del Piero, Baggio, Gattuso, Canavarro are all 5'8 or under, yet all still performed at world class level.
Doug said on 3/Apr/09
Yeah I think he is around 5'9.5" too Pete York. Funny thing is if Stallone was in Italy he would be tall, so he is lucky to be as tall as he is for an Italian American. ANybody who has visited Italy will know that the majority of men are very short, average is definately 5'5"-5'6", a lot of men particularly older men don't even come close to 5'6", it is bull that the average height is 5'7" there. Italian men are typically short and stocky built, so guys like Luca TOni who are pushing 6'5" are living giants in Italy. Google map any town in Italy and zoom in to street level and you;ll see just how very short people really are, the majority. Stallone would be tall in Italy.
RisingForce said on 3/Apr/09
Pete, I never said Sly was 5'10 3/4" evening. I think he's 5'10 3/4" max in the morning and 5'10" flat max in the evening. So we both estimate him at about the same as far as evening height.
anonymous said on 3/Apr/09
Cord says on 29/Mar/09
5 feet nine plus shoes on top of that. Obvious lifts. Everybody there commented how short he was and the big shoes. The party he was worth were all shorter than he was. Pseudo tough guys.

he was over 5'9"??? if he was in big shoes,he was over 5'9"!!! or he was 5'9" on top considered the shoes??? thanks ;)
leone510ss said on 3/Apr/09
in dural's pics jack is slouching ,sly isn't !!! and mickey is right, Jack is no closer to the camera then Sly and Jack's shoes look normal compared to Sly's.
Don said on 3/Apr/09

I don't see where you are seeing a 2 inch difference. Liotta just owns sly the whole clip. Just pause at the 4:24 mark when liotta begins to put his arm around sly and you will just how much taller liotta is. sly looks like a little kid next to him. look at them walk side by side to the car and liotta is a good 3 inches taller at least.

anything near 5'10 is a stretch and we are not even sure if liotta is a full 6 footer to begin with. more like 182 cm. just watch the clip, does sly look like a 180 cm man next to 182 cm liotta? no way in hell. i can buy up to 5'9 but i can definitely now see why sly used to get a lot of short jokes before munsters began to add some artificial height on good ol sly.

i guess he's no "short" man compared to an average male by any means but the man is no 5'10-11. let's put that to rest.

and for once, don't reply with some silly picture that shows sly looking 6'2 next to dolph lundgren in some big old 1970's disco shoes that we can't even see. we should make a rule on this column from now on: any pitcure that shows sly with munsters on OR any picture that we CANNOT see his footwear should immediately be disregarded.
Don said on 3/Apr/09
"I still believe sly was 5 9 3/4 on an eveing just because of bridiget neilson quote"

....and you don't think this had anything to do with sly telling his ex-wife to inflate his height in public to save himself embarrassment?
Evilmatt said on 2/Apr/09
I would say Sly is a shade over 5'8", watch Rocky III where he is toe to toe with Clubber Lang, Mr.T has nearly 2 inches on him and he's only about 5'10".
JTRoN said on 2/Apr/09
I think Sly is slouching to hid the height difference

Liotta's legs are far apart and he's leaning quite a bit too, yet there's still a noticeable difference in height

Sly looks stocky, surprised he agreed to do a scene with a taller guy in sandals
leonari said on 2/Apr/09
Rob: where are my posts?????
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 2/Apr/09
THE battle is over.
peteyork said on 2/Apr/09
to be fair Sly is slouching like a drunk guy in the clip and Liotta could just about reach 6ft when compare to danny glover. Have said that the height difference varies between 2 and 4 inches. even frank2 is in with a chance with the clip. overall I sort liotta is more than quarter of a head taller than sly in the movie which is 2 1/4 inches (or half a forehead). Assuming liota's eye line is 5'7 1/2 the most you could give sly is 5'9 3/4 assuming it is 4 1/2 from your eyes to the top of your head. Most of the movie it looks like sly only reaches about a 1/3 of liotta's forehead or 5'9.
I would have said he was an inch short than me as the real 5 10 3/4 guy on an evening, based on this may be its two or at least an inch and a half. I think RisingForce has got his work cut out on this. I still believe sly was 5 9 3/4 on an eveing just because of bridiget neilson quote.
Doug said on 2/Apr/09
I still think Stallone is 176cm.
leonari said on 1/Apr/09
Very rare Rocky III pictures here in this video: Click Here
At 3:05 min you see that Stallone is wearing half boots with a very serious heel. (At least 2 inches) Mr. T is in Cowboy boots.(which should be equal to Slys heeled half boots)
In many shots Sly looks considerably shorter than Mr. T... Very strange. What do you say Rising?
Ejel Khan said on 1/Apr/09
Let's leave Sly at 5'9" to save arguments .... okay?
glenn said on 1/Apr/09
liotta was around last week.i was too busy.i have to first know his height exact.i only saw him once in 1990.6-1.but that was so long ago i could be wrong.
Anonymous said on 1/Apr/09
Cord says on 29/Mar/09
5 feet nine plus shoes on top of that. Obvious lifts. Everybody there commented how short he was and the big shoes. The party he was worth were all shorter than he was. Pseudo tough guys.

he was over 5'9"??? if he was in big shoes,he was over 5'9"!!! or he was 5'9" on top considered the shoes??? thanks ;)
bam said on 31/Mar/09
5'10.75 is too high. 5'10 isnt
derek d said on 31/Mar/09
To all people here who think Sly is over 5'9 here, do honestly think he looks over that in the Liotta clip?
miko said on 31/Mar/09
The Don vid rules out anything near 5"10.

