General Height - Page 11

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dreus23 said on 8/Oct/22

Definitely agreed, anything in the 5'11-6'1 range is pretty much optimal if you want to sometimes "feel tall" but not stand out in crowds. Being 6'2 or over really is a hit or miss and it really varies how well people pull it off

Also, speaking of arms, my dad has a really impressive wingspan at 182-183 cm for his either 171 or 173 cm peak height. He also has a 32" inseam. He started drinking and smoking excessively at around 13 years old, so in his case I genuinely think he could've stunted his growth. Last time I measured I wasn't even close to my dad's wingspan, but I do have a 32-33" inseam
Progking185 said on 8/Oct/22
@ZDA yeah it could be in the 176 range at evening. Which is why I think 184-185 is quite tall already in most cases for young white guys. I am 184 range evening and most of the time feel start of tall around them, sometimes tallish of course as its not that far from average. You have to be around 10 cm taller than average to feel more solidly tall.
@Bg guy2 yeah I agree with this generally
Jdubbz said on 8/Oct/22
@ vY said on 6/Oct/22
Do you guys think 160 pounds at 6’1.5 is super skinny?

Not super skinny, but definitely skinnier than average for that height. According to BMI it’s in the healthy range, so no worries.
Jdubbz said on 8/Oct/22

Why are you so angry though? That’s such a weirdly aggressive reaction considering how mundane this topic is. If you think that being 4” below average compared to a certain population is very short, be my guest. I guess 5’8 women and 6’1 guys are “very tall” now, lol.

The statistics don’t support your claims, but whatever. I guess empirical evidence is “anal” when your entire argument is flawed and has nothing to support it. What you “feel” is always the correct answer, right? You strike me as the kind of person who is incapable of having a reasonable discussion without stooping to insults, so I’m done. Bye.
Zach Catselbow said on 8/Oct/22
Hey Rob, how accurate are the CDC’s heights at certain percentiles? Are these heights according to morning, lunch, or evening measurements?
Editor Rob
I don't know the exact details. With the similar UK study, a lot of the participants were visited at home between 9-5 and took part in the survery and any measurements, so you'd think for UK the average would be at least a few hours after breakfast.
Bg guy2 said on 8/Oct/22
Guys do you agree with my height chart:
5ft6 and below short
5ft7 is shortish height but not enough to be viewed as short
5ft8 is low average height
5ft9is bang on average
5ft10 higher average but still very average looking
5ft11 is tallish but is not a tall height
6ft this is the beginning of tall where you will blend in but for sure be one of the tallest guys in the room
6ft1-2 a tall heights no doubt the higher it goes the more obvious will be that you are the tall guy
6ft3 and higher is standout
ZDA said on 8/Oct/22
According to the cdc height statistics if you go to page 7, non Hispanic white guys struggles to reach 5 ft 10 at 177.4 cm. The cdc height measurements was conducted in the morning so easily 176.4 cm by evening. 5 ft 9.4.
Click Here
Emil said on 8/Oct/22
Agreed. Maybe 5'10 if you include 18-year-olds and the older men too, but I'd be surprised if average height for 20-34 year old is less than 5'11.5. Average height for Danish 20-year-old men is 181.9 cm these days, and I doubt Dutch men are shorter than that
Alex 6'0 said on 8/Oct/22
Netherlands i read was 6'0.5 but prob for young guys. Overall id think 6'0 or at least 5'11.5
James B 172cm said on 8/Oct/22
I think a lot of women go weak at the knees for a 6ft4/6ft5 guy
Michael 181 said on 8/Oct/22
Average for the Netherlands is about 5’11.5 but it is closer to 5’11 in the cities and the south and closer to 6’ in the north. The north have Frisian genetics which are much taller than standard Dutch/German/danish height genes, and Frisians were known to be very tall people even 1000 years ago. Non-Frisian Dutch are NOT especially tall.
eclipse said on 8/Oct/22
Hey Rob, I work as a construction worker and I measured my height after an extremely tiring day at work and measured as low as 176.3 or around 5’9.4, which is my lowest I’ve gone so far, I hit my extreme low much faster with this job, do you think I can still claim a weak 5’10 since on normal days I’m around 5’9.8-5’9.9?
Editor Rob
You could still claim almost 5ft 10.
Poster said on 7/Oct/22
@Jdubzz: Huh, yourself. It's not confusing. 5'1 women are seen as very short in many places. Most people don't know or care about exact stats in the real world, and no one said that white women were giantesses. You're silly if you think that the vast majority of normal and ordinary people are as anal as you and other people. They see a 5'1 woman, and they call her "very short". They won't say this in all locations, of course. Most people don't have to look at statistics to see what they see.
Majestic Butterfly said on 7/Oct/22
Michael 181