5"9 suits this guy fine as far as I'm concerned.
Brad said on 31/Mar/09
Don ended this battle. Great vid.
Midget said on 30/Mar/09
Looking at the clip that "Don" has posted it is very clear to me now that if Liotta is hovering around the 6' mark barefoot, then Sly cant be anymore than 175cm-176cm in that clip. That would have to be the only clip/footage I have seen of Sly not in shoes or boots etc.I agree with Don, max 175cm or 5' 9" for Sly and the clip doesn't lie.
Mickey said on 30/Mar/09
Rising, Jack is no closer to the camera then Sly and Jack's shoes look normal compared to Sly's.

Click Here
RisingForce said on 30/Mar/09
Well on the golf course I never saw him quite as short as Jack, always atleast a half inch taller in my opinion. In one picture Sly and Jack both seemed to be standing straight and Sly did appear just a hair taller. But in another as I've mentioned he did seem atleast 1.5" taller than Jack and both of their posture seemed srtong again. Then I saw another golf picture where Sly seemed a bit taller, but seemed to be losing a bit of height in posture.

So based on my 5'9"(morning height) estimate for Jack, I could see Stallone anywhere from 5'9.5" to 5'10.75"(morning height of course). Not under in my opinion and certainly not over.
JTRoN said on 30/Mar/09
can anyone get or make a zoomed in clear picture of Sly's tippy toe picture? I zoomed in and its hard to tell, (his) left foot looks a little suspicious but the other is flat, over all it doesn't seem all that obvious so I don't know.
Mickey said on 30/Mar/09
So we have 3 pics of Sly and Jack looking the same height all in various types of footwear. Sly in lifts, Sly in golf shoes and Sly in dress shoes/lifts. Rising does have one picture with Sly looking taller, but the numbers have it.
Ammo said on 30/Mar/09
Jack Nicholson & he look the same height and I doubt Jack is 5' 9" at all these days. Poor Sly didn't want this one in People Magazine.
Leung said on 30/Mar/09
sodapop says on 28/Mar/09
Jasper, 5'9" is not short, its average height!!! I think 6ft is too tall

That explains why you have been on a mission to downgrade everyone. With an attitude like that it is obvious that Sodapop is an insecure person that needs to bring everyone down to feel better about yourself.
JTRoN said on 30/Mar/09
is that Bill Maher 3rd from the right? if so he's 5'8 and he looks taller than Sly by looking at the top of everyone's heads
Don said on 29/Mar/09
Click Here

watch the clip from 4:18 mark. stallone in 0.5" sandals, liotta in what looks to be 0.75-1" sneakers. clear, full shot of both men's footwear and ground level is pretty even. no tricks, no camera shots, no tiptoeing, no munsters involved. that's as close to you will see stallone barefoot. you could bring out the entire kitchen sink about all the "closer to the camera, ground level" bs all you want. that's not going to change the fact that liotta has AT LEAST 3 inches on this man. a third grader can see that.

stallone looks like a child next to liotta height wise. if you still think stallone is 5'10+, well you have some serious issues.

throw all those crap enhanced footwear/munsters/tiptoeing/non-full shots that makes stallone "look" 6'1 out the window. you have a clear, irrefutable evidence that the man doens't even come close to touching 5'11 or even 5'10 for that matter.

verdict: 5'9 max. 5'8.5-5'9 throughout the day.

case closed
RisingForce said on 29/Mar/09
Steve, I wasn't implying that I posted under Anonymous arguing that Stallone was short. I posted under Anonymous asking Glenn about the footwear in the picture from 1991 probably a year or 2 ago and when he replied sandals that initially convinced me that he was 5'10" or 5'10.5". Sorry about the previous post I missed seeing his footwear in the post by leone510ss post. I don't see tip toeing there though, just elevator shoes and military posture.
RisingForce said on 29/Mar/09
I can't see Sly's shoes in Dural's picture. Jack seems closer to the camera to me.
Christian said on 29/Mar/09
I showed a clip from that event Dural posted months ago. I will try and find it.
Ammo said on 29/Mar/09
Sly looks really short compared to the rest. 5' 9" tops in that photo with the line-up.
Mickey said on 29/Mar/09
Wow Dural, nice find. He looks barely taller the Jack there, and Sly is in absolutely massive lifts. Even in the other picture where he is standing tall he doesn't look 6'1" compared to Clint, Rob Reiner(of which Sly is standing closer to the camera then both of them and standing MUCH straighter) and 6'2" Warren Beatty absolutely towers him by just under 4 inches.
Dural said on 29/Mar/09
leone510ss says on 28/Mar/09
click here....Click Here

i see him tiptoeing!!! what u think ???

Hey leone, take a look at him shrinking.
Click Here
Cord said on 29/Mar/09
5 feet nine plus shoes on top of that. Obvious lifts. Everybody there commented how short he was and the big shoes. The party he was worth were all shorter than he was. Pseudo tough guys.
Don said on 28/Mar/09

he IS tiptoeing. look at his chest, almost about to burst out of his body. look at his ugly 3 inch shoes. i don't care if he's got millions, he's an insecure, height obsessed joke. but he's an object of wet dreams to rising tho.

and i am sorry he's not an icon anymore. he hasn't made a meaningful movie outside of rocky and rambo milkings his whole career.
Steve said on 28/Mar/09
Parker that's a good pic but with so many sightings and reports of Sly tiptoeing how can you trust a picture like that?
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 28/Mar/09
A few years back I saw a pic of Sly on the golf course standing on the very tips of his toes with another taller golfer. That pic is out there some where. Pretty sure Rob has him about right at 5'9. He is looking in amazing shape.
Parker said on 28/Mar/09
3rd from left 5'10 Mike Summerbee. 5th from left 5'11 John Wark. Mike's got slope advantage over Sly
Click Here
Sly cannot be less than 5'9 or more than 5'11. Anything under 5'9 is nonsense.
Steve said on 28/Mar/09
Seriously RF don't you have anything else in your life to do except write novel length essays all day every day to try and get stallone upgraded? You used to post as anonymous before yeah right.
Ejel Khan said on 28/Mar/09
Risingforce ... ur right Sly's still an icon, whatever his height! He's not as small as some espoused during the 80's ..... bit of an urban myth his height. He probably is above 5'7-8" and appears 5'10-11". He's not short I agree, but exactly how tall? It's debatable, but that's what this site is here for ... debate!
leone510ss said on 28/Mar/09
click here....Click Here

i see him tiptoeing!!! what u think ???
Anonymous said on 28/Mar/09
Cord says on 27/Mar/09
I met Sly at The Ivy in Hollywood 5 years ago and he's 5' 9" (if that). Big big shoes. Risingforce must work for Sylvester. I know he wasn't over 5' 9". NOT a chance!