I agree. i'm a 5'5 1/2 person with a 5'7 1/2 wing span so my arms look really long + my legs are mostly my height + i have a long neck! In photos you may perceive me as a 5'7 person but put me next to someone in the 5'11-6'0 range and i look tiny next to them.
adrianposter said on 7/Oct/22
Thinking that 5’10” is the average for the Netherlands is just straight up delusional when a quick google search will tell you that the average is 6’0.5
Peter 180cm said on 7/Oct/22
@Michael 181 Yeah i guess i was made to have long arms,just like my father with big palms as well(20cm). I get guessed at 182-183 usually and sometimes 185 but that's because people inflate and exaggerate heights mostly,i doubt it really is because of my long arms.
MaskDeMasque 5'9.5 said on 7/Oct/22
When I went there I felt most young Dutch men were 5'11.5-511.75 range so overall average could be a flat 5'11.
bgh said on 7/Oct/22
I doubt Netherlands’ average is just 5’10. At least 5’11 def and closer to 6’0 for younger dudes.
John185 said on 7/Oct/22
Ideal height doesn't simply encompass the 70th/80th/90th percentiles. It's also about body proportions.

Onscreen 187cm - 189cm looks excellent.
Even 190cm - 193cm/194cm can look great in pictures and movies which certainly counts for something, but this is importantly, not the same as real life.

The body length of 187cm - 189cm in real life can look quite good, but ideal head size vs body length is at roughly 182cm/183cm - 185cm. (Maybe 180cm at a minimum and 186cm at a maximum.)
To narrow things down further the ideal range for optimum head size in relation to body length could reasonably be 183.5cm/184cm - 184.5cm/185cm assuming good proportions.
When a person gets above 185cm their head looks too big in real life.
Overall head size in general I see as being important - not merely in relation to body length.

5'11½ - 6'1 is truly a great range. I don't think an individual needs to be taller than the vast majority, 6'2/6'3 for example, to be considered an ideal height. It's nice to be taller than most people and I certainly get that, but 6'0/6'1 is tall enough and very convenient.

I'm not trying to criticise other heights, as most have a certain appeal for one reason or another, but this is the conclusion I have come to based upon experience as well as numerous observations in real life over many years.
(Billythetreesurgeon) said on 7/Oct/22
Day off yesterday but still went into town etc walked the dogs etc, after walking the dogs again at 7pm I was bang on 182.. do any of you guys have a fairly similar job to me? Builder, landscaping, tree work etc?
John185 said on 7/Oct/22

Totigno said on 29/Sep/22
Sagen said on 24/Sep/22
average in france is 5'10-5'10.5 for young people in my estimation and official ressources says it's 5'10 7/8 for people in their mid-twenties. there's no way the average frenchman in around 5'8, if that was the case i would be legit very tall standing at 185 cm in the afternoon, but i'm obviously not and there a lot of sequences-especially in large crowds- when i dont feel tall, just a chunk above average sometimes.

Average height overall for men in france is officially about 5ft9 or a bit over but that includes old men and immigrants also people from small towns are quite short and also people in the south of France .

Men under 40 are about 5f10-5ft10.5 and near 5ft11 for 18-25 years old.


I take in to consideration what you have said, but that is honestly not what I observed.
The average for young French men was at most 5'9, and that's being generous. 5'8 range is more accurate. Overall the French average is 5'8 (5'8½ - 5'9 at most for those under 40).

In the UK the overall average is 5'9, but 5'9½ - 5'10 for young men depending on social demographic.
Some working class areas are 5'9 for young guys and middle-class areas 5'10.
The collective average is something in the 5'9½ - 5'9¾ range for under 40's.
Mattyboy said on 7/Oct/22
We can split hairs all day with “low average”/“high average”, etc but I think for the US and many others…

5’7-5’11 is pretty much plain old average territory. I’m guessing this is a range over 50% of men fall in…the bulk of the population. You don’t really stick out as far as height being something people really notice unless you just happen to be around a group of people that are very tall like maybe a basketball team.

You might could even broaden that common range to 5’6.5-5’11.5 and maybe it would represent 60-70% of men. When I put in 5.6.5” on the tall life calculator it’s 17th percentile so still really common….sorta picture how Ricky Hatton (5’6 flat) looks beside Rob.

5’5.5 is where you start dipping below the 10th percentile.
vY said on 6/Oct/22
Do you guys think 160 pounds at 6’1.5 is super skinny?
jokey said on 6/Oct/22
Peter 180cm said on 6/Oct/22
Since we're talking about armspans as well. Mine is 195cm at almost 180cm.

Are you 5'10.75 at night? I think we are height twins, i'm 180cm on the dot in the afternoon.
Poster said on 6/Oct/22
@Meltdown: Your height chart is almost identical to my guesses for black and white younger American women. I wonder about younger Asian American women. My guess is that their average is similar to Latinas. I also think that there are pockets of shorter younger white American women (based on my experience).
Jdubbz said on 6/Oct/22

Huh? I literally gave you statistical proof that it's not. Young white women aren't giants. Being 4 inches shorter than average is in no way enough to be in the "very short" category. That's just ridiculous. Are you saying 5'9 is very tall for white women? Because that's what you're implying if you think 5'1 is very short.
jokey said on 6/Oct/22
Bislimi said on 5/Oct/22
Hey Rob. My Dad is 5ft11 at night, Mum 5ft2.5 at night and I’m 5ft11.5 at night. Did I end up within the expected normal height or more towards the higher end?

yeah even if your mom is pretty short you ended up a little taller than your dad, kinda like myself. Mom's 5'3, dad was a 5'10 peak, i topped out at 5'10.75.

Maybe i can still get a fraction but i don't know.
Nik Ashton said on 6/Oct/22
@ Leesheff1985 - I agree, 5’7” is pretty average in the scheme of things!
Nik Ashton said on 6/Oct/22
@ Meltdown - It’s not so high in the UK, I only trust Rob!
Bg guy2 said on 6/Oct/22
Rob would most guys in the street precived 5ft9 guy as completely normal when they see him in person in the uk scotland
Editor Rob
It's bang on average...maybe posture and proportions could fool others into thinking some 5ft 9 people are 5ft 7-8 and then perceive them as short.
Michael 181 said on 6/Oct/22
@ Peter 180cm

It’s a misconception that someone “could have grown taller” simply because they have a very high ape index. Arms and legs basically grow the exact same and fuse around the same time so you were genetically supposed to have long arms and decent height combination. I assume there’s a decent chance you also have long legs for your height. I have seen a bunch of short guys claim they had stunted growth because they were 5’5 with a 5’11 wingspan or something. It’s highly unlikely that someone had stunted growth if they just have long arms, it’s definitely more of a genetic chance thing than a stunted growth indicator. The only time it really could indicate stunted growth is if you also have scoliosis, since people with scoliosis have longer wingspan vs height almost always, because they are missing height in their torso. See Arnold Schwarzenegger, he is only a weak 5’11 now due to spinal collapse but still has (my estimate) 6’5 wingspan. His arms almost touch the ground if he’s barefoot at the beach now. Arnold definitely wasn’t stunted, in fact he clearly had genetics that fused his spinal cord growth plates before his arm and leg plates. Usually arms and leg long bones fuse separately from the torso and depending on which plates fuse first will determine your proportions. Hence long torso going with short arms and short torso often going with long arms. Torso tends to fuse last on average but for tall men 190+cm they are almost always long in torso or long in legs, very rare to be normal proportions. Again always exceptions

But yeah long arms are very good looking and I wish mine were about an inch longer on each arm overall. I think being 180 with 195 wingspan is better looking than me being 181 with 183 wingspan. I think you’d get guessed at 6’1 pretty often just based on arm length whereas people think I’m 6’ flat. Even though I’m a smidge taller than you I think I’d rather have your height and proportions.
Gian 181cm said on 6/Oct/22
What is your height at the beginning of the night? (6:00pm)
I'm about 181-181.1cm and I end up dropping to 5'11 1/8 by the end of the night.
Peter 180cm said on 6/Oct/22
Since we're talking about armspans as well. Mine is 195cm at almost 180cm. Could have grown taller, it's definitely an advantage in everyday life i can tell you. Probably the reason why people guess me taller than 180 and why i look 181 next to objects of known height (compared myself in front of the mirror next to a 6ft wallframe and my hair was slightly under.
Leighton Tang said on 6/Oct/22
Hi Rob, if Victor Wembanyama was measured 7'4, how tall does the guy on the left look? He claims 6'3 but looks way shorter.