5'9" with or without shoes??? thanks ;)
RisingForce said on 28/Mar/09
Very mature and intelligent post Fan. I'll ignore those type of posts from now on instead of wasting my time. But to anyone who thinks that I intentionally upgrade Sly because I'm a fan, that's not true. I am a fan and I do believe him to be atleast 5'10". I didn't always think that though. For years I thought the rumors about Sly being short(5'7"-5'8") were true. I never really questioned that until I came to this site. I don't say he's 5'10" or over out of any bias, that's what I honestly believe.

To settle that I'm not basing this out of any bias I'll explain exactly why I changed my mind. I remember seeing Stallone towering over Glenn in the older picture. I was still posting under Anonymous that time and I remember asking Glenn what his shoes were in that picture and he said sandals. At that point I thought well Stallone easily looks the 5'10" or 5'10.5" that he claims(I was unaware of the 5'10.75" claim at the time). That was when I first thought he was over 5'10". So I posted on a somewhat regular basis here and noticed Glenn referring to Sly as 5'10.75". When Glenn told me he had also claimed that and then Bam tracked down the link I figured that if I was going to give him 5'10" or 5'10.5", why not 5'10.75"? I also saw some of the pictures where Sly looked a solid 6'1" like with Lundgren and that also started to convince me even more. Then Glenn mentioned Stallone barefoot with Kurt Russell in Tango and Cash. I had never noticed that before when I watched the movie because I wasn't that interested in heights, but I watched the movie again and sure enough Sly looked an inch taller to me. I also watched Rocky 3 again at some point and noticed him in slippers next to Carl Weathers looking not a hair under 5'10" which convinced me even more. Over the time I had started looking up things about Sly's height I had found various pictures like the one with Tom Arnold and the barefoot picture on the beach with Jennifer Flavin ect.

I do base my estimate of Stallone's height on what I see, and I wouldn't be less of a fan if he was 5'7". I was a fan for years when I thought he was short. I am pretty short myself(5'8" out of bed on a good day). So I hold no bias towards short people as I could be considered one myself. This post wasn't to try to convince any of you to change your estimates on his height. But my intention with this post was to try to show you my thought process behind my estimate so you wouldn't think I was upgrading him intentionally. If it didn't then fine, everyone is entitled to their opinion.
sodapop said on 28/Mar/09
Jasper, 5'9" is not short, its average height!!! I think 6ft is too tall
sidd said on 27/Mar/09
its just an effect
Don said on 27/Mar/09

Would it make your life if rob upgraded stallone's height to 6 foot even?
Cord said on 27/Mar/09
I met Sly at The Ivy in Hollywood 5 years ago and he's 5' 9" (if that). Big big shoes. Risingforce must work for Sylvester. I know he wasn't over 5' 9". NOT a chance! I must laugh at his book of hoping. He must get candy from Sly. Glenn can't be more than 5' 6" if he is 5' 8" next to him.
Fan said on 27/Mar/09
RisingForce . . . do you give it to Stallone every night? There must be a bonus reward for your consistent illogical arguments.
RisingForce said on 27/Mar/09
What I meant by that previous comment was that I've never seen a picture where he it convincingly showed him tip toeing. I was aware of vaj's picture as I responded to it when vaj originally posted. But anyway that was my way of saying that the picture didn't prove to me that he tip toes for the reasons I stated.
Zach said on 27/Mar/09
RisingForce says on 16/Mar/09
Zach, where's this picture of him supposedly tip toeing? I've never seen it.
RisingForce said on 27/Mar/09
Steve, vaj posted the same picture that Dural did I believe.
RisingForce said on 27/Mar/09
Mickey, what's wrong is that Sly is standing perfectly straight and Sheen and Perry are both slouching. In that case he will easily gain 2 inches in posture, maybe a bit more. I think that with them standing straight he could have 3 inches max on them, but no more. That's why he looks 5 inches taller. But you did say that a 6-1+ Stallone in lifts should tower over a slouching Charlie Sheen and he does there.

I do agree that he doesn't look as tall in the picture with just him and Sheen. I see him about 2 inches max taller there since neither are standing straight. That'd put Stallone at 6'0" in elevators if Sheen is 5'10" in shoes, but the other picture with Sheen and Perry suggests he'd be atleast 6'1" in elevators so who knows? Their heights are all over the place in that series of pictures and none of the 3 stands out as clearly the best picture as all of the pictures are flawed.

One thing that does seem convincing to me about the Stallone/Tom Arnold picture of the same night is that usually when a 5-9, 5-10ish man looks that tall it's with a taller guy slouching down to them. Examples being Jim Carrey/Mel Gibson pictures, Stallone/Seagal picture ect. But in the Tom Arnold picture he seems to be looking eye to eye or slightly up with his back straight.

That's why that is the most convincing of all of the 6'1"+ Stallone pictures in my opinion.
Steve said on 27/Mar/09
Vaj also posted a pic of sly tiptoeing, same thing was reported by Frank.
Brad said on 27/Mar/09
No Roger, we won't.
Mickey said on 27/Mar/09
Rising theres something surely wrong with that picture of Sheen, Luke Perry and Sly. Sly cannot be 5 inches taller then known 5'9-5'10" guys wearing shoes. Also in the picture with just him and Sheen, i still don't see Sly looking 6'1" plus there. Just what i see. Not to mention Sheen is still slouching.
RisingForce said on 27/Mar/09
It seems like a stretch to say he's tip toeing in that picture Dural. It's a blurry picture taken from a distance. Lifts can also make it seem like you're tip toeing as well.
glenn said on 27/Mar/09
dural is right that photos mislead and decieve.i dont understand rogers post.5-10 is considered short to alot people.and men 6ft or more wear lifts too.on rarer occassion of course.
RisingForce said on 26/Mar/09
Regarding the recent Dolph Lundgren picture Click Here Dolph's eye level is atleast 2 inches away from the top of Sly's head as you can see by the fact that it's right in between Sly's eye level and the top of his head. Stallone's eye level right there is at the bottom of Dolph's nose. So I can't see more than a 2 1/2 inch difference initially. I don't buy that Dolph is losing more than an inhc in posture. He isn't slouching terribly, if he leans back slightly then he'd have Stallone's posture. Sly isn't really getting much of a camera advantage as far as I can tell either. Zoom in on the picture and look at their bodies, they're pretty much side by side. Stallone doesn't have an enlarged head either, Lundgren's is still a little longer. Sly's is wider because at that time Stallone was a lot heavier than normal while Lundgren looked quite thin.

Again I see Lundgren at most straightening out to 3.5" taller. If Lundgren is 6'4.25" as he's listed here than he'd be a minimum 6'5.25" in dress shoes. That'd still put Sly at 6'1.75" in elevators. That's not even considering that Lundgren could be a quarter inch taller as he gave his range these days as 193-194 cm and his dress shoes could give 1.25" easily as well. I don't think it's a stretch at all to say that Stallone is reaching 6'1.75" in elevators in that picture, I'm already considering posture when I give that estimate.

Sheen had a much more obvious advantage, the other pictures from that night suggest that. This is the original picture where you said that Sly with good posture was barely taller than a slouching Charlie Sheen. I responded by saying that it was because of the camera advantage Click Here

Well take away most of Sheen's camera advantage and Stallone who is also slouching now looks taller than he did in the previous picture when he was standing straight. Click Here

How do you explain looking taller slouching than he did with military posture on the same night? It's because Sheen didn't have the same camera advantage as before.

Stallone here sure towers over a slouching Charlie Sheen as you said he should have. Click Here

Sure he has a camera advantage there, but not any more than Sheen did in the other pictures. Stallone dwarfs two 5'9", 5'10" guys in that picture by about 5 inches. Even considering the slight camera advantage and a big posture advantage, that's a big difference. That picture also suggests that Sheen could be 5'10" or could have had some kind of height enhancing shoes himself. Compare him to Luke Perry who is listed here at 5'9.5" and was measured at "about 5-10" in socks on the Howard Stern show.

The pictures with Sheen are all over the place for a variety of reasons, the picture with Lundgren doesn't seem that deceptive to me.
RisingForce said on 26/Mar/09
Roger, Burt Reynolds was 5'11" in the 70's and wore cowboy boots with 2.5" heels atleast and another inch lift inside 24/7 to the point where he'd have trouble walking at times on talk shows. Even men of good heights wear lifts a lot.
Roger said on 26/Mar/09
This is from Stallonezone - will we ever see an actual Sly photo where he's not lifted? Click Here
Dural said on 26/Mar/09
A picture is a picture. Everyone can look taller or shorter than he is in pics. Ground level, posture, angle.... . Sly is using those factors as an advantage + huge custom made shoes.
I posted these pictures already:

Click Here
Click Here

Even with lifts he's not 6in taller than Sheen as it seems in the second pic, not to mention we've seen him tiptoeing already:

Click Here
Roger said on 26/Mar/09
I, too, see 2 inches between Arnold and Sly - as I wrote already on the Arnold page. Makes Sly a weak 5'10'' max.

Still don't understand RF here, we know Sly is lifted whenever he leaves the house, and why would a strong 5'10'' man do this? Doesn't make sense, does it?
Mickey said on 26/Mar/09
Ted, not to mention Sly wearing absolutely massive lifts that night, having military posture with "effect" and having camera advantage while Dolph is slouching visibly. Look at Dolph's shoulders and tell me there only a 3 inch difference.

Rising made a fuss about Charlie Sheen having a slight camera advantage but he shows this pic off a whole lot.
Mickey said on 26/Mar/09
Thats fine RF. To me they shoes design look very similar to the ones zach posted. and i don't think Arnie hits 6ft these days, so i don't see how Sly can be anywhere near 6'1" here.
Jasper said on 26/Mar/09
Met Stallone at a party in BH in the 80's.As mentioned, I was shocked at how short he was. I'm 6'-0" and he was about 3 inches shorter than me. He was NOT above 5'-9". Anybody telling you different is lying to you.
RisingForce said on 26/Mar/09
Ted, that's a bad angle in the first picture. Dolph is getting a huge advantage from being closer to the advantage.

This is more accurate for the height difference as neither of them has a noticeable advantage. Click Here

6 inch difference in that picture. Worst case the difference was 7 inches or a hair over as Mickey's picture showed.
Ted said on 25/Mar/09
We all remember the huge height difference between Stallone and Lundgren in Rocky IV. Click Here

And now - things look like this: Click Here

It is obvious that Stallone IS TALLER than 20 years ago. HGH could be the reason, also elevator shoes. Sly looks a solid 5'11'' next to Dolph. However, I think that his natural height is(was?) between 5'8'' and 5'9''.
derek d said on 25/Mar/09
Yeah Sly did a pretty bad job covering those boots by wearing those jeans in those pictures. Unlike in the Sly/Arnold pictures, the whole shoe is exposed and yeah looks to be about 3 inches minimum. Why wouldn't Sly wear them next to Arnold? Its not like he just randomly ran into him lol of course he wants to appear taller.
RisingForce said on 25/Mar/09
I still don't see any posture advantage there for Sly. His chest doesn't seem out to me and his head isn't tilted at all. If Arnold is 6'0" then he'd be hitting 6'1" in shoes. I still think that Arnold could wake up at 6'0".