Click Here
Editor Rob
It's likely not the actual guy posting.

You can find the guy on Twitter, here he is with a guy actually listed 5ft 9 Click of course listings can be wrong and the guy ain't 5ft 9, he actually claimed to be 6'1 & 1/2 .... 6'3 with basketball trainers! on twitter.

So if true, Paul Nicholson is sub 6ft.
Shazzz12 said on 6/Oct/22
Rob if someone falls to 182cm at a low (around 5’11 5/8”) would you call them a strong 5’11?
Editor Rob
Weak 6ft rather than a strong 5ft 11
Leesheff1985 said on 6/Oct/22
The entire world average for men is in no way five nine. It's around five seven.
Sandy Cowell said on 6/Oct/22
@ Big Ben - I remember you, with your blond hair! 👱‍♂️ You don’t look chunky at all, merely very appealing and young, WITHOUT any ‘puppy fat’. 🐶❌

You look tall as well, certainly with your mate, Jimmie. 😺😁
Bislimi said on 5/Oct/22
Hey Rob. My Dad is 5ft11 at night, Mum 5ft2.5 at night and I’m 5ft11.5 at night. Did I end up within the expected normal height or more towards the higher end?
Michael 181 said on 5/Oct/22
For the record I am 181cm with 93cm sitting height (51.4%, slightly long legs) and 183cm ape index (slight short arms). Not the best looking combination but nobody can really tell. Just means it’s harder to find suits that work off the rack since long sleeves usually come with long pants and vice versa. Average wingspan for my proportions and height would be 186cm, so my arms are about half an inch short.
Michael 181 said on 5/Oct/22
@ Bg guy2

I actually have data for armspan too. For a white American man the average is about 1.025x longer than your height, with a standard deviation of .025x. So if your armspan and height are equal then you have a lower ape index than 85% of men your height. However it is closely related to leg length too. Average white sitting height is a bit over 52%, normal range is 51% to 53.5%. Those with around 51% usually have an ape index of 1.05x height and those with 53.5% average closer to 1.01x

For white women, 1.01x is average, for black men it is closer to 1.06x, for east Asian men it is 1.0x, Asian women are .99x, south and south East Asians for both sexes are similar to the black ratio. Hispanics are very similar to white average for their given sitting height.

So for a typical 5’10 white man with 52.2% sitting height ratio, the average is actually just under 6’ wingspan. Again, if they are leggy like Arnold (who probably had a 50-51% sitting height ratio at peak, lower now) they will probably be closer to 6’1 to 6’2 wingspan. Arnold’s wingspan is probably 6’5+. If they have long torso like Ryan Reynolds it might be 70-71 inches. Of course there are exceptions like Michael Phelps.
dreus23 said on 5/Oct/22

That's just insane, must've been a joke, right?

I do remember one time though at my former job that there was a guy who had very long-ish proportions, with a long neck, lanky body build, and a small head, who I estimated to be around 6'2 territory, 6'3 at absolute most, could look below 6'2. The boss, a guy who I estimated at around 5'4, once described him as "6'5". I just started laughing. I didn't argue against it because that would be annoying, but "6'5"? How the hell? I thought about it for a while until my only conclusion was that he exaggerated his own height by 3 inches and had convinced himself that he was 5'7 lol

Admittedly, sometimes I forget just how tall 6'2 is irl, at least for a guy like me. Most of the celebs listed on here are well-proportioned and have conventionally handsome body types and usually not a typical "tall person-face" so when I see a lanky guy with long legs and a long neck irl that looks 6'2 next to other people, I could still be biased and estimate that person as high as 6'4
Rapha said on 5/Oct/22
ZDA said on 5/Oct/22
My normal low is 182.5-182.4ish. Extreme low couple of mm less at 182.2-182cm. Happy to meet you one day, I live in London as well.


I respect your opinion, many people will identify their height as the morning height, others in the evening like me. In my opinion our low height is our REAL height because we don’t shrink further anymore.