The boots that JT and Zach posted seem noticeably bigger to me. The heel seems larger, they seem more covered and it seems like there is a lift inside. I don't see any of that in the picture I posted. Of course a lift is possible, but I have a hard time seeing more than a little over 2 inch boost from the boots Sly is wearing.

JTRoN, why would I stop trying to judge a side by side picture of them standing still where neither of them has a noticeable camera advantage? That video isn't good for comparing height.
Mickey said on 25/Mar/09
I don't see 6'1" for sly there, no chance in my opinion. Arnie has his head tilted slightly but is more hunched. Just because someone has their head up doesn't equal being taller/having an advantage.

Arnie wouldn't even be hitting 6'1" there. 5'11"ish with 1 inch shoes and questionable posture. Not too mention Sly is shorter then Arnie by at least 1/2 inch.

Also the boots Sly is wearing look very similar as the ones JT posted, they could very possibly be 3 inch shoes.
JTRoN said on 25/Mar/09
Stop trying to judge the Sly and Arnie pics, here's actual video footage of them that day walking side by side. Minus Arnies poofy hair I can see a 2" difference between the two.

Click Here

And RisingForce you can save the "Arnold is closer to the camera" response, yes I know that but it doesn't seem to stop you posting pics of Sly with the advantage whether it be closer or ground level in his favor.

I agree Sly most likely wore lifts that day, its almost a given, he's gonna be photographed with his height nemesis. Sly and Arnie not wearing lifts together is like boxers showing up to fight without gloves. (see what I did there, Sly...boxing) anyway,

Sly is a strong 5'9/weak 5'10.
JT said on 24/Mar/09
RisingForce says on 24/Mar/09
Sorry Mickey, I didn't realize that didn't show a good shot of the heel. I understand why you're skeptical considering the stuff Sly wears on his feet sometimes. Here's a good shot from the side. Click Here Good size heel, but nothing unusual for a work boot. If you don't believe me look up images of them....

If he had boots like these on, there looks like a pretty clear internal lift.
Click Here
Click Here
Zach said on 24/Mar/09
Stallone wears a hefty wedge in there, on top of the 1.75" that those boots give him. Look at the angle his instep is at compared to the lady's high heels next to him Click Here

Very rare occasion that Sly leaves the house without some form of artificial elevation.
RisingForce said on 24/Mar/09
Yeah, but Mickey Sly doesn't have the visible posture advantage. Arnold is actually tilting his head up a little while Sly isn't which could give Arnold advantage. I certainly don't see where Sly is getting any advantage

Arnold may be coming out a quarter inch taller or so initially
Click Here But considering Arnold's head which is tilted up I think it evens out.

Regarding Arnie's height I'm not quite sure how tall I think. I'm fine with either 5'11.5" or 6'0" because I'm unsure if he wears lifts on ocassion. Going with out of bed height I'd bet he can hit 6'0". I'm still kind of undecided between 5'11.5" and 6'0" for Arnold though.

This picture still suggests to me that Sly is reaching around 6'1" with a 2.25" max boost though as I don't see him having any kind of posture advantage at all. I certainly can't see less than 5'10" based on that picture.

Doug, honestly a video with an off camera angle doesn't mean much to me when we have a picture of them standing still with a straight camera angle from the same day.
peteyork said on 24/Mar/09
Well I am the height Sly claims on an evening 5'10 3/4 I have always felt Sly is an inch shorter than me. Why copland, Sly looks no taller than De Niro and half forehead less than Liotta, who on here is 5'11 1/2. 1/2 a forehead is 2.2 inches according to Rob. which puts Sly 5'9 1/4.
It is the one movie recently they are downplaying his height, so I would give him the 1/2 inch. de Niro has the same difference with Harvey he did in taxi driver a 1/3 of a forehead or 1 and half inches. de niro is in lifts in reality he is not even an inch taller than harvey. See de niro in deer hunter with chris walken. I thought walken was a easy 6'2 until I saw the bond movie with roger moore. christopher walken was at best a morning 6'1 period. de niro was at his eye line, or 4 and 1/2 inches shorter. De niro has always been 5'8 and a half.
So to my main point, in taxi driver and the untouchables de niro in the crowd scenes is always a little on the short side, go back and watch. Remember the rocky movies sly running in the crowd, big build but always average. Seen him with micky rouke, rouke always a good inch taller. Sean bean is my height 5 10 3/4 or Matt Dillion, when did you see Dillion look short? Not tall in crowd scenes but taller than average. i have photos with two 6'3 aussies I used to cycle across countries with. the height difference between me and them is de niro walken height difference in the deer hunter.
Out of bed I am 5'11 3/8, start the day proper around 5'11, end up after 2200 either 5'10 3/4 or 5'10 5/8. So on a morning with 1/2 inch of hair and 1 1/4 inch shoes, 6'1 against a height chart is not difficult. the thing about a lot of people over 6 is they stoop, I have many photos where guys 2 or 3 inches taller than me barely look 6, or say about inch taller than me. That is why you put sly in an inch, inch half lift he looks tall. 5'11 with good posture can easy be taken for being tall, see brad pitt, put him in a movie with morgan freeman in seven he looks average again.

de niro is on the short side of average
sly is just average
dillion is on the tall side of average

I know guy who thinks he is genuie 5'10 guy, measure against a height chart at 18 on a morning. without his hair he was probably a hair shorter, now no hair and a belly he is at best 5'9 1/2 on a morning, or 1 and half inches shorter than me. we both say we are 5'10 until recently when i got fed up people ask me if i am taller. i think sly got 5'10 1/2 because if was what rocky marciano measured height was, great reply when people said he was to short, in fact the rocky script line are based on rocky marciano from seeing the marciano fights.

You thing sly height is a myth, look at the real rocky career, never fought a geniue heavyweight once he got the title. Got knocked down and hurt by light heavies, armstrong put him on the deck and had in all sorts of trouble for eight rounds then got knocked out. Go on youtube and listen to marciano commentating on paterson win a six round walk in the park with armstrong before knocking out a year later. nobody talks of paterson being the greatness heavyweight but hay he fought heavy weights.
Brad said on 24/Mar/09
Custom work boots. He isn't going to be photographed with Arnie in regular footwear.
Ejel Khan said on 24/Mar/09
Sly's feet must be in a terrible state from wearing lifts all those years!
Mickey said on 24/Mar/09
Click Here

I believe Sly is in lifts. Maybe not 3 inch munsters, but easy 2.25 inch(maybe 2.5) lifts. The thick heel, the steep gradient and the general bigness of the boot looks like a lift to me. You might not think so, and thats fine, everyone can make up their own mind. At first when Rising showed me the other shot i thought they were normal boots but then i found this pic.
Here are some other points i see/believe:

I don't think Arnie hits 6ft these days, i believe he is somewhere around 5'11" midday.

We can't see how big Arnie's shoes are but they probably give .75-1 inch.

Maybe Sly is not in "effect" but he certainly is standing much straighter than Arnie.

So lets say Sly is 5'9". Add 2.25" lifts, it would equal about 5'11-5'11.25" in those shoes. Lets say Arnie is 5'11.5" here with one inch shoes equalling 6'0.5", but he is losing out on posture, Sly has his chest out as usual. So take off an inch(which is easy to lose in posture) and you have Arnie at 5'11.5". This is how i see it though. What are your thoughts Rising?

I don't think Arnie hits 6'1" unless he is in dress shoes/2 inch lifts these days, so i don't think he would be hitting close to that in these shoes. Even in dress shoes i don't think he hits 6'1" anymore. He has lost alot of height. I know you think the same also Rising(in regard to Arnie), how tall do you think Arnie is?

I also see Arnie as a bit taller then Sly here.

Click Here

I'd be interested to hear what Rob says about Sly's boots here.
Doug said on 24/Mar/09
Sorry Rising Stallone did not look 6'1" in the video clip whether Arnie was closer to the camera or not.
RisingForce said on 24/Mar/09
Sorry Mickey, I didn't realize that didn't show a good shot of the heel. I understand why you're skeptical considering the stuff Sly wears on his feet sometimes. Here's a good shot from the side. Click Here Good size heel, but nothing unusual for a work boot. If you don't believe me look up images of them.

A lot of good points, but here's an interesting scenario. If we assume Arnold is 6'0" as listed here then we'd surely be 6'1" in those sneakers. Wouldn't that mean that Sly was reaching about 6'1" in those boots without "the effect" advantage? And I see almost no way that he's getting 3 inches out of those boots. His legs would look longer and those are clearly not as big as his 3 inch elevators.

If we assume that Sly even has a half inch lift in those boots then he'd be getting 2.25" over his barefoot height. Take away 2.25" from 6'1" and you get 5'10.75". What are your thoughts on this Mickey? I'm not stating this as a fact, but I found this scenario interesting.
Scorb said on 24/Mar/09
I think the 5-9 on here is pretty fair. Honestly, I wouldnt be surprised If he was shorter or taller so 5-9 is a good guess. Hes the biggest mystery on here.
sodapop said on 23/Mar/09
Stallone is 5'9", I'm 5'9" barefoot 5'10" with shoes and he looks like my height
Mickey said on 23/Mar/09
I doubt Sly's shoes are just work boots, a shot from front on doesnt show us much about the shoe.
derek d said on 23/Mar/09
Yeah thats just my opinion, not saying I'm actually right. I see your point though, but lets face it Sly has been tricking us for years with all of his footwear so its almost impossible to know what kind of advantage he has or doesn't have. More barefoot pictures should be posted on this page, too bad their so rare.
Brad said on 23/Mar/09
He knows he's going to be seen with many many photographers. Those boots are going to be massive lift infested customs. I think there is going to be more than the 3/4" to Arnold's sneakers. Who are you kidding? The wedge alone inside is going to be 1.5".
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 23/Mar/09
derek d those boots are huge. In fact they are so big he can barely walk in them. A 5'10.75 guy would not need boots and lifts that big.
Doug said on 23/Mar/09
Interesting Rising, in the video Stallone seemed three inches shorter but Arnie was closer to the camera but they look pretty even in that photo. I agree in "normal" 1.75-2 inch" boots the man is around 5'11.5-6' it has to be said.
RisingForce said on 23/Mar/09
Brad, I wear boots like that every day to work. They're not huge, they add 1.75".
RisingForce said on 23/Mar/09
derek I'm not saying Arnold is 5'10.75" either. I think Sly has nearly an inch footwear advantage just from his work boots compared to Arnold's sneakers. That puts Arnold at 5'11.5" minimum IMO.