@ZDA. I would agree with Bobby. Most measurements are taken in the morning, not directly out of bed but 1 to 4 hours out of bed so I feel it is good time to get your height measured. The argument you make that you do not shrink further and therefore your evening height is your real height does not make much sense to me. You certainly do not shrink further but you grow again at night and as we all know you need to sleep and lay at a certain point:) Some people state the maximum height that they can reach which is their out of bed height. For argument sake,It could also be considered your real height, same as your low evening height.
(Billythetreesurgeon) said on 5/Oct/22
22.000 steps at work today as well as lifting etc and still got 5.11 1/2 flat when I got home is that a legit weak 6ft still?
Editor Rob
On other days you are bound to be 5ft 11.75 afternoon, so weak 6ft
(Billythetreesurgeon) said on 5/Oct/22
Zda@ sounds good mate, we will sort something out for sure
185cmJeff said on 5/Oct/22
@billythetreesurgeon I live near London
Bobby said on 5/Oct/22

I identify my height as what I would measure during the course of the day, which is 5'9 7/8s, so basically 5'10.
Big Ben said on 5/Oct/22
@adrianjacobs - Click Here Here’s me with Jimmie Åkesson back in 2019 (when I was a 35 lbs heavier chunky feller). For some reason he’s always slouching when posing with people but when he’s talking to people he has good posture and when he was standing straight I was still a bit taller.
Bg guy2 said on 5/Oct/22
Rob what would be typical arm span for 5ft10 guy?
Editor Rob
Average can vary slightly depending on heritage, but somewhere in 5ft 10-11 range would be quite typical.
adrianjacobs said on 5/Oct/22
@Big Ben Jimmie Åkesson 177 yeah... Might as well put the Swedish average at 175, shorter than America, huh?
Canson said on 5/Oct/22
James B 172cm said on 5/Oct/22
Rob if a guy claims 6ft6 and 6ft7 does that means he can't be any less than 6ft6.5?
Editor Rob
Could be an indication he's somewhere in between or...maybe 6ft 6 barefoot and 6ft 7 early in day (or shoes).

That’s not necessarily true. He could be 6’4 or 6’5 barefoot and claim that. I’ve seen a guy who was 6’6ish claim 6’9 once and a buddy of mine who is 6’5 1/4” stood next to him and the guy was max 1” taller than him. While that could be the reason, that’s not the only one
adrianjacobs said on 5/Oct/22
@Michael 181 Yup, people were undoubtedly shorter in Copenhagen in my experience. As soon I saw massive guys or women near my height in Copenhagen, they were very often talking swedish as well. I felt about the same in Copenhagen as people describing it here, but Stockholm is way off from what other people claim here.
QM6'1.5"QM said on 5/Oct/22
Darksol64 said on 4/Oct/22

Yes of course, this is totally my thoughts.
Especially if we talking about evening heights or heights without shoes. I mean the average height inflation is 1-2inches and the most of people just don't realise how tall is real xxx height and how really much some of differences!
Meltdown said on 5/Oct/22
Maahin Chowdhury said on 4/Oct/22
Bg guy2 said on 4/Oct/22

Not exactly. In America, the average height for men ages 20–29 is 5'9.5". For non-Hispanic Whites it's slightly over 5'10".

The entire world average for men however is 5'9", but in most 1st world countries the average is usually somewhere between 5'9" and 5'11.5".

My chart is still most accurate.
Meltdown said on 5/Oct/22
Maahin Chowdhury said on 4/Oct/22
Bg guy2 said on 4/Oct/22

Not exactly. In America, the average height for men ages 20–29 is 5'9.5". For non-Hispanic Whites it's slightly over 5'10".

The entire world average for men however is 5'9", but in most 1st world countries the average is usually somewhere between 5'9" and 5'11.5".

My chart is still most accurate.
ZDA said on 5/Oct/22
@ adrianposter
5 ft 10.5? No, it never went up. I will show you the latest CDC Census Data done by cdc. You showed me 2011-2014 CDC Census Data. I will show you the new 2015-2018 CDC Census. Click Here
If you go to page 22, white young guys at 20-29 average at 178 cm a flat 5 ft 10 (this was conducted during the morning, so 176.5-177cm by evening 5 ft 9.5).

The average overall height of the general population 20+ is a flat 5 ft 9 or 175.3 (again done in the morning so, 5 ft 8.5 is the real average by evening)

Interestingly if you look at 20-29 age group that involves all races, this age group actually shrank to 175.8 cm compared to age group of 30-39 who measured 176.3. So Adrian the claim you made about “height is going up” or it’s increasing, are they?
Alex 6'0 said on 5/Oct/22
Went to a bar lounge Saturday night 1130 to around 1am. I actually only seen one guy taller than me in the bar even including the bouncers. The taller guy looked at least 6'1
ZDA said on 5/Oct/22
@ Gian 181cm
Yeah I agree.
ZDA said on 5/Oct/22
My normal low is 182.5-182.4ish. Extreme low couple of mm less at 182.2-182cm. Happy to meet you one day, I live in London as well.