Look at this picture of them walking, I'm not using it to compare heights since it's mid-stride, but to compare the height of their knees. Arnold's pants are too baggy to compare the height of their knees in the other picture.
Click Here

Sly's knees are no higher than Arnie's, in fact Arnie's are a bit higher. So I don't see Sly getting any more than the 3/4 inch advantage that his boots give over Arnie's sneakers. His legs would have to be freakishly short to have more than that advantage and still have lower knees than Arnold's. It's also clear that Arnie's legs are longer there even considering where he has his pants tucked in.
Brad said on 23/Mar/09
Those boots are huge. He's Sly, they have the wedge. Sly used to have a goon named Tony M. who picked the fights for Sly with the paps. Like Red & Sonny West with Elvis, the $ paid out cost a lot and he was let go. I think he got a civil judgement that destroyed him. A lot of celebs have contracts with goons taking them out of the suits. "You punch, you pay".
derek d said on 23/Mar/09
Click Here

Here is another example to prove my point that shows proof when Sly is wearing big lifts (maybe 3 inches lets say.) Here he is as a guest on some foreign talk show. By the way that he looks, he looks to be pushing just about 6 ft, and again you don't need him to stand next to someone who's height is known to tell how tall he is that day, just use common sense based on his proportions. The guy next to him has at least 2 - 3 inches on him so lets say he is most likely around 6'2 ish or so.... (check at 15 seconds). Now at 53 seconds and on while they sit next to each other, Sly's legs (knees) are actually higher than the 6'2 man's legs, more than a inch at some later parts and yet his upper leg (thigh part) is far shorter in comparison. Sly is known for having somewhat short legs so how is his legs higher? He must be wearing at least 3 inches shoes there and I'm pretty sure he was with Arnie as well in that picture.... There is a reason why he's wearing these high top work boots, lifts can be inserted in to them easily.
derek d said on 23/Mar/09
Rising, as for the picture with Arnold, yes they pretty much are almost the same height.... But theres no way Sly would stand next to Arnold liftless, come on lets be realistic. ALSO, Sly max height is 5'10'75 (which IMO is 5'9 ish) but that would mean than Arnold is also only close to 5'10.75 which is ridiculous cause is at least still 6' and probably 6'1 ish in shoes at the lowest. Also, Sly legs are actually in fact longer than Arnies there, notice where their crotches end, lol. Don't be fooled by the fact that Arnold has his shirt tucked in and his pants pulled up ridiculously high.
Steve said on 23/Mar/09
Tellem that's a good find, sly is definitely no taller than flavin if anything slightly shorter. Don't forget flavin isn't necessarily 5'9 either as her agency lists her, Glenn estimated anything from 5'7 - 5'9 when he met her.
RisingForce said on 23/Mar/09
I don't know Tellem, he doesn't look any shorter than her there. But int hat video there really isn't agreat shot of them side by side. When Sly first stops Jennifer goes behind him a bit and when they're walking away Sly is behind her.

Doug, regarding that video with Arnie, it really isn't a great video for comparing as Arnie was closer to the camera. Here is a picture from that same day where they're standing still.
Click Here

They're virtually the same height minus Arnold's tall hair. Sly doesn't have his usual posture advantage here as Arnie is the one tilting his head up and Sly isn't. Sly's boots add about 1.75" assuming he has nothing in them and Arnie's sneakers add about 1". I don't suspect Sly had anything in those boots because his legs still look much shorter than Arnie's.
TELLEM said on 23/Mar/09
Doug says on 23/Mar/09
Yes he does look taller actually. You watch them as they walk out, hes an inch taller. Stallone when they walk at the end in on the lower side of the pavement thats why he looks less. IN fact that clips shows to me that he is taller than her.

NO. hes not taller. did u watch the part where he 1st walks out the door. look at his head next to the m of malibu gym then look at flavin's head.
Roger said on 23/Mar/09
TELLEM, very good video, I did not notice it at first. When you say "your video", did you yourself also shoot it?

He looked good without those idiotic tatoos. Heightwise, I think he has one inch on Glenn when not wearing lifts, 1.5 inches max .
Doug said on 23/Mar/09
Yes he does look taller actually. You watch them as they walk out, hes an inch taller. Stallone when they walk at the end in on the lower side of the pavement thats why he looks less. IN fact that clips shows to me that he is taller than her.
sodapop said on 22/Mar/09
Antonio good experiment, I'm 5'9 1/4 and people always think i'm 5'10"
TELLEM said on 22/Mar/09
i'm surprised ppl on here have completely ignored my vid here of stallone and flavin....stallone doesn't look 5'10 here with her Click Here
Doug said on 22/Mar/09
Mm Arnie still looks nearer 3 inches taller than Stallone, I was watching a recent clip on Youtube recently. But if Sly was wearing lifts then the height difference is more. There looked about a 2.5-3 inch height difference. If Stallone is 5'9" Arnie is around 6'. Definately not near 5'11" barefoot. Perhaps 5'9" is right after all but you must admit he often looks a lot taller than this.
Brad said on 22/Mar/09
Same height as Schmacher. The guy in the grey hair is his shadow and he's a shrimp in every photo and video I've seen with Sly. His brother makes him look 5' 6". Stallone is in massive boots. The other guy is real short.
Doug said on 22/Mar/09
It doesn't matter how tall the other man are. They are not exactly 5 foot nothing are they. Dural's video clip just shows that Stallone often looks taller than the average man at random.
GUK said on 22/Mar/09
Schumacher has footwear disadvantage though, racing shoes have next to no heel almost like standing in your socks. a 5ft 10 Sly in any shoes would look much taller than Schumacher. There he looks 5ft 9 max (alowing for posture). I expect this is pre Munsters though, these days he'd have 3 inches on Schumacher
Zach said on 22/Mar/09
Rob himself was the first one to dig up the Schumacher pics a few years ago. If I remember correctly there were a few pics at the time and Rob stated Sly was in Nike Air Max's.
Cobra said on 22/Mar/09
What? Sly is taller than Schumacher, not the other way round. Michael stands straight, and look at Sly
RisingForce said on 22/Mar/09
Yeah, he does look shorter Dural, but I've always thought that Sly's unusual proportions make him look shorter than he is. In general I don't like to estimate someone's height unless other people with fairly well known heights are in the picture. So he looks tall in derek d's picture, but for all we know those men could be short.