I respect your opinion, many people will identify their height as the morning height, others in the evening like me. In my opinion our low height is our REAL height because we don’t shrink further anymore.
James B 172cm said on 5/Oct/22
Rob if a guy claims 6ft6 and 6ft7 does that means he can't be any less than 6ft6.5?
Editor Rob
Could be an indication he's somewhere in between or...maybe 6ft 6 barefoot and 6ft 7 early in day (or shoes).
Leesheff1985 said on 4/Oct/22
But the average man in the UK and US whether young or not is 5ft 9 not in anyway 5ft 10.5
Jdubbz said on 4/Oct/22

Best chart I've seen in a while. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks very tall is 6'4 minimum, not 6'3.
Question4Rob said on 4/Oct/22
Rob, what would the average 5ft8 celebrity claim to be?
Editor Rob
I think it would even off to near 5ft 9
Jdubbz said on 4/Oct/22
Poster said on 2/Oct/22
@Leesheff1985: 5'1 is very short for a younger white American woman. It's at the 9th percentile.

A 9th percentile height isn't very short, just like a 91st percentile height isn't very tall. Very means at least 2 SD away from average, so for younger white women (assuming 5'5 average) very short would be more like 4'11 and down. 5'8.5 is on the other end of the spectrum at the 91st percentile, and that's definitely not very tall for young white women.
thatmanoverthere said on 4/Oct/22
Hi Rob, I know you’ve probably gotten this question a lot, but how much does running speed up height loss during the day? I checked my height today and I seemed abnormally close to my low for a height measurement before noon (i.e., within a few millimeters) after running for an hour. I did run pretty hard, though. I was also up for about a couple hours before running.
Editor Rob
Running for an hour is a fair amount of intense movement and pressure on discs, so it's no surprise you are near your low.

Running for 1-2 hours might put you at an absolute low that is 1/4 inch less than your typical low range.
dreus23 said on 4/Oct/22
@Tallish Guy

Also, I would like to clarify that I don't really think it's *likely* that you're going to grow 2 cm, but I think that's about the maximum you could grow. If you grow, it's most likely mm, like you might reach closer to flat 184 cm (like 183.8 or something)

I think I'm also a bit of a late bloomer in terms of height. I was 157-158 cm in seventh grade, 162-163 cm in eighth grade, 164-165 cm in ninth grade, 165-166 cm first year of high school, 167-168 cm second year, and now I measure 171 cm third year. Pretty much everyone in my family put on a bit after 18 (I'm 17 rn) so it really does depend on genetics
Maahin Chowdhury said on 4/Oct/22
In the UK and US, 5’9 is the average. For younger guys (millenials and gen z) it’s 5’9.5-5’9.75. In some european countries like germany, poland, czech republic etc. 5’10 is probably the average.
James B 172cm said on 4/Oct/22
dreus23 said on 4/Oct/22
@Tallish guy It's really rare to grow anything at age 20, even if people say that "oh men grow until their 21". Most guys still don't grow after turning maybe 19 or near 20, and generally most guys slow down around age 16. But since you mention you have the genes for late growth, I actually think you could reach as high as 185.5 cm at maybe age 22. I wouldn't expect more than that though

@James B 172 cm Whaaat? There's no way you're the same height as me and knew a 6'6.5 guy who you consider "not that gigantic". The few people I have met around that range I perceived as absolutely massive, and it was pretty clear that even their proportions made them look gigantic. I'd say pretty much everything over 190 cm, at least for me, maybe isn't "gigantic", but still very obviously big, towering people

Maybe my friend was not as tall as he claimed
Big Ben said on 4/Oct/22
@dreus23 - 177 could be a good guess for Jimmie. And back then Erdal Rakip was listed as high as 179.
Gian 181cm said on 4/Oct/22
I read an article about some states in the USA having high averages like 5'10-5'10.5, and maybe the average for young whites could be 179.5-180cm (just guessing), but other states with mostly white population were in the range 5'9-5'10.
But overall I agree with you, the average tends to fall in more populated and ethnically diverse places (even if the average age is not that high), if we consider the state of NY the average is 36.9 years old which is relatively young compared to average for the USA and Europe in general.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.