Brad, you're really reaching.
GUK said on 22/Mar/09
He looks exactly the same height as Michael Schumacher, and in that photo, Michael is in flat racing shoes that give less than 1/2 inch

Schumacher is 5ft 8.5
Dural said on 22/Mar/09
Thanks Rising, of course you can't say how tall he is entering the medical building, but he does look a lot shorter than usual without his customs. I see no disadvantage with Schumacher, Sly looks 5'8" there.
Doug said on 22/Mar/09
OK we might not know the "official height" of her brother but she is 5'9" barefoot. Even if she was wearing flat shoes her brother would be 5'7.5"-5'8", if she was wearing heels then he is maybe taller. Either way Stallone is clear over 6 foot in this picture regardless of angle.
derek d said on 22/Mar/09
sorry here's the link

Click Here
derek d said on 22/Mar/09
It is possible to judge someone's height without anyone else being around them, its called common sense. Check out Sly at the beginning of this recent vid. Not sure of the heights of the people who he's standing next to but he looks huge, like close to 6'1.
Brad said on 21/Mar/09
The video of him going in the building. He finds a door that doesn't open first. He's not 6' in red shoes but short compared to the door. Look at the handle. If I walked up to it I know where I'd stand and I can tell you right now I'd have just under 10" EASY on Sly going into that door. Real Anonymous check out Dennis Hopper & Jack Nicholson by Peter Fonda in the spring of 1968 filming Easy Rider where Fonda owns him & Jack. Now check out Sly in golf shoes with both. That's reality.
glenn said on 21/Mar/09
steve-i saw him in 2006 and 2008..he always looked tall to me.i estimated him at 5-11 in 1990.thats close to 5-10.75.if he lost height,its hard to tell how much of a boost he is getting from some point of the day,he is night,mid day,im not sure.or maybe its morning only.
glenn said on 21/Mar/09
ill agree he looks 5-9 in front of the building.but that doesnt mean anything.
derek d said on 21/Mar/09
In the picture that Doug was referring to, I don't see any reason why Flavin is not wearing heels. But Sly is way closer to the camera in that picture, but regardless he looks to be at least 6' ft there.
RisingForce said on 21/Mar/09
Brad, how the hell does he look 5'8.5" going into the medical building when nobody else is in the picture to compare him too?
Brad said on 21/Mar/09
He looks 5' 8.5" with Schumacher. He looks 5' 8.5" going into the medical building with red shoes. In a swimming pool he'd be caught. In golf shoes with Caan, Nicholson & Hopper he can do the effect on them and get that extra 1" and still look nowhere near even 5' 10". Put up the photo Sly looking up at Jennifer leaving the hospital with the baby. He really left the customs at home.
THE REAL ANONYMOUS said on 21/Mar/09
I'm still waiting to see the pics of Sly and Dolph where you can actually see both there feet. It would also be interesting to see how tall Schumaker would look beside Dolph.
RisingForce said on 21/Mar/09
That picture has always puzzled me Lynn. Although the photo does seem to be tilted in Schumacher's favor and in fairness Sly is tilting his head to the side. Still he doesn't look 5'10.75" there.

Here is the image you're referring to Doug. Click Here

He looks tall there, but I don't like comparing heights to someone whose height is unknown in the first place like Jennifer Flavin's brother. We can't compare her to Jennifer in the other picture because we don't know if she's wearing heels.
Steve said on 21/Mar/09
Glenn would you say in your 20 years that sly has looked taller or shorter, his footwear aside. As you said earlier to Danimal leg lengthening for sly is a possibility (i.e. taller) but just reading your reply to Bam you say its possible hes now shorter. I think you met him as recently as last year?
Ejel Khan said on 21/Mar/09
Stallones height is a hard one .... because of all the flack he got in the 80's, about it. He resorted to lifts in the 90's onwards. So for sly there should be two estimates, with and without lifts!
dicky curtis said on 21/Mar/09
i can't help but thinking rob has stallone spot on.
he had a scene in rocky in a swimming pool and he looked quite short there to me. going by that i can't help thinking he is 5.9. He was also quite smaller than mr T.
glenn said on 21/Mar/09
i can see that as possible bam.
Lynn said on 20/Mar/09
Pease, take a look. I have already posted it in the past.
Click Here

If Sly in this pic has no lifts then he seems to be the same height or shorter than Michael.

Michael is 174 cm officially.
Doug said on 20/Mar/09
Rising the image is called sly_jennifer_stallone_launch2 on Patrick Flavins website. Can you dig it. Thanks.
Doug said on 20/Mar/09
I think that photo is an excellent example of how way off some people are with how tall Stallone can actually reach. Just look at the difference in head level, evne if the picture was straight and Sly was slouching he would be WAY taller. Rising can you provide the direct link to the image I'm talking about, google image what I said and you'll find it, somebody PLEASE tell me how to link through tiny url.
Doug said on 20/Mar/09
Now correct me if I'm wrong but that Flavin guy (is it her brother?) is shorter than Jennifer so is a likely weak 5'8". Remember many people think Stallone is 5'8" max. Now compare Stallone at the left of the picture to the 5'8" ish guy on the right. If people think he can gain that much height from barefoot its so absurd. I know the angle is stacked in Stallones favor as he is nearest but I see at least a 6 inch difference there.
Doug said on 20/Mar/09
His height is all over the place it really is! Then in another photo he really only looks 5'8". I wonder why he is nicknamed "Sly".
Brad said on 20/Mar/09
You ought to see the video of him going into that oxygen place with the red shoes. Look at the door handle. People here think he is just over 6' in that photo. At 20 million per picture he never got surgery except to his eyes and replacing hair. Dolph lived near the Bronx Zoo? I thought he'd be in a brownstone in the upper 80's, like rich.
Doug said on 20/Mar/09
I had a look at a number of photos and I must admit often he doesn't look much over 5'9" taking into account his clumpy shoes. On other occaisons however the man can look tall!! For the tallest I've ever seen Stallone people. google image stallone patrick flavin. Check out how tall Stallone looks, he looks in the 6'2" range, he really does, incredible. You'd be astounded if you weren't aware of his actual height and found out he was only 5'9".

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